divine-victory · 4 years
ooh ooh could you do “road trip confession” for either logince, logicality or moxiety? if u want :) - tumblr user falsehoodx
(Hiii Ava ✨)
Roman is singing along to "For forever" as he drives. Roman has been singing along to "For Forever" as he drives, for the last 2 hours. Roman has been singing along to "For Forever" as he drives, for the last 2 hours and Logan likes it.
The road trip had been Remus's idea which in retrospect seems like a good indicator for a bad idea. But Logan was desperate. It is 4 months of this- this- this. 4 months of not being able to do anything for being incapable of looking away from Roman.
Logan is used to order. He is focused and goal oriented. But since he realized what that annoying disorienting feeling is? His life is in utter disarray. It doesn't help that, for all that Roman claims to be a master of romance, he is painfully oblivious. Logan knows he is lacking in the "share your feelings" department. But he is also aware that he is possibly the least 'low-key' person to ever exist. He literally walked into a pole when Roman took off his shirt after his run last week.
So when Remus recommend the road trip with the logic, "After 16 hours in a car with him, you'll either come to your senses or fuck him silly, but either way you'll stop groaning and moaning like a bitch in heat over my brother" Logan agreed.
But they were 14 hours into their road trip and Logan had done neither. Instead he sat in the passenger seat playing whatever song Roman asks for with a happy dance and a bright smile and enjoyed himself. Because even the hour long debate about the meaning of life they had had been fun. It was fun to argue with him. Fun to watch him gesture wildly with his entire body even as he drove. Fun to see him turn pink with annoyance as Logan purposely misinterprets an idiom or a turn of phrase.
So when "For Forever" plays the last notes and Roman turns with his face flushed and his eyes sparkling and a tantalizing drop of sweat slowly making it way down the side of his face and says.
"From the top," as he licks his lips Logan loses all semblance of control
"Stop the car," he orders and something in his chest purrs happily as Roman immediately signals that he is pulling over even as he protests confusedly.
"Why why? What's wrong?” he asks as he looks around the mostly empty road. Logan exits the car before it even comes to a full stop and makes his way around. Roman is already halfway out of the car by the time Logan makes it to him. But Logan takes him by the collar of his jacket and walks him until his back hits the car.
"Nerdy wolverine if you didn't like the song you could have said something earlier," Roman says playfully Logan looks at him loses it. He pushed him against his car and Roman still doesn't realize what's going on.
"You're so fucking stupid," Logan growls before pining him completely down with his body and crushing their lips together. Roman doesn't kiss back at first but Logan doesn't pull back instead he slows down and softens the kiss allowing Roman to catch up. Roman does catch up and he kisses like he does everything else. Passionate and without regard for consequences. It's better than Logan imagined. Because Logan's imagination could never match the little noises Roman makes when Logan swipes his tongue just right. Or the way he leans into Logan and lets him carry all their weight. He pulls back minutes later when his lungs are screaming for oxygen.
"So you did like the song?" Roman asks breathlessly and Logan lets go were he is still holding Roman's collar and lets himself drop to the floor. He lands in a squat laughing almost hysterically. But apparently the newly acquired space allows enough oxygen to reach Roman's brain and he connects the dots.
"So-uh you uhm. Took me on a road trip to confess your undying love for me?” he asks and when Logan looks up at him with his windswept hair and flushed cheeks and the decidedly shy expression he feels the universe realigned itself. He leans his head on his arms to better gaze at Roman and sighs softly.
"Yeah. Yeah I did."
(@falsehoodx tmblr is biphobic and deleted my first draft but here is a second one that hopefully doesn't suck)
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Sanders Sides Incorrect Quote Dump 8.
“One of these days, you’ll regret pushing my buttons.”
-Deceit before storming off to cuddle with Remus.
Logan: Roman could you please be humble for once?
Roman: Ugh fine!!! I didn’t ask to become a hero. I never even would have considered myself one, but all these people keep insisting that I am. So now I consider myself a hero.
Logan: Ya know what? I’m done. *Walks away*
Patton and Roman: *Have been plotting how Ro is going to propose to Virge*
Roman: So remember that park we used to go to? That’s where I plan on proposing.
Patton: Aww! Roman that’s so romantic!!!
Patton: *Grabs Roman’s collar and gets (extra with his ships (Sorry not sorry ‘bout what I said. I'm just tryna have some fun.)) in Roman’s face and then starts to use the Batman voice* Now. If you ever fucking hurt him I will end you and everyone in your family. He’s been through enough. He doesn’t need heartbreak to be one of them.
Roman: *Nodds his head vigorously* Yes sir!
Logan: Patton?
Patton: Yeah Lo?
Logan: Why do we suddenly own 25 cats?
Patton: Well...
Logan: Pat. We share this apartment. This is a shared space. I have a right to know why the hell we now have 25 cats.
Patton: I didn’t know which one to adopt, so I adopted all of them.
Logan: *Blinks several times* Patton NO!!!
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Tumblr media
So, for those that don’t know I write fanfic, and these two are some of the characters from my fic ‘Aisling’. Some Info about them coming up!
Logan is the youngest of the two of them, with a time difference of 4 minutes. 
Emile is a children’s psychologist and Logan is an eye doctor (Ophthalmologist). 
The Picani family basically adopted Virgil into their family when he was 14, which is around the time Virgil’s father died. 
So Virgil is their adopted younger brother, they are super protective of him. 
They are mirror image twins, which means that when facing each other, it’s like looking into a mirror, the only difference in appearance is their eye color.
Logan is currently dating Roman Prince, and Emile is single. 
They are both on the Ace-spectrum. Logan is Homoromantic Demi-Sexual, while Emile is Panromantic Asexual.
Both of them are near-sighted.
they are born on the 4th of November 1989.
They are 6″1 in height or 185.42 cm
(tag list: @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @aricana-blog @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @iris-sanders-athena @peanut0303 @emo-potato-virgil @darkle-elkrad @ijustreallylovesanderssides @enderperson43
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falsehoodx · 4 years
I'm thinking of maybe writing a The Proposal AU but I'm not sure what ship would work best? I'm leaning towards either Analogical Logience or DeceitxLogan but I'm open to suggestions/discussion what do you think?
i’m not sure what the proposal is but i will read anything that’s analogical. personally. could you summarize what the proposal is so i can tell u which one i think would be best?
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Siders Sides Incorrect Quote Dump 2.
(The first one was “Virgil being a good boyfriend for 50 seconds.”)
Deceit: I was an amazing dad and Virgil abandoned us!!!
Virgil: You intentionally tried to leave me in the store.
Deceit: That was one time ok?
Virgil: It’s still a problem.
Deceit: Oh really? Well, I seem to fondly remember when a certain someone laughed hysterically whenever I tried and succeeded in leaving Remus at the store.
Virgil: That’s because Remus is annoying!! *Insert ramblings along the lines of “THAT’S NOT TRUE” here*
Deceit: Whatever. You loved it.
Virgil: Are you sure I’m doing this right? Is it even supposed to turn this way?
Roman: Well... we’re trying our best and that’s what counts!!
Virgil: Can we like call Logan or something?
Roman: No. I’m trying to prove a point.
Virgil: And what point it that?
Roman: That we don’t need logic all the time.
Logan: Falsehood.
Roman: *High pitched* Meep.
Virgil: Where are we going, Roman?
Roman: Somewhere fun.
Virgil: This looks like the kind of place that I’d expect to get stabbed in. We shouldn’t be here. And this is NOT my definition of fun.
Roman: Would I let anything hurt you, storm cloud?
Virgil: *Blushes*
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Aisling (chapter 12)
summary: Virgil has been dependent on helpers around his apartment after an accident rendered him unable to take care for himself. After his previous helper quit, Virgil needs to find a new one. And the lucky person is a literal ball of sunshine with glasses and freckles.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, those fully belong to Thomas Sanders and his friends.
Word count: 1740
Tw: Swearing, Deceit, stalking, obsession, threats, stalker (if there are any more please tell me)
Authors note: Okay just a quick heads up! I was recently at the doctors, and it turns out i’ve been living with a broken hand/badly healed hand the last two years, and because of this i need surgery. Which unfortunately means that i don’t know how many new chapters i can get out before i need to operate. so if there is a sudden lack of chapters, that’s most likely the reason.
Previous chapters  
Logan and Emile / Roman and Remy / D.C (Deceit) / Patton and Virgil
Pairings: (finally) Moxiety and Logience
Two days later found Patton and Virgil sitting close on the twins’s sofa, They were currently alone, seeing as the other two occupants still had jobs to attend to.
The case had been reported to the police the same day Virgil had received the letter, but due to the lack of evidence there wasn’t much they could do. So the small group of friends had been advised to stay vigilant, and if anything happened they only needed to call.
Logan had been furious with the police, furious that this wasn’t taken seriously. He’d only managed to calm himself later on that evening, and after much discussion between them all, they figured that Virgil and Patton would be rotating around for a place to stay. The first three days were gonna be at the Picani’s, the next three at Roman’s, then Patton’s, And finally Remy’s. Then the cycle would repeat.
Virgil worried about being a burden to his friends, but that was quickly shot down. They would much more do this for a while, rather than losing Virgil to a lunatic.
There was only one problem, neither Virgil or Patton had brought with them any change of clothes. Patton’s problem was easily solved, when the twins got home, he would drive to his house and grab some of his clothes, and then return. Virgil’s situation was a bit more difficult, he needed to go home to his apartment, not only for clothes but for important medications as well.
They suggested just sending Patton, but Virgil had protested, his stalker didn’t like Patton, what if he just killed the aid. No, Virgil insisted on coming along, besides there was safety in numbers. Reluctantly the others agreed. The two of them would head out tomorrow to collect Virgil’s stuff and Patton would pick up his clothes that evening, when the twins came home.
Right now though, the two sat in a comfortable silence, exhausted after the last couple of days. Virgil sat curled up into Patton’s side, his head resting on the white haired man’s shoulder, and Patton had his right arm curled around Virgil.
Virgil felt completely safe with Patton, even if their situation at hand was dire. The white haired man had come into his life when he had truly needed him, and his kindness and compassion had awakened something within him.
Just thinking about it made all sorts of emotions swirl.
The ravenette looked up at Patton, seeing nothing but darkness, but for once since the accident, he found that it didn't really bother him.
“Virgil?” Patton asked, his voice pitched low, but instead of sounding sexy, it was more comforting in manner. Many things about the aid was comforting, reassuring. It was no wonder that Virgil fell hard for Patton.
Patton had brought with him a sense of security that Virgil hadn’t felt since he got diagnosed with anxiety as a teenager. Patton could brighten his day with just speaking to him, could make him flustered with just a touch, he made the hard days bearable.
So with confidence that Remy had helped him build, he spoke.
“Pat, do you think I could see what you look like?” He didn’t need to know what his caretaker looked like, he’d already fallen in love with his voice, his gentle touch, his lively personality and his goofy yet professional demeanor.
So he truly didn’t need to, but damn if he didn’t want to.
He’d only done this with a few people, but it felt right to extend this to Patton as well, this intimate sort of closeness that is difficult to explain to the seeing. Most people didn’t put much into seeing another’s face, but to someone like Remy and Virgil, it was like being introduced to a person all over again, to know them in a way that no one else could.
It certainly made him feel less lonely. It would give the voice he had grown to love a face. It would give him something more.  
“o-oh, of course you can kiddo..” The aid stammered out, flushing lightly.
Virgil smiled, and Patton’s heart sped up within his chest. Virgil’s face held a gentleness rarely seen, and it made him look gorgeous. A dimple shyly greeted him, his eyes gaining the smallest of squints, highlighting the creases in the corners of his eyes, and it was breathtaking.
Patton wanted to frame that smile, this expression of gratitude, fondness and love.
The aid took off his glasses, and gently lead Virgil’s searching hands towards his face. The soft pads of his fingers touched his cheeks, and Virgil hummed, the same gentle smile on his face.
“Close your eyes?” Patton immediately closed his eyes, unable to resist such a cute request.
The blind man cupped his face and softly brushed his thumbs underneath his eyes, before carefully going over his closed eyes.
The gentlest of pressures was applied.
His patient’s ministrations went up to his eyebrows and forehead, Virgil giggled when Patton wrinkled it on purpose.
He figured it was safe to open his eyes again, so when he did, he was slightly startled by how close Virgil was.
The fingers that were cupping his cheeks moved along his jawline as the thumbs brushed over his nose. Virgil was openly grinning, but when his fingers reached his mouth, the expression turned fond and longing.
Patton’s heart skipped a beat in it’s quicker tempo.
“Can I?” Virgil’s voice had lowered in volume, barely a whisper, but Patton wouldn’t have missed it even if he wanted to.
It was obvious what the younger man was asking, they had grown closer as of the last 2 months, and while Patton was sure of his own feelings for his patient, he had been unsure about the nature of Virgil’s own.
But it seemed that they were the same.
The kiss started off as careful and shy, just a simple brush of lips, a shared space of breath. The sweetest of kisses Patton had ever had the pleasure to receive.
However it seemed like Remy’s lessons in self-confidence had really helped Virgil, for the next thing he knew, Virgil was straddling him, eyes full of mischief as he turned his blinded gaze down at the white haired man. Patton’s arms wrapped around Virgil’s middle, urging him closer, and it seemed that the ravenette was completely onboard with this.
Pale hands found themselves cupping the caretakers face and Virgil pressed their lips together a second time. This time there was an increase in pressure, Virgil’s lips were slightly parted, and Patton couldn’t help but mirror it.
While the first kiss conveyed shyness, this one translated as one of deep infatuation or love. It was one of those kisses that leaves a person breathless, in awe and brimming with love.
Patton couldn’t help grinning, ridiculously happy at the moment.
The ravenette smiled in return, before pulling away. He did not go far, as he shyly rubbed their noses together in an eskimo kiss. It was freaking adorable if you asked Patton, but then again he was pretty biased in his opinions about the man in his lap.
A comfortable silence settled over them as they just basked in each other's presence; content and in love.
“Thank you.” Patton spoke in awe, the words unable to convey the extent of his gratitude.
“It was a pleasure.” Virgil reassured, feeling a little light headed by his strong feelings.
Virgil’s hands had started an absent minded caress of his cheeks, and without warning Patton turned his head and kissed the inside of Virgil’s open palm.
“Oh my god!!” Roman’s screech made them jump out of their skins.
“Roman, do you have to scream everything you say?” Remy’s voice sassed, moving past the openly gaping drama teacher.
“Do close your mouth Ro, you’ll catch flies.” Logan seemed calm and hardly fazed by the display on the couch, instead opting to carry a few of the grocery bags into the kitchen.
Virgil could barely contain the giggle that wanted to leave him at Logan’s deadpan and flat response. “I suppose congratulations are in order, storm cloud.” Emile’s use of his nickname made him smile in the direction of his older brothers voice.
“WHAT?!! YOU TWO KNEW?!” Remy and Virgil cringed at the noise. “Roman, gurl,” Remy sounded unimpressed “Even me, who is blind, could clearly see that there was something between the two of them.”
“B-but! I’m supposed to be the romance guy, how did i miss this?!” The drama teacher gestured wildly at Virgil, who still was seated in Patton’s lap.
Propping his chin on top of Patton’s head, Virgil levelled Roman with a flat look. “You’ve probably been too busy chasing tail yourself” A raised eyebrow and a lazy smirk pulled at his features, which developed into a full grin when the amputee squaked with indignation.
Remy laughed as he plopped down onto the couch. “Gurl, you always talk about Logan, so sunshine here does have a point.” Virgil groaned.
“Damn you Roman, now you’ve gotten him to start with that bloody nickname.” The ravenette grumbled, shooting daggers in the drama teacher's direction.
“I think it’s cute!” Patton chirped, smiling up at Virgil. “but i gotta wonder why does Roman call you sunshine, while Emile calls you storm cloud? Those are kinda opposite…” The white haired man trailed off.  
Virgil opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by Logan. “We call him storm cloud because he used to rush outside whenever there was rain or thunder outside.” Emile continued, “we used to think he could predict storms and such, sense them in a way.” The oldest twin shrugged, joining the others in the living room.
“and sunshine came from his overall mood, which was pretty sour. I just called him that one day and he almost decked me.” Roman laughed, remembering how Virgil’s face had gotten an impressive shade of red.
“Roman, you have three seconds to run before i beat you with our own leg.”
“oh come on Virgil, we both know you won-!!” Roman didn’t get to finish as Virgil vaulted himself over the back of the couch and navigated his way to Roman quite quickly.
The others laughed as Virgil gave chase to Roman. For a moment they all forgot what had happened two days prior, this moment of joy too great.
But tomorrow they would learn how dangerous it was to forget.
((tag list: @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @ijustreallylovesanderssides @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @aricana8 @impossiblebluebirdcreation @panic-wizard-sex-walrus @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @iris-sanders-athena @peanut0303 @emo-potato-virgil @darkle-elkrad )) 
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Aisling (chapter 11)
summary: Virgil has been dependent on helpers around his apartment after an accident rendered him unable to take care for himself. After his previous helper quit, Virgil needs to find a new one. And the lucky person is a literal ball of sunshine with glasses and freckles.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, those fully belong to Thomas Sanders and his friends.
Word count: 1876
Tw: Swearing, Deceit, lying, stalking, obsessive behaviour, obsession, threats, Panic attack, vivid description of panic attack, fear, abusive deceit, stalker, absence panic attack, threat of abduction (if there are any more please tell me)
Author's note: Virgil’s feelings and reactions are meant to mirror mine after i found out i was being stalked by someone a couple of years back. So be warned, it’s a very vivid description of an absence panic attack.
Previous chapters
Pairings: Moxiety and Logience
As the weeks went by, the more and more comfortable the group got with each other. Remy and Roman would join Patton and Virgil during lunch, and whenever they needed to grade papers.
Virgil’s crush on his caretaker had grown out of huge proportions, and Virgil didn’t miss the obvious affection Patton held for him as well; but being who he was, he preferred to stay silent in case he was wrong about Patton.
Now however Virgil found himself alone at his desk while Patton was at the toilet. Virgil's finger skimmed over a page; a very poorly written analysis of the voluspå. He knew the ancient text was difficult to understand, and even harder to analyse, but this was half-assed at best.
A quick succession of knocks sounded at the door, and Virgil whipped his head up, turning towards the doorway.
“Yes?”, The teacher inquired, placing his paper neatly on the desk
“Virgil sanders?” an unknown voice asked
“Yes, that's me, what can i help you with?”
“Oh, i just came to deliver a letter to you, then i´ll be off again.” The man offered, and Virgil could tell that it was a grown man, his deeper tones suggested someone over the age of puberty. The voice was distinct with a small lisp, Virgil knew of no one with a lisp. None of his students and none of the teachers had a lisp.
“Oh, well could you bring it to my desk then mr…” The blind man trailed off uncertainty, thrown a little off by the stranger.
“D.C, people just call me D.C.” The man said, the ‘c’ coming out with a small hissing sound.
Heavy footsteps indicated the man’s journey from the doorway and to his desk. Without warning D.C grabbed his wrist, startling the teacher. The hand was big and easily wrapped around his thin wrist. It took a second for Virgil to identify the weird texture of the man’s hand, but it was clearly a glove of some sort; leather, if the slight creaking sound was any indicator.
It was safe to say that Virgil was a little freaked out by this stranger.
“here..” The thin edge of the letter was pressed into his hand, and not knowing what else to do, Virgil gripped it; holding it between his fingers and thumb.
“Thank you.” Virgil was starting to get scared, and the only thing he wanted was for the man to release his wrist. The blind man tugged on his hand experimentally, only for D.C to tighten his grip, before releasing him
“Goodbye now Virgil, i’ll see you another time..” D.C then swiftly turned and left, leaving Virgil alone within his classroom once again; feeling vaguely threatened.
With trembling hands and a pounding heart, Virgil opened the letter, and started to read.
“Dear Virgil, I've seen the suffering you’ve been through, and I understand your pain. I lost half my vision in a fire, and with one dead eye and half of my face charred away, i thought i could become more of a companion for you. You see, I’ve been watching you for a about a year, and I saw your previous caretaker up and abandon you, And if i’m being honest, i don’t trust your new one either. He seems to have ‘affections’ for you, and that is unacceptable. Ever since i saw you at that hospital two years back i haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, but I've never had the opportunity to approach you before now.
I’m a bit of a coward, and i didn’t want to get caught and locked away, so I waited. I waited two years before finally contacting you today. I knew i needed to meet you soon, or else that white haired idiot would have stolen you from me, but i still have a chance. I just need to get you before he does.
That nurse, Patton, is trying to steal you away from me, and i won’t have that. You’ve been mine for two years now, and Patton has only been taking care of you for about 5 months, not even a full year. So I’ve decided that now is the time for action, and I will be coming for you within the next few weeks. so you do not need to worry, for i will save you soon.
Yours eternally D.C.”
Virgil’s eyes blurred with unshed tears as terror took over his mind. His hands shook, he could feel his breath wheeze out of him, but otherwise he was frozen. The panic so potent it left his mind completely blank
‘I have a stalker. An honest to god stalker.’
As soon as the thought registered, nausea welled up in him, making him dizzy with it. If he’d had his vision he was sure it would have been tunneled now.
Sound had disappeared from him completely, so when Patton returned he didn’t react.
The scene Patton returned to shocked him to his very core. He’d left Virgil to go to the bathroom, nothing more. Virgil had been calm as he’s took to reading over the students analysis of an ancient viking text, he’d been fine, even joked with Patton as the aid told him he was going.
But now, it was like someone had ripped the ground away from his patients feet. Virgil was pale, a sick sort of grey instead of his usual pallor. His eyes were wide and unseeing, clouded over by tears that refused to be cried, the stuttering intakes of breath matched with the frenzied wheezing, and between two hands that shook like leaves was a paper filled with white dots.
Everything fell away from Patton as he rushed to his Patient’s side, Virgil looked downright terrified, it was unsettling.
“Virgil?!” Patton cried in alarm when he was next to his patient. The white haired man’s voice seemed to rip the ravenette out of his trance.
“Patton..?” His name wobbled dangerously as the tears finally trailed down Virgil’s face.
“Yeah, Are you alright?!”
Not bothering to answer, Vigil stood shakingly up from his chair and threw his arms around Patton's neck, Sobbing loudly into his chest. Patton Hugged the shorter man tightly to himself.
“T-There.. A-a man… he-he, I’m so scared!” Virgil tried to explain, but his sentence ended in a wail, still too upset.
“Hey, shh...you’re safe, i’ve got you..”  The aid whispered, as he started to card his hand through the other man's hair.  Virgil seemed to sag in his hold, and as gently as Patton could, he gently lowered them both to the floor.
Now with Patton sitting cross legged on the floor with Virgil in his lap, he could feel the younger man starting to calm down; but he didn’t let up on the litany of reasuranses that passed his lips.
When 25 minutes had passed, Virgil found himself calm enough to try and talk again; but he decided to wait, he could hear Roman and Remy come down the hall, heading towards his classroom no doubt. It would be easier to talk to them all at once, so he waited, still burrowed close to Patton.
“We’ve been waiting for you.. oh goodness, what’s happened here?!” Roman’s voice went from slightly annoyed to alarmed concern in 0.4 seconds.
“Close the door and come inside,” Virgil instructed, sounding exhausted. The door clicked shut and two pairs of footsteps approached. “Roman, could you call Logan, tell him to get Emile on the line as well, and grab that paper with braille on my desk..Please..”
“I got the paper, you call Logan.” Remy spoke, sensing the urgency within the situation.
Roman, came closer to the two on the floor and sat down next to them. The drama teacher was close enough that he could hear the phone’s dull dial tone.
“Roman, this better be important, i’m in the middle of research.” Logan’s voice came clear through the speakers.
“Put it on speaker..” Roman wordlessly obeyed Virgil’s tired request.
“Lo, get Emile, I need to speak to the both of you. “ Shuffling came through the phone and they could all hear as Logan called his older brother into his office.
“We’re here Virgil,” the twins spoke in unison.
Remy joined them at last, gently running his fingers over the page.
“I..” He hesitated, “I have a stalker.”
The room turned deadly silent.
A few seconds ticked by.
“You wHAT?!” Came Logan’s furious reply, just as Remy yelled an outraged “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Virgil had no doubt that Remy had read the letter. “Yeah, a man came to me with a letter today, introduced himself as D.C…. Remy could you read the letter out loud?”
Remy read out the letter for the others, sounding more and more disgusted as he went along the page. Roman was positively vibrating with anger, while Patton just clutched at him tighter. Even Emile let out a few curse words.
“I’m scared, what do we do?” Virgil asked his friends and family, uncertain and anxious.
“We’ll go to the police station with this,” Logan’s voice spoke, his tone not allowing for any argument. “A buddy system needs to be in place. You are not to be left alone Virgil.”
“It can’t be that bad… can it?” Virgil asked.
“Virgil, these types of people are capable of many things, and judging by the letter it seems like he is planning to abduct you.” Virgil squirmed, uncomfortable and afraid of the idea of being stolen.
“It seems like he has build an obsession around you, so i say we do this. Better safe than sorry.” Emile continued.
Virgil sighed, but he knew his adoptive elder brothers were right. “I’ll stay with you, i’m not leaving you alone. I’ll stay with you day and night now, I can take the guest room.” Patton chimed in, determination prominent within his speech.
“Patton, you already do so much for me, i can’t ask you to do this for me as well…” The ravenette tried to protest.
“You’re not asking anything from me Virgil, I’m saying I will do it. I’ve come to care too much for you to let some stalker steal your freedom away.”
“Good, we’ll all pitch in to help. Right now though, i think Logan and I would like you all to come over to our place, go over everything before going to the police, and then spend the next few nights here. If D.C knows where you work, then he’ll most likely know where you live as well.”
The thought sent an ice cold tendril of fear through Virgil.
“Don’t worry sunshine, we’ll keep you safe.” Roman spoke, confidence practically oozing out of him.
“And you know me, not afraid to smack a bitch who be deserving.” Remy spoke, trying to lighten the heavy mood.
“You smack me all the time though!”  Roman whined.
“Well, gurl, you are pretty deserving of a smack every once in a while.” The sassy man winked at Roman, and that did it. The group erupted into varying degrees of amusement as Roman made an offended noise.
Virgil felt immediately better, and who knows, maybe the police would catch D.C before anything bad could happen.
Besides, no one was so desperate and determined to get someone…
(( Tag list: @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @ijustreallylovesanderssides
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Terminally-Anxious Fanfics
Master list - Fanfics
I’ll be adding to it as I update each fic, and whenever I write more one shots. 
Aisling -  Blind Virgil and Aid Patton Au - Romantic Moxiety
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Art: Logan and Emile // Remy and Roman // Patton and Virgil // D.C
Lost in shadows - Deceit chooses to attack the sides right after ‘Can lying be good?’ - Platonic/familial Lamp. Finished.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Words hurt - Heavy angst, Virgil centric, (READ WARNINGS BEFORE READING) Finished.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
One shots 
Bass timbre - Patton and Virgil being calm and content - Platonic Moxiety
Memento - Virgil centric - Virgil has a dark, dark secret
Lover, protector and knight - Prompt fluffy Prinxiety- Virgil has a panic attack and Roman helps him
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Tumblr media
Okay next character batch! These lovely boys also belong to my Aisling universe, and just as I did last time,I shall present some info about them.
Remy Mara
Remy is the youngest of them all, at 22 years old.
Remy was born blind and is therefore more at ease with his lack of sight.
Don’t let his sassy demeanor or his blindness fool you, he can and will fight for those he loves.
he is an apprentice at the school Virgil and Roman work at. 
Remy is a single bisexual disaster, who loves to flirt with others.
He sasses everyone, especially his friends. (They all love it)
Independent, has no need for an aid, only his cane.
5″9 or 179cm
Roman Prince
He works as the schools drama teacher. 
he’s very dramatic. ( sometimes carries a fake sword with him, and will challenge some of the teachers and students to duels)
He challenged Remy and found himself on his ass in 0.8 seconds
Although also sassy, he easily gets flustered. (Virgil and Remy will always tease him)
He is missing his right leg. (Congenital Amputee, meaning he was born without it because it didn’t develop properly)
He uses a couple of different legs. He has made design’s to two of them, but the one featured is just a plain one, as it’s more work appropriate.)
He loves to prank his new students with his missing leg. 
He is currently dating dr. Logan Picani.
Roman was born the 21st of july 1991.
He is the shortest of them all, at 5″7 or 171cm
Has been friends with Virgil since college. 
He’s homosexual.
Logan and Emile // Remy and Roman // Patton and Virgil // D.C
Taglist;  @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @ijustreallylovesanderssides    @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @aricana-blog @impossiblebluebirdcreation @panic-wizard-sex-walrus @melorabarton @wingedkuriboh27 @band-be-boss-blog @bewarethegrammarpolice @alwaysmy-lilith @anxiouslogan24
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