#literally logged in to tumblr just to reblog this
paleode-ology · 1 year
pretty sure no one has ever blocked me before over my fandom opinions and I probably shouldn't be delighted that that's started happening but it's like just enough drama to fuel me for a bit
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transienturl · 1 year
Here are two non-obvious things about the Tumblr UI that I feel like I can make more clear with some images. As of July 17, 2022 2023... oops:
links to posts on blog themes:
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There's a link to view a post on the user's custom blog theme—if they have a custom theme, and have their blog accessible to logged-out users, of course—as the first item in the ⋯ ("meatballs") menu. (This used to be the dog-ear corner at the top right corner of the post, if you remember that.)
Like any normal link, you can control/command click this menu item to open it in a new tab, or right click it to copy the link URL.
links to individual reblogs:
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The header areas highlighted in green here—specifically their empty areas—are links directly to the individual reblogs they're the headers for. This is also true in the mobile apps!
You can control/command click them to open them in a new tab.
You can sort of right-click them to copy the link URL... but only if you have post timestamps turned on (it's in your tumblr settings in the dashboard section near the top), and only if you right click on the timestamp, or actually the dashed green area. (I wish this could be true for the whole header, but it's kind of hard for technical web browser limitation reasons.)
The above statements are true without XKit!
Now: by default, the areas highlighted in red and orange are links to the blogs in question. The "restore links to individual posts" option in Tweaks in XKit Rewritten (check out @addons!) does two things:
It changes the red-highlighted links to point directly to the reblog in question, just like their surrounding green area. This doesn't really add any functionality; you could already access that, as just discussed! Edit: I got this wrong; the reblog trail blog names should not be highlighted red.
It changes the orange-highlighted link to point to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). This definitely does add functionality, since there was literally no way to step backward through the reblog chain otherwise!
For the record, what I would probably have done if I were Staff or if I had been the one to write the XKit Rewritten tweak without anyone else's input is:
Make the green-highlighted areas link to the reblog, as they currently already do.
Make the red-highlighted links point to the user blog, as they currently already do.
Make the orange-highlighted link, including the reblog icon, link to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). That section is a different color than a blog link and has a special icon, after all; I think it's totally reasonable for it to have slightly different functionality.
In any case, it imo quite obviously should not be impossible to step back through the reblog chain, no matter what you think of the "prev tags" phenomena. Without an extension, there's no way to do this at all right now unless the post has very few notes and you can dig through them.
Some might argue for solving this by putting the a link to the previous reblog in the ⋯ menu. That would certainly be better than nothing, but I think using the orange-highlighted area is a better way. It's not like it's hard to get to a blog from an individual-post-viewed-on-that-blog, anyway.
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batboyblog · 4 months
It’s not the same. It’s grassroots now.
I'm actually glad to get the chance to address a common misunderstanding of what happened in 2016 (and is happening now)
So people often misunderstand when someone talks about Russian interference with American elections (and its not just Russia and not just the USA to be clear) that what they mean/think is that everyone who disagrees with them on the internet is either a bot controlled by Russia or a Russian agent posing as an American.
No, clearly the vast majority of people posting across social media about US politics in 2015-16 were real American citizens. What I want you to imagine is, what if there was one person who's job, literal paid job, was to log in and just engage with, spread, boost and support one kind of content, now imagine the impact of 2, 10, 100, 1,000 people who clock in every morning and work 8 hours a day every day just pushing one topic, could they get it trending on Tumblr every single day? very likely.
but more importantly how would that effect how everyone sees the thing they're talking about? would more people engage with it? make their own posts about it? content creators are likely to engage with something that automatically gets reblogged/tweeted/shared a lot.
This is what happened in 2016 (and is happening now) in political space it works to reenforce negative views, for example someone posts about how shit the economy is (even though its in fact good) and they get more likes for that tweet than ever before, wow that must mean many people feel this way! and your negative impression is correct! once you put your thumb on the scale it starts to become self reenforcing, political content creators are engagement whores as much as any other kind, journalists hang out on-line in the same spaces, if you have a not very big army of people boosting a certain narrative all day every day it starts to just boost itself after awhile.
so no, its not grassroots, its never been grassroots. They take your feelings of discontent, they take real issues you might have and turn them up to 11 and boost them and boost them and people get suck in an echo chamber because there are a few thousand people who's literal 9 to 5 job is logging on and pretending to be real humans who are upset at Joe Biden and the Democrats. So it's not that all the noise is Russians, its just that the Russians act as a megaphone for it.
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totally-italy · 1 month
Updates to my blog (and more random gimmicks, I guess)
Firstly, I swear I have never made as many original posts in one day (we are at three and counting), but let us excuse it with the consideration that I have not been on Tumblr in a couple of days (and haven't had proper access to Tumblr since early July). Also, due to my intermittent (who am I kidding? It is ever continuing,at this point) crisis about whether or not I am neurodivergent, with the likelihood being a rather certain yes, I have given in to the ADHD urge of using parentheses (y'all won't be able to stop me I used to use strike-through a lot, so now expect even more chaos, what with the combination of both).
Secondly, about half an hour ago, I created two new gimmicks or side-blogs, in the form of @just-a-teenager-talking-politics, where I will mainly be talking about politics and giving a brief introduction to various political ideologies as I see fit (please remember though that I am a literal teenager, ergo not a politician or expert in the slightest) and @just-a-wannabe-author, where you can expect to see me reblogging interesting information and facts that could be important for a novel. For the moment, they are both empty due to a general lack of time and intermittent access to a computer (I have tried to log onto Tumblr with my phone, despite screentime, but it literally does not work I blame parent controls and that app's mysterious workings on my phone).
Anyway, I just wanted to apologise for those blogs' current emptiness and I also wanted to advertise them a little bit (sorry, I think) because I would really like to receive more asks in the future, particularly on the politics one (can y'all tell that I have been having a slightly major politics phase since a bit before the General Elections in the UK?). Also, if possible, I wanted to ask if any of you (no pressure, obviously) could possibly send some potential profile pictures for both of those blogs, as well as for @absolutely-the-gimmick-law-maker.
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1427 · 6 months
like I know that like Norman reedus and jdm (and in general most hot guy celebrities that have bigger followings) kNOW that they make girls horny.
Like I know that they both know they got arenas of women horny over them. But I wonder if they know just how many of them are like 19-23? (I’m not) and that these 19 year olds are reblogging the most basic ass pics of them with captions like
Just… like… do they know?! (I’m sure they’ve heard worse, but ITS THIS FORMAT ITS SO FUNNY I FEEL LIKE HOW COULD THEY NOT ALSO THINK THIS IS FUNNY?? 😭😭)
(secretly headcanon jdm sometimes late at night logging into his blank page tumblr acct to see what the girlbloggers are saying about his fat greasy hog)
Edit to say; I think they're trying to be funny????? Like I know the thirst is real but I mean I'm not exaggerating these examples I don't think???
(secretly headcanon jdm is running those blogs)
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gatheredfates · 11 months
I vented about this on my bluesky but I also wanted to express it here a) because it's my blog and I can but b) just see if I'm literally not the only one experiencing this emotion. It's a rare negative post? idk. It's under the cut. I'll probably delete it later.
I'm basically just going to post what I wrote on bluesky first and then kind of try to elaborate here.
I don't tend to express it very often, but trying to 'be the change you want to see in the world' as far as breaking through insular roleplay communities is hard when that's just what they are. Insular. And that's not really the fault of the players as it is decentralisation away from main hubs (forums, tumblr, etc) to secular discords. It's the inherent distrust that other people don't have your best interests at heart, or that they're going to be abusive/predatory/etc, that keeps people from reaching out. It's something I try to unlearn but also find is triggers the moment someone crosses a light boundary, even if it's not an obvious one? Idk. I feel like I used to be able to reach out to people much easier than before. That I could log into a game, go to an RP hub or event, and feel like I can interact with people other than those staffing. I don't know quite how to describe it, other than I feel like I'm sometimes pushing against a wave of people who crave interaction but won't/can't give it back. It's strange in a hobby that's supposed to collaborative.
I've just been finding it so exhausting lately. It feel like so many roleplay communities are tucked away on discords that are not easy to advertise or locate. It feels like, if I go to an event, the only major interactions outside my circle of friends are from staff members at the event and not other players?
Let's not even talk about how much the userbase of tumblr has decreased, as well as this weird social stigma that's two parts 'reblogging this diminishes the aesthetic of my roleplay' or 'what if people think I'm weird if I constantly like/reblog their stuff'. It's not even me. I see things where I'm like 'oh that's so pretty i bet it has a lot of notes!' and it has like... twenty.
idk. I feel like i'm the old man yelling at the cloud. I feel like it was so much easier to find roleplay a few years ago whereas now it's clawing through communities and trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. It's weird as hell.
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mickules · 1 year
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Not pictured here is the actual jerry-rigged lattice work of dinner mats and pillows with my laptop and tablet balanced on top Jenga-like, created in a codeine infused haze.
Just to keep yous in the loop since my surgery I'm actually doing much better, almost back to normal so I'm getting back into my art stride! and if tumble actually behaves itself for once, you should be seeing some things soon!
I'll admit I've not yet looked at any messages or asks for a long time I'm so sorry, I do very much appreciate them! I'm a lurker by nature, and usually by default logged into my reblog-blog so I can completely forget to check notifs, and then it becomes the existential dismay of 'How long ago was this sent??' (Bless all of my friends who let me get away without messaging them for literal months, I swear I don't mean to!!)
I do genuinely wanna get back into answering asks, I'm very aware I've had some floating in my askbox for way too long, and I've got answers in my drafts I've danced around posting so I can avoid the stress of fighting with tumblr bugs. But! Now's as good a time as any to tackle 'em! Why not!
I'm not 100% yet, but should be fighting fit soon! 🤞
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ihavethedreamies · 8 months
Snow in Sweden | Renjun
Huang Renjun - NCT Dream
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Word Count: 9.6k
Pairing: Renjun x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Fluff, Cuddling, Eventual Kisses, Pining, Flirting
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, the Reader punches someone, Jaemin
Uh, this is pretty long lol. It was exactly 9,300 words when i checked but I might have edited it and changed it. I am more proud of that then the rest of the story.
I am referencing this sweatshirt for a Jaemin.
Edit: I did change the title, it was just Winter Romance.
Edit (8/25/24): I changed the text/chat pictures to just text.
I am cross-posting this on Archive under the same name. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on Tumblr my name and icon are exactly the same on the other two sites. Happy reading!
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Part of you wasn't quite sure why you agreed to this, but the guys wanted to so bad. Sweden in the middle of winter would be…a lot. They said winter was the best time to go however, because they wanted to go to stay at the Ice Hotel. You didn't mind the cold, but Scandinavia in the winter? The only country that did better with winter than Russia? Let alone staying in the ice hotel, which the rooms are literally made out of ice. However, when they told you it would only be for one night, the rest would be in a normal hotel room, you caved. Plus, you would get to meet sled dogs and ride in a sled. Before your group even left, everyone paired up to decide on a trip partner. You drew out on a piece of paper a bunch of lines, and everyone traced a different path to get a partner. The teams were Mark and Chenle, Jeno and Jisung, Jaemin and Haechan, and you got teamed up with Renjun. Honestly, you sighed a breath of relief, thinking of all the nonsense that could have happened otherwise. You weren't sure to feel worse for Jaemin or Haechan, in that situation. Since everyone had to share a bed, Renjun definitely felt like the best option. Plus, he was sweet and quiet with you and would be good company for the events. You had to stamp down the heart-fluttering it caused though. Your small crush on him that you had since you met him had only gotten much worse the longer you had been friends with all of them. He was also the only one you couldn't find a fault with. Chenle was loud. Donghyuck was touchy. Jaemin was flirty. Jisung would be way too embarrassed and not be able to sleep. Mark star-fished across the bed and you didn't care for that. Jeno would have been okay, if it wasn't for the fact that you two almost slept together a few months ago after a great deal of drinking had been had. All of them but Jisung and Chenle had stayed the night at your apartment and Jeno got to share your bed with you. Never again, he was dangerous. Not that he would try anything, but anyone with eyes could see how attractive he was.
After all the pairs were decided, with much ruckus after, you logged on and got everyone signed up for everything. Everyone agreed to save up their money and pool it together to afford everything. It also helped that your uncle was helping you get cheap airline tickets to get there and got you a discount at the hotel. Plus, Chenle was freaking rich.
"You sure you're okay being my partner?" Renjun whispered to you as you plugged in the debit card information. Everyone had given their money to Chenle, and he handed over his black card.
"Of course." you reassured, looking over the information before you hit submit. After checking everything was good, you hit submit and the confirmation popped up and your phone dinged with the email receipt. Another ding went off and you glanced at it to see a second email. You opened it and Renjun looked over your shoulder at it.
"Congratulations. Your booking has won a random raffle drawing and one of your rooms has been upgraded to a deluxe suite. The room under the name "Huang" has been selected…" You read out loud and the two of you just stared at it for a second.
"That's our room?" He clarified and you nodded. That sounded so nice! You pulled up the website of the resort and looked at the specifics of it. It was bigger and had more amenities. The biggest difference though was instead of two beds pretty much just shoved together; this was just one bed. It would also be smaller than the two small ones next to each other, meaning you would be much closer together. He must have come to the same realization and you two just kind of sat there, not sure what to say.
"Did you do it?" Hyuck burst in and you two jumped, scooting away from each other.
"Y-yeah. It seems we won some kind of raffle and our room got upgraded." You motioned between the two of you.
"Man! Lucky!" The other boy pouted and Renjun gave you a sheepish look.
"Let's go eat and figure out all the other plans."
About a month later, on the first day of winter break, everyone gathered together in front of your apartment building with all of their luggage. You were the only one that could drive, but your car could barely fit four people, let alone eight. None of you were old enough to rent a car either, so for a little more money than you wanted to pay, the airport was going to send a van to pick you guys up. Glancing at your phone, it was about five minutes before the transport was supposed to get there. It was only kind of cold right then, no snow and just a slight breeze. You soaked in the cool weather knowing it would get much, much colder. It had been decided that everyone literally had to do everything with their specific partner. That meant sitting with each other to the airport, on both planes, at all meals, sharing the hotel rooms, and every activity. They decided this since no one was paired up with their normal partner. You were normally actually with Renjun, so you two were not so fazed, but Jeno was normally with Jaemin, Donghyuck with Mark, and Jisung with Chenle. This trip was going to be interesting. When the van finally pulled up, the nice gentleman driving got out and helped everyone get their luggage inside. Climbing inside the shuttle, you sat in the back row near the window and as per the rules, Renjun sat right next to you. It was about a forty-five minute drive to the airport, and the traffic was heavy with all of the college students leaving for break. The man driving said it might be about an hour and you were glad you guys decided to leave almost four hours early. Your dad had ingrained in you to get to the airport early just in case anything came up to delay progress. You felt like one of the people in the insurance commercials that are turning into their parents.
"So, where are all of you headed?" The man-made conversation as traffic trudged along.
"Sweden." Mark answered, sitting closest to the front with Chenle.
"Wow! In the winter?" The guy chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
"I know! But they want to stay at the Ice Hotel." You shouted some for the driver to hear you.
"A hotel made out of ice? You better be a gentleman and keep your girlfriend nice and warm." He turned in his seat to give Renjun a look. Everyone froze and looked at you two and you gaped.
"Oh, uh, no, we're not-"
"I will sir." He spoke over you and the rest of the guys looked at each other in shock. You looked at Renjun, but he would not meet your eye.
"Good boy." The rest of the trip to the airport was not exactly quiet, but Renjun and you just sat there, listening to the crazy. You two didn't say a thing till you finally arrived at the airport and you all got your luggage out.
"Good luck, everyone!" The shuttle driver waved, and you all entered the airport. You had somehow managed to become the group leader because you had flown the most out of everyone and they started to call you mom as you managed everything. You checked your bags and were grateful you had weighed them ahead of time because they all just were under the limit. Beforehand you made sure everyone had their passports in their pockets for easy access. Showing them off to the ticket agent, Hyuck complained his picture was bad. No one had a good passport or license photo. Everyone got their physical tickets handed to them, and like the plan, everyone had booked seats next to each other. Jisung and Jeno were in Row C, Row D for Mark and Chenle, Row E for you and Renjun, and Row F for Hyuck and Jaemin. Getting through security was a racket because you all had to take off your friend group necklaces and rings, plus you each had a laptop, and a tablet, your phones, and three of you brought their switches. None of you thought about the shoes you were in; it was easier to wear snow boots than pack them but to get them off and back on again was a task. Once everyone was through, with them almost giving Jaemin a pat down because of a stupid joke he made, you finally all made your way to the gate.
"You really shouldn't make a joke about what's in your pants at an airport." You scolded him and he shrugged. You finally got a good look at his sweatshirt which read 'Orgasm Donor'. Simply sighing, you turned and led the way to your gate. You had to have a layover in New York and then continue on to Sweden. This fact started an argument with Donghyuck because he didn't understand the concept that not every airport was international. You all still had over an hour before boarding, so you stopped to get cinnamon rolls which is honestly a must at the airport.
"Can I have two?" You ordered and the boys gave you a look.
"One for later." You shrugged and received your snack. Everyone sat around the waiting area near the gate to eat. The whole airport was packed so some of you had to sit on the floor. Renjun sat in front of you and because there was so little room he basically had to sit between your legs. Hearing some giggling, you looked over to a short distance away where there was a group of girls about your age maybe a little younger. They were looking at your group and chattering. Honestly, you didn't blame them, not when all of them looked like they did.
"Are those girls talking about us?" Your partner whispered up to you and you nodded.
"Hm. I don't blame them." You huffed a laugh, and he tilted his head back to look at you upside down.
"Look in a mirror, dear." You thumped his forehead with your finger, and you didn't catch the red that flushed his cheeks and ears. You were surprised that the fact they were trying to fit their entire cinnamon rolls in their mouth at once didn't deter the girls.
"You're gonna ruin your amazing new sweatshirt." You pointed out to Jaemin and he managed to catch the glob of frosting before it made his sweatshirt look like he practiced what he preached.
"Um, do you guys live in New York?" An overly sweet voice called out and they all looked to see the girls had approached. You recognized them actually; they were freshmen at the college most likely.
"No, we're just going there before-" You got cut off.
"You want to go get something to eat when we land?" The one that seemed like the leader asked.
"We're only staying about an hour till we get on our next flight." You got in and she sent you a sneer. There were six girls, and you had an idea that they were trying to set up some group date.
"So, you two can stay here, and we can go with the boys." She scoffed and you felt Renjun stiffen. Did they think he was a girl? His hair was longer with blonde underneath the black, and he's quite pretty. When he showed up last week with his hair like that again you were secretly extremely happy, he's always looked so good with it.
"I'm pretty there's no time for that, also-" You started.
"We all would much rather stay with (Y/N) than any of you." Renjun cut it, making his voice a bit deeper than it normally was. They all did a double take when he spoke, and the other boys sat straight. Renjun used his 'you better listen to me, or I'll beat your ass' voice.
"We must stay with our princess and serve her." Hyuck sat up on one knee and bowed in front of you. You felt your eyebrow twitch. He was such a little shit.
"전하 (Your highness)!" They all cheered in Korean, bowing low to you and you couldn't hold in your laugh.
"You stupid idiots, stop." You waved them off, still chuckling and the girls hmphed and turned to go back to their seats.
"Maybe I should cut my hair…" Renjun whispered, running his fingers through his hair at the back of his head.
"No! It looks so good on you! That was so on them." You pointed out, smacking his hand away and petting the soft strands down. Once again, his face and ears reddened, and you saw it this time. After one last pat, you sat back and felt your own face get warm.
"You know, we could order one of these for all of us and having matching sweatshirts too?" Jaemin gave his stupid little smile.
"How about we don't." Jeno flicked him on the forehead. Jaemin dramatically yelped and squirmed excessively. Everyone just dicked around the rest of the time till the flight boarded. As they called certain rows, since you all were right after another you got to board at the same time. You had a fairly small carry on so you just kept it at your feet so you wouldn't have to put it up in the overhead.
"If you want to put your bag up, we can watch something on my laptop." You suggested as Renjun waited for Mark to put his backpack up.
"Okay." He took his shoulder bag off, and Mark took it from him to lay it up near his. You took the window seat, though you had no plans on looking out of it, your fear of heights too prominent. The flight to the east coast was about three and a half hours, but the flight to Sweden would be another eight hours, THEN from Stockholm to the airport closest to the Ice Hotel is about two hours, plus there would be a thirty-minute drive to the hotel. It was going to be a LONG trip. It was currently ten in the morning; you would get to New York at 3:30 pm eastern time. The arrival time for Sweden would be 6:30 in the morning, the next airport would be 9:00, to get to the hotel to check in by 11:00. That would be almost sixteen hours, and luckily being next to Renjun would allow you to actually sleep. At the same time, you had a Jaemin behind you, so you hoped that he didn't bother you the whole time.
"If I sat next to you, I could make my sweatshirt honest." He whispered between the seats as you got settled; before you could scold him, Renjun was kneeling on the seat and reaching over to smack him. You held back a guffaw at this and you knew you would be defended this day yet.
"I'm going to burn that the minute he takes it off." The shorter man whispered angrily, and you nodded in agreement. You had downloaded several things onto your laptop to pass the very long time, and luckily the plane had a normal outlet for you to plug it in. You dug through your bag, which held way more than it appeared, you found your wired earbuds and the splitter that went with them.
"You have your own?" You asked and he got his out so you could watch some movies.
"Wait, you downloaded Captain America?" Hyuck was peering between the seats.
"Lucky." He sat back with a pout, and you shut your laptop when the flight attendant announced to do so, and you made sure you were buckled in. As the flight attendant gave the emergency instructions, you all struggled to stay serious as Jaemin mimicked the woman quietly. As the plane began to taxi to the runway, Renjun nudged you and pointed out that the girls from before were sitting in the middle seats, some of them in the same row as Jeno and Jisung. Jeno was in the aisle, and of course it was him, no one could resist a Jeno…or really a Jaemin, but he was locked in where he was. Thank the Lord, especially since he was wearing what he was. While Jeno was incredibly attractive and nice, he could be shy, especially with girls. Jisung would be of no help, and really neither was Mark. You were pretty sure Chenle was already asleep. The plane lurched as it started to go faster, and you pressed your back into the seat as it began to ascend. You waited patiently for them to announce devices could be used again, so you reopened your laptop and put your phone on airplane mode. You all had your blue tooth turned on and were able to connect on a little server together. The group chat blew up immediately. 
(🐶) Help T.T (☀️) They flirtin'? (🐶) Yes T.T (🐹) They like his forearms (🐻) They should see his biceps (🐰) They should see other things ;) (🦊) I will come back there (☀️) Wadda you know he has? How do you know? (🐰) You wanna know? (🐯) One of them is hitting on me too (☀️) Seriously? (🐯) Rude (☀️) Not what I meant :/ (🦊) Probably flirt with Jisung if he wasn't hiding (🐰) ;p they should see his hands (🐹) -_- (🐶) Help T.T (☀️) Tell em' off (🐶) how (☀️) Send them this (☀️) Attachment Loading 🔄
You forwarded him a picture that you two took that fateful night. You didn’t see Jeno's reaction to the picture getting sent, he had no idea a photo existed. You did, however, see Renjun's reaction.
"When did you take that?" He whispered and you shrugged.
"That night you all stayed over after drinking. It'll tell em' off." You couldn't meet his gaze.
(☀️) Attachment Sent 🔗 (🐶/🐯) ✅ (🐻/🐰/🐹) ✅ (🦊) ✅ (🐶) when (🐻) lucky (🐯) OOOHHH (🦊) -u- just show them (🐶) k
You stood up a bit to look over your seat and saw him shake his head, wave his hand, and show them the picture. The girl that was closest to him scoffed and shot her head back to look at you and you sat right back down.
"It worked." You chuckled and Renjun frowned.
"Come here." He said all of a sudden and he held his phone out, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pressing your head down to rest on his shoulder. He snapped the selfie, resting his cheek on your head and then let you go. You sank in the seat, adjusting your hood to pool on the side of your face to cover your red cheeks. Your phone dinged but you ignored it. It’s when it kept going off did you finally look. 
(🦊) Attachment Loading 🔄 (🦊) Attachment Sent 🔗 (☀️) ✅ (🐶/🐻/🐯) ✅ (🐹/🐰) ✅ (🐰) O.O (🐻) not sure who I'm more jealous of (🐯) cute (🐶) It worked, but they might wanna throw hands after, watch out ☀️! (🐹) What's the mile high club?? (☀️) WHAT (🐹) One of them said she wasn't a member yet... (☀️) which one (🐹) The blonde (🐶) The short blonde (☀️) They're gonna corrupt my precious baby (🐹) I'm not a baby :X (☀️) You're my baby (🐯) Isn't it that thing where people screw in the bathroom? (☀️) Yes (🐹) ew (🐰) ☀️ you a member yet? I'm not either... (☀️) Fuck off (🐰) If that's what you want ;3 (🦊) >:( (🐰) You wanna join? (🦊) I will come back there
You put your phone away and shut the volume off even.
"You still want to watch a movie?" You asked the boy next to you as he angrily typed.
"Huh?" He looked at you and you shook your head in amusement.
"You wanna watch a movie still?"
"Oh! Yeah." He too put his phone away and you got Captain America pulled up. When his phone would not shut up, he moved to turn the volume down but saw this message instead.
(🦊) I will come back there (🐰) GIF Loading 🔄 (🐰) GIF Sent 🔗
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Very quickly that message was straight out deleted since Renjun was the mediator of the chat. He shut his phone off and then you two watched your movie. The plane was declared ready to land right as the movie finished, so you packed everything up. Once the plane touched down you were willing to slide the window shade up and open. You saw that it had either snowed recently or just stopped. You weren't going to be leaving the airport though since your next flight was not in too long, but you could look out the window. They didn't have a set way for people to get off, so the group of you waited for almost everyone else, including the gaggle of girls, to get off before you did. Mark got everyone's bags down and passed them around and then everyone got off with their partners. Once everyone was huddled together in the airport, they gathered around you so you could figure out how to get to the next gate. You looked at the map on the website and realized it wasn't that far off. As you passed the bathrooms, you all decided it would be a good idea to go; so, they mobbed the place, Chenle's voice echoing off the tile. You shook your head and entered the restroom. There was one stall open, and you were able to get in quick and be done quick. Washing your hands, you heard a group start to come in and they came around the corner and it was the girls from before. You hoped Jeno was joking that they might want to fight. Trying to avoid eye contact, you brushed down some fly away hairs with the water still on your hands and you tried. Didn't work.
"Are you really his girlfriend?" You heard the dreaded snide quip.
"Huh?" You turned to her, pretending you had never seen her in your entire life.
"The really hot guy with the white-blonde hair, he's really your boyfriend?"
"What is that supposed to mean?" You felt yourself get defensive. That was a little rude. A lotta rude, actually. She looked you up and down and scoffed. She was probably a good three or four inches taller than you and had heeled boots on to…well, boot. You were in a baggy sweatshirt that hid your figure quite well, it was actually Hyuck's. You realized to an outsider your friend group would be quite odd. You were the only girl and honestly the way you acted with them; anyone could figure any of them your boyfriend. If they saw what you saw though, they would really not know what was going on, especially Jaemin and Jeno. You felt your phone go off, the boys probably wondering what was taking so long.
"What about that guy that was ten times prettier than you? Isn't he your boyfriend?" Another one smirked and you were now getting mad.
"Well of course she would rather have the hot one, bet she can't even feel that kid-" That was it. You socked her in the nose. She screamed out, blood spurting out and you spun around and stormed out.
"(Y/N)?" Mark called and they all turned to look at you. They saw the anger on your face, and the blood on your hand.
"What happened?" They ran over, and Renjun shoved Jaemin out of the way to look at your hand.
"Punched that bitch." You shrugged and they all kind of formed a circle around you when the other girls came out of the bathroom. The one you punched was holding paper towels to her nose and looked like she was going to say something, but when an extremely pissed group of seven guys turned to look at her, she shut her mouth and they quickly left toward the baggage claim. Hopefully she didn't report you and get you kicked out of the airport. Maybe since you weren't on the plane when it happened it would be okay.
"Why?" Jisung finally asked and you shook your head.
"She said something bad about Renjun…" You muttered as he fussed over you, cleaning the blood off your knuckles. The rest of them nodded and exchanged some looks and they said they were going to head to the gate.
"Come with me." Renjun kept holding your hand and led you to the single-family bathroom and brought you in. Leading you to the sink he helped you wash your hand, there was a small bruise forming and once he was done, he even dried your hands for you with a paper towel, then placed a small kiss on your knuckle.
"What did she say?" He asked. He was standing so close that if you looked up, your noses would touch.
"She said she didn't believe I was Jeno's girlfriend. Then one said they thought you were, and that you were prettier than me. Then they suggested that of course I would want Jeno, that you…" You didn't want to finish.
"I what?"
"That…they implied that you wouldn't…be, you know, good in bed." You mumbled the last part out.
"So, you punched her?"
"Yeah." When he wouldn't say anything after that, you weren't quite sure what to do next, but he was still holding your hands. He stepped closer and pulled you into a hug, you happily returned it.
You two left and met up with the others at the next gate and sat down in relief. You could tell they all wanted to ask but were too afraid of the both of you to actually do it. Everyone just joked around for the next forty-five minutes waiting to board the next flight off to Sweden.
"Flight 127 to Stockholm is now boarding." They called over the intercom and you all moved to get in the line.
"Can those sitting in Row AB, seats three and four please come to the checkout desk?" One of the flight staff taking tickets announced and you nudged Renjun for him to go with you. You both stepped up and the lady looked vaguely apologetic.
"I'm sorry, but it seems your seats were double booked. We can keep you on this flight, but our only seats are in first class, I figured you wouldn't mind the upgrade." The woman smiled, her accent was thick and pretty.
"O-oh!" You handed her your two tickets, and she handed you the new ones that just printed off your names and that allowed you to cut to the front. The others looked at you and you shook your phone and sent what happened in the group chat. 
(🐰) GIF Loading 🔄 (🐰) GIF Sent 🔗 Chat Deleted ❌ (☀️) We got upgraded to first class (🐬) You got the deluxe hotel room and first class?? I could have paid for me to be there! -3- (🐶) 8 hours in first class? Lucky (🐰) lucky huh? (🐹) please stop (🐯) dude that's so cool (🐻) I wanna be alone in first class with you... (🦊) Which one of us? (🐻) hmmm (☀️) OKAY see you later
You heard them groan and you followed Renjun down the walkway to get on the plane. The flight attendant helped you get where your new seats were, which were up a narrow stairway. Looking around in awe, you were both giddy at the luxury of the situation. You were led to a little pod with two seats, and it was NICE.
"This is so cool!" You grinned at him as you sat down, and he agreed. In front of you were screens to watch whatever movie you wanted (just had to pay for it) and the seats were so comfortable. The arm rest in between you two had a series of buttons on it and before you could look and see what they all could do, he pulled it up and out of the way, so it wasn't between you two. There were the same buttons underneath!
"Woah!" You were so preoccupied with the ~technology~ that you didn't realize what he was doing. You got buckled in and there was so much room at your feet both of your bags fit comfortably. You didn't know if it was the seats, or the plane, but you barely felt when the plane began to roll down the runway and take off. You were given all the same information from before, just now in a pretty Swedish accent.
"I think because we're in first class, we'll get fancy food!" You cheered. Since it was such a long flight, there was a meal included already. He smiled and watched as you cooed at all the upgrades. When the little light blinged off that the seat belts could be removed, you gladly complied and leaned forward to dig through the pocket in front of you.
"(Y/N)?" Renjun called and you hummed, waiting for his reply, still looking at stuff. He took a while to say anything, so you sat back to look at him and he fiddled with his sleeve.
"Never mind…" He shook his head but gave you a smile in reassurance. You continued the flight in luxury. You watched movies together and the meal was so much better than you are sure they were served in the rest of the plane. About three hours in, you were getting kind of sleepy, and you knew you were going to still deal with some jet lag. You wished you could have been more ready to train for the time change, but with classes and stuff, it was too difficult.
"Renjun, imma take a nap." You yawned and he smiled.
"You going to rest your seat back?" He looked at the panel to find the right button.
"Yeh." Once he found it, you pressed it till you were comfortable and slipped the provided eye mask over to block out the light. He smiled as he watched you fall asleep quite quickly. He found it super cute that you slept with one of your arms raised, your hand up by your head.
(🐰) You enjoying? (🦊) Maybe... (🐰) She super cute??? (🦊) ...yes (🐰) can i see? (🦊) no (🐰) gatekeeping? (🦊) yes
He smiled, putting his phone down and while he would definitely not be sending it to anyone, especially Jaemin, he secretly wanted a picture. He paused before he hit the button though, it felt a little creepy.
"Renjun?" Your voice made him jump and put his phone away.
"Is there a blanket or something, I'm kinda cold." You slipped the eye mask up and he looked in the compartment beneath the seat and even asked the flight attendant. She apologized profusely, but the machine that usually washed the blankets was not working and so there were no extras. He had an idea. The boy rested his own seat back, and since it was similar to a couch, it laid his seat right down next to yours and the arm rest was already folded up so it wasn't in the way.
"Come here." He opened his arms out for you, having fully reclined and putting the footrest out.
"Y-you sure?" You were squealing inside. Sleeping in the arms of your crush? Hell yeah. The fact that he always smelled amazing? Even better.
"Of course. We're going to share a bed at the hotel anyway."
"Well, yeah, but this is…public."
"You…don't have to." He looked so dejected that you were quick to consent.
"No! I…thanks." You shot a shy smile, and he rested his arm back down; you let him pull you in close. It was very nice and warm, and he really did smell so good. You could tell resting on his chest that he had way more muscle there than you were expecting. Trying to tell your heart to calm down, you moved your head more into the crook of his neck and quickly found yourself falling back asleep. He drifted off as well and the flight attendant passed by and cooed at how cute you two were. She even called over one of her coworkers to see.
Nearly two hours later you finally woke up, having a bit over two more hours to go. You were so enjoying laying on a Renjun though. So much so that you wanted to just lay there forever. However, your body had other ideas.
"Renjun?" You lightly shook him to wake him up and he groaned in protest, pulling you closer to him.
"Ren- I need to go to the bathroom." You shook him again and he opened his eyes this time.
"Oh, sorry." He let you go, begrudgingly and you stretched before getting up and going to relieve yourself. When you came back, he had fallen back asleep, and you giggled. He was so stinking cute. After you sat back down, he allowed himself to fully wake up and you both sat your seats back up. Instead of starting another movie - not enough time - you both talked about what you were most looking forward to. You were not only going to meet the sled dogs but go on a ride with them. And with reindeer too! You were also really looking forward to the northern lights and you were kind of dreading the ice room stay, but Renjun promised you would like it. He picked out the room, making it a surprise. They were different every year and he promised you would love the theme. When the announcement came that they would be landing, you once again opened the window to see outside after the plane touched down. There was also snow here, but so much more than in New York. It was dark out, but you could still see how pretty the scenery looked. Gathering your stuff, you were able to disembark first since you were in first class. You had to wait for a bit for the rest of the guys to get off and they looked ragged.
"I hate you two." Chenle pointed at you, rubbing his neck.
"Was it really that bad?" You asked, feeling a little guilty.
"No, he just slept weird and hurt his neck." Mark shook his head and Jaemin sidled up to Renjun with a stupid grin on his face.
"Fuck off." The shorter man scowled and Jaemin let out a 'wow'.
"What did they feed you guys?"
"Some kind of roast and potatoes."
"What did you get?"
"Steak…" You wouldn’t meet their eyes, the jealousy clear. Since you had just arrived in another country, you still had to go through customs and that seemed to take forever since you were all very tired. When you finally were done you looked at the time on your phone; you realized you would have to book it to get to the next gate since it was all the way across the airport. By the time you guys got there, there was only fifteen minutes before you had to board. You would be on a much smaller plane since it was basically just a shuttle flight to get to the smaller airport. The smaller plane was loud, especially since your seats were right near the wing, but it was fairly empty and so you guys got to be loud when talking with each other. The flight was short, and you all made sure to put your jackets on since you would be getting off the plane outside.
"Woah!" You yelped as the cold air hit you. It was luckily not in the negatives, but it was way colder than back home! Everyone bundled together close to try and block the wind some, and you automatically wrapped your arms around Renjun's. Everyone laughed as you ran toward the much smaller airport where you went to receive your luggage. Being much farther north now, you could see the sun on the horizon, and you could hear a couple that had been on the plane with you talk about how the sun kind of stayed in the same spot nearly all day since it’s so far north in the winter. Once you all finally had your suitcases, you asked someone at a help desk where to go to wait for the shuttle; he told you and you didn't have to wait long once you got there. No one else was taking that particular shuttle and so you all had the van to yourselves. Probably for the best considering there were eight of you and were loud as hell. Finally, after so much travelling, you got to the hotel! You still had to walk quite a while to get to the entrance and you all let out a sigh of relief once you did.
"It's so pretty!" You turned around looking at everything all around and without waiting too long, Jeno had gone over to a pile of snow, balled it up, and yeeted it right at Jaemin.
"You!" The one that got hit returned the blow and an all-out battle began. You really did not want to deal with it, and neither did your partner, so you both went into the hotel to check in. The first night was the night where you would spend the night in an ice art room, but they got you checked in for your normal rooms first. When they would only give the keys to the people assigned to each room, Renjun went and got the rest of the guys. They came in, covered in snow, but with giant grins on their faces.
"My children." You pointed to the group and the concierge laughed to herself and everyone else got their respective keys. Everyone was on the first floor except for Renjun, and you since you had been upgraded. As you were chided by your friends, you guys went to the elevator and went on up to your room. The door dinged open, and you entered, the nice clean scent hitting you. Guess all hotels, not just American ones, smelled the same.
"The bed is nice!" He cheered, jumping on it, but was careful not to let his boots touch it. You jumped on next to him and you both laughed. Being on your stomachs, he was able to move and drape his arm over your shoulders and he bonked his head to yours like a cat.
"What time is when we meet the sled dogs?" Renjun asked and you pulled out your phone to check the time.
"After lunch, which will be in like half an hour." you told him and he nodded. He rested his head down on his other arm and you lay your head down as well, looking at his pretty face.
"I know I didn’t hear it but thank you for punching that girl for what she said." He said softly and you avoided eye contact.
"I haven't had the privilege of knowing the truth but-" You halted, realizing you just high-key, hardcore flirted with him. Not a simple flirt either, it was straight up a move. He gaped at you, and you retreated quickly.
"I'm gonna freshen up and then we can meet everyone else for lunch." You ran to the bathroom and shut the door, staring at your extremely red face in the mirror. You also stared at the sweatshirt you were in, and it felt weird to be wearing it. For some reason, it bugged you that it was Donghyuck's all of a sudden. You shucked it off, leaving you in your undershirt and you used the bathroom, washed your hands, and fixed your hair. You came out and threw the sweatshirt on the counter in front of the bathroom door and turned the corner to find him opening his suitcase.
"C-can I wear one of your sweatshirts?" You asked quietly and he spun around so quick.
"Oh, yes." He dug through his belongings and pulled out one that was a nice soft yellow. He tossed it to you and when he turned back around you buried your nose into it. Smelled sooooo good. You put it on and while it wasn't as oversized as Hyuck's, it still was nice and big. As he packed a small backpack with minor things, you did the same and you both headed to meet the others for lunch. You quickly grabbed the discarded sweatshirt and when you found everyone already at a table, you gave the wad of fabric back to the owner.
"I said you could use it the whole-" He stopped, noticing you were in another sweatshirt. It was also clear whose it was.
"Hmm. I see." He pouted a bit and took the hoodie from you, rolling it up and shoving it in his own bag. When you guys ordered, the waitress had to use four pages to take everything down since there was a crap ton of you and the guys ate a whole lot. The food finally came out and you were sure the workers and the other diners were flabbergasted by the amount of food you all packed away in such a short amount of time. After you guys ate you headed out to where you were going to meet the dogs then go on a sled ride. Everyone was so excited to see the dogs and everyone was not only prepared for jokes about Jeno looking like the dogs, but everyone also had a list there were prepared to use.
"You know if one of the pups gets hurt, we can just strap in our own." You patted Jeno as you said it and he groaned, and everyone laughed. You had begun the long, long few hours Jeno was about to go through. When they let you meet the dogs, you all squealed in excitement and the workers laughed at the excitement you all had. You might have been in your twenties, but dogs bring out everyone's inner five-year-old. There were eight dogs for each sled and while it cost more money to get four sleds all to your own group, it was worth it. Everyone with their partner shared a sled and once the tour guides were able to haul the dogs and you guys away from each other they went over the procedure. After hearing all the rules and agreeing to the terms and conditions (the only time you really knew what you were actually agreeing to), you were coached into getting in the sled and they strapped and buckled everyone in for the ride. You were so excited that you didn’t even process laying back into Renjun and that he warmly wrapped his arms around your middle under your own. Going off of height, the other six determined who sat in front and back. Mark was in front of Chenle, Jisung was behind Jeno and Jaemin was behind Donghyuck.
"I want one!" You shouted as the dogs got all strapped in. They were huskies mind you, and you know what they do? Scream. You really didn’t need more screaming in your life.
"We have one!" Chenle shouted forward making everyone laugh but Jeno. The tour guides drove the sleds from where they stood at the back and on their signal, they took off. You squealed in delight, holding on to Renjun's arms around you, linking your gloved fingers with his. The ride was a few hours and when it was finally done, you felt sore and numb all at the same time. After your excitement adrenaline calmed down, you fully rested on Renjun, resting your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you a bit and relaxed himself. It was nice and warm being snuggled like that and you did not want it to end. Your tailbone did, but not you. Getting off the sleds everyone groaned and stretched and reluctantly said goodbye to the doggos.
"I am so freaking tired." Chenle whined and everyone kind of hobbled their way back to the hotel. Sitting on a sled for nearly three hours and not really able to move really makes everything stiff. There was still a lot of time before you could check into the ice art rooms for the night, but everyone really needed a nap.
"If you even so much as touch me, I will destroy you." Jaemin wagged his finger at Donghyuck who rolled his eyes, "Like I wanna touch you anyway." You were pretty sure Mark was actually going to fall asleep walking. Jisung trailed in the back with Jeno, the latter was the only one who looked like he had some energy.
"Sled dogs don't get tired from sled-dogging." Jaemin pointed out and Jeno stuck his tongue out at him.
"How are you doing?" Renjun bumped your arm with his.
"Good." You smiled, already thinking fondly of your sled ride together. Everyone got to the hotel and the rest of the guys went to their rooms and Renjun and you went up the elevator to your own lodging. Getting in, you shucked off your gear and he let you change in the bathroom before he went in himself. You were in fluffy pajama pants and still his sweatshirt. You didn't think you would ever willingly take it off. He came out in his own pajama pants and instead of the baggy t-shirt he often wore, he was in a tank top that was way tighter than you thought it would be on him. Feeling a blush rise to your cheeks you shuffled over to the bed while he shut the curtains. It wasn't super bright out, but it was enough. The comforter was super plush and warm, and you sighed, burying into the pillows. The bed dipped as he climbed in with you and once, he was settled, you turned to lay towards him, and he smiled.
"C-can I…?" You shifted a bit closer, and his smile widened. Opening his arms, you shuffled into them and rested your head on his shoulder, and he enveloped you. Despite the fact that he was the smallest guy in the friend group, he was still quite a bit taller than you and he still smelled so good. It didn’t take long for either of you to drift off.
You grunted in annoyance as your phone alarm went off. That meant it was time for supper before you would check in to your ice rooms and sleep for the night. You tried to roll over to retrieve your phone, but you were held firmly in your place. He was stronger than you thought he would be.
"Ren, its supper time." You shook him a bit and he grunted.
"No. Let’s just stay like this." He muttered, his voice rough from sleep and oh, it did things.
"R-Renjun, we gotta eat so we can go to the ice rooms." You whispered, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. That got his attention. He had picked the room out for you specifically and he was quite excited to see your reaction.
"Okay, okay." He let you both sit up and you stretched in unison, getting up to go eat, still in your pajamas. You both fixed your hair in the mirror and headed out together to the restaurant of the hotel. It was quite funny once you were all together. Everyone else in the restaurant were dressed like adults; all of you were in your pajamas and only Renjun and you had bothered to fix your hair. As everyone waited to get their order taken, you went to each one and helped tame their hair. You really felt like their mother sometimes. As you were petting down Jisung's stray hairs, the waitress came to take your orders. Once again, a lot of food was ordered, and it was all devoured quite quickly. Everyone sat to digest for a while before beginning another nonsense conversation. You all still had some time till you could go to stay the night on ice, so you headed to the lounge. Not the ice one, that would be a bit much in just your PJs. You got a couple looks since everyone else was dressed normally, but none of you cared.
"Sit down, I'll get your drink." Renjun smiled and you sat on one of the couches, Chenle, Jisung, and Hyuck joining you.
"So." Hyuck started, and you glared at him.
"Is his sweatshirt better than mine?"
"Ouch. Why?"
"It…smells really good." You shrugged, pulling the sleeves down over your hands. The boy whined dramatically and soon the others came back with the drinks. Renjun handed you an Aperol Spritz and you were surprised he remembered your favorite. You didn't drink too often, but you really enjoyed these.
"Thank you!" You smiled and he joined you on the couch. He was shoved even closer to you when Jaemin sat with Donghyuck and you really, really didn't mind. You all tried not to make too much of a ruckus, but you were sure all of the other customers were quite relieved when you left. When you went to the part of the hotel where you prepared, you were given your gear and instructions, and you were a little nervous. You had to suit up in warm under layers, warm boots and socks, your coat, and a nice warm hat. You all had bought matching hats and gloves for the trip, and you could tell the hotel employee helping you was trying not to comment on it. They gave you specific sleeping bags and told you how to safely stay in the room, so you didn't freeze. You all made sure to use the bathroom ahead of time, not wanting to have to get up in the night. One everyone was ready, you headed to your rooms. Mark and Chenle were staying in a room that was decked out with a bunch of lizards…for some reason. Jaemin and Donghyuck's room was full of ice cactuses, which was a little funny when Renjun saw it. He was still mad about what Jaemin did to his poor little plant. Jeno and Jisung's room was cute, with animated like decor that lay slanted like a in a video game. You finally were led by Renjun to the room he picked out for you, and as you entered, you were in awe. The ice art was designed to resemble space, nebulas, galaxies, and stars. It was beautiful. You loved looking at the stars and admired the beauty of space and images captured from telescopes.
"Renjun, this is gorgeous!" You beamed, the lights shining through the ice further accentuating the design.
"I thought you would like it." He came close to you, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear that had fallen out of your hat.
"Thank you." You gave him a small hug, still holding your sleeping back in one arm. You guys prepared for the night, and before you crawled into your sleeping bags, you took all your layers off. Shivering from the cold, you slipped into your sleeping bags quick and sighed at the warmth that built from your body heat. You looked at each other and giggled. You were both still so tired from the long trip and you fell asleep fast.
Around eight in the morning, your alarm woke you two up, and while you really wanted to sleep a bit longer, you were both quite eager to get back in and into the warmth. Bundling up fast and gathering your supplies, you dashed back to the main hotel, the rest of the guys not too far behind you guys. Returning the sleeping bags, you all dashed once again to your hotel rooms to take a nice warm shower.
"You can go first." Renjun offered and a small voice in the back of your mind called for you to ask him to join, but you shut it up really quick.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." You took him up on his offer and the warm water was so nice. They warned you not to do too hot of a shower since your body had been pretty cold all night. You tried not to take too long since he was probably quite cold too. You realized you had forgotten normal clothes to change into after, so you cracked the door open and called for him to bring you something to wear. He stuck just his arm in so you could grab the clothes. Dropping the towel, you looked at what he brought, and your face visibly flushed in the mirror. He had given you a set of your underwear - you knew it was necessary, still embarrassing - and another one of his sweatshirts along with a pair of your jeans. You came out, shuffling to your bag yourself to get your socks and he dashed past you to get himself a warm shower and you giggled at his eagerness. He got done faster than you, which made sense, he's a dude; when he came out you almost keeled over. He had remembered everything but a shirt, so he emerged without one. He had more muscle tone than you would have guessed, and his skin was perfectly smooth, and you wanted to touch him.
"Ah!" He flushed and dashed to his bag and quickly put a shirt on, then his own sweatshirt. While you both were wearing a different colored one, the design was exactly the same, which meant you two were matching.
"I hope you don't mind they are the same…" He wouldn't quite look at you as he got his boot on.
"No! I…actually like it." You shrugged and Renjun grinned back at you. Going to get breakfast, you all talked about how the experience was. For some reason, the cold made Jaemin snore and Hyuck was quite cranky. Jisung slept very well since he normally slept like a mummy. Mark struggled because he was so restricted and apparently ended up with his head at the foot of the bed. Chenle talked about how he woke up in the middle of the night and got scared of the giant lizards and you all told him it was his own fault for choosing that room. Jeno actually liked it, said it was invigorating, but he also took ice baths.
"What was is like for you guys?" Mark asked you and you beamed.
"The whole room looked like space! It was so cool!" The boys all looked at you fondly as you spouted out how pretty it was. They all gave Renjun a look and he glared at every one of them in return. The rest of the day was to be spent with the reindeer. The experience was quite similar to the dogs, you got to meet the reindeer and there were a lot less of them since only one was required to pull the sleigh. The tour guide led the sleigh and you and Renjun bundled up in the front for the ride. The experience was similar, but they took you on a different path and showed you new things. It was just your speed though, you got to just sit there and enjoy, especially with Renjun's chest at your back and his arms around you. The rest of the day after was spent carving your own ice sculptures, playing in the snow, and eating yummy food. After supper, one of the hotel attendants came and told you that the northern lights were bright and vivid right then, so you all bundled up to go see them. It was amazing, you had seen videos and pictures, but to see it in person was awe inspiring. As you looked up at the sky, it began to gently snow.
"It's so beautiful." You gasped, and Renjun came up next to you.
"So are you." He grabbed your hand and you turned to him in shock. The other guys were a distance from you, taking pictures and pointing out the stars behind the rolling colors.
"I-I am?"
"Yes." He chuckled, turning your fully toward him. His gloved hands cupped your cheeks, rubbing his thumbs over the reddening skin. As he stepped closer, you gripped the front of his jacket. Renjun bumped his forehead on yours, your noses brushing.
"Can I…?"
"Please." And he kissed you. You had no idea how long exactly you had been waiting for that kiss. He pulled back too soon, so you stretched up to capture his lips again and his one hand moved to the back of your neck, the other curling around your back. Moving your hands to his chest, he bit your bottom lip and took the chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. You gave a slight moan and when he pulled back, you both were breathing hard, and a trail of saliva connected you.
"I…I think I've fallen in love with you." He admitted and you wanted to cry.
"I think I have too."
"Kiss her again. Kiss her again. Kiss her again."
So, he did, and honestly, you never wanted him to stop.
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papakhan · 1 year
Lol why would someone even say that. Like... idk im transmasc im personally mortified of the idea of getting pregnant but... its none of my business if another man wants to be pregnant why would there be any judgement there 😭😭😭 plus the post was very funny people need to stop projecting over a sillay little post. Have a good night king the haters dont get it
the thing is I totally understand trans guys being uncomfortable with the concept of (trans) men getting pregnant. In our society its a very gendered concept, it gets fetishised by weirdos online all the time and to a lot of (especially queer) afab people its strongly associated with control and abuse. I totally get it. That was me not so long ago but after a lot of research I became more comfortable with it because I want to have children one day. I shouldn't have to expose this part of myself as a defence against people calling me transphobic when I am literally trans and half the fight for trans people is "my body my choice"
what gets me is that the tumblr fallout community gets in this fucking argument allll the fucking time over whether the fallout universe should be "dark and gritty and ~realistic~" in regards to Everyone being transphobic Or if the wasteland should be some kind of trans haven without the binds of society. I personally lean on the latter and get a lot of comfort out of the idea that the Great Khans specifically are a bastion of trans joy and experience and to them women having dicks and men giving birth is just. normal.
the end goal for trans people should be to de-gender concepts like pregnancy and penis but we're never gonna fucking get anywhere if trans people project their dysphoria onto each other and start self-flagellating themselves whenever someone steps out of line or makes a stupid joke.
And yeah this is an overreaction to someone critising a stupid post of mine but I'm more mad at the wider culture of the fallout community (and tumblr) regarding this topic because like I said shit like this keeps happening. part of my job is about educating people about trans bodies and saying shit like "don't assume who can and can't get pregnant" and trying to help fellow trans people find comfort in a country that's actively trying to get them all murdered. To then log onto tumblr dot com and get called transphobic because I said I love headcanoning Papa as trans and him being able to deflect the Legion's misogyny because of his transness is like a slap to the face. you guys are meant to be the transgender love website what the fuck are you talking about?? Also Saying that I'm enabling transphobia by allowing people who arent trans men to reblog my post is also stupid and for the record most people in my notes right now are either trans people who are genuinely agreeing that Papa is trans or ghost fans who think I'm talking about their band (but are still trans and still agreeing).
sure maybe I should have put a trigger warning on the post or something because it might trigger someone's dyphoria, but just say that. Don't act like I'm the problem and that I'm too stupid to recognise internalised transphobia and calling me "too comfortable with joking about trans bodies" when 1. I wasn't joking About trans bodies and 2. ITS MY FUCKING BODY
My joke was about how Caesar cant handle Papa being trans. it was a joke about how society cant handle trans people who they can't clock. it was also a joke about how Papa comes from a society where transness is so normalised that he wrongfully assumes that its something everyone can do. At no point was I "nasty about trans bodies" like this person claims I was. In fact I think that pretending that I was says more about how they view trans bodies than it does about how I do, That I can mention trans pregnancy and they automatically assume I'm fetishing or being disrespectful.
anyway. that's a lot of shit. thanks for letting me ramble and tucking me into bed so sweetly <3
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hereforthelizardsex · 9 months
You mentioned about different analyses of 1984 in a post that you reblogged from me, and now I’m interested. I haven’t read 1984 for a while (I’m thinking of rereading it soon), but I’d be interested in any of your opinions / other people’s analyses if you want to share! :)
Omg yay 1984 is my favorite book and I always want to talk about it.
Of course the well known thing about the book is the issue of censorship, but the censorship in the novel does not exist in isolation, rather it is influenced by other political and economic forces.
1984 is a story of a society where, as a result of an end to scarcity (which would otherwise require a transition away from capitalism), those in power have created an economic system where war is used to manufacture scarcity, thereby ensuring the continued existence of hierarchy and power. It is important to note that hierarchy is also the problematized issue in Animal Farm, another book my George Orwell that is often misinterpreted as anti-communist while in actuality being anti-capitalist. The censorship in 1984 is done not only in the service of preserving the state but specifically for the purpose of preserving hierarchy as a concept. This is stated outright in the theory section in the middle of the book, when Winston is reading The Book. When I logged on to tumblr after finishing 1984 to look for meta posts and analyses, I was shocked to find people saying that they had skipped that entire section of the novel. I exclaimed out loud about this and my mother who was in the room at the time said she’d done the same thing. While people are entitled to consume media in whatever fashion they like and 1984 itself promotes this idea, I find it deeply concerning that many people skip what was to me the most interesting and important section of the book due to finding it to be a difficult read. The book states outright that the preservation of the power of the capitalist class and the subjugation of the working class is the entire reason that the government does everything it does, and people just don’t read that part of the book.
The censorship in the book is also not only censorship by elimination but censorship by the rewriting of history. This is important because it happens all the time in real life. For example, Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis wishes for it to be taught in schools that slavery helped Black people. This is the same kind of censorship that happens in 1984. In the field of political science this is called the “usable past” - versions of rewritten history used to uphold a nation’s identity.
Another political science concept that 1984 takes to an extreme is that if war abroad being used to put an end to social movements at home. This has happened throughout history as wars are used to make patriotism the norm, thereby marginalizing “unpatriotic” political movements such as labor or racial or gender equality that are seen as not in line with the aforementioned national identity that has been constructed. In 1984 the wars do this quite literally by manufacturing scarcity and thereby preventing the rise of communism.
I could go on forever, but instead I’ll conclude with an anecdote from when I was in high school. In my English class senior year of high school we were split into groups and assigned various novels to read instead of reading one as a class. The group that was assigned 1984 (not my group, I read The Color Purple which is another favorite that I could go on about forever) decided they wouldn’t read it because “the main character wants to rape someone.” I found this disturbing immediately because the novel is about censorship being a bad thing and here my classmates were not wanting to read it because it depicts sensitive subject matter. Their behavior was disturbingly indicative of the self censoring mindset of so many young people on the internet today. When I myself read the novel a few years later I discovered that it deals with rape in a few different ways. The first is that the main character was himself raped by his wife before the story takes place, not for sexual gratification but for reproductive purposes. The second is that he does indeed fantasize about raping someone who he is under the impression wants to get him killed. He later has sex with this person after finding out that she does not in fact want to get him killed, and it is the sex scene in a novel with the best negotiation of consent I have ever read. After the characters have sex Winston muses on the political power of sex in ways that I recognize more from queer activists who post on tumblr than from any other novel. All of the novel’s dealings with sensitive topics around sex are well done. The ones that are disturbing are intended to be disturbing - the book ends darkly; nothing in it is intended to make the reader feel good.
I could go on and I have - I wrote one of my papers in undergrad on 1984 and would be willing to share that too, if I could find a way to link it without my full name attached - but I’ll leave this as is for now.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I feel like fandom activism has caused so, so many brains to rot.
How in the world is writing more fics featuring non-white characters going to show anything to the people behind End OTW Racism? And why in the world should I have an obligation to write it?
I write fics because I enjoy writing and immediately sharing with an audience, because I like characters someone else came up with, because constructing a little space for my creativity in fics gives me far less stress than thinking about creating original novels. It's not my job, and it's certainly not activism.
This idea that people should at least write one or two fics about characters of color because it shows they're not racist or because, somewhat, this stuff fights fandom racism, is absolutely unhinged.
I was in a fandom with a main character of color, and I had to leave because people were constantly at each other's throats and harassing one another because writing this character in any way would get you called a racist. He bottoms? Racist. He tops? Racist. He's described with his hair cut this way? Racist. He's vegetarian? Racist. He's not vegetarian? Racist. Literally you couldn't fucking win because the fandom split in two major groups at its beginning, and since then, if you write him in a certain way, you'll have one side accuse you of being racist, and if you write him this other way, it's gonna be the other side who accuses you! I got rape threats over this shit!
This is insanity! I work a shitload of hours a week and come to fandom to relax, reblog stupid posts, retweet porn drawings, listen to the worst Spotify playlists known to mankind, and share the fics I spend too much time working on.
Why the fuck should I treat fandom like it's a cause I should give my life to? I don't want to eat my vegetables because the vegetable you're presenting me with is unseasoned iceberg lettuce: it doesn't interest me, it doesn't have a flavor I'm seeking, and it holds no nutritional value whatsoever.
Stop pretending that things can be changed by writing more fics about that Star Wars character or that set of Marvel movies, because you know damn well they won't: you'll just get harassed more, and when you'll delete/orphan all your fics because just the idea of logging into Ao3 will make you want to anxiety puke, the people who supported all these movements will go to their Tumblrs and Twitters and whatever other socials the hip kids use and write shit like "Thank god that horrible racist left! People like them should never dare to write fics about POC ever again! Whoever harassed them out of the fandom did the right thing."
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To/for all fanfic readers and writers, with lots of love ❤️:
Hey friends 💗 so, as many of you already know, a lot of fans (many of them fanfic writers) have been leaving tumblr lately and our community has been affected by a lot of negativity and stress for the compounding effects of multiple reasons. Though this is by no means the ONLY reason, fanfic writers have recently dealt with a lot of undue hate, unnecessary drama, and not enough appreciation.
Writers don’t only write for validation. HOWEVER, the experience and practice of writing comes with a lot of feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. Moreover, writing is primarily a mode of connection. Al of art is. People who write, paint, make music, build stuff…we all do so as ways to express ourselves and connect with others. And getting to share what you write at the end of the writing process adds a layer of meaning to what you do that wouldn’t otherwise exist if you just saved it in a little folder somewhere on your device. So, when writers feel more stress and drama than appreciation, support, or any sign that the connection they reached out for has been made, it naturally makes us question what we do.
It pains me (and I know so may of my mutuals share this sentiment) to see so many talented and beautiful souls leave the fandom space because the culture of community and support that used to be here is no longer inclusive of everyone. It seems, these days, every time I log on, I’m seeing more and more mutuals saying that they’re going to leave, take a long break, or stop posting. I don’t know about you all, but I know I speak both, as a reader, and a writer, when I say that other people leaving is not good for them, for me, or for anyone who loves this fandom and this community.
What can we do about this?
Hello my babies ❤️ I love you all. I see you all.
You’re doing amazing. You are the glue that holds this community together. You make art. Inspire conversations. Stir other people’s imaginations.
Art produces art. I started posting on here because I read the writing of other talented people on here that MADE ME want to start doing it.
Whether you write little blurbs, take request, writer multi-chapter, long, thousand + word fics, or just concepts; whether you write smut, fluff, angst….whatever it is that you do, you are valid. Important. Needed. Necessary.
When the inevitable “hiatus” occurs or even in between shows….who do you think this fandom depends on for keeping the energy alive? Writers.
Writing can be a lonely and self-loathing experience. We need each other. Reach out to other writers. Lift them up. Support them.
Share your work with one another. Discuss. Fangirl. Celebrate yourselves and each other. No, no, no ,no!! I heard that. I heard that sneaky voice in the back of your head telling you that you don’t have the right to call yourself a writer or to celebrate cuz you’re not even that good. FUCK THAT SHIT. YES YOU DO. YES YOU ARE.
Y’all are so so so special. ❤️ yes we write to entertain ourselves. Yes we do it cuz it’s fun. But when I tell you that there is no greater joy to me than reading y’all’s thoughts in the tags when you reblog, or seeing your comments or asks….literally means more to me than anything.
Do NOT let anyone make you feel bad or guilty about enjoying fanfiction.
If you like a fic, engage with it. Like, comment, reblog, reach out to the writer and let them know that you liked it.
Bonus points if you let them know WHAT you liked about it. I promise you, you’ll have that talented and slutty and sweet mf kicking screaming twirling their hair and smiling for the rest of the day if you tell them you enjoyed what they wrote.
You are never bothering us. We never get tired of your kindness. It’s never repetitive. It’s never meaningless. Any time that you say something, your comment will pop into our head when we next question whether or keep going or not.
Sooooo….what do we do about this?
I encourage you, whether you’re a new writer or a writer with a platform, please don’t stop because some childish killjoys with inferiority complexes wanna take your shine away. Post your work. Enjoy the unique pleasures of making art outside of the structures of capitalist consumption. Nobody is paying you for this. Nobody is estimating the value of your worth and trying to market your labor. Do you know how rare that is???
Writers support writers. Lift each other up. Share each others work. Give each other feedback. Remind each other of each others talent when you see someone starting to doubt themselves or haters getting under their skin.
Readers: like, COMMENT, FUCKIN REBLOG. it takes an extra second. It’s worth more than you know. Do it. It’s the least you can do for someone who has poured their heart and soul into something and delivered it to you on a silver platter.
Writers, readers, shitposters, fans a like: look out for one another. Take care of each other. Have each others backs. If you see a hateful comment, if you see someone trying to gate-keep, shame, or alienate anyone for any reason, CALL. THEM. OUT. Actions have consequences. If you’re so cowardly as to take yiu hate from one platform to another, you don’t have the write to make people feel like shit and ruin their hobby without consequences. You’ll be called on to answer for your bullshit.
There is no hierarchy within the fandom. You don’t get to tell someone how matty will feel about them as a fan and you don’t get to judge the way that someone participates in this fandom.
This month, a lot of your favorite authors will be posting October/ fall/ Halloween themed fics because of this. I think it’s the perfect time to revisit the way that we do reader and writer appreciation around here. I encourage you all to engage with fanfiction more personally and help make this fandom safe for everyone.
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katsukikitten · 1 year
kinda odd that you write about sex with minors...
Kinda odd you think you can come on anon and actually have an impact on my life.
Kinda odd you lack reading comprehension yet come on to my blog and tell me I write about "minors" when it's literally a character and fanfiction gives you the ability to change many aspects of them the same way the creator of said characters can.
Kinda odd that you don't just block me if what I'm doing is so terrible.
Kinda odd that you leave anons like this when I doubt you even reblog or like a fic.
Kinda odd that you don't just shut the fuck up and log off when something bothers you
Kinda odd you think you have the moral high ground over a stranger on the internet.
Kinda odd you seek out the moral high ground over anyone at any given time but I'll account it to your complete lack of control over your own life.
Kinda odd that you don't think you need therapy to take a look at all of your own troubling things and instead seek out validation about your opinion that no one asked for.
Kinda odd you think you can come to my blog and accuse me of anything.
Kinda odd you're on Tumblr or my blog at all if you don't like it.
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steakout-05 · 7 days
tumblr literally just logged me out for no fucking reason while reblogging something and wouldn't tell me????? honestly what tf is this website's problem. it's cause i'm gay isn't it. is it cause i like men tumblr. huh. homophobic website /j
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wolftails-funkin-arts · 6 months
So... Uh-
Not naming any names because I don't want any witch hunting or harrassment, but let's just say.. Hmm...
Back in January, a possible fan (probably an old time fan that liked some of my old content before I came to FNF) DMed me on my other blog that I should draw a future design of an old fanbapie I have from a fandom I used to be in
I politely said that I lost interest and left that community and will not draw any character(s) relating to said fandom anymore, same goes to my old fanbapies from there- They kind of had a disappointed reaction to my response, but hey, I said what I said- Ehehe ÓwÒ"
Everything was okay after that- Well, they would comment on my posts sometimes, but I didn't really mind them (cuz I think they're not always active on Tumblr)
But right now, logging into here (my main blog), they made a reblog and a comment (now deleted) on my blog introduction saying they're disappointed, calling me a "traitor", I "brought sadness" to them.. Not to mention that they literally misgendered me.. -_-
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After seeing that, I kind of have the urge to block them here and my other blog.
Or... is it too harsh? Suggestions? I know the block button is free, but, uh.. asking for a friend-
Again, I don't want anyone to hunt who I'm talking about, let alone harrass them even if you do- I'm just making this now because what I saw really annoyed me-
As for the old fanbapies I mentioned, I might seperate them from the fandoms they were from and maybe change their designs and make them to be their own characters, so... that's that- Also, I don't want anyone to force me to go back to the old fandoms I was in before, if I left them, I left them, okay? I want to stick to the interests I have now- 👉👈
Even if I do block this person, hopefully they'll take it well and not do a tantrum or something Ó~O"
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caernua · 10 months
re: your arcana post - i literally don't even go here but i live for drama.... if you were ever to do a video essay or even just a write up in a post about the situation.... i want to know what happened, can't resist 👀👀
oh my goodd it's so eerie to explain it to someone who wasn't involved but this silly little mobile dating sim was just an initial passion project from a small team of employees of an indie game developer that was basically given six weeks to turn in something completely self-indulgent and it quickly got a backing on kickstarter around 2016-2017? beyond that it was quite a classic case of a project becoming more famous than its creators expected and it turns into a bit of a mess bc of their lack of experience. and by that i mean they got very close to the fans, and that's bound to open a can of worms. they used to make weekly q&as and you can't imagine what an exciting event that was, oh my god literally everyone was in a discord server losing their shit bc the devs had opened the askbox and we could ask the stupidest questions in the world about their characters and they would answer bc frankly they were very funny and the characters were all like... established in a funny enough way that it was so easy to make good jokes about them.
and i think what makes it very interesting is that the fandom was actually pretty small, but it felt HUGE. those q&as seemed like the most viral posts you could run into when you logged on tumblr but really most of them had a couple thousand notes at best, even when the arcana was at its most popular. it was literally like living in a small village where everybody knew EVERYBODY. if you posted something, high chance everyone in the fandom would see and reblog. it was like a hive mind.
also part of the reason why it felt so huge was bc everyone was churning out fan content like CRAZY, i don't think there was ever any fandom i've personally been in where i've seen so many people create so much damn stuff and frankly i think it's one of its strongest features. idk what it is about this game but everytime i revisit it inspires me so much, suddenly i wanna pick up my tablet after months, i wanna try writing again, etc. it's just wonderful at urging you to create and i have no idea how one even achieves that.
but yea the fandom slowly disappeared partly due to controversies, some of the creators were found to have been into some questionable stuff back in their not so olden days and they stepped away from the limelight, afterwards i believe a lot of the team stepped away from the game altogether. but it was weird because the controversies were constant, not just towards the creators but also within the fandom itself 💀 and given the huge volume of them they of course ranged from reasonable criticism especially regarding the representation of the characters of color, or the absurd microtransaction to stuff like 'his eyes are drawn bigger in this cg so the artists wanted to make him look like a child so this game caters to pedos actually' dkjgdkfj i saw some CRAZY takes and the bad faith criticism definitely overshadowed the reasonable voices in my opinion, it was not balanced at all. they stopped doing the q&as, the posts they made on their official tumblr became way more sanitized, and actually in a way so did some aspects of the game, and little by little it grew quieter.
and now it's... silent. but it's so near and dear to my heart, i think it's an absolutely wonderful game and what i love about it the most is how much it inspires people to create. and i think the reason why is bc unlike in many games like this (at least i think, i'm not sure cause i haven't played many) your character doesn't just suddenly meet every love interests. they have a connection to some of the love interests and a past they don't remember so it's very interesting to peel those layers back, BUT because it's your character the story stays quite vague about the past. so it's incredibly fun to speculate, to create a backstory, etc! that's i think one of my favorite things about it and it's not a coincidence that arcana went on to inspire some fans to venture into the visual novel genre as creators themselves.
and yea overall it just felt like a close positive community (well. mostly really, we are talking about a fandom on tumblr here so) and a super creative and inspiring one. the jokes were super fun, the art was top notch, the writing was also good. so yea i kinda miss it and it's sad to see how empty it seems now? like i see people from 2020 onward go 'ohh i just discovered this game' and i'm like... MY SWEET SUMMER CHILD... YOU HAVE NO IDEA.... YOU HAD TO BE THERE.... and ig i didn't really answer your question bc i kind of glossed over the drama but i went through the whole phenomenon bc i think it was. really interesting to witness 🫡
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