#literally the strongest warrior in the universe
cowboy-robooty · 9 months
one of the biggest mistakes of my life was not watching jojo rabbit in theatres swear to god... one of my top 5 movies
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faberown · 2 months
Let's try to answer this question using science.
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Adam's body not only can produce much more energy that could ever release inside a fusion reactor, a nuclear bomb or even the core of a star; it also has enough resistance to remain intact without effort despite it contains that energy constantly. Regardless of how such energy is produced inside Adam's body, it must be contained otherwise Adam would just explode. And Adam apparently is able to contain it without even shedding a drop of sweat. This means that Adam could literally walk on the surface of the Sun without the slightest damage. And this without even counting his power to create interdimensional portals (basically wormholes), since if we insert it in the equation Adam should release more energy than the pressure in the core of a neutron star and resist the gravitational squeezing of a black hole, making him unkillable even by the strongest force in the universe.
With all this power, if he was able to control it and release it, Adam could push himself to the limit of the laws of physics. Since he has such resistance and he can release so much energy, he could accelerate until he would come very close to the speed of light (even if he wouldn't be able to reach or surpass it), making him able to travel interstellar distances in an "acceptable time". If that energy was instead concentrate in a part of his body, for example a punch, it would be so intense that even the movement of the air in front of him would cause more damage that the entire US nuclear arsenal. Basically, he would obtain a very similar result to Saitama when he hit Boros (One Punch Man).
With so much power, Adam would surpass the majority of fictional characters, leaving room to fight him only to people like Superman (DC comics) or Omni-Man (Invincible). This two characters would be some of the few that would be able to fight him and win since they are able to travel faster than light. Any other character would be defeated almost immediately thanks to Adam's immense speed and power without even being actually able to fight. Even people like Thanos, Ego, Thor or Hela (MCU) would be defeated in a matter of seconds. This would place Adam as one of the most powerful characters ever to appear in fiction.
The difference between Adam in the various fanfictions and Adam in the canon is precisely that in fanfictions usually he is able to use such power properly, due to good backstories that forced him to accept that he is not invincible. Adam in canon instead never had the reason to train to control his power because once became an angel he was already much stronger than any opponents he faced and he never really had to fight.
This is basically the key difference between the two Adams: the fanfictions' one is warrior, the canon's one is just a big bully. Which is truly sad considering how much potential Adam had according to science itself.
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but-a-humble-goon · 16 days
I'm on a blocking spree in the notes of my Alien post and the main thing that I'm noticing is that these people have zero personality outside of this one thing. Even the few who don't straight up have "radfem" or "gender critical" somewhere in their fucking URL you don't have to scroll down more than five posts at most before you find some transphobic hatespeech and every single blog in their recommended section will be named something like ‘JKR’s Strongest Warrior.’
I’ve seen this type of thing before. If any of you have ever had the misfortune to see a comment section full of Nazis you will notice literally every single one of them will have a Pepe avatar, or a Kekistan flag, or an Iron Cross or a Sonnenrad or a Roman statue of a buff guy and their username will universally be something like ‘Kristallnacht Enthusiast.’ It’s always wrapped in a miles thick layer of irony armour too because otherwise they might realise they’re the bad guys. They have nothing else going on in their lives and no interests outside of naziing because this shit has a way of getting inside you and hollowing you out as a person until hate is the only thing keeping you upright anymore.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
I like that the Final Fantasy XIV narrative doesn’t let sleeping dogs lie.
Like, “Why isn’t anyone trying to become an adventurer?” They are. They either are worn out, forced to retire or killed by trying to do the same dungeons you are.
“Why isn’t anyone else trying to face down these raid challenges?” They are. The Omnicrons sent Omega with the task of capture Midgardsormr but also to face the strongest fighters in all dimensions to give their planet a future beyond conquest but also to face the end. But should Omega defeat us, it would of ultimately failed because by the time it returned to Omnicron’s planet, it would of been gone. Consumed by Meteion and thus Omega’s mission was doomed to begin with.
“Why isn’t anyone else trying to fix the corruption of the land?” They are. The Ascians are just trying to recreate their old world and hope to fix what happened so long ago. But in the process are destroying the very world they claim to love. And ultimately, because the Thirteenth Shard is “doomed”. No matter how they’re going about it, right or wrong their goal was unobtainable from the very beginning.
“Why wasn’t anyone else preparing for Meteion’s return?” They were. Sharlayan was. But they were going about it in the worst possible way and even if we had to flee via Moon. We were just delaying the inevitable confrontation with the Endsinger.
Literally, YOU, the Warrior of Light are the only future for the universe. Because YOU are facing down these dungeons that would get the average adventurer killed, YOU are blessed with the gift to help you fight the false Gods that not even the full brunt of the Eorzean Alliance can face, YOU are the one to break the stalemate of Eorzea and Garlemald, help break the shackles of tyranny and light the flames of Revolution in Doma and Ala Mhigo, YOU who will push out the old hundred year teachings of the Holy See and force Ishgard to finally rejoin the world, YOU who is the key piece in saving both the First Shard and the Source from an Eighth Umbral Calamity, and YOU who will face the ends of the universe and come out on top when so many others would and have failed to buck an all consuming despair.
And while you COULD face these all alone, you are not alone. You have adventurers novice to retired willingly to aid and test you, the highest ranking military and political officials to back you, from pirates to noblemen willing to ship you to and fro and grant you sanctuary in distant lands, a man enamored and believing in your old tale, he abandons his time line to save at least one of ours, the support of an old mentor and Goddess to give you one final test, and the support network of your friends and colleagues to light the way through despair and bring forth the hopes and dreams of the universe.
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high-on-cactus-juice · 6 months
thinking about the way my girls Suki and Ty lee were like legit the strongest non-benders in the atla universe. those two were absolute MENACES. Suki escaped the boiling rock by beating up a bunch of trained fire nation guards, completely unarmed, with just pure martial arts right there. and Ty lee with the chi blocking routine and trained acrobatics??? she was absolutely TRAUMATISING skilled benders left and right. I like to think that after the war, when Ty lee joined the Kyoshi warriors, the two of them became best friends, cause like them as a bestie duo would literally be unstoppable.
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paragonrobits · 3 months
an SU thought but one almost constant recurring thing I've heard from literally everyone who watched Steven Universe is that not only do we see Rose Quartz's story in reverse (the seemingly perfect heroine who secretly grappled with a lot of personal self-hatred who was created as a fundamentally destructive being who chose to defy her function), just about every single person initially thought of her as an afterthought, mostly regarding her as a presence towards the cast without much thoughts on her as a person, and we only gradually realize anything about her, and the most stand out example is how its initially not clear just how big she is.
Early episodes make it clear how important Rose was to the cast, and how much they miss her and the grief that has scarred them, but we get very little information on Rose herself. We see that Greg is (at first glance, before we see how emotionally intelligent and kind he is) a wreck destroyed by her death, and we get hints of everyone else, and Steven's own fears about being unable to live up to her legacy, but her legacy is the entirety of her early character.
She's functionally a ghost. We hear things ATTRIBUTED to her; her kindness, her power, that the gems mourn her, but we don't hear much about her, and we specifically never see Rose clearly. We see her painting, and photos of her, but she always has her eyes closed with a gentle, distant smile. She's never looking straight at us, and we never really see her around other characters in a way that would tell us her general look, just hints about it. We hear things she did, and what people think about her, but Rose herself is a complete mystery.
The relevant bit is this; at the time, Garnet is the biggest and strongest Gem, and at the time it wasn't clear that she was a fusion, just a particularly big and strong Gem. She was an absolute powerhouse who singlehandedly was the most overwhelmingly powerful of the Gems, especially at a point when Steven's power was unpredictable and his true nature as a defensive protector had yet to be displayed. Garnet was so big that she visibly struggles to fit into doors, and much like the shadow Rose later casts, her size reflects her significance as the team leader.
Then we see Lion 3, which is the FIRST time the show ever clearly shows Rose at all, has her actually speak and directly address anyone at all. Before this point, we hear opinions and hearsay from others, but never see her speak for herself, and crucially, in comparison to others.
And Rose Quartz is goddamn humongous. In her first true on-screen appearance in a video she made for a son she knew she'd never meet, she is the single largest non-fusion Gem in the show; she's even larger than Garnet, towering over Greg. As big and powerful as Garnet is (And at the time, while it was speculated she was a fusion, it wasn't confirmed until later), Rose is even larger and, we hear very strongly implied, even more powerful than Garnet.
And its interesting that before this point, we never see Rose clearly. In photos and paintings, she is either posed by herself or in a way that her actual stature relative to others is obfuscated, and this is the first time we see her in person, both in personality and size, and this seems relevant.
It's a few episodes later we see Jasper, whom is broadly the same type of gem as Rose (a quartz), and not only is her sheer power a stark reveal that puts Garnet's seemingly limitless power into perspective, and by proxy implies how strong Rose must have been, this also gives us a hint on how powerful Rose was, because a ferocious warrior like Jasper comes to Earth SPECIFICALLY for the chance to fight her; in sudden short order we're given a lot of retrospectively REALLY big hints about Rose's character, after having spent the entirety of the first season as virtually a non-entity that most people barely thought about, and we get a LOT of context for her, REAL FAST.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
As much as I loved DBS: Super Hero, it did also serve as a reminder for why modern Dragon Ball gives Gohan so little to do.
What it boils down to is that Dragon Ball writers seem to have difficulty finding new ways for Gohan to develop or evolve as a fighter. This is because Gohan himself isn't interested in developing or evolving as a fighter.
By contrast to the proactive Goku, Gohan is a reactive character. He doesn't want to be a big martial arts super-warrior. He has no ambition to become Next-Gen Son Goku. That doesn't mean he won't Do The Things. He's been Doing The Things since he was four. But he needs to have a reason. Something he's doing it for.
"To be stronger/better, to push myself, to become more than I am now," is Goku's driving motive. Goku is a martial artist driven to surpass his own limits, and this drives him to keep finding new mountains to climb.
Gohan's driving motive is, "To protect my family from that asshole." He needs a reason. Self-improvement for its own sake (or, as some have offered, "to be strong enough to deal with the next guy") isn't his passion. Plus, he's already one of the strongest people in the entire universe. How much stronger should he reasonably need to be?
There are all kinds of stories you can tell with a reactive character like Gohan. He's basically a superhero archetype. Spider-Man doesn't constantly train to make himself a better fighter with every waking moment. He doesn't need to; His genre isn't one of progressive escalation.
The problem is, Dragon Ball is dedicated to progressive escalation, arguably to its detriment as Modern Dragon Ball is well past the point where escalation no longer holds any weight. The powers of the characters are so abstract by this point that they have to be defined solely in relation to each other. "Bob is STRONGER than Alex." "Yeah, well now we're fighting John, who's way stronger than Bob and Alex combined." "Yeah well Mark is 100x stronger than John!" "Frank could flex Mark into oblivion with his pinky finger."
This isn't a problem for Gohan, so much as it is a problem for the mindset people have when writing for Dragon Ball. Whether it's Toei or Toyotaro or even Toriyama himself, nobody ever knows what to do with Gohan.
Even when Gohan's in the driver's seat, he's being written by writers who don't know how to write the kinds of stories that Gohan, as a protagonist, is suited for. So they always wind up going back and rehashing things from the well of past Gohan things.
Goku gets to move forward and do new things, but Gohan is trapped in an endless cycle of doing the same three things and nothing else.
1 - Piccolo's sacrifice. Piccolo throwing himself in front of an attack for Gohan or maybe Gohan throws himself in front of an attack for Piccolo if we're being spicy today. REMEMBER THAT TIME. DO YOU REMEMBER? 2 - Gohan gets a rage boost or turns Super Saiyan 2, and then things get real. Everyone loved his Super Saiyan 2 transformation. They loved it so much they're still finding excuses to have him turn Super Saiyan 2 for the very first time again. 3 - Gohan has the power within him to win but he can't unleash it so Goku appears out of nowhere to save him and give him a pep talk, and then he gains confidence in himself and becomes strong enough to win.
To my knowledge, I don't think #3 has appeared in DBS as of yet but it was all over post-Cell Games. After everyone went nuts for Father-Son Kamehameha, we had "Goku gives Gohan a pep talk so he can win" as the resolution for both Broly: Second Coming and Bojack. Then in the actual manga, Goku made the save on Gohan during the Super Buu fight and then got sick of having to do this and fired him from protag slot entirely, which is worse.
Most of Super Hero was a lot of fun. But that final fight turning into "Let's literally bring Cell back so that we can do 'Gohan turns Super Saiyan 2 and defeat Cell' again but it's actually Cell again for maximum uncreativity"? I see you, writers. I see your total lack of ideas for this character.
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: Necalli
I like his moveset, I enjoy wild man characters and I liked the idea of a character who could bring back some of the face-biting inscrutable beastman mystique that Blanka had to shed (not that Blanka doesn't bite faces or does vicious attacks anymore, but it's different than when you first meet him). I still think he had one of the more well-done incorporations of the V-Trigger mechanic via the transformation. I also like his design, not one of my favorites, but I do like it. I feel like it was really hampered by really wonky hair physics and the game's artstyle, but I could see it working gangbusters if he was introduced in SF6.
Necalli's one of the few fighters unanimously considered a dud (and might be the only mainline character who wasn't even a little retroactively embraced? Even Rufus, Falke and Ingrid have their shooters) but I honestly think the problem wasn't with him as much as it was the writing for SFV being garbage and them being unwilling to commit to the hype they built for him. I think Necalli had plenty of individually cool components that could have amounted to something cool, maybe even great, if he actually even remotely mattered outside of being a boss fight for Ryu.
I love G, infinitely better than Necalli, but I call bullshit on him being supposed to be the Final Boss, they hyped up Necalli as someone who could devour Bison and gave him a Saiyan form and stamped V all over his body. He was clearly meant to be the guy, and if G was being hyped up to play a role in A Shadow Falls, I guarantee he would not be so fondly remembered. The same thing happened with Necalli, everybody was onboard with the Pillar Man mystery box until it was time to open it.
His Story Mode, and the version of him that exists in the Story Mode, honestly should have been what they went with for the guy, it's part of why him being dissappointing soured people.
I think he could have worked pretty well as the resident Weird Monster of the setting, and that's not exactly a niche anyone else is filling.
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He is an "Emissary of the Gods" who shows up every few hundred years to seek out and consume the strongest warriors, and frankly you could get a lot out of unpacking just that, that not only does are the gods of the Street Fighter universe just as obsessed with battles as everyone else in this world, but they created a horrible monster to be summoned by combat and fight the worthiest warriors for, why? To honor them? Prune them? Punish them for excessive fighting? Cut monsters like Bison down before they get too strong, or push them towards new heighs as he did with Ryu? What is he for?
He can possess animals, and enter dreams. He can expand and balloon his flesh into gross fleshy Tetsuo/Majin Buu mutations in order to absorb people, and that never shows up in his gameplay, in fact none of his weird powers do except for that V-Skill where he barfs on the floor. He is summoned by conflict and his drive is to kill and devour the source of said conflict. He seems barely sentient but apparently has a "hidden genius". He can inflict a literally paralyzing fear and is surrounded by a noxious gas that "pollutes" the souls and turns the infected into beings like him that seek other souls, and that literally never shows up in-game, ever, apparently that was just for a blog post.
Is it too much? Probably, yeah, but it's something. It's a lot of somethings instead of a literal nothing. He doesn't do anything much for Ryu's story arc, he doesn't even do anything for Akuma's currently abysmal kill record, because by the time Akuma kills him, defeating Necalli is the least impressive thing to do. If you're gonna pull the trigger on having a guy this full of strange powers and prophecies and mystery boxes as the villain you put front and center on the advertisement, the least you can do is try to deliver on them. It's kind of confusing that they didn't even try.
I feel like you could even maybe salvage the dude if you just leaned on the weirdness. Apparently one of the Udon comics established he is "a conceptual being who is tied to the aspect of conflict, and cannot be destroyed by normal means as long as there is a universe where conflict exist"? Okay, lean into that. Make it so that he is Necalli, plural. As in, there's multiple of him, maybe one's not that strong on his own, but nobody's ever had to fight several at once and all of them trying to kill and absorb you into the collective. Maybe he is a viral sickness that comes up again and again all over the world, that was supposed to only happen every few hundreds of years but has been happening more and more frequently ever since Bison darkened the world, or maybe ever since Street Fighter tournaments became the thing the world revolves around, maybe ever since Ryu got a taste of the dark side and mauled Sagat for it.
He is not the answer, but a cancer at the heart of battle, waiting for the next warrior who falls victim to their own strength, the next person to be corrupted by the Satsui no Hadou or Psycho Power, a persistence predator biding his time until the warriors are too weak to fight him off, and then he'll take the souls that belong to him, or maybe even come from him, if he's to be believed. Because really, WHY is there a Necalli? Why would the gods sign off on this existing? Could it even be they were right to do so, given the role he played in awakening Ryu's potential so he could stop Bison? Is he a sickness or a cure, and what does it say about our beloved World Warriors if the fabric of the universe deemed it necessary to sick such a horrible thing on them?
This guy could even allow for a Street Fighter equivalent to a zombie apocalypse, if they even incorporated that toxic soul gas thing into anything we see in game. It might not the best idea, but it's something? Anything? Anything better than what he did for sure.
Idk man, even if he was never going to be a particularly interesting Final Boss, you can't dissappoint on such a scale if you never promise, and for a hot second, Necalli WAS promising. There was an excitement around him and around the things built up for him. That's more than I can say for a lot of other characters. I'd like to think a Mortal Kombat character who somehow found his way into Street Fighter is an idea even a little worth salvaging.
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But then again I definitely don't think we need to have MORE fuckers surviving encounters with Akuma so, RIP bozo.
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bokettochild · 10 months
If dragon warriors was in a dragon class from httyd, which class would he be in?
I hate to be cliche, but I have to say the Strike Class.
Each classification of dragons is rather specific, and while, yes, Strike Class dragons are the ULTIMATE dragons and thus the ones that EVERYONE wants, the fact remains that Warriors wouldn't fit anywhere else.
Stoker class is marked by dragons with particularly strong flames or flame based skill-sets. Granted, Warriors' fire is blue and thus Extremely Hot (just like him lol) it's just one facet of his skillset, and hey, technically the hottest fire in the dragon world actually belongs to the Deadly Nadder, which is a Tracker Class dragon! (Originally classified as Sharp Class but they updated that with the creation of Tracking Class because Nadders have one of the strongest noses as well).
Granted, Dragon!Warriors also has a keen nose and is decent at tracking (he literally found the camp again because he could sniff out Legend, Time, and Wind in the OG fic) but its not super strong, just stronger than a Hylian.
Clearly he's not a Boulder Class, I mean.... Boudler Class is fantastic and all, but they're the durable and strong ones, but also usually characterized as bulky and not the swiftest fliers. He lacks the stealth of a Mystery Class dragon (be it smoke, invisibility or camouflage as are all common in that class), the spiky-ness of Sharp Class dragons (he has spikes and horns, but not any more than the average dragon, and they're not particularly sharp or dangerous) and he just isn't anything remotely RELATED to Tidal Class dragons! Or really Fear Class.... He's sort of tame in comparison.
Strike Class Dragons though are known to be: highly intelligent, fast, agile, powerful, and tend to be more mystical than the average dragon in the HTTYD universe. Warriors is certainly bigger than most Strike Class dragons (nightfurys, skrills, howls, triple strikes, snow-wraiths, ect.) but the criteria rather suit him all the same. I've also noticed that Strike Class dragons tend to be less flock reliant and more likely to either be loners or choose one specific individual whom they resonate with, forming a bond that is utterly and completely unbreakable no matter the circumstances.
Granted, all the dragons in HTTYD are depicted as loyal and loving, but it's most prominent in Strike Class dragons who will choose that One Person over ANYTHING else (we don't talk about HTTYD 3 here, so we're ignoring that mess), which also is definitely something Warriors would also do. Like, yeah, they look out for others as well, but when given the choice between anyone and Their Person, they will choose Their Person if they can and are allowed. Additionally, if anything prevents them from being with Their Person, they go a little nuts and/or become highly distressed if it's by Their Person's doing.
So yeah, much as I hate to just e predictable like this, Warriors is a Strike Class Dragon at heart :)
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
how would the cons, bots, and elite bots react to the fact bee's parents are basically their gods
how would sari react too????
I love this au so much <3333 (it's funny af and has great potential for chaos)
Well, the others wouldn't really know they are gods since Primus and Unicron are not allowed to reveal themselves- hence the disguises and alias'. Bee knows they're gods but he's not allowed to speak about it either, he only refers to them as Sire and Papa anyway.
While Prisma and Unis know they are the gods, they speak about their god-names as if they were separate beings(mostly when they're arguing) to keep their covers- religion is a minority on Cybertron since the war began so it's rare to see someone speak about the gods so much. They are seen as religious to say the least.
When Unis shows up in earth he's wrecking shit up for fun and the autobots come to stop him- he does his gig with "you have no chance against me! I will destroy you!" before he notices the tiny yellow bot standing in the group and changes his attitude to happy-go-lucky, The others are very confused and alarmed when Bee runs towards te colossus, even more so but add shocked when he picks Bee up and starts baby-talking to him and Bee yells; "Meet my Creator!"
They are sceptical and wary of Unis cuz this mech just threatened to kill them and now he's acting all friendly and good. He straight up says he was gonna destroy the planet for fun but he can't do that since his beloved sparkling (and his friends) live here.
And so Unis is a "guest" in the plant for few weeks. He's like gremlin-mode Bumblebee but worse- he dubbed Sari an abomination when Bee introduced her to him, Unis was quick to clarify he likes her very much and insults are his way of showing affection(in a way). She was hurt at first but quickly got used ot this weird affection Bee's dad gave her. She likes to go messing around with them in the middle of nowhere sometimes.
He doesn'd do shit when there's something bad happening and the team has to go take care of it. In fact, half of the calls happen cuz he's causing trouble. He's also encouraging Bee causing mischieft and doing pranks and saying he's "going in his Creator's pedesteps".
Unis had bragged about being the strongest warrior in the entire reality known, he's detroyed planets single-handedly and wrecked thousands of soldiers that happened to get in his way. Team Prime has a reason to be wary of him, not just because he's a giant.
The Decepticons straight up skidaddle on the sight of him- he's triple the size of Blitzwing AND wielding a giant double-sided axe. One time Megatron got his servos on Bee and threatened the other Autobots that he'll hurt him, Unis seemed to just materialize out of thin air behind him and politely got his attention before he suplexed him with one servo. The 'cons are straight up avoiding the yellow mini now in both fear of what other fucked up abilities he has and because they don't wanna be pavement on the courtesy of his apparently Creator.
Sentinel is giving Bee all the respect and praise he "held back on" the moment Unis approaches him from behind while Sentinel is trash-talking Bee and excuses them both so they can go on the promised treasure hunt.
While Unis does seem like the strongest in the universe, he's not on either side of the war. He calls it stupid and says that he "spreads the chaos equally".
Then Prisma shows up. He drops from the sky and seizes Unis by his horn. He says few things to his "little sunray" and promises to visit soon before leaving thru a "space bridge" with his husband.
Bee then tells them that was his Sire.
If Ratchet was questioning how this colossus Unis managed to take care of such tiny Sparkling like Bee then now he's questioning how the frag Bee is so small if he got 2 literal giants for Creators- and he doesn't look like he was adopted by them.
And yeah, Prisma does show up unexpectedly like a week later- they find him sitting in the main room with Bee, he was recovering from an injury so they left him in base for the call and when they come back- oop, there's a fucking huge airplane just sitting in the plant. How did he fit in the room? None of them know!
Surprisingly, Prisma is very likeable and they actually get to be kinda friends with him instead of being afraid- well, they're still scared cuz he does clarify he'll send Unis to wreck chaos if something happened to Bee but he's not as aggressive as Unis. He's not even violent- physically at least. He's also on neither side of the war- he says it's a pointless tragedy and he's giving help to anyone in need.
Prisma is similar to Prowl actually, he's calm, respectful and the responsible parent- he doesn't let Bee cause any trouble (most of the time). He actually made Bee apologize when he called Prowl's documentaries boring; "Just because his interests don't align with yours, it doesn't mean they are any less than what you enjoy." He has said.
Now, the 'cons and Elite Guard are still scared shitless from Unis' visit so they also avoid him. Bee and Sari have the fun flying together in his cockpit and seeing stars and galaxies from the "projector"- it's like they were actually in space!
Prisma leaves and things have quieted down. But all of the eath transformers were traumatized enough to treat Bee with respect. His team still bosses him around a bit cuz he is a teammate but they certainly are worried of what might happen if they so much as insulted him. But the tension shrinks the further Bee's parents' visits were in the calendar.
Now i have few funny ideas with BlitzBee and "meeting the in-laws" that i vaguely mentioned in this post. But i also think ProwlBee would fit. Feel free to send questions about whichever you want.
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Fanfiction to cope with The Shibuya Massacre:
Satoru faced the curses, alone. The volcano's hand ignited with cursed energy but it did absolutely nothing. He tried again, and again.
"Dam..." Satoru purred, amused. "Was it supposed to do something?"
"It was," a voice from behind intervened. "But I stopped it."
A figure emerged from the shadows.
"Because I am the strongest." she said.
A white streak cutting her long blonde hair in a warrior's braid, clad in a golden armor, the woman's hands glowed with a blue fire. The fire hit the curses and turned them into frogs. It picked them up and threw them in a trashcan.
"That wasn't badass at all, Miss I am the strongest! " Satoru teased her.
"I literally sent them to another universe!" She replied, falsely shocked.
"Oh really?" Satoru continued.
She slapped the trashcan's lid.
"This bad boy sent crazy demonic objects in another universe. Then a space cow got possessed by the objects and I had to face her and I won thanks to my planet friend." She proudly explained. "It was made by my great-great uncle."
"Wow, impressive!" Satoru whistled.
"So," she started. "Is there something I should know about the dark thing outside?"
"It cuts all communication. It lets everyone in, but no one except jujutsu sorcerers out" He succinctly said.
"You're a jujutsu sorcerer?" She asked.
"Exactly!" He laughed.
"I just have to change every nonsos's magical signature to a jujutsu sorcerer's to teleport them out of here..." she whispered to herself.
Satoru tilted his head like a puppy, confused but excitedly waiting for how she was going to do that. He watched her deeply concentrate for several seconds. Her feet got off the ground as she glowed in a bright navy blue light. It reminded him that every time Megumi watched Attack on Titan, Satoru liked to brag he could kill Titans easily. This time, he faced someone that could actually kill every single Titan at once. That would kill him in a matter of seconds. He even saw universes in her eyes, which was supposed to be impossible. And She unleashed her power and the non jujutsu sorcerers disappeared. Satoru realised he forgot to tell her about something.
"Where did you send them?" He yelled, more puzzled than ever, except for this one time.
"Outside." she brutally replied. "Now are you going to exorcise every curse or what?"
"Didn't you sense the people turned into monsters?"he buzzed with anger, mostly at himself. "They're going to kill everyone!"
"Why do you think it took me more than five seconds?" she snapped. "I turned them back you idiot!"
"How was I supposed to know that?" He asked, shaken up.
"I don't know, by keeping up with news from Otherworld like it was said in the treaty we made with Tengen." She scathingly replied.
"He never told anyone!" Satoru protested."Why are you so angry at me?"
"You were angry at me first!" She shouted. "I hate it when people get angry at me when I help. Ok you're worried but I don't joke about me being the strongest. The only stronger people are me with my planet friend or me with this guy or me with the Zendra Star or me with the demonic objects. Give me your number."
"What?" He exclaimed, confused by the non sequitur.
"So I can send you videos of me doing extra powerful things!" She explained.
"Man I wish I could do that!" He said, disappointed because the Jujutsu world is not visible in regular videos. "It's (03)-0212-0322."
She tapped on her wrist for like a minute and then Satoru got a notification. He clicked on the videos and what he saw was beyond what he could ever imagine. So many things had happened to her, and she overcame it all! He heard the sound of a body hitting the ground but he did not pay attention because in the video she was literally teleporting even more people than there were in Shibuya then closing a black hole as easily as breathing. Without even being tired because she had asked for help at the right time! He looked at the rest of the videos, fascinated, and squishy sounds could be heard. Not from his phone, but it didn't really bother him.
He looked over at her and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. Not the brain in a jar, but Suguru. Suguru was there. His six eyes told him it was true, and his soul recognized him.
"Is it him? Is he..."Satoru whispered, hope and love exceeding the hard truth that he killed him , almost a year ago.
Suguru coughed, finally breathing. Satoru threw himself at him and hugged him tightly but not too much, to let him breathe.
"Yo, Satoru. It's been a while." He weakly said.
Satoru had missed the way he softly talked to him.
"How are you alive?" Satoru asked.
"Kenjaku. But mainly thanks to your new friend." He replied. "What's your name by the way?"
"Tara Duncan. You know, if you don't want to eat, I can always use my trashcan." She gently said.
"How did you- nevermind. Satoru, can you do my hair like you used to? I'm feeling a bit dizzy." Suguru asked.
"Yes, I will. Who's Kenjaku by the way?" Satoru asked gently.
Tara and Suguru both pointed to the brain in the jar. If this were a cartoon, interrogation marks would've floated above Satoru's deeply concerned and confused face.
"Oh, I don't know how that works for jujutsu sorcerers, but I transferred some of my blood to you. It might have positive effects on you. Can you try to do magic?" She addressed Suguru encouragingly.
Blue fire appeared in Suguru's hands, and he projected multiple swirly tendrils of light. Those tendrils went stiff after a couple minutes, then they got absorbed back in Suguru's hands, like a dog's leash rolling back into its container. The remaining curses were tied to the other ends, as well as two teenage girls and jujutsu veil stuff. Tara swiftly turned all he brought that were not teenage girls into frogs and threw them in her trashcan.
"Nanako! Mimiko! " Suguru exclaimed.
"Geto-sama!" The teenage girls excitedly yelled.
They had a family hug. Satoru smiled fondly and Tara averted her gaze because she was aware that she wasn't concerned by the family reunion. She also took advantage of the moment to seal the trashcan and put it into her pocket.
"Satoru! Will you be their dad?" Suguru happily asked.
"Only if you'll be Megumi's mom!" Satoru replied with the biggest smile you've ever seen in your entire life.
They looked tenderly into each other's eyes, both laughing like idiots in love.
"Who's Megumi?" Nanako asked, confused.
"I guess it's Satoru's kid." Tara replied.
"Don't you know him?" Mimiko asked, even more puzzled.
"I never met this Megumi and I just met Satoru on my aunt's orders. How could I have any more information than you?" Tara explained.
Nanako picked up the jar.
"Ewwww!" Mimiko commented.
"I've got a jar of diiirt!" Nanako smirked.
Tara smiled stupidly, recognizing the reference. Then Satoru helped Suguru to get up and they giddily strutted or traipsed towards the jujutsu sorcerers rendezvous point. Everyone looked at them, shocked.
"What about the people he murdered?" Nanami asked, deeply concerned.
"What murdaaaaaa?" Satoru jokingly replied.
Horrified looks from everyone in the room but Satoru's only looking at Suguru. Tara got from her pocket a quartz rectangle.
"More seriously, here's your honeymoon itinerary and therapy schedule." Tara handed the rectangle to Suguru. "Also, my domain in Omois is big enough for you and your kids."
"Wow, thank you Tara!" Suguru said, touched by the attention.
"Wait... Tara, as in Tara'tylanhem T'al Barmi Ab Santa Ab Maru T'al Duncan? The heiress of Omois?" Takuma Ino intervened.
"Yup. Don't add any more information." She threatened.
He gulped. Now if you've read anything about her, you know that if you provoke her there's a good chance you'll spend the rest of your life as a fly-liking amphibian. Like any sensible person, he did not want that. To keep it rocking, he didn't say anything more.
"Sooo... Do you still want to kill me?" Maki boldly asked.
"Meh." Suguru replied. "I've realized that killing people is actually boring. I like to kill annoying people, but it's even more annoying to get rid of the body. And I can't not do it because I don't like the smell. So now I think I'll find out how to teach people to manipulate cursed energy to get less curses. Or just find Ladybug to make some lucky charms to give to people."
Immediately after he said that, Satoru passionately kissed Suguru on the mouth. When they made out for more than ten minutes, Tara got sick of it and teleported them to the aforementioned domain. She appeared back, then they all got into the cars back to Jujutsu Tokyo school.
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This is more tangentially related to monsters, but what parts of Golarion / Avistan do you think produce better fighters? The more northern and southern parts of Golarion - the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Numeria, the Mwangi Expanse and further south? Or the more central parts like Nirmathas, Andoran, Taldor and Cheliax? Was thinking because on the one hand, the further north you go the more wild it gets - and the wilder it gets, the monsters get both more numerous and more powerful usually. Warriors there cut their teeth on trolls, ogres and worse in addition to bandits. On the flip side, it's not as if trolls and dragons don't exist in central Avistan, they're just rarer or maybe integrated into society in the case of smarter creatures. And with the centralized states around the Inner Sea comes war between humanoids, providing plenty of opportunity for excellent combatants.
My heart says the Land of the Linnorm Kings creates monstrously powerful warriors due to their government literally revolving around killing dragons... but last I checked they have only five actual Linnorm Kings who've proven their worth, and a field of hundreds of bodies of those who've failed. I almost said the conquest-driven Cheliax, but given their current track record of being beaten back to a fourth of their former size, I seriously doubt the efficacy of their training programs.
So... that's a difficult question with no honest answer. I'm sure if Golarion had access to the internet, you'd see memes all the time along the lines of "Strongest Absalom Guard vs Weakest Kellid Warrior," (with enormous apologies for the ifunny link) but the thing about it is that--like you said--the natural environs of such harsh places can churn out fighters equal in strength to those who are trained in organizations and guilds. Experience vs skill, applied knowledge vs practical. Different factors but they level out into rough equivalents.
And it's not like the 'more civilized world' and the cities are exactly free of monstrous danger... And of course, out of universe it's hard to say, because a level 1 Fighter is level 1 no matter where they are. This is a good question, but it's hard to answer!
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lycankeyy · 1 month
Hanzou for the character ask thing? :D
Favorite thing: okay well obviously I like. Ninjas. A lot. I also appreciate that the implied strongest of the goth punks (aside from Cas obvs) is a Complete Fucking Weeb and not even a punk I think that's really funny
Least favorite thing: whyd they confirm their gender after making it intentionally ambiguous. I hope they show up in FNF solely to increase the chances of canon nonbinary hanzou take us back LMAO
Favorite line: this BLADE can turn your DICK into a COCKTAIL WEINER. only a TRUE NINJA CAN MASTER SUCH A WEAPON <- it's a mail-order replica of a sword that did not exist before the 20th century
brOTP: in LCA universe I can see them and Pico being close friends. Probably just projecting as someone who had a similar personality to Hanzou (without the. Murder) as a teenager Pico just seems like somebody I would've liked being friends with. Also I don't know what to describe they and Cas' relationship as in my mind but honorable mention to whatever the fuck's going on there HDMQHSJ
OTP: hanzucarrrddd I think abt that little comic I did so often. I love the idea of. Guy who's bitter abt the human race bc he was experimented on as a child x guy who was experimented on by aliens (in PC2). I'm normal about them. Why is this such a rarepair compared to the other goth punk ships LMAO
nOTP: I see people ship them with Nene sometimes and I like. Dooon't get it honestly especially bc I think the implication is supposed to be that if Pico didn't get there first Hanzou was going to kill her she was walking to the girl's bathroom. Again I don't care what people ship it's just not my thing LMAO
Random headcanon: in a universe where the "warrior's gene" is a thing that makes kids naturally gifted at combat I feel like hanzou would have to have smth similar bc wow that guy is. Weirdly athletic and good with a sword for a 13 year oldBDKAJSJ
Unpopular opinion: my usual shtick of "I wish this one character trait got more attention" I wish more interps played off the fact that they clearly think they're better than everyone from their dialogue in LCA LOL. Less introverted in the Shy way and more in the "ew people" way
Plays into that last part BDMQHSJQ
Favorite picture: special shoutout to this phantomarcade request art hell yeah
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But if I'm allowed to put fanart here this picture literally rewires my brain chemistry every time I think about it
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turtlemagnum · 3 months
ngl, it's bullshit that they made goku's mom a cute little housewife who just doesn't have the constitution for fighting. you're telling me the woman from a warrior race literally created by a god of destruction, one married to a powerful warrior who regularly wiped out whole planets with just him and a few of his buddies, the woman who gave birth to the child that would grow into the greatest fighter the universe ever saw, the warrior who avenged not only their whole race but every race that frieza ever slaughtered, and she's just not that much of a fighter??? i feel like bardock would've married a warrior woman who, even if not as strong as him, could at least hold her goddamn own. goku did!! chi-chi was a goddamn warrior too, not nearly as strong as goku but literally nobody was. honestly like, this is a side note but i would've had chi-chi keep up with the other members of the gang. she could've at least overcome yamcha, y'know. like i've had this idea in my head for a bit where there's an alternate take on dragon ball where she fights alongside everyone during at least the saiyan saga, like cmon. honestly i think she should be at least on par with krillin, if not slightly better. she deserves it, the world's strongest man deserves the worlds strongest woman y'know. which, now that i think about it if we're going by humans and not saiyans krillin would definitely be the world's strongest man, and since he's married to android 18 he'd be married to the world's strongest woman. so eh. yeah ok i'm rambling at this point, goobye!!
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Dawntrail is so important to me cause i really want my WoL to have an opportunity to just fuck around and find out and no longer be the fabled warrior. I want him to sit in the dirt and chill with the frogs until someone is running like “run!!! There is a loose eikon!!! Evacuate!!” And my wol is nah im good the sun here is nice ill deal with it later dw about it👍
The joy of being a tiny nuclear weapon. No one knows WoL cal literally raze everything to the ground (he wont) so theyre like please be careful :( we hope youre safe
Like idk after literally battling the strongest beings in the universe our WoL deserves both appreciation and some much needed fuckinf around and finding out. You never value those dumb arr fetching quests until youre so deep into politics you survive like ten betrayals. Idk. Dawntrail seems nice. Even if black mage changes make me a bit sadge
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marcilled · 1 year
According to the votes on that poll, at least 70% of you want to hear about my FFXIV ocs (meanwhile, only 12% think i should sleep. so i'm awake still, typing this.) I'll ramble about them under the cut, but for the ~7% that said they don't know what ffxiv is, I ended up rambling quite a bit about what ffxiv even is, and why I personally enjoy it/what i recommend for anyone who's interested in it. (I made it easy to skip over if you don't care to read about that, though)
Gonna put this under a readmore since it got really long;
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Cassern Qestir! my main girlie. she/it pronouns. lesbian .
she's the warrior of light. if you don't know what that means; it's the protagonist. if you still need more context:
(skip to the blue text if you don't want to read me explain ffxiv and why i think it's worth playing, i didn't expect to ramble this much about it...)
Final Fantasy XIV is a MMORPG by Square Enix. Most other final fantasy games aren't MMOs, but this one is. That means it's a multiplayer game with RPG elements. It's also heavily story-driven. While you might hear people complain about the story at times- and I'd be one of them- it manages to really leave an impression in spite of any contrivances, awkward writing, or plotholes. That's due to the fact that the player character is... well, whoever you want them to be.
Your WoL (Warrior of Light), the player character, is the protagonist of the story. And it really must be emphasized... They are so, so fully the protagonist, it's hard for other protagonists to even compare to the protagonist energy the warrior of light has. That might seem... dull or uninteresting to some, but eh, it's not like you can please everyone- the point is for you to get into character, and if that doesn't interest you, then hopefully the other characters in the story will. Personally I love this aspect- I've made the WoL my own oc with a really, really detailed backstory. Which brings me to my next point;
The Worldbuilding... The worldbuilding is probably the strongest point of ffxiv, aside from the STELLAR soundtrack it boasts. The worldbuilding is incredibly detailed, and is there to encourage roleplaying, as well as to help the plot along (tho, really, it works best as a means to encourage roleplay). I suppose I should be more specific here; it's the setting that's really the key point here- the world, the cities, each and every river and valley... But also the time period, the history, etc etc etc... There's a lot of material to work with, and I suppose you'll just have to believe me that it's really quite in-depth (if you're interested in that depth! totally fine not to engage with it, too.)
All of this isn't... going to grab or interest everyone, certainly, but eh, I've accepted that at this point lol. Don't force yourself to keep playing it if it isn't grabbing you, but for me, I started playing it for the social aspect- doing something in the game with friends, socializing in the game, making new friends through it... it's been great for that. What I didn't expect is how much the story would grab me.
FFXIV's story is very slow to start, but gradually builds on the humble roots of your adventurer until you're literally saving the entire universe. It's very, very gradual, and this slow pace might turn people off as well. Especially if you hear people say "it really gets good at heavensward!" "shadowbringers is unforgetable!" "just wait til next expansion--" these sorts of things are common to hear, but it's the same as touting that a game gets good "after the first 20 hours of gameplay", it's poison. Just try it out and see how you feel about how it plays. If the style of doing quests is interesting to you, if the combat feels engaging or shallow. etc. hey wait this was supposed to be about my ocs. ok i'll finish talking about the story and then get back to my ocs.
Anyhow. The story is really shallow at first, it's true. Even within the whole base game itself, (A Realm Reborn, aka 2.0), it can be a bit dull and contrived, and boy oh boy is the voice acting completely awful... It's rough around the edges. But if you're like me, you can really appreciate a series that starts out rough around the edges, and slowly evolves over time from humble beginnings into an epic tale that really blows away your expectations... It's about growing with the narrative, to me. If that sounds interesting to you, maybe you'll like it. I certainly did. In fact, ffxiv might be like... top 10 games to me, in terms of how its story affected me personally. Particularly the shadowbringers and endwalker expansions. But you can't skip all the way there, either- the context of everything that happened before it is crucial to understanding where you're at once you get to those expansions. The more you skip, the more lost you'll likely be. Take your time. Don't rush. And ignore anyone who tells you "it gets really good at (x) part!!!", it's a great way to set yourself up for disappointment if you end up not personally connecting with a certain plotline or character moment. I think, the thing that makes ffxiv really special... is.. it's YOUR story. The story of you- your warrior of light. And the parts that are going to connect for YOU, and for your warrior of light, are not necessarily the same as what connects for anyone else. You may end up loving the slow, humble beginnings of ARR, and feel alienated by all the saving-the-world stuff that comes later. Who knows! It's what you make of it. That's kind of the beauty of it. Now, I could talk all day about how I personally connected to shadowbringers and endwalker, (and some smaller moments, scenes, & questlines from earlier in the game), but you didn't come here for all this, you came here to read about my ocs. SORRY.
I'm done talking about FFXIV as a game now. It's time to ramble about my OCs.
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FFXIV is really great for making OCs, if you like its setting. Square Enix doesn't like when you talk about it, but there's a pretty big modding scene that lets you customize your characters way beyond what the vanilla game allows for. This is often used for horny purposes, but more interesting to me personally is the gender euphoria I get from seeing my own body reflected in my own character. I gave Cassern wider shoulders, made her taller than any other au ra woman can be in vanilla, and gave her the horns that are typically only on male character models. She is so transgender. i love cassern.
Cassern Qestir is the warrior of light, meaning she's the protagonist that goes on to save everyone and everything. But at the start of her story, she's a budding new adventurer, completely new to Eorzea- her home is far to the east, in the Azim Steppe, where most Xaela Au Ra hail from. It started out casting spells, but picked up ninjitsu along the way, and quickly became one of the most skilled shinobi there is.
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(she kills fascists lol)
she's also pretty socially awkward, in spite of her unparalleled combat capabilities... it lacked a lot of confidence early on in the story, too, but over time it got a lot of character development, and gained confidence. my little beepo. i have a lot of photos of it, but I don't want to make this TOO long... plus, it's difficult to give a spoiler-free overview of her character that's still approachable to people that don't know anything about the game. I suppose I could talk about her backstory, because most of my writing for her actually happens before the main game... but, eh, I'd still need to introduce a lot of settings and topics that wouldn't make sense if you haven't played before. tricky to do. maybe I'll attempt that one of these days. Anyhow... onto my next oc...
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This is Samga Mol! they/them. bi.
Samga is a touchy, standoffish Xaela dragoon. (Dragoon means they fight with a lance- it's one of the many jobs in the game, like Ninja is. I'd need another long tangent to explain that in full.) Samga was actually close friends with Cassern in their youth, having also grown up on the Azim Steppe- but the two of them haven't spoken in years... I wonder what happened between them?
They're very edgy, as dragoons often are- but they also have a softer, gentler side that they don't often let show... They also get grumpy if you say they're cute. (Which is just even cuter, by the way.) They actually have a soft spot for animals, particularly chocobos.
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But shhh, don't tell anyone you saw them like this... they have a reputation to uphold, you know. Tough, menacing dragoon that kills in the name of dragonkind and all that. Most feared heretic in all of Ishgard, strikes fear into the hearts of the temple knights... Wait, weren't they from the Azim Steppe? How did that happen?? Hmm, I wonder...
I have a lot more OCs, but most of them don't have cohesive designs and intricate backstories like Cassern and Samga do- and more often than not, mostly exist just to add more depth to the story between the two of them. There's a few others I have, like this mad scientist catgirl named Dr. Frankie. I'm still working on her. She's completely unrelated to Cassern and Samga's story;
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stay tuned if you enjoy morally dubious scientist women with an ephemeral grasp on social etiquette. i'm already obsessed with this little freak, i just need to develop her a bit more before i start showing her off all the time. she also has an ... "assistant" that i'm excited to design. more on that later.
Anyhow, this was a really, really brief overview of my ocs, and I have SO many more thoughts on them, that I post about with much more frequency over on @azimsteppe ... when I remember to... (I usually use twitter for ffxiv stuff, but I'm sure you're all familiar with how that website is faring these days...) just be aware that there are spoilers on that blog, and although i try to tag them, you'll likely run into some spoilery stuff if you browse there long enough.
please let me know what you think!! it always makes me happy hearing what people think of my ocs and what interests them about them... :] and!! big thank you for reading all of this!! it was a lot of fun just to ramble lol, my ocs mean a lot to me. so i'm glad it interests at least some of you. take care!!
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