#little do they know its gon be me in the box
slutsukio · 8 months
baeeeeee can you buy me some sugar cookies? 🫤 it’s been a while since i had any 😞 PLEASEEEEEEE BUY ME SOME 🙁 -your fav lol.
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GET A DAMN JOB!!!! lazy ass just sittin' around and shit...
jkjk, i GUESS i'll get u some... u want pink, blue or white frosting?!?! hell, i need some myself. a bitch been cleaning cleaning, AND i still gotta finish the end of my aki draft...
i'll mail em' to you sourball, be on the lookout.
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librarycard · 2 years
i would like oneee day. where i dont have to do things
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ledalasombra · 2 years
The granddaughter Chapter 3 - a single family
Marinette entered her apartment, closing the door behind her. She checked if everything was organized, closing the curtains and windows, heading straight to her room. The day had been hectic, she was still jet-lagged, her anxiety over the conversation she'd had with her grandfather was at its peak and she was tired from dinner with Jagged. She took out her cell phone sending a quick message to her grandfather, letting him know that she was already home, as she had previously promised.
Mari: Hello grandpa, I just got home. We'll talk tomorrow. Sleep well!
Grandpa Al: Rest well my dear.
She smiled slightly when she saw the message from her grandfather that appeared on her cell phone just a few seconds later, placing the device on the table next to her bed. Marinette made a beeline for the closet, where she stopped in front of a dresser, reciting a few words almost inaudibly, with the palm of her right hand over the top. At the end, she opened the top of the furniture, removing the miraculous box, performing the sequence to open the box lid. She waited a few seconds until all the Kwamis got out of the box and started to disperse around the room. The young guardian smiled slightly. She liked to see the little gods free, even though she knew they would be creating chaos in the place.
"Okay everyone, you know where your food is. Remember the rules we talked about, try not to break anything and don't make too much noise, please. Sass and Wayzz, if you could hold on for a moment, I'd like to have a chat with you" she said watching the Kwamis disperse seeing only the two of them stay. She held out her hands for them both to sit down, moving towards the bed and watching Tikki enter the room through her peripheral vision. She sat on the bed, thinking about the right way to start the conversation.
"Did something happen, guardian?" She heard Wayzz speak, directing her attention to him.
"I need to know if you know the name Alfred Pennyworth" she said looking at the two Kwamis
"Masssster Alfred wasss a good holder. Masssster Fu judged him to be a reliable person with good instinctssss."
"Master Fu had a good friendship with him. It was a difficult decision to trust someone with a miraculous, especially after the disappearance of Nooroo and Duussuu, but he saw something else in Alfred. He said that his essence was in harmony with Sass. After we found him barely alive, Master Fu needed a lot of effort to make him well again. It took almost three days for him to regain consciousness."
"Alfred undersssstood that the miraculous should not be involved in the war directly and accepted its use very reluctantly. Monthsssss later with the end of the war, he returned the miraculoussss to Master Fu. We saw each other a few timesss after that, before Masssster Fu made the decision to hide." Sass completed watching Marinette carefully. "Both ssstayed in contact for many yearsssss and I can say that he, besidessss Marianne, wassss the only person that Masssster Fu trusted. May I ask where you heard that name Guardian?"
"Alfred is my grandfather Sass. I went to visit him today. I talked about my Mandarin teacher and then he started telling me about his days in the war. He said Master Fu made the same tea for him." She smiled slightly.
"That's great guardian. I said you don't have to go through this whole process alone." Wayzz smiled slightly looking at her "You don't have to do like Master Fu. Having someone to rely on is important and Alfred is certainly someone you can trust. Or do you think not?"
"He's the person I trust the most right now Wayzz" she smiled caressing little Kwami "I'll think about it. He knows that I know about the miraculous, that I've heard about Sass, but he doesn't know that I'm the new guardian. I don't I want to have to lie to him. Thank you both so much. You can go, if you need anything let me know." She stopped looking at the wall in front of her, lost in her thoughts. It would be a long night...
The day seems to have gone by in one big blur. After having spent most of the night panicking about what to do about her grandfather, she ended up sleeping late and therefore missing most of the morning. Marinette had received a message from her grandfather saying that he would not be able to meet her during lunch. She took the opportunity to cut the fabrics that had arrived in the early afternoon, then getting ready as she was going to meet her uncle in the late afternoon to go out. As soon as she left the apartment, she already found the car stopped, seeing the bodyguard outside.
"Bruno! How are you? We almost didn't talk yesterday." Marinette spoke with a wide smile heading towards the bodyguard. "You were too busy keeping the paparazzi away…" she said as she got in the car next.
"In the rush that Jagged puts me through, mia cara…" he smiled, getting in the car right after. "It's good to see you mia bella. It seems happier outside the city of love…"
"I think I am? Things are simpler here" she smiled slightly turning her attention back to the rock star
  "Jagged, Penny... Did you have a good day?" She greeted the couple in front of her "where are we going? You said everything and nothing yesterday Jagged and I'm just riding the wave with you" she laughed, seeing jagged smile and Penny smiling and shaking her head.
"Own M, we're going to see my childhood friend Bruce. I think you're going to love him and his kids. They've been trying to convince me to bring you here for years."
"Bruce?" Marinette asked looking at Penny
"Bruce Wayne, billionaire and extravagant. His children are... one of a kind, you might say. It's a short drive from here to there. We should get there quickly, the apartment you've chosen is in a great area"
"Ah… yes. Remember yesterday I mentioned that I was going to see my grandfather?" Marinette laughed lightly at the incredible coincidence. That's probably why Alfred couldn't go out today.
"Yes, you spent the afternoon with him yesterday, didn't you? I thought you were having lunch today?" jagged replied
"So he can't just come…" Marinette stopped talking as soon as she heard her cell phone ring, quickly apologizing to the couple, frowning. "Do you mind if I pick up?"
"Make yourself at ease dear.." replied Penny
"Adrien. How are you? It's kind of late to call me, isn't it? It must be close to 11 pm in London." She spoke as soon as she picked up, listening to him speak and responding with simple words and quick responses. "I told you I wasn't going to tell you where I was Adrien…" she sighed as she noticed the car slowing down.
"Here we are. M, do you want some time?"
"You can go Jagged, I'll see you soon." She responded to the rock star turning her attention to the phone when she saw both of them get out of the car "Adrien, I told you I was going to follow Jagged on his tour for a while. I won't go into detail with you." She replied in quick French, in a low voice, getting out of the car and turning her back to the door of the mansion beside Bruno.
Jagged and Penny got out of the car and stopped in front of the door, which was already open, with Alfred waiting outside to welcome the guests. Raising an eyebrow slightly at the sight of his granddaughter talking on the phone and gesticulating quickly, the butler turned his attention to the couple in front of him. "Mr and Mrs Stone, it's always a pleasure to see you again"
"Heya Alfred, how are you? It's been a while and it looks like you haven't aged a bit." Jagged said hugging the butler
"I guarantee the guys have added a fair amount of gray hair to my head," he replied to the rock star who laughed at the comment.
"It's always good to see you, Alfred. I hope we're not bothering you by coming so suddenly." Penny commented as she greeted the butler.
"It's no bother. Let's go inside and I'll come back for the young lady. That way she'll have the privacy to end her call." he spoke indicating the way for them to follow, leading the couple to the living room where the family was talking animatedly.
"Heya Bruce my friend! It's been a long time! My goodness, they don't stop growing…" Jagged said as soon as he entered the room seeing the boys in a heated discussion. The loud talk stopped almost immediately with the arrival of the singer and his wife "I'm getting old…"
"Jagged, it's always a pleasure to see you. You haven't changed a bit! I was surprised when I heard you were in Gotham. I thought you were on tour." Bruce replied as he watched the two enter the room, hugging his friend next. "Did you decide to take a vacation?" The eldest smiled.
"Nah… my life is on stage. I came to see if my niece was well accommodated, she came here to attend Gotham University." he replied as he greeted Bruce's children in the room. "Dick, my boy, did I hear you have a daughter now?"
"Yes, she's traveling with her mother. She should be back in a week or two… she's already 5 years old." Dick responded by sitting down after greeting Penny and Jagged.
"Geez, I'm old" he joked taking a light slap from Penny on the shoulder.
"Oh no need to exaggerate Jagged… your kids are the same age as Mari and if you're getting old that means I am too" she told him "It's good to see you again, I'm glad to hear you're doing well." she said turning her attention back to the patriarch "Thank you for having us Bruce."
"It's always a pleasure to see you again. I'm glad you decided to stop here, it's been what... 5 years since the last time you came." Bruce said making a thoughtful face
"Oh Man.. has it been this long since we've seen each other?" Jagged exclaimed "Whenever I go through Gotham you're busy."
"It's been more complicated every year…" he smiled politely "I thought someone else would come with you... your design, if I'm not mistaken"
"Yes, my honorary niece!" He smiled extremely enthusiastically "Mari is on the phone outside, we thought it best to give her some privacy with the discussion she was having with her ex over the phone.."
"Jagged" Penny cut him off, pinching the bridge of her nose "you know she's very private…"
"Oh come on Pen, you know they broke up because of him and now he's running after her asking her to come back… He is a good guy, but I won't let him make her suffer like this. Especially after all the trouble he's caused with the media."
"Media? If he is famous, the paparazzi certainly must have made a mess of the relationship" Tim commented, taking a sip of his coffee and remembering the countless times that the family was involved in similar events.
Ok guys, sorry for the delay, but my life is crazy. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I hope you all enjoyed it
@sknerd101 @kathygene @waffleyunsure @nightfallsthings @taewinterbear95 @occulta-lacrimarum13  @kathygene  @tinybrie  @kitsun369  @iglowinggemma28  @crazylittlemunchkin  @nightfallsthings  @fangirlingfanatic  @nightmarewasteland   @laydeekrayzee  @the-ruler-of-death  @iamablinkmarvelarmy  @sarcasticbambi
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kittiwittebane · 1 year
Holy sheet dis gon hit hardeh
“Tell me who she is, that’s all you have to do.” Belos’s raspy voice scratched Hunter’s ears.
“NO!” He repeated. “You can hurt me but I will NEVER let you hurt her!” the blood dripping from Hunter’s mouth splattered over Belos as he yelled. His face curled into anger. However his face turned into a sneer, Belos’s frustration making him feel better. Despite the blood dripping from his face, arms, legs, stomach and wherever else Belos could get to, Hunter felt what was more important was to keep Willow safe. Titan knows what Belos would do to her and her family. . .
“Dad, I’m telling you, something is wrong!” Willow slammed her hands onto the table aggressively, attempting to prove a point.
“And what do you want us to do? Break into the president’s house and steal a child!?”
“YES! Or- at least make sure he’s ok!” Willow cried. “He hasn’t answered my texts, calls, he hasn’t been at school. Something is wrong!”
“And what makes you think it’s that and not the fact he might not have-”
“SOMETHING IS WRONG!” Willow snapped. “And if you aren’t going to help me then I will do it myself!”
“You are going to break into a high leader’s house to check if Hunter is ok??”
“YES! How many times do I have to repeat this?!” Willow hissed. She stormed out the door, and despite the fact they could get thrown in jail for this, Gilbert couldn’t let his daughter go alone. She approached the house and in one more attempt to get his daughter to stop he spoke.
“Its lock-” he started.
But Willow had already gotten the door open.
Where the heck did she get the knowledge to do that from??
Willow and Gilbert snuck around the house, but ran into someone.
“Uhm-” Willow stuttered. Then she recognised them. And they recognised her.
Willow wasn’t sure if it was safe yet.
“Looking for Hunter?” they asked. She nodded.
“No one has seen him in weeks. But I assume he is in his room because we aren’t allowed in there.” Raine told her. “Come with me.”
Gilbert looked at her, and Willow nodded. They followed Raine through the mansion until they reached a room, which they both assumed was Hunters. Willow lock picked the door.
“Just know, Belos goes in there at exactly 3:30pm, 6:00pm, 6:00am, 12:00pm every day.” Raine told them. “Also I can’t be here so I’m just going to go.” and with that, they left them. Cautiously, Willow pulled the door handle. You could hear a scramble of arms and legs, lots of crashing. Willow opened the door to find Hunter basically upside down, with a bunch of photos of her in an opened box that was all over the floor. He was covered in blood, and there was blood all over his bed and floor. She ran over and hugged him, crying.
“Hunter oh my god I’m not even going to ask if you are ok! There is blood everywhere!” They both broke down into a sea of tears and blood, and all Gilbert could do was watch.
“Willow, I told you not to follow me!” Hunter burst out.
“Well f*ck your stupid brain, I’m your girlfriend and I don’t care what you say. I care about you and you were missing!” WIllow snapped. Hunter shook his head.
“Leave before he finds you.” Hunter pushed her away. “He will kill you.”
Willow balled her fists in anger.
“You think that a person like me, could leave her own boyfriend like THIS!?” she wailed. Just as she was going to say more, he shushed her.
(This next part is my one little thing about this.)
“I’ll tell you something. Willow, I’m not like you. Neither is my uncle. I am what’s called a Grimwalker. I’m not even human, I am a clone of one. The one who was the old leader. Caleb. Caleb Wittebane. I am not his son, I am his clone.” Hunter desperately tried to explain. “And my uncle is a monster. He consumed magical animals to stay alive after having his head impaled. He is living off animal souls. Please, he is not your standard human fighter. You can’t win this one. Leave!” Hunter whisper-cried. But it was too late. They had created a commotion, and Belos had heard.
“Oh no.”
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matt0044 · 1 year
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What can I say? Tangle & Whisper's mini-series had me by the balls. Can't wait to dive into the Metal Virus. In any case, here's a voice cast I've had in mind when reading the comic original characters:
"Christine Marie Cabanos as Tangle The Lemur" - Many fan casters tend to focus on Tangle as a sporty tomboy and think of a raspy voice not unlike Rainbow Dash or Amethyst. This isn't bad but I found myself thinking outside the box when I was revisiting Kill La Kill and its bombass dub at the time. Christine's Mako Makanshoku had just the kind of energy and cocksure that Tangle would have as a rookie to the Resistance.
Mind you, she would even out the pitch to sound closer to a young adult/older teen that the characters tend to (mostly) come across as but no less hyperactive like Mako when the moment calls for it. Additionally, Christine could dip more into her Madoka Kaname performance to capture her more emotional side, particularly when Whisper lets her in on what happened to the Diamond Cutters. It would make for a great range that toes the line just like Tangle has in terms of being somewhat obnoxious but not in a "Scrappy Doo" kind of way.
Bonus - This is a song that I think fits Tangle's character to a T: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVimjyR6vIc
Another that describes her and Whisper because this ship has me by the balls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rNLdSJjxU
"Erica Mendez as Whisper The Wolf" - Erica would play her not too unlike her soft-spoken Retsuko (barring Heavy Metal scenes played by an actual Heavy Metal singer) but in a consistently hushed tone. However, moments where she's emotionally devastated like fearing losing Tangle or... losing Tangle would be where her performances as Atsuko Kagari from Little Witch Academia and Gon from Hunter X Hunter come in.
Bonus - This song describes what I think is her vibe after Mimic's betrayal and between missions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkifn-zJzx4
This describes her memory of the Shadow Androids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvKBMVKJOz0
"Todd Haberkorn as Dr. Starline The Platypus" - Todd's performance as Death The Kid shows a very balanced performance between his more goofy side and serious, grounded side, one that would apply well to the campy Dr. Starline. It would work well with his raising of Surge and Kit with his callous use of his Hypno Glove.
Bonus: I feel this music works well with his character (starts at the 1:04 minute mark): https://soundcloud.com/user-335233093/goseiger-matrintis-bgms-kotetsu-no-akui-matrintis
"Sarah Anne Williams as Surge The Tenrec" - Anybody who's heard her performance as Nonon Jakuzure and Tifa from FFVII Machinamabridged will know that Sarah can do punk. She just needs to ramp up the gruffness if only to see Surge as a homegrown teenage with major issues.
Bonus - This more rocking variant of Starline's theme would work with how he still haunts her (starts at the 24 second mark): https://soundcloud.com/user-335233093/goseiger-matrintis-bgms-2-kotetsu-no-akui-matrintis
"Johnny Yong Bosch as Kitsunami The Fennec" - Johnny may be known for his Super Saiyans, bounty hunters on the run and Anime pretty boys but his performance as Doraemon's Nobita as well as Yokai Watch's Nate shows that he can do timid young boy. Kit being the Tails to Surge's Sonic makes it a perfect fit.
His theme would be a more subdued version of Surge's (starts at the 2:34 minute mark) https://soundcloud.com/user-335233093/goseiger-danger-bgms-brajira-bgm-1-sakushi-wa-denki-tenshi-no-yume-o-miru-ka
"Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Jewel The Beetle" - A similar beleagured tone of voice to Lucy Heartfilia but with an light English accent, a total contrast to Tangle's character. A way to mask it for future performances given Sonic's big cast.
Agree with me? Disagree with me? Drop a comment for a little convo so long as we can keep it civil and constructive.
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sk3tch404 · 22 days
Not a question just generally curious. Who's your favorite character from all the shows you watch?
I got this ask a while ago, but I didnt answer as im apart of like 1000 fandoms
Well for now at the top of my head, I can think of a few.
Right now, my fav has gooot to be Josuke. Im literally the same age as him which makes him really relatable, and part 4 is just goated 🔥🔥
Tokyo Revengers
HANMA MOTHERFUCKING SHUJI. I was gonna say Draken but... Lets be real. I love the worst guys 💔 Hed be the most unhinged toxic death gripping yandere. His personality I would fucking hate irl, but i like to giggle about it behind my cracked ass screen. And hes just so... Soooooooo.... SOOOOO HOOOOOOOOTTT 😫😫😓
Identity V
Not a show but shhh it's an original.
Norton Campbell. Sorry Jack but he was here first. Always have loved him, and always will. Mf made me join the fandom im the first place low-key. I really like his design and canon personality. I personally think relatable due to things in my past. 10/10 character, would main again.
Demon Slayer
Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma Douma
Just... Its the same as Hanma tbh. Fictional psychopathic/sociopaths got a grip on me. Maybe its bc I can enjoy their dramatized freak of nature selves from a FARRR distance.
(Spoiler for Infinity Castle arc from here??)
He's got pretty privilege, so annoying that its funny, OP ASFFFFF if plot amor didnt get him (OR HIS DAMN YAPPING), and he's just so silly.
.... I want to look good and say Kurapika or Gon, but we all know.
Chrollo. L.
I actually really like and enjoy his character lol. I die laughing at how everyone in the yan community has just agreed, "Yeah Chrollo is crazy manipulative and OP, but he's not suave with his darling. Like at all." Its nooooot always accurate, but can we normalize fun? Enjoyment? Being happy? Having a laugh and a clickity cackle?
Jujutsu Kaisen
I haven't been into JJK for a while buuutt i do still get spoilers so!! Im still in baby.
Anyways, Geto. Him being uh.... Opinionated isn't reaaally my favorite thing, but his character is really good. Bc like, I get his motivations and its just really good in general.
And hes pretty.
Not much to say. Ive read the manga a little after the Shibuya arc, but the tree looking mf explaining got... Too long. And confusing so I havent consumed JJK content since 😭
Record of Ragnarok
Viktor. Beautiful design, voice, and, muah, PERSONALITYYYY.
My #1 thing is intelligence, 2nd is cracking jokes. He's checking the boxes, YEAH. YEAH.
Cheekbones ughhhhh YES
His character is also well made and intriguing.
Metal Family
Glam. Glam always.
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cypanache · 2 years
okay darling. for the wip ask game that you tagged me in. I know it's been a minute since you posted it, so feel free to ignore, but i'd like to know more about either 'date my wife' or 'raised a sith'– you pick! since I know all about the obidala stuff, and very little about those, i'm curious.
Ugh, I've been so heads down on Countdown, I'm finally getting around to going through my ask box so apologies for the insanely late reply on this.
I talked about the 'date my wife' wip here. So let's do the raised a sith au, because I'm insanely excited about this one, and it even has a title now "Chirality".
So after repeatedly and painstakingly walking back sexual tension in like every draft of every obidala fic I have ever written, because they're just so damn good and they wouldn't, not yet ... I really just wanted to let Obi-Wan and Padme be unrepentantly hot for each. So I asked myself what would it take for them to stop worrying so much about it all and the answer as you so eloquently put it, is 'they could be evil, as a treat'
That's it, that's the fic.
No really. Imagine a world where Obi-Wan got left on Bandomeer by Qui-Gon and then eventually rescued by Dooku and taken as his apprentice and later left the order with him. Meanwhile imagine a Padme who never left Coruscant after her appeal to the Senate in TPM and instead stayed under house arrest while she watched her world ravaged by the Trade Federation with Palpatine stoking her outrage and anger into something truly spectacular. But to the galaxy she still presents as Padme Amidala as we know here during AotC. So drop poor baby Anakin into the events of AotC and The Clone Wars between these two opposing dark proteges who are sort of allies and sort of adversaries, but are definitely obsessed with each other, watch them ruin him.
I honestly feel a little bad tagging this obianidala because its me, so its definitely very obidala focused and Anakin is in way way over his head being manipulated and gaslit at every turn, but it is there at least as an implied future state so there you go. Also its a SithAU so while I don't write terribly explicit or kinky sex, all the warnings for mind games, manipulation, violence, unnegotiated everything, and basically terrible people who should absolutely be kept away from Anakin Skywalker at all costs, but won't be. Sexy, though not explicit, excerpt below the cut:
He’s waiting for her when she gets back to her apartments.  Lounging on the bed like he owns the place. Utterly unconcerned with the fact that in less than a day’s time all of the Senate will be calling for his head along with his Master’s. 
One of her handmaidens comes over to assist her and Padme grits her teeth in irritation as she takes in the blank expression, the clumsy movements.  Oh, she despises when he does this.  True, it was amusing the first time or two.  And she has always had a weak spot for power in all its flavors.  But these days she just finds it tiresome.  They’re utterly useless for anything more complicated than the most basic of tasks for hours after he does this.
Dismissing Eirtae with a wave of her hand she rounds on him in a huff.
“I wish you would stop doing that.  You know you don’t have anything to worry about.  They’re all completely loyal.  I’ve made sure of it.”
Obi-Wan grins, vulpine and vicious and absolutely unrepentant.  “To you.  They’re all completely loyal to you.  I doubt there’s a single one among them who would spare me a second thought.”
“That’s not true, there’s at least three who would strangle their own mother for the opportunity to put a blaster to your temple and pull the trigger.”  Turning, she holds out her arms and then looks back over her shoulder, imperious and expectant.  “Well?  You can hardly expect me to get out of this on my own.”
He doesn’t.  That’s the entire point of this petty little show of his.  He likes the opportunity to undo her, deconstruct the facade she presents to the galaxy layer by careful layer.  Until she’s laid bare in more ways than one.
Coming up behind her, he trails his fingertips up the length of each arm before he settles his hands against the line of the high collar in a way that from anyone else would be a threat.  But he could force choke her from halfway across the room and they both know it.  And they both know Palpatine would make him regret it for the rest of his very long and very painful life if he ever tried.  
She smiles at him in the mirror and presses back a little into the joints of his fingers calling his bluff.  “You know we debated putting a bounty on your head this afternoon.”
He tsks.  “How very uncivilized.”
“Yes, well, attempting to exterminate the entire Jedi Council does tend to provoke people’s ire.”
“Oh, is that the version they’re selling to the Senate?”
She spins in grasp, indignant now, “Don’t be insulting.  You know better than anyone how useless the Jedi are at politics.  It’s the version I’m selling to the Senate.  Very effectively I might add.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he says, skimming a kiss once against her mouth.  Then deepening it as his hands come up to her headdress and she feels him begin to remove the hairpins holding it in place one by one.  It’s not precisely what she had in mind when she told him to undress her, but Obi-Wan wouldn’t be Obi-Wan if he wasn’t always looking for the loophole and Padme allows it.  It’s been months since she’s been kissed well.  Whatever Anakin’s potential, both as a lover and a darksider, and it is glorious, it’s all raw and unrealized, it will take her years to mold him to her liking.  Pleasurable work perhaps but work to be sure.  Sometimes a lady just wishes to rest on laurels.
Particularly when her laurels are so very, very appealing.
Obi-Wan frowns against her mouth, “Your shields are down.”
“Are they?” She asks innocently, biting at his bottom lip with just a little too much force in punishment for both starting and stopping without permission.  “And did you like what you heard?”
He pulls back.  “You know I didn’t.”
She turns away with a huff, and removes the last few pins herself, running her fingers through her hair to free it and denying him the pleasure.  “Oh yes, you’ve made your feelings on the matter quite clear.  His arm, Obi-Wan?  Was that really necessary?”
“Maybe not, but it was fun.”
Padme scowls at him over her shoulder.
He just laughs.  A cocky, contemptuous sound that sets her teeth on edge and her blood on fire, “Oh dear, are you upset I scratched up your pretty plaything?  And here I thought you were a fan of my work.  I even signed this one for you.”
“And if I thought it had anything to do with me, rather than breaking the boy Qui-Gon Jinn actually wanted enough to take as an apprentice, I might be flattered.  Besides–” she gives him her most petulant pout, “I didn’t even get to watch.  You know that’s my favorite part.”
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slime-stew · 1 year
i hate how reblog icon just goes away so the only way i know if i have reboggef is the little 'like icon but this is not enough because sometimes i do not know if if have just liked it or i liked it last momth so i apoligize if i just reblogged the same shit you already saw. then again thats all anyone posts anymore its all just tumblr post of tiktoks of tweets of facebook posts that got reposted to reddit twice and the jpeg is so fried it becomed burnt . i am in so much pain and i cannot sleep so hopefully a stream of consciousness will stop my brain from yelling at me. i dont like how the joke of "there's too many standards so we should make our own standard that works with all if them". in some ways this is how i feel about conlangs and numbering systems cuz they're kinda cool but i can barely speak english so a useless language hurts me on a deeper level. it feels like a waste of brain for me to even comprehend. if you don't use a language to communicate then is it language? why not say theway to conjugate your past tense is to piss really loudly. go crazy. actually there is that hat one i think called kay fop b or whatever who cares we're gonna die at some point and i dont want my longest lasting contribution to society to be some joke hat language. actually what happened to hats. we went from like fedora trilby and it all lead yp to beanies and shit. even baseball cap feels like a dying breed. shit is so itchy i hate how it feel i do not understand how people wear hats. maybe thats it but theres still so many of u beanie people. i am not the person to ask for fashion advice i can barely find clothes to wear on a given day sometimes. i got hella fat and now i feel terrible about myself and my appearance and none of my clothes fit. i got so many garments that have negative stretch like if i even attempt to fit in this it will break. i just wanna wear an infinite clothiny that i dont have to care aboit. just like a big gray bodysuit that makes me imperceptible. granted even when i was less chubby i didnt want to be percieved either so maybe i just dont like how i look lmao. probably dysphoria in there somewhere who knows i just feel so tired and lazy i dont got shit and i have nothin to feel good about so i have just put up with feeling snd looking like human waste all the damb time . i think they should make a new flavor of powerade thats like coconut or coconut lime kinda like that drink from sonic the ocean water. if it was coconut you could make it just light blue cuz theres no cloudy light blue powerade and that would look good. like one of those fortnite drinks they have in the jars that looks kinda tasty. if you made it coconut lime it could be cloudy green like that terrible cucumber lime gatorade. the last time they made new flavors of powerade was like summer 2021 and those flavors are discontinued now. but they only made zero versions of them so im not surprised if they did poorly. also they never make cool names like. Glacier Freeze. thats the berry orange one. Cool Blue is literally just orange or blue curacao flavor. Arctic Blitz was supposed to be honeydew watermelon but it tasted so awful and i love both of those flavors. even just like Fierce Grape is a cooler name but its literally just grape or whatever. Sorry i meant
Grape whoa this shit is neat i'm so glad tumblr has actual text markup options like lets go i love strikethru its so handy i use it on discord all the time too. in a way it somehow both useful as a serious and as a joking indicator but in very obvious ways... probably because i start them with "but" or "except" or stuff like that. i love that i can just type into this box forever and nobody will ever see it and its all just for me yippee! but at least i have the option and unless someone loves stupid walls of text nobody will be forced to see it. gordon freeman big naturals. gorgonzola freeman. spinda pokemon wearing jorts. who up playin with they zeebo. what ever happened to that gon go gab galab guy wheres his revival bring that energy into 2011 fr. wish i was better at chess but i'm so scared of other people so i only play against my friends and the computer. i was in the middle of typin out all this shit amd i was informed that there is a limit to paragprah soze but if u hit enter its chill. it goes away so i made a newline on Grape because its funny to put that there. i think we should work on milking funnier animals. we already milk nuts and rhey dont even have udders but like whats kangaroo milk taste like. i bet its all churned up and creamy cuz they be hopping all the damn time. actually its probably bitter and shitty snd the only reason joeys drink it is because theyre too young and small and crap poopoo to know any better. its like kangaroo buttermilk or kangaroo soylent. reminds me of that angry slappy the squirrel she said something about buttermilk i barely remember animaniacs but it was a good show i had that shit on multiple dvds. i wanted to try that new soylent because it is my guilty pleasure that i want the future to be at least slightly cool about eating stupid foods and not dystopian. 🎁 i seriously cannot believe that someone has ever licked their elbow. it probably has piss on it. luigis mansion 3ds remake. its crazy how most of thr star fox games are either just the snes game again or are some weird shit like adventure or guard. in a way counter strike is the same cuz theres just the first game and then a remake and another remake and then there's a different game entirely that was supposed to be the single player but its a new game. and then there's cs go which was at launch kinda like the second remake but with new shit? like they named the guns correctly and u can play on a l4d map and thry replaced the tmp. but now cs2 is basically a csgo update even though its look like a new game but u play through the csgo launcher and u play on the same dust2. so theres like 3 games but somehow we sre on counterstrike 2. chicken enchilada. thatd a funny trick to play on god. i bet they got some crazy ass soup on mars.i gotta wait so long to see the mario movie. i bet you could jist randomly generate memes by putting hip hop vocals over kevin macleod instrumentals and people woild eat that shit up. my eyeballs are stsrting to hurt goodnight tumblr or is it good morning? ive been typing for so long i cant help it
edit: metal gear solid 2. its good but 3 is better and should have been the Action Game for the ps2 at the smithsonian that shit is rad
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white-poppie · 2 years
Baby but Baddass?!
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Request: Hello i saw the hxh x reader au soulmates thingy, AND I LUV IT! if you mind can i request a fic where the main 4 killua,gon,kurapika and leorio has a crush on a reader whos really weak? thats all! And its fine if u decline my request
A/N: Thank you! honestly, at first I was about to decline the request because I thought I wouldn't be able to write it, but then I added a little spice to it.
Pairing: Main 4 with Gn! reader
Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
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Doesn't really care??
I mean he has grown up on whale island, where no one had nen, so it is not that big of a deal.
He has made it clear multiple times that he loves you no matter what!
He was so proud when he first took you to meet aunt Mito and couldn't stop smiling the entire time (😭🫶)
He thinks you are fully capable of taking care of yourself, he is just a little cautious when he senses someone dangerous when you are with him.
He calls you 'cupcake'
The first time he took you to meet his friends, you were a little worried and scared, but it all worked out and they were really supportive!
Especially Leorio (he finds you relatable.)
Overall, Gon is a very empowering guy and a little baby!
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Hate to break it to you, but unlike Gon, this guy isn't the most validating.
Like how can you not know how to defend yourself?
He thinks you are a pain, but still follows you around like a lost puppy (tsundere smh.)
Thinks that you are incapable of doing any work, just because you are physically weak?
Like boi, not everyone can use nen.
He is doing all his work for you, but with a scowl on his face.
Like: *picks up boxes* "you can't do shit!" *scowling*.
Bro, let me work in peace smh
(You appreciate it though, you know he is a little rude, but doesn't mean it.)
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He thinks you guys are meant to be.
Except for his medical skills, his nen isn't really- oh well.
Literally cannot stop bragging about you to his friends.
PDA PDA PDA doesn't understand the concept of personal space.
I have already said it in my relationship hcs. He is a doctor, but if you get hurt he will panick™
Eventhough he is pretty weak himself, he is baby-proofing the entire house like a pro
My only question in this is, "who told you, you are stronger?"
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oh boy, this is gonna be emotional.
Kurapika doesn't doubt your ability to protect yourself, he has just lost so many people in his life, he can't help, but be a little overprotective.
Like, you probably have a tracker somewhere that is connected to his phone, if you stop at an unknown location for too long, he is immediately calling you.
He is just concerned, poor baby always feels so anxious.
He was even hesitant to ask you out because he didn't want to get rejected, because he knew he would still silently care for you.
You were the one who ended up confessing first.
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A/N: mann I am so in love with Kurapika :,)
Tags: @akumicchi @jazzylove @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @kristaline2dmensimp @rintaroubby @nanaseishiro
Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
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sluttyhusband · 3 years
But It's Gon' Be Hard To Let Someone Else In Again
Aaron Taylor-Johnson x Chubby! Male Reader
Title based off of Ariana Grande’s “off the table” featuring The Weeknd (its the best song off positions yuh)
Requested by no one: ok I was writing the summary but it basically gave everything away KDKDKSKDFK. So Aaron thinks reader is cheating but that’s not the case and so he kicks reader out then finds out he was wrong and feels like a huge piece of shit. This is short btw akfjskdkdkd
Angst: accusations of cheating, crying, yelling, heartbreak for reader again 😪
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Aaron had woken to your side of the bed empty, ‘Strange’, he thought. When you’d leave before him you’d notify him a few days in advance but didn’t worry today, you’ve had a busy week and perhaps you were out with some friends enjoying the day.
He had gotten himself ready to just spend the day at home and saw a note on the fridge, ‘May be back late today don’t worry, remember I love you :)’, he smiled at the note and kept it in his pocket for him to keep in the box he had of notes he received from you throughout the years.
“M/N do you think he’ll like this one?”, your fiend had called you over to the display of other rings in the display. You had been planning to propose to Aaron some time ago, today you got up the courage to do so and called up a long time friend yesterday to help out with the process. “Yeah I think he’d like that one”.
You bought the ring and decided to spend the day with your friend, not seeing each other in over a month due to conflicting schedules. “So you excited for tonight man?”, he had asked while the two of you had walked together down the sidewalk. “I am, but I’m also incredibly nervous. I just want everything to be perfect”, “You going to a restaurant to do it or some scenic place?”, “Actually I think I’m gonna do it at home, so it’s more intimate and personal for us”.
“Make me your best man?”, “Obviously!”, he had squealed in excitement at the thought of his long time friend finally finding the one after… so much… heartache. “Kiss for good luck”, he kissed the side of your cheek and you both head off your separate ways.
You didn’t know this night would be ruined, the paparazzi had taken pictures of the whole interaction. The hug, the kiss, there was no way that it would seem like you two weren’t a couple.
Aaron was at home, drinking some wine when he saw a text notification from a friend, it had been a link to an article followed by “dude… I’m so sorry”.
Obviously confused, Aaron had open the link to the article and his eyes went wide at the headline. “AARON TAYLOR-JOHNSON’S LONG TIME BOYFRIEND SEEN WITH OTHER MAN”. No. No it couldn’t be, you wouldn’t do this. You coul- *SHATTER*, Aaron had been holding the wine glass and his strength had been overlooked by his emotions as the glass shattered in his hand from squeezing it. His blood now mixing with the wine that’s now on the floor.
He had cleaned it up and while doing so still couldn’t believe it. He had sat down and heard you pull up. Of course he furious about this, how could he not?
You had walked in and he immediately walked up to you, fuming with anger, “You little shit”, very much confused, you had taken a step back and looked at him as if he was crazy. “What are you talking about it?”.
He scoffed, “There’s tons of articles about it”, he showed you his phone and you saw the headline and scoffed, “Weren’t you the one that told me not to believe these types of article”. “Usually I wouldn’t. But this time, this time there’s fucking evidence!”, the pictures of the hug and the kiss.
You couldn’t believe it, Aaron knows you wouldn’t do this, “Aaron you really think I’d do something like that”, you had maneuvered your way around him and into the living room, “First time for everything”, he says, and tears, yes tears, began to escape your eyes. He knows what you’ve been through, why on earth would he think you’d do this.
“Why would you think I’d do something like this?”, voice already effected by the tears that escape your eyes. “Oh don’t give me that shit”, he actually thinks you did this, “You know what, get your things and leave”. You had froze, you’d been in arguments as heated as this but he’d never said this, “What?”, “Get your things and go. Now”, you had stood there in disbelief, “You heard me! Now you fucking fatass faggot”.
You had both winced at those words, immediately his brain had began to spin, ‘How could you? You had made a promise to him. Never ever act like them. You know what those two words mean to him. You’re an idiot’, Aaron regretted those words the second they left his mouth, yet he kept a straight angered face. You just sobbed and ran upstairs and began to pack.
Just as you finished, you remembered the ring. You decided it’d be of no use so you left it on the nightstand, leaving a note along with it.
You made your way downstairs and saw Aaron sitting on the couch staring out the window, he glanced at you then back out the window. You still had been crying as you walked out and put your things in your car and drove off.
Aaron watched you leave and decided to go upstairs to get some rest, adjust to you no longer here. He had entered and readied himself for bed and just as he was about to lay down, something caught his eye. A small velvet box. Oh god no.
He jumped over the bed and onto the side where it was, your nightstand on the side of your bed. He opened it, and his heart sank, an engagement ring, with a note on the side, “I thought you’d finally be the one”, he looked on the back of it and saw scribbled out writing but could still read it, “Remember he loves you so much, he’ll definitely say yes”.
His eyes shamelessly let tears fall, “No, no, no, no, oh god pease no”, he fell to his knees and silently sobbed to himself. ‘You ruined this, you ruined everything for him. He was so unbelievably happy with you. You’re now like one of them’, his thoughts consumed him, he’d never see you laugh again, or smile, or kiss you again.
Never again.
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theholychain · 3 years
heaven’s arena | hisoka x reader
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“god dammit” you mutter under your breath, rubbing your temples as you turn the 200th floor apartment inside out looking for hisoka. “i swear to god when i see him again, i’m gonna do something worse than killing him.” he’s notoriously a slippery person, you know that, but where on earth would he have gotten too? there’s not much to do up on one of the top floors of heaven’s arena and you also know that he doesn’t have another match until 19:00 tomorrow. to top that all off, its raining outside and hisoka had just done his hair. you mentally check off another box before leaning against the edge of the window sill, peering down at the city below. its foggy, a blanket of clouds just a few yards below you, heaven’s arena piercing through the veil. fat rain drops slide down the glass as you let out a sigh, heading to leave the apartment.
the walk to the reception area isn’t far from his room and its there in front of the entrance hallway you see him, idly throwing cards against the opposite wall. you can hear the voices of a few others near by talking with hisoka as you slow your pace. stopping in your tracks, you press yourself against the wall, letting zestu quiet your nen aura.
their voices carry down the hall, followed by a trail of blood lust. pushing yourself further against the wall, you strain to hear their conversation better, recoiling a bit when you finally clue in. “you creep” you mutter, perturbed by how hisoka had followed the strangers in the hallway all the way here.
“i have a little bit of a warning for both of you-“ you inhale sharply as he continues, intrigued at what he has to say. “you’re still not ready to set foot on this floor- for now, leave. its far too early”. furrowing your eyebrows, you watch him sit down. not ready? if they’ve made it to the 200th floor they ought to be more than ready. you begin to inch forward, making it to the corner of the hallway. hisoka’s eyes dart to you before looking back down the hallway again.
its then that you realize that the strangers in the hallway have no concentrated aura. sure they do seem to radiate immense power, but not like nen. if that’s the case, of course they aren’t ready- they’ll be eaten alive. the 200th floor was a matter of life or death and while you didn’t make a habit of watching out for others, if the people in the hallway seemed to have peaked hisoka’s interest you knew they were worth more than others. releasing your zetsu, you enable ten, walking out to meet hisoka.
“unfortunately, he is right though” you sigh, bending down to pick a card up off the floor, inspecting the pattern on the back. “we can’t let you pass, you’ll only get hurt trying” pausing, you look back up at the boys “but, from what i can tell you don’t seem stupid and if wing really is all the he pretends to be, i think you could make it back before midnight and actually be ready.”
killua and gon look at each other, blatant distrust on their faces as they share a glance. why would hisoka of all people seem to be looking out for them, and who even are you?
“what’s your name?” killua asks, crossing his arms. you wave him off placing a hand on hisoka’s shoulder as you sit down beside him, legs crossed in front of you. “that’ll come later… you better hurry up the clocks ticking.”
“i don’t listen to strangers” he quips back, eyes narrowing. the hall seems to get quieter as you look at him before closing your eyes and leaning your head against the wall. “what you do or don’t do isn’t up to me- but just know you won’t be making it past here until you know what you need to know.” you crack an eye open. “i can’t on good conscience let you past this point-“ you can hear hisoka chuckle quietly at your words, “plus, it’d ruin all the fun.” your smirking now, an eyebrow raising as you pick up another one of hisoka’s cards, turning towards him. “seems like we’ll be here for a little bit- gin or slap jack?” with a grin, hisoka takes the cards out of your hand, retracting his nen as the others fly back towards you, narrowly missing hitting gon and killua in the head. “i was thinking more of speed.”
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a/n: excerpt from possible hisoka x reader fic/series i might write? if you guys have thoughts please let me know im still on the fence about writing this also it wouldn’t follow the arcs exactly but i got inspired while rewatching and wanted to write this
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slutsukio · 1 year
how they react when you tell them you like them. ( awotw x black!fem reader )
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NETEYAM ! ׄ  ⭑ ⁔
❊ — cant even lie, neteyam was already knew, but he was oblivious as well. he picked up your flirty habits and late night talks with him, and assumed that you liked him.
❊ — "oh i knew that already." he chuckled at you as your jaw hung from straight EMBARASSMENT. he laughed dead at you in your face, before grabbing your hand and planting a sweet kiss on the back-side of it.
❊ — you guys talked that night about what you guys wanted to be, and how not to rush into things if you needed time to think about this more.
❊ — very respectful of your voice and opinions and lets you have the stage when you want to be heard. talked his ear off ALL GODDAMN NIGHT, and apologized in the morning for it.
❊ — after yall got off the phone, he went to go tell lo'ak who was up on the game, and they started celebrating and got hella excited.
❊ — p.s, they daddy came in the room and told them to shut up cus they was too damn loud, and him and lo'ak laughed the rest of the night off.
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LO'AK ! ׄ  ⭑ ⁔
❊ — now lo'ak ass, he had to find out from kiri that you liked him. i SWEAR he was so confused, and realized how bad he been fumbling.
❊ —"OHHH SHITTTT." he yelled aloud and whipped out his phone and ran to his room. you answered the facetime call and seen a big smirk on his face.
❊ — "a lil birdie told me you liked me." he spoke to you while giggle and kicking his feet, to obviously make the moment more alive. your eyes widened and you let out a nervous chuckle and trailed off a lil bit.
❊ — he eventually made plans to go out with you, on a date. he had to get neteyam and kiri to help cause he aint wanna fuck it up more than he already had.
❊ — you and lo'ak went on a lil picnic date, and he surprised you with some of your favorite vinyls. jill scott, sade, micheal jackson, etc. had bought you both cookies and wings to talk about some things, before he asked you the big question.
❊ — "so...do you wanna be my girlfriend?" he muttered to you while avoiding eye contact, and you couldn't help but laugh. you jumped in his arms and gave him a lil kiss on the cheek.
❊ — "of course i'd be your girlfriend, stupid." you told him before two big smiles were painted on the both of you guys' faces.
❊ — p.s, he told his homeboys and his brother he got a kiss the first date, knowing damn well it was a PECK.
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KIRI ! ׄ  ⭑ ⁔
❊ — you kept it long enough as a secret, thinking all the gifts you gave her were just friendly friends yk. she was SHOCKED, but not in a bad way ofc.
❊ — ever since you guys started dating, she would always hold your hand out in public, wear your bracelets/necklaces, and really cherish everything you give her.
❊ —you gave her a love letter on yall year anniversary (not dating, just knowing eachother), and she started to tear up.
❊ — "noo, baby dont cry." you chuckled and wiped her tears away before hugging her, whilst giggling a little bit. she keeps all of you guys' photos, jewlery, letters, and cards in a lil box, along with her moms stuff too.
❊ — she calls it her "loved ones" or "gifts from my eywa's."
❊ — p.s, her brothers make fun of her about her corny nicknames all the time, but its a sibling thing. they know how much she loves you.
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TSIREYA ! ׄ  ⭑ ⁔
❊ — baby girl started to blush and giggle and everything.
❊ — "you like..me?" her surprised tone and her flushed skin made you laugh in her face (not in a rude manner ofc), and kissed her forehead.
❊ —ao'unung be side eyeing yall and everything. "aye aye aye, what yall doin in this room?" he would burst through it and see you guys fake sleeping together.
❊ — you guys are always having dates at both of you guys' houses. her parents welcome you with smiles and warmth, yours do the same with her.
❊ — shes most def the type to send you cute tiktok dances and be like "learn them cus we gonna do this." if you DONT learn them, she aint gon be mad, gonna take the time outta her day and a plethora of tries to get it perfect.
❊ — p.s, lo'ak was crying when you scooped tsireya up before he coulda got the chance to even TALK to her.
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A'OUNUNG ! ׄ  ⭑ ⁔
❊ — now THIS nigga right here knew it, just like neteyam. yall was always talking to eachother, play fighting with one another, then going home and telling yalls siblings about eachother.
❊ — tsireya and you hung out alot, and everytime she'd come home ao'unung standing right by the fucking door. "yo, what did you and y/n do today." he asked, tryna take mental notes of what you like.
❊ — when you and your friend group hung out, you saw ao'unung and his homeboys out (like tsireya aint tell him yall was gonna be out), and came up and asked you for yk your numberr so he could "get to know you better."
❊ — when yall started talking, he responded in a blink of a damn eye. this nigga aint NEVER been so thirsty for nobody, he was on his joe goldberg shit.
❊ — after talking for a few months, yall started talking 25/8 and eventually he asked you on a date.
❊ — he had tsireya help and everything, and ofc you said yes and jumped into his arms with a big smile on your face.
❊ — p.s, he the third to last of his homeboys to finally get a gf. the last two were roxto and lo'ak.
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❁ suki speaking — why am i just now finding out tsireya is fucking 13. i thought she was fucking 15 atleast. but, enjoy the fluff guys!! giggle, love u all.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
Here, have a fluffy little drabble wherein Anakin adopts a cat while Obi-Wan is away and Obi-Wan is TiredTM.
The front door to Obi-Wan and Anakin’s shared quarters slid closed behind him with a soft whoosh. Obi-Wan leaned back against it heavily, taking a deep breath before allowing himself to fully enter the space – or at least he tried. He was really only able to take half a breath before Anakin came bounding into their living room. 
“Hi Master!” he greeted with more excitement than Obi-Wan was capable of returning at the moment. 
“Hello Anakin,” Obi-Wan said in tired greeting to his very new, very young padawan. “I hope you’ve been well while I was gone.”
“I have,” Anakin said, his excitement only calming in just the slightest bit. “I’ve gotten a lot done while you’ve been gone.”
“Have you now?” Obi-Wan said, a grin starting to quirk his lips. He couldn’t help the fact that Anakin’s good moods were infectious. 
“Yes! I fixed a few mouse droids that have been malfunctioning and I watered Master Qui-Gon’s plants and I fed our Loth cat and I got caught up on my philosophy homework even though it’s super boring and then I did some of those katas you showed me and I think I’m pretty good at them now but I’ll show you later. Then I even did that moving meditation you showed me.” 
“Oh, very good padawan, I’ve been meaning to…” Obi-Wan trailed off. He blinked a few times as he processed Anakin’s rapid-fire statement. “Anakin?”
“Yes, Master?” Anakin asked innocently.
“We don’t have a Loth cat.”
“Actually,” Anakin started, his gaze now thoroughly fixed on the floor. “We kind of do.”
“We kind of have a Loth cat?”
“Yes, well I found him in the temple gardens. He must have hopped over the wall. But it was raining and he was cold and all alone and he looked hungry and-”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, his voice tight. “Where is the Loth cat?” 
Anakin’s smile started to return to his face. He grabbed Obi-Wan’s hand and started dragging him towards his room. 
“You put the Loth cat in my room?” Obi-Wan asked incredulously. 
“He likes your room.”
“So do I, and I’m not very open to sharing it at the present moment.” 
“That’s not the Jedi way, Master.”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said in a warning tone. 
“Right, well, here he is.” Anakin pulled a small box out from underneath Obi-Wan’s bed. Inside was a soft yellow towel and a scrawny-looking Loth cat. 
Wide yellow eyes stared up at Obi-Wan and he couldn’t help but feel pity for the small creature. He reached out his hand and pet the cat. It closed its eyes and purred.
“See! He likes you,” Anakin said. 
Obi-Wan sighed.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan said gently. “You know we can’t keep him. We don’t stay in the temple enough to care for him. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“But he was all alone,” Anakin whined.
“I know, and I’m proud of you for trying to help. But he can’t stay with us.”
“Where will he go?”
Obi-Wan thought for a moment before grinning at his young padawan. “Oh, I know a certain Besalisk who owns a certain diner who just loves pathetic life forms. What do you think about getting dinner at Dex’s tonight?”
Anakin beamed. “I think that’s a great idea, Master!”  
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angelthebedsheet · 3 years
If you’re ok with it, could you do Hawks, Todoroki, Shinsou, Bakugo and Kaminari with a black support engineer s/o with big curly hair and stretched ears? Maybe she wears gauges with their hero theme? Just some cute fluff!
a/n: oooooh bitch okayyyyy!! i like that! hawks my lil bird bitch ✋🏽🥺
your quirk! super brain.
what is it? you have the ability to memorize things easily, piece complex puzzles together, make great strategies. you essentially are a megamind. you are incredibly smart invention-wise. you are skilled in support hero work so you are one of the go to’s for hero modifications, suits and basic designs.
hero name? hakim: the tinker hero
why the name hakim? from what i searched up it has arabic and african significance and it’s one of the 99 names based on the attributes of Allah. the two famous bearers of this name were hakim ajmal khan, the india physician and hakim muhammad saeed, a pakistani medical researcher. if i got any of this wrong please message me so i can fix this! i want to stay as respectful as possible as i love to include names that hold a message!
i might have to split this into two parts bc this gets long!! i just assumed reader is fem presenting bc you can use feminine pronouns and not be a girl like me. also disclaimer i only take 4 characters at a time per request but i dont think at the time of this request i had finalized my requirements in my masterlist so IMMA LET IT SLIDE. sorry this is late as SHIT. lets get it!
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okay we all know he’s a lil shit
and we all know how he be
you are working on your next commission piece in your studio when your window opens
you can only sigh
“what happened kei.”
“now birdie dont get mad now okay”
“what did you do.”
“i may have.... broke my visor and destroyed my jacket?”
how the fuck do you do that.
boot to the face
when you two were first dating
which was back in hs
you helped him figure out how his hero costume would be along with how they would sit comfortably on his wings
i mean i love the idea of you roasting him while measuring him
“where’s your fuckin DRIP kei.”
“y/n PLEASE. i came here to get a new costume not get slandered”
“well you jus gon have to deal with it sugar, especially when you look like a mess.”
he had definitely bought you so many gauges that have little red feathers hanging from it
or simply his initials hanging from it to the point where you just wear one of his feathers around your neck
marking his territory and making sure you are safe
protective and trendy!
i hc that he has alot of bird like tendencies so you probably have to stop him from stealing the lil shiny things you have
your nuts and bolts allat
“keigo put my bolt down”
“but its so SHINY”
cue keigo’s WHINING
sometimes he just sits on his stool you put for him and play with your ears
like he’ll stare at them and ask you questions
“do they hurt?”
“kei im trying to focus”
“like they’re all stretched how long did they take?”
or he’ll bounce your curls
you’re just polishing a piece of hero gear
here comes kei silently sitting on his stool and gently grabbing a strand of your hair
pulling it down then you hear a quiet
i hc that kei has adhd, has lil tic and has to fidget
(can you tell i self project onto majority of them)
(i mean hawks’ quirk must be IMMACULATE for fidgeting 😫👌🏽👌🏽)
(its dead his fault why i have a pretty bird tic)
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and one day
“kei baby, here.” you said as you handed him a box. he cocked his head slightly as he looked at it. “what is this, dove?” he asked as he took the box. “well, i made you something to help with your fidgets.” you said as you rubbed the back of your neck. his wings puffed out as he smiled. he opened the box and gasped. you watched as his eyes brightened while he took out the keychain fidget toy. it has multiple sides to it. metal rings connected by two hoops, red, white and beige plastic bangs that were at the ends with two small red feathers at the chains. you watched as he bit his lips and tried not to cause a big reaction. “do you like it, pretty bird?” you asked. he nodded and pulled you into a hug. “thank you so much, baby.” he said into your shoulder. “and you can hook it onto your pants. cute, right?” you said as you gently rubbed his back. “yep, i’m cuddling the fuck outta you. lets go.” he said as he let you go and sweeped you up into his arms. you squealed with a giggle and wrapped your arms around his neck as he ran to the bedroom.
Todoroki Shouto
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yall are in hs okay no time skips lmao
i mean he has so many sneaky pics of you working on your projects
oil on the cheek, gloves, goggles
straight up working in your zone
he will post on his story sometimes like
“look at my s/o”
“they’re working hard”
dry ass cute shit yk?
he carries scrunchies and glass cleaners 24/7
you take your projects on the go so he’ll just take out a scrunchie and neatly pull them curls back into a pineapple
my mans lowkey was struggling at first bc DAMN
love the idea of todoroki watching youtube tutorials bc he’s TIRED of getting his ass BEAT by them
he kinda gets a lil grossed out when you take out your gauges and your earlobe kinda just dangles
like earrings in? cool asf
them out? my mans fold like a lawn chair. he looks away or makes a stink face
“are they in?”
“yes they’re in you lil baby. you can try attempted murder but you can’t look at stretched earlobes?”
“shut UP”
he does internally swoon when you put in gauges that match his hair colour
like you love him that much? okay i see
he’s amazed by how you work
sometimes he’ll just stand behind you like a lil sibling in the door way
“mom said it’s my turn on the xbox.”
(not at how me and todoroki are both the youngest siblings)
when you saw his first hero costume you busted out LAUGHING
that day you roasted todoroki to the point where he left
“janitor looking ass. my nigga where you goin? a space adventure? scary ass.”
“😐 are you done.”
“space jam headass, lookin like a g.i joe action figure. terminator lookin ass.”
“alright im leaving”
“no wait come back andjajdjsba”
i hc that todoroki has panic and anxiety attacks and things like that
so you made him a little sumn sumn for his anxiety
“candy, look here for a second?” you called out, making todoroki hum and look up from his notebook. “what happened?” he asked as he cocked his head slightly. “made you something.” you said as you handed him a small box. his eyes light up as he gently took the box. “really? are you sure?” he questioned. you only nodded with a smile as you placed your pencil behind your ear. you watched as he carefully opened the box. he pulled out a tan clicker toy and smiled confused. “what’s this, bub?” he questioned as he placed the box down. “a fidget toy i made for you that can help with your anxiety. it can help ground you when you feel overwhelmed? hopefully? oh! it also has a music box feature.” you said as you pointed at the back of the toy. he silently turned the toy around and you leaned over and pressed a button that played a music box version of a pearl by mitski. you watched as his shoulders loosened up at the sound of his favorite song. he placed the toy down while he tried to hold his smile back. he sighed and smiled widely. “thank you, i love it, bubba.” he said sweetly. “i’m glad you like it.” you whispered. “may i kiss you?” he asked. you simply nodded before he gently cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss to your lips. you pulled him into a hug.
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kenobihater · 3 years
(I hope u dont mind me sending this as an ask i was gon do a reply but it ended up being long ;o;) idk if this classifies as romanticization but i love stories or hcs where witcher mutations are a bit more otherifying than we see in canon - such as changes in blood color/viscosity, maybe muscles that are anatomically different than nonmutated humans/elves, and the fangs like you said - the closer they hit Uncanny Valley the better. mainly because i think that its a little cheap that witchers look exactly like a normal human/elf (besides the eyes, depending on the canon, since i think in the books they keep their normal coloring - geral's eyes are described as "dark" often enough for that at least). visualizing the trauma inherent to witcherhood and making the metaphorical stripping of humanity/personhood manifest physically just Hits Harder, yanno?
and also i absolutely adore stories/settings/hc that actually acknowledge the witchers' enhanced senses and apply them realistically. cause like, we don't really know how far their hearing stretches, for example (at least i can't recall any specific details) but I think it's mentioned that witchers can hear heartbeats well enough. so they could easily be overwhelmed by sound even in a room so still and quiet that a normal person could hear a pin drop, simply because living beings are within that room - how difficult it must be for them to sleep in human settlements or share barracks freshly after the trial of the grasses when nobody speaks yet everyone is defeaned by their hearts and lungs and blood thundering in their eats. and hell, stomachs make lots of sounds that we can't usually hear - the witcher probably have a front row seat to all the fucked up noises all bodies make.
i dunno why i sent all that besides wanting to start a discussion to hear your opinions on it so i am a) sorry for bursting into your ask box like that and also b),,,,could you,,,,Rant About Things?? like both the whole discussion that prompted this and also whatever thoughts you have about witchers bc i love that (once again i am sorry)
i love getting asks, don't apologize! this is gonna be a disjointed and rambly response, so heads up for that lol! firstly, yeah, idk if that counts as romanticization, but i love the trope of a more heightened otherness too, and that's the kind of romanticization (if you wanna call it that) that i enjoy! anything that really makes them not quite human really helps to, as you said, stress the changes both mental and physical they go through during the trials.
secondly, yeah, acknowledgement of enhanced senses is totally my jam. i struggle to remember to do this in fics sometimes, but i've been getting better about it because it's just such a cool concept, yanno? balancing the right amount of enhanced senses in writing kind of reminds me how in my star wars fics i had to learn to acknowledge the force as a baseline sense for my force-sensitive characters. it's there, but you don't want to draw undue attention to it that would distract from the story. you want to use it to enhance, not hinder your plot, but it is important to recognize when it could actually be a detriment to the story you're telling and allude to that in the text (like, for example, in one of my upcoming fics i have someone lie to lambert and he mentally acknowledges it's a lie bc he can hear her heartbeat, but doesn't call her out on it for a reason. if i didn't acknowledge his superhearing now with the lie but bring it up later, it could ring false to the reader).
also, in the same vein of enhanced senses those are all wonderful points! sensory overload is something i occasionally experience and it is a cruel bitch, so having that due to enhanced senses all the time, and you're unable to turn it off and just have to learn to live with it and tune things out? oh, it's so good!
thank you for sending the ask, and also you're offering me free rein to rant? thank you! currently, the only thing i feel i could rant about is how psychosis is treated in the fandom by non-psychotics, particularly in regards to cat witchers.
you can't just decide to go the route of writing them as psychotics and then just go "oh yeah, this character is psychotic :)" and NOT elaborate properly! that's literally like saying "oh yeah, this character has Symptoms of a Disease" and not fucking telling us what disease they have! because at the end of the day, that's exactly what psychosis is - a symptom for several different diseases! usually, the only elaboration fic writers do is going "ooooh, they have psychosis so they are Evil and Violent now" which, i cannot overstate this enough, is the single worst misconception about psychotic people i know of, one that has real life repercussions for psychotic people and has caused untold pain and suffering. putting this dangerous misinformation into your fics because you want to write a character as Edgy and Morally Bankrupt and blame it on the psychosis is fucking disgusting, and if anyone reading this does this you owe me and every other psychotic person in the fandom $50.
also, i don't like the take that mutagens can cause people to be psychotic. to my knowledge, drug-induced psychosis is possible, but isn't permanent, meaning even if the cat mutagens caused acute psychosis in the people receiving them, it wouldn't last more than maybe a few months, and while it could trigger an underlying, latent mental disorder, it could not create one. there's no such thing as injecting someone with fantasy steroids and accidentally giving them bipolar disorder (because it's always bipolar, when the writers do deign to name it). brain damage is another thing entirely and can cause personality changes, but i don't know nearly enough about it to talk about it with confidence.
bottom line, if you're non-psychotic and wanna write psychotic cat witchers, do your research, don't imply the mutagens did it, don't act like their psychosis is linked with their violent tendencies, and really think about why you want to write the characters that are almost entirely referred to as evil and morally bankrupt (except for lambert about aiden) as psychotic. psychotic people can write whatever they want, hell, i'm writing aiden as bipolar, but the difference is i'm doing it to see myself in the character and i'm also not implying he's unhinged and violent. i don't speak for all psychotic people, but those are just my two cents on something in the witcher fandom that REALLY irks me, and i think i'm gonna write up an actual proper post on it. thank you for letting me rant, i really needed this because i'm Fed Up lmao!
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boonki · 4 years
“You look absolutely horrible.” For the prompts!
OKAY I KNOW YOU ASKED THIS LIKE THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO i am so sorry ive had to work a ton lately and have just been so tired, i havent written at all recently 
here you go!! some nice sleepy vibes from yours truly at 2:20 am, apologies if there are any mistakes 
The only light on in their shared kitchen space is above the sink, drowning the space in a burnt orange color, like the warm glow of a fire. As he stumbles into the room, Obi-wan nearly misses Anakin sitting at the table, fiddling with droid parts, back curled over and head drooped to study a piece of machine in his hands. How he’s even able to see is far beyond Obi-wan, but he’s learned to let it go throughout the years.  
Obi-wan turns the knob on the stove and shuffles the kettle to check for water, startling Anakin out of his meditative state. 
“Oh, Obi-wan.” Anakin looks up at him and squints, exhaustion forming neat lines around the corners of his eyes. “I didn’t know you were awake.” 
Before reaching up to the cabinet for a well-loved mug, Obi-wan catches how pale Anakin is, how dark purple blooms around his eyes like bruises, how he seems to shrink into himself. Obi-wan has seen Anakin look tired before, especially when he was younger and put so much pressure on himself to perfect his schoolwork, but this is on the particularly bad end of things. Anakin’s hair is greasy, the long curls pushed back and tucked behind his ears, and the small blanket draped around his shoulders does nothing to hide the fact that Anakin is still wearing the same shirt from two days ago. He looks absolutely horrible. 
“You look absolutely horrible,” Obi-wan says, the mug settling on the countertop with a clink. “Have you even tried to sleep?”
Anakin frowns. “Hey, you don’t look much better. We’re both awake at what,” his head swivels around as he looks for a clock, and finding none, guesses, “four in the morning? What’s your excuse, old man?” 
Obi-wan hums noncommittally at that, amusement assuaging the growing worry nagging at his chest. He pulls a tea bag out of the flimsy cardboard box left out on the counter, and rips the packaging open, letting the sachet dangle into the cup. He lets the silence linger. 
With a softer tone, Anakin tries again. “You can’t sleep either?” 
Obi-wan pours the boiling water into the mug, watching the color turn into a deep shade of purple, and he gently bounces the bag up and down, encouraging it to steep. “I think you’ll find, my dear padawan, that I’ve evolved past the need for sleep.” 
Anakin’s eyebrows flatten, and he snorts. “I’ll make sure to pass that along to Cody, I’m sure he’ll agree with you.” 
A smile tugs at Obi-wan’s mouth. “No, I,” he pauses, taking a breath, “I keep waking up. Figured a cup of tea would help.” 
All of the mirth vanishes from Anakin’s face, leaving only unadulterated worry. Obi-wan looks down at his tea. They both know a euphemism for nightmares when they hear one by now, considering they’ve created half of them on their own. Fighting a gruesome, bloody, and endless war will do that to a person. Fighting a gruesome, bloody, and endless war where a good portion of the deaths are on your hands, on your conscience, even more so. 
The air is still between them, but dense with emotion. Obi-wan rarely admits his nightmares to anyone, and by the myriad of expressions racing through Anakin’s features, he can tell Anakin is struggling with the right response. 
Obi-wan sips his tea. 
“Sometimes, I,” Anakin starts, clearing his throat, “I wish I knew them better, my men who died. I see them in my dreams.” He’s staring down at his hands, either as a distraction or remembering the blood he’s washed off. The droid parts sit motionlessly beneath them. 
Obi-wan leans back on the counter, holding the steaming mug up to his chin. “So do I,” he nearly whispers, grateful for Anakin’s admission, his attempt to empathize with Obi-wan. He wants to say more, wants to sit down and let out the demons haunting his dreams, but he’s afraid that they’d rip all his bandages on the way out and tear him apart completely. It’s easier, he thinks, to keep it all inside, contained, controlled. But in the dim and molten light of the kitchen, with his face hidden in the shadows, he wants to be vulnerable. He also wants Anakin to get some rest. 
“Do you want to come sleep with me?” Obi-wan asks, eyes darting up to Anakin’s face. 
Anakin’s eyes go wide, and he straightens up in his seat. “What?” 
He suddenly realizes what he’s said, and he can feel his ears burn. “No, not like that.” He dips the tea bag in and out of the mug, and Anakin relaxes a bit, though still wary, looking somehow disappointed. “When you were a youngling, you used to crawl into bed with me when you couldn’t sleep. You thought I never noticed.” 
“You remember that?” 
Obi-wan smiles to himself, gazing wistfully down into his mug. “Of course, dear one. You weren’t the only one who slept better.”
Anakin’s eyebrows are knitted together, his lips parted. “Oh.” He looks thoughtful. “Sure, then. Your room?” 
Warmth floods Obi-wan’s chest in anticipation, not at all feeling guilty about his careful manipulation. He knows Anakin could never turn down helping others, it’s in his nature. 
Anakin’s little droid project is completely forgotten as Anakin stares at him for an answer. 
“Considering I don’t quite feel like tripping over half an engine, yes, my room.” Obi-wan takes one final sip of his tea and sets it by the sink, treading over the cold floor back into his room. 
With a scoot of his chair, and loud, heavy footsteps, Anakin follows, sliding Obi-wan’s door shut behind him, leaving the pair in complete darkness. Obi-wan is still in his sleep shirt and shorts from before, so he slips into bed, pulling back the covers for Anakin to join him. He hears the soft thump of clothing dropping to the floor and then a dip in the mattress next to him. 
Obi-wan lays on his back, as he assumes does Anakin. 
Then there’s a shuffle as Anakin readjusts, and with a slight startle, Obi-wan feels a bare arm rest against his chest, a face in his neck, a leg thrown over his. It’s odd, but rather nice. Obi-wan doesn’t remember the last time he felt so safe. 
“Is this okay?” Anakin mumbles into the crook of his neck, blowing hot air over his collarbones. 
“Yes.” Obi-wan faintly wonders if Anakin can feel his heartbeat. 
“What were your nightmares about?” 
Obi-wan considers this. Blood, so much blood, headless bodies strewn over a hopeless landscape, their heads coming to life and blaming their deaths on him, his call, his decisions. Qui-gon, standing in the flames, yelling at him to be better, to have saved him, saved his men, to save Anakin. Stillness, as he stands utterly alone and deserted, everyone finalizing realizing they were better off without him, because he is worthless, unlovable, tainted- 
“The war.” Obi-wan answers, his voice cracking. “And you?” 
When no reply comes, Obi-wan wraps his arm around Anakin’s back, tracing his spine, the flesh warm and smooth underneath his fingertips. Anakin’s breaths come slow and even, and his hand twitches once. 
Already asleep, then. 
Obi-wan bites a lip to keep from chuckling. Maybe this is the trick to get him to sleep. He rests his cheek against his hair, presses a light kiss to the top of his head. 
“I dream of losing you, dear one,” he whispers out to no one, letting the honesty linger in the darkness above them. He trusts the nighttime to keep his secrets. 
When they both wake up in the morning, Obi-wan is sure there will be some level of embarrassment from cuddling, from cracking open their hard exteriors to each other. They’ll probably be sent out to the frontlines and never speak of this again. 
He feels the sturdy muscles of Anakin’s sides, the dip of his waist and rise of his hips. 
For now, Obi-wan holds him, keeps him safe from the torment of his own brain, and lets him get some much needed sleep. 
Light billows out from underneath the door when Obi-wan wakes, morning having come and gone long ago. 
Anakin has curled further into him, practically seeping into his bones. There’s a leg thrown over his waist, face completely smooshed in his neck, and his arm drapes over his chest, Anakin’s palm cupping the side of his face. Delicate snores come from Anakin’s nose, and Obi-wan’s neck is hot from Anakin’s breath. Obi-wan’s hand is settled in the small of Anakin’s back, the other arm thrown up above Obi-wan’s head. 
A languid grin finds its home on Obi-wan’s face, sleep tugging at his edges. He hasn’t felt so well rested in years. 
Not wanting to wake Anakin, Obi-wan flutters shut his eyes, and lets himself drift back off, soaking in the feeling of love and security that pool together in his heart. 
He can feel Anakin breathing steadily on top of him, peacefully. 
The war will have to wait. 
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