#little elvis came out to say hi 🤭
peaceloveelvis · 4 months
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Good Lord Almighty 💛
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jhoneybees · 2 months
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Hi!! Here's a sweet but also savoury fic that I might write a part 2 for🤭
Tagging: @elvisalltheway101 my doll🫶
Characters:50s!Elvis X Older!reader
Warnings/triggers: 5 year age gap (A/n: The fic is set in 1955 so Elvis is 20 years old and reader is 25)
Elvis has always had a taste for younger girls and their chatty personalities but when his head did a whole 180 after laying eyes on a matured gal like you that is more quiet and not as chatty, he learnt what his real taste is.
His family knows you from living in the apartment next door and they adore how friendly of a person you are. His mama would often praise you during family dinners to his daddy and him which usually he would get embarrassed about her rambling on about girls that could be a potential partner for him but now getting to hear about what you said during a conversation you had with his mama, he didn’t say a thing.
Even though he sees you with his mama quite often, he doesn’t know a lot about you. He knows you came from a privileged family in Texas and when you graduated highschool, you moved to Memphis when you were 22 to have a fresh start into adulthood but that’s all he really knows from what his mama told him.
He finds you very pretty and your laugh and smile are so contagious but the thing that gets him almost trembling is how mature you look in those dresses you wear, it does…something to him.
Especially when he saw you from across the road as you were walking into the building complex you two live in, wearing that red halterneck dress with cherries on it.
His bottom lip just couldn’t help but fly in between his teeth, those damn curves are something else.
He’s had quite a big crush on you ever since you moved into Lauderdale Courts and for a long time he thinks he wouldn’t have the courage to confess to you because he’s scared that you might get disgusted and shut him down or go off telling his parents to scold him for having such feelings for someone that they look so dearly as a close family member so to save himself from that humility, he’ll just watch you from afar.
“Nah, you guys can go on without me” his friends groan in disappointment, they asked him if he wants to go to a party with him but he’s already been to 5 in the past 2 weeks, he wants a break so with another shake of the head, he bids them a farewell and turns on his heel.
He hums quietly, he thought he would be running around Memphis for the night with his buddies for a bit of a laugh but he’s a bit disappointed to find out they want to go ogling at girls at a party over at someone’s parents’ house, knowing that the adults don’t know about what their kids are doing because of them being out of town.
It just leaves him the option of just walking back home and finding something interesting to do there.
As he walks along the footpath with his hands in his pockets and head lowered down, he watches as his shoes lazily scrape along the concrete. He sighs out of boredom, he’s bored so what could he do when he gets home?
Just then when that question pops into his head, his ears perk up to the sound of a piano. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he lifts his head towards the neon lit sign noticing he’s outside of a night club. Maybe he could go and have a bit of a listen to the music? he shrugs his shoulders.
Why not?
Quietly, Elvis scans his eyes around the dimly lit bar room, seeing only a few black middle aged ladies in their best attire, smiling and laughing with each other with dainty little glasses in their hands. It’s not as busy as he thought it would be.
Then as he hears a piano play again, he looks towards the sound and his breathing comes to a halt. You’re on stage with a microphone in your hand, he didn’t know you worked as a bar singer. He gulps as he sees you in that black sparkly cocktail dress and your hair flowing down your back. Good Lord.
Elvis shakes his head and realises he might be staring too much so clearing his throat, he glances around to find a seat.
He sits at a two person table and decides to keep his head lowered, he might embarrass himself somehow, he doesn’t know how but it’s better being safe than sorry but as Elvis presses his lips together, the gravity pull of your voice through the speakers just demands him to look at you.
Is he gonna be able to look away?
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen.. The song I’ll be singing for you tonight is a song that I have always called a favourite when I was little…and it goes something like this” you chime with a soft smile.
Oh that smile.
The piano starts the song off and as the bass soon follows after, the cheerful sounds of the song fills out the room. The first word you sing makes Elvis physically melt.
“I don’t want to set the world on fire”
You smile sweetly and the older ladies there cheer you on with “That’s my girl!” and “That’s right!”
“In my heart I have but one desire”
His eyes soften.
“I’ve lost all ambition, for worldly acclaim”
Elvis brings his arms up to rest on the table, grasping his hands together and looking at his hands to try to just listen to your voice.
“I just want to be the one you love…”
Oh your sweet fluttery voice
He really can’t look away.
As you sway your hips subtly and bring your hand up to rest on the pianist's shoulder, Elvis bites down on his tongue. Gliding across the stage you walk down the steps and onto the bar floor, Elvis’ eyes darting all over you from your jaw to your hips and down to your ankles.
He lets out a stiff sigh and leans back in his chair.
“I don’t wanna set the world on fire, honey”
You sing with a giggle, taking slow and elegant steps towards the bar where the other women are, yelling and giggling at your cheeky little smile.
Elvis’ hand twitching, he sighs again while he lifts his hand to drag down the bottom half of his face.
“I love you too much” you add, making the ladies whistle playfully.
Elvis doesn’t even notice how his leg is bouncing nervously under the table, all he can think about is his heart floating across the room to the palm of your hand for you to squeeze, break, just do anything with it.
“You see…way down inside of me”
His heart pumps loudly in his ears as you turn your head and look into his eyes, walking slowly towards him.
“Darlin’ I have only one desire….and that desire is you” His heart clenching in the softest way as you give him a happy smile, realising who he is.
The small thumps from your heels make him hold his breath, sensing you walking behind his chair, a shiver drips down his spine as you place your hand on his shoulder.
Feeling you bend down over his shoulder, he lets out a small breath through his slightly parted lips.
“And I know…nobody else ain’t gonna do”
His chest almost stutters as he breathes in, your soft, sultry voice sending ticklish waves into his ears and into his brain. Feeling your warm breath lingering below his ear onto his neck, his hands adjust over the center of his pants.
“Did you like that, Presley?”
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dreamingofep · 8 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 10🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, angst, spanking, oral, Smutt, blood/gore 🩸
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.7K
A/N: Hello everyone!
Welcome to part 10! I can't believe we've gotten this far! There's still so much we're learning about these two and it's only getting more complex by the day. A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
There's a lot going on this chapter that I've been wanting to include in a chapter at some point but haven't felt like its the right time. First off, when I first had the idea for this fic, I was curious when the first vampire myth came to be. It turns out it started out in Ancient Greece and a "vampire like being" was created by the gods. It fascinated me and I knew I needed to incorporate it into my story somehow.
Second, I have a soft spot for Elvis singing gospel. I know I needed to add a meaningful song to the chapter to show his vulnerability and You'll Never Walk Alone came to my head. When Elvis recorded this, it is actually him playing the piano in the recording. While this isn't technically a gospel song, it was written by Rodgers and Hammerstein for the musical Carousel but you can see how Elvis might have interpreted it as so. Take a listen if you want 🤭
I wanna say thanks to those of you for reading from the very beginning or, if you somehow stumbled across this one late night on Tumblr or Ao3 and decided to give it a shot. Your enthusiasm about this little story makes my heart sing so thank you!
If you’d like to start reading from the beginning, start here. 🩸
Thank you again! Please let me know what you think in the comments or send me a message!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and overall goofs.🖤
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You shake your head at him, watching him give you that sly smirk that you love so much, knowing that he has you in the palm of his hand. He leaves the bedroom with the door open and you follow him to see where he’s run off to so quickly. You grab the pajama top and put it back on you, buttoning the first few and following him into the next room. 
He’s standing by the small bar and opens a bottle of water. You walk to him leaning over the ledge as he hands you the glass. 
“Here honey,” he says smoothly. 
You take a sip, not realizing how much you need this. He comes around the bar to sit on the stool, drinking you in. He had his pajama bottoms on but left his chest exposed, giving you the best view imaginable. You look him up and down as he does to you and press your lips together, fighting the smirk forming on your face.
You step in between his legs, rubbing your hands up his chest gently, gliding around his neck, then up to his hair. He murmurs contently, but you pull at his hair harshly, making him grunt. 
You get close to his ear, “Take this out of me. Now.” You growl. 
“No. Not yet,” he says smugly, laughing softly. 
“What do you mean not yet?” you hiss. “I’m not having you play with me like this.”
He puts his hand around your neck, softly squeezing it, and makes you look at his dangerous eyes.
“Yes, you will. Trust me, you will listen to me,” he boasts.
“No, I won’t. You forget that I can resist your… charm,” you smirk at him, knowing that’s going to piss him off. He hates that you can’t be compelled by him and shoving it in his face is the icing on the cake. 
He squeezes his eyes closed in a frustrated manner and opens them back up facing you intensely. 
“You’re going to be the death of me hmm? Just never going to listen and constantly test me?” He grumbles rubbing his thumb lightly over the bruise on your neck. 
“Hmm… yes that sounds like a marvelous plan. Can’t let you get too comfortable,” you tease. 
“Using my own words against me, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you,” he quips, running his fingers through your hair. 
“I’m sure you’ll find a way,” you tease. “But first do something else with this,” you grunt, taking your finger and pulling the ring out of you, pushing it against his chest, your slick covering it. 
His eyes light up in shock and stares at you. You know you’re pushing it, he likes to be obeyed but something in you loves to get a rise out of him. It’s all dangerous though, his mood is so drastic especially when he’s hungry so you have to watch yourself. It’s been two days since he fed and you’re unaccustomed to how he acts when he does need to eat again. Can’t be worse than the first day you two met so you think you can handle anything. 
He doesn’t grab the ring right away, just looks at you like he could pin you down in one swoop and make you beg for his mercy. His eyes grow dark and his lips form a pompous look, waiting for your next dangerous move. You decide to grab his hand and slip the ring back on his ring finger. 
“There you go sweetheart,” you say mockingly, walking away towards the bathroom to wipe the slick in between your thighs. In the blink of an eye, he is in front of you again, towering over you, his breathing heavy. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He seethes. 
“I’m not leaving if that’s what you’re thinking. You don’t have to break the doorknob again,” you taunt. 
His face drops and his eyes turn fiery. “You are unbelievable. Someone ought to put you in your place,” he rasps.
“I know honey. Put me on top of the piano again and show me how to behave,” you quip, rubbing your hand against his cock making him hiss in frustration. 
He quickly picks you up and puts you over his shoulder. You gasp and try to get out of his grasp but he’s far too strong compared to you. He takes long strides to the guest room and puts you down on the bed face down. You put your arms out quickly to brace yourself but he roughly grabs your wrists, putting them behind your back. You protest and continue to try to wiggle out of his hand that is grasping onto both of your wrists, keeping you still. You rest your forehead on the bed and let out a frustrated grunt. 
He pulls at your hair to turn your head to the side and leans down into the crook of your neck. 
“What did you think that kind of behavior was going to get you? You just like gettin’ me all riled up, is that it?” He hisses. You know you’re gonna get it, your little game has now turned into his and he loves to win. You feel him nip at your neck causing both of you to grunt. 
“Maybe a little,” you whimper. 
He doesn’t like that answer. Not one bit. 
He grunts and takes another nip at your neck. 
“I know I can’t make you listen to me, but I’m gonna have to teach you to listen to me,” he growls. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion but that’s when you feel it. 
His hand moves up to scrunch your pajamas out of the way and giving you a spank on your ass. You’re in shock and the stinging left behind on you makes you gasp. 
“Elvis don’t you dare!” You squeal out. 
“You’re gonna listen to me from now on won’t you,” he asks, giving you another spank. 
Your eyes water, not used to the feeling of anyone hitting your backside like this. He gives you another spank, letting out a breathy grunt. 
“Elvis!” You squeal. 
He pulls at your hair again, making your head lift from the bed. 
“Are you gonna listen? You gonna be good for me?” 
“Mhmm… most of the time,” you grumble, gasping for air. 
His hand comes down again but this time, a little moan comes out of your mouth instead and a new wave of pleasure begins to pour over you. You shouldn’t be surprised at this point that Elvis has unlocked another spark of pleasure you didn’t know existed before him. 
Now you want him to spank you, turning his little game into your pleasure.  
He murmurs contently,“Mhmm thats what I thought. You liking your punishment now honey?” He growled. 
“Your hands feel too good on me to be a punishment,” you gasp.
He gives you one last spank and you can’t help but moan louder. 
“Oh fuck, baby,” you groan. He squeezes your ass and places a kiss in the crook of your neck. He moans too and his fingers graze your folds, wet with arousal. 
“Jesus, such a naughty girl. I should put something in your mouth for saying such vulgar things.” He grumbles.
“Mhmm, I think that would be the appropriate punishment,” you tease.
He lets go of your wrists and turns you around to face him towering over you, your back laying on the bed, and your legs wrapped around his torso. He has a string grip on your thighs and has a big grin on his face when you look up at him. 
“You just can’t behave,” he growls, his thumb lightly pressing on your clit making you jump, still very sensitive. 
You shake your head no at him, batting your eyes at him. 
“Don’t be mad at me. I’ll be good. I’m sorry,” you whimper. His thumb continues to tease and you feel yourself get wetter. You watch his almost drunk eyes look at your weeping pussy and watch how he wants you to himself all over again. He pulls down the waist band of his pajamas and takes his cock out, hard once again. He really wasn’t lying that he never gets tired…
“Show me then. Show me how sorry you are,” he commands. His voice makes you quiver and you know what he’s asking for. You adjust your body on the bed and lay on you stomach, your forearms popping you up. You lick the tip of him softly, making him sigh with satisfaction.
“Please, forgive me baby,” you whisper before you wrap your lips around his head and suck, taking more of him in your mouth gradually. His hips buck into your mouth, wanting to fill you quickly with his length. You moan out, loving the way he’s so eager.
You know what he likes and know what will get him to come unglued the fastest. Your hand reaches for his balls, massaging them lightly. He bucks his hips into you again, causing you to gag around him.
“You fucking naughty girl,” he moans, placing his knee on the bed to move easier. You lick and suck more, groaning when how he puts more of his cock down your throat, making your eyes water.
“Sucha good girl. Relax your throat and let me fuck it some more,” he growls, taking a fist full of your hair in his hand and moves in and out of you. Your hand continues to touch his balls, getting him to let out all these animalistic grunts. 
You let him move, feeling how he won’t last that long with how you’re touching him and the way he’s moving inside you. You place your hand on his shaft that’s not in your mouth and jerk him off, licking and sucking his sensitive head.
He keeps groaning and cursing your name, getting so close.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum, right in that pretty mouth of yours,” he moans, moving his hips a few more times before he releases in your mouth. He fills your mouth quickly and makes you fall apart too with the sounds he’s making. You can’t help but gag around his length and moan with how he’s using you. It’s so dirty but you couldn’t care less. He was yours. All yours. 
He pulls his cock out of your mouth and watches you swallow everything he gave you. You smirks at you, pulling your body up to kiss you.
His lips devour yours and has his hands back on your body, consuming your bare flesh. You moan into his mouth loving how he feels on you. He slips his tongue into your mouth and deepens the kiss further. He feels like heaven as he touches all the parts that only he knows you like to be caressed.
He briefly pauses, giving you some air. 
“You’re good at apologizing,” he groans, going back to give you another kiss. 
You nod your head in agreement, “oh I’m glad you accepted the apology,” you quip. 
He smiles down at you, “So bad. You’re so bad. I like a good girl,” he teases. 
“Well, you’re going to have to deal with a bad girl then,” you say, your voice sultry. 
His hands squeeze your ass, pushing your body more into him. God, you’re a mess because of this man. He knows how to make you weak at all times and half the time he isn’t even trying. You’re addicted to his attention and his body and the way he makes you feel. It’s all never enough. You don’t know where this is going to end up but all you know is you need him at all times. Probably not the same level as him but in terms of being human, you didn’t want him to go away and leave you.
He smoothly pulls you onto him, having you lay your head on his chest. His skin melts into your warmth and makes you want to fall asleep on him. You feel so content here and you two wallow in the silence together. The longer you lay there, a chill runs through your body and his body temperature starts to make you shiver. He tries to hold you tighter but it isn’t helping. He grabs the blanket at the edge of the bed and covers your body.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“It’s fine,” you says, wrapping the blanket tighter around you.
You adjust your head on his chest and your ear presses into where his heart is and for the first time, you hear his strange heartbeat. It’s so faint, barely obtainable by your ears and his slow breathing makes you realize how inhuman he really is. 
All of him is a facade that is made to please his victims. It’s so strange feeling and touching him knowing what you know now.
Your hand trails up his stomach to his chest, placing your hand over his heart and look up at him surprised.
“I know,” he says, looking at you like he knows what you’re about to say. 
“Your heart… It’s so, quiet,” you whisper.
“Mhmm, it doesn’t work so well anymore,” he mumbles, kissing the top of your head, “Don’t worry about me.” 
“Is that how it always is? So… dormant,” you say softly.
“Yes. Ever since I’ve been bit. It’s also affected by how much I umm… eat,” he says carefully.
“I didn’t know. There’s just so much I’m finding out for the first time with you. You have to understand this stuff freaks me out a bit,” you explain.
He wraps his arms around you tighter, trying his best to comfort you.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about all of this. You should have never found out. I should have never laid a hand on you, maybe then this all would be so much easier,” He says sorrowful.
“Honey, that’s not what I mean at all. I’m so happy with you. More than I have been in a very long time but it’s just this new bomb has dropped that you’re not really who I thought you are is going to take some time to get used to. I only found out two days ago that you’re…,” you say sheepishly when he cuts you off.
“I know baby, I know. I wish I could be different for you. Be exactly who you deserve but I can’t help it.” He says defeated, slowly lifting you up off his chest and getting off the bed, feeling the mood of the room drastically shift. 
You know he is this very powerful being that has abilities beyond your wildest dreams but as he looks down at you, sorrow filling his eyes, you see how fragile he really is. His stature is slouched, and his eyes look tired and gaunt. You want to comfort him, reach out and tell him everything is going to be alright but in reality, you don't know if that’s the truth.
“Baby, please come lay with me. I don’t want you to go. I didn’t mean to upset you,” you plead.
He looks at the clock on the wall and it reads midnight. “Maybe you should get some rest. You haven’t been sleeping well so I’ll leave you alone,” he says weakly.
You try to protest but he’s already out the door, softly closing it behind him.
You let out a frustrated grunt. You couldn’t sleep even if you tried. You hated seeing him hurt and wished you could make him forget all of his self-hatred.
You can only understand a fragment of how he felt about himself and how he felt when he looked in the mirror. He made this life-altering decision and now thirteen years later, does he regret it?
Does he regret it because you are now in his life?
Are you the reason he thinks differently about everything?
You don’t know but you also need to figure out what to do about this situation. There was one thing you knew for certain; you wanted him. You want him like no other person on this planet. You don’t think you wanted Daniel like this the you two were first seeing each other. These were two very different situations but they still affected you deeply.
That was another thing you had to figure out was how you were going to move out of that apartment and where you were going to live next. You didn’t want any confrontation with Daniel. There was no point in it and you made up your mind. Leaving was going to be the best option for both of you and maybe you could start the next chapter of your life freely.
You knew Anna wouldn’t mind letting you stay a little longer to figure your shit out. You were thankful for her and her kindness. Oh shit. 
You took her car when you thought you were going to just talk to Elvis. Now it's been days later and you haven’t even called her.
Shit she’s gonna kill me, you think.
Your chaotic thoughts swirl in your head and you panic. You see a phone on top of the dresser and quickly scramble out of the bed and reach for the phone. You start to dial her number and glance up at the clock and it is already half past two. She was definitely fast asleep but you needed to talk to her.
The phone rings a couple of times and the sound her her groggy voice fills the receiver.
“Hey Anna, it's me,” you whisper.
“Y/n? Are you okay? I’ve been so worried about you. What’s going on?” She asks.
You pause and take a deep breath. You know Elvis is probably listening with ease to your conversation so you know you need to choose your words carefully.
“I’m fine. I’m sorry I haven’t called… things have been… hectic,” you admit.
“Y/n I know when something is wrong. What’s going on?” She asks more firmly.
“I can’t really tell you specifics… but I’m sorry I took your car. Let me come by and pick you up for work so you can have it back,” you suggest.
“Okay, we’ll talk about this later, see you at 5:30. Just let yourself in with the key. I’m glad you’re okay though, I was worried sick.”
“I know, I’m sorry again, I’ll see you soon I promise,” you say before hanging up. 
You fall back onto the bed again, staring up at the ceiling, feeling crushed by guilt.
You try to take a nap but it feels too hot and too cold at the same time. An hour passes by and you’re restless. Elvis hasn’t made a sound in a few hours and you were curious what he was doing.
You put your pajama top on again and peeking out into the living room. You see piles of books scattered about on the tables and sofa. You decide to pick one up, curious about what he’s reading. You sit down on the sofa, scanning the mess of literature in front of you.
The thick, red, leather-bound book felt ancient, the pages were so thin, that you had to be extra careful touching them. You scan the pages seeing what this one is about. In the text, it explains, what a vampire is:
“The main characteristic of vampires is they drink human blood. They typically drain their victim’s blood using their sharp fangs, killing them slowly and turning them into vampires. Making the victim bite them in return to complete the process.”
A chill runs up your spine as you read these details of what these pages tell.
“Vampires are typically said to be of pale skin and range in appearance from grotesque to preternaturally beautiful…”
Yeah, that one is pretty obvious he’s supernaturally gorgeous.
You pick up the next book and thumb through the pages, reading the ancient lore of the first vampire showing up in Ancient Greece that was cursed by the Gods. This surprised you because you thought stories of the Greek Gods were just a fable, something that was made up. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to comprehend that stories are no longer myths and probably have more truth residing in them than you think.
You start to read the story of Ambrogio, a young adventurer born in Italy and one who longed to travel to Greece. When he was old enough, he set sail to Greece and traveled to the Eastern area of Delphi.
This was the home of Apollo’s temple, God of the Sun. When he was visiting, Ambrogio met an Oracle who would sit in a chamber within the temple and speak prophecies inspired by Apollo to those who came to seek the Oracle’s wisdom.
She only repeated: “The curse. The moon. The blood will run.”
It kept him up all night, worried about what the Oracle meant. He went for a walk and he saw a beautiful woman dressed in white walking to the temple. He stopped her and she told him her name was Selene and was the maiden of the temple. Her sister was the Oracle and would take care of her when she would be working. For the next few days, Ambrogio met Selene before she entered the temple and they fell madly in love.
On his last day in Greece, he asked Selene to marry him and return with him to Italy. She said yes and they agreed they would meet the next day at dawn outside the temple.
But this entire time, Apollo had been watching. He too loved Selene and grew enraged that Ambrogio would come to his temple and steal one of his maidens away. At sunset, Apollo appeared to Ambrogio and gave him a curse that from this day forward, the mere touch of Apollo’s sunlight would burn his skin.
He was terrified and had nowhere to go as the sun would burn him as soon as the sun rose. He hid in a cave that led to Hades. Hades, the God of the Underworld, listened to his cry for help and made him a deal. If Ambrogio could steal the silver bow of Artemis and bring it back, he would grant him and Selene protection in the underworld. As collateral, Ambrogio had to leave his soul behind with Hades until he returned with the bow. If he didn’t return with the bow, he would have to live in the Underworld forever, never seeing Selene again.
He took his bow and arrows and set out on his mission. He had no parchment to write to Selene what was going on, so he shot a swan, using its blood for ink and taking a single feather to write a poem to her. He did this for forty-four days, never missing a single day.
On the forty-fifth night, he had one arrow left and shot at a swan and missed. He felt hopeless and cried for help. Artemis, sister of Apollo and the Goddess of Hunting and the Moon, heard his cry. He begged her for one arrow to write Selene a note and she took pity on him. She let him borrow one silver arrow and he quickly ran to Hade’s cave to deliver the object to him. Artemis realized what was happening and cast her own curse on him; for silver to burn his skin.
Ambrogio begged for her forgiveness and explained the curse Apollo gave him and his undying love for Selene that he didn’t have any choice but to do what he had done. She pitied him and decided to give him one last chance. She offered to make him a great hunter, almost as great as she was, with the speed and strength of a god and fangs with which to drain the blood of the beasts to write his poems. In exchange for this immortality, he would have to agree to a deal. He and Selene would have to escape Apollo's temple and worship only Artemis forever. The catch was that Artemis was a virgin goddess, and all of her followers had to remain chaste and unmarried, so Ambrogio was never allowed to touch Selene again. They could never kiss, never touch, never have children. He quickly agreed and left a note to Selene at the temple to meet him at the docks and ran away before Apollo would notice he was there.
She met him at the ship and she found him hiding in a coffin, sheltering from the sunlight. They sailed to Ephesus where they would live many long and happy years together. They stayed faithful to Artemis and never touched or kissed. While he stayed the same after all those years, Selene grew old and ill and was on her deathbed. He couldn’t bear to see her die and knew he would not be with her in the afterlife since his soul still resided with Hades. He ran to the woods and found a white swan and shot it, offering it to Artemis, begging to make Selene immortal like him.
Artemis thanked Ambrogio for all their dedication to her after all these years and would make him one last deal. He could touch Selene just once - to drink her blood. Doing so would kill her mortal body, but from then on, her blood mixed with his could create eternal life for any who drank of it. If he did this, Artemis would see to it that they stayed together forever. Ambrogio was terrified and didn’t want to do it, but when he explained this to Selene, she begged him to bite her. He had no choice but to bite her and took her blood into his body as he watched her body be lifted up to the sky where she met Artemis on the moon. She beamed with brilliant light where Artemis granted her to become the Goddess of the Moonlight, where her rays of light would shine upon everyone and her beloved Ambrogio.
This story left you in shock, the story of the first vampires on this earth were made by the gods? So much information flooded your head and you needed to borrow some of these books from Elvis. In a way, you thought it was beautiful, the way he made her immortal out of his undying love for her even though he thought he was cursed for all eternity. They got to spend forever together. You wonder how they turned other people into, what would later be known as, vampires.
You easily could sit here the rest of the night sifting through all these books but you should see where Elvis ran off to. You call out for him but hear nothing in the suite. You check his bedroom and it is untouched and quiet. You decide to see if his men outside know where he ran off to. You grab the blanket from the bedroom to wrap around you since you don’t have any pants on and don’t need any wandering eyes on you. 
Opening the door, a man is standing outside of it as usual.
“Hey, where’d Elvis go?” You ask.
“Downstairs, in the ballroom,” he says without turning around.
“Can you get out of the way so I can get through the doorway?” You say ticked off, pushing past him to get out of the suite.
His frame is stiff and rigid just like Elvis’ and you can feel his cold temperature brush off you.
You stare up at him in bewilderment.
“Oh my God, he turned you? Didn’t he?” You say in shock.
He takes a moment to pause and remove his sunglasses. His eyes were dark, almost black, just like how Elvis’ got.
“Yes. Do you always ask so many questions?” He grumbles.
“Fuck you. What floor is he on?” You snap.
He takes a deep breath before answering, “First floor. Make a right out of the elevator to the door that says Ballroom 1.” He says annoyed.
You push past the rest of the men that you now know are vampires and get into the elevator. How many other people has he turned? Did they have any say over the matter? Or was he so thirsty he couldn’t control himself…
You pinch yourself, stopping from creating these awful scenarios in your head.
You get off the elevator and get out, going down the hallway til you reach the ballroom doors. Quietly turning the knob, you look into the room. It was filled with chairs and musical instruments and you hear the soft playing of a piano. You step inside fully and close the door, finding Elvis with his back turned toward you, dressed in his robe, black pajama bottoms, and wearing his slippers.
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark…
His voice rings out flawlessly, it makes you have chills as you have never heard him sing live before. Something about his voice in person is better than any recording could ever capture. You watch his long fingers dance over the ivory keys, pressing delicately and letting the beautiful music fill the room. 
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
You make your way further into the room. He never fails to keep you in awe of him. Even though he saw himself as a monster, you saw him like a Greek God. Perfect in every way. From his chiseled jawline to his perfect nose, there wasn’t a flaw you saw on him. Every inch of him was perfect and you wanted to make him see that. “Cursed,” or not, you were entirely enthralled by Elvis Presley.
You stand behind him, your hands trail down along his chest making him breathe deeply and he leans back into you.
He inhales your scent and grumbles, taking another breath before singing the next line. 
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
For your dreams be tossed and blown
… Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
He plays the last few notes and leaves them ringing out on the grand piano. He sits there still, not making a sound.
“That was beautiful honey. You sing it so soulfully,” you whisper, kissing his neck.
He lets out a low growl, “You should have stayed upstairs.”
“Hiding from me isn’t going to solve your problems. Talk to me,” you plead.
“I just wanted to play without disturbing you. You need your rest,” he says.
“I can’t rest when I know you’re upset. The song was beautiful. You sing with so much love in your voice,” you praise.
You see his face crack a smile when he hears this from you.
“Thanks… Gospel music makes me the happiest. It’s what I first fell in love with. Sometimes I sit here and play for hours, trying to get God to listen to me,” he says weakly.
He turns to look at you, tears filling his eyes, “Do you think God can forgive me? For what I’ve done? For who I am?” He looks so fragile, wanting love and acceptance from God. From you. He still had so many human qualities even if he didn’t see them. He was insecure just like the rest of us. Wanting love and acceptance no matter what we do in life. 
But he wanted to hear acceptance from you in particular.
You had heard he was very religious, but now that he was… well, no longer human, you didn’t know how he felt about religion.
“Oh, honey… I don’t know much about religion… I frankly don’t know much about anything in this world anymore, but from what I’ve gathered, He’s a forgiving God. I think He can forgive you too.” You assure. 
He adjusts his legs on the piano bench, turning his body and putting each leg on the side of the bench to look at you. He looks into your eyes expectantly, “I don’t think so baby… I’m not good. I’ll just always be this,” he says exasperated looking down to the floor.
You take his face in your hands and make him look at you.
“You’re a lot better than most men. Trust me on this. I know you’re trying your best to be better. I see it,” you press. “
He shakes his head at you, taking your hands off of him, and squeezing them lightly.
“Honey, please, I can’t have you touch me right now. I don’t trust myself,” he grunts.
Your heart aches for him, frustrated he sees himself so evil.
“Baby, please. I trust you, I know you won’t hurt me.” You assure him, putting your hands back on his face. He lets out a content sigh feeling your skin on his.
“Honey, listen to me. I- I- shouldn’t. You need to know something. Before anytime I’m around you, or make love to you, I need to drink blood. Just so I can have some sense of control around you. I don’t want to hurt you,” he says weakly.
This made a lot of sense actually, how he would sneak off into his bathroom, his eyes becoming brighter and less clouded before he’d have you. 
“You’re okay. I trust you. I need to be with you,” you beg.
You place a kiss on his forehead, taking in his scent. He continues to look down, looking more defeated than you’ve ever seen him. You hate seeing him like this. He’s not listening to you and you need to make him. A bold rush comes over you and your hands trail down his chest to his torso where his robe is tied. You pull at the bow and watch his robe come apart, exposing his chest with the long gold chains hanging down on it.
His blue eyes meet yours and he looks at you cautiously.
“Honey, please,” he sighs.
You won’t listen to any of his protests, you’re so focused on him, determined to get him to forget all of his self-doubts and have him let you love him. You bring his hands to your hips, making him squeeze you gently.
“Touch me,” you whimper. He sighs frustratedly, looking up at your pleading eyes.
You drop the blanket and slowly unbutton your pajamas, flinging it to the side, watching his eyes get distracted by your breasts in his face. You straddle his hips and sit down, kissing his cheek, and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands travel down to your ass and push you into his frame firmly. He grunts getting to feel your body like this and the response you give back to him.
You can feel his cock growing harder the more you tease and kiss his face. You nip at his neck, just as he does to you and he growls. “Goddamn it. You’re killing me,” he grunts.
You keep teasing him, softly rocking your hips into him, loving it as much as he does.
You pull at his hair to get him to meet your eager lips and kiss him passionately. He moans into your mouth and puts his hands in your hair. You pull away to get some air and his attentive mouth is licking and sucking on your breasts. Your eyes shut and your jaw slacks open as he sucks on your nipple, sending shock waves of pleasure through you. Your hips continue to grind on him and feel his length rubbing your core. This friction felt so good on you and you let out the moans you don’t want to hold back. This extreme amount of need flows through you and you don’t want to wait any longer. You can feel the arousal seep out of you and need him to feel what he’s doing to you.
“Let me fuck you,” you whisper in his ear, reaching underneath his robe and scratching down his back. He cusses under his breath and grumbles.
“Baby, I can’t… I can’t hurt you,” he professes.
“You’re not. I know you won’t. I want you to make me feel good,” you say with a roll of your hips. You reach for his hand and guide him to your wet folds. He groans when his fingers make that discovery and instinctively rubs his fingers on your clit, then teasing your entrance lightly.
“I need you,” you plead. 
He grunts heavily and sucks on your neck moaning your name, making your core throb. The way he moans your name should be illegal with how unglued you become and makes you feel like you’re on fire. “Please,” you continue to beg, “you know how long it’s been since you’ve fucked me?” You say in a moaning breath.
He groans, pushing your upper body away from his at an angle with his hand on your lower back, pressing his face into your breasts and nipping and sucking on them. This makes you moan and squirm too, loving the response you can get out of him.
“Yes, I do,” he pants,“ Five days. Five days since I’ve been able to stuff that tight little pussy and make you scream my name,” he grunts, making your core grind into him. You groan and feel your heartbeat start to race in your chest, his words making your core throb immensely. 
You stand up, hooking your fingers into his pajama bottoms, and slide them off. His cock springs free and you straddle him once more, taking him in your hand, rubbing him firmly.
“Do you want to do that, honey?” You whimper, weak already from this notion.
“Please, fuck me, baby,” he grunts, lifting you up and lining himself up to your entrance.
You love how needy you’ve made him and want to make him a puddle just as he makes you.
You sink down on his length, taking all of him quickly and you groan when you feel him stretching you, filling you so completely. 
“Holy shit. Oh, fuck baby,” you pant, your fingernails embedding into his shoulders. You move faster than you normally would, wanting to fuck him like you have never before.
His hands hold onto your hips tight, bringing you down on him hard and fast.
Both of your grunts fill the room and he feels too good, making you come apart faster than usual. You squeeze and claw at his biceps and moan out his name. He holds your hips still as you adjust to him. Rocking your hips back and forth, you feel how insanely good he’s filling you never wanting this to end.
He pushes his hips deep inside you, making you cry out in shock.
“Oh fuck yes baby, just like that,” he groans.
He places his hand on your lower stomach and pushes there. He’s added this new pressure inside you and you look at him in shock, having never felt like this. Your hips grind into the base of his cock, making you want to come.
“Oh God honey, y-you’re so deep inside me you’re killing me,” you gasp.
“Mhmm, keep moving,” he growls.
Your eyes roll back and you squeeze your eyes shut, letting all your instincts take over and fuck this perfect man underneath you. You can feel your walls begin to flutter the more you bounce on him, cussing his name like he’s your savior. You feel his hand wrap around your neck, making you pop your eyes back open.
“Look at me. Look at me when you’re fucking me,” he groans through his teeth, possessiveness rolling off of him like a tidal wave. You lock onto his eyes as his hips buck into you, taking you harder and faster. You can’t take much more of this, you feel the coil in your belly about to snap and the pressure added by his hand on your stomach makes you feel like you’re going to combust. You scream out his name, having to shut your eyes, getting too overwhelmed with each thrust.
His hands slide to your breasts, squeezing them firmly, his intensity blazing off of him. 
The sounds you two are making shouldn’t be allowed and being quiet isn’t an option for you. 
His hand grabs your jaw, making your eyes open again. 
“I said, look at me. I want to watch you come apart,” he groans, putting his hands back on your hips, helping you thrust on his length. 
He keeps you locked onto him, biting his lip as he watches your face marvel into pleasure. You can’t hold on for much longer, you can feel your body begin to fall apart with every loud heartbeat ringing in your ears.
“I’m- oh fuck baby,” you beg him, your eyes doing all the talking.
He growls in your ear and pants heavily, “cum for me, now,” he demands, possessiveness overflowing from him.
You hold onto him for dear life as your whole body tenses and the heat of the orgasm washes over you over and over again. You see stars behind your eyelids and gasp for air. You moan out his name as your walls squeeze his cock deep inside you. Your nails leave red marks down his back and he only fucks you harder. He lets out a deep, primal growl as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“Mhmm yes, you’re all mine baby, all mine,” he moans, loving the feeling of you squeezing him.
His face burrows into the crook of your neck, groaning loudly and heaving for air. You continue to ride out your orgasm and your vision becomes clear again. The grip his hands have on you is so firm, you’re afraid he’s going to leave huge bruises behind. You heard him inhale deeply into your neck and moan your name. He keeps you moving on his length even though you feel spent.
He suddenly places a hand on the back of your head and makes an animalistic groan. You feel his teeth on your neck and nips at your neck like always. Your heart races out of your chest as this all feels so overwhelming. You gasp with his mouth on your neck and push into him more, more moans escaping you. Then, it feels different. He was nipping harder than usual and it started to sting.
You start to panic and the sounds emitted in his throat begin to become louder.
A sharp pain spreads across your neck and you push his head away from your neck and cover your neck as a reflex from the pain.
“Ouch!” you yelp.
Your eyes widen in shock as you see a small amount of blood dribbled down on his bottom lip. You remove your hand from your neck and look down at your to see the blood on your fingertips. You can’t move, you’re too scared from how he’s looking at you and by the way he has this far dazed look in his eyes. He licks his bottom lip and tastes your blood, making this eyes roll back.
He then quickly lifts you off of him and he stands up, towering over your scared body. You watch how he heaves for air and how his fangs grow and sharpen. 
“Oh God,” you gasp.
Terror washes over you as you try to back away from Elvis, needing to give him space. You reach for the blanket on the floor and wrap yourself in it again. You keep pressure on your neck to stop it from bleeding but your racing heartbeat only makes it worse. He lets out these frustrated grunts, squeezing his eyes shut like he’s in pain.
He opens them again to look at you and they’re blood red, black veins spreading from under his eyes. You can’t speak, you’re too in shock from all that has happened. Elvis groans in pain, panting heavily and backing away from you.
“Leave. NOW!” He bellows making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
 Nerves fill your body and you feel like you could pass out any second. You’ve never needed to get out of a room quicker than now with a starving vampire staring you down. You think this might be even worse than the first day with him. His eyes look so dangerous, so cunning, he has lost complete control of himself and won’t calm down til he gets his fill.
You start to stumble backward but your feet aren’t catching up with your brain. You can’t get out of here any faster. He presses his hands to his ears, groaning in agony.
“Fuck, get away from me! I can’t control myself. RUN!,” he yowls. He quickly turns away from you and you watch in horror how his fists fly up in the air, then come back down on the piano, splitting it in two.
The tumultuous sound it creates makes your skin crawl and your ears hurt. You turn to run to the door and all you hear is his painful, agonizing groans as he continues to bash at the piano.
You slam the door closed and make a run to the stairwell. You don’t care if anyone sees you running through the hotel in just a blanket, you need to get out of there fast.
You grab the keys to the car you left in the locker room and make a sprint for it to Anna’a apartment. Your heart hasn’t slowed down one bit from leaving the hotel. You drive recklessly on the side streets and hope to God you don’t get pulled over. You check your rearview mirror every five seconds, praying no one is following you. Elvis in particular.
You finally make it to the apartment, quickly park the car, and run upstairs. You can’t catch your breath and feel the entire room spin as you close the door behind you and quickly lock it. Your neck throbs at the bite mark and you place your hand back on it, checking to see if you’re still bleeding. Your blood paints your fingers and you whine in pain. Your flesh was already so sensitive there from the bruise that resided on it, but now the open wound stung and you needed to stop the bleeding.
The hall light comes on and you see Anna turn the corner, sleepy-eyed and squinting to try to adjust her eyes to the light.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” She says panicked, watching you stand there bloody wrapped in a blanket.
You gasp for air and feel the room closing in, “I- I- please help-,” you whimper before your knees give out and your world turns black in an instant.
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @elvispresleyxo @loving-elvis
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vintagepresley · 1 year
elvis and an inexperienced girl reader who is eager to try new things but elvis wants to take things slow w/ her so he always try’s giving her relief without going all the way when she gets too turned on.
Thank you so much for the request! I hope it's alright I made this big daddy. 🤭💗
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Dirty thoughts always plagued your mind when you were around your boyfriend. You had been dating for a few months and he still hadn’t gone all the way with you. No matter how many times you begged and pleaded for Elvis to do so, he’d say no. You were inexperienced and a Virgin and he didn’t want to rush things with you. But you were always more than willing and ready, but to keep you satisfied he’d always find ways to give you some relief without going all the way. It was becoming hard for him to resist sometimes especially because you didn’t make it easy for him strutting around in your little babydoll night dresses, whispering in his ear and teasing him. But still no matter what he’d say no.
But you were determined to get what you want so when Elvis had invited you out to Vegas, you packed a few of your nightgowns that he loved and some cute lingerie that you had bought the day before. After the show that night one of the guys escorted you back to his suite and told you that Elvis would be up shortly. You quickly went to shower and once you were done you slipped a towel around yourself and headed to your suitcase and decided to wear the slip dress you packed. You dried off and slipped on your pink satin slip dress that hit right above your thighs so it didn’t leave much to the imagination, which you knew Elvis would love and you brushed your hair just the way he liked it. As you were finishing up getting ready you heard the front door to the suite open and close. "Y/N? Baby?" Elvis called out to you.
You smiled widely when you heard that southern drawl of his ringing out and you quickly made your way out to him and soothing out your little slip dress, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth at the sight of him, he always just looked so handsome. He taken aback by the sight of you and what you were wearing that he had to do a double take and he cleared his throat. You giggled softly to yourself noticing the way he was staring at you and you did a little twirl for him. "Do you like it?" you beamed happily. He was speechless and he licked over his lips as he stepped closer toward you to get a better look as he chuckled softly.
"Like it? I love it, baby. Uh.. W-Where'd ya get that?" He said softly as he did his best to not think the dirtiest things that came to his mind. You shrugged your shoulders, smiling up at him as you ran your hands along your body.
"I bought it before I came here! C'mon, I'm sure you need to relax after the show you put on." you hummed. You took his hand and led him into the bedroom. He smiled as he followed behind you.
"I am bit tired, baby. I can't wait to get in bed and cuddle my girl." he said with a smile, slipping his big strong arms around you from behind. He kissed along your neck softly and you giggled as you rested your hands over his and you smirked to yourself because you had other plans for him.
"Well you better go get showered if you want to cuddle because you smell, daddy." you said with a smirk as you tilted your head back to look up at him.
Elvis laughed softly as he kissed along your jawline. "I don't smell that bad. But okay, honey." he said with a grin before he pulled away and headed into the bathroom and as he showered you climbed into bed, soothing out your dress as you waited for him. You were determined to make him lose control with you tonight to do more than just touch you and tease you. You wanted him to make love to you to fuck you like an animal. Just the very thought of it turned you on. Elvis finally finished up in the shower and he came out in his robe and walked over to the bed, plopping down onto and laying back letting out a tired groan. You scooted closer to him and placed your hand against his chest that peeked through his robe and your brushed your fingers against his chest hair and you felt his arm slip around your waist and his fingers brushing up against your thigh as your dress rode up.
You bit down on your bottom lip and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips as you caressed your hand against his rob and it lingered down his robe until your hand was placed right against his cock. He raised an eyebrow at you and he grabbed your hand moving it back up to his chest and he chuckled softly. You pouted when he moved your hand. "Elvis.. Please.. How long are you gonna make me wait?" you cooed. He smirked a bit giving your lips another kiss.
"I just want to take things slow, honey. What's the rush?" he mumbled against your lips. You let out a soft sigh and shrug a bit.
"I just want you.. So bad. I need you.." you whispered as you climbed on top of him, straddling his waist and he let out a soft groan. He smirked up at you and he shook his head a bit because of how desperate you were for him to fuck you.
"Honey, y'know I have other ways of helping ya.." He mumbled as he slipped his hand between your thighs and you let out a soft whine.
"B-But I want this..." you say softly as you moved against his cock causing him to let out another groan. "I-I know.. But..-" before he could get another word out you placed your index finger against his plump lips. "You know you want to.. I can feel it.." you hummed. He grabbed your waist and flipped you around onto your back and you squealed softly, biting on your bottom lip.
"Enough." he said sternly.
You pouted and folded your arms over your chest acting like a child. He shook his head and chuckled softly as he spread your legs open and moved in between them, kissing over your thighs slowly as his eyed your white cotton panties and he could see the wet stain on them, he licked over his lips. He was going to try his best not to go all the way with you, but you were making it very difficult for him.
A soft whimper escaped your lips feeling him kiss along your thighs. You always loved when he did use his other ways of getting you off, but you just wanted him inside of you. You needed him. You watched him between your legs as he began to slip your panties off and bit his bottom lip at the sight of you and you inhaled deeply watching him stare at what belonged to him. The moment his mouth met your pussy you let out a soft moan, he was always so good at this and he knew that it would make you forget about what you were asking for in the first place. Elvis slid his tongue up and down your wet velvety folds and he swirled his tongue around your clit, flicking the sensitive bud between his tongue. Your head tilted back against the pillows and your hands tangled into his dark raven hair as your hips lifted off the bed the louder your moans grew.
Elvis wrapped his mouth around your clit and sucking on it slowly and he groan softly against you. The vibration of his groan only through you over the edge. "Daddy.. fuck.." you mewled. Your eyes rolled back as he devoured you like you were his last meal and as soon as his tongue slipped inside of you the most embarrassing sound escaped you. He nearly made you forget how badly you wanted his cock inside of you. He always knew just how to make you feel so good. But the thought of fucking you never left his mind now. The way you pressed up against his cock and the very taste of you was making him feel all sorts of things he hadn’t before. He didn’t know if he could hold back. Control himself. Keep you his innocent little girl for much longer. But he was determined to.
Your thighs squeezed around his head as your toes curled against the bed and your back arched as your head tilted back further into the pillows and your moans louder than ever. But he soon pulled away and you looked down at him seeing him move from between your legs and climbed on top of you, the heavy weight of him only turning you on more. You loved how big he felt on top of you. The warmth of his body pressed against yours as his robe slipped open more and your nightgown raised higher. You bit your bottom lip wondering what he was doing as your legs wrapped around him and you whispered to him. “Fuck me.. Please.. I-“ but you were silenced by Elvis placing his index finger over your lips.
“Enough of that, little one… Daddy’s gonna make ya feel real good.” He hummed. You nodded slowly at his words knowing not to push the topic any further. You swallowed harshly as you watched the lustful in his eyes as his right hand groped your breasts through your nightgown and then traveled down between your legs. He teased two of his fingers against your wet folds and pressing his fingers between them and teasing the pad of his fingers against your clit which made you gasp softly and your breath to hitch and a soft moan to leave your slightly parted lips. His face drew closer to yours until you could feel his lips against your left ear and the feeling of his breath hitting your ear made a chill run down your spine. “You like when daddy makes you tingle down there, don’t ya? You gonna be a good lil girl and cum for me? Hm?” He cooed.
You felt like you couldn’t speak let alone form a sentence as your hips moved against his callous hand trying to gain more friction as quiet whimpers escaped you so desperately and needy for him. You nodded as a way to respond to him. You suddenly felt him shove his fingers knuckle deep inside of you which caused your eyes to widen and your lips to part further as you gasped loudly and moaned cutely. “Use ya words, little one..” he whispered into your ear.
“Y-Yes.. Daddy.. I-I’ll be your good girl..” you whimpered out softly. He had a pleasing grin on his face from the sound of your words and he pumped his fingers inside of you slowly, teasing your tight little hole and you whined needlessly when you felt him slip his fingers out of you. “Oh god.. Please..” you cried. But he lifted his head up and smirked down at you and he brought his slick coated fingers up to your lips spread your sweet arousal along your soft lips making them glossy with your own mess.
“Taste ya self, honey, taste what has daddy strugglin’ to hold back from fuckin’ you..” he mewled. You nodded at his orders and you slowly licked over your lips tasting the sweetness of your arousal and capturing your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked up at him innocently as he watched with delight. “Goddamn..” he hummed. Your eyes rolled back as soon as you felt him shove his fingers back inside of you and pumping them at a steady and fast pace. Your hands clutching onto his robe as you moaned loudly. You were already so sensitive from him eating you out that your body was so close to losing all control.
The faster he fingered you the more wet you were becoming and making such a mess all over his fingers, he smirked at the very feeling. “You’re so goddamn desperate to cum, aren’t ya? My innocent little girl..” he hummed as his fingers jackrabbited inside of you. Your whole body gave way as your eyes began to ring and you felt nearly lightheaded as your orgasm built up in the pit of your stomach and the noises you were making growing louder the closer your orgasm grew. Before you could even comprehend it all you orgasmed and came all over Elvis’ fingers making a mess on yourself and his bedsheets. “Fuck..” he murmured.
Elvis slide his fingers out of you and you watched through your hazy vision as he moved back between your legs and he lapped up every bit of your mess that clung to your pussy and your thighs and soft kitten whimpers escaped you from the exhilarating feeling. You were always amazed at how he could satisfy your needs without actually fucking you. When he finished he moved back on top of you, capturing your lips in a deep kiss. You moaned against his lips as you kissed him passionately, slipping your tongue into his mouth so hungrily. You pulled back just enough for both of your lips to hover over one another and you reached down into his open robe and wrapped your hand around his hard cock causing a low groan to escape him.
“It’s my turn now..” you said sweetly with a giggle. Elvis smirked and nodded at your words and he sat himself up opening his robe completely and you climbed off the bed and got down on your knees the shag carpeting rough against your knees as you placed yourself between his legs. Elvis licked over his lips as he eyed his innocent girl down on her knees for him. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and slowly stroked his cock in your hand as you stared up at him with your innocent doe eyes.
He let out a soft groan and he pursed his lips a bit before he spoke. “Mm.. Just like daddy taught ya, little one.” He mewled. You nodded and pulled back his foreskin as your lips parted just enough to take the tip of his cock into your mouth and your lips tightened around his tip as you sucked slowly on it making soft noises as you did. Elvis groan loudly and his right hand tangled into your hair clutching onto it. You continued to suck on the head of his cock and your suckling noises growing louder as saliva gathered around your lips and the head of his cock and as it slowly dripped down his shaft you carefully took more of him into your mouth that you could. Your cheeks hollowing as you sucked his cock faster and soft gags escaping you when he hit the back of your throat and you let out a soft muffled squeal. His eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly. “Oh god..Fuck.. S-Sorry, baby..” he murmured.
He was careful to not force you to take more of him because you weren’t completely experienced yet in giving him head. So he always took it easy on you as much as he could. You brushed strands of your hair behind your ears and continued to steadily suck his cock and you could feel him pulsing and twitching in your mouth and his groans were louder than before and now his hand tightened around your hair as he got closer to his orgasm and he bobbed your head just a bit on his cock causing more friction around him. “Y-You gonna let daddy cum in your mouth? Huh, baby?” He mumbled between his noises. You did your best to respond to him and you nodded with a small “mhm” escaping around his cock.
He smirked. “Good girl..” he hummed and as his orgasm drew closer and closer his groans turned into grunts and his breathing was heavier and he tugged your head back and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking and pumping his cock rapidly as you sat there with your mouth open and ready to receive his cum as he continued until his breath got shaky and he mumbled the words, “fuck” under his breath. Ropes of his hot cum came spurting out onto your tongue and in your mouth and he let out a sharp exhale when he finished. You closed your mouth and swallowed his cum like a good girl and opening your mouth to show him. He grinned pleased with you as he closed his robe back up. “C’mere, baby.” He whispered patting his lap for you.
You pulled yourself up from the floor and climbed right into his lap, slipping your arms around his shoulders as you smiled happily feeling so relieved satisfied as you curled up in his lap. “You know, I guess I can wait a little while longer for the real thing.” You said with a soft giggle. He chuckled softly at your words as he kissed along your face slowly and gently.
“Ya better because you ain’t got a choice, baby.” Elvis teased with a grin as he held you in his strong arms. When the time was right he’d give you exactly what you wanted and teach you more than you could know.
Um, I got carried away with this.
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drtyelvisfantasy · 7 months
Queen of the jungle
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Parings: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: Elvis decided to hold a lil photo shot for you in the jungle room at Graceland🤭
Warnings: very small mention of sex but that’s it😁
Authors note: this fic about Elvis from the 70s. This is my first story that I had posted in a while to I hope you all enjoy it! Also I just want to say that Elvis is not married to Priscilla in this. I also took some inspiration from Priscilla’s book “Elvis and Me”.Other than that enjoy☺️🩷🎀
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It was a nice peaceful night at Graceland in May of 1971. You and Elvis had been dating for about a year, he then made the big decision to ask you to move in with him and you couldn’t be more happy and said yes.
You both were currently relaxing in his bedroom watching tv when he came up with the idea that he wanted to take some photos of you. Sometimes Elvis would like to create a small little photo shoot , you would dress up as his favourite fantasies while he would take Polaroid photos of you and he loved it and sometimes it will lead to other nightly activities that you cannot disclose (🤭😏). You had got up from the bed to use the bathroom and when you came back Elvis stopped you in your tracks when he held up a small little white two piece outfit that he wanted you to put on.
“Darlin’ put this on I want take some photos of ya”
Elvis said in a demanding way.
You agreed to put the costume on and wondered your way back into the the shared bathroom. When you came back out with the full outfit on with hair and makeup done, Elvis was praising you all the way.
“My God, you are the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my whole entire life satnin”
Elvis’s praises with his southern drawl were causing you to blush and smile ear to ear like a little kid who had just walked into a candy store. Instead of taking the photos in his bedroom like what you would usually do he decided to put a change to it. Elvis had picked up his camera and led you down all the way to the jungle room, your favourite spot in the house.
As you settled onto a plush sofa, your heart raced with anticipation. Elvis, with his magnetic charm and infectious smile, picked up his camera, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
"Alright, sweetheart”.
he said, his voice carrying a melodic Southern drawl.
“I want ya to lay down on down on the couch and rest your feet up into the air."
“Like this?”
You had said in a cute questioning voice.
“Yea just like that, pet your lil dog in front of ya while you pose.”
Elvis thought it would be a cute and funny to incorporate your two little Chow dog puppies that he had gifted you for your 21st birthday. Elvis had snapped a couple more photos of you before he had you reposition into a new pose.
“Sweetheart I want ya to lay down on the ground now”
Elvis was now getting you into your new pose.
You laid down on the grown getting into your new pose, the story rug that was full of animal prints that had came from an exotic animal felt like warm and soft against your skin. You looked up at the camera smiling and feeling happy that share this moment with your favourite person in the whole entire world.
"Now, darlin', imagine you're the queen of this jungle”.
Elvis began, his voice laced with genuine admiration.
"You radiate beauty and grace, just like these gorgeous creatures by your side. I want you to feel their warmth and unconditional love, let it seep into your very being."
You nodded, listening attentively to his instructions. Elvis had a way with words that made you feel like the most important person in the world. His guidance was like a gentle breeze, encouraging you to embrace your confidence and inner radiance.
You were now getting into your next pose.
"First, tilt ya head slightly to the side".
Elvis continued, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"That's right, darlin', just like that now let ya eyes shine. Imagine they're the stars in the night sky, reflecting the magic of this moment. You're a beacon of light amidst the lush greenery."
As you followed his guidance, a sense of empowerment enveloped you. Elvis's words were like poetry, painting vivid images in your mind. His genuine interest in capturing your essence left you feeling cherished and beautiful.
"Darlin', let's try something a little different".
Elvis suggested, his voice filled with excitement.
"Why don't you sit on the floor, surrounded by those precious puppies? Let their love encompass you, as if you're the heart of this jungle."
You excitedly got down on floor sitting down with your puppies, you love your dogs so much and you were happy that you were able to share this precious and fun moment with them.
As the little photo shot progressed you began to feel very tired to the point your jaw was about to fall off from yawing so much.
“Elvis I’m startin’ to get tired now”.
Elvis saw the tiredness in your eyes and started to feel bad for keeping you up late.
“Aww I’m sorry darlin’, lemme carry you back upstairs”.
Elvis had said in a caring and kind way. Elvis had picked you up with his big arms and your eyes started to close within a couple of minutes. When you had gotten back up to Elvis’s bedroom, he gently laid you down in his bed that the two of you shared. He was able to change you back into your pink satin nighties that you slept in and tucked you into bed.
As you slept Elvis was looking with such love in his eyes. He never knew he could love someone as much as you. Eventually Elvis had settled into bed turning off his lamp on his night side table, as he was starting to fall asleep he felt you snuggle into his warm embrace. With such love the two of you fell asleep in each others arms. Elvis had knew that you were the women of his dreams and that he had wanted to marry you.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
hey!! id love to get a Elvis x reader headcanons <3
young!elvis presley x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • austin butler x reader headcanons ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: elvis is the love of my life and so i actually had to write for him. im gonna say this tales place in ‘54-56ish — and y’all can read this as elvis or austin!elvis hope you enjoy!! 💌🩰💋
dating young elvis would include…
you guys met in memphis shortly after elvis’ rise to fame
he saw you at an event he was playing at where you hit it off immediately 
he was actually really shy when he first came up and talked to you 
which surprised you 
he thought you were the most gorgeous person the room 
and eventually you two started dating 
he gets really nervous before shows and you always calm him down
he tries to keep you out of the public eye and is super protective of you its really cute 
gladys (his mom) loves you so much 
elvis made sure his mom was the first person he introduced you to 
bc he loves her so much and wanted her to like you 
he loves treating you 
“elvis you didn’t have to buy me a car”
“i just want you to know how much i love you baby”
he loves it when you run your fingers though his hair
for your birthday he wrote a song for you
you get jealous sometimes because of all of the girls who fawn over him
a/n: yes i am one of those girls 
but he always lets you know how much he loves you and how it all means nothing to him
and calls you “baby” all the time 🤭
he is super gentle with you 
and blushes so easy omg like you’ll give him one compliment
and that little SMIRK he does 👀 he knows what he’s doing
sometimes you just lay together for hours
you’re his biggest fan
and your support means the world to him
he always puts a hand on your waist or your thigh or on the small of your back
he’s actually the best nurse and can’t stand to see you upset 
“baby, what’s wrong?”
he’s actually really ticklish
when he’s tired after a long day he just loves coming home and cuddling with you
he just loves you so much and can’t wait to marry you someday <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ i hope you guys enjoyed this!! love elvis sm and if you want me to do headcanons for older!elvis x reader I’m down for that!! hope you have a wonderful day/night my elvis fans 🍓
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ab4eva · 9 months
Congrats on 1K my darling! 💗 You are such a gem of a human and deserve all the goodness coming your way.
✨ If I may, I’d like request #57 with Elvis please 🤭 Thank you! 💋
My darling Ash! I love ya so much, thanks for always being part of what brings me joy here! Here’s your little blurb - it’s pure, candy fluff (it just came out that way) and I hope you enjoy! Xox
Prompt #57 with Elvis - “Did I stutter?”
“Did I stutter?” Elvis asks, completely serious, a slight look of panic in this navy eyes. You’re just staring at him, your wide eyes carving a pathway from his face down to the tiny velvet box in his trembling hand and back up again.
“What?” You ask, pulled from your dazed stupor by the note of worry in his southern drawl. He repeats himself again, starting to actually stutter this time, “Did I stutter? I-I-I just thought maybe ya, didn’t-didn’t understand what I was tryin’ to…Aw hell, I don’t remember everything I just said to ya and…” You cut him off with a searing kiss, pressing your lips to his pouty ones, wrapping his soft, black hair around your fingers and pulling him closer.
“So ya did hear me,” he says with a breathless smirk when you pull away, his eyes dancing with mirth. Your mouth curves up into a grin and you can’t help but bury your head in his neck, your left hand resting on his chest as he works the diamond ring onto your finger nimbly.
“You’re very bold, Elvis Presley,” you murmur, looking at the glittering ring as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “But since you asked so sweetly…” your thumb brushes the hollow of his cheek as he looks at you expectantly before you press a lingering kiss to his lips, “yes.”
Join my 1k celly here!
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The Needs Of A Man
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Actor, Elvis Movie, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Sonny West, Memphis Mafia
Word Count: 1776 // Rating: Mature
Summary: People say having kids changes a relationship. You just didn’t know how right they were.
Tags/ Warnings: Fighting, Cheating, Established Relationship, Marriage, Adultery, Arguing, Body Image Issues, Pregnancy, Birth, Post Birth Body Changes, Insecurity, Public Arguments, Crude Mentions of Sex, Humiliation, Foot Fetish, Panty Wearing, Babies, Angst, 
Notes: I’m sad just writing this so I hope youre happy lol
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Tags for Elvis Fics:  @caitlin1996​ @literally-just-elvis-fics​
Request @elvispresleyisfit12 - Reader , elvis and the Memphis mafia are all sat in the jungle room reader has had elvis and hers baby like two months prior so she feels a bit self conscious / down and the Memphis mafia let it slip that elvis cheats on her almost every night , she breaks down crying arguing with elvis sharing intimate details to the Memphis mafia ( by accident cause she’s saying it to elvis but there in the room ykyk ) you can choose the ending bbg 😘🤭
‘Thanks honey,’ Elvis said as you handed him a drink. ‘No problem,’ you said sitting down on the sofa beside him smiling as he pulled your legs over his lap, his hand on your knee which he stroked it gently. He seemed to be doing it without thinking, not even bothering that there were at least ten other people in the room with you. You supposed it didn't matter. The boys were used to his affectionate ways even if they had dwindled a little as of late. Since having your son, Jesse, you felt a shift in your marriage. Elvis loved being a dad and you knew he was so proud of you for bringing his baby boy into the world but it wasn’t the same. You felt different, like a stranger in your own body. And you were sure Elvis had noticed as his touch and his attempts at seduction had lessened though you figured he was trying to go at your pace which you were grateful for.
That was why tonight had been so special to you. For the first time since the baby was born, you’d had people over for dinner and drinks and once dinner was over you’d migrated into the den talking about everything you had missed out on whilst the boys had been on tour. It was almost as it used to be. He’d been all over you as you got ready, telling you how beautiful you are and now he was caressing you no matter who was looking. It made your heart sing.
‘This is nice baby,’ he said as he sipped his drink. ‘I thought you might like it,’ you said pushing his hair from his eyes as he smiled at you. ‘Of course I do,’ he said leaning in so close he was almost kissing you, ‘shame you can't have one.’ ‘I know,’ you grumbled, ‘damn breastfeeding.’
‘The god damn walls shaking, the bed’s thumping against it and she’s screaming right,’ Sonny chuckled. He was sitting to your right, telling Marty about some women he had bedded making you roll your eyes. Living in a house that was almost always filled with boys meant you were never shocked by the locker room talk they came out with, ‘a proper scream ‘oh Elvis right there!’ ‘Proper dirty,’ Marty chuckled. You had barely been paying attention but as you heard your husband's name your blood ran cold. Sonny didn't seem to notice you were listening, probably thinking his conversation was being lost in the grander scheme of things as people were talking throughout the room.
‘What?’ you said your head whipping around. You’d said it loud enough that everyone had stopped their own conversations to look at you. Sonny turned, his face paling as he noticed it was you who had spoke. ‘N-n-nuthin’,’ Sonny stammered watching you like a deer in headlights. ‘You said Elvis,’ you continued, your heart heavy at the mere thought. ‘I misspoke,’ Sonny said, but as you turned your head to look at your husband, he dropped his gaze. Your heart ripped into two.
‘Is it true?’ you said, your voice thick with tears. Elvis said nothing but he sighed as you clambered off his lap. ‘Baby,’ he said moving to stand up with you but you pulled out of his grasp putting your hands on your hips to try and quell the rage that was flowing through you. ‘Don’t,’ you shouted, ‘don't you dare!’ ‘You don't understand,’ Elvis said. ‘Oh don't I? I don't understand,’ you spat, ‘well please enlighten me, Elvis. Please tell me how you just couldn't help yourself from fucking someone else. Let me guess she was like some kinda witch right? Some temptress who could lure you in so much so you could forget that ring on your finger!’
‘It wasn’t like that,’ he protested. ‘Oh so you wanted to?’ you scoffed, ‘forget that you’ve got a wife at home waiting for you.’ ‘You’re always busy! The baby-’ he said trying to reason with you but all you could do was scoff. ‘Your baby! Your baby Elvis! I’m taking care of our child. A child that I carried for nine months, went through a horrible birth with and spend my days trying to keep alive whilst you’re off touring the country,’ you snap, ‘or did you forget about that.’ ‘A man has needs,’ Elvis said defensively.
‘Oh I know,’ you sneered, ‘like when you needed me to clean ya up because you came in your pants from just looking at my feet in them dainty sandals you bought me. Or when you just had to know how my panties would feel against your cock-’ ‘Now hang on a minute,’ he shouted but you didn't let up. ‘What are the boys not allowed to know this shit? Huh? I thought the intimate details of our marriage were there for them to have at,’ you said, ‘or is it just the gory detail of each slut you bed they’re allowed to hear about!’ ‘Y/N,’ Sonny said, ‘it’s not-’ ‘What?’ you said. ‘Are you going to pretend like you didn't help? How many is it Son? How many times have you brought some tramp to his room? Once? Twice? Three hundred times?’ you said. ‘Baby please,’ Elvis said, ‘it’s not that simple. It gets lonely on the road. Sometimes I just need-’ ‘Oh yeah and what about what I need?’ you said trying to push the wave of sadness out of you, ‘who’s seeing to my needs when you’re out schmoozing every whore you can find huh? Who’s thinking of me when I’m crying over the fact I don't look like I used to or when I’m lying in bed awake for hours because you go to sleep without touching me? Who’s thinking of my needs then because it certainly isn’t you!’
Tears were streaming down your face at this point but you couldn’t stop yourself. You’d known having a child would change things between you. You knew that things might be a little harder now you had another person to think of but you’d never thought he’d feel so slighted by the birth of your baby boy he’d turn to the arms of another. That your love would be enough until you couldn't devote your entire being to him and then he’d be happy to find someone else. Elvis’ face crumpled in pain as you mentioned it and the boys dropped their gaze as the circus in front of them suddenly got too much to bear.
‘I’m sorry,’ he said, ‘baby I am. I didn’t know you felt that way-’ ‘No because you’re too busy fucking other people,’ you scoffed though it turned into a sob, ‘why? I thought you loved me.’ ‘I do,’ he said coming towards you and placing his hands on either side of your face. At any other moment, you’d cherish the embrace but you couldn't feel anything but hurt. His eyes brimmed with tears threatening to spill over at any moment, ‘I’m sorry. I fucked up but I love you. You and my boy are my world baby.’ ‘How can I believe that?’ you sobbed. You could feel eyes on you from all around and in any other circumstance you'd be mortified at this display of public emotion but you didn't have the heart in your to care. You were too heartbroken to be embarrassed.
‘How can I believe anything you say?’ you sobbed, ‘I thought you loved me.’ ‘I do,’ he said wiping a tear from under your eye. ‘But not enough? Is it me? Am I just disgusting to look at now is that it-’ ‘No,’ Elvis said. ‘Then why?’ you said. ‘I don't know,’ he said, his voice cracking as he spoke, ‘I don't know why. But I was stupid and wrong. And I know I hurt you and I’m sorry. Baby, you believe that right? You believe I’m sorry, right?’
You didn't say anything. You wanted to believe him. Your heart begged you to believe him. That it was a blip. But your head was telling you differently. Things weren't going to change overnight and still had a baby to think about. Your body was still different. What if you couldn't get back to the way you were before? How long would it be before his head got turned again? Except that next time, he’d be more careful.
‘I love you,’ he said leaning down to kiss every bit of your face he could. His lips were warm against your damp cheeks and you could feel yourself yielding to him. ‘No!’ you said pulling away. He watched you with anguish as you ran a hand down your face to wipe the tears and the kisses away, ‘kissing me isn't going to fix everything.’ ‘Then how do I?’ he said, ‘please tell me. Honey, I’ll do anything.’ ‘I don't know what you can do Elvis,’ you said sadly. All of a sudden a whimper crackled over the baby monitor on the table by you and your attention went to it. You picked it up off the table and clutched it to your chest looking back at Elvis once more. The boys were watching you closely, guilt and shame on all of their faces which caused another round of pain to hit you.
‘Jesse needs me,’ you sniffed. ‘I’ll come with you,’ Elvis said starting towards you but you stepped away as if you needed to maintain at least a couple of meters to ensure you didn't start crying again. ‘No,’ you said. ‘Baby please,’ he said pleading at you with his eyes. Tears were flowing down your face again though your sobbing had stopped. ‘I just need you to leave us alone for a while,’ you said, ‘that's what you can do.’
And before he could say anything else you fled the den and headed upstairs to where your son was waiting for you. He was no longer crying by the time you got upstairs, instead, his bright blue eyes and cheeky smile were beaming at you as if you were his everything. You smiled back at him though it was weak and pulled him up out of his cot to cuddle him to your chest. He gurgled as you held him, his warm hand on your neck as he clutched your necklace with his tiny fist. You took a seat in the chair by his bed, holding him as you sobbed quietly.
You didn't know what you wanted. You didn't know what the next course of action was or if you could forgive Elvis. But you knew whatever happened you’d be okay. Because you had at least one boy who loved you with his whole heart.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
and here comes the big request! how about some headcanons of some bloopers with little ausie, baz and us? like imagine if baby suddenly just crawls out of the set to get to us and he's like "mama" ♡
- 🐈‍⬛
sorry this took me so long!! missing elvis era rn 💔 hope these are okay!!
little!austin h.cs | while filming elvis ⚡️
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so i'm obsessed with the idea of aus being little on set :(
he definitely regresses a lot but tries to hold off as long as he possibly can because everyone's just so busy and you're not there and he's still very shy about being little in front of everyone
although eventually baz has to call you and bring you down to australia
the first time he slips was after filming a performance, it was just so tiring and he just wanted to sleep :(
austin flopped onto the couch in his trailer, all by himself, just wanting you and his plushie, maybe some juice too.
baz immediately came to the rescue, bringing him a juice box and calling you up on facetime to give austin a bit of comfort
when you finally come down to australia, austin feels more comfortable with regressing on set, but he still tries to keep it together for filming
one day you pop in while they're filming, and austin accidentally locks eyes with you and gasps, dropping right on the spot
baz was grateful that you showed up honestly. austin needed to properly slip with you
it was cute seeing austin regressed while all dressed as elvis
baz has a folder of little!austin while he's on set but don't tell anyone 🤭 he only sends the photos/videos to you
sometimes after filming a performance he's tired, but then he sees how you were watching him perform and gets all excited, jumping up and down and flapping his lil hands all excited, running to you and hugging you tightly
"momma! did you see me? did i do good?" "i did, baby! momma's so proud of you!"
one time he accidentally refers to himself as yittle elvie btw
anytime he's in a jumpsuit, he loves running around the stage. he also loves how sparkly he looks!!!!
let's say they did include a scene where elvis was little. austin didn't even have to act. although he did get too into it sometimes.
baz made sure the cameras kept rolling tho
then you come in, and that's it for austin. he comes crawling right to you with his big eyes, decked out in his elvis fit, giggling and grabbing for you
baz has a lot stories to tell come time for press, even photos to post once elvis era is over ❤️‍🩹
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I don’t know about pics but unfollowing everyone is smart actually cause then it means you don’t have to see peoples posts you can log in post whatever you like and log off.
That's true lol 😆
Idk why RDJ did it, but it can be a brand new start. Didn't Timmy do it as well at one point? Or did he just erase all his posts? 🤔
With Austin, he's always been pretty private, so I'm not even surprised about him erasing everything. He erased his tweets long time ago. With Instagram, I thought he would just erase some things like he did in the past, but not EVERYTHING all at once lol 😆
I'm definitely going to miss some of his posts on Instagram....
For example, his firm post regarding the George Floyd murder.... 😭
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Then, there was this sweet little number here lol... 🤭 I thought it was going to be your typical "bathroom selfie"🤪, but boy I was wrong lol... 😆
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Oh and of course his sweet message to fans that he posted on his Instagram right before the "Elvis" movie came out. 🥰
So yeah....
Ahhh well.... I always say that if social media is ruining your mental/emotional health, then it's just best to let it go completely, or to only post every once in a blue moon.
I know some fans (like myself!) miss some of the personal posts that Tom used to post on Instagram. 😭 I loved his content! But at the same time, I don't want my faves feeling pressured to post on social media, or doing it at the expense of their mental and emotional health/well-being....ykwim?? 😔
So, I'd rather my fave be HAPPY and healthy, than posting and deep down feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed about it. 😔 While I love content lol, I don't want it at the expense of someone's well-being, ykwim? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Social media can be VERY toxic. I don't even blame some celebrities for completely giving it up altogether. 🥺 Even I need breaks from Tumblr every once in a while tbh 😔
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zacks-oc-house · 1 year
I just got on and found out through Miz about the 👫👭👬 ask prompt and wanted to join! I don’t have the original post but I’m going to do it! So uhh if you want send in the emoji thing and let’s GO!
@misery-lake heheh
Armie X Misery
- Armie offers Misery some of any snack he may be eating, even though she usually says no. It’s just one of his little things he likes to do with his baby~
- they have to have synced their hair wash days by now and help each other oil their curls and probably have matching hair turbans covered in like smiley faces or other silly things 🤭
Roul x Dez
- Roul has fully accepted Elvis into his life and calls her Princess. One time when Roul and Dez were out shopping, he came across a tiny tiara and bought it specifically for Elvis. She wore it for .001 seconds before thrashing it off. Dez picked it up and placed it on Roul’s head and called him Princess instead.
- listen these two are full of muscles and empty of brain together. I just know that in the beginning stages of knowing each other, they absolutely would have gotten into dumb boy strength competitions with hasty trips to the private showers after~
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dreamingofep · 10 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 5
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, angst, SMUT, cheating, fingering, oral, the usual dirty stuff
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.1K
A/N: Hello everyone!
Welcome to part 5! There’s plenty of spicy stuff and angst between these two and I’m living for it. I hope you enjoy all this and see how it’s building more into him having a tight grip over reader 🤭Please let me know what you think in the comments or send me a message!
Thank you again!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes and overall goofs.🖤
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You sit there on the floor trembling, unsure of what Elvis has in mind for you next but as always, you’re more than eager to find out. He picks up the Polaroid and camera and sets it down on the side table, looking back at you with amusement.
“You can get up if you want. Don’t always need to stay on your knees for me,” he says smugly, laughing to himself as he walks out of the room.
You let out a little huff, seeing how he wants to play with you. You pull your hair back and look down at your chest. His thick seed coats your chest and you can’t believe how utterly hot that was. You’ve never willingly let another man do that to you but you didn’t even think twice about it when it came to Elvis.
You pull at the sheet from his bed, wrapping it around your body, and head to the living room where you assume he went. Tiptoeing to the front bathroom, you roll up some toilet paper and wipe your chest off. Tossing the dirty paper into the trash can, a glimpse of a greenish glass glint catches your eye when the lights hit it. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you’ve taken out the trash multiple times since you started working up here. You haven’t seen any broken bottles in the suite since…
Since your first day on the job here.
Was this from the same bottle you broke your first day here over a week ago? Was he hiding the shards of glass somewhere? Why was he doing that in the first place?!
There were so many questions running through your head and another item on the list of things that made Elvis Presley a mystery. But something about it made you nervous and your head started to pound. You couldn’t put your finger on it but there was something you could not ignore about him. You take some deep breaths as you look at yourself in the mirror. Your appearance did not showcase the best side of you as your hair looks astray and your lips are swollen and puffy. Rubbing your temples gently as you begin to feel a slight headache coming, you try to gather yourself and go back out there to see where Elvis went to.
Scanning the living room for him, it’s cold and the curtains are drawn, making the otherwise dark room seem vacant. You pull the sheet over your shoulders and hold your arms to your chest, trying to warm yourself up.
The click of a lighter turns your attention as you see the glow of the flame and his blue eyes illuminate behind the light. He puffs a cloud of smoke from his cigar and reaches to put on the lamp beside him. Elvis is sitting there still completely naked with a fat cigar between his lips. Your eyes can’t help but stare at his beautiful body, slumped down on the sofa slightly and his long legs stretched out before him. His cock isn’t fully hard but rests heavily down the side of his leg. His balls looked large and heavy too, waiting to be worshipped by you.
Your breathing hitches for a moment as that dirty thought entered your head and you quickly look back up at his eyes. He has a slight smirk on his face as he looks at you amused.
“Mmm, being modest I see,” he points over the sheet wrapped around your body.
“It’s cold in here that’s all,” You say sheepishly.
“Sit down,” He gestures to the green chair in front of the sofa. You do as you are told and sit, glancing at the clock, and see that half past four already.
“You have somewhere to be darling?” He asks.
“No, I was just wondering what time it was.” You clear your throat and not let the awkward silence get to you.
“What happened with that champagne bottle? I saw shards of it in the trash can,” you explain. His eyes stare blankly at you as he doesn’t say anything right away.
“Someone must have broken it,” he says shortly. You shake your head at him as it doesn’t add up.
“I took out all the trash an hour ago that’s literally impossible for me to miss it. And you said you haven’t had any parties lately so-,” You continue and he cuts you off.
“Well you must have missed it,” He growls, “just drop it. Now.”
Your heart sinks at his tone and have to look away at his intimidating gaze.
“Sometimes you gotta learn to not ask so many questions, honey, you might not like the answer,” he says darkly.
“Mhmm,” you say faintly.
You hear him puff his cigar and the smell of it mingles with the delicious scent of the suite.
He doesn’t say anything as he takes you in sitting across the way.
“I wanted to ask you again about something I brought up yesterday,” he says sharply.
“Oh so you expect me to answer any of your questions but you answer none of mine?” Your snap back.
He takes the cigar out of his mouth and smiles that crooked smile at you.
“Your superfluous questions don’t matter. Don’t you dare question me you understand?” He growls. Your head lowers as you hear his scathing words come out of his mouth, too fearful he could silence you with just one look of those dark eyes.
“What the fuck did you want to know?” You say through your teeth.
He stands up quickly, pointing his finger at you.
“You better change your tone right now before I make you,” he seethes through his teeth.
You suck in a breath, staring at his eyes that look like they’re getting darker by the second.
Locking your gaze on him, you crack a smile at him, “My deepest apologies. What was it you wanted to know?” You ask through sarcasm.
“What do you want out of Daniel? What are waiting for?” He asks.
“What am I waiting for? I don’t understand your question,” You furrow your brow and wait to see what he’s getting at.
“Why are you with him? When are you leaving him,” he growls.
You’re taken aback by his brazen bluntness and stand up to face him.
“You’re unbelievable you know that. You rude fucking bastard. You have no right to question my choices!”
“I can do whatever I want! I just need to figure you out,” he goes around the table and his hand is around your neck. You gasp at his sudden forcefulness and grab his wrist tightly.
“Why are you so obsessed with figuring me out hmm? You just hate that I can make whatever choices I want and you’re stuck here,” His face turned into a scowl and his lip curled, showing his white teeth at you. He takes his hand off of you and lowers it to his side and flexes his fingers.
“Yes, I am so jealous of the terrible mistakes you make and being with a fiancé who doesn’t love you anymore,” he scowls. You look at him disgusted, so reviled that he has the nerve to say such things to your face.
“How dare you,” you say seething, getting closer to him and trying to make yourself look stronger.
“How dare me? I’m trying to help you see clearly and get out of your fiancé’s cheating, borderline abusive grasp,” he bellows.
You look at him in shock as your chest rises and falls from fear and confusion.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You mutter. “You know nothing about my relationship. I have never told you anything about him so for you to jump to conclusions like this is unbelievable,” you say, poking at his hard chest.
“I know enough. Word gets around quickly in this town and what everyone does here,” he says darkly
You want to scream and bang on his chest, the pure rage you had boiling inside you drives you to the brink. The cheating thing didn’t get to you as bad as you thought. Maybe because it's because you assumed that Daniel was messing around for a while now. Especially since he hasn’t asked you to make love to him in ages. He never brought up any sexual advances to you. You were to ghosts in the night barely acknowledging your existence. Maybe you accepted your relationship’s outcome on the inside already but weren’t able to say it out loud.
“And what? Is word going to get around quickly that I’m no better than him? Fucking around with the most notorious womanizer on this planet?” You seethed in his face.
He cracks another smile and grabs your shoulders, “Oh baby don’t you worry, none of my men would say a word that’s for sure. What we do here is just ours,” he coos, caressing your face in his hand and exhaling, slowly inching his body closer to yours where it’s almost touching. You break out of his grasp and push him away.
“Jesus, no, you can’t keep doing this to me. Your mood swings are the worst thing about you. You need help to get off of whatever you’re taking because this is ridiculous.” You yell at him. You had seen enough of what drugs and alcohol can do to someone and this was no different. You couldn’t stand to be around him any longer if he was going to be like this the entire time. He takes a step forward and his chest starts to heave.
“Hmm, you think I’m on something? I’ve never gotten that one before,” he laughs amused.
“Well, why else would you act like all you want to do is fuck me to no end and the next, acting like you hate my soul to no end?!” You raise your voice, feeling the tears brim in your eyes.
His face grows soft, “I don’t hate you, I hate how difficult you are, yes, but I don’t hate you. I’m quite envious of your soul, in fact.” He says stoically.
You take another step back needing more space between you two, feeling the mood of the room shift yet again. He moves slowly toward you, acting like two magnets who cannot get away from each other
“I’m sorry about my temper. It tends to flare up when I’m… passionate about something.”
“Jesus. I bet that works on all the girls,” You scoff at him and you roll your eyes.
Silence falls in between you two and you go around him and sit back down on the sofa with your knees pulled to your chest.
“I am sorry,” he says sullenly, “I’ll be in my room. If you want to leave, go whenever you want,” he says hushed and defeated as he walks away and shuts his door softly.
The whiplash of today's events has your head spinning. You don’t understand the need you have to still want to be around him. The hurtful things he said burned your heart but there was truth behind it. There was no knowing how long Daniel had been engaging in other relationships with other women but it all seemed very probable.
“Word gets around quickly in this town and what everyone does here.”
That part bugged you. Made your skin crawl yet again. Did he have spies set up for him to gain any knowledge about what was happening in the world since he never left the penthouse? But of all the people, why did he know Daniel? That part freaked you out. You both had no status. No name to carry where you were easily recognized. Up until a week and a half ago, he had no acknowledgment of who you were so why does he suddenly care about your life?
These were questions you still wanted answered when he was in a better mood where he wasn’t going to bite your head off.
Your head continued to pound and you winced as you rubbed your temples. This whole situation was beginning to stress you out. Maybe you should just resign. Get moved somewhere else and take the pay cut. Daniel doesn’t even know that you took this position in the first place, he’d never know you quit it either.
You shut your eyes to calm yourself down, take deep breaths in from your nose, and lay down on the soft decorative pillow. That entrancing scent you loved so much weighted over you like a warm blanket. It felt so nice to just lay there and soak it all in like you always wanted to do since the day you stepped foot in this suite. You’ll just lay here for a bit, making your headache go away and go home.
His soft gorgeous lips cover your body in kisses and his hands gently caress every curve of your body. He makes soft content little moans as his mouth continues to touch your warm trembling body. His calloused fingers brush the inside of your thigh, sending a tingle up to your core and making you spread your thighs apart more, letting him access your most sensitive areas. He doesn’t go there, not letting you get that satisfaction right away. He tickles his fingers up and down your legs and up your pelvis, giving kisses on your belly and smiling when he feels your chest rise and fall quicker because of his actions. Your fingers curl around the soft silk sheets, moaning softly as your body aches for him. He’s a master at teasing and giving you everything you want all at the same time. His touches burn on your skin like fire yet please you like nothing else on this earth.
Moans escape lightly from your lips, wanting so much more than what he’s giving. You feel his mouth kiss your mound, sighing when his lips touch you so intimately. You want that mouth of his to go lower, and lower, and lap up the wet surprise that’s waiting for him. You feel two of his fingers spread your folds, the cold air hitting you and feeling so exposed. He plunges one long finger inside and you moan. His lips go back to kissing and get dangerously close to where you want him to be. Your hips swivel up, trying to direct where you want him. He gruffly chuckles, amused by your tactics but still not giving you what you want. He pulls his finger out and watches you make a whiny moan.
Your breathing gets more uneven and shallow as you feel his warm breath so close to your weeping core. Your eyes don’t open but you feel this electric wave rush over you.
His tongue. God, that talented and God-given tongue, eating you out.
It laps quickly between your folds and his warm tongue feels so good on you. He stops, moaning deeply, then goes for more. His tongue finds your clit and licks circles there. You feel your arousal drip out of you, your body craves him so bad you want to let him devour you.
Oh God…
Your eyes pop wide open and try to find your bearings. The silk sheets are intertwined in your fist and your breathing hitches. The chill of the room makes you shiver as you lay there naked on the bed still trying to grasp your bearings. Sitting up on your elbows, you see Elvis on the edge of the bed, looking down at you like a vengeful god.
You scan the room quickly and realize you’re back in his bed. How you got there, you haven’t got the faintest idea but all you know is that you drifted off to sleep for god knows how long, you’re naked in front of Elvis again, and writhing in his sheets yet again after the most vivid dream.
But it wasn’t, it had to have been real.
You open your mouth but nothing can come out as you look at his eyes, making you succumb to him and lose all control.
“You were having a bad dream darlin’?” He asks innocently, a smirk forming on the corner of his lips.
“N-no not really. It wasn’t a dream at all, was it?” You trail off. You look down at your spread-apart legs and feel the wetness seep out of your core and onto the sheets. You groan, slightly embarrassed that this is happening as he stares at you hungrily.
He reaches out and touches your thigh, making you jump. “Tell me what happened baby,” He coos, rubbing his thumb in slow circles. His long fingers play with the soft flesh on the inside of your thighs, inches to your core.
“I-I don’t know… You were there just, touching me and,” you pause to look at his eager face and see the slick on his chin, glistening in the low light. You take a sharp breath in and reach for his face.
You can barely differentiate what’s real and dream with Elvis at this point and it made your heart skip.
He smiles at you as his thumb glides over his wet chin, wiping your arousal off and placing it in his mouth.
“Mhmm, tell me what happened. Show me,” he growls.
He takes his hand off of you and spreads your legs wider. Your heart raced as you understood what he was asking from you.
He wanted you to show him. Show how he was playing with you in your ‘dream’. You had never done this kind of thing in front of a man and nerves followed through your veins. Your eyes look at him with need, wanting him to take care of you instead knowing your fingers weren’t going to satisfy you.
“Show me,” he grumbles, staring at your weeping pussy.
You take a deep breath through your nose and guide your hand down your belly, over your mound, and on top of your folds that are spilling with wetness.
“I-, you, you were playing with me, spreading me open and teasing me with your two fingers,” you say breathlessly as you take your own fingers and spread your folds apart, showing him your dripping cunt. He chokes back a groan, watching you intently as you begin to play with yourself. Watching his face turn into pleasure was the hottest thing you had ever witnessed and somehow only made you more aroused.
Your middle and ring finger rubs at your sensitive bud, slow and steady, just like how he was. It felt so dirty doing this in front of him but the way he watched you made you want to keep doing it until he told you to stop. To feed him this kind of satisfaction was addicting.
“And then you carefully put a finger inside me,” you mewl. Your fingers have gathered enough of your slick that you know it’ll go inside you easily. You press your middle finger to your entrance and look up at him for guidance.
His head nods once and he scoots closer to you, putting one of his hands on your thigh, keeping your legs open enough for him to get a nice view of you.
You push your slender digit inside yourself, hearing the squelching that emits from your entrance, and moan, liking the way it feels. You pull it out of you slowly and look at the slick that covers your finger now. Sliding it back in, you moan again, feeling the satisfaction of pleasuring yourself but is nowhere near as good as when Elvis does it to you.
Elvis’ groan fills the room, “Yes mama, just like that. Fuck yourself nice and slow,” he sighs and reaches for your hand, guiding a second finger inside of you. You throw your head back and moan, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel the pleasure from this reel inside of you. Your walls hug your fingers tightly as you move them slowly like he ordered.
Your head pops back up to watch your finger move in and out of you but movement in the corner of your eye captures your attention and glance over to see what it is.
Elvis’ hand was wrapped around his now hard cock and jerked it slowly, in the same tempo your fingers were moving. He looked down at you almost envious of your fingers, so deprived of you already even though he had plenty of you earlier this afternoon. He looked like he was dripping with sex, his cock hard and his tip starting to become red as he pulled back the foreskin with each stroke. You moan heavily, so focused on what he was doing and how he was looking you didn’t want to move anymore.
“Then what honey?” He encouraged.
“You were eating me. Y-you we’re pleasuring me so much that I thought it was a dream because it all felt too good to be true,” you look at him pleading, wanting him to take care of you now. “Elvis, please help me. Please eat me,” you beg.
He licks his lips seductively and crawls in between your legs, never leaving your eye contact. “You’re right baby, it wasn’t all a dream. I carried you to bed as you made the soft little whimpers as you slept. Moaning for me. Just gave you something you needed,” He pauses as he gets a closer look at your weeping core. He groans deeply before looking back at you, “Goddamn, it shouldn’t be eaten baby, it needs to be worshipped and then devoured,” he says hungrily.
Devour me.
His mouth quickly laps at your folds, dipping his tongue through them and moaning when he tastes you.
You cry out loudly for him, never feeling so much satisfaction all at once. Is this how it should always be? Should intimacy be this pleasurable and intense? If so, you have years of making up to do.
His tongue dips into your entrance then back up through your folds. You feel those perfect lips suckle at your clit, making you see stars in your vision already. You don’t have to say a word about where you want him next because he’s already giving you the attention you want. When you want more attention on your clit, he was giving it. When you wanted his tongue to fuck your tight weeping hole, he was there fucking you to no end.
You writhed on top of the sheets, gasping for air as he suckled on your clit, edging you closer to ecstasy.
“Oh my, oh god yes,” you cry out loudly. You feel him hum in contentment, sending vibrations to your clit making you that much more easy to orgasm. He delivers on his promise and devours you, making you grind into his face and cry for him to make you cum.
He holds your hips down and stops, looking up at you with a boyish innocence in his eye.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. You pull at his hair to make him look at you.
“What? I don’t understand…”
“For making you upset. I shouldn’t have said those things. I’m trying to make it up to you,” he whimpers. You’ve never heard him like this and it genuinely shocks you.
This is the way he makes up for fights? Goddamn, he really shows how sorry he is.
He continues to lick and tease your hole, driving the coil in your belly to tighten exponentially. You gasp and groan at him, “It’s okay.”
He hums again at you, moaning as he places a finger inside you. He curls it in a come hither fashion and that’s all it takes for you.
Your walls squeeze around his long finger and you both groan. Stars flash before your eyes and you cry out his name, “Oh fuck Elvis, yes right there please,” you continue to beg, pulling at his black hair with force. His eyes flash up at you and you see those fierce dark blue eyes look into yours and make you cum harder.
You feel like you’re floating, not at all on this earth when you’re with him. Holding onto him tightly is the only way you know this is all real. He is surreal and the fact you’ve never felt like this with any other man and it entices you. There’s no telling where this may lead but god, you want to be as selfish as you can be and hold onto him for as long as you can.
You want to be the only one that gets his attention.
The only one that gets his glances.
The only one to get his lips.
His tongue.
His cock.
All of it. You only want it to be yours.
He sits up and looks over you lying there.
“Did I make you happy darlin’? Was that a good dream to have?” He asks mischievously.
You can’t help but chuckle, “you should be in my dreams more often,” you giggle. “But yes you- I don’t know how you can make me feel like this. Better than the last,” you sigh with contentment.
He leans over you and goes to kiss you. The taste of yourself in his lips has your eyes rolling back in your head. The tangy sweetness lingers as he kisses you more intensely.
“Maybe you were made for me. My one true match.” He hums softly, peppering kisses on your cheek.
You don’t have anything to say to that. It’s not a thing. Soulmates and everything. Fate? No, no way. This was a right place at the right time kind of event and not some predetermined thing. Maybe Elvis thinks like that and that’s what makes sense to him. Not to you though.
He lays down next to you and traces his fingers over your jaw, down to your collarbone, over the mound of your breast, and gently circles your nipple, making it hard. You feel the heat of his erection lay heavy against your thigh. You groan at the feeling of him, how the overwhelming urge to touch him takes over your thoughts.
Your hand lowers to touch him, feeling the heat of it radiate in your palm.
“Can I help you with this,” you ask innocently. He sighs, “No honey it’s okay. I just want to focus on you,” he says low.
“Please, come here,” you continue rubbing him softly. He adjusts his body and takes a sharp breath.
The only thought in your head was you need to make him feel as good as he made you feel. You need to please him with your mouth. Stuffing you in a new way that was so dirty and naughty.
You pull him to the edge of the bed, “show me how you like your cock sucked,” you tease whispering in the crook of his neck and pressing a wet kiss there. He groans at your seductive words and bites his lip, nodding his head and looking over you ravenously. Your knees press into the soft carpet and look up to him for instruction. His cock is at eye level to you as he sits on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide, showcasing everything you want right in front of you.
Being this close to him made you see how long he really was. Everything about him had your core dripping with need and apprehension as you’ve never had this much in your mouth.
“Touch me,” he commands, grabbing your small hand and wrapping it around his shaft, slowly jerking him. You rub with your thumb the leaking precum that’s spilling from his head. He groans as he watches your hand make him throb with need. The scent of him makes your mouth water and you don’t have as much restraint as he does when it comes to teasing but you want to hear what he wants in this moment. You inch your mouth closer to his length, making it so he can feel your breath on him.
“What next honey?” You ask innocently.
“Use your mouth baby, lick just my head,” he moans.
You part your lips and lick his leaking head. The salty taste of his precum makes you want to please him to no end and put more of him in your mouth. But you try to keep him waiting, get him to beg you for more.
Your hand works his shaft as your tongue licks slow circles on his tip. Elvis’ moans sound heavenly, his face looking like it's getting drowned in satisfaction. You try and take it slow and take inch by inch, looking up at him for guidance. He sighs heavily and looks into your big pleading eyes. He pulls up your other arm and takes your hand, guiding it to his balls. The warmth of them fills your hand and he makes you massage them, like rolling heavy dice in your palm.
“Need ya to touch all of me, baby. Just like that,” he groans as you work them more and suck at his head. You’ve never enjoyed giving head but the sounds you’re able to get from Elvis are going to be your drug of choice from now on. Your teasing is incessant, licking and sucking only his head with more intensity. But that’s all you were instructed to do. Listening and following directions just like he wants. His hips buck up for you to take more of him in your mouth. You hum softly, seeing his little game, and don’t let him win.
His hand reaches for a fist full of your hair and pulls you in.
“Goddamn it honey you’re killing me with all this teasing,” he grunts.
You take him out of your mouth and smile coyly, “I’m just doing what you asked honey. Don’t you like it when I listen to you?” You tease.
He squeezes his eyes closed in frustration and opens them again with a ravenous hunger in them.
“Yes. I do like it when you’re nice and obedient. So now, I need you to take more of my cock. Do as you’re told mama,” he says gruffly.
Your core squeezes at his words, so attracted to his dominance and want to submit fully to him. You put him back in your mouth, taking in more slowly and licking the underside of his shaft. He groans and his hand is back in your hair, controlling your tempo. You can’t get enough of him and love how he feels in your mouth. None of this felt wrong or dirty, you were worshipping him as he did to you.
Drool starts to dribble out of your mouth with the more of his cock you put into it. You start to put more pressure on his balls and he groans loudly. You want to make him lose all control and come undone as he did to you. You move your tongue more, licking and sucking as much of his length as he lets you and fondle his large testes. The more he does this, the more his hips try to match the rhythm you’ve created.
Taking him out of your mouth, you look up at him deviously and lick up the seam of his sac to the tip of his shaft. He hisses, not expecting such an act. You lick more at his balls, the scent of him filling your nose and a new primal instinct coming forth. Your tongue laps at his sac and starts to suck on one of his testes, jerking him faster in your hand. He growls fiercely and pulls your head back, fire consuming his gaze.
“Fucking hell woman, you can’t listen can you?” He grumbles frustrated.
“What honey? You gonna cum already?” You tease. Elvis cusses under his breath and quickly stands up, furious.
“You insolent brat. Talking to me like this?! I’m going to have to teach you to listen with my cock stuffed down that throat,” he growls. He grabs your face and places his tip on your lips.
“Open.” He instructs. You do as you’re told, opening for him to fit inside your mouth. His soft gentle tactic are out the window and he’s now fucking your throat. Swiveling his hips as only he can, making him groan heavily. You gag around his length, not ready for such forcefulness. His hand pulls your head away from his length and makes you look up at him.
“Take what I give you baby. Take this cock like a good girl,” he says darkly. A soft whimper escapes you and nod your head.
He’s back inside you, fucking your throat, making the most vulgar sounds emit from you. You try not to gag around him but he’s so much longer than you are used to. The moans he makes fill the room and your fingers claw at the back of his thighs. It was so alluring the way he was taking you. It was so salacious but that didn’t stop you from liking it. You should not listen to him more often.
“Mmm, fuck. Doing so good baby, feeling so good.”
You try to suck as much as he would let you, letting out muffled moans as he filled you yet again. He swiftly pulled out of you to let you breathe, then plunged back into your mouth. Your hand slowly inches for his balls, cupping them softly and massaging them lightly in your hand. He pushes his hips forward as he feels you doing this, hitting the back of your throat. Putting more pressure on his balls, you feel him tense in your mouth and cuss your name.
A few more thrusts into you feel his cock twitch once, twice, then fill your mouth with his seed. Tears fill your eyes as he fucks your mouth and groans loudly, letting himself go.
He hisses at the sensation as he is overstimulated at this point. You gently suck his tip one last time and release it with a pop of your mouth. He grabs your face with his large hand and looks down at you.
“You better swallow that like a good girl,” he commands breathlessly.
You swallow his warm, thick seed, and a grin forms across his face.
“Oh honey, did so good. Did we learn to listen?” He asks slyly.
“Y-yes. I’ll be good for you.” You whimper.
He pulls you up off the floor and makes you sit on his lap. Your arousal has gathered once again and when you sit down, he feels it on his thigh and he smiles at you mischievously.
“Naughty girl. Always so wet for me Hmm?” He asks smugly.
You hide in the crook of his neck and whimper. “Yeah, you’ve kind of ruined me. Having me go home like a mess.”
“Well good. That means you’ll come back to me, right?” He asks confidently.
There’s no fight left in you. He knows he’s won. He’s the master at his own game. You’re drunk on the way he makes you feel and don’t want to leave.
“Yes,” you whisper.
He lifts your chin up to him and he kisses you. You melt into him, sighing when he intensifies and grabs at your thigh, and pulls your body as close as he can get it. Your fingers tangle in his hair, softly moaning when you feel his tongue enter your mouth.
Elvis looks at you dreamily, smiling as he tucks your hair behind your ear. His eyes dart to your neck once again and the ever growing bruise.
“I want you to work for me,” he declares.
“Uhh, I already do honey.” You say confused.
“No baby, I want you to only work for me, not the International. I’ll pay you fairly and everything. You wouldn’t have to worry about money again,’ he instructs.
“Then, I could have you any time I want, not just at 3 pm,” he chuckles. “Come in any time you like and ill take care of you,” he coos. “What do you say, honey?”
You nod your head at him in agreement, “I tihink that might work. I’m never going to want to leave now.”
Tagging 🖤: @powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @elvispresleyxoxo @loving-elvis
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