#little hope anthony clarke
janewkn · 2 years
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I didn’t even notice at first.
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taylorshope · 8 months
Random Supermassive memes
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delurkr · 9 months
"Excuse me."
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The Clarke family bands together in a crisis 😌
Background is this pic. The customer counter is clearly to their backs but ssshh no it isn't, options were limited ok 😅
And here it is without the background for funsies:
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No restaurant workers were harmed in the making of this scene lol
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kindheartedgummybears · 9 months
"Anthony canon soul survivor" this, "What if Megan was soul survivor" that.
Okay but just imagine, James and Anne survivors. Just imagine.
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splattercamp · 21 days
okay sounds tough!!
unfortunately eric king has ocpd, andrew/anthony/abraham has asd and dpdr, angela has ptsd, kate has gad, and charlie has npd.... sorry to break it to you... 😒
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tatjana-fantasy · 7 months
It just occured to me that Anthony was born in the year Hackett's Quarry was established (1953) and I don't know what to do with that information
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galaxyzone · 1 year
I love Andrew from Little Hope so much it’s like-
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Yass you go, sweetie, give us nothing!🥰
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Idk bro. SMG characters as out of context messages between myself and @bluedivvy
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108garys · 8 months
Werewolf bus driver
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Our next beast of little hope is our beloved bus driver, I wanted to reflect the way Anthony's hair darkens over time by drawing his fur midway through the natural deblonding(it happened to me too lol)
His eyes are blue like his human eyes but unlike Vince and Hector I've opted not to make them look like his human eyes
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @ctrvpani @qusok @wacem @unhingedlesbear @kindheartedgummybears @tinynightmarewoman @eframschweigersskincells
For the record I don't think werewolves would make good bus drivers 😂
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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Prologue Protagonists
Balathu & Kurum (May 2231 BC) 
Jeff Whitman & Marie Whitman (October 1893)
Joe Roberts & Charlie Anderson (June 1947)
Anthony Clarke & Tanya Clarke (January 1972)
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taylorshope · 4 months
Happy Little Hope Day Little Hope fandom!!!!
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delurkr · 14 days
The lonely little pilgrim dude on Anthony's desk is really funny, like there's just the one but he was 100% part of a set of Thanksgiving table decorations where there was at least a pilgrim woman to go with him and maybe a turkey or something.
I think there would be more little figurines if Anthony was a collector unless he just started collecting like a week ago, so I think Dennis bought that thing at a five and dime store for Anthony's birthday last November (Thanksgiving season) and he thought that was a solid choice, a brilliant one in fact, because Dennis is just not good at selecting gifts. (He threw out the turkey but he's saving the woman for next year)
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kindheartedgummybears · 9 months
Random sad before bed thought: do you think the reason Taylor/Tabitha's eyes are brown is because Anthony forgot Tanya's eye color?
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Today I learned that Supermassive Games, a video game company whose horror games are all loving tributes to classic American movies, is actually British.
Which makes Little Hope even MORE hilarious since they had Will Poulter, a very British actor, play a character who gets confused by English accents. A British company making a game where a British actor plays a character who couldn’t recognize a British accent. And then you have Jessie Buckley, an Irish actress, putting on an American accent for The Devil in Me.
Just for fun, imagine Supermassive as a bunch of British Americaboos/Ameriboos that are expressing their love for American horror through video games.
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blubary · 5 months
Clarke sibling doodles... but there's four of them, so if not all of them then Anthony? 😊
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They’re taking a family photo with just the kids, hehe! (At least, they’re trying…)
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tatjana-fantasy · 8 months
Why Little Hope’s most mundane interpretation is still amazing
You know what’s amazing about Little Hope’s story? That even its most mundane explanation – everything being an imagination and nothing more – still makes for a heartbreaking experience. This is why I decided to look through the events of the game from the basic “Anthony walks through the town” perspective, and analyze the various places he visits throughout the game, and why they were important to him. Because I believe this may be another way to interpret Little Hope’s story: Anthony coming to town to say goodbye to every place he loved.
(For the sake of argument, we’re mostly going to ignore everything that isn’t “real.”)
We start at the Bus Crash Site, where Anthony is perfectly greeted by the “Welcome to Little Hope” sign. I don’t think the place itself is actually important, but it does force Anthony to head into town, so I think it’s worth mentioning. Similarly, the fog forces him to stay on his path, which is likely Anthony’s own subconscious, guiding him to familiar places.
(Side note: I think it’s very fitting that Anthony can find Eric’s and Rachel’s car here, a reminder of another horrible accident that took place at the edge of town.)
Eventually, Anthony makes his first stop at the Black Cat Bar. Here, he meets Vince, the only other real person in town. It’s quite clear that Vince visited the bar regularly, but I wonder if Anthony visited it, too. We know that he was only an adult for about two and a half months, so he might’ve shared a drink with Vince during them; but even if he didn’t, he likely knew that Vince was a regular customer, which probably inspired him to visit the bar in the first place.
Afterwards, Anthony follows the Main Road, which is basically the red string of the story that ties all places together. Here, he makes a short detour to a vantage point; I can’t pinpoint its exact significance, but it’s easy to imagine that he had certain spots in town he liked to visit whenever he wanted to be alone.
The first bridge Anthony comes across is the part where the fictional characters in-game decide to split up. It’s like a metaphorical bridge for Anthony that allowed him to sink deeper into the depths of his mind; beforehand, his imagination only went so far to imagine all characters relatively close together, but now that he’s deeper in town, his imagination grows.
Meanwhile, Vince glimpses into Anthony’s story every so often, as if to remind him of the reality he doesn’t want to accept. Fittingly, his first cameo happens at the intersection, which can easily be seen as the intersection between imagination and reality.
Shortly afterwards, Anthony comes across a hut with a gun inside it – which raises some interesting questions about whom the hut belongs to, and consequently, who the owner of the gun is. Because of the book you can find inside, I believe it could be Vince, but it’s hard to say for sure since he doesn’t seem to recognize the gun later. There’s also the possibility that Anthony himself deposited the gun here at some point, but I don’t think that’s very likely.
Either way, Anthony continues to the Little Hope Police Department, which is obviously an important place for him, considering he was briefly imprisoned here and made the Crude Doll. But before we actually get to see him explore the place, we jump to Daniel’s POV – and the question of how real the events outside Anthony’s own perspective are. Does he imagine the other characters visiting these places or does he visit them himself? Personally, I’m leaning towards the latter.
We get a look at the Little Hope Middle School, which Megan likely visited, and the Playground, where one of her drawings can be found. It’s quite horrifying to think that all that time, Megan drew her experiences with Carson, but no one paid enough attention to her in order to do something about it.
Anthony enters the General Store next, whose nostalgic value is shown in the comic, where he mentions that he used to buy comics and candy there. Nearby, there’s also a small shack with some runestones and candles, but similarly to the hut above, the owner is difficult to pinpoint. Was it Vince’s and Tanya’s place to practice their Pagan beliefs? Or was Anthony himself a regular visitor? It’s hard to tell for sure, but I think both explanations are likely.
Either way, he explores the inside of the police station next, which must be a painful experience for him. He looks at all the memories he rather wanted to forget, reminds himself of everything he lost. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been for him!
Exiting the police station, he comes across the Little Hope Bridge, where Tilly Johnson’s memorial makes me wonder about her existence, while Dennis’s band poster reveals more details about the Clarke family. Following the most mundane explanation theory though, this could potentially reveal a very heartbreaking fact about Anthony: That the memorial and the poster didn’t depict his family members, but he sees them anyway, like he can’t stop thinking about the people he let down.
This can also be seen in the Little Hope Graveyard. Because of course Anthony would want to visit his family’s graves; a part of him wants to confront the harsh reality he cannot yet accept.
When it comes to the other graves (like Wyman’s or Abraham’s), I suspect he got inspired here and decided to use their names for his story. It’s also interesting that Anthony comes across Vince right after, because this basically confirms they barely missed each other when visiting the graves of the people they loved.
Continuing to the Woods, I have to wonder about their significance. Sure, the Witch Trial is located here, which is likely a place Anthony was interested in, but I’m not sure if this is the only explanation – especially because the Woods are visited later as well. Is this another red string for the story, like the Main Road? I honestly have no idea, so I’d like to hear your thoughts!
Anyway, after a quick scene on the Main Road where we get a glance at the sewers, Anthony enters the Little Hope Museum. It’s easy to imagine that he used to come here regularly, and in the present, he even visits it twice. The first time, his own mind influenced the things he saw, but his second visit showed him what was actually real. Maybe a part of him knew it all along, so he went back to confirm it.
Following the Main Road, several historical plaques of places and events can be found here, alongside Tilly Johnson’s house and the Execution Site near the Church. The Execution Site is probably part of Little Hope’s historical town tour, while the Church is not only the place where Anthony bumps into Vince again, but also the place Reverend Carson resided. Which is interesting because after a short climb to the Bell Tower, you are free to either explore the church or simply skip everything that might remind Anthony of Carson. It’s the only place that allows that, like Anthony doesn’t want to be reminded of him anymore than he has to. He was probably a regular church visitor, and might’ve confided in him a couple of times, which only strengthens the betrayal he must feel.
Outside Church, Anthony makes a return to the Woods, where he relaxes for a bit and continues on the Dirt Trail, whose significance I honestly can’t tell. However, it does lead up to Mary’s grave, and most interesting of all, the Derelict Building. Since Abraham is properly introduced here, the building has to have a meaning, but what exactly? Was it always abandoned and Anthony came across it one day? Was it a functioning building before? In the flashbacks, Joseph seems to live there, so maybe James used to live there as well? I’m really curious what you think, because I believe there has to be a reason why Anthony wanted to visit this building in particular, I just don’t know what it could be. So, what are your thoughts? :)
Continuing to the Factory and another meeting with Vince, Anthony can find multiple remnants of the past. In the comic, it’s the first building he visits, spending quite some time there, reminiscing of the past and the physical memories it left behind. It’s also obviously the place his father and Vince worked at, so it makes sense that he would want to go there at some point.
From the Factory Grounds, you have to walk quite a bit through the Woods and a small tunnel until you come across the Ruined House, and the Back Yard associated with it. It’s notable that Vince’s old car stands here, like he never moved it away after the fire. And in the Ruined House itself, Anthony finally reaches his destination: Home. Now, he has to decide Mary’s/Megan’s fate, he has to come to a conclusion. But interestingly enough, his own story only ends here if he fails to forgive Megan and/or fails to let his family go; it’s only when he saves at least one person besides Mary that he can continue to the Main Road, where Vince determinantly brings him to his last – and in some ways, first – destination: The Diner. No matter which ending you get, Anthony’s story comes full circle and he leaves the town forever.
Imho, just viewing Little Hope as Anthony wandering around town and nothing more still makes for an interesting, heartbreaking story, and one I personally love – regardless of the interpretation you choose to believe. :)
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