coolsnake · 4 years
I just wanted everyone who uses this tag to know that they’re doing an incredible job! Life with ADHD is so freakin’ hard but you’re out here ALIVE and even if you’re not exactly thriving, you’re still kicking ass cause existence is Tough!!! You’re doing amazing!! Never quit cause you’re strong as hell!!
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sunshinegremlin · 2 years
I JUST SOMEHOW GOT STUFF DONE TODAY (literally running on, like, 4 hours of sleep) I'm so happy! This is all I did:
- went to class after a week and a half of missing bc sick (Was so tired I didn't wanna go but it was fun!)
- FOUR quizzes! They have been very late, and they were *stressing* me out so I was avoiding loads but they're done now!
- planned a hangout with friends!! So so tiring, but I'm glad all the planning is essentially done now and I'm excited for Saturday!
- prepped for finishing a project!
- cleaned my guinea pig cage! Been wanting to do that for half a week now! Yay!
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roguerobin7 · 3 years
Made that appt to begin formal testing 💪🏽✨
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
Recently found out about the “Little ADHD Wins” tag and thought I’d contribute!
Today I searched for a therapist and found one accepting clients, and I actually sent them an email! 
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I just reread all my posts from this blog. I started it a little less than a year ago and I'm amazed at the progress I've made.
Now I have to take into consideration that this is the holidays so I'm no dealing with the stress of school like I did the rest of the year but I'm in such a good place right now.
In less than a year I managed to see a therapist, stop the therapy because I felt I didn't need it anymore, get all my ADHD tests done and will get the results soon.
I still get social anxiety (especially right now) but I don't get much random outbursts of anxiety like I used to do. It's overall pretty much all under control.
I got my college year, with pretty good grades (not excellent but satisfying enough). I'm doing a bit of sport again. I managed to read books, I read a full book (and a pretty large one) in only two weeks which is amazing as I'm struggling more and more to read. I wrote and post fanfictions which is something I've never felt confident or motivated enough to do before.
I feel like I've finally achieved something. Not something big for sure, I can do better, but I've achieved something.
I'm finally feeling like I can be proud of myself.
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yuckycereal · 4 years
very Proud of this today so here we go...
little adhd wins today!
- showered without dragging my feet for three hours
- finally hung out with my best friend
- cleaned my room
- remembered to eat
- did all my homework!!!
i feel so accomplished askkjjbdh
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woo-inattentive · 4 years
little adhd wins
-made a phone call i’ve been putting off
-actually did my hair and make up
-got passport photos done
-finally dropped off some important papers at my doctor’s
-went to the store to buy some stuff i should have bought a week ago
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stephanidftba · 3 years
I washed my laundry and put it away in one day!
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malandi · 4 years
my littleadhdwins
woke up at 11:30 am again (oops...)
fried fish for lunch (hot oil got on my face tho -_-)
finished ANOTHER project (HOORAY!!!!)
practiced writing with my left hand (heres the progress)
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wiped furniture
exercised for 29:04 minutes
finally checked out my online shopping cart (some stuff for my little sister plus earrings for me)
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I ended up buying these fruit juice earrings instead of the whole fruits one. WHY? well i dont have a free shipping voucher for that other shop -__- so ill buy them when i have a lot to buy from that shop so i can make the most out of the shipping fee. These ones are very cheap anyway. P28 each!
i can write ok with left hand but only if i do it very slowly. in my right vs left comparison, i did it slow so my left handwriting looks good. But i got a little heated writing my journal entry so the lefthandwriting looks bad again.
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booklover223 · 4 years
Woke up at 8 and did some yoga and a 30min workout.
Honestly I’m proud of myself!
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sinnahsaint · 4 years
Today was actually great:
Got up with my alarm
Walked to the community garden to weed and harvest
Ate food that wasn’t just sugar and caffeine
Washed and trimmed radishes(they’ll be pickled later this week)
Canned 25lbs of diced tomatoes
Made and ate dinner
Talked to my wife about starting a very slow(one new habit per month) self improvement plan with sticker charts for positive reinforcements. We’re starting together and the first habit will be same time to bed and waking every day including weekends.
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coolsnake · 4 years
my ADHD wins yesterday:
-practiced self-care
-practiced drawing a lot
-ate Real Food
-talked to friends
-actually drank WATER
-did chores
My efd has been kicking my ass lately so I thought I’d partake in this new tag to keep my positivity up
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sunshinegremlin · 4 years
Inspired by @adhd-vibes I think I wanna start listing out my daily ADHD wins. Idk, it'll help me feel productive LOL.
So today I have:
Got up at 8am (WOW) to attend a meeting. Couldn't attend but sent an email about my issue. (I put off the email for the whole of last week but did it today!)
Set up an advising appointment! Really needed to.
Made smoothie for breakfast instead of skipping a meal.
Attended counseling.
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roguerobin7 · 3 years
This color-coding feature has been a lifesaver for me at work and WFH.
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suitablechain · 4 years
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Installed my new mailbox.
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stainedglassthreads · 4 years
Finally figured out why school Just Did Not Work for me and how to motivate myself to Learn things. 
This may or may not spiral out of control because I’m learning two languages and have at least five more I want to learn too. 
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