#live music in San Antonio
lovepinkshiftforever · 8 months
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pinkshift in san antonio, 5/12/2023 (photo by @larodgersphoto)
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years
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california-cursed · 2 years
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the garden. nov 8, 2022 @ the aztec theater in san antonio, tx.
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housefullofnuns · 1 year
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pilipresh · 7 months
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scoooooooob · 1 year
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More working, less talking. I’m streaming on all major platforms. Search “Scooob” and you’ll find me and my thoughts 🧘🏾
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leftfield-fm · 1 year
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We arrived [in San Antonio, TX] at lunchtime to find it incredibly hot and only a handful of fans waiting. Our first worries about the American trip had come soon after we arrived. When we heard about some of the shows we were to do, they didn't sound quite the right sort of venues, not being the places where teenage audiences could be expected. Now this worry seemed justified. We drove directly from the airport to play an afternoon show at the state fair in San Antonio. When we arrived, most people were watching a rodeo going on nearby.
On the bill with us were George Jones, the great country singer, and singer Bobby Vee. ... The concert was in the open air and everyone got a poor reception from a mixed crowd of cowboys and kids. We had to go on after some performing monkeys. What the hell were we doing here? People didn't know whether to take us seriously or as a joke! We fated only slightly better than the rest. Cowboys jeered at us and Mick told them to go and jump on their horses.
excerpt from Bill Wyman's memoir, Stone Alone, on the Stones' infamous gig at the 1964 Teen Fair of Texas
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iloveyoubuddy · 1 year
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Dinosaur Jr. at Paper Tiger in San Antonio tonight
Here’s one of their best songs:
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jrmusic4ever · 2 years
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theunderestimator-2 · 8 months
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Sally Norvell singing "Oh Bondage Up Yours!" on her punk stage debut as captured by Will Van Overbook back in 1978 in Austin, Texas, with Cold Sweat, a band that led to the Norvells.
Sally Norvell is an actor, director, writer and producer and most Wim Wenders fans may remember her appearance in "Paris, Texas" (1984) as 'Nurse Bibs' on a rubber horse behind the mirror of the peep show but her curriculum vitae also lists her as a frontwoaman who was central to Austin's punk history right from its inception. Having been one of the early punk rebels that attended the San Antonio show of the Sex Pistols (a game-changing moment for Austin's scene which basically sparked out of conversations between future pioneers in cars heading back to Austin from Randy's Rodeo in the wee hours of Jan. 9, 1978) and also having one of the best female punk voices according to the revered historian of Austin's music scene Margaret Moser, she fronted various bands who all shared members and gigs as an entwined entity, starting with Cold Sweat -who actually opened for The Huns during the notorious Raul's gig that turned into a riot after their singer Phil Tolstead kissed a cop on the lips-as well as The Violators, if I'm not mistaken, and followed by Motor Men, The Gator Family and The Norvells.
An important musical figure in her own right by this point, she spent the '80s leading the revisionist-swing combo Prohibition (also featuring members of Scratch Acid, Poison 13, and Glass Eye) and the '90s in the Congo Norvell, a long-lived partnership with Kid Congo Powers.
(via, via, via, via, via, via, via, via & via)
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capndesdesdestiny · 2 months
below is js a thing I’m writing ab graves and fem!reader meetin at a bar in San Antonio
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hehe this is so dumb.. also I’m a yapper so this is only part 1: initial meeting (no smut.. yet. freak mode loading)
You had never been to Texas before, having been born and raised in Vegas, but as your Uber from the airport glided through the streets of San Antonio, you started thinking all the flashy desert cities got that same seedy vibe.
You had flown in for a good friend’s wedding taking place here on Tuesday, though today was Thursday- you got excited and came a few days early because you’d never been so far from home before, so this was a good opportunity to do some sightseeing. (It was also nice to get some time off of work and get wasted.)
As you neared downtown, you stared out the window, eyes flitting over crumbling remnants of what once was. Dusty brick buildings, churches, littered construction equipment and blocked off alleys. As your Uber neared your hotel, there were more office buildings and tourist spots in your peripheral vision, but you were distracted by your phone at this point, checking to make sure you were dropped off at the correct location.
You’re quickly dropped at the lobby of the swanky looking joint, and your Uber driver helps you get your suitcase out from his trunk, before hurriedly leaving with a small wave goodbye. You check in with the front desk, grab your room card, and head up the elevator, the lack of cigarette stench a pleasant surprise.
You exit the elevator at the top floor, roaming down the hall until you reach your room. The door lock clicks open as you tap your card to the sensor. You let out an amused whistle as sleek modern themes fill your sight. Your gaze roams over a neat desk under a flat screen tv, a fluffy queen bed, a glass nightstand with a small matching lamp, and a comfy recliner next to the wall to wall window, beautifully overlooking… the back of the hotel next door. You shut the door behind you, setting your suitcase by the bed and shrugging your sweatshirt off before wandering into the bathroom. You’re quick in shoving your pants down and hunching over the toilet to piss with your eyes closed, your body weary from your flight.
Soon enough you’re lounging on the bed, clicking your phone on. It’s 7PM now, so while most of the historical spots you’d seen online were closed, you remember your good friend had told you about a pretty river walk with tons of restaurants and bars, and now that you’re looking at it from your maps app, it’s really not a long walk from your hotel.
You slip out of your bummy airport outfit, take a quick shower, and switch the previous walmart fit for a cute sundress and a cropped long sleeve cover. Your hair was almost dry, but even at this time of night you were certain that that summer Texas air was going to dry it up in seconds, much like the air back home. You do your makeup real nice in the bathroom mirror, that signature look that got all your drinks paid for. Once ready, you quickly grab your purse and leave the hotel, stepping out into the busy night.
You use your maps app to walk from your hotel down towards the river walk. The first thing you see as you approach is the pretty lights, shining over various bridges and stone staircases leading groups down by the water. It was a long ass river, and as you make your descent down a staircase you are welcomed by the long stretches of businesses on each side of it. You walk by the river for a while, taking pictures of the bridges, the restaurants, and a few ducks that waddle past you. Groups of friends and family bustle around you as you venture further down the stretch, doing pretty much the same as you. It’s not until you reach a large bar and grill, with live music inside and out, those beautiful lush blue lights shining all around it, that you really stop in place. One more picture of the view, then you quietly step in for a drink.
It’s pretty busy this time of night, the chatter around the tables and bar almost as loud as the jazz band playing on a stage in the corner. You take a seat at the bar, a couple empty stools to your left, and a large group of friends laughing loudly to your right. You patiently wait for your turn to order, though you knew it would probably take a while for the bartender to get through everyone else.
As you wait, you’re blissfully taking in the sights and sounds around you, watching the jazz band in the corner play as you sway your head a little to the soft music. Throughout this moment, though, you start to feel eyes on you, a gaze that burns through the back of your head, watching your every move, studying you. However, you ignore the feeling, enjoying the music as you tap the back of your foot against your stool and sway.
When the bartender finally reaches you, she smiles down at you, her voice shaking you out of your spaced out gaze towards the jazz band. You turn to meet her eyes as she says, “What can I get for you, my dear?”
You clear your throat, almost forgetting what you wanted before you speak, pointing down at a picture on the menu as you do, “Could I get this margarita, the purple one? Looks so yummy.”
She laughs and nods, putting your order in, “Of course, I’ll have that right out.”
You mouth a ‘thank you’ before pulling out your phone, waiting for your drink. You feel that weird feeling again, this strong feeling that someone’s watching you, hiding amongst the crowds of chattering patrons. You set your phone down to look around, when out of the blue a hand comes to rest on the counter to your left, making you jolt.
When you look up beside you, a tall glass of dirty blonde hair and dark blue peepers is pulling up to the seat right next to you, despite another empty one residing a seat away. You couldn’t be annoyed at the fact he could’ve left a gap, since you had done the same to your counter neighbor on your right. Though as you take a second to look him over, you’re increasingly aware of how fine this man is. He’s got a real nice build, and the way that dress shirt fits over his muscles.. the cowboy hat, boots, and belt to finish.. the lighting of the bar bathing his features in a soft blue.. it has your eyes lingering way too long.
He looks over at you as he takes his seat, silently watching as you space out on him, not even noticing him looking at you in return. His eyes peek at you from the side as he settles, a smile creeping onto his face.
“Your drink, ma’am, enjoy,” the bartender’s soft voice snaps you out of your ogling, and she sets a pretty purple margarita down in front of you. It quickly shifts your attention and makes your mouth water with thirst.
“Sorry, thanks so much,” you mutter and take a sip of the drink as the man next to you laughs. You realize you had been staring at him for almost a minute. The sound of his laugh echoes in your head as your ears redden from embarrassment, having been caught checking out a stranger. You try to ignore him as you sip your margarita- which is amazing by the way- but he draws your attention back towards him with a wave of his hand as he holds back another laugh.
“Hey.. I didn’t come to laugh at ya by the way, I don’t mind the attention.. I watched you walk in earlier and thought I’d try my luck at catchin yours, actually, so I’m pretty damn happy..” his voice is a sweet country drawl that rings through your soul, his striking blue eyes capturing you with a stare that has your thighs clenching.
You folded your hands in your lap as you struggled to maintain eye contact, shaking off your previous embarrassment to answer back. “Ah, I’m flattered, thank you,” you take another sip of your margarita before deciding to continue honestly, “you look good.. I like your outfit.”
“I figured, from the staring, or else I probably got something on my face,” he chuckled as his gaze raked down over your dress, then quickly flickered back up to your face, “you’re gonna make me blush, sweetheart.. you look beautiful, what might you be celebrating tonight?”
You clear your throat, playing with the straw of your drink as you look away, “Ah, I was actually just checking out the river walk, I saw this place and thought it was nice.. and a pretty excuse for some drinks.”
He lets out another chuckle at that, quickly ordering a Lone Star from the draft before he shifts in his seat to face you. “So, you’re not from around here, I’m guessing?”
You nod your head, “Yeah, I’m here for a wedding next week, and I have a few days to explore the town and whatnot. I head back home right after the wedding so I’m trying to make the most of my time here.”
He nods at that, he sees an opening. “I wish you were stayin longer, I’d love to get to know a pretty little thing like you.” The bartender passes his glass to him and he takes a long sip, gaze still stuck on you from over the rim.
You can’t help but smile, he was a real charmer. Though you were used to being hit on, and thoroughly skilled in rejecting unwanted attention, when it came to flirting back you were a lost cause. That dad vibe he had going on was slowly breaking your guard down, however, for better or for worse.
“Oh stop it, you’re making me nervous..,” your smile widens as you bat your eyes at him jokingly, “so, um, you’re local? Born and raised here, then?” You hide behind your marg, taking small sips.
His eyes lower a little as you blink up at him, and he bites his lower lip a little, cheesing. He shifts in his seat, his elbow on the counter as he drinks his beer. “Yup. Was out of town for work for a while, so I’m glad to be back home. Why, you curious ‘bout me?” He flashed you a sly smile, his eyes wrinkling slightly at the corners.
You cross one leg over the other, giving him your full attention now as you play with your straw. A blush sneaks onto your cheeks as you sway a little on your stool. “I guess you could say that… what do you do for work, if I might ask?”
“I’m, uh,” there was a small pause as he thought about how to word this, taking a swig from his drink, “I’m a contractor, of sorts.”
“Oh! That’s cool! I’m sure that pays well, right?” You curse at yourself for being so awkward. You wave politely at the bartender. It’s time for another drink.
“Mm, it’s not bad,” he murmured lowly. The pay was amazing. But he wasn’t exactly keen on talking about work right now. Nor was he able to go into the finer details, as he had just returned from committing war crimes overseas for two months. He ordered another beer, watching you swing your legs and avoid eye contact. “By the way, I don’t think I got your name, darlin’..”
“Oh! Shit, that slipped my mind, I’m sorry,” you tell him your name, “..and you?”
“Call me Phil, hon.”
end of pt 1
hope this was okay for now o(^▽^)o I’ll continue this some other time
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itsdappleagain · 9 months
48 for the spotify wrapped
48: My Dead Gay Son from Heathers the Musical
oh boy. this one might be a wild ride. highly recommend you listen to the whole song if you're unfamiliar.
here is a recording of the stage production with...erm...visuals and here is the cast recording with better audio!
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They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings! They grab a mate… And roller skate— While Judy Garland sings! They live a playful afterlife that's fancy-free and reckless! They swing upon the pearly gates— And wear a pearly necklace!
summary: jean paul and antonio fake their own deaths in order to escape the dangerous life VILE has put them on and must secretly watch their own "funeral" in order to make sure no one suspects they are still alive.
It starts with a note, slipped furtively into the hand of Carmen Sandiego in a fight both of them know is going too easily. Le Chevre holds her gaze and immediately makes good on his whispered promise to to leave right then and there without a fight, telling the Faculty she defeated him as always.
The note she opens says this:
Antonio and I need your help. We are defecting from VILE- we want to start a future together, but we don't have anywhere to go. We are afraid they will find us...you know what they would do if they found out. You are the only one to have ever left VILE and lived to see another day. Please help us. We know you don't have any reason to, so all we can do is beg. Antonio and Jean Paul
Carmen, of course, helps them. It is her nature. Together, secretly, the three begin to plan the deaths of Le Chevre and El Topo.
Tigress is the unwitting unlucky winner of the "who gets to witness their death" contest. Once everything is set in place and Antonio, Jean Paul, and Tigress are scheduled on the same mission again, Carmen makes arrangements for them and the plan goes into motion.
At 11:44pm Tigress sends the duo into their empty target building to scout it out. At 11:49 the building blows up in a ball of fire and ash and shrapnel, and Tigress must flee before the police arrive, streaked with soot and, against her will, crying.
She is the first one to see the news report that the police found the charred remains of two unidentified bodies in the wreckage of the building. She is the first to alert the faculty, and the one to begin arrangements for El Topo and Le Chevre's memorial.
Back in San Diego, Carmen sits with Antonio and Jean Paul, the air heavy as they watch the news report apparently announcing their own deaths.
"Tigress will be devastated." Antonio murmurs, eyes fixed on the circling overhead shot of the blackened building they'd snuck out of before Carmen had detonated the explosives. "She acts cold, but she will blame herself."
"It will make it all the more convincing." Carmen sighs, tracing her jaw with her fingers in contemplation. "If she knew..."
"Better that she does not." Jean Paul finishes, his hand squeezing Antonio's as they lean on one another. With Player messing with the police reports to make it seem as though their bodies had been found in the explosion, they are effectively invisible. Dead. Wiped off the map, and free to start their new lives together however they wanted.
"I'm pulling up video and audio feed now." Player chimes from the base's speaker systems. "Good thing that I have the experience now to hack through VILE's 27 layers of encryption. Where did you set up those hidden cameras?"
"Where VILE always holds its memorials." Carmen says solemnly, her eyes just barely betraying a history of seeing more there than she cares now to admit. Her eyes flick to the two former operatives in her living room and they nod.
"The great hall. Last step," Jean Paul sighs, "see if they bought it."
The video feed flickers to life on their monitors- grainy and half-hidden where the two secretly set it up on VILE Island before their final mission. Everyone leans in, squinting as the fuzziness works itself out a little bit. The camera is hardly a centimeter in diameter, and, considering that, it is doing its best.
There, gathered in the grand hall, is a small crowd of operatives and the Faculty, gathered around the small table displaying their operative ID photos. Tigress, clearly wiping her eyes and trying not to show it, has just laid down a small bouquet by their photos.
Zack emerges from the kitchen and leans over the couch to where they're watching. Ivy hangs slightly behind, still suspicious of Antonio and Jean Paul. Zack whistles, oblivious to the tone in the room. "Too bad we can't have this camera on all the time. We shoulda got a man on the inside sooner!"
"Every minute that camera stays on in there is another minute it risks being discovered." Player explains briefly, his eyes still fixed on the feed on his own screen. "It'll self-destruct as soon as the ceremony is over, when I tell it to. We just need to confirm that El Topo and Le Chevre truly are dead to VILE and then we're out."
Zack hums noncommittally, attention drawn to the camera screen. Carmen's eyes are on the Faculty, watching for a sign of suspicion.
It's a second before Tigress's voice filters through their speakers. She stands at the front of the crowd, head bowed and fists clenched.
"Le Chevre and El Topo were part of my graduating class," she begins, a very un-Tigress-like hitch in her throat. "We spent the entire year training together and while- while we had our ups and downs they were some of my first friends here. There's something unbreakable about entering this life together. The two of them knew that better than anyone. I don't believe in any- any anything, really, but I hope that wherever they are now they're together, and-and that they're happy. You were some of the best, and I'm sorry that it wasn't me in that building instead of you. Rest well."
She finishes so quietly the camera's microphone almost doesn't pick it up, and she quickly wipes her eyes again and retreats back into the small crowd of operatives as they scatter some applause into the otherwise silent room.
When Carmen glances over at the two boys, they aren't making any effort to hide their own tears.
"Do you want to leave?" She asks quietly. "I can finish watching it. This might just get harder."
They both shake their heads. On the screen, Mime Bomb steps forward and mimes a flower, placing it on the table with little of his usual theatrics and retreats as well.
"They look convinced so far," Jean Paul says quietly.
Maelstrom is the first of the faculty to speak once the other operatives have finished paying their respects, and Team Red's base goes silent as he moves.
"While I don't want to spoil the evening-" he begins, and in unison Carmen, Jean Paul, Antonio, and Shadowsan (in the other room but listening in) mutter "here we go," all traces of mourning vanishing.
"-I think it must be acknowledged that El Topo and Le Chevre were two operatives whose passion was more often in each other than in their thieving work." Antonio and Jean Paul share a glance as the professor goes on with just the barest touch of disdain. "I would never stoop to say I celebrate their loss- we have lost two fine operatives in their deaths- but I must agree that I hope they are finding their lives after death more suited to the life they wished to live together."
"Cheers, Professor, we are." Antonio laughs wryly. Jean Paul isn't taking it as well, and his fists are clenched in his lap as he stares daggers at Maelstrom.
And then, suddenly-
"Now, you wait just a minute, Gunnar!"
The gasp in the VILE congregation is echoed across the world in San Diego as the group watches Dr. Bellum shoves her way forward, finger pointed directly at Maelstrom.
"You're skirting around your own prejudices, and I'm sick and tired of it. They were not dirty!" There's a glass of some drink in her hand, which seems to have given her a little courage. "They were not wrong!"
"I never said they were, Doctor, please-" Maelstrom hisses, bending with embarrassment towards his fellow faculty member. All five feet of her shoves him backwards and he stumbles, shocked.
"You have made your steady intolerance a part of our Academy's atmosphere for far too long, Gunnar!" Her voice climbs pitches like a roller coaster. "You're too afraid to say that those boys were-" she takes another sip of whatever she's drinking, "-gay as hell!"
"Doctor!" Maelstrom pleads, but Bellum is on a roll now, and the other two Faculty behind her seem to be finding this just as entertaining as Team Red is. Cleo, in particular, is red in the face and biting her lip in a way the three ex-operatives in the room have never seen before.
"Oh my God." Jean Paul stares in disbelief, all traces of anger gone as Antonio wheezes beside him. "This is going to be incredible."
"Those boys died as they lived- together! And I for one want to follow their example. I'd rather- rather live in happiness now than have to stay half hidden like they did here. Now they're up there- dancing to "disco" music and wearing beautiful necklaces like they never could have done while they were alive here!"
Maelstrom is melting into the floor as he tries and fails to do any sort of damage control, and before he can even open his mouth again, Bellum shouts, "We must carry on their legacy in VILE as we continue our work! It should never have taken their deaths to see it!"
With that, she turns, takes the hand of Countess Cleo, and sweeps her into the deepest, most passionate kiss the academy has ever seen. Antonio, in the middle of a sip of water, shoots it out of his nose.
"Shadowsan, get in here!" Carmen shrieks, cackling, as their room erupts into whoops and cheers. Shadowsan enters, sees what's happening, and has to leave again immediately to save face. In the periphery of their hidden camera, the chaos amongst the gathered operatives seems to be an even worse mixture of hilarity and horror. Tigress seems to have passed out cold onto the floor, and Cleo and Bellum are still going.
"Doctor! Countess!" They barely hear Maelstrom shriek over Brunt's roaring laughter. Zack, Ivy, and Player are in hysterics, which is a level more chill than whatever Carmen, Jean Paul, and Antonio are experiencing. Shadowsan isn't even in the room.
"If I got to witness my own funeral, I'm glad this is how it went," Antonio gasps in between howls of laughter as they watch Cleo and Bellum barely surface for air before they go back in, crashing into their memorial table and sending the two's pictures to the ground. Maelstrom has fled the great hall in a fit, and Brunt is literally crying. Someone gasps "disco!" in between laughs behind them. "Look at all the good our death did!"
"Our legacy will be felt around the academy for decades, mon amour!" Jean Paul wheezes in return, planting his own kiss on Antonio's lips. "I think we are in the clear!"
"What was in that drink, Saira?" Cleo gasps on the screen, voice husky, as they come up for air.
"It's plain Pepsi." Bellum responds, and the last thing they see before the camera self-destructs is the two Faculty members going in one more time as the Academy dissolves before their very eyes.
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tv-girl · 1 year
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Sept 21 // San Antonio // Aztec Theatre // Tickets Sept 22 // Austin // Emo’s // Tickets Sept 23 // Houston // White Oak Music Hall Lawn // Tickets Sept 24 // New Orleans // House of Blues // Tickets Sept 26 // Tampa // The Ritz Ybor // Tickets Sept 27 // Orlando // House of Blues // Tickets Sept 29 // Atlanta // Masquerade // Tickets Sept 30 // Asheville // The Orange Peel // Tickets Oct 1 // Richmond // The National // Tickets Oct 3 // Baltimore // Soundstage // Tickets Oct 4 // DC // The Fillmore Silver Spring // Tickets Oct 6 / Philly // Franklin Music Hall // Tickets Oct 7 // NYC // Terminal 5 // Tickets Oct 8 // NYC // Knockdown Center // Tickets Oct 9 // New Haven // Toad's Place // Tickets Oct 10 // Boston // Roadrunner // Tickets Oct 12 // Montreal // Corona Theatre // Tickets Oct 13 // Toronto // Danforth Music Hall // Tickets Oct 14 // Toronto // History // Tickets Oct 15 // Detroit // Royal Oak Music Theatre // Tickets Oct 17 // Cleveland // House of Blues // Tickets Oct 18 // Columbus // Kemba Live! // Tickets Oct 20 // Milwaukee // Pabst Theater // Tickets Oct 21 // Minneapolis // First Avenue // Tickets Oct 22 // Chicago // Aragon Ballroom // Tickets
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sleepi-toasti · 14 days
Meet bailey!
bailey (14) lived in a 2d weirdcore world with color kingdoms. she was the princess of the cyan kingdom. one day, bailey fell into a portal that goes to the real world. since bailey lived in a 2d world, she is 2d also. and the real world is 3d, so she's like a piece of paper the size and shape of a human lol
bailey now lives in Houston, but she tries to get back to her original world. she lives with the Mitchell family: Mr Samuel Mitchell (48), Mrs Lauren Mitchell (47), Amy Rodriguez (26, and she's married), Nathaniel Mitchell (17), Madison Mitchell (14), and Aaron Mitchell (9).
also, bailey originally has solid black hair when she lived in her world, but after being introduced to twenty one pilots music, she dyed the bottom of her hair red (to match josh dun)
(another thing: she genderfluid)
(here's bailey in her princess outfit lol)
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I'll make the Mitchell family soon, but here's info abt them
he works a 7-5 job and doesn't like it bc it doesn't pay as good as it should be (his boss is stealing money out of the worker's paychecks)
he wants to work a higher paying job (specifically the job Lauren works at)
the family actually does good bc her job pays a good amount
she's the real household leader (she's a tough love kind of mom)
great at cooking
works as a school teacher (the school is a good school and pays more)
she lives in San Antonio and works as a pediatrician
when she visits, she helps her mom cook
her husband, will, is actually a really cool dude
goes by "nate"
he's actually a closeted gay person, and despite the fact that he's never told anyone, madison knows
the boy he likes is Matthew Anderson, the captain of the schools basketball team
he's also on the basketball team
she's a twenty one pilots fan
she's the one who got bailey to listen to twenty one pilots music
she actually never has been to a concert, until her mom bought two tickets (one for Madison and one for bailey) to the Clancy world tour show
she knows abt nate's sexuality because she read his journal, which had entires (like diary entries) that talked abt how much nate liked matthew, pictures of nate and matthew hanging out together, and drawings of matthew (it's all about matthew with you HUH NATHANIEL?)
she yaps about her obsessions a lot lol
he's a silly goober
likes playing Minecraft with nate and matthew (yes matthew comes over sometimes, mainly to do school projects with nate)
has a teddy bear with a red bowtie named Fuzzy
he brings Fuzzy everywhere he goes (yes, even school. he keeps Fuzzy in his backpack)
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pastelbatcave · 5 months
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-I am NOT affiliated with the organizers hosting this event
- You MUST be 21+ in order to attend.
If you live in San Antonio, TX or in the Bexar County area, there’s gonna be a Pastel Goth/Creepy Cute Dance Party at Jandro’s Garden Patio on May 11th, 10pm-2am.
There will be Alt/Indie/Darkwave/Witch House music, and there’s no cover as well~.
I’m so excited to be going to this event and I just wanted to spread the word here just in case if any of my followers that live in SA haven’t heard about it~. (I was pretty late to hearing about it as well… lmao)
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d-criss-news · 10 months
‘Glee’ alum Darren Criss ready for National Christmas Tree Lighting ahead of Wolf Trap
His breakthrough role arrived on Fox’s “Glee” before winning an Emmy Award on FX’s “American Crime Story.”
This week, actor and singer Darren Criss performs live at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on The Ellipse outside the White House on Thursday night.
“This is my first year doing this particular event,” Criss told WTOP. “I’ve been lucky enough in my career to have done a number of things for the Bidens. That is a low-key humble brag. They haven’t decided to kick me off the invite list yet, but there’s still room! I could really biff it at the White House.”
He joins a star-studded lineup of Mickey Guyton, Dionne Warwick, Joe Walsh, Ledisi and St. Vincent.
“It’s a pretty cool list, man,” Criss said. “I just saw the list and I don’t know who printed the ad mat, but there’s no world in my mind where I would ever appropriately be anywhere higher or before the likes of St. Vincent, Renee Rapp. … When your name is with the likes of Joe Walsh, Dionne Warwick and many more, you can’t help but just have a huge wave of imposter syndrome.”
After that, “A Very Darren Crissmas” hits The Barns at Wolf Trap in Virginia on Saturday and Sunday.
“We’re just going from town to town spreading holiday cheer, man,” Criss said. “A lot of people put out holiday albums … just playing the very well-known songs. … My main goal in life is not necessarily as a performer but more like a curator. … If I had it my way, my Christmas album would have been 100 songs that no one’s ever heard of, but because I’m not a fool, I toe the line between familiar stuff but I do it in an unfamiliar way.”
Born in San Francisco in 1987, Criss grew up in loving “Star Wars,” “Transformers” and The Beatles. He pursued the arts as a theater major at the University of Michigan, performing in “Pride & Prejudice” and “A Few Good Men” before founding StarKid Productions to produce his own shows. That included the Harry Potter production “A Very Potter Musical,” which actually landed songs on the Billboard charts.
After appearing on the ABC series “Eastwick,” Criss’ big break came on Fox’s “Glee” (2010-2015), playing transfer student Blaine Anderson, who eventually married Kurt Hummel. Criss started out singing Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” and ended by writing the Emmy-nominated song “This Time” for the series finale.
“‘Glee’ was incredibly popular and progressive,” Criss said. “I lucked out and won the golden ticket because when I joined that show, it already had a significant degree of attention where one of the most popular characters was Kurt, somebody who was making waves … in the queer dialogue amongst popular culture, the conversation of gay teens and representation of queer people on mainstream, linear, network television.”
He reunited with Ryan Murphy to play the killer Andrew Cunanan in “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace” (2017), beating out Antonio Banderas, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jeff Daniels, John Legend and Jesse Plemons to win the Emmy for Best Actor in a Limited Series.
“Actors wait a whole lifetime for parts like that,” Criss said. “This horrible thing happened because of a guy who happened to kind of look like me and be kind of my age and ethnicity. … Twenty years later, how do we make sure those tragedies don’t end up as these horrible things? To bring light to a darkness by illuminating the things around those tragedies, the other themes that led to how and why these things happened.”
On stage, his Broadway roles include replacing Daniel Radcliffe in “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying” (2012), replacing Neil Patrick Harris in “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” (2015) and joining Sam Rockwell and Laurence Fishburne in the revival of David Mamet’s play “American Buffalo” (2022).
“I’ve really gotten to check a lot of boxes in what I believe to still be the earlier part of life and career, boxes that I really did always dream of and worked hard to get to,” Criss said. “Now onto Christmas baby!”
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