#lived in 3 separate continents
pippin-katz · 8 months
6 More Little Faces Alex Makes That I Love - Part 2
(not ranked in any order)
No. 1:
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I love the smile he does right before this, but I also love this. He gets a little emotional. You can see in the way his mouth moves and his nostrils flaring that it looks like he’s a little choked up.
You know when you’re not crying, but you can feel that throbbing sensation in your throat, and you know you might start crying if you’re not careful. You start swallowing a lot to try and keep it back.
That’s what I’m seeing here, and that’s super sweet because he loves Henry so much that he might cry.
No. 2:
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Do you think he knows? Do you think he’s doing it on purpose?
That right there is the “lifts eyes” look. That right there is exactly what authors are picturing they write something like this:
Alex looked down at where the key sat against his chest. The cool metal was a stark contrast to Henry’s hand. Goosebumps spread across his skin, centered on where they were touching. Alex raised his eyes to meet Henry’s.
Like sir, can you not be a walking fictional character? You might as well have walked out of the book.
No. 3:
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There is no other word for this but swooning. Again, might as well have walked off of a page with how perfect his physicality and expressions are.
No. 4:
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This look right after Henry says they’re committed to each other is perfect. He stays neutral enough not to be rude, but you can see it in his eyes and his eyebrows how determined he is.
He’s looking at Philip here as well, who has been giving Alex rude looks since they sat down; his face particularly after he says “god no” to the question of reading the emails is borderline disgusted, and if you watch his eyes, he looks at Alex more than Henry.
Kudos to Philip’s actor for being able to subtly imply his layers of prejudice with as little screen time as he has.
Alex’s responding stare is like he’s challenging him. His eyes say, “if you have a problem with that, you’ll have to fight me over it, because I’d die before I’d let you take him from me.”
It’s obvious from the moment the king starts talking that Alex wants to speak up, but he knows this is Henry’s fight first. He holds himself back for as long as he can and lets Henry do the talking.
At this point, the king has already dismissed Henry’s request for support and right to be happy, so Alex is definitely pissed off, and then Philip is a dick; his patience is running out.
It’s amazing how a tiny change in facial features can speak volumes without saying a word.
No. 5:
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This breaks my fucking heart every time I watch it.
His eyes are noticeably red from crying, which I have no idea how he did because he's not actually crying in this scene, so it wasn't from filming it over and over again. Maybe they filmed the Kensington Palace scene prior to this one, on the same day or something, cause he was crying in that one.
Anyway, this expression just kills me, because he's reached the crossroads. He can either keep waiting, not knowing if Henry will ever answer him, or he can go to London to get his answer.
And the idea that Henry may not see him and how that would be it, the true end to their relationship, fucking devastates him.
You can see it in his eyes and the deep breath he takes that he's imagining it. He's playing it out in his head, him going to London and being turned away, and having to go about living his life without Henry in it.
Just the idea of it is enough to break his heart, and it breaks my heart to look at.
No. 6:
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I love and hate the way Alex's face slowly falls when Henry says he should leave. Think about this for a second.
They live on separate continents with an ocean in between them. Alex is the First Son, and Henry is a fucking prince. They were texting for months before they got to see each other for New Year's Eve, which was the only reason why Henry was able to go to the States. He's only in the States now for the dinner party being hosted for the Prime Minister. He's flying back to London tomorrow.
They have no idea when they'll see each other again.
Henry has the idea of inviting Alex to the polo match, so he might be a bit optimistic, which is probably why he was still smiling when he pulls away. He's thinking about it, and has been for at least a little bit, probably since after the Red Room encounter earlier that night.
But Alex?
He has no idea how long it will be until the next time they're able to see each other in person again. Henry texted Alex for the first time on August 27th, and they weren't able to see each other in person until New Year's Eve. That is four months.
Since they were just friends during that time, it probably was no big deal, but now? Now they're going to be constantly thinking about each other. Thinking about getting to hold each other again, getting to kiss each other again, getting to do more explicit things again- all of it.
And Alex doesn't know when he'll get to do any of it again once Henry leaves. He even goes to say, "I guess I'll see you-" when he and Henry start talking at the same time.
Henry inviting him to the polo match is a promise of getting to see him next month, so probably a week or two, depending how far into the current month they are. It's probably part of why he smiles so much when Henry leaves. He has something to look forward to.
But in this little moment, Alex probably feels so sad because he knows Henry has to leave, but he really, really doesn't want him to, because he's not just leaving for the night so they don't get caught in Alex's room together. Once he walks out that door, he doesn't get to see him for who knows how long.
Agh, okay, that's all for part 2! I'm not too sure if I can make a part 3, but we'll see!
part 1 | part 3
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guiltfinn · 7 days
planet of the apes 🦧
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dude… i have now seen the new kingdom of the planet of the apes in cinema twice and the first time around i wasn’t all that impressed and i left the theatre kinda disappointed but the second time around i left a little more impressed and a little less disappointed.
the movie was still weak compared to the first three films, (the rise, dawn and war) but im glad it was made.
as a whole i believe this franchise is criminally underrated on multiple different levels. The poetic nature of the films is something i don’t think i would ever articulate or write on paper to perfectly capture how beautifully made these films are, they are just chefs kiss
proximus caesar was a funny villain that i think deserved more screen time and back story, it makes me kinda sad to think that we wont really see his character again.
the symbolism that links all four films together is incredibly well done and throughout the entire series there are crumbs of the films that came before them, which is a part of the reason why i love these films so much. i like how they made noa so similar to caesar, not only in his appearance but in his characteristics. i like to believe it was intentional that noa and caesar (particularly in dawn of the planet of the apes with malcolm) cautiously but willingly trusted a human. noa is so incredibly similar to caesar it would be criminal to suggest otherwise.
dude these films are so visually well done you almost forget you are watching cgi. the visual effects alone blow my mind but the accuracy and attention to detail when it comes to the mannerisms of the apes is out of this world and deserves more recognition. in terms of cinematography planet of the apes have always been amazing at beautifully capturing emotions from all the apes and even better at showing the wonders of a post-human run world. the forests and surroundings that the apes find themselves in continue to amaze me, especially in this newest film were we see a variety of different landscapes.
as much as i am growing to love kingdom of the planet of the apes, i feel as though we could have waited for noa and his story. i think cornelius and the others that were left behind after caesars death deserved a closing chapter. i would have loved to know how the community handled the loss of their leader and saviour and how they all moved on. also i feel as though we needed back story on how the apes separated and became different clans spread all across the continent. as an example i would have also loved to see how the misinterpretation of caesar and what he stood for became so strong and wide spread, as well as why noas clan and their elders knew nothing of caesar or chose to leave him out of their history. there were a lot of open ends and unfinished stories that deserved more screen time, but in saying that, that could mean an eternity of story telling that everyone may not want to see.
at the end of kingdom of the planet of the apes they left it open for another film which i am looking forward to seeing where they take story line. are they going to fully circle around to the original films were they capture more humans and start to use them as slaves or will the story begin to get repetitive? i hope repetition won’t sneak its way into these films like is has with so many other franchises, but we can only hope right?
long live monkeys… i love monkeys and we need more monkey movies
also- i know i don’t really do this sort of this thing on this account but i was beginning to genuinely tweak if i didn’t word vomit my thoughts on these movies <3
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lsd-astronaut · 3 months
Hello!! I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you do a fluffy Crowley x Demon!reader x Aziraphale fic (or headcanons)??
Maybe something like what it’s like all being in a relationship together?
(Also if it’s not too much to ask can the reader use a cane to walk around? Maybe because of something relating to when they fell and became a demon? If not that’s okay!!!)
First of all, I love you and I could kiss you in the mouth right now. I’VE BEEN SAYING FOR AGES THAT CROWLEY WOULD HAVE CHRONIC PAIN BC OF THE FUCKING FALL. I refuse to believe for one moment that you can fall all the way from Heaven, land on the ground and be all “hey guys i’m fine!”
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Aziraphale x Demon!Reader x Crowley
Please like and reblog<3
Warnings: chronic pain, but nothing else, this is just good old fluff
• You were an archangel along with Crowley, with the same obligations in making the cosmos✨ so you both met Aziraphale at the same time
• When Azi told you both that the project was destined to close in a few thousand years, you were the one that proposed to fill a complain to God (and crowley seconded you)
• Cue a war and a Fall later, Crowley and you are in Hell, but in different departments so you don’t see each other much
• In fact, you didn’t see Azi and Crowley for the first time since the Fall until the crucifixion of Jesus
• You stood beside them in silent reverence to this poor soul lost for all of humanity
• “What sort of mother would wish this fate upon her own kin?” Crowley and Azi turned to you with confused expressions (although Crowley gained a lot of respect for that comment hehe)
• After some idle conversation, and Crowley convincing Aziraphale not to just smite you right there and then, you three decide to traverse the world
• Centuries pass, and Crowley and you stay around humans (you love their way of living, and he likes children so everyone wins)
• You like to read everything you can get your hands on, to Crowley’s chagrin
• “Now I have two bookworms. What have I done to deserve this?”
• It’s circa the year 1000, in the new continent that these curious people called Vikings have discovered, when Crowley and you decide to experiment a human thing that you had wanted to try for a long time
• Your first kiss is messy, and there are more teeth than anything else; besides Crowley insists it feels slimey
• However, she can’t help but to accept he got a bit aroused by it
• Practice makes better, as they say, and so you do
• Although you spend the most time with Crowley, your relationship with Aziraphale also evolves throughout the years
• The “we have a mutual but I still don’t like you” to “maybe I do care about you” pipeline, if you want
• You take him to all kind of food places and bookstores, and he warms up to you a lot
• Introducing him to classical music was your proudest moment, and also the pettiest as Crowley had crossed you a bit beforehand
• The first time you kiss Aziraphale (or rather, he does), is one time you both were a bit tipsy during a masquerade ball in Paris in the 18th century
• He is a bit unexperienced but he gets the hang out of it really quick
• The three of you “confess” to each other in 1941, after the magic show fiasco
• Crowley looks nonchalant but you can see behind his eyes, he was worried sick he would be separated from both of you
• You make sure to give him extra cuddles that night
• Fast forward to 2008 and you work in Warlock’s house along with Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis, you being Warlock’s governess (like this is the fucking 1800s or smth lmao)
• It is at this time that the two of them notice you limping a bit every day after all chores have been done
• You insist that it is nothing and that you are perfectly capable of walking
• However, Ashtoreth happens to see you during one of your bad flares
• She immediately helps you to sit down on the bed, and looks at you expecting an explanation
• Her no-nonsense glare deters you from making up an excuse so you tell her the whole truth
• When you had fallen, you hadn’t landed correctly and had broken your legs on impact
• Miracles hadn’t done the full job and so you had been forced to endure the pain of the bones repairing themselves not quite right
• You had learned to mask the pain after centuries of practice but some days were just worse than others
• The next day, Ashtoreth gifts you a cane adorned with a snake head with little wings
• You proudly use it every day forward
• After the Second Coming, the three of you go to live in South Downs, finally able to be yourselves together
• There is still so much stuff to learn about everything, but you’re immortal and you are not alone, so why the hurry?
• As the sun sets on the horizon, you lean your head on Aziraphale’s shoulder as he reads one of Jane Austen’s books, and Crowley’s head is on your lap, already snoring softly
• You will be okay
I just wanted to say, I’m sorry if this is not what you asked for exactly as it is my first time writing for these two and I haven’t written either in two years so I feel I’m very rusty. I forgot ab the chronic pain until almost at the end, and I talk more about the history of you relationship than the actual relationship in itself lmao
Still, I hope you like it!
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crazy-ache · 4 months
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Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra Fanfiction Check out my full list below.
Title: Beasts Inside Us NSFW | Lucien Rescues Elain | Smut | Oneshot While staying in the mortal lands with the Band of Exiles, Elain Archeron stumbles across a familiar face from her past. Only Graysen wants revenge. Her only hope is that her mate, Lucien Vanserra, can save her—in more ways than one.
Title: Separate My Body From My Soul NSFW | Elain Rescues Lucien | Forced Mating Bond | Oneshot “I am Elain Archeron, sister of the High Lady of Night, Feyre the Cursebreaker. I’ve come to demand the release of Lucien Vanserra back to the custody of the Night Court.”
"And why would I do that?" The High Lord of Autumn demanded.
“Because he is my mate.”
When Lucien Vanserra is held captive by his father in the cruel depths of Autumn, there is only one force more powerful than politics that can save him—his mating bond with Elain Archeron. She must make the choice to save him, even if it means binding their souls forever.
Title: Call Me Selfish, Call Me Wrecked NSFW | Arranged Marriage | Smut | Oneshot Like countless times before, they’re dangling Elain in front of him without a mention of her name. And for once, Lucien decides to selfishly take it. “I’ll marry her,” he pretends to investigate his nails, even if his heart is about to burst from his fucking chest. “But only if she agrees to it as well. That’s my only condition.”
Elain agrees. Lucien learns the consequences of not shutting up.
Title: A Cut Above the Rest SFW | Oneshot | Elain and Lucien on the run “Wait!” Elain clambered to her feet, jumping off the bed. He looked at her expectedly, dagger in one hand and a handful of hair in the other. What was there to say? That she had always secretly adored his hair just the way it was? That he couldn’t possibly cut it before she even had the chance to run her fingers through it? “Let me do it,” she said.
While on the run in the Continent, Elain and Lucien must discuss what has remained unspoken after a frightening incident.
Title: Courting Lucien Vanserra NSFW | Idiots to Lovers | 2/3 Chapters Completed “I think it may be too late for us, that I was a wretch for far too long and now he wants nothing to do with me—” Elain blurted out in a teary confession to her sisters. Nesta, face like stone, hissed. “Then there is only one thing left to do. You must thoroughly and ardently court him.”
Elain’s tears stopped rolling down her face with utter confusion. “Court him?”
“You need to seduce Lucien,” Feyre clarified with a feral grin.
Title: bet on me SFW | Drinking Games | Oneshot Elain is caught sulking at her sister's mating ceremony. Lucien wagers a drinking game to prove who knows the other best.
“Go on. Tell me all about myself, Lucien Vanserra.”
And there is the matter of something charged sitting between them at the table. He was challenging her. An invitation for friction, a consideration to be included in the joke, a bid to entwine in something deliciously improper. Elain could not remember the last time anyone had offered her anything remotely tantalizing.
Title: i would stay forever (just don't go) SFW | Oneshot “You! You torment me, Lucien. Day and night. You fill my dreams and nightmares." Elain struggles to know what is real and not real. And only Lucien can help.
Title: in eternal bloom SFW | Lucien Meets Papa | Oneshot On the quest to find the sixth mortal queen, Lucien Vanserra meets a human with brown eyes and that same stubborn Archeron nose. Together, on their search for Vassa, Lucien befriends Elain’s father, and learns a bit more about his mate.
Title: curses and gifts SFW | GroundhogDayAU! | Oneshot
In which Elain is cursed to live that fateful day with the Cauldron again and again and again. Until a choice is made.
Title: Dear Lucien, Dear Elain: An Epistolary Fic (in collaboration with @zenkindoflove) SFW | Letter Fic | Multichapter - WIP After the winter solstice in ACOSF, Elain and Lucien exchange letters as a means to get to know each other away from prying eyes.
Title: Divine Punishments NSFW | Elain Saves Spring | Multichapter Elain foresees a curse in the form of terrible visions. An unexplained plague was coming and the immortal fae were going to suffer and die by the rotten sickness. She needs to meet her fate—with her powers and her mating bond—if she hopes to save Spring.
Title: Choke on Desire Drabbles | Crossposted on Tumblr | Various Genres If we do the unthinkable, would it make us look crazy? If you ask me, I'm ready.
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drtyelvisfantasy · 5 months
Solider Boy💌🤍
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parings: 50s!Elvis x female!reader
summary: Elvis has been stationed in Germany for 3 years, but to your love is the only thing that’s keeping you going
songs for the fic: Solider Boy- Elvis Presley, It’s Been A Long, Long Time- Kitty Allen, I Love You For Sentimental Reasons,m- The Righteous Brothers
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The news of Elvis's deployment to Germany weighed heavily on you and Elvis’s hearts. You both sat together in your small living room, hands intertwined, grappling with the impending separation.
"I can't believe it's happening, El," you murmured, with tears in your eyes and your voice filled with sorrow.
"I know, baby. I wish I didn't have to go," Elvis said softly, pulling you into a tight embrace. "But duty calls."
She buried her face in his chest, clinging to him as if to delay the inevitable. "Three years... it feels like an eternity."
You looked up at him, your gaze searching his eyes for solace. "Promise me, Elvis. Promise me you won't forget. That you'll come back."
He stroked your hair gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I promise, darlin'. I'll write ya every day. Call ya whenever I can. You won't feel like I'm far away."
As the day of departure drew near, your home was filled with bittersweet moments. As you were packing your bags tears started to well in your eyes,
“I can’t believe you’re leaving, Elvis”, you say while wiping away your tears.
“Aw, c’mon now. Don’t cry, baby. It’s gonna be alright.” He says to as he hold you in his arms.
“Why do they have to take you away from me for so long? It’s not fair.”
At the airport, your last moments together were a silent conversation of love, spoken through tearful gazes and tight embraces. "I love you, Elvis," with tears rolling down your face as you whispered, your voice quivering with emotion.
"I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything," Elvis replied, holding her as if trying to freeze time.
When Elvis saw you crying he immediately comforted you. “Hey, satnin don’t cry. The last thing I wanna see is a sad lil face as I’m leaving.”
“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself? Please Elvis.”
“I promise baby. I’ll be safe. Take care of yourself too, okay?”
You nodded in agreement. Seeing him board that plane knowing you won’t see him for three years was the most heartbreaking thing ever. But his promises to write you letters and call you any chance he gets was the only thing kept you sane.
True to his word, letters from Elvis arrived regularly, each one a lifeline across the distance. Pages filled with his thoughts, his yearnings, his unwavering love for you. You cherished every word, reading and rereading, feeling his presence in every carefully penned line.
The phone became your sanctuary, the ring signaling the nightly connection across continents. "How's my girl doing today?" Elvis's voice would crackle through the line.
"I miss you, El," she'd reply, her voice filled with longing. "But your letters... they keep me going."
“I know, darlin’. Wish I could be there holdin’ you right now”.
“Me too El. But hearing your voice… it’s comforting.” You say wishfully.
“I reckon it’s the same for me, hearin’ your voice. Makes this place feel a little less lonely.” Elvis says with a smile on his face.
“You’re not causing a ruckus over there, are you?”, you say teasingly.
“Nah, just keepin’ my head down. But I’m countin’ the days ‘til I’m back home with you”
“Can’t wait for that day, El”.
“Me neither, baby. ‘Til then, just hold on tight. I’m right here, thinkin’ ’bout you every minute.”
Your conversation continued, each word spoken across the miles carrying the weight of the love the two of you shared, bridging the gap between them until the two of you could be together again.
Months turned into a year, then two. Yet, your love remained steadfast, growing stronger with each letter, each call, a testament to your unwavering commitment.
The day finally arrived when Elvis returned home. The anticipation, the nerves, the overwhelming joy—they all collided as you stood at the airport, scanning the crowd until your eyes met his.
Your reunion with Elvis was a whirlwind of emotions, tears, and laughter. You both held each other as if trying to merge into one, the both of your hearts finally reunited after enduring the agony of separation.
"You're home, El," you whispered, your voice filled with disbelief and joy.
"I kept my promise, baby," Elvis said, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I'm back where I belong—with you."
His embrace spoke volumes, reaffirming the love that had withstood the test of time and distance. As the two of you walked hand in hand, heading back to their shared home, you both knew that no amount of separation could diminish the love the two of you held for each other.
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Hot Girl Summer AU
Both Dream and Hob are backpacking through the Continent the summer before their senior year of college OR one or the other is the backpacker and the other is a local. Suffice to say, their individual plans for the summer are seeing the sites and partying with friends -- all that goes out the window when they meet each other on a heated dance floor.
Maybe there is some kind of language barrier, but they understand each other enough to change their plans for each other and screw each other in half the hostels in Italy, France and Greece (the rest of the time.... don't ask, just know a lot of empty [hopefully] fields 😉)
They have the best sex filled summer of their lives, even knowing they will have to leave each other in the end.
《Part 1》
Ooo this is SPICY! AND we get a part 2!
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Imagine how nervous they both are when they meet again. They were only 20 when they met that first time, and although they felt strongly for each other, who knows how they both might have changed in the intervening years? They've both been through stuff, maybe they won't make each other happy any more!
But the time apart has, in fact, made them closer. Hob has grown more sensitive, less inclined to be annoyed by Dream’s moods. He's learnt to be kinder and to control his temper. And at the same time, Dream is more balanced and careful with his words. He tries harder to see the best in people. He's more honest and hopeful.
The fact that they've both waited and hoped to whatever extent is also a good sign. Both Dream and Hob feel that they're both equally invested in the potential relationship. Although some anxiety remains, it just feels easy to sit together in the pub, exchanging stories and holding hands. It's like they never really left each other's side.
And that original language barrier? Well, Dream originally only spoke Greek, and Hob only spoke english. They learnt a little from each other while together, but while they were apart? They both became equally fluent in each other's languages. The best part of this is that Hob can lean close and whisper something very very dirty in Greek, without anyone around them knowing why Dream is blushing like that. They both missed each other's bodies just as much as they yearned for each other emotionally.
And while they're not 20 anymore, if anything the sex has become even better. They've both had lovers during the separation, and have learnt a lot about themselves. Their bodies are a little bit older and softer, but that's a nice thing. Hob whispers that he can't wait to kiss every inch of Dream’s body and see every new scar and mole. And Dream is in awe of how much more confident Hob is in his sexuality. He seems so happy in himself and its the most beautiful thing. He wants to watch Hob grow into himself for the rest of their lives together.
In short: they are disgusting and happy and for their honeymoon they revisit all the places where they fucked fell in love <3
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Worldbuilding in Five
Rules: post 3-5 images of a place in your world and tell us a bit about it!
I always struggle with games like this because I refuse to use AI but I feel like there isn't a lot of fantasy art inspired by the Bronze Age Near East that matches what I have in mind.
For this one, I'll just do the place where it all started, Labisa.
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The city of Labisa aka the City of the Lake (Layu-City, Bisa-Lake), is the largest (both in size and population) city in Kishetal, and among the largest in the world as a whole. The city sits at the edge of Lake Shebali, sometimes simply referred to as Bisajal (The Big Lake, not to be mistaken with Jalbisa, which means ocean/sea). Labisa has long held dominion over the Lake, and has used this to their benefit.
The land of Kishetal sits at the very edge of the continent of Makia/Macia. Before the region was settled/colonized by the future Kishites, the region was inhabited by a number of forestfolk tribes alongside several Kiriki. The city itself was founded by the Spiritblood and first king of Kishetal, Tamel. According to myth the site of the future capital of the Kishic Empire was chosen by the heroine Seha on the counsel of the spirit known as the Hoopoe King. This legend lives on in the traditions of Labisa, as to this day it is traditional for the monarchs of Labisa to be crowned while wearing crowns of Hoopoe bird feathers. The name Labisa actually predates the name for the land it is in, Kishetal.
Kishetal, which can be roughly translated as Land of Valleys, comes from a bastardization of the Alokian (The language of the now extinct Aloki people) word, Qijital (Ki-gi-tal).
Labisa has three grand walls, the first and smallest are those which surround the palace, typically called the White or Palatial Walls, these lie between the Palace complex and the Palatial Grove, it has one main gate, the King's Gate, as well as a number of secret gates. The second gate separates the rest of the city from the Palatial Hill and Grove, These are referred to as either the King's Walls or the Blue walls. This wall contains only one gateway, the Kiriki Gate. The last and grandest wall is the one which encircles the whole city, The Walls of Tamel or the Black Wall. This wall has seven gates, the largest being the Serpent's Gate, followed by the Hoopoe Gate, The Prince's Gate, The Queens Gate, The Sage's Gate, and The Farmer's Gate. Along with the many satellite villages and hamlets which make up the city's hinterlands, the City can be broadly split into 6 districts.
The Palatial Hill and Grove
The Market Districts aka the 26 Streets (Potters Street, Perfumers Street, Weavers Street, Butchers Street, Slavers Street, Etc.)
The Tomb of Tamel and the Central Square
The Temple District
The Lower City
The Dock District
Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @the-octic-scribe, @theblackbookofarkera, @finickyfelix and @patternwelded-quill
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prospectingnightnovel · 3 months
hows the dunmeshi server idea going … (i want it to be real sooo bad)
HI!!!! For those still interested, I've drafted 2 (maybe 3) different lore ideas
Laios becomes king arc was voted most popular, so I have devised 2 separate plots for it!
Continues with the lives of the cast, and how they continue without the dungeon. The focus will be on government and Laios desire to produce food for the entire continent. I think it would follow along a typical Kingdom RP, with some pop up monster fights, and clean up of the dungeons remains. Travel to the other continents will be limited at best. THERE WILL BE NO DUNGEON IN THIS VERSION
Apart of the winged lion still lives on in Laios and overtime his desire begins to grow enough - his missing the dungeon, missing the monsters, etc - and a new, unmastered, dungeon arises.
If set at the beginning of the dungeons opening, there would be a lot more to do (I feel like)! There will be no canon cast, even the long lived races will not be accepted - OCs only!
The dungeon levels have not been fully explored yet. Gold stripping, adventurers for hire, and the sorts are all booming.
For a fun twist, we can expedite the dungeon's corruption, if anyone else likes a bit of drama
I didn't put crazy thought into each of these because they can be so broad, please lmk what seems most fun, or if you have anything to add yourself!
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The stages of ‘Meghan the Narcissist’s’ relationship with Harry. Three basics stages of a Narcissist’s relationships: Idealize, Devalue and Discard
It is a dizzying whirlwind
Meghan and Harry were married after knowing each other for about 2 years. The majority of this time they spent on separate continents. Markle pushed it quick and hard to get to the altar.
“Love Bombing - the initial stage can feel like a drug or a love cocktail as potent as cocaine or heroin because the same feel good chemical called Dopamine is released in the brain by both and we know Harry likes a drug high. During this phase there is intensive sex, exciting travel, constant praise, being put on a pedastool and focused ego driven attention (all release the same feel good brain chemicals as regular cocaine or heroine use would) so the victim feels an addictive high.”
- the traveling from continent to continent spending a few days at a time together so when together it is intense sex which is like a drug in Harry’s brain - releasing the same Dopamine etc. and we know he is a feel good drug addict.
- intense sex fest in Africa
- intense sex as they holed up at Nottingham cottage - seeing the addiction pattern???
- getting the fairytale wedding
- traveling to the South Seas and Africa for work
- clothes and jewelry shopping spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, basically buying anything you have ever wanted
- meeting famous people, private jets, staying in huge mansions
All the Love Bombing high for Harry and the superficial, materialistic, super fame high for Megan
Stage 2: Devaluation
Harry doesn’t know what hit him. He is probably in a state of pure confusion trying to figure out the mood swings and the up and downs. He gets glimpses of how it was during the love Bombing stage but most of the time it is walking on egg shells, repressing himself, confusion and just trying to do what he can to get back to how it was in the beginning and the get those addictive feel good chemicals in his brain flowing again.
Meghan has started to - subtly, insidiously, and covertly—to devalue Harry. “This may happen via putdowns, gaslighting, intermittently lacking emotional or physical intimacy, withdrawing affection, seductive withholding, inexplicably disappearing from contact, or blaming the target for the narcissistic person’s issues (projection).”
What we see happening in the devaluation phase.
- Harry is not protecting her from bad press and looking bad, she is not getting the super stardom and fame she wanted. It is Harry’s fault.
- Harry not making her the belle of the ball, she still is always number 2 to Kate. Harry needs to fix this.
- Harry not getting her a huge Mansion/ mini castle to live in like all the other Senior Royals
- the money/budget being pulled back as the public and the press finds out about how much she is spending on clothes alone. Harry needs to get her the money she expected.
- she is now pushing herself in front of Harry at events and greeting dignitaries and ordering him around at events while she controls him with her hand on his back or clawing his arm at all times. She has always been more important than him.
- making jokes about Harry at her events and stunts. Harry becomes the court jester.
- she is speaking first or cutting Harry off to do all the speaking when they are at an event. Even South Park made fun of her doing this.
The devaluation is in full force in LA as Meghan is trying to break out as the star speaker without Harry, solo events with celebrities, working to be the Princess Diana of Hollywood.
Stage 3: Sooner than later the DISCARDING phase will happen. Probably when the money is cut off or reduced, she will then file for divorce and get the guaranteed payouts and keep the mansion he will have to pay for. She will write a book bashing the hell out of Harry and Telling the world she never loved him because he is a whiney, drug addict, loser.
“Inevitably, the discarding occurs when the person with narcissism either disappears or orchestrates his or her own abandonment by engaging in some form of egregious emotional abuse. The outcome is often shocking for the survivor, unclear as to how someone that he or she fell so deeply in love with could throw it all away.” - Source Good Therapy
I believe the public discarding has started.At its worst, she will use the kids and keep them from Harry. I really believe it will end in tragedy for Harry. Being the grieving widow may be more enticing for her then being a divorcee again?? She will still technically be a part of The Royal family.
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extrajigs · 10 months
so there are people in the abattoirs and post-human horror fauna outside. does the fauna have souls? they're kinda sentient, right? (if yes, was some of humanity saved and some turned into the horrors^tm? how was this decided?) really i just want to hear more about your nightmare fuel, thanks <3
Always willing to talk about the nightmare fuel! I have thought of your question and have created. THE CHART. But first ALL life has to have a soul to function in this setting, think of it as the electricity needed to power a toaster. You could have the perfect toaster, but without any juice its just a sad cold husk. Souls to not necessitate sentience though, that is more on the actual hardware. Now here's how the people of Abattoir land are split up.
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Once the beasts showed up to the continent post blood sea, the majority of the people did not make it to the net step. Those that did were either those who devoted themselves to the new overlords, these are the Dragons and Abattoirs of present day, gifted immortality in new twisted form. If you were more liked you became a Dragon, but hey Abattoir living is still a living. Next, those that opposed this leadership change but were not eaten right away were separated into two categories. Some were turned into monsters to populate the frozen wastes, their minds rotting away into eventually being no more than animals. But most people were instead condemned to the Abattoirs population storage with their faculties intact. From here is where the first few generations of Abattoir inhabitants were born, the earliest hand raised by their Gods and never knowing a life outside of what's going on right now. The vast majority of these people's destiny is to be eaten, BUT members of the Choir are gifted part of their God's monstrous power to allow them to keep order in the Abattoirs. This is because the Gods have become kinda lazy, so they spend most of their time eating, lounging, or canoodling with each other. Usually all three.
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
Did MC and Red (either best friends or exes) not make any plans to meet again one day? Or did they pretty much accept that that might not happen? And how did he feel after they left?
I only played the demo so if this is answered in-game later it's ok to ignore this ask! Thanks in advance! (and thank you for being so kind and attentive with all the asks you receive, just seeing how you reply to everyone makes me feel super welcomed here! <3)
MC and Red did intend on meeting up again someday, but in a world where there isn't any real way of communicating with each other from afar (especially if you're constantly traveling and moving around and don't actually know where the other person will be at any given moment), they both just accepted that it would happen somewhat abstractly. When you leave the Circle as a young adult, there's generally this sense of excitement and new independence, like "I can't wait to go off on my own and spread my wings and explore the world and figure my life out and become the person I'm meant to be!!" It's this fresh, exciting rite of passage that everyone goes through, so there isn't this looming concern about how to see each other again ASAP (you've spent the last several years seeing each other every single day, after all); it's sort of just accepted that you're all going to go off your own ways and you'll see each other when you see each other (typically when you come back to the Circle after a few years of freedom and moonlighting to "settle down"/enter the next phase in life/figure out what you're going to do next). Generally the simplest thing to do is to pop back in to the Circle and inquire where the other one is, and if the other person has been there recently, you stand a good chance of finding them (or at least leaving a message for the next time they come through), depending on how urgently you need to see them. MC also knew where Red's family lived, so they could have also checked in there and his parents or sisters would have gotten a message to him ASAP if needed! So they weren't really thinking about it at the time, basically; they just had faith (blind faith, pretty much) that it was going to happen eventually, so they weren't too worried about it!
There's also the case that, if they were sweethearts and then broke up, they did need some space from each other and weren't like "all right well I'm going to go do my own thing since I was under the impression that we're just a fling and definitely not in love... anyway, want to meet back here in a year?" LOL
As friends, I don't think either Red or MC were really devastated or bummed out about going their separate ways: as I said, this is pretty much the standard course of things when you don't have phones or even permanent mailing addresses, it's sort of like when you have a friend who goes on pilgrimage or backpacking across Europe for several months without technology and you just have to accept that you'll see them when they get back! It was understood that both of them would return to the Circle someday, so they weren't worried about it outside of that... it just took Red way less time than he thought and MC way more time than they thought LOL. (But they'd assumed he was off doing his own thing too, not that he was still back there all that time! That's why they're so shocked to see him in Chapter 3: the odds of him actually physically being at the Circle were next to impossible in their mind, since they thought he was off still gallivanting around the Continent like he'd planned!)
Also, thanks so much for your very sweet and kind words, I'm so happy that you can feel welcome! :) Thanks for your question and I hope my answer made sense!
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steampoweredwerehog · 5 months
oooo is there any lore you can drop about Seiv and the crew?
After doing some more brainstorming, indeed there is!
“Giant Country” is separated from the rest of society by something called The Stepp—a huge tectonic plate boundary that forms a 1,000ft cliff across the entire length of the continent. Giants used to be more wide-spread, but moved atop the cliff as smaller humanoid populations exploded.
Thaddeus is the prince of a human kingdom, but the world also has dwarves, elves, etc. Thad has 2 elves & a dwarf with him (naming them soon.) The relic he’s looking for is known in legend, but most common people doubt it exists. If his family or the giants’ elite find it, war could break out. This is precisely what Thaddeus wants to prevent.
Giant Lore~: Giants tend to live in small towns & only have a few major cities. Food has huge cultural importance, to the point that stealing from someone’s plate is super rude & fancy dinners are a common form of courting. Seiv works at a bakery, but loves cooking most. This bish would absolutely have a cooking tiktok, those artsy ones with just music. He’s always has a soft spot & fascination with smaller people, one he’s learned to keep to himself over the years. Thaddeus is guilty of the inverse. Bonus tidbit: Their mattresses are slightly rounded cuz giants like to make blanket nests <3
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Group C, Round 3, Poll 1:
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Propaganda under the cut
she has an information network of spies called "kittens" so she is always informed on all matters. since the dragon she's partnered with is a giant fluffy cat, it's entirely ambiguous whether or not they are literal cats or not. she's no stranger to manipulating both strangers and family alike to make a situation more favorable for her and to keep herself out of debt to others. also she runs a near exclusive weapon trade on guns. like she is one of the only people in the world who is able to make guns. also she does the OOOOOHOHOHOHO laugh when she starts firing her minigun
"- princess and 3rd eldest scion (out of 8 children) of her kingdom, she also oversees her own realm called chanzelia that was a bum fuck backwater but she singlehandedly turned it into one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced cities in the kingdom - has a bunch of ""kittens"" (spies) that serve as her network to know any and all information. her kittens never get caught - her personality -- she's very cunning and charismatic and secretly manipulates people/situations to her own advantage -- but never out of malice really. she cares about the others around her genuinely but does so in a very roundabout and clever way. - she's a lead innovator in reviving ancient technology (which was more technologically advanced than the present) like guns. she has her own gatling gun that is pink and awesome and she used it to bail the party out of jail and it was epic she was shooting pink lasers all over the place - owns and created a giant landship called the ""gran fiore"" that can also serve as a submarine and can survive magic conditions like Divine Dark Fog That No Mortal Should Be Able To Enter"
What COULDN'T I say about Chelle? She is a princess that rules country thats situated on top of a moving landship, which is entirely because she specializes in blackmailing others to get what she wants. She has a network of spies she calls her "kittens" - because her partner, Cait Sith, is a cat-dragon - that have dug up so much information on people that she uses against them that they're known world wide. Her introduction to the story consisted of her saying she would help her brother, the protagonist, in fighting a war, and then she turned around and claimed that it was all a lie, leading them deep onto old ruins to kill them with magical robots. THEN when he WON, she turned around AGAIN and said it was all a very elaborate ruse. She does this like two entirely separate times. She is the sole dealer of Fantasy Magic Guns on the entire continent. Her main weapon is a machine gun with neon pink bullets. She's even bisexual.
She’s literally the princess of a small kingdom where she has “kittens” aka servants spread all over to gather information like a girlboss like who needs privacy
Dahlia Hawthorne
she lived. faked her own kidnapping and killed multiple people in unrelated situations. was executed. got her spirit channelled. tried to kill even more people as revenge
Girlypop has done a shit ton of manipulation, committed at least four murders (even one from the grave!) A man’s eaten glass for her, another’s knowingly drank poison. She also puts on the “Weak little girl” act to get away with it all
she is literally THE gaslight gatekeep girlbosser ever. don't wanna spoil anything but like. she is the definition of the words,
At 14, Dahlia arranged a staged kidnapping (in order to attain a Very High ransom from her wealthy father) with a guy she'd seduced, her stepsister Valerie, and her twin sister Iris (who chickened out) that purposefully landed the guy in jail for her supposed murder. Five years later, the guy broke out of jail and Dahlia framed him for the murder of Valerie (which she committed) and when this truth was exposed in court, the guy killed himself rather than break the promise they'd made to believe in each other no matter what. A few months later, she poisoned one of the attorneys involved in that case (putting him into a years-long coma instead of killing him) and got away with it by planting the evidence on a guy she just met by convincing him she'd fallen in love with him at first sight. She then guilted Iris into pretending to be her while dating the guy for the next several months, which culminated in her attempting to murder him, only to then try to frame him for the murder of one of her exes instead (which she also committed). She didn't get away with this one because superior girlboss (her cousin Mia) exposed her plot and Dahlia was executed for it a few years later, but she continued to GGG from beyond the grave. While she was still alive, Dahlia and her also-incarcerated but not on death row mother planned to murder the head of their clan (Maya, the younger sister of Mia) so that Dahlia's younger half sister (Pearl) could take Maya's place as head of their clan; Dahlia was also doing this because in the interim, Mia had been murdered by someone else, and Dahlia decided the best way to get revenge on her after her death was to kill the person she loved most. The mother and daughter schemed to write to Pearl (who was only about 9 at the time) and convinced her to channel Dahlia after her execution without telling her why (their family has the ability to channel the spirits of the dead, and they cannot remember what their bodies do during the time they're possessed) so that Dahlia could use her little sister's body to kill the head of the family, who Pearl loved very much. They also guilted Iris into working with them on this. The attempt failed because she girlbossed too close to the sun (a combination of her still-living ex, Maya, the channeled Mia, and the now-awake guy she'd poisoned) but she still GGG-ed all her life and even into her death (she also managed to get Mia & Maya's mom killed in the process and the coma guy (who Mia was in love with) convicted for it, but Maya lived so ultimately a failure). Throughout all this, she gives off an air of innocence and kindness and naivete, wearing white, high femme clothes, convincing the men inside and outside of the legal courts that she couldn't possibly do anything because she's just a sweet little girl. I fucking hate her <3 the vibes are both rancid and terrifying
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this takes place in the space au
warnings: swearing, fear
word count: around 4.8k
taglist: @autism-alley , @awkwardgtace , @tripodcat-gt
T-minus 10
“Could I ask you something, big guy?”
“Are there other ways you hold the planet? It can’t always just be in your hands, right? That has to get tiring.”
“…well, sometimes I kinda…cup the planet to my chest. Like when I lay down. …or just…I don’t know…whenever.”
“Dear God, you are touch starved.”
“…touch starved?”
“Mmm...it means you crave physical affection.”
“Touch…,” I can sense the wistfulness in his voice. “I’ve seen the way some humans hold each other…I think it’s called a hug? And just…I don’t know, getting lost in someone’s arms for a while…it seems…really nice. I just…I wish there was some way for me to hug you, Mia, but…well, you know.”
“...maybe there is.”
“…what do you mean?”
Lift off.
There’s a giant that lives up in the cosmos who holds the world to prevent it from freezing over now that the sun’s dead. It's literally something out of a children’s story but the scientists have been working on this long enough to know that somehow, impossibly, it’s still the truth.
Weirder still is that this giant never asked for anything in return.
Until, that is, when a particularly tired intern got the shit scared out of them when the massive cosmic entity known as Jax popped into their head to quietly ask them if it would be okay to send their cranky janitor to space. And once the higher ups got word of it, they knew it was probably for the best not to say no to the giant who literally held the entire planet in his hands and started on it right away.
Of course, they could have said no. Jax knew that. I knew that. They didn’t know that. I guess they were just happy Jax hadn’t started asking for human sacrifices or something.
So that’s how I ended up here.
I’m in a ship and a bulky suit, watching the sky turn darker and darker as I leave the Earth’s atmosphere. The constant shake rattling through the ship is horrible and the jolt of the engine separating from the rocket is even worse. The ship stops shaking soon after but gradually, I can feel the sheer weight of gravity pushing me deeper and deeper into my seat as the vessel tries to escape the Earth’s pull. It’s almost agonizing in its intensity, the sounds and sights and feelings all working together to turn my body and brain effectively to mush but then finally, finally
the engines shut off and I’m left sitting there in the dead silence that follows, still so stunned from the trip that it takes a few moments too long to even bring myself to move.
And that was the easy part.
My legs feel like jello and both my back and neck feel stiff but still I wrestle my way out of the chair to go look out the window.
And the first thing I see is the Earth, an impossible sight of blues and greens and yellows all condensed and mixing together, masses of huge storm clouds passing over continents. The backdrop of stars and darkness make it almost glow.
And then I see something else.
Something that just about makes my heart stop beating.
As the Earth slowly, very slowly, gets farther and farther away, I can see that it’s not suspended in the star filled void of space like it’s supposed to be. Instead,
something so huge I can’t see where it begins or where it ends, something so huge my brain can’t even fully comprehend what I’m looking at,
something rests just below the planet, cupping it, holding it up in the cosmos
something flesh coloured
something warm
I’ve seen this before, when Jax projected himself into my head or…whatever the hell he did to me but seeing it here, now
It’s too much
It’s genuinely too much
And as the Earth gets smaller and the flesh surrounding it remains the same endless expanse, I find it harder and harder to stay calm.
My brain is screaming, screaming at me to get away but I can’t breathe and
instead I choke on my own spit, staring at the view as my breaths get harder and harder to control until I finally manage to turn around, pressing my back to the cool glass and instead focusing on the dull interior of the shuttle as I try to get my breathing back under control. I’m starting to sweat again and the insulation the suit provides isn’t helping. I try to take in every single detail of the room I’m trapped in, the grooves in the seats and the dull walls, the fluorescent lights and the panels and panels of buttons lining the main console, the screens and the sensors and very very distant hum of fans and other machinery quietly working away to keep me alive.
The constant beating in my chest as it finally starts to slow
As my vision stops dancing in front of me
As my head gradually stops swimming
And then I hear it, a call so sudden it causes me to jump.
A being so fucking huge that the world is nothing more than a marble to him. Of course, I’ve seen him so many times before in the sky, his huge face stretching across the horizon thanks to his sheer size, an eye larger than the Earth completely engulfing it when I want to show him something. Even when he holds an arm out so I can see him better, the concept of him holding the planet is still something I can’t even begin to register.
And now I don’t have a barrier to protect me.
It doesn’t take long before I can feel tears streaming down my face as I hug my arms close and then closer.
Quieter now.
I can’t stifle a sob in time and somehow, somehow, I know he hears it.
“…I…I’m sorry, M.” He sounds pained and my heart pangs even as I slowly lower myself to the ground.
My friend.
This cosmic fucking giant is my friend.
I guess on some level I just never fully thought about what I was dealing with.
Jax is a giant, one so goddamn huge that any space program that wants to send something out has to let him know in advance so that his damn fingertips don’t block their flight paths.
He’s not human. He’s never been human but
“…do you want to go home?”
He’s tentatively whispering in my head like we’re equals, asking me questions, asking me what I want to do. There’s genuine distress in his voice. He wanted this more than anything and yet I know he’d give it all up for me. He’s…
A lengthy pause on his end. Then
I take in a few more gulps of air, staring at my now empty chair before I speak again.
“…give me a moment. This is…a little hard for me to deal with right now.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
Some time passes in silence, me eventually starting to run a hand up and down the material of my suit to try and ground myself before Jax hesitantly speaks again.
“…I…actually, there…might be something I can do to help.”
I try to focus on his voice. “…and what’s that, big guy?”
“Just…just give me a moment.”
More silence for a long long time before,
“Look out the window.”
“Trust me. Please.”
There’s something about his tone that cuts the tension. There’s desperation, yes. But now there’s something else too. Something that almost sounds like excitement.
I frown, staring down the empty room before finally breaking. Damn it, now I’m curious. And I did trust him at the end of the day.
I slowly uncurl myself from the floor and move to peek out the window. And I see
Oh my God he’s so far away right now.
I don’t even know how far away he is but I know it must be a lot because I can fucking see him now
All of him
He looks like a regular human floating a short distance away from the glass. I can finally see his fucking clothes properly, some kind of weird flowing orange-purple crop top and a long flowing skirt to go with it. He tentatively waves when my eyes meet his because of course he can see when my fucking germ sized eyes meet his planet sized ones over the how many millions of miles he just marathoned in his quest to make me feel more comfortable.
And goddammit I can’t believe it’s working.
He’s just…he’s so fucking sweet. And God, the face he’s making right now is so cute if he wasn’t the size of a goddamn galaxy, I’d squish his cheeks.
A half smile slowly worms its way onto my face and after a moment, he seems to relax too.
“Are you alright?” I know his mouth doesn’t move when he talks to me like this since he’s projecting his voice directly into my head but it’s still trippy to see, especially like this.
“I…think so.”
He smiles. “So now what? Do you want to just…talk like this for a while before you go back?”
“Dude. I didn’t go through months of space training and being questioned by the feds to just talk to you.”
The man’s smile grows.
After dancing around the subject for a while, I finally bite the bullet and leave the room to go put on a space suit even bulkier than the one I’m currently in. Jax is a constant nervous chatter in my head as I check the suit over and over and I try my best to reassure him even as my own heart rate steadily rises at the mere thought of what’s about to happen.
And once I’m finally done looking the suit over and over desperately for anything I can use to stall for just a second longer, I give up and make my way to the airlock.
There’s a palpable tension in the air now. I know exactly what’s on the other side of those heavy metal doors and it takes a second to even make myself bring a hand up to the panel.
I take a slow breath in
And a slow breath out
and then I press down.
The doors open and it takes only a second for the lack of pressure to kick in before I’m all but shot out into the black void that yawns open in front of me.
It takes some time to get my bearings now that gravity’s moot and for a while, I just try to stop spinning by any means necessary. Means in this case being flapping my arms and legs around until the universe finally stops spinning. At some point I can even hear Jax start to chuckle quietly in my head and it does not help.
But once I’m finally able to place myself, I take some time to take in my surroundings. Because God, they are stunning. The black void of space completely engulfs everything around me. It’s full of stars and what has to be a few unfamiliar planets all hanging in the empty space, dotting the dark backdrop with a massive array of colour and light. It’s…beautiful. Ethereal.
Completely silent.
There’s something quietly unsettling about it all, the way it doesn’t seem to end, the way I’m the only visible living being for miles, the way the silence is so palpable it makes my ears ring. Beautiful, yes but uncaring, lifeless
…what Jax must go through every single day of his life.
I can feel his gaze on my back, one that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand and my latent survival instincts kick into overdrive.
The stare of a giant who holds the world.
And now there’s no magical barrier. No ship. No nothing.
It’s just me.
For a long time, I stare into the cosmos aimlessly until finally, a small whisper starts up in my head, the abruptness of it making me jump.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
I swallow, trying to find my voice. “…yeah, it is.”
There’s a long pause and I try to find something else to say to stop focusing on how hard my heart is beating.
“I…don’t recognize any of these planets. Never-,” I choke on my air for a moment but force myself to continue, “-never saw one with three rings around it like that.”
Jax is silent for a long moment.
“…Mia…you don’t have to-”
“Where are we?”
“I…I don’t recognize any of these planets so…where exactly are we, big guy?”
He’s quiet for a moment longer before “…I travel around, I guess. Your system is…well…it’s not habitable anymore so you guys just travel with me now.”
You guys
The entire population of Earth is just ‘you guys’ to him.
The idea is so inconceivably, horribly absurd to me that I almost burst out laughing, instead choking on my own spit as I forget to breathe for a few moments too long.
That voice in my head again, even quieter than before because, and the realization helps to ground me just a little, he’s hesitant, because he doesn’t want to scare me further or, God forbid, because my reaction actually scared him.
There’s something so undeniably human about the way Jax carries himself. In spite of his ridiculous size and the power he holds over billions of comparatively minuscule lives, he acts like a person. We’re all just ‘you guys’ to him. Equals, friends. Hell, I’m actually his friend. It’s insane. All of this in insane but-
after taking a few sharp inhales and trying to get my breathing back under control, I finally bring myself to start really looking around. Not for the scenery but for my gigantic friend.
And finally, I see him floating in the distance just as before, one of his hands cupped and the other hanging loosely at his side. I know what’s cupped in that hand but try not to think about it, instead focusing on the man himself. He doesn’t say anything but cocks his head slightly at me instead.
I quietly squeeze my hands before I speak again. “…so, how do you want to do this?”
“…you were having trouble breathing, M.”
There’s this deadness in his voice that makes me wince. I ignore him and try again, fighting to keep the shake out of my voice.
“How do you want to do this?”
“…I don’t think this is a good idea.”
We stare at each other for a long moment before I raise a hand and beckon him forward.
“You’re shaking, Mia.” He sounds close to tears, now visibly upset as he hangs in the dead of space.
“I’ll get over it.”
“No, you won’t.”
“Yes, I will.”
He looks like he wants to argue more but instead tries something else.
“I don’t want you to do something you don’t want to do.”
“That’s great, Jax, but I want to do this.”
He looks away.
“…Jeez dude, do you even want to do this?”
He nods slightly after a long moment.
“…I don’t want to make you panic again. …or you know…throw up.”
Jax actually laughs a bit at that and I frown at him.
“You’re an ass, you know that? Now get over here.”
“…I don’t know…”
“Jax, I swear to God.”
He stares at me.
I stare at him.
After an unbearably long silence I just start swimming towards him and he almost immediately starts back peddling away from me frantically.
“YOU ARE AFRAID OF ME!” I yell as I keep up the pace.
“I’M AFRAID OF WHAT I CAN DO TO YOU!” he practically wails as his legs kick away from me. “IT’S NOT THE SAME!”
I try to swim after him for a bit longer before he becomes little more than a speck in the distance and I stop to catch my breath with a sigh. Unfortunately, with that no longer my main focus, the creeping dread of space starts to get to me again. Beautiful and desolate. Completely silent.
My ears start to ring.
I only have a few small meals that were packed in case anything goes wrong. I’m not sure how much oxygen I have left but I know it’s not enough to live on.
The infinite darkness all around me, closing in.
Closing in.
Closing in.
My voice comes out a strangled cry and the pale dot in the distance immediately freezes. “Mia?” He sounds concerned.
“Don’t go. Please.”
There’s a long period of silence before he speaks again. “Oh! Oh no, I’m sorry, Mia, I didn’t mean it like...you’re not- I wasn’t going to- I’m sorry I just-” He cuts himself off, taking some time to get his thoughts in order before he speaks again. “I’m sorry, I’m coming back. I won’t leave you, I promise.”
With that, the speck in the distance slowly grows until once again I can make out a person. I can feel distant relief seeing another living thing.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers again.
“I…it’s ok, big guy.”
Jax watches me for a long moment before he speaks again. “I’ll do it.”
“I’ll come over to you and we can…touch.”
“Are you sure?”
He nods slightly.
And so slowly Jax starts making his way over and as the figure of him grows and grows, a distant part of my brain starts screaming and after a second, Jax stops again.
“You’re scared again,” he says quietly.
I just use a now trembling hand to wave him over and he shakes his head.
“Mia, are you sure you want to do this? You really don’t have to force yourself. We can always just talk and I really appreciate you trying like this but-”
“Jax?” There’s a shake in my voice that I can’t quite fight down.
“Get over here.”
“…but I-”
I hold my arms out to him and he watches me for a long moment before slowly he starts moving again. His figure grows and grows in the middle distance but I remain frozen in the sky, arms held out in invitation, my heart beating faster and faster and my breaths struggling to catch up.
Jax pauses again. “…are you sure?”
Unable to form words, I just nod and Jax eventually starts moving again. The movement causes me to flinch and Jax stops, cocking his head slightly.
I’m about to beckon him again but
“…you…your hair is green and fluffy. You told me it’s dyed that colour and I think it really suits you.”
He’s whispering again. Continues his approach. It takes me a second to realize what he’s doing but as soon as it clicks, I close my eyes and focus on his words, a small smile starting to grace my lips at the familiarity.
“Your eyes are brown. Kind of a dark brown like…hmm…really dark chocolate.”
That gets a small chuckle out of me and he returns it in kind. There’s a noticeable change in the atmosphere now, like I’m starting to get pulled into a gravitational field. I know what’s causing it but just try to focus on the voice in my head.
“You’re…uh…you…said I was white so…”
I cough to warm up my throat. “…you can just say brown, big guy. It’s fine.”
“Brown then! And you’re…,” he stops to think about it for a second, “…uh…kinda skinny and muscular at the same time? I can’t see your body through the suit but I’ve seen you on Earth and you’re pretty strong, M.”
He hums in acknowledgement. “I…can’t see your clothes right now either, M but your…space suit I think it’s called?”
“Space suit then. It looks…well…um…”
“You can just say it looks like shit. It’s fine.”
Jax snorts at that. “I mean…I’ve seen worse. And…right now, your eyes are closed and you’re shaking badly but I know that you’re trying and well…”
There’s a long pause before with a jolt that makes my heart jump, I can feel something plush below my feet. I don’t open my eyes just yet.
“…there we go,” Jax whispers.
And so I slowly take a seat.
Take a deep, deep breath.
And finally,
open my eyes
And now I’m here.
Sitting on what it takes me way too long to recognize as the pad of a finger so massive it dwarfs the Earth.
I can’t really make out anything besides the massive black void that makes up what must be his pupil, stretching on and on in every direction like the night sky. Every time he blinks, I can hardly understand what’s happening and on some level, I’m distantly horrified as I stare back at him, the frozen death of space warded off only by the heat rising out of the endless stretch of flesh that makes up the pad of his finger. Every single groove of his fingerprint is like a bottomless chasm to me, my legs dangling off of one as I sit partially rooted to the surface below.
He blinks again and the night sky eclipses with it.
I’m literally nothing to this man.
Nothing at all and the fear is almost enough to make me want to gag but
He’s whispering quietly in my head again too, reassurances, using a voice I can comprehend and even as I can feel my eyes start to glaze over in fear, I can’t fight the smile that’s making its way onto my lips at the familiar voice muttering quietly in my head.
Because in spite of literally everything, he doesn’t want to scare me.
I know this man and he knows me.
Impossibly, I’m safe here
I finally force myself to move and use a shaking hand to rub the surface below me and the voice in my head stops in an instant, replaced with a small sigh as the massive eye in front of me closes in contentment.
“Oh,” is all he says after a long period of silence.
“Oh?” I finally make myself ask.
I hear a small sniff in my head and after a moment, he opens his eyes and my view is replaced by a black ocean suspended in the air in front of me.
He sniffs again and in that moment I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and never let go.
Which is…beyond impossible here but still, heart pounding, I hold my arms out to him instead.
He watches me for a long time, a blink sending what must be several oceans of water floating into the atmosphere but I hold my ground until finally the man speaks again.
“…I’m…not sure that’s a good idea, M.”
I just wave my arms at him again and he lets out a watery chuckle.
“I’m too big, Mia.”
“And I’m still waiting, big guy.”
“…I don’t want to hurt you.”
He sounds a little desperate so I finally drop my arms with a sigh. “Fine. In that case just stand still.”
“Trust me.”
He laughs at that. “…alright.”
That out of the way, I make myself stand up and examine the massive eye in front of me for a moment longer before I kick off of Jax’s finger and start swimming through the air.
“…uh, Mia?”
“Shush. I’m trying to prove a point here.”
Jax watches me swim through the air for an impressively long amount of time before he finally speaks again. “…if you’re trying to get somewhere, I could help you out?”
I look around and see that I’m basically exactly where I started.
Jax laughs. “Where are you trying to go?”
“Just…your face I guess.”
There’s silence for a long moment before everything starts moving again, the giant black globe rotating until it changes to grey and then a stark white, finally settling on a massive patch of flesh that must be the skin between Jax’s eyes. He then leans forward until the bridge of his nose lays a short distance away.
“Is that okay?” he asks quietly.
And I feel my heart warm up at that. And with that I can feel my hands start to twitch. Why is he so fucking cute? IT’S NOT FUCKING FAIR. I CAN’T EVEN SQUEEZE HIM LIKE- “I…yeah, actually. Thanks, big guy.”
I hear him hum in acknowledgment and literally want to kill him. He’s an incomprehensibly huge cosmic giant and it’s not fair not fair not fair not-
I start swimming towards him almost frantically and finally, FINALLY
I reach the man’s face and all but throw myself at him, grabbing as much of his skin as I can and rubbing the glass of my helmet against him.
“You…this is more…aggressive than I thought it would be. I…,” he lets out a small laugh, “…is this normal?”
I let out a small squeak and continue squeezing him and he chuckles in response. “You alright there, M?”
“No.” I finally manage.
He sounds a little distressed so I try to clarify. “Jax, I’m fine. I just-,” I squeeze handfuls of flesh for as long as I can manage before letting go and wrapping my arms over as much of him as I physically can, “-GOD, I CAN’T.”
“You can’t?” he sounds more worried now and before I get worked up about that too, I try to calm myself down a little.
“You’re being fucking adorable right now and humans do this thing sometimes where if something is too cute it makes us want to hurt or kill them.”
“…so you’re trying to…kill me?”
“…uh,” I feel my arms tingle and know in my heart that I want to punch him repeatedly and also throw him into the sun, instead settling for hugging him tighter. “…not actually but…yes?”
“…oh? You…don’t feel like you’re trying to kill me though. You just seem a little…,” he cuts himself off to hum a little when I try to nuzzle him again, “…rough.”
“That’s ‘cause I have self-control.”
There’s a long period of silence where I continue trying to awkwardly cuddle Jax to death and he enjoys the physical touch. Eventually though
“…we’re still friends then? You’re not actually trying to kill me?”
“Jax, oh my God, you’re killing me here.”
There’s a long pause and eventually I just frown.
“…We’re still friends. I’m not trying to kill you,” I deadpan and he chuckles.
“That’s a relief.”
He’s humming and crying and I’m trying to tear his skin off his body when something occurs to me.
“…wait, big guy.”
“You said you wanted to hug me too, right?”
“…Mia, the pad of my thumb is bigger than your planet.”
“So? I trust you.”
“You really shouldn’t.”
“Be untrustworthy then. See what happens.”
“…maybe some other time.”
“…what do you mean by that?”
Jax just chuckles and I frown.
“Hug me, man. It’s why I’m here.”
“I don’t want to kill you, Mia.”
“Then you won’t.”
I go back to squishing handfuls of his skin together in the silence that follows and eventually I feel more than see something approaching, the way the atmosphere seems to be physically moving away from some unknown threat. I try to focus on the movement of my hands against his skin instead.
“…Mia,” Jax finally says, “Your heart is-”
“Keep going.”
Jax is quiet for a long long time and I eventually drop the skin with a sigh. “If you want to touch me, Jax, keep going.”
Jax doesn’t immediately respond to this and so I try to soothe him by running a hand up and down the mass of flesh in front of me.
And finally
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
More silence now.
I’m about to say something more when suddenly something bumps into the back of my helmet and propels me forward slightly, pressing me almost tenderly into the warm skin in front of me. Jax doesn’t say anything and for a long time and so neither do I, wrapping my arms around what I can of him once more as we soak each other in in the silence.
And as I feel the trembles running through what I assume to be Jax’s finger finally start to die down and I settle into him, I raise my head slightly and look to the general direction of where one Jax’s eye might be, trying to find my voice one more
“Hey,” I whisper to him.
“…hey,” he whispers back.
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OC in 15: Kira Sato
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
thx for the tag!!! @topaz-carbuncle
anyway, i screwed around with the raildex universe and created an oc based off that. unfortunately none of this is published because i basically rewrote the entire thing to the point that it's like in a place where it's not original fiction but also not *quite* fanfiction anymore
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1) “How does it feel, hmm? To have someone wrap their fist around your heart? Don’t be prepared to dish out pain unless you’re willing to receive it.” Upon seeing his lack of a response, she slightly tilted her head. “I wasn’t able to do Blood Flow before. You and your ‘sensei’ knew that better than anyone, but ever since you attacked me, I’ve only been able to control one medium at a time. Man, I was pissed, but it turns out I have more control if I’m only controlling one. I was never able to do this before, but now thanks to you, I can. Do you understand what’s about to come next?” 
2) “I’m killing again for the sake of this power.” Now that they were dead, the grief returned. She leaned back against a wall, sliding down, her head buried in her hands. “The only way to repay them is to perfect my power. I need to get stronger so I can protect them. Yes, that’s the only way to make sure they didn’t die in vain.”
3) “Oh? So you were wanting to kill me. I should kill you a million times for that, you know!” she yelled out as she squeezed down on her neck. “My abilities let me heal, you fucking idiot. If you’re gonna try to kill me, you gotta make sure you finish the job.”
4) “I really did expect just a little bit more of a challenge from you. The times that I’ve fought next to you were quite amazing. Really, they were. It’s amazing how befuddled people get when they realize that your right hand can cancel out abilities. The only thing with me is that I know how to counter that right hand of yours. After you take that out of the equation, what else do you have left? What else can you do?” Kira gave him a gentle smile. “You made a good effort. You made a really good effort. So it’s about time you had a rest!”
5) “I’m not the type of person that saves people.”
6) “I’m not a good person,” she whispered. “I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve you, I-”
7) “We’ve played this song and dance before and to be honest, your track record isn’t working in your favor. The only way you’re getting out of this is to tell me where she is and maybe, just maybe, I’ll kill you quickly.” 
8) “If I have to forget who I am to save her, I will,” Kira said with an empty look in her eyes.
9) "...monster I was always meant to be. That's right. Kihara Kenkyuu had always said that something was special about me. Takaki Yoshi said that my abilities were different. Maybe I really am a monster."
10) "Do you want to live or die? It’s your choice. That damned Kihara Seigo might have made it so that I can’t control who the hell I kill when I touch them, but that’s a different case with you, isn’t it?” Kira currently held up one of the Hound Dog lackeys that was unfortunate enough to have gotten separated from the rest.
11) “Do you ever shut up?” spat out Kira to silence the man. She grabbed the piece of steel stabbing into the man. “What a pain in the ass. Just asking me to kill you is too vague. I’ll move this thing around to tear your insides to pieces if you keep going down this route.”
12) “Do you really think there is any path left that will save you? After living in this world, trampling on so many people, and making enemies of me and that bastard Kihara Seigo, do you really think you can still live a happy life? That’s bullshit and you know it. You’re utter trash. How many people have you killed?” 
13) “Oh? Then you need a hospital,” continued the Level 5 with a grin. “Of course, I could heal you, but-” Kira shrugged and then looked towards him with scorn. “You idiots took that control away from me. So it looks like there’s no salvation for you here, but you won’t die. Not this easily. I’ll make sure your suffering lasts. Keep living on that hopeless path of life so I can relieve some stress.”
14) “Sorry about that,” Kira said with an uninterested look on her face. “I swore to a certain someone that I wouldn’t be participating in this shit anymore, but it looks like I fucked up.” A laugh leaked out. “You see, if I had my abilities, I probably could have ‘adjusted’ the trajectory of the shell so that it would’ve landed in your leg and removed your ability to walk temporarily or something like that. But oh wait,” Kira looked at the woman with a mocking expression. “You fucks took that away. Karma really is a bitch, you know.”
15) “Sorry,” apologized Kira while cutting her off. “I may be trying to walk on the path of good now, but you lot really pissed me off. I just can’t rest peacefully without finishing the job.”
tagging writer moots :3 (sorry if you don't have oc's or reader lines to use ksjdflskdjf): @chaotic-on-main @leviismybby @lucysarah-c @jayteacups @the-traveling-poet @sixpennydame @flametrashira @kingkonoha @wyvernslovecake @peachdues @postwarlevi + anyone else that wants to show off their oc's!
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pleistocene-pride · 4 months
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Evania appendigaster better known as the blue-eyed ensign wasp, is a species of wasp in the family Evaniidae, which was originally native to southern asia but has spread throughout much of the worlds tropics, subtropics, and temperate regions and can be now found on every continent barring Antarctica. With adults reaching upwards of .6 inches (15mm) in total length, it is one of the larger ensign wasps and can be distinguished from other species by the wide separation of the first and second sections of the coxa, the segment of the leg that attaches to the body. It sports large wings, and its body is black in color with contrasting blue eyes. The abdominal petiole, the constricted stalk that holds the posterior section of the abdomen, or gaster, is attached high on the body. The gaster is laterally compressed and oval to nearly triangular in shape, held in a flaglike fashion and resembling an ensign, hence the name. This wasp reproduces by laying eggs into egg cases, or oothecae, of cockroaches. The mother wasp sneaks into a cockroach nest then upon finding the eggs, drills a hole into them with her ovipositor and lays a single one of her eggs inside each cockroach egg capsule. The wasp eggs then hatch are there larvae feed upon the cockroach larvae, growing and developing through 5 instars emerging from the now empty egg capsule as an adult. As adults blue-eyed ensign wasps feed primarily upon plants such as parsley and fennel and may live upwards of 3 weeks.
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