dpomalescreative · 2 years
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What does creative inspiration mean to me? Creative inspiration (Ci) can be something as simple as the air in my lungs (being grateful for the little things such as breathing) or sometimes a song even. The opportunities are endless for (Ci). Many times I can simply be sitting on my back porch feeling/listening to the breeze as it rustles through the leaves of the trees. This alone can be inspiration enough. Much of my poetic writing is based on such simplicities of life. It can also depend on the day or even the time of day, be it a sunrise or a sunset. But just about anything can inspire my creativity. And just about everything has...LoL As I have been writing for 695 days straight I have written on just about everything one can imagine: Life, LooVe, Business, Relationships, the ebbs and Flows of life in general, the little things in life. The sky has been the limit literally and beyond as we have been creatively inspired by the the moon and stars where they reside. We have written much of our thoughts and inspirations in the form of poetry and as well as content for my living blog. I call it a "living blog" because it is my endeavor to breathe life into my words and inspirations. It is something I do constantly, daily and it has become as habitual as breathing, as much as I write. Much of my creative inspiration comes from the ramblings of this creative mind such as mine! Many times words/thoughts pop into my brain...and off I go on a creative tangent. Creative Inspiration is a necessity for individuals such as myself. This is how I do what I do when it comes to my creative ways. As I mentioned, it is as common as breathing that I find my creative inspiration or that my creative juices are flowing. For someone like me my mind is always on the MooVe. It is constantly seeking out inspiration. It is quite often flying through my many thoughts, the sounds and environment around me, those who come into my life or those who play a deep part in my life such as Family & LooVed ones. #creativeinspiration #creative #inspiration #thelittlethings #business #business101 #blogging #livingblog #writing (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clgxp4NL_wt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gillianthecat · 1 year
omg her dad 😔
and her friends, while i'm on the subject. all the supporting characters and relationships are so interesting.
i love how unglamorous yet still stylized everything is. i am still fascinated by this decision to use mainly (only?) wide angle lenses. it creates so a distinctive look and an odd feeling to everything (although part of that could be my sleep deprivation). i don't think i've ever seen it done before, although to be fair i haven't seen most things in this world. In someways it feels like an amateurish choice - why would you distort everything on purpose? - but in other ways it fits perfectly.
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kazpng · 10 months
i might just straight up start livingblogging on here the way i do on discord
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paperbackcollection · 2 years
livingblogging writing 1000 words of my EE, due 8:30 tmrw
current word count: 220
current feeling: dead
favourite discovery: hyperkinetic reaction of childhood (ADHD)
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yvaquietdays · 6 years
A year or so later...
I’m better now. Still learning, still healing, still working through it all. But better.
I started this blog initially as a way of dealing with my spiralling thoughts and feelings, of trying to circumnavigate the endless stream of negativity that was pouring through me like Dust. I didn’t tell anyone about it. I don’t think anyone ever saw it. It was merely catharsis for me; I had to just get it down. The posts that you see leading up to this one are the proof of that. And uncomfortable as it is, I’m leaving them there for you to read. It’s not shameful or embarrassing to share these things, if I think it might help someone.
It never really occurred to me that by being more vocal or public about everything, I might be able to get better. Or, I did acknowledge that, but I was scared to death of talking about how I was feeling; in case someone didn’t believe me, or worse, that I didn’t believe myself. 
Over the last two years, I’ve noticed a great deal how much social media has a hand in how I feel about myself. The mainstream focus is about showing people how wonderful your life is. There is a huge disconnect and I don’t want there to be, between what is real and what we see.  But what I see is a lot of kids and people reaching out, whether it’s hidden behind humour or a funny meme, or a joke about nihilism. Because they’re almost ashamed of how the truth might look to others.  How on earth do we fit in our real lives when we’re surrounded by glossy front pages and the notion that our lives aren’t fulfilled because they don’t look like Taylor Swifts Instagram feed?
I was scared about sharing how I was feeling. I’m still scared. Looking through those past posts, I can see just how bad it was getting and nobody knew. Oh, boy, they could tell, I was miserable and frustrated and angry all the time. But I didn’t really talk about it. I wanted to reach out to the world in silence and expected help to come, I wanted to gain something for free. But it was selfish. I wanted help without having to ask for it, and it wasn’t going to come. I wasn’t giving much else out other than more negativity and pain. I wanted the world to heal me and give me everything for free, but I wasn’t giving anything in return. I had to open up and come clean, with myself, and with my family, in order to heal. 
(I’ll share more on my healing process as I post, basically, a lot of self love, the NHS, therapy, and meditation. And yoga. And some more self love.)
And that’s something I don’t see a lot of outside of Tumblr. Our lives are flooded with enviable images and every day we’re jealous of someones life. I constantly feel like the grass is greener.
It’s my goal here to be real. To be honest. But to overall, gain perspective and share positivity and light. To talk about the quiet days. I want to see more famous people take a break from Instagram. Or talk about what a shit morning they had.
One of the things I really want to tackle is the forced sense of self esteem that is floating about at the minute. With body positivity and self love posts surrounding us (and this is a good thing, we’re moving in the right direction), it’s hard to maintain this kind of buzz constantly. In turn I think it makes us feel like we’re not good enough because our lives don’t look like this all the damn time;
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I can’t help but feeling like it isn’t the content but the volume of social media traffic that makes it so difficult, for me, at least. And more and more people are jumping on board with self love and healthy body images and mental health; but sometimes it feels so empty and self-serving. Because if they weren’t before, they are now, and if they don’t, everyone would have something to say about that. 
Maybe I look into it too much. I have to take on face value that conversations are changing and attitudes are progressing, which works for everyone.
But most of the time we’re alone, watching RuPaul’s drag race with a stir fry, or flicking through the internet while we’re taking a dump, or working our arses off at our desks, or thinking to ourselves, after just looking at pictures of the Met Ball; since when did my life look so ordinary? 
Even if we’re not actively thinking that, I think it seeps in to our state of mind and social behaviors. Why else do we over crowd our Instagram feeds with pictures of our weekends? Or the food we ate on Thursday night down the Toby Carvery? We’re trying to remind ourselves that our lives mean something, too. And they do. Have you had the mashed potato at TC? Divine. The whole, ‘it didn’t happen if I didn’t take a picture of it’ sentiment is very, very real.
But listen; we only see that square of glamour. We have to start having the perspective that there’s more, we have to start thinking outside the box. (The insta box, I mean. *Shakes head* Sorry. You get it.) I’m totally guilty of posting when I don’t need to, honestly. I try not to post anything that doesn’t look artistic (selfies are void from this rule). But now that ‘it didn’t happen if I didn’t take a picture of it’ sentiment is ruining the perfectly innocuous innocence of wanting to immortalise a moment. My boyfriend seems to squirm away from the camera because of that sentiment, and what it means to him in a digital world. I just want photographs to look back on when I’m old and droopy.
I know we all secretly pine for that life, the constant happiness, the success, the beauty. It’s why everyone puts money on the lottery. It’s just morphed into something different in this modern world.
It isn’t realistic, none of it is. They’re probably sitting on the bog, just like us, posting that picture of themselves looking shiny and superb on a lilo, all the while squirming in severe discomfort because they’ve been constipated for three days from the two flights they’ve taken in five days. 
(Altitude does that to you, let.me.tell.you. I once went on a skiing holiday for seven days and didn’t grace Austria with a jobbie all week.)
This all comes back to the simple fact that I struggle with this, and it had a big part to play in how I felt about myself. I know other people feel the same way, and it’s hard to keep up and do your thing and get that money and chase your dream, and play the game at the same time. If we don’t change the way our lives depend on social media, I think we’re going to end up in a very dire state. There is a lot to all this. It’s not just that we’ve evolved into this way of life, it has been engineered and planned and we have been manipulated. I’ve researched how apps track your usage and can tell when you’re feeling low. Facebook even experimented on young people’s accounts for a week in 2012, and results found that;
“contrary to expectation, peoples' emotions were reinforced by what they saw - what the researchers called "emotional contagion” .”   This is so dangerous and frightening. 
(Full article here (prepare yourselves, though, once you go in, you’ll find a whole plethora of stuff):  https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/30/facebook-emotion-study-breached-ethical-guidelines-researchers-say )
I’m just here for more transparency. With myself, and with what I see in the world. It’s all a part of how I feel about my own life, and how I deal with all of it. 
I’m going to acknowledge all the bullshit and all the goodshit while I talk about myself a little. Try to do some good. I realise I am contributing to the very sphere I seem to resent so much, but there are a lot of wonderful things to be gained from the internet. 
So this is a blog. I’ll try and post as much as possible, but only if there’s something decent to say.
What’s the point if there isn’t?
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hotgirlrry · 4 years
i literally never know what you’re talking about but i love you...
95% of the time im just annoying
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veeranger · 4 years
everyone shut up stop putting words in my mouth i never said i was horny about galaxy mega shut up. im going to start livingblogging to my cat instead of you people
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savedbyprice · 8 years
Who are these Habs right now? Not that i’m complaining. I like them. I just don’t know them.
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taylorforbb24 · 6 years
Haleighforbb20 ==> Davidfordvg
Changing my URL now that BB20 is over. Still keeping my icon and background though. Also about to start livingblogging last night’s DvG episode.
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charmedbrujas · 6 years
Livingblogging tonight!
block charmed spoilers if you don’t want to be spoiled!
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heyholistic · 4 years
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dpomalescreative · 2 years
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This came to me while skipping through tiktok for goodness sakes. I had come across a tik about 7 uncomfortable truths. One of them was being able to identify and communicate your flaws. It embodied the idea of how self aware are we truly? But as I thought about it I found it difficult to determine/distinguish my flaws from strengths/strong points. If I may start with my strong points they would be compassion, bravery, creativity, temperance, empathy and humility. As for my guess at my flaws I am emotional, overly caring, temperamental at times and forgiving to a fault. But to be honest I would have to seek out the opinions of my closest confidantes as I have spent a considerable amount of time (2yrs) correcting my bad habits and unsavory flaws through various forms of therapy. Putting my mental health 1st has been a game-changer! I am compassionate in my mission to help others in the ways that were never afforded to me. Coming up as a freelancer there were very few resources made available to me as a new business owner that was attempting to develop a platform and standard not yet seen or built as I would imagine/design it. As a company we are here to provide needed support to any level of business that identifies a problem, a need or identifies a weak link in their armor so to speak. We are empathetic in our ways always looking to help others. We wish to see those around us succeed! We are often the go-to for many of our clients/customers. Simply because we find or create resolve for the tasks or endeavors placed before us. We are brave in our efforts and direction to help change how others can improve their business and also how we can improve ourselves as we grow and learn. We are creative in our nature, abilities and ways. We are able to sustain an even temperance regardless of what comes at us. We have truly found our zen. And we are always humble, confident for certain, but humble non the less as to who we are and what we are capable of doing. Yes there are things we cannot do and what we offer there are the resources we have gathered through the years. #business #business101 #flaws #strongpoints #blogging #livingblog #supportservices #solutions (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkoGJ-Ir6p0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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snapzuhealth · 4 years
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The COVID-19 pandemic led to higher levels of depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and psychological trauma among American adults during the early months of its spread, according to three new studies published by University of Arkansas sociologists. via Snapzu : Health & Body
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Livingblogging Critical Role, blacklist #critical role spoilers to not see it. I’m excited for this one!:D
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Any plans to watch the OAVs? There’s four of them and they’re all pretty great, IMO. Especially the Izumi backstory one
I definitely don't see why not! I'm planning on livingblogging the other series as well.
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made-from-galaxies · 5 years
#changbin #binie #straykids #kpop #changbinstraykids
#changbin #binie #straykids #kpop #changbinstraykids Source by livingblog Source: https://opengeekhouse.com.br/2020/03/24/changbin-binie-straykids-kpop-changbinstraykids/
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