cheerytype · 6 years
You took my book from the shelf and I cringed. Your hands were too confident and I was afraid you would open to the end or the middle and judge me without context.
You bent the cover back and your thumb glided across the pages, breathing air into the spaces between them. You inhaled and I felt like I may have found my home. I still wasn't sure. What would you think of the smell? Would it bring you nostalgia or distaste?
Your eyes didn't reveal your thoughts as you skipped over the editor's note and flipped to the first page of chapter 1. As you read the first line, eyes staying on those initial words, I could feel you judging them against every other first line you've ever read. Competition against Narnia, Percy Jackson, and A Wrinkle in Time is a daunting task. Would it be enough? Would you continue?
You closed the book and I tensed inside. You turned it over in your hand and read the back description. That silly thing. How much could it possibly tell you that actually reading the pages wouldn't? Just give it a try. Go back to that chapter. Please.
You tucked it under your arm and continued browsing the shelves. You found a favorite author and I watched you lovingly caress the spines of his life's work. Jealousy surged inside and I tried to keep it from showing. My story was still under your arm and they were still on the shelf. I held onto that hope.
After a minute of wandering around aimlessly, you cracked open the book again and stared at that first page. Your eyes darted back and forth from line to line. Curiosity overcame you and you turned the page. My heart leapt. I could have danced right then. I had you hooked.
I can't wait until you get to chapter 3... You're going to love me. I know it.
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I am a huge Anne of Green Gables book and movies fan. I literally loved the writing and descriptions so much that I told my sister that I would marry any man who not watched the series with me, but could appreciate the quality of the work. Needless to say, my husband appreciates good literature and understands my desire to explore Price Edward Island with our kiddos before they leave our home. 
“To dispair is to turn your back on God.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
I’m extremely excited to spend some time in the next few weeks exploring the Welcome PEI Local’s blog and planning our family friendly trip to Prince Edward Island. Are you a fellow Anne of Green Gables fan? What are your favorite Anne quotes?
Here are a few of mine.
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“True friends are always together in spirit. (Anne Shirley)” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven’t you?” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it… Yet.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“We ought always to try to influence others for good.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“How are you going to find out about things if you don’t ask questions?” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Author: Ruth Mendes of Have Kiddos will Travel
About Ruth: I am a wife, mami of 4 active and globe-trotting kiddos. I’ve always loved a good adventure and truly believe that it’s possible to travel with kids. Join me, as I share our adventures and inspire you to get out of the house with your kiddos. Whether you’re planning a family vacation, a road trip or a trip of a lifetime to an exotic destination, I’ll share insights, trip reports and information that will inspire you. Check back often to stay up to date on things to do with kids at your next travel destination.
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Yesterday I shared my favorite science books with you so, today I want to share my favorite picture books with you. Getting kids to start a love for books at a young age is a great way to establish a life time of reading in them. I hope you enjoy and get some of these great books for your kids. #livingbooks #preschoolbooks #prekbooks #kindergartenbooks #lowerelementarybooks #homeschool #loveofreading #toddlerreading #toddlerbooks https://youtu.be/V0EZAdvfztE https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHaiReBMTQ/?igshid=1lwel7xq5g0hp
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angelanatel · 6 years
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Fui convidada pela Casa Thomas Jefferson daqui de Brasília a participar nesta quarta-feira do Human Library, um evento em que compartilharei um pouco do que sei como professora de Educação Étnico-Racial e de minha experiência junto aos povos indígenas brasileiros. O formato da Human Library faz parte de um movimento internacional pela empatia e que promove uma forma inclusiva de desafiar o preconceito e os estereótipos, através do contato social. Atualmente é realizado em mais de 60 países. Como convidada, serei chamada de Living Book (livro vivo), pois assim como em uma biblioteca, um leitor ou visitante da Human Library pode escolher um Livro para ler. A diferença é que os Livros são pessoas reais e leitura é uma conversa. Cada convidado tem total liberdade para escolher o aspecto ou experiência vivida a ser compartilhada com os alunos presentes. · Os diálogos dar-se-ão na língua inglesa. · Os convidados iniciarão suas histórias se apresentando e introduzindo o aspecto ou experiência escolhida para ser compartilhada com os presentes. · Cada conversa terá a duração de aproximadamente 20 minutos. · O encontro terá 60 minutos de duração. Muito obrigada a cada um de vocês por todo o apoio e por continuarem caminhando comigo. Grande abraço e uma semana abençoada a todos! . . #casathomasjefferson #humanlibrary #indigenas #povosindigenas #indigenouspeople #invitation #convite #work #livingbook #livrovivo #bibliotecahumana (em Casa Thomas Jefferson)
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arinarobbi · 4 years
Title : Mengapa Kita Harus Makan
Author : Hang Eun Mi
Illustrator : Lee Yun Jeong
. . . .
Menemukan buku ini di salah satu online shop (lupa namanya) pasca resign dan langsung tertarik sama judulnya, karena berasa relate sama fakta akan menghadapi si jagoan yang menjadikan GTM sebagai koreo hari-hari.
Kalau dari segi fisik, sampul bukunya hard cover, teridiri dari 28 halaman, full colour.
Isinya kurang lebih bercerita tentang anak yang tadinya bingung kenapa disuruh makan terus sama ibunya sampai dia nanya hewan-hewan dan tumbuhan, dia juga ngerasain gak enaknya kalau gak makan, bukunya juga menjelaskan kalau semua mahluk hidup harus makan dengan cara mereka masing-masing, termasuk bayi yang ada di perut.
Waktu Albi pertama kali lihat sih gak langsung tertarik, tapi pas dibuka-buka dan ada gambar banyak binatang segala macem baru dia tertarik.
Buku ini mendampingi ibunya ketika memulai usaha perbaikan pola makan albi yang kacau balau.
Saat itu entah emang hanya sugesti, tapi setelah hampir tiap hari baca buku ini terus (yep, anak uwe tipe yang kalau lagi suka satu benda ituu terus mau nya), albi mulai tau kalau perut ga enak itu bisa jadi tanda laper,dan dia mulai terbiasa bilang "bu adek lapell" Kadang kalau lagi makan, suka sambil ngoceh, "adek harus makan biar kuat ya bu", dan alhamdulilah anaknya sekarang udah sangat jarang GTM.
Sampai sekarang bukunya masih suka dibaca karena kebetulan buku gw juga gak banyak haha, dan anaknya pun udah hapal cerita tiap lembarnya sampai ke nada bicara ibunya pas bacain 😂.
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tanapacozyfashion · 5 years
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Check out The Heart of Recovery: How Compassion and Community Offer Hope in the Wake of Ad https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/202908936549 @eBay #book #bookstagram #photo #picture #giftideas #news #brandnewbook #theHeartOfRecovery #heart #recovery #addition #hope #christian #ebook #faith #HowCompassion #community #life #livingbook #amazonbook #traveler #readers. #bestselling #guide #new #🛒#📚#❤️#🛍#🌎 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-hoofgOZe/?igshid=17pq96lyev39p
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akbar12arif · 4 years
Hanya Tamu....
“Pada saatnya kamu akan melupakan segalanya dan akan ada saatnya semua orang melupakanmu. Selalu renungkan bahwa akhirnya kamu tidak akan menjadi siapa - siapa dan lenyap dari muka bumi”
Kalimat itu meningatkan kita, bahwa suatu saat nanti kita akan meninggalkan dunia ini. Akan ada waktunya bahwa kita akan lenyap dari muka bumi. Semua orang pada saatnya akan meninggalkan kita, melupakan kita dan begitupun sebaliknya, Kita pun akan melupakan segalanya.
Kita hanya tamu di dunia ini, yang hanya sebatas singgah dan mencari bekal. Dunia yang kita tempati saat ini hanya lintasan yang kita lalui untuk mencapai tujuan akhir kita.
Tapi tujuan kita itu, bergantung apa yang kita lakukan selama kita singgah dan bekal macam apa yang kita bawa. Bekal yang kita bawa itu pun akan menjadi beban kita bila terlalu banyak namun tidak memberikan banyak manfaat. Maka carilah bekal yang banyak dan memberikan manfaat yang banyak pula.
Walaupun kita hanya seorang tamu yang suatu saat akan pergi, Namun tetaplah menjadi Tamu yang baik. Yang memberikan kebaikan kepada tempat yang ia tinggalkan, Yang kehadiriannya menyejukkan suasana dan kepergiannya menyisakan tangis kerinduan.
Tangerang, September 2020 | AkbarSyaifulArif .
Referensi : Filosofi Teras (Henry Manampiring) Ust. Aan Chandra Thalib (Dalam LivingBook Series Webminar : Minimalism)
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beautifulminutiae · 5 years
Our 2nd Grade Curriculum Choices
Our 2nd Grade Curriculum Choices
It’s hard to believe I have a second grader! Well, I suppose it’s getting a little easier to grapple with, because we’ve been back to school for about a month now. Maybe that sounds crazy, but we were off school for half of April, all of May and all of June. We unintentionally took our summer break early 😜
I thought I would share our curriculum choices this year, as I have in previous years.…
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pixofpixels · 5 years
Arthur's Teacher Trouble (Living Books) - Title Theme #vgm #gamemusic #gameaudio #games #arthur #arthursteachertrouble #livingbooks www.pixelradio.xyz https://www.instagram.com/p/B0BM46TjoiS/?igshid=1wh78ueujnrzx
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And the last, but not least- Tsveti’s story about her life and the great number of challenges she and her family have faced! 
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Some of our favorite Science Books for young kids. Great for everyone staying home with kids right now. https://youtu.be/KaYpnHzKf5Y #homeschool #distancelearning #livingbooks #lowerelementary https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCR284hqgU/?igshid=1kunfzr726tul
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happybudi · 6 years
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Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Niat memulai pelajaran berstruktur ala CM tahun depan, hari ini nyicil mengumpulkan yg bisa ditemukan. Sebagian besar nemu di @bukalapak. Sampai-sampai (mungkin) tetiba jadi pembeli prioritas gegara bolak-balik beli 😁 Juga hunting ke @bukupocer.. Makasih loh diskonnya..😍 Alhamdulillah buku tahun year 1 mulai lengkap. Ini juga saatnya aku membaca semua sebelum diberikan ke Kaira. Semacam screening hehe....Doakan aku selalu semangat ya! 😍 #dailyjournaling #homeschoolerlife #homeschoolerwannabe #charlottemason #livingbooks #myparentingmyadventure
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Parenting Fail!!!!
That moment when I'm attempting to finish ready "Alice in Wonderland" to our four kids and kids 3 and 4 are being disruptive so I say: "off with her head and off with his head!" Kid 4 lol and says: "no, thank you." Kid 3 starts sobbing uncontrollably and needs hugs and back rubs from everyone in the room. After a few minutes of a complete meltdown she says: "that hurt my feelings!" I asked kid 4: "Did that hurt your feelings?" He replies while comforting his big sister: "no, it was funny!" Oy ve, that completely back fired on me, as it only added to the distraction and delayed our ability to finish the book with time to write riddles for an Alice in Wonderland Inspired Tea Party this afternoon. Too bad everyone else in the room thought that it was appropriate and hysterical. Sometimes we travel via the pages of books and hit unexpected roadblocks along the way. #havekiddoswilltravel #parenting#borrowedtime #bigfamilyproblems #keepingitreal #aliceinwonderland#quotingliterature #parentingfail #homeschoolproblems #neveradullmoment
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sarahlizreads-blog · 7 years
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Read alouds for a stormy day ⛈ #readaloudrevival #livingbooks #kidsbooks #childrensbooks #charlottemasoneducation #cmsoireeathome #sciencebooksforkids #childrensliterature #patriciapolacco #kidsliterature
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This is about as work-sheety as it gets here. We started #lifeoffred this week since Squishy has been asking to do more math, and I love how it fits so perfectly with our #livingbooks style of learning. If your familiar with the first book, we learned all different ways to add to 7. This morning Squishy wanted to know how many ways can you add to get his favorite number (he actually has two favorites and any combination of those two, lol) I threw this together for him to work on while I did the dishes. After he was done the rest of the stickers ended up on his tummy...#asynchronous #poppylife
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familyhildreth-blog · 7 years
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Today I read "The Story About Ping" by Marjorie Flack, a children's classic written in 1933. For follow up I taught the children how to draw the sun and broken reflections to give the impression of water. These four year olds did a beautiful job! #livingbooks #yangtzeriver #crayons
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