#lj Abigail
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So, uh, guess who’s going back to the Lumberjanes fandom?? Here have a quick sketch of some Rosiegail for your hearts 🌹🥀
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doe-earth-n · 5 months
After Dale's funeral, Tori and the Defenders along with Abby and Sara, meet Amanda, who gives Tori information about immortals which she needs to know.
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ellzilla · 6 days
I find it funny that I have a decent sized list of horror ocs that co-exist and eventually meet, even in passing, but I never draw any o' that shit also I only rlly focus on one 'protag' which is Meatbag's pov For who's tagged as a protagonist in my brain are: -Meatbag -Dakota Lawrence -Neil Whitelock -Dr. Abigail Whitelock
Why isn't Ella one? Well. I mean by definition she is, but because she is so Creature and technically also an antagonist, she's just in the middle? Both a point of view but also a force that antagonizes 3/4 protags [Neil is saved from her wrath] but I can't call her an antagonist because. She is Meatbag's friend. It's complicated!! People who are in my oc list who're antagonists are: -Veronica -Madame -Elliot Greenwood -Maxwell Lawrence -The Disc -Tiffany/The Brain bug and I don't do shit w/ them!! There's a whole thing about Elliot manipulating Neil in my brain and I ain't do shit w/ it!! Abby having a near death experience with Ella while she's still 'human'!! I ain't ever drawn The Disc at all!!! My Crab UFO woman!! I've only ever drawn Tiffany once and she's supposed to torment Dakota!! I suck at makin stuff brragh!! if you're curious the only other two relevant antags for my silly horrorverse are LJ and 682. 682 is the reason Whitelock is so fucked up
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lolahauri · 1 month
*ೃ༄ STARDEW˚◞♡ ⃗
All Fics
Kent - Demetrius - Pierre - Lewis - Caroline - Jodi - Marnie - Robin
All Bachelors - Alex - Elliot - Harvey - Sam - Sebastian - Shane
All Bachelorettes - Abigail - Emily - Haley - Leah - Maru - Penny
Clint - Marlon - Willy - Wizard - Gunther - Mr. Qi - Bouncer - Sandy
All Fics
Ben - EJ - LJ - Toby - Masky - Hoodie - Slenderman - Cody - Splendorman - Jeff
Kate - Nina - Jane - Clockwork
All Fics
Gabi - Bree - John - Lynette - Carlos - Edie
Ramona - Kim - Gideon - Wallace
Ian Malcolm - Ellie Sattler
*ೃ༄ MOON KNIGHT˚◞♡ ⃗
All Fics
Steven - Marc - Jake - Layla - Khonshu
*ೃ༄ OTHER˚◞♡ ⃗
Santiago Garcia - Statue of Ares - The Creature
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unhingedhearties · 11 days
Top Secret Leaks From Reliable Sources
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OMG, you paid for the stupid check mark to be able to write longer Tweets, you don't need to refer to characters by their first letter.
"So I heard, admittedly second hand"
My uncle at Nintendo confirmed it.
"that E&N are kissy-faced early in s12"
...yeah, I should hope so. They declared their love and kissed at the end of Season 11. Why wouldn't they be kissing in the next season? Hallmark is all about their leads kissing. You know how you guys have all those hoards of pictures of Elizabeth and Lucas kissing? That's over now and it's time for Team Nathan fans to get some of that.
"blah blah blah nothing but whining about how Nathan is responsible for Jack's death"
Gowen. Literally. Killed. Dozens. Of. Men.
And then tried to evict the widows from their homes.
And then started a romance with a woman who's husband AND SON were among those dead men.
Not a peep from Team Lucas. People still want Lori to come back so Abigail and Gowen can get married.
Team Lucas loves their mindless chants that they repeat over and over, let me borrow one from them.
Make👏🏽it 👏🏽make👏🏽sense👏🏽
J jr now has to accept a man whose behavior caused him to lose two fathers!
Lucas was never LJ's father. He was his buddy.
How is Nathan responsible?
Also, you guys really need to stop acting like LJ is suffering some horrible trauma because one of the many male figures in his life isn't going to be his father. A 3-year-old's memory isn't that remarkable.
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Liz, please just come out as a lesbian. You will feel so much better if you stop lying to yourself and get out of the closet.
I hope Erin isn't lying about things get "steamy". Actually "steamy". I hope Hallmark takes a huge risk this season. I hope they write scenes that will send these people into a tailspin and break any delusion they have that this is all a dream. I hope it actually makes them stop watching WCTH, instead of continuing to watch it and cry about how much they hate it (well, just the parts with Elizabeth. Like I said, none of these people care about the other dozen, fun characters on the show).
TLDR cry more
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ghnosis · 4 months
Ghost dissertation bibliography as of 30 May 2024
hey! some of you were curious to read things I'm working on/my bib. my comprehensive exam is 18th June, so these aren't like, FINAL final (in terms of citation formatting), but they're pretty darn close.
I'll probably paste the contextual review document I've been writing for 2 years as well - it's awaiting final say-so from my supervisors right now.
ALDERSLADE, Merlin. 2019. 'How Ghost became the face of the new generation of heavy metal.’ Metal Hammer. May 29 [online] Available at: https://www.loudersound.com/features/how-ghost-became-the-face-of-the-new-generation-of-heavy-metal 
ANZALDÚA, Gloria. 2021. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.  (The Critical Edition, edited by Ricard F. Vivancos-Pérez and Normal Elia Cantú) San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books. 
ANZALDÚA, Gloria. 1991. 'To(o) Queer the Writer – Loca, escritora y chicana.’ In WARLAND, Betsy (ed.). Inversions: Writing by Dykes, Queers, and Lesbians. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 249-264. 
ARROW, V. 2013 ‘Real person(a) fiction’. In JAMIESON, A.(ed.). Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World. Dallas: Smart Pop, 323–32.  
BAKHTIN, Mikhail. 1984. Rabelais and His World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 
BARNARD, Ian. 1997. ‘Gloria Anzaldúa’s Queer Mestisaje.’ MELUS. Spring 22(1), 35-53. 
BENNETT, J. 2013. 'Receive the Beast’. Decibel. Issue 100/February, 75-84. 
BENSHOFF, Harry M. 2015. 'The Monster and the Homosexual.' In GRANT, Barry Keith, The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film. Austin: University of Texas Press, 16-41. 
BIELAK, Zbigniew M. ‘Prequelle.’ [album art] 
BUSSE, Kristina. 2006. ‘My life is a WIP on my LJ: Slashing the slasher and the reality of celebrity and Internet performances.’ In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 207-224. 
BUSSE, Kristina. 2005. ‘Digital Get Down: Postmodern Boy Band Slash and the Queer Female Space.’ In MALCOLM, Cheryl Alexander and NYMAN, Jopi, eros.usa: essays on the culture and literature of desire. Gdańsk: Gdańsk University Press, 103-125. 
BUTLER, Judith. 1990. Gender Trouble. New York: Routledge. 
CHANEY, Keidra and LIEBLER, Raizel. 2006. ‘Me, myself and I: Fan fiction and the art of self-insertion' Bitch. 31, 52-57. 
CHARMAZ, Kathy. 2006. Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. (2011 reprint) London: SAGE Publications. 
CIXOUS, Hélène. 1976. ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’. Signs. 1(4), 875-893.  
CLIFFORD-NAPOLEONE, Amanda. 2015. 'Living in the margins: Metal’s self-in-reflection.’ Metal Music Studies. 1(3), 379-384. 
CLIFFORD-NAPOLEONE, Amanda. 2015. Queerness in Heavy Metal Music: Metal Bent. New York: Routledge. 
COHEN, Cathy J. 1997. 'Punks, Bulldaggers and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics?’ GLQ. 3, 437-465. 
DAWES, Laina. 2013. What Are You Doing Here? A Black Woman’s Life and Liberation in Heavy Metal. Brooklyn: Bazillion Points. 
DAWES Laina. 2015. ‘Challenging an "Imagined Community:” Discussions (or lack thereof) of black and queer experiences within heavy metal culture. Metal Music Studies. 1(3), 385-393. 
DERECHO, Abigail. 'Archontic Literature: A Definition, a History, and Several Theories of Fan Fiction’. In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 61-78. 
DORAN, John. 2012. ‘Mass is in Session.’ Metal Hammer UK. April 2012, 38-47. 
DRISCOLL, Catherine. ‘One True Pairing: the Romance of Pornography and the Pornography of Romance.’ In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 79-96. 
EHRENREICH, Barbara, HESS, Elizabeth, and JACOBS, Gloria. 1992. ‘Beatlemania: Girls Just Want to Have Fun.’ In LEWIS, Lisa A. (ed.). The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. London: Routledge, 84-106. 
FABBRI, Franco. ‘A Theory of Musical Genres: Two Applications.’ 
FAST, Susan. 1999. ‘Rethinking Issues of Gender and Sexuality in Led Zeppelin: A Woman’s View of Pleasure and Power in Hard Rock’. American Music. Fall 1999, 17(3), 245-299. 
FAUSTO-STERLING, Anne. 1993. ‘The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female are Not Enough’. The Sciences. March/April 1993, 20-25. 
FAXNELD, Per. 2017. Satanic Feminism: Lucifer as the Liberator of Woman in Nineteenth-Century Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
FIESLER, Casey, MORRISON, Shannon, and BRUCKMAN, Amy S. 2016. ‘An Archive of Their Own: A Case Study of Feminist HCI and Values in Design.’ CHI ‘16 Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 
FIESLER, Casey. 2019. ‘Ethical Considerations for Research Involving (Speculative) Public Data’. Proc. ACM Hum-Comput. Interact. 3, GROUP, Article 249 (December 2019), 249-249:13. 
FRITH, Simon. 1996. Performing Rites: on the Value of Popular Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
FRITH, Simon, and MCROBBIE, Angela. 1990. 'Rock and Sexuality’. In FRITH, Simon and GOODWIN, Andrew (eds.). On Record: Rock, Pop and the Written Word. London: Routledge, 317-332. 
GARLAND-THOMSON, Rosemarie. 2002. ‘Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory’. NWSA Journal. Fall 2002, 14(3), 1-32. 
GHOST. 2012. ‘Children! In the wait for some news from the ghoul front, devour some graphics that we applaud here within the ministry...’ October 30, 2012 [Facebook post]. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/thebandghost/posts/297668790339417 
GHOST. 2019. ‘Chapter Seven: New World Redro’. June 13 2019 [YouTube video] Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/ryuzatodraws-archive/672367379880312832/i-remembered-the-jesus-showing-off-his-top?source=share [accessed 30 May 2024] 
GHOST-BAND-AIDS. 2020. ‘Interview with GHOST and TRIBULATION.’ [Tumblr post] Translated from DELASTIK, Anja. 2020. ‘Schlagabtaush: Ghost vs. Tribulation.’ Metal Hammer Germany. March 2020. Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/ghost-band-aids/190811297796/interview-with-ghost-and-tribulation  https://www.metal-hammer.de/schlagabtausch-ghost-vs-tribulation-1424295/ 
GREEN, Shoshanna, JENKINS, Cynthia, and JENKINS, Henry. 1998. ‘Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking: Selections from The Terra Nostra Underground and Strange Bedfellows’. In HARRIS, Cheryl and ALEXANDER, Alison (eds.). Theorizing Fandom: Fans, Subculture, and Identity. Cresskill: Hampton Press. 
HAGEN, Ross. 2015. 'Bandom Ate My Face: The Collapse of the Fourth Wall in Online Fan Fiction’. Popular Music and Society. 38(1), 44-58. 
HALBERSTAM, Judith. 2003. ‘Reflections on Queer Studies and Queer Pedagogy’. In YEP, Gust A, LOVAAS, Karen E., and ELIA, John P. (eds.). Queer Theory and Communication: From Disciplining Queers to Queering the Discipline(s). Binghamton: Harrington Park Press, 361-364. 
HALBERSTAM, Judith. 2005. In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives. New York: New York University Press. 
HICKMAN, Langdon. 2023. ‘The Dialectical Satan’. In LUKES, Daniel and PANAYOTOV, Stanimir (eds.). Black Metal Rainbows. Oakland: PM Press, 335-350. 
HILL, Rosemary Lucy. 2016. ‘”Power has a penis”: Cost reduction, social exchange and sexism in metal – reviewing the work of Sonia Vasan’. Metal Music Studies. 2(3), 263-271. 
HILLS, Matt. 2002. Fan Cultures. London: Routledge. 
HINERMAN, Stephen. 1992. '”I’ll Be Here With You”: Fans, Fantasy and the Figure of Elvis’. In LEWIS, Lisa A. (ed.). The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. London: Routledge, 107-134. 
HOAD, Catherine. 2017. 'Slashing through the boundaries: Heavy metal fandom, fan fiction and girl cultures’. Metal Music Studies. 3(1), 5-22. 
HOOKS, bell. 2015. Feminism: From Margin to Center. New York: Routledge. (third edition) 
HOPPER, Jessica. 2021. The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. First MCD x FSG Originals Edition. 
HUTCHERSON, Ben and HAENFLER, Ross. 2010. ‘Musical Genre as a Gendered Process: Authenticity in Extreme Metal’. Studies in Symbolic Interactions. Vol 35, 101-121. 
IRIGARAY, Luce. 1989. This Sex Which is Not One. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 
ISMMS 2023: ‘No Outsides’. (Conference June 3-6, 2023) 
JENKINS, Henry. 2013. Textual Poachers. New York: Routledge. The Classic Edition. 
JONAS, Hans. 1958. The Gnostic Religion. Boston: Beacon Press.  
JONES, Rhian E. and DAVIES, Eli (eds.). 2017. Under My Thumb: Songs That Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them. London: Repeater Books. 
KAPLAN, Deborah. 2006. ‘Construction of Fan Fiction Character Through Narrative.’ In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 134-152. 
KROVATIN, Christopher. 2018. 'Ghost is the Most Try-Hard Satanic Rock Band on Earth’. Vice. 31 May [online]. Available at: https://www.vice.com/en/article/9k8qbe/ghost-is-the-most-try-hard-satanic-rock-band-on-earth [accessed 29 May 2024]. 
LATZKO-TOTH, Guillaume, BONNEAU, Claudine, and MILLETTE, Mélanie. 2017. ‘Small Data, Thick Data: Thickening Strategies for Trace-Based Social Media Research’. In SLOAN, Luke and QUAN-HAASE, Anabel (eds). The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. London: SAGE Publications, 199-214. 
LUKES, Daniel and PANAYOTOV, Stanimir. 2023. Black Metal Rainbows. Oakland: PM Press. 
MCINTOSH, Peggy. 1990. ‘White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack’. 
Metal and Religion Conference 2022 
NAMASTE, Viviane. 2009. 'Undoing Theory: The “Transgender Question” and the Epistemic Violence of Anglo-American Feminist Theory.’ Hypatia. 24(3), 11-32. 
PAGELS, Elaine. 1989. The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Random House. (Vintage Books Edition, September 1989.) 
PARR, George. 2023. ‘Rape Culture’. In LUKES, Daniel and PANAYOTOV, Stanimir (eds.). Black Metal Rainbows. Oakland: PM Press, 353-361. 
PASCOE, C.J.. 2011. Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School. Berkeley: University of California Press.  
PETROCELLI, Heather Oriana. 2023. Queer for Fear: Horror Film and the Queer Spectator. University of Wales Press. 
REED-DANAHAY, Deborah. 1997. Auto/ethnography: rewriting the self and the social. New York: Berg. 
RICHES, Gabby. 2015. ‘Re-conceptualizing women’s marginalization in heavy metal: a feminist post-structuralist perspective’. Metal Music Studies. 1(2), 263-270. 
RICHES, Gabrielle, LASHUA, Brett, and SPRACKLEN, Karl. 2014. ‘Female, Mosher, Transgressor: A “Moshography” of Transgressive Practices within the Leeds Extreme Metal Scene’. IASPM Journal, 4(1), 87-100.  
ROACH, Emily E. 2018. ‘The homoerotics of the boyband, queerbaiting and RPF in pop music fandoms’, Journal of Fandom Studies. 6(2), 167-186.  
RYUZATODRAWS. 2022. ‘I remembered the “jesus showing off his top surgery scar to the homies" post so heres Trans Copia showing his off!’ [Tumblr post] Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/ryuzatodraws-archive/672367379880312832/i-remembered-the-jesus-showing-off-his-top?source=share 
S_G. 2022. ‘Ghost/Tobias Forge - Hård rock pä export, 2022, (English subtitles) [YouTube user-generated content]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPwiFdYJc20 [Accessed Jul. 31 2022] 
SAVIGNY, Heather and SLEIGHT, Sam. 2015. ‘Postfeminism and heavy metal in the United Kingdom: Sexy or sexist?’ Metal Music Studies. 1(3), 341-357. 
SHADRACK, Jasmine Hazel. 2021. Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound : Screaming the Abyss. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. 
SLAVGHOUL. 2019. ‘Tobias on being the sexy face of Satanism.’ Translated from CZARTORYSKI, Bartosz. 2019. ‘Seksowne oblicze satanizmu. Rozmawiamy z liderem zespołu Ghost.’ Available at: https://slavghoul.tumblr.com/post/189496141322/tobias-on-being-the-sexy-face-of-satanism [accessed 29 May 2024]. 
SLAVGHOUL. 2020. Into the Fog. Translated from LAGERGREN, Richard. 2010. ‘In i dimman’. Sweden Rock Magazine. 76. Available at: https://slavghoul.tumblr.com/post/619019726477213697/heres-an-interview-with-papa-from-2010-that-i [accessed 29 May 2024]. 
SLAVGHOUL. 2022. ‘Ghost MySpace, 2010’. [Tumblr post]. Available at: https://slavghoul.tumblr.com/post/695852845125238784/ghost-myspace-2010 [accessed 30 May 2024] 
SLOAN, Luke and QUAN-HAASE, Anabel. 2017. The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. London: SAGE Publications. 
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SPRACKLEN, Karl. 2020. ‘From The Wicker Man (1973) to Atlantean Kodex: Extreme music, alternative identities and the invention of paganism.’ Metal Music Studies. 6(1), 71-86. 
STASI, Mafalda. 2006. ‘The Toy Soldiers from Leeds: The Slash Palimpsest.’ In HELLEKSON, Karen and BUSSE, Kristina (eds.). Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays. Jefferson: McFarland and Company, 115-133. 
SWIST, Jeremy J. 2019. ‘Satan’s Empire: Ancient Rome’s anti-Christian appeal in extreme metal.’ Metal Music Studies. 5(1), 35-51. 
TEDDLIE, Charles, and TASHAKKORI, Abbas. 2009. Foundations of mixed methods research: integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. 
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VASAN, Sonia. 2010. ‘”Den mothers and band whores”: Gender, sex, and power in the death metal scene’, in HILL, R.L. and SPRACKLEN, Karl (eds.), Heavy Fundamentalisms: Music, Metal and Politics. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 69-78. 
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TopGun Soulmate AU
Fates aligned with the help of an M-16
Chapter 1 A little bit of backstory
This is the story of how my whole world got turned upside down. And things happened that I never thought would happen. Anyway, My name is Kaley Leroy-Jethro Gibbs. But most people just call me K for LJ, except my dad who calls me his Sunflower. My mom and my twin sister were killed in a car accident when I was 9. And I got severely injured and was in a coma for 6 months. All of this happen while my dad was overseas fighting in a ‘Desert Storm’. You see my dad is a sniper for the Marines, well Technically after everything that happened with my mom, Kelly my twin, and myself he was honorably discharged, but Once a Marine Always a Marine. But will get into that later. Anyway after my dad got back we moved to Norfolk, Virginia, he became an N.C.I.S (Naval Criminal Investigative Services) agent which was just now getting started it wasn’t that big of a federal organization yet but it was still the best thing he could have ever asked for.
About 6 months after we moved to Norfolk I started 4th Grade which was normal for me I guess I mean I grew up moving from base to base so that means changing schools a lot but it was weird this time back because I didn’t have my twin there anymore. talk about a hard change. Anyway long story short I made 2 new friends that day that would later turn into my best friends. Natasha Trace and Callie Bassett, or as my dad and I loved to call them FireBird, and Angel, or as the U.S. Navy calls them ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Halo’. Know there are both Navel Aviators and I’m an N.C.I.S agent like my dad. I work on my dad’s team alongside agents Tony DiNozzo, Timothy ‘Tim’ Mcgee, and Ziva David our team’s M.E. Donald 'Ducky’ Mallard, and his assistant Jimmy Plamer, and our Forensic Scientist Abigail 'Abby’ Sciuto, my dads the leader of the crazy little team that is really more like a family. Who totally put the fun in dysfunctional. Then there’s the director and my dad’s boss Leon Vance who I see more as a grandpa than I do a boss which is why most of the time I just call him Pops. At first, he wasn’t a big fan of my chosen term of endearment but he has grown to love it.
In my world when you turn 16 the name of your soulmate appears somewhere on your body. Most people only get one, But some get two. Which is rare but still more common than most might think. Then there are the unbelievably rare three names which means three soulmates. Most of my family or the people in my life that I consider my chosen family. Have one but there are a few who have 2 and they have already met them. Which is amazing and I’m extremely happy for them. But for someone like me who has three and still hasn’t might any of them it kind of hard to see everyone who is important to me be happy. When I can’t seem to find my happily ever after.
When my names appeared as well as my two best friends we all agreed to not tell each other who they were until we found them. Why, I can’t remember then we had a reason it’s just been so long we can’t remember it. My dads was my mom even throw he has been married three more times since the accident none of them worked out. Zivas is Tony they refused to admit it for a while but there still each other forever. Tim, Abby, and Jimmy haven’t found there’s yet. Ducky sadly doesn’t have one but is still unbelievably happy he’s our Ducky. Now Nat and Callie both have two they meet both of there’s when they went to the academy. Nat’s are both Navel Aviators Reuben 'Payback’ Fitch and Mickey 'Fanboy’ Garcia. Callie’s are both also Navel Aviators Billy 'Fritz’ Avalone, and Neil 'Omaha’ Vikander. I have never met any of them but I have heard a lot about them. Between phone calls, Facetime, Emails, and plain old handwritten letters. The three of us stay pretty much in constant contact. Or at least we try to when they are serving on carriers in the middle of some ocean it gets a little bit harder. But we try our best.
Anyway like I said, I’ve got three Soulmates one name on each collar bone Bradley 'Rooster’ Bradshaw, Robert 'Bob’ Floyd, and one on the front of my left hip bone Jake 'Hangman’ Seresin. They all showed on the day I turned 16 all three names burned into my skin at the same time. Nat and Callie were surprised I didn’t blackout from the pain, but after the accident, I got a crazy high pain tolerance. My dad was a little taken aback because it meant that one day he was going to have to give his little girl away to three different men, not something any father wants to think about.  
Anyway, back to now I’ve just got out of a meeting in Pops office. He came down earlier to tell the team about a case, But told me to stay and that they would handle this one without me. Of course, I was confused but now I couldn’t be happier. Pops read me in on the fact the N.C.I.S was working on putting new offices or more like H.Q.’s along the coastlines of the country. Because they currently only have four one in Norfolk, New Orleans, Los Angeles, And Oahu (Pearl Horbor) Hawai’i. But now they want to start a new team in San Diego working out of the Miramar base home to Top Gun. And Pops wants me to be the team leader which is something I have been wanting and working for my whole life so of course I said yes. Now I just have to figure out how to tell my Dad and the rest of my family that I am moving all the way to the other side of the country to California. I mean after I said yes Pop gave me the specifics and told me congrats but then started to cry saying how much he was going to miss having his first grandbaby around every day. This might be harder than I think.
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fantasywriter19 · 2 years
LJ's Blog
Welcome, one and all. I have finally figured out how to compile everything into one area so, if there is any one era you’re into, I have everything listed below. Of course, I haven’t begun writing for all of them, but they will fill up soon enough because this is an awesome community.
I would blog for all the fandoms I enjoy but, considering I have more background compiled for the wizarding world of Harry Potter, I think that’s all I will do for the time being. Of course, the only snag is that I aim to finish the Melody Riddle autobiographies first in order for everything in the next generation era to make sense when I work on that.
Without further ado… let’s get this show on the road!
Melody Riddle Autobiographies — my first and main baby I’ve been writing since the year 2012, this series chronicles the daughter of Lord Voldemort during her time at Hogwarts as she navigates the fine line between good and evil on the path of building a close relationship with both her father and his greatest enemy.
Jessamyn McPhee Series — set in the realm of Hogwarts Mystery, Jessamyn embarks on a journey to break the curse of the Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts in the process of searching for her missing older brother.
Characters + Short Stories:
Founders Era:
Hogwarts Legacy Era:
Abigail Grandshaw
Marauders / First Wizarding War / Pre-Hogwarts Mystery Era:
Orele Ollivander
— Bonsai
— Amortentia
— Memorable Mother's Day
— Riddle Me This
Gerald Ollivander
Hanalee Kowalski
Jessamyn Kowalski
Jacob McPhee
Hogwarts Mystery Era:
Jessamyn McPhee
Ash Z
— Honourable McGonagall
Ford Billingsley
Cassandra Santacruz
Seraphina Selwyn
Golden Trio Era:
Melody Riddle
Rebecca Figsund
Addison Gentz
Elisabeth Parker
Beatrix Figsund
Magic Awakened Era:
Victoria Durazno
Christian Gentz-Williams
The Calamity Era:
Next Generation Era:
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steviescrystals · 6 months
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐
aww thank you abigail, this is so sweet!! 🥰
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equestrianempire · 6 months
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Weekend Finalists: Ram Tap, Ocala, Pine Top, &amp, Carolina
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Some Team In members were out enjoying the actions in people in Carolina, and it was undoubtedly an exciting weekend with plenty of animal and horse duos coming out solid, especially the ladies this weekend! Take a look at EN’s cover around if you want to watch all of the action from Carolina this past weekend.
However, Carolina was n’t the only event running this weekend, and we definitely ȿaw some strong performances and large divisions at Ram Tap, Ocala, and Pine Top aȿ well.
We take a moment to thank all of our Weekend Victors, as well as Penny Goddard and Fernhill On The Rocks, who dipped into the youth with an 18. 6 overall to win the Open Novice at Carolina.
Ram Tap National H. Ƭ. ( Fresno, CA )] Website]]Scoring]
We’ve seen James Alliston and Alliston Equestrian’s Karma’s ( Escudo II – Travita, by Lavita ) titles at the top of the ranking lot over the last time, with a win at the Twin Rivers Fall International CCI4- S in September, and a win at The Celebration at Rebecca Farm’s CCI4- L in July. We saw them win the Advanced at Ram Tap this weekend, marking their second victory this time now, and James and Karma have kept their position at the top going into this year.
” It was a great event here at Ram Tap, with beautiful courses and footing”, James reflected. Terry Hilst and the Ram Tap crew are most appreciated.
Being able to work at events with such fantastic courses and foundation is essential in the run-up to the 5* season. James is excited about how she is feeling as the function nears its conclusion and plans to use Kentucky as Karma’s first 5* occasion this spring.
” I’m hoping to accomplish Kentucky with Karma”, James stated. ” She’s feeling reallყ good! In the next week, I’ll get working on]a touch of ] anything! I’m hoping that Northern California’s weather will be dried for a few weeks so I can work on my fitness.
In a few months before their anticipateḑ vacation to Kentucky, James and Karma will visit Twin Rivers.
Advanced: James Alliston and Karma ( 36. 8 ) Open Intermediate: Leah Forquerand Oakley’s Hunt SE ( 40. 6 ) Open Preliminary: James Alliston and Renaissance Man ( 28. 2 ) Preliminary Rider: Gabriella Ringer and Get Wild ( 24. 5 ) Open Modified: Suzanne Miller and Kryptonite Z ( 22. 8 ) Open Training: Lauren Billys Shady and Clearsky ( 28. 7 ) Training Rider: Leah Yacoub Halperin and Rodrigue Du Granit ( 27. 8 ) Novice Rider: Daniela Zarate and Lexington DF ( 24. 4 ) Open Novice: Nicholas Cwick and O’Malley ( 21. 1 ) Beginner Novice Rider: Stephanie Engle and Swagger ( 27. 7 ) Open Beginner Novice: Lindsay Connorsand Never Alone ( 26. 5 ) Open Introductory: Sophia Kuzma and Valentine ( 25. 7 ) Grasshopper: Savannah Clayton and Devon Ridge Artemas ( 29. 4 )
Ocala Winter II ( Ocala, FL )] Website]]Scoring]
Advanced/Intermediate: Morgan Houberg and Made To Order ( 42. 7 ) Intermediate Rider: Sherry Pound and Carnaby ( 37. 0) Open Intermediate: Jessica Phoenix and Alekhine ( 34. 2 ) Open Intermediate – One Day: Ali Kuhn and Little Hail ( 33. 6 ) Open Preliminary: Lynn Symansky and Idefix Van De Creumelhaeve ( 27. 7 ) One Day A: Holly Jacks-Smither and Candy King ( 27. 1 % ) Open Preliminary One Day B: Emily Bradford and LJS Lana Traveler ( 25. 5 % ) Open Preliminary – One Day B: Open Preliminary – Kelly Prather and Ballyneety Soldier, Seven Years Old ( 28. 2 ) Open Preliminary Preliminary Horse: Ashley Kehoe and Daktaris ( 35. 6 ) Rider A: Captivate and Harper Padgett ( 27. 2 ) Rider B: Cooley Copresenter and Harper Padgett ( 30. 2 ) Modified – Open: Sylvia Byars and CSF Dassett Decoy ( 28. 7 ) Rider A: Jacquie Kelton and Miss Something Special ( 27. 9 ) Modified – Rider A: Rider B Modified: Jerry Barnette and Fernhill Thirty ( 27. 9 ) Open Modified – One Day: Hannah Hawkins and DHI Kickodieza ( 28. 8 ) Junior Training Rider: Abigail Bennett and SM Ravin’s Treasure ( 33. 1 ) Open Training: Liz Lund and Franklin Delano CF ( 24. 5 ) Open Training – One Day A: Mia Farley and Nikita ( 21. 7 ) One Day B: Lynne Partridge and Milatour Parisol ( 29. 1 ) Open Training – One Day B: Open Training – Six Year Old: Elizabeth Swire and Jag’Fly JS ( 29. 5 ) Christina Frost and Grammi Dance, top education riders 35. Kathleen Fitzgerald and Global Pixie, Senior Training Rider ( 30. 7 ) Training Horse: Karl Slezak and Ardeo On Point ( 24. 3 ) Junior Novice Rider: Caden Carter and My Mexico ( 27. 2 ) Novice Horse: Colleen Loach and Canada Post ( 23. 9 ) Open Novice: Global Bravado and Darci Burton ( 24. 7 % ) on Day A. One Day B: Dani Sussman and Benevolence SV ( 24. 7 % ) Open Novice Afton Markoski and Paper Maker, Open Novice – One Day C ( 21. 9 ) Hillside Diamond Lad CF ( 30. 3 ) and Liz Lund ( Open Novice A) are Open Novice B: Robin Walker and DHI Milan ( 24. 4 ) Red Dirt Racer ( 31 ) and Barbara Brogan ( Senior Novice Rider A). Senior Novice Rider B: Ashley Allison and Sophie’s Story ( 26. 9 ) Destiny Pastermack and Liviusz (3. 3 ), Beginner Novice Rider A. Beginner Novice Rider B: Bila Shak and Maggie Walston ( 25. 9 ) Sarah Alexander and Lambrusco W ( 22 ): Beginner Novice Rider C. Top Love ( 30. % ) and Gabby Dickerson in Open Beginner Novice A ( 40 ). Abbey Heriazon and Thru The Impossible ( 21 ) Open Beginner Novice B ( 24. 1 )
Pine Top Spring H. Ƭ. ( Thomson, GA)] Website]]Scoring]
Open Preliminary 2 Day: Meaghan Marinovich- Burdick and HSH Bitcoin ( 21. 8 ) Preliminary Rider: Sydney Shinn and HSH Crypto ( 29. 6 ) Modified – Open: Susan Thomas and Excel Star Chimichanga ( 26. 3 ) Modified – Rider: Megan Lichty and TBS Declan Pondi ( 32. 5 ) Junior Training Rider: Maya Davis and SE Neverland ( 40. 7 ) Open Training A: Gillian Beale King and Accordingly ( 32. 5 ). Open Training B: Drumnaconnell Kobie and Gillian Beale King ( 22. 22 ) Senior Training Rider: Lisa Edinger and Quinto Quest ( 28. 3 ) Junior Novice Rider: Alexandra Multz and Ardeo Illusion ( 33. 6 ) Erin Thiel and Garrybritt Archie Fernhill, Open Novice A ( 25. 3 ), Open Novice B: Erika Adams and Townsend ( 26. 1 ) Senior Novice Rider: Abby Buenting and Calvin ( 25. 2 ) Training / Novice: Anna Cummings and Fernhill Primrose ( 35. 6 ) Beginner Novice Rider: Kelly O’Briȩn and B. Ę. Never Say Never ( 20. 9 ) Open Beginner Novice: Jennifer Treacy and In a Nutshell ( 29. 0) Starter: Danielle Northup and Wild Mission ( 23. 3 )
Carolina International CCI &amp, H. Ƭ. ( Raeford, NC)] Website]]Scoring ]]EN’s Coverage ]
CCI 4*S: Elisabeth Halliday and Miks Master C ( 22. 5 ) CCI 3*S: Sharon White and Jaguar Duende ( 28. 7 ) CCI 2*S: Ariel Grald and Adagio’s Nobility ( 25. 9 ) CCI 1*S: Boyd Martin and Flinterro Z ( 29. 6 ) Advanced: Dana Cooke and FE Quattro ( 30. 9 ) Open Intermediate: Booli Selmayr and Urania ( 30. 1 ) Open Preliminary: Dan Kreitl and Odyssey ( 28. 4 ) Preliminary Rider: Alayna Newsome and Quality Dynamite ( 29. 6 ) A modified A: Arden Augustus and Sharon White ( 27. 9 ) Modified B: Meghan O’Donoghue and Kevin G ( 25. 6 ) Open Training A: Becky Holder and Falkor ( 25. 5 ) Open Training B: Johnny Walker and Martin Douzant ( 26. 9 ) Training Rider: Devon Champlain and Champagne Event ( 31. 2 ) Novice Rider: Meghan Fillius and Dress Blues ( 30. 8 ) Open Novice: Penny Goddard and Fernhill On The Rocks ( 18. 6 )
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therealimintobooks · 10 months
Kiss in the Dark – The End Zone by LJ McAlister @xpressotours
Kiss in the Dark – The End ZoneLJ McAlisterPublication date: October 24th 2023Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance One Moment. One Plan.A Love that Changes Everything. Abigail Stevens There was a time when Hunter Collins dominated my every dream. Now, he is an all-star Quarterback and the bad boy of the NFL. He may have been my first kiss, but that’s in the past.I’m no longer the small-town…
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mcumarvelousseries · 1 year
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full name: Cassandra Ann Rogers
goes by: Sandra or Cass
nickname(s): Sandra, Cassie, Andra, Ann, Little Rogers, Darling
date of birth: 04/13/1945
age: 16/78
birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
zodiac sign: Aries
current residence: Brooklyn, NY -- Avengers Compound, NY
parent(s): Steve Rogers (Father), Peggy Carter (Mother)
sibling(s): Abigail-Lanai Stark-Rogers (Half-Sister)
other relative(s):
Bucky Barnes (Legal Guardian/Uncle)
Charlie Bakker (Legal Guardian/Aunt/Mentor)
Fiona Barnes (Aunt-Figure)
Sam Wilson (Uncle-Figure)
gender: Female
pronouns: She/Her
sexuality: Bisexual
species: Superhuman
love interest: Dahila Danvers
Guinevere (Main Hero Name/Alias)
Liberty or Liberty Bell (Alias/Nickname given to her)
LJ (Alias given to her by...)
Carter Rose (Alias / Undercover Name) -- she once went undercover in a more underworld society under this alias.
Lady America Jr.
Agent Rogers
physical description: More will be added throughout the story
Dirty Ash Blonde Hair
Amber eye color
English Descent
Slim yet small muscular built body
5'3 1/2' or 161 cm
114 pounds or 52 kg
Has a small scar on her left cheek (will be explained later)
Faceclaim: Sophie Cookson
personality: Witty, Rational, Extroverted, Compassionate, Serious, Loyal, Dependable, and Kind.
Solider Serum (Artifically Enhanced Physiology; Enchanced Strength, Durability, Speed, Agility, e.g.)
Decelerated Aging
Empathy (Empathic) → Various sub-variants (ex: Pain Manipulation, Stress Manipulation, Telempathy, Emotional Energy Manipulation, e.g.)
limitation(s): Limit to (3 per) individual.
Human/Humanity → like many others she suffers from still being human despite being more advanced and having some serum passed down to her genetics. She can still die, and she can sometimes lose her own mind/humanity.
Emotions → for Cassandra her emotions seem to get in her way from time to time. When she was younger it typically occurred more frequently.
Trauma → Like some other characters, Cassandra faces her trauma which yeah it can effect her emotional response and emotions. But it also affects her ration at times and can be hard for her to get back into swing including in battle.
some additional note(s) about Cassandra:
She was born early on but has decreased aging due to her blood line and then eventual experiments she would face. She stayed a young age for awhile.
Was temporary frozen in early hydro-freezing techniques when captured at an early age.
Raised with her siblings from her mother as she grew to care for her younger siblings. Until she went missing.
Didn't know much more than what her mother originally gave her on her father until she met him in 2014.
She started high school in the 60s but didn't go back until her Sophomore year until the 2010s. Which did make her feel out of place, which we still see after the events in Endgame.
I would like to think maybe Steve came back after the Stones to stay with his daughter, and retired as she now goes on missions with her Aunts and Uncles.
"I would assure you to have better manners in front of me if I were you. But since you insulted my friends I'm afraid I've got to skip to step five now..."
More about Cassandra Rogers can be found in the character masterlist or her tag in which it will provide more context. Stay Tuned!!
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themangledsans0508 · 5 years
@mindless-pidgeon lol I was supposed to be working but instead I finished this
Um quite a bit of blood so watch out for that
It was worth a shot, Mal thought to herself. She was lying on her back in the dirt, ferns clinging to her body as she felt the warm blood seep into the ground surrounding her from a bite in her legs. She had no idea what that thing was, both what it shapeshifted into once again and what it was naturally. Just a huge wolf, this time it was even bigger.
She didn’t feel anything. Emotion-wise, that is. Her back hurt like someone had broken her spine right in half, her arms burned from the scratches she received during her attempted escape and her legs…
God her legs.
They were coated in blood, both having been bitten and stabbed by sticks and rocks and anything with a damn point on the end. She had been dragged by her legs to her current position and it felt like her legs were nerves that got irritated at any touch.
So a lot of touch was really fucking painful.
She didn’t even know if she was even gonna live to make it to the monster’s destination. She didn’t know how she felt about that. 
 However, she was at peace with the fact she was going to die.
On the one hand, she really didn’t care. It was like running from the monster under your bed before you finally meet it face to face. It’s far scarier when it’s unknown. She was staring death in the face.
And she was laughing at her. She was laughing at death.
She didn’t think anyone would remember she fell off that cliff. Nobody would come looking for her. She had even driven her own murderer away before the job was finished. 
Did she hate herself? Meh. Not all of her, but probably a fair amount. However, she had always been scared of dying.
Of being forgotten.
Now she had come to terms with it. 
She looked up at the sun for the last time.
It was almost as bright as someone’s laugh had made her feel.
That girl could make her truly smile, to forget all her fears. 
She had dated others before, but she was different.
Molly was different.
The clock in her head stopped ticking.
She closed her eyes.
Five minutes passed.
Then ten.
The clock in her head starting ticking again.
Started beeping.
She refused to die here.
She didn’t believe in god besides when he was useful in her cussing, but maybe she did believe in fate. There was a reason this had happened, she had come to this camp, she had met those fellow girls, and she had fallen in love. She was ready to start throwing around the “L-word”.
She knew she couldn’t get up, but she could keep breathing and wait. She wasn’t even going to try to get up. She may be strong enough to live, but she wasn’t in one of Ripley’s animes.
She heard distant gunfire and cussing. Lots of cussing.
Who the hell owned a gun in these words? Everyone just had hatches and bows.
Wait. There is someone with a gun. She remembered. Trampling and more gunfire came from the surrounding forest, closing in upon her.
“I wasn’t looking for a maniac! I was just looking for directions!” She recognized the voice, but the fear was unusual for something that had tried to murder her. She glimpsed the large dark mass leap past her line of sight.
“You found me anyways, fox! You want directions? Ask the Grootslang!” The voice was feminine and powerful. And another she recognized. 
Abigail ran in fast pursuit of the fox, shotgun in hand and in the process of reloading.
“Hey,” Mal called as loud as she could. Abigail froze and scanned the area, eventually laying eyes upon Mal. She cussed and ran over, dropping to the ground right beside her.
“What happened kid? What’s your name?” Her voice was soft but infuriated. Mal assumed about either her condition or the fact that the fox had gotten away.
“Hey. Um. Name’s Mal. I’m one of the Roanokes. The ones who tried to stop you from waking the Grootslang?” Mal’s voice trailed off. She didn’t first think that maybe when your life depended on the kindness of a psycho, you shouldn’t bring up the fact that you were previously her adversary.
“Roanokes? You’re a Lumberjane then.” Abigail seemingly chose to ignore the rest of her statement, which Mal respected and appreciated. 
“Yeah. I kinda got into some trouble and-”
“I can see that. What were you doing out here by yourself?” Mal thought of how to answer that. She didn’t know this woman, besides the fact that she may have been dating Rosie at one point. 
“I fell off a cliff,” she said. It wasn’t the full truth, but not a lie either.
“This doesn’t come from falling off a cliff. What did those bite marks come from? A wolf? A bear? Tell me Mal.” Mal sighed.
“A weird shape-shifting fox thing,” she confessed. “The same thing you were hunting.”
“She doesn’t usually cause harm herself. Did she say anything?” Abigail inquired.
“She was doing someone a ‘favor.’ I don’t know who,” she said. Abigail nodded.
“Alright. You need help. That’s a fact. My cabin is too far away to carry you in this state. However, if I remember correctly, the Lumberjanes camp is that way.” She pointed north. “Correct?”
“Uh, I actually don’t know,” Mal mumbled. “I got kind of disoriented in the process of ending up here, so, maybe?” 
Abigail pinched the bridge of her nose and breathed deeply.
“Okay, well then we’re going with my gut instinct.” Abigail bent down and gingerly picked Mal up, sending searing pain through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and held in a scream. 
“Alright, let’s go.”
Molly was hearing things.
Upon discovering the mess of red, Molly had briefly collapsed. Rosie remained as determined as ever, insisting that Mal was alive. She decided they split up, Rosie and Jen, and Molly and Nellie. She wasn’t blind to the fact that they hoped it would distract her, that she would be so preoccupied with asking questions that she would be able to get her off track while Rosie did the real heavy lifting.
Unfortunately for them, it didn’t work.
Molly ran through the woods, Nellie on her heels instead of the other way around. Molly hadn’t asked any questions, and Nellie had no sarcastic comments to make to the girl.
She could hear things, voices surrounding her. The trees themselves spoke to her. They told her directions, right, forward, left, back. She could sense animals that had meant harm avoiding her. She could even feel the portals to the other dimensions around her.
Then she saw a light.
And she ran straight towards it.
Nellie struggled to understand how people felt so attached to others.
Maybe it was because she was always a person who preferred to be alone. Maybe it was because she would rather deal with things herself, and let everyone else deal with their problems, or maybe it was because the only thing she truly cared about was these woods.
This camp.
This girl.
There was something different about her, she could tell. It was written on her. Rosie could see it, Abigail could see it, she could see it herself. The girl, Molly, could only feel it.
But there were other things that could see it too. Things that want to use it to remove the seal that kept these woods away from the rest of the world.
Despite all of this, she was different even for a guardian. Nellie herself would readily admit that she could use magic, but that doesn’t mean every guardian can. Molly, however, could use magic even better that she could. 
If she knew, that was.
Perhaps she felt obliged to care about her, perhaps she felt bad for her, perhaps she saw a bit of herself in her.
Whatever it was, she wanted to help this kid.
But, she couldn’t help this if she kept running into every dangerous situation she saw.
For instance, running into that area of woods.
His area.
“What do you think you’re doin’ girl?” She was lucky she was part bear, otherwise, she couldn’t keep up with that kid. She took off running after the stream of blonde, taking notice of the fact that wherever she stepped, the ground seemed to instantaneously die. 
Although she felt like she was burning to ashes, Mal was still awake and could see the sea of green pass above her as Abigail raced through the forest. Clinging as tightly as she could in her current state she held to Abigail’s back. She felt dizzy for several reasons, blood loss being a major one. Abigail was strong, but she couldn’t run as fast as either of them wanted.
She suddenly stopped, nearly slipping in her haste. She looked into the abyss of plants, her eyes fixed on something Mal could not see.
“There’s someone coming,” she said flatly. She carefully stepped towards the object of her interest, before freezing once again.
A burst of blonde dived out of the woods, eyes fixed solely on Abigail. Mal recognized her the moment she emerged from the dark.
Molly, with small scratches littering her body from dashing through the woods, stood directly in front of Abigail with anger and fear dominating her eyes.
“Molly!” Mal called. Her voice was weak, but she could hear her.
“Mal!” She rushed towards Abigail.
“You. Let. Her. Go. Now!” She demanded. Mal let go of Abigail’s back with one hand, loosely holding it in front of them.
“Molly! Wait! She saved me. It’s not her fault. But, um, Abigail? Could you let me down? I might be able to walk.” Abigail nodded, gently crouching down and releasing her. Mal tried to get a firm grip on the ground, but immediately almost fell back into the dirt. Abigail’s firm grip kept her upright. She turned to Molly.
“You might want to help her, I don’t want to leave her trying to stand by herself.” She nodded and rushed over, carefully wrapping her arms around Mal’s waist. Mal felt warmth flood to her face, being touched in any way by someone you really love can make you blush.
She learned that fast after meeting Molly.
Molly held Mal tightly like she was the only rope holding her up from falling in hell. She was never letting her go again. Metaphorically, that is. She felt tears escape the prison she had locked them. She closed her eyes and rested her head atop Mal’s. If Mal hadn’t been in danger, she would have wished the moment could last forever.
Nellie emerged from the woods at last. She wanted to see how the girl would handle it. But god, did she hate tears. She approached Abigail silently, before turning back to a human and resting her hand on her arm.
“You did good, girl. But don’t think for a second this means you can do whatever you want in these here woods!” She scolded, removing her hand and crossing her arms.
“You old bat! She would have died if I hadn’t come along! I should hang you up and-” she took a deep breath. “Thank you. For the compliment.”
Nellie nodded, a silent understanding embracing the two.
“Your girl is on the other side of the woods if you want to see her. I know you watch her from the woods, kid.” Abigail clenched her fists.
“Thank you, grandma,” She sneered and rushed off before Nellie could give her a lashing with her words. She turned back to a grizzly and approached the girls.
Sutela watched from the treetops, careful not to be seen. True, she was a small fox at the moment, but that old hag could recognize her if she was a rock. She lost the girl, the only thing the boss wanted. On the flip side, she found someone with even more potent energy to her than the flannel girl. He’d want to hear about that. She carefully lept from the trees back to her home and her boss, where she hoped she could make up for her failure.
Mal woke up at last. Coated in bandages and under bunk-arrest, she couldn’t go anywhere or do anything. She had slept for a while, exhausted and scarred (literally) from the adventure.
She didn’t know how Rosie managed to convince her mom that nothing had actually happened, and it had simply been a nightmare. That took talent. Or drugs.
Lots of drugs.
She breathed deeply. The warmth of her bunk reflecting on her body and making her feel safe.
Until the door creaked open.
She felt panic fill her body. Everyone was supposed to be at activities, it couldn’t be one of her cabin-mates.
Or maybe it could.
Molly stepped into the cabin, carefully closing the door behind her. She came and knelt next to Mal’s bunk. She reached her hand out and placed it on her cheek.
“Are you okay?” She nodded and moved over, patting the bunk to invite her on. 
Molly complied, carefully climbing onto the bunk and laying on her side adjacent to Mal. She reached out and pulled Mal towards her so their foreheads were touching and intertwined their legs.
“Mal, I-” She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing raggedly. “I thought you had died.” Mal laughed weakly and moved one hand to hold hers.
“I did too. Molly, when I was out there, I think I almost died. And not to be sappy but, I think it was you that helped me hang on. I was about the throw in the towel, and I did. For like a half-hour, it was just dark. Then I realized I had to try and live because I had to see you again. “ She felt tears slide down her face as she spoke. She tried to keep her voice from cracking as she continued.
“I thought about you and the fact that I-I love you. Like I’ve said that before to other girls when I dated them, but you’re different. I think about things with you routinely that would have never crossed my mind with them. I want to grow up with you Molly. Through everything. I want to stay with you. And if you don’t feel that way, fuck, we aren’t even dating, it’s okay. I can respect that.” Mal held her breath.
Molly couldn’t help but feel jealous, angry even, hearing about the fact Mal had previously dated other girls. She had to remember that it was in the past. Even though she feared that maybe Mal was lying, she could feel the truth in her words. She was telling the whole truth.
“Mal, I did nothing but search for you for hours. I’d do it again, and again, and again. I want to be with you, Mal. I think I-” she hesitated briefly. “I love you too. A lot. I would do anything for you. And hearing you feel the same way, I can’t believe it. I get to call you my girlfriend. I’ll be so happy once it sets in.” Mal laughed.
“What’ll help it set in?” she asked. 
“Sleep,” Molly smiled. Mal scooted closer to her, nuzzling into her neck and wrapping her arms around her back.
“Well, I’m under bed-arrest, so we can do that for a while.” Molly grinned like a kid with candy and looked down at Mal, softly kissing her forehead. She held her tightly.
“I love you, Mal.”
“I love you, Molly.”
lol ill tag the wattpad stuff later but if you wanna request you can
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transxfiles · 2 years
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making these lumberjanes textposts memes is so much fun :]
+ bonus
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
terribly sorry if this is a bother, but i would Love to hear your ranking of the Into the Dark movies.
Looking at the big list, it looks like I actually missed a couple, so this is my ranking of the ones I did see. Some incidental spoilers.
19. Treehouse
Man, of all the horror movies not to kill off the main character...
18. Uncanny Annie
Working with board games for a living, there is so much more you could have done with the idea of an evil board game than just giving it a creepy little girl horror host! Make fun of Arkham Horror and its intricate and convoluted rules system, where the players die if they forgot one stupid expansion special rule! Or do a low budget adaptation of LJ Smith's Forbidden Game, that would kick ass.
17. They Come Knocking
There's just nothing really to say about this movie, which is a shame because the Black Eyed Kids are very visually creepy, and the idea of them haunting an RV where you can't easily escape them has a lot of promise. It shouldn't be trite and boring. Alas.
16. The Body
This was apparently based on a short film, and that makes sense, since after we learn the genuinely entertaining premise it kind of devolves into padding. I will give it points for a hot villain, even if he's bargain basement Johnny Lee Miller playing bargain basement Patrick Bateman.
15. Good Boy
Great premise, mediocre execution. I love the idea that a dog can also be a werewolf, and I love taking the fact that dogs react when their owners are anxious to a deadly conclusion, but the movie just sort of petered out instead of going somewhere.
14. All That We Destroy
This should probably be higher up since it's very well made, but I hate the main characters. True, I am supposed to hate the main characters. Still, if I'm supposed to hate the main characters and I do hate the main characters, is that good or bad?
13. Down
I was conflicted about where to put this on the list since I love the first half and hate the latter half. Turning a romantic comedy premise into a bottle episode thriller is done really well, with the tension rising as we see the truth behind these characters past their sexual chemistry, but then it becomes a psycho chase movie, and just a meh one at that. Maybe just watch it until the reveal.
12. Midnight Kiss
This is just kind of a basic slasher (or a giallo? Maybe that's a better word for it, what with the black gloves and the fact that the killer has an actual motive), but I've rethought it upon reading reviews pointing out how cool it is to have a shlocky genre movie about gay people. They don't get killed because they're gay, the bad guy isn't a bad guy because he's gay, but the gay characters and setting are still vital to the plot, and that is indeed pretty cool. And even before considering these things, it's fun with a stylish bad guy costume.
11. A Nasty Piece of Work
This one is basically a worse version of the movie Cheap Thrills, but it has Julian Sands and is arguably less of a bummer, so that's not nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if evil rich people forcing their workers to perform increasingly fucked up things for monetary prizes becomes its own whole genre.
10. Pooka
This one is has actual ambition, artistry and a very creepy monster design, but I don't like movies that tell you two thirds of the way through that it was all a dying dream and didn't really matter. I don't even like Mullholland Drive.
9. Flesh & Blood
This one should probably be lower down since it's not breaking any new ground and you can instantly see where it's going, but I have a special appreciation for it because in my opinion, it handled its plot much better than critically acclaimed Hannibal handled the very similar Abigail Hobbes plotline. Flesh & Blood understands that a girl rebelling against her emotionally incestuous serial killer father figure is her goddamn story, not something to make some other man sad.
8. Pure
Very genuinely creepy! Even creepier knowing it's only barely an exaggeration of actual father-daughter purity pledges! But I actually think it might have worked better without the supernatural angle; all the most disturbing and striking moments were the mundane ones.
7. Crawlers
Am I the only one who likes this movie? It has bad reviews on letterboxd but I thought it was fun! I like the drug-dealing survivalist heroine, I find her narration very entertaining, and I was satisfied with the concluding 'spot the imposter' test with the shapechanging aliens. They could have done more with the pub crawl premise, though (I think the movie Grabbers is supposed to do that better.)
6. School Spirit
As soon as I saw that this was a slasher movie pastiche of The Breakfast Club I was fully on board. (The kids are arguably more sympathetic than their Breakfast Club counterparts!) The villain reveal gets a little silly, but I appreciate the Psycho reference, and the final girl's speech to the killer is absolutely iconic.
5. Pilgrim
The first one I saw, cheesy yet engaging enough to make me want to see all the others! I would watch a whole franchise about either the villain or the final girl. (I also want to mention that I like how Into the Dark's colorblind casting gives us a mixed race family with a black heroine, which adds some unspoken subtext to her conflict with the pilgrims.) I should request this for Yuletide one of these years.
4. New Year New You
This was a very good thriller riding on its very realistic villain; most of us don't personally know a Jason Voorhees, but plenty of us know childhood bullies and all of us know of loathesome influencers. Unfortunately, the realistic characters make the increasingly unrealistic easy kills and resolution harder to accept. Still worth watching. And it's cool that it has an all-female cast!
3. Culture Shock
I probably would have enjoyed this more if I hadn't spoiled myself for the twist, but it was still very good! It's very interesting how it turns from a gritty real-world thriller to a full on Twilight Zone episode. The way classic Americana becomes grotesque reminds me of the Fallout games, which in this case is a compliment. And it actually had something to say, which not enough horror movies do.
2. I'm Just Fucking With You
This one is the best actual horror movie, genuinely disturbing and scary. The line between petty internet trolling and cold-blooded sadism gets blurrier and blurrier. It lets you know that if you actually met the Joker you would fucking hate him.
1. Pooka Lives
This is probably not actually the best movie, but as a former reader of Slenderman blogs it warmed my heart. (You don't have to watch the first Pooka movie, though the tonal shift is artistically interesting.) It's such a funny take on the evolution of creepypasta, plus Rachel Bloom kills Will Wheaton! This is what I want from low-budget horror comedy.
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imetyouonljpodcast · 3 years
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I MET YOU ON LJ: A Fandom Podcast
Episode #037: The Time of My Life
Not everything has to be a franchise! This week, Maggie and V explore an essential classic, a fun sequel, and an awful remake through the absolute rollercoaster that is Dirty Dancing. They break down the beautiful and ridiculous costumes, the effective and terrible storylines, and of course the bangin’ soundtracks. Plus, Tanya Saracho excels with the phenomenal Starz series Vida, and Tina Fey continues to not evolve through Girls5eva.
This Episode Covers…
fandom • fanfiction • sequels, prequels, remakes, and reboots • dirty dancing (1987) • jennifer grey • patrick swayze • the borscht belt • representation of abortion • merry clayton • dirty dancing: havana nights (2004) • diego luna • romola garai • dirty dancing (2017) • abigail breslin • colt prattes • sarah hyland • date rape • billy dee williams • nicole scherzinger • to wong foo, thanks for everything! julie newmar (1995) • vida (starz) • tanya saracho • raúl castillo • girls5eva (peacock) • tina fey • little mix • the spice girls • the brit awards
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