#lmao posts like this are exactly why i keep trying to fall asleep to video essays instead
skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Back in my monthly depression era ig but. Thinking about social media and art, and how their relationship has fucked with me. I'm glad I started drawing fanart and I don't regret it. And I think I've really improved my skill this past half year plus. But man it gives me such a terrible complex. That paranoia of "who even would give a shit about this" and "when will people be done with me."
I think any artist always craves some recognition and praise no matter how much you say you draw for yourself. You can draw for yourself but it's still extremely gratifying and inspiring to have people's approval or thoughts on it.I used to draw for myself more and draw so much random art, but I discussed it a lot with friends and it made it more gratifying, to have that interest. And I lost that kinda, a lot. I feel like for a bit btwn losing that and drawing fanart, I can't really remember, I didn't draw as much bcs it just felt a bit unrewarded and it felt bleh.
And then I started drawing fanart. Which felt very rewarding. I'm happy I've not ever really felt the desire to make widely "appealing" art. If you look at even the first things I posted, it's extremely niche, and that's been a lot of fun! But it's also just made me so paranoid and self conscious. What if people get tired of this. What if people find it strange. What if people find it annoying. What if I'm being repetitive. Etc. It's really irritating bcs I KNOW people have told me they find my stuff interesting and that they like it. But my brain can't help but think, what is the expiration date on this, when will it become boring. I discuss my art with people and it's fun, but that self consciousness clings to me like a parasite. Like ah I better hurry this up and enjoy it while I can before they get annoyed and tired of it.
I guess this is all to say, I don't always like my relationship with art, and I hate the way social media messes with your brain. I remember for a bit I would post my art on Instagram and do the whole hashtag game. And then realized it was messing with my relationship with art so I dropped it. And then did the same thing with Twitter, than dropped it, etc. I just hate how I can't let myself enjoy anything. Idk maybe I'm just burnt out or something, but whenever I think of drawing lately, there's just this voice being like "what's the point of even drawing this, why would anyone care." I hate you evil voice in my brain!!!! It's not even a thing about notes, and I feel greedy even simply admitting any of this. I think it's more of a craving of a deeper connection and discussion. Which is what I always seek when I create art. But social media makes you think about numbers and attention and makes it unhealthy and makes you feel guilty for wanting something that's pretty reasonable.
Blah blah blah anyways don't reply to this like, oh you need to fix your relationship w art by taking a break from socmed! It's just this continual cycle and maybe one day I'll break it. But sometimes it just hits harder some days. I just want to stop feeling cringe. I hate it cause internally I'm like "I am cringe but I am free" but that only has to do with actually creating the stuff. Posting about it is the trap I think. Again though, it's natural to crave discussion and approval, but putting myself out there makes me want to curl up in a ball. I miss the days when I was younger and creating all kinds of random art and forcing it upon people with absolutely no shame. But now it's like. I toss my art into the room and shut the door and hide behind it with bated breath. And it often feels like any conversation I have just sates me for a tiny bit and then I go back to feeling empty. Is it ungrateful? Or is it just natural to want to keep having and partaking in a good thing?
Someone sent me advice on this feeling at some point, about how its better to talk to people individually rather than just on main. And I agree! I had a lot of fun the last third of last year. And for some reason it's just felt different ever since the new year began. I just don't know how to recover, and to start having fun like that again. I've drawn a lot of things I've immensely enjoyed since the year began, but for some reason, which I can't really parse, have had way worse self loathing and insecurity about it all. I just wanna recover my joy back :( is that too much to ask
Tldr; yay art improvement! Complex ideas! Much discussion! However: nay! Makes me feel cringe! Makes me feel like I'm running on limited time! Makes me crave too much!
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leejeongz · 3 years
fluffy a-z JUNGWON (enhypen)
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requested: yes, by @babyjungwonenhypenrascal
🔅ahh enha first win AHHHH i’m so proud of them :(🔅
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
little to no PDA, especially when you’re around strangers. if it’s just friends then sure, linking arms would be cute but that’s pretty much all. when you’re in private he’s practically begging you to hold him (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post)
when you’re sitting on benches or sofas, in diners for example, and he’s sat beside you, he’ll make you jump sometimes by placing his hand on top of yours that was resting on the seat. when you get startled, he’ll just flash you a gummy smile and giggle a little leaving everyone around you questioning what you pair are giggling at. ugh and he loves to do that thing where you high five and then hold hands afterwards just so casually, and he smiles at you while the pads of his fingers rub over your knuckles.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
more likely to have a best friend that isn’t in his immediate friendship group. you spend time together alone rather than with other people since you’re the only people on that wavelength lmao. you are rarely ever seen together, but people you’re best friends, like they just know.
his advice would be top tier. sometimes, you didn’t follow your friend's advice, but if it was jungwon’s, you followed it because you knew it was absolutely the right thing for you to do. he cares a lot about you and thinks about your situation deeply, eventually coming to a conclusion on what exactly you should do in order to resolve your situation and most of the time it works.
you sass each other out like no one else can. like they can try, but no one makes jokes about the other in the same way that you two can, just because you know each other so well.
on your birthday, he posts all the embarrassing videos and pictures he has of you on his stories along with some sarcastic message about how you’re becoming old but it’s kinda cute and always leaves you in tears.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he's not that much of a cuddler but when you do,,, he’s the little spoon whether you like it or not 😡 he wants to be held, it’s like a safety thing for him. when you hold him, he likes to tease you too, like he’ll flick his hair around jokingly to get your attention or to stop you from falling asleep. when you’re cuddling face to face, he likes pouting at you or doing his little “🥺” face to get you to kiss him. when you finally kiss him he’s like “bruh wth was that ew” but tickles your sides to let you know that he does actually approve. oh and he’s very giggly when you cuddle early on in your relationship. like he’s relaxed but he can’t help but giggle cos it’s so cute, you’re so cute.
when you guys watch a film together on the sofa, he likes to slowly bring his head to your shoulder and let it rest there for a while before you throw your arm over him and bring him closer into your side while his hand rests on your thigh/knee. when he looks up at you, again, all “🥺” and whatnot, he knows that it melts your heart so he giggles and invites you into his arms instead so you can rest on him for a bit.
it’s not really cuddling, but while lying next to each other, he always initiates a little playful game of footsie just to annoy you and get you to focus on him, and hopefully eventually cuddle him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
his cleaning and cooking skills could do with some improvement, but it’s okay he gets the job done hehe. he’s confident when ordering take always on the phone and that’s more important than his cooking skills anyway 😭 he likes to do jobs around the house and thinks of his jobs as just part of life, something he has to do, so he never complains about them or does a bad job.
he’s still very young, he’s not thinking of settling down any time soon. sure meeting the love of his life would be great, but he’d still keep the relationship pretty innocent and non-serious until he got older. he’s definitely dating to marry, not for any other reason. he’s not just looking for fun to pass the time or for someone’s heart to break, it’s just it’s not that serious right now.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
i don’t think he’d struggle that much doing it face to face. he definitely couldn’t do it by text or by phone call, the only way he would break up with you is face to face. the reasoning would probably be along the lines of “we’re still young” or “this is too much for me right now”. he really doesn’t want to break your heart so he goes about it in a mature way. he explains his side of the story, listens to your side and finally reiterates his point just so that you know that it’s nothing wrong on your part, but it’s still over. i don’t see him being friends with his ex after the split to be honest, if he breaks up with you that’s it. but that’s not to say you guys can’t rekindle an old flame at a later date.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
wow wow wow marriage? that’s a little bit much. he’s a kid, don’t scare him with such a big commitment until you've been together for at least 5 years and he’s a little bit older. he’s excited to propose to you and he does occasionally think of how the moment will go down, but it’s never serious enough to actually do it just yet.
obviously, he wants devotion, it’s love after all. commitment is a huge part of any relationship and he wants you to know from the get go that he’s looking at you and only you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
with his own emotions, he’s not that gentle unfortunately. there’s not much that can break this boy, probably because he’s been forced to grow up so quickly (i get big sad myself thinking abt that oh god) and so he doesn’t let things get to him in the way that others would. he doesn’t like to let other people see him cry, he rarely cries anyway so letting other people see him when he does is a big no no, even if they’ve known him for a while. i think something that does upset him is failure, whether it’s him or someone he’s close to. he doesn’t want to see anyone fail when he knows how much work they’ve put into something, so that upsets him a lot.
with you, he’s very gentle, he wants this to last so he naturally does everything in his power to make sure that he’s giving off this gentle aura. he’s forever smiling at you, whenever you make eye contact he flashes you a small little smile just to let you know that here’s there. he’s there to laugh with you when you need it most, and trust me, he knows when you need someone to laugh with. he listens to you well, he takes on board your concerns and brings back to you practical advice without making you feel condescended. he’d love to be able to help you out more than he already does, but he’s just too busy. any free time he has, he spends it with you, and you do the same too, but it just seems like there’s not enough hours in the day for him to help you with everything that he wants to :(.
this may not seem gentle, but jungwon will tell you what you need to hear. it’s not always what you want to hear, but it’s from the heart. he’s always honest with you because it’s for your own good, he only wants the best for you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
when he’s tired, the only place he wants to be is in your arms. he stumbles through the door and stands there for a while, waiting for you to come and hug him so that he can rest his head on yours or on your shoulder. he likes it when he can stroke your hair while hugging because you hum into his shoulder and it’s like music to his ears.
when he sees you standing alone at home, often looking like your in a trance, he’ll wrap his arms around you from the back and almost jump on you to scare you. he’ll climb off you and land back on the floor, loosening his arms and expecting you to turn around so he can kiss you on the nose as an apology.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
he doesn’t say the words lightly. when he says them to you, he really means it. he'd make a big deal out of saying it even thought he just drops it into conversation, he might even cry (which i already said, he doesn’t do that often) because he’s just so pleased to have met you and started this relationship with you that he hopes will last forever. he will drop it into a casual conversation, making the atmosphere become intimate and deep, he likes that he can do that and that you’re not phased by it (despite getting a little flustered, but that’s only natural and he wants you to react in that way hehe) he’d be sat there explaining to you how you make him feel, how secure and comfortable he is with you and why he loves you, tearing up as he speaks because it’s really coming from his heart.
he’s actually not that anxious to say it, and that’s probably just because he truly means it and that it’s a very natural thing for him to say given the circumstances.
he doesn’t tell a lot of people that he loves them, so you must be really special to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
his silence is a great tell of whether he’s jealous or not. he’s likely to give you the silent treatment if he feels you’ve done something to make him feel jealous, or will sit in silence around you and whoever is making him feel jealous. he’d just sit and stare at you both, it’s a little intimidating but easily mistaken for him just looking at you after a small disagreement so no one ever questions it. it’s basically over to you to resolve the situation because he doesn’t want to mess things up on his own. he trusts you enough to make a sound judgement on what to do when he’s jealous and there’s got to be a reason why you’re still together, right?! because you always know how to make things right with him.
he doesn’t like it when you get jealous though. like he gets it, everyone gets jealous sometimes, but he can’t really see why you’re jealous at times, leaving you to figure out your pettiness on your own. he wouldn’t be afraid to tell people to back off and makes it known that he’s in a relationship anyway, he respects you a lot and hopes that other people do too, so there’s no real reason for you to get jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
cheeky little kisses while you’re talking just because he can. brushing that annoying bit of hair out of your mouth then kissing you because he can. kissing your forehead then pulling away and giggling just because he can. he kisses you all the time, just because he can :) (taken from my enhypen as boyfriends post)
he gets kind of shy when he has the opportunity to kiss you in front of others. like he really wants to, but he always feels like the kisses you share have that “first kiss on the playground at school” kinda vibe with everyone’s watching on lmao. so for that reason, he doesn’t kiss you regularly in front of other people, but he'd rather save that intimate treat for just the two of you anyway.
sometimes, when he’s feeling like cringing you out in the most ironic way, he’ll kiss your hand and smile at you, waiting for your reaction to his silliness.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
too busy crying over their cuteness to interact, give him a sec.
actually, he’s surprisingly good with kids. other than the fact that he had to take breaks to go scream about how cute they are, he gets along with them and the kids warm to him a lot. he gets what they want, he just knows, and he can always supply.
(i don’t really wanna talk about or even think about him having kids bc he’s still a minor so i’m sorry if that’s what you wanted from this part :/)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he never wants to get up. he literally wants to lie in bed forever, especially if you’re there with him. he complains when you try and get him up, no matter how awake he is at the time, he does not want to leave the bed and will in fact tangle himself up in the sheets.
on work days, you two just have separate morning routines at different times. you usually only bump into each other when he’s showering and you wanna brush your teeth or something. you once caught him washing his face with your hairband on and he got all embarrassed and giggled about it awwweee. but when you both have the day off or it’s a weekend, you stay in bed until mid morning and then get up and go to a cafe for breakfast/brunch. on a different note, he has yet to go a day without laughing about your bed head or complaining that you snore too loudly in bed even though you definitely do not do that.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
LAUGHING! night time is the only time you get to spend together since you have no plans other than to spend time together. he also likes it when he can spend the evening talking to your family or when you talk to his before going to bed because 🥺omfg that’s the cutest shit in his eyes. he likes to learn more about you, or when you get to learn more about him and he could listen and laugh to their stories all night long.
he likes to play board games/card games with you and then think of a punishment for the loser (but you end up both doing it anyway). you tire yourselves out too much with getting extremely competitive so when you head to bed, you basically fall asleep straight away. one time, you were too tired to even brush your teeth and wash your face before getting into bed so he came and did them for you ahh he’s such a cutie.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
at first, he’s quite closed off with you, he’s definitely got a guard up no matter how much he tries not to. conversations aren’t that deep initially, he tried to gauge how well you two connect just from small talk (even though he hates small talk because he has no idea what to say to you without getting too deep) and he’d know pretty quickly if the vibe’s there or not.
it takes him three dates at least before he starts opening up about himself. the conversations aren’t as deep as they could be, but he’s still talking to you on a level that you weren’t doing at first. he starts to tell you about his life, his past and his family at this point, things that have made him into the person he is and what he’s looking for in a relationship.
only once you get into the relationship officially will he tell you everything. his worries and concerns, his insecurities and his struggles. it’s difficult for him to open up about this stuff to anyone, so when he does so, he just wants you to listen. he would welcome any advice, but will only start taking it seriously after like a year of being in a relationship (not because he didn’t trust it before, just that he thought only he knew what was best for him), by that point, he truly believes that you know him better than he knows himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
he doesn’t really get angry. his anger is suppressed most of the time, he knows when the right time to express it is, when it would be valid to do so. if a petty situation angers him, he can just hold it and stay silent because he knows it would be worse if he kicked off. he likes to stand up for what he thinks is right though, if someone said something political that he didn’t agree with, he would get angry and start a rather heated debate with them until they were too intimidated to continue.
when it comes to you, he’s not the angry type. fake anger when you do something small, sure, just for the bants. for example when you play a game and things are getting a little too competitive he’ll go to flip the board or something. but never real anger unless you did something very wrong. even then, he’s less likely to be angry, more so upset and disappointed.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
he keeps important dates and such logged on his calendar with a week’s notice so he rarely forgets them. he really doesn’t want to forget them so he checks his calendar like every day just to see if his phone was not sending him notifications lmao.
most of the stuff you tell him, little details, he remembers since he already feels like he doesn't know you as well as he should. he wants to know anything and everything about you so he makes a point of remembering them. if he ever forgot something about you, he’d laugh it off in front of you and then go and break down over it because he can’t believe he forgot something about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
the first time he heard you sing 🥰🥰
you were just doing some tidying up in your room, forgetting that your boyfriend was there too, when you suddenly started singing along to your playlist. he didn’t say anything, he just smiled to himself. that was when he realised that you must be comfortable around him. when you saw him besides you, you jumped out of embarrassment but he just giggled and was like “don’t stop, you are really good” no matter how good you really were. you actually both eventually ended up belting out a full on duet while tidying together, not caring who heard. it was actually very wholesome. he brings it up whenever you sing around him now and is all nostalgic about it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
he trusts you entirely. he never really sees a need to protect you in everyday life. if other guys flirt with you, he just expects you to deal with it since he knows that you’re capable. he doesn’t want to misread any conversations you have with other people either, so he thinks it’s best to not intervene.
he gets protective of you around guys who don’t know their place though. walking past gangs of guys, just people who make you uncomfortable in general in fact, he would wrap his arm around your waist. it’s like protectiveness, almost anger (cos he’s disgusted by the way these people make you feel), but mostly for your comfort.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he’s either really sweet with his gift giving or so bizarre you can’t even comprehend how he managed to come up with the idea. he’d buy you something small, cute and sentimental for important events like a little figure/ornament or a necklace. when it's a less important time, his gifts are like,,, useful but strange asf (jays bday present is a perfect example of this lmao). he’d get you an alarm clock with your celebrity crush’s face on it and hand it to you like “so you start to hate them since they’re the one waking you up”.
oh BOY your anniversary is always romantic. he treats you to dinner at a restaurant in the evening, you get dressed up all fancy, that’s when he gives you the necklace that he bought for you and puts it on for you. people think it’s strange because you’re so young, but it feels so right and he can’t wait to do it for the rest of your lives.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
as friendly and lovely as jungwon is, he can sometimes come off as a little cold and withdrawn to people who don’t know him yet. he tries his hardest to make connections with everyone and seem genuine while doing it, but he can’t help but put up a guard around people he’s not yet comfortable with. he doesn’t want to welcome people into his life that he doesn’t want there. it’s not exactly a bad habit, but to those who don’t understand his reasoning it may come off that way.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
it's not the first thing that comes to his mind when he thinks about his own beauty. he’s a big believer that beauty comes from within and would rather work on his personality and emotions than think about his appearance. sometimes, when he notices people are mentioning something about his appearance regularly, he becomes a little concerned about it, even if what they’re saying is good, and he’ll try to change it but in the end he decides against it because it really doesn’t matter what other people think. he does like to make himself look good, but it’s not something that he’s particularly concerned about.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
you bring out a side of him that he would never have been able to show anyone else. he’s so thankful that you understand him and aren’t always expecting something from him. if he had never met you, he could never truly be himself around anyone, and so for that reason, yes, he would feel incomplete.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
this boy loves when you let him put jewellery on you :(. like every time he sees you struggling with your necklace or a choker he’ll be like “you want help with that” and he’ll do it for you. it’s an underrated form of affection for him, his hands so close to your neck in the most adorable way. and the fact that he gets to help you with something that you’re struggling with is a (subconscious) boost for him and fills him with so much joy, hence why is wants to do it again.
not just necklaces, bracelets in the same way, but also rings too. he’ll slide them off your finger just so he can put them back on again. he’ll do that thing where he presses his thumb against them too to “secure it in place” uh cute.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
immaturity. sure, immaturity to some extent is good for your mental state, but he’s not gonna have time for people who are excessively immature and do not see an issue in it. immaturity as in those always start unnecessary drama and are self centred, defensive and never own up to their own mistakes. a big one for him is wanting to have deep conversations. immature people wouldn’t be able to talk with him about the things he wants to, hence why he’d avoid them. he finds it hard to relate to people his age due to his maturity and mind set. he tends to struggle with small talk with them despite the amount of effort he’s putting in to adapt to their personality. this is why i think he’d know pretty early on if things were gonna work out or not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
the twitching 😭😭. okay so we all saw him “popping” in his sleep lmao, i doubt anything would change even if someone was sleeping next to him. he might accidentally knock into you on the odd occasion but he’d wake up straight after he did it and apologise and be all like “omg i’m so sorry it wasn’t me i didn’t mean it please don’t hate me”. doesn’t happen every night, but is still noteable lol.
but other than that, he’s pretty calm. he likes it when you hold him while he sleeps :((.
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iwaisa · 4 years
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class 1-a boys kissing their crush for a tiktok
pairings: kirishima, sero, and todoroki x gender neutral reader
warnings: mild swearing, a lil suggestive, tooth-rotting fluff
a/n: this wasn’t a request, but it just happened to pop into my head and i got really excited :D
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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► now shuffling...
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he has tiktok but he never posts anything
he likes watching art and cooking videos
it soothes him and it inspires him to be productive
one day he’s laying in his bed scrolling through the endless stream of videos
there’s a little break in the cooking videos and he sees one person standing alone in a room
he’s about to scroll until he reads the text at the top
“kissing my best friend”
he’s about to scroll x2 but he decides to watch where this is going
he just wants to know how to kiss you because he’s been thinking about it since the beginning
the door opens and another person comes in
they’re nearly tackled as the other person throws themself on them and kisses them
the one person mouths something and another text box pops up saying
“i love you”
and he’s like…. damn…. oh to have that be him and you
you definitely don't think kirishima likes you back since he’s so protective of you that you kinda just have to see him as that big brother figure
which he would probably die right on the spot if he heard that
but you only think that because you assume he thinks of himself as a big brother figure
but you two are basically inseparable
always doing homework together
you sit next to each other in class
and you always help him whenever he gets in a really bad mood
it's the last day of class before summer break and the class is going on a trip to the beach
you’re sitting in the way back of the car with him and since the trip takes 2 hours you fall asleep on his shoulder
he’s so not ready for what he’s about to do
the class finally gets there and everyone begins to take off their clothes to go to the ocean
you slip off your clothes to reveal a pastel red swimsuit
good job. you killed him.
look, he’s dead now. you’re so hot that you killed him and he’s foaming at the mouth.
you catch him staring with his jaw hanging open and you laugh waving your hand in front of his face
he decides its now or never
but he’s also sweating bullets because this could go two ways
1. you return the kiss and both have the times of your lives
or 2. you don't like him like that and then the rest of the day is awful and your relationship is ruined forever
he shakes his head and tries not to think too much into it as he goes to prop his phone up
you’re waiting to see which dance he’s doing
he starts the video and jogs back to you and tells you to hop into his arms bridal style
you do, and now he’s spinning you
you hop out of his arms and both of you throw up peace signs
he takes a deep breath before slipping his hand into yours
you turn to face him and he pulls you close so your bodies are pressing together
he mumbles a quick “i really like you,” before pecking your lips
he sprints to post the video and you’re just stunned
he’s holding his phone as he turns around and sees you staring at him
uh oh, time for negative thoughts 😀👍👍
he slowly comes towards you asking if that was okay
you squeal and run towards him planting a giant smooch on his cheek
“s-so you like me back?”
“isn’t it obvious?”
“hah. right. so,,, will you please be my s/o?”
he can't ask anything without adding please because he thinks its manly
you nod while grinning and he pecks your lips again before taking your hand and running to the ocean
it wasn’t until the class got back to the dorms when he noticed his video got thousands of likes with people calling you two cute in the comments
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on your first day at U.A., sero was the one to help you get accustomed
he showed you around the school, helped you with homework (if it was something he could understand because if not then you needed bakugou there too)
he helped you find your dorm
he even helped you move furniture into your dorm
he always complimented you and your quirk and you did the same
you noticed that he tended to shy away from talking about his quirk
until you asked him about it
“i just… don't like my elbows”
“what?? i think they’re awesome! honestly they’re kind of cute”
did he? hear you right?? did you just call his elbows cute?
damn. he straight up just fell in love with you.
for someone to compliment the part of him he was most self conscious about is HUGE for him
from that point on he trusts you with his life
he's also basically like a puppy trailing you everywhere
he's in puppy love 🥺🥺
him and kaminari are hanging out in sero’s dorm
sero’s on his hammock using the foot he has sticking out to push him back and forth
kaminari is on sero’s bed leaning against the wall until he jumps up and excitedly talks about this tiktok he just found
sero isn't all that familiar with tiktok, and he's just like ‘if y/n has it then i'll get it!’
kaminari gives sero his phone so he can see exactly what he got so excited by
he watches as two people run around in a field of tall grass while smiling and laughing
at first, he's like, kaminari… are you trying to make me jealous of two people i don't even know?
but then he continues watching as one person tackles the other
and now they’re both laying on the ground, one person on top of another
said person on the top leans down and captures the other in a kiss
sero feels his face getting hot when his mind goes to you
“uh… what are you trying to tell me?”
“what i’m saying is, you need to confess to y/n. like right now.”
sero just nods, but wonders if he could do a video like that
the next day sero asks if he can meet you at a certain address and you accept because just like sero, you would do anything for him
you plug the address into your maps app and realize that it’s a hill with a cherry blossom tree atop
you feel the pink tint in your cheeks and ears continuing to grow as you visualize sero confessing to you on top of that hill
as you make your way up the hill, you can see sero clad in nice dress pants and a half sleeved button up, showing off his elbows
you blush as you notice how formal he is, before looking down at yourself
he notices you and waves you over with his signature grin
you two stare at each other for a while before he pulls his phone out of his pocket
“i want to do something with you”
you nod as you watch him set up his camera
the countdown starts and sero waves to the camera awkwardly
he asks you to stand back, and as you do, sero shoots his tape into the tree and begins to climb up
it takes a few seconds for him to get into an upside down spider-man position, and when he does he asks you to come forward
you take a tiny step towards sero, who’s hair is now falling due to gravity
he looks like such a dork 🥺🥺
hes giving you a giant goofy grin as he says “i’m getting kinda light-headed, so can you please let me kiss you?”
you nod and bend forward as you take his face in your hands
due to your position, it's an awkward first kiss
both your eyes are staring directly at each others’ necks, and you aren’t exactly able to coordinate when to move your lips against each others’
he pulls away a few seconds after the video ends
but before he can say anything, the branch snaps and he comes falling down
you yelped as he landed on his back, rubbing his head
he smiles up at you sheepishly
“sorry for the failed first kiss…”
you shake your head, sitting next to him
“i wouldn't have wanted it any other way”
you grab his face and connect your lips with his, this time more desperate
“did i tell you that i’ve been in love with you since day one?”
you plopped your head on his shoulder and he laughs
“will you please be my s/o, f/n l/n?”
you accept and you two lay down on the grass interlocking hands and watching the clouds
your video went viral because everyone was astounded that someone was able to recreate one of the most iconic scenes in movie history
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this man…. has no chill
he also doesn’t have tiktok
“what is a ‘tiktok’”
oh todoroki you beautiful beautiful idiot
you describe tiktok and how you once saw a video of someone clowning endeavor
he never got an app so fast
his first and only video is him flipping off a green screen photo of his dad and nothing else
uraraka is the one to tell him about the trend
she shows a video to midoriya, iida, and todoroki that shows two people sitting on a couch and it seems that they’re watching a movie together
todoroki and iida assume that they’re dating since they look really close
they don’t even notice the caption that clearly says ‘kissing my best friend challenge’
they’re just kinda bored of it until one person turns to face the other
when they’re both facing each other they just… start making out
like its mutual
and iida and todoroki are still like “why are they posting their make out session on tiktok???”
uraraka has to explain and midoriya is just kinda indifferent about it
a few hours later and the whole class is hanging in the common area
bakugou, sero, kirishima, and sato are in the kitchen making snacks for the movie everyone is about to watch
everyone else is littered around the room - some people on couches, some on the floor, and some just standing around talking
you and todoroki are awkwardly talking and you’re laughing at something that wasn’t really that funny but that’s okay!1!
cuz todoroki wants to see you laugh all the time 🥺
ever since he first saw you he’s always harbored some crush towards you but his childhood trauma and scars keep him back from saying anything
but he’s really so touch starved
he WANTS to be with you and he REALLY wants to kiss you
uraraka catches everyone’s attention and asks todoroki if she can borrow his phone
he questions it before handing it to her
she opens tiktok and tells everyone to just start dancing
she whispers something into todoroki’s ear and he just goes stiff
literally will not move even when the video is going
suddenly he remembers what he’s supposed to do and he very quickly grabs your face and kisses you
remember when i said he has no chill? yeah, cuz he doesn’t.
he just kissed you in front of your whole class
even the four in the kitchen who came out just in time to see you two ‘eating each others’ faces’ as bakugou yelled out
you look at the ground and todoroki just assumes the worst
he asks if he can talk to you and you say yes
so he pulls you to the kitchen and asks if that was okay
you can very faintly hear the concern and worry in his voice and you look into his eyes
“i just didn't know that you liked me back”
he processes this for a moment before giving you a soft smile
“of course i like you, how could i not fall for you?”
with this, you two wrap your arms around each other and stay there for a few moments
then you two kiss again. this time, todoroki is fully aware of the intimate action you two are doing so he accidentally freezes and burns you at the same time
he apologizes and you assure him that it's alright and that the pain will subside
once you two go back to the others everyone starts cheering as they see your interlocked hands
you’re holding his left hand and he's super hot and sweaty
uraraka congratulates you two and hands todoroki his phone
you two watch the video and you convince him to post it
he finally does and that's when you see the endeavor video
you two laugh it off and sit down on the couch to cuddle as the movie begins
the video went viral since he was viral from his last video but most of the comments are saying how pretty he is (which made you jealous but he never goes on tiktok so he assures you it's alright)
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
Walk You Home - l.jn
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Pairing - Idol!Jeno x Idol!Reader
Genre - Fluff, friends to lovers, kinda crack-ish
Warnings - None (please feel free to let me know if I should add any though)
Summary - You met Jeno when you were a trainee and he had lent you his shoulder to cry on. He became one of your closest friends and one of your best supporters, eventually merging the two and becoming your best friend. Your friendship with Jeno was something you wouldn’t trade for anything, maybe aside for an actual relationship with him.
Word Count - 8.3k
A/N - this is inspired by a dream i had two months ago so it’s not really the best storyline lmao but let me know what you guys think. character inspo drawn from @t-aeycng​ as Soojin because she is truly a wonderful person and you should definitely check out her work as well
You ran up the stairs, stepping onto the stage overlooking the sea of fans, the largest audience you’ve ever performed in front of. You looked away from the crowd and your eyes instead settled on Jeno’s face, wanting nothing more than his comforting frame against yours but that was something you didn’t think you would ever tell him.
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Three years ago, when you first joined SM Entertainment, you had left your home country in hopes of pursuing your passion of getting to perform in front of thousands of people. It was spring when you first arrived, you thought it was quite fitting as you were beginning a new chapter of your life just as the Earth was too. When you first came to Korea, you had little knowledge of the language and culture and were immediately labeled as an outcast among the other female trainees. They didn’t exactly mistreat you in any way, they just didn’t include you in activities because they didn’t know you or have any way to communicate with you.
You spent your days holed up in practice rooms and even on the days where you had training sessions with the other girls, most of them barely made any effort to talk to you, excluding one person. Her name is Soojin. From the time you first saw her, you knew she was going to be popular. She was beautiful no matter what angle you looked at her from and she had a personality to match.
After a particularly difficult dance class, all the others had left for the cafeterias, talking about how the teacher was so harsh this time around. The only ones left behind were you, packing up your things, and Soojin who was still practicing what you were taught that day. Right as you were about to leave, she called out your name.
“Do you want to eat together?” She asked, speaking slowly and carefully enunciating her words so you could understand. You were frozen in shock and all you could do was nod your head and shyly say yes.
From that day on, Soojin was essentially your guardian angel. She made sure to introduce you to everyone and include you when they went out together, she helped you develop your language skills and taught you how to get through the weekly tests the trainees were put through. You clung to Soojin the way a baby cub does to its mother.
During the holidays, she told you she wouldn’t be staying at the company and instead, going home to her family. She graciously invited you over, to which you declined, not wanting to embarrass yourself and your elementary speaking skills. You were unsure how you’d function without her, but you’d soon become grateful for that week because that was when you met Jeno.
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It was already 9pm yet you were still in a practice room, not quite able to perfect a run in a song you were preparing for the weekly exams. You were tired and lonely, feeling more homesick than ever now that you were left on your own without Soojin to comfort you. You sat down, deciding to let yourself rest for a few minutes as you scrolled through social media and saw your friends and family posting pictures of their festivities together, causing tears to escape from your eyes and you let yourself fully break down, feelings of loneliness and yearning tearing at your heart.
You didn’t know how you missed the sound of the door opening, but suddenly there was a warm hand on your shoulder and a simple “hey” spoken from someone with a warm and rich voice. You looked up and immediately froze on the spot. You had seen other senior artists around the company before but they had never talked to you before, as you were only a trainee and they probably didn’t even know your name, yet here was Jeno, squatting down in front of you, his eyes searching yours to find the reason why you were crying all alone in a practice room.
“Are you okay?” That was all Jeno asked, his hand leaving your shoulder as he sat down in front of you. He waited for a bit as you tried to calm yourself down and dry your tears. “I’m Jeno, but I suppose you already knew that. Your name is?”
“Y/n,” you said, your breath almost catching in your throat as you involuntarily hiccuped, “I’m a trainee and I’ve been in Korea for six months” you told him, just as Soojin had taught you.
You saw Jeno’s features soften as he started to piece together why you were crying. “Your Korean is pretty good for coming only six months ago,” he said before continuing on, “but you shouldn’t be crying alone in a practice room.”
You looked up at him, telling him that usually, you’d be with Soojin but she went home and you’re not really close to any of the other trainees. He nodded his head, seeming to understand your message through your basic Korean. “I really would like to stay and comfort you, but my members are coming soon because we have to practice for one of the end-of-year festivals.”
You pushed yourself off from the ground to unplug your phone from the stereo and pack up, understanding where he was going with this but he followed you, not yet done talking. “If you’re okay with it, I’d like to give you my number so you can contact me whenever Soojin’s not around.” You turned to face him, shock evident on your face. “You won’t be bothering me, I promise,” Jeno said, trying his best to reassure you, “aside from practicing and performing I really don’t do much so you’d be welcome to text me anytime you want someone to talk to. I’d hate for you to go through this alone.”
He fished his phone out from his pocket, opening up a new chat and handing it to you, “here, you can even send the first message so you know that it’s me.” You accepted his offer and typed in your own number along with a short message to let you know it’s Jeno and hit send before handing him back his phone, feeling your own buzz in your hand, and light up showing the message you had just sent.
Unknown Number > y/n 9:15pm: Hello, this is Jeno
Jeno helped you gather your belongings and walked you to the door, even holding it open for you. You gave him a shy ‘thank you’ before stepping out into the hallway and he smiled at you saying that he’ll text you once his own practice is over not even a second before sound of his members coming down the hallway can be heard from their obnoxious yelling and giggling.
Jeno kept his word and as you were getting ready for bed that night in the empty dorm, you received another message from him.
Jeno > y/n 10:31pm: Y/n I just ended my practice and I’m heading to my dorm now. What are you doing?
Y/n > Jeno 10:32pm: Thinking about my next exam. They’re difficult.
Jeno > y/n 10:32pm: Ah, I remember those 10:33pm: I didn’t like them either but it feels good when you look back and see your progress
You maintained the conversation until he told you he arrived at his dorm building, to which he told you he’d text you after he washed up and ate dinner. He indeed texted you, but you were already fast asleep, the crying from earlier finally catching up with you. From then on, not a single week went by where Jeno didn’t text you.
Jeno always made sure to check up on you after an exam, asking how you did, encouraging you when you didn’t do so well, and praising you when you did do well. He even treated you to dinner a few times to congratulate you whenever you earned a B or better. He was pretty much your stand-in Soojin for whenever she was gone or got too busy with other things. He was just as patient as she was when it came to teaching you Korean and explaining things to you, his signature eye-smile showing whenever you repeated a new word back to him.
Soojin was surprised when you told her about your new friend when she came back to the dorms, almost kicking your door down in her excitement to see you, but she later held your hands in excitement saying “I can’t believe my y/n made her first friend on her own! And it’s Jeno! THE Lee Jeno from THE NCT Dream of all people! Maybe I should leave you more often” she joked before flopping down on your bed next to you to hear more about your relationship with Jeno.
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Within another year and a half, you had debuted in SM’s newest six-member girl group, with Soojin as your leader, and Jeno wasn’t shy about showing his support for your group. When you coincidentally promoted alongside NCT Dream, he always made sure to wish you good luck before you went on stage and gave you tips after monitoring your performance. On one of the music shows, Jeno and the boys had won first place and they all insisted on keeping you and your group on stage with them.
Jeno’s face lit up when you danced the chorus of the song with him and he burst out in laughter when you imitated his own rapping part. There was something about you, the way you smiled as you clowned him, the way your eyes shone when he complimented your dancing. Jeno was beginning to fall for you.
Fans of both of your groups had noticed your close relationship, and though dating rumors were inevitable, most of them found the two of you to be quite cute together. You had seen a few of the compilation videos they had made for you and him though you only watched a handful of them and never dared to show them to Jeno, not wanting him to get the wrong idea because unbeknownst to him, you were falling for him too.
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When the next SMTown concert was announced to be in your home country, you were overjoyed at the thought of being able to go home after two whole years away. You immediately texted Jeno to express your excitement and he matched it, jokingly telling you that he couldn’t wait to meet your friends and family.
A few days later, Jeno texts you asking if you’re free to hang out.
Jeno > y/n  4:38pm: are you free on Wednesday night? 4:38pm: Jaemin wanted to go grocery shopping after practice 4:38pm: Soojin said you guys are running low on toiletries so you can come too if you want
y/n > Jeno 4:47pm: yeah I’m free but I have practice on Wednesday night too
Jeno > y/n 4:50pm: really? What time?
y/n > Jeno 4:51pm: I think Soojin said 7
Jeno > y/n 4:51pm: wait really? That’s when I’m supposed to have practice I think 4:52pm: Renjun and Jisung both said 7 as well 4:52pm: did they tell you which room you’re in?
y/n > Jeno 4:54pm: I think it’s the basement one 4:54pm: don’t know why they have us in that huge one though
Jeno > y/n 4:55pm: no way! We’re supposed to be in the basement too! 4:56pm: do you think they mixed up our schedules on accident?
y/n > Jeno 5:00pm: I just asked my manager, he said that’s the one we’re supposed to be in
Jeno > y/n 5:01pm: that’s what mine just said too! 5:02pm: y/n, do you think...maybe...just maybe…
y/n > Jeno 5:02pm: what, Jen? just say it lol
Jeno > y/n 5:02pm: we’re working together for a performance?!
When you arrived at the basement practice room, the largest one in the building, sure enough, Jeno was in there waiting for you along with the other members of Dream. You ran to him and hugged him out of the sheer excitement coming from the idea that you’d be getting to perform together.
You and Jeno were so overly happy that it made Haechan gag while Jisung plugged his ears with his fingers and made a pained face at Chenle. However, your hug had the opposite effect on Jeno. He felt a burst of butterflies rise from the bottom of his stomach and he excused it as simply being excited to perform with you after having seen your hard work through your trainee days.
The dance your groups would be doing has a little bit of a darker sexy vibe which was something your group had never tried before. While it was something completely new to you, the boys had already done it before so they had fun showing you guys the right expressions and laughing as you and your members tried to copy them.
The type of dance was a little more provocative too and it wasn’t exactly your forte but you tried your best. You caught Jeno looking your way a couple of time but you figure he’s just trying to make sure you’re doing okay. Eventually, you give up trying on your own and you turn to go ask him for help during a break, slightly surprised to see that his eyes were already on you.
“Jeno, I don’t get that one move, the one that goes like this” you say and show it to him, his eyes glued to your figure as he tries to analyze what you’re doing.
You saw his tongue peek out from between his lips, a common habit of his when he’s really thinking, which doesn’t happen very often. “I think you’re being a little too loose with your movements, try tense up your arms and do it sharper” he explained, showing you through his own example.
You tried it again but you could tell you still weren’t doing it right from the way he sighed and moved to stand behind you. You felt the warmth from his chest seeping through both of your shirts and you had to fight the urge to just lean back against his strong shoulders but luckily you’re snapped out of your short daydream by Jeno’s hands wrapping around your wrists to guide your movements.
He ran through it a couple of times and you quickly caught on thanks to his teaching. Just as you turned your head to thank him, Jeno wrapped his arms around your body, embracing you in a hug and bringing his head to rest on your shoulder. Shocked by the close proximity of your faces, you both jump away from each other and start apologizing as your cheeks start to heat up. Fortunately, you were saved from your embarrassment when you hear Soojin calling everyone back from their break and you scampered away to stand with your members.
The head choreographer began pairing people up and you almost let out a squeal when she said you and Jeno would be together. There were no intimate portions of the choreography except for one short moment when you had to stare him down as you circle around each other as if you were ‘two lions about to fight’ as Haechan had explained it.
You and Jeno couldn’t help but giggle and make faces at each other every time that part comes up until both of you got yelled at and caused everyone to have to do push-ups as a punishment, angry glares being cast your way from your members.
The next time that part came up, you’re just slightly startled when Jeno completely switches to his performance mode and looks at you with a sultry glint in his eyes. You’ve seen this look thousands of times before while he’s up on stage whether it be from the sidelines or through a screen, but there was something different when you see it up close and you know his eyes are on you.
You took it as an opportunity to learn from him and try to give him the same gaze back during the following run through and when his eyes meet yours, you see them instantly shift away to somewhere behind you and you let out a slight smirk, finding it amusing how Jeno could still be so shy when you’re merely copying his own actions.
During the final run of the day, his gaze locked with yours and doesn’t wander away for even a second, almost as if he’s challenging you to look away first. You had to remind yourself that it’s just an act that he’s putting on for the sake of the performance, he’s not actually challenging you, though you almost wish he was. As soon as it ends, you’re broken out of the trance that is Lee Jeno himself while he went straight to his members, not even bothering to talk to you and give you feedback like he usually did.
You didn’t know what just happened, but you could feel there was now some sort of tension separating you and Jeno.
As all of you were monitoring the run on the large TV, Renjun laughed while saying “Jeno and Y/n look like they’re about to fight.” Your members giggled at his joke and one of them even calls it a ‘lover’s quarrel’. You didn’t dare look over at Jeno but you could feel his now-familiar gaze locked on you.
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As your groups continued practicing together and the concert drew closer and closer, the tension between you and Jeno only grew worse, neither of you interacting with each other aside for during the dance itself. You found yourself itching to talk to him and tell him about the cute hat you saw in a store the other day, or how Soojin almost burnt the kitchen down while cooking dinner the week before. You didn’t have the guts to talk to Jeno, not when his jaw was squared shut and he wouldn’t even look at you unless it was during the dance.
During a break in one of the last rehearsals in Korea, you were playing around with your members and trying to do different tricks like backbends, roundhouses, aerials, and such. You knew these were Jeno’s specialty and you were taken aback when he didn’t come over to show off his skills and instead Jaemin did, though he was nowhere close to being as good as Jeno as he clumsily fell over from the handstand he was doing, causing you to have a fit of laughter.
Jeno doesn’t know why he feels so upset to see you laughing because of his groupmate and he especially doesn’t understand why he feels angry when Jaemin tries to spot you as you do a handstand and end up falling and dragging Jaemin down with you, both of you almost scream-laughing as your bodies lay tangled with each other.
It only gets worse when later that week, as Jeno is eating dinner with the other members, he sees Renjun’s phone light up showing a message from you telling him to enjoy his meal. Jeno didn’t even know the two of you had exchanged numbers and it was starting to drive him insane when your name kept popping up on Renjun’s phone throughout the night and not once on his own.
Renjun catches him staring, to which he leered, “what, lover boy? Are you mad that you can’t keep y/n all to yourself? Just relax, I’m only texting her to learn some phrases before the concert.” Jeno didn’t respond, not wanting to expose the fact that he didn’t even have you anymore, best friend or not.
He finished eating and excused himself from the table, leaving to go wallow in his own self-pity because he had unintentionally broken your friendship. He had realized his own feelings for you during that one dance practice but proceeded to distance himself from you out of fear that acting on his feelings would ruin your relationship, leading to the exact opposite to ruin it. Jeno cried himself to sleep that night hoping that the phrase ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’ would hold true on your end, that you were missing him just as much as he was missing you.
The next time you saw Jeno was at the airport when all the company was getting ready to leave for your home country. He was wearing a simple outfit consisting of a plain black t-shirt with his black joggers along with a black snapback and his glasses to complete his plain yet oh so attractive full black outfit.
You were sitting in the lounge area with your members and one of them pointed him out and commented on how good he looks. You glanced over just in time to see him momentarily take his hat off and run a hand through his soft, light brown hair before placing his hat back on his head.
You felt a slight shiver go up through your spine as you watched him do such a simple action yet you were unnerved to hear that one of your members found him attractive even if you did too and you knew thousands of his fans did as well. Maybe distance made your heart grow fonder of him, given all the time the two of you spent away from each other and just wanting your best friend back. A few minutes later, after zoning out for a while, you were brought back to reality by your phone vibrating, showing three messages from Jaemin whose number you had gotten through Renjun.
Jaemin > y/n 8:16am: what rows do you guys have? 8:17am: we have 13 and 14. I’ll be sitting with Jisung 8:17am: he overpacked his snacks so now I have some of them. You’re more than welcome to come over and help yourself to them
Y/n > Jaemin 8:18am: we’re 16 and 17 8:18am: i’m not that hungry right now but I just stop by during the flight
You indeed took Jaemin up on his offer about halfway through the flight when your members were complaining about not liking the food being served. You mentioned how Jaemin had snacks he didn’t mind sharing and they immediately begged you to get them from him. You had forgotten to wear a hoodie so you were snuggled into the airline blanket for warmth, not wanting to leave your spot, but you ultimately lost a game of rock paper scissors so you had no other choice but to shake off the blanket and brace yourself for the cold.
As you trudged your way up a few rows, you easily find Jisung due to his large frame, though he was asleep while Jaemin was nowhere to be found, presumably having gone to the bathroom. You didn’t even bother looking around you to see where the other members were, your only goal in mind being the snacks in Jaemin’s bag because the quicker you found them, the quicker you could go back to your warm seat.
You opened up the overhead compartment and spotted Jaemin’s bag, though it was almost out of your reach. You raised yourself onto your tip-toes as you struggled to reach it when suddenly there was a warm hand on your waist and someone against your back. You froze, watching as the stranger easily grabbed the backpack and brought it down safely, handing it to you.
You turned around only to find Jeno looking down at you. It felt like a whole minute passed as you both just stared at each other, neither of you wanted to speak first, when really only a few seconds went by before Jaemin came walking down the aisle.
“Ah, y/n, you came!” He exclaimed, taking his backpack from your hold and unzipping it, “Sorry, I was in the bathroom, but I’m glad you were able to find my bag” he said, opening it up and showing you all the snacks he had. “Did you want some too, Jeno?” he asked, noticing Jeno’s presence behind you.
“No, I just came by to ask Jisung something,” he stated, “but I’ll come by later since he’s asleep” he said, already turning to walk back to his seat.
Once he was out of earshot, Jaemin sighed before telling you, “he’s been acting really weird lately. Even in the dorms, he’s all quiet and moody and none of us know why.”
“Maybe he’s on his man-period” you quipped while you took a few snacks from the bag while Jaemin rolled his eyes at your immature joke. You thanked him for the snacks and made your way back to your group members who were overjoyed when you handed them the bags of chips and dried fruit, all the bags opened within mere seconds. You only ate a bit, preferring to wait until you got to the hotel where you could eat room service food instead.
About an hour later, Soojin, who was sitting next to you, got up and told you she was going to the bathroom. You hum in response to let her know you heard. Not even a whole minute passes by before she sits back down next to you. You looked up from the game on your phone, asking her “did you even wash your hands-”, but you stopped midsentence when you realized you were looking at the face of Jeno, not Soojin.
Before you could say anything else, Jeno already blurted out the words, “I’m sorry.” You were still in shock, continuing to look at him with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights. Jeno continued on anyways, “look I know I’ve been really cold and distant towards you for the past few weeks but that’s because...because-,” you noticed him fidgeting with his hands and you shifted in your seat to face him and look him in the eyes, “because I have feelings for you” he said, his words coming out almost too fast for you to process.
“Y/n, I didn’t want my feelings to ruin our relationship because I truly do treasure what we had, or had, as best friends, yet I allowed myself to break us apart somehow and I really do feel like shit because of it-”
“Jeno, it’s okay-” you began, cutting him off.
“No, y/n, it’s not okay,” he interjected, resuming his previous thought, “especially since you are finally returning home after two years away, I want you to be happy during this time,” his hands now shifting to play with a loose thread hanging from his shirt, “and I want to be able to be with you and share that happiness because I still remember the broken-hearted girl who was crying by herself in the practice room from homesickness.”
“Jeno, I...wow, I don’t know what to say” you mumbled, letting yourself fall into your seat, your thoughts running wild in your head.
“I know this is extremely sudden, but I just want our old relationship back. I want to stand by your side and watch you smile. I won’t even bother asking you to be my girlfriend because I know you’re going to reject me so don’t worry about that” he stated, dejection obvious in his voice.
Your head snapped up to face him, “what if I told you that I wouldn’t reject you?” Now it was Jeno’s turn to be stunned speechless. “I need some time to think this, to think us over” you confessed, motioning between the two of you to get your point across. “I need time, but I’m willing to be friends first before anything else” you conclude.
Jeno was wringing out his hands and picking his nails while smiling as he whispered “thank you” before he froze when you pulled him into a hug.
“I missed you” you murmured into his ear.
Jeno allowed himself to sink into your embrace before telling you “I missed you too.”
Both of you stayed there, enjoying the feeling of finally holding each other after being apart for so long until you pulled away to grab your phone just as it was about to slide off your lap. The display lit up and you realized you’ve been talking to Jeno for well over ten minutes, which made you worry about Soojin as she still hasn’t returned from the bathroom yet.
“I think I’m gonna go check on Soojin” you said, taking the blanket off of you as you stood up from your seat.
Jeno grabbed your hand before you could step out into the aisle. “She’s in my seat with Chenle,” he reassured, “I ran into her when she was leaving the bathroom and I asked her if she’d be okay with staying with Chenle for a bit while I talk to you.” You peered over the rows in front of you, and you found Chenle’s blonde head indeed next to your leader just as she playfully shoved him, no doubt playing that kart rider game everyone was obsessed with recently.
As you sat back down, relieved at knowing Soojin was okay, you shivered due to the few seconds you were exposed to the cold air hitting your skin as you searched for her. You do your best to steel yourself and not show Jeno that you were cold, knowing that he’d scold you, but he already knew you’d be cold when he saw you in the airport only in a t-shirt and leggings.
“You’re cold, aren’t you?” he says, more of a rhetorical and sarcastic than anything, answering his own question muttering “of course you are” as he leans back to take off his hoodie, unintentionally flashing you his abs in the process causing both of you to shy away from each other as he hands you your saving grace of the flight. You gratefully took the hoodie from him, letting out a sigh of relief when you pull it down over your body and feel its warmth made from Jeno’s body heat.
Jeno stayed with you for the rest of the flight and only leaves to go back to his seat when the flight attendant announces that the plane will be landing shortly. Luckily, your members were asleep and hadn’t witnessed your exchange with Jeno but they knew something was up when they saw you in the hoodie you certainly did not have on earlier.
Soojin smiled at you as she returned to her seat, buckling herself in while telling you “I’m glad you and Jeno are talking again. Not gonna lie, it was pretty awkward during rehearsals.” She only chuckled when you shrunk into the hoodie, pulling the strings of the hood closed over your face to hide your embarrassment.
By the time you arrived at the hotel, you were dead tired. You just wanted to shower and go to sleep which is exactly what you do once you reach your shared hotel room with Soojin.
You crawled into your bed, freshly showered and already half-asleep, ready to succumb to your exhaustion. Right as you were about to doze off, you heard your phone go off, pulling you out of your near-sleeping state. You reached around for it and turned it on silent once you got your hands on it, reading the notification that had rudely awakened you.
Jeno > y/n 12:13am: You looked really tired earlier so I’m pretty sure you’re already sleeping, but I hope you rest well. Only one more rehearsal tomorrow (today? Because it’s already midnight??) and we’ll be performing in front of your friends and family the day after! Let’s do well :)
y/n > Jeno 12:16am: I was almost about to fall asleep but I’m not mad only because it’s you 12:17am: Let’s show them the most powerful best friend duo in the world
You saw that Jeno had immediately read your message but you didn’t bother waiting for his response, already drifting off to sleep once again, though you wouldn’t have gotten a response anyways because Jeno thought you just friend-zoned him.
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From the start of your day, you were already swamped with activities, shooting tons of videos in your native language to thank your fans and prompt your group while also being an in-house translator for your other members as they shot their own individual videos. It wasn’t until after the full rehearsal started that you were finally allowed some time to slow down and rest. Your group had already finished the first performance in the show and now you were in the on-deck area waiting for NCT Dream to meet you guys for your short joint rehearsal before going on stage.
You heard them coming before you even see them, the infamous “hi everyone! This is Haechan cam with 37.5% viewer ratings” greeting ringing out from the hallway. You and your members didn’t know he’d be filming so you hadn’t done anything to take care of your appearances like hair and makeup but all of you respectfully stood up to greet him and the other Dream members.
Your members grumbled amongst themselves as Haechan left the camera filming during your on-stage rehearsal, saying how they hoped this section wouldn’t get aired because none of you looked good without your hair and makeup done as you all fell into formation. You hadn’t noticed Jeno’s presence behind you, “I think you look nice, don’t let the girls tell you otherwise”, his short affirmation startling you, barely having time to shoot him a quick smile before the music started playing.
You didn’t bother doing facial expressions since it was only a rehearsal and you already felt so drained. When it came time for the dreaded eye contact portion with Jeno, you were expecting the normal fierce look but instead, you were met with his eyes smile as he made faces at you, almost making you laugh. Jeno’s heart fluttered when he saw the grin you were holding back, happy that he was able to brighten your day, even if it was only for a few seconds. If this was all he could do to lift your mood, then that was what he would do.
The previous night, Jeno had convinced himself that no matter what happens between the two of you, friend zone or not, he was going to make sure you were happy and fully enjoyed this short trip because you deserved it. You were home, and home was the whole reason why he had met you crying in the practice room on that fateful night. He told himself that he’d deal with his own unrequited feelings later but for you, he’d temporarily push them aside so he could watch you flourish in the place you loved so dearly.
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Bringing you back to the current moment, as you walk out across the stage alongside your members to meet the boys of Dream in the middle. You look into the ocean of people, admiring the colors of the lightsticks and their almost hypnotizing effect paired with the screams from the audience.
You are beyond nervous, Jeno could tell that much from the way you struggle to find his face, even more so to meet his eyes. During the performance, when you again gazed over at him, ready for his predatory look, you saw another batch of his funny expressions, though this time you didn’t try to hide the smile that crept onto your face as he ruined his image.
To Jeno, he doesn’t care about all the bad pictures he’d see of himself or the whooping he’d get from the performance directors later. He was willing to endure it all if it was for you.
By the end of the concert, you were spent, all your energy thrown out of your body from dancing and rapidly switching between languages to translate all too frequently. When you joined all the senior artists for the final stage, you let your body go on autopilot as you wandered around, trailing behind your group as you tried to read all the signs and banners the fans were holding up.
You were lost in your own world until you felt two very strong and familiar arms wrap around your waist, almost scaring you enough to jump off the edge of the stage. You hear Jeno’s laugh from behind you and you whip around ready to beat him up for nearly shoving you off the stage but you stop in your tracks when he extends his arms out to show you a large banner of your country’ flag with the words “We Love You Y/N” stitched onto it.
You felt your heart swell with pride as you immediately took the item from Jeno and turned to face the audience, doing your best to hold it up, though your arms alone weren’t enough. Jeno grabbed the end of the flag that was almost touching the ground as he laughed at you while helping you to fully show the flag and thank the fans.
After you let them take a few pictures, you wrapped it around your shoulders and happily skipped off to rejoin your group, Jeno hot on your tracks as all the artists go into a line to do the final bow all together. As you ran past your members, Jeno snatched onto you, pulling you into the line right where your two groups met, lacing his fingers with yours as you both raised your arms up to bow to the audience. If only both of you could feel what the other was feeling, you’d know that the tingle of excitement you both felt was not one-sided.
When everyone came together for the group picture, you ended up getting smashed between the countless members of NCT alongside Soojin whose hand you had grabbed onto during the bow. As the cameraman started to count down, you were suddenly lifted into the air, feeling hands on both sides of your hips. You looked down to see Jeno on one side and Soojin on the other as they held you up, causing your smile to grow wider just in time as the camera flashed.
After they put you down, you turned around and caught Soojin leaning it to whisper something into Jeno’s ear, a simple “I will” was all he said in response. Once Soojin had already walked away, you were about to ask Jeno what she said, but he acted faster, almost aggressively pulling you into a back-hug with on arm around your waist, the other being used to wave at fans and point out the signs with your name and pictures on them.
You don’t know if it’s the close proximity of your bodies or simply the excitement from being able to pick out your own fans and thank them, but you felt a rush of adrenaline as you walked with Jeno. You looked up at him, admiring his side profile, finally understanding why his fans always called him a prince as you felt your palms grow sweaty and your heart skip a beat. Maybe you had just realized your own feelings for Jeno.
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Once the two-day concert was over, you stop by at your manager’s hotel room to ask if you were allowed to go out for the day, the urge to visit your hometown feeling stronger than ever. He graciously said yes, telling you to let him know if you needed any help and to be sure to take someone else along for safety measures. You thanked him and ran off towards the elevator, hitting the number of the floor you knew Jeno was on rather than heading back to your own.
You excitedly jogged down the hallway to his room and knocked on his door after double-checking his text message to make sure you had the right room. Jaemin opened the door, greeting you with his loud “ohoho!”
“Jaemin shut up, oh my gosh,’ you gasped, not wanting someone to file a noise complaint, “I’m here to ask Jeno about something.”
Jaemin pulled you into the room while yelling “yah, Jeno Lee, your girlfriend is here!” much to your embarrassment. Just as you were about to whine at him and deny Jaemin’s statement, you saw Jeno shoot up from where he was lying on his bed, grabbing the blanket in a failed effort to cover his naked torso and he flung himself off the bed, looking for a shirt to put on. You swear you could see a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks as he rummaged through his suitcase but you don’t know if it’s from the lighting of the room or if he’s actually blushing. You choose to believe the first option, not wanting to give yourself false hope.
You sat down on Jeno’s bed as you asked, “do you wanna go out with me?” to which Jeno froze in place as he tried to process your words. “I mean, would you like to go and spend the day with me because I want to go home and show you where I grew up” you blurted, quickly rephrasing your words as your own cheeks began to heat up.
Jeno only grunted a response, letting you know that he did want to go with you as he threw a shirt over his head. Jaemin let out a laugh of excitement while clapping his hands and squealing “eeheehee my babies are going on their first date together! Make sure to bring Nana some delicious snacks!”
“Yeah, we’ll get you the strawberry ones you love so much” Jeno said, causing Jaemin to pout as he flopped onto his bed. Before Jaemin could pester either of you any further, Jeno was already grabbing his things and pulling you out the door.
On the elevator ride down to the lobby, Jeno asked “so where exactly are we going today?” You pulled your phone out of your pocket and showed him pictures of your favorite restaurant from you old neighborhood as you searched up the directions on google maps. You started telling him about all the memories you had there and how good the food was, and though Jeno was listening to you, he was really only paying attention to your face. He loved the way the edges of your crinkled when you smiled, the was your eyes shone when you talked with so much excitement.
Once both of you were in one of the company vans and you had already given the directions to the staff member who’d be driving, you decided to take a nap in your seat, already dozing off before you had even left the hotel parking lot. Jeno took a moment to admire your sleeping form next to him, finding you just as beautiful as when you’re awake. He took a few pictures of you, not wanting to let this moment go to waste before he too allowed himself to drift off into sleep.
You woke up to Jeno gently shaking you and telling you that you’re outside the restaurant, your half-asleep state barely even remembering which country you were in. You took a few seconds as your brain started functioning again and you wasted no time in yanking the door open and thanking the staff member as you jumped out of the van, Jeno following your actions as you nearly ran into the restaurant.
The second you set foot through the entrance, the sounds and the smells brought back so many memories and you almost teared up though you quickly brushed it off as you switched into your native language and asked the hostess for a table for two. As you followed her through to all so familiar restaurant, Jeno looked around, admiring the artwork scattered across the walls as he said the phrase ‘so beautiful’ in your language.
You whipped around when you recognized the words he just whispered, “how do you even know how to say that?”
“Oh, I uh, learned it for you,” he stuttered sheepishly, his hand going to scratch the back of his head, “I wanted to be able to talk to you and the fans better so I’ve been learning it on the side” he explained, a slightly awkward silence falling upon both of you as you sat down at the table, thanking the hostess as she handed you the menus.
The silence was quickly broken when Jeno started asking you about the different dishes, his mind overloaded with the foreign language, and all the different options. You tried your best to explain them to him, though he ultimately ended up just letting you choose his food for him, trusting your judgment more than his at this point.
Lunch with Jeno consisted of him being amazed by the food and cutely repeating phrases you were teaching him and you taking pictures and videos of him, wanting to save this moment into your memories.
Once both of your stomachs were full and you had fought with Jeno over who’d be paying the bill, Jeno won, of course, you took a breath of fresh air as you walked out of the restaurant, reaching your arms up over your head while yawning as you felt the beginning of a food coma start to take form.
You made Jeno call the staff member to pick you up and take you to another location you thought Jeno would like as you skipped down the road to one of your favorite parks. He ended the call after he sent the address of the park and ran to catch up with you. You heard him coming so you kept skipping along until he got closer and suddenly stopped, essentially brake checking him and cracking up as he slammed into you, nearly knocking both of you to the floor.
As you grab onto him to stop him from actually falling face-first into the floor, you interlocked your fingers with his and pulled him over to the playground you used to hang out at with your friends all throughout elementary and middle school. It stopped before high school though because this was also where you had your first heartbreak the summer before your freshman year.
One humid summer night, you were here with your crush and you had finally worked up the guts to ask them out thanks to the confidence of starting a new chapter of your life. You were undeniably broken when they rejected you and walked away without even bothering to tell you why. You sat on the swing set, allowing your tears to fall in silence.
You tell this story to Jeno as you sit at that same swing set, his strong arms gently pushing you forward every so often. “How about I make this place a happier memory for you?” he suggests, moving to stand in front of you, his hands grabbing the chains of the swing to stop your momentum.
You let confusion overtake your face as your feet settle on the dirt beneath the swings, fully stopping your movement and looking up at Jeno. “Y/n, I just want you to know how utterly thankful I am to have met you,” he began, making sure to hold eye contact with you, “you’ve brought so much joy and happiness to me without even knowing it and i’m glad to be your best friend. I would’ve never thought that we’d become so close due to our backgrounds but that’s what makes our friendship so special.” He pauses, trying to carefully piece together his next sentence. “I know I told you that I have feelings for you, but even if I can only stay by your side as a friend, I’m more than happy to do just that as long as you are happy-”
You abruptly stand up, cutting him off midsentence as you let your hands go to his which were frozen in place from where he was previously anxiously playing with the hem of his shirt. “Jeno, I’d like to give us a chance.” His eyes widened as he looked at you, not believing what he was hearing. “I’d like to give us a chance if it’s okay with you” you confess as Jeno smiles at you before pulling you into his embrace.
You hug him back, letting yourself get lost in his scent, your head resting on his shoulder. “Does this mean I’m your girlfriend now?” you ask, giggling into his chest.
You lean back slightly to see him nod as he said “Y/n, the girlfriend to the one and only Lee Jeno”, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. He still held onto you, not even bothering to pull away when he pulls his phone out of his pocket to answer a call from the staff member who’d be picking you up.
Once he ends the call, he kept his phone out to check the time and you felt all giddy when you see that his wallpaper is a picture from the concert of him and Soojin holding you up as if you were Simba, your laughter caught and preserved in time. “You know, Jeno, one day I’m gonna be able to hold you up like that” you muse.
“Mmm, I wouldn’t set your hopes too high” he teases. You were about to hit him but he took off running towards the company van.
You chase after him yelling “Lee Jeno, this isn’t how you treat your girlfriend!”
He only laughs as he shouts back, “best friend first, girlfriend second” causing you to roll your eyes as you continue to run after him.
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A/N - this is inspired by a dream i had two months ago so it’s not really the best storyline lmao but let me know what you guys think. character inspo drawn from @t-aeycng​ as Soojin because she is truly a wonderful person and you should definitely check out her work as well
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taejeonie · 4 years
dream vs dream
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— i can’t find a gif of mark in dream vs dream :(( so take this screenshot :>>
“gotta go get em”
i present to u
markhee(HEE, i saw that reply and i loved it)
bffs forever mwah <3
i swear mark keeps laughing around taehyuck best friend goals
“mic test,,ncity...gotta go get em :)))”
video cuts to taehee moving her chair closer to mark
“hey, what are you doing?”
“i’m moving closer to you. what does it look like?”
“there you go again”
“iS it mY fAuLt fOr wAnTinG tO bE cLosE tO mY bEsT bUdDy?”
and mark just deadass stares at her but there’s this loving look in his eyes yes mark she’s still ur best friend and u love her bc that’s what bffs are <3
“ahh i knew you would be like this”
“how much do you wanna bet we’re gonna ask the same thing?”
“like,,,for real? cause-“
“are you scared, mark?”
“if that’s the case, i’m not betting. i have a feeling we’re gonna ask at least two questions that are the same”
taehee @ the camera: “if we get one of the questions wrong, we’re gonna eat it.”
“so that we can remember the answer after this.”
“but then we throw it away if we get it right”
“let’s fold the paper like this :p” MARK IS SO CUTE PLS
“but then eat it if we get right...you have to swallow okay?”
they play rps
taehee threw scissors and mark threw rock
mark, shaking his head: “you always throw scissors it’s so predictable”
“one day, i’ll throw u off. we’ll see -.-“
“okay, what year did we meet each other?”
“2012. we arrived at the same day, right?”
“mark and i were really shy back then so we became each other’s first friends in the company”
“we were,,,13? 13, right?”
“i was 12, u were thirteen. our friendship was going strong,,,until haechan came along so mark started hanging out with him more >:((“
“you and haechan fought a lot back then!!!”
in nana’s voice: “but you chose to hangout with me and you left me all alone (-。-; “
and mark’s in faux disbelief
taehee and her antics tsk
“okay next question....give me one thing i appreciate about mark lee and why?”
everyone loves u dont be shy markus
“one? just one?”
“that’s so hard there’s so many”
“just answer the question”
“is it...i’m cute?”
“then what’s the reason for that?”
“do you like me?”
“oh no...how’d you find out :OO”
“no,,i’ll give u another chance. it’s something that you say”
“my habits? ‘약간’?”
“that’s cute,,but no.”
mark snaps his fingers and goes, “AH!”
“when i call you ‘joanie’ becauseeee.....”
“it reminds you of your mom?”
“i was going for family but mom works too ;))”
and mark laughs in delight
“yo that was EASY”
taehee playfully rolls her eyes, “your turn”
“what is mark’s sleeping habit?”
taehee’s eyes widen for a split second before answering
“kissing your roommate”
“crawling on the floor”
“sleep talking in korean and english”
“that’s right”
“konglish” - taehee, 2k18
“i witnessed it personally and when i do get the chance, i will record it and post it on sns”
“...please don’t”
“you’re right i might get fired”
they both laugh,,you can also hear renjun’s laughter off-screen
“okay next, you’ll know the answer to this if you’re really interested in me”
“i feel uneasy”
“what is my favorite song as of now,,,,”
“uhh ‘better now’?”
“‘i like it’”
“‘better now’”
taehee puffs out her cheeks before giving him a clue
“it’s a song by one of your favorite artists”
mark blanks out for a moment and he’s like
and taehee sighs disappointingly bc so far she’s got two of mark’s questions right
i mean her questions aren’t that hard pfffft
“AH! ‘new light’ by john mayer”
“i told you to listen to it, right?,” mark says proudly
she nodded cutely before singing the lyrics
“oh i want a take two,”
“i want to breakthrough,”
and mark joins her and it becomes the perfect recipe for a louder duo
mark + taehee = loud
and now they’re calm again, “so i can see you in a new light~”
taehee: “applause!!”
“in how many cities did mark live in?”
taehee main rapper we stan
“f o u r,” she spelled in english
simultaneously: f o u r.
and they’re both shocked like the five year olds they are so they high five each other
“what is taehee’s most recent sleeping habit?”
“told you it would be the same”
“yeah but mine has a ‘most recent’ on it? see,” she gestures to the paper in her hand
“you raise your arm when you’re asleep”
taehee’s like >:(( as she puts mark’s hand down when he demonstrates
“there’s another one”
“ahh sleeping on the floor”
“yeapp :DD”
“why do you get on the floor tho?”
“honestly i don’t even wanna know”
“okay in what restaurant did we eat together”
“like...just the two of us?”
“do i have to name all of them”
“name the most memorable one.”
“ah 삼겹살!!!”
“that’s correct but there’s another-“
“wow you got all of them right”
“paper doesn’t exactly suit my appetite...but maybe it does for you”
mark laughs at this
“wait, see? i’m getting goosebumps right now. what was the first menu mark and taehee ate together?”
“just the two of us? isn’t it 김치찌개 also?”
“yes,” and the girl goes in for a high five
“woah we really wrote the same thing ...”
“we should’ve discussed this earlier”
“okay last question!!! are you ready?”
“yES IM READY,” she shouts causing mark to let out a giggle
“name the film that we watched together in the movie theater”
“train to busan. i loved that movie.”
“that’s right!!”
and they make their 93488293rd high five in the video
best friend tingz
mark laughs, “no one knew about this.”
“yeah we had to sneak out,” taehee says before making that
oops i did it again face
taehee and her escapades the managers have trouble monitoring her sometimes
but she’s a good girl for the most part lmao she still needs to pay rent
“i didn’t want to watch the movie-“
“but i forced him to”
“i thought you didn’t like scary movies?”
“scary movies are fine as long as i’m with....”
everyone expects her to say ‘the members’ but it’s taehee ffs
“...you ;)))”
“okay my turn,,,”
taehee suddenly throws the paper behind her shoulder and catches mark off by surprise
then there’s this look in her eyes which made mark laugh nervously, “whaaat are you gonna do?”
“are you tired?”
“is that the question?”
taehee nods, “ask me why,,”
“because you keep running through my mind all day ;)))”
*finger guns*
chenle and jeno laugh behind the cam while mark attempts to keep a straight face while shaking his head at you
“that was good right?,” taehee’s still laughing as she nudges mark with her knee
“oh really?,” mark says
“then you must be exhausted”
taehee: ( O.O )
taehee’s in shock bc??? mark lee??? flirting back???
“wah that was good...”
and mark’s just laughing at her expression
“wah .... i didn’t ....”
video cuts to taehee looking sullen while mark :))
“okay, the score is 5:4-“
“i’m hurt,,,clearly mark isn’t interested in me”
*proceeds to fake cry*
“hey, that’s no fair. the last question wasn’t even about you-“
*fake cries harder*
when taehee “calmed down” she looks at the camera
she’s still wiping her non-existent tears
acting queen give her an oscar
“from now on, i will try to be less interested in mark”
she turns to mark and makes this cutting/slicing gesture with her hand
and mouths “friendship. over. -.-“
“she gave the wrong questions. that’s why-“
“this was dream vs dream which ended in my victory. thank you for watching!!!”
they give each other a bro hug
and when taehee pulls away she looks down and pointed at mark’s shoes
“tie your shoes properly!!”
“but they don’t-“
“i don’t want you falling for anyone else ;)))”
mark shoves her causing taehee to go out of frame
“try to come up with a new one, i heard you use that on yuta-hyung already.”
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merrysithmas · 5 years
hi! what are your predictions for boris and theo’s future after the end of the novel? are they going to move together and where - new york or antwerp? is boris going to get clean? is theo going to find out boris lied about his wife and kids? please share your thoughts I’m really curious!
I don’t have any predictions bc I know that Donna will just ruin their lives - Lmao. But my FANTASY is that Theo becomes some kind of tenured art professor that travels back and forth from NYC to London with his grants from the high-brow University he works for — he’s head of Art History and looks up to the Dean of his school as a mentor and mother-figure (can’t get away from that one, can ya Theo).
Boris works in his underground Odessa mafia crime syndicate - stationed in Antwerp but often traveling to NYC, Tel Aviv, Miami, Budapest, London, Amsterdam, and various other places — Theo kind of on the DL works as his stony-faced accountant being a bit knowledgable on the laundering and financial fraud end of things himself (he used to dabble in millions in art fraud himself) and fine arts consultant, and everyone knows they are these inseparable partners of unknown dynamic. Boris, flippant and personable and wily, Theo quiet and elitist and aloof - always at each other’s sides.
So Theo’s become a bit of a “we have to find lost and stolen relics and return them to the places where they truly belong, or the very least to a museum!” and uses his grant money from his University to investigate such matters and has been successful in several returns (cue proud newspaper articles that Hobie framed and puts up on the mantle) and has brought some amount of prestige to the University.
However Theo’s philanthropic fixation often clashes with Boris’ “holy fuck this is worth 300 million dollars” attitude and there are hijinx, usually with Boris always caving and/or Theo making it worth his while by appealing to his Boris-ly interests (i.e. “Please I need your resources to go to Syria” “Are you fucking kidding me? For what a plank of wood?” “It’s a sacred Persian relic and it’s in the hands of people like Martin!” “Listen to my words, Potter. It is. plank. of fucking. wood.” “Fuck you, Boris. There will be gold.” “... Gold? How much gold exactly?”).
So as Theo dabbles in Boris’ life, Boris also pops up in Theo’s, unexpectedly interrupting Theo’s lectures in the halls of European museums, waving to the kids, pulling Theo away for “just a moment” as he explains someone in the museum in trying to kill him insisting they “switch coats” and Theo has to hide him in the archives. Or he plops down while Theo is eating outside in a café in Strasbourg, casually sitting down across from him while Theo grades papers and smiles to himself at the familiar shadow falling on his gradebook (they eventually get into a fight and Theo calls him a “walking contraceptive” before he blusters off and Boris is left to eat the rest of Theo’s brunch in the company of a bunch of diners who are side-eying him, taking to reading a paper Theo left behind while finishing his Gerwurztraminer).
Or Boris is exhuasted, burning the midnight oil, black rings under his eyes, thinner than usual, wiry and punkish, under the gun, dead asleep on Theo’s couch in his office at his London library University headquarters, and Theo carefully tucks a heavy woolen blanket around his shoulders as he sleeps like the dead, deep tired breaths, safe, at home, as the rain pours down like a flood outside and Theo smokes quietly in the dark working on another grant proposal.
Or Theo turns up at Boris’ door in Antwerp, late nightcap after a surprise flight for a conference and seminar that he hasn’t told Boris about, and he sees Boris has barely eaten for weeks, holed up after trying to figure he and his gang’s way out of some absolute fuckery they got themselves into and losing one of his longtime members in the process — grieving and he can’t show anyone else and it hurts. And Theo runs his hand through Boris’ hair, and Boris closes tired, red eyes. And Theo is cooking him a meal at 3am, putting on some boiling hot tea, insisting he “come home” for a while. To New York.
New York City in the winter — operas and symphonies — snow falling like feathers and covering Central Park, winter holidays from school and Theo doesn’t have work, gallery events at museums that Boris can complain about - the Old Rich Hierarchal stuffiness - the insulting of which always makes him feel a bit better. Old movies and (bad, hard) drugs and stealing shit for old times sake from Duane Reade even though Boris has enough money for the two of them to span three lifetimes. Hot showers after getting in from the freezing cold and Theo’s apartment is meticulous and Boris disturbs it like a tornado. And they sleep in and for some brief moments, sometimes, tipped over vodka bottles, creaking floorboards in the night, city sounds and Vegas-bright Christmas lights, it’s like they’re kids again.
Meanwhile on the other end Boris’ gang is like a second family to Theo — Myriam, Gyuri, Cherry, Anatoly, Shirley T, Dima (and all their girlfriends, wives, boyfriends - sometimes all three): one is constantly showing up in rotation somehow in Theo’s life. Either randomly in London pulling him off the street “casually” SWEARING he’s not the subject of an assassination plot, or turning up sheepishly and/or desperately at his doorstep for some Boris un-sanctioned advice that Theo feels he is not exactly equipped to give (advice on girlfriends or spurned wives or cheating or kids or haircuts or boobjobs or what’s “in fashion in New York”) but they keep showing up like he’s the crew psychologist so he just pulls out the dining chair at this point. Myriam, now a close friend forged by their mutual taste for the High End of life, keeps an eye on Boris for Theo when Theo is across the ocean — she knows why, of course, they all do, an open secret. The whole gang has them, a criminal syndicate of misfits.
And one day Theo comes to Boris with a proposal to go to Siberia to retrieve an ancient sacred object called The Divine Source (an source of immortality) that was coveted and obscured by the Soviet Union and Boris is like fuck no Fuck no because if there is one place on Earth that Boris fears and sends a shiver up his spine and he doesn’t fuck with - it’s Mother Russia. Growing up in post-Soviet countries it’s an unspoken unanimous agreement among the gang, an overhanging government that has mostly wanted or had their eyes on them all since they were kids for various reasons - stealing or living on the street or used by street gangs - something you don’t want to get involved with or retamper.
And Theo’s a bit obtuse, still American for all his worldly ventures and education, having grown up in relative privilege from a sociological standpoint, and is super upset about Boris’ refusal to help (and thus, his gang’s refusal to help) - thinking they’re overreacting or being bombastic about their fears. The Dean is insisting on his help and Boris has long held suspicions about this lady and has kept it to himself because of Theo’s adulation of her (Boris knows Theo and mother figures are let’s say, a sensitive spot). Not wanting to disappoint the University (and moreover - her) Theo says fine he’ll just go alone to which Boris freaks the fuck out claiming its dangerous and he’s going to get himself killed and the Dean is an untrustworthy bitch who is manipulating him.
Cue an all-out end-of-times fight with Theo basically saying fuck him for all time, he’s done. And Theo leaves for Siberia by way of Syria, and Boris is fuming, left behind.
Long story short Theo gets betrayed by the Dean in a moment of gutwrenching horrifying realization - he was being used, Boris was right, now she has the relic and he’s going to die alone and freezing to fucking death, shot by some operative from the secret organization that Dean is in — he hears footsteps, sees the armored guard walking towards him with a gun, feels his stomach drop and braces himself and then Pow - the guy falls to the ground after a blow to the head revealing— Boris, behind him.
And Theo, overjoyed, alive, is asking how the fuck he got here, what he’s doing here— to which Boris replies incredulously Who do you think has been keeping you safe all this time?
Then Boris, who is very much on edge in this place, gets captured and tortured and Theo is forced to find and hand over the Divine Source in exchange for his life — which he does, terrified of the Source getting into their hands but more terrified of losing Boris. The Source is then greedily opened and eats all of their souls (because of moral impurity reasons but spares Theo and Boris for their self-sacrifcing devotion to each other) a la Raiders of the Lost Ark because of what Theo discovers, excitedly, was a mistranslation in Aramaic (thief of eternal life, not giver) and Boris is like — talk about what do you call it? false advertising.
So they return back to Antwerp with nothing but they’ve got each other and they snooze hard on each other on the plane ride back — several pounds of gold glinting away in Boris’ carry-on under the seat, alongside some old notes of other obscure and stolen relics, because he unknowingly picked up the Dean’s bag, not his, when escaping the sacred city.
So basically their life is a mix of Lara Croft video games (when I got the Divine Source storyline lmao but added a few things), Eastern Promises, The Odd Couple, The Da Vinci Code, and dark academia mixed with shitton of doping. With this mostly unspoken bi-continental devotion to each other over-arching it all.
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
SFW Alphabet: Guanlin
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A/N: so if any of you don’t know what this is, you can refer to this post that i made a while ago. pretty much i go through the alphabet bc each letter represents a word and i have to write 2-3 sentences for each word!
A/A/N: I’m also tagging @laji-101 bc I know she loves Guanlin~
AU: Werewolf!Guanlin would be such a puppy. He’d trail after you whenever you have food and even if you scold him (“No, Guanlin, you can’t have any of my ice cream bc it’s mINE”) he’d just unlease his puppy dog eyes on you until you caved in. He’s also the type to just lay on your couch for hours, but the moment he hears you say you’re headed to the park, he’s running after you. 
Best Friend: tbh i feel like Guanlin would be such a chill friend. He’s the type of friend that just kinda goes along with the flow for everything, so when you mention going to McDonald’s at 3am, he’s doWN. He’d also be a lil shit too, bc he knows he’s freakishly tall, so he’s the type to hold stuff high above your head, just to laugh at you struggling. 
Cuddles: Guanlin is a lil bub, okay? And lil bubs need their cuddles. Since he’s so obnoxiously tol, I feel like he’d want to be the big spoon, like, all of the time. He’s the type to like it when you press your back against his chest so his arm can just protectively swing over your waist. Plus, he’s not against pulling you by the waist against him whenever you try to get up and get water or some shit lmao
Domestic: okay Guanlin has confirmed himself he’s a lazy bub, so domesticnicity is on the lower end of the spectrum. Expect him to either be splayed out on the couch while you’re trying to vacuum or just with his arms wrapped around yoru waist as you’re trying to cook. The only time he’d actively help clean or cook is when you start whining about how high something is.
Ending: Guanlin is pretty young, and I feel like he’s probably not that experienced with relationships. Keeping that in mind, breaking up with someone might end up being difficult for him, but knowing how he can be quite blunt, I feel like he’d just end up saying “hey, let’s break up.” He’d def spend time talking to them about the why, but I feel like he’d be pretty set on his decision. 
Films: Guanlin gives me mad action movie fan vibes for some strange reason. Like, this boy would watch a James Bond movie and then proceed to creep around the house on his tiptoes like a “spy.” I also feel like he’d be into home movie nights bc he can fall asleep on the couch right after the movie ends lmao
Groupmates: Wanna One can be quite overwhelming to meet. 10 older brothers of your boyfriend? Wild, dude, hella wild. They’d all be clamoring around each other trying to introduce themselves to you before Minhyun and Jisung pull you aside to put down some ground rules. I also imagine a really pouty Jihoon sulking in the corner bc Guanlin found a new favorite person. 
Hugs: yes,,,that’s all I’m going to say lmao. But in all honestly, Guanlin is such a tol noodle I feel like hugs would be gr8, like, he’s the type to go all in on a hug, just wrap you tightly in his arms. Plus, once he gets super comfortable with you, expect random hugs every now and then (even the occasional hug where he gets a running head start and proceeds to knock the breath out of you bc he overestimated his speed and impact force lmao)
Intimate: Guanlin is still pretty young, so I expect blushy cheeks and adorable stuttering whenever you give him a kiss on the cheek or a backhug. However, that’s at the beginning of your blossoming relationship. Expect him to get cocky once the two of you are more comfortable, and he’d be the one to swoop down and give you a kiss. 
Jealousy: So I’m split 50/50 rn on Guanlin and jealousy. Like he’d either be chill on the outside about it, letting you do your thing and only voicing his jealousy when you’re alone. oR he’d end up being a pouty oversized baby during the entire time. Like, you know how long his limbs are? Expect them to be draped or wrapped around some part of your body lmao
Kisses: giGGLY MESS OKAY. He’d be all about that cupping your cheeks while kissing you slowly and smiling into the kiss a lot, letting a giggle slip when he opens his eyes and looks into yours. He’s the type to like to kiss you on the tip of your nose, especially when you scrunch it up bc he finds you soso cute. And he loves it when you kiss him on the cheek bc there’s something intimate yet sweet about the whole thing. 
Little Ones: Guanlin is practically a lil one okay? A very tol lil one, but a lil bab at the most. At first he’d be scared out of his mind bc “omg what if I break one of them????” But at the end of the day he’s got a kid clinging onto each leg and one on his shoulders as he stomps around the room imitating a freaking megazord or some ish.
Morning: Guanlin is on the lazier side lmao so mornings would be spent trying to convince him to wake up,,,which you fail at so the two of you just spend your mornings in bed. Cuddling is a must and him lazily brushing your hair behind your ear is a daily occurance. 
Night: Expect Netflix on the tv as the two of you cuddle under the blankets bickering over which character is better. I also can imagine him as the type to eat cereal or, like, instant noodles at 1am with you bc lmao time is just a construct. He’s also the type to like getting ready for bed, like yall brush your teeth together, wash your face together, all that jazz, but the moment his head hits the pillow it’s lights out.
Open: I see Guanlin as this really bright, happy boy, but I feel like it takes a lot for him to open up. Like at first he’d tell you the basics, favorite color, food, animal, just the superficial stuff first. However, as the months past and the conversations between you two grow into hours and hours of talking, he’d definitely be the type to talk about what he wants in life and his dreams and his fears as the two of you lay face to face on the bed.
Photographs: I feel like he wouldn’t be super into documenting your relationship. def bc he knows his hyungs would give him hella shit for it Like, he’d like taking pictures of you to keep on his phone, so he can look at them fondly while he’s away, but sharing them? Printing them out? Nah fam. He’d much rather keep your candids (usually cute, but he’s got that one pic of you shoving two cupcakes in your face and it’s game over there) to himself.
Quizzes: Guanlin sometimes seem kinda sleepy and unaware, but I feel like he’s really sharp? Like I feel like he’d know your favorite food at each restaurant and your favorite flowers and stuff like that, he’d just never use that information lmao. Yall would be going out to eat, and this boy knows your order by heart and all that, but he would never order for you even if you left to use the restroom. 
Rain: This boy likes his naps, so when the raindrops start pattering against the window, expect him to be sprawled out on the couch. He likes using you as his own personal teddy bear, and when you try to escape, he swings his leg over your body to trap you. So rainy days are spent with him nuzzling his face into your hair as he hums a soft melody.
Sleep: I feel like he’s a starfish kind of sleeper. His limbs are just so,,,,,long, like I can’t imagine him sleeping in a compact form lol. I also feel like he’s the type to random wake up in the middle of the night randomly and start mumbling before going back to sleep. Like yall would be sleeping, 3am hits, and this boy wakes up and starts talking about Seonho and then just goes right back to sleep lol.
Try: I feel like he’d try to his best abilities. He’d probably go to his hyungs and ask for advice, regret his actions, and then consult the internet lmao. He’s a chill bf most of the time, but he knows on anniversaries and stuff those have to be special. But he plans those to be chill too, like dinner at your fave place or maybe a really cute park date with candles and stuff.
Ugly: This isn’t a really ugly habit, but he has a habit of putting things on the highest shelf. Like, yeah, it’s convenient for him, but when you crave chips, you don’t want to put in extra effort to get them lol. I also feel like he’s the type to drink milk straight out of the carton, and that’s just unsanitary. 
Victorious: yES, I feel like he enjoys at home kind of dates, so video game night is a must. He prefers playing Mario Kart, but after you beat him for the 100th time, he decided to stop playing that game with you on date nights. I also feel like he’s the type to just start 1v1 basketball in the park on day with you. he probs won but if you win he’d be highkey proud
Winter: Cold weather? He probably likes going to small cafes and bakeries to drink hot cocoa and eat pastries while watching the snowflakes fall outside. Also, expect a giant snowman to be built before all the snow melts. Plus, he’ll randomly start snowball fights, so always be prepared, aLWAYS.
Xtra: He probably really enjoys dog videos. Like, this boy is practically a giant pup himself, so watching actual pups do adorable pup things? Def his aesthetic. Expect him to run up to you with his phone one day and shove it right under your nose so you can bask in the adorableness too.
Yuck: I feel like Guanlin doesn’t like it when people aren’t straight up honest with him. Like yeah, he understands sometimes there are occasions where lying is okay, but he would def hate it if you did something bad and either put off from telling him or tried to skirt around the truth. He’s honest with you, so he expects you to be honest with him.
Zodiac: So, according to the internet, Guanlin is a Libra. However, I don’t feel like he fits it exactly. Yes, he is shown to be cooperative and sociable, but Guanlin doesn’t do self-pity. He doesn’t dwell on “oh, woe is me” he works on improving himself as a person. I feel like Guanlin legit would not care what zodiac you were, as long as you were nice and caring he’s down.
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Survey #76
“yeah, you’re a crazy bitch, but you fuck so good.”
do you ever think about what went wrong in your last relationship? we each made mistakes, and i feel more certain of this now that jason and i have talked. i, for one, gave up on life while still being alive. on jason's end, he, too, gave up on me instead of trying to rebuild me. do you know your best friend’s middle name? yes, colleen. she goes by her middle name, but her "real" name is elizabeth. you have to get a piercing, what do you get? vertical labret on my lip. would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? a standard poodle. ever driven into the ghetto to buy drugs? no. mom denies it and got pissed once when i mentioned it, but we once lived in sharpsburg, and that was totally the ghetto. do you own a gun? as i'm mentally ill/have had suicidal tendencies, i legally can't. my mother even can't because i live with her. would you rather sleep with someone or alone? with someone. while it's less comfortable, it's comforting. are there any songs that remind you of falling snow? or any songs that remind you of winter time but are not necessarily about that? dude, i have noooo idea why, but for whatever reason, "dreamer" by ozzy osbourne definitely brings to mind winter for me personally. is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you're looking forward to? hmmm, i don't think so... but then again, i live under a rock and am not informed on what's coming out so- wAIT IS OUTLAST 2 OUT YET what is something you wish you had learned earlier that you know now? how would this have helped you if you'd known it then? i don't know if there's anything, honestly... i used to say i wish i'd known jason would leave me, but i guess i don't now. because i loved, beyond explanation. i loved with such a naive innocence, and i don't regret that. when you’re interested in someone, do you let them know? according to my history, i do. what was the last compliment you received? someone liked my hair. i got compliments on it non-stop at the hospital. do you have any siblings? are they older / younger? 
 including half-siblings, tiffany, misty, bobby, katie, and ashley are older. nicole is younger. have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced? it has been pierced before, and i plan on doing it again very soon. favorite shoes you have EVER owned? the finding nemo once i had as a kid were fly as FUCK allergic to? pollen and silver favorite fruit? strawberries who was your first prom date? jason where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent’s house? i lived with jason, amanda, and jacob. if you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? in almost all cases, yes. the only situation where i wouldn't is if i was with jason at this very moment and he wanted to have sex, and he didn't have any. just apply the pull out method, and besides that, i shouldn't be ovulating right now, so i wouldn't get pregnant. do you think it’s bad to have sex at your age? no, i'm an adult. have you ever wanted to get drunk and take your mind off of everything? i sure have. how long do you think you will live? eh, probably early 80s, maybe even 70s... i'm not the healthiest person, mentally and physically. have you ever been stung by a bee? i have not. do you like the snow? very much so. how old are you? do you feel as old as you are? i am 21, but i certainly don't feel it. does the quality of a video, on youtube or a television, matter to you? at least very mildly, sure. it needs to be watchable at least. do you tend to listen to music that embraces your mood or does music dictate your mood? is it a little bit of both? i tend to embrace my mood with the music i pick. are there any books or films that have influenced your philosophy? if so, is there one you could name in particular? "johnny got his gun," i r8 8/8 what is the cutest animal? meerkat pups, oh my GOSH what seasons seems most fitting to your personality? in what ways and why? autumn, because everything is dying. :'D do you think you would be a good parent? i don't know, honestly... blue, black, or red pens; or another color? black do you like watching people play video games? yes, i do!! idk why, it's just entertaining to me. when was the last time you swam in a pool?  years ago what are your parents views on sex? err, in regards to what about it exactly? have you ever babysat before? yeah, for the neighbor. if your current boyfriend/crush suddenly moved away what would you do?  i'd be pretty devastated, honestly. if your best friend revealed she was a homosexual, what would you do?  well that'd be a problem, as she's married to a man. i'd be pretty concerned about what she'd do. have you ever dreamed about your wedding? i have. do you delete pictures of you and your exes off of facebook? nope. j and my pictures are still up there. ever plaigarised? no. i have too much respect as a writer. do you edit your profile pictures before posting them?  i do minor adjustments, of course. i was a digital photography student, we know aaall about the mandatory deception of editing. :P what's your middle name?  marie what's your wallpaper on your phone? lock screen is the bogeyman from "silent hill: downpour," but the artwork is from "anne's story." home screen is pyramid head from the white hunter comic. favorite tv commercial? the dirty mr. clean commercial mAKES ME SOB YA'LL SHOULDA SEEN ME THE OTHER DAY I WAS DONE what is your favorite type of cat?  hmmm. persians, sphinxes, ragdoll, etc... what religion were you raised in? are you still that religion, if you had one? catholicism, and no. i'm christian now. would you ever consider getting dreadlocks? nooooo. how many times is your cartilage pierced in your ears?  once. do you prefer to spend more time with your SO, family, or friends? why? in my history, my s.o. jason really just touched this part of my brain that just REALLY made me happy. if you see a homeless person asking for money, do you give them any? i'm not going to lie, no. i don't know that person, and WAY too many assholes are deceptive little shits. what will immediately disqualify a potential SO?  smoking, doing drugs, excessive drinking, abusive past, and i'm certain there are others i'm forgetting... i am honestly VERY picky. when was the last time you really panicked? when i overdosed a few days back. do you ever get eczema? nope. have you ever witnessed a serious physical fight? i have not. is there anyone you would do literally anything for?  honestly, yes. i'd kill for jason. it's very unhealthy and i wish the mentality would stop, but i honestly can't do much about it... do you enjoy corn on the cob?  i do. in your opinion, what's the ideal age to start having children? about mid-20s. what's the longest you've ever slept in one go? it HAD to be almost 12 hours. jason and i were up almost the entire night being horny whores and when i fell asleep, i was GONE. have you ever dated someone with an accent different than yours? no. does caffeine affect you, or not so much?  not very much at all. would you ever want to follow down the career path of your parents? no. but then again, they both dropped out of/didn't go to college, so... guess i'm not too far off. do you think “sleeve tattoos” are a good idea? *sexual moaning* if you have any tattoos, do you reckon you might regret them when you get older and have children? i sure won't. is there anything in particular that your parents argue about? what? just gonna say there's a reason they're divorced. do you act differently around the person you like? i mean, i'm happier. kissed someone you didn’t like?  on the cheek, never on the lips. ran a red light? no. experienced love at first sight?  nope. pointed a gun at someone?  no. had a gun pointed at you? no. dumped someone?  yep. lied to avoid a ticket? no. ridden in a helicopter? no. made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? i woulda preferred you to rip my fucking heart out. eaten snake?  omg no. puked on amusement ride?  no. been in a band? nope. been in handcuffs? i've been in full-body shackles on one occasion. i was going from the mental hospital to the court. what is your favorite breakfast food? pancakes. who do you (romantically) love? my ex, jason. do you enjoy kissing?  sure, yeah. what about making out? i r8 8/8 m8 where are you most ticklish? MY FEET HOLY SHIT where do you want to get married? gothic-styled mansion or similar building pls do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? yes. have you ever slow danced to a song you didn't know? no. if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? south africa. i want to photograph the meerkats at the kalahari meerkat project. describe your perfect partner. his name's jason. would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf? vampire, i think. the werewolf transformation seems painful. most embarrassing moment?  borderline having a panic attack because i was like really close to having an orgasm for the first time and i didn't understand what was happening to my body lmao. jason was super cute and sweet about it though and helped me calm down. would you ever consider getting married?  i want to get married. if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet? if it weren't so bad for them, i'd totally have a meerkat. what is your least favorite thing about your appearance?  my stomach. ew. have you ever had a bonfire on the beach?  no, but that sounds cool. do you listen to music while driving?  it has to be VERY quiet. or else i can't concentrate. have you ever received an autograph from a celebrity?  no. can you honestly say you’ve been drunk before? i have. is there a certain color of eyeshadow you prefer, if you wear eyeshadow? black as my soul. would you ever do something you didn't enjoy sexually just to please your partner? depends on what, really. like there are some situations where i'd absolutely draw the line, but here's an example: i don't like oral, but i guess i'd give it sometimes if it made him happy. when was the last time you watched south park?  probably not since j and i were together... i remember one occasion where we chilled in my room for hours watching it. are you italian? no. where’s the nearest game stop near you?  in rocky mount, by wal-mart. do you have any best friends that you only know online? i guess i still consider mini at least a very close friend, despite not talking much. i have other very close friends too, but not best, i guess. if you could, would you want to stay young forever? yes. being elderly is just, in general, inconvenient. not saying old people are, just the state of being old is. are you interested in anime? no more, no less than the usual person. hogwarts house: just took a quiz, and apparently i'm a mix of all? i very well coulda been off, 'cuz there was a lot of harry potter terminology that i don't know... what’s “out of bounds” for you during sex?  do. not. hit me aggressively. main thing. hickies - get ‘em or give ‘em?  i enjoy getting 'em, enjoy giving 'em. are you okay with rough sex?  hell yeah. i think i'd prefer soft and sensual more frequently, but i'm not totally opposed to just fucking. how big was the biggest dick you’ve ever seen? was it in a porn or in real life?  this survey sure took a sexual turn. but i've only ever seen one penis, so... how do you feel about daddy dom/little girl roleplaying?  nO JUST NO do you have any sexual regrets? i regret not going all the way with j. he was my first love, and he deserved to know me in every single way possible. have you had anal?  no, and i don't want it. do you like to spank/be spanked? i like being spanked, but not too hard. do you like teasing or would you rather get straight to the point? tEASE TEASE TEEEEEAAAAAASE are you able to have emotionless sex? fuck that. sex should be the epitome of physical displays of affection, imo. does penis size really matter?  honest to god, i don't care. it's not like a man can choose how "well-off" he is. describe an orgasm. oh wow. i don't actually think i've ever properly orgasmed, but i was extremely close once and totally panicked. it felt totally otherworldly, and i honestly felt like screaming, puking, and just exploding all at once??? i was so scared at first, but as i calmed down, shit was awesome. what’s the longest time you’ve had sex for? never had sex, but done sexual things for hours... like, all night. if you could change the person you lost your virginity to, would you? i would change the fact i didn't lose my virginity to jason. what’s something sexual that you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up liking? anr/abf surprised the FUCK out of me. i honestly thought it'd be really awkward and uncomfortable, but it's honestly an extremely stimulating and motherly sensation okay i'll stop before this turns into a pornish thing. but basically it taught me ya can't totally judge some things 'til you try it. give your best sex advice, GO. uhhh. ever tried sucking on your partner's tongue while making out? turned my ex the fuck on, at least. would you say you’re good in bed?  have evidence i was good enough. do you like gagging on cock/having someone gag on your cock? why? i just choked on my fucking drink. but no, because i like air. when it comes to oral, are you gentle? do you use your hands too?  i. was so. timid giving oral. i was so scared i was going to hurt him. i don't think i've ever used my hands at the same time. okay, how do you feel about handjobs? since we were stuck with foreplay due to my abstinence, we relied on handjobs a lot. they're great. have you had any unwanted pain during sex? i've had pain while being fingered, sure. but i guess it wasn't entirely unwanted. has anyone drew blood from you during sex, whether it was by cutting, biting, or scratching? how did you feel about that? no, never. have you ever fucked someone who was sad? did it help them emotionally or make it worse?  i'm sure i have, and he's done it to me when i was sad plenty of times, and yes, it's honestly a great mood booster. are you more submissive or dominant? i'm definitely more submissive. who’s your ideal sexual partner?  jason was nothing short of perfect. are you accepting “applications” for a partner? lmao fuck that i don't do no "applications" for this kinda shit. who was your first kiss with? first person to kiss me was juan, but the first person i kissed who reciprocated my kiss was jason. how far have you gone sexually? depends on how you rank sexual things, idk...? did you shave your legs today? done with the sexual questions, eh? anyway, no. have you ever made out with someone in public at all? no. do you think masturbation is dirty? not necessarily dirty, just lustful. have you ever made out in a hot tub? *adds to bucket list* do you play with the other persons hair when you kiss? jason had long hair for a male, to his shoulders, and yeah, i liked playing with it. have you ever smoked pot? nope. do you sing in front of people? NOOOOO. ever lived in a trailer park? no. have you ever had dandruff? no, but i have a dry scalp. though both cause flaking, they're still different. what would people say about you at your funeral?  i was very quiet and thought too much. what lessons in life did you learn to hard way? your actions have consequences. would you ever give up your life to save another?  i'm not going to pretend to be a superhero. it depends on who it is. what is stopping you from living the life you want to live?  money, health, willpower... ever held a newborn animal? kittens, yes. how do you dress when you’re not at work? i don't have a job, so. but when i'm home anyway, i'm dressed for comfort, usually in my pajamas. if i'm going out, i will dress usually in something like yoga pants and a graphic tee. do you care overly about other people? the only person i'd say i care "overly" about is jason. what was your favorite pokemon as a child? charmander (: do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements “we’re just dating” and “we’re together”?   technically the same in my honest opinion, but at the same time, "we're dating" also sounds more casual. if a person is brought up speaking both spanish and english in equal amounts and equally fluently, which language do they think in?   *KA-BOOM* have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?   it was pierced for many years, and i'm planning on getting it re-pierced very soon. last film you watched?   i just finished "finding dory" actually, now i'm watching "zootopia." when consuming a beverage that comes in a can, do you prefer to drink it directly from the can or do you pour it into a cup?   i like to drink it from the can.  tastes sliiightly different and is colder. what do you do to cure a headache?   sleep or take medicine. do you still possess any belongings from your childhood? do they hold some special significance?   absolutely.  i actually have two things i call "treasure boxes" where i hold certain, very special belongings.  nostalgia overdose. are any of your fingers or toes deformed? what about the nails?   no.  i would, however, call one of my nails unusual.  my right ring finger, its nail curves inward towards the base definitely more than it should.  it's so weird considering both my immediate sisters have it, too. when yawning, do you cover your mouth?   always in public, yes.  it just seems polite. as a kid, did you love playing on neopets?   neopets and webkinz were my SHIT.  i was more into webkinz, but neopets was amazing, too.  i loved the dragon one and the newer one that looked like a doggish thing with a stripe going down its body?  i think it started with an "x"? what is the background on your desktop? why’d you choose that?   on my own laptop, it's trico and the boy from "the last guardian" bc i love that game and its artwork.  on the laptop i've been using for like three months, it's a picture of my sister ashley and her baby aubree at the beach. are you comfortable with people going through your phone?   no, and i don't know why, actually...?  like i have NOTHING bad on there, it's just... weird? do you tend to daydream a lot? if so, about what?   i do, aaaaa lot.  aaand it's always about jason. e_e have any interesting conversations lately?   ohhh god.  not necessarily a convo, but lemme just make this known. chelsea: *creates fire w/ hairspray and lighter* *screams ensue* YOU ALMOST MADE ME COME HARDER THAN JASON EVER HAS then came the laughter and the stomachache from all the heaving what do you have pierced on you?   now?  only my ear lobes, and i'm livid about it.  i had to take my fucking piercings out at the hospital, and they closed up.  my ear lobes didn't tho, i guess 'cuz i've had them since childhood... but i am actually pissed. where do your grandparents live?   maternal: well, she technically lives in florida, but stays in new york with her son's family a load.  paternal: michigan. pencils; mechanical or traditional?   mechanical, by far.  eliminates the need to sharpen. what was the last zoo/aquarium you went to?   asheboro zoo or whatever it's called. what is the last big risk you took? did it pay off?   talking to jason face-to-face, absofuckinglutely.  that could've so easily ended in another suicide attempt.  but anyway, yes, it paid off. what's the closest you've come to death?   overdosing, i guess. what chocolate is your favorite?   milk who is your favorite blogger?  i don't really have one. what was the best thing you were given?  jason's love and attention, even if just for three and a half years of my life. have you ever cheated on your partner?  nope. are you over your past?  not in the slightest. did you try to change for a person?  ha.  he left too soon to give me a chance. e_e are you in a good or bad mood?   eh, i'm good for now. name someone you can’t live without.   no one.  after losing jason, well, i'm sure i can survive without anyone, ultimately. are you a crybaby?   10/10 do people praise you for your looks?   no. SEXIEST disney character that's not human?   okay sorrynotsorry but scar and steele are SEXY do you believe in the phrase “if it’s meant to be, it will be”?  ha!  no, sorry.  i refuse to believe jason and i weren't "meant to be." what do you put on hotdogs?  ketchup and mustard do you know how to play chess?   no. did you/are you going to go to prom?  i went to jason's senior and my senior.  man... i remember how shy he was when he asked me... it was so cute. :/ what’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? having a pilonidal cyst opened and drained while still conscious and insufficiently drugged.  FUCK THAT. what’s the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you’ve ever experienced?   jason leaving me. have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life?   not to my knowledge. are you a very open or private person?   open online, private af irl what do you get complimented on the most?  my hair who was the last person you talked about sex with?  chelsea or colleen what was the last deep conversation you had about?   jason.  i was talking with chelsea. why do some girls become so dependent on their boyfriend/husband?   well, i, for one, was rather dependent on jason, and it was because i needed a pillar, and he was strong, but i guess i put too much weight on him... i had no fucking idea it was too much.  as well, it was because i am not an independent person.  i'm a follower and act like a dog on a leash towards the people i trust.  it's simply my desire to be a loyal companion.  i don't know how to change that. do you enjoy going to church?   i do, but not for TOO long. what do you have tattoos of/what do you want tattoos of?   oh god.  you asked for it.  as for tats i have, i have a semicolon butterfly on my right wrist, "perfectly flawed" written on my left, upper arm, and "ohana" written on my right collarbone.  as for what i want, i have about 100 ideas, but i'm going to only list the ones i am quite serious about.  my next tat is of "denialism" by da's tatchit, and it's going on my right upper arm as a half-sleeve.  here's the list: - "... and you ain't got his smile" written maybe under my left breast.  it's a harley quinn quote, and i want it as dedication to jason.  which no, i will not regret. - the magic sigil thing from "shadow of the colossus" somewhere - either a pyramid head, robbie the rabbit, or halo of the sun tat to pay tribute to "silent hill" - "he who knows pain is dangerous" written somewhere, which is a rammstein lyric, in either english or maybe german - spider sternum tattoo - a hydra coming towards the viewer with "from slave to master, i've become the hydra" (otep lyric) written in a semi-circle above it.  i honestly want this on my lower stomach, like, starting above my private, but i most likely will not do this.  still thinking of where to relocate it. - "i believe what doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger" written somewhere, a quote from the joker. - "how long is forever?" "sometimes, just one second" from "alice in the wonderland."  i want the quotes in speech bubbles vertical of each other. - a harley quinn-esque design with "rotten" written on it.  on my right asscheek.  yeah.  talk about slutty lmao. - a large viper on one of my hips. - three sketch-style arrows going down my left lower arm - "once upon a time, i ripped the wings from my spine, but when i hide inside your eyes, i still pretend that i can fly" (otep lyric) written along my spine I HAVE SO MUCH MORE.  but my phone's dead (i have more ideas on there) and i have even more saved to my dead computer... are most of the adults you know married or divorced?   divorced... it's so sad. :/ when was the last time you were mistaken for a mom?   at therapy some time ago.  mom was with me, and she was babysitting. what is your mom’s and dad’s favorite tv show?   mom's: "the big bang theory," probably.  dad, idk. have you ever suspected your mom or dad of having an affair?   nope do you think buying second hand clothes is gross?   certainly not. does it gross you out when your parents kiss?   well, they're divorced, sooo... does your dad swear?   yeah. do you sweat easily?   i sweat like an obese pig.  it's due to one of my medications. if your last kiss asked you on a date, what would you say?   "absolutely!" when you like someone, do you picture what your children will look like?   no. when was the last time you drank strawberry milk?   elementary school when i tried it for the first time.  absolutely fucking disgusting. do you own a pair of fingerless gloves?   yup.  i was big into that in high school. did you have a good driver’s ed teacher?   he was fine, but i am 100% certain that on one occasion, if i had listened to him, we would have died. if you have siblings, which one of you is going to be married first?   ashley's already married, i'll probably never find anyone, so i guess nicole's next. did you kiss the last person you really wanted to kiss?   like, do you mean did i kiss him the last time i wanted to kiss him?  if so, no.  he barely even let me hug him. when your last relationship ended, how long was it before you felt ready to think about being with someone else?   it's been over a year and i still don't feel entirely ready. do you think it’s wrong for someone to commit themselves to a long-term relationship at a young age? explain.   no, and there's no real need to explain...?  obviously, even young people are capable of sincere love? are you legal to drink?   yep. do you have any dirty pictures on your cellphone?   i do not. what do you want more than anything in this world?   jason. last time you felt physical pain?   earlier today.  my stomach was hurting. last time you felt emotional pain?   i'm clinically depressed.  i live with emotional pain. what are you listening to?   "american horror story" is on.  it's actually a ptsd trigger, so i'm trying to watch it again to like... edit the memory.  i'm doing it with chelsea so i won't be alone. do you like your handwriting?   i do. do you own any dresses? if so, what colors are they?   i do not.  i wish. when was the last time you went tanning?   never. have you ever been in a car accident?   quite a mild one.
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