#soft fantasies lol where they live
giamee · 27 days
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╭─────────────────────── ( 🫀 )
there's a certain beauty and pain in being with someone carnally, and nothing more than that
› 〉 📂 .ೃ | friends with benefits, more angst than smut, like this is basically all angst no smut lol, kinda short too mb
header art (left to right) by pcrow ; artsquirre ; _sekidesu
╰─➤ 💌 ₍₁₎ being in a situationship is all fun and games until u catch feelings fr 😕. anyways. let's go thru that pain in this. lowkey i wanna make a part 2 to this with a happy ending cos im SOFT lmaooo
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BEING IN... WHATEVER THIS RELATIONSHIP COULD BE CLASSIFIED AS was not good for your mental health. in the past weeks that you and alhaitham had started sleeping together, you had been plunged into one of the worst emotional rollercoasters that you had ever been on.
what didn't help was the way he treated you so differently depending on the setting. you understood not wanting people to know, but did he have to ignore you entirely in public?
he wouldn't even spare you a glance as you walk past each other in the halls, eyes stubbornly trained ahead, leaving you steamrolled in his icy trail. and if you dare to try and talk to him- he'd look at you like you've grown a second head, completely shunning you and walking away as quickly as possible.
but it's a different story behind closed doors- in private, he's the sweetest man alive.
he'll whisper such sweet nothings into your ear, wipe your tears so tenderly with his thumbs like a lover would. he'd prop himself up with an elbow just so that he can gaze into your eyes as he pushes into you, even smiling at you as he watches the way your expression changes.
and the way he kisses you is what really throws you- always with such desperation and urgency, like he needs you in order to breathe when it's quite the opposite. he kisses you like he loves you, and the sensation is dizzying, perplexing when those fantasies are ripped from you in favour of reality.
but you know that you won't ever be his. not properly.
if it was meant to be, he'd at least smile at you as he passed. the more rational parts of your brain screamed at you to call it quits before you're sucked in too deep, but some part of you still held onto the hope that one day he would see you then smile.
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 THOMA.
IT TRULY HURT TO REMEMBER THAT you weren't actually dating thoma. it was easy to get fooled- he was a gentleman, making sure to treat you right even when you weren't fucking. he'd make sure that you were okay, and he never kicked you out as soon as it was over.
he'd ask about your day, take interest in you and what you're doing. and arguably, worst of all, he wasn't afraid to be seen with you. the details that blurred the lines defining your relationship seemed like an afterthought, if the way his arm wrapped around your shoulders indicated anything.
you were his, unofficially or not. it only took a glance to be able to tell.
you liked to think that he was yours, too. that you meant something to him- more than just a pastime and a stress reliever.
there were moments where it was easier to believe it- with the way his eyes remain transfixed on you as you writhe in pleasure, cries of his name leaving your lips- his little coos and reassurances buttering you up, having you right in his palm, so pliant and willing for him.
maybe he got off on knowing that he makes you feel good in every sense of the word. seeing you happy acting as some sort of foreplay, all so he can claim you as his in every way except the one that you wanted most.
the urge to tell him how you feel, those three little words that dangle on the tip of your tongue and fight to be freed, are a constant struggle. but something inside you, some sick gut instinct, stopped you from blurting it out every time.
the fear of his reaction- disgust? confusion? kept you uncertain. a part of you would die if he didn't reciprocate your feelings. it was better not to know, and keep living in the make-belief of being his without the label.
you could only hope that you would be proved wrong one day.
DESPITE EVERYTHING, YOU COULDN'T HELP BUT crawl back to him every single time. a never-ending cycle- one that you couldn't escape even if you wanted to.
both of you knew how it goes. you unblock him, play coy for a few messages before he's telling you to come over. you fuck like it's the last time you ever will- it never is- and then you spend the night.
he'll hold you, play with your hair, even kiss you, and you pretend that it's enough. if you're lucky, he'll even lend you a shirt that smells of him to sleep in.
and this facade is fine- while it lasts. but then you remember why you blocked him in the first place- the forced indifference, his refusal to open up. the way it hurt your heart to be pushed aside.
and then you go and ask him what you mean to him. he'll smile at you without mirth, the both of you knowing how this conversation goes. he doesn't want anything serious. you want more.
and then it's tears, you ripping off his shirt and throwing it back at him, storming out of his place and blocking his number with shaking fingers.
you cry yourself to sleep in your cold and empty bed- already sorely missing the warmth of his body as he holds you close to him in his sleep, whether he's aware of that or not.
and you're fine, you tell yourself. you can live without him. and you do, for a little while. honestly, he's the last thing on your mind as you distract yourself with work or seeing your friends.
but then a lonely night gets the best of you, abd you find your finger hovering over the call button next to his name. and you press it, cursing yourself for doing it.
he picks up at the third ring, voice smug as if he knew you couldn't go much longer without him.
and he's right, unfortunately.
you're already out the door, on the way to his apartment.
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𝜗𝜚 genshin impact masterlist
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hyperactively-me · 9 months
king!ghost x reader -- exploratory
it’s giving anakin and padme in the fields in that one scene from attack of the clones except add in smut 💐
warnings: smut, virgin!reader, loss of virginity, missionary (also yes i am aware that this is fantasy and theres no protection here, she's not gonna get pregnant from this time because i say so lol i make the rules!)
Under the vast expanse of the open sky, the gentle clip-clop of hooves resonated through the serene countryside. You and Ghost rode side by side on your horses, the wind playing with your hair as you explored the winding trails and rolling hills of Kastron. You were rarely let out of the castle, so this little day trip with Ghost was meaningful to you. You were excited to see the natural beauty of Kastron. There was an air of freedom around you, the two of you escaping your responsibilities just for today, finding solace in the beauty of nature. 
As you rounded a bend, the landscape before you transformed into a breathtaking sea of color. A ginormous flower field stretched out like a living painting, petals swaying in the breeze like waves on a tranquil sea. Your eyes widened in awe, a delighted gasp escaping your lips. You reined in your horse, a large grin forming on your face. 
“Simon, look at this!” you exclaimed, your voice tinged with excitement. 
Ghost pulled his horse to a stop beside you, his gaze following your pointing finger. The corner of his lips quirked up as he studied your reaction, his normally stoic expression softening in the presence of your sheer delight. 
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice warm.
You turned to him, your eyes sparkling. “I've never seen anything like it! I’m going to see it up close.” You slide off the saddle, patting your mare before turning to face the fields. 
"Of course," Ghost replied, his tone holding a hint of amusement. He sits high atop his horse, studying your form. 
The scent of flowers filled the air, wrapping around your body as you entered the field. The world was a carousel of colors – vibrant reds, delicate pinks, and radiant yellows, – all coming together to create a rainbow. 
Unable to contain your enthusiasm, you let out a joyful whoop, throwing your arms up in the arm. You spin around, your arms outstretched, face upturned to the warm sun. Your laughter blended with the rustling of greenery in the breeze. Turning your gaze to Simon, you found him watching you with an affectionate glint in his eyes. Your elation mirrored his expression, and a comfortable silence settled between you.
With a mischievous grin, you whip around and take off running through the field, your feet sinking into the soft earth with each step you take. Simon’s gasps for a moment, watching you take off. He jumps off his horse, following you as you twirl and skip amidst the flowers. His heart swells in his chest at your joy, in your simple infatuation with the fields of flowers. You’re dozens of feet ahead of him, your dress whipping in the wind as you frolick. 
Yet, as you looked back to see where Simon was, you stumbled over your own feet, your laughter mixing with a surprised yelp as you fell to the ground. Simon’s heart lurches, and he breaks out into a sprint towards you, his concern immediate. 
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” he asks, chest heaving, falling to his knees beside you on the ground. 
You roll over onto your back, your hands hiding your face. He can’t tell if you’re laughing or crying. 
“D- don’t cry,” he says gently, hands hovering over your form. 
You bring your hands down over your mouth, and he sees your eyes are filled with mischief. 
You burst into laughter, unable to contain the amusement bubbling within you. As your eyes meet his concerned gaze, you can’t help but laugh even harder, your mirth contagious. 
“I- I’m not crying, Simon!” you manage to get out between fits of laughter.
Simon blinks at you, clearly confused by your reaction. Relief starts to mingle with his confusion as he watches you laugh, and then his lips slowly curl into a reluctant smile. 
“You scared me for a moment,” he says, letting out an exhale. He looks at you, your smile, your beautiful face, and it suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. He rips his balaclava off his face unexpectedly, catching you off guard. You look up at him, mouth slightly agape as your laughter dies down. 
Suddenly, he straddles you, swinging his legs on each side of your body. He presses his hands into your shoulders, fingers gently squeezing your soft skin. You gasp at the feeling of his body on top of yours, and you bring your hands up to hold his wrists. You grin up at him, your eyes dancing with amusement. The flowers you’re laying in surround you like a colorful crown. The sight of you laying amongst them makes Simon’s heart pound. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just clumsy…” you murmur, brushing his tousled hair with your fingers.
He just looks at you. Your eyes flit to his mouth, his lips slightly parted. He hovers over you, unspoken desires hanging in the balance of the moment.
“There’s something I’ve been wanting to do all day,” you whisper, trailing one of your hands up his chest. 
Before he could respond, you closed your grip on his tunic and gently tugged, pulling him down towards you. The surprise in his eyes turned to a mixture of warmth and anticipation as your lips met in a soft, tender kiss. 
He groans quietly into your mouth, his hands drag up from your shoulders to cup your face. 
As you pulled away, Simon’s lips curved into a genuine smile. "That was worth tripping for."
You chuckled, your fingers tracing patterns on the fabric of his tunic. "Definitely worth it."
He kisses you again, pressing his hulking body on top of you. He slides his tongue into your mouth, his hands cupping your cheeks to deepen the kiss. You gasp into the kiss, eyes instinctively screwing shut because you’re so full of anticipation and your body has gone to jelly because Simon is engulfing your senses, so big and strong, so perfect, as he kisses you. 
The warmth of his body against yours ignites a fire within you, the moment intensifying as he gives you more, more, more. Every touch, every caress means something more than it ever has before.
He breaks away from the kiss, panting with his face flushed. He licks his lips, pupils blown as he stares at you with nothing but adoration. 
“Si, please.” 
That nickname, the breathy please that fell from your lips. 
It was over for him. 
In an instant, he’s latched onto your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses along your skin, hands running down the sides of your body. He presses his hands into your sides, squeezing your soft curves. He lifts his head up from your neck when you let out the quietest, breathy moan. He looks down at you, your mouth slightly agape, his eyes search your face. 
“Do you trust me?” 
You lick your lips, nodding your head.
“No, no, darling, I need to hear you. Use your words.”
You shudder at his words, at his implications. “Yes, I trust you.”
“Good girl.”
He delves back into your neck, sliding his hand behind your head to push you closer to him. 
“Wanna make y’feel good,” he mumbles into your neck between kisses, nipping at the sensitive skin. Warmth floods your face as he speaks, your core growing wet with arousal. You press your thighs together in an attempt to alleviate the growing pressure in your core, your clit throbbing as he kisses you. 
Your hands brush over his broad shoulders, swallowing as he works on your neck. Suddenly, he starts sucking hard at your skin, putting pressure into the curve. He kisses a trail from your neck, up to your jaw, then the corner of your mouth. You gasp quietly, and he pulls away, admiring his work. The feeling of his feather light breath on your skin makes you shiver ever so slightly, arching your body up into him. He lets out an amused huff, running his fingers through your hair. 
“What do you want, lovie?” he coos, twirling your hair in his fingers. 
“Everything,” you moan lightly, your fingers finding their way into his hair, pulling him close to you as your heart races. 
He nods once, then tilts his head to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. He’s so gentle with you, methodical and patient in a way you’ve never experienced or expected from someone like him. 
“‘M gonna take my time with you,” he says gently, searching your eyes. “Tell me, please, tell me if it’s ever too much at any point.” 
You cup his face with your hands. He flicks away a stray flower petal that fell into your hair. 
“I trust you,” you smile at him, stroking a thumb along his cheek. 
With that, he slowly makes his way down to your legs, hands pressing into your ankles as he starts to lift your legs over his shoulders. He starts to bunch up the skirt of your dress, pulling it up ever so slightly to give him access to your dripping core. 
“Wait, won’t someone—”
“No one will see, I promise,” he says firmly, giving you a reassuring squeeze before delving under the skirt of your dress. “Besides, there's no one around here for miles,” he chuckles under your skirt. 
The anticipation nearly kills you as you feel his hot breath on the insides of your thighs, your pussy throbbing for pleasure. He peppers light kisses on the insides of your thighs, calloused hands gripping onto your supple skin with purpose. One of his hands cups your clothed sex, a finger tracing the thin cotton of your panties. You’re so wet already, and he had only kissed you.
“S’ wet already,” he murmurs. “Sweet girl.” 
You gasp, hands reaching out to your sides in the earth as he slowly, agonizingly slowly, pulls your panties down your legs and around your ankles. 
And then, as soon as he fully pulls your panties off, his mouth is on your core, licking a single stripe up your wet pussy. A light moan slips from your lips as this newfound sensation, grasping the grass and flowers around you, pulling at the flimsy stems for support. Simon starts to run his tongue in circular motions around your clit, applying pressure into it as he expertly explores your pussy. You moan louder now, more freely, as he applies pressure, thighs quivering as he sucks on you, lapping your wetness like a man starved.
You can’t take it anymore, you pull your dress off his head, raking your hands through his hair as he laps at your sweet cunt. You watch as he delves in and out, watch as his nose presses against your clit just right, his tongue pressing into your hole ever so slightly. Your back arches as he hits a particularly sensitive spot, tugging his hair as you moan. Simon flits his eyes to you, still lapping at your pussy with an eagerness as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. That cheeky bastard. 
“Si,” you whimper, a plea for a moment to take in what you were feeling. You make another sound, a mix between his name and a moan, all high pitched and breathless, and he groans, his pants feeling extra tight and restricting. He exchanges a groan into your core as he holds you tighter.
“Taste s’ good f’me,” he grunts against you, “such a beautiful girl."
His groans are muted but dripping with desire against your wet cunt, pulling and sucking your clit into his mouth. You writhe under him, moans freely slipping from your lips, pressing your core up against his face as you arch your back into him. You can feel him salivating against you, worshiping you like a man starved, like you were the most precious thing in the world. You are to him, though. You’re everything and more to him.
The coil deep within you starts to build towards a climax, your muscles tightening as he works on relaxing you, on helping you reach the pleasure that you so highly deserved.
“Let go,” he says against your clit, squeezing your thighs in encouragement. The huskiness of his voice, the way his tongue expertly explores your core is enough for the coil in your abdomen to unravel, and you cum on his tongue. You moan breathlessly, muttering his name, chest heaving as you let go. 
“Sweet, sweet girl,” he breathes as he pulls away, licking your dripping wetness from his lips. “Perfect, beautiful girl.”
You keen at his praises, tugging at his hair harder as he lifts up from your core. His cheeks are flushed, lips swollen. You’re panting, heart racing, staring up into the sky, blissed out from your first orgasm. You whimper as you watch him lick his lips, and you reach your hands out for him to come to you. He immediately obeys, and as he hovers over you, you can see how his cock is straining against his pants. You push yourself up onto your elbows, eyeing his bulge for a moment before he kisses you, hard and deep. He shoves his tongue in your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. 
“So good,” you say in between kisses. Your hands dragging up to the collar of his shirt. You start to paw on it, wanting him to take it off. 
“Take this off, please,” you beg, fingers sloppily moving to the buttons of his shirt. 
The way you say please so prettily, he’ll do anything for you. Anything.
He doesn’t wait to unbutton each of the buttons of his shirt, so he rips the shirt off, popping the buttons off as he rips the shirt off. 
“Ohhh-kay,” you whisper, taking in his bare chest. This wasn’t like when he fell into the lake, no, no, this was better. You run your hands over scars littered across his coarse skin, feeling him shudder under the touch of your soft hands. He lets you just, touch him, feel him. It’s quite nice, honestly, he thinks. He studies your face, your eyes growing wide as you run your hands across his chest and up to his broad shoulders, and squeeze them tightly. 
Absent-mindedly, Simon reaches up by the side of your head, plucking a rather large wildflower from the ground. Slowly, he slips the flower behind your ear, pushing away stray strands of hair from your face. 
“So beautiful, darling,” he sighs contentedly, his voice confident and full of pure affection. 
His eyes meet yours, and for a moment, the world around you seems to fade away. A warm blush creeps onto your cheeks as you smile at Simon, your heart fluttering in your chest. His touch is gentle, and his actions speak of a tenderness that leaves you breathless. You find yourself lost in his deep, brown eyes. 
“I’m yours, Si,” you murmur, as you start to slip the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. “All yours.”
He watches, entranced, as you pull your sleeves down lower and lower, and immediately he reaches up to help you. He takes the fabric of your gown into his hands, and he shimmies it up and off your frame, casting it to the side. 
His breath is caught in his throat as he takes in your naked form, eyes unabashedly raking down your body. You swallow the lump in your throat, the nervousness once taking a hold of you dissipating as he looks at you with nothing but adoration and devotion. His hands trace down your shoulders to your breasts, an animalistic desire to take you then and there strong. But no, no, he was going to take his time, be gentle, focus solely on you. 
“You really don’t understand what you do to me,” he says, kneading the pillowy flesh of your breasts in his hands, tweaking your nipple, pulling a string of light moans from you. 
He lowers his head down, latching onto your nipple with a contended hum. His hand grazes from your side, past your thigh, and down to your dripping core. His fingers tease your clit, and you gasp with a jolt. He chuckles against your breast, mouth moving to your other. His finger traces down from your clit to your entrance, and just before he pushes a finger in, you gasp out. 
“I– I’ve never—”
He raises his head immediately, looking at your flushed face. You bite your lip, eyes looking away with embarrassment. Simon’s face morphs into a gentle, reassuring smile. 
“Shh, shh, I understand. Let me take care of you, darling,” he coos, stroking your skin. “Relax f’me.”
With a breath, you nod your head, and try your best to relax your muscles, breathing in and out steadily. You stare up into the sky for a moment, grounding yourself, watching passing clouds casting shadows all around. 
He agonizingly slowly plunges a single finger inside you, stilling for a moment as he feels you adjust. You shudder for a moment, your mouth open slightly as you take in his thick digit.
“Good, good girl,” he encourages, slowly pumping his finger inside you. Your back arches involuntarily, your hand sweeping in the flowers, plucking some out of the ground from your grip.
Simon grabs your hand with his free hand, allowing you to squeeze it as he works his way into you with a second finger. He starts curling his fingers inside you, reaching places you never knew existed. You let out breathy moans, gripping his hand as he picks up the pace, fucking you with his fingers. 
“So perfect,” he mutters, pressing his thumb into the thumb of your hand, massaging it slightly. 
“Simon, feels good,” you manage to spit out, your eyes fluttering closed as you just feel. Your wetness is gushing around his fingers.
“That’s it, lovie,” he encourages, voice sickeningly sweet. “Just one more.”
He plunges a third finger in, and you have to hold yourself back from screaming. 
“My perfect girl,” he praises as you take in his third finger, now reaching deep inside you. A deep set moan releases from your throat as you take in three of his fingers, wincing just a bit from the large adjustment, but feeling pleasure nonetheless.  Simon remains the embodiment of thoughtfulness and care, taking you in as you are, knowing that he has the privilege of being intimate with you. The way he stares at you in amazement, in awe, in affection has something growing even deeper within him. He loves the way he can make you come undone, the way he’s the only one who is allowed to see this side of you, the way he’s the only you trust fully and completely like this.
And with that, he can’t hold back anymore. He kisses you deeply, his fingers working in you slowly, methodically. 
“Simon, please,” you beg, panting between kisses, your core aching for more than just his fingers, “need you.” Your clit is throbbing as he presses into it, building up another orgasm. The way your fingers flutter around his fingers makes his cock jump, suddenly painfully aware of how badly he wants to be inside you right now. 
“I know, darling,” he soothes, yanking his pants down, his aching cock springing free from the confines of the fabric. You start to feel your muscles pulling, your wetness building up as his fingers hit a spot inside you, beckoning you to cum.
“Cum on my fingers,” he grunts, the pressure of your velvety cunt around his fingers making him move faster, reach deeper. You swallow heavily, your hips bucking into his hand a few times before cumming, soaking his fingers. 
“I need you, Si,” you’re practically crying, pawing at his chest for more. Your clit is throbbing, cunt aching for his cock. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he says again, sucking your slick off his fingers with a satisfied hum. You watch him, mouth agape. 
“Please,” you groan again, wrapping your legs around his waist, beckoning him towards you. 
In a rush, he’s checking you over, making sure you’re comfortable in the plush grass before lining the tip of his cock up with your entrance.
Slowly, he pushes the tip inside you, letting you adjust to the size of his cock for a moment. Your eyes threaten to roll into the back of your head as he barely pushes his way inside you, but this feels better than his fingers. Much better. The stretch wasn’t without some pain, but you bear with it, gripping onto him as he starts to push himself inside you further.
“I know, I know, you’re nearly there, sweetheart,” he coos into your ear, his deep voice rattling your eardrums.
He lets out his own moan, feeling the way your pussy squeezes him just right. Your back arches at the sensation, a gargled moan slipping from your lips, encouraging him to slide the full length of his cock into you.
“F– fuck, lovie,” he moans, his voice high-pitched and husky. “So perfect—”
He finally bottoms out, hips meeting yours as you both pant, the stretch feeling so fucking good. He stills for a moment, relishing the way you squeeze and flutter around him, relishing the way your face is contorted into nothing but pleasure. 
“Fuck me,” you plead, hands reaching to his shoulders as he hovers over you.
He grunts and thrusts himself into you as deep as he can. And it’s nothing like you’ve ever felt before. You can barely breathe as he sets a pace, slow yet not teasing. He works his way into you with a reigned fervor, his hands gripping onto you like you could break into a million pieces. You feel like you’re floating on air, your back arching, pressing into him as he pumps inside of you. Your eyes are half-lidded, your vision being taken up entirely by Simon. His eyes meet yours and for a moment, you swear he falters. He’s taken with you entirely, your eyes on him is all he needs to be happy in this world, he decides. 
He hisses as you drag your fingernails down his back, holding onto him as he starts to move faster, harder. 
“My beautiful, perfect wife,” he grunts, rocking into you. He beckons you to wrap your legs around his waist, yanking you closer to him. 
“So soft, so soft,” he groans, lips meeting your neck in an open mouthed, sloppy kiss. “S’ happy you’re my wife.” 
Your face flushes at his words, too flattered by his words to say anything. Pure bliss courses through you as he praises you, fucking into you like a man starved. He hits a region deep inside you, and you moan abruptly. 
“That’s it,” he groans, his own eyes threatening to roll into the back of his head as he watches you intently. A coil builds faster by the second, your stomach muscles clenching.
“Si—” you manage to moan, your hands moving up from his back to cup his face.
Tears blur your vision as you stroke his cheek, and he almost stops thrusting in you at the sweet action. In a flash, he’s moving faster, the colors of the flowers around your body becoming a blur as his vision narrows in on you, you, you. 
His hands slide down to grip your waist, his hold on you tightening. Your hands move to clasp around his neck, pulling at the hair on the nape of his neck, your movements sloppy as he fucks you so nicely, so perfectly. He has to will himself to stay upright on top of you, wanting to pass out from how fucking beautiful you look, how fucking perfect you are to him. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, my perfect wife,” he moans, trying to express just how much he fucking loves this, how much he holds you in high regard. 
“I love you,” you blurt out, yanking him down on you. And then he’s pulling all the way out, just to slam into you again, and he can’t even find the proper words to respond, just absolutely fucking you into the flowers. 
“I love you,” he strangles out, bucking his hips helplessly into yours, and you press a kiss on his shoulder. “I love you, I love you,” he groans, letting you pull his face towards yours as you give him a deep, sloppy kiss. 
“I’ve loved you–” you try to say, your mind foggy as you leave open mouthed kisses along his face and neck, going down to his collarbone as he ruts into you. Simon mewls, his head dropping to your neck as you work on his skin. The coil within you is about to snap, your wetness coating his cock perfectly.
“Let go,” he says, pumping into you deeply, hitting a point that his fingers couldn’t even reach. “Let go, sweetheart.”
With that, you let out a garbled moan as you cum on his cock, clenching your eyes shut as you ride out your orgasm, the world fading away as if it's just you and him. His cock twitches inside of you as your walls flutter around him, his cock pulsating and throbbing, pent up from fucking into you. He breathes heavily, cumming into you with no remorse. God, you think you see stars as you feel him fill you up, moaning lightly as he slows to a stop. Simon is hovering over you, his hands planted on both sides of your face. 
“I love you,” you say again, wrapping your arms around his neck, prompting him to lay on top of you. He stares at you, mouth agape, blinking slowly.
“I thought I dreamt you saying that,” Simon says quietly, before letting himself drop on top of you. You grunt as he lets his full body weight rest on top of you, but you didn’t mind. It felt good. Felt so good having your husband laying on you like this, after the most intimate moment you’ve ever shared with him up until this point. 
He turns his face to press a kiss to your cheek. He picks more flowers from the side, stuffing them behind your ear, pushing stray hair out of your face so he can see you clearly. 
“I meant what I said,” you whisper, voice hoarse. You brush some stray grass out of Simon’s hair as he goes to lay his head down in your neck. 
“I know you did,” he whispers back, inhaling your scent.
“I love you, too,” he says, leaving a gentle kiss on your pulse. 
. . . 
After laying together for a little longer, he begrudgingly gets up to slide his pants back on. He goes over to your dress and undergarments, again, begrudgingly helping you get dressed again. You blush as he slides your panties back on your legs, breath seizing in his throat. When he finally pulls up the sleeves of your dress, you take his hand in yours. 
“Si, I honestly don’t think I can ride my horse back home,” you blush, securing the flowers behind your ear. 
“Ah,” he nods, looking down at you with a small smirk. “Of course.”
Suddenly, he scoops you into his arms, carrying you as though you weigh nothing. You let out a small yelp, fastening your arms around his neck securely as he makes his way over to the horses, both grazing on some grass a while away. 
As he approaches his horse, he sets you down for just a moment, reigning in your mare. With a lead, he attaches your mare to his horse. You watch him for a moment before he’s back on you, lifting you up so you can sit side saddle on his horse. With a grunt, he swings on behind you, gripping your waist so you can sit steady. 
“Thank you,” you smile, leaning your cheek on his chest. 
“Anything for you,” he says, motioning the horses to go home. 
You didn’t notice the bouquet of flowers he had shoved in his back pocket.
A souvenir to remember this day by. 
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Not me having delusional fantasies and living in my delulu era of being a housewife for a possessive guy...my sanity is messed up and I think I need help lol. But I'm a huge sucker for wearing those pink aprons and having mittens on my hands while my imaginary non existent husband nuzzles my neck...I really need help at this point...
By no means did Taesoo ever think there would be a time when he would end up falling in love with someone so much to the point that he would literally be willing to kidnap them to ensure they become his. Had anyone ever told him that fine day would come he would have just laughed in their face and would have ended up punching the lights out of them while mumbling something about how he doesn't see the need for love. The years pass by and he'd rather take this to the grave than ever admit it for crying out loud but he felt like he needed a companion in life. A strange feeling of emptiness would settle inside his heart whenever he'd stroll through the streets of Ansan and see people happy with their families, of course, he had his own brat of a student Hudson to consider a son, but what he needed was a partner. Someone to protect and someone to love and that's when he met you
He didn't really believe in the concept of love at first sight but there was something about you that just exuded charm, grace and innocence. You were much shorter than him and he couldn't help but he slightly amused how short you were compared to him, he could literally lift you by your arms like you were a child as his imposing large muscular frame towered over yours. The way you spoke, the way you smiled that beautiful smile of yours, he could feel his heart growing warm and his cheeks getting slightly flushed. His mind would start working in an overdrive and it doesn't really take that long for him to fall in love with you. You're a precious doll in his eyes, you remind him of an innocent little thing that needed his protection. His eyes wandered to your lips, wondering how soft those lips of yours were if he'd kissed them, what sort of cute noises you would be making solely for HIM and him alone while he kisses you and holds you in his strong arms and shields you from the outside world because you're way too precious for that
It won't matter how you've met him, the only ending you'll be having is being with him. He'll obviously ask Hudson to find out more about you to which he'd agree although he cannot help but detect slight amusement in his student's voice when he gets to know about his infatuation and obsession for you but all in all, he honestly doesn't really blame him. What's not there to love about you, he can't wait to have you all for himself, hidden away from the prying eyes of the other lecherous filthy men who dare to eye what's his with no shame whatsoever far away on his mountain in his cabin where it would be just the two of you. He's already imagining how blissful married life with you would be, how adorable you'd look going around the house and taking care of him and the house with your gentle loving personality that he fell in love with. He doesn't think his feelings for you are spiraling out of control, he just sees it as a way of keeping you safe from the dangers of the world. He'd know PLENTY about it because of all the nonsense that keeps happening around Ansan everyday and the things he's been through
It's not an easy change and transition for you when you find out that he's literally kidnapped you and laced your food with sleeping pills under the pretext of having dinner with him one night. Of course, part of him definitely feels bad that he had to slip sleeping pills in your food but his obsessive love for you and possessive tendencies overlap his sense of rationality and whatever logic he had in his mind was gone out of the window as his mind is filled with thoughts of how all this is for your own good and it's to keep you safe. He knows it'll take a while for you to adjust to your new life with him but he doesn't mind, take all the time you need. He's more than willing to be patient for you and since he treats you with gentlemanly chivalry and would rather bust an artery than hurt you physically or emotionally, it won't be long till you develop the Stockholm syndrome for him
By now you've grown accustomed and used to living with him and the two of you had a small private wedding where only trusted friends of his arrived for the occasion. Of course, he had to resist the urge to literally throttle Jaegyon Na by his neck when he saw him trying to use cheesy pick up lines on you with that stupid smirk of his. Even he got used to seeing you waddle around the cabin in that cute little pink apron hugging your body busying yourself with chores like cooking or other household activities. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into your neck and plants a few gentle loving kisses on your cheeks and lips telling you how much he loves you and holds you tightly in his possessive grasp, like he's worried you'd end up running off at any given second. It was so alluring and mesmerizing to watch you take care of the house, you were the reason he felt like his heart now had warmth. You were the reason his house was now a home with your elegant bright presence
You started getting a bit restless recently. You felt slightly guilty as you watched him come back with a somewhat tired expression at times and you felt like easing his burden and stress. A few days later, the two of you were seated at the table and having the dinner that you made. "My love...your culinary skills are amazing as always'' spoke Taesoo in a gentle tone with a soft smile on his face as he ate his food from his plate. He loved having whatever you made for him since it was made with your love and your delicate hands, what sort of husband would he be for you if he wouldn't eat his wife's cooking? You smiled but only briefly as your mind was occupied on asking him something that you were slightly apprehensive about and you had that distant and pensive look on your face, looking lost in thought. He instantly knew there was something on your mind, he could always read you like an open book and could decipher your every action and thought
"My dear, there is something on your mind...isn't there?" asked Taesoo as he surveyed your features with calculating eyes, trying to detect whether or not you'd tell him about your thoughts. His statement might have looked like it was a question but it was a formality with the hidden underlying implication for you to tell him about what was bothering you. You let out a sigh and looked at him and fiddled your thumbs nervously. "Taesoo...um...is it okay if I could get a job? Or could I resume my old job?' you asked him with a soft voice and looked at him with a hopeful expression, your heart racing in trepidation for his response, however all you were met with was a pin drop silence which filled you with a slight sense of dread. Taesoo immediately stopped eating and his smile vanished as his expression morphed into a stoic one as he looked at you with a calculated gaze. He always encouraged you to follow your hobbies and your passion but you getting a job was a slightly unexpected turn of events for him, a question he wasn't anticipating but was dreading this conversation with you early on beforehand as he rehearsed his answers for this exact moment
Looking at your soft and innocent and hopeful expression made his heart warm with affection for you but he had to be firm with you about this, as your husband, as your protector. You were his wife, he didn't want you out of your comfort zone and didn't like to entertain the thought of you being away from him for even a single second. He hated to be the one to crush that hope in your eyes but it was necessary, to keep you safe. He took your soft hand in his large rough calloused ones and traced gentle circles on the back of your hand to make it easier for you to handle his rejection of the idea you'd just proposed since the thought of other men being around you and looking at HIS wife with their lecherous gazes made him livid and the mere thought alone made him want to punch a hole into a wall
"My dear, you need not worry about getting a job and stressing yourself out about it. Your only concern is to look after the home and let me provide for you. I make enough for the both of us as it is, I don't see any reason for you to be burdened by a job'' he answered with a gentle yet firm look on his face. You pouted slightly at his response and you looked somewhat crestfallen, which he felt bad about. Your pout was adorable yet it stung his heart at the same time. "I know but...I feel somewhat useless just being at home and barely doing anything all day long, I'm not even doing anything useful and I feel bad seeing you work hard and coming back home all tired and sometimes beat up...I thought I could help out as well so you wouldn't need to worry about me being a burden for you'' you mumbled and averted your gaze from his eyes which narrowed as soon as the words left your mouth
Your words tugged at his heartstrings, yet his mind went back to the traditional role of wanting to be your protector and provider as your husband. Your words and thoughts moved him and touched him honestly, you were already precious enough and the last thing he needed was for you to bear burden on those shoulders of yours. He was slightly hurt you saw yourself a burden, he loved coming back home to you and wrapping you in his arms and feeling your soft touches and just being with you. He wished you could see how much his heart soared with affection and ecstasy whenever he'd come back home to you, making him feel like a true king indeed. However his features softened after a few moments when he saw you averting your eyes from his as he pulled you closer to him and made you sit on his lap and he cupped your cheek lovingly and caressed it and made you look at his eyes
"Hush my love, don't speak such nonsense again. You are by no means a burden for me, you are the reason my house feels like a home. Without you, this place would be an empty shell, like it used to before I met you. You mean everything to me, you are my darling wife...let me take care of you just like how you take care of me, you give me so much comfort and peace by being with me...do not fret about such things'' he answered as he continued to stroke your cheek affectionately with a tender loving look in his eyes reserved only for you, his dear wife who reigned over his heart. "I know...but I still feel like a useless housewife though, I feel like I'm barely doing anything'' you whispered with an insecure look in your eyes. Your insecure look cut through his heart like a knife, it pained him to see you be insecure of yourself and doubt yourself so much like this as he chuckled softly and brushed a few strands of hair from your face
"You do not need to worry about such things, you help me out so much with your love. I feel grateful to come back home to you everyday, where I can feel your soft gentle touches and your love for me. That's more than enough...I do not trust the world, I cannot let anything happen to you my love...society these days is dangerous and I will not risk your safety...I want you to be happy and relax, that's all. You're more than enough for me and by no means are you a useless housewife. You look so adorable with your little apron and mittens and the way you bustle around the kitchen cooking in those adorable dresses of yours...you keep the home running, my lovely little housewife...don't ever let me hear you call yourself useless again'' he replied with a soft yet firm tone and you nodded slowly which made him pleased
In the end, you were forced to give up the opinion of you having a job since there was no way he was going to stand for it but it was all for your safety after all. You were his lovely housewife, who provided him with so much love and comfort he could ever hope for and now that he had for you himself, he'd be damned to let you get away from him. Don't worry your pretty little head about anything and just let him provide for you, you're his darling little housewife after all...
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“don’t fill your void with me”
“Свою пустоту мною не заполняй”
Pairings: Villain!The Winter Solider!Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: this takes place in an alternative universe where Hydra took over the world and the winter soldier killed all Avengers and he became the leader of Hydra and he’s controlling the whole world. He saw you one day and he determined you were his and he made sure of that. making you live very comfortably as his “favorite” mistress and he turns very very soft with you.
Warnings: heavy smut, some fluff (if u squint), villain bucky turns sweet, oral (f receiving), jealousy, dark themes, dark!bucky to soft!bucky, dom bucky, lots of praise + lots of praise in Russian.
This was inspired by Яд by Erika Lundmoen
please read my author note it’s very important!
AU/N: this is only part one and still working on part two. thought I’d make this only one part but it was too long I had to cut it into two parts. I need to remind you that English is not my first language so excuse any misspelling or mispronunciation of any words or any grammatical mistakes lol. Hope you enjoy this dark fantasy I had of Bucky as I was wondering how he would be still a villain. Also, this was heavily inspired by ‘Yad’ (Яд) by Erika Lundmoen, I love this song so much and it always reminds me of Bucky in his Winter solider era. Enjoy loves xx
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You sighed before swallowing that last sip of the red wine glass that the air hostess brought you. This was already your 3rd glass. You looked through the window to the dark clouds and the night sky as you kept thinking and wondering how you get here in the first place. It was somewhat a normal Friday late afternoon, you were getting ready for the evening, and your –rich new– friends have prepared for you. They were setting you up with a blind date, they said it’s a very handsome guy who's an heir to a big industrial company. You weren’t amused that much as none of them know your secret or your secret lover.
Then you remembered him, your secret mysterious lover, who’s the reason you’re living this lavish rich lifestyle. You remembered six years ago, on the news, you were watching Captain America getting brutally killed by none other than The Winter Soldier himself. You watched the fall of this new organization of superheroes and agents called “The Avengers” and the new world order seeing light under the hands of The Winter Soldier. Hydra ruled and controlled every country in the world, including the USA. It was three years ago when you saw on the news that every leader and all the rulers of Hydra were killed and it was an inside job. The Winter Solider rebelled and killed every single one of them and he, alone, became the new Hydra leader, recruiting super soldiers and making the biggest army of super soldiers known to man.
A year ago, you were just a normal waitress girl, in a hotel restaurant, minding your own business and working just to make ends meet. You weren’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth and your upbringing was very normal and somewhat poor. Until one day your boss came and told you there will be a very important diplomatic meeting that’s happening in the hotel and he assigned you and two of your coworkers to wait on the leaders and diplomats. On this same very evening, you saw him for the first time. The Winter Solider. Bucky Barnes. Captain America’s best friend who was brainwashed by Hydra and was under control for decades. He was so charismatic, terrifying, very handsome, and absolutely dangerous. Just like a fallen angel, just like Lucifer himself. You were drawn to him at first glance until he noticed you and made eye contact with you. Your heart skipped a beat then, there was a connection between you both, you were certain of this as at first glance, you saw his face change emotion and he was staring at you.
“барышня, only 5 minutes till landing” You were brought back to reality from that memory train you were on by the sound of the bodyguard on your left. you nodded to him with a smile and fastened your seat belt around your hips.
Looking back at your past now made you wonder if you actually deserve to live this life or not, to go everywhere with a private plane like the one you’re in now. To live in the finest, most luxurious apartment in Brooklyn, to have rich friends and live a rich lifestyle, to attend galas and be the face of many luxury brands, all because of him, all because he liked you the first time he saw you, all because he promised you to make all your wishes and dreams come true only if you became his, all because he wanted his “favorite one” to be separate from the other women and to live like a princess whose all her dreams are granted.
In fact, you didn’t ask for any of this at all, but you loved the idea that he made all of this for you just because he thinks you’re worthy of it. In the end, you were “his favorite”.
The plane landed in the small very private airport near his mansion in Russia. you had your fur coat covering you. At least, you were dressed very fancy for the ball you were going to with your friends to meet your blind date. As you were about to leave your apartment, you were met by Bucky’s super soldiers' bodyguards at the front door of your apartment, telling you that The King wants you now. So you didn’t argue, you nodded and just took your bag and phone and left with them. This was your deal with him, him giving you whatever you want and desire in life, and you being available and there whenever he calls for you or want you. He has the plane ready for you and super soldiers protecting you and going everywhere with you, in case something goes wrong.
The guards guided you into the mansion and into Bucky’s suite which took up the whole second floor of the mansion. You walked with them till you arrived in front of the door of his office then they left you there alone. You knocked slightly.
“входить” his voice was deep and calm, you just felt butterflies in your stomach as you were very anxious and excited to see him, it’s been nearly a month since your last meeting with him and you missed him dearly. You opened the door and entered and as soon as you closed it behind you, he looked up from the pile of papers in front of him, his hair was perfectly combed, and he grew his beard, which was a very new look on him but also a very sexy one. He grinned widely as soon as his eyes met yours. “ahhh моя кукла”. he stood up from behind his desk and you walked closer to him and he moved closer to you too.
He kissed you very deeply and passionately before hugging you tightly, you hugged him back and buried your face in his neck. “Missed you so much, кукла” he whispered in your ear and kissed your neck softly.
“Missed you too, James” you smiled softly and he started to rub your back slightly.
You didn’t actually know how to address him, didn’t know if you should call him sir, king, soldier, Bucky, or James. You never actually asked, but you found James to be just perfect as you felt weirded out to call him sir or king. ‘James’ was good enough based on the relationship you both had, you were not actually lovers or boyfriend and girlfriend to be intimate and call him Bucky and yet you both weren’t platonic or had a strict respectful relationship to call him sir. so ‘James’ did the job perfectly.
At least, he didn’t complain about whatever you call him.
He removed your fur coat slowly and looked at your body and your fancy dress. “You look so beautiful,” he held your hand and spun you around to take a good look at the dress. It was a tall tight dress that hugs your curves perfectly with a very long slit on the left that shows your whole left leg from your upper thigh to your left foot. It was burgundy colored with a black sheer silk attached to it that gives the dress a matte look under lights. “did you get all dolled up for me?” he smirked at you when his eyes left your body and met your eyes.
“Well, umm-,” he leaned back on his office desk and sat on its edge and pulled you to him slowly “you didn’t give me any heads up that we were supposed to meet so I was actually going to a ball party with a bunch of friends” you looked down to your hands playing with his black suit’s blazer, trying to hide the truth that you were going on a blind date.
The thing you didn’t know about Bucky is that he is very good at reading body language and the second you broke eye contact and said that, he knew you were hiding something and that’s not the truth. But he didn’t want to confront you yet about it so he took it slowly. “Oh really?” he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as your chests now touching and he has a perfect view of your boobs as it’s pushed up from the tight dress. “what kind of a ball party?” he moved his head and start kissing your neck.
“A normal one.” you bit your lower lip as his kisses now moved down to your shoulders and collarbone.
“normal one? what kind of a ball is that exactly?” he chuckled while his right hand moved down slightly and he started rubbing your left butt cheek as his kisses never stopped and his lips moved down to your chest, leaving more kisses.
“Just a normal ball party, James” you sighed, feeling more frustrated as you are getting more turned on by his touching and kisses and you feel yourself getting wetter, you can’t stand wearing your panties anymore, it’s getting more uncomfortable as you are soaked down there.
“A normal ball party where rich people gather around for whatever reason, stuffing their faces with crab cakes and drinking champagne until they’re passed out,” you said with an annoyed tone as you can’t just stand the teasing anymore.
The relationship you had with Bucky was just casual sex every now and then unless that was what you thought it was until 8 months ago, he started to show more feelings, starting saying “I miss you”, “I want you”, “you are beautiful”, “my girl”, “my favorite girl”, “my doll”, “baby girl”, but never the word “love”. He started being more romantic. Taking you on dates, of course, they were secret private dates as he was a known criminal and he shouldn’t be seen in public at all but with his power and money, he can rent or buy any restaurant or place in the world just so you both could enjoy your time and dates together.
He was very gentle with you, protecting you, getting you a big apartment in Brooklyn which was like 3 blocks away from his childhood home, he didn’t mention that at all but you knew it when you went to the Captain America museum and explored the whole room dedicated to Sargent James Buchanan Barnes, Captain America’s best friend.
You learned a lot about him, actually about the old him. Now, he’s just the winter solider, the cold blooded murderer who killed all his superiors and killed the avengers and is now running the Hydra organization and having the biggest super soldiers army in the universe.
But at least, he had a soft spot for you.
He moved his hands to the back of your thighs and lift you up, your legs wrapped quickly around his waist, which was sort of a habit as he loved picking you up like this, like his small girl. he kept looking at you and murmuring I miss yous and you look so beautiful, against your lips while kissing you and walking towards his bedroom, there was only a wall between his office and his bedroom. he opened the door, and his room wasn’t unfamiliar to you but you were just amazed every time by how big and wide it is. The ceiling is so high up and the walls are filled with paintings and mirrors.
He put you on his king-sized bed and you just laid on your back, looking at him. He smirked at you and moved his hands down your dress and took off your panties, freeing your soaked cunt from the now-uncomfortable material. “So, it was just a normal ball party with normal rich friends, huh?” he held your left ankle and pulled it up, and rested it on his shoulder. you nodded and saw him undoing the straps of your heels and taking them off. “Are you sure about that, кукла?” he gave you a very intense look and at that moment you knew that he knows you were hiding something so keeping it hidden won’t do you any good. “You know I hate it when you lie to me.” he rubbed your ankle and calf slowly, giving it a simple soft massage.
“I am not lying to you” Your tone was serious. “My friend, Emma, she set me up on a blind date with this guy,” you saw his facial expression get more tense and his hand tightened on your ankle a bit harder. “I mean, no one knows that I’m- umm, that we-… you know, together” Your tone was shaky as you started to get more anxious as his grip hardened on your ankle. “they just thought I’m single and wanted me to have a date so-..”
“So you decided to dress and doll up for a strange man, didn’t you?” he cut you off suddenly as you can see he started to get angry.
“No, they don’t know about us. No one knows. So I’m just playing the part. acting it. That’s it.” you said with a sad tone, breaking eye contact with him and looking up at the ceiling and huffing. this is truly what you felt like. Playing a part in Bucky’s world. Being nothing more than his sex doll and his mistress. You hate the fact that you wanted him and wanted to be with him forever and you just can’t handle living this lifestyle anymore. Yes, it’s a blessing but you didn’t want all of that, you didn’t ask for any of that. You just wanted him.
“Well, this dress is no good anymore. Can I tear it apart?” he put your left leg back again on the bed and pulled your other leg by the ankle and on his shoulder and removed your heels from this one too.
“Why isn’t it good anymore? I think it’s pretty.” you looked at him confused, not knowing what the dress has to do with anything.
“It is pretty but now, for me, it’s what you wore for another man’s eyes and not mine. I hate it now.” he pulled it up to your upper thighs and your legs are now bared to him.
“But what am I going to wear when I leave? Can’t just be wearing my fur coat. It’s freezing outside.” he chuckled darkly at your words and looked at you with a dark smirk on his face.
“As much as it would be so fucking hot of you to not wear anything except for a fur coat, I can get you any other dress that you want,” he grabbed the dress from its slit on your left thigh with his metal hand and ripped it open until the dress was fully ripped from the left side. “anyways, you’re staying for the whole weekend with me, I don’t want you wearing any clothes at all.” he moved up to meet your eyes and he pepper kissed your jawline. “and if you got cold, you can wear my clothes, my wardrobe is all yours, милая” he ripped and removed the dress from your body, leaving you fully naked underneath him.
you moaned slightly as his hands roamed your body, massaging and rubbing your boobs while his tongue is attacking your lips and mouth, kissing your hungrily. You opened your legs more for him, signaling to him where you wanted him the most. he removed himself from on top of you to get undressed. He removed all of his clothes and got on top of you again, kissing you passionately then starting to kiss you all over. Leaving marks and love bites all over your body, showing you who you truly belong.
“ты моя навсегда, куколка” his voice is raspy and deep, he moved his head down and kissed and sucked on your nipples, of course leaving marks and love bites on your boobs too. You were so needy for him and a part of you was glad that he was as much as needy for you as you are of him.
“James, please. I need you so bad. Please fuck me” you whined and opened your legs more for him. he pulled his head up and looked at you with nothing but pure lust in his now dark blue eyes.
“No, baby doll. No fucking. I missed you too much to just fuck you. I’m going to make love to you ‘cause you deserve this, honey. you’ve earned this.” he kissed your lips passionately but you were just startled, confused, and slightly shocked. You kept wondering why he would say such things and do such things. It’s the first time you ever see him being like this to you or talking like this to you. You were sick of these feelings you have for him and he was just toying around with them.
“You make love to someone you love, James. What we have isn’t love” You looked directly into his eyes with a concerned look on your face.
“Maybe you are right,” these words went straight to your heart and smashed it. You had a little hope he would correct you and tell you he loves you. “But tonight, just pretend that we’re in love. act it like you just said you’re acting it and playing a part.” you wondered if toying with your feelings like this was his way to punish you for what you just said about playing a part in your new life. “make me make love to you. make me show you how you’re supposed to be loved. Or at least humor me, принцесса” his mouth never left your face or your body. He couldn’t stop kissing you and leaving marks everywhere on your neck and body. You weren’t sure what his intentions were by what he just said. A little part of you hoped he meant what he was saying.
You felt his cock twitch against your thigh and felt him leaking. You couldn’t hold it any longer and you lift your hips up to meet his. Signaling to him that you need him. “I’ll give you whatever you want, just let me take my time with you first. I missed you too much” He said between breaths and kisses as he’s now moving down, kissing and leaving love bites all over your belly. “missed this belly,” he kissed your belly button. “missed my little ladies,” he grabbed your boobs with his hands as his mouth kept going down to your lower belly.
“but I missed this pretty girl the most.” you could feel his hot breath against your soaked cunt now, gushing more at the new nickname he gave to your pussy. he groaned when he saw you gushing and your slick is wetting the bed underneath you, making a mess everywhere. he looked up at you and you locked eyes with him while he slowly licked a long stripe between your folds, never breaking eye contact. This sight alone had you crying out and shutting your eyes while throwing your head back on the pillows.
Bucky kept flicking his tongue over your sensitive bud and sucking on it. He was really taking his time, he wasn’t fast or hard. He was simply just eating you out, slowly, gently, like he actually wants to taste you. You were so needy that you wanted more than that. You started pushing your hips more into his face and grinding slowly. “Greedy aren’t we, my little girl?” He got up and wiped his chain from your glistening slick with the back of his hand.
He got on top of you again and pressed his lips against yours, and you can taste yourself on his lips. he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you opened your mouth happily for him, licking his tongue and tasting more of yourself. “Do you know what do you taste like?” he broke the kiss but his lips were right above yours. you shook your head slightly and bit your lips. “Like fucking peaches.” he pushed his tongue into your mouth again, kissing and licking it all over. “You taste like fucking peaches, especially your pussy.” you moaned into his mouth “You’re driving me insane, принцесса. Guess peaches are my new favorite fruit”.
He buried his face in your neck, attacking the sensitive skin again with kisses, especially that sweet spot that gets you all turned on and horny. As if you’re not going to lose your mind already from how horny you are. You could feel his tip pushing slightly on your clit and you were just a moaning mess at this point. “Ready for me, love?” he lifted his head and rested his head on your forehead, locking eyes with you.
“Always, Bucky” you whispered, his whole expression changed. his eyes widened a bit at the sound of his name slipping out of your mouth like honey. He hadn’t heard this name in so long, and you say it like this had his heart beating faster, if he wasn’t in love with you before, he believes now he is.
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banjjakz · 5 months
you like the arcana..what are your yandere asra thoughts if you have any? (even though he's very much not a toxic or yandere character in-game)
i've been waiting so long to get a free moment to write something for this prompt you have no idea
yandere!asra thoughts
so... in his upright ending, asra comes across as (more or less) wholesome. but we have to keep in mind that he basically nurtured you back to full human-hood after you lost the entirety of your memories... that can definitely do something to a person
his reversed ending is straight up every yancon's fantasy LOL
i mean, running away with you to explore your own magical adventures, in your own little magical world, for the foreseeable future? come on man
therefore, i diagnose asra with latent!yandere disease
symptoms include: masterfully concealed obsession; overprotective instincts; control issues, especially as it concerns your well being and what risks you shall or shall not take; saccharine manipulation; non-insignificant levels of remorse (not high enough to curb any of his behavior); with, naturally, a soft!dom leaning switch tendency
asra's toxicity comes out in his perennial preoccupation with your whereabouts and well-being
apprentice, just let him ward you really quick before you leave to go run a few errands!
apprentice, let him taste all of your food -- anything you consume, really -- before you even take a bite, so that he can ensure there is nothing that will make you sick
apprentice, would you mind telling him who it is, exactly, you're going out with tonight? what's their family name? what do they do for a living? where are they from? are they a magic user? for how long have you known them? he's just curious.
if you refuse to comply with any of his protective measures, asra is absolutely not above tracking your whereabouts and spying on you via a charmed piece of jewelry he gifts to you as an innocent reward for all of your hard work!
at the end of the day, asra is one of the most powerful sorcerers in all of vesuvia. you don't really have a choice in the matter, outside of whether you'll make this easier or harder for yourself.
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2baabbies · 7 days
🖤 Summer in Winter (faerie!felix x human!reader)
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I’ve been working on drafts of this since last October so I think it’s just time to post it lol
Words: 4200
Summary: Felix visits often, but is usually gone when you wake up in the morning. Wouldn't it be nice if he stayed?
Fantasy + Fluff + Smut + Humour
afab + fem!reader
CWs: none really, maybe pining?, implied scary fae lore but not elaborated on
Smut Tags: use of pet names, confessions during sex, chatty sex, light teasing, fingering, praise, so kissy and cuddly waaa, some dry humping, cunnilingus, reader is desperate af/slight begging, Penetration™️ (p in v), unprotected sex (practice safe sex pleeeease), creampie
@bookswillfindyouaway @rixenluv
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
Perhaps it should feel abnormal to welcome the fae into your home, knowing the warning tales you grew up with as a child, but it does not. Especially when it is Felix. He was the first to find you when you moved into this new town- the first you trusted- and he only makes his presence more apparent once the cold winter hits. His visits become more intimate than they were in the warmer seasons, when he would linger at the edge of the treeline and watch you garden until you left a gift for him near the brush. Now when he visits he comes right to the door, asks to be let in, then sits and chats with you late into the night. Sometimes he is there when you wake up, puttering around the kitchen or reading in the living room. Sometimes he is not, and your gut sinks just a bit.
There is no name for your relationship, but you feel the tension building all the same. Felix, always a gentleman, sleeps on the living room couch when he stays over. But the unsaid ‘what if’ lingers in your mind at the end of each night, when you curl up alone in your own bed after long conversations by the fireplace. You try to stay awake and listen for his footsteps on his way out, but you never do hear them. 
One night, hours after you have retreated to your room for bed, you use the excuse of needing a drink of water to see if he has left yet. You are slightly surprised to see him still on the couch, his eyes shut and his breathing slow as if he is in a deep sleep.
Your heartbeat quickens as you look him over, you note how the moonlight catches the softness of his lips and the highlights in his golden hair. His pointed ears and nimble fingers twitch when the floorboards creak as you creep into the room. His freckles and delicate cheeks still charm you even if they are barely visible in the dim light. His eyes open slowly as he turns his head to look at you; lazily, eyelids half-lidded to give the impression that he was truly sleeping, but his sudden awareness breaks the façade.
“Can’t sleep, darling?”
His voice is gentle and a little deeper than normal, which rumbles you in a pleasant way.
“I’m thirsty.”
“Ah, let me.”
He rises from his spot and gracefully steps out of the room. You remain where you stand, waiting as you hear the glasses clink and the tap run. He returns and regards you calmly as you blink the sleep away.
“Are you alright?” He asks.
He guides a glass of water into your hand and tidies your hair where it was mussed by your pillow.
“I’m fine.”
You sip your water as he hums quietly.
“You just look like you have something to say.”
“When do you go back to the forest?”
He cups your cheek with a soft smile.
“When I know you’re asleep, and safe.”
“You don’t have to wait for me to fall asleep, you know. You can leave whenever you want.”
“But wouldn’t you be disappointed?”
Your cheeks flare as you feel caught.
“Does that matter?”
“It wouldn’t to some.”
Your heart skips.
“But it does to you?”
“Of course.”
“You really don’t have to stay, Felix.”
“I know, but I have to know you’re alright. I’ll just keep thinking about you if I leave now.”
His response may as well be a confession with the way Felix says it, and you do not know how to react. You blink a few times, suddenly sure you must be dreaming or hallucinating this. His warm hand on your cheek, caressing you gently, reminds you that this is real. 
“You will?”
It is all you can manage and your voice quivers out at the end of the question. You shiver and let him take the glass from your hand. Perhaps you are both nervous that you will drop it with how shaky his words have made you.
“You should get back in bed, sweetheart.”
You nod and let him lead you back to your bedroom. He sets the glass down as you crawl into your bed. You gaze up at him in the dark, feeling him pull your blanket up and tuck you in.
“Will you lay with me?”
He pauses as he contemplates your request.
“I’m cold,” You add, desperate to convince him.
“It is cold, isn’t it?”
You say nothing as Felix lifts the blanket and slides in beside you, but feel a bit of pride that he accepted your invitation. You try not to dive into his arms as they come around you, try to restrain yourself from melting immediately when you breathe in his fresh summer scent. He lays his head on the pillow next to you and, very loosely, embraces you. The position is a little awkward, but you are too embarrassed to move any closer.
“You avoided my question earlier,” You murmur into the pillow, half-hoping he ignores you.
“Hm, what was the question, darling?”
“Do you really think about me when you leave?”
You shut your eyes, your face feels on fire.
“Oh, always.”
Felix sighs softly and whispers, “I can’t think about anything else sometimes. It’s… difficult.”
“Because… I can’t help but fret over you. I wonder if you’re eating, and if you’re sleeping. I wonder who you are seeing. I wait helplessly when you go far away. I worry something wicked will find you, you sweet thing. And to be worrying like that all the time, it can make a faerie weak.”
You open your eyes and meet Felix’s gaze, longing and tired as he watches you.
“Yes. Always on my mind. Isn’t it shameful?”
“Why would you be ashamed?”
“Doesn’t it make you feel ashamed?”
You swallow.
“Not because… I think those feelings are wrong. Well, actually, that’s a lie,” You laugh breathlessly, “My whole life I’ve been told how dangerous your kind is, and not to let myself get trapped in fae magic. And love is a sort of trap, right? It’s vulnerability, it’s deals and promises, and in theory I should be wary. But I’m already so far gone, so what am I holding back from? But I don’t necessarily think these feelings are bad or want them to stop. God, I never want this to stop. I’m so happy with you. I just don’t know. I don’t know what to say, and I know I’ll say something that will make me more anxious because…”
You trail off as you notice Felix watching you with wide eyes.
“Because of this. Because I’ll run my mouth and regret it afterwards,” You finish.
“Oh,” Felix answers carefully, “You think wanting me would be wrong. Because you’re a human.”
“No, I-I don’t. I don’t care if it’s right or wrong, I just… I get embarrassed because I don’t know how to make it make sense to both of us. I can’t speak in front of you.”
“You’re speaking right now.”
You laugh at his teasing lilt.
“Yeah, and making a fool of myself.”
“Well, then you understand my predicament.”
“I don’t.”
“The feeling you’re describing now, this fear you have, I feel it every day when I leave you.”
“You do?”
“Yes. And it is so, so relentless.”
He continues to stare, patiently awaiting your reply. You shudder at the intensity in his eyes and they soften, before he pulls you closer.
“Are you still cold, my darling?”
You tense as he pulls you in. Your head comes to his chest and he slips his thigh between your legs. Your bodies curl together and his arms hold you a little tighter, with more certainty than before. You shakily squeeze him back, but the closeness is not what makes you shiver.
My darling. 
The alteration to your pet name is intentional.
“Do you…”
He chuckles and your lips shut tightly.
“Do you feel the same way?”
“I do.”
“Can you kiss me?”
He pulls back to look down where your head rests on his chest, and you look up.
��I could kiss you. That is certainly within my abilities.”
“You’re- ugh.”
You both laugh as he presses his forehead to yours. You begin to realize how warm he is, how every spot where your body touches his is soothed. His magic seeps into your body, making your chest tighten and stomach flip. The heat is almost too much, almost burning, but you refuse to move away. Everything intensifies when the laughter dies down and he finally kisses you.
His mouth moves slowly against yours, giving you time to register the contact and adjust to it. Your thighs tense as you press closer, and you feel his thigh move just a bit higher to put some pressure between your legs. You gasp and he breaks away, enough so you can both pant into the space between you. You duck your head as your cheeks heat up again and he gives you an experimental nudge. You barely muffle a moan in his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, how does that feel?”
You try not to rut yourself on his thigh but he pushes against you again, and you instinctively roll your hips to chase the pleasure.
“A-Ahn, nice,” You cry softly.
You bite your lip and look up pitifully as he leans back to take you in.
“Oh, you are precious.”
You whimper at his tone, somehow sounding both enamored with you yet taunting your reactions.
“I haven’t…”
“H-haven’t b-been touched in a while…”
“Oh, sweetheart,” He coos, “Would you like me to help with that?”
You nod and shakily exhale. He smiles and pulls his leg from between yours to replace it with his hand. You make a wrecked sound as his palm presses through your pants to cup your pussy. You whine and throw your head back as he rolls his wrist and spreads your legs wider.
He makes a pleased sound and, very chastely, kisses the dip of your throat. This draws a longing moan from you.
“Lovely little thing. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since I met you, you know? Not a day that I’m not thinking about you. You’re so much trouble.”
“M’sorry,” You moan.
“Mhm, are you? Does it not excite you a bit, to have me in the palm of your hand?”
You laugh at the irony as he draws his hand away.
“I-I didn’t know…”
“Oh, I know,” He breathes as he brushes his hand over your abdomen, “My sweet girl.”
You moan in agreement as he slips his hand down your pants and beneath your panties. His middle finger brushes over your clit then he curls the first digit between your folds. You jolt at the intrusion and tuck your face in his neck as he lovingly pets your hair. Soft sounds escape your lips as his finger carefully swirls inside you.
“Hm, darling?”
You buck your hips and whimper as he finally thrusts his finger to the hilt.
“I know, sweetheart. You like it though, right? Feels good?”
You are adjusting to his touch now, and begin rocking your hips as he adds another finger. He presses a kiss to your temple and cups the back of your head as he begins thrusting his fingers faster. You tense under his touch, becoming more wound up as he settles into a rhythm. You make a desperate sound when he spreads his fingers open and grazes his thumb over your clit.
“Felix,” You sigh, “Oh, Fe-elix…”
He chuckles and noses at your scalp as you press closer.
“You sound lovely, my darling. So good for me.”
Something snaps when he speaks and your climax hits you suddenly. Your body shudders from the intensity as he coaxes you through it with quick pecks and careful attention on your clit. You take in a gasping breath before his lips crash into yours, swallowing up your sounds of pleasure. His touch slows, but does not stop, as your legs tremble and you become boneless in his arms. He breaks the kiss and smiles as you whimper and twitch against him.
You nod sleepily as he finally slides his hand out of your pants. He gives his fingers an experimental lick and smirks as you throw your head back with a groan.
“You’re too much…”
“Hm, get some sleep, my love.”
Your head snaps back and he pecks your forehead as you stare blankly at him.
“Hey, w-wha-”
“Um, we’re going to bed after doing that, are you kidding me?”
He chuckles.
“You’re not tired?”
“You’re not… horny?”
Felix laughs and blushes as you pout at him. He swipes his thumb over your hip as he speaks.
“I have patience, darling. I waited this long for a moment to lay next to you, I’m sure I can wait a bit longer.”
You huff as you move to straddle his hips. He lets you shove him to the bed and stares up expectantly as you settle on top of him.
“What if you don’t have to wait?”
His eyebrow cocks up and his eyes rake over your body.
“Impatient, are we?”
You give your hips a tentative roll and bite your lip to muffle the whimpering gasp that threatens to spill out. Your clit is still throbbing, but your desire outweighs your sensitivity. You grind down again and smirk as you draw a groan from him. His hands fly to your hips and hold you in place as he bucks up to meet your thrusts. You giggle as you lean down to kiss him, which he returns eagerly. You lean away with a smirk.
You squeal when he flips you over and dives in to kiss you again, nibbling at your lips and peppering your face with sweet pecks. Delight bubbles in your chest as your abdomen swirls with desire. His hips are pressing against yours so you can feel his cock strain through his pants and the contact makes your head spin. He nuzzles his nose against yours and smirks at your moans.
“Do you want me, sweetheart?”
He pulls back slightly to look at you. You blink dazedly, still feeling drunk on your last orgasm and the heat of him on top of you. You spread your legs wider to let him press closer, which he does. You nod as you throw your arms over his shoulders.
“Of course, Felix. Do you want me?”
“I do,” He murmurs, “Every touch. Every kiss. Every moment. I want to take care of your every desire.”
“My desire is that you fuck me.”
He laughs.
“I will… do that, yes. I’m more than happy to…”
You laugh at how his usual eloquence has dissolved into sultry rambling, and draw him in for another kiss. You part your lips and he laps into your mouth, his hips jumping at the moans you let out. He slides your pants and panties down, allowing you to shimmy them off. You start to pull your shirt off and pause when he begins kissing down your neck, to your stomach, and lower below the blanket until he stops between your legs. You fling your shirt away and make a wrecked noise as his tongue slips between your folds.
“Mhm, Felix…”
You melt as he laps at your sex and hum his name shamelessly. He groans in response, vibrating your clit and drawing another wrecked sound from you. You whisper his name and try to stifle the crescendo of needy sounds he pulls from you to no avail. Suddenly, he stops and pops up from under the blanket. Your disappointed moan trails off into a fit of giggles as you take in his disheveled appearance. His hair has been fluffed up by the blanket that now hangs loosely off his shoulders. He blinks back at you, trying to decipher your reaction.
“Are you alright?”
“Come here.”
You pull him in for a kiss and taste yourself on his tongue when it slips into your mouth. He sighs when you reach down to unbutton his pants and wrench them down so his cock springs free. He breaks the kiss to mouth messy bites over your jawline and throat. You giggle and tilt your head back to ease his access, while one of your hands slips under his shirt and traces his abdomen lazily.
“Felix, come on,” You whine when he lingers on sucking a hickey into your shoulder, “Come on, please.”
“Remember when I called you impatient, my darling?”
You huff and smile wryly as he rises to pull his shirt off and fully remove his bottoms. He kneels between your legs, his cock standing hard against his stomach. You tsk softly and pull him into your embrace, lovingly cupping his cheeks as he sinks on top of you. He beams and brushes his nose against yours shyly.
“I haven’t been fair to you, have I?”
“I’m in no rush,” He breathes, his eyes fluttering as his cock presses against your soft skin, “Y-You’re always fair to me.”
“Are you okay?”
“Mh-hmn,” He pecks another kiss on your cheek.
“You’re sure?”
“I just love you so much.”
You freeze at the confession, staring through the dim light as Felix peppers kisses down your neck. You grasp his cheeks and pull him up to face you, he stares back with a surprised expression.
“Do you mean that?”
“Of course,” His brows furrow, “Of course I do.”
“You promise?”
He breaks free from your grasp to peck a needy kiss to your lips, then murmurs, “I couldn’t lie if I wanted to.”
“Lix,” You whine, “Please, I really need you. Fuck me.”
He laughs softly as he resumes kissing over your face and hooks his arms under your thighs, then slowly eases into you. You gasp as he fills you and your eyes shut in bliss when his cock presses deeper. A whimper escapes your lips as he slowly pulls out and lazily pushes in again. You open your eyes to see him studying your reactions, his lips parted in shuddery groans with each calculated thrust.
“Felix... Felix, oh my God…”
He kisses you, messily, open-mouthed and desperate as he draws another moan from you. You let him lick into your mouth and nibble your bottom lip as your mind goes hazy.
“That good, darling?”
He chuckles and leans back to let you breathe, still thrusting intentionally.
“My lovely girl. You look so good like this, my darling. I love it, I love you. Wanted this since the moment I met you.”
You let your head fall back as his pace quickens. Somehow your hands have managed to find his arms where they support your thighs and you grip his biceps tightly. He makes a pleased sound and presses closer, pushing your legs up to thrust deeper inside you. You whimper as the tension builds and you hear your own wetness dripping around his cock.
“Oh, love, my love,” He sighs against your chest as he rests his forehead in the crook of your neck.
You make a giddy sound when you feel his hips stutter.
“So good, Felix. I love you.”
He nods and nuzzles closer.
“J-Just about… there. Oh, darling, please.”
You giggle when his movements pause again.
“That’s- ah- perfect, Lix. You gonna come? Come on. I want you to, want you to come i-inside.”
He nods and continues with as many shaky thrusts as he can manage. He pushes in and pants into your neck as he finishes. You whimper at the sensation and squirm for some stimulation as he presses you into the bed. He drops one of your legs and reaches his hand between you to play with your clit. You whimper and look at him as he chases after your lulling high. His cock is still nestled between your folds when you reach your orgasm, and he groans when you clench around him. He gazes into your eyes lovingly as he rubs you through each wave of pleasure, until you begin to whimper from the overstimulation.
His hand slowly draws back and he gives you a deep kiss as he pulls out.
“Mhm, sorry. You were so lovely, darling. I didn’t want to stop.”
Your legs quake as you let them fall, while Felix kisses your forehead.
“Oh, Felix.”
He laughs and presses his forehead to yours with a cheeky grin.
“My, you really are sensitive. What a shame you haven’t been touched, you needed it.”
“Hah, you- mhm…”
He lets you recover from your orgasm with long, doting kisses to your lips and cheeks. You sink into the bed with a blissed out smile as his hands coast over your stomach and thighs.
“Still good, darling?”
“With you? Always.”
He chuckles.
“Always? That’s what I like to hear.”
“Don’t get too cocky.”
“Why not? Telling me you’re not satisfied? Please, feel free to speak your mind.”
“You didn’t last very long,” You tease.
“Neither did you.”
Felix winks and pecks your forehead before settling down next to you. You roll into his arms as he pulls your thigh over his hip and fixes the blanket over you both. You rest your hand on his chest where his heart is still pattering and feel your own swell with affection.
“Next time,” You decide.
“Next time we’ll take it slower.”
“So, there will be a next time?”
You giggle.
“Of course,” You gaze up at him dreamily, “You’re not done with me already, are you?”
It is supposed to be a joke, but you cannot help but worry.
“Darling,” He whispers, but it sounds like the air has been punched out of him as he gazes back at you, “I will never be done with you.”
You shiver as his hand rests over yours and he kisses the bridge of your nose.
“I promise, I meant it. Since the moment I met you, I knew we belonged together. And I was right.”
Your eyes tear up a bit and you nod quickly.
“I guess I just… I didn’t know if love meant the same thing to you that it does for me…”
His eyes soften and he pauses to search for the proper response.
“Maybe not, but I know with all of my being that I love you more than I can bear. Even harder when you love me back.”
“Because it hurts me so much to be away from you, and I want nothing more than to spend everyday with you like I am right now, I think it’s safe to say I want to be yours.”
You nod and sniffle.
“I want to be yours, too.”
“Always. I promise.”
He smiles.
“You know the fae aren’t ones to go back on our promises.”
“I know. I’m not either.”
His thumb glides over the back of your hand in soothing strokes as you finally drift to sleep.
When you wake the next morning you are alone, and for a moment your heart aches. You sit up slowly in the early light and sigh as you listen to the howling of winter winds and firewood crackling in the living room. Your brow furrows slightly and you move to get out of bed, then you pause when you realize you are dressed in your pajamas. You are feeling the soft linen and questioning when you were dressed last night, when your bedroom door opens.
Felix eyes you with shock when he sees you are awake and hurriedly comes to your side.
“Oh, darling. Did I wake you?”
You watch him intently as he sits beside you and pulls the blanket up to your chest.
“It’s still quite cold, love. Go on, you can go back to sleep. The fire is just building up now.”
He is rubbing your arm gently, spreading warmth over you like a second outside of the blanket will leave you frozen.
“You stayed.”
He pauses then looks at you with some relief.
“Oh… I did.”
“You… didn’t have to.”
You let him crawl in beside you and tuck the blanket around you both. He rests his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I think we’ve been over this, yeah? You don’t like it when I leave.”
“I know, but you usually go when I fall asleep.”
“Yes,” He leans up to look at you, “That doesn’t mean I have to leave when you fall asleep, does it?”
“Then I’m going to stay.”
He smiles and rests his head on your chest again, snuggling in with a content hum. Your fingers play with the hairs at the base of his neck as you stare at the ceiling.
“How long will you stay?”
He hums.
“As long as I can. But don’t worry, my love, I’ll come back.”
You smile and let your eyes fall shut as you fall asleep in his embrace.
“I love you, Felix.”
“I love you, my darling. So very much.”
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salbei-141 · 1 year
Good girl, stay quiet for me (Emmett x reader) Part 2 to A second chance
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Part 1 (A second chance)
word count: 2.8k
warnings: 18+, smut, age gap (reader is early 20s and Emmett is late 30s), masturbation, voyeurism, angst, fluff, praise kink, very very slight degradation kink
a/n: y’all i am so apologetic if this smut is unreadable, i don’t think i’ve ever written smut before, so forgive me if it’s too horrific lol 
Anyway here’s part 2 of this 2-part series, enjoy!
Shaking the memories off, you stared as Emmett was drawing one of his sons again - over the last few weeks with each other, you had opened up more about your past lives. One particular night though, you had been sharing a memory with Emmett as he listened intently, holding your body in his arms as he sometimes did now. You had been crying at whatever painful memory you were sharing when you felt his hand come to the side of your face, tilting it up and placing his lips upon yours. You hadn’t pulled away - you’d be lying to yourself if you had said you didn’t like how it felt, even though you knew the age gap between you both was morally wrong. His lips were slightly chapped as were yours - but there was a tenderness to how he handled you - your lips both matching a rhythm, it felt right. But just as things were heating up, he had pulled away, looking at anything but you - it broke your heart, was he playing with you? You wanted to cuss him out, and ask what was wrong but feared causing too much noise, so just let him go. 
You just found yourself watching his back as he turned, collected his stuff and headed out of the hole you were in. What the fuck was that? How could he do something like that and then run with no explanation? You spent the rest of your night curled up on Emmett’s bed quietly crying to yourself, feeling so dejected as you realised you had slowly been developing feelings for the man you now shared your life with - how were you supposed to face him when he inevitably came back? Would he ask you to leave - realising he made a mistake? 
Emmett had walked off, deciding to take watch up on the top floors of the building you now knew as home. He sat, hunting rifle at his side, staring out the shattered windows at the surrounding overgrown weeds. He wanted to scream at himself for what he’d let happen - it was selfish of him. He knew where you had come from and he wanted to protect you - what if you thought he was just as bad as the men before him? He’d been discreetly fawning over you the past few weeks and he knew exactly when he found himself thinking about you in the way that he was. 
It was a couple of weeks into your stay with Emmett and he had gone on a small run for a few necessities - you had begged to go with him, but he had refused, and there was no way you could’ve convinced him. Instead of worrying about Emmett, you decided you could distract yourself - still keeping him in your thoughts. You had laid on his bed - which you now both shared and found yourself taking in his scent, relishing in it as you so often wished you could do. The day you met him you knew he was attractive, and the attraction to him had only grown since. You had countless restless nights, trying not to wake Emmett from his sleep as you’d feel a pool of wetness developing between your legs, aching for Emmett who lay peacefully next to you. On this particular day though, you allowed yourself to indulge in the fantasies you had been having of Emmett while no one was around.
Gently running your hand under your shirt and up to your chest, you placed your thumb and forefinger on your nipple - rolling it with tender pressure - letting a soft breath out at the thought of Emmett. You dreamed of how Emmett’s lips would feel on your breast - the sensitive buds being graced by the desperate sucking of his mouth. Not being able to tease yourself anymore, you moved your hand from your breasts to your neck, keeping a steady grip - only if it was Emmett’s hand - you felt feral, losing all sense of logic at the thought of the calloused caresses Emmett’s hands could provide. With your other hand, you trailed it down your stomach, reaching the band of your underwear, letting a soft whine out. Pushing beneath the band of your underwear, you glided your finger over your clit - your whole body was so sensitive - it had been so long since you’d been able to feel pleasure. Rubbing your clit in gentle circles, your mind was still focused on Emmett and how he’d feel between your legs. Trying to keep as quiet as you could - only letting the softest of moans escape your lips, you sped up, feeling as the heat in your abdomen intensified. Removing your fingers from your clit, you inserted them inside yourself, feeling the way your walls throbbed with a dire need to be filled by Emmett. As you effortlessly pumped in and out of yourself, hearing the way your pussy would squelch as your fingers continuously worked it - you could hear it echoing within the small room you were in and a part of you wished Emmett had been here to witness it. With a few more pumps of your fingers, you felt the coil in your abdomen tightening up and with one more push, and a quiet moan of Emmett’s name, you felt the coil snap as your orgasm rolled over your body, causing your thighs to tremble as you whimpered at the loss of your fingers, still not feeling like you had been full enough, to begin with. Letting out a final quiet breathy moan, you rolled onto your side and made quick action at cleaning yourself, and bringing your heart rate down to normal before Emmett would be back. However, unbeknownst to you, Emmett had heard your breathy moans as he was about to slide back into the pipe. Instead, he had found himself growing hard in his trousers - trying to keep himself at bay, feeling like he had intruded upon you, but he was entranced by your sinful sounds and couldn’t move. The moment he had heard your quiet moaning of his name, however, he had lost all control and found himself pulling his cock - leaking with precum - out of his trousers. He gripped his cock pumping it with his hand, managing to keep his grunting to himself - avoiding alerting anything potentially around them. He continued this until he felt the pleasure in himself building and with a final pump, hearing as you started to move about with quiet, fastened breaths he had cum onto the floor beneath him, keeping his breathing steady as he put himself back in his trousers. Deciding an appropriate amount of time before he went back down, he realised how much of an issue this was about to become. 
It had been a few hours now since Emmett had left to watch over the abandoned train station you were kept up in, and minute by minute it dawned on him just how much of an asshole he was. You had kissed him back - you clearly felt something for him, and he had just stood and left you without looking back once. He was hardly acting like an adult right now, and he needed to check up on you - he cared for you, a lot. 
Treading cautiously back to you, he found your body curled up in the bed you now shared - you were lying on his side with the blanket pulled right up to your chin. As he walked forward, he saw the dried tears you had quietly cried as he had left you temporarily, and his heart broke. How could he hurt you like this? You didn’t deserve to feel such pain, and he was damned if he was about to let you go any longer not hearing from him.
Feeling as the bed dipped and someone started gently stroking your hair, you stirred from the nap you were having and opened your eyes, meeting Emmett’s gaze. He looked guilty, and a part of you was glad, but it also made you feel bad seeing him like this. 
“Can we talk?” his tone was weary, he wasn’t sure how you were feeling and didn’t want to further cross any boundaries. 
Sitting up, you gave a quiet reply, sleep still tangled with your mind, “Of course.”
“I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve being treated like that and - ...and I don’t regret kissing you one bit,” he stared directly into your eyes, a sudden heat spread throughout your body at the small confession, “but I understand if you don’t want this to happen again - you’re a lot younger, and I don’t want you to feel like you can’t back out if you regret this, I shouldn’t have been so selfish in my desires, I’m sorry.” A sudden feeling of vulnerability overcame Emmett, and he couldn’t bring himself to hold eye contact with you anymore - instead looking at the wall. 
Staring at his form, you decided to ask, “And if I don’t want this to continue, will I have to leave?”, you weren’t serious, but you wanted to know.
Snapping his head back to you, his eyes were wide - did you believe he’d let you just go back out alone? “No of course not y/n. You’re staying here with me, and that’s final. I’m not letting you out of my sight ever, as long as I can see you, I know you’re as safe as you can be, and I couldn’t give that up.”
You raised your hand, placing it on his cheek, feeling as he leaned into your touch, “Well it’s okay because I don’t think I’d ever want to leave you, Emmett.” Emmett’s eyes flittered back up to your own as you continued, “I care about you a lot Emmett, this is the first time since...since Dad that I’ve felt genuinely safe, and I couldn’t think of anything more painful than not continuing whatever this is with you.”
He couldn’t take it anymore, and any worries that were once present had now dissipated into thin air - it was just the both of you now. His lips were back on yours again, and this time they were more fervent than before. Letting out a quiet moan of shock, you reciprocated quickly, moving your own lips to join in a passionate kiss. Callous hands pawed at the sides of your waist - he couldn’t hide his desperation as he gently bit down on your lip, causing you to let out a soft gasp, allowing him to slide his tongue into your mouth - both fighting for dominance, until you inevitably lost and you felt his grip tighten. Pulling back for air, the both of you lay your foreheads against each other. 
“Are you sure you want this?” Emmett wanted you - it was clear as his cock had started to harden in his trousers. 
Without another word, you pulled him back into a kiss, slowly rubbing at his cock through his trousers - you had been dreaming of this for weeks, desperate to be filled by him. Feeling a growing wetness pool in your pants, you pulled your shirt over your head, breaking the kiss and feeling Emmett’s eyes hungrily staring at your exposed body. Pushing you back onto the bed, Emmet laid above your body. Bending close to your ear he whispered, “Be a good girl and stay quiet for me, yeah? Can you do that for me darlin’?” Your pussy clenched at his words, you didn’t think his voice could have that much of an effect on you, but you were glad to have been proven wrong. Moving back to your lips, he moved to your neck, trailing small love bites down to your chest, making you let out quiet breaths - being careful to not make too much sound. Bringing one of his hands to your breast, he massaged it gently as his mouth came down to suck on your unattended nipple. Biting down on your lip, you started to feel yourself grow desperate to feel him inside of you - you couldn't handle any more foreplay, you needed him.
“mmm please” you quietly moaned out, cautious not to break your one rule.
“What was that darlin'? Use your words like a good girl.” his hand had dipped beneath the waistband of your trousers and into your pants as he lazily circled your clit, drawing out the smallest of whines from you. His cock was straining painfully against his jeans, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could deal with it. 
“Please I need you in me, I can’t wait anymore, please” He couldn’t deny your pleas - you sounded so desperate and pretty.
Pulling your trousers off in a singular swift motion, he placed gentle kisses on the insides of your thighs, teasing you before he pulled your underwear off and flung them onto the floor. Sitting back up, Emmett admired your naked body beneath him as he sat fully clothed still - you were beautiful, how had he got so lucky to have you? Before you could whine anymore, Emmett ripped his own clothes off, pressing his lips to yours to silence you.
Gently lining his cock up with your pussy, he gently pushed his way in - noticing the way your face contorted in pain.
“I’m sorry darlin’, you tell me to stop if it’s too much. You’re such a good girl taking me so far though, such a good slut for me.” his gentle degradation and care for your wellbeing had your pussy clenching around him already as you were suppressing desperate moans. 
“no it’s okay, keep going, feels good, just hurts a little - I can take it” You looked up and him doe-eyed and it took everything in him not to slam into your tight pussy and have you panting for air.
Pushing himself further, he whispered gentle praises into your ear until he was buried inside of you. Stilling himself, he checked if you were okay, and the moment you reassured him, he was pulling back out, before he’d push back into you with military-grade-like precision. Trying to suppress his own grunts, he placed a hand over your mouth to suppress the lewd sounds that came from your mouth. 
“You’re being such a good girl for me, taking me so well, fuck.” continuing to pump into you, Emmett could feel the tension in his abdomen starting to tighten as the lewd squelching of your pussy echoed in the small room.
“I don’t know how much longer I can go darlin’ you feel too good”
“s’okay, can I touch myself please, I need it” Your desperation and asking for permission almost pushed him over the edge. With a nod of his head, Emmett admired as you placed one hand between the both of you and started circling your clit as he continued to penetrate your pussy. Unable to control the subtle whimpers, you could feel your orgasm building in your stomach - circling your clit faster as Emmett placed his lips back onto yours.
With a final pump, your orgasm overwhelmed your body and your thighs shook against Emmett as he let you ride your orgasm out on him - you felt cock-drunk cumming over his cock as he praised you through your orgasm. As your walls continued to spasm, Emmett pulled himself out of you, hearing your quiet whimper of displeasure at the loss of fullness, and he continued to pump himself until he came on your stomach with a quiet grunt that had your pussy clenching around nothing. 
Getting ready to clean yourself up, Emmett pushed your body back down and without saying a word went to get a cloth that he soaked in water and came back to clean you from his cum.
Smiling up at him, you stared as he came back to lay next to you, still not sharing any words, just being pulled into his chest, and basking in each other’s comfort, not needing to talk just yet.
Letting out a breath, Emmett tilted his face to look into your eyes, “I hope that was good enough to make up for earlier”. 
“Yeah, it was. Better than good, thank you.” Nuzzling into his chest, you could feel your eyes growing heavy, feeling safe in Emmett’s arms. 
“Go to sleep pretty girl, you deserve it.” Giving your forehead a peck, Emmett pulled the both of you down further into the bed, watching as you closed your eyes until your breathing evened out. Smiling at your relaxed, sleeping state, he whispered an “I love you” into your hair - his confession falling on deaf ears, feeling himself relaxing enough to fall asleep intertwined with your sleeping figure.
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f1letters · 1 year
snow on the beach | ls18
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's coming down"
summary: nothing would ever compare to the feeling of simultaneously falling in love with each other
warning: overall fluff, rom-com energy that WILL cure any heartbreak really, friends to lovers, mentions of alcohol, swearing, just a story about the exact moment when two people realize they fell in love with each other, not proofread (because my laptop is acting up and i'm done for today lol)
pairing: lance stroll x reader
word count: 3.2k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, which includes memories from the past.
hey everyone! honestly I've been feeling a bit down lately so this Wednesday I indulged my (not so) secret (now) crush on lance stroll and decided to treat myself (and all the lance lovers ofc) to some well-deserved lance content, haha! and for the ones who don't like him... just give it a try anyways and trust the process haha! enjoy! 💜
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One night, a few moons ago
I saw flecks of what could've been lights
But it might just have been you
Passing by unbeknownst to me
Do you know the feeling of your soul inexplicably catching fire? Of losing control of your thoughts all at once? Of your body being filled with enthusiasm at the sight of someone?
Y/N was very familiar with the thrill that hovered every time their eyes met across the room, as lately, it seemed to happen every time the young woman shared the same space with him.
It didn't matter how much she tried to deny it, or how much she looked for other justifications that would explain the butterflies she felt in her stomach. 
One thing was for sure: even in a room full of the most important people in her life, she still found herself continuously looking for his big, beautiful, brown eyes.
It was almost like he was the light in every room she entered.
The driver's lips curved gently, giving her a small lopsided smile as he returned his attention to her brother, bringing his glass back to his lips.
The girl's attention dropped from his eyes to his soft lips, studying the sensual way his mouth moved as he drank the rest of his whiskey. 
I wonder how his lips would feel on m- Stop, what are you even thinking?! Y/N shook her head, letting out a quiet growl, as she stopped whatever fantasy her mind was trying to create before it was possible.
We're just friends. She thought, trying to convince herself that this was just a moment of weakness. Maybe not even that.
Okay, sure, Y/N and Lance seemed to get along beautifully, the two naturally gravitating towards each other every time they got together. But in reality, Y/N couldn't help thinking that he was just being nice, keeping his future brother-in-law's little sister company.
Glancing at the boy beside the Canadian, she saw Scotty who, as if reading the thoughts in his sister's head, turned towards her and gave her a small wave, followed by a hand gesture to invite her to join them. 
Y/N laughed nervously, shaking her head, and decided to walk to the large dining room table to get some more appetizers on her plate.
Nothing like good food to entertain a confused girl.
Life is emotionally abusive
And time can't stop me quite like you did
And my flight was awful, thanks for asking
I'm unglued, thanks to you
Her eyes admired the decorations throughout the house, adorned in detail, without missing a single corner. It was clear that the eldest James sibling and his fiancée had set no limits on their housewarming party.
Their new home was simply magnificent. Its rustic stone walls perfectly complemented its wooden beams and columns, maintaining the house's original charm yet giving it a modern touch. 
The living room led to a majestic timbered window where Y/N seemed to spend eternities admiring the view from the top of the snow-covered mountain.
This really is Scotty's dream, endless snow, she smiled unconsciously.
"Uh-oh, she's smiling." She heard the Australian beside her, her smile growing exponentially as he leaned his back against the wall next to the window. "This can only mean danger."
"Shut up, you idiot." The girl shoved his arm playfully, shaking her head in annoyance. "FYI, I was having a proud sister moment, but I'm glad you stopped me. I definitely needed someone to wake me up from my temporary madness episode."
"Aww, baby sis, you're sooo cute." Scotty pinched her cheek, just like he always did since they were little, in order to annoy her. He knew how much she hated when he did that, so it didn't come as a surprise when she slapped his hand away from her face. "Hey! This is a no-violence zone. Just because you're an adult now doesn't mean I won't tell Mum and Dad."
Y/N rolled her eyes at the image of the smirk on her brother's face. "Just leave me alone, Scott. Go piss off Chloe or something."
The girl turned back towards the food, picking up a small pastry for herself, while the boy put his arm around his sister's shoulders.
He sighed dramatically, although she could still hear the smile on his face. "And here I was thinking you were going to say that I should 'go piss off Lance'... But I'm sure you would rather have that task for yourself, right sis?"
Almost choking on the delicacy she was eating, the girl started to cough, drawing way too much unnecessary attention to her.
Scotty was informing everyone that she was fine, enjoying her reaction to his words too much, as her eyes rose from the table. 
And she couldn't help but curse her bad luck when she found Lance at the other end of the room, right in front of her, wearing a concerned look on his face, as she almost choked to death.
At that moment, she realized not even time stopped her quite like he did.
But mostly, she realized she was completely and utterly fucked.
And it's like snow at the beach
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Scotty was patting her on the back, trying to help her, but he was interrupted by the sudden movement of the girl turning towards him.
"What the hell are you talking about?" She was nervously fixing her hair, her voice still struggling to come out.
Her older brother couldn't contain his laughter, letting his hand rest on the girl's shoulder. "Oh, my sweet, sweet Y/N... Everyone knows you're head over heels for our boy Lance! No need to deny it, especially to your big bro."
"WHAT?!" She yelled, drawing all eyes in the room back to her. She chuckled lightly turning to the crowd. Before anyone could say anything, she grabbed Scotty's wrist and pulled him into the kitchen. "What?!" She scream-whispered now.
"You heard me." Scotty said, crossing his arms confidently in front of her chest. "You have a big fat crush on Lance and you know it, I know it, everyone knows it!"
"Only someone blind wouldn't be capable of seeing it!" He continued to tease her, having too much fun making her uncomfortable. "In fact, even a blind man could tell by the way you sigh all lovey-dovey every time he walks by you."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do!"
"No, I don't!"
"Yes. You. Do." Scotty emphasized word for word, making the girl give up, even though she would never admit defeat. The man took advantage of her silence to provoke her even more. "Y/N and Lance, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-"
"Scott, stop! Are you a fucking child?" Y/N approached him, covering his mouth with her hand. "I hate you, I swear. Stop this nonsense!"
"Don't worry, baby sis, he likes you too. I'm sure of it." The snowboarder said, giving his sister a kiss on her temple and a final pat on the shoulder, and leaving her alone in the kitchen with her own thoughts.
Lance? Wanting me? That feels impossible. She thought to herself, feeling slightly disappointed. 
But she never let those feelings hang in the air too long, immediately contradicting them. 
It doesn't matter. I do not like him. 
We're just friends.
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow, ah
Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Lance swept through the crowd anxiously in search of the girl that he couldn't seem to get out of his head ever since he laid eyes on her that afternoon.
Though he himself also denied his growing feelings for the young woman, Lance couldn't help but notice how his palms were sweating, or how his heart was beating faster. 
He just couldn't help but feel worried when she disappeared in that state, leaving him wondering how she was.
Waking him up from his ceaseless search, a familiar hand landed on his shoulder, making him turn and find his sister with a sly smile on her face.
"Thank God you chose Formula 1 as a career because you would make a terrible actor."
"What on earth-"
"Get that lost puppy look off your face, Y/N's fine!" Chloe laughed, shaking her head. "Who knew? Two Strolls and two Jameses..."
"I'm not- I was just-" The driver found himself stuttering, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Jesus, Chloe, we're just friends! Friends care about each other. Don't start with this shit again."
"Mm-hmm, sure, friends." Chloe pretended to accept the repetitive excuse that came out of her brother's mouth every time. "I love it when you lie straight to my face just because you don't have the courage to admit that you have the hots for my favourite sister-in-law."
"I don't have the hots for-"
"Hey, watch it, pretty boy!" A voice appeared from behind him as the mysterious person quickly hugged the Canadian by his shoulders, causing his older sister to laugh uncontrollably. "It's my baby sister we're talking about here! Control your emotions, Romeo!"
"I- She- I don't-" Lance found himself in an even more awkward position again, suddenly turning into a deer in the headlights as he was caught off guard.
"Ahhh, kids." Scotty sighed, moving to his fiancée's side, leaning his head against hers without taking his eyes off the boy in front of him. "So young, so in love, and most of all... so stupid."
Lance threw his hands in the air in frustration, turning his back on the couple as he headed to the porch where he would be able to finally get rid of the two of them.
This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen
I searched "aurora borealis green"
I've never seen someone lit from within
Blurring out my periphery
Lance carefully opened the elegant glass doors, being immediately hit by the intense cold that settled at the top of the mountain as usual.
He silently thanked himself for remembering to put on his army green padded coat and his grey beanie on his head. He would never have been able to survive those freezing temperatures without them, even if his Canadian blood helped him a bit.
Another factor that quickly contributed to his body heating up was the girl sitting by herself on the wooden stairs.
As soon as his brown eyes landed on Y/N, the driver could have sworn his heart started pumping faster. 
Just a coincidence, he thought, this is all Chloe's fault for putting these ideas in my head.
Gathering the little courage he had left to face these new feelings that were beginning to stir within him, Lance silently walked over to her and sat down on her left side, making the girl jump in fright.
"Oh my God, Lance!" She brought one of her black-gloved hands to her chest in shock, as the other one removed the AirPods from her ears. "You were about to give me a heart attack! Please don't scare a girl like that without warning."
"Sorry, sorry! It won't happen again!" He put his hand on top of her shoulder, laughing at her reaction. 
He took a few moments of silence to watch as her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in her surroundings.
"God, it's really beautiful up here, don't you agree?" She said, almost in a whisper.
Lance kept his gaze focused on her, not even thinking about taking his eyes off her beauty.
"Just like a movie scene."
My smile is like I won a contest
And to hide that would be so dishonest
And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it
'Til you do, 'til it's true
Unaware that he was subconsciously referring to her and not the dazzling snow that surrounded them, Y/N spoke in agreement. "It is, isn't it? I feel like I'm trapped in a Christmas movie or something." She laughed, eventually letting out a happy sigh. "They're going to love living here. I'm so happy for Scotty and Chloe, you know? They deserve this."
"Yeah, me too. They deserve more than anyone else to live their dream." Lance saw the girl shiver from the corner of his eye as she hug her own body closer. The driver moved closer to her and let his hands run up and down her arms to try to warm her up. "Are you cold? Do you want to go back in?"
"No, no! I'm fine! Just a little chilly, that's all, but thanks."
"Here." The boy removed the hat from his head, pulling it over her hair. The girl blushed at the affectionate gesture, not being able to hide the smile that was stamped on her face as if she had just won a contest. "That will make you stay warmer."
Now it's like snow at the beach
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
"Thanks, Lance. You didn't have to do that." The girl smoothed her hair shyly, pulling it behind her ear.
As it always seemed to happen, their eyes met, and couldn't let go. They were like magnets, drawn to each other. They just couldn't stand being apart from each other.
With no sound around them other than the muffled voices from inside the house, they both felt their stomachs drop as they both realized it simultaneously.
Fuck me, I'm completely in love with him, Y/N thought.
Fuck me, I'm madly in love with her, Lance thought.
Suddenly, all seemed to be coming down. The two felt consumed all around by the connection between them and they both knew they could no longer escape their undeniable attraction.
"I think I've had enough socializing for today," Lance said, charged with adrenaline. "Do you want to get out of here?"
"Lead the way, Stroll."
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow on the beach
Like snow, ah
The wind blew in through the open windows of the driver's Aston Martin as the two made their escape without anyone back at the party noticing.
The girl's hair was blowing in the breeze and, even though he knew he should keep his eyes on the road, Lance couldn't help but appreciate the moment and the fascinating smile she wore on her face as she sang to the song that echoed through the car.
God, she's just... absolutely gorgeous, he thought to himself. 
A small smile appeared on his face, mirroring hers, as he imagined how much his older sister was going to piss him off for being right this whole time about the boy's crush on Scotty's sister.
Hopefully, the headache would pay off and he would have a chance to get the girl.
I can't speak, afraid to jinx it
I don't even dare to wish it
But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet
Now I'm all for you like Janet
Can this be a real thing? Can it?
"We're here." The boy said, parking the car in an empty lot with no one in sight.
"The beach! I love this place, how did you know?" Y/N jumped with joy, getting out of the car and letting her arms wrap around his shoulders without thinking too much about what she was doing. "Oh, sorry! I don't know what-"
She was about to pull away when Lance, driven by the realization of his most intimate emotions, pulled her closer to him by the waist. The girl's eyes widened as his face approached hers. "Just took a guess."
Oh but it wasn't a guess.
In all the years they'd known each other, Lance had found himself noticing every detail about Y/N. 
The way her eyes sparkled when she talked about the happiest days of her life being at the beach. 
How she bit her bottom lip every time someone asked her about her unstable career as an artist. 
How she tugged the skins on her thumb impatiently whenever she didn't have her hands busy with some task.
Lance didn't know if he could speak, if he shouldn't wish for a chance with her.
He was scared, no, he was completely terrified of the idea that he might lose her.
Could they one day become a real thing?
Fuck it, he thought. It was now or never.
The driver went all-in and risked everything, moving closer to the girl as his eyes dropped to her plump lips. 
He felt a gasp come out of her mouth, such was the way she was taken aback by his sudden move on her, but Lance didn't flinch and persisted on his way to her, until he felt her lips brush against his.
The two leaned towards each other, ready to be eternally consumed by their burning passion...
Until they felt a snowflake fall between their barely joined lips.
Are we falling like snow at the beach?
Weird, but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream
Stars by the pocketful
You wanting me
Tonight feels impossible
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Y/N turned away from him as her eyes watched as the snow fell from the sky, painting the sand on the beach white.
"Is that-" Y/N couldn't believe her eyes.
"Snow? On the beach?" Lance replied, equally confused. "This is so-"
"Weird." "Fucking beautiful." The two spoke simultaneously, bursting into laughter at the difference in their reactions.
Like snow on the beach (Snow on the beach)
Like snow on the beach (Flying in a dream)
Like snow on the beach (You wanting me)
Like snow, ah
But it's comin' down
No sound, it's all around
Lance's hand came up to the face of the girl in front of him, stroking her jaw with his thumb as he pressed his lips to hers not wanting to risk the moment being interrupted again.
His mouth pressed over her slightly pursed lips, starting with a gentle kiss and building in intensity as they both lost themselves in the moment for what felt like forever.
"I don't know how to put this into words but... Y/N, you are the most amazing, beautiful, fascinating girl I've ever met. Since I laid eyes on you, I've been head over heels for you. I've tried to deny it- Well, more because Chloe kept bugging me about my crush on you." The driver began to ramble on with the nervousness that came with his feeble attempt at a declaration of love. "Anyway, focus Lance! Y/N, you- You are everything. I-"
"Lance." The girl laughed, placing her hands on either side of his face and placing a quick kiss on his mouth. "I love you too."
"Yeah, those are the exact words I meant to say." He laughed, reuniting their lips once again, as they both got lost in their own little wonderland.
Like snow on the beach
(It's comin' down, it's comin' down)
(It's comin' down, it's comin' down)
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taglist: @dan3avocado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis  
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @scuderiamh @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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my-own-walker · 1 year
I'm so sorry for being so annoying but could you write another JPM where the reader's family comes to the hotel and maybe they are very loud and kinda criminals and telling stories of little reader hahahaha
I just love you and trying to keep you busy, darling🥰����😂
How Soon Is Now?
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note: heeeeerrreeee we go i'm writing again. also, how fun is this? lol. thanks for the request, darling!
summary: james finds out his sweet angel isn't so innocent after all.
warnings: talk of violence/murder, that’s really it
James had always admired my purity.
I was something of an angel in his eyes. The light had finally entered the Hotel Cortez when I arrived.
Maybe it was the softness of my hair. My voice. The dresses I'd wear. The way I smiled. Maybe it came down to moments like the first time I tried his absinthe. The second the licorice-tasting liquid hit my tongue I was putty in his hands. Doe-eyed and complacent.
I liked to play up the pretty, girly aspects of myself to get his attention. I was his perfect little angel.
He was in love with the idea of a corruptable blank canvas.
I begged him to kill me. I did. Once the secret of the hotel was revealed, I suddenly felt a sense of belonging. Like I was meant to spend eternity in that dark, art-deco haven with the man of my dreams.
His transcontinental accent. The way he dressed. His chivalrous nature. He was a spitting image of my wildest fantasies.
He didn't understand my longing for a fate like his, but as his princess, I got what I wanted.
He made it quick and easy. Drugged, to preserve my beauty. I was to be his damsel in distress forever. His pretty princess living up in the tower.
Being dead, but also alive, came with its challenges. One of them being, namely, my family. They were worriers. They couldn't understand why I would up and leave my life to 'work' at some old hotel in LA.
The constant phone calls and messages became too much for me. I needed them to be able to see me in order for them to understand that I was happy where I was. That I was okay.
Obvious challenges came with that notion. James was all too happy to host them, though. Too happy.
He instructed every entity in the place to leave my family alone. He had Miss Evers prepare dinner and the most extravagant table setting she could muster. He even arranged a gold silk dress for me, topped off with a stunning string of heirloom pearls.
Everything was perfect. Until my family showed.
My parents and my three siblings made their way into the hotel rather…ungracefully. I told them to dress nicely. They did what they could, all things considered.
They, at their core, were rowdy, loud, and frankly insane.
The lineup was as follows: My father, Bruce, my mother, Margaret, or Marge, as she liked to be called, my twin older brothers Logan and Wyatt, and my older sister Ginger.
They couldn't make their way to James' suite without incident, of course. No. They had to walk in already arguing about...something. I'm not sure. It took both of my parents, with the assistance of Iris and Liz to get my brothers separated.
Upon stepping into the suite, I immediately heard a ‘it’s REALLY fuckin dark in here!’ from my sister. They really couldn’t find it within themselves to show a shred of decorum in a nice place.
I sat next to James at the dining room table, awaiting my family’s entrance. He sat at the head of the table, smile on his face. He was so excited to meet them. To understand more about his precious girl. He had his hand rested atop mine, eyes trained expectantly on the doorway.
Miss Evers’ figure appeared, then my father’s.
‘There’s my little girl!’ he shouted opening his arms for a hug.
‘Hi, daddy,’ I greeted with a warm smile, getting up from the table to hug him.
‘Wow, sweets, you look great,’ he said, admiring my outfit. Sweets was his nickname for me. My mother and sister filed in next.
‘What’s this, fuckin Halloween?’ my sister scoffed.
‘Nice to see you too, Ginger,’ I smiled. ‘Hi ma,’ I continued. 
‘Y/N!’ she exclaimed, jumping in the air. ‘There’s my little baby!!!’ She rushed over to me, making a point to pinch my cheeks. Logan and Wyatt made their appearance next, still arguing it seemed.
‘No, you dipshit it’s definitely a knife,’ Wyatt huffed.
‘You would use a fucking knife in that situation? Be serious right now,’ Logan replied, throwing his hands up.
‘Hey guys! Over here!’ I waved, reminding them they were arguing loudly in public.
‘Oh hey, Y/N,’ they replied in unison. That weird twin telepathy stuff.
We all took our seats at the table, my mother making sure she was sitting right next to me. She was the one who was most worried about me, after all. It was only fitting that she’d make sure I was okay by being closest to me all night.
James stood from his seat at the head of the table and the whole room turned their attention to him. He tended to have that effect.
‘Hello, Y/L/N family! Welcome to my hotel,’ he began. ‘I’m so happy to finally have you all here. My name is James Patrick March. And you all are?’
‘Marge,’ my mom smiled.
‘Uh, Bruce,’ my dad said, weirded out at the round-robin introduction James had begun.
‘I’m Ginger,’ my sister continued.
‘And they’re Logan and Wyatt,’ I answered for my brothers. They became embroiled in conversation as soon as my mother began speaking just seconds before. Easily distracted.
‘You all make such a beautiful family,’ James declared, sitting back down in his chair.
‘So uh, just to get this straight,’ my dad began, ‘you own this place?’
‘Mm, yes,’ James affirmed, taking a sip of his drink.
‘And you’re, what, to Y/N?’ my father continued to prod.
I couldn’t help but cut in. ‘We’re together, dad. Romantically.’ I knew James wouldn’t be able to put it into terms my family would get.
‘Her?!’ my sister scoffed.
‘Yeah, I can’t lie, I’m shocked,’ my dad laughed. I shot both of them the deadliest look my face could muster, but they continued.
‘She’s a grade-A psycho,’ Ginger said. ‘Y/N how’d you bag a classy guy like this?’ I hung my head in shame. I could have tried to stop them, but once they got going there was no going back.
‘You know, she’s a nice girl but our family is just, a bit unorthodox,’ my mom explained. ‘It’s just shocking to see her live in a place this…nice. And for her to be with someone, like you.’
‘Unorthodox? How’s that?’ James asked, smile still plastered on his face.
‘She started helping us with the, uh, family business, basically as soon as she was born,’ my mom continued. ‘She was a pretty scary kid.’
‘As she grew up she learned more and sort of, haha, became our little hitman. Didn’t you sweets?’ my dad added. I lifted my head and turned it to look at James. His eyes had lit up in a way I hadn’t seen before.
‘Yeah she’s the youngest but she’s the best at roughing people up,’ Ginger said, monotonously. ‘She killed her first at what? 6?’
‘No no, younger than that,’ my mom answered. ‘I think she was 4. It was that Goldberg guy, remember? Screwed dad out of 4 grand.’
‘Ohhhh, right!’ my dad said, laughing slightly. ‘My little killa.’ He looked at me with such pride. He meant it endearingly, but I was so embarrassed. The fact that they’d willingly offer this information without being asked made me sick to my stomach. What would James think of me?
‘This is news to me…’ James purred, taking my chin in his hand. ‘She’s been quite the angel here. I was entirely unaware of her background.’ He smiled warmly at me. His eyes had a fire behind them. Ideas were brewing.
‘Oh yeah James. She was a little Wednesday Addams,’ my mom laughed. I cringed, knowing he wouldn’t understand that reference. ‘Just a scary little girl.’
‘Come on, Y/N,’ Ginger taunted. ‘You should show your new boyfriend your mad murder skills.’
‘Oh yeah, sure. I’ll slice up a guy’s neck. You want it now?’ I asked, obviously sarcastic. The whole thing was getting on my nerves.
‘How soon is now?’ James chimed in. I turned my head suddenly and looked at him. He was deadly serious about the whole affair. He seemed…ecstatic. ‘Something can be arranged. I would love to see this, hidden talent, my dear.’ His eyes flashed with what I can only describe as lust.
‘James,’ I pleaded.
‘There was a guy in the hall that gave us a funny look earlier,’ Wyatt said, breaking his twin bubble with Logan. ‘You could kill him.’
‘Wyatt, I’m not gonna kill just anyone!’ I protested.
‘I’ll see to it that he’s brought here at once!’ James exclaimed, subsequently taking a large swig of his drink. ‘But first, Miss Evers! We’d like to have our meal now! We have business to attend to afterwards!’
My secret was out, and James was about to take full advantage of it.
Haha! This was fun to write. Hopefully I’m over my horrible writers block now. Requests are back open so send em in!
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩ -Flustered- ✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.9k
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None other than some cussing if you squint!
Maddy is pink in text and Y/n is purple in text!
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
I stared at the photo on my phone screen, She was so beautiful an angel even.
She was so breathtaking, She had me so flustered and I haven't ever met her.
"Are you stalking y/n's Instagram again?" Maddy asked sitting down beside me, I quickly clicked out of Instagram and turned my phone off,
"What no!" I said playing dumb,
She rolled her eyes sighing, "Why don't you just DM her?" She asked,
"Are serious? DM THE y/n y/l/n?" I asked raising an eyebrow,
"Haha no! She would laugh her ass off- She would probably post it on her Instagram story like Noah Schnapp posted doja cat's DM!" I said throwing my head back,
"No, she wouldn't!" She said rolling her eyes,
"Oh, really how would you know?" I asked looking over at her,
"She just doesn't seem like that type of person," She shrugged smiling.
I was debating on messaging y/n, but the chances of her seeing my DM out of a thousand more are extremely low, I think I'm just gonna have to admire her over the screen and live in my own fantasy world.
"I could do it for you!" Maddy said, I raised my eyebrow looking back at her.
"Do what?" I asked, "I could DM y/n on your phone since you are too chicken," She laughed
"Come on kids we need to go!" I sighed as Maddy and I got up to walk to the limo outside.
"I'll think about it Mads," I said, she nodded as we got in the limo.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Alright, all done!" My Makeup artist Tami said as she closed the lip gloss.
I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection, I had just gotten my hair done as well and I was already in my outfit.
My bestfriend Maddy had invited me to a movie premiere, She was recently in a movie called the black phone.
I of course said yes to going, She is my bestfriend after all, Plus she said she needed to tell me something when I got there.
"Are you ready?" Tami said as I stood up out of the seat,
"Kind of, I'm just nervous." I said playing with my rings, "Awh why honey?" She asked laying a hand on my shoulder.
I was excited to go don't get me wrong I loved supporting my bestfriend in anything she did, but there was a certain someone that was gonna be there tonight, Miguel Cazarez Mora.
"Well, I kind of have a crush on Miguel, But he doesn't know me- And what if I stutter when I speak to him or-"
"You will be fine y/n, if there is one thing I know about you it's how confident you are, I've seen boys flirt with you before and you just end up making them all soft, you make them boy's fall like dominos." She said packing up all her makeup.
I guess she was right, I just need to be confident and not make a complete fool out of myself.
"Let's go y/n everyone is on the way there." My bodyguard said as he walked into the room, I nodded my head got up and walked outside to the limo.
"You got this y/n, remember who you are," I whispered to myself as the limo drove off.
꒰ Maddy's Pov ꒱
We had finally arrived at the premiere and I couldn't find y/n anywhere, I just decided to text her.
Prettiest girl💕
Hey, where are you?
I just got to the premier
Why what's up?
Come to the green room everyone is back here!
KK getting mobbed lol
see you in a min 😽
"Bro shut the fuck up that's why you can't pull no bitches." Mason yelled as he and Miguel walked through the door, Brady and Tristan following in after them laughing.
"What do you mean I got tons of bitches on my d-" I quickly cut Miguel off by Calling out for Mason to come over.
"Mason Come here!" He walked over saying a quick bye to the boys,
"What's up?" He said standing in front of me, "Okay, So you know how Miguel has a fat crush on Y/n Y/l/n right?" I said, and he rolled his eyes.
"Do I know? He never shuts up about her!" He said causing both of us to laugh,
"Well she's my friend and I kind of invited her without telling Miguel-"
His eyes widened as his jaw dropped, "YOU WHAT!?" He yelled, I quickly put my hand over his mouth, I looked over at Miguel who was looking at me and Mason With a confused look, I sent him a quick smile before looking back at Mason.
"Could you shut up! You're goin' to ruin the surprise idiot!" I said rolling my eyes
He put both of his hands up in surrender, "My bad- My bad," He laughed,
"So how are you going to surprise him?" He asked, "I'm just gonna try to get him close as possible and then I'm going to point her out," I said smiling at my plan.
"That sounds like a shit plan," I gasped, He laughed and patted me on the back.
"I think that you should tell her that Miguel has a crush on her and then she walks up and kisses him out of nowhere," He said smiling, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"You that's an even worse plan, right? Consent still exists, I like my plan better." I said shrugging my shoulders, our conversation was interrupted by Miguel walking over.
"Hey, Maddy hows is it going!?" He smiled leaning in for a hug, I hugged him back,
"We were just talking about- Uhh- How Maddy won her soccer game!!" Mason said scratching the back of his neck, He gave Mason a weird look but didn't question his friend's weird behavior
"Congratulations Mads!" He said, We all heard gasps and people whispering,
Next thing I know Miguel's mouth and eyes were wide open, He was blushing like crazy and his breathing started to pick up, I gave him a weird look before turning around to see what's got my bestfriend so flustered.
I smiled as I watched y/n walk through the door, Thanking the guard that opened it for her, She stopped in the middle of the room looking around, Smiling and winking at some people that were staring at her, Her eyes landed on me and I quickly waved her over.
"Holy shit- Holy shit- Fuck- Do I look good she's coming over here," I laughed at Miguel's panicking state, He was so red, it was so cute to see him all worked up over just looking at y/n.
"Dude chill, You look red as shit, You could identify as a tomato right now," Mason said, Laughing as Miguel rolled his eyes, "She's just breathtaking," He said, staring at y/n as she got closer to our group, His hands began shaking, Jesuse christ this man is whipped already.
She slowly walked up to me smiling, "Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," She said hugging me, I smiled and looked at Miguel who was staring at y/n with wide eyes, Mason hit his shoulder, "OW!" He yelled, rubbing his shoulder where Mason hit him, Mason just rolled his eyes laughing at the flustered boy.
꒰ Y/n's Pov ꒱
"Hi Maddy, It's so good to see you," I said giving her a big hug, I haven't seen her in person for two years, But we obviously kept in contact over the phone, "OW!" I looked over to see Miguel rubbing his shoulder as Mason laughed, I smiled as he looked up at me.
"Hi, I'm y/n," I said raising my hand for him to shake, He gulped before shaking my hand, I could tell how nervous he was, "I'm M-Miguel, It's very nice to meet y-you," He stuttered, keeping intense eye contact, He pulled his hand away smiling, "U-Uh h-how do you know Maddy?" He asked looking up at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Real smooth dawg," Mason whispered, Miguel sent him a glare,
"I went to my little sister's soccer game, I was sitting down and Maddy came up to me and started fan Girling," I explained laughing at the memory,
"I was shocked to see you there," Maddy said laughing along,
"I heard that you're filming a new movie, Hows that going?" Mason asked,
I in fact was filming a new movie,
Scream VI, I played as Tara Carpenter and Sam Carpenter's little sister, Alana Carpenter.
"It's going good, I defiantly can't wait for it to come out next year!" I Said smiling.
"You're an amazing actor," Miguel said out of nowhere, Mason and Maddy busted out laughing, While I just starred at Miguel and smiled, He nervously looked away, licking his lips,
"Thank you, I liked your character, Robin Arellano, he was pretty badass," I said smiling, He laughed, looking at me.
A boy with blonde hair came up to us, patting Miguel on the back,
"Are you guys coming, We're going to watch the movie," He said, His eyes cut over to me and he gasped,
"NO FUCKING WAY BRO!" He yelled,
I smiled saying hi,
"I'm Brady- It's so nice to meet you oh my god- you're so pretty," He shook my hand, and We left to go watch the movie.
I sat between Maddy and Miguel.
Me and Maddy were sharing a bucket of popcorn before Mason stole it away.
I sighed as I looked up at the screen, Miguel and Mason's part came up, The bathroom scene.
I felt eyes on me, I looked over to see Miguel staring at me, He quickly looked back to the screen, It was completely dark but I could see the red tint on his cheeks.
"Pst" I heard,
I looked over to see Maddy,
"Miguel has a huge crush on you, Just so you know," She whispered in my ear giggling,
I smiled and nodded my head, "Really! I couldn't tell?" I thought, Laughing to myself,
Miguel looked over at me as we locked eyes, "What's so funny?" He asked smiling,
"Just something Maddy told me," I said looking at the screen,
His eyes widened as he straightened his posture, "What did she tell you?" He asked,
"Nothing important."
He looked back at the screen.
꒰ Miguel's Pov ꒱
Shit, what did Maddy tell y/n, she said she would DM y/n for me,
Would she tell her that I like her here, I fucking hope not- But I kinda hope she did at the same time so I don't embarrass myself,
Fuck I'm shitting bricks right now.
I'm still trying to process the fact she was sitting right beside me!
God do I want to kiss her so fucking bad, But I couldn't, I just had to stare at her like a creep.
꒰ Time Skip ꒱
Everybody had just finished watching the movie and went to go take some group photos.
"I'm starving," Mason whined, placing is hand on his stomach,
"Your hungry? I could eat whole human right now," Maddy said,
"Ah hell Nah!" Y/n said as she moved to hide behind Miguel, everyone Laughed, Miguel blushed.
"Do you guys want to go to McDonald's?" Tristan asked, opening the car door for everyone,
"I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now," y/n laughed as she and everyone else sat in the limo.
"Same," Brady said, everybody agreed on McDonald's.
"We are so bougie rolling up to McDonald's in fancy clothes and a damn limo," Tristan laughed.
"Oh well I want my damn chicken nuggets," Maddy said causing everyone to laugh,
When the group got to McDonald's they ordered and sat down, getting weird looks from everybody in there.
"Hey, I have to ask you something," Miguel said, walking up to y/n,
"What is it," she asked, patting the seat beside her, he sat down and smiled at her.
"Um… I don't know how to say this," he nervously laughed, she just smiled and grabbed his hands, keeping eye contact, "You can tell me," she said.
Miguel took a deep breath trying to brace himself for rejection.
He basically shitting himself at this point, he knew he would never get this moment alone with her again, So why not shoot his shot, if she did reject it would be super embarrassing but at least he could say he tried.
"I… I really like you, Y/n… I think you are absolutely gorgeous and I think that you are perfect, I would like to take you out on a date sometime, if that's ok with you- I understand if you don't feel the same-"
Miguel was quickly cut off by a pair of warm plush lips on his, his eyes widened in panic but hurried to relax as he saw it was y/n.
When they pulled away Miguel was a blushing, Flustered mess.
He was smiling like an idiot, but who wouldn't be if they had just kissed Y/n l/n, he was definitely losing it when he got home.
"I like you too Miguel, I would love to go out with you," Y/n smiled, pulling him in by his shirt for another long kiss.
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @vancehoppergirl @bradyhepner
@masonthameslvr @theblackphone-incorrectquotes @theblackphonesposts @deadghosy @finneyblakes @luckypinballmachine @mnsnloverhey
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Hi!! If you don’t mind, do you think you could write one of those nsfw alphabet things for Jareth? (If not that’s okay<3) I can’t find anything smut wise for him and I’m currently obsessed with labyrinth (again)😭😭
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Of course!!! I’m literally obsessed over both Jareth and those NSFW alphabet posts rn! Also, thank you for requesting stuff! It helps so much with writer's block lol.
Warnings: Obviously, smut; oral sex; semi-public sex mentions; breeding kink;
A= Aftercare (what they are like after sex)
I think Jareth would be so sweet and caring after sex. He would praise you, and run you a warm bath, or, if you are both too tired, he will just softly clean you up and make sure you are comfortable and leave you to sleep. He would always care about you before him. 
B= Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Okay, so he would obviously love every inch of you, every perfection and imperfection. However, his favorite parts of your body would definitely be your thighs (and everything in between obviously), and your eyes. He loves how you look at him, even if it isn’t sexual, he just loves that someone looks at him with that kind of admiration and love. He loves your thighs because he loves leaving little kisses and nibbling on them watching you squirm. He loves both his mouth, due to how good he can make you feel with it, and his hands, for the same reason. If you can’t tell, everything he does he does for your pleasure.
C= Cum (pretty much anything to do with cum)
I find Jareth to be a pretty clean guy, giving him being a literal king, so he doesn’t try to make a mess. He will either cum inside you (if you are comfortable with it) or in his hand. He won’t really cum in your mouth, and won’t on your face, unless you say you want him to. Again, all about your pleasure babe. Your cum however, he would love to lick your come off his fingers (don’t ask why, he just would), and clean you up with his tongue if you aren’t too overstimulated.
D= Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
So, he obviously watched you for quite a while before you were sent to the labyrinth or the castle, depending on the situation, and he obviously tried to give you as much privacy as he could. However, he occasionally would watch you change or masturbate. He just couldn’t help it. He never told you, and trust me, he never will. 
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
This is controversial, but I don’t think he would be super experienced. Like, at all. He obviously knows what he is doing, and is good at it, but given his entire role as a goblin king, living in a whole fantasy world, where you have to be wished away or wish someone away to get there, he isn’t getting a lot of bitches. The ones he sets his eyes on usually don’t get past the labyrinth, and if they do, they are usually kind of scared of him by that point (which I get, but also I would fold so fast), so they usually take the person they wished away and leave. He was just lucky you decided to stay and be goblin royalty in his kingdom. 
F= Favorite Position (goes without saying what this means)
Jareth wants to see your face no matter what, so stuff where you are turned away from him is a no-go. He usually defaults to missionary, as it leaves him in a good amount of control, but still allows him to see that gorgeous face of yours. If you insist he will let you ride him, as long as you face him, and only if you practically beg him. He is very insistent that he is the one on top, but he will make exceptions for you.
G= Goofy (are they more serious or humorous in the moment?)
He is not usually ever ‘funny’ when having sexs with you. He sees it as a purely passionate moment. He, no matter how soft or rough, sees sex as ‘love making’. If you make a joke, trying to get comfortable, break tension, or just think of a good joke in the moment, he will 100% at least chuckle with you. But usually? Very serious.
H= Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t going to be bald down there or anything, but he will try to keep himself trimmed up. He is just as brightly blond down there as he is up top. He will most likely just have a patch just above his privates. (Also, he would 100% have a happy trail, just saying)
I= Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Super intimate the entire time. From start all the way to aftercare. He is always a romantic (and very dramatic) no matter if it was spontaneous, or if you guys had discussed having sex before hand. He will make sure to escort you to wherever you are having sex (most likely his bed). He will lead you by hand or maybe even carry you like the pure gentleman he is. Plenty of kisses, and plenty of ‘I love you’s. He will make it the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you, and will be so god damn proud of himself for it.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate? How often?)
He tries not to, but if you aren’t in the mood, or if you aren’t available, he will. He will do it very quickly, and very privately. He hates having to do it, but he can’t just leave the problem there, so he does if he must. And trust me, he thinks of only you when he does.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jareth, to your surprise, isn’t an extremely kinky person. I think if you brought anything up to him, he would try it at least once. However, he only is really into slight bondage, like holding your hands so you can’t move them, or something like that. He does however have a huge breeding kink. It isn’t really about getting you pregnant, even though I think he would love to have a family with you, but it’s more about just watching himself drip out of you. It makes him go crazy.
L= Location (favorite places to do it)
He is a simple man (not really but just go with it), and he mainly just likes to do it in his bed. It is the most comfortable, and it is just easiest that way, but his throne is another place he adores doing it with you on. He will send all of the goblins away if he can’t stand it anymore, and make you see stars while never leaving his throne. He usually just has you ride him while he is sitting on his throne, but he also loves it when you ride his thigh while sitting in his lap. He loves how a wet patch forms on his pant leg. It really gets him going, however prepare for him to make you cum at least twice.
M= Motivation (what gets them going/what turns them on)
Whenever you get flustered or angry for any reason. Obviously, he hates you being upset, but you look amazing telling someone off, even if it’s him. It reassures him that you will be okay on your own here, but also, it makes him wild. Sometimes, he purposefully makes you flustered just to see you stumble over your words trying to tell him off. (he always apologizes with kisses, or more, afterwards).
N= No (something they wouldn’t do/ Hard no’s)
He wouldn’t do something that would inherently harm you, even if you say you like it. He would never hit you beyond maybe a little spanking here and there. He also wouldn’t do anything CNC, he just can’t do it. He doesn’t like roleplaying adult minor situations (due to him not being a pedo), and won’t do anything to do with a knife/blood kink. He loves you and your body too much to think he is actually hurting you. Anything else he will try at least once though<3
O= Oral (do they prefer giving? Receiving? Skill level?)
Jareth definitely prefers giving, but will gladly accept receiving as well. He loves seeing you squirm with his head in between your thighs, all those little noises you make. He almost could get off completely just doing that. Although, he won’t refuse you giving him head. He loves how good your mouth feels around him, but he would very much prefer his head being crushed by your thighs. Also, if you couldn’t already guess, he is fantastic. He will make you cum multiple times just using his mouth. Notice how I said he will and not he could. Yeah, he is going to be down there for a bit, loving every second of it. 
P= Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
It really depends on both his mood, and the circumstances leading up to the moment to predict whether he is going to be fast, rough, or slow. If he had a bad day, he will just plow into you as fast and rough as he can, although to compensate for him being rough, he will whisper little praises in your ear. If he has a very good day, he will go more slowly, still keeping a decent pace, and give you little kisses all along your neck, chest, and face. If you ask him to, or if you are close, he will quicken his pace, or go a little more rough.
Q= Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn’t against them, they just don’t end up being very ‘quick’, more-so just spontaneous. If you are having sex, he is going to make you cum multiple times, so there is nothing stopping very quickly after it starts with him. 
R= Risk (are they game to experimenting? Do they take risks?)
Jareth will experiment with pretty much anything you ask him to unless it is in his ‘hard no’s’ category. He would be willing to take you in the goddamn labyrinth if you had asked him to, no matter what creatures and monsters may happen upon you two. So, yes, he would 100% be willing to take as many risks as possible just to make you feel good.
S= Stamina (how many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
He is literal magic. He is fae. He can last as long as he wants. If he can tell you are getting worn out, or if he just wants to cum, he will allow himself to. Time wise, he can go at minimum three-four rounds, however if you aren’t too tired or overstimulated he can go for so many more. 
T= Toys (do they own any toys? Do they use them? On a partner? On themselves?)
I don’t think he would own any, as he can get the job done perfectly fine without them, but if you owned any and wanted him to use them on you he would be happy to(he might be a bit bitter about it since he is a drama queen but he will get over it). I don’t think he would ever use them on himself, though.
U= Unfair (How much do they like to tease)
Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen him interact with anything/anyone ever? He will tease you the entire time until you are begging and screaming for him to let you cum. He loves to give you pleasure, but he has to have a little fun, doesn’t he? 
V= Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don’t see Jareth as being particularly loud. He will probably just make little grunting noises, and if you are lucky, you will get a small whimper out of him
W= Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
He has completed untouched just by giving you head multiple times. The first time he was slightly embarrassed, but after you reassured him it was fine, he was fine with it, and it became a ‘praising’ tool for him to praise you with. Example: “See how good you make me feel just from watching you princess?”
X= X-Ray (let’s take a peek under those clothes)
Have you seen his bulge in the movie? Now, he is obviously big, I would say probably 7-8 inches, (maybe more since this is a literal fantasy world) and pretty girthy. Definitely not lacking in any department, if you catch my drift.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a pretty high sex drive, but he can keep it under control for the most part. He is willing and happy to have sex whenever and wherever, all you have to do is ask!
Z= Zzz (how fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)
After aftercare, and after he makes sure you are comfortable and sleeping, he falls asleep decently fast. Probably within a good 10-15 minutes after you fall asleep, if he doesn’t have any duties to perform as king.
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nyxreads · 1 year
I see alot of Elain stans wanting to read about soft female characters and that is why they love Elain as the next lead of the acotar book. I get it. Please don't misinterpret what I'm about to ask but soft girls are way too overrated. This is why men easily step on women, because women are too soft and can become a doormat. Elain is "too kind", "too forgiving", and some stans hate "girlboss" but did one of you pause and think that maybe the reason why some people like girls like Gwyn or Nesta is because they are the representation of women who stood up after centuries of patriarchy? Women aren't lesser. We love to read more girlboss characters in fantasy books because they empower us. Just some food for thoughts but I love Elain too, she can show more flavor in the next books
Hi anon,
First, I want to clarify to you that (imo, I can't speak for all) but Elain stans don't really hate badass characters. There's that. And I don't really think feminine women are overrated considering how characters like Elide, Yrene, Elain (at least in this fandom) are overlooked because well, they don't wield sword or isn't bitchy enough.
The thing here anon is, instead of women empowering women (may it be fictional or real) it became a competition. Of who's better, who can wield sword better, who can kill, who can say the last word, who's fit to have a love interest. It comes to the point where some women especially in this fandom look at characters like Elain and decides they are weak because they aren't the kind of women (as per to your own words) who stood up after centuries of patriarchy. Instead of uplifting every female characters, women started tearing female characters down that they deemed boring or unimportant in the series.
Anon, there is strength in gentleness. There is strength in forgiveness, in fact according to research people who forgives tend to live longer and their hearts healthier. Just because women are feminine doesn't mean we are lesser. We have a vital role in the society, and whoever sees feminine women as lesser, are the real lesser one. Because looking down at somebody because they don't meet your standard of strength shows insecurity.
Most women are feminine anon, I think it's time for us to stop demonizing femininity. Hollywood fooled us hard, let's open our eyes, this is why it's very important to also see characters such as Elain take the lead and have her own book.
There's enough representation of girlboss character in fantasy series, and I have no complaint in that. But there's also nothing wrong in embracing your feminine side and wanting to see a representation of it on fantasy books.
And let me tell you, irl, it's not women who held guns that helped on the war, it's the women most people sees as doormat. In fact, during the WWII, men underestimated these type of women and thought of them as fragile and helpless but they are spies, anon. They became a big weapon in war. Women are capable of anything despite of their trait. It's 2023 anon, let's stop underestimating women because of their gentleness or because of their hobbies and desires in life.
Stop tearing down women (fic or not). Just because you don't relate to them doesn't mean no one does. Every kind of women can be a main character.
And this is long enough but OMG (I am trying to be calm, really) stop looking down at my sweet girl! Lol okay bye.
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ranticore · 9 hours
answering asks in a big batch post
my god u guys are curious
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nah I don't think they live that long. the matriarchs maybe will take several generations of rider but for the average workers i don't believe their lifespan would be much longer than a human's. maybe an extra 10 or 20 years over the human average, in which case they would be retired (and likely grieving)
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@illbecreativelater thank you bestie... yeah absolutely, any recommendations of the pern books need to have a big "this was written in the 1960s" disclaimer attached lol. i have a real soft spot for them for the sci-fi disguised as fantasy aspect, and the plotline of people coming together to rediscover lost technology - if someone reads it purely for dragon riding i think they'd be disappointed. i find it interesting how it launched a genre but the most unique aspects of the story (aforementioned sci-fi elements) were not really replicated in other dragon riding fiction. also um obligatory plug for Said The Black Horse if you like Pern Story since that's where all the characters come from (no dragons tho)
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hfkjsg i'm kidding, I didn't think I'd put this much thought into the prehistory stuff so it's still patchy and not internally consistent. re: the mages, they did not go willingly at ALL and it was not the crime of one group - it was unable to be conclusively proven (behind closed doors) what started the "portals spewing out inorganic killing machines" problem. each had dirt on the other and they all stabbed eachother in the back over it during the ensuing tribunals (and it was because Revelation had no leverage over the others that it became the fall guy). there were only a handful of mages in reality, and one of them was fully exonerated and became the judge who gave the sentence and the ensuing punishment. the options presented to the mages were "submit or die", with submission being contingent on their future lives as underground pest control monsters.
the magic was not like dnd wizard magic. it was more esoteric - a study like alchemy which could not actually be weaponised. wizards were vulnerable to physical attack. they weren't throwing out lightning bolts or fireballs, and away from their laboratories, helpers, and equipment, they couldn't cast spells at will. they were, as it turns out, very stoppable. far from the most powerful people in the world - the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality is all well and good but if you don't have a rich patron or king giving you unlimited funding it's not like you can do much. the spell of Turn Into Monster was the last piece of magic powered by extra-dimensional sources before those sources chose to stop humouring spellcasters, and it took years to implement.
magic could not handle the new threat. they tried and failed. it was very much a "i opened a portal to the void to see if it would make my dinky little orrery spin, and something in the void stared back" situation, where that 'something' was not controllable by magical means. the events at Amphora were greater than just a stream of crawling beasts (again, where Amphora once sat there is now a vast plain of completely flat, empty land)
anyway i still need to seal up some of the gaps but essentially, wizards caused the mess collectively, were unable to stop it, and then turned viciously on one another when it became clear their magic wasn't helping and their patrons were no longer willing to support them. many of them were torn from their laboratories by the vengeful public and few survived long enough to see their new lives as wyrms.
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Dark age/renaissance/industrial revolution: yes kind of! Even the generations of people directly following the original settling of Siren were forced to live essentially stone-age lives despite being fully aware of technology like LEDs or rocket engines. The mineral composition of Siren made metals really hard to come by, and without an established Industrial Sector they struggled to produce things like medicine (the ol' 'how will you make insulin' question again) and they were shit outta luck for microchips or computers. they could farm, they could make primitive refineries, but it was increasingly clear that if they wanted to reproduce the conveniences of modern Earth life, it would have to be developed again from scratch using only the materials available on Siren. And the more decrepit the original settlement ruins became, the harder it was to access knowledge of the old world, and for a while many societies on Siren were subsistence farmers/hunters only. this dark age birthed many superstitions and myths that persist today, and the theory of 'predecessors' who were like gods who'd come to Siren to populate it with their creations. normally i wouldn't believe stuff like this could happen but tbh i've seen people go full anti-vax in real time and it only takes a few generations of that for entire belief systems to spring up and warp the truth.
the renaissance era is Qedivar's time, it's when the University is at its peak and the study of the natural world and its phenomena has become more science than superstition, it is an era of rapidly expanding knowledge. Industrial Revolution has not taken place however it's not far off on the horizon; the most 'modern' cast of characters I have is a whaling crew in a metal-hulled, coal-powered ship.
which forms of government were most prevalent during the existance of Sirenian civilization? which forms exist currently?: the first Sirenian government was a military dictatorship formed in secret with the first rebels at the helm, which dissolved once its stated goals had been met and the settlement had been destroyed. after that there was an attempt at republicanism but ultimately different groups drifted apart instead of staying all in one place, forming small scattered enclaves around the western continent, usually ruled by whoever chose to go out there and start farming. these developed into villages. pelagic villages in some regions are still ruled by a patriarch (gender neutral) selected by a council of elders based on who has the most experience. there have been as many forms of government over the years across the planet as you can imagine, probably. notably, most of the Eastern continent is ruled by whoever is currently the president of the University. for most prevalent I'd say some form of council, elected or not. but on the eastern coast of the Eastern continent there exists Siren's only bloodline monarchy as well, and that still persists into the renaissance era.
was there any sort of access to advanced knowledge that helped them during the social/cultural/technological development? Not particularly; although people went to Siren specifically to make a settlement and live there, it was never intended to be permanent. when permanently settling other planets (for example, the ship that brought people to Siren originated on another planet, Ceti, and not Earth) the effort would usually be far more robust and massive databanks would provide people with knowledge. the settlement had 3D printers to produce clothing and day to day objects when needed, but they were sabotaged by the last non-allied unmodified humans when it became clear their cause was lost. they also had basic wikipedia level databanks which were stored within their own servers (i.e no cloud backups or anything and no connection to anything outside Siren), which were subject to flood damage and also more sabotage via crowbar, in an attempt to hide from future access what had been done within the genetic lab. parts of the databanks were later able to be accessed (it's how Qedivar got all that information about Ishmael) but as mentioned above, the knowledge was scarce and all but useless. it'd be like a caveman finding a manual for how to turn on a wifi router, but there's no wifi, no router, and no materials to make any of those things.
some of the harpy visors contained the photo albums (3D and immersive videos included) of the pilots who once wore them, which provided a glimpse into Earth or Ceti. they also had digital maps which greatly aided in navigating Siren; there was never any era of exploration, as the geography of the planet was known from the start.
had things like feudalism/class inequality/slavery still emerged, regardless? yes but in small and isolated areas, as the population density of Siren overall is extremely low and it was difficult for anyone to concentrate enough power in one place to enact widespread feudalism or start up a formal slave trade. the monarchy described above does engage in feudalism, for example. class inequality is very pronounced in places like the University but classes are not defined by wealth, rather by scholarly ability. in the west coastal areas of the Eastern continent it is common to simply not have any relationship with your blood relatives on the basis of that relation; that is, even if you know who your parents are (a very rare occurrence). this makes it difficult to concentrate class power via bloodline, and why the monarchy is wildly different and kind of an unthinkable novelty to everyone outside it lol.
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addisonstars · 9 months
"mornings with you"
written for day 29/30 of september for @jegulus-microfic with the prompts "permanent/draw"
565 words
Regulus had already gotten up by the time James had awoken. His side of the bed was cold and made, just like typical Reg. 
Feet quietly sounding on the hardwood floor, James walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where he knew that Reg would be. He came up behind him and hugged his hands around Regulus' waist, fingers brushing the James tattooed right above his waistline, in between his hips. It was another permanent, not so subtle reminder that he was James’ and nobody else's. 
A while ago, Regulus had asked James to draw his name out for him on a little piece of paper. James didn’t question it, happily complying with whatever his husband wanted. But later, when Regulus came home with a new tattoo, James probably should have. Seeing James in black ink in that perfect sight had James drooling. 
It was all that James could do to shag him right then and there in their living room with Teddy, who they were babysitting for the afternoon, napping in the guest bedroom. However, James had enough self-control to wait until Sirius and Remus came and picked Teds up and they had left the driveway. Then, it was all over for him. 
“Good morning love,” James drawled, voice heavy with sleep. It was a noise that made Regulus weak in the knees. 
“‘Morning.” Regulus replied. He handed one cup of coffee to James, loaded with creamer and then kept the other one for himself, black. “Hey, Sirius called earlier this morning and he needs to watch Teddy again today. He should be over to drop him off in a couple hours. I already set up his crib, we just need to Teddy-proof the rest of the house.” 
James laughed. “”Kay love. And you're not gonna come home after work with another surprise like you did last time right?” He added, referring to the tattoo. 
It was Regulus’ turn to laugh. “Not unless you want me too, love.” 
James smirked. “Well, if you make any plans on a whim, call Sirius and Remus to pick Teddy up when you're done, so that way I don’t have to wait.” 
“Wait for what exactly?” Regulus asked, feigning innocence. 
Rolling his eyes, James said with total confidence, “Wait to fuck you upon every surface of this house. You don’t know how fuckable you looked with that tattoo. With my name, right there, just begging, pleading, for something. I think I’d take you first on the couch, start soft, then move-”
“James.” Regulus cut through his sex fantasy with a stern look. “Don’t start that this morning. I have to get to work and I really don’t want to be late because you're acting like a teenager who can’t control himself.” 
“It’s not my fault that you look like, well you, every day.” 
Regulus smiled and left to go to take a shower and get to work. Just as he was leaving the kitchen he called out to James. “Jamie! Teddy-proof the house while I’m getting ready please!” 
“I can’t join you today?”
Of course James would want to join Regulus in the shower, even though he just got onto him for not having self control. But alas, Regulus wasn't going to complain if James wasn’t. 
“Fine. But only because I love you.”
James hurried after Regulus, not wanting to waste any moment of his time.
well well, its the end of the month and the last day of september microfics! we made (i missed a couple days whoops, but i have a life lol) hope you guys enjoyed reading these!! i enjoyed writing them! i wont stick to any one specific ship next month, it'll be a whenever i want to type of thing lol. have a great rest of your saturday lovelies, take care. <33
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coffehbeans · 6 months
Y'all might be wondering where I've been. Well, I've been drawing!
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These are Juhren and Sunflower, my oldest g/t ocs (they're from 2018!) I'm very fond of these two and I was thinking about them a lot, not to mention redesigning them, and before I knew it, I've drawn a whole portrait aushshs
Although the only stories I've posted about these two were fluffy (here and here) their bond wasn't like this at first!
More about them under the cut~
Basically, Juhren and Sunflower are childhood friends in a fantasy world where each sentient being has a magical power inside them, which made the world full of different species of creatures. Humans like Sunflower, however, do not have this power and in the land she lives in they're being killed and harvested for a unknown purpose. So Sunflower pretends to be a magical species that's related to nature and plants (hence her name) and it was during this undercover period that she met Juhren. He's from a species of giants called the nordem, a barbaric, violent and powerful kind that's currently on war with the leaders of the country. However, when they met, Juhren was a child and nordem children are just a little taller than human size.
After a falling out, they've been separated until adulthood. Sunflower is discovered and has to flee her village and the country altogether in order to survive, hiding from basically everyone, since humans can be captured for a very high reward. In this world where she can trust no one, she needs allies in order to escape, and meeting Juhren again, now a powerful and (apparently) ruthless giant like the others, he might prove to be just the person she needs.
Sorry that got long lmaoo anyway I have their first meeting planned out (I've written it a few times as well) and, although I have a lot on my plate rn lol, I want to write it one day and show it to you guys! I've only been showing Juhren's soft side so far, but truth is he rarely makes the face he's making at the drawing ausush So anyway I love them
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ncityprincess · 2 years
one last present 🎁 ♥️
pairing: yuta x y/n
plot: this is extremely corny and stereotypical but i wanted to write it anyway 😁 y/n has a sexy little christmas surprise for her boyfriend yuta. also this is very loosely based off of @neoculturecollectives Yuta role play fic series. it wasn't supposed to be a role play thing but the pieces just kinda fell into place lmaoo 😭. songs I listened to while writing this (no correlation to the story but I just wanted to add these in lol): drunk on you by jus2, square biz by Teena Marie, you calling my name by got7, blue orangeade by txt, 2 on by tinashe
“i actually have a few more presents for you. wait for me out here, i’ll be right back” you said with a sweet smile. you and yuta had gotten a little too intoxicated last night at your family’s annual christmas eve party. needless to say you two spent christmas morning and christmas afternoon knocked out cold with the curtains closed.
“more?? you already went overboard with the gifts this year, sweet pea” yuta said as he took a look at the mess of gift boxes and wrapping paper that littered the living room. it was your guys’ first christmas together in your new house. you wanted to make it extra special and memorable. “yeah yeah, mr. modest. just get nice and comfy and i’ll be back in a few.” before yuta could protest you sprang up and skipped to the bedroom. yuta shook his head, but did exactly as you asked and got to work cleaning up in the meantime.
you grabbed the hidden shopping bag from the back of your closet and pulled out the red, lacy number. you had seen this sexy lingerie set at victoria’s secret while you were out shopping one day and you just had to have it. yuta was like a starved man when it came to seeing you in lingerie. it didn’t matter much, or how little you left to the imagination. he loved seeing you dressed up in dainty little garments. you felt hot in them, he loved fucking you them. a win for all parties involved.
you stepped into the red negligée and admired the red bows on the straps. the crimson color complimented your skin nicely. you slipped on a pair of stilettos and finished off the look with some red lipstick. you took one last look at yourself in the mirror before fluffing up your hair. let the games begin, you thought to yourself.
when you opened the door you saw yuta in the kitchen throwing away the last of the wrapping paper. he had no idea what he was in for. “excuse me, can you please help me find santa’s workshop? i’m a little lost” you said in a soft, seductive voice. yuta whipped his head around and his eyes immediately went dark. you had him right where you wanted him.
“holy shit babe, what are you doing to me?” he growled. “don’t you like it? i’m like a little present you can unwrap.” you did a slow spin for him so that he could get the full essence of the outfit. yuta stalked over to you slowly, taking in your delicious curves and beauty. “of course i do, sweet pea. but why are you looking for santa when i’m right here?” yuta indulged in your little fantasy you created.
“well, i’m supposed to be with all the other presents in santa’s workshop, but i think he forgot about me” you said with faux sadness. “well shit, i’m not santa, but i can definitely use another present. you gonna let me open you up and play with you baby?” yuta ran his hands up and down your sides and stared down at you like you were his prey.
“uh huh” you bit your lip and looked up at him with the cutest doe eyes you could muster. yuta grabbed your hand and led you to the living room. “why don’t you go lay under the christmas tree for me, sweet pea? show me how pretty my little present is." you walked over toward the christmas tree with an extra sway of your hips and slowly kneeled onto the ground. yuta looked down at you and watched as you arched your back, ass high in the sky on full display. you maneuvered onto your side, resting your head on your hand and posed perfectly for your man.
“do i look pretty for you, sir?” yuta’s dick twitched in his christmas pajamas. you were being so obedient and submissive, it drove him insane. “fuckin' gorgeous, baby. but i’m not really sure how i should use you. why don’t you touch yourself for me, huh? show me how you want me to play with you.”
you wasted no time and stuck two of your fingers into your mouth, getting them nice and slick. your panties were already soaked. you needed something, anything, to relieve the pressure between your thighs. yuta watched closely as your hand slid lower and lower, before they finally landed inside your panties.
you let out a soft moan when your fingers made contact with your sensitive clit. once you felt warmed up you slid one finger inside of you, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy. “fuck, that's it. make yourself feel real good for me.
you slid a second finger inside of you and spread your legs even wider. you wanted nothing more than to put on the best show possible for Yuta, making sure he saw everything. "can–can you play with me now? please sir?" you whined. Yuta stalked over to you and grabbed your chin firmly.
"since you're my little toy that means I own you, isn't that right baby?" you nodded your head frantically, loving how small he made you feel. "that's what I thought. now, you're gonna keep fucking yourself until I tell you to stop, got it?" Yuta's dark eyes never left yours as he let go of your chin. you sped up your movements as you watched Yuta strip himself of his clothes.
soon after, Yuta pulled your hand from your panties and examined your wet fingers. your chest was heaving due to how worked up you were. he shoved your fingers in your mouth and you moaned at the earthy taste of your arousal. "hands and knees. now." you wasted no time and flipped over. Yuta ran his hands over your plush ass, and landed a harsh smack on it, causing the sound to echo in the living room. you lurched forward at the impact, and Yuta grabbed your hips back into place.
"you're running already? this isn't even the fun part yet, baby." Yuta stroked himself to full hardness, and pulled your red panties over to the side, granting him full access to your dripping hole. Yuta leaned down right next to your ear. "ready, sweet pea?" you pushed your hips back into his, hoping the action would make him enter you already. "mmm yes please sir, I need you." Yuta grazed your earlobe with his teeth and gave you another smack on your ass, chuckling at the yelp you let out.
he slowly sank his member into you, letting out a deep, guttural groan. you arched your back even deeper, bracing yourself for the fucking Yuta was about to give you. he snapped his hips forward harshly, each trust earning a throaty moan from you. "goddamn baby, are all the little fucktoys in the north pole as good as you? this pussy is so fuckin' tight" Yuta gritted out. you smiled through his rough movements. you had almost forgotten about the little scenario you guys were participating in. his dick was hitting all the right spots, it was hard for you to even formulate thoughts.
"yeah? you like playing with me, sir?" you moaned out. Yuta's grip on your hips plus the deep angle he was hitting inside of you made you see stars. "fuck yeah, you're fucking dripping baby." Yuta abruptly halted his movements, causing you to whine out. he flipped you back over onto your back. the dimness of the room and the moody lighting of the christmas tree aided in the sexy ambience of the situation. Yuta put one of your legs onto his shoulder. he felt a cold piece of metal and he looked down at your ankle. it was adorned in a silver chain anklet with a 'Y' charm dangling from it. for Yuta.
you noticed him staring at the piece of jewelry. "do you like your other present, honey?" you asked with a sly smirk. Yuta mirrored your smirk and nibbled at your calf. you felt a shock of electricity run through your body. Yuta slid right back in and wasted no time pounding you roughly. "babyyyyy fuck" you moaned out, grabbing onto your bouncing breasts that spilled out of your bra. Yuta's athleticism never ceased to amaze you. he loved nothing more than to fuck you silly while you laid back and took it.
Yuta put his thumb to your bottom lip and smudged out your red lipstick. you sucked his thumb into your mouth and stared up into his eyes. "fuck baby, you're so fuckin' sexy. can't believe you're all mine." Yuta pulled his thumb from your warm mouth and grabbed your other leg, throwing it over his shoulder. you let out a loud, high pitched moan as he folded your body in half. he put his full weight into each thrust, amplifying the sound of your bodies colliding.
you were so close you could taste it. "sir? I'm–I'm gonna cum. can I please?" you whined out desperately. "go on baby, you've been such a good girl for me. go ahead, cum. now." that's all you needed to hear. your orgasm took over your entire body, causing you to throw your head back. you let out the sexiest moan Yuta ever heard come out of your mouth, and soon after, he came with a loud groan. he buried his face in your neck as he milked out the last few drops of cum.
Yuta finally stilled his hips. you both were panting, trying to catch your breaths after that steamy session. Yuta pulled out of you slowly, and you moaned softly, still sensitive from your high. you felt his warm cum drip out of you, but Yuta used two of his fingers to push it back into you. you jerked your hips at the unexpected action. yuta slapped your pussy playfully, "have I ever told you I love you?" you let out a belly laugh, sitting up to attack him with a big hug. "did you like my present baby?" you asked sincerely. Yuta pulled away from the hug and cupped your face gently with his hands. "like?? I'm pretty sure I just emptied like 7 generations worth of kids into you." your eyes widened and you felt a rush of heat fill your face. "you're a sicko!"
the end 🎁
thanks for reading! please consider leaving a tip if you enjoyed the story 👑🍭
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