#lmaoooo I'm so sorry
cut-aare · 3 months
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titaniumions · 1 month
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do you like the hat ms windsong
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galaxysketches · 2 months
i'm trying i swear
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deoidesign · 3 months
Hi, how did you learn to draw Steve's physique?
Ohh what a complicated thing to answer...
When it comes to how I learned to draw anything, it's hard to say anything too specific since it's always a culmination of many years of assorted study and practice... but I can try to do my best to explain some of the biggest things that helped me learn, some tips I keep in mind, and maybe at least some places to start/delve further.
(just a little disclaimer it's not like my drawings here are going to be 100% medically accurate.. they're just to illustrate concepts!)
The main thing about learning various physiques is understanding anatomy. Which feels obvious, but I don't mean proportions; these are important, but perhaps more important is understanding the skeleton and how it moves and learning where muscles connect to bones and where fat grows on the body. When you understand how these function on a more mechanical level, depicting form and movement in a way that feels natural comes in tow.
For instance, understanding things like the pronation and supination of the radius and ulna, as well as the fact that muscles can ONLY contract or relax, will help you understand a bit better which muscles will be flexed and which will not while someone moves. It's inherent to the positioning based on the structural makeup of the body... It's not like you NEED to memorize all the muscles and bones, of course, but understanding and gaining at least a passive familiarity with the concepts really helps.
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In tandem with this concept is the way parts of the body flow into eachother. Muscles ALWAYS come in groups because they can only contract. Whatever muscle is there to lift something, there is a muscle on the other side to pull that bone back down. What this results in is a series of straight edges next to curves, which gives us a lot of really lovely "s curves" and dents and folds and so on and so forth just naturally occurring.
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I would suggest at least learning the "bony landmarks", which are bones (usually) visible on the surface of the body. things like the iliac crest, the great trochanter, the 7th vertabrae, the acromion process... These can be used to help you understand the parts of the body as angles and relationships, rather than trying to remember lengths and sizes, which vary immensely... (since you asked about steve, he can be our model... also study these on your own don't just take my word for it haha, these are the ones I personally keep in mind)
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I've done the same thing with body hair... learning where it grows and in which directions... It helps me make up variations without needing reference, because I have a set of rules I can follow.
The biggest thing that helped me understand all this on a much deeper level was my ecorche course. I sculpted this guy. We started by sculpting the entire skeleton to understand the bones, and then we added muscles on top. Not every single muscle, of course, but the "artistic muscles" AKA the ones which directly affect the surface of the body. Doing this let us see where muscles connect, because we would make a shape, put it on the bone where it actually goes, and then you get to see how other muscles overlap that.
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This helped me, perhaps, more than anything else. But I also didn't just start with this course, I had been drawing for years before I even took it. I had been in school for years before I took it. Not that I think it wouldn't be helpful to someone just starting out, but I do think that the more you know going in, the better an in-depth course like this will help you and stick with you. Classes are also expensive, though so I'm not really like... recommending you pay potentially thousands of dollars to take one... But it did help me a lot, personally.
I also, of course, have done many figure, gesture, and master studies...
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These just help you quickly gain a stronger understanding of generalized anatomy, and gives you real life examples of and practice with of how people move and balance.
What all this does when combined, is gives me a very solid ability to depict movement and form in a way that feels relatively natural from my subconscious without the need for reference.
The rest of how I've learned to draw his physique is honestly mostly just stylization. I understand the body, and this is how I am depicting it for his level of musculature.
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And as I move into depicting him in other ways, either moving in comics or in animation, realistically rendered, or extra stylized, these concepts inform every step of that process for me! When he keeps the same/similar relationships between parts, he gets to still look like himself.
It ALSO really helps when putting clothes on, because the way cloth falls and bunches and lifts is all directly related to the form it is on... So the more you understand that form, the more you can depict clothing and movement in a way that feels natural.
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This is all, of course, true when I draw anyone, you asked about Steve so I'm trying to mostly show with him! But because I'm just drawing from raw information of general anatomy rather than trying to study one body type at a time, it allows a lot more "give," I think!
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Like, here's most of the cast from TTA so far... actually, they're not as varied as I thought they were nevermind LMAO ignore this part
But, it also makes monster and alien design much easier! It's a lot easier to come up with non-human anatomy when I understand human anatomy, because I can manipulate the knowledge I have...
There is infinite more to study in the world of anatomy... The complexity of the human body goes extremely deep. For our purposes as artists, we need only depict a fraction of it, but more information rarely hurts the process.
I'm sure there's something in here that's wrong on a technical level, I'm mostly going off of memory. But that's kind of my point - I understand enough generally and conceptually that when I am missing something and need to find reference for it, I understand what I'm looking at. It's much easier than trying to learn AND draw at the same time.
I hope even one thing in here helped you! Sorry it's so long.
#asks#somewhereinasgard#anatomy#art tips#anatomy tips#don't like... take my word as gospel OF COURSE#I am sure there's like one thing or more in here that's like. genuinely wrong#but whatever#anyways. I love steve LMFAO#I was thinking about zagan a lot too in this one tbh LMAOOOO cause he's got a similar body type#and when I just did that action animation of him#and people were like how the fuck did you do this so fast#I sort of have been realizing all this knowledge I have about anatomy#and how much easier it makes my life pretty much every single step of the way.#those action poses did not need reference.#I almost never need reference for drawing people#unless its like... realism. but I mean in my comics or animations#when the arm is coming towards the camera I know what's going on in the arm and what the form of it ACTUALLY is so I can properly draw it#there's no guesswork. I know what I'm doing.#which makes it so that when I'm depicting someone like flipping all around or whatever#I just know what the body looks like. how it moves. how it balances. etc.#I would say it comes naturally to me but it doesnt.#it is subconscious at this point#but it is very extremely studied#not a damn bit of this came out of nowhere LOL#ok anyways this was a really fun ask#I got extremely carried away I am so sorry#this is like my biggest artistic passion I LOVE anatomy SO much#I love drawing muscles#I love the technical feelings that happens in my brain when I draw an arm moving and figure out how the muscles are engaged
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greghatecrimes · 5 months
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all he knows is be fruity and wear emo tee shirts
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dylanconrique · 4 months
cannot wait for penelope to come in clutch and beat her sisters in this tortoise and the hare race to produce a featherington heir.
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lucreziagiovane · 1 year
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CESARE BORGIA + dragging his brother around "You have a priest for a brother?."
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drugsforaddicts · 7 months
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willowser · 5 months
i was asked about my nighttime routine with my fave of choice and i am choosing bakugou, ofc !!! 🥹🥹
gosh i feel like it would be so hard with a pro hero partner 🥺 i think both our shifts change pretty frequently, so sometimes he's home late or i'm home late or we get lucky and manage to line up for a little while 🩷 BUT !!
if he's not coming home until later, i think i do the pretty standard things once i get home : warm up/cook something for dinner, set a plate out for him in the microwave, put away the rest. katsuki is v insistent on splitting housework so if i cook, he cleans, but i'll rinse the dishes off best as i can for him hehehe 😌 then i'll take my shower and do my skin care and maybe watch some tv and go to sleepy.....but even if he comes home at three in the morning, i'm wobbling out into the kitchen to lean against him as he eats 🥹 to half-hear him tell me something about his day that i will have to ask about again later, bc i'm still pretty bleary eyed. and then once he takes a shower, we'll finally cuddle up in bed together 🥹
and when i'm not coming home until later, i think he does much of the same !!! maybe stays up a lil later and does some work in his office. probably plans out anything we want to do soon, bc it's easier for me to take time off than him 🥺 i think he's the kind of person that plans a weekend vacation like. six months in advance LOL he's researching the area we're going to and making a list of the best places to stay and what we're going to be doing 😌 he just strikes me as the kind of person that is like, checking on the hot water heater and looking for the hole in our fence so he can repair it 🥹 he likes to take care of our house 🥹 and then he kind of piddled around with other little things like that until i come home 😌
AND THEN, on the occasion that we get to be home together at the same time, we do the usual : cook, clean, shower ! but i convince him to lay on the couch and watch a movie with me and we eat lil snacks he doesn't normally eat 😌 he tells me about the plans for our mini vacation and what he's gonna do about the leak under the sink 🥹 i check and see if he needs me to get him anything in the next day or so, like new socks or something particular from the grocery store and i'll rub some arthritis gel into his knees or elbow 🥹 we just talk and touch and fit together while something plays on the tv behind us, and then eventually we go to bed 😌😌😌
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
•°♤°• Ghost Roger and Rouge are just so cute especially with their grand babies!
What about Rayleigh tho?
Im sure Rayleigh would, at one point meet the seraphim. One time would be accidently because he was visiting Karai Bari to go see Buggy but then runs into two little seraphim. Then all chaos descends when he hears the words "Ma/Pa". Bet Ghost Roger is laughing his ass off.
Tbh, I love the the pairing of Rogue/Roger, but really love the pairing of Rogue/Rayleigh/Roger (What are your thoughts on it? I won't attack you if you say you do not ship it, I just want to know your personal opinion on it 👀)
So honestly?? Depends. I have... mixed feelings on Rayleigh? I love him and also kinda don't at the same time. I think it's a ME issue though and not a character issue lmao ((He reminds me of my sister for some reason and that's.. a can of worms I'm not gonna open rn))
As for Roger/Rouge/Rayleigh - I think that's!! So!! Cute!!!!!! For the ghost AU the general idea is that Rouge never met the cabin boys initially before death, but I also like the idea of the polycule and Rouge being a staple of their lives. I dunno really. Cute ship!!!!!
As for grandpa Rayleigh-
I think him visiting Karai Bari would be really mixed by way of responses. On the one hand, That's One Of Buggy's Dads. On the other.... that's one of the people that abandoned Buggy when he needed them most. I think the initial meet would probably be ripe with tears, screaming, demands for him to get lost, while Rayleigh is trying so hard to damage control with a lackadaisical smile and flippant ease.
And that would of course be prime real estate for Birdie, Angel and Atlas to inject themselves into the exchange. Mama Bug cries a lot but these are Bad Tears and Nobody Makes Mama Bug Sad Like That.
While Angel and Birdie are sort of the front line of cutting in, Atlas I think would kind of glue himself to Buggy - both to comfort him and to get comfort due to the echoes of genetic memory. And when the older seraphim realize Buggy AND Atlas are upset, ooooh it's on like Donkey Kong.
The initial meeting is.... less than stellar lmao.
I think once tempers cool, discussions are had and boundaries are established, Rayleigh would be a pretty good grandpa. He's like the Cool Jiji, sneaking snacks and spoiling the kids but also letting them explore the world. It's rocky since Rayleigh's pretty lenient on rules, but once the structure is given, it's overall pretty good.
((Bonus points, Roger and Rouge spend the whole time with Rayleigh when he's with the kids - initially bc they're nervous about it, then bc it's just.... it's bittersweet. This could have been them. It's as close as they'll get now.))
((Extra bonus, Rayleigh often forgets how Strange Buggy's Haki is - Atlas reminds him frequently. And when the other boys respond to the same things, he's curious. He asks. He's.... oh. Oh man. What????
Perona brings out the board. Croc and Hawk take the kids. Buggy sits across from Rayleigh, and Roger and Rouge sit on either side of their living lover.
Rayleigh cries.))
((I think all in all, Buggy would really struggle with it. Rayleigh has changed so much, and he's good with the kids, he really is! But he wasn't always good with kids in general. He's a better grandfather than he ever was a dad, and it hurts. He confesses this to Mihawk and Crocodile one night, or maybe to Shanks over a denden, and he sort of breaks. If Rayleigh was always capable of change, then that just means that Buggy was never a big enough priority for him TO change. And that's the crux of it all, isn't it? Buggy's never as important to others as they are to him. He's a side character in the bigger picture and it aches, it throbs, it burns. He's so happy their kids are happy and loved and safe, because Buggy wants to give them the world and make sure they never hurt like this, but he's almost jealous and he hates himself for it.
It takes some time for him to heal, for him to forgive himself for it. He loves so much, too much, and sometimes the love sits there and rots within, infects his lungs and veins. He's not perfect, he not even okay, but he does his best and he's not alone anymore. He's making improvements, slowly but surely, and accepting the past, while agonizing, is possible. He's got support now in places he never anticipated having it. And he's got people who need him to be there, who need him to be better, who just... need him. It's jarring. It's dizzying. It's overwhelming. It's empowering.
Buggy may be broken, but he'll turn his jagged shards into knives, his chips into jewels to wear proudly to defend the ones he loves. He's a coward but he's a fighter - he's a god damned pirate, and he'll force the world to remember that.))
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sugarpasteltmnt · 2 months
Me and my good friend very normally and regularly waiting for the 27th chapter
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Also I sent you an ask about the last chapter but my internet was going on strike at the moment and I'm not sure if it sent or not
Could you perhaps confirm or deny? 👉👈
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THESE ARE TOO FUNNY omfg thank u for sharing i love this so much WHEEZE
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sergle · 9 months
what do you think is the hardest part of being an artist? personally I hate the process of "finishing" any piece. do you ever feel like a piece is truly done?
tbh... Finishing is such a weird one, I NEVER feel like a drawing is finished, only that I'm finished looking at it but I think the hardest part of being an artist (as a Trade) is that most of what you have to do, in order to be an artist, isn't art. So the organizing, the emails, the customer service, self promotion, order fulfillment, keeping a Schedule, things like that. None of that has anything to do with actually making stuff. and I think that's what's always the hardest for me. If I never had to manage my own presence, advertise, or figure out how to handle customer service / emails / organization in general, and my job was just to make things, I think "being an artist" is easy. If I could just draw, I think that would be the ideal. But 78% of being an artist actually has nothing to do with drawing.
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piscespetals · 4 months
Sorry for ghosting! I joined an activist organization and have been organizing like crazy. I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a bit. But I miss posting on here and writing!
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stellamancer · 5 months
niku (for the ask game) i wish you’d write a fic where reader is in grad school with gooj……..maybe a lil academic rivals to lovers….
gRAD SCHOOL WITH GOOJ.... and you can't just say MAYBE A LITTLE academic rivals to lovers to me. i cannot have just a little it MUST BE A BUFFET. 
UH ANYWAY. so actually, as someone who only did their undergrad, i had to ask the grad student i do know about the difference. and they actually ended up feeding me ideas. i can't take credit for their brilliance though.
> if theyre academic rivals to lovers then maybe theyre sharing an elective class that has a group project and theyre in diff groups
and also:
> well my apartment building has laundry in it > but imagine reader hauling their laundry to a laundromat n running into gojo > id shit > gojo sees u hauling ur laundry and follows u inside to bug u abt ur group project (separate groups btw) and he just sits there while u shove everything into the machine hoping he doesnt see ur underwear
i think being in separate groups for a group project would be fun. so uh, full disclosure i think i went kind of off the rails and i DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS ANY MORE. but uh. it got terribly self indulgent is and is just short of 5k which is is insane. so uh. yeah hahahaaHAHAHAHA. <- laughing to hide my tears.
anyway, as for my own idea. so uh, please ignore me for laying down some groundwork HAHAHA. so, reader and gojo ended up attending the same university for undergrad. it's a very prestigious school with a famously low acceptance rate (for reference, gojo was recommended for admittance and took the entrance exam for the funsies).
reader, who was used to being the top student, is somewhat surprised that, upon the results of their first major exam being posted, they are not first but SECOND. briefly, and I do mean briefly, they're kind of like ‘well this is a really prestigious school ofc there would be insanely smart people here that could best me’ but then they find out that the person in the top spot is satoru gojo.
and said gojo is known for being a filthy rich, insufferable slacker and because of that reader has no respect for him and gets MAD. especially since they've also heard the rumor that he's attending school for shits and giggles. so they study extra hard to try and knock him from the top spot only to wind up in second place AGAIN and the cycle continues.
gojo, on the other hand, doesn't really notice reader until a little later. he knows their name (he knows everyone's names) and that they're second place but he doesn't really pay them mind until the professor for their class has a ta conduct a free study period because they have a personal emergency to attend to. gojo gets very excited over this because it's finally his time to really shine as the top student in the class. he expects his classmates to flock to him for help with class material, and while a couple students do ask him for help, those who don't form groups of their own gather around reader. it doesn't bother him at first and he attempts to teach the students who have asked him for help but they don't seem to get it. which frustrates him a little. how can they not understand? Eventually some of them thank him for his attempt but go to ask reader and gojo is a little huffy about it. 
actually he's pretty huffy about it. 
after class, he approaches reader who is a bit 😑😑😑 at him because it's gojo, and he. Well. 
“must have been pretty nice having everyone ask for your help,” gojo remarks, derisive. “even though, i’m top of the class.” you scowl, annoyed. “well, maybe more people would have asked you if you were better at explaining things.” a couple of your classmates had mentioned asking gojo first, but couldn't make heads or tails of what he was saying. when you asked them to explain, you were able to understand, but only because you could reverse engineer his methods.  gojo shrugs, “not my fault they couldn't understand.” your jaw ticks. what is he on? “they asked you to help them, but you couldn't; of course it's your fault.”  “maybe they should have tried harder!” “maybe you should have tried a different teaching method!” you hiss before stomping off. 
and that's honestly the first time anyone has really argued with gojo in…. Well not a while, but the only one who ever challenges him like that is suguru. and he actually approaches suguru about the whole thing later and suguru basically agrees with what reader was saying which, gojo ultimately concedes to. 
so, he, begrudgingly, takes a different approach when the next class study session happens and is met with better results. gojo tries to gloat about it to reader but all he gets is a flat “good for you” and it upsets him because he worked hard, you know, he adjusted for everyone instead of everyone adjusting to him (like he's used to because he's a spoiled brat) and while it felt super good that so many of his classmates actually understood what he was saying this time he wanted reader to acknowledge him the most. 
again, he whines to suguru, who actually finds this all very funny, and suguru gives him a pat on the back too, but at this point gojo has become determined to have reader approve of him. 
which means gojo goes out of his way to interact with reader more but, is met with annoyance or hostility and normal people would just back off but not gojo. like he'll congratulate reader on their high score on the exam and reader will tell him to shove it and initially it kind of makes him mad (especially since reader is very cordial with literally everyone else) but eventually he starts to find it kind of fun to get a rise out of reader the way he does. (I think initially he thought the class was kind of boring but then he gets to look forward to antagonizing reader wtf is his problem). 
he does not get the approval he wants though, so at some point, he decides to double major— with one of his majors being the same as reader’s. this only bothers them more since now they see him MORE and he seems to handle the double major stuff flawlessly. 
anyway, reader doesn't manage to get better grades than gojo in any class by the end of their undergrad and gojo doesn't get the approval from them he craves. 
(I think there's an incident where one of them is accused by a jealous classmate of some form of academic dishonesty and the other defends them but I haven't decided on who. whoever it is though, probably starts to develop Feelings)
graduation comes and reader thinks that they are finally free of gojo, thinking he will go into the work force so he can ultimately take over the family company, bUT HE DOESN'T HE GOES TO GRAD SCHOOL. and reader is just appalled. like what the actual fuck. and so once again they have classes together but the only upside is that it's less often (since me grad school friend said that classes are more infrequent).
I like the separate group project idea so we are going with that. reader is fine with being a separate group from gojo until he’s all smiley at them and is like ‘looks like we’re competing again and reader is just like ‘fuck my stupid baka life.’
actually I feel like I put too much development thought into undergrad oh well. 
so since there is more free time in grad school so I'm thinking reader gets a job. maybe working as wait staff at a restaurant…. a fancy one. and gojo finds out when he goes there for a gojo family business dinner thing. reader has to keep a straight face and ignore gojo’s smarmy expression and how hot he looks in a suit (the suit is fan service for me).
during part of the dinner gojo excuses himself to go to the bathroom and happens to see reader joking around with a coworker. he's never seen reader with that expression before and gets a little annoyed/jealous (the jealousy is also fan service for me). 
gojo brings up reader's job next time they see each other for class saying he didn't know and reader's just like ‘why would I tell you?’ which makes gojo realize despite being academic rivals for years he doesn't actually know much about them. 
I think at some point they have a convo where reader is just like ‘why are you even going to grad school when you don't need to’ and gojo says that he doesn't have a lot of time left to do what he wants before having to fulfill his duties as the gojo family heir and he's the going to grad school because he wants to (keep seeing reader). reader actually feels bad for him when they realize the magnitude of the expectations placed on him and in this convo he mentions that competing with reader in school has made his college life fun. I think at this point gojo realizes he won't get to really see reader after grad school is over and that makes him sad. 
Mmmm. Maybe. They make a bet at this point gojo bets that if reader's group does better than gojo’s on the project he'll grant them any one desire they want and while reader is like ????? at first he explains that because of who he is he can do anything with his money and/or influence but if his group does better then reader has to do anything he wants and they’re like okay yeah sure whatever rich boy.
so reader does their best to encourage their group mates to well on this group project (which i have decided has a presentation at the end of the semester… it is a nice long semester long project). i’d say most of them at know of reader and gojo’s rivalry (or at least about gojo) and they’re pretty amenable to trying to show him up. 
over the semester stuff happens, you know extra relationship building stuff, with gojo constantly asking about the project. he'll occasionally annoy reader at work (and maybe try to shoo away the coworker he thinks is interested in reader), bug them at the library, drag them to dinner after class and. idk. despite gojo becoming less of a rival and more of an annoyance, reader starts to get endeared to him.
just as finals week, when they have to do their presentation, is approaching, reader is at the library and their laptop just. stops working. and they start to freak out because even though a lot of stuff for the project is saved to a cloud storage, they still have some things saved locally. gojo happens in as they're having a meltdown and calms them down and tries to assess what happened to the laptop. and like. 
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you feel like you can't breathe. the realization that you've lost hours upon hours of work weighs down on your chest. can you possibly do it all again with what time you have left before the presentation? 
it's not a question of whether you can or can't: you have to, if not for you, then everyone else in your group. they're depending on you; you can't let them down.
if you call out for your next couple of shifts and pull a couple all nighters, you might be able to redo everything.
it won't be pleasant, but you have to do what you have to do. you don't want everyone to worry, but you should at least let them know what's going on. the thought of messaging the group chat, though, fills you with dread. 
someone flicks your forehead and you let out small cry. “what the hell!”
gojo looks petulant as ever and you remember you have to deal with him too. could this get any worse? his finger presses against your forehead as he asks, “tell me what happened.”
“i told you. it stopped working.”
“be more specific.” 
you groan, “just…. the screen went black and I pressed the power button but it wouldn't turn back on but it sounds like it's on.” 
gojo hums and leans down over the table, pressing his ear to the laptop. he hums again and nods to himself. “i think I know what's going on.” 
“are you the laptop whisperer or something?” you ask flatly. 
“something like that,” he answers nonchalantly, flipping the lid closed and pulling out his phone. he starts typing on it one handed. “but I think most people call it being computer savvy.”
“are you saying you can fix it?”
he shoots you a cocky grin. “who do you think you're talking to?”
you ignore him. “well?”
he huffs. “i can't believe you're doubting me here.”
“just trust me, everything will be fine!” he says and starts to pack up your laptop. you protest but he doesn't listen. “but we need to have the operation at my place.” 
you scowl. “gojo, i’m not—”
“you don't have to come if you mind leaving your laptop in my care,” he shoots you a saccharine sweet smile and your frown deepens. he knows that you won't just let him take your laptop with him. crafty bastard. 
“ugh, fine,” you relent. 
gojo snickers in satisfaction and starts to call someone as you gather the rest of your things. from what you can hear, it sounds like he's calling his driver. 
ten minutes later, gojo is ushering you into the sleek black car that he gets driven around in. you expect gojo to talk your ear off during the ride to his place, but he's oddly quiet and glued to his phone. you're curious, but you decide it's better to not ask. 
soon enough you're both dropped off at one of the tallest high rise apartments you've seen in your life. gojo casually taps his phone to a panel by the door and walks in with you scampering after.
you want to be surprised when you both ride the elevator to the top floor, but admittedly you're not. of course gojo has a penthouse apartment, why wouldn't he? not only that but it's wildly high tech— you can only imagine how much it must have cost… 
“you hungry?” gojo asks as you both enter his spacious living room area. “i can order something; anything you want— my treat.” 
the offer startles you, but reflexively you shake your head. “no, i’m fine. i—”
“sushi, then,” he decides with a nod. 
“wait, no, i—” you start to protest, but gojo is already fiddling with his phone. “gojo, really, it's fine, i’m not hungry.” 
“oh too late, i already ordered.”
you sigh as he flashes you a conspiratory grin. well, you suppose it wouldn't hurt to have some when it arrives. free dinner, maybe, you guess. “okay so, how do you intend to fix my laptop?” 
gojo tuts at you and wags his finger. “all will be revealed in good time.”
“tell me or i’m leaving,” you hiss, glaring. you don't have the time to humor him if it turns out he's just been fucking around this whole time. 
gojo pouts. “you're no fun.” 
“i can't fuck up this project; not with my group mates depending on me.” 
you don't mention the bet. honestly, at this point you don't care if you lose as long as you can salvage the project enough to make sure your group gets a decent grade. 
he sighs. “I know, I know.” 
“so tell me, what are you going to do.” 
gojo leans against the wall. “just a simple extraction. seems like the motherboard died, but the data on your hard drive should still be intact, so we're just going to extract it.”
“you can do that?”
“wouldn’t suggest it if I couldn't,” he says with a shrug. “just waiting for something i need to do it but it should arrive soon enough.” 
you stare at him, unsure of what to say. it's awfully nice of him to help you. especially when he could have just walked away, left you there with your broken computer and despair, and yet… “thank you gojo, really.”
for once in his life, gojo looks absolutely speechless, widened eyes peering over the top of his sunglasses. you blink. is it just you or do you see the faintest shade of pink dusting over the tips of his ears?
“well, while we wait, why don’t i give you the grand tour?” he asks and his voice is unnaturally loud, moreso than usual. 
“i don’t need a tour.”
“come on,” he insists, moving over toward you and circling around to grab you behind by the shoulders. “it’ll be fun! i never get to show off my place!” 
before you can protest, gojo starts propelling you around his penthouse. his voice is filled with a childlike excitement as he shows you every nook and cranny of the place. it’s sleek, modern, and ridiculously clean, just like how you would expect the home of any rich heir to a corporate conglomerate to look. however, as you move to room to room, you see little peeks of gojo’s personality shining through.
like the display of pictures next to his computer setup (three screens is kind of overkill in your opinion though).
the legitimately impressive sunglasses collection he has in his bedroom (you had always suspected he had something like this). 
the almost terrifying array of candy and sweets he has lining the cabinets of his kitchen. 
while he's rifling through a box of imported american snack cakes to show you, you notice a cup of dry erase markers next to the fridge which has a board affixed to it. the board is devoid of any writing or marks and you can't help but wonder if gojo has ever used it.
he wouldn't mind if you scribbled something on it real quick, would he?
“whatcha doin’?” he asks as you grab a black marker from the cup.
“defacing your personal property.”
“huh?!” he exclaims as you pop off the cap. “hey, wait a sec—”
you do not. before he can try to stop you, you start to doodle a cartoonish rendition of him. large round glasses, a stupid big grin and… well, you try to recreate his hair but it looks more like a soggy sea star with too many arms.
“what the hell is that?” he asks. “is that supposed to be me?”
he clicks his tongue. “i'm way more handsome.”
you roll your eyes. “are you?”
gojo hmphs and steps over toward you, grabbing a blue marker from the cup. “of course i am.” 
you roll your eyes as he starts his own drawing next to yours. at first you think he's just going to show you up with a better rendition of himself, but you quickly realize that it's not him he's drawing.
it's you. 
gojo is a much better artist than you are (it probably helps that he's not trying to scribble it really quickly like you are) and his doodle of you looks much better than your drawing of him. 
“so?” he asks when he's done. “what do you think?”
if you're being honest, it's actually really cute. embarrassingly cute. “i… i think you’re just trying to show off.”
“...well, i am quite skilled in more than just academics, you know,” he boasts earning him another eye roll. “it's okay if you don't want to say it looks good, we both know the truth.”
“...shut up.” 
he snickers. “if you're done drawing all over my fridge, then there's one more stop on satoru gojo’s grand house tour!” 
you tilt your head and he motions for you to follow him. he brings you to what you assume must be a big window with the curtain drawn, but with the press of a button the curtains slide back to reveal the balcony. gojo slides the door open and gestures for you to go outside first.
the air outside is a little chilly but it's not too bad. there's some furniture set up for lounging, but otherwise the balcony is rather bare save for…
“it's beautiful…” you murmur as you stare at the view of the tokyo skyline, the lights of the city sparkling brightly against the darkened sky. 
“right?” gojo chuckles and there is something about it that makes you turn back to look at him.
he's staring right at you. 
the soft smile gracing his features makes your mouth feel very, very dry for some reason and despite the fact that you desperately want to look away, you can't bring yourself to. the air between you both is an odd sort of quiet that has you feeling all sorts of nervous and you try to think of something to say to feel that almost awkward void.
luckily for you, the doorbell rings just in time to save you. 
gojo’s head whips around suddenly and you think you see the ghost of a frown before he scampers toward the front door. you trail after, watching as he throws it open to reveal a handsome, but tired looking young man. you recognize him from some of the pictures gojo had by his desk; they must be friends. 
“satoru, isn't there someone who you personally pay to run your errands?” the other guy asks as he enters and you notice he's carrying a bunch of bags. “why ask me?” 
gojo tilts his head innocently. “why not?”
his friend sighs. 
“sooo, did you get it?” gojo asks as his friend hefts the bags onto the counter. 
the other guy looks at gojo like he's an idiot. “of course i did.”
gojo beams widely. “knew i could count on you suguru!”
said suguru rolls his eyes again before turning his attention to you. there's a curious spark in his eyes as he offers you a pleasant smile “i don't believe we’ve met before…”
“i’m gojo’s classmate,” you say before giving him your name. 
“ah yes, satoru speaks of you often,” he remarks. “i'm suguru geto, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“um, same to you, i guess.” you're not quite sure what to do with the information that gojo's been talking about you to other people. you can't imagine he's said anything good.
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so after reader and suguru introduce themselves to one another they either have a short convo where suguru roasts gojo (as is his right) or gojo interrupts before he can and they eat the sushi that gojo made suguru pick up (the sushi place is actually a small little shop, not anywhere really fancy, which reader notices immediately— maybe it’s somewhere gojo dragged reader to previously, but he’s a regular so they gave him extras lmao). 
gojo doesn’t actually eat though, because he’s too busy extracting reader’s hard drive from their laptop and when reader mentions he’s not eating, gojo tells reader they can hand feed them. reader refuses. lmaooo. it doesn’t take super long for gojo to complete the surgery and when he’s done he drags reader to his massive computer set up and plugs the hard drive (which has been converted into an external hard drive and it works!! and—
you hold your breath as gojo mouses over to the file folders to open the hard drive. as he does, some measure of relief eases into you as you see the familiar names of your folders and documents. 
but you can't breathe easy just yet. "which one is it?" gojo asks. "this one?" he hovers over a file that has the class name along with the words 'group project.' you nod and he opens it.  ordinarily, you'd be a little defensive about letting gojo see your project, but given the circumstances, you don't think you can afford to be. he scrolls down to the bottom and you can tell that the file isn't exactly up to date. it's missing about a page's worth of information you'd typed up.  but that's probably about fifteen minutes of work at most, much better than what you'd thought you'd lost.  the relief consumes you completely and before you can even really realize what you're doing, you're throwing your arms around gojo's shoulders wrapping him into hug. "oh thank god..." you murmur into the fabric of his shirt.   "...didn't think you thought that highly of me," he murmurs with a chuckle. immediately, you jump back. embarrassed, you clear your throat. "i don't, but you can have a pass this time around." "no, no i think you should keep showering me with praise." you roll your eyes and gojo rises from his chair, stretching. then he turns to you, with a familiar grin that makes your stomach do a flip. you don't think you're going to like what he has to say next. "so, what now?" you blink. oh maybe that wasn't so bad. "your laptop's shot, y'know." right. you grimace. you still have to finish your project. and you need a computer to do that. unfortunately, you don't own a desktop and you don't exactly have the cash to drop on a new laptop. "um, well..." you could use the computers at the school library, but it's way too late to go there now. "if you ask nicely, i'll lend you one of my laptops." "no thanks," you answer automatically. 'one of his laptops?' must be nice being rich. why would he need more than one anyway? "...i can just go to a net cafe." "a net cafe?" gojo exclaims in disbelief. "yeah, they're open all night and if i need to sleep there i can." he grimaces. "no, absolutely not." "it's not your choice," you say flatly. "i mean, wouldn't it be easier... and cheaper to just take one of my laptops?" he's got a point, but. "it's fine, you've helped me enough. i'd feel bad if something happened to one of your laptops." you doubt your luck is that bad. it's not like gojo couldn't replace it in a blink in an eye, but still. "then i can just give it to you, problem solved.' you almost choke. "absolutely not!" 
after some back and forth, gojo (with suguru’s help) convinces reader to not go to the net cafe, but reader refuses to take home one of gojo’s laptops sO THEY END UP sitting at the coffee table in his living room to work on their project. to reader’s surprise, he actually lets them work in peace (instead he annoys suguru). though at some point reader dozes off and when they wake up… they are in gojo’s bed. they freak out but it’s only them in the bed and when they leave the bedroom they find gojo snoring on the couch. Suguru, who also stayed the night, and is awake making coffee tells them that gojo carried to them to the bed and decided to sleep on the couch (suguru also slept on the couch it’s a big couch). he makes some kinda cryptic comment before he leaves and reader is just like ????? but shrugs it off as gojo’s bestie also being a weirdo and they try to thank gojo by making him breakfast but the freak doesn’t actually have anything to make breakfast with it so they just work on their project til he wakes up. 
when he does wake up reader does mention wanting to thank him by making him breakfast and he gets stupid excited and tries to drag reader off to the store to get stuff but reader is in the middle of some project stuff and, without thinking tells him to take an iou. and he gets weirdly serious about it, asking if they’ll really do it later and, reader’s like ‘um yes? why are you getting weird about this?’ and he just gives some non answer and doesn’t say THAT HE WANTS READER TO MAKE HIM BREAKFAST because like atp he is very down bad about reader (he and suguru actually were talking about this when reader was working on the project the night before). 
anyway, project presentation time and reader is a bit nervous and so is the rest of the group, but reader is confident that they will do well. and everyone in the group is like yeah, and then uh, gojo’s group waltzes in, oozing confidence and gojo is fucking dressed to the nines, in a suit and tie and his hair styled and reader’s like ‘fuck he’s hot wait what.’ and he comes over and and in his attempt at a rizzed up moment wishes reader’s group luck. one of the girls in reader’s group makes a super funny comment and reader is like ‘shut up.’
both groups do well and after the presentations are done, gojo drags his group and reader’s group to yakiniku or something that’s on him and everyone goes and. everyone but gojo and reader get drunk and gojo and they talk about the project and they both concede that the other did good and they actually aren’t sure who won. 
turns out they both scored the same lmao. so no one wins. reader takes it as a loss but gojo is pretty pleased and suggests that since it was a tie he’ll do something that reader wants if reader is willing to do something he wants and reader is just like ‘ugh fine whatever.’ so gojo asks what they want first and reader’s just like ‘i don’t really want anything i just wanted to beat you once.’ and gojo’s like ‘oh well… i’ll take an iou on a favor then’ and reader’s like ‘okay fine so what do you want?’
"well," gojo drawls, thoughtfully. "i gave it a lot of thought and at first i was thinking i'd ask for us to call it a truce and just be friends. but that's kinda boring, don't you think?" boring isn't quite how you'd put it.  "so i was thinking that instead, you could go on a date with me instead," he proclaims with a big grin. "that's fair don't you think?"
your eyes nearly pop out of your head. a date? he can't be serious.
"i'd pay for everything still, of course, can't risk the date going badly, you know." you scowl. "are you saying that i'd screw up a date just because i can't afford to go whatever fancy restaurants a rich guy like you is accustomed to?" he shoots you a mischevious grin. "well, no i didn't quite say that... but if you'd like to prove me wrong..." "fine!" you hiss. "i'll show you! it'd be the best date you've ever been on!" his smile eases into something, a little more gentle, a little more fond. "i'd love to see you try." 
(spoiler alert: he didn't want the date to go badly because he wants to actually date you but you'll find that out soon enough lmao).
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coridallasmultipass · 6 months
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(( Inspired by the "Aphids" comic bc the dj bro panel had me cryin: https://www.tumblr.com/coridallasmultipass/746888021783298048?source=share ))
Probably went overboard editing this and trying to add emoji subtext, telling a story, you know the deal. Also, the needles evoke a Saw 2 vibe for me, but that's awesome. I'm all about that unsettling mind game shit (not pictured, but I have a spiral on my tongue piercing bead, because I'm dedicated to the aesthetic). Speaking of spirals, yes, that is a Kamina keychain on my phone. In fact, I have all four main characters danglin' off that motherfucker. Shit's heavy, but no pain, no gain. Gotta keep these strifin' fingers in shape, brah. Anyways. I got the green stuff, so hit me up.
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i apologize
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