#lmk huli king
battletimewitch · 1 month
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Bruh, Li Jing was responsible for manipulating the previous Jade emperor to almost annihilating her kin the Hulijing.
Bruh my mind was racing when I saw this trailer
I really hope they don’t try and make Li Jing a good guy because he’s really a dead beat dad.
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journeytomonkiekid · 4 months
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thezoe611 · 11 months
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After chapter 6 of "Eclipse Apprentice" by @journeytomonkiekid , I wanted to finish these drawings and share them to celebrate the chapter, BUT I had weeks of exams and I was finally free yesterday, so I took the opportunity immediately to finish the drawings. This time there were two, because despite the fact that there was a lot of drama and tension in the episode, there were scenes that made me laugh ^^'. I couldn't decide which scenes to draw, so I decided to draw the duality of chapter 6^^'
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polya-mi · 1 year
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Based on a comic book: @journeytomonkiekid
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violetjedisylveon · 9 months
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More Shadowpeach Family AU! With two new OCs! The family is expanding!
And there's a fic now!!!
This is the first time Macaque and Wukong have actually left the mountain without Chao-Xing. Ngl they are probably going to a movie and falling asleep during it.
The dragon is a student of Macaque's from before all the Brotherhood and jttw stuff happened. Cause I wanted a dragon doing cool shadow shit. Now she's Macaque's annoying younger sibling that's taller than him, it's her payback for centuries of being witness to Shadowpeach's complicated history.
Her yellow patches are like piebaldism inherited from some demon ancestry. She's poly, pan and demisexual.
The fox is a Huli Jing(or maybe it's more accurate to call her a jiǔ wěi hú(nine tailed fox) cause she is over a thousand years old). She wasn't doing much except being in a deeply unhealthy relationship with LBD while Wukong was under the moutain, but the toxic ex problem got fixed decently. She's a poly, demisexual lesbian.
They are married to each other and have lots of kids. They're both poly and have partners and kids outside of their relationship, but everyone tends to get along in their big family.
Neither of them have names yet, they are just Dragon Aunt(DA) and Fox Aunt(FA) in my notes.
Shadowpeach Family AU Masterpost
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
So will Jade faced princess ever be mentioned in your au? Since LMK kinda goes "Don't trust history" I like to imagine she was just Red's babysitter and people assumed she was a mistress
Oh man I went down a fox-hole with this. I find her potiential as a character so good for the LMK verse. She could be a villain, an ally, a general, or in my personal fave idea: Ultimate Auntie. (One of my fave interpetations is by @harveylikestoart).
So my idea for Princess Jade Face / Jade Faced Princess / Yu Mian Gongzhu is this:
Birth name is Ruan Yu (soft jade/nephirite), but goes by Jade to her friends, and Auntie to anyone she deems younger than her.
Appearance wise: she's a humanoid fox spirit/Huli-Jing with dark green hair, pale skin, and big green eyes. Loves wearing really old fashioned long-sleeved hanfu that trail behind her (mostly to shield her tails without glamour), and is hyper-feminine. Wears obnoxiously patterned cheongsams while out and about.
Has a "feral" form of an eight-tailed dark green fox. She mostly shifts into this form for comfort. Think of the shapeshifter equivalent of taking off your bra after work.
She's a minor royal of a big family of fox demons. Same family as Jin & Yin's (+ Lin the accountant's) mom actually! She likes visiting them whenever she's in the city.
Knew DBK long before the Brotherhood days. They were childhood best friends in the Underworld who got mistaken for a couple a lot (cus "a guy and a girl can't just be friends" obvs /sarcasm). When PIF came along, Jade was one of DBK's biggest hypemen.
Her dynamic with DBK and PIF is essentially an older Traffic Light Trio, with her as the Mei. Green coded, high energy, and adored mutually by the others.
Because of her chill nature and hyper-fem style, people assume she's dumber than she actually is. She plays up her more "Barbie" qualities when she's tricking people/gaining information.
She's ridiculously good at handling babies and toddlers since she grew up with so many little nieces/nephews/niblings. When baby Red got fussy, a little visit from Auntie Jade immediately perked him up.
Wasn't an "active" member of the Brotherhood back in the day, but was a big supporter and intelligence gatherer. She almost got charged with treason after Sun Wukong's imprisonment, but PIF covered for her - despite their first impressions not being so great. She offically left the Brotherhood after Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King's engagement.
Was really sad alongside PIF and DBK when Red Son/Boy got taken to the Southern Seas by Guanyin to rein in his emotions. The "affair" mentioned in JttW wasn't an affair at all, but a human misinterpetation of how DBK was helping out his homie emotionally. Jade never forgave the writer for branding her as DBK's mistress.
Is extremely doting and embarassing to Red Son even when he's an adult. She's practically his second mother. Cheek pinching, calling him "kit", saying that he needs to eat more food, sharing baby photos with his friends etc...
The "Jade" in her name is not only a reference to her dark green hair/fur. Her family are Rock/Earth-type demons. She was so good at handling Red as a baby since fire doesn't bother her as much. She also owns a fox mask made of literal jade that she wore back in the Brotherhood days to hide her identity she thought looked mysterious and dramatic.
Doesn't have an actual spouse or biological kids of her own. She's happy being the best unmarried Auntie she can to all the kids.
Will def appear later in the "Monkey King and the Infant"-verse as Red's fave Auntie. Once PIF has "picked up" (read: kidnapped) Red back from the Southern Seas, Jade is immediately called in for babysitting backup.
She and Macaque became friends again on accident while working at the theatre together. She's part of the costume and makeup department, and it took them a few crossed paths to finally recognise one another. She is def partially to blame for Red's flair for dramatics.
Has a particular grudge against Zhu Bajie for whacking her with the rake. Has a nasty scar that starts on the back of her head down to her shoulder blades from the fight. Was extremely cold towards Pigsy before she realised (very embarassed) that he was just Bajie's decendant.
Initially disliked Sun Wukong when they reunited, but quickly it became clear that the the two's more loud, reckless natures bounced off one another. Are rivals for the title of "Best Babysitter".
Spoils baby MK and the other kids rotten. Doesn't matter if the baby is a mystic monkey, dragon, cat demon, human, or demon bull calf; baby is baby.
Takes an obscene amount of luggage with her no matter where she goes. Is "hairdryer in her purse" kind of prepared.
Yips when she's excited/happy. Also chirps in response to Baby MK's monkey chirping. The language crossover of fox and monkey sounds is surprising.
Voice claim: Diane Morgan/Philomena Cunk. She has a softer British accent compared to her related demon niblings. Red Son may or may not have developed his accent from her.
Gosh I love weird women characters.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
Hey, everyone!
So I've been influenced by the amazing @journey-to-the-au to make my own monkey versions. Their stories are absolutely amazing and inspired me to make my own. I hope its ok if I use some of your concepts, and if not, please let me know, and I can change them.
I'm still learning about the Monkey King book. The more I learn from the books, the more I'll implement it or change some things in charcater stories. My Hyperfixation on Lego Monkie kid has evolved into a Monkey King hyperfixation in general. So I'm going to combine the two because I love them both.
Designs for lmk charcater will relatively stay the same as well as the story, but with other Monkey King elements thrown in. First thing first, here is the height chart I made for original residents on flower fruit mountain/Mount Huaguo
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I will be making more height charts for more characters this is just one of a few more
Now I hope everyone buckles in because this girl also wrote small snippets for each character, and it is long! The snippets follow left from right!
Dai Lu: known as the Mother of the Mountain, before Dai Lu found WuKong, she watched over the mountain and the beings that lived there for centuries. Everyone on the mountain held her in high regard and came to her for disputes and settling matters. Even the troop of isolated Macaques gave her the respect she deserved, which they didn't give much respect to anyone outside their troop. She and he family resided by the large water fall with the biggest troop of monkies on the island.
She had a small daughter at the time of them finding WuKong after he hatched from his stone (her other half lost to a hunter attack not long after their daughter was born). Dai Lu took the small monkey under her wing, and with the help of the troop, they raised WuKong. When the brotherhood was formed, she was the voice of reason and tried to keep their plans from angering the celestials.
It came to a close when Dai Lu was trapped in a sword by a minor celestial hoping to use her to "tame" WuKong, and it is where she stayed for many years. Her sword was passed down from generation to generation, before finally a young swordsman kind enough to even listen to her, set her free. A kindness she repays frequently back to his family.
But it was then she realized how long she was gone for. Her daughter was off the mountian raising her son, and WuKong was already on his journey, the weight of Macaque's death on his shoulders as well as fighting and trapping three his sworn brothers. Dai Lu, with little connections she had in the celestial realm, was able to at least visit him a few times on said journey.
Dai Lu set off the mountain once, staying with WuKong after a few years of him returning from his journey. It is then, she made the Skulk, a group of Huli-Jin that helped each other. All Huli-Jin were welcome to come and go as they please.
Sun WuKong: we all know about WuKong. So I don't think there is much to explain. He was raised by Dai Lu and proudly called her his Mama. He has an older sister (I don't have a name for her yet). After his Journey and the removal of the fillet, left fillet like scars on his forehead. It may have helped him but, it left behind scars. His daughter's rock came to him a few months later after his return to the mountain.
WuKong had tried to get Macaque's soul back to only be told it was missing. He fell into a bit of a depressive stated after that. His mother and his troop, especially the babies of the moutain and his own daughter helped him. Over time he was able to apologize to the macaque troop, the only reason they even tolerate his presence was because of Chao-Xing, Rumble and Savage the last remaining peices of Macaque they had left. He accepted their decision and tried to stay a much out of their way as possible.
The only one who doesn't dare be in his presence is Mo, Macaque's younger sister. She despises him even after she learns of her brother resurrection, but her problem is with WuKong and only him. She wouldn't dare have the wrath of her family come down on her for getting her Nieces and Nephew caught in her hate for their other father.
Six Eared Macaque: Macaque was born to the isolated Macaque group of Flower Fruit Mountain. He didn't have a father, his mother saying he was a gift from the wind. His grandfather, the king of the troop, taught him everything he needed to know about his magic and how to take care of his family. He also became a big brother, to a sister named Mò.
When he was little, he got swept away by the river to land in Dai Lu and her troop's part of the mountain. He was taken care of by them until his Grandpa and Mom was able to pick him up. It was then he met WuKong and they became fast friends. As years passed they met up and played frequently.
When they were older, they started to court and became mates. Macaque was the main catalyst for WuKong searching for a way of immortality. There was a massive fight as hunters found the isolated macaque troop, and Macaque while defending his family got badly hurt in the process.
When it came to the book of the dead, Macaque and the macaque troop was included in with the other names being crossed out. Around when Macaque set out to find WuKong on his journey his mother and sister pleaded for him to stay. He wished he had listened. After his death the macaque troop closed themselves off fully from WuKong's troop and Dai Lu. Mò especially.
Macaque still is hesitant to return to his old troop when he's resurrected and espesally after being on good terms with WuKong and the others again.
Chao-Xing: the daughter of the Monkey King and the Six Eared Macaque. She was made by the combination of their magic and was born from stone just like WuKong. She is well loved by the troop and she was fawned over by her Aunts, Uncles, GUncle's, and Great Grandpa. She learned a lot from all of them.
How to fight hand to hand by Aunt Ma, how to take care of a flower field by her Aunt Rin Rin, how to control her shadow magic from her Great Grandpa, and more.
After hearing her father's journey she wanted to have her own, to fully see the world and to learn more about it was well. She made a compromise with her Bama (WuKong) that if she waited until she was old enough and everyone in her family deemed her ready, then she was able to leave the mountain. She accepted and let's say it took the macaque troop hundreds of years to finally agree he fit enough to let her go.
Chao-Xing is the one who helps ease her Baba (Macaque) back into WuKong's troop, though it doesn't take to much for them to welcome him back. She is also the one trying to talk him into see the macaque troop again
Rin Rin: the head teacher of the mountain. Rin Rin 50% of the time is seen leading groups of children around teaching them about the world around them. She is highly protective of children and even though she doesn't have much combat training, she can still be a lot to handle for a foe when it comes to a child under her care being in danger.
She has a major green thumb, can take a dying plant to be florishing stong plant. Rin Rin is also the sole reason 90% of the flower beds on the mountian are where they are. She takes great pride in them.
Rin Rin and Marshal Liu are mates. They started courting before the great fire on the mountain. They decided to put off having children of their own with everything that happened to the mountain while their king was away. When they do finally have kids, they have an older daughter the same age as Chao-Xing and twin boys a few years younger.
Marshal Liu: Liu is very protective of the troop and the monkeys he cares about most. He also the most level headed out of his fellow Marshal and generals, but he's got his own mean streak that he's not afraid to show off. His father was apart of a small band if wandering simians on the mountain, his little half sister Biyu's father was also apart of that group as well.
Liu knew who his father was and actually got to do things with him. He wasnt actually too bad of a father, teaching him some things when ever he was around, but Liu mainly wanted stuck with his mother and her troop. Liu and much like the other Generals and Marshal grew up with WuKong, they trained together and when WuKong became King he named him Marshal. His prefered weapon is a yan yue dao.
Liu knew the moment he saw Rin Rin teaching the little ones for the first time, he wanted to court her. But, it was the first time he watched her fight off a tiger demon who decided it was a good idea to attack her and the little ones one day, that he decided to FINALLY ask her. After the fact of course.
Biyu: Biyu is the little sister of Liu and is a soldier (prefered weapon and a poleaxe) under the command of her brother and her friends. Dispite being his little sister, she is taller than Liu in their older years, and he's a little annoyed by that fact. A fact she LOVES to tease him about. Even though she was a few years younger then them all, they still looked her to tag along with them.
Biyu has a major love for phoenixs, she even likes to sit and watch them fly around, the phoenixs has grown used to her being around, she leaves them be so they don't see her as a threat. Even a few have grown curious of her and one was even brave enough to perch on her shoulder, she practically gushed about it for days to who ever would listen. Who most of the time would be Ba.
Ba and her are mates, Ba would do anything for her. For his first courting gift to her when they did finally start courting he presented her with a Phoenix feather. The same one she wears proudly in her fur til this day.
The scars on her face and down her neck she received from the fire on the mountain, the scar travels around over her shoulder and down her back. She got it from catching a falling branch from hurting a mother and her two children. She doesn't regret how she got the scars, but it still took her years for her to feel confident in her looks again, with how ugly she deemed the scars. Ba was also a major help in getting her confidence back.
General Ba: the youngest of the terror twins of Flower Fruit mountian and a general of WuKong (prefered weapon is the chicken sickels). When he was little, he'd screech at anyone in the troop that referred to him as a girl. The troop learned pretty quickly the pronouns he prefered. Yes, he is ftm, but he will terrorize anyone who has the audacity to tell him otherwise, and he has. Being an annoyance to someone is a very effective way to get someone to correct pronoun usage.
Ma and Ba were actually born to another troop not too far from WuKong's. The troops met frequently and were on good terms with one another. Meeting to share stories and trade. They even were able to stay over with the troop under Rin Rin's family care who was their father's sister, making them cousin's to Rin Rin.
There was one point something happened (a something i will figure out eventually XD) that kept the two troops separated for a few years. Cutting Ba and Ma off from their friends. When the way was finally opened to traverse again, the two decided to make the decision of staying with WuKong's troop. One their mother or father did not try to stop them.
Ba and Biyu are mates. When Ba met Biyu and the others after their years apart, she gave him one hug and he was gone for her. And when he went to get the Phoenix feather for a courting gift, he practically negotiated with them for an entire day and that consisted of him doing errands for them. They gave him one of their molted flight feathers in exchange.
Marshal Ma: is the oldest of the terror twins and a Marshal that serves WuKong (Her prefered weapon is an emeici). The duo love pranks but, they definitely toned it down when they have gotten older. They even terrorizes a pack of wolf demons that were going to attack their troop so badly the pack who had lived their for generations had to escape off the moutain to get away from them.
Ma's fighting style is a bit different from her fellow Marshal and Generals. She prefers a get in and get out approch while the others prefer head on fighting. She loves sneaking around to get the job done and is always to go to when stealth is involved.
Ma and Beng are mates, Ma always tried to help Beng as much as she could, whith his dad and him being the only two medicine monkies on the island. She does help him when he gets too much into his herbs to rememeber to eat, drink, sleep and get put and do things once in awhile.
General Beng: a General under WuKong and a medicine monkey. Beng takes great pride with his work with medicine and herbs. He learned everything from his father, who was over joyed to teach everything he knew to his son. Beng when he was young developed Aphonia from an attack on the troop, his voice never going much above a whisper. He also has an aversion to physical touch. He knows accidental touchs are common, especially if he has to take care of a fellow monkey. What he hates is prolonged touches like hugs or even a simple hand on his shoulder, it makes it feel like he got ants in his skin. The only prolonged touch othe then Ma, he could stand is his parents grooming his fur.
Beng had a hard time connecting to the other monkeys, though he does have Ma to thank for actually making friends out of WuKong and his friends. She practically dragged him along on the outings with the others and if there wasn't something too important in his work, made sure he got breaks.
The years that Ba and Ma and their troop were cut off from them, Beng was near constantly sucked in his work. It took the others and his parents hours to get him to do anything to take care of himself. Beng didn't realize how muched he missed the other monkey until the path way to get to the others again was clear and she and her brother came to the troop requesting to Dai Lu if they could stay. No one told them no and Beng just wrapped up Ma in a hug, she is the only one he allows and seeks out physical affection from.
It wasn't long that they started courting after that.
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battletimewitch · 1 year
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A wip of Chu Hua and her adopted Sisters
I seriously make a lot of fox ocs
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journeytomonkiekid · 4 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 4 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 4 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 5 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 5 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 8 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 5 months
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journeytomonkiekid · 6 months
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