#lmk if you'd like a new thread!!
stcygxldn · 10 months
starter call !
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cupid-styles · 9 months
silk (grumpy!h)
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in which harry is grumpy with everyone except y/n, and he realizes he's never been so enamored with someone in his life.
word count: 5.9k
content warnings: smut!!
author's notes: last part of grumpy h! thank you sm for all the love on this series, I love these two<3 lmk if you'd like to see any blurbs or one-shots for them!!!
part one | part two
masterlist | talk to me
From: H🌷
My friends want to meet you. Would you be willing to come out with us tonight?
Y/N reads over Harry's most recent text for the fourth time in 10 minutes. If she's being honest, the resounding answer is no, she has no desire to go out with Harry and his friends. But she also knows that they've been spending a lot of time together lately and he's been skipping out on hangouts and evenings out, so it only makes sense that his friends want to meet the girl he's constantly ditching them for.
She sighs, thumbs hovering over the keyboard, and types out an answer she wouldn't give to anyone else.
sure.. when and where?
It's only a minute or so before Harry replies. She shuts her laptop, knowing that the attention streak she has on her outline for literature theory is out the window, especially with the prospect of meeting Harry's friends in the near future. 
I'll come get you and we can go to the bar together at 9:30, if that works for you. I know this is probably overwhelming for you so please don't stress, sweetheart. They're going to love you.
Her heart skips a beat. Sweetheart. That's a new development since that evening a few weeks ago, when she disclosed the story of how she lost her virginity. Since then, it seems like boundaries had carefully been crossed, but neither one of them minded. Pet names fell easily from Harry's lips. When they were together, they were almost always touching, whether it be warm cuddles on the couch or holding hands on the walk out of the English department. 
Y/N doesn't know what they are — she knows that Harry has some record of dating and sleeping around, and it doesn't seem like that's what they're doing, but she can't help but fear that that's what it is. She always manages to shove those anxieties down when they're together so they don't accidentally come out in an embarrassing stream of consciousness. 
okay, that works, she eventually types back, i'll try not to worry too much.. what should i wear?
Y/N has to smush her face in her pillows to avoid squealing at his answer.
Anything you would normally wear is perfect. You'll look beautiful no matter what.
. . .
Harry will never admit it out loud, but he's so excited for Y/N to finally meet his friends. 
Niall, Mitch, and Pauli have been on Harry's back about constantly being out of the house and not hanging out with them. They're all quite needy, really, but they're his best friends and housemates, so he doesn't fault their curiosity. Especially because they've noticed his happier-than-usual demeanor, which says a lot, considering he usually walks around with a permanent scowl on his face.
So when he invites Y/N to come out with them tonight, he's fully expecting her to say no and he's shocked when she doesn't. He can practically feel her nerves through their text thread but he's over the moon that's pushing past her anxiety for his stupid friends. For him.
When he arrives at her place, she's overanalyzing every aspect of her outfit. It makes him smile, the way she cares so much, but he takes her concerns as seriously as he can.
"Are you sure this is good enough, H?" she asks, walking back over to the floor length mirror. She's wearing a pair of light wash mom jeans and a lacey white tank top, her makeup subtle with smudgy brown eyeliner and pink highlights.
"Baby," Harry murmurs, strolling up behind her and pressing a hand to her hip, "You look absolutely gorgeous. There's nothing to stress about."
She flushes instantly and squeezes her thighs at his touch. She spins to face him, a pout on her lips. 
"I just wanna make a good impression. I don't want your friends to think you're hanging out with some—"
"Whatever you're about to call yourself, it's not true." Harry cuts her off, squeezing her hip. "Now c'mon, Niall gets testy whenever someone's late."
"Fine." Y/N grumbles, grabbing her bag and cardigan. She follows Harry out of her apartment, both of them stopping to bid Ginger a quick goodbye before locking the door and walking out to his car.
"Do you mind if I come back with you tonight?" Harry asks, intertwining their fingers together on the short trek to his sedan. "Feel like I barely saw you this week."
Y/N smiles, looking up at him as they walk. "You saw me yesterday in class and after at grading, silly."
"Yeah, but that was professional time. Couldn't hold you or anything." 
She giggles as they approach his car, getting in on the passenger's side and buckling herself in. Harry does the same and starts the vehicle, reaching over to place a hand over her thigh as he pulls out of the parking spot. 
"Yeah, you can sleepover tonight, H."
"Whoa, who said anything about staying over, darling? Think you're getting a bit presumptuous—"
Y/N rolls her eyes and cuts him off with a light swat to the chest, "You've stayed over tons!"
He laughs, his eyes crinkling the way that always makes Y/N's heart feel like it's about to burst. 
"Just like teasing you, pretty baby."
. . .
Harry's friends are actually quite nice.
They have a clear connection, easy-going and kind, that makes it easy for Y/N to sink into without giving too much weight to her worries. When her and Harry walk in, the blonde one immediately waves them over with a huge grin and a half-full glass of Guinness in his hand.
"H! You're late!" 
Harry rolls his eyes and grumbles out some insult, his palm flat against the small of Y/N's back. She wants to hide behind his towering figure to avoid being the center of attention, but he gently pushes her towards the tabletop to introduce her.
"Heathens... this is Y/N. Y/N, these are my housemates, Mitch, Niall, and Pauli," Harry announces, giving her side a small, comforting squeeze. "Be nice to her or I will put hair removal in all of your shampoos. Especially yours, Mitch."
The long-haired one — Mitch, Y/N presumes — instantly puts his hands up in defense. "Why would I be anything but nice? Niall here is the one that's five beers in."
"Shut up, I'm nothing but sweet when I'm drunk!" Niall exclaims, his voice booming over the soundtrack of other patron's conversations and some random rock station. "Hi Y/N, it's nice to meet you. Tell me, how did you manage to sweeten grumpy Harry here? He's usually so—"
"Niall," The last one, Pauli, Y/N thinks, warns, a protective arch in his eyebrow as he cuts his chatty friend off. "We're so happy you decided to join us, Y/N. It's nice to finally put a face to the name."
"Alright, you guys have caused enough chaos," Harry steers the conversation away, tugging Y/N closer to his side, "We're gonna go get drinks."
Harry knows Y/N doesn't drink very often and he doubts she'll get anything tonight, but he can feel her clamping up from the attention.
"Y'okay?" he asks, leaning down slightly to catch the shell of her ear. She shivers at the low tone of his voice, biting her lip as she looks up at him.
"Mhm. They're nice, H." 
He smiles and moves his arm up to wrap around her shoulders. "I know they're a bit much. I appreciate you being here, though. Promise we won't stay too long."
"It's okay," Y/N giggles at his overprotectiveness, though her heart swoons as she tucks herself into his chest. "They're special to you and that's important." 
Harry's grin only widens, showcasing his dimples and the cute eye wrinkles Y/N loves.
"You're special to me. That's why I wanted them to meet you."
Y/N doesn't know how to reply without squealing so she just blushes and buries her head into his shoulder, a warm chuckle vibrating from the depths of his chest.
. . .
"Yeah, and that's how Harry ended up having to sneak Niall out of the emergency room at 3 in the morning." 
Despite Niall's already red face, his cheeks turn a deep crimson at the end of Pauli's story. Harry and his friends erupt in a series of laughs as Y/N looks up at the curly haired brunette curled around her form, his arm slung casually around her shoulders. The PDA initially made her heart thumb noisily in her chest, but she couldn't help herself as she snuggled further into his side, his scent and warmth radiating instant comfort. 
"Yeah, yeah, you lot think you're so funny," Niall grumbles before lifting his pint to his mouth. 
"That's 'cos we are, Ni," Harry smirks, "Anyway... it's been fun, but I think we're gonna head out." 
Y/N's heart squeezes at him saying we're, like they're some sort of collective. She has to roll her lips into her mouth to stop a smile from curling onto her face. 
"Ah, you guys aren't gonna come back to the house?" Pauli asks with a pout. 
"Let them live," Mitch interjects, nudging Pauli's ribs, "H is happy for the first time, like, ever." 
"Alright!" Harry exclaims, clapping his hands together as Y/N's lips part in surprise. Was he seriously that noticeably happy? Because of... no, it couldn't be because of her. That would be silly. "Y/N, you about ready?"
She nods and slides out of the booth behind Harry. "It was really nice to meet you all," she says with a polite smile, hugging her bag closer to her side as Harry heads up to the bar to settle his tab. "Thanks for having me."
"Oh, of course!" Niall grins. "Just make sure Harry wraps it up tonight, we all know he's been around—"
"Niall, you're cut off!" Mitch is quick to snatch the beer glass out of Niall's hand just as Y/N's face warms, insecurities suddenly brewing deep in her body. She knew of Harry's reputation, but if his friends assumed they were sleeping together already... was there something wrong with her? 
Thankfully, she doesn't have to stumble over an awkward response because Harry's already reappeared, not even bothering to question why Niall's whining. 
"'Kay, see you lot later. Get home safe." 
He slings an arm around Y/N's shoulders and she gives a half-hearted wave as he guides them out of the crowded bar. She feels a sense of relief when the cool air hits her skin, the weather finally feeling fully autumnal as October nudges in. Harry notices her involuntary shiver and holds her closer, giving her shoulders a squeeze as they approach his car.
"You did so good tonight," he murmurs, glancing down at her proudly. "How do you feel?"
"Good." she lies, a tight smile on her face. "I can drive, you had a few drinks, hm?"
Harry nods and digs his keys out of the pocket of his jeans, handing them to Y/N. She clears her throat as she unlocks the vehicle, both of them climbing in wordlessly.
"Was it too much socialization? I can go home if you want to be by yourself." 
Y/N's heart squeezes at his words as she turns the key in the ignition. It's silly to her that a month ago, she dreaded being alone with Harry and now, she can't even find it in her to be upset with him. 
"No, I want you to come back with me." 
Y/N is rarely assertive in her words, let alone her plans with Harry. Even when she does miss him and wants to see him, she'll send him a picture of Ginger being cute, and he'll reply with some iteration of "can I come over?"
So she swallows harshly after blurting the words out, thankfully missing the way Harry's eyes widen slightly. And he can tell that something's up — she's grasping the steering wheel tightly and won't stop chewing on her bottom lip, a nervous habit of hers that was easy to pick up on — and he mentally curses at his friends, hoping that they didn't say something idiotic to make her overthink anything.
He doesn't say anything until she's pulling into a spot outside of her apartment. As she's about to turn the car off, his hand grasps at her thigh, her eyes flying to his face. It's dark, so he can't see much of her facial expression, but he can tell by the slight crinkle in her eyebrow that she's nervous.
"What's wrong, sweet girl?" Harry asks gently, circling his thumb over her knee. "Did something happen at the bar? Did they say something?"
She shakes her head quickly, "No, of course not. They were really nice, H, I had a good time. Can we just go upstairs?"
"What's the rush?" he presses, trying to catch her low gaze. "Are you tired? Wanna go to bed?"
"Not tired," she mutters and lets out a frustrated sigh. The quiet hum of Harry's car fills the silence, but it's not enough to tear his attention away from the anxious girl in front of him. "I just... why haven't you tried to sleep with me?"
Embarrassment floods her entire body as Harry's eyebrows shoot up. Immediately, she feels ridiculous and wants to take it back.
"That was really dumb of me. I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. I didn't even drink, I just—"
"Y/N," Harry says lowly, giving her knee a squeeze, "What did they say?"
"Nothing! Niall just said... well, when you were paying, he told me to make sure you, y'know, 'wrap it up' and I realized that, like, you haven't even tried to kiss me! And you call me these sweet names and we cuddle and hang out all the time and I don't know, I thought maybe you liked me but I understand I could be wrong and misinterpreting everything."
She's exasperated and Harry thinks it's adorable, but he hates that he could ever question his intentions with her. He notices that her hands are trembling and he sighs, shaking his head. 
"First of all, Niall is an absolute idiot so never take anything he says seriously," he replies, taking her hands into his. He stuffs them underneath the soft fabric of his cardigan, trying to warm them up. "I... I know I have some sort of reputation on campus and you've seen me do some things I'm not proud of, but that was never the case with you. I wanted to take my time with you and go slow, especially because of your history. I like you, Y/N. So much. You didn't misinterpret anything."
She swallows nervously and if he didn't have her hands held captive in his fuzzy yellow sweater, she'd be fidgeting anxiously, picking at the her nails. Her face is far too warm for her liking, her heart jumping for joy in her chest as she replays his words over and over again. I like you. So much.
"I like you, too," she finally peeps out, clearing her throat, "I'm sorry I assumed differently. I didn't mean to be dramatic."
"Not dramatic, love. I understand why you got nervous," he murmurs, smiling gently. "Can I kiss you, then? If you like me back?"
It's overwhelming for Y/N — she feels like she's about to kiss her second grade crush, but only because of the flocks of butterflies invading her stomach, shaky hands, and an inability to croak out an answer, instead just nodding her head. Harry chuckles at that, and she's grateful for the way he's able to easily read her. 
It's not the most romantic kiss Harry's ever had, but that's only because they're parked outside of Y/N's house in his car. If it weren't for the way he has to lean over the middle console to catch her lips in a lock, he would swear it's absolutely perfect. 
Simultaneously, Y/N realizes that kissing Harry feels like coming home. 
She's only ever felt this way when she's, quite literally, returned to her childhood home after hellish months away at college as an undergrad. The way the interior of the space always smelled like balsam and freshly baked cookies, warm lights twinkling on the Christmas tree, her mom hugging her tightly and murmuring in her ear, "it's okay, you're home now."
She tastes twinges of beer as their lips meld together, his musky vanilla cologne invading her senses and making her melt. It's all so good, like being wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, drinking hot chocolate during a snowstorm, carving pumpkins while you eat those Halloween sugar cookies from childhood. 
If she didn't have to break away to breathe, she thinks she could kiss Harry for an eternity. 
Harry is clearly more experienced in the kissing department than she is, but he doesn't tease her for needing a break. He just smiles softly as she quietly pants with spit swollen lips, her eyes darting between his own raspberry mouth and the inviting jade of his eyes.
"You're good at that." Y/N breathes, and he chuckles, letting out his own deep breath. 
"Do you wanna go inside, sweetheart?" Harry asks gently, his voice quiet, "I really wanna keep kissing you, but maybe not in my car." 
"Yes, please."
He laughs louder at that, giving her thigh one more squeeze as she pulls the car key from the ignition. It's nearing midnight so it's far chillier now, goosebumps immediately forming over Y/N's arms. It's a race to her front door from there, her eagerly unlocking it and kicking her shoes off, Harry following closely behind. 
Ginger is tucked into herself, snoozing steadily in the little cat bed Harry bought her a few weeks back. He'd immediately admitted that it was an impulsive purchase, claiming that he simply couldn't resist. 
"Do you want anything to drink?" Y/N asks, hanging her bag and keys on the hooks in her entryway.
"'M okay," Harry mumbles, plopping down on the couch. He sheds his upper body of his cardigan and Y/N swallows as it leaves him in a plain white tee-shirt, contrasting the inky swirls on his arms beautifully. "Relax, baby. Come sit with me."
Y/N nods and walks over to him submissively, her socks padding across the plushy expanse of her carpet.
"Do you wanna sit on my lap?" he asks softly, reaching out to intertwine their fingers together. "You can say no. We're going at your speed."
"No, I do." she says quickly, not wanting him to suspect an inkling of hesitance. She'll admit, she's nervous, but it's not because she's uncomfortable. If anything, Harry is still so intimidating in this regard, and she feels like a fumbling mess in comparison. 
He's gentle in his movements, guiding her body down to his and helping her straddle his waist. It's not inherently sexual, despite the fact that her thighs split readily, their cores pressed together and separated by layers of clothing. 
He wraps an arm around her waist to keep her steady, her hands automatically finding his broad shoulders. 
"Can we keep kissing?" Y/N peeps out. A lopsided grin appears on Harry's face, making her own warm. 
"Course, honey. Keep kissing me."
She's anxious about the prospect of her leaning in to kiss him, worried that she's doing something wrong, but the nerves instantly melt away the second their lips reconnect. This kiss is less hesitant, a slow stream of confidence beginning to radiate from Y/N's actions. She fists his tee-shirt in her hands as she presses her chest against his, Harry's tongue gently probing her mouth. She opens readily, happy to allow him.
Harry's surprised by her sudden eagerness but welcomes it. He can feel his cock starting to plump beneath them, but he hopes she doesn't notice it as she squeezes her thighs around his waist. He doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, wanting nothing more to prioritize her own wants tonight. 
"Baby," Harry breathes, breaking their kiss and nudging his nose against hers, "Baby, hold on a sec, wanna talk to you." 
She hums and blinks her eyes open. "'bout what?" she asks, licking over her swollen lips.
"Do you know what you want to do tonight? If anything?" 
Y/N swallows. She definitely hadn't thought that far. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about sex with Harry at all, but she was so over the moon with knowing that he liked her that she couldn't think past it.
He squeezes her hip, bringing her back down and out of her thoughts. Swallowing, she parts her lips nervously before licking over them. 
"I'm not really sure," she admits, adjusting out of awkwardness but accidentally brushing against Harry's cock, "I... I know I want you. Closer."
"Okay, that's a good start," he murmurs. He tries not to let his facade crack, but he's in shambles over how sweet she's being. If it were up to him, he'd devour her whole, but he has restraint — even if she's unintentionally testing them. "How close do you want to be, honey?" 
"More than this."
Harry chuckles and nods, reaching up to run his hand through his hair. "You're killing me, y'know that?"
"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to do anything."
"That's the problem." 
His smirk makes her blush and she stares down at her hands, wringing them together in their laps. Gently, he tucks his hand underneath her chin, bringing her eyes back up to his. 
"You're doing perfectly, sweetheart. I just want to make sure that we're doing everything you want. I want this to be a good experience for you."
She calms slightly at that and Harry feels her body relax. "It already is a good experience, H, it's you."
"You're too cute," he mumbles with a shake of his head, tilting his head to press featherlight kisses along her jaw, "Too fuckin' cute."
He lowers down to her neck, entirely too intoxicated by the scent of her vanilla perfume and the feel of her soft skin against his lips. He could spend the entire night planting kisses across every inch of her body, he thinks, but he knows they'd both be too needy to let him finish that ask.
"Inside," Y/N suddenly breathes out, a gasp falling from pillowy lips as he nips as a sensitive spot, "Want you inside, please."
"Fingers?" Harry guesses, suckling gently to create the faintest of marks.
"No, no. You."
Harry's eyes snap open at her admittance, blinking owlishly as he processes her request. Did she... was she asking—
"Please, Harry, I— I know you want to take it slow but it's been months and I want it, I'm sure of it, please—"
He hushes her with a firm kiss to the lips. Her trembling hands reach up to fist at his messy curls and he can feel her getting progressively more desperate, pink-hued smoke clouding her typically shy demeanor. 
"It's okay, baby, I got you," he murmurs against her mouth, squeezing at her hip. "I'll take care of you, alright? If that's what you really want."
"I do, H, please."
Harry can't take a second more of her pleading and he thinks if he denied her again, she'd be down at her knees groveling. (He has to quickly push that image out of his brain, knowing it'll only send him further into a tizzy.) She mumbles out consent as he plucks at the button of her jeans, nudging her to sit up so he can pull the denim down her legs. He tries not to groan at the sight of a tiniest wet patch seeping through the fabric of her light blue underwear but fails miserably, pressing his forehead to her clavicle in frustration.
"What's wrong?" Y/N asks, pausing their haphazard movements to take in his facial expression.
"You're gonna kill me," he repeats his sentiment from earlier, "You're just fucking adorable and hot without even realizing it and it's taking everything in me not to completely ruin you."
Harry glances up at her to see her rounded eyes and plushy lips, gasps parting from the muted pink hue of her mouth. 
"What if I want you to ruin me?"
He shakes his head and tightens his squeeze on her hips. He lays her back down against the couch and spreads her legs, kneeling to thumb at the dampened patch between her thighs.
"You need to shut up. You don't know what you're asking for, Y/N."
"Tell me then," she eggs him on, squirming as he begins to draw small circles into her covered clit, "You've always taken care of me, why would this be any different?"
"Because you're different," he mutters tightly, his large hands finding the expanse of her ribs and pushing her shirt upwards to reveal her lacy bralette, "I don't want to treat you like any other person I've been with. You don't deserve that."
She whimpers when he bucks up against her lower half, his jean-covered bulge nudging at the place she needs him most. 
"Show me what I deserve, then. Please." 
"That," Harry says, undoing his pants and tossing them off to the side, "I can absolutely do."
It's a mess of kisses and touching from then, eager to feel one another without any additional clothing in the way. She's naturally submissive, Harry finds, but he's not surprised at that in the slightest. He'd assumed that from the first day they met, though he'd never imagined that he would be the one nipping at her skin, licking and sucking her nipples, and pressing kisses down her stomach and over her mound, taking his time to inhale her sweet scent.
Y/N's all but gagging for it now but he refuses to go any further without stretching her out, knowing that it's been five years since she's last slept with someone. She's wet — dripping, really, from her pulsating hole down to her ass, and he wants to press his tongue flat against her lips, suckling every last bit up, but he's a man on a mission. Plus, he knows he'll cum on the spot the second he wiggles his tongue inside, and that's not part of tonight's plan.
Instead, he's able to fit three fingers inside of her, but it admittedly takes a lengthy amount of pumping, scissoring, and pressing up against the spongy spot inside of her that makes her moan especially loud. She's squeezing his fingers so tightly, her hole contracting every time he uses his thumb and swipe over her clit. 
"You— please, Harry, I'm ready, I can't— can't take anymore." 
He looks up to see the prettiest, most desperate looking angel with baby hairs matted to her forehead, her chest warm and splotchy. Beads of sweat are dripping down her thighs and her mascara has smudged below her lower lash line, making her look beyond fucked out. 
"Okay," Harry nods, withdrawing his fingers carefully, "Okay, baby. Lemme just grab a condom."
He probably looks ridiculous as he scurries over to his pants to grab his wallet, digging to grab the condom he'd stuffed in there the day after he decided he really liked Y/N. She doesn't say anything as he peels his briefs down, revealing his painfully hard cock slapping up against his lower stomach, pre-cum beading at the slit. 
He rolls the condom on and shuffles between her thighs, pumping himself a few times to relieve just some of the pressure. Their eyes are glued to one another's in an intense, lusty stare-off.
"You're sure, lovie?" Harry asks, massaging her inner thighs carefully, "You can change your mind at any time. Even if I put it in and it hurts, you can tell me."
"I trust you," she replies softly, her throat already sore from nearly a half an hour of teasing. "I know it's gonna hurt a little... but you'll get me through it, right?"
His heart breaks a bit at her need for reassurance, nodding his head quickly. He adores this sweet girl beneath him, nothing meaning more to him than her implicit trust in his care.
"Of course I will. Just keep communicating with me, okay?"
She nods and he shuffles up to her core, stroking his cock twice more before stretching his body over her. He presses a kiss to her forehead, then down to her nose, and finally to her lips. 
"I'm gonna start putting it in." 
It's... a stretch, a big one at that. Y/N initially winces at the pain and Harry's head snaps up, halting his movements, but she shakes her head quickly, encouraging him to continue. He slows down, slowly moving centimeter by centimeter until her breathing starts to even out. When he finally bottoms out, she feels like she's absolutely stuffed to the brim, but in the best way possible. 
"Are you alright, honey?" Harry asks quietly, leaning up to brush a few hairs out of her eyes.
"Yes," Y/N murmurs, swallowing harshly, "I... I feel like you've always been meant to be here, H."
His eyes well up slightly, not only because it's the sweetest thing she could've possibly said in this moment, but because he feels that way, too. He's never felt such a connection with someone before on both a physical and emotional level and he knows right then and there, Y/N is the person that's meant to be his.
"You're incredible," he says, beginning slow, shallow thrusts, "You're everything I could've ever wanted, Y/N. This is... you're perfect."
"Oh," Y/N breathes when Harry's hips snap up against hers, the tip of his cock pressing against the spongey spot deep inside of her, "That's... you're so deep."
He groans at her widened eyes, shutting his own to prevent himself from bursting early just from her cute reactions. She feels better than he ever could have imagined the many times he fucked his fist, thinking of how warm and sweet she'd be beneath him.  
"Faster, please," she mewls, her jaw falling slack at his continued assault on her g-spot. 
"Yeah? Need me to go faster, honey?"
She nods vehemently and he smiles gently, beginning to quicken his pace. She loves the way he's hovering over her, closer than they've ever been before, invading all of her senses. She hooks her ankles around his waist and he groans at the small sign of initiative. 
"Can I make you cum on my cock, sweetheart?" Harry asks through a tight jaw, feeling his balls start to tighten as they bump up against her ass. 
"P-please," she nods, her hair a mess from Harry thrusting her into the mess of throw pillows on her couch. She's made herself finish tons of times before, but only with her own fingers and the occasional smutty book as inspiration. With Harry in her life, she'll admit that she's been hornier than ever before, always finding a sodden mess in her underwear after hanging out together. (It even happens when they spend time grading in Donnolly's office when she watches his jaw flex, gum between his teeth. The thought is enough to make her shudder.)
But with Harry finally stroking at the spots inside of her that had been neglected for years, it doesn't take much to get close to her peak. She's never felt so full before, and it's making her pussy squeeze over him in steady pulses, eliciting a grunt deep from Harry's chest.
"Can you rub your little clit for me?" Harry asks, leaning back on his heels to watch himself pump in and out of her hole. "Jus' need to see the way you touch yourself, baby... know you do, hm? My girl has a naughty side, doesn't she?"
Y/N nods her head, trailing her fingertips down the length of her body and to the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. She moans loudly as she applies a bit of pressure, pinching at it. Harry's eyes are immediately glued to her fingertips, pausing his movements momentarily to spit, landing squarely on her clit. 
"Oh god," she moans, partially from shock at his boldness. She rubs his saliva in, circling the nub it small, tight circles. 
"That's my girl," Harry repeats, his hands finding the back of her thighs to spread her legs a bit further apart, "So good, baby, so fuckin' good for me."
"H-harry, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum—"
He grunts as he feels her hole contracting around his cock, gushes of arousal seeping out between them. 
"There you go," Harry encourages, slamming into her, watching her eyes squeeze shut and shudders coil through her body. Her fingers tremble around her clit as she orgasms violently around him, squeezing so tightly that he nearly slips out. 
The image of her coming below him after imagining it for so long is enough to send him into his own orgasm. He spurts warm and hot ropes into the condom, filling it up so much that as the intensity begins to wear off, he worries that some of it will seep out from the rubber confides. He pulls out just to the tip to make sure, his cock still twitching in aftershocks. 
"S-slow, please," Y/N stutters and he nods, shushing her softly.
"I know baby, I'm sorry, just gotta make sure we're all... cleaned up down here."
He'd filled the condom nearly to the brim, but thankfully, it's not enough to ooze out. He takes gentle fingertips to the insides of her thighs, where her legs meet her core, softly running them up and down as he fully withdraws. 
"I'll be right back, honey. Just stay here, 'kay?" 
She mumbles out some affirmative answer and he chuckles, stumbling to her bathroom to toss the condom and clean himself up. He wets a washcloth and walks back out to the living room, Y/N's body still strewn across the length of her couch. He kneels down to face her swollen pussy, swallowing at the sight, ignoring the urge to continue playing with her. He knows she's exhausted based on her silence and wouldn't be able to take a second longer of stimulation. Instead, he gingerly cleans her up with the warm cloth.
"Do you feel okay?" Harry asks softly as he rises back up to his feet, grabbing his briefs and slipping them back on, "Was all of that alright?"
With tired eyes, Y/N smiles gently, nodding once. "It was perfect, Harry."
. . .
From: H🌷
Running late to class this morning, they made your latte with almond milk instead of oat
To: H🌷
h!! u didn't have to have them remake it, that would've been fine!
From: H🌷
You never get almond milk and you would've never even told me if you didn't like it. I can afford to be a few minutes late if it means you're happy.
Also, may or may not have bought Ginger another toy at the grocery store on my way home from yours last night. 
Sitting in her usual seat at the front of the lecture hall, Y/N has to roll her lips into her mouth to avoid a massive grin from breaking out onto her face. She busies herself with scribbling notes in her planner as she waits for Donnolly to begin class, her nose stuck in her calendar as Harry enters the room with just a minute to spare. 
She's admiring her new collection of sparkly gel pens when he plops down next to her, pushing her iced latte towards her. 
"Morning." he greets with a grin, leaning down to press a kiss to her hair. 
"H," Y/N whines with a blush, biting her lip at the small display of affection. 
"Shush, I know."
She giggles as she takes a sip of her coffee, the familiar taste of vanilla and espresso coating her tongue. 
"Thank you, by the way. I appreciate that you do this for me."
"'course, baby," Harry smiles, leaning back in his chair with his cup of black coffee. "Missed you."
"You saw me last night, silly."
"Yeah, but you wouldn't let me sleep over so you could do homework." he teases lightly, tucking his black sunglasses into the collar of his tee-shirt.
"Mhmm, but since you let me get that done, you can stay over tonight."
"Thank god."
She laughs and shakes her head at his dramatics as Donnolly claps her hands together, her signature announcement that class was beginning. Y/N glances over to the curly haired brunette next to her, who playfully widens his eyes at her. Again, she has to bite her lip to prevent herself from grinning even more.
She's not sure when her fellow TA, a grumpy, mean boy who only wears black became the best thing in her life, but she couldn't be happier that it happened.
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silasours · 3 months
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% 1 ━ Yours Deerly, A .
#chapters : [ previous | next ] #cw : your unique soul that piqued the great alastor's interest; he decided to write letters just for you until you finally reach hell. alastor x gn reader. may include adult themes and mild swearing. #note : quick thank you to @sea-bunniii for helping me with the fic title :3 this is the series I talked about, lmk if you'd like to be tagged! enjoy.
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there is nothing around you but darkness for as long as you can remember now.
you never really understood what was happening; you tried pulling yourself out of this pitch-black surrounding but failed. you tried to speak but can't seem to utter a word from your parted lips. you rely on your hearing to keep track of your surroundings, but there's something in particular to note after quite some time. there were times when a strange, muffled radio static voice rang through your ears, words never clear enough for you to comprehend what it was trying to say. times when you'd see a blurred figure standing before you, but never clear enough for even a rough appearance, let alone a name.
millions of possibilities would run through your mind endlessly about them. is this a message for you, or are you just gradually losing your mind and hallucinating? you often try your best to push those thoughts aside while listening to the people around you who talk about your condition. but that, too, didn't bring you any good news. every day you would hear about how your life is merely hanging by a thin thread, that they might lose you any minute as they speak.
you mentally sigh, hoping that death would just swallow you up whole now instead of taking its sweet time. maybe by then, you'll finally gain your freedom back.
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"hm." the radio demon squints his eyes slightly, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the thin cane he holds. yet another failed attempt. he lifts a hand from the cane and opens his palm, an eerily green glow appears on top until it forms a certain line of words. "looks like this little soul is back in the human world for the time being."
it has been a month since alastor took notice of your soul. your soul that affected him ever so slightly whenever you traveled from the human world and back; it felt like something was lurking in his surroundings when your soul arrived at hell. he ignored it for a couple days, brushing it off as something uninteresting until it lasted for more than a week. with curiosity, he tries his best to wrap his aura around this thing he has been feeling.
noting that it was your soul he was observing, his curiosity grew. your soul would arrive in hell without being in an actual body and find its way to return to the human world. there was not a single effect cast on it, as if it's just a normal travel through countries and cities. nothing like this has ever happened in the underworld, not to alastor's knowledge at least.
as an overload who claims multiple souls, he naturally tried to claim yours as well after seeing the potential of it benefitting him. he tried to insert his voice and appearance into your soul and communicate with you once it returns to your body in the human world, but he failed every time. no matter how many times he improvised his ways, your soul rejects him without struggle.
annoyance started fueling him, yet it is also the sole reason why he has grown more interested in your unique soul. never has he ever struggled this much to obtain a mere soul; usually it could be done with just a snap of his fingers, yet all he could do to your soul is observe and know the place it's in through the aura that he managed to wrap it in.
keeping his head upright, he opens the door of the room that he claimed as his. closing the door behind him, alastor smoothes out his coat while walking down the dimly lit hallway of the hotel. the heel of his shoes thud against the carpet he walks on, chattering gradually growing louder from afar. the light grew brighter down the hallway he passed by until he reached the staircase, now able to view everyone at the main compartment of the hotel from above.
he takes his time walking down the steps, the sound of his heels catches the attention of the blond woman - charlie. her smile grew at the sight of alastor, hurriedly grabbing a small stack of papers from the long table and jogging toward him. alastor widens his smile, tapping on his cane while standing in place.
"why hello there, my friend! you seem busy, what could you possibly be working on?" he watches as charlie clumsily flips through the papers, a slight frown scrunched on her forehead until she finds the paper she needs. she smoothes the paper, turning it to alastor so he's able to read the contents clearly. she clears her throat before speaking.
"alastor, hi! well, you see, is it alright if i ask you for a small, tiny favor?" she seems hesitant to ask judging from her tone.
"why of course! ask away and i shall consider."
"great!" charlie returns to her usual bubbly self, quickly scanning the paper to look for the specific content she needs to show the radio demon. "here, take a look at this. it says here that it's required to write a letter for the request of a big stock sent to our location. and i'm, well.." her hand stretches to scratch the back of her neck nervously, an awkward smile on her face.
"i'm not so good with letters." she tries to relieve her own awkwardness with a chuckle, but it seems it did nothing but made it worse. "i was wondering if you could.. help out with the letters? just this once! I've heard how good you are with words when it comes to letters. please? i don't really have anyone else to ask." charlie gazes at alastor, her eyes shining with hope as her hands clutch tightly onto the papers.
alastor laughs. "i would love to, my dear! it is but mere letters, nothing i can't handle." he extends an arm towards charlie, his fingers stretched out with his palm facing upwards; a gesture to accept the papers and help. the woman excitedly places the papers onto his hand, his fingers now folded to hold the papers firmly. his eyes briefly look through the documents with a small nod of his head. "consider it done. fear not! I'll be able to finish this by dinner."
"thank you so much, alastor!" charlie flashes him a grateful smile before jogging off, feeling relieved without having to worry about finishing something she's not particularly good at. alastor's gaze fall onto the papers he holds, something molding and forming in his head; an idea. he hums to himself as he dives into deep thought, paying no mind to his surrounding for the time being.
if he, the great alastor isn't able to physically reach out to your little soul, there ought to have nothing else that will be able to achieve that as well. though, leaving messages until you physically arrive in hell may help him accomplish his goal. as one first falls into hell, they often get hit by a strong sense of confusion and even panic. if he takes advantage of the emotion you may hold, luring you in with a false sense of security, things will certainly go smoothly and result in success.
his thoughts abruptly got interrupted by vaggie's voice yelling from the kitchen, demanding for everyone to have lunch now that it's all prepared. instead of walking forward, alastor turns around and starts walking up the very same stairs he just walked down minutes ago. he rarely joins them for any group activity; it's only common to see him joining them if the event will benefit him in any way.
a small tune is audible from him humming as he walks, the papers that were once held by him vanish in a split second, leaving behind small traces of dark green sparkles around the area. the chattering grows soft once again the further he walks from the stairs, now walking down the hallway until the familiar door is in his range of view. using the very same aura to push the door open, he enters his room as the door shuts itself behind him.
walking towards his neat working desk, alastor's heart pounds against his chest from the clear idea he has in his head. he sets his cane aside carefully, allowing it to lean against the desk before pulling the plush chair from the elegantly carved table. he sits on the chair, papers and calligraphy pen appearing with a simple snap of his clawed fingers. paying no mind to the letter he should be working on for charlie, the pen straightens from the table by itself and starts scribbling words onto the blank sheet of paper.
he completely sets his focus on the letter he plans to write for you. it's been a while since he picked up his favorite pen to handwrite a letter for someone, the feeling stirs something in his chest. is it excitement? or is it nervousness? even alastor doesn't understand himself. brushing the thought aside, he lowers the pen until the tip comes in contact with the paper lying flat on the surface of the desk. the paper he chose is a special one; it's vintage, like an old paper that has been left sitting in the drawer for years.
it has a sense of familiarity in it, providing comfort in an odd way to alastor. it almost felt like he was writing love letters for someone he doesn't know at all. ink flows from the pen and onto the paper, the small glob of black ink weakly reflecting light from the desk lamp he has. cautiously, he glides the pen across the paper; every stroke and every curve of the words gradually form a sentence, and then a whole paragraph.
he would pause from time to time, digging for the correct words to write in his brain. it was unexpected to even the demon himself, to think that someone like him would spend this much effort for a mere letter. it took almost half an hour for him to finish his first letter to you, signing his name at the bottom with a content heart.
his eyes scan through every word he wrote, reading everything all over again until he confirms that it has no mistake. his fingers reach out to grab the envelope beside him, sliding the neatly folded paper into it. feeling satisfied with his work, alastor seals the letter with wax that has the shape of a radio pressed onto the top.
he holds the letter; it has a color of deep shade red along with a couple of drawn-on flowers. he pulls the drawer that's seated on the lower left of the desk open, revealing an empty compartment. alastor places the sealed letter in the drawer, pushing it back in until there's a click signaling that the drawer is fully closed. he glances at the letter he promised to finish for charlie, finding it now neatly lying on the desk without a single movement.
alastor exhales lightly from his mouth, allowing his back to lean against the chair with his head tilted back. he feels his muscles relax despite never realizing they were tensed before this, eyelids falling, shutting until he sees nothing but darkness.
"ah.. such troubles i need to go through for this little soul."
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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blossomwritesthings · 11 months
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
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pairing: chan x curvy/plussizedfem!reader (afab)
genre: idol!chan. curvy/plussized!reader. hurt/comfort. angst!! slight fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ ONLY. reader pov. established relationship.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. the angst is real and raw in this. reader deals with a lot of online hate for many different reasons (this includes things like: age discrimination, fat-ph0bia, and online bullying). territorial/protective chan. smut warnings below cut!!
word count: 6.7k
summary: against your boyfriend chan's wishes, you had made a twitter account after many years - and what a mistake that was. now, you're left with the aftermath of the damage, and chan is the only person who can pick up the broken pieces of you.
18+ warnings: unprotected sex (stay safe out there, guys!) but reader is on birth control. chan has a fixation for reader's tits lmao. fingering. someone gets a handjob... 👀 DIRTY talk. youngerdom!chan. oldersub!reader. making out. manhandling and slight size kink. praise kink. nipple/breast play. body worship. riding. excessive hair pulling/scratching. BREEDING KINK!!! pet names (babydoll, babygirl, kitten, etc.). daddy kink. multiple orgasms is alluded to. someone gets fucked on top of a table.
a/n: OKAAAY- firstly, I just wanna give a big shout out to my dear, sweet friend Belle (@cb97breathing) for being so kind as to request a chan oneshot, and inspiring me to write this dumpster fire of a fic lmao!! 😂 I told her that my requests have been closed since may, but since she's such a wonderful friend, I've made an exception this time around~ 🫣 anyways, hope you enjoy this lil piece babe... you'll have to lmk what you think ehehehehehe... 😈 I wrote this in a single sitting last night, so it might make like, no sense at all but I seriously don't give a flying fuck at this point, so enjoy!! 💀
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
Soon after the two of you had started dating, you had promised your boyfriend Chan that you would never go online to search for fans' comments about your relationship. Whether they were good or bad, he had made you promise him that you'd never read such things because it wasn't good for your health. 
And for the most part, you'd kept that promise to him. 
  For years, you had left social media alone. Avoid making any form of account to begin with, that way you wouldn't be tempted to read some of the shit that people said about you online. 
  You were a pretty strong woman and could withstand a lot of chaos. This had proven to be true after Chan announced your relationship, as some of the Stray Kids 'fans' hadn't taken to the news very well. Instead, they stormed the streets of his company, protesting against the relationship and making humungous threads online as they tried to expose you. 
  But lately, you could feel yourself slipping. 
  At first, it had just started with making a harmless Twitter account. You had wanted to follow your boyfriend's private one that the fans didn't know about. And for a little bit, everything was okay. He didn't know about your activity online, and you wanted to keep it that way. 
  It was one day though, when you were feeling especially shitty about yourself, that you happened to stumble upon some random Tweet. 
  The things that the anonymous person had said about you dug deep inside of you. Reached for your heart and squeezed it in an icy, vice-like grip. 
  Then, it wasn't too long before you found yourself on the wrong side of social media. 
  The one that was full of darkness and hatred and violence. 
  And everything that you saw was always about you and Chan. But mostly, the sick people focused on you. 
  Nitpicking everything about you. 
  Your personality, 
  Your words, 
  The worst things they talked about were linked to your body and age. 
  Sure, you were on the curvier side of things. But Chan had always made it crystal clear from day one that he found you absolutely beautiful. The first time the two of you had met at that random club in Seoul all those years ago, back when Stray Kids was newly debuted, he had told you how stunning you were - inside and out - and he had only talked to you for an hour at that point. 
  These people who hid behind their screens online liked to point out your age, too. About how you were a few years older than Chan. They called you all sorts of things and claimed that you were a golddigger for getting with someone so famous. 
  Chan had never mentioned your age gap before. He treated you like you were his peer and not someone who had quite a few years over him. Because that's the kind of man he was - he didn't care what you looked like or how old you were. All he cared about was you... and what you were like on the inside. So all of the frivolous things that other guys worried about were cast to the sidelines, as he only ever focused on your inner spirit. 
  Obviously, your boyfriend was a rarity. 
  Even still though, you could feel your self-esteem tanking with each comment that you read. Each thread, each video. They only unraveled you a little bit more with every day that passed. And you knew that they truly weren't fans. Because people who loved Chan would never hurt him and you the way some of them were doing. 
  But that didn't change the fact that it really fucking hurt. 
  You knew that you shouldn't have made the Twitter account. But now that you were on it? Now that you were constantly checking what others were saying about you? You couldn't seem to stop. 
  Like a drug that was slowly overtaking your system, you couldn't get enough of it all. 
  The hate, 
  The shame, 
  The ridicule. 
  It spread throughout your veins, making you feel exhausted and angry, and heartbroken. 
  But of course, your boyfriend could never know of such things. Sure, he checked social media to see what fans were saying, but he didn't have that much time to hang around and catch the shitty side of things. 
  No, you had promised him you'd never go on social media, so you intended to keep everything a secret. He had warmed you away from it all early on since he knew how horrible people could be online. 
  And to be honest, you felt a little ashamed, too. To become so affected by the abhorrence that you were losing sleep over it. That you were losing your appetite, too. You could feel your motivation tanking as your brain replayed countless things that people were saying about you. 
  So there you were, snuggled under a fuzzy blanket and tucked in the corner of the large, black leather couch that was in your boyfriend's studio. It was late on a weekend night, and he had called you over to the company to hang out with him while he worked. 
  Although, you weren't really focusing on him after a while. Instead, you were scrolling through Twitter in silence, taking in the newest things that random people were saying about you.
  User 570 - "nah that fatass could neverrr bag such a hot guy like chan, she totally seduced him or some shit."
  User 194 - "I heard that he's into like, a mommy kink and that's why he fell for her while he was still so young... didn't they start dating when skz was still newly debuted??" 
  User 006 - "bro don't get me STARTED- this dumb bitch is over here thinking that he genuinely loves her... gurl, he's probably cheating on you with one of the itzy members hahaha" 
  User 288 - "Not her thinking she actually had a fighting fucking chance with our chan-"
You were pulled from the comments by the sound of a voice talking. You looked up to see that your boyfriend was turned around in his desk chair, muscular arms folded over his chest as he stared at you. 
  The way he was calling your name, so seriously and without any hint of playfulness, sent a ripple of unease to course down your spine. 
  "Y-Yes?" You asked, gently placing your phone face-first down on the couch beside you, that way he couldn't see what you had been looking at. 
  "Did you even hear what I was saying?" He rose a dark, perfectly-manicured eyebrow your way. For Stray Kids newest comeback, he had dyed his hair platinum blonde again. He did it in part because his stylists had said he'd look good with bringing it back. But mostly, you knew that he had done it for you, since him being a blonde had always been one of your biggest weaknesses. 
  "Oh- no, sorry, I was kinda distracted..." You mumbled, fingers playing with the blanket around your waist, palms digging into the soft fabric as you felt your heart beat against your ribcage.
  Chan threw you a deep frown before he placed his headphones down on his desk. He had been busy producing for the past two hours, and with a glance at the clock just above his head, you read that it was well past midnight. The company was quiet, signaling that everyone had gone home for the night. 
  Everyone except you and Chan, at least. 
  "I was asking if you wanna get takeout," Chan began, running a hand through his blonde locks and messing it up even more. "I'm pretty sure that fried chicken place just down the road is open 24/7, so we could get that if you'd like." 
  You felt yourself shaking your head. Because honestly, soon after reading the comments from that night, you had lost all form of an appetite. "I'm not hungry right now. But you can get something if you'd like, babe... do whatever you want." 
  Without saying another word, you picked up your phone again. And already, you were getting lost in a sea of new posts and comments that had appeared while you were distracted. 
  "Baby." Chan's voice came out softer than before, but it still didn't pull your attention away from the darkness that was seemingly at the edges of your fingertips. "Baby- listen to me." 
  That got your attention. Automatically, you were lifting your head again, blood thrumming in your ears as you watched the swarthy look cross over your boyfriend's face. 
  "What's going on with you lately?" He said, leaning forward in his chair and resting his elbows atop his knees, showcasing his bare forearms. If you were in a different headspace, you'd be turned on by the sight of him like that - light hair all disheveled, and loose-fitting black t-shirt beautifully showcasing his muscular arms. "You've been acting different these days, and it's making me worry."
  You tried to flash him your best reassuring smile, but you got the feeling that it looked a little more like a painful grimace than anything else. Because the only thing that was worse than all of the hatred was his finding out. No, you wanted to keep all of it away from him. Hide it inside yourself, that way only you'd be the one affected by the shadows. 
  "I'm fine, Chan. Don't worry, nothing's going on..." Your voice trailed off, as you caught his intense stare. Then his eyes were roving over your form, before stopping at your phone that was clutched in your hands, held close to your chest. You could feel the crimson blooming in your cheeks as he began to take notice of your secrecy regarding the device. 
  He was rising from his chair then, nearing you slowly. If he moved too fast, he'd scare you away irrevocably and there would be no comeback for him whatsoever. "What's got you so distracted, hmm?" His question came out hushed as if only you were meant to hear it. 
  The anxiety danced in the pit of your stomach, as anxious butterflies flitted around your system from his approaching nearness. "Oh, uhm- just a friend from... high school." 
  "Oh yeah? What's her name?" 
  "Uh- Vanessa." 
  "What're you guys talking about so late at night?" 
  You shifted uncomfortably in your position, limbs turning a little shaky at his closeness. If you reached out, you'd be able to touch him. "Just... girl stuff." 
  Chan laughed at that, but it held no humor. No mirth whatsoever. Instead, it was dry and sardonic and left a hole to begin widening in your heart. 
 He knew, 
 He knew,
"Lemme see." 
  You knew it had been coming as soon as he had started grilling you about your phone. Even still, the two little words forced your eyes to widen frantically. Heart pushing against your ribcage in anxiety, you held on a little tighter to your phone. 
  "I don't really know if-"
  "Give me the damn phone, Y/N," Chan said, his voice a little more raised than before. The firm line of his lips pressed together and his eyes that were dancing with a myriad of feelings told you everything you needed to know. His hand was already outstretched, as he waited for your next move. "I won't ask again." 
  And you knew he wouldn't. 
  Because if you didn't comply, he'd force it out of your hand. 
  Chan was a gentle man, with a beautiful soul and a love for humanity. But if there ever was a threat to the people he loved, if he ever held any sort of suspicion that something was amiss, he wouldn't hesitate to take the reins. 
  And that usually meant it came out in the form of anger - of pure, unadulterated rage, as he battled against whatever force was hurting his loved ones. 
  So just like that, you were raising the white flag. You were admitting defeat, as you slowly placed the phone in his open hand. 
  Holding your breath, you leaned back against the couch, waiting, and watching. 
  At first, nothing happened. 
  He stared at the phone in silence, eyes scanning the bright screen. 
 But then, everything changed. 
  In an instant, his face was morphing into something dim and... scary. Eyes turning to slits as he read the obscene things that were right there on your phone, strong jaw ticking as he stood there. You saw the way his hand gripped on a little harder to the phone, knuckles turning white with his barely masked anger quickly rising to the surface. 
  You didn't realize you were crying until it was too late and the first sob was flooding from your mouth. Pathetically, a small whimper escaped from deep inside of you as your heart raced in your chest from the way your boyfriend's entire persona was morphing into a man who was beyond furious. He was probably seeing red at this point. 
 "Please- Chan, d-don't be angry with me!" You suddenly burst out in a tiny wail. Your desperate voice seemed to shake him from the laser focus that he had on your phone's screen. It yanked his eyes away from it and soon he was staring back at you. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" 
  You had no time to react then, as he was throwing your phone aside haphazardly and dropping to his knees on the floor. In the next breath, he was upon you, reaching out with those strong arms of his and pulling you into him. 
  Like two puzzle pieces that were made to fit together, you melted against him. He wrapped his arms around your body, holding your shaking form close as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, the sobs racking through you. Your heart was beating so fast, you were afraid you were about to drop dead right at that moment. 
  But your boyfriend's hold on you saved you. Grounded you, forced you to take deep breaths slowly but surely. Relaxed your muscles until you were feeling a little light-headed from all of the exhaustion and pain. The entire time, Chan remained quiet, merely carding gentle fingers through your hair as he soothed your aching spirit.
  And when the tears finally subsided, you were pulling away from his form, peering up at him with pink-flushed cheeks and bleary eyes. "A-Are you mad at me?" 
  Chan stared down at you, taking in a deep breath before he was speaking for the first time in a while. His voice was gruff, but not as stony as it had been earlier. "Why would I ever get mad at you for the shit that psychos say online?" He reached up towards you, tucking a few strands of your messy hair behind your ear. "I mean, yeah, I'm disappointed that you got a Twitter in the first place, but I'm even more disappointed in the fact that you didn't tell me about any of this."
  You felt the tears prick at the corners of your eyes again at the mention of his disappointment in you. You hated the feeling that you had let him down. It tore through you like a painful slash, the icy blade digging into your soul and ripping open a cacophony of emotion. "I-I'm so sorry babe... I... I didn't want to worry you. I just... thought I could handle it on my own." 
  Your boyfriend fit a few fingers underneath your chin, tipping your head up so that you met his gaze again. "Babygirl, this isn't something you can handle on your own. You're not supposed to have such a heavy burden on your shoulders- no one is supposed to. But because we live in such a shitty world, things like this happen." His thumb moved up your face, as he gently swiped at your bottom lip. The gesture eased your racing mind, slowly calming your heart as you came down from the intensity of it all. "I'm just glad that I know about it now so that I can help you." 
  You went silent after that, searching his face as he looked on at you with soft fondness. The anger had completely dissolved out of him as soon as he had seen your tears. Because that's the kind of man he was. When things got emotional, all rage he once felt was left to the wayside so that he could help you through the pain.
  "Y-You have to know, that none of it is true, babe," you started, stuttering over your words from the dryness in your throat. "I... I didn't start dating you because I'm a gold digger or that I have a thing for younger guys and I-"
  Chan brushed his thumb across the corner of your lips again, offering you a soft, easy smile. "Honey, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I know full well that all that bullshit is completely groundless." You two had separated and he was back in his chair, with it rolled so close to you that your knees touched. Chan reached out with his free hand, grabbing yours and squeezing your palms together. "I fell in love with you at first sight because I saw what a genuinely beautiful human being you were. And I've continued to fall in love with you every single day since then. Your age- your size, none of it matters to me. You know I don't care about those stupid things... all I care about is you." 
  You roughly scrubbed at your eyes, willing the tears away so that you could get a clearer look at his face. "Y-Yeah, I know... it's just, it's hard not to believe the things they say, you know?" You gave him a weak, humorless smile. 
  "That's the exact reason why I didn't want you going on social media... I wanted to protect you," he began, raising your clasped hands to his mouth and pressing a few gentle kisses against your knuckles. "I love you so much and only want the very best for you. And I always want you to be safe, yeah? I'm not gonna let anyone - online or in real life - hurt you like that again. I promise." 
  This time, the grin you gave him was genuine and warm. "I love you too, Chan..." You whispered, as you leaned into him and gave his cheek a light peck. "So much. And I'd do anything for you - fight anyone to keep you okay." 
  "That's my sweet girl," Chan's praise forced the peachy-pink tinge to creep up the column of your neck, pooling in your cheeks and rising to the tips of your ears. "Now come over here and sit down, I wanna show you some of the stuff I've been working on." He pat his lap, and you felt your heart leap in your chest. 
  He was trying to distract you. He was trying to pull your mind away from the contempt and all of the turmoil that he knew was still brewing deep inside your mind. 
  So you let him. 
  You let him pull your mind away to softer, quieter things. 
  And soon, you were situated in his lap with the fuzzy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. With your spine pressed into his firm stomach, you watched him type away at his computer as he pulled up a sample. 
  "This is something I want to put on our new album... I think it'd suit Changbin's voice fucking well." He mused off, as he began to play an expert of the song. It was fast-paced and upbeat, with a subtle hip-hop vibe to it. 
  You slightly turned to the side, offering him a faint smile, "I really like it, babe... feels like a great song to play in a concert." 
  "I know right? I haven't shown the guys it yet, but I have a feeling that they're gonna love it." 
  Giggling softly, you turned around so that you were facing him. He titled his head up to meet your regard, and you reached out, carding a few fingers through his blonde locks. 
  "You're so cute when you're excited about music," you muttered, tilting forward to give his forehead a gentle kiss. And when you pulled away, you flashed him a tiny smirk. "Hot, too. Like, really fucking hot. Makes me so jealous when I watch those producing vlogs you make and I see all of the fangirls going batshit crazy over you." 
  You had never confessed to watching some of his vlogs, since you didn't want him to think that you were stalking his content. But automatically, you could see the switch flip inside your boyfriend's mind. 
  Instantly, he was mirroring your smirk. Sparkly white teeth pulled taut against his lips as he peered on at you with a suggestive light dancing in his eyes. "Oh really? Well, just wait until you hear this next track..." 
 He pressed a few things on his keyboard, and soon, a song with a deep bass was booming out of the studio's speakers. The sensual r&b feel of it vibrated around the room, wrapping around the two of you and causing something heated to stir in the pit of your stomach. It was quite dark in the studio, with the only light atop his desk casting a faint glow across Chan’s smooth, tan skin. 
  "I think I like this one even more."
  Chan's gaze was still locked with yours, as you felt his hands move away from the keyboard, instead resting on either side of your hips. "Good, because I made it for you- for us." 
  Brows furrowed in confusion, your heart skipped a beat at the admission. He had made songs for you in the past, but nothing quite so... alluring. "What do you-"
  He cut you off by his fingers digging into the fabric of your shorts, making you squeak out in surprise. "Made it one night when I was pumping myself dry to that picture of you- you know the one... black lingerie, in front of our bedroom's full-length mirror..." He ground out in a raspy voice, leaning up into you and nuzzling the tip of his nose into the exposed skin of your neck. He took in a shuddering, deep breath, and as you restlessly shifted against his lap, you could feel the growing hardness there, hidden just underneath his black sweatpants. "Imagined what it'd be like to fuck you to it... have you screaming my name as you ride my cock so perfectly- the way you always do. Was inspired by the thought of you taking me so well that you can’t talk anymore, that you go fucking mute and all wobbly-legged as I fuck that tight, little cunt of yours wide open with my cock." 
  "C-Chan, I..." But you were cut off once again, this time by his head moving downwards, as he pulled the neck of your oversized tee down so that your clavicle was exposed to the cool studio air. 
  Then his teeth were grazing over your skin, biting down softly, tongue swiping and soothing, and you already knew that violet and crimson would bloom from that exact spot when he was finished. 
  "You'd like that, huh?" His low voice rumbled against your skin, shooting freezing shivers up the entirety of your spine. "Like me to fuck you right here while this music is playing on in the background." 
  And the words were already leaving your brain, surging out of your mind as the fire began to blaze in your core. It made everything around you deep red, as you honed in on your boyfriend at that moment, and how he looked up at you with a sardonic kind of smirk. 
  You nodded quickly. Desperately. "Holy shit, yes- yes, please... I... need you to fuck me right now." Without even realizing it, you were grinding against him. In your heated frenzy, you hadn't even registered the fact that you were moving back and forth on his clothed lap. 
  Chan reached up then, running a few of his slim fingers through your hair, before he was grabbing onto your locks, pulling back slightly so that your neck was more exposed than ever before. "Such a good girl..." His lilting tone praising you so well made you squirm in your spot, your legs positioned on either side of his waist. "But you know what good girls do, right? They... ask nicely." He said the last of his words in a quiet whisper, his tongue lapping at your sensitive clavicle once more, sucking and kissing the expanse of skin there. 
  Then he yanked a little harder at your hair, forcing your eyes open in shock. You bit down hard on your bottom lip, as you subtly registered the sound of that new r&b track he had made repeating on itself. He had set it to that, already knowing how the night would turn out. 
  That devious little minx. 
"Please-" You breathed out, whimpering softly at the feel of his hardness hitting that one spot between your legs. "Daddy, please... want... want you to fuck me right now. Need it so bad, I-I can't breathe I need you so much, Daddy." 
  Chan was silent for a moment, and just as you were about to whine for him all over again, he was moving. Fingers grabbing onto the hemline of your shirt and slowly lifting it up your torso. "Well... I guess, since you're being so good tonight, I have no choice but to give in to you." He said in a low tone. 
  His fingertips grazed against your stomach as he made his way up your arms with your shirt, teasing you silently. You cried out at the feeling of him being so close to you, yet he wasn't even doing that much. He hadn't even started yet. 
  Once your shirt was off and cast to the side, he made quick work of your bralette, and soon, that was forgotten too. Chan pulled away from you to admire your topless form for a few seconds, shaking his head from side to side in approval and smiling like a maniac. 
  "Always loved your tits so fucking much," he purred, face nuzzling into the middle of your chest just as one of his hands came around one of your mounds, squeezing slightly. "Whenever I see them like this, it makes me wanna suck on them for days- fuck it, months." 
  Then his head was moving to the side, as he pressed fervent kiss after fervent kiss to your exposed breast. You clutched on tight to his blonde locks as soon as his mouth hovered over your hardened peak. His breath was hot against your gooseflesh, making you shake with unchecked want. 
  "I'd let you too," you sighed just as his tongue poked out between his mouth and came in contact with your bare skin. "If I could live the rest of my days with your face buried in my tits, I probably would do it in a heartbeat..." You felt yourself beginning to slip off the cliffside in that moment, as his teeth grazed your nub, sharp canines sinking into your skin while his hot mouth fit around your cleavage perfectly. 
  "Fuck- pretty sure you're gonna be the death of me, baby doll," his mutter jolted across your flesh, sending flashes of white-hot bliss to dance through your veins. His head was moving after that, focusing on your other tit while his hand played with the one he had just had his attention on. 
  Expert fingers pulled and tugged, twisting and soothing. You felt the warmth rising into your cheeks, and as you closed your eyes, you swore you saw little stars dance across your vision from the way that his head was buried so well between your cleavage. 
  "D-Daddy, I can't-" You were suddenly begging, hands wrapping around his locks and pushing his face closer to your skin. 
  He was drawing away from you at that, lips wet and a little puffy from the abuse that he was giving to your tits alone. Dragging a finger across the line of your jaw, he played with your bottom lip for what felt like the millionth time that day, all the while flashing you one of those smirks.  
  The one he only used when he was especially turned on. 
  "I know baby girl, I know..." He gave you a teasing pout, just before he was tipping into your form and his lips were nearing yours. "You want Daddy to make it all better, yeah? Want me to use my cock on you now?" His mouth fit around yours, his tongue dipping between your teeth and tasting you. 
  You moaned into him, loving the way he met your grinding midway. The two of you were moving in perfect sync to the music softly playing from the speakers. And as his tongue lapped at yours, you could faintly sense one of his hands leaving your hip, traveling to the waistline of your shorts and sliding down the front of them. 
  Chan swallowed whole the shuddered gasp that fled from deep inside of you as you felt his fingers toy with you, running along the line of your panties before he was dipping in. Then you were turned into a shaking mess of limbs and whines, as he slipped his hand close to your throbbing core, thumb circling your sensitive bud, pressing into it and drawing senseless figures while another one of his long fingers toyed with your entrance. 
  His lips moved away from yours, a string of saliva following in the wake of your separation. Slowly, his mouth came over the shell of one of your ears, teeth gently grazing your lobe as he said in that dark voice of his, "Hmm- already so nice and wet for me... you're gonna take me real easy tonight, yeah, dollface?" 
  Your head was bobbing up and down in silent agreement, a string of breathless cries flooding from your lips at the feeling of two of his fingers sinking into your essence. You moved around his hand, swiveling your hips in a rhythm that matched the beat of the sensual song playing in the background.
  Yanking a little harder at his bleached roots, you forced him to peer up at you. Catching the way his eyes were hooded and the shadows of the room danced across the sharpness of his cheekbones and nose, you could take a pretty good guess as to how close he was too. And he wasn't even inside you yet. 
"N-No more teasing, Daddy... please." You knew he loved all of the begging. He admitted to such a thing early on at the start of your relationship. If there was one thing you could get away with in bed, it was begging. Do a little light groveling for him and his cock, and he was all yours. 
  In the next beat, he was ripping his hand away from your soaking core, hands making quick work of his sweatpants and boxers. Soon, his shirt was off too, showcasing his toned abs and biceps. Once he was finished shucking off his pants, he turned his focus back on you, lifting a suggestive eyebrow your way. 
  "Go on, kitten- stroke it." He motioned with a single tilt of his head downwards, and your eyes followed his gesture until you came in contact with him. All throbbing seven and a half inches of him, tip already puffed red and leaking out precum. 
  You gulped around the lump steadily forming in your throat, your lips already parting in silent want as your eyes traced the long vein that ran up the length of him. He was utter perfection and a sight to truly behold. His half-naked form always left you breathless, no matter how many times you had seen him. 
  Without another word spoken between the two of you, you reached forward, hands coming around his rigidness. Instantly, upon contact, he threw his head back against his chair, moaning out in that husky voice of his. 
  Slowly, you began to stroke up and down, pulling and squeezing only slightly. You could feel him practically swelling underneath your fingertips, as he neared his release. And just when you thought he couldn't take any more of it, your boyfriend was clawing at your bare hips, guiding your body so that your entrance was sitting just above his cock.
  "Fuck- I love your body so much," he growled, as he helped you get into position. And as you began to sink down onto him, his eyes tore open and met your gaze. The emotion you found there - of pure love and adoration - did something funny to your stomach. Cast butterflies across your entire system, making you feel all floaty inside. "Love every inch of you- every curve, every dip, every dimple." 
  As the words fell from his lips, you were beginning to move against him, hips making languid circles, pushing back and forth to feel the tip of him hit that spot deep inside of you. Chan worked against you, thrusting up between your folds and steadily helping to build the rising release inside of you. 
  "Yeah- just like that," he groaned out, face flushed a dark red colour from the way you fit around him so perfectly. The wet sounds of the two of you moving together in tandem cast a whole new form of lewdness over the track that was playing in the very background. Made everything so much more hotter. "Taking me so well- this pussy was fucking made for me." 
  You clawed desperately at his shoulders, nails raking down his proud, muscular back. He met each one of your movements by plunging so far into you, you could feel your insides melting from how badly your orgasm was approaching. 
  "You feel so good, holy shit, I-" You began to say but froze up from the feeling of Chan moving the two of you again. And soon, he was frantically pushing aside the things on his desk that was just behind you, shoving his keyboard aside as he grabbed onto your hips and hoisting you up onto the lacquered wood. 
  You had no time to catch your breath then, as he was wrapping your legs around his torso and beginning to plunge into you on a whole different level. Before, riding him had been languid and sensual. But this new position was ravenous and wild.
  And as his cock reached all new places inside of you, you faintly sensed the feeling of a thumb pressing against your bundle of nerves, rubbing incessantly there to drive you closer to the edge. 
  "You said you were jealous of the Stays that fangirled over my producing form, right?" He ground out, pounding into you so irrevocably hard that you could do nothing but hold on for dear life. Nails digging into the muscles of his shoulders, you bounced against him with each push and pull. "But you know that there's no one else for me, kitten. You're still my favourite girl." 
  That had you crying out in white-hot bliss, as he fucked into you a little rougher, thumb rubbing at your clit a little faster. Your hips moved on their own accord, meeting his rocking halfway and driving you so close to the cliffside of orgasm.
  Your boyfriend bent down towards you then, tongue tracing the line of your lips as he gave you a feverish kiss. "Want you to say it, yeah? Tell me that you know." The tip of him hit into that gooey spot with every other breath that you took, and it was hard to even focus on what he was asking of you. 
  Even still, you managed to control your bearings. Over the curses and cries that had been flowing from your lips unbidden for the last half hour, you spoke up. "I-I'm still your favourite girl." You said in a desperate plea, head tipping back in pure ecstasy and eyes rolling into the back of your skull from how good he was making you feel. 
  "Say it again." 
  Another couple of frantic pumps. 
  "I'm still your favourite girl." 
  At this point, he was ordering loudly in that gravelly voice of his, one hand digging into your hip so tightly, you were sure you'd see bruises there the next day. Meanwhile, the other was busy between your legs, working you up to a total and complete frenzy while his cock fucked you right open. 
  "I'm still your favourite girl!" You screamed out in a strangled moan, your quickly-approaching orgasm making everything cast in a film of red haziness and confusion. 
  "Good..." Your boyfriend praised, stroking into you with sloppy movements as he approached his high. "Such a good girl for me... my special, pretty girl." He was buried so deep you could feel him turn completely rigid as he finally approached release. "Now come for me, baby doll..." 
  And that was all you needed to hear. 
  Instantly, you let yourself go, riding the wave of pure, cosmic euphoria. 
  It shook you to your entire core, making your limbs jelly-like and boneless. 
  It blew galaxies across your screwed-shut eyes, forcing out moan after countless moan as you allowed the orgasm to course through your veins in fiery red heat. 
  And the singlemost part that sent you over the edge completely was the feeling of Chan finding his release too - the explosion of whiteness coating your very walls. 
  Everything was so warm- 
  Your cheeks, 
  Your heart, 
  Your limbs, 
  Your pussy. 
  It felt like you had been dipped into a vat of eternal fire, and your boyfriend was the tinder to the match. 
Chan was a groaning mess above you, thrusts turning sloppy and shallow as he rode out his high. And when you were both finished, he didn't pull out quite yet. 
  You cracked your eyes open to catch a glimpse of him gazing down between the two of you, eyes still filled with so much lust and love. 
  "What?" You asked hesitantly, shifting in your spot on the edge of the wooden desk. "Did I do something wrong or-" 
  Chan's eyes flicked up to you then, and they softened exponentially. "No- no. I was just admiring this sight... your pussy so full of my cum. Almost makes me want to fuck it back into you right here and now..." He let his voice trail off in a light tone. 
  You knew how much he loved to breed you. He did it almost every single night. And you loved it too- playing with such a taboo and 'dirty' thing, even though you knew you were on birth control. 
  He wasn't the only one who got a high from it all.
  So you opened your legs up a little more for him, already feeling the stiffness of him coming back, his tip nudging that warm spot deep inside of you. 
  "Well?" You wiggled your hips a little bit, just taunting him for good measure. You flashed him your best smirk, the one he always gave you. "What're you waiting for, Daddy?" 
  The toothy grin that spread across his mouth then made your head skip a beat. Made the butterflies burst against your stomach and float up into your bloodstream. 
  "Have I ever told you how much I fucking love you?" He mused, lips coming close to hover over yours again. 
  You shrugged nonchalantly, like the position the two of you were in was anything but risky and sensual. "You could stand to mention it a few more times." 
  Then, just as he was tilting back in to give you another breathtaking kiss, he was muttering in that rumbly voice of his that he knew drove you crazy. "Well then- I fucking love you." 
  And just like that, you were turned into a giggling little schoolgirl, fangirling over her school crush. All the while, Chan began to shift against you again, hardening cock beginning to fuck his seed right back into your aching cunt. 
  It was enough to make you forget about everything, 
  The hate, 
  The heartbreak, 
  And all of the anxiety. 
  It didn't matter if the respite would only last for a little while - only for a single night. 
  Because if Chan's version of 'soothing your worries away' entailed his cock being buried deep inside of you for hours at a time, you weren't going to complain. 
  Nope, not one bit. 
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🌊 taglist: want to be added onto my taglist? well then, comment below on this post/reblog it, and indicate your interest in my taglist and i'll add you... or, you can send me a msg and request to be added!! to be removed from the taglist, please send me a msg and i will promptly take you off of the list.
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! If you still have open slots/want to do this <3
I'd like this letter to go to Tighnari, please and thank you! Subtle yandere and SFW. Thank you again!
The contents of the letter are as follows:
Things have been absolutely marvelous in Mondstadt. Your idea to visit my family was genius. It's been a long time since I've been back home. My mother asked why you didn't accompany me, isn't that cute? She called you her future son in law.. Then asked when we'd be giving her grandbabies.
I have been missing you to pieces though, my love. You would love a few of my friends over here, they're interested to learn more about you! Well.. aside from one. He seemed a bit upset when I gushed about you. But never mind that! How are things back home with you? How is Collei? Please let her know that Amber sends her regards. But most importantly! How are you?
I also hope that the package I sent gets to you safely. I thought you'd really appreciate my finds.
Love you so much!
The package itself is smaller in size, yet still larger than the envelope sent. Inside the box are new glass storage jars, made for storing herbs and spices. Aside from the jars, there's a hand woven bracelet. It matches with Tighnari's typical attire, and is woven in order to prevent fraying or breakage. There's another, tiny sticky note at the bottom of the box with a doodle of Tighnari and his partner. They're stick figures and holding hands.
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꩜ Letter Content: GN! Reader x Slight Yan! Tighnari, SFW, no gendered terms for reader, possessiveness from Tighnari, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Tighnari was absolutely covered in pollen when I picked up his package in Sumeru, HAHA! However, judging from his droopy ears and tail, I think he really misses you :( ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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Sent back to you is a small, lovingly handmade, woven basket that you recognise to be the handiwork of Tighnari. Weaved between the strips of dried Kalpalata lotus vines are cute tiny flowers native to the forested area around Gandharva Ville. There’s a ribbon tied around the handle in your favourite colour that’s lightly scented with the perfume of Sumeru roses.
A dark green fabric that matches his fur colour sits nicely atop the contents of the basket, it’s embroidered with the stick figure drawing of you and Tighnari. The Tighnari stick figure is made of thread in a light emerald green that’s the colour of his eyes while your doodle is woven in a gorgeous shade identical to yours. There are extra little hearts floating around the two of you in the embroidered picture too, how cute! 
Removing the embroidered cloth cover from the basket, you first take his letter out. Reaching into the envelope, the first thing you pull out is pressed Nilotpala lotus petals. They retain a delicate faint glimmer of how they shone when they bloomed at night and infuse the parchment in the envelope with their light floral scent. His reply is written in his usual scrawling handwriting you see in his research journals but there's an underlying tenderness present. You think he makes a noticeable effort to ensure that his words are more legible, especially just for you. His response reads:
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“My dearest lotus,
It’s about time you wrote back! Just before I got your letter, I was going to mail you a lengthy lecture regarding important safety tips while one is travelling. Really, with your extended silence, I was worried about you for a bit, lotus. It's good to hear you're enjoying your time in Mondstadt with your family though, how’s the flora diversity there? I do hope you bring me back some flower and mushroom samples.
Collei too sends Amber her very enthusiastic regards, she was so excited at the mention of Amber, the way her eyes lit up was precious, I wish you were there to see it, lotus. Now, I’m sure with your keen eye you’ve noticed all the flowers included in the basket. I can’t take all the credit, it was Collei who helped to collect the flowers for the basket. She came back with so many that we spent almost a whole afternoon just picking out the best ones for you. Seriously, you should’ve seen the way she came into the hut with her arms full of flowers, I didn’t even know how she could see in front of her!
Also, new jars! You know me so well, how did you figure out I was running out of them? Gods, thinking about the hassle of procuring them gave me such a headache. You really are my saviour, gods, I miss you so much… Please come back soon, lotus, I’m getting sick of longing for you. Your lovely handmade bracelet has done well in curbing the urge to go over to Mondstadt to sweep you back up in my arms. It’s beautiful and I appreciate all the work you put into such a sweet gift, lotus. I’d never take off the bracelet, ever.
I’d hate to nag but do take care of yourself alright, it worries me to be so far away from you. (this part is written in a small font, but squinting, it reads out) Especially where you can meet with all sorts of people… and that friend of yours you mentioned. Ugh, I feel my headache coming back.
Help me pass my well wishes on to your mother, and tell her that calling me her “future son-in-law” is not too far off from the truth. Write more often to me alright, lotus? Hearing from you helps keep my longing in check. Come back soon!
Ever awaiting your return,
-Tighnari -”
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Tucked underneath, is a sealed bag of dried mushrooms, the kind that Tighnari favours the most. It warms your heart to know that he’s willing to part with the stash of his favourite shrooms to make sure you’re eating well in another region. Tacked on are some collated recipes for the ingredient, with little notes scribbled in the margins on how the default recipe can be improved after gathering feedback from many many many rounds of him cooking it for you. Everything is so sappily domestic that you’re sure your mother would coo over how adorable the two of you are when she finds out about his gift.
And finally, there’s a small box at the side, crafted in the form of a lotus using expertly preserved Kalpalata lotus petals. Gingerly opening up the petals reveals an exquisite ring resting in the centre, woven from sturdy plant stems entwined with golden fibres that almost seem to shine. The stems are fortified with a sheer shimmer of dendro (no doubt Tighnari’s) so that it endures, staying evergreen. Included is a tag reading: “A temporary placeholder for an engagement ring, so that no pest steals you from my side while you’re away ♡”
Slipping it on, it fits perfectly, snugly home on your ring finger. You’ve never told him your ring size though, lucky guess?
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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kylo-wrecked · 4 months
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ledger: ~19* drafts, ~11 asks {all ic}
thread tracker: if you don’t see yourself there, that doesn’t mean we aren’t writing/can’t write together. as always, lmk if you'd like to drop/hoard/hold everything/start from scratch/explore something else.
activity: (>_>)'
hi new & old frens & everyone: conserving meds until the 25th so i'll be slow ooc too.
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gnsaein · 8 months
hello dash ! i'd love to get some event threads going, so if anyone else is interested, like this post for a short & sweet starter from saein! if we haven't plotted yet, i'll come ask if we can just assume connections or start with a new meeting. alternatively, i have some mini ideas below the cut, so lmk if you'd like to do any of them (some are a bit spooky inspired bc november is just an extension of halloween for me tbh):
muse wants to try one of the rides but is intimidated, so saein offers to ride with them, assuming that his time as a circus performer has made him tanky enough for all of them.
saein saw something go inside where they're keeping the horses for the races. does muse want to sneak in and investigate with him?
in the search for some bathrooms, they end up wandering a good distance away from the carnival, but it's getting dark now. and maybe that's the silhouette of somebody watching them in the distance.
one of the face painting stands has been left unattended, so saein insists he gives muse a makeover. muse can even return the favor when he's done.
they're seated together on the viking ship, where saein chats their ear away, seemingly unaffected by the whole ride while muse...isn't doing so well, to put it lightly, and needs some help walking it off afterwards.
in between some claw machines is a reflective wall of glass. saein has been standing there for several minutes, staring at something in the mirror. does muse see it too?
saein bumps into muse, looking frantic and anxious to get away. he claims he saw a face that he recognizes, someone who he thinks has followed him here from his old troupe, and he's convinced that he and muse have to do everything to lose them in the crowd.
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maddmuses · 4 months
Madd's Thread Tracker
Thread names are pending discussion if they don't get named by me pre-emptively. This tracker will be added to on the occasion of the first time that I reply (so if I post an open it won't get there until at least one reply occurs). If there's a thread here you'd like added that isn't yet, or would like to suggest a diff name to the tracked thread, lmk ^^
Barb: -A Saiyan Sort of Ball (w/ @burdenedreverence)
Felicia: -Their Loss, Tiger (w/ @new-york-city-spiders)
Ichigo: -TBN (w/ @viciousvizard)
Isane: -Baby Blues (w/ @uraharashouten + @hirak0s) -Raccooncyon Days (w/ @wildfrau)
Luffy: -Captain Jackie Chun (w/ @burdenedreverence)
Nami: -Nothing like a Marine Woman (w/ @alwayshasbrokenglasses) -TBN (w/ @alm1ghtysea)
Rukia: -A Bit of Modeling (w/ @obsidiennes)
Shadowheart: -A Simple Crossing (w/ @bas0rexias) -Campside Salon (w/ @auburniivenus) -Faith to Faith (w/ @spiderwarden)
Ty Lee: -Matters of State and Heart (w/ @alm1ghtysea)
Yuharu: -TBN (w/ @machimachilegends)
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despair-edits · 9 months
Healing headcanons for Post-corruption!Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Another request... can I have headcanons for a AU Lapis lazuli (steven universe) who was corrupted and now just healing from corruption? thank you 💙
Requested by: @the-circuitry
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Pain and sorrow seemed to follow Lapis everywhere she went, never threading too far behind. She was used to it, really;
Adapting was never easy for her, changes shocking her gem to the core and leaving her feeling far to venerable and exposed than she'd like to admit;
It all happened too fast yet too slow. She felt all of it, the bone chilling sensation of her body being mutilated against her will making her light-made intestines curl in disgust;
While her memory of the incident was blurry and scattered, the feeling of pure panic and terror couldn't seem to leave her head even long after being brought back;
It didn't help that her physical form was now tarnished, reminding her of the incident whenever she looked at her reflection;
She now had numerous irregular spots and cracks of gold scattered around her blue skin, reflecting in the light like rivers at sunrise. Some may say they're beautiful. To her, they seemed to only be a reminder of yet another tragedy;
Aside from the spots of gold, she could now feel slight bumps resembling fish scales on some parts of her body as well as webbed fingers and two long whisker-like antenas hanging loosely from her crown, swaying gently with her movements;
She looked aquatic, like an odd mermaid crossing the lands against all odds;
At first, she shut herself out, refusing to interact with anyone but Steven, though even that seemed to be a challenge when his eyes reflected her new, strange appearance right back at her;
But Steven was always determined to help his loved ones through it all, never giving up on them, even when they lash out and shut it all out and make it as difficult as it can be;
It stated with Peridot, when the barn was rebuild and their little oasis back in it's intended place. And although Lapis was very adamant on never speaking to another gem again, Peridot kept trying to get her best to support her without letting her fall back into her lonely ways;
Everyday Peridot would come to Lapis's room to talk her ear off and offer comfort. Slowly but surely she got her trust back.
Whenever Lapis would feel self-conscious about her looks, Peridot would do something to make herself look as ridiculous as possible. Cover herself in mud, draw all over herself, style her hair into progressively more ridiculous shapes.
Whenever she was haunted by the memories of her past traumas, Peridot would be there to calm her down, wrapping her up in a blanket like a burrito and putting on some kind of old movie to distract her friend from the terrible thought roaming through her head;
She started going out more, flying around the area to take in the beauty of earth or to help with the creation of little homeworld;
She stopped fearing her reflection and started to appreciate the little parts of herself she oh so hated beforehand;
She created and vented her feelings out by arts and crafts, pouring all that negativity into pieces both haunted and gorgeous;
And by the time they found out that Yellow Diamond could reverse her appearance back to it's original form, she had grown to appreciate it enough to refuse the offer;
Some days were better and some were worse, but she now had a family that cared about her deeply and kived her just the way she was;
She didn't need to hide and run anymore, she could count on them to pull her out of the deep ends whenever she felt like she was drowning;
She was healing slowly and feeling a little more okay each day, untill the day she can say she's truly happy again.
Ok so this was a little longer than I expected to write, but man, I got way too into it lmao
I hope you like it! Lmk if you'd like me to change anything!!
📼Mod Nagito📼
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devirtute · 9 months
i'll be starting from scratch mostly with some fresh new opens, but if there's an old thread you'd like me to reply to pls lmk
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downthecove · 9 months
i'll be starting from scratch mostly with some fresh new opens, but if there's an old thread you'd like me to reply to pls lmk
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lmkd · 8 months
Greetings LMKD! I want to preface this announcement by letting you all know that there are quite a few pieces of news that affect this server that I kindly ask you all to please take the time to read. First things first . . . LAST ROUND OF MOD APPS BEFORE LMKD HIATUS BEGINS ! About the hiatus Hi all. As a lot of you know, once October ends, I am going to be going on a hiatus. This hiatus is TEMPORARY. If you want to know more about the reason why or what I've been doing the past 2 months to prepare LMKD for this hiatus, please check out this thread I wrote earlier this month. It is unfortunate that I have to step away from a community I love so dearly and the server that has been my passion project for 6 months now, but I am currently in the process of figuring out and trying to make time to balance this place and my other responsibilities. I spoke with my team recently about my concern in regard to what may happen if I do not figure something out for this place in my absence. What Will Change?/How Does This Hiatus Affect LMKD? If we do not receive enough help, LMKD may have to go on a temporary pause. I genuinely do not wish to put the server on hold. I am aware of the server being a hub for many of our members and people do enjoy coming to this place for community- As I would hope! That is our whole goal. But I want to make sure I keep this place safe and functioning even when I am away. If you would like to help keep the server this way, please consider helping out. How can I help? The best way you can help contribute to our community is by applying to be a moderator. To apply, you MUST be 18 years of age or older. If you are unable to apply for mod due to age (or any other factor) but wish to still help, you can also apply for LMKD's Community Team. This is our team of regular LMKD members (THEY ARE NOT STAFF) who keep the server active by hosting activities within our community. If you do not apply for either of these, the simplest way you can help out is by following the rules, listening to mods, and making sure other members/peers follow the rules! If you see or know of a member that is breaking the rules or wish to report something malicious/suspicious within LMKD or that may affect LMKD, please contact staff. Despite popular belief, informing a member in chat that something is against the rules is NOT considered mini-modding. It is general community etiquette to keep a look out for the community and is highly encouraged. If a member refuses to behave (especially if aware of the rules), this is usually when a staff member should be contacted. Please do not try to handle misbehaving members on your own, staff will handle it. How Can I Contact/Reach Staff?
Staff members all have pingable roles! If something is happening in the server that requires immediate help/assistance, please do not be afraid to ping Moderator for any/all staff, or OWNER (RED SON) / Admin if you specifically need someone who is in charge.
Direct Message! If you have any concerns, staff is usually always open to responding to DMs. Quickest response time/best place to reach out is over Discord. All members of our staff team will be listed in the Rules soon if you are ever unsure who is on the team (The Member List on the far right of channels should also list who is staff when they are online).
⁠#ticket-submission Please submit a ticket if there is an issue you'd like to report within or in regards to the server.
Social media. Our social platforms consist of Twitter (LMK_Discord), Tumblr (LMKD), LEGO Monkie Forum GROUP (LMK Discord).
What would a server pause be like? If it comes down to it and we do not receive the help we need, the server will be put on a temporary hold/pause. This means the server will be accessible to view, but not to talk. Essentially, a lockdown. THIS IS A LAST RESORT. I am doing everything in my power to keep LMKD from being put on pause, and even if we do not receive the help we need, I am sure I would find a way to make sure the server is still available to all of you.
Extra Announcements . . .
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chaosmultiverse · 1 year
Okay so uhhh I am at 55 things in my drafts and while i wanna do asamy as I can now would be a great time to lmk if there are any threads we've had before that you'd like to drop in favor of something new, which I'm more likely to get to quickly
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klaeusd · 1 year
also just a lil update, i've deleted pretty much all of my drafts, and will be practically starting new ( tho if you have a thread with me you'd really like to continue, please lmk and i'll keep it!! it'll just wait in my drafts until i get inspo for it ). i'll be focusing on putting out starters and responding to memes, so feel free to send as many of those as you'd like! i love having multiple threads with ppl so i can always be writing with y'all, even if i don't have inspiration for a certain thread 🤍
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matoiwielder · 4 years
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hcndmaid-old · 4 years
@𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒​   ⠀⠀/ ⠀⠀ * 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕
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❝⠀ 𝐦𝐲⠀ 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲⠀ 𝐡𝐚𝐬 ⠀𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝⠀ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 ⠀𝐤𝐢𝐧⠀ 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 ⠀𝐨𝐮𝐫 ⠀𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬⠀ , ⠀𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫.⠀ ❞ ⠀the title ⠀,⠀ though spoken in place of a name⠀ ,⠀ held no wroth or vile turn of the tongue.⠀ they were easier than names if her blade had to turn.⠀ there was almost a smile in sabé’s eyes. ⠀𝚊𝚕𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝.⠀ ❝⠀ i’m only curious as to what stars aligned to bring you here. ⠀it’s my duty to ask questions⠀ ——————⠀ and i am bound by duty ⠀,⠀ as you may understand. ⠀❞
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