#loaf artificer
kakyogay · 1 year
moon and greamtures
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segasys · 7 months
slugcat designs!!!
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Individual refs under cut [+design notes]:
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Monk: no scars, strong, tail naturally curls. Survivor: don't worry about scar placement [nose scar always], hair doesn't have to cover eye and can face either side. Hunter: like a maned lioness, bioluminescent green marks, rot and scar placement doesn't matter.
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Gourmand: loaf of bread, tail curls like cinnamon roll. Artificer: scar placement doesn't matter [except for eye of course], sharp. Rivulet: "throat sac" expands when holding breath, opacity doesn't matter, bioluminescent [?pending].
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Spearmaster: thin, long limbs, some bioluminescent spots. Saint: holds tail like squirrel, oriental dragon like, fur colour can change with season [? pending].
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fbatcat · 11 months
Loafs up your artificer
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draagu · 1 year
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yo! if you are seeing this these are kind of outdated
I am meaning to update these, but for now if you want the most recent designs you can try searching for any previous art. but! I do not mind at all if you use these versions for art!!
ive done it once again >:D, individuals and notes below: (long)
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survivor! an all around skilled slugcat. they took on a lot of survival instincts in their attempts to find their family again. they are generally laid-back, but joke around every now and then. their left arm is severely hurt from either the fall or a scuffle with a lizard (or even a mistake bomb throw (because we all did that, right??)), but can still move, just not at its full force.
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nightcat! an extremely smart coder. they are quite shy, but once you get to know them they warm up fast. they have an extreme love for things like cryptids! generally they sneak around the shadows, but occasionally they visit moon (who gave them their scarf! or maybe nsh, undecided) they have a unique talent, that being when then blush they produce little stars sparkles, which survivor finds adorable
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monk is an energetic slugcat at heart. they can be calm and serious when its needed, but they love to bounce around and investigate things! once they had saw gourmand crafting a couple times and immediately became invested in becoming their apprentice. they now love to craft and are quite witty at it too. they love to tell survivor the things they learn, which survivor then takes into effect with the limited crafts they know such as bombs and lanterns they have marks on their arms from crafting accidents (they also have a couple lizard pets :D) (considering using monk to represent myself, sort of. slugsona sort of??)
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gourmand is an extremely patient and kind-hearted soul. they take the time to help any slugcat they see in need. they took monk under their mentorship to teach them the wonders of crafting, though even monk has been making combinations gourmand could never imagine i tried making them look like a bread loaf (with the lines and everything, but they looked weird) though i hope the warm colors help them seem welcoming!
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artificer has an extremely troubled past, the loss of their pups damaged them beyond belief. their reaction is still something im developing, but i think im going in the direction of them sort of blaming themself and becoming almost manic in a way. however! they have a happier present! one of the slugcats (undecided) had found them and worried for their wellbeing, giving them the comfort artificer missed dearly. they still struggle to open themself up to others entirely, but they are working on it they may or may not find their pups again, arti's story is still a draft here buuut they are very close to hunter and gourmand, as well as friends with rivulet and spearmaster they may not also have the best relationship with saint
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hunter, a messanger sent from nsh to revive moon, is INCREDIBLY touch starved. they distanced themself from interacting much with other slugcats due to their rot, leading them to be socially anxious as well. they do, however, meet rivulet and spearmaster who help them become more comfortable with interaction. hunter then develops feelings for the both of them and wham pufferfish their bandages were painted over by rivulet and spearmaster with their respective colors :D their pupils are also more like slits compared to the other slugcats
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rivulet is a very goofy fish. they have enough energy to last a lifetime. they will never stop building those around them up and creating just an overall positive energy in the room. they love to explore and meet new faces everywhere they go. one of those faces would be spearmaster, who rivulet quickly grew on. they, of course, are very close to moon! as said in hunter's bio, them and spearmaster had come across hunter and yay pufferfish the pearls on their tail represent spear and hunter, both found in shoreline their fins have a slight gradient, though its not required for art :o
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spearmaster, created by and close with srs, is a more serious slugcat. their original mission had created an immediate caution instinct to any danger they sensed, and a distaste for five pebbles. they now have a distinct scar on their chest. they communicate via sign language and are very artistic, but are generally less social than the average slugcat. rivulet had helped them meet the other slugcats, but by themself they were never really good at maintaining those conversations. however, if you do get the know them, they are very loveable and soft at heart. the markings on their back sort of represent a fawn in a way, and the bracelets they wear represent rivulet and hunter :D they are also the tallest i may or may not project onto them uh
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saint is tired, very very tired. the endless cycle of rebirth they face when trying to ascend has left them annoyed at best. they distance themself from the other slugcats, but they still occasionally try to get saint to join in. saint is close with gourmand they are short but very fluffy. the spots on their tail represent echoes, and the lighter parts of their fur are sort of like snow? markings? they are a little chilly idk their paws are different colors (left and right) they also take a particular connection to lotus flowers
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enot is just yeah, they try their best lol. essentially like they act in the dating sim, they just want love. Though this enot isn't constantly going after it. They like to goof around more than that tbh. their design is the same as before i kinda just changed the darkest blue a little. they managed to befriend nightcat, who they goof around with every now and then
also they have eyelashes purely because I asked my friend who likes enot if they want to give them a trait and they said lashes so! aaaaaaaaaaand thats it wow
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putnamcapital · 7 months
s1 ep 6 rewatch notes
[yeah i am still doing these essays, everyone copes differently OKAY]
I wish i had the words to convey my love for the Simon-Rosh-Ayub dynamic when they’re sitting on his bed trying to talk about his video, not the Kim K. video. it’s an instance of one of the things i ADORE about YR, namely, the importance of the love and support of friends - “the gang is back together”. contra a lot of the teenage and adult movies that put romantic love on a pedestal and everything else goes to the dogs.
That shot of Wille set against the sky when the Queen leaves = is it the apocalypse or is it heartbreak and i'm not the only one seeing the religious imagery right?
“we haven’t done anything wrong.” Simon’s moral clarity, his unbreakable backbone - it’s a moment where it’s obvious the Court has no idea who they are dealing with. I’m not sure Wille even knows then.
Frida doesn’t get enough praise for her acting. that side eye of August as they cross in front of him loafing on the picnic table: sublime.
Another parallel I hadn’t seen before: Sara dresses up before dinner; she likes the image she sees of herself in the mirror. She is “someone she is not”, according to Simon (later that night), but she wants that false countenance. In S2, that same move will devastate Wille. But we have another Sara-mirror scene, in S2. Leaning on the Wille-Sara parallel, there’s something being done here about becoming who you are through artifice (dressing up ‘in costume’) or through love (revealing your true self). August (as opposed to Simon, i think …) ends up being a false or traitorous ‘coming into self through love’ for Sara.
Related … when Sara went to see August to confront him about the video, i have retrospectively imagined her as having planned what happened. But if you look at the scene as it happens, both Sara and August seem to just be playing the situation as it arises. Sara starts off by not even intending to tell August, I think that was honest. When she then confronted him about the video, she first asks why did you do this to Wille and then, how do you have the right, you destroyed Simon? none of it is about her. it’s when August asks her ‘what do you want’ - that i think the idea comes to her. And i think that explains her face after she kisses August - her revulsion at herself. it seems like a situation that spiralled out of control very fast.
i can’t really talk about the Sara-Simon fight scene because it’s my Point of No Return in terms of “This is a nice program to watch of an evening” and “These characters have become my entire waking and sleeping existence, is there treatment for this.”
in the scene that starts with them sitting on the floor in Wille’s room, there is that tender moment by the door, and one of the top two kisses and hugs in the whole of season 1 and 2 combined, punctuated with the forehead tap. and i’ve always thought it so lovely until this time i saw the “red flag” - the towel hanging on the hook - and it reminded me of the red ‘flag’ we see in the locker room every other time things go south.
the scene with kristina and wille in the car starts simply with him saying, “WHAT?” which a) comes straight out of fanfic; b) is hyper-realistic adolescent approach to dialogue but also c) actually shows that they are really close. as in, Wille might loathe his mother by the end of this episode, but also he knows exactly what she’s thinking and they can just skip all the usual staging aspects of conversation. it links, i now see, to the book scene, where wille admits that he can’t just throw out everything he’s been taught, b/c he’s internalized it so well
when K is lecturing W about all the public attention he’s going to get now, and how it will be even worse, it’s the same shot of him looking out the car window wishing he could be literally anyone else as in the first few minutes of s1ep1, after the club fight. and we see his reflection in the window, so we get him 'in double' - who he is IRL, and who he is seen to be by the viewer. very clever. very clever.
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stargazer0001 · 11 months
heartwarm (gourmand x hunter x artificer)
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Have some heartwarm
I used your designs because your Gourmand reminds me of a loaf of bread
Bread is love, bread is life
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bluenightcomedies · 1 year
i wanted to draw rain world scug headcanons but keep being busy and distracted with other stuff so ima write now, draw later >w<; readmore cuz it long
Survivor: -has a lot of small scars on body, but isn't normally visible -collects various items as a salvaging habit, and anthro form prefers clothes with a lot of pockets for this reason -becomes Gourmand's best disciple in crafting, makes simple tools and jewelry Monk: -has a couple bite scars from early taming attempts -makes accessories and trinkets from shed skin, feathers, and bones due to having a lot of that from spending time with lizards -the above details makes them look like a warrior or druid at first glance, but is an absolute sweetheart to everyone -brown spots like banana slug! Hunter: -doesn't properly reincarnate cuz the rot counts as another living being, so they're stuck together until one consumes the other -as such when Hunter is fully taken over, they finally reincarnate but all the way back from just before the rot fully develops, probably impairing their memory or setting them back at square one alternate artihunter angst -has scav-like mannerisms and a lot less graceful than other scugs -probably would've had an easy time befriending scavs if Artificer didn't make them terrified of red scugs Artificer: -it's popular to depict artificer as a punk- and i see why- but i see em as more of chancla mom, very affectionate and doting with other scugs but brutal towards perceived threats -single-handedly the core reason all scavs are nervous wrecks in the presence of scugpups -has accidentally launched themself or others after grooming due to forgetting their saliva is explosive, darker patches of fur are due to this -tries to parent 5P on the ways of the scug Gourmand: -dense like a pitbull, ripped underneath the chub, which makes them even heavier- and stronger- than they look -gets tired not because they're 'out of shape' but cuz they have to lift their own weight a lot with the usual scug acrobatics -can immobilize scugs, scavs, and smaller lizards just by loafing on top of them, uses this to put them in "time-out" -has an observable grasp on ancient technology and is trying to teach other scugs Rivulet: -actually not a scug but a convergent evolution that strongly resembles them, with a bunch of biological and behavioral differences but gets along well enough -extremely prone to zoomies, body-checks others by accident often -very physical with affection and curiosity, which overwhelms some but is v appreciated by those who appreciate it -impossible to keep a grip on, like a wet ferret Spearmaster: -tail is hard to the touch due to containing needle-producing organs rather than fat or muscle -longer/taller than most scugs but also very thin, giving them an unnatural stretched-out appearance, which paired with the lack of a mouth and the strange tail, gives other scugs an uncanny valley effect -rivulet is unaffected by this and loves climbing onto them -can in fact wawa but it sounds creepy coming out of the tail vents -scugs have a gestural language for stealth 'talking', Spearmaster learns it and ends up improvising new signs to expand the language -teaches scugpups how to draw when they meet packs that don't mind their appearance Saint: -actually one of the younger scugs, but acts like a weary old man anyway due to what they've been through and also to try seem wiser and cooler -almost as zoomie-prone as rivulet and gets goofy with tongue acrobatics, but immediately pretends nothing happened if another scug catches them in the act -the floof is solely because SOS finds it cute -does the scrunge face when they tongue-grab something unpleasant -has attempted to use Enot's eggs to break the cycle. seems that didn't go according to plan... -seems to act as Monk's mentor but Monk helps them more
Nightcat: -literally just an ordinary scug besides the fur color, is basically the normie neighbor to the other scugs, always around but never got involved with the iterators or any big events -possibly the un-altered enot... nah, i'm sure it's a coincidence. Enot/INV/???: -despite obviously being a purposed organism, there are no records or knowledge of their existence -probs an attempt to destroy the karma cycle, but they destabilize it instead, causing unpredictable changes and probably causing alternate realities -bizarre personality and overly affectionate antics either due to loose grasp on reality or being unable to keep a consistent relationship between fluctuating timelines/realities -pretty hush on what the other timelines are like since it causes awkward situations, but couldn't resist telling 5P about Five Pebbsi, the catboy outfit, and various other embarrassing details. 5P killed them on the spot for it. worth it. -Saint seems to know about them but won't elaborate why or how
most of it's lame but wanted to say anyway bweh
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wyvernwyrm · 1 year
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[Image ID: three pictures with digital drawings of slugcats that represent Yahiko, Konan and Nagato. They are all done on a blank background.
Image 1: A digital drawing of Yahiko as an orange slugcat sitting with his fluffy tail wrapped around him. He resembles a Saint with his dense fur coat, especially around his neck. His ears are tufted and are tilting forward a bit from the weight of the fur. In his paws, he holds a dented fire spear that lost its glow. His expression is brave, his brows frowned. His eyes are differently coloured, one blue and the other is brown. On his forehead, there are three dark orange dots that create a triangle. Next to him there is a small drawing of Yahiko as a slugcat with a sad expression and teary eyes, his ears pointing down. There is a text that says “No karma?” This small doodle resembles a Megamind “no bitches?” meme. 
Image 2: a digital drawing of Konan as a blue slugcat. She is standing with her tail loosely laying on the ground. Her expression is blank. On her back, she has a slug-like growth that goes in a wide stripe along her back to the tip of her tail. The stripe on her back is coloured in different shapes of blue. On her shoulders, there are several fleshy filaments that resemble blue dragon slug’s limbs. She has similar smaller barbs on her front and hind legs, as well as her ear tips. She has dark blue markings on her eyelids and three dot markings above her nose. 
Image 3: a digital drawing of Nagato as a red slugcat. He is laying down in a loose loaf position with his tail beside him. He looks at the viewer. On his back, there are dark red quill-like fleshy barbs. His tail has a dotted line of dark red markings. He also has circle markings of the same colour on his back. On his muzzle, there are few crescent markings of dark red under his eyes, as well as similar marks on his forehead and brows. His front paws have three dark red stripes. He also has dark red markings at the tip of his long ears. /.End ID]
decided to share some designs I have for my very self-indulgent rain world au (I literally crossover things that I like not caring if they match good or not)
for anyone curious - yahiko is saint so he gets differently-coloured eyes and becomes extra fluffy (I wanted to keep him somewhat simple and a bit silly-looking as all saints are), konan is something like an artificer (because, you know, explosives) and her looks were heavily inspired by blue angel slugs! the idea was that her small “wings” help her make those dash explosions that artificer does! and nagato is uhh something of a purpose organism in this au, so he’s not any particular type of slugcat although his design was made with an idea that he mimics cyan lizards (and like... because red-coloured purpose organism slugs lived for many many generations with cyan lizard mimics he’s red and not black... yeah) an yes! he can leap just as cyan lizards do! and even mimic their voices to an extent
I made some drawings with them previously and anyone can find them on this blog but I wanted to redesign them to give them more distinct features and overall appearance
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counterattacker · 1 year
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Cover for 504 Farm Arrays Lane, a maybe-gonna-be-real comic based on my friend and I's Jolly Co-Op shenanigans! This is a heavily lore noncompliant slice of life/comedy AU. There's a little bit of character info under the cut! (The background patterns and Batfly are borrowed in-game graffiti)
504 Farm Arrays Lane is an apartment building housing slugcats, scavengers, and a single random entirely nonsapient vulture named Victor. Among its residents are the idiots extraordinaire and the stars of this AU: Bogos & Binted!
The Characters
Bogos (Lavender Spearmaster)- A jack of all trades and master of none, Bogos is a complete and utter incomptent idiot who deeply believes himself to not be one. He often attempts new hobbies and tries to create various inventions, which invariably ends in injuries due to critical oversights or overconfidence.
Binted (Green Survivor)- Binted is an ill-tempered Slugcat who was raised by garbage worms and carries a brick with him wherever he goes. He, unlike his roommate Bogos, has fully accepted that he's not terribly smart, and often sabotages Bogos's projects. This, however, usually leads to disaster for Binted more than anything.
Finger (Dark green Slugpup)- Finger is... something. They went to the Rubicon and back again, and are now hunting down Binted to take their revenge for an incident in which he backflipped Finger over the edge of a cliff on purpose. However, they're a 3 month-old slugpup, so there's really not much they can do.
Carrot (Orange Artificer)- Carrot lives in the apartment above Bogos & Binted's with her wife (also an artificer) and three slugpups (named Tax Benefit 1, Oops Forgot To Take Birth Control and Tax Benefit 4). She spends most of her time harassing happy couples and other peoples' slugpups with high explosives.
Spot (Caramel Lizard)- Spot is a stray Lizard who showed up at 504 Farm Arrays Lane. He usually loafs around on the lawn.
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You may be interested in my particular brand of magick. I am a Baker Wizard. A Sourdough Sorcerer, a Croissant Caster, a Whole Wheat Warlock if you will. Akin to an Artificer, but with Breads and Pastries rather than weapons and armor. I put enhancement runes in the brioche. I can conjure a loaf of white bread with ease. My staff is a very long baguette. My chocolate chip cookies are famous among the Wizard Potlucks.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Haley’s backstory. Enjoy! :) @ebevkisk
Steel Arcanist
In the middle of the mainland of Cor Varias sat the Taigothos Rift. A massive mountain range with a truly unnatural canyon cutting a perfect straight line down the middle. The canyon stretched throughout the mountain range north to south and went as deep as sea level.
Ancient stories said that during the Disparity, Behemoth swung her mighty blade with such force that the very energy carved a perfectly straight canyon that went on for miles, exposing many caves wired directly into the world’s resource veins. As years went by, mortal society rebuilt from the ashes and, in the Taigothos Rift, blossomed a city.
Penrose was a thriving metropolis of zip lines, cave dwellings, and wooden lodges and bridges that stretched the length of the canyon. You would think that, due to the access to fine materials and premier mine shafts, that the people in the city were rich beyond belief, but that was not the case. Penrose exported most of their metals to the cloud cities that drifted in the atmosphere over Cor Varias. Penrose also didn’t mind being a humble city. In fact, most of the people were hard working individuals that just wanted to be left alone.
That, however, didn’t mean Penrose was immune to corruption. Quite the opposite actually. The constant shift in power structure meant most workers were either tradespeople, miners, and merchants or they were criminals and members of the local gangs vying for a top spot.
This struggle was a system that could definitely be taken advantage of if a smart enough person knew how to navigate it.
Someone like Haley.
It was noon and snoring could be heard from a hut three-fourths of the way up the canyon wall. A mechanical alarm was going off, but a mechanical hand kept pushing the snooze button. Drool running out of their mouth as they lay in bed, a lavender tiefling with ram like horns groaned as they finally sat up in their comfy bed.
“Fuuuuuuck. Of course, I slept in.”
As they stretched, their right hand made all kinds of mechanical clicks and shifts as their legs hit the floor, one with an iron *clink*. Standing at a solid 5’2”, perfectly nude, with black pixie cut hair, pink eyes, and a wild child stare that could start trouble from a mile away, Haley started to wander around to find clothes.
Haley pulled on a black tank top and a thong while grabbing a screwdriver from the nearby vanity and taking it to their workbench. Tightening the screws on their left leg and then their right arm, they couldn’t help but admire their own craftsmanship. The arm and leg were cybernetic, built with some of the most durable metal found in the depths of the mine. They moved so fluidly, almost as if they were actual human limbs and rarely malfunctioned, but being that Haley was a perfectionist, they couldn’t afford to be careful.
“Pegs, power on. Start breakfast if you would please.” Haley spoke seemingly to nothing. Out of the candlelit area of the portion of their dwelling that was chiseled out of the wall, a Minotaur automaton with roughly the same make as their limbs, but 7 feet tall and glowing with arcane light shifted to life and, with almost humanoid like movement, walked to the pantry and grabbed a loaf of bread.
Haley pulled on their skin tight pants and took a step out to the patio to gaze out at the busied “streets” as people slid on zip lines and walked or ran from place to place on the bridges that made up the city of Penrose. As they breathed in the fresh midday air, they grabbed the rope that hung right outside to activate the contraption that opened up the store for the day.
Haley was a unique part of Penrose’s development. With an IQ of 205, Haley was not only an artificer of the highest order, but they were also one of the chief engineers that kept Penrose functional. Their ability to build personal assistants and regulate the multitude of elevators and other means of transportation kept the city running. However, most people didn’t know that they were also a skilled gunsmith.
Walking back into their hut, Pegs had almost finished with the Ivory egg bread when a knock came to the door. When they opened it, they found a face that instilled a subtle anger.
Draymond Belial. Smoothest criminal boss in Penrose Heights. A high elf, a con man, a liar, and the only known person on the continent that could come close to matching Haley’s intelligence.
“I told you, I don’t sell to criminals. Especially men like you. I work for the city and I particularly do not like you tracking your filth inside my shop.”
Draymond gave a devilish grin. “I have all the money you could ever need. All my men need are weapons. A couple pistols, maybe a rifle or two. Why not sell to me when you could upgrade?”
Haley swung the golden jewel of their mechanical skill, a crimson and pink repeater named Cherry Stingray, from the bed as Draymond attempted to take a step inside. “Absolutely not. You know I don’t care for money or wealth. I aim to protect myself and the disenfranchised. The people of this city are selfless and caring to those who would trade with them. They seek to better the world rather than fill the pockets of greasy cocksuckers like yourself.”
Draymond’s smile became a scowl. “You arrogant brat.”
Haley pulled the repeater apart like it was made of liquid and two pistols appeared in their hands. “One step and I will send you off of the patio. Or better yet, Pegs sends you thousands of feet down plus six feet under. I told you that as long as the city stays quiet, you may live here, but I will not allow you and your scum to lead these people. They work hard for the sake of the commonwealth. Your greed is not welcome.”
Draymond snarled and Haley’s mechanical limbs twitched. “Remember who took those limbs in the first place, you entitled bitch. We have numbers. You do not.”
Haley stared daggers into his soul. “Even more reason not to arm you with weapons. Your father will rot in that grave. He may have ordered that hit, but you carried it out. A bullet of any kind would put you down just as easily as it would anyone else. You live because I showed mercy. One toe out of line and Pegs will not leave enough of you to be remembered.”
Behind Haley, familiar mechanical noises indicated that Pegs was armed and ready.
Draymond adjusted his suit. “I’ll take more than just those limbs next time.” And walks off.
A week later, Haley was working on a pet project when the area around their house became eerily quiet. Penrose was an incredibly busy city and it was never this quiet. Haley slung Cherry Stingray off of their back and waited for any sound. As they slowly snuck low near the window, they heard the click of a revolver.
“Pegs, Fortress!”
As soon as they called that out, a barrage of bullets rained down from the opposite side of the canyon. Ducking into cover, Haley tapped a few buttons on a nearby console, slamming a blast shield closed around their house. Pegs activated something in his chest and the outer armor of his chassis fortified itself, ready at a moment’s notice in case of intrusion.
“Pegs, we need to get out of here.” Haley rushed to their workbench and tapped a few buttons. The workbench folded up into a container roughly the size of a hardback book. They picked it up as they pulled out their Holster of Reloading and slid the bench into a compartment on the back of Pegs, clicking in for transport.
Digging their boots into special indents built for mobile combat, Haley shifted into battle focus and braced themselves to fight the wall of mercenaries that had gathered on the other side of the canyon when there was a beeping sound that hit their ears.
Everything went flash white as their body was blown back into the wall. Shattering multiple ribs, they tapped a button on a bracelet they carried and used the one charge of Dimension Door they had stored in it, pulling Pegs and themselves anywhere but here.
They found themselves deep within the mines. Safe, but badly injured. Haley remained in the heap they had collapsed to the floor in and cast a quick cure wounds. As they lay there, a voice rang in her head.
“I told you I’d take more than those limbs. And now, no one will hear you scream. This city is mine now.”
A rumbling filled the mine as rocks and as the ceiling caved in, they didn’t have the energy to stand, much less stop themselves from being trapped. Days passed. Haley continued to create food and water with their magic, but air was slowly leaving the mine. As Haley contemplated their life, still very badly injured, they felt magic brimming in their body as they slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
Haley bolted awake and found themselves in a bed. They looked around and found Pegs, worn and battered with a massive chunk taken out of his chest, laying on the ground. Haley felt tears welling up in their eyes as they realized what had happened.
“We almost didn’t save you in time.”
Haley looked up to see an Aasimar standing in the doorway. Tricorn hat, one eye red and one eye lavender, Haley felt a touch of divinity radiating from her and from they way she presented herself, there were so many things this girl knew that Haley had never even studied.
“I have tools to fix your friend here. Draymond is someone I’d been hoping would slip up eventually, but someone with your talents and ideologies took precedent.”
Haley nodded. “Um, I actually brought my own. But thank you.”
The Aasimar walked closer. “I know there is a lot to process, but I figured you wanted revenge and you are a boon to not just that plane, but all of them.”
Haley looked down at the arm that was now beaten to shit and barely functioning and an anger welled up in her chest. “As a merchant, I stock lots of useful things. But mercy for people that wronged me is not one of them. I only hope that I can be of service.”
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kakyogay · 1 year
Do you think slugcats loaf like cats?
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malgrandart · 2 years
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For my first ever post on tumblr, why not start off with something adorable. Have a cute Ori loafing in her blanket. Ori is a foxgirl artificer from one of my past D&D campaigns.
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leonieanderson · 2 months
As thou takest thy seat at table, pray. As thou liftest the loaf, offer thanks to the Giver. When thou sustainest thy bodily weakness with wine, remember Him who supplies thee with this gift, to make thy heart glad and to comfort thy infirmity. Has thy need for taking food passed away? Let not the thought of thy Benefactor pass away too. As thou art putting on thy tunic, thank the Giver of it. As thou wrappest thy cloak about thee, feel yet greater love to God, Who alike in summer and in winter has given us coverings convenient for us, at once to preserve our life, and to cover what is unseemly. Is the day done? Give thanks to Him Who has given us the sun for our daily work, and has provided for us a fire to light up the night, and to serve the rest of the needs of life. Let night give the other occasion of prayer. When thou lookest up to heaven and gazest at the beauty of the stars, pray to the Lord of the visible world; pray to God the Arch-artificer of the universe, Who in wisdom hath made them all. When thou seest all nature sunk in sleep, then again worship Him Who gives us even against our wills release from the continuous strain of toil, and by a short refreshment restores us once again to the vigour of our strength. Let not night herself be all, as it were, the special and peculiar property of sleep. Let not half thy life be useless through the senselessness of slumber. Divide the time of night between sleep and prayer. Nay, let thy slumbers be themselves experiences in piety; for it is only natural that our sleeping dreams should be for the most part echoes of the anxieties of the day. As have been our conduct and pursuits, so will inevitably be our dreams. Thus wilt thought pray without ceasing; if thought prayest not only in words, but unitest thyself to God through all the course of life and so thy life be made one ceaseless and uninterrupted prayer.”
+ St. Basil the Great, from Homily V. In martyrem Julittam, quoted in the Prolegomena in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Series II Volume 8
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katyobsesses · 6 months
Finally introduced my new D&D character to the party! I love her so much she's so much fun to play!!!
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Meet Ethereal Sunset of the Living Woods Clan. Or Effie for short. She's a tabaxi rogue/druid multiclass with trust issues, she's joining the established party as they traverse different planes of existence, because she's trying to track down the whereabouts of her partner Tranquil Sunrise (Quil).
Once upon a time Effie and Quil were well known in certain circles for being high calibre criminals. Effie a thief and Quil a forger. They'd taken up this life after leaving home, neither quite fitting into the families they were born into, both having a strong sense of wanderlust. But running away isn't cheap, so the two found themselves using their skills to get by.
Effie was dexterous, intelligent, and charismatic, able to sneak by unnoticed as she blended into the shadows and turned into a cat to gather intel for various criminal groups. Quil was smart and charismatic above all else, and proficient with a paintbrush, able to forge things from documents to paintings for the black market.
But the two renounced their criminal ways as they grew older and acquired enough money to live comfortably. They settled into a cosy cottage on the shore of a lake surrounded by woods that reminded them of the more happy moments of their childhood. They lived peacefully, Quil painting in the dappled light of the sun through the leaves, selling their own works instead of forgeries, now. Effie reading book after book and journalling her every thought, writing the short stories that would fill her mind. Sure, she would occasionally steal the odd knickknack, but she wasn't the thief she once was anymore.
But then The War started. The fall of a god, the talk of vampires and zombies and krackens. Of shadows and stolen souls. And one day Effie came home from the market - new canvases and paint, some spices plucked from an overfull market table, a loaf of fresh bread - to find Quil missing, no sign of a struggle. The only thing out of place a cryptic note that leads Effie back to the criminal underbelly of the world and eventually to the knowledge that Quil has been imprisoned on another plane of existence.
But That Adventuring Party had to go and blow up the only way to traverse through planes, a tree that contains a portal, so Effie goes on a long hunt for other ways, until she hears that, somehow That Adventuring Party has planted a new portal tree.
And so, when they turn up in the refugee town she's been staying in, she decides to follow them.
She follows the stone man into the forests first, watches him for a bit but he's not very interesting, takes long breaks of doing nothing but staring out into the wilds - he does nickname her cat disguise Jeff, though.
Then she follows the girl with the long braid, but she's also rather boring, quiet and withdrawn often in the library researching, or helping a dragonborn she seems to know well with the community soup kitchen.
Then there's the boy with the curls, he's more fun to watch, because he spends a lot of time out at the tavern drowning himself in booze and his drunken antics are entertaining.
They all go back to an old abandoned looking artificer's shop at the end of the day, and Effie cases the place, steals a couple of interesting looking things too because why not.
But finally she hears The Party talk of portals and planes, and it's time for Effie to reveal herself to them, and time for her to finally find Quil.
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phobos-vii · 1 year
The city runs on money, and its currency supports such a reality. There are seven distinct types of coinage minted and accepted by the city as legitimate. Counterfeiting, shaving of coins, and minting of other coinage is considered a crime against the city, punishable by the Watchers. As both the initial act and the circulation of criminal coinage is considered illegal, citizens are extremely judicious in examining the coins they use.
There are three bronze coins making up the bulk of all currency: the assarius, the half assarius (usually referred to as a ‘half’), and the quarter assarius (usually referred to as a ‘quarter’). All are made of the same bronze alloy with an increasing size. The quarter is marked with a wheat stalk on the front and an eye on the back. It is enough to buy access to the Grand Bath of the forum or a ticket to a seat in the commons section of the arena on most days. The half is marked with a bread loaf on the front and an eye on the back. It is enough to buy a good meal. The full assarrii is marked with a Watcher’s bird mask on the front and an eye on the back. It is a single day’s pay at a respectable job. Trade for value less than a quarter is done via bartering, often using small chunks of cheese or cups of alcohol or other less perishable foods. The vast majority of commerce is done with these coins and unofficial bartering.
The next level of coinage is the silver argenteus, which comes in the half and the full variety. There is no consistent exchange between argentei and assarii, and the value between the two is known to fluctuate. In general, an argenteus is worth somewhere between twenty and thirty assarri. Rent is almost always paid for in these silver coins, with a single argenteus being worth one month of rent. The half argenteus is marked with a shield on the front and an eye on the back. It is the price of admission to the common sections of the Kalends matches in the arena. The full argenteus is marked with a sword on the front and an eye on the back. The magical novelties of the Grand Forum often cost a full argenteus. A skilled profession will be paid in argentei. A scribe might be paid three argentei a month. An artificer at a golem workshop might be paid seven.
Following the argentei is the electrum. This coin is an alloy of gold and silver. Its value is pegged to that of a single vial of Elixir from the Dominus’s factories. It is an uncommon coin and only those in the industry will make use of it. Its exchange rate can vary greatly, as individual Patricians are known to try to buy up the supply of electrum when they anticipate the demand for new Elixir will rise. As there is a secondary market for Elixir vials which can be purchased without electrum, this isn’t a fully effective maneuver, but vast fortunes have been made and lost on electrum speculation. By popular convention, electrum is worth eight argentei, but this is only a rough estimation. On the front of the electrum is an eagle. On the back is a vial.
Finally, there is the aureus, a gold coin. The aureus is the currency of Senators and Patricians, and the absolute wealthiest of plebes. Trade in the coin itself is almost incidental. Patricians will often use signed promissory notes from their households marked in a value of aurei, rather than use the coin directly. These notes might be passed on between other Patricians without ever being exchanged. One common insult among the city nobility is to offer to buy a note at less than face value, implying that the signer is not good for the money. Convention would state that an aureus is worth ten argentei, but there is no consistent conversion happening between gold and silver coinage. Patricians have access to more than enough argentei from rent if they need to deal with plebs.
In a mirror of their plebeian lessers, when Patricians need to deal with lesser sums, they will barter rather than use smaller coinage. A single aureus might purchase a slaughtered cow or a fine bottle of wine. A Patriunius Golem is priced at eight hundred aurei. The appearance fee for a gladiator will be at least one hundred. On the front of the aureus is the Dominus. On the back is a corpse.
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