#local online
batbabydamian · 4 months
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injecting The Boy Wonder by Juni Ba into my veins
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burins · 10 months
I know this is the Take Personal Responsibility for Systemic Issues website, but I keep seeing weirdly guilt trippy posts about libraries and ebook licenses, which are a labyrinth from hell and not actually something you personally need to feel guilty about. here are a few facts about ebook licenses you may not know:
in Libby/Overdrive, which currently operates in most US public libraries, ebook licenses vary widely in how much they cost and what their terms are. some ebooks get charged per use, some have a set number of uses before the license runs out, and others have a period of time they're good for (usually 1-2 years) with unlimited checkouts during that period before they expire. these terms are set by the publisher and can also vary from book to book (for instance, a publisher might offer two types of licenses for a book, and we might buy one copy of a book with a set number of uses we want to have but know won't move as much, and another copy with a one year unlimited license for a new bestseller we know will be really moving this year.)
you as a patron have NO way of knowing which is which.
ebook licenses are very expensive compared to physical books! on average they run about 60 bucks a pop, where the same physical book would cost us $10-15 and last us five to ten years (or much longer, if it's a hardcover that doesn't get read a lot.)
if your library uses Hoopla instead, those are all pay per use, which is why many libraries cap checkouts at anywhere between 2-10 per month.
this doesn't mean you shouldn't use ebooks. this doesn't mean you should feel guilty about checking things out! we buy ebook licenses for people to use them, because we know that ebook formats are easier for a lot of people (more accessible, more convenient, easier for people with schedules that don't let them get into the library.) these are resources the library buys for you. this is why we exist. you don't need to feel guilty about using them!
things that are responsible for libraries being underfunded and having to stretch their resources:
government priorities and systemic underfunding of social services that don't turn a profit and aren't easily quantified
our society's failure to value learning and pleasure reading for their own sake
predatory ebook licensing models
things that are not responsible for libraries being underfunded:
individual patron behavior
I promise promise promise that your personal library use is not making or breaking your library's budget. your local politicians are doing that. capitalism is doing that. you are fine.
(if you want to help your local library, the number one thing you can do is to advocate for us! talk to your city or county government about how much you like the library. or call or write emails or letters. advocate for us locally. make sure your state reps know how important the library is to you. there are local advocacy groups in pretty much every state pushing for library priorities. or just ask your local librarian. we like to answer questions!
also, if you're in Massachusetts, bill h3239 would make a huge difference in letting us negotiate ebook prices more fairly. tell your rep to vote for it!)
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 318
Danny is learning how to shapeshift. It’s fun, really, and he honestly thinks it’s more than a little cool. Plus it’s not a learn or you fully die sort of thing, which is pretty cool too. He just erm, might’ve also made a mistake. A little oopsie. An uh-oh. 
Erm. So. Apparently stuff stays when you go from ghost to human form. Just erm. More… permanent? Look he panicked, okay! And it wouldn’t have been that bad if not for the fact erm… his friends might’ve done it too…? 
Okay, okay, this is fine erm. Oh hi Mom, Dad I- O-oh yeah! D-definitely! Psst, Tucker, what’s a meta…? Oh. Okay yeah- wait can they use this to avoid the GIW thing? They definitely could, right? Like they definitely can- Sam we need the corkboard!
Er. And inform their parents too… even if it’s more than a little obvious. Maybe they shouldn’t have been trying to mix and match…
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strangesmallbard · 3 months
please reblog to increase sample size!
EDIT: i definitely should have included some sort of “multiple of these” option, so if that applies, you can click “yes and [something else]”!
EDIT 2: feel free to also include your location!
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vitamimesea · 10 months
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together we are fnaaaaaf
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yuurionviktor · 11 months
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Gonna finish Gideon one soon, but for now you can have this Harrow
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bugsbenefit · 10 months
forever annoyed by the wannabe activism that got so much worse during the pandemic that so many younger people seem to primarily abide by now. where almost all their "action" is online-based and heavily focused on media consumption and "problematic people". it drives me so crazy. i don't know how to tell you that going after a musician or actor or comedian because of their views or statements is the least productive form of activism and i honestly wouldn't even count it as such. if you want to call yourself an activist you actually need to ACT. not just talk online about how person xyz is evil and be done for the day, or say book/movie xyz is problematic and then log off, that's not enough, that doesn't actually DO anything
call local officials, go to protests, talk to people at your uni/school, boycott brands. hell, even talk to your parents about what's going on in Palestine, or other current events, many older people have conservative views, not because of inherent bigotry, but because they don't have enough information and grew up in a media propaganda bubble. or just talk about ongoing events online, keep the pressure on the public and don't let people lean back and forget. all that are actual forms of activism
i'll never stop being mad at the new wave social media wannabe activism that lets people think they're done with their Activism Activity of the day if they called timothee chalamet or noah schnapp a bad person. girl, yeah they are, but actually do Anything else too, that's not the activism you apparently think it is😭
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mcromwell · 4 months
God I love being out of the loop. I have no idea what a Bridjerton is. I had to look up what the Whitney Binennial is. I already boycott McDonalb's and Sfarbucks. Today I saw two red-shafted flickers flirting in a tree and then an Anna's hummingbird fussed at them.
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funnierasafictive · 2 months
Palestinian Campaigns Compilation
Hello everyone, we've gotten a lot of asks over the past week, and since there's been a lot of them, I decided to put them all in one post, which will include previous campaigns. I've done my best to pay attention to the ones that have been vetted.
All numbers are as of August 5, 2024
The Alanqar Family - €44,710 / €49,000
Mohammed Hijazi - €5,947 / €20,000
Jad Al-Haq's Family - $6,295 / $40,000
Doaa Jadalhaq's Family - kr68,784 / kr300,000
Safaa's Family - $5,120 / $75,000 goal
Mahmoud Alkhaldi's Family - $5,680 / $50,000 goal
Wafaa's Family - €13,340 / €100,000 goal
Youssef Al-Habeel's Family - £7,527 / £20,000 goal
Ghazi Younis's Family - $1,880 / $50,000 goal
Sohaip and Mohammed's Family - £202 / £6,000 goal
Abdul's Family / Paypal - $23,975 / $78,000
Please read their stories, all of which are written in their campaign pages as well as images and some videos. I will be linking this post to our pinned in case anyone wants to use this as a reference.
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thatcharmingjerk · 2 months
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Hello @horsefigureoftheday ! I am once again asking for your wisdom! I just had to snatch these two flocked cuties from a local recycling center, I really like how they're stylized but I have absolutely no idea who they are! Thank you so much in advance!
(But also my vintage LPS girlies, just because! 🖤 )
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vngful · 8 months
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messy444chic · 1 month
Why's chronically online an insult? I bet that 99℅ of girlbloggers are chronically online but in a girlblogger way, not an incel way
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bug-slappy · 8 months
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the best thing a teacher has ever taught me about canadian history was in grade 8, during history class. our teacher pulled out a copy of this book and explained that the history in the curriculum we’d been taught previous was a lie, and that he wasnt going to play into it. eventually other teachers found out and the school board tried to make him stop, but luckily he was switching school boards after the year anyways so there wasn’t much they could do.
if youre looking for a good introduction to canadian history thats accurate, the 500 years of resistance by gord hill is a comic series about the invasion and assimilation of colonialists settling in canada, and the aboriginal dispossession as a result
Canada has always played a huge part in colonization and imperialism (ghana, palestine, haiti, sudan, etc) that our government has tried to hide. imperialist canada by todd gordon is also a good read
we must hold canada accountable for its support in genocide and colonialism. knowledge is power.
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 183
There’s a loud snarling noise outside the window. 
Not that Jazz is concerned. She’s just also trying to study for med school and would appreciate some quiet. And preferred her brother not contracting rabies whenever he tried to square off with the local rogue or three who tried to use the alley. 
As he had put it, it was his alley, he’d claimed it for tinkering. Though perhaps she should maybe ask him to quiet down on his insisted territorialism, even if she understood it. She would also probably maul someone if they tried to enter their apartment flat. It came with the territory of being ecto contaminated, or as the rest of them were now calling it, with being a liminal. 
Once the more draconic aspects started to emerge well, one wasn’t just contaminated anymore after all. Hence the whole school-worth of them leaving Amity while all their parents waged war against the guys in white. Last she heard it was going well. 
Which meant she could focus on her studies as soon as- okay it wouldn’t be quiet, it seems the rest of the kids joined in on mauling the poor idiot who tried to steal their things from the alley. Damn…
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dailydegurechaff · 5 days
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… you would not believe the on-and-off headache i have been suffering for over two weeks now
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brbgensokyo · 6 months
i thnk if you're running for political office, you should be subjected to the same battery of invasive questions as disabled people face when asking for enough money to not die
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