#location: rivendell.
rosewaterdrunk · 2 years
location: rivendell
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                 naivara  herself  hadnt  grown  up  in  an  elven  city  ,  her  people  usually  just  traveled  from  place  to  place  before  they  had  stopped  and  settled  down.  but  her  travels  had  brought  her  to  one  before.  while  on  a  quest  so  she  couldnt  stay  but  it  had  always  been  one  she  had  wished  to  some  day  get  back  to.  so  naivara  had  been  excited  to  wake  up  in  another  one  ,  though  her  excitement  fell  the  longer  she  went  without  being  able  to  find  jason.  but  as  she  was  coming  out  of  the  library  with  some  books  in  her  arms  when  vara  thought  she  saw  jasons  face.  the  elf  jogged  down  the  hallway  to  catch  up  to  him  since  he  wasnt  far.  ‘  jason?  ‘  vara  asked  stopping  in  front  of  the  man  so  he  would  stop  to  talk  to  her.   /   naivara  &  jason  :  @allxthingsxglxtter​
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lotrlorien · 7 months
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screebyy · 8 months
spent a whole iron banner match taking reference screenies of dreaming city architecture btw pls enjoy
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shrikeseams · 1 year
The thing is. If you can't ship an elf king or lord with the personification of their city/fortress, then what's even the point?
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dancngthroughlife · 2 years
@thebridgestarters​​​​​​ || open for anyone !
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“Now where are we?” Pearl was speaking more to herself as she wandered this new world. She’d already taken the portals, which she found easier to control than Homeworld technology. Now, she’d ended up in this more quiet, peaceful place that she’d later find out was called Rivendell. “You there!” She pointed at a person passing by. “Do you know what this land is?” The pearl spoke slowly and clearly, just wanting to figure out what exactly she was doing there. Was this a trick by the Diamonds so that they could destroy Earth once and for all? She wasn’t sure, but she needed to figure this out before she did more. She wasn’t even sure she could get her weapon out here. She didn’t know whether or not her gem power worked. Skepticism was the only emotion running through her slender frame. This place seemed to be good and fun, but she was sure that there were dangers lurking around every corner. She had to keep her guard up so that she could be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
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totouchthcstars · 2 years
@allxthingsxglxtter || Arthur for Merlin
.。.:*☆ Arthur was aware that something was not right. Like, of course he did not know every single corner of Sydney, that was simply not possible.  But this place, well, it simply felt not like Sydney, at all. And yet, Arhtur was feeling strangely calm. Like, the situation, being transported to yet another unknown land should scare him, but it did not. At least, not for now. There was something about it... magic maybe, that was sort of soothing.
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So, taking advantage of that, the former king started to explore, hoping he culd find out more about this land and it’s people, hoping that, maybe, just maybe, whoever was living here could tell them how they not only could get back to Sydney, but to his beloved England, as well.... and, even when Arthur told himself to not have too much hope, a part of him wanted that Merlin was somewhere, as well. that they had been brought to this place together, maybe...
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sillylotrpolls · 4 months
As you may know, many of the effects in Fran Walsh and Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies were practical, not CGI. That included physical models of most of the locations, called "big-atures" (because they were much bigger than the word "miniature" would imply). Which brings us to today's poll:
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 8 months
Underutilized bit in LOTR, I feel, is how deeply out of his depth Boromir is within the Fellowship.
And by that I don't mean that he's the weakest or the stupidest or any of that, but rather that –against all appearances– he is the sole member of the Fellowship who is a Regular Normal Human, and he would have such a shocker slowly figuring all that out over the course of their journey. I mean:
Age. Legolas and Gimli wouldn't surprise him, since the lifespan of elves and dwarves seems commonly known to be way longer than humans, but Gandalf? The hobbits? None of these ages work as advertised and when he goes down to sit and commiserate with Aragorn about being the only Men in the company and how weird this all must be for them both Aragorn has to cough into his fist and mutter "Eighty-seven." "WHAT?!" (Yes, I know that Gondor keeps records of their Númenórean ancestors and said ancestors' extended lifespans, but consider this: the blood has thinned so much in Gondor that practically nobody lives longer than regular humans nowadays, and Boromir is canonically the jock in a family of scholars. He had to look up what/where Rivendell was after he got Faramir's Prophecy Dream, for god's sake.)
Bilbo. The entire Fellowship except Boromir has a personal relationship with Bilbo, and Boromir has neither seen nor heard of this creature in his life. Everyone else is starting off this quest with significant background knowledge of Bilbo's life and The Hobbit, whether having been told by Bilbo himself or having had family members personally involved at the time it occurred, and Boromir, again, has no clue what they're all on about.
Moria. Dwarves presumably have some built-in sensory adaptions for living underground, elf eye physics are bullshit, hobbits are stated to be far more comfortable/better navigating underground than most races, Gandalf is an Istar, and Aragorn has been hunting and tracking in various ungodly locations for most of his eighty-seven years. This means that, once again, Boromir is the only Normal Person trying to Normally Navigate a mostly-pitch-black cave system while everyone else side-eyes him for bumping into walls all the time.
Elves can sleep with their eyes open. This is admittedly not the most common thing among the Fellowship, but please imagine Boromir, still struggling to understand the fact that he's surrounded by nonhuman beings who have no shared concept of the passing of time, rolling over at 2AM to see Legolas bluescreening contentedly up at the sky, and then everyone acts like he's the weird one when he starts freaking out about it because all of them are used to traveling with/know more about elves than he does.
Even just remembering stuff off the top of my head, Boromir must have had such a weird time adjusting to being the only normal human being among the Fellowship before he, y'know. Died.
(Plus I can totally imagine Merry and Pippin giving him shit for "Well, if you're the only normal one amongst nearly a dozen people, then that's not very 'normal', is it? Maybe Men are the odd ones out and everybody else is normal.")
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tossawary · 1 year
The last time that I rewatched "The Fellowship of the Ring" (extended edition, of course), my favorite new detail that I noticed is that the characters, once they set out on their journey, are pretty much always traveling from screen-left to screen-right.
It had been a few years since I'd seen the films and I'd learned more about filmmaking in that time. I'm completely biased regarding the LOTR films; they're not perfect, but I grew up on them, I love them. I was trying to take notes on all of the little details that made the world of the films seem so rich and so enchanting to me. The camerawork, character staging, and editing is one of the many things that just happened to jump out at me at this time.
When Frodo and Sam are leaving the Shire, the camera is set up in such a way that they start on the left side of the screen (<- that side) and travel across it to the right side of the screen (-> that side).
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This way to go the farthest you've ever been from home. ->
As the hobbits travel from Bree to Rivendell, as the Fellowship travels from Rivendell to the Misty Mountains, all of those gorgeous scenic shots of the Nine Walkers show them moving from screen-left to screen-right. I haven't rewatched the entire trilogy lately, but in "The Fellowship of the Ring", it is so beautifully consistent.
There are a handful of reasons why this is done. In staging and editing, consistency regarding where the characters are placed on the screen is a storytelling tool. For example: the "180 degrees rule" says to generally keep the camera on one side of the characters within a scene, so that the audience can mentally keep track of the characters within the environment and focus on the action/dialogue. If we're watching two characters talking in a diner, even in the close-ups, one character will usually be kept on screen-left and be shown facing screen-right, and the other will be kept on screen-right and be shown facing screen-left. It feels stable. (People will sometimes choose to break the "180 degrees rule". It can be a tool to create a sense of disorientation and/or instability in the audience.)
In "The Fellowship of the Ring", the maps that the audience is shown of Middle Earth tell us that the Shire is located in the West (left side of the map) and everything else of relevance (Rivendell, Moria, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor) is East (right side of the map). As the characters consistently travel screen-right, the audience builds up a firmer mental map of Middle Earth and can better keep track of the characters' progress on their long journey. With every step that Frodo takes towards screen-right (->), we know that he is traveling East, taking another step towards Mordor.
Left to right may also instinctively feel like the way forward in a culture that writes and reads from left to right. Regardless of which way you write: if your film establishes extremely consistently that one direction is forward, then this visual language can be used to tell the audience that something is wrong if the characters start traveling from right to left. They might be lost! It builds suspense in the visual depiction of the characters going backwards and undoing progress! This all suits the lengthy hero's journey of LOTR very well, in my opinion.
There's an old joke that knowing how anything is made ruins the magic, and another old joke that knowing anything about filmmaking makes you insufferable to watch movies with, but I've never felt that way, especially not here. How does that quote go? It's still magic even if you know how it's done. (GNU Terry Pratchett.)
I find it enchanting, honestly, that so many people can work so hard for an effect that can seem so simple. Actors, directors, camera operators, editors, storyboarders, and so many others on the crew of the films consistently placed characters, sets, and props just so! So that the audience could more easily keep track of where everyone was and lose themselves a little more deeply in the story.
It's such a simple rule! And it works so well! Left -> Right. West -> East. Shire -> Mordor. Home -> Adventure. Known -> Unknown.
I personally recommend trying to keep track of character movement across the screen in films, especially if you have any interest in visual storytelling (films or illustration or something else). It's fun! It's impossible for me to unsee, watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" now, and I think it's a wonderful piece of movie magic.
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kat651 · 3 months
I just reread your self harm elf posts again and was wondering if you would write something similar but with the reader being the one self harming?
Just thought I’d ask since I myself have struggled with this. If not that’s fine but I figured I’d ask
Love your writing so much btw
Elrond had spent the last hour searching for you. It was strange that you were able to do this to him, make him worried beyond what felt reasonable. Rivendell was a safe place. He knew that. But you always managed to make him panic. Always. 
Finally he decided to check your room. Occasionally you’d go in there during the day just to get some quiet. 
As he opened the door the sight before him caused him to gasp and tears to well up in his eyes. “Meleth, why?” He asked, briskly walking over to you and taking the knife before kneeling in front of you and gently taking your hands. “Why are you hurting yourself?” His eyes were brimmed with tears and his usual strong voice was wavering and choked. 
You didn’t answer and it felt like a punch to the gut for him. Elrond stood before lifting you out of the seat and seating you on your bed. “Don’t move I’ll be right back.” He whispered, kissing your cheek before running off. 
When Elrond returned he had everything he would need to take care of your wounds. He knelt before you and gently began to clean and wrap your wrists. When he finished he rose and sat next to you. “What’s wrong my love? Why are you doing this?”
You looked up at him for a moment before sighing and hiding your face in his chest. “It’s all too much right now. I can’t take it.” You sobbed. 
“I’m here…you don’t have to do this alone.”
You tried to hide it from him. but of course, being the observant person he was, he noticed. 
“Love, what happened to your wrist?” He asked, gently grabbing your hand. 
You looked away refusing to answer and it broke Lindir’s fraigile heart. He gently cupped your face and placed a kiss on your nose. 
You sighed and hugged yourself. 
“Hey… look at me…” he whispered, gently tilting your chin up. “I’m not mad. You know that… right?”
You nodded. 
Lindir put an arm around you and pulled you out of the room. “Do you want to talk about it?”
When he first saw the cuts on your wrists he panicked. “Y/n, what happened? Why would you- are you ok?!” 
For a regal elf lord he sure did panic when it came to you. 
Once he calmed down enough he looked at you with sad eyes. “How long? How long have you been doing this and not telling me?”
Of course you didn’t answer which caused him to worry again. “Is it me? Am I the reason?”
You shook your head and he visibly relaxed. “I- ok…I just… I worry. A lot.”
“I know” you said, leaning against him.
Legolas had caught you red handed. Quite literally. “Y/n!” He yelled in a panic. Which of course caused tears to well in your eyes. 
“I’m sorry!” You sobbed. 
Realizing he had caused you to panic, he slowly wrapped you in his arms. “Darling what’s wrong?” He whispered as he subconsciously inspected your wrists before sliding his bag off his shoulder and digging through it with one hand until he located some bandages. “Talk to me sweetheart.” He whispered as he gently wrapped your arms. 
When he noticed the scars on your wrists he hesitated to say anything at first. He knew all too well that kind of pain. 
After a few days he finally spoke up. “Don’t do it again.” He said, not even looking over. 
“Do what?” You asked confused. 
Haldir grabbed your hand and slid up your shirt sleeve. “This. Don’t do it.”
You pulled away and looked at your hands. 
Haldir sighed. Emotions were hard but he needed to try. He knelt in front of you and gently took your hands. “Look at me…”
You slowly met his gaze and to your surprise there was pain etched in his eyes. “Please don’t hurt yourself. If you want to hurt someone hurt me.”
“What? No!” 
Haldir gently took your face in his hands and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Please don’t do this to yourself. I…” he paused and took a breath. “I love you too much to watch you do this… please, if you’re struggling come talk to me. I’ll listen…”
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rosewaterdrunk · 2 years
location: rivendell
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                        zelda  wasnt  going  to  attempt  to  understand  how  she  ended  up  in  this  beautiful  city.  but  she  had  awoken  by  herself  again.  her  thoughts  immediately  going  to  link  and  if  he  was  okay  ,  or  even  if  he  was  in  the  same  place  as  her.  he  was  the  only  one  she  truly  trusted  ,  and  being  here  by  herself  made  her  constant  anxiety  worse.  the  former  princess  walked  down  one  of  the  beautiful  stone  walkways  hoping  the  scenery  would  help  calm  the  nerves  she  had  been  experiencing  when  she  thought  she  had  spotted  a  familiar  blond  hair  she  knew  so  well.  zelda  picked  up  the  speed  in  her  walk  to  try  and  get  into  his  range.  ‘  link?  its  you  right?  ‘  zelda  called  out  hoping  she  hadnt  mistaken  him.  /  zelda  &  link  :  @allxthingsxglxtter​
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 9 months
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Pairing: Elrond x Fem. Reader (second person POV)
Themes: Soft | Smut
Warnings: Kissing | Penetrative sex | Public sex | Sex in an unusual location | Cream pie
Word count: 1.7k words
Summary: Elrond goes in search of his companion, and is greeted with a ball of snow instead.
Rating: 🔥🔥| Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume.
Divider by @estrelinha-s
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Snow lay thick on the ground by the time Elrond and his warriors returned from the borders of Rivendell.
“Lindir!” He called out to his steward after he dismounted and gave over the reins of his horse to another elf. “Where has y/n gone off to this morning?”
Lindir, after having seen his lord and his men some distance away, left for the courtyard to wait for them. He bowed and offered Elrond a traditional welcome and said, “Lady y/n left for the woods just beyond the guest lodgings not long ago. You may find her by the pond, I think.”
“My thanks.” Elrond turned over his sword and gloves to Lindir and walked down the same paths you did. It was cold, but not unpleasantly so. His boots left little to no imprint on the snow, and the brazing winter air itself was invigorating. It carried with it the faint redolence of spruce and fir and pine. He sighed in contentment and turned to take a glimpse of his home. All of Rivendell looked different, like an enchanted keep in a wintery land.
“Melleth?” He cried and looked around. Of snow-covered trees and bushes, there were aplenty, but you were nowhere to be seen. “Where are you?”
Nothing but the wind answered him. “Melleth?” He shouted again. “What mischief are you up to now?”
A white ball flying in a perfect arc and exploding in a spray of snow and ice after hitting him on the back was all the answer he needed. Elrond smiled, and dusted the snow off of his cloak. Then another ball flew in from the same direction and hit him on the head with a soft thud. He turned to face the direction it came from, and crouched just as a third projectile came hurtling toward him.
Orcs are not the only things determined to test my patience. Elrond sighed, then smiled to himself and made his way down another path, resolute to catch you in the act.
There was nothing to be heard after that. No calls for you, no shouts, and no commands for you to show yourself. Elrond made no sound as he moved, and that put you on edge. He could be anywhere, and you would not know of his presence until he was right before you.
A hushed silence fell over the little copse you concealed yourself in. There were no animals moving about in the brush; they were sleeping in their little dens and caves for the whole of the winter. A bird sang, but there was no other sound beyond its sweet singing. Minutes passed, and still there was no sign of Elrond.
Where is he? You thought to yourself. Had Elrond returned to the main house and the Hall of Fire? Had he ridden out with his warriors again? Or was he out there, somewhere, biding his time until you revealed yourself?
Time drifted by as if in a dream. It grew colder and a little darker. And Elrond was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that he had returned to the halls, you left your hiding place behind an old oak tree and departed for home.
“And where do you think you are going?”
“Elrond!” You squealed, startled. Elrond had been right beside your little hiding place the entire time, waiting for you to appear. The smile that flashed across his face was smug and self-satisfied. “How did you know I was here?”
He tapped the side of his nose with his finger and said, “It was your fragrance that gave you away, meleth.”
You sniffed at your wrists and your hair. There was no scent to be found on your skin or your dress. “But I am wearing no perfume,” you said in protest.
“Twas not a perfume I smelled,” he smiled again. “It was the scent of you that gave you away.”
You flushed and looked away. Elrond laughed softly. “There is nothing to be ashamed of. Truly. I quite like the way you smell. Although,” he went on to add, “I do think it is highly unbecoming for the Lady of Imladris to throw balls of snow at unsuspecting elves.”
“Perhaps,” you muttered. Then you turned to face him, your eyes bright with curiosity. “You said you liked the way I smell. What else do you like about me?”
It was Elrond’s turn to flush, and not from embarrassment. “I see,” he commented. “You wish to know more about what I find desirable in you. Let me think. I quite enjoy your ability to find pleasure even in the simplest of things.”
“Such as throwing balls of snow at you?”
“Do not test me on that, melleth.”
“My pardons.”
He grinned, and walked toward you. “I also love seeing you like this: your cheeks all flushed from the cold, your hair all in a beautiful tangle, and this cloak is quite fetching on you. A pity it conceals so much. Or have I simply been away for too long, and anything appears alluring to me now?”
“Elrond!” You gasped in disbelief. Pale blue eyes lit up in amusement.
“I jest, melleth,” he said, coming even closer. “You are ravishing as always. Now, where was I?”
“You were speaking of my cloak,” you told him. Heat slowly bloomed in your cheeks when he reached out and undid the clasps of your cloak. “And how it concealed too much.”
“Indeed.” Skillful fingers unfastened each clasp one by one. The shock of cold air dancing over exposed skin left you tingling. Elrond delighted in this, for he had been away for far too long. He had missed watching such sensations flow through your body, and he found himself yearning to savor all of it again, here and now, even though the two of you were in the woods, and not within the privacy of your shared chambers.
“I relish watching you tremble beneath me,” he began, and drew your cloak away. “How you shiver when I run the flat of my hand over your belly. And your hair… I love how it flows around my fingers when I loosen your braids.”
He reached back and slowly loosened one braid, and another, and another. Your hair soon fell around your shoulders. Elrond was not done. His hand did indeed glide up your waist and onto your belly. It made you feel warm and feverish. You shuddered beneath him when that same hand pushed you back—back until he had you caged between him and the bark of a tree.
“We are out in the open,” you pointed out to him. “Someone could come upon us.”
“They will not,” Elrond assured you. “And we need not tarry needlessly. I have missed you, melleth. Let me have a taste of you, at least.”
He dipped his head and kissed the shell of your ear and the expanse of your throat. His arms slipped around your waist when yours twined around his neck.
“Just a taste?” Your blood was already roaring in your ears. Elrond lifted his gaze. His eyes were clouded with lust. “Or more than that?”
“More than that,” he echoed, “if possible. And like I said, we need not tarry needlessly.”
“I never took you for one who loves quickly,” you remarked. “But I do not mind this being the first instance you do so.”
His eyes gleamed wickedly. “Wonderful. Close your eyes, melleth. I will see to the rest.”
Elrond did indeed tend to it all, and so much more besides. His kisses drowned out your sighs and the soft moans that followed in their wake. He slipped an arm beneath your thighs and lifted you up, growling in your ear when he felt your legs wrap tight around his hips. He nearly crushed you to his armor when he kissed and kissed and kissed, and yet you barely felt the steel press against silk and bone and flesh. All your thoughts were consumed by him, by the strength in his arms and his back, and by the hot and sinful mouth that hammered away at any sense of restraint you had. 
“Elrond,” you sighed. Your hand slipped over his chest and down his belly, and beneath the silks underneath his armor. It was a trial, loosening the thin strips of cloth around his breeches, but you managed all the same. When you reached in and took him to hand, he nipped your throat.
“I see you are more than keen on me loving you quickly.” There was a sharp rip. Elrond removed his hand just long enough to move it between your thighs and tear at your small clothes. He touched you briefly, groaning against your neck when he found you already wet.
Elrond’s touch was as electrifying as his kisses. However, he did not continue with his ministrations for long. Another hunger rose to claim him, one that demanded to be satisfied. Elrond pressed his lips against yours, moaning in triumph when you guided his erection into the soft and welcomed grip of your body.
“I love this as well,” he gasped. “How you make me feel when you take me inside of you. Am I going too fast?”
“Given that we are exposed,” you countered and tightened your grip against his waist, his broad shoulders. “I would say you are not going fast enough.”
Elrond did not need to be told anything else. He set a tortuous pace, his armor now nearly cutting into your dress, while you clung to him like a burr. The discomfort of it all soon gave way to a bliss that slowly grew in your belly and spread until you saw nothing but a brilliant golden light flashing behind your eyes. Elrond shook when you sobbed against his shoulder and cried out his name. It was enough to unravel him, and with one last grunt, he spilled his seed inside of you.
Neither of you moved, even when an icy wind swept around the trees. Elrond continued to kiss you, this time with soft, quick kisses around your brow.
“We best return,” he said slowly, and more than a little reluctantly. He was shaking. His body was still caught in the aftermath of his release. “Lest Lindir or someone else comes in search of me. And the next time you wish to start a snowball fight, warn me first. I will be ready for you then.”
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tags: @victoria-styles
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novelmonger · 7 months
Some highlights from the Director/Writer Commentary of The Return of the King with Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, and Fran Walsh:
As they mentioned in TTT, they were originally going to put the Smeagol vs. Deagol fight as a flashback during the Dead Marshes. Before they decided to use it to open RotK, their placeholder idea for a scene to open RotK was to do a sped-up helicopter shot from the Paths of the Dead, across the plains of Edoras, to the Golden Hall where Aragorn wakes up from a nightmare (and then goes and talks to Eowyn). Very glad they went the direction they did!
In the final shot they used when Smeagol takes the Ring out of Deagol's hand, the actor playing Deagol actually blinked, but they liked Andy Serkis' performance so much, they had Weta go in and freeze Deagol's eyes so they could use the shot XD
You know, I forget sometimes that they didn't even have Saruman in the theatrical cut at all. Boggles the mind.
In the scene where Aragorn comes out of the Golden Hall and goes to stand next to Legolas, who's looking out at the night...Viggo and Orlando weren't in the country at the same time, so they shot them separately and then put them together @_@
You know, I never thought about this before, but when Gandalf touches Pippin's face, they had to make sure his hands looked extra big! So they used an actor called Big Paul, who had the biggest hands they could find, and Ian McKellen directed him for how to move his hands in the shot XD And Big Paul is the Rohan guard who gets shoved aside when Merry and Aragorn rush up to the top of the wall to watch Gandalf and Pippin leave!
THEY SHOT A SCENE OF LEGOLAS TALKING TO TREEBEARD ABOUT THE ELVES LEAVING MIDDLE-EARTH?!?!?!?!?!?! :O Originally, it was going to link the Isengard scenes to the scene of Arwen and the other Rivendell Elves going through the forest, but then because of all the Edoras stuff in between, the connection was lost. They also said something about Legolas reciting a poem! And joked again about putting it into the 25th anniversary edition. THAT TIME IS COMING UP, PETER JACKSON!!!! I WANNA SEE THIS SCENE!!!!!!
a;lkdsjs;kdfljds;fjl NOW THEY'RE JUST TEASING US. They talked about a "library scene" during the whole sequence where Arwen goes back to Rivendell and confronts Elrond about how he saw her son, etc. They wouldn't say what happened in the "library scene," but talked about how they should include that in the 25th anniversary edition too. a;ldkfjs;dkfljsd;kfljdslfk
The people on set who had a crush on Sean Bean were called "Beanstalkers"! XD That's the best; every fan to this day ought to call themselves that!
Similarly to the scene with Legolas and Aragorn, the little bit with Legolas and Gimli as everyone's getting ready to leave Edoras was filmed separately because Orlando and John weren't in the country at the same time. So they filmed Legolas' shots with Brett, John's scale double, then filmed John's shots later, filming both of them against greenscreen. Then they took some unused footage from the Edoras set and put it in the background. It just boggles my mind how many of these cobbled-together scenes there are, because it feels so much like all the characters are together in the real location!
RED ALERT RED ALERT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!! They mentioned Beregond!!!! 8D When talking about why they put in the scene where Pippin and Faramir talk (when Faramir says the uniform Pippin's wearing was made for him when he was a child), in order to forge the connection between them that will ultimately lead to Pippin saving Faramir's life, they talked briefly about Beregond! They describe him taking Pippin under his wing, showing him about the city, and called the relationship between them "quite sweet" :3
Another little connection between Pippin and Faramir I don't think I've ever thought about before, that apparently Billy Boyd thought about when doing these scenes, is that Pippin is the only son of the Thain of the Shire, so there may have been a certain amount of pressure and expectation on him. Obviously, he's so young and probably didn't spend too much time worrying about that while scampering about the Shire, but maybe that's something he thinks about while watching the way Faramir and Denethor interact. Maybe a contrast to the way he would interact with his own father, maybe a reminder of the way he would be scolded? Hard to say, but it's interesting to think about.
Uuuuuuughghghg, so frustrating to listen to them talking about the scene on the steps where Frodo sends Sam away DX No matter how many times and how many different ways they explain why they did it, the explanations never quite make sense to me. "We needed there to be more tension." WHY WAS IT NOT TENSE ENOUGH THAT THEY WERE GOING INTO THE LAIR OF A HUGE EVIL SPIDER?! "There wasn't really anything happening on the steps otherwise." YEAH, BECAUSE YOU PUT THE WHOLE CONVERSATION ABOUT STORIES IN THE PREVIOUS MOVIE! Also, why not just cut from one or two shots of them climbing this awful staircase to a shot of them entering the cave? "There needed to be a payoff for Gollum's scheming." WHY WAS GOLLUM BETRAYING THEM TO SHELOB NOT ENOUGH OF A PAYOFF?! "We knew InStInCtIvElY that Frodo needed to enter the cave alone." WHY? WHY?! I've never understood that. They get separated eventually in the book, so why not just ramp up the tension of that in the movie, instead of making the characters so OOC? "We knew it would shock readers of the book, and if we'd changed that, what else might we have changed?" You know...I really, really love these movies, and I appreciate what these three were able to accomplish so much...but sometimes I kind of hate them too -_-
The horses didn't want to walk down the hill on the cobbled streets of Minas Tirith, because their steel shoes were so slippery on the stones. So they all had to be re-shod with rubber shoes. What were horseshoes made of back in ye olden days, though? Iron? Did people run into the same problems back then?
I never really noticed this before, but Aragorn never wears Anduril on his belt! He straps it to his horse, and every time you see him with it, he's just holding the naked blade. This is because they made Anduril so long it was really hard for him to wear it from his belt or to pull it out of the scabbard in a natural way XD
The aerial shot of all the Rohirrim leaving Dunharrow was originally shot to show Gandalf's cart heading into the Shire, but since they didn't use it for that, they repurposed it for RotK!
To get Elijah Wood to foam at the mouth when he's stung by Shelob, they gave him two Alka-Seltzer tablets to put in his mouth and work up some foam with his saliva. I've always wondered how they do that sort of thing in movies, but no one's bothered to explain until now....
Sean Astin's audition scene was holding Frodo after Shelob ;A; Apparently, they (or at least Philippa Boyens) were a little skeptical that an American actor would be able to do Sam's character right, but actually a lot of the English actors who auditioned for the role had a hard time with the Shelob aftermath scene, but Sean nailed it :')
Other than the close-ups, they used a dummy for Faramir on the pyre most of the time. Now I'm just imagining John Noble crouching on top of the pyre, cradling a dummy XD
The first Orc that Aragorn kills on Pelennor fields is played by his son Henry! XD
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME. They actually filmed Sam pushing past the sort of psychic barrier of the Watchers at the gate of Cirith Ungol, but they didn't put it into the extended edition! I love that part. Like...I'm not even sure why, but I've always thought that was such a cool little detail, and I've always been a bit bummed it wasn't in the movie, though I was thrilled to see the actual Watchers at least there as a sort of homage. And all along, they'd actually filmed something for that after all and I never knew! :O
You know, I never thought about it before, but it makes sense that they had to replace the sky digitally in a lot of scenes in Mordor, because of course when they filmed it, the sky wasn't always completely cloudy, but Mordor needs to have a complete cloud cover at all times.
When Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens first saw the footage of Sam carrying Frodo up Mt. Doom, they sent a fax (lolol 1999/2000 technology) to Sean and Elijah. They made the first page look all formal and official, and then on the second page it just said, "You made us cry." :')
Andy Serkis refused to have Gollum stand on two feet until the scene in the Crack of Doom. There were a few times that PJ directed him to lurch onto his feet or something, but Andy wouldn't do it. He wanted to show the difference in Gollum physically when he has the Ring again. What a cool detail!
Originally, the whole part where Frodo's hanging off the ledge and Sam is begging him to reach for him happens after the Ring is destroyed. It's really interesting to consider the slight nuances of how different that would be. The final version makes it almost seem like the Ring is still calling to Frodo, like he wants to fall into the lava and join it, whereas originally it was more like "I've lost the Ring and now I have nothing left to live for."
PJ made a sweet comment in the scene where everyone bows to the four hobbits: "This is a moment where there's always a huge sniffle in the audience when the movie's going, and it's usually me." XD
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! They shot scenes of what happens to the other characters when the hobbits return to the Shire! There is footage out there somewhere of what Legolas and Gimli do, what happens with Faramir and Eowyn!!!! ;aldkfjsd;fkldslfkjd 25th anniversary edition LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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short-wooloo · 2 years
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7th February 2023: The LEGO Group, in partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products, today announced the much-anticipated LEGO Icons The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set, inspired by the award-winning film adaptations. This highly detailed, 6,167 piece set features the iconic Elven stronghold from Middle-earth and comes complete with 15 minifigures.
Home to the house of Elrond, Rivendell is a key location in Middle-earth and events of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, as the place where the Fellowship was formed and the quest to destroy the One Ring began.
The LEGO The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set is packed with fan favourite moments and Easter eggs, and can be built in three sections including; Section one, featuring:
• The Council Ring – complete with a semicircular ring of chairs for the council and the plinth where the ring is first revealed and the Fellowship discuss how to destroy it • Frodo’s Bedroom – with a desk and chest where the young hobbit recovers following his rescue by Arwen from the hands of the Nazgûl, before being reunited with Bilbo • Elrond’s study – with famous paintings from the history of Middle-earth
Section two, featuring: • An elven tower – featuring five Elven statues of unnamed famous warriors from the past
Second three, featuring: • Gazebo, river and bridge – to recreate the scene where the Fellowship departs Rivendell.
The set also comes with 15 minifigures – including all nine members of the Fellowship; Gandalf the Grey, all four hobbits (Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck and Peregrin “Pippin” Took), Legolas, Gimli, Boromir and Aragorn. They are joined by minifigures of Elrond, Arwen, Bilbo Baggins plus additional elves and a dwarf (Gloin) are also included.
LEGO and The Lord of the Rings fans alike will also receive several new LEGO elements from the world of Middle-earth, including: Bilbo’s sword, Sting, the broken shards of Narsil, Aragorn’s ranger sword, Boromir’s sword, as well as numerous dwarven axes and elvish blades to ensure the Fellowship are well armed for their quest ahead.
Talking about the set, LEGO Design Master, Mike Psaiki said, “We know many of our fans have been anticipating a set like this for a long-time – but a great LEGO The Lord of the Rings set is never late, it arrives precisely when it means to! It was important to us that we created something really special in this recreation of Rivendell. We aimed to add as much detail as possible and create an engaging experience throughout the build to delight fans recreating scenes orproudly displaying Elrond’s home. We are really pleased with the final design and how we have brought Rivendell to life in brick form.”
The LEGO The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set is RRP £429.99/$499.99/€499.99 and is available exclusively for LEGO VIP members from 5th-7th March 2023, along with a free Frodo and Golum LEGO Brickheadz set (40630). It is free to become a LEGO VIP member and you can find out more at www.LEGO.com/VIP. From 8th March 2023 the LEGO The Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set will be available at LEGO Retail stores and www.LEGO.com/LOTR.
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legolas-fan-blog · 8 months
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
How old were you when you read/watched LOTR for the first time: 21
Favourite LOTR character: Legolas c:
Books or movies: the books are fun but I prefer the movies
Favourite movie: The Two Towers
Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit most: Lothlorien!
Favourite scene: either Aragorn showing up at Helms Deep after being presumed dead and throwing open the doors dramatically or Legolas taking down the Oliphaunt. Or that scene in The Hobbit when Galadriel shows up in Rivendell because she looks absolutely gorgeous (but when doesn't she?)
Favourite quote: "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." "How about side by side with a friend?" "Aye, I could do that."
What Middle Earth race would you want to be: A Silvan elf. I am clearly biased >.>
Favourite LOTR ship if you have one: Mm. I don't really have one? I don't mind Legolas/Aragorn but I wouldn't exactly say I ship it. I like their relationship as friends. Can I say platonic Legolas/Aragorn?
Tagging @dontfearrr @cartoon-aragorn @quillofspirit @jdlite
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