#lock in saga
thlayli-ra · 5 months
Getting locked in a building, sleeping on sofas, eating whatever random food he finds, thinking it's a sweet deal and considering moving in permenantely.
Punk's never beating the cat boy rumours, huh?
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confusedlocalgod · 1 year
A collection of badly described manga from my local Barnes and Nobel part 2
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Part 1
Part 3
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aquitainequeen · 4 months
Bits and pieces of worldbuilding/setting that I really liked in Furiosa:
We only see one wheeled vehicle in the actual society of the Green Place, and it’s a pedal bicycle, and it’s being used as a blade sharpener. Right after that we learn that the Vuvalini travel by horseback, so the intruders’ bikes stand out all the more as ugly and alien in this place of abundance. (Also, for a piece of symbolism, from what I remember the raiders had killed a horse and were butchering it for the meat.) At the same time the people of the Green Place are familiar with petrol engines; Furiosa and her mother are clearly experienced with motorbikes since they know how to ride, sabotage and (in Mary Jabassa’s case) fix/upgrade them, a nod to the future when the last of the Vuvalini will turn back to petroleum to survive.   
Dementus’ followers eating the peach that Furiosa picked, marvelling over it; a fresh piece of fruit is precious in the Wastelands.
The History Man has clothes covered in writing as well as his skin, and he has a tattoo kit so that he can constantly add more words to himself!
I really appreciated that Dementus’ subordinates actually had personalities and lives outside of the narrative that we’re shown; for example, it was great to see ‘Mr. Norton’ join the war band via a battle to be the last person standing, and steadily rise up the ranks off screen until she’s part of Dementus’ inner circle and taking part in his worst atrocities.
We get to see what happens to the serfs when the Citadel is attacked -- there’s no room for them in their lord’s fortress and their only shelter is holes scraped in the earth. Shows us precisely what Immortan Joe thinks of his followers.
What’s an excellent way to show that the Guardian of Gas Town is a man of wealth and taste? Why, reveal that up in his high tower overlooking his domain, he possesses a massive mural of an absolutely gorgeous painting from before the end times that he recreated himself, with only some pages from a book for reference!
I’m sure we all remember that moment in Fury Road where the Dag cuts that terrifying chastity belt off of Cheedo, and Angharad firmly says ‘We’re not going back,’ and that’s all that needs to be said about how horrendous life in Immortan Joe’s harem was? Well, now we get to see numerous women in light airy clothes, drifting about the harem, one of them coming up to Furiosa and telling her with a smile that she’s safe now – even while all of them are wearing those dreadful belts.
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amiracleilluminated · 9 months
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The Saga of Your Brightness!
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aftertheradar · 2 months
friends i think i know the best way to adapt gideon the ninth to a visual medium:
Lego: Gideon The Ninth; The Video Game: for the Sony Playstation 2 and Nintendo Wii
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blue-thief · 1 month
people keep fucking around with isagi's wiki page now that kaiser's age has been revealed. isagi explicitly said he was SEVENTEEN at the beginning of the neo egoist league what the hell
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If Jod was at all reasonable he would have met the eight adepts and cavalier primaries outside the solar system prior to sending them off to The First to try and figure out Lychtorhood. Y'know, to explain that to objective is to reassemble to meta theorem, it's not a competition over who can murder who first, and to maybe check that these are people you're willing to spend 10,000 years with.
Of course Jod is a coward and doesn't want to look people in their eyes before sending them to eat their own best friends, but can you imagine the sequence of events if he had done the reasonable thing?
Harrow utterly freaking out at the prospect of having to maintain the Ninth's sham Infront of God, the very man they're holding a loaded gun against.
Mercymourn having to deal with actual teenagers signing up for this.
Abigail Pent getting to confront three Lyctors and God himself while her husband tries to cool things over with forces jokes.
And of course, the Lyctors seeing Gideon, an eighteen year old orphan of the ninth with gold eyes, tan skin, red hair and Gideon's name and just instantly trying to kill god Infront of sixteen confused guests.
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the-gentler-gamester · 3 months
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trumpkinhotboy · 1 year
Nick Nelson would be the best big brother on motherfrigginearth (and this is also something I’m ready to fight about 😤😤)
He has never, EVER been ashamed of you. As siblings, you never went through that weird and mean phase of disliking and annoying the shit out of each other. You always headed to school together, joking around as you did. He always waved enthusiastically when he saw you at the gates of Truham waiting for him, and he loves to bump your shoulder or ruffle your hair before you head to Higgs.
You always make it a priority to spend quality time together. Going on little hiking adventures with Nellie and whatnot. You also love to help him practice for his rugby matches. It most likely (always) ends up in a wrestling match and even though it seems your brother is getting bigger as days go by, you still have enough skills to give him a hard time. Of course, it goes without saying that you go to all of his games. Never afraid to be the one to shout the loudest. You also really like to have little sleepovers/movie nights together. You bundle on the couch with Nellie and a ton of blankets and bicker for approximately 10 minutes on which film you should watch before you come to an agreement. Your mother often joins you and you spend the evening, just the three of you, all cuddled up. Those usually are your favorites.
When you’re upset, he’s always the one who knows how to handle it best. Either by lending a safe ear so you could share your problems or by helping you find the best solutions. Either way, he's always incredibly gentle and caring. You know how lucky you are to have a brother like him. Especially when you look at your oldest brother, David (ugh).
He‘s also incredibly protective of you. When you come back home crying he cradles you in his arms, gently stroking your hair, and deeply sighing before he asks: "Alright, who do I have to kill?". That usually makes you smile and giggle a bit, that’s when he asks if you'd like to get something to eat and talk about it. But on days when that phrase doesn't make you laugh, he knows it's serious and the overprotective big brother in him takes the stage. He'd spend the night making sure you're okay and feeling safe and comforted. On the next day, when he actually sees the person who's been giving you such a hard time, he’d make sure they know he does not like them at all and will not hesitate to act if needed.
But most importantly he's your biggest fan and you are his. So when he finally told you that Charlie was his boyfriend… it was one of the happiest moments of your life.
He had knocked on your door twice before you told him to come in. He opened the door, and as soon as your eyes met you knew something was up. He kept looking at the ground, his gaze darting from the posters on your wall to your mirror, your bookcase, everywhere, but your face.
"Hey, what's up?" you asked, putting down your book to focus on him.
"Hey, kiddo. Am I botherin' you?"
You shake your head no and gently tap a spot on your bed while you shuffle to the side to give him some space. He gives you a small smile before sitting down, your old bed creaking audibly loud as he does so.
"Alright, uhm, so. There's something I'd like to talk to you about."
You normally would have slipped in a joke or two, but his expression was just so serious. You noticed his voice had a slight tremor in it. You kept to yourself, focusing entirely on him.
"Sure, what's going on?"
He brought his knees up to loosely wrap his arms around them before starting.
"Well, you know there are quite a few things that have changed for me this year. With school, Harry, Imogen, and uh… meeting Charlie of course." You nod, encouraging him to continue. "It hasn't always been easy. All this change has made me question a lot of stuff, and even discover new things about me."
"Yes, but there has been good stuff, right? Meeting Charlie has basically been amazing for you. You've stopped hanging out with those asshats so much, and you got to meet his amazing friend group right?" you reach for his arm. He looks so nervous, you feel completely thrown off. Nick is known to be pretty confident and chill. You just want him to feel better, and be back to his usual happy self.
At the mention of his friends, he does seem to loosen up a bit and smile before looking at you.
"Yeah, you're right. This has been amazing for me and, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Uhm, I guess you could say things have changed between Charlie and I. We uh…"
"Oh Nick what did you do?" you straightened up immediately. This made sense, he probably had a falling out with him and was now feeling completely down and sad about it. "Charlie is soo cool. I swear if you've done anything to mess that up I'll whoop your ass."
"Hey! Why would you assume I've done anything??" he questioned, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"Because Charlie is way too caring and amazing to do anything wrong." You crossed your arms on your chest before resting on your headboard. The look of disapproval on your face only seemed to make your brother's smile grow larger.
"He is pretty amazing isn't he?"
"He definitely is. I love Charlie," you grunted. "All right now, spit it out. What did you do, if it's not too horrible, I’m sure we can find a way to fix it."
He turned a bit more so that you would be facing each other.
"Y/n, we didn't have a falling out. We… Charlie is my boyfriend.
Time stood still for a second, the weight of his declaration still hanging in the air.
"Charlie is your what."
"He's my… boyfriend?" he said once more, panic slowly invading his chest like an unbearable weight. Dread overtook him. Dread and something else, the feeling of his heart skipping a beat. You, his person, really? You wouldn’t be okay with that?
You stayed paralyzed, in shock. Your mouth slightly open. He was about to finally break the silence when you jumped on him, squealing like a crazy person.
"NICOLAS NELSON, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU." He hugged you back with all his might, feeling so incredibly relieved. Relieved to have told you, but more than anything else, relieved that you were still you. His person, the only person in the world he knew would always accept and love him unconditionally. "I want to know EVERYTHING. Oh my god, I can't wait to see Charlie!!!! You little rats!!!”
He gave you that big old smirk of his, he seemed on top of the world, and that warmed your heart.
"So you're happy for me?" he asked carefully, a faint shadow of uncertainty still dancing in his eyes.
You grabbed his face into your hands “You deserve this so much Nick. You don't even understand how happy I am for you.”
And then you hugged again, both squealing like idiots before you invited Charlie over for an impromptu sleepover where you spent most of the night hearing every detail about how they came to be a couple. Everytime Nick would see you interact with Charlie his heart would skip a beat or feel like it might explode. This time, because it couldn’t seem to contain all the happiness he was feeling. That's when Charlie and you were suddenly tackled to the ground by Nick's heavy body.
"Oh my god, Nick you're crushing us!!!" screamed Charlie, laughing as he did. To what your brother simply answered, "Oh shut up and just let me hug my two favorite people in the world in peace."
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smilingberryy · 2 months
Idea in the middle of the night about Prismatic Spectral, mainly focused on a comic idea I have that I want to work on that's focused on Sabre and give a bit of world building. Sweet Rainbow caring for his friend unconditionally yet also worrying for him so much, baby the stress is not good for you!!
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And a little meme on how in both the SteveSaga aus I have, each of them have girls that broke out of their containment/j
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thlayli-ra · 5 months
Drew McIntyre stalks CM Punk through an empty and locked up WWE HQ fic when? 😉
It's brewing! My brain is working overtime!
Either that or a bunch of suave sexy terrorists lead by an Alan Rickman lookie-likey take over the building and it's up to Punk to save the day with his wits. Barefoot and in his sleeveless tee preferably (hi Bob!)
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hellishattempt · 3 months
thunder saga spoilers
"i need to see her."
"but we'll die...."
"i know."
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the-lazyyy-artist · 28 days
Grabe, 'di ko na kaya.
I am so hyped for Blue Lock Season 2 that I began to read the manga and sacrificed my sleep so I can read it. I wanted to watch Episode Nagi, but IDK if it's still showing at our city's local mall.
(lol the trailer being shown at every corner of the mall is actually the reason why I started watching Blue Lock)
I also think another JJK chapter will be out this week. Not to mention Epic: The Wisdom Saga comes out on Saturday (PH time).
Oh my God. If being a fangirl pays well, I could've been rich now.
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The Saga of Your Brightness!
Part 1
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gogoani · 29 days
Anime Characters who are Prodigies
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