itseghost · 6 months
Your art is so so ✨ pretty ✨ and like, shhhdnnddn- i can not wait to see more- like i love it so much!
you're very kind !!! thank you so much :) ive been having a lot of fun posting stuff on tumblr lately im def looking forward to sharing more!!
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
What's your favorite fic you've written
This one I wrote a few months back. I still haven't posted it because I just couldn't figure out a title and its pretty small for me, but oh well! I still love the thing. Here it is if your interested!
It's got a title now!
A Flower (That Began a different adventure)
After a long time of thinking and debating, Logan finally would decide to go on an adventure with Roman. The creative side was ecstatic to say the least.
Logan would say he just needed a break. But Roman knew it was an excuse so he could better understand the imagination.
The next day they would set off.
Logan would take an immediate interest in all the different plants and animals he would see. It would be the first time he had ever heard of, let alone seen, any of these new species. Roman would go on to explain that he had been the one to create these different plants and animals.
Roman would be overjoyed when asked would ask if he would help Logan document these new species. Roman would get even more excited when Logan would ask if the creative side would help him do so.
Roman and Logan would end up sitting in front of one particular plant, one which looked sort of like a Water Lilly mixed with a Dandelion. It would be a dark shade of green and be unbelievably fuzzy. Its stem would be tall and wavy, coming to a few different fuzz tops. It would be completely flat at the bottom of the bloom, but it'd become a round and fuzzy at the top. All that fuzz was the same shade of lily green, except for the center, it would be a soft shade of pink.
Roman would ramble on about the flower. It's life span (Two weeks), How to species had different colors (Light green, Dark green, and a Yellow-ish one, all with the pink centers), etc.
Roman would suddenly stop speaking as he looked in over at Logan's Entry Book (Which would be open to the 'Imagination' section). Logan would hum in confusion, giving Roman a curious look as he would wonder what compiled the side to stop speaking.
Roman would say how he was in awe at the detail of Logan's drawing, complementing the Flower's detail. He would then gasp when he would fined out Logan would be using a pen to draw the whole thing. Roman would then blubber on about how elegant and beautiful Logan's drawing was and how It-!
Logan's hands would shoot out, covering Roman's mouth and stopping the Creative Side from saying anything else, the Entry book fallen out of his lap. The Logical side would be flustered, his face red with blush. (Logan just wouldn't be able to handle Roman's compliments.)
After Roman's shock would subside as he'd gently pull Logan's hands from his mouth and chuckle. Logan would go to say something, but his words would catch in his throat as he stared at the side in front of him. To Logan's surprise, Roman would place gentle kisses on both of the palms of Logan's hands. He would smile for a moment, looking over Logan. Logan would cough, pulling his hands away and fixing his perfectly straight tie, his face completely red. Roman would then stand and then swoop Logan off his feet, causing the logical side to gasp and wrap his arms around Romans neck. Logan would blink a bit, then give an amused smile and laugh.
The two would continue to complement one another along their adventure, never mentioning how flustered the other become, but both noted it.
The adventure would end up taking a lot longer either of the sides had been planed, but they both would deem that as okay... until they returned.
They'd come home to fined Patton would have made a worrying comment about the two sides not being back yet. Remus would then comment, saying something about them probably meeting a giant evil spider. That would immediately throw Patton into a panic. And when Virgil would try to calm Patton down (giving Remus a death glare as he did) Virgil would end up panicking as well. So many things could happen. Remus, feeling bad, would apologize and point out that there were definitely worse things that Logan and Roman could run into. That would only freak them out even more.
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look-ma-im-on-tv · 3 years
Cry for Help
This is my gift for Sanders Sides Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2021!!! And GUESS WHAT? @lokiamorstuffs ??? IT'S FOR YOU!!! I'm so happy I got assigned my bestie/zucchini for this, and I really hope you like it! Also, @sanderssidesgiftxchange
Description: Hurt/Comfort Witch AU where Remus uses his hallucination magic to mess with the other sides. But lately, it's been worse, with his 'pranks' becoming harsher and more frequent. Everyone's frustrated at first, but his brother Roman figures out what's going on and calls on a special someone to help.
Ships: Intrulogical, a bit of heavily hinted Moxiety on the side but can be interpreted as really good friends or a QPR.
Warnings: Cursing, suggestive wording but nothing too explicit, maybe derealization a bit, fake gore description, fire, fainting, if I forgot any let me know!
Word Count: 3,524
AO3 Link
“Remus, would you please refrain from animating my breakfast? I have no doubt that it’s you, and it is not particularly amusing,” Logan said after his eggs and bacon had seemingly come to life, gained faces, and started screaming obscenities at him. It was very much Remus’ style, which explained why he was to the side of Logan, fallen backward over the side of the couch cackling.
Remus very frequently played pranks, putting his hallucination-style magic to good use apparently. It was pretty frequent, at least once a week, that he would have one of the other five members of the household envision an octopus on the dinner table, or, as in this case, inanimate objects coming to life and cursing at people.
It was a very full house, with witches Remus, his brother Roman, Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Janus all under the same roof. Of course, both of the twins shared ‘hallucination magic,’ which was a fairly common magic type to be given. However, Roman used their magic less for pranks, and more for putting on movies and shows they had written. Logan had potions magic, which he enjoyed thoroughly, especially since it wasn’t much magic as it was science.
Patton and Virgil had been gifted complete opposite magics, almost as an insult from the council it would seem. Patton had light magic, which meant he could instantly summon magical light anywhere, anytime. Virgil, however, had darkness magic which, if you could guess, meant he could put out any light, though only in a certain radius. That was a trick to prevent Darkness Witches from blocking out the whole entire sun.
Janus had telepathic abilities, which she was quite the master of. They could read nearly anyone’s, or anything’s, mind if given enough time. Logan despised this; he really preferred to keep his thoughts to himself.
They’d all been living together for a while now, Logan would guess that it was about 5 years ago that late-comers Remus and Roman moved in, and they had very much fallen into routine. So Remus’ pranks hardly bothered Logan anymore, and he’d even get a little smile out of it when Remus would give a huge, goofy, knowing grin before he put one of his plans into work.
Remus would always start bouncing in place or tapping his foot with anticipation before scrunching up his nose with the effort and subsequently falling back with a crazy smile and huge booming laughter when his ‘victims’ shouted with surprise. Every single time this happened; Logan had noticed the pattern a while ago. It was… charming.
“Yo, you there, Professor Sexy?” said a voice, only about an inch from Logan’s face, catching him off guard and nearly making him topple off of his stool. It was Remus.
Logan felt his face flush with embarrassment. “What?” He felt a bit like a fool.
“Didn’t mean for that little joke to throw you so off guard.” Remus shrugged. “Whatever,” he ended, walking away and back upstairs to his room.
Logan shook his head, grateful that no one else saw him, and got up himself. His food didn’t exactly look appealing after it had just had eyes and a mouth, so Logan scraped it into the garbage before putting on his jacket, grabbing his suitcase by the door, and leaving for work.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “You’re gonna have to try harder than that!” he shouted through the door. “Spiders don’t scare me, asshole!” He was very aware that the spiders crawling all over his chair and body weren’t actually there, though it helped that he could only see them, not feel them. But he still darkened the room so that he wouldn’t have to see them.
The little eight-legged creatures popped out of existence with a puff of smoke, and Virgil chuckled. Remus always forgot that he’d (mostly) grown out of his fear of spiders at about nine years old.
Virgil’s phone dinged! and he checked for the notification. [Patton’s Birthday Tomorrow!] a light blue notification showed. “What?” he questioned aloud. It shouldn’t be! He thought he had like, a month left. But he did pretty frequently forget and procrastinate. “Oh no… Shit!”
Virgil jumped out of his chair and ripped the door handle open to find Remus waiting. Perfect. “Hey!” he whispered, “I need your help! I forgot about Patton’s birthday tomorrow, and I don’t have a…” Virgil furrowed his brow, seeing a dorky grin on Remus’ face. The realization dawned on him. “You asshole! What is wrong with you!” A dark cloud surrounded them.
Remus laughed, “You should’ve seen your face! You were so worried!” Virgil just frowned. “Hey, didn’t mean to spook you that bad. You really love that guy, huh? It was just supposed to be funny. How ‘bout we hang out as an apology from my end?” Virgil turned back into his room and slammed the door in Remus’ face. He huffed. That didn’t work.
Patton then heard a knock on his door. “Who’s there?”
Without permission, the door burst open, and Remus came running through it. Patton screamed. His head was halfway disconnected at the neck, blood running everywhere and tendons trying desperately to hold it in place. “Hey dad-friend, got a little a-head of myself and I think it’s a bit of a proble-”
Patton was horrified, he fell backward to the ground, tears covering his face, sobbing. Remus instantly reversed the hallucination.
“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry!” Remus ran up next to Patton, resting his hand on his arm and offering comforting words. He concentrated to bring up the image of an enormous stuffed bear, right next to Patton, and he managed to make it feel real too. “That was way too far, I didn’t think it’d freak you out that bad.”
Patton brought a bit more glow to the room, as if he was fending off the dark imagery in his head. “You’re… you’re okay? You’re not hurt?”
“No! It was just one of my tricks. See?” Remus tilted his head to the side and rubbed his neck. “All connected.”
Patton’s tears subsided and he furrowed his brows at Remus. “That was a very mean thing you just did. That really scared me, and I don’t appreciate that.”
“I know, I know. I won’t do that again, okay daddy dearest?”
“Thanks for the bear. But I’m gonna continue my knitting. Alone.”
Remus stepped back and blinked. “Uhm, yeah. Yeah, okay.” He stepped outside and the door closed behind him. It felt like he had been stabbed in the chest with an axe. He wished Logan was still here. He was easier to be around.
Dejectedly, he tapped on Janus’ door, ready to smile and throw a handful of snakes in his face. But there was no answer. Duh, Janus worked the night shift. He hadn’t even come home yet. So Remus ran downstairs and started plotting how to get Roman when suddenly, he had an idea.
Everyone upstairs perked up their heads when they heard an ear-piercing scream echoing from downstairs. Roman jumped so high, they nearly hit their head on the ceiling. They thought they could smell smoke and ran out of their room. Sure enough, they saw dark grey plumes billowing up from the kitchen through the stairwell. Roman ran down the long hallway, knocking loudly on all of the doors and shouting, “Fire! Everyone, there’s a fire! Get out!” Once they got to the end, they turned around and counted heads. Logan left for work, Janus wasn’t back yet. Patton, Virgil, and themself were there. Remus.
“Get outside! I have to find Remus!”
“I think he’s downstairs!” Patton shouted. Roman ran downstairs, taking them two at a time and jumping past the last four or five.
“Remus! Where are you?”
“Over here!” He was stuck in a corner, his dark eyes lit up by the fire and frozen in fear.
“You have to get over here, we have to leave!”
Remus felt his eyes weighing down, closing despite his efforts. The sheer exhaustion was hitting him. “I… I can’t.” His limbs went numb and he slipped out of consciousness as he fell to the floor.
The smoke, the noise, the fire, the heat, it all disappeared. Roman looked around, confused. Everyone entered the main room, closing the front door with Janus now joining them.
Roman’s face scrunched up in anger. “Goddamnit! Another joke?” They crouched down next to their brother. “Get up you asshole! You think that’s funny?”
Patton leaned down next to them. “I think he’s really asleep…”
“So? He needs to wake up and learn that he can’t just do that shit!”
Virgil groaned. “So he’s really on one today?”
“What do you mean?”
“He was bugging me earlier. Made me think that it was Patton’s birthday tomorrow and I hadn’t gotten him a present. Scared the shit out of me.”
Patton rubbed his face. “Yeah, he paid me a little visit too. Looked like he had a… serious injury. I also heard Logan getting after him for something too earlier. He’s been much worse than usual.”
“From the sound of that, I might actually be lucky that I had overtime at work,” Janus chimed in.
Roman sighed, rubbing their temples. “He always forgets that he can really just ask.”
“Ask what?”
Roman stood. “For help. And attention. He gets this way when he feels sad and lonely. It’s a very…” they rolled their eyes, “unique way of expressing it. Usually I notice sooner, he’s never pretended to set the house on fire.”
“He’s been lonely?” Janus asked, setting down her things by the door. “I thought I would have noticed that.” They shook their head. “He’s just being his usual ‘funny’ self. It’s not like I don’t check what in the world is going on inside that mad head of his when he decides to act like this.”
“I don’t know about that.” Roman shook their head. “I’ve just… seen this pattern before. It couldn’t hurt to try and help, could it?” Everyone shrugged.
“A movie day tends to help.” They looked at Remus. “Uhm… do any of you think Logan might be able to get today off? I could go pick him up so he doesn’t have to wait for a bus.”
“Why Logan?” Virgil asked.
Roman laughed a little. “Remus messes with Logan the most, but only in tiny little, not-very-scary ways.” They paused. “Look, if I know my brother, and I do, believe me, Logan will be able to help a lot.”
“I’ll text him!” Patton offered. Roman suggested that everyone should set up some movies and blankets while they were gone, and once they got an ‘affirmative’ answer from Logan, Roman got into their truck to go pick him up.
“So, am I finally going to get any sort of definitive answer as to what is going on, or are you going to leave me in the dark as well?”
“Patton didn’t tell you?”
“Not at all. He was very vague as to the situation, just insisted that it was ‘important’ that I come back home.”
Roman sighed. “Remus is… well he’s not doing great right now. And I’m sorry if he pulled any especially rude tricks on you this morning.”
“What? Is he okay? What’s wrong?” Logan felt his heart rate shoot up.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’s just sad and needs some attention right now.”
“Just sad? Are you sure he’s okay? He seemed fine this morning, nothing out of the usual.”
“He made Patton think that he had been decapitated, and made all of us at once see the house burning down before he passed out from the effort. He tends to do some pretty harsh things when he’s feeling lonely. He’ll be fine, but we need your help to give him some comfort is all.”
“Lonely…? If I-” Logan coughed. “Wait, why do you need me? There are plenty of people at the house right now, aren’t there?” While Logan would lo-be very willing to comfort Remus in his time of need, he figured he’d just be sitting there awkwardly and taking up space.
“You don’t realize either?” Roman laughed. “Dude, he is absolutely in love with you.”
Logan’s breath caught in his chest. “What?” He tried to laugh, blow it off like he didn’t care, but it wasn’t very effective and came off more as panicked breathing. “Really?”
“Uh, yeah. Have you seen the way he looks at you?” Roman looked over at him and their eyes widened. “Oh, god, I hope you’re not mad. You don’t have to or anything, I can take you back to work if you want-”
“No!” Logan couldn’t believe his ears. Remus… loved him? Was it another trick? “I… I want to help.”
Remus, the fun-loving, crazy, impulsive, hot-as-hell Remus loved Logan? What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t possibly… could he? I mean, sure he had fantasized about combing his wild hair with his fingers as they watched a horror movie, or being hoisted up onto Remus’ wide shoulders and carried around as a distraction from his work, or of strong, gentle kisses in bed, but it wasn’t like that! He couldn’t be with Remus, he didn’t love him!
Unless… oh. Logan realized.
He really did love Remus. Every bit of him. His sparkling deep brown eyes, the dark freckles that, if you looked closely, covered every part of him with no pattern, the way he laughed.
Logan groaned and buried his head in his knees, scaring Roman. “You okay? What’s going on?”
“I… I think I feel the same way about Remus.” He lifted his head. “Are you sure he feels that way about me? Romantically?”
Roman gave a small smile. “Absolutely.”
They pulled into the driveway and Logan rushed out of the car, his every thought consumed by Remus right now. I have to help him.
He ran inside and to the couch, Roman following. “Is he okay?”
Virgil laughed. “Yeah, he’s still asleep. You sure look worried.”
Logan felt his cheeks tint red. “Yes… can I sit next to him?”
Virgil stood up, gesturing to the now-empty spot on the couch. “Go ahead. But beware: he drools.”
Logan sat down, there was so little room between the arm of the couch and Remus’ head that he ended up with his head on his lap. Logan oh-so-wanted to run his fingers through his dark curly hair, but instead, he had his arms awkwardly stuck out to the sides to avoid touching him too much.
“He’s not sick and contagious you know,” Virgil mocked.
Logan rested his arms slightly. “When’s he gonna wake up?”
Patton shrugged. “Dunno. He was using his magic on all of us at the same time. And it was pretty realistic too. He’s pretty tired out after all that.”
Logan looked down. He’d hardly ever seen Remus so… calm.
“We’ve planned out some movies while you were gone, so I suggest you get into some comfier clothes,” Janus said, referring to the suit that Logan had on, “and then you can settle down.”
Logan frowned slightly at the idea of leaving Remus still asleep and un-comforted. However, he did have to admit that a change of clothes would make this a lot more comfortable. So he slid his way out from under his head and quickly walked up to his room to change.
He came back down in a (hopefully attractive) tank top and sweatpants and reclaimed his spot just as they started a movie. Logan wasn’t really paying attention though. He just had too much to think about.
A couple of movies later, Logan glanced down to see Remus’ dark eyelashes flutter as he blinked. How long had he been awake? “Remus!” he said in a whisper. He spoke up. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yeah, just tired, Dr. Hottie,” he said, causing Logan to turn bright red. Roman paused the movie and everyone turned to check on Remus.
Logan spoke softly, “Yeah? I heard. You really pushed yourself there, I am not at all surprised that you fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.” He paused. “There’s a… rumour going around that you might be a little lonely.”
Remus laughed. “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about that?”
“Well, we’re here to comfort you.”
“We-” Remus sat up and looked around. “Wow, you really brought the whole party, huh?”
“More like the whole party brought me, but yes. We’re all here for you.”
Remus looked like he was about to say something, but all that came out was a lightly broken sigh.
Roman gave him a gentle smile, “It’s okay. We’ve got you now. You don’t have to pretend to set the whole house on fire to get us here.”
“I… Oh, I did do that. Sorry, I guess.” Remus remembered the look of fear in his brother’s eyes before he passed out. “That was too much. I shouldn’ta done that. Doesn’t matter what I’m trying to do.” He felt the pressure of the blanket on his legs and the warmth of everyone around him, of Logan at his back. He touched his finger to his cheek to find a tear. His eyes stung. “Shit, sorry I didn’t mean to-”
Virgil cut him off. “You can cry. That’s fine. None of us are gonna judge you here.”
“It’s healthy to let it out,” Logan said behind him. “Trust me.”
“I don’t…” Remus muttered. “I’m gonna just lay back down.” With reluctant tears falling from his eyes, he rested his head down on what he now fully recognized as Logan’s lap, and smiled a little before quickly falling back asleep.
As time went on, people started leaving the couch. Janus went to bed, Virgil went to his room thoroughly over-socialized, Patton went to his tutoring job, and Roman returned to his room ‘because.’
Leaving just Logan on the couch with a sleeping Remus on his lap. He let out a deep sigh. His muscles were getting tired, and he really couldn’t find it practical to keep his arms hovering a ways away from Remus. He settled into it, resting one arm over Remus’ shoulder and the other resting on the arm of the couch.
Logan was watching the movie with vaguely more focus than before when he noticed his fingers running through Remus’ soft hair. He smiled down at him lovingly, pretending that this was something that happened all the time to prevent his heart from beating right out of his chest.
Remus groaned and turned over onto his back, startling Logan into pulling his hand away. “Nonono,” he mumbled. “That was so nice and cozy, please don’t stop." He was hardly awake at all, so Logan weighed his odds of embarrassment and continued.
Remus had a soft little smile on his face, barely showing the edges of his slightly crooked teeth. Logan promised himself that he wasn’t staring at Remus’ lips right now.
“Mmn,” Remus hummed warmly. “Can…” he laughed sleepily. “I can’t believe I’m asking this right now, but it’s just- damn you’re really so pretty, Logan.” He rubbed his face a little to try and wake himself up more. “Can-can I have a kiss?”
Logan froze up like a broken computer. He could hardly breathe let alone give an answer. After what felt like an eternity, Logan managed out a whispered, “Yes.”
Remus smiled, wrapping his arms around Logan’s neck and pulling himself closer, pressing their lips together. Logan felt like he was going to faint, or maybe wake up. He couldn’t tell.
Logan also felt a tear that wasn’t his own and pulled away gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s a good tear. I’m happy to have everyone, especially you. It means love. And also that you’re super fucking sexy and kissing you is totally a dream come true.”
Logan felt like such a warm, safe space. He settled Remus’ mind when it was running at a hundred miles per hour but without shutting him down. He loved seeing the little smirk on his face whenever he would notice one of Remus’ illusions. And now he could finally admit it to him.
The two cuddled on the couch for at least another three hours before Patton got home and Roman left his room to check up on them. Roman conjured an image to the two of them of what looked like themselves being tv-style sappy and Logan buried his face in his hands. Remus just laughed and playfully punched his brother’s arm.
When the two got up so Patton could check Remus’ temperature and give him food and water, he gently reached for Logan’s hand and held him close. After Patton determined that Remus was safe, they all sat back down on the couch to continue watching some tv. Remus held his arms open, inviting Logan to curl up and cuddle, which he happily accepted, trying to ignore Patton’s “Awwww!” and Virgil handing Janus $20 behind the couch as if they couldn’t see. It was a nice calm moment to begin their crazy-in-love (emphasis on the crazy) relationship. And Remus didn’t have to set the kitchen on fire ever again.
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So cold that your stare's 'bout to kill me (Nicomas)
"I'm surprised when you kiss me"
Synopsis: Nico and Thomas's first date couldn't have gone better in Thomas's opinion.
Warning: Swearing, Spoilers for Flirting with Social Anxiety, gay-mess Thomas.
“Which reminds me; Sanders, you’ve been holding out on me!” Nico pointed his fry at Thomas, smirking accusingly.
The two were on their first date, and everything had been going real smooth, and Janus would call him out if Thomas denied how hard he was falling.
“Oh?” Thomas smiled and arched his brows. “Really?”
(“Shit , holy shit, what did we do? Oh God, what did we do?”)
(“Relax emo, he's teasing. We're fine!” Roman reassured.)
“When you said you made YouTube videos for a living, I didn’t think you had about 3 million subscribers!” Nico exclaimed, and Thomas could’ve sworn he saw his date's pupils dilate immensely.
(“Try not to flex, Thomas.” Janus smirked, clearly teasing Roman.)
(“Oh you know he won’t!” Patton nudged the snake side. Janus let out a hearty chuckle.)
“Well, I…” Thomas stammered, finding himself in a tizzy trying to figure out how to respond to that.
(“Virgil!” Roman scolded.)
(“Here, allow me.” Logan suggested, scooting closer to Roman.”)
“It didn’t really matter how big my subscription count was, I love each and everyone of my viewers and every single letter on the comments.” Thomas scratched the back of his head looking down on his burger.
(“Aww, Logan!” Patton and Roman cooed as Virgil and Janus smirked warmly. Logan denied the claims on his red meta-physical face.)
Nico smiled at Thomas, causing a flood of euphoria to come crashing down on him.
“Well, that's really sweet.” Nico said, placing his hand on Thomas’s.
He could hear the distinct screams of Patton and Roman in his head.
“Yeah, they mean a ton to me.” Thomas answered with a very sweet sigh.
There was silence between them for a while, but Thomas knew Nico had something to say, so they waited.
(“Shit, did we do something wrong? Fuck, is he mad?”)
(“Virgil, it's quite unlikely that he's mad at Thomas for not mentioning his subscriber count.”)
(“But what if he is?”)
(“Let's ask him shall we?” Janus said, scooting beside Roman.)
“What is it?” Thomas asked, biting his lower lip.
Nico looked him in the eyes, almost embarrassed. He mirrored Thomas' lip bite and intertwined his hand with Thomas’s own.
“Is this okay?” Nico asked.
Thomas gave up on trying to hide his smile hours ago. “Absolutely.” He echoed Janus’s words
(“This is… actually going great.” Janus remarked. Sarcasm and cynicism were absent from his statement.)
Nico exhaled. “Can I ask you something?”
(“Can I panic now?” Virgil asked, fingernails in between his lips.)
“Anything.” Roman made Thomas say.
Nico pursed his lips. “About Sanders Sides.”
Thomas could hear the simultaneous screams in his head, short-circuited by his date’s question.
“Oh jeez! Sorry, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.” Nico stammered, redder than Roman's sashn fearing that he might have crossed a line.
“No, it’s fine!” Thomas said under Virgil’s influence.
(All the sides looked at their anxiety in awe.)
“The sides, well, they’re, sorta like, I guess,” Thomas stammered as Virgil looked to Roman and Janus for help.
“Sanders Sides is kind of my way of discussing my emotional issues and mental turmoil in a light, sort-of gentle way.”
(“Thanks, Logan.” Virgil relaxed a bit.)
“Are they…” Nico prompted, motioning to Thomas's head.
“Yeah, they are.” Thomas replied sheepishly.
“Cool…” Nico said breathlessly. “I love them.” Nico leaned in to pressed a kiss on Thomas’s lips.
Thomas let out a dignified squeak which Nico laughed at. He buried his face in his hands, hiding his embarrassment from his endeared datemate.
(“FIRST DATE AND WE ALREADY GOT A KISS!” Roman yelled. Virgil froze right where he sat. Patton got up and began running around the room.)
(“He said, the L-word…” Virgil muttered, causing everyone to stop. )
The screams in his head made Thomas flinch.
“Can I please sleep now?” Thomas groaned.
“Hun, his smile was so perfect, how did you get so lucky?” Remy sat at the foot of his bed legs crossed and day(night) dreaming.
Thomas buried his face in his pillow with a groan.
“And his voice! It was so dreamy! Boy, you can not let go of him!”
“Let me sleep! It's 2 am!”
Remy was right. Thomas just can’t let a boy like Nico go.
@shadowjag , @wigsnatchedhoteltrivago , @arsonenthusiast , @i-love-my-dark-strange-sons @phantom-moonfire , @lostonehero , @awkward-child-of-satan , @deetheimposter , @ashtonbby2 , @lokiamorstuffs , @janus-the-sassy-snek-boi , @eeveeeclair246 @enragedbees , @franthehorsegir
Ask to be added or removed. Ilyasm!!!!
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pocket-void · 4 years
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Church Stop Notice!
Heya! So! If you’ve been tagged in this post it’s because you were previously on my AU taglist! o///o It’s been a while, but I’m planning on continuing the AU again soon-ish! (I have the cover and first part actually ready I’m still just really nervous about it lmao- >///<)
There are two important things I’m making this post for: 
1) I’d like to know if you’d still like to be tagged (Just tell me! I won’t mind either way ^///^)
2) Would people prefer if I made a separate blog for this AU instead?
The second question is for everyone in general since I genuinely have no idea. Setting up a new blog means I gotta reblog all the old stuff onto it, and not doing so just means I gotta reorganize my Masterlist! ^///^ Personally I prefer keeping all my stuff here, but maybe it’d be easier to read if it were separate? (And I’m guessing not everybody would wanna see it?) I honestly can’t decide. >///<
So yeah! Once everything’s decided and reorganized I’m gonna be jumping back into it! See you around~ o///o
@thefivecalls @astraheart04 @fandomfan315 @pandemonium-present @lehuka123 @banefullybewildered @anxiety-muffin @elizabutgayer @unsaltedtoaster37 @uselessamethyst @whisperinginthevoid @gayerplease @lokiamorstuffs @thomas-the-trans-engine @i-am-overly-complicated @janussnake @ivy-jean-walker @navi-863 @sophiexteresa @kronoose @ijustreallylikesanderssides @brilewblue @im-actually-ok @stripedchickens @dimensiongirl1 @ollyollyoxinfree @prinssess61 @yourelost-itsokay @cherry-caffi @imma-potatoo @chronophobica @everythingisstardust @yes-imtrash @bullet-tothefeels 
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Munches and Crunches (WTIYS)
Pairings: Prinxiety
Warnings: None (ask to tag)
Hey all! The amazingly talented @hitmewiththatfanart33 hit 1,000 followers a little while ago and created a WTIYS! The second WTIYS will be posted in the next couple days (I’ve got a few things to iron out). Anyway, go check her out!
Virgil furrowed his brow, staring down at the orange-red tomato soup in the pot before him as he stirred. He could just hear Roman muttering something under his breath in the corner. Virgil glanced behind him once. Twice. Three times. The third time Roman caught him staring and smirked. “Can I help you gorgeous?” He took a step and leaned in close to Virgil, taking a deep breath to inhale the aroma wafting up from the simmering soup.
Virgil could practically feel the blush creeping up his face as Roman leaned ever closer. “You’re supposed to be helping me,” Virgil retorted, smacking Roman with the spoon. Virgil stared at the splotch of thick soup on Roman’s ear as more soup dripped off the ladle he had just been using to stir the soup. “Shit.” Virgil placed the spoon on the counter and scrambled around for a towel. When he turned with it in hand, Roman had wiped off some of the soup. As Virgil watched, horrified, Roman licked it. 
Roman smiled, holding out his hand to Virgil. “It’s great! See, you didn’t need my help!” Virgil just stared at him. Roman cocked his head to the side, hand still outstretched. “What?”
“You- you licked the soup that was on your ear.” 
“And that’s fucking weird!” Virgil shoved the towel at him and started busily cleaning up the floor and the counter. When he looked over at Roman again, he had wiped off the soup and was holding the towel awkwardly. “Give it here.” Virgil held out his hand for the towel. “I’ll get Patton to do another load of laundry tomorrow. Did you come over just to have ear soup, Ro?”
Roman suddenly got a mischievous glint in his eye. Virgil might have missed for how quickly he folded in on himself, looking apologetic. Virgil raised an eyebrow, he knew Roman too well to fall for this. 
“Roman is terribly sorry for not helping with the munches and crunches,” Roman said in a voice that was somehow nasally and gravelly at the same time. Roman was perfectly imitating the voice of Gurgi from the Black Cauldron (the best movie of all time and no Virgil would not take either constructive or destructive criticism thank you very much). He glanced up at Virgil with his best imitation of a sorrowful expression before they both burst into laughter.
“You- you-” Virgil could barely breathe, let alone speak. “You remembered,” he said as soon as he could breathe normally again. Roman took a couple deep breaths, putting his hand on Virgil’s shoulder to steady himself. He drew himself up to his full height, and not for the first time, Virgil noticed the height difference between him and his boyfriend. Roman stood almost a whole head taller than him. Not that Virgil minded. His mom had told him to find someone tall enough to reach the high cupboards for him anyway.
“Of course I did.” Roman leaned in for a kiss, stopping just far enough away that Virgil could avoid it if he wanted to. He didn’t want to. Virgil closed the distance quickly, almost too quickly as their noses bumped together. Virgil felt Roman smile into the kiss as Virgil pulled him close, hugging him tightly. They stood there, enjoying each other for what felt like only a few minutes when Virgil suddenly broke away, sniffing the air. Roman tried to sneak another kiss on Virgil’s neck, but Virgil let go of Roman. 
Virgil followed the scent to the bubbling pot on the stove, to see a crackly black crust had started forming in the middle of the soup. He dashed forward, turning off the stove and frantically stirring what used to be soup with the spoon. It didn’t take him long to accept defeat. “There goes that,” He sighed. 
The doorbell rang. Roman rushed towards it with Virgil on his tail. Roman glanced behind him and grinned sheepishly when he realized Virgil was behind him. “Hey… Virge.”
“Hey?” Virgil looked at Roman for a moment before nodding towards the door. “Who’s that?”
Roman opened the door in place of his answer. A delivery man stood outside holding a pizza box. “Delivery for a Roman Sanders?”
“That’s me,” Roman said with a sideways glance at Virgil and a wide smile. 
Virgil waited until the door closed to get openly annoyed with Roman. “Pizza. Really?”
Roman raised his free hand protectively, likely to ward off another attack with a spoon or some other household item, Virgil wasn’t choosy when it came to lightly smacking him with random objects when he was being annoying. “In my defense, when has anything we made together not been a complete disaster? We always end up having takeout anyway, so I thought I’d expedite the process.”
Virgil snorted. “Logan teach you that one?”
“No actually I read that one all on my own.”
Virgil nudged Roman with his shoulder. “It was a joke Princey. Heard of those?”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Roman replied with a begrudging smile. 
“Still,” Virgil looked at the pizza thoughtfully, “I think I have a plan.” 
The next couple minutes were a blur of cleaning and setting up the living room into (Roman’s words) “THE BEST FORT EVER!!!!” (Nothing needs to be said about how he said that every time and how every time it managed to be more elaborate. Virgil had no idea he had that many blankets in the house, let alone pillows. It was like he brought more every time. He never took them back, but Virgil always had room for them somehow.)
They lay down next to one another. Virgil leaned his head on Roman’s shoulder as the opening monologue began. 
 Legend has it, in the mystic land of Prydain...
 I had a ton of fun writing this! If you want more of my writing or Juniper’s we’re collaborating on a fic called Lost in the Wrong Story which is a really fun story full of fairytales and Roman angst. If you need added warnings, have questions, or would like to be added to my taglist let me know! Stay safe :)
@dragonleesupporter @emo--nightmaree @7-slights-at-virgil @lokiamorstuffs @underthesea73
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im-an-error-404 · 4 years
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@lokiamorstuffs​ wrote a super cute fic so I had to make a drawing of it !
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pun-master-logan · 4 years
@lokiamorstuffs, thank you for the feedback, I tried my best on the spelling and grammar, so I’m happy to here it’s all good, I’m dyslexic, so even when I triple check, things can go unnoticed, I’ve been working hard on my writing and storytelling for years to get to this level, but I still have a lot to work on
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
Lcjejcnxnnxkxjx anyhows thanks you???!? No clue how I got that may peeples but it means so much to me!! You guys are so awesome sauce and I just hope you all have a wonderfuly fantastic day!! (Or, like, night too. Whatever it may be for you!) ❤❤❤
(Why tho..? Like.... What your real motive hm?? Why you here???...I'm confuzzleds)
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
Part 2
(Part 1, Part 3)
Thank you @look-ma-im-on-tv for all the help!
Remus listened to the soft sobbing from both Patton and Roman. He should probably feel bad for them, especially Patton.
Patton was really easy to manipulate, he made a good Damsel in Distress, and he could be quite cute. Really cute. And he loved him, Patton was his brother!
So maybe he shouldn't have been upset that his Dad was sitting with his 6-year-old brother, who was just sobbing. But then there was that fact of his dad was in there with Patton. That's probably why he wasn't worried about him.
He understood how Patton felt, sacred for JJ. How everyone else felt, well he wasn't sure. He could assume it was the same.
But back to Roman. He was there crying too. He had his head under his blankets as he just sat there sobbing on the bottom half of the bunk bed. Remus had seen him when he had entered the room an hour and half ago. Roman's crying was quiet and strained. Remus could tell that he was trying to keep it down, probably trying to push all those icky feelings so far down that they wouldn't be there anymore. Remus knew how to do that. He'd always do that.
In all truth, no one really talked about feeling with him. It's why he didn't understand too much about emotions. Maybe that's why he repressed his fears and sadness all the time. Maybe that was the reason he hadn't cried when everything just went downhill. Crying made others sad and angry, and he was trying- just trying to stay strong for them. For Janus.
Janus had never told him weeping was a weakness, never told him he shouldn't be scared. Janus was a vent for him. Always there to understand, always there to give a hug.
Dad had said he could always go to him, but Dad had Roman and Patton and Virgil to take care of. They all had really bad feelings sometimes. So Remus would go to Janus, but now he might lose that vent. He might lose that small safe space he made with Janus. He might lose Janus. That thought alone scared him to death. Out of everything, it was that thought. He might lose his brother.
This all would have made more sense if they were near Halloween. Janus could be a mummy, right? Certainly, he would be covered in this of bandages. Maybe it would help him feel better. But then again, who knows what those burns looked like. Maybe a mad scientist or zombie would be better...
Remus sighed as he sat up in his bed, continuing to listen to more of Romans sobs. Maybe Roman needed a vent for his feelings too. Dad had told him that having a vent was a good thing, especially since it was Janus. He still didn't understand what he meant by that, but oh well.
Remus turned to his side and hooked his feet under the bar of bedside railing. He then turned and lifted himself over and then let himself fall, making himself hang just like a bat. He took a breath, then huffed. He wished he could just make Roman feel okay. It was so... So stupid! "You're being a crybaby. It's stupid."
Roman shifted, and for a moment, Remus thought he wouldn't say or anything, but then Roman uncovered his face from under the covers as he sniffled. His eyes were full of anger even though they were all puffy and had tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I'm not. It's not... Stupid..."
Remus just folded his arms, tilting his head to the side a bit. It was very much stupid. Feelings in general were stupid. "You like cryin' don't you?"
"Shut up..." Roman mumbled through a few hiccups. Remus could see his grip tighten on his blanket.
He chuckled awkwardly. "Wait till I tell dad you told me to shut up. Maybe he can help you with your cryin'."
"At least I am!" Roman snapped, shoving his hands down into his lap. "Y-You just don't care JJ is hurt! That's why you're not crying!" Roman's eyes burned into his lap as he refused to look up.
Remus frowned. He was just trying to help. "You're a jerk for saying that. Course I care." Why would he say that? He cared for both of them.
"No, you don't. You didn't even feel bad when you found out JJ was hurt! Your... Your jus' heartless!" Remus looked at Roman for a moment, hurt flashing in his eyes. He pulled himself back onto the top bunk and hugged himself.
He felt like his heart was sinking into his stomach. He didn't really know if he could stop the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes.
Why was Roman so mean to him all the time? He was just trying to help. He was just... Trying to be there for him. Why did he have to say such hurtful things? Well... Maybe... He sighed and shook his head. Maybe it was just him. Maybe he was the problem. Whatever. He could still help Roman feel better. And... And maybe he could feel better too.
Remus wiped away the tears in his eyes, though only more came. He sucked in a breath deciding to ignore them. Slowly he climbed down the latter to his bed.
Silent tears rolled down both their faces as Roman noticed him, but before Roman could even say anything Remus spoke. "I'm going to find Logan." He rubbed his arm a bit, looking away. "Come on."
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
Part 1
(Part 2, Part 3)
Thank you for @look-ma-im-on-tv helping with the planning and editing! You're a story savor!!
Thomas gave a sad smile as he gently laid Patton down in bed. He was sure the others had been to sleep long ago, but that was okay.
He grabbed Patton's stuffed dragon and handed it to him. Logan had been the one to make the stuffed creature. Lo had given it to Patton a few months ago, assuring that the dragon would always protect the little one from anything. "Alright. Now it's really time for bed." Thomas said, gently patting Patton on the head. He was about to turn and leave but he stopped upon Patton's small voice. "I'm scared..."
He sucked in a breath and thought for a second. Turning, he gave a comforting smile as he leaned down next to his youngest. Thomas had figured Patton would still be having trouble sleeping at night, more than he usually did anyway. "Do you want me to read you a story? Maybe that will help."
Patton nodded. Thomas nodded in return, stood, grabbed a book from a shelf, and stepped back over. He lifted Patton up and then sat down in the bed. Thomas placed Patton into his lap and held the book so his son could see it.
He opened the book and started. "A Paper Flower. Once there was a prince who was obsessed with flowers." Thomas read, "He had a big garden filled with all different kinds. There were yellows, and blues, pinks, and greens. He owned every color. But the prince was saddened by his flowers, for every time he picked one it would soon die after."
Thomas stopped reading and looked down at his son, noting the nervous tone Patton tried to hide. It made Thomas feel a pang of sadness. "Yes, Patton?" He could see how Patton held stuffed dragon a bit tighter. "...J scares me..."
Thomas sucked in a breath and thought for a moment. Last time any of his sons got to see their brother, Janus, he was being rushed to a hospital. Thomas had refused to let his sons see their brother in such a startling state, so Joan had really done him a favor and taken them all in for a night while he was at the hospital.
Thomas looked down at his youngest, giving a comforting look. "Pat. Buddy... Look... I know it was all really scary, but you know your brother. He's still..." He paused. After the accident, which left burn marks down the half of his body, J -or more of Janus- still had made a few snappy comebacks and a few little jokes. Janus was really worried about everyone else, even though he himself was the one who was hurt. Patton hadn't been there, thankfully, but Janus' absence still certainly freaked him out. Seriously, how could you tell a 6-year-old his brother just got mangled with burns then expect him to be okay? How would anyone be okay after that?
He sighed. "He's not in any more danger. Everything will be fine, we just have to stay strong, Pat."
"N-no," Patton mumbled and that surprised Thomas, but the surprise faded to sadness as Patton continued. "He- I wan... I want him home! I wan J ta come home!" He sniffled and rubbed at his eyes while tears formed.
Thomas wrapped his son into a tight hug. Janus was okay... Damn, he hated that thought. It caused his chest to tighten and his throat to go dry. Janus was not okay. Thomas hated that it was true. He also hated that it was the same thing all of his sons had had racing through their minds. And out of all of it what- what if... No! that wasn't that case. Janus was alive. "Don't worry, Pat." He spoke, keeping his voice steady as he felt tears fill his eyes too. "J's going to come home, but he just needs help. He just needs help right now. He'll be home soon, you won't even know it."
Patton glanced up at his dad with watery eyes. "P-promise?"
Thomas gave a comforting smile as he looked down at his son, not able to stop a tear from slipping down his cheek. "I promise."
Patton burst into tears of relief at that, and Thomas just hugged him closer as he rubbed his back. He had very much decided that Patton shouldn't have to sleep alone tonight. Patton needed him right now. And he needed to sit and comfort him his son.
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
Can I do an audio reading of Title ??? (Once it has one) for @/fander-audiobooks? There would be all the credit of course but 👀 might be cool
Oh yeah totally!!!! That would be so awesome!! I'll uh figure out that title for ya as soon as I can!
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
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Borrowed a drawing tablet for a bit and made this
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lokiamorstuffs · 4 years
Wanted to share a link this sight. It's a bunch of lgbtq+ books for teens. So many look really look like a good read!
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Dysphoria Days (Intrulogical)
Summary: Remus is there to help his boyfriend during these trying times
Pairings: Romantic Intrulogical
Tw: gender dysphoria, unintentional homophobia, swearing
Notes: Trans Logan and a very, very sweet Remus own my life. Plus me self projecting once more.
Remus wheelied around the grocery store in his shopping cart, not minding the confused looks he received. He was just glad he could finally get some shopping without anyone nagging at him.
With his cart full, he boosted the shopping cart, hitting the cash register rather abruptly. The cashier sighed, not new to Remus’ antics.
“That’ll be a hundred-seventy, Rem.” Virgil sighed. Remus grinned and slid his credit card on the counter.
The lady behind Remus, who looked about nearing her fifties, said to him, “Your girlfriend is absolutely lucky, young man.”
Virgil buried his face on the counter as he saw the shit eating grin Remus gave the lady before he wheelied away without a response.
Seriously! What more does he have to do?! Were the crop top and fishnet stockings not enough?! Did he have to wear an ID on him?
He screamed as he put the goods in the trunk of the car. “BITCH I AM A FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL, OKAY?!”
The other people in the parking lot stared while a few cheered. “Yas! Same!”
His shit eating grin faded into a more cheerful one at that response.
While driving, it took him every piece of his actual gut not to hit each driver that went below the speed limit.
“Move it, bitches! Some people have somewhere to be!” He slammed his fist against the car’s horn.
As he pulled up to his apartment, he felt rather agitated, clutching the bags filled to the brim with sweets and treats, stumbling his way to the door.
He ran into the kitchen and placed the items clumsily on the table and ran to his bedroom, where the love of his life laid on the bed clutching his stomach.
“Hey Lo, I’m home!” Remus said, laying on the bed beside his lover. “You okay, honeybear?” Remus hated a lot of things, but not as much as seeing Logan being tortured by his own body.
Logan smiled as he felt his boyfriend snuggle up and bury his face on Logan’s neck. “Better, now that you’re here.”
“Still hurts, Lo-down?” Remus asked, peppering the boy in his arms.
“Slightly, but your presence seemed to have lessen the inflammation. It’s nothing to worry about.” Logan whispered.
“Of course, I’ll worry! Let me worry!” Remus whined. “Oh by the way, I got six jars of Loganberry Crofters.”
Logan was slightly startled. “Dear, I think that’s a bit above and beyond.”
Remus chuckled. “It better be! I had to stand three minutes talking to a harlot who called me straight!”
“You didn’t have to…” Logan turned to press against Remus’ chest.
“Ha! If you think Crofters were all I got you, you’d be wrong!” Remus grinned, snuggling Logan tighter.
“Oh dear, you didn’t have to…” Logan began before he was cut off.
“Nah ah, Lo. We’re in this together! I bring whatever you need while you bleed!” Remus kissed Logan’s nose.
Logan chuckled heartily. He knew he could stand this with Remus. He knows this.
“By the way, dysphoria hitting you bad?” Remus asked concerned.
“It doesn’t matter…” Logan sighed.
“Bullshit…” Remus whispered. “I’m here for you. You know that, right?” He gave a small peck on his boyfriend’s lip.
“I love you, Lolo…” Remus sighed. He stroked Logan’s hair in the most gentle way possible. He wasn’t sure he was capable of such domesticity, and he blamed Logan for it.
“I love you, too Ree. Thank you.” Logan held a tear back as he felt safe in his lover’s arm.
Tell me if you wanna be added or removed!❤
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pocket-void · 4 years
Hey Logan, did mysterious death boi give you the scar on your cheek?
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Neither of them had anything to do with it.
Bad question. Bit of a uh...touchy subject.
I sure hope I nailed the tone. I just really wanted to draw a proper picture. o///o Will more things be illustrated in the future? Certainly depends, but yes. :) I hope so anyways.^^
@thefivecalls @astraheart04 @fandomfan315 @pandemonium-present @lehuka123 @banefullybewildered @anxiety-muffin @elizabutgayer @unsaltedtoaster37 @uselessamethyst @whisperinginthevoid @gayerplease @lokiamorstuffs @thomas-the-trans-engine @i-am-overly-complicated @janussnake @ivy-jean-walker @navi-863 @sophiexteresa @kronoose @ijustreallylikesanderssides @brilewblue @im-actually-ok @stripedchickens @dimensiongirl1
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