#lol I was not ready for the suggestions when I typed in “dad” as a tag
didyougaming · 5 months
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bussyslayer333 · 4 months
‘cause you’re so smooth
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summary: phoenix invites the boys to her salsa class, big mistake.
pairing: bob floyd x fem!reader
word count: 3k+
warnings: swearing, alcohol mentions, suggestive nature lols, me not knowing anything about salsa
my return to writing with a fic i teased over a year ago!! i hope you all enjoy
ps requests r open :p
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“Nix, if you think I want to spend my Sunday evening learning to salsa dance with a bunch of soccer moms then I think your concussion hasn’t healed properly.” Jake sasses in response to Nat’s invitation.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Nat but Sunday is my chill out day, when else am I gonna beat Fitch’s ass on cod?” Fanboy reasons.
Natasha knew it was a stretch asking the boys to join her salsa dancing class, but she thought it was important for them to get out more. At the moment, seemingly all they did was trudge from work to the Hard Deck over and over again.
She sighs, “it would be good for you guys to get out more, y’know?”
“I’ll go, Nat,” Bob smiles, nodding to her from where he is perched on a stool behind her.
“Thank you, Bob.” Nat nods back to him, “the rest of you can suck it.”
“Hey!” Bradley yells as he appears back from the bar, beers in tow, “what did we say about using that type of language?”
“Shut up Dadley,” Nat rolls her eyes as Bradley flicks his tongue out before handing her a beer.
“As much as I’d truly love to attend that class ‘Nix, I’m already a salsa pro and I wouldn’t want you to feel embarrassed about your skills,” Bradley declares, before taking an obnoxious sip of his beer.
“Yeah fuckin’ right, and my dad is prima ballerina,” Jake snorts.
“Let’s not discredit Papa Seresin, I saw him tear Boogie Wonderland up at your sister’s wedding.” Coyote nods.
“Yeah and even that shit was better than what Rooster could pull off,” Jake decides.
Bradley only shrugs at the jibe, a lazy smirk plastered onto his face, which serves only to piss Jake off more.
“Dance off?” Fanboy proposes, standing to head to the jukebox.
“No?” Jake frowns.
Fanboy drops back to his seat with a sigh, “was worth a shot.”
Nat shakes her head with a snort and brings the conversation back to the matter at hand.
“Look it’s fine, I’m just saying I think you guys would enjoy it!” She reasons.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun!” Bob adds happily.
Nat can only sigh at the lack of response.
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Bob is already waiting outside the community centre when Nat arrives, looking down and nervously picking at a thread on the bottom of his gym shorts.
“You ready?” Nat questions, trying to alleviate his nerves.
When Bob looks up his brows unfurl and he lets a small smile sip onto his face.
“Yeah, sure, let’s do this!” He pumps his fist a little awkwardly.
Nat can only chuckle in response as she makes her way to the room at the left of the reception where the class is held. You’re stood by the door chatting with one of the older women in your class when Nat comes into your view.
“Natasha! How’s my best student?” You tease, stepping towards her.
“I’m great, thanks!” Nat blushes before gesturing to Bob, “I hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend.”
Bob sucks in a breath as you finally lock eyes with him. Shit. You were beautiful and those leggings were doing you an undoubted amount of favours.
Sadly, Bob had an incredibly annoying habit he was unable to shake. It was known as “embarrassing himself in front of beautiful women” and that seemed to strike him just as you stuck your manicured hand out to shake his own.
The breath that Bob had sucked in caught in his throat which was drying up increasingly as he took you in, leading to an unprecedented coughing fit doubling him over. What seemed to make it worse was your shocked gasp and immediate move to lean over him and pay his back gently. Bob tried not to focus on your cleavage directly next to his face and instead on regulating his breathing. It was proving difficult, especially when he could hear Nat cackling at his misfortune from behind him.
Once almost fully back to normal, you squeeze his bicep and chuckle,
“I don’t think I’ve ever quite literally taken someone’s breath away!” You giggle, voice oh so sweet.
Bob can’t even let himself feel embarrassed with the way your soft hand feels on his arm.
“I’m so sorry about that,” he cringes.
“Don’t worry about it,” you smile reassuringly.
Nat is growing seemingly agitated by Bob’s lingering near the door so she steers him forwards away from you.
“Best get set up!” She announces, dragging him into the room.
The classroom is spacious, a high ceiling and large windows on the left wall. The wall facing the door is covered in mirrors that amplify the light in the area.
Before Bob can speak up again, two men who look to be in their late 40s rush over towards Natasha. They’re the complete opposite of one another, the first who reaches for Natasha is tanned and has dark curling hair with flecks of grey throughout.
“Natasha! Darling it is so great to see you!” He exclaims with a slight accent, holding her hand in his.
The other has embraced the grey in his hair, he’s relatively pale but has clearly kept his physique, he nods towards Bob with a glint of something in his eye, “I thought he wasn’t your type?”
Nat snorts, clueing Bob in finally on what the two men were hinting at.
“My best friend, boys don’t worry,” she teases.
“Thank God, I’ve been trying to set you up with my niece for how long now?” The dark haired man smiles.
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m always busy at the moment,” she shrugs apologetically before turning back to Bob, “Bob this is Marco and Luke.”
They both shake his hand and size him up as they do so, the grey haired one (Luke) declares.
“He’s cute, Nat, where have you been hiding him?” He prods.
Bob exhales at the approval and watches as Nat breaks out into laughter. “Away from you!”
Marco and Luke break into laughter alongside Nat and Bob can’t help himself but join. Just as they’re all catching their breath, Bob jumps out of his skin again as he feels his hand on his shoulder.
“Boys, we’re being welcoming to our newcomer aren’t we?” You hum.
Your hip is touching Bob’s and the soft skin of your hand on his shoulder has him malfunctioning, luckily he isn’t forced into replying (or choking) this time.
“Of course we are beautiful, what do you think of us?” Marco gasps in faux shock.
“I think that I know what you two are like,” you roll your eyes before making your way to the front of the room.
You send Bob a sly wink before finally beginning, “It’s so great to see you all again!”
Everyone in the room blurts out greetings at you as you begin, “We’ll continue on from last week,” you strut over to the stereo in the corner and a latin pop track floats out into the room and Bob vaguely recognises the tune.
Marco and Luke are quick to start fluidly moving around the floor space and Bob notices that others in the room are doing the same. You make your way quickly over to him and place your hand on the small of his back, straightening his posture.
“I don’t expect you to get it immediately,” you smile into his ear, “we’ll start off with some basics and turn variations.”
Bob hopes you can’t see the nervous perspiration already forming on the back of his neck and nods a little too eagerly at your words. He looks back to Nat for some encouragement but she’s already dancing and chatting with a group of women next to the tall windows.
“I don’t bite,” You giggle, shocking Bob who looks back to see you holding your hand out for him to grab onto.
“Sorry, I’m not the best dancer-” Bob’s self depreciation is swiftly disrupted by you placing his hand on your waist and the other in your own.
“All the more for me to work with,” you smile, and Bob feels himself smiling back.
Although a tad clunky, Bob manages not to step on your toes and has some surprisingly fluid hip movement which intrigues you ever so slightly.
By the last ten minutes of the class, Bob is twirling Marco around as Luke and Nat chat to you about technique.
“What were you nervous about?” Marco probes Bob, “you’re a natural!”
Bob can only chuckle shyly in response and he glances over at your frame. Marco seems to notice Bob’s longing glances and slowly stops their dance.
“Go for it.”
“What?” Bob splutters.
“She’s been making googoo eyes at you the whole time mister, don’t pretend you haven’t noticed.”
Bob reels for a moment at Marcos admission before straightening up. “You think?”
Marco rolls his eyes. “I know.”
Before Bob can reach you you’re already strutting back towards the stereo to lower the volume of the music and gather everyone’s attention.
“Thank you so much everyone! You’ve all been brilliant today and I can’t wait to see you next week!” You beam at everyone.
People begin to gather to chat and start to disperse and you begin to gather your own belongings, stopping to make conversation with others as you do so. Luke and Nat join Bob and Marco with sly smirks on their faces.
“So…” Nat begins, “You’ll be coming back next week I presume?”
Bob flushes at Nat’s knowing look. “Yeah,” he looks to you, “definitely.”
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Bob didn’t mean to let it slip. Like seriously, his lips were so sealed. Air tight.
“But HOW hot are we talking?” Mickey slurs over the nth shot he’d done with Bob at the Hard Deck’s happy hour.
So maybe not air tight.
It was Thursday evening and the rest of the daggers had politely declined drinks with Fanboy, but Bob (the ever dutiful friend) had accepted, hoping to be in and out within the hour. But alas, here they were.
“Fuckin’ smoking,” Bob mimes an explosion with his hands as Mickey nods enthusiastically to his answer.
“I choked on air when I saw her and almost popped a boner during a Justin Timberlake song,” Bob continues to ramble, once given the chance to talk about you he clearly wasn’t going to stop.
“And when is this class?” Mickey slumps closer to Bob, tequila breath hot on his neck.
“Ummmm, Sunday evening at 6 I think?” Bob nods, remembering the details Nat had sent him in a text the week previous.
“Good to know,” Mickey hums, reaching his hand forward to signal for another round, knocking someone’s drink over in the process. “Oops.”
Bob is quick to drag Mickey away from the bar top after that, realising they’d probably overdone it a tad for a weekday evening.
As the cool sea breeze hits Bob’s flushed face whilst him and Mickey wait outside the Hard Deck for their uber, he can’t help but let his mind drift to you, what you were potentially up to, do you teach other classes during the week? Do you dance professionally? God, you definitely could, the way your hips moved-
Bob shook his head, as if to get the image of you stuck in his mind out. He looked to Mickey hanging off of his arm, he was looking to the ground and shaking as if to stave off the imminent vomit that was about to leave his mouth any second now.
“Let’s get you home man,” Bob pats Mickey on the head, dragging him towards their Uber pulling up.
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“Hey, Bob!” Nat yells across the parking lot, catching the back of her friend’s tall frame leant against a pillar near the front of the community center.
When Bob turns around, Nat notices two people next to him who she was not expecting to see.
“Fitch? Fanboy?” Nat cocks her head to the side. “I thought you guys were too busy to come?”
Nat’s accusatory eyes meet Bob’s sheepish expression as he awkwardly clears his throat.
“We heard the teacher was hot as fuck.” Payback shrugs.
Fanboy giggles next to him in excitement, “I’ve been practicing-”
“Bob I swear-” Natasha begins, finger pointing right into Bob’s chest.
“Sup, biatches!” Jake yells, alerting everyone of his and Javy’s presence. “Who’s ready to get their salsa on?”
Nat spins around on her heel, eyes shooting daggers into Jake and Javy.
“Bob, I’m going to kill you.” She states, eerily calm.
“Oh come on Phe! You wanted us here just last week!” Jake exclaims, walking round to slap Bob on the shoulder and greet Payback and Fanboy behind him.
“Yeah! When I wanted you guys to get out and do something productive! Not fuck my lovely salsa teacher, who by the way, was not socialised by wolves! So will absolutely not be charmed by any of you fools!”
With that, Nat turns and walks into the community center, leaving the boys to sprint in after her.
“At least this can’t get any worse,” Nat mutters to herself, pulling the door to your studio open.
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“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nat stills in the doorway, the rest of the boys behind her peeking their heads in.
“What now?” Bob asks guiltily.
Nat opens the door fully and allows the men behind her to file into the studio, where her fellow classmates are stood in a semi circle whooping and hollering at you dancing in the middle with none other than Bradley Bradshaw.
“Fucking Bradshaw,” Jake scoffs, pushing his way ahead whilst checking himself out in the full length mirrors that line the opposite wall of the room.
“Chicken never told us he could dance!” Jake yells over the latin music filling the room, successfully interrupting your dance with Bradley.
Bradley’s head whips to the side at the sound of that familiar ear grating voice. He gives you an apologetic look as he walks over to begin squabbling with a man you presume he knows. The commotion between the boys alerts you to the presence of Natasha and Bob as well as three other unfamiliar men. When Bradley had introduced himself with a smirk and a drawling voice as a friend of Natasha’s you had to wonder whether all of her colleagues were so handsome and by the looks of it, they were.
Nat is quick to walk over to you with an apologetic smile. “I want to apologise in advance for the next hour. They are insufferable.”
You look behind her to where the gaggle of men she calls her close friends are stood, you can see Marco and Luke itching to get their claws in and you have to giggle. This should be interesting.
After instructing the rest of your class to continue practicing the routine you had been working on, you figure it was only fair to come and personally consult your newest joiners.
As the boys (and Nat) notice you wandering towards them, they all begin to elbow each other like school boys giggling amongst themselves. Bob and Nat can only keep their embarrassment internal for so long.
When you come to a stop in front of them, the man you’ve come to learn as Jake smiles dazzlingly and stretches his arms above his head,
“God it is hot in here!” He begins to reach for the bottom of his shirt, aiming to impress you with his toned stomach.
“The A/C is on full blast dumbass.” Nat swats at the back of Jake’s head, causing him to drop his shirt again and rub at his temple. “Ow!”
Snickers fall from Javy and Mickey, who quickly straighten themselves up when they see you casting your eyes over them.
“As I said to Bob last week, with all my new starters I’ll begin with some basics for you guys and then we can ease into a routine,” you smile, heading towards Bradley and Nat.
“Since you two already have some experience you can help me teach!”
Bradley preens under your praise, already assuming the role of teacher’s pet, whilst Nat looks mildly irritated at having to teach her imbecilic friends how to dance.
“Alright guys! let’s partner up!” you shout at them, giggling as they all rush towards you, you note how Bob lingers back behind his more extroverted friends and grin.
“I should clarify, I meant with each other.” You shoo them backwards and watch as they couple up.
Mickey and Reuben clap each other on the back and Javy and Jake nod at one another leaving Bob, stood on his own. You saunter towards him and grab at arm, dragging him to the front with you.
“Looks like you’re with me,” you tease.
“Uh, who do you want me to partner up with?” Bradley scratches at his head obliviously.
You cock your head to the side with a confused laugh.
“I hate you so much right now,” Nat spews, gripping Bradley’s arm and pulling him into position with her.
“Oh, yeah. Right, sorry Nat.” Bradley chuckles.
Your lessons continues with explaining how someone will have to take the lead and the other will follow, and you wander around positioning their hands and postures correctly.
“Javy, you are like a brother to me, but your hands are too fucking low right now.” Jake grits through this teeth.
“Right! Ha, sorry man,” Javy’s hands shoots back up towards the middle of Jake’s back.
Bob is still apprehensive when he places his hands on your waist, but you’re quick to affirm him in his position. Leaning towards him you whisper, “don’t worry you’re still my favourite.”
A smile graces his face at that and he relaxes in your grip.
“Right guys! We’re gonna start with some turns and variations now!”
You quickly learn that trying to wrangle these men is proving difficult, as Payback almost spins Fanboy into a wall after zoning out stating at how your hips moved.
“I’m good bro, don’t worry,” Mickey is quick to readjust himself, hoping the room stops spinning soon.
You can’t help but laugh when Javy attempts to dip Jake to the floor in a move he thought would impress you, but it seems he forgot to account for how tall and heavy Jake is, as he goes toppling down with him.
“Fuck dude! You’re heavy!” Javy groans, rubbing his knee. Jake clearly didn’t take kindly to his words as he shoves back at Javy childishly.
“Boys! Come on get up!” You snap, trying to sound stern but still fighting off giggles.
Jake and Javy are quick to get back on their feet, but you catch them in your peripheral poking and pinching each other when they think you aren’t looking.
Even Bradley who was so light on his feet when he was showing you his moves earlier, is clearly distracted, constantly stepping on Nat’s feet as they practice variations.
“If you step on my toe one more time, Rooster I swear to God, you will not see daylight again,” Nat threatens.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! She’s just so…” Bradley trails off as he watches you dance slowly with Bob, stopping every now and then to correct him kindly or answer questions from others in your class.
“I know! And you guys are scaring her off by acting crazy.” Nat sighs, moving back as she senses Bradley’s feet heading for her toes again.
“I mean I wouldn’t say crazy…” Bradley scratches the back of his neck.
“Well I walked in to see you spinning her around like you’re a pro on dancing with the stars so maybe you should reevaluate.”
“You think I’m that good?” Bradley smirks to himself.
“Oh shut up,” Nat rolls her eyes and looks back to the rest of her friends around the room.
Payback and Fanboy were continually stumbling around in circles as they each try to catch your eye, pissing off everyone else in the room as they bumped and knocked into others. She caught Marco and Luke’s judgy eyes flicking back and forth between her and her friends and groaned.
Jake and Javy looked either one wrong move away from fucking or fighting, Nat couldn’t really tell.
God this was embarrassing.
Luckily, your voice rings out across the room, interrupting her moping.
“Thank you guys for today! And Thank you to my newcomers!” you gesture to the group of men stumbling over each other and stifle a laugh.
“I’ll see you all next week!”
Your regular attenders start filing out slowly, some coming over to chat and collect their things. You can see Nat trying to drag her friends away out they seem intent on lingering long enough to catch some time alone with you.
“You guys might as well go, she clearly wants me.” Jake shrugs, pulling the front of his shirt up to wipe his face.
Mickey is quick to dispute, “Are you kidding me? I twirled like a ballerina, I’m so in.”
Nat is moments away from body slamming her friends who she once loved when it goes silent around her. She figures you finally made you way over.
“Hey guys, thanks so much for joining today! I’m really sorry I’ve got to get going but um- ”
You pause and sense eyes on you.
“Bob, I was just wondering if I could get your number?” you smile, walking towards him and squeezing his arm. “You know, to talk about how we can improve your technique,” your reasoning clear as day even with your coverup
“Yeah! Yes, of course I mean,” Bob composes himself, taking your phone with shaking hands and typing in his number.
“Great,” you wink, retrieving your phone, “I’ll text you.”
You end with that, sauntering past the group and waving goodbye to Nat with a knowing look.
Everyone seems stunned by your words, but mostly Bob who blinks slowly, seemingly still in shock by your acknowledgement.
Nat finally breaks into laughter, doubling over at the confused faces of her other friends.
“Man!” She shouts through her giggles, “you just cannot make that shit up!”
The grumbles around her don’t even phase her as she goes to pick up her bag and head for the door, a group of downtrodden looking men following her and Bob with a newfound pep in his step.
“By the way Rooster, how come you actually are so good?” Nat asks as they make their way into the parking lot.
Bradley stills, silent as he contemplates answering.
“If I tell you, you have to promise to not go searching for anything.” He looks around at his friends.
Following their nods he continues, “I used to compete professionally, when I was like 13, my mom forced me to.” Bradley cringes at the memory of his tween self in sparkly shirts his mom always hand picked out for him in the most hideous colours.
Bradley looks back up to see Jake grinning mischievously at his phone, and his stomach drops.
“Is this you?” Jake smirks, turning his phone around to show everyone an old video on youtube titled.
Bob suddenly felt as though his coughing fit over you wasn’t the most embarrassing thing he had to witness anymore.
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a/n: it is great to be back gang xx i’ve missed writing and ofc i had to bring back the bob agenda!! it’s what i stand for :) i’m thinking mayhaps a part 2 where i explore the dynamic between sexy salsa teacher and bob bc atm this was just a chance for me to make fun of the daggers 😣
i hope you enjoyed reading and tysm!!
pls reblog, comment or drop me an ask and tell me what you thought!! feedback means sm to me considering i’m a lil rusty
anyways thank u again for reading!!!!
- honey xoxo
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trippinsorrows · 3 months
with me + part seventeen
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authors note: hi! this one isn't as long as some of the most recent, but it is fluffy! well, for the most part. next one will probably be a lil longer and def not as fluffy.....
also, ya'll fake asf for not telling me i put 'simone' as reader sister's name when it's 'bianca' at the end of the last update. i may or may not watch crime docs sometimes while writing......
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 5k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @msbigredmachine @yolobloggers @southerngirl41 @wanderingreigns
You don’t typically get nervous.
It’s just not a trademark of your personality, but for this….for this, there’s definitely a fair amount of trepidation. For one, outside of the fact that most of your favorite outfits suddenly seem too unflattering or fit a bit too snug. For two, you can’t seem to get your hair to cooperate with the same updo you’ve done since you were in your teens.
Not to mention the fact that you were so in your head about this damn lunch during your shower that you weren’t paying close enough attention as you were shaving down there and nicked yourself. On a fucking lip of all things. So now you walk with a bit of limp because that fucking cut keeps brushing, burning, against your underwear.
Truthfully, all of this just feels like a sign that you shouldn’t be doing this. That you should text Bianca some excuse as to why you can’t make it to lunch.
But, it’s the image of Callie’s sweet, smiling face and ardent excitement as you told her Bianca was coming in town and bringing Taylor that you realize you can’t do that to her. She’s so excited about seeing and playing with Taylor again that it feels almost cruel to take that away from her.
So pushing aside your injured pussy lip, crooked bun, and unflattering outfit, you do what needs to be done for the sake of your daughter.
And yourself, really. 
Of course, you got Callie ready before yourself, as she’s much much easier. So, it’s nothing to grab her once you’re done overthinking to head out and go. But not before snapping a selfie of the two of you and sending it to your close friends story and Joe. Cause God forbid this man learns what Stories are and how they work. 
You may not be thrilled with your appearance, but Callie is just too cute to not photograph.
You two arrive at the restaurant before Bianca and Taylor, which you’re mostly grateful for. It allows you to work through the remnants of your anxiety and catch up on a few texts. The first thing you have to reply to though is Joe who texts you in response to your snap.
Joe: Why does it go away so fast?
Joe: Just text me the photo.
His messages make you laugh aloud, forcing you to smack your hand over your mouth not to draw attention to yourself. Joe’s paltry skills with social media, or just Snapchat, really is both comical and sad as hell.
You shake your head, typing out your reply. 
You: babe, how many times do i have to tell you? just screenshot! 
Joe: That’s too much work.
Laughing again, you see Callie briefly look your way before she focuses her attention back onto her tablet. She’s been using it a bit more often than you’d like, but considering everything ya’ll have been through the past couple weeks, it’s hard to put limits there.
It is something to be mindful of though.
Hell, maybe she can help her dad learn a thing or two about how to work technology. 
You: i’m signing you up for some type of tech class or shit for your birthday, cause this is ridiculous. 🥴
Joe: Lol.
A thought then crosses your mind as you shoot him another text.
You: what do you want for your birthday, btw?
You: and remember, only one of us is rich. 🙃
Back when you and Joe were dating, the most he’d get from you is a birthday text or maybe some baked goods if he happened to be visiting near the time of his birthday. But, this is obviously very different. You’re now in a committed relationship, about to move in together to raise your daughter.
And with all Joe has done for you these past months, both financially and emotionally, it would be almost criminal to not get him something.
Of course, you also know that your man is just about as stubborn as you are, hence your expectation that he’ll simply say nothing or find some bullshit reason why you shouldn’t or don’t need to.
If only you actually planned to listen to him. 
And it’s also only March, giving you like two months to wear him down into just accepting your gratitude. 
Joe: Just say yes when I ask.
Reading his message makes you frown, your nose turned up in confusion. What is he talking about?
Joe: That’s all I need. All I want.
He’s successful in providing a nice distraction, sure, but this man is also confounding the fuck out of you. He’s always on some elusive, coy bullshit. 
You: what? what kind of man code speak shit is that? yes? yes to what? anal? 
You: we been over that shit. you’re too big. i’m down for anything but that.
Then again, Joe does have an uncanny ability to make anything feel good. And comparing a sexual experience with Amir to Joe is literally fucking apples and oranges. Much like his wrestling persona, Joe is on some ‘god mode’ type shit when it comes to sex.
Joe: Shut up. You’re gonna make me hard in this fuckin meeting thinking bout that pussy….
Naturally, you angle your body away from Callie a bit to ensure she has absolutely no way to see your phone, to see that message that has you pressing your thighs together. It’s definitely been too long since you’ve had him inside you, and him being nasty right now isn’t helping that. 
You: stop being nasty, please. callie is literally sitting next to me, and i don’t feel like soaking my panties.
You don't need your daughter knowing her parents are freaks.
You: i’ll see about when’s the next time we can come visit though 👀
Joe is hella deep in WrestleMania season, so it’s virtually impossible for him to get away, hence you needing to be the one to take her to go see him. Granted, you’re also busy as hell, trying to wrap up things at home, gradually transitioning to the house in Florida.
The house that you and Joe now officially own, because true to his word, as always, your name is on everything. You attended the signing with him which made it official. It’s also when you got to see just how much Joe spent on said house, the number nearly making you pass out in your seat.
Even more, to speed up the process and ensure you could move in much sooner than what’s typical when buying a house, he paid over the asking price. 
It’s most definitely not possible to love this man more than you already do.
He follows up with another text shortly after, respectfully changing the subject in a way that makes you smile warmly. 
Joe: Don’t be nervous. 
It’s a bit unreal how good he is at reading you, even through texts.
You: lmao how’d ya know?
Joe: Cause I know you. 
Joe: You two already connected before you even realized who she was. Lean into that. Try to take your father out of the equation. This is about you and her. Not him.
Reading over Joe’s message once, twice, three times really does something to help your anxiety. He’s right. If you had never even known who Bianca really is, you guys would probably be even closer now, chatting it up frequently. There’s so much more potential there than there is danger.
You: thank you….i love you ❤️
Joe: Love you too, baby. Text me when ya’ll finish. 
Switching threads, you send out a few more texts and work out a date and time with Kaylah for her to accompany you and Alexis furniture shopping when Callie’s sweet, excited voice pulls you from your phone.
“Taylor!” Callie swiftly pushes her tablet to the side and climbs off the bench you two were waiting on when she sees Taylor’s smiling face.
It’s with an absolutely full heart you watch the two run to meet each other for a big hug, embracing like they’ve known each other for years.
Like they’re family.
Your attention switches to Bianca who’s standing just a few feet away from you, clearly torn on whether to offer her hand, initiate a hug, or what.
Remembering Joe’s words of wisdom, you take a deep breath and hug her. “Hi, Bianca.”
You can literally feel the anxiety melt off of the both of you as you pull back and see she has unshed tears in her eyes. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.”
You’re able to offer a smile, a genuine one too, especially as you glance over at the girls who are now sitting on the bench, looking and talking over Callie’s tablet. “I think it’s worth it just for that alone.”
Bianca looks and laughs. “She’s been asking about Callie.”
That dims your smile a bit, a strange sort of sadness. “Callie has been asking about her too.” You feel bad depriving the girls of seeing each other, scheduling out this meeting so far in advance, but it wasn’t entirely of your choosing.
The past three weeks since you found out Joe literally bought a house for three of ya’ll has been filled with nothing but preparing for the move. Working as much as you can, trying to transition your students as best as possible. Trying to figure out who to hire to move you all, flights back and forth from your town to Florida as you work on things for the house like getting the lights and water turned on and in your and Joe’s name.
Just a lot of shit.
So while you weren’t itching to pencil this in ASAP, you also would have been okay if it happened a bit sooner and closer to when you finally responded to Bianca’s text.
The four of you are escorted and seated in the restaurant, you and Bianca having Callie and Taylor sit in the booth across from you. 
This isn’t a conversation they need to overhear, not that they’d want to. They’re in their own little world.
After ordering and making small talk over your meals, Bianca is the one to make the first move. “I guess it’d be remiss of me to not start off with the big elephant in the room.”
There’s an unfamiliar sense of anxiety that starts to stir in your stomach, but you push it away, joking, “just one? I think we have a couple.”
She laughs and then starts off with, “I remember that day, you know.” Your confusion must show because she adds with an almost gentleness. “That day in the police station.”
And the anxiety is back, your eyes dropping to the plate of food as you try your best to keep your shit together. “Oh…that.”
“This probably sounds crazy, but….there was something about you that seemed familiar almost. But when I asked dad who you were….well…..”
“What did he say?” A part of you wants to know, but a large part of you doesn’t. So whether she answers or not, both are okay with you. 
There’s clear hesitation but she still answers, nonetheless. “He just said you were a troubled teen.”
You scoff, shaking your head. Typical. That man is bottom of the barrel trash, and if not for Bianca probably thinking decently of him, you’d say as such. “Of course he did.” 
“When I first asked him about you, he lied. He said he had no idea who you were, but I refused to let it go because…..because I could see the hurt in your eyes that night. I knew there was a story there, and I wasn’t going to give up until he came clean. And when he did…..” She shakes her head, tapping her fork against her plate. “We haven’t spoken since.”
That surprises you. You’d take a guess that Bianca and that man were close, or at least semi-close, so the fact that they haven’t spoken…..you feel bad. Not for him. Fuck him. But for her. “Bianca, regardless of what happened between me and….him…that shouldn’t get in the way—”
“I always wanted a sister, Y/N,” she interrupts, and you can hear the emotion arriving in her voice. “I begged my parents for years when I was a kid for them to give me a sister. And he knew. They both knew about you. They knew about you, and they kept us away from each other. He kept us away from each other.” She angrily wipes at her eyes. “I–I don’t know how to forgive that.”
Her emotions and feelings are valid. You feel the same way just for slightly different reasons, though forgiveness isn’t even something you’ve thought about. There is no forgiving that man for what he did.
But, just because that’s your story doesn’t mean it has to be Bianca’s.
“You need time to sort through it all,” is the best guidance you can give her. Anything more would be the emotionally blind leading the emotionally blind. “The same way I needed time before reaching out to you.”
She nods, sitting on your words. “And I really do appreciate you giving this a chance, Y/N.”
You’re starting to as well, but before things can move forward, you feel the need to set some ground rules. “I’m open to this….to getting to know you more, to letting the girls continue to know each other more, but…..I have a stipulation.”
Bianca swallows. “I’m listening.”
“Anything I share with you regarding myself and my family, I need it to stay between you and me. Your husband is fine, but your parents and brother…..I don’t want them knowing anything about me and especially my daughter.” Fingers nervously tapping against the table, you disclose, “I just had a really messed up situation happen that I’m still trying to fully process, so I’m even more protective of Callie and myself at this point in my life. And I like you, Bianca, but this isn’t something I can compromise on.”
“And you shouldn’t.” Her initial response surprises you a bit. A part of you was worried she’d try to convince you that you should at least be open to the possibility of getting to know the rest of the family. But given she’s not even speaking to her parents right now, your stipulation must not be a hard sell. “I completely understand, and I’ll respect your wishes. It’s probably better this way, actually.” 
Her agreeing and being respectful really means a lot to you, and you express as such. “Thank you, Bianca.”
Her smile is warm and welcoming as the both of you happen to glance over at the girls at the exact same time while they’re in the midst of a giggle fest. It makes you laugh as she asks, “so, you mentioned something about moving?”
“Yeah, umm, we’re moving to Florida with Callie’s dad.” For a brief second, you second guess telling her this information. Second guess how much you want to disclose. But, you decide that if Bianca is willing to meet you halfway, you need to do the same.
“Seriously?” you nod. “You know we live in Florida too, right?”
Yes and no. You remember Bianca telling you she lived further down South, but it isn’t until this very moment that you recall Bianca lives in Florida. You ask where and realize she’ll only be about 45 minutes out from your house.
Callie and Taylor are going to love this.
“So…..” She starts off, facial expression giving away that she has a question she’s burning to ask but is trying her best to keep to herself. “Callie’s dad…..”
Instantly, you’re laughing. It’s comical seeing her try so hard to be respectful. “You wanna know how we met.”
She releases a heavy sigh, planting both hands on the table. “Girl, you cannot just have Roman freaking Reigns fine ass be your man and daughter’s father and not expect me to ask.” Your laughter increases as she adds on, “respectfully, of course. I’m happily married. But, I still have eyes.”
Fair. Very fucking fair. “It’s….a bit of a complicated story.”
She darts her eyes over to the girls who seem like they’re still only in the first stages of play. “I think we have time.”
She’s not wrong.
Leaning a bit closer to her, extra mindful of your volume, you start of this wild yet epic love story. “So it all started at a Smackdown show….”
“Alexis, why the hell is your mugshot your instagram profile pic?”
It’s a question you never thought would leave your mouth, nor something you thought you’d ever see. 
You still feel bad about that, about Alexis getting arrested for assaulting Mariah. Granted, it’s obvious Alexis doesn’t. Not one bit. She’s said as such to you, that she would do it all over again, arrest and all.
And it does help, slightly, that just as she predicted, the DA chose not to pursue the case on the grounds of lack of evidence. How much of that was Alexis being rich working in her favor vs there not being enough concrete evidence to sustain a case is beyond you. Regardless, you’re just happy she’s not in any major legal trouble because of you.
She looks over and flips her recent sew–in over her shoulder. “I look cute.”
She’s not entirely wrong, but Alexis looking amazing at any point and time isn’t a hard thing in general considering she’s naturally fucking gorgeous. “It’s a mugshot, Alexis.”
“And? Booking or not, I look cute.” You can see her observing some of the living room sets you two pass while making your way back to Kaylah and Callie from your bathroom break. Your bladder has been freaking irritating, with you needing to pee more than usual. And of course, Alexis couldn’t turn down an opportunity to snap bathroom selfies. “What about this?” 
Sliding your phone back in your purse, you see it’s a bedroom set, immediately reminding, “I’m waiting for Joe, Lex.”
“Girl, isn’t WrestleMania in like three weeks? You can’t wait that long to get a damn bed.” Before you can protest, she lifts an acrylic stiletto nail to silence you. “How you gonna be sleeping in a million dollar house on a damn air mattress, Y/N? You suck at this rich bitch shit.”
“I’ll be fine. We just need to get Callie something today. That’s the priority.” And it’s the truth. Callie having at least the essentials in her room is why you’re perusing this fancy ass furniture store in the first place. “As long as my baby is good, I’m good.”
“Whatever, but do you at least like it?” Her question is valid, so you observe the bedroom set. It’s a seven piece, dark wood, silver accents. “It is nice. Looks like something for a man too.”
That’s the thing though. You feel a bit wrong buying a bedroom set that’s for two people when only one is present. Joe made it clear he’s cool with whatever you get, but considering he’s paying for it, he should have a say.
Alexis then points out. “It even includes a full body mirror that way ya’ll can watch yourselves fucking.”
“What?” She smacks her teeth, hand on her hip. “Is it a lie?”
Your mouth opens and immediately snaps shut. She’s right. It’s not a lie. Joe loves making you watch him fuck you, finger you, eat you out. You name it. And it’s not like you object either….
But, that doesn’t mean you need it pointed out in a damn furniture store.
“Let’s just get back to Callie,” you murmur, certain that your cheeks are tinged red. Thank black Jesus for melanin to hide embarrassment in moments like this. 
Callie spots you before you can even catch her attention. “Mommy!” She runs over, taking your hand as she guides you over to a display. “Look!” Immediately, you can understand why she wants you to see it. 
It literally looks like something out of HGTV magazine. White bedroom pieces adorned with pinks, purples, yellows. All of Callie’s favorite colors. The bed is actually a bunk bed that’s designed like a castle, the larger bed on the bottom and the spiral staircase leading up to the second bed a bit smaller.
It’s so excessive and so Callie.
Kaylah comes beside you with a knowing smirk. “I think she’s found the one.”
“Can I get it mommy, please!” Callie is peering up at you with those big brown eyes, holding onto your legs. “We can ask daddy!”
That last part makes you chuckle. You already know that man would have his card out by now, signing for the transaction. Whatever she wants, he makes it happen.
You do ask though, looking for a price tag or something. You know it’s gotta cost a pretty penny with how excessive and grandiose it is. “How much is it…..”
“Who cares?” Alexis suddenly sounds, walking over with an annoyed expression. “You know Joe is good for it. Time to pull out one of those fancy new cards he got for you.”
She’s referring to the new set of debit and credit cards in your wallet, all the result of Joe adding you on as an authorized user on all of his accounts. For some reason, you’ve hesitated to actually use any of them, regardless of the fact that all of the shopping you need to do is for the house you’re all living in together.
Kaylah gently bumps into your side. “You already know what he’d say.”
His deep voice is in your ear as if he’s standing beside you. My little girl gets what she wants.
“Girl, he’d be at the register by now.” You laugh, looking down and bopping Callie’s nose. “Daddy already said you can get whatever you want, Callie Bear” Wanting to be sure, you lean down, asking, “is this really the one you want?”
“Yes!” She cheers, jumping up and down and hugging you. “Mommy! I’m gonna be a princess!”
Rubbing her cheek, you lean over to kiss her forehead. She’s not entirely wrong. Especially when she sees the surprise Joe is working on for her new bedroom.
Feeling slightly ganged up on but also content with making a purchase that will make your little girl happy, you stand up, announcing, “then let’s get it for you, baby.” Callie continues to celebrate at the pending purchase of her new bedroom set as you grab your phone to check the time. The OB-GYN happened to have a cancellation today, which works perfectly cause the initial appointment they gave you wasn’t until the end of April. So, you snatched it up. “Come on, let’s go use one these fancy new cards.”
Alexis nods with such pride, giving a fist pump and high five to Callie after Kaylah does the same. “Let’s fuc—”
After purchasing and arranging an expedited delivery date for Callie’s new bedroom set, the three of you head back over to the new house. Kaylah leaves shortly after, needing to go pick Ellie up from school. 
But Alexis stays and keeps Callie company while you shower and get ready for your appointment. Callie asks if she can come with you, and you explain that you’ll come right back home after, which seems to somewhat settle her. But, you can tell she still doesn’t like the answer. 
It’s something you make a mental note to discuss with Joe. 
She’s been asking a lot of questions like ‘when are you coming back,’ and ‘can i come with you?’. 
You’ve noticed an increase in her separation anxiety since the whole DCFS nightmare. Not that you can blame her. You also have a small amount of anxiety any time you have to “leave” her, a brief irrational thought that they could take her away from you again.
Yeah….definitely something to discuss with Joe.
The doctor’s office is only about a 15 minute drive from the house, which is super nice and the office atmosphere is automatically welcoming. Right off the bat, you feel comfortable. Approaching the receptionist who offers a kind smile, you provide your first and last name, explaining you’re here for a new patient appointment.
She types on the computer, asking in a kind voice, “were you able to fill out the paperwork?”
“Uhhh, no, I’m sorry. We’re in the process of trying to move here, so I’ve been back and forth, and it just slipped my mind.” You’re probably offering more information than what’s necessary, but as someone who gets heavily annoyed when people don’t follow through on tasks, you can understand if there’s irritation on her part. “But, I came a little early to see if I can just fill it out now?”
“Of course, honey.” Her voice is honey sweet as she rolls in her chair, grabbing a clipboard that has paperwork attached. Handing it to you, she explains, “just answer as best you can and be sure to signature and initial when it asks for either. If you don’t finish by the time they call you back, don’t worry about it. You can finish it with the nurse.”
“Thank you so much.” As she hands you back your drivers license and insurance card, you place both back in your wallet and find an empty seat in the waiting area. Using the pen attached, you start to complete the paperwork, unsurprised by how thick the packet is. Specialty doctors typically have a lot of information they need. Unfortunately, some of it requires you to pull up your phone to log into your MyChart. This makes the process take even longer, so much so that you’re only about halfway done when an older black woman, probably around your mom’s age, calls you back.
Seeing so much melanin instantly puts you at so much ease. You can see why Kaylah highly recommended this practice. You haven’t even met the doctor yet, and you’re already sold. 
The nurse, Helen, as she introduced herself makes nice pleasantries with you as she takes your blood pressure before directing you to stand on the scale.
It’s one thing to suspect that you’ve gained weight but another to actually have it confirmed. And that’s exactly what the scale does.
It’s nothing major, but definitely something to monitor. You’ve never been super anal about your weight, but you also know you have to keep an eye on it, to some extent.
Helen takes the incomplete paperwork from you, kindly explaining that she can just take the information from you verbally as she types it into the system. You’re grateful because your hand is already cramping.
Her questions are mostly easy, some requiring you to use the MyChart as well as dig deep into your long-term memory to retrieve those long forgotten tidbits of information.
But, it’s one question in particular that changes everything. 
“And what was the date of your last menstrual cycle?”
Naturally, you unlock your phone again to open Flo, but your finger is hovering over the pink icon when it slams into you. A whirlwind of little things that create a much bigger, life changing picture.
Nausea. Vomiting. Emotionality. Breast tenderness. Weight gain. Frequent urination.
No cycle.
“Oh my god…..” Your phone drops in your lap as you bring your hands to cover your mouth, eyes wide and focused on nothing in particular. “Oh…..” How you didn’t put the pieces together much sooner is a bit beyond you. A large chunk of it, you’d guess, was because you chalked it all up to the high stress you’ve been under the past few months. Many people would react the way you did, but this isn’t just that.
It’s more.
So much more.
Helen is suddenly crouched in front of you, hand on your knee. “Is everything alright, baby?”
Watery eyes snapping to her, you nod fervently, starting to wipe at the tears that have already started to spill. “Yes. I’m sorry. It’s just—” You get choked up, releasing a perfect mixture of a sob and laugh. “The last time I was in this position, I sat in my doctor’s office bawling my eyes out because I was so scared and nervous and just not in a good place mentally. But now…..” It’s hard for you to fully explain all of the wonderful emotions coursing through your body. “I’m doing the same thing but for entirely different reasons.” Your hand goes to your stomach as you look up and tell her with the happiest voice. “I’m pregnant.”
It’ll take a couple days for the results of your pregnancy test to come back, as explained by Dr. Young, whom you already love and trust to assist you through your pregnancy. 
But, you don’t need test results to confirm what you already know.
There’s not a doubt in your mind that you’re pregnant, and that thought alone is enough to bring you to tears. It’s why you’ve been sitting in your car for almost half an hour just crying. Tears of joy, of course.
The first and only thing you want to do is call Joe. You want to tell him with everything in you.
You can’t.
Not yet anyway.
He was deprived of so much with Callie, lost out on so many special moments. You can’t do the same with this pregnancy. You need to make this as special for him as possible, from the moment he finds out to the moment he holds this new baby for the first time.
It’s why you know that you can’t tell a soul. Not Alexis. Not your mom. Not even Callie. 
Joe was the last to find out before, but he’ll damn sure be the first to find out this time. 
It’s also why you make the somewhat difficult to keep Callie out of the loop too. A part of you thinks it could be sweet to have her help you break the news to him, but you also don’t want to deprive him of telling Callie with you.
So, you decide that this has to be a solo venture.
The first thing you need to figure out is the timeline. Figure out when you can go see Joe to tell him in person, because with WrestleMania right around the corner, there’s no way he’ll be back here before then. You and Dr. Young predict you’re about 10 weeks along, which means you’ll be hitting three months in less than a month. That works out good, because you were about four months pregnant with Callie before you started showing, so there’s some grace there.
Granted, it is a little odd that you’ve already gained the amount of weight you have given you’re not even three months along…..
The phone ringing pulls you from your thoughts. The ringtone tells you it’s Alexis before you even look at the phone. 
It takes a second for you to gather yourself, knowing her perceptive ass will pick up on something right away if you don’t. Three deep breaths help you to feel adequately prepared before you hit answer. “Hey girl. I’m on my—”
“I swear to God, Y/N, I’m literally going to kill that bitch! I don’t even fucking care anymore! I’m going to prison!”
You’re used to Alexis being dramatic and over the top, but there’s an unfamiliar level of alarm in her voice. “Lex, wait, slow down. What are you talking about?”
She pauses on the other end of the phone. “Fuck. You don’t know yet, do you?” She curses. "Damn, I figured you did by now, considering my phone has been going off with notifications from all the major news outlets the past hour."
Your throat suddenly feels dry. “Know what?” She doesn’t say anything, so you snap, “know what, Alexis!”
There’s a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone followed by her directing, “go to TMZ. Right now.”
Your panic instantly melts away. Alexis and her damn obsessiveness over pop culture. 
Sucking your teeth, you laugh and shake your head. “Girl, you are so dramatic. Had me thinking something happened.” Switching to speaker, you open up your browser and start to type. “This better not be about the housewives, cause…..” Your voice stops and stomach drops when the splash screen loads, allowing you to read the headline.
A headline that includes a picture of you and Callie. 
Click for pictures and videos! Read the scathing story and watch the exclusive tell all interview with mistress childhood friend!
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yasuosexual · 8 months
How would the ff14 best boys sleep non-sexually 👀
(I have healthy thoughts about Aymeric I SWEAR)
as someone with 0 healthy thoughts about aymeric, thank you for bringing some into my head 🫶🏼
warnings: drunk thancred, swearing, suggestive hint
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- sleeps like a fucking rock
- once he finds a position that he’s comfortable in, thancred is NOT moving. you can try everything within your power to get him to budge but you’re shit outta luck lol
- snores loud as fuck too so get ready for those earplugs. he got that dad snore bro
- 75% of the time he’s sprawled out like a starfish, taking up the majority of the bed. 25% of the time he cuddles you to sleep. you won’t be moving for the entire night so i hope you’re comfy:)
BONUS: when he’s drunk he’s extra clingy so he will pull you on top of him and death grip you so moving is harder than before (which is somehow possible)
- he’s a back sleeper and loves it when you lay on his chest
- won’t grip you to death like thancred will, but gets grouchy when you try to move. he will try to stop you, whether he’s awake or asleep, but won’t keep you from moving when you’re uncomfortable.
- aymeric won’t sleep unless you’re literally on top of him lol. he uses you like a weighted blanket!
- will play with your hair until he passes out. aymeric will keep himself awake to see that you’re asleep first and won’t ever let himself fall asleep without kissing your forehead first.
- haurchefant on some big spoon little spoon type shit like he wants every inch of your body lining his like …
- he just wants to hold you all night long!!! like aymeric, he will try his best to make sure that he’s holding you safely from behind, but will let go if you are uncomfortable.
- wakes up when you stir too much and makes sure that you have enough blankets to cover you
- if you do wake up in the middle of the night, he’s right beside you to make sure everything is okay. will get you a glass of water if you’re thirsty or another blanket to cover up… although he’d rather warm you up in another way ;)
- i feel like he sleeps like a victorian child
- estinien actually loves to cuddle before he goes to bed!!! come here pookie ~ like he wants to hold you and give you a kissy and then hopefully fall asleep like that (you on top of him)
- if you get uncomfortable and roll away, however, be warned that he is not nearly as nice as the others.
- hogs ALL of the covers so you have to fight him throughout the night for warmth. you moved away from him so now you play the price.
- even though he can be a meanie pants… if he senses that you’re having a tough time sleeping or a nightmare, estinien will bring you close to him and hold you to his chest, giving you a light kiss and a ‘i love you’ so you know it’s okay.
thank you again, anon, for this awesome rq! so much fun to write and inspired me for the next thing i’d like to do!
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finnsbubblegum · 2 years
Becoming Mrs. Miller {Part 1: Meeting Sarah} (Joel Miller x Reader)
Pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: mostly fluff, short smut, use of (y/n) (lmk if i missed any)
Summary: You and Joel have been keeping your relationship as a secret from Sarah. It’s been a few months and you want to meet Sarah but Joel doesn’t like the idea.
Words count: 1.5k
A/N: Hi! I’m not a native English speaker so I’m sorry if I have grammar mistakes or the sentences come up unnatural, and it’s also my first time writing fanfic, please be nice and I'm open for suggestions, I want to be better in writing. I’ve always loved writing but some people told me I'm bad at it, but I want to give it another try, I hope you enjoy it.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The room was dark and it was full of you and Joel’s heavy breathing. 
“Fuck Joel, that feels so good.” 
You reached Joel’s hand on your hip while he was thrusting fast and deep inside you from behind. He hissed and you could feel his moves were getting messy. (Yes, I’m writing this imagining that scene from Narcos S2 ep 3 lol)
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum. Where do you want me to cum?”. 
“Inside, please.” You were on birth control so you didn’t care.
He groaned as you felt a warm feeling from his cum painting your walls. He pulled you to his chest and kissed your neck. You shifted to face him, both of your hands cupped his cheeks and kissed him. 
“So, when will you introduce me to Sarah?”
“Uhm..I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Joel held your wrists that were cupping his cheeks.
Your face showed disappointment and pulled away from him. You took your clothes that were laying on the floor, started dressing up and got ready to leave.
“Baby..” Joel frowned and called you.
Apparently, Joel has been proposing Sarah to have a sleepover at her friend’s every Friday night, telling her he’s working overtime so that you can have a private time with him. You understood his choice to keep your relationship secret but it has been 7 months and you started doubting him.
You let out a sigh and said, “Joel, we’ve been keeping our relationship as a secret. We only see each other when Sarah isn’t around. Mostly Friday nights in your bedroom. I feel like you’re only using me as a fuck buddy not your girlfriend. I want a serious relationship. I’m not a prostitute. I know you love Sarah so much and you don’t want to hurt her feelings. I understand, I do. But I love you, Joel. Do you?”
“I love you too, baby. But..” 
7 months ago
It was late at night, you were on your way home from a girl’s night out and suddenly your car broke down.
“No, no, no , no!” You yelled and went out of your car to see what was happening to your car. Not knowing anything about cars, you tried to open the hood. You only stood there, stared at your car, and put your hands on your hip. You tried calling your dad.
“Of course, he’s probably asleep.” You scoffed.
Not long after that, there was a truck stopped behind your car. You were scared someone might kidnap you but you were also hoping that someone might come and help you.
A man getting off the truck and walking towards you. He was handsome, average height, muscly, brown hair and facial hair. He was masculine and you couldn’t deny that he was your type.
“Need help with that?”  The man asked.
“Uhm.. yes. I don’t really know about cars so I have no idea what to do.” You scratched your head.
“Let me see..” The man held your car hood and looked at your car’s machine. You stood there beside him, watching whatever he did, and a few minutes later he fixed your car.
“Can you try startin’ your car for me?” He faced you and asked.
“Yeah, sure.” You went to the driver’s seat and started your car.
“It works!” You tapped the steering wheel and smiled happily. You walked out of your car and walked to the man. 
“Thank you for helping me. I’m (y/n). I, uh, I haven’t got your name.” You reached out your hand to give him a handshake.
He shook your hand, “Joel.”
“Uhm..What can I do to repay your kindness?” You asked shyly.
“Uhm..Coffee?” He chuckled.
You laughed, “Coffee it is. But it’s late. I doubt there’s a coffee shop that still opens. Can I get your number and buy you a coffee when you’re free?”
“Sure.” He took out his phone and you exchanged numbers.
The two of you have been hanging out since and fell in love.
“But what? Are you embarrassed of me? If you don’t see our relationship further, then maybe this is it. I’m done. I can’t keep doing this when I know there isn’t a future for both of us.” You started tearing up and walked out the house.
As you were holding the handle of the front door, you heard Joel running down the stairs.
“Baby, wait.” Joel grabbed your wrist to stop you from leaving. 
Tears streamed down your face as you faced him. You can see from his face that he was angry at himself for making you cry. 
He cupped your cheeks and said, “I’m sorry. I was wrong. I’m just scared.”
“Scared of what?” You held his wrist and looked him through his eyes.
“I have never been in a relationship after Sarah’s mom left. I just don’t know how Sarah would think if I tell her I have a girlfriend. I’m scared she might hate you.” 
“Joel, I’ll be fine. If she hates me then I’ll go. But we don’t know. There might be chances that she’ll like me. You don’t know that.”
“You’re right, baby. Well, do you want to meet her tomorrow? I’m picking her up at 10 so maybe we can have lunch together, here? I’ll cook.” Joel smiled.
“Sure, I’ll be here by 12.” You gave him a peck on the cheek and he pulled you closer and hugged you.
“I’m sorry and I love you, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The next morning, you woke up, took a shower, and put on some makeup. After a long time of dilemma choosing which sundress to wear, you decided to wear a white sundress with a yellow floral pattern so that you look nice and friendly. You grabbed your purse and were ready to meet Sarah.
You rang the Miller’s house doorbell. Joel opened the door.
“Hey, you look amazing.”  He gave you a light kiss.
“Thank you.”
You walked in the house and you could smell the delicious meal that Joel had cooked for lunch.
“Sarah! I have someone I want you to meet.” Joel shouted.
“Coming!” Sarah ran down the stairs as her dad called her.
“Hi! (y/n), it’s great to finally meet you. My dad told me a lot about you.” Sarah greeted you with a smile.
“Hi Sarah! Nice to meet you too. Your dad bragged a lot about you. I heard you’re really smart.” You gave Joel a smirk and side eye. 
“Oh, really dad? But yes, I am smart.” Sarah joked. You and Joel laughed.
“Okay, I’m starving. Let’s eat!” Joel invited you to the dining room.
The three of you ate, talked, joked, laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. 
“I didn’t know you’re a great cook Miller.” You said as you shoved another bite to your mouth.
“Well, I got help from Sarah.” Joel looked and smiled at Sarah and she chuckled.
“So, has he proposed?” Sarah asked and looked at you.
You looked at Joel, confused, not expecting this question from Sarah.
“Uhmm..” Joel didn’t know what to say.
“I know you guys have been dating for some months now. I’m not that stupid, dad. I know you’ve been asking me to have a sleepover at Becca’s because you want to go on a date.” 
“Oh!” You were amused and made eye contact with Joel.
“You knew about us the whole time?” Joel was shocked about Sarah knowing.
“Yeah, dad. I was waiting for you to introduce (y/n) to me. I’m glad I’m meeting her now. I think you’re cool, (y/n).”
“Wow, thank you, Sarah. I’ll take that as a compliment.” You smirked at Joel.
“So, are you going to be my mom soon?” Sarah asked.
You and Joel were speechless. 
“Soon.” Joel held your hand and smiled shyly as he couldn’t hide his happiness.
You knew he was joking since you have been together for a short time but you couldn’t hide the feelings of butterflies in your stomach.
After lunch, Sarah went to her room. Joel washed the dishes and you hugged him from behind. 
“See? She likes me. Mission success.” You whispered to Joel’s ear.
“I’m sorry I doubted you, baby.” Joel faced you as he turned off the faucet.
“Uh-huh, I’m gonna make her like me more than she likes you, Miller.” You teased Joel as you went closer to his face. 
“I love you so much, Mrs. Miller.” Joel teased you back and boop your nose with his index finger.
“That’s wet.” You scrunched and wiped your nose. Joel threw his head back and laughed as he wiped his hands on his jeans. 
“Do you like the name?” Joel asked and cupped your cheeks.
“Of course. It sounds cute. Mrs. Miller. I like that.” You looked through his puppy eyes and kissed him deeply.
To be continued...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
Omg I neeeed a part two to hard to carry it’s so good!
your wish is my command :))
(i feel like this is literally so boring so apologies in advance lol)
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hard to carry (II)
part one
pairing: jj x kook!reader
wc: 2.4k
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After a week, JJ still couldn't get you off his mind. He resisted the urge to send you a message over Instagram several times, and his usage of the app spiked since you entered the username in his phone. Not that you posted anything new, but subconsciously, he was waiting for you to. More than once, he found himself tilting his phone away from his girlfriend while they were laying in bed together, hoping she wouldn't catch a glimpse of the latest picture of you he was staring at, desperately trying to recreate the feeling he got when he first laid eyes on you.
JJ is torn. Even as he sits on the takeout counter at The Wreck, laughing and talking with the girl he's loved for years, he can't help but compare her laugh to yours.
"No, JJ, we have to do something for Sarah's birthday, I'm just saying that it's a good option!" Kie laughs, wrapping her apron around her waist as she steps around the counter.
"Yeah, yeah, you're right." JJ chuckles, glancing down at his phone as it vibrates in his hand. Disappointed again when it was just a message from John B, not from you. 
"JJ! Off the counter," Mike calls out, seeing a customer walking towards the door. JJ goes to jump down, stopping with his hands gripping the edge next to him when he looks up at the customer and sees that it's you.
You carefully close the door behind you, looking down at your phone taking the last few moments before you have to talk to an employee of the restaurant to place a long order with the list you got from your parents. You want to make sure you remember everything alright, avoiding stuttering and embarrassing yourself.
You look up as you approach the counter, smiling when your eyes land on JJ. "JJ the pogue!" You call out, smiling wide. "Do you work here?"
JJ smiles, relaxing again on the counter. "Hey! Uh, no, I don't." He shakes his head, looking back over his shoulder as Kie walks out, wiping off her hands, ready to take your order.
She swats at him to jump down and he does, his eyes not leaving you for a second while you speak.
"Weird that you're sitting on the counter in an establishment you don't work at." You tilt your head at him and he chuckles, shrugging and looking over at Mike when he intervenes.
"Agreed, sweetheart." The man says, brushing past behind you to join his daughter behind the counter.
"Uh... what can I get for you?" Kie asks, glancing between JJ and you as you stare at each other.
"Oh! Uh, I've got a bit of a list that I've totally forgotten, I was hoping to get everything to go as well. Just give me one sec..." You laugh in embarrassment, looking down at your phone again.
"I can just read the list, if that's easier." The girl suggests and you nod, handing it over to her.
"Thanks, I appreciate that." You say as Kie takes the phone, typing in the computer from what you have written down in your notes app.
"What's the name for the order?" She asks, sticking her tongue to the inside of her cheek as she notices how JJ is watching you so intently.
"Y/N." You answer, catching JJ's eyes again briefly as he leans back against the counter in front of you.
"So, JJ the pogue, how was that watermelon?" You ask as Kie writes the name down on the receipt and passes it off to her dad before handing you the debit machine, which you quickly tap your card on, leaving a generous tip. Her and the man she's working with seem really nice- you assume that it's her dad, since they look quite alike. You've always also valued small businesses, and getting to know different local restaurants and stores on the island has been a favourite hobby of yours since you arrived.
JJ nods in response. "It was really good! I was right- you had a good eye, Y/N the kook." He grins, and you don't notice as the father and daughter working both lock their eyes on the two of you at the same time.
"Okay-" You laugh, shaking your head and reaching up to brush away the hair that's fallen into your face. "You're right, that does sound so bad." You say, leaning against the counter next to him and picking up your phone from where the curly-haired girl left it.
JJ smiles at you, moving over a little to give you some space. He looks back over his shoulder when he hears Kie drop something, seeing instead that she just slammed something down on the counter while she was getting your drinks ready. "Do you two know each other? Or..." Kie asks when she notices both of your eyes on her. Your smile fades, suddenly getting the vibe that she's not pleased about the two of you talking.
"Yeah! Sorry, I'm Y/N. You knew that, though, I guess." You chuckle and she nods, looking over at her boyfriend and waiting for further explanation.
"We met at the grocery store last week, she helped me pick out a watermelon. The one we ate for breakfast yesterday, she said it was the second best one they had." JJ explains, cringing internally as Kie nods skeptically, raising her eyebrows to show she doesn't believe it. Or at the very least, doesn't care. "This is Kie, by the way. My girlfriend." He turns to you now, feeling guilty already for having to say that at all. Deep in his gut, he hopes he doesn't scare you off.
"Oh! Lovely to meet you!" You smile, hoping to make a good impression despite your slight disappointment. Of course JJ wasn't single, but you hadn't let yourself consider that until this point.
"Likewise." Kie grumbles, stepping away to grab something from the back. 
"So... uh, what brought you to The Wreck?" JJ asks you as she walks out of sight.
"We heard some five-star reviews." You shrug, smiling at him then looking up to Mike. "Also that the owners live just down the block, and are upstanding citizens." You say, making the man chuckle and shake his head.
"That's real sweet." He says, returning his focus to his cooking. "Your parents are the Y/L/N's, then, yeah?" Mike asks.
"Yes sir." You nod.
"Well, welcome to the island! I'm Mike, Kie is my daughter." He explains. "And JJ isn't even supposed to be in here." His tone shifts as his eyes land on the blonde boy next to you, making him tense up.
"Message received, sir." JJ salutes him. "I'll get out of your hair, then." He stands up away from the counter, heading for the door.
"I'll see you around, yeah?" He says to you, trying to commit your eye colour to memory as the bell above the door rings when he opens it.
"See you!" You smile and wave as as he leaves, walking just out of sight.
Mike diverts his eyes from the interaction, chewing on his lip as he focusses on not burning your food. He hates JJ, of course, and would love nothing more than him and Kie to break up, but even imagining the possibility of him cheating on her makes his blood boil. He remembers seeing that look on JJ's face in the way he used to look at his daughter, and now in the way he looks at you. Maybe he should let your food burn after all.
"It was nice to meet you both! No doubt I'll be back, this smells fantastic." You smile, holding the bag of takeout on your hip as you head for the door.
"Bye, tell your parents we'll have to meet them for dinner or something sometime!" Mike smiles at you and Kie just rolls her eyes.
"Of course. They would love that." You nod. "Bye, Kie!" You add in for good measure, smiling at her. You hope that if you do make good friends with JJ, the way you hope you will, you can befriend her too and make a better first impression.
"Later." She replies sarcastically as you open the door, slipping out and letting out a sigh as the door shuts behind you and you make your way to where you parked behind the building. That was tense.
"Hey! Y/N!" You look up before you open your car door, seeing JJ walking up to you.
"I thought you were kicked out." You laugh and JJ shrugs.
"Yeah, and I left." 
"Right, of course." You giggle.
"Uh, nice car you've got." He changes the subject. He's not sure why he even waited, or why he even came to talk to you, but he just knew he had to. He couldn't let you leave again without learning something, anything else about you.
You look back at the vehicle behind you, suddenly having never seen it in your life. "Oh, thanks. It's my pride and joy. We've been through a lot together." You joke.
"Yeah it's cute. Suits you." JJ admits, smile tugging at his lips as he looks between you and the car.
"And! Get this-" You say excitedly, pulling your keys from your pocket and fumbling with them in your one free hand before starting it from outside, the Bluetooth speakers automatically connecting to your phone and blasting the same Taylor Swift song you were listening to before you parked. "Bose speakers! Isn't it cool?" 
"That is sweet, yeah." JJ nods, but he doesn't even so much as glance at the car again. "We should take it for a ride sometime." He suggests hopefully, making your smile falter a little.
"Yeah! I mean, I don't know, I feel like Kie didn't like me very much." You say quieter, tucking the keys back into your pocket.
"She doesn't have to come." JJ shrugs, making you nervous. Both of you feel guilty even as he says it, but there's just something about you that makes him unable to resist the urge to ask.
"She's welcome to! She does seem lovely. She's gorgeous, by the way." You regain your smile, again, hoping to keep your possible new friends on your good side.
"Oh, yeah, thanks." JJ says, looking down at his feet briefly.
"Does she just... Not like you having girl friends? Or is this about the kook thing again? That would be weird though because I feel like she qualifies, her parents living down the street from me and all." You ask, genuinely curious.
"Uh.. could go either way, honestly. She's gone full pogue. Her parents hate me for that." JJ laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "She kind of hates me these days too, to be honest."
Watching his movements, you can finally admit to yourself that you are absolutely jealous of her. He's gorgeous. "What do you mean?" You ask, shamefully hoping that this means their relationship is on the outs.
"Ah, well, shit. I don't know. We just fight, sometimes, and, I don't know." JJ tries to explain, not wanting to air out their dirty laundry to someone who's essentially a stranger. A beautiful one, none-the-less. 
"Oh..." You nod a little, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry to hear that-" 
"How about that drive, huh?" JJ interrupts you, staring into your eyes again.
"Oh- uh, yeah! We'll work out a time... I'll just message you?" You ask, taking the change of subject and running with it. "I've got to get this dinner home, my parents are waiting..."
"Shit, yeah, of course." JJ nods, giving his head a quick shake to ground himself in reality again.
"Bye, JJ the pogue!" You say, winking at him as you open your car door, placing the food on the passengers seat.
"Later, Y/N the kook." He teases, giving you a quick wave and turning to head back to his bike. God- he hopes you'll text him.
By the time Kie gets home and slams the front door, JJ is left in nothing but his pyjama pants, just about ready to go to sleep. He was hoping for a message from you that never ended up coming. You knew right away was not a good time, considering the new news that he has a girlfriend.
"Hey, baby-" He calls from the kitchen, Kie quickly following his voice and storming in. 
"Don't!" She says angrily, throwing her bag down on the counter. "What the fuck was that, JJ? Who is she?"
JJ sighs and rubs his eyes with one hand while she stares him down. "I told you, she just moved here, and we met at the grocery store- why are you-"
"No! Don't ask me why I'm being weird about it. I saw the way you looked at her! Are you fucking kidding me? In front of my dad, too? God- JJ you are unbelievable!" She shouts, shaking her head at him in utter disbelief.
"Alright- alright." JJ holds his hands up defensively. "If we want to play that game, let's talk about that touron I know you hooked up with at the kegger. Shall we? Let's go all in." He snaps, crossing his arms.
Kie's eyes widen at this. "What are you even talking about right now?"
JJ purses his lips together and nods quickly. "Oh, well, Pope told me he saw you- so don't even try to act like I'm the crazy one right now."
"It was one time!" Kie admits. "I don't even know his name- I couldn't find you and I got bored. Fuck, like, I'm sorry but this is different."
"It is different! Because I haven't done anything! I've never cheated on you! I'm loyal to you, always, I loved you through everything! I saved you from that stupid camp, and then forgave you for cheating on me, I never even said a word!" JJ shouts now, gripping the counter behind him.
"Don't you dare throw that in my face." Kie says, tone quieter now as she shakes her head at him. "I never asked you to do that. Honestly, maybe it would be better if you hadn't, actually!"
JJ nods sharply, leaving the kitchen and huffing as he walks to their room, throwing on a t-shirt. He has to get out of here. He can't imagine even coming back. He doesn't want to.
"JJ, If you walk out that door we are done." Kie says, appearing behind him as he pulls his shoes on.
JJ shakes his head a little, quickly shoving the door open and walking out without a second thought. The fresh air feels like it lifts a weight off his shoulders. He's upset, but can't help but feel relieved. He walks down towards John B's rebuilt home that he shares with Sarah, which luckily isn't very far from their own new house on the cut.
Before he reaches their door, he pulls out his phone and opens Instagram, opening your account and sending you a message. 
JJ: how about that drive?
It surprises him when you reply within a minute.
Y/N: sure :)
The guilt has faded away almost completely now, and he'll burn the bridge of dealing with Kie when he gets to it.
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highly requested part two!! hopefully this didn't disappoint! (i'm definitely disappointed in it but that's neither here nor there)
taglist: @taurusvic, @casualsludgeshoetoad, @maybankspov, @sagcas-latte
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
Ermm hai ^_^ it's 🧈 anon again!!
Every once in awhile I get in this gunil mood and I was wondering if I could get some general headcanons for gunil and Jun han with a reader that's kinda like Jesse Pinkman (minus the 💎 stuff iykyk), but like the reader wears baggy clothes, and is always laid back and cool?
I'm exploded 💥💥💥
☆彡 I’m also exploding rn honestly 💥 I hope you enjoy 🧈anon!
word count: 498 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: I bet you can’t guess! Yeah this isn’t proofread
Gunil would love your laid back side, but I can imagine the two of you butting heads a bit. Gunil strikes me as the type of person to have his whole day planned to a T (like a dad on a vacation lol). So while your “go with the flow” attitude can be nice in the way that you’re down to do whatever he suggests, it’s also bad because you’re down for anything.
“Hey, (Y/N), I was thinking that we could try that new restaurant that opened down the street tonight. Would you like to do that? Maybe we could make a date out of it?”
“Yeah, that sounds fun!”
“Oh wait- I completely forgot,” he quickly continues. “The guys asked if we wanted to go get dinner with them tonight. Do you have a preference?”
“No, you can choose.”
It’s not that you don’t care enough to make a decision, it’s just that you would be happy either way. Gunil knows this, but he just wants to make sure your voice and opinions are heard.
Another thing Gunil knows about you? Your love for baggy clothes. Because of this, he makes sure to buy his hoodies a little bigger, so when you steal them from him they fit to your liking. He never tells you that you’re the reason he buys big hoodies- he just tells you they’re, “more comfortable that way.” But when he comes home from work or the gym to find you snuggled up in one of his hoodies, he knows it’s a mission accomplished.
Personally, I think coming home to a super laid back partner is Jun Han’s dream. Hyeongjun himself has admitted that he can be somewhat lazy, so I think y’all would get along fine. (Not that being laid back means you’re lazy. Y’all know what I mean lmao)
I can imagine him coming home from a long day of rehearsals, ready to flop down on the couch with you, and you’re already flopped down on the couch when he gets home. You would be down to do anything- even if it was nothing- as long as it made him happy.
The baggy clothes would get him too omg. He also dresses in pretty baggy clothes, so I think the two of you would share a wardrobe all the time! You would constantly be stealing each other’s hoodies and t-shirts.
“Jun!” You called from your closet. “Have you seen the new shirt I bought?” You’ve been rooting through your clothes for what feels like forever, and your new shirt is nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly, Hyeongjun appeared in the doorway. “Which new shirt? You got a few of them, didn’t you?”
You turned to him, hoping to have him aid in your search. However, once you saw him, your mystery was solved.
“That one!” You pointed at him dramatically. “I don’t mind if you wear my clothes, but c’mon! I just bought that yesterday.”
Hyeongjun laughed. “Sorry, I’ll go change.”
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minsarasarahair · 5 months
I always talk about Lou Zhu but I have a lot to say about best boy Zuo Yunqi.
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>Son of villain and fallen in love with an antihero but that don't affect who he is. He still know what identity he strive for. An aspiring hero.
>Being morally good to him is not about empathy, what he learned from sacred texts or what's right. Its a way of life that he choose for himself. He don't really care if it benefit him or not.
>If you look at his background he's not spoiled, lose his martial arts, gained a weak body after finding a solution to save others yet didn't gained much benefit from it. The unsung hero who sacrifice so much but the plot given him nothing. Being good is almost a privelege to him because as if world turn back to him yet he still choose the hard path. To be good in a cruel messed up world. The only prize he got is a loyal patient understanding partner who respect his decision and fine with long distance relationship. Sure, most of his actions are morally gray for the good cause but the intention is still good.
>People think he's either innocent or abused by his dad but he actually live to his dad's expectations until he realized he dislike his dad and he felt its not who he is so he turn against his dad. He want a different path. Its not that he want to be good because its correct but its more about what he felt like doing.
>He's a better flirt than his scheming clown gong but he believes true love is earned not forced and will give you determination to be stronger even if you're barely surviving. That's what Lou Zhu's existence did to him. As long as he has someone to worry, he will continue to improve oneself and that gives him a sense of satisfaction.
>He's very stubborn, arrogant youth and prideful in what he does. He's the type of person who prefer doing something than nothing and can't stay put. He prefer to be the one who work hard earning money and to protect Lou Zhu. Not the other way around. But he appreciate whenever his partner is worried about him.
>He calls out Lou Zhu's schemes and encourage the laidback lazy Lou Zhu to do something by giving suggestions. He's not a yes man.
>He can be reckless, hot temper and wouldn't mind dirtying his hands if he truly has no choice for greater good but he always mean well. He's the type when he saw someone get harassed, he'll be angry so he confront them and punch them. He has that strong sense of justice. He's ready to throw hands lol
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lilyrizzy · 3 years
Ummm, Daniel reacting to Max being pregnant even though both of them don’t know yet?? God-tier tag would love to know more!!
Anonymous asked: Pregnant max please!👀
Anonymous asked: Any deranged mpreg au your heart desires!!!
Thanks for the prompts guys! Have two pregnant max scenes, because I couldn’t decide which one was actually good :(
set after this insane drabble. cw: mpreg (obviously lol) 
Max still smells different a few weeks after Daniel’s rut.
It’s not bad. It’s the opposite of bad, warmer, and richer. Like Perth sunshine drying the beach after a rain shower. It’s driving Daniel insane and he can’t help pull Max against him at every opportunity, mouthing at his neck. He’s never been good at pushing aside his instincts to protect and provide when it came to Max, but when he smells like this it’s harder.
“Daniel,” Max laughs when Daniel brings him the third glass of water in under an hour, “thank you, but I have not finished the last one.”
Daniel can’t help but touch him now they’re close, rubbing his thumb over Max’s pulse point. “Well, it’s there if you need it.” Max beams at him from the seat of his sim, pink-cheeked, and, fuck, Daniel wants him all the time but now he’s going crazy with it.
“Do you need anything else?” He asks, raking his eyes over Max’s body, his thighs in the tiny shorts he always wears to stream in, and watches Max flush deeper, body always responding so sweetly to Daniel’s attention.
“I-“ and then he’s turning off the sim and letting Daniel pull him back to bed.
But then another few weeks later and Max is- Daniel can’t decide what Max is. Distant. Anxious
Even if he didn’t know Max well enough to smell it, his actions scream it. Pulling away from Daniel in their bed, making excuses not to shower together. Pushing Daniel away when he tries to kiss him, touch him. Turning away his phone screen, going onto their balcony to take calls.
“Is everything okay with- has something happened with your dad?” It’s the only thing Daniel can think of. Max and his dad came to some tentative peace over Max and his choice to be with Daniel that Max never wants to talk about.
“No. I am fine.” Max snaps, sounding anything but as he stomps back to the sim to ignore Daniel for another day.
Daniel can’t get Max in one place long enough to ask him again, until he asks Max, pathetic, if they can spend some time together. Max looks ready to bolt, make more flimsy excuses so Daniel pulls out the big guns. “Please. I miss you.”
Daniel suggests watching a movie after Max shoots down all his other ideas of how to try and have fun. Max shrugs, and he picks something he thinks Max will like, a silly comedy with no violence. He tries to get Max to cuddle with him, but Max is sat as far away as he can get, face lit up in the dark by the light of his phone screen as he furiously types.
Daniel couldn’t explain a single plot point. Daniel just wants to touch Max, to feel that he is the same as always beneath his hands. Doesn’t know how else to make whatever this is better, has never needed anything else before now.
“Max?” and he scoots over when Max looks up at him, startled like he forgot Daniel was there.
Max’s eyes slip shut, phone falling to his lap, when Daniel cups his cheek, thumb cradling his jaw, lets out a tiny, desperate noise. Daniel reaches out his other hand to press his fingertips against the sliver of stomach he can see from where Max’s t-shirt has ridden up.
Max freezes, eyes snapping open. Then he’s jerking away, scrambling to the other end of the couch.
“Max?” Daniel asks again, confused. Max has never responded to his touch like- that.
Max hunches over himself, breathing like he’s just got out of the car. His eyes are looking down, hand pressed flat against his belly and- Oh.
The way he smells.
“Max, are you-“ Daniel can’t keep the wonder out of his voice, accent thicker, “Are you pregnant?”
Max is trembling now, shoulders vibrating where they sit around his ears. He nods, eyes screwing shut so tight it must hurt.
Images flood into Daniel’s head like a dam has broken. Max, big and round, skin on his stomach stretched tight around Daniel’s child. His hands resting low in the curve of his belly, needing Daniel to help him to his feet, waddling when he walks. Max, wet and open, so full and still begging Daniel for more.
Daniel wants to gather him into his arms, kiss him, hold him but Max clearly doesn’t want to be touched. He’s trying to remember health class lessons he probably never went to, to remember if pregnant omegas need space when-
“I’m sorry.” Max sounds so miserable.
“Baby, why are you-“ It’s then Daniel notices how his scent has changed since Daniel touched him and he doesn’t know how he’s managed to ignore it until now. Sour, like curdled cream.
Right. Of course, Max isn’t happy about this.
“Because- because you don’t want it, right?” He hates the way his voice fails to sound neutral.
Max’s head snaps up, his eyes wide and startled. His left hand joins his right, resting on top of his stomach, protectively. “No,” he says, harsh and firm. Then, soft but still miserable, “I do. I want it, so. Sorry.”
“Maxy,” Daniel breathes out, heart racing. He reaches for Max, tentative, doesn’t want to watch him pull away again.
Max is saying, in one long rush, “I know it is stupid, with racing. And- if you do not want this, of course, it is okay, you will not have to do anything. I can tell people it’s someone else’s-“
Daniel barely manages to hold back his flinch at the idea, when all Daniel has ever wanted was to lay claim to Max, and now to his baby growing inside him.
“Maxy,” he says and Max’s mouth snaps shut, “I want this.”
Max’s face fall, soft and shocked, like the idea is not something he ever considered. Daniel aches for him, how he will never understand the ways Daniel loves him.
“You do?” he asks, uncertain still. Daniel needs him in his arms.
“Fuck, yes Max- Can I- please can I touch you,” and Max nods. Daniel places a hand over the top of Max’s on his stomach, imagining the day he’ll feel movement there. He kisses Max slowly, gently, wants to thank Max for giving him this but he’s scared he’ll sound insane.
“I love you,” he says instead, “and I’m going to love our kid.” When he pulls back to look at Max his eyes are shining.
Max scowls at his reflection in the mirror.
He looks swollen everywhere, his face, his stomach. His tits. Everything stretched so tight. His body has never been his friend, but now it feels like a foreign country.
He only came in here to brush his teeth, but he’s naked, not wearing the t-shirt of Daniels he started sleeping in. Daniel had given him a sad smile last night when he’d reached for it, so Max had left it on the bedroom floor.
Now he can’t look away.
“Max, what are you-” and suddenly Daniel’s stood behind him, meeting his eye in the toothpaste flecked mirror. His eyes look questioning and but then they drop to where Max is cradling his belly and they change.
“I look fat.” Max jokes, but it’s not a joke, it’s taking everything he has to let Daniel look, to not crawl back into bed and hide behind the soft way Daniel lies, says that he thinks Max is beautiful.
“No, baby.” Daniel says, eyes still fixed on the new curve of Max’s stomach, “you look pregnant.” His hands are reaching, slowly, like he’s giving Max time to pull away. He doesn’t.
Daniel’s hand cups his stomach, long fingers splayed out possessively. He presses his face into the side of Max’s throat so his lips catch against his sensitive skin.
“You’re getting bigger here,” he says, and then reaches to touch Max’s left tit, “and here.” He rubs Max’s nipple, already pink and puffy. Cups him, and now Max has a little handful, where before he was firmer and flatter.
Daniel hasn’t touched him here, not since he told him how sore they’d gotten. He didn’t know how to explain to Daniel that since he- Since this, every nerve in Max’s body has been a livewire leading right to the pit of need inside him, making him ache for Daniel’s touch more than usual.
“Daniel,” Max whimpers, looking between his own wide eyes and Daniels fingers on him. His cheeks are bright red, his lips dry and so he licks them and now they’re shiny and- he looks the way he looked in the video Daniel took of his face once, as he’d fed Max his dick.
“You smell so fucking good,” Daniel is groaning into his skin, “I can’t keep my hands off you.”
It takes so little now, to get Max leaking. He’s dripping all over himself, slick smearing between his thighs as he squirms under Daniel’s gaze, dick curved upwards, leaking against the rose on Daniel’s hand where he’s still touching Max’s stomach.
He doesn’t even remember getting hard.  
“Will you let me take care of you, baby?” he’s asking. Max nods and Daniel takes him to bed.
Daniel puts Max on his back, screws two fingers inside him even though he’s already sopping, so open he doesn’t need it. Sucks the fingers into his mouth, tongue chasing the taste of Max down his knuckles as fits the head of his dick to Max’s hole, presses inside.
He fucks Max slowly, hands roaming over Max’s tender spots, lighting him up every place he touches. Under hooded eyes, Max can see the blissed out expression Daniel’s face as he tells Max he’s gorgeous, good. Max throws an arm over his face so he doesn’t have to see Daniel tell him, “I can’t get enough of you,” or “you’re so wet,” or “I’d put another baby in you right now if I could.” Doesn’t have to see him come all over himself, untouched.
Daniel knots him as Max is coming back to himself, and Max knows that if he was normal he’d be annoyed, knotting face to face gets uncomfortable and he shouldn’t need this outside of heat, but Max isn’t normal.
Daniel holds himself up on his elbows, says, “I can’t squash my offspring,” when Max tries to tug him down.
Max frowns. “Offspring? What is this word?”
Daniel laughs. “It means baby, like- my baby.”
It makes warmth bloom in Max’s chest and reminds him he can do this, that they will face all that is coming together. “Yeah,” he says, tilting his head for Daniel to kiss him, “your baby.”
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softxsuki · 3 years
Can I request a 707 x MC or Jumin x MC (whichever one you'd like to do) fanfiction of how the years would go through their marriage? ie. what years would they move houses, get new jobs, have kids, have grandkids, all that jazz. Gahh I hope I explained that well!
Life After Marriage with Jumin and 707 (Separately)
Pairing: Jumin x Gn!Reader, Saeyoung (707) x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Perhaps slightly suggestive for a second in Jumin’s HC? idk
Genre: Fluff, Established Relationship AU
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: In which you get married to one of these men and this is what awaits you afterwards (?) idk how to summarize this...basically it’s your life after marriage with them until you’re old and frail lol. 
[A/N: Thank you for my first Mystic Messenger request! Ngl, it’s been a while since I last played everyone’s route, so I apologize if Jumin and 707 are a bit out of character, I’ll work on jogging my memory about aspects of their lives or something. I chose to write this as headcanons just because I felt like I could jump through the years a little easier, I hope that’s fine. Enjoy! <3]
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Saeyoung (707):
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It took a while for you and Saeyoung to get married to each other
He was dealing with the whole situation with his brother along with some other personal issues
He wanted to make sure everything around you was perfect before he popped the question, therefore you guys took your time getting to that stage in your lives
When he finally proposes to you, please know that this man means every word he says to you
“I know I don’t deserve you and I’ve put you in more danger than I ever wanted to, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you MC. Will you marry me?”
It was simple, but from the heart and when I tell you he will spend the rest of his life making sure you’re happy and safe--I mean it
After you both get married, you guys buy a quaint house 
He doesn't want to draw too much attention to himself, as he still isn’t sure if he’s in the clear, but he makes sure the house he picks is somewhere you will feel at home
You already know he’s creating little gadgets to leave around the house as a security measure when he isn’t home with you
Anything that will alert him from work if something were to go wrong, he’s already making it
Speaking of work, after leaving his agency, Saeyoung decides to get a normal job somewhere, although he doesn’t really need the money, having a stable job would make him feel a little more normal with you
He wants to play the dependable husband role now, and staying busy at a job would be best for him (and you unless you want your whole house to have some kind of new invention in it)
Your whole relationship was built up very slowly; you guys took your time enjoying each other’s company, traveling a bit, just doing whatever made you happy for a few years after your marriage
But that all changes when Saeyoung comes to you one day and mentions how he’d love to be a father and he thinks he’s ready to make that big step with you, as long as you were ready as well
And that is how you came to be the parent of your twins, (whether conceived by surrogate, impregnation, or if you two chose to adopt all up to you, BUT YES TWINS, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE CUTE ABHKEAFJEA) which was more than enough for you and your husband
At first Saeyoung wasn’t too sure how to go about showing his love to your two children, but as soon as he lays his eyes upon them, he’s in full dad mode
He’ll teach his kids all about gaming and having fun--he’s a pretty laid back dad, and if one of your kids ever does something bad, you’re usually the “bad,” parent, whereas Saeyoung is the “good,” parent and lets them get away with everything
He sees himself and his twin (Saeran) in his kids and really wants to be the best dad ever to them
Expect the energy of 3 children because he really is just one grown child
As your kids get older and eventually have kids of their own as well, Saeyoung is still as playful as ever even as he begins to age
He treats your grandchildren like his own children, sneaking them treats and having a blast with them
Through it all though, you’re just glad to see your husband as happy as ever, considering how sad he had been for so long when you both first met because of his past
Aside from loving his kids and grandkids, Saeyoung never stops loving you either
No matter how old the two of you get, he still protects and treats you exactly as he did when he first met you
Mans is whipped for you and probably always will be
He decides to retire as last minute as possible, but once he is retired, he spends his whole day by your side
Don’t expect him to stop creating new things though, he’s always in his workshop putting together another crazy invention
So expect a very paced, loving, protective life with Saeyoung, you’re the most important person to him <3
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why he is so fineeeee 😩^^^
As for Jumin, he spent so long not knowing what it felt to love someone until he met you, so things move pretty quickly with him
He wastes no time in proposing to you as soon as he’s sure that he loves you and you love him
It was a very fancy, intimate set-up, with just the both of you in a secluded area on the roof of his building
He prepared dinner for the both of you himself, and by the end of the night he was down on one knee asking you to be his for the rest of his life
You agree obviously, and he’s making speedy preparations for your wedding reception fairly quickly as well
He wants to marry you as quickly as possible so he can do all the things a married couple does together (shh)
He just wants to show you as much love as possible
After your marriage Jumin is at your every need
You want to move out of his penthouse? He already has a list of potential homes ready for you to look through with the help of Jaehee
Wherever you plan on moving though, he has a top notch security team and system planned to ensure your safety and also Elizabeth the 3rd’s
Speaking of Elizabeth the 3rd, she becomes your own personal cuddle buddy whenever Jumin is busy at work
He feels satisfied knowing that the two beings he loved the most in the world were together, safe in his home
Anyway, in terms of children, that chapter in your lives comes fairly quickly as well--only a few months after your marriage
You both end up having a total of three children (again, whether by surrogate, impregnation, or adoption) starting with one a few months after your marriage, a second child a year and a half after your first, and your third, two years after your second child
He doesn’t waste time, lolllll
But as soon as your family begins to grow, Jumin’s protectiveness flows onto all of them as well
He wants to show his children a proper childhood, one that he couldn’t experience
It’s also important to him that he shows his love for you in front of his children, since it was something he also never saw as a child since his father was a playboy
This man is so loyal to you he’s at your every command and even after years of marriage, his love for you never falters, infact, it simply grows even strong year after year
As for work, Jumin insists that you stay home; however if you’re really set on working, then he’d have no choice but to agree
He makes sure that you’re heavily guarded at all times though, as he still worries for your safety at all times of the day
Jumin on the other hand still works at his fathers company, but he eventually works his way up to the highest position, so that he could spend more time at home with you and the rest of your little family
Since this man is drenched in money, he’s able to retire fairly quickly and leaves his company to one of his own children for them to take over however they see fit
Once your kids are grown adults, and he retires, his focus in now 100% on you 
You guys go on several vacations together, still incredibly in love
When your own kids have kids of their own, Jumin becomes that rich grandpa that loves to spoil his grandkids rotten, in which your own children scold him for
You and Jumin live a very fast-paced life together, but he spends every moments making you feel loved and safe with him
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Posted: 10/3/2021
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levisblackbabe · 3 years
Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf
Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)
Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)
Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive
Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)
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Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)
· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary
· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n
· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐
· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)
· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups
· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend
· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)
· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume
· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off
· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often
· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)
· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)
· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)
· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)
· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge
· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue
· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)
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Armin Artlet (The simp)
· SHY BAE that’s it
· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you
· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys
· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)
· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead
· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible
· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him
· He most definitely invited to the family reunion
· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him
· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up
· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week
· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)
· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you
· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)
· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢
· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that
· Just overall fluff
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Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)
· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually
· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)
· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out
· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear
· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you
· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)
· Now you guys have happily been dating
· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)
· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz
· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life
· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)
· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips
· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts
· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different
· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)
· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you
· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters
· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him
· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning
· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)
· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things
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Connie Springer (the bestfriend)
a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.
· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school
· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since
· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed
· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs
· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)
· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)
· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)
· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram
· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)
· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp
· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing
· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)
· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand
· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)
· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great
· Its just overall jokes
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Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)
· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway
· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)
· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in
· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)
· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out
· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)
· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute
· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol
· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)
· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc
· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke
· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more
· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum
· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’
· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing
· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you
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sepublic · 3 years
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Okay let’s talk-
Firstly the obvious; Seek the key, fear the seems to be the acronym so far, as we’d all guessed! This still leaves four letters left, AKA four episodes! Four more episodes to know after this one folks! I can’t really suggest anything here that I haven’t mentioned before lol, all according to expectation!
Any Sport in a Storm; I’ve discussed this a bit before, but I think it’ll involve a Young Eda flashback to her time in the Hexside Banshees, with Raine and Lilith showing up! Dana drew art for Season 2B depicting Luz in Eda’s Grudgby letterman, indicating it will come up in 2B... We know there are at least three players per team, and we have Eda and Lilith! Raine is prob the third, it makes sense since our first glimpse of them was a childhood photo while Eda, wearing her letterman, was looking through old grudgby photos!
Given the synopsis for Follies at the Coven Day Parade, I have to wonder if the crew successfully rescue Raine or not; If they do, this could lead to Raine and Eda developing their relationship and discussing the past, possibly in parallel to Lumity; Telling Luz and Amity not to repeat their same mistakes like keeping secrets, which fits the next episode’s title. I presume Luz will wear Eda’s letterman, so maybe we’ll see her play Grudgby at school again; More Boscha, maybe Willow even? Given the meaning of Any Port in a Storm, the phrase this episode is named after, I wonder if Luz’s relief in these tumultuous times is to distract herself with Grudgby, maybe indulge in all the isles has to offer before leaving; And she finally gets her relief at the end when the others notice and implore her to admit what’s wrong. Leading us to...
Reaching Out! It sounds like this is when Luz finally speaks up to the others about her promise to Camila. If my speculation is correct, this of course lines up with the previous episode, where Raeda pass down their relationship experience over secrets breaking that type of love, and Luz realizing she can’t hide this promise from Amity or really anyone to begin with!
And/or, Reaching Out could involve Hunter thinking about reaching out for help to Amity, Luz, (maybe Willow) and the consequences of that. We could see Lil Rescal get in trouble, explore Belos’ abuse and HIS relationship with Hunter, learn more about backstories, etc. Perhaps Hunter leaves with Rascal’s death of endangerment being the final straw, and all of this prompts Belos to pull out his ace up his sleeve; Revealing to Hunter that he’s a Grimwalker, a clone that he made. This has its ramifications on Hunter’s psyche and tells him that he’s MADE for this, perhaps prompting a broken Hunter to stay.
Them’s the Breaks, Kid sounds like an Eda thing to say. Perhaps Luz goes back to the in-between using another finger of Titan’s blood to tell Camila the truth of how she’s gonna handle things; Explain the friendships she’s made and so forth. And/or, King’s father finally shows up, and this is what Eda says to her son! Them’s the breaks is a term expressing resignation and acceptance of a bad situation; So perhaps Camila will prove less than receptive to Luz’s argument, and/or King’s father will prove himself to be not great. Perhaps as a parallel and foil to Camila, King’s dad will demand that his son leave with him, do things he’s not ready nor comfortable to do yet; Especially if there’s a rebellion coming ahead.
The pressure is of course immense and unlike Luz and Camila, King may not resolve with his father, leading to his found mother reassuring him that sometimes blood relatives suck. Speaking of blood relatives, I also wonder if we’ll see Odalia and Alador come up, since they’re setup as potential antagonists after all; Maybe they want to support Belos or go against him, using Amity to infiltrate the coven. We could get Amity’s discomfort... And/or the discomfort of Willow and Gus, who have to also face joining a coven. Eda says the titular phrase perhaps to accept that this is what they need to do to beat Belos, or someone else is saying it... Maybe the Plant Coven Head to Willow, imploring her to join since that’s how life is, her friends are temporary but the coven is eternal? I can dream-
Finally, if King’s dad is there... maybe if the Philip is Belos twist isn’t revealed by this point, THIS is where it happens; King’s dad reveals he knew Philip and helped him make the portal, only to be attacked later when he was Belos, explaining why he left King behind. Luz is of course shattered by this broken pedestal, it feels like a personal betrayal; As someone who went through the same with Lilith, Eda consoles her. Luz saw herself in Philip and derived hope that she could balance a human and demon life thanks to him; Now it turns out he’s Belos! He became Belos, what does that say about her? Will Luz have to choose one, or fuse the realms at the cost of so many others? This dilemma and despair again prompts Eda’s line, as she’s not sure what answer she can give; Life is hard and you gotta figure it out. Cue Luz considering Belos’ plan or not. In the end she has to remember that as she proclaimed in The First Day, if Philip didn’t work out, Luz will simply be the first then.
Hollow Mind could be about Belos, or Possessed Raine; So maybe Raine isn’t rescued, or they’re allowed to infiltrate as a sleeper agent. We could then see the protagonists deal with the side effects of the coven brand and learn more about how they work, maybe even see see how it works on Lilith! The name Hollow Mind also makes me think of a blind follower, so will we see Hunter come up? Kikimora, with her motives and backstory coming up? Belos, will we get insight to him; And/or the Owl Beast, who messed with Eda’s mind? Will we learn of the Collector?
Speaking of, Edge of the World! We might be exploring lands beyond the isles, out into the Boiling Sea; Learn about the other a Titan fragments as seen in K3oHD, perhaps guided by King’s dad! This could in turn connect to lore about their civilization and magic, the Titans, and the Collector... And/or we’ll visit Dell (if we haven’t already in Elsewhere and Elsewhen) and where he’s traveled to the skull, learning more about the Titan, maybe finally hearing its side of the story? Seeing what Belos’ actual relationship with it is? And/or King’s dad gives guidance and lore on the in-between place... How Philip turned into Belos there, perhaps.
It’s the edge of the world, so it sounds like we’re exploring the limits of the Demon Realm. This might include natural rifts and Titan’s blood, and also bring up the ideas of where they intersect via the portal, and how the Day of Unity can unite them. If Luz is going out into the Boiling Seas, then I’m probably the one lot one hoping for a cameo from Salty and his crew, assuming they’re not the ones shipping her out there to begin with!
...That’s my speculation for now! It already sounds like a LOT is happening, and we still have four episodes left in 2B! As we reach the end, the pacing might get a bit more rushed, as the crew has had to account for Season 3 being vastly shortened; So they have to resolve a lot of threads ASAP, and cut some out probably. This sucks and I don’t want to see anyone blame the writers for this; It’s not their fault, they had the clear expectation and setup for a full third season to pace out and explore things, only for Disney to ruin that. Season 2B is really the only section when the crew could begin adapting to this change in length, so we might see some weird writing choices here... All in all, I want to be fair and remind everyone it’s Disney’s fault; And whatever we get, I’m sure it’s still gonna be fun to watch!
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Hello there! Hope you are having a good day/afternoon/night! Can I please request hcs of the brothers reacting to a teen! mc going on a date with a demon? All the brothers’ protective/overprotective big bro mode activated lol
Dating? In this household? Absolutely not. Not until you're 66 with one foot in the grave MC
Warning: mentions of stalking and mild violence
THE BROTHERS reacting to Teen!MC going on a date
You think he has the overprotective brother mode? No. He has the unbearable dad mode. “You’re not going anywhere, MC.” In the sternest voice ever, with his arms crossed over his chest and a glare directed your way. You will definitely have to fight him on this and he won’t go easy on you. “You’re too young.” and “Demons aren’t playthings.” and “You’ll only end up heartbroken and hurt.” Are all things he’s dashing out and as your father older brother figure, he won’t let you go. Your best shots are either A.) Sneaking out and dealing with Lucifer later B.) bringing the demon to the house for dinner and hoping for the best, or C.) Go to Diavolo to try and convince Lucifer to let you go. 
When I tell you he SHRIEKED and almost dropped dead. His baby sibling going on a date? At such a young age? “MC, ya listen to me now! Them demons are OLD. This could be pedophilia!” Mammon lowkey has a point, “that’s like me datin’ Luke! Gross!” But of course you’d have none of it and he needs to think of new strategies, so he follows you on your date and stalks you the whole time. It’s a miracle he didn’t get caught but he was ready to pounce on that damn demon and he actually did when they suggested to take you home. “Nope!”
You’re joking, right? Firstly, he’s mildly offended that you managed to score a date before he did, but that’s for later. Secondly, you’re not going because he can’t bear the thought of you growing up. Levi will legit fall to his knees and fake cry to make you feel some kind of guilt and stay. “I’m going to be all alone…” “But tonight is anime night! It’s tradition, MC!” Your best shot is just leaving and hoping a sulking Levi didn’t put some type of tracking spell on your phone. Spoiler Altert: he definitely did. 
Oh here’s the issue. He’s going to be so calm when you tell him you have a date; hell, he may even help you get ready, but it’s all a facade. He’s the one opening the door for your date and before you can even think about setting a foot out that door, he already has your date’s arm twisted behind his back, silently breaking every single one of his fingers bit by bit, knuckle by knuckle, “you hurt my little MC, and I promise you, the broken fingers will be the least of your worries.” His eyes are showing fire and even you should probably take a step back and reevaluate your decision here. If your date didn’t run away from Satan’s very real threat, he surely will by the end of the night when they find out Satan poisoned their food. 
He’s super calm and excited for you, helping you get ready and finding an outfit that may show a little too much but it’s okay because “this matches your skin tone so nicely and really brings out your eyes, MC!” He’ll paint your nails and do your hair and give you the best perfume/cologne he owns. Then he’ll pack your bag/pockets with condoms and send you off. Only about half an hour later will he realize what the fuck just happened and freak out, running after you and finding where you are, “MC you’re just a child!” 
The sternest, most unreadable look you have ever seen will appear on his face when you tell him you have a date with a demon. “Is that so?” Don’t answer that, that’s a rhetorical question. Best believe Beel is the one who makes sure you’re not showing too much skin or looking too glamorous because no one deserves to see you at your best before he sees a ring on your finger. No, that’s not an invitation to get married. “You’re too young.” He’ll tell you that over and over again all night until it’s time to go and then he roughly shoves you behind him when you open the door, glaring daggers at your demon toy boyfriend, “I want them home by 9. Actually, make that 8:30. One minute later and I���m hunting you down.” 
What was that? A date? He has risen from the dead and found a new meaning to life which is “fuck up anyone who decides to mess with the new youngest sibling” which is you. Let him catch a bitch try and mess with you because he will mess them up. Pretends to be okay with it and gives you a small ‘safety’ talk, but in reality he’s stalking you too and growling everytime that demon gets a little bit too close. Doesn’t crash the party but asks a lot of questions and digs all the answers out of you. If they don’t match with what he has seen that night, then you best believe he’ll call you out on lying and ground you. “As your older brother, I hold that right.” 
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youreignhere · 2 years
My Top 10 Favorite Bl Shows
I'm new to Thai Bl, started in November 2021 but in my eyes, these are SOME of the jewels of Bl. I'm open to new ones, lemme know in the comments 👇
These are ranked by visual, chemistry, plot and acting. Ready, let's go! Warning: some spoilers!
10. Hello Stranger
This isn't my first Filipino Bl, I watched My day before and thought it was good, but damn did Hello Stranger surprise me. Filmed during the pandemic and on an online setting, it really made it different. The actors were so good and I'm glad it was a slow burn. I recommend for newbies.
9. Papa and Daddy
This show was so cute, I think I smiled through the entire show. It's basically a show about two dads and their son. The actors had great chemistry and the topics of discussion were new and fun. I highly suggest watching it but be warned, it's ending was too dramatic. Those who know, know.
8. You make me Dance
I like anything that carries a soul mate plot lol. But honestly, Korean Bl can go toe to toe with Thai Bl and even portray some healthy, cute and beautiful relationships, like the one in you make me dance. I live for the dance visuals, made me so relaxed.
7. Lovely Writer
Yooo, this was a nice twist to the regular Thai Bl settings, it was really interesting to watch them bash Bl drama stereotypes and include 👌consent😩 like ugh well done. There were some beautiful scenes and I laughed a lot. As a writer, I highly recommend it, even for newbies, check it out on YouTube.
6. Tale of 1000 Stars
This would be number 1 just because I love EarthMix, lol their friendship makes me believe in love and I wouldn't be surprised if they were together. Anyway, this was the 3rd Bl I watched. The THIRD, I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. I watched it on YouTube of course and I fxcking loved it. Not only does it temporarily get rid of the regular School and Engineering setting, but the visuals. I Repeat, THE VISUALS. not to mention the soundtrack is added to my daily life. I know a lot of people are frustrated about the ending, but I loved it to be honest and can't wait to see what they do when there's a season two.
5. Bad Buddy
The visuals, the chemistry, the soundtrack, the love. I smiled all through this ENTIRE show. I'll definitely be rewatching it, cause they are a comfort ship, perfect for those looking to start Bl, but be prepared to have high standards afterwards. Only green flags for Pat and Pran.
4. Not Me
👁👄👁 bitch off gun are the main characters, of course it's gonna be lit. and I'd put this in the top 3 but I gotta put me first 😭 so the messages and the cinematography in this series are INCREDIBLE. THE ACTING, LIKE WTF GUN. I LOVE BLACK. like the switch between each twin is stunning, I'm still shook. I love the seriousness and the topics they focused on in this series, not to mention the action scenes. If you're looking for something different and empowering, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
Honourable Mentions
•CutiePie- bish this shit slaps. Yooo, that kiss, the soundtrack, the Visuals, this would be in the list, but the entire series hasn't finished airing. Did I mention the ACTORS AND THE CHEMISTRY?!
• 2gether and Still 2gether- I liked it, have a lot of Srubb songs now, but I didn't connect with the actors a lot. Bright and Win are good actors, but please don't hate me, they didn't have great chemistry, it was good, but not great. I enjoyed the slow burn tho and it was fun to watch. I recommend to newbies, check it out on YouTube.
•Tharntype- my first Bl and I think a lot of y'all too. I love MewGulf, they are Kings, but if this was made now, I think it would have been better and probably darker. I like Type and Tharn's chemistry, but they seriously need to communicate and probably see and therapist. Not to mention Lhong, like damn, that was a twist. But it's in the Mentions cause of the amazing soundtrack, visuals, acting and chemistry.
•Theory of Love- I didn't finish this. I got tired of Third crying and Kai, can't remember his name, was a HUGE red flag.
•KinnPorsch - now airing and I haven't even watched the first episode but it's in this list cause of that fucking trailer- NO SPOILERS HOES, I'M WAITING TILL MY BIRTHDAY (29TH)TO WATCH
Top 3
3. Sotus and Sotus S
Here me out. I watched this like a few weeks ago and damn. I loved it, lmao, I would love to see Kongpob and Sarawat (2gether) go toe to toe in a flirting compilation. This show was perfect, it didn't need a lot smexy scenes and I really loved the portrayal of the characters. I'm biased I guess, cause Arthit is a lot like me in my relationship. I'm not the most blatant (even as a straight girl), I like my space and I'm very awkward. Later on the show deals with life and I the visuals are my favorite too, even if the show is like 4 years old I think.
2. Manner of Death
Bitch, you thought I'd forget the literal Kings of BL. Maxtul run this shit. Together with me want my second Bl, lol I know right. I still crack up over the "you be tripping" and the chemistry between maxtul both kills me and makes my ovaries burst. Then I found Manner of death. Bitch, biiiiiiiiitch. This show was everything I needed and would be number one. The plot, the acting, Inspector M' ass, the LOVE. I'm shook. Watch it on YouTube if you want. It's worth it.
1. Until We Meet Again
Well, you should have known, I did say I love a good soulmate story. But honest to God, I sobbed maybe 50% of the show. I watched it like two weeks ago and now I use the soundtrack to write. Guys, guys, this show broke me. I've watched a lot of shows and read a bunch of books in my young life, but I loved, LOVED this show. I started the first episode and was, wtf am I doing here, then convinced myself to watch it, even though I know how it would end. The actors, oml THE ACTING. I know ppl say Fluke cries too much, but have y'all seen Theory of Love, any who, the Visuals were amazing in this show too, holds up well with 1000 stars and Not Me. I live the plot and the deep issues in the storytelling, it was everything that hurt me, but I would definitely watch it again cause damn. And the soundtrack, yooo the soundtrack.
Well that's all for now, I'll update this if you guys want. Lemme know your recommendations and I'll watch them while I wait for Cutie pie, Cupid's last Wish and KinnPorsch👇
I will also be featuring affiliated links and my link 👇https://beacons.ai/youreignhere/writing.
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➳the girl in the lilac dress ♠ ♡
in which y/n meets fred's ex-girlfriend, days after fred confessed his love for her. there's still some confusion on the status of their relationship. angst -> fluff. narrated by you, y/n l/n.
fred weasley x fem!reader
word count: ±5.4k
tw: angst (not too bad though), mean words, blood, mentions of auror missions, kidnapping, needles, st mungo's
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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ft. hermione, lee and alicia
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
the girl in the lilac dress
i was in a good mood. on the way to work to receive my mission, i was humming a song that had just come out. it was catchy and worth the wait.
out of the corner of my eye, a lilac colour appeared suddenly. strange, i thought. it approached me, in the form of a beautiful woman. she had the lightest grey eyes and the smoothest milky-white skin, and the shiniest locks of dark brown hair. she walked in a flowy lilac gown, her slim model-like body walking in a model-like fashion.
i was pretty sure she wasn't headed towards me, but when her luxurious voice said "good morning" in the calmest tone possible to me, i looked at her confusedly.
"hi!" i replied brightly, smiling.
she smiled sinisterly, "my name is pretoria aphrodite, i'm fred's ex-girlfriend."
he hadn't ever mentioned an ex, but i knew he had dated quite a few people. she made me seem like a glass of water next to a glass of red wine, naive and ugly. i was those two things anyway.
"oh! i'm y/n l/n! nice to meet you, you do seem like a daughter of aphrodite," i said politely.
"darling, all women are daughters of aphrodite. i understand fred's interested in you?"
she observed me and i laughed.
"i don't think that's quite the word. he's my best friend."
"friends with benefits?"
"oh gosh no! i don't really know where we stand, honestly."
"bitter about it?"
i thought for a second, "nah, i couldn't be. love's a hard thing."
"it is, indeed, and you work for the ministry?"
i nodded, "head of the auror office. what about you?"
"i model for witch weekly."
i gasped, "you're the p. aphrodite? i should've known!"
"big fan?" she looked amusedly at me.
"my friends are, so naturally i am."
"you don't seem the type fred usually goes for."
"i wouldn't say he's even going for me," i said cautiously.
"you are much too cutesie for his type."
i glanced up at her. she was smiling kindly.
"pfft, but better cutesie than nothing, amirite?" i asked friendlily, "well it's been nice to talk with you, but i gotta hurry!"
"no worries, i'll come with you, i have some business at the ministry too. have you seen his past exes?"
"uhh, not really?"
"well they're all models for one magazine or another."
"oh, okay. and that's important because...?" i asked her carefully.
"i just thought you should know."
i laughed, "i'm not model material, am i? i don't mind at all."
she looks taken aback. "i would say, with longer hair," she plucked a hair out of my poor mess of locks, "and a shorter upper body, with perhaps lip fillers, you'd look model-like."
her tone was analysing and not at all attacking.
"only three things??" i asked, shocked.
"you are rather... pretty already," she mused, "not model-like, but cute."
we had reached the ministry.
"thanks, see you later!" she waved and disappeared.
all that was left was a buzzing fly which soon flew away.
i immediately dialled in my auror code in the red telephone box and was sent into hermione granger's office.
"'mione! how good to see you!" i hugged her.
"hello y/n!"
in the ministry and the auror department, the head of the auror office was probably more important than the minister for magic. i didn't know why. she had brought me a cup of hot chocolate.
"thanks, 'mione, you didn't need to. what's the mission today?"
"two babies are being held hostage in a coded location by a person who calls themselves the light lord. dark lord, light lord, y'know?" she handed me a coded piece of parchment.
i thoughtfully pondered, "the light lord. who do you need?"
"i was hoping you go on this mission, then you could give me some news on this light lord person."
"that's doable. we'll need to bring in hepole and a ministry official to negotiate passports and such. and a strong auror team."
"right on it. i'll get wally becker and charlotte-ann becker. they're a force to be reckoned with on the borders."
"how much experience?"
"they're twins, been doing this for about fifty years now."
"perfect. and hepole?"
"on the way."
"thanks, minister," i winked at her, getting out my telephone and dialling the disguise unit.
"hello, poplinn speaking."
"pop, we need a few disguises. light lord."
"miss l/n! o-of course!"
"and pop?"
"call me y/n."
i hung up, dialling harry's office.
"harry, call draco and be in my office in ten minutes. i don't care what business he's doing with scorpius, we've got babysitters here. light lord, perhaps a second of voldemort."
"of course."
i picked up the ringing phone that was in the corner of hermione's office.
"y/n, me and scorpy are having a zoo day, we're at the muggle zoo you suggested."
"sorry dray, but it's important."
"there's no one else?"
"there are others, but we need your expertise."
there was a pause, "i won't need to show my dark mark?"
"it's fading anyway. no."
"i'll be paid?"
"in hundreds."
"how old are the children?"
"2 and 4," hermione said.
the silence told me he was sold.
"i'll be there."
i picked up the big microphone and said, "auror unit 156 to the brief room. no need to bring anything. see you there!"
"good luck," hermione grimly said, "be safe, head."
"mhm and cup o' coffee tomorrow? if i survive, that is," i grinned.
i smiled, "c'ya!"
she was shaking her head.
"oi, no disappointment, 'mione! i was the one who got the ministry out of paperwork!"
"burning paper doesn't count, y/n."
"it wasn't burning paper, hermione granger, it was arson."
"no, it was the saddest form of arson i've ever seen."
"hey! that's rude."
"just go on your mission already."
i laughed, "on it, minister. kalle?"
kalle looked at me, "yes?"
"tell miss minister to take a break and play a game or something, will you?"
she smiled, "okay."
"give my thanks to your mother too, loved the cookies!"
"alright, good luck, head!"
"thanks, bye!"
i apparated to the brief room, where everyone was strapped into special camouflage clothes.
i handed hepole the parchment and immediately began briefing the unit, harry and draco, on the mission.
"please be safe out there. if you're injured, apparate or travel back here, okay?"
i looked at hepole.
he cleared his throat, "they're in albania. the forest there."
"okay. harry and draco will provide attacking forces," the two nodded.
"i want lopex, quentin blake, quentin grill and hilly to break into any establishment," i say to the team, "and eron, hawks, melv, argonas to hold the offender hostage. johnathan, team healer as always. i'll take the children. hepole, you come and accompany us till the forest, then you have my permission to stay back, and beckers, stay invisible with the cloak, write a report for the minister when you come back, understand? have faith, team! i believe in you. we travel by apparition with the machine in three minutes. call your family, chat, have a snack, drink some water, and relax."
i picked up my telephone and dialled my parents.
"hi mum, dad, i'm going on a mission!"
"alright, be safe sweetie," my mum called.
"yeah, don't die kiddo," my dad added.
"right right, i love you, bye!"
the mission was successful. we rescued the children and sent the kidnapper to trial for azkaban. i escaped with a gash on my forearm, but quickly fixed it up with a spell. it ended late in the evening, so the team healer had gone home. the wound kept opening again, but i wasn't sure if it needed stitches.
putting everything away and making sure the aurors were okay, i headed back to the apartment i shared with fred.
i felt emotionally and physically drained, ready to enjoy a good shower and a good late dinner.
when i fiddled with the key to the door and opened it, my heart absolutely stopped.
pretoria aphrodite was kissing fred passionately. i felt my heart fall ten thousand flights of stairs in disappointment. of course. i was all a rebound who was pathetically in love with him.
when they stopped and saw me, pretoria smirked and fred stood up, astounded.
"uhh, continue? sorry," i apologised awkwardly.
"wait, y/n, it's not what it looks like-" he said.
"i don't mind, be safe," i smiled, too tired and too weak to do anything, closing the door and feeling tears well up in my eyes as i took my bag and myself somewhere. anywhere away from this all. my wound burned. i cursed under my breath as i made my way to st mungo's.
"y/n, you should have come here earlier!" yvonne, my friend, says, as she slowly injects a needle into me, "it's infected! and it needs stitches."
i laughed, "everything needs stitches. this is why i didn't become a healer, yvonne."
she shook her head in dismay.
i watched the needle go in.
then she stitched the bloody mess of a wound up, cleaning it gently.
"now i can't stay, y/n," i pouted, "no, don't give me that face, i have other patients."
i nodded, "thanks yvonne."
"no problems. take care. you're too reckless."
"am not!"
she laughed. "that's funny."
after the trip to st mungo's which was pretty short, i wondered what to do. my mind kept floating to the scene i had just witnessed.
i was just the stupid, stupid, girl he used as a rebound. he didn't even use me as a real rebound, just someone who was simply infatuated with him to help him forget his unforgettable ex.
looking at a shop window, i caught a glimpse of myself. i hated being insecure but it happened.
i looked ugly. eyes too small, nose too big, lips not full enough. my thighs touched and i didn't have abs. i had a long gash running down my forearm, surrounded by other cuts. my hair was messy and disgusting. compared to the angel on earth pretoria was, i was nothing. small and plain was nothing when luxurious and beautiful was present.
and it hurt. my heart hurt. my head hurt.
i shook my head gently of my thoughts, chuckling bitterly.
fred weasley was completely and utterly out of my league.
whatevs, i thought. hurting was fine.
deciding to get over him once and for all, i bought some groceries and apparated to the doorstep of lee and alicia's glamorous cottage.
i knocked twice on the door. "hellooo!" i called out.
"baby, can you get that?" lee asked alicia.
alicia opened the door, smiling as she saw me.
"hey ali!"
"hi! come in!"
at first glance i could tell she knew something wrong.
"can i sleep here tonight? and take a shower? and eat some of your food please guys? and maybe steal a shirt i left here for safekeep? and maybe use your telephone? i'm really sorry for troubling you, so i got you guys snacks."
i was the second cousin by marriage of lee. it was good overall, but he was super naughty.
"your favourites."
"then i guess you can," he said cheekily and i laughed.
"alicia, i don't know how or why you ended up with this child, but i'm glad you did," i told her and she laughed heartily.
"he's cute, isn't he?"
"no," i quickly stepped into the guest bedroom and took a long shower, letting a few tears slip but not enough so that it looked like it. i was subtle.
i bundled up in heavy clothing and wrapped my hair in a towel.
gingerly, i bandaged the wound.
by the snores in the other room, lee was asleep. i crept out quietly, going to cook something.
alicia was sitting down, with my favourite comfort meal prepared. i felt tears of appreciation well up in my eyes.
"thank you, ali, i love you."
"you damn well do."
we both giggled.
"what happened?" she asked me.
"nothing. i just wanted a change."
"from fred? liar. i'll ask again. what happened, y/n?"
"just a long mission, that's all."
"after long missions you usually watch movies with fred."
"couldn't i visit my best friend and my cuz?"
"you visit us on weekends. it's a friday."
"well i wanted to visit you!"
"is it that hard to believe?"
"what the fuck did fred do to you?"
"c'mon y/n, you have to tell me. there's a reason why you didn't go to angie and george's tonight."
"i went here because they're super kissy. you guys have space and act normally. i appreciate that."
"you're awesome at lying."
"i'm not lying!"
"does this happen to involve pretoria aphrodite?"
i nodded, sighing, "she's so nice and pretty." i played with my food.
"i bumped into her. she's pretty, but not nice."
"she called me fiercely ugly. she forgot i model for witch weekly too."
"what did you say back?"
"i told her to fuck off."
i laughed, "she was very nice to me. but next time i see her imma kill her."
"of course she was nice to you, you're a lil angel! anyway, she's an animagus, didya know?"
"whoa how did you know?"
"caught her in a jar. she's a fly. who do you think told hermione to catch rita skeeter in the jar?"
i laughed, "rita skeeter is a beetle! gosh, she's annoying."
"what did fred and pretoria do?"
"please tell me?"
"they-" i swallowed, "they were kissing, and so i came here because i didn't wanna watch anymore."
"hang on, he told you he loved you a few days ago?"
i nodded.
"that doesn't seem right."
i shrugged, "pretoria's better than me. i don't blame him."
"his mother would kill him!"
i shrugged again, "i don't think he was legit when he said that."
"molly weasley, y/n!"
"look, he can explain it to you, i don't even wanna hear it. the first stage of mourning is denial, they say."
"doesn't mean it's good."
"denial is awesome. it's ignorance, but you choose to be stupid. i'm already so stupid!" i groaned, covering my face with my hands, "so so so so so so so stupid, foolish, dumb, and i don't want you to tell me i'm not because i know i am. pathetic."
i gobbled down the rest of the meal, "ths 's delicous," i said, swallowing, "g'night!"
"don't be afraid to let it all out."
i shut the door softly, before brushing my teeth and collapsing exhaustedly on the bed, nodding off quickly.
the next day, i woke at 4am, and put on new clothes, apparating to the phone box and filling out paperwork for the missions yesterday.
i joined hermione quickly, handing her a cappucino and sipping my mocha.
"court sitting this early?" she asked me.
i nodded, "mistake of sirius black, now they do all court sittings within 24 hours of arrest."
"that's smart."
"yeah. it's good. he's obviously guilty right? just a dust of veritaserum to bring it all out?"
"i reckon he'll just confess."
"criminals don't go down easily."
"you guys did a spotting job. the children were unharmed."
"are they here today?"
"they're in st mungo's. being monitored."
"oh gosh, those poor children. what's going to happen to them?"
"someone's adopting them, wally becker and his wife."
"that's awesome."
the court hushed as we entered the room. hermione and i shared amused glances and began the sitting.
he was found to be guilty and was chucked in azkaban.
"what an idiot, sending a message like that."
"yup," i chuckled, "what with hepole in our ministry, they never escape."
we laughed.
"how's everything with ron?" i asked her.
"i don't know if he's still into me?"
i almost laugh at her statement, "bro. of course he is."
"i never see him."
"then see him more!"
"how? i'm so busy!"
"busy enough for ron?" we both took sandwiches from the canteen lady with courteous smiles and words.
we sat down at the cafeteria.
"i guess not, but he's busy!"
"busy enough for you?"
"i guess not."
"but he might not wanna go on a date."
"why? the boy's obsessed with you, 'mione!"
the aurors and ministry workers looked at us in fear as i rose up. i chuckled.
i immediately skipped over to the telephone, putting in the WWW's number.
"y/n! what on earth are you doing?" hermione said in a panicked tone.
"nothing to be worried 'bout."
"hello?" it was george. i thanked the heavens for that.
"yolo george, give the phone to your lil bro please."
hermione was gaping at me. i smirked at her.
"hey ron, i want you to meet me in rosemary park at 5pm today."
"could you also bring hermione's favourite snacks and wear an extra jumper?"
"what? why?"
"i'm curious, that's all," i said, "see you there!"
"is that y/n?" i heard fred's voice.
"nup, it isn't," i replied.
and with that, i hung up.
"hey 'mione?"
she was glaring at me, "what."
"meet me at rosemary park at 5pm?" i batted my eyelashes at her, before bursting out in laughter.
she laughed, "i love you."
"pfft, love ya too. you really are too careful. like he would reject you."
"what do you think i should wear?"
"let's go off work early today, at 3," i suggested, "we're both on top of our work anyway."
"okay! you wanna go now?"
"it's 11?"
"alrighty! kalle!"
kalle turned to us, "yes?"
"hi! me and minister are going out to talk about the mission."
"alright, bye."
we apparate to hogsmeade.
"what theme do you wanna go for?"
"hmm," she thought for a second, "floral!"
"alrighty!" i fumbled for my cell phone and dialled the WWW's again.
"hello?" it was fred this time.
"heyo freddie," i said to him like nothing had ever happened, "tell ron to dress up at 5 pm in something cute but not too out there, preferably in florals or somethin', and he better bring me hermione's favourite flowers."
"wha? if he's going with you then- ohhhh."
"thanks, bye."
"can we talk?"
"erm- about what exactly?"
i sighed, "later, okay? i'm out with hermione and you've got work."
"okay. have a good time, lovely."
"you too."
i was utterly confused. here he was one day kissing pretoria, and now he was calling me lovely?
what the hell was going on?
"let's go, mione!"
we went and bought her a pretty pink dress with white lilies adorning it. it was cute and definitely casual, sort of like a sundress.
"what if he doesn't come?" hermione chewed on her lip.
"hermione jean granger, we both know that ron is absolutely definitely a thousand times head over heels in love with you. he wouldn't ditch you for the world! and look at you! anyone can see he's lucky to have you! you both are star-crossed. when has he ever ever ditched you?"
"with lav brown."
"lavender, she's, she's dead, hermione," i said carefully, "fenrir greyback bit her to death. it was a tragic, heroic, death. she was listed in the extended casualties sent to my office a few months after the battle. i think she's watching down on us from wherever she is up there."
"she's dead?"
"yeah," i replied sadly, "life is so short."
"what i'm tryna say, is that that might've happened, but it won't happen again now that he knows you love him and he loves you. understand?"
"and love him well, for the sake of lavender brown."
"for the sake of lavender brown," she said, smiling.
"yup, now, light lord. his name is actually pont knight."
"pont knight?"
"former assistant of me."
"pont knight?"
"yeah, i know right."
"how did he go again?"
"oh, i fired him," i laughed.
"smart guy but terribly lazy and he kept asking for promotions! like please do something if you want money."
"he moved to eastern europe to chase after the trendiness of the islands. i think it was just an excuse. he's changed. he used to be clean-shaven and have the blondest hair."
"do you think he did anything else?"
"we did put him on veritaserum, right?"
"yeah, but it's illegal to put someone on it for more than 10 minutes now in court sittings."
"we could go visit him in azkaban later? i'll take gregir."
"yeah, maybe tomorrow or the day after?"
i nodded, "'course. today is a rest day for the aurors right?"
she nodded, "yeah, half of the agency is at home or working out in the gym."
"good. sometimes this work is so tolling, 'mione."
"yeah, i heard from st mungo's you got hurt?" her eyes were concerned.
i rolled up my sleeve, "that's it."
"that's it? what do you mean, that's terrible! you need to take better care of yourself."
"well sometimes it's hard to. it was worth it."
we continued chatting until it was 4:30.
"oop!" she checked her watch, "i have to go!"
"good luck! tell me how it goes, minister! i'll head back to check if anyone's called for you or me and dust it all up."
"thanks. i owe you."
"nah. i owe my job to you. if minister for magic didn't exist, i wouldn't either. i love you 'mione, be safe!"
"love you too!"
i apparated to the phone box and typed my letters in.
with a whoosh, i immediately spotted two letters and a beeping phone. i answered the phone, solving the problem of the woman on the other end of the line and scribbled a reply to both of the letters.
i finished the paperwork and sent it off, then visited my office. it was piling with letters. i answered all of them, redirecting some of them to different departments, before calling everyone back.
i spotted some of the aurors from yesterday's mission sitting in the cafeteria and talking.
i sat down next to them, "how are you guys doing? any injuries?"
they shook their heads, "we've been spending time in the healer's office and just exercising lightly by the orders of johnny," argonas explained and i nodded.
"take it lightly, and go home if you want to. seeing family always helps the process, hopefully not too many nightmares?"
they laughed, "nightmares all the time, miss," hawk said lightly, "get used to it in this job."
i frowned, "have you tried speaking to doctor yvonne? she might have ways to solve nightmares."
"ahh, miss, sleeping draughts can only do so much," hawk replied cordially.
i laughed, "alright, hawkeye, but just make sure you're not getting traumatised okay? what about you, lopex, quentins?"
they shrugged.
"it's okay? the door was very hard to bust into," lopex said quietly, "we had to try several bombarding charms."
"now, lop, it was easy work!" draco said, sitting down, "hello, head auror, hello unit."
it brought on a cacophony of greetings.
"how are you doing, dray?" harry sat down next to him, "hi everyone!"
we all replied with more greetings and a steady conversation started and flowed for a couple of hours.
i felt my cell phone go off and i excused myself, noting it was 9pm already.
i apparated to the apartment doorstep, knocking on the door just in case anything was happening. i checked the caller id, it was hermione.
fred opened the door, hair messy, still good looking. i smiled at him, patting his shoulder as i ran to the ringing telephone and picked it up.
"y/n!" i could just hear the beam in hermione's voice.
"'mione! how did it go?"
"absolutely wonderful, head auror, ahhh, he's so cute!"
"what happened?" i asked, smiling already.
"well it was really cold when i saw the picnic blanket, which was matching my dress for some weird reason, and ron was there in the cutest button up and he looked so handsoME and he gave me a flower, he's always handsome but i just can't! ahhhh!" she squealed and i clapped my hands in excitement.
"and then i was shivering and he gave me hiS JUMPER and it smelled like him and oh my gosh i think i might just be in love, y/n!"
i giggled, "my cooling charm did work!"
"whaT y/n????"
cackling, i said, "continue, i wanna hear more this is so adorable!!!"
i ignored the dirty glance fred gave me, quietening my voice.
"and then we had food and he said he had cooked it himself and was being such a dear and i told him that i loved him over and over again!!!"
i squealed silently again.
"and, and, gosh my english has gone out of the window!"
"english is nothing compared to the language of love!!" i giggled.
"we watched the sunset whilst cuddling, and i fell asleep and then when i woke up i was in his bed and he was looking at me intently and i just, i'm the luckiest girl alive!"
"you are but you deserve it! that's so sweet! i'm happy for you goshhh, you are the cutest couple. you're both such darlings!"
"and then we watched a muggle movie and he got scared of the spiders and it was so adorable ahhhhHHHH!!!"
"that's the cutesttttt," i gushed.
another dirty look from fred. i gave him a frown back.
"and then he walked me home and it started raining and we kissed in the rain and another check off of my bucketlist and oh my gosh he's so perfect."
"oh gosh that's beautiful," i was smiling uncontrollably.
"anyway," her tone changed into one of mischief, "wanna meet up tomorrow to talk about it?"
"sure thing! when and where? i'll be there!"
"erm, lemme chec- think," i heard the suspicious rustling of papers.
"you're sus. let's just talk about it over the phone. i don't want anything weird."
"how about 10 am in the morning at the field of fireflies?"
"that's a highly romantic place, miss minister. isn't it for couples or something?"
"no? you must be talking about fiona farm."
oh. "yeah, probs, well okay, it better have good coffee. i'm dying of boredom too, does it have a playground??" i asked, hopefully crossing my fingers.
"awww, shucks, i don't think i'll go then. you wanna come over though?"
"no please come! there's a surprise!"
i was sold, "lovely. i'll be there at 9:30!"
"no, no, don't do that."
"what the hell, hermione, you're being so suspicious!"
"i'm not, okay? just come on time, you won't regret it."
"if there's any funny business i'm not committing arson ever again."
"oh crap."
i sighed.
"just come anyway!!! good night cheerio!!!"
"what the-"
the line ended.
i frowned, noticing the glare fred gave me yet again.
"is everything okay??" i asked him.
"no," he said rudely.
"well, do you need any help?"
"how was your day?"
i sighed, "okay."
"you called ron cute."
i laughed lightly, "that's it?? and so what's kissing a girl huh, nothing? i called him cute because he treats 'mione like a goddess, because she is a goddess, for goodness sake. and he is cute, in a completely objective way," i added absentmindedly, "all you weasleys are."
he frowned.
"she kissed me!"
"oh i don't mind, i couldn't. my two braincells can't handle it. you kiss whoever you wanna, okay? live, laugh, love, and all that." i smiled.
he was silent.
"and we can talk after i meet up with hermione, okay?"
"we don't needa if you don't wanna, of course. g'night."
"have a nice sleep."
the next morning, i got up and went to the field of fireflies or whatever.
it was a beautiful place. it was a full on field. meadows stretched across the near english countryside. the sky was clear and light, and the world around me was stunning.
winds blew from all directions, and i soon found myself accio!ing a jumper.
"hermioneeee???" i called, "you're leaving me hanging."
had hermione stood me up? i chuckled at the very thought, soon rolling in the field of flowers as i laughed.
"hermione you devil you stood me up! you left your poor little work wife hanging!" i shouted dramatically.
i suddenly spotted a little house? by the side of the meadow.
i ran towards it.
it was absolutely magnificent. beige little bricks were stacked on top of each other, grey bricks dotted in. the shillings were dark green, and plants hung out everywhere in the cracks of the house.
large windows which reflected the blue light in the sky spanned across the whole house, and a single wooden door stood ajar.
i just wish i had brought a camera. i sat on the grass, playing with the hem of my jumper sadly. even hermione didn't have time for me. i wondered what a sad person i must seem like.
"contemplating life there?" i heard a far off voice. i swung my head around, seeing fred standing and grinning.
yeah well duh i was, no thanks to you, i thought.
i immediately got up.
"we can talk here, right?" fred asked, as he brought me into the house.
"wow," inside, it was cluttered and messy, with plants sprouting everywhere and bookcases and things everywhere. i loved it.
"you like it?" he asked.
"love it."
"good, because i bought it," he laughed at my flabbergasted expression, "i'm rich, darlin'. let's sit, i cooked lunch."
"was this your plan? to have hermione stand me up?" i asked.
"love, i wouldn't call this a plan. simply just a boy trying to explain himself."
"look i don't need an explanation. i told you, you can love whoever you wanna, i don't mind, i don't care, i support."
"but i'm gonna have to explain because i wanna kiss you."
"then go ahead," i sighed, "if you're lying i will stab you."
"jeesh okay."
i looked at him.
"oh yeah, i forgot the food, here," he said casually, handing me a plate filled with yummy looking delicacies. i was willing to put up with his rubbish story telling for the food, i guess.
"alright, i'm all ears."
"okay. so she talked with you right?"
i nodded.
"did she take a piece of hair from you?”
i nodded again.
"so you came home just right about when the night lights flicker on in london. or so i thought it was you. it was actually, aphrodite, yeah? in polyjuice potion. and she knocked on the door, which i thought was strange. i opened it and she immediately kissed me, as you. and it was weird but it was you and i would give the world to kiss you like that," he said bluntly and i could feel my face heating up, "and then it went like that for a few seconds and she turned into pretoria, and by then the woman had her claws on me. then the door opened and i knew i had made a mistake and then you left and apologised so sweetly. i'm so so sorry, my love, please, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to do anything. i broke up with her last year. i haven't wanted to be with her since. i want to be with you."
i looked at him. i knew he was genuine.
"okay. i'm sorry too, for not trusting you. i guess i was just really unsure of our relationship. it's still kinda blurry."
"what do you wanna be?"
"could we be official, please?"
he grinned, "of course."
then smiling sheepishly, he added, "can i kiss you now?"
"only if i'm the only girl you kiss from now on," i teased, smiling.
he blushed, placing my hands over his heart. it was beating very very fast.
"feel that, beautiful?"
i nodded.
"only you."
he gave me a cheesy grin and laughed at my blushing face, before tilting my head upwards and going in for a kiss but kissing my cheek.
"that's not fair!"
and that's how his head ended up falling into my lap, as i ran my fingers through his ginger strands.
he had fallen asleep just as the sunset began.
it was breathtaking. hues of orange and red danced across the sky.
"i can think of something a lot more beautiful than that," fred said, smiling.
"yeah. yeah."
"i don't believe you."
"that's because you can't see yourself right now."
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edasnest · 3 years
Might you have any Raeda headcanons you'd be willing to share?
Oh shit I didn’t see that you sent this to me until now oh man.
But you better believe I’ve got some Raeda headcanons >:D
[Spoilers for Eda’s Requiem and Knock Knock Knockin on Hooty’s Door! Also a little bit of a character study regarding those eps lol]
Raine is constantly in awe of Eda. Eda’s desire to learn every kind of magic and buck tradition and societal norms sometimes leaves them breathless. When they were young, Raine always admired Eda for the clever pranks she’d pull using different kinds of magic despite being in the potions track. They also admired Eda’s boldness when it came to standing up for herself and her sister.
Eda found Raine to be interesting considering they were in the bard track despite their stage fright, but once Eda watched them perform and saw how they’d lose themself in the music was, no pun intended, magical. They had a fierce grip on Eda’s heart and she didn’t know why; she was fascinated by Raine and made it her goal to be best friends with this oddly shy bard (which she achieved pretty quickly).
After Eda’s curse caused her to unintentionally disable her dad, she was terrified of what it would mean if she was caught off guard like that again. So she started putting up walls. No stressful situations, no hard conversations, no sudden bright lights or loud sounds that she wasn’t the cause of. If she could be in control of her surroundings, she could control the Owl Beast. The elixir she’d discovered that could keep the curse’s side effects at bay helped maintain her sanity and her chill demeanor, but Raine was able to tell she was always slightly on edge. Raine knew about the curse; after Eda had transformed on the Grudgby field the first time everyone had been talking about it, but they didn’t know the extent of it. Everyone just said she’d turned into a monster and then fled; but what kind of monster?? But every time Raine tried to get more information about it, Eda would brush it off and change the subject. It broke their heart watching Eda brush off something that was clearly bothering her, and eventually it all came to a head. She was lying more and more often to Raine and they just couldn’t take it anymore. What happened to their best friend??? Why would she lie to them????? It was maddening and all the frustration and aching in their heart became too much. They needed to focus on something other than Eda. They weren’t nearly as bold as Eda, even after all these years, so they joined the Bard Coven in order to start teaching and building a career for themself. They’d happily welcome Eda back if she’d just tell them what was going on. But it never happened. Burying themself into their work and then, eventually, into the BAtTs helped keep the heartache at bay, but only sometimes.
Eda and Raine caught glimpses of each other as the years passed. They’d spot one another in the market or Raine would see a flash of unmistakable ginger hair dashing around a corner; sometimes they’d hear Eda yelling at some Coven guards and quietly hope she’d make her escape. Eda would occasionally see posters advertising a performance starring Raine; she’d either buy a ticket or sneak in just to listen to them play again. She could never stay for very long though because listening to them play made her heart hurt so much she’d be at risk of turning into the Owl Beast. Raine grabbed one of Eda’s wanted posters and keeps it hidden under some other paperwork in their desk, pulling it out sometimes and going over every detail of the artist’s rendition of her. One day, a new wanted poster came out - this one with a weird skull dog now part of the image and the bounty having increased significantly. Raine would always smirk whenever they saw the new version, although they were alarmed the first time they saw her drawn with all-grey hair. When had that happened? They weren’t that old yet, right??
The day Eda saved the BAtTs and figured out Raine’s secret was maybe the best day Raine had had in years. Their best friend was talking to them again, helping them with their plot. Raine didn’t bother pushing Eda about the last 20 years; their last conversation proved enough that Eda didn’t like it when people pried. But Eda had become not just older, but so much more kind and open. To a degree that sort of shocked Raine. When they asked Eda if she had nothing to lose and Eda took their hand, it was like they’d gone back in time. As if they were both 20 again and daydreaming about a world they’d create for themselves where covens weren’t there to shackle witches down and stage fright didn’t exist; where Eda’s curse never happened and they could stay there on that hill forever.
Eda of course was warring with her own emotions during all of this; she was under the impression that everyone in her life was leaving her again. And not because she was pushing them away this time, but of their own volition. She got her big sister back only for her to go back home to their parents after just a few weeks. She overheard King talk about leaving to find his dad and her apprentice - the first person to ever break down all of Eda’s defenses and show her how to love again - was constantly working on ways to go back to her own home. Eda would be left with Hooty and Owlbert and absolutely nobody else and that hurt so much more than she cared to admit. So when Raine showed up in the town square with their BAtT mask on, using their magic to turn some coven guards into bumbling fools, Eda was a little shell-shocked. The first person to leave her of their own volition was right there in front of her and needed help. So she helped them. And when she became invested in their plots to free wild witches, she felt like she was a teenager again, plotting out pranks with Raine in her secret shortcuts room at Hexside, blushing at every interaction they had because even after all this time, Raine was still Raine. Her Rainstorm. It was like she was starting over, like the last 20 years had faded away, except they hadn’t. Because Luz and King were competing in a race that she needed to be there for. Her past and her present were all different types of painful but finding Raine like this again gave her so much hope! Until she realized she wouldn’t see the end of that race, not if it meant stopping Belos. And she was ready for that, ready for the pain to just stop already, but Raine wouldn’t let her.
Losing Raine again was so much worse the second time. But what they said stayed with her and Eda needed to get back to King and Luz. So when she got back and discovered they’d lost, of course her first thought was to help them. Anything to take her mind off of what she’d just lost. And when King announced that he wasn’t leaving at all, he was legally changing his name? She was “stuck” with him forever? That was too much and she just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Someone wasn’t leaving her. In fact he was legally binding himself to her. No one was leaving, at least not any time soon. Eda definitely still cried more that night after King and Luz had gone to bed.
In the future, Eda and Raine agree to start from scratch: Eda explains the curse to them in detail, all the things she’s learned about it over the years and specifically with Luz and King and Hooty’s help. She explains that Lilith was the one that gave it to her to begin with and why (Raine is appalled like???? Raine specifically worked with Lilith in that last year before they had been made head of the Bard Coven?? And Lilith showed maybe irritation at best at the mention of Eda, so like?? What the fuck???). Eda also explains how she’s come to accept the curse as something that’s part of her and the history the Owl Beast has that she got a glimpse of which is super intriguing to Raine. Also Harpy Eda was a thing which was maybe the most surprising part of it all.
Raine in the meantime tells Eda about their time working their way up the ranks of the Bard Coven, how they met each of the BAtTs and recruited them, the façade they had to maintain to stay on track to become the head of the Bard Coven (something that greatly impressed Eda given Raine’s history with being an awkward actor).
Eda introduces Raine to Luz and King to which both of them start shooting rapidfire questions at them and overwhelm them pretty quickly. Eda has to shoo the two away before Raine just bursts out laughing, saying something about how they’re definitely Eda’s kids (all of them blush while Raine is laughing). Luz is just as fascinated with Raine’s Bard magic as Eda was when they first met and the similarities between the two are striking. Raine tells Eda as much later on and Eda begins gushing about what a great apprentice Luz is and everything she’s done during her time on the Boiling Isles.
They fall easily back into dating once they reconnect properly and everything’s calmed down a little - Raine will still be humming a piece they’re working on and suddenly grab Eda and begin dancing to the tune, Eda laughing the whole time and making their heart soar. Eda will still play with Raine’s earring when they’re cuddled up together just chatting. Raine will start asking Eda again for her opinion on musical pieces they’re working on and Eda will make suggestions along with some jokes or snide commentary. They both still love watching the clouds overhead on their hill, sometimes playing music, sometimes just holding hands.
Raine loves watching Eda interact with Luz and King. They love watching how easily Eda loves them and how much she’s changed since they first broke up. Once they’re alone together, in a moment total admiration for how far they’ve come, Raine tells Eda they love her. Eda immediately kisses them and starts crying, repeating Raine’s words back to them and mumbling about how she’ll never let Raine leave ever again.
A canon Non-binary love interest to a main character that uses They/Them pronouns??? In my kids cartoon???? It’s more likely than you think.
Anyways I fucking love Raine and I love how much Eda and Raine love each other and I can’t wait to see what ends up happening with Them™️
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