#lol cassio
justrandomgrill · 7 months
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Decided to draw Cassiopeia based on NickyBoi's visual update for her
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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syringa · 1 year
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me when i’m thirsty
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smilestrawbunny · 8 months
Is Uschii chill with the evil notebook? Im blanking on the name but i think it starts with a C???
Cassio? Oh, no, she hates him too! They’re both the same species, which are very well known for being incredibly hostile and competitive with each other…
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Shes not a big fan!
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Shale: She's the girl of my dreams!
Cassio: You say every girl is the girl of your dreams.
Shale: I have a lot of dreams.
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arcadekitten · 7 months
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Sorry for everyone waiting for more Noisrev stuff I'm still brainrotting over Magician LOL I tried some ideas of the magician form between Olympia & @smilestrawbunny 's Cassio ! I feel like Overlord Cassiopia makes the most sense but Witch was still fun to draw✨
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ambystoman · 1 year
Time Rider (Real name: Cassio)
A mysterious individual with a message from another time. He travels in his ship, The Satellite 2.0, keeping a watchful eye on the flow of time and ensuring nothing wrong happens. What is the flow of time? He doesn't really know it himself. Despite his unknown background, he is happy to help out on your adventure.
He is in search of Time Discs, special artifacts that hold information with immense power. These discs are capable of altering one's strength. He will gladly apply their effects to you if you can find any while on your travels. These increase your health, special powers or even capabilities for carrying money.
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Ignore Spyroll's hands lol
His ship, the Satellite 2.0 is seemingly a normal ship from outside but is quite advanced on the inside.
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Random images from when I was making the level
He claims to be from the future but nobody can truly confirm it. His soft smooth voice can sure convince anybody tough. He normally never takes his shades off.
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An unexpected companion
This guy was heavily inspired by 2 albums I love: Tatsuro Yamashita's Ride on Time and ELO's (Electric Light Orchestra) Time album. Both records with the word time in their names haha!
His overall appearance was inspired by Tatsuro's likeness in the album cover while his color scheme and aesthetic was taken from ELO's Time cover.
I highly recommend both albums.
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simbardnek · 1 year
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These two are a bonded pair; do not separate!
oh, these two. i like how literally two weeks ago i "revamped" them but then decided i wanted to do it all over again LOL.
here's the deal with lucien and cassio: they're my little OCs i've had rotating in my microwave head for a while now. i actually write a lot during my free time with these two, and have all this OC lore and backstory for them. but like, to summarize these feral bonded cats:
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so anyways. here's the raws for lucien and cassio! thanks a bunch! ♡
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secretwhumplair · 2 years
1,495 words | Royal arms (sequel to Waiting)
Content | Captivity, conditioning, fear of punishment, implied pet whump, angsssst
Notes | Nelisa and Lint are both so brave in this. The pertinent part is from Lint's POV and he's very busy with himself, so I feel obliged on Nelisa's behalf to point out she started her career as a scullery maid with no prospects and is talking to a literal king.
So much of this entire situation would be improved if Idalis and Arracen would just stop assuming the absolute worst of each other lol. I debated not posting this before Arracen's next part all the better to wallow in angsty ignorance with him, but I have faith in your sympathetic abilities^^
Taglist | @whumpy-writings @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @newbornwhumperfly @nicolepascaline @thegreatwhodini @neverthelass @wolfeyedwitch @onlybadendings @quietshae @whumpcreations @whumpydaydreams @whumpsy-daisy @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @kixngiggles @tears-and-lilies @melancholy-in-the-morning @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whump-cravings
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Idalis didn’t think he would ever tire of the sweet taste of victory. The rush of the battle alone was worth it, really, but victory - ah, he could bask in it forever.
This one had only been a matter of time. Endalsgard was a small country, and while Arracen had put up a decently brave fight, he must have known he never really stood a chance.
They were on their way to the capital now, the former king captive and carefully separated from his generals. Now that the excitement of the battle had mostly worn off, Idalis would have felt bad for putting his sword to Arracen’s throat just to see the fear in his eyes, but, he reminded himself, there was no reason to.
He kept a human as a pet.
It was one step up from a weapon, Idalis supposed, but it was not good enough.
The rumours weren’t wholly unequivocal on the matter - some said he had taken the pet from Thobrinos to free him. But Idalis wasn’t naive enough to believe that. Clearly, his people wanted to think the best of Arracen, but soon they would see him for what he was, Idalis would make sure of it.
The next day, the exhilaration of victory had been wholly replaced by sore muscles and the dreary task ahead: rearrange the court and government, accept the loyalty of those who would offer it, decide what to do with those who wouldn’t.
Cassio had a half-smirk on his lips when, after a long day, he accompanied him back up to the King’s suite, where he had made himself comfortable. The rooms would need redecorating, too; Arracen’s taste wasn’t much of anything, even bad, just terribly dull. Maybe he was playing at modesty.
It hadn’t even been a particularly successful day. Arracen’s court wasn’t unreasonable, but they were loyal, and even those who were willing to be pragmatic about this warned that the people loved their former king.
»You hate this part, don’t you?«
»I’m glad for your help,« Idalis growled irritably, unwilling to admit it was just so. This was a part of being a king, being a ruler, and he would not let himself be called a bad one for disliking it.
»There’s one more thing.«
»Ugh.« Idalis was just about ready to drop himself into what had been Arracen’s bed, preferably together with Cassio, and forget all this for a few hours. Instead, he straightened himself. No one could say he wasn’t taking his duties seriously. »What is it?«
»Arracen’s… hm. Lovers. The two he put up in the consort’s rooms. One of them is the pet, I hear.«
»Oh! The pet. Of course.« It was a testament to how worn out he was, Idalis thought, that this had actually slipped his mind. The whole reason he had Arracen dishonourably thrown into the dungeons instead of even considering negotiations.
Compared to most of the day’s proceedings, it was downright invigorating. Surely the poor thing was frightened, with his »master« gone and possibly no one to take care of him.
»Let’s go then.«
»Maybe take a guard?« Cassio proposed in exasperated tones. »We don’t know what they might be capable of.«
Exasperated, but fond - there was no mistaking it. Idalis threw him his smile, and called upon the guards.
The fact that Cassio had spoken of two people only really registered when they already walked into the consort’s quarters.
They were sitting together by the window, holding hands, although the woman immediately got up when they entered, and let the man’s hand slip with the movement. He followed her example, his eyes wide.
There was no doubt which of the two was the pet. There was a practiced elegance to the man’s movements, with an air of submission that was hard to pinpoint, perhaps in the tilt of his head or the hint of a ghostly smile when there was no reason for one.
Deference was only right, of course, when dealing with their new king, but there was something more unsettling underneath it.
And the woman - well, she didn’t show none, she dropped into a brief bow, and she was certainly frightened, but at the same time she seemed to be steeling herself as if for a fight.
»Good evening.« Idalis eyed her curiously - she was reasonably fine-looking, but not something that would have caught a princes’ eye on its own, so he wondered what her hidden qualities must be.
Nonetheless, he was here for the pet, so he would handle her quickly and move on. »You are Arracen’s lover, then?«
She hesitated noticeably before she replied, »Yes, your Majesty.« She had a strong Skalasian accent; she, too, must have been taken from Thobrinos’ when Arracen left there. »My name is Nelisa. This is Lint.«
Lint. As if that were a name. Vicious fury caught in his throat, but for the benefit of the pet, he kept it down. He would have time to deal with the woman later - and with Arracen. »You’re the pet,« he said gently, preparing to present him with the fact it wasn’t so.
After Ainsel, he wasn’t expecting him to believe it at once, but-
* Lint could feel his heart freeze up, could feel muscle memory relax to show none of his discomfort, could feel a smile tug at his lips to protect him.
»No,« he whispered, his hands trembling too hard not to be noticeable - he was being so bad, a voice from the depths of his mind, fought down but never quite vanquished, said - but Arracen - Nelisa too - but given the givens, he especially owed it to Arracen. »No, I’m not a pet.«
He was so, so bad. He would be punished, he knew it, and gruesomely, and that would be right. This would have been one thing to say to Arracen or Nelisa - though even that thought seemed alien right now - but to this stranger, who, moreover, had already told him otherwise? He was lying, he was talking back, he was so bad.
Arracen had stolen him, it wasn’t true, he was a pet and he was being bad, and Arracen had been defeated and wasn’t here to protect him-
He almost fliched at Nelisa’s voice. She rarely raised her voice, and right now? She had bowed to this man. Rationality hammering at the borders of his thoughts, he knew they had talked about how scary this all was, and this was the man - king - who was the reason.
Yet she spoke up; even her hastily tacked on »your Majesty,« could not take away from that.
»He is not a pet.«
He was so relieved to hear it from someone else’s mouth. He couldn’t say those things, but Nelisa, being human, was allowed.
He was human too. That was what this was all about. He was human too, and he had to remember it.
»Really?« The new king cocked his head and sized him up. »I heard that Arracen kept a pet, and you seem an awful lot like one.«
»I - I was, your Majesty.« His voice trembled like the way it never should, unless his master - it trembled an awful lot. Still, this was easier to say than the other thing. At least he acknowledged the past. »He brought me here. Arracen, I mean.«
»He took us with him when he left Skalasia.« He was glad Nelisa took over the talking. »He did not want Lint to - continue living like that.« Then she stepped forward, and fell on her knees. »Please don’t undo that, your Majesty. Take me if you must.«
Lint’s heart seemed to stop. »No - Nelisa-«
The king’s eyes flitted between them. He seemed very much like a mere human in that moment. »You’re not a pet.«
Lint shook his head. He couldn’t say it again, even after Nelisa offered herself up to save him, and he did not feel like a very good human, either.
The king spread his hands. »Well, shit.«
The lips of the man next to him - the famous Cassio, Lint presumed - twitched. »How would you like to proceed, my king?«
»Are arrangements such that you are taken care of?« The king seemed genuinely upset, and Lint could not pinpoint why. It wasn’t the sort of upset he would have expected from him being such a bad - no, refusing to be a pet.
He shivered at the thought.
»Yes, your Majesty,« Nelisa answered, sounding as confused as Lint felt.
»Very well. Stay here. You are not to leave the castle until I decide what to do with you.«
»Yes, your Majesty,« Nelisa repeated, but the king had already turned and was storming off, followed by his entourage.
The moment the door closed behind them, Nelisa rushed to Lint and pulled him into her arms.
He melted into her embrace. His heart still raced. A part of him wanted to hear he had done good, but he didn’t need to; he didn’t.
He was not a pet.
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so I happened to watch the rock opera adaptation of Othello by William Shakespeare called Catch My Soul, starring Tony Joe White as Cassio, and I had to make this long-ass smut fic starring him and Pope from Let Me Make You a Martyr. it was worth it, lol.
read it here! :0
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ivanttakethis · 1 month
Hi Vant!! Do you think the Indescribable OT3 (TM) would be more likely to come to fruition in the modern AU than where they are now? Like, they’re all already pretty openly affectionate with one another in canon, but they’re missing crucial ideas of what relationships can be. I feel like in the modern AU they’d be more likely to figure it out and actually be able to express that. Lmk your thoughts!
Hey hey!!
Yeah, without the singing death match and alien overlords, I think they would better be able to articulate and express their feelings and come to some sort of conclusion on the nature of their relationship(s).
Cassio would still be Tov’s parental figure in a modern AU, so she’d still struggle with socialization and emotional expression to some degree (they have a distant relationship here too), but she would have a lot more human experiences to use as reference simply because she grew up around more of them.
My first instinct is to describe the OT3 as that one meme:
Tov: “This is my boyfriend Tallis, and this is Tallis’s girlfriend Himei.”
But Himei is also Tov’s soulmate, so there’s that too lol.
She’s demiromantic/demisexual and also pan, so she’s open to loving/dating/being with any gender.
For Tov, it’s ultimately about the connection she has with the person or people. The love comes after that strong emotional connection, which she has with both of them.
I guess it would depend on how Himei and Tallis see Tov? Like is it more romantic or queer-platonic? Do they each feel differently?
Or is it still a secret third thing of “we don’t really know what’s going on here but we love each other” similar to canon?
Interested to hear your perspective on this 👀
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chipthekeeper · 6 months
So close lol
107 is Cassio Tagge
Cassio was by far the least interesting member of his family, even as a general in the empire. He was aboard the first Death Star not long before its destruction but was not there when it was destroyed
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cassettedec · 9 months
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omg girlll you'll never believe what I heard about cassio he's sooo messy lol
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syringa · 1 year
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look who i met today!!!
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smilestrawbunny · 8 months
Does Uschii hate Lucifer like how she hates Cassio and Casscifer or just those two and not really him? Sorry if you’ve already answered this in some way
Oh, she hates Lucifer most of all!!! I think in terms of how much she hates the current characters it goes Lucifer > Casscifer > Cassio > Charlie, LOL
This little bear is full of so much hate… but she does love some things!
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suncatchr · 1 year
10 and just go ham
Do any of your OCs contain any symbolism in themselves/their story?
Very often I start with a symbol and go from there so this is gonna be fun :3
I guess I'll just go in order and skip anyone who doesn't have symbolism play a huge role in their design or personality/story?
Obviously Koda and co. are heavily symbolised by their powers. Koda is specifically a thunderstorm, reflected in his tense personality. His dour expression is the storm clouds, it's obvious there's something under there. He's also quick to anger (lightning) and easy to sadden (rain). The lightning pattern on his face also comes from his hair, as though it's a cloud. I've struggled with Mae's symbol a LONG time because the soul is kinda hard to symbolize, so that's why I gave her the flowers from her friends I mentioned in the prev ask. They kinda represent her right on her design, baring her soul.
Adding in that Nieve (earth), Jax (space), and Ophie (the body) have kind of "opposite" powers to Koda (air), Noah (time), and Maeja (the soul). So their powers are deeply symbolic of who they are, it's the key to their place in the story. Nieve is stubborn, immovable, Jax is flighty, all-over-the-place, and Ophie is easily swayed by how she feels. I bring them up because they and their powers symbolise what Koda, Noah, and Maeja fear becoming, unchangeable like earth, empty like space, and like... herself, the body.
Emilia is symbolised by fire! Apart from her obvious red hair and yellow (previously pink) outfit, she's got a very excitable and emotional personality. She is passionate and continues to burn as long as her passion is fed, hard to discourage. Mateo controls sound so he's a little more abstract, symbolised by music. He wears ear protectors or headphones usually, blocking out outside sound. He moves by his own tune, or one he creates with his sister.
Heli, Lune, and Cassio! Very obviously the sun, moon, and stars. Since they were my first look at these specific symbols, I made them very typical. Heli, fiery and passionate, warm and loving. Astrologically, the sun is proud, and bold, and self-centred. Obviously the golden skin, eyes, and hair are meant to be reminiscent of the sun, as well as the circular shape of his hair around his head. Lune, tranquil and gentle, emotional and caring. I'm a big moon fan so I went with a lot of positive astrological traits, mystery, wisdom, guidance, and rebirth (Lune reinvents himself multiple times over the course of the story). He's round like the moon, pale with silver hair and eyes. And Cass, erratic and changeable. Just like there are new stars everywhere you look, Cass can be a new person whenever he needs. Astrologically, the stars form the signs, so Cass is great with people, but struggles to stop the orbit and focus on himself. The (initial) failures of his relationships with Heli and Lune and subsequent struggle to find other attachments represents that he is the sky that they are within, surrounding everything but not close enough to touch. Appearance-wise his hair and skin are dark like the night sky, but his eyes are bright like stars. (Percy is a setting sun, the cusp of sunset and moonrise when the stars begin to appear).
Baz and Luca together are symbolised by meteor showers, a major element in their story because the first time Luca leaves his house after the crash is to watch meteors with Baz. People usually wish on meteors, but when they're together, they don't have to make any wishes at all.
Alex and Levi don't technically have but I usually use a dog print for Alex (because he likes dogs :3) and the yin-yang symbol for Levi (as it represents interconnected dualities, to Levi it would represent heaven and earth).
The witches r again symbolised by their powers. Elijah's is hard to physically symbolise lol but the fact that he changes reality is reflected in his absent personality; he doesn't care about anything but the people around him because as far as he's concerned, it's all changeable. Abel is plants: growth, strength, and many elements coming together to make a whole. He never stops learning, especially for the sake of helping others. He is always using what he takes in to grow, and to help others grow. And Jo is darkness. Darkness is impossible to read, there is no knowing if something is even dead or alive in shadow. Jo is hard to read, hard to get through to and hard to rescue from inside his own head, because he's lost in the dark himself.
Only Gabriel has a symbol out of their group, but it can also be used for Anthem because it's a red X. Usually you put a red X on something forbidden, so that's why Anthem has one scarred onto his face; he is branded by someone else as unapproachable and takes it to heart. Gabriel, on the other hand, sews red X's into his jacket to mark the last place he was killed. Not knowing he's in a simulation, he marks the places where something may be missing from him because of gunshots and stab wounds. He stamps over the parts of him that are missing so he doesn't lose them.
Nanook and Maicah are represented by both polar bears and wolves respectively, and the ocean and setting sun respectively. Nanook is specifically a bear with babies, he's nurturing and loving and giving and motherly. Maicah is specifically a lone wolf, set off from its family looking for a new pack, a new place to be. Those were their original concepts though. The ocean represents Nanook's sense of both stability and freedom, the ocean has always been there, will always be here, but it is also vast, and endlessly explorable. Nanook, thus, is extremely loyal and trustworthy, but never stagnant, and always wants to find more life to live. Maicah, as the setting sun, is bordering on chilly in personality despite a warm exterior. Additionally his story is about the sun setting on his life as it was, and him making the choice to begin anew with Nanook.
Seoll, Khaon, and Delta are the next chars with set symbols, a second go at the sun, moon, and stars. The sun represents clarity, energy, positivity, and Seoll has those things in spades. He is deeply prideful and authoritative like the sun in astrology, he is driven towards his goals and believes always that he will achieve them, that he is right and needs no leadership. He's also warm and friendly, a bit more subdued than Heli (for whom energy is the keyword; Seoll's is pride) and more self-centered. He isn't selfish, though, not at first. He cares deeply for his friends and how he looks in other people's eyes. But he also believes himself a hero, and ends up martyring himself for his pride. Khaon, the moon, represents the more negative sides of the moon than Lune, because I kind of favoured Lune lol. The moon can represent mystery and mysticism, fanaticism, immortality. The moon is full of magical energy, and Khaon is well aware of all the magical power and spiritual stake they hold inside them. Immortality manifests in him as a fear of death. His deep awareness of others and everything around him makes him paranoid of people's intentions and the next steps the world is taking. When Seoll is killed, Khaon disappears from Delta's life. Becomes the mystery himself, so lost in his spiritual dread that he can't look someone from his old life in the eye. And Delta, the stars, is erratic and unknowable. Impulsive yet fearful, loving yet cold, irrational yet knowledgeable, quick to anger and to guilt. He doesn't know who he is, what it is he feels when he looks up at that vast, cluttered sky. He does know he loves Seoll, so when Seoll is gone, and Khaon leaves him, Delta reinvents himself on the spot. Dark like the night sky, every star snuffed out. All the emotions that hurt him and the ties to others that snapped just disappear.
Genesis, of course, is represented by the sun. Bright, bubbly, and joyful, Gen loves spreading light in darkness, making ordinary things beautiful. His name, meaning beginning, is also supposed to be reminiscent of the sun, rising on a new day, or flicked on by god in the bible.
Elian, Machiah, Kennedy, and Cody are once again represented by their powers. Elian, given the power of water, is specifically modeled after the very rocky shore in their setting. He's cranky and impatient, restless and uncomfortable. He doesn't like to stay in one place or be stuck doing one thing, he has to be able to retreat into the tide as he pleases. He's also based off of Mami Wata, who is accompanied by snakes, a symbol of divinity. Snakes are uncommon in Barbados (thanks colonialism), but Elian can see one, whenever he makes a moral judgement and makes use of his power (this is a responsibility of theirs, the purpose of their divinity). Or at least he thinks he can. Machiah controls wind, represented by his breezy personality and airheadedness. He's extremely smart, but so obsessed with just doing whatever. He can also get very out of control very fast, kicking up a storm because he couldn't tell he was bothered, that the sky was getting heavy with clouds. He's also based off of Anansi, the trickster spirit, whom is a spider. When he makes his moral judgements, he might catch sight of a spider, or someone else may get caught in a web. Kennedy controls darkness. Also based off of duppy, malevolent spirits who may appear in any form, Kennedy is mysterious and miserable. He keeps to himself and tends to prefer the cover of darkness to engage with the world. He himself is not malevolent, but his ghost symbolism comes up in how he begins to disappear, how things are taken from him until he is mostly resentful. (This makes him look like a real downer of a character nsjbssj his symbolism is supposed to contrast his kind, easygoing and responsible personality to represent how sometimes it's not you. It's the dark world around you.) And Cody, the only one who's only based off his power. He controls perception, so his symbol is of course eyes, although he controls how people perceive all five senses. Eyes obviously represent sight, something Cody can't trust in himself or anyone else. He doesn't know how people see him because he controls perception, and so he doesn't know if he should be altering how everyone sees him and hears him. And he doesn't know if he already is.
The Major Arcana! Their names are their symbols, for the most part. Arwen means noblewoman, and Arwen is very well-mannered, appropriate and sophisticated, also a huge traditionalist. Crows represent death, the future, and destiny, so Crow is very future-oriented, trying to look out for himself and shed parts of his life that no longer serve him, allow death and change around him. Dawn, a character with several new beginnings; he attempts to start his life over in a new place three times and forces his ideology to change when he isn't satisfied. Dovey, his peaceful and humanitarian sister, is devoted and hopeful as doves symbolise. Elio, the sun again, is an upstart, hot-headed and eternally persistent. Harley, which means valley of hares, is symbolised by the hare, abundance, ambition, and prosperity, and follows his whims to achieve whatever it is he wants. Nakoa, meaning warrior, is very gentle and tranquil... unless the situation calls for him to fight. Loyal and driven, Nakoa would fight to the death. Theoretically. And Sunday, another sun character, is warm, bright, and inviting, and encourages growth in others.
Everybody else has yet to fit in with a symbol because of the nature of how they came about :] but I love symbols and representations so it is by design that I get to add more later on >:3
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neonbluedragon · 4 years
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