#lololol i should've thought this through
2smolbeans · 7 months
I can see the yandere darling's support group going south fast, well, that is if some of the yandere figure it out. What if they have they own support group just for finding their darlings!? 😭😈
Note: This is an add-on to the yan's darling support group (you can read here for context ^^)
But Omg NOOOO- The poor darlings 😭😭
But tbh I totally agree and see this happening.
Like the yanderes would've also started off as a private facebook group called "losing the love of our lives" or smth like that. They would all share their stories through the chat and vent about how their lover either ran away, cheated, divorced them, and the whatnot! It started off as just a typical anonymous groupchat for people to vent, but when their true colors started to show- everyone realised that they were all the same and could truly tell the FULL story.
Yandere 1: "They killed themselves.. I don't believe it. I don't know how. I made sure to hide everything. I had cameras littered everywhere..I should've chopped their fucking hands off when I had the chance.."
Yandere 2: "They hit me square in the face with a rock.. It was a pretty nasty one as well. I had to go in for surgery and..Apparently this is how I lost my eye. They really hit it hard..Heh, they always were so feisty."
Yandere 3: "Sigh... They ran off after our honeymoon.. They were so loving and so adorable.. God, it was the best night of my life. They were so beautiful.. Of course, I forgot to lock the locks! Oh well.. I'll find them somehow.."
Yandere 4: "Our daughter.. They used our daughter. After everything I've provided, after the child we created.. They have the gnall to run away after I got rid of that 'pest' they were so attached to. Ex spouse or whatever. It's such a shame how brainwashed they are..And now our poor daughter is waiting for her favorite parent..I know I shouldn't be so soft after they've abandoned us, but I can't help it! I know they're just being hysterical! Once I get them back, I'm sure some treatment will help them get back to normal. And then we can be a happy family again."
Then of course once everyone is on the same board and level as eachother (AKA, everyone understands they are all just as crazy), they'll begin to meet in person at some diner or casual brunch- disscussing their plans to find each others beloved.
And you know..Yeah once one of them finds one darling walking to the group- and hell even decides to join their group for a while..Well the rest will find them and you can only imagine how that went.
Just all of them walking into that group, bewildered, shocked, and amused to see them. All of those darlings..Sadly, are rounded up in a nice bundle for their obessessor to finally pick them up.
But yeah! Thanks for that wonderful input lololol-- it made me have a good laugh once I thought about it 😂
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“After breaking up with Leyla and allowing her to stay in the apartment in the finale, Lauren relies on her friends for a place to stay and it doesn’t go as well as she hoped….Leyren fans should be prepared, there is a big shocker at the end of the episode that even I didn’t see coming.”
Okay the negative bitch in me says Leyla ends up moving back home to Pakistan or being married? Idk but with how much they love to spring surprises on the audience instead of building on current stories(also by how generally bitter the review is lmao)I’m guessing it’s something insane. Moving back would be heartbreaking but at least give us closure while a husband would just. Destroy any hope I have of the writers being sane and actually caring about Leyla/Leyren. Plus it’ll make Leyla haters act even weirder about Leyla than they already are. I know hardcore Leyren fans see some kind of plan but their storyline last season left a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths(mine included but I personally felt like everyone was written OOC so I don’t even blame the characters like it’s just terrible,terrible,terrible writing. I mean giving Lauren money in a paper bag? What the actual fuck lmao. But yeah let’s say things go the hopeful route. Maybe Leyla asks Lauren to try again? Idk how that would be surprising unless they’re in a really bad place the entire episode though. Also, it’s been a year and a half(Luna was 3, she’s 5 now)and Lauren hasn’t found a place yet? Yeah NYC is expensive but Lauren the millionaire hasn’t found a place and has to room with a friend? Yeah ok😂the writers might as well just be honest with us rn and admit Bloomnolds is on the horizon LOL!!
anon 2: Leyla seeing someone else right now is terrible. Literally terrible I mean even if they get back together in last couple of episodes it will feel so cheap. Yeah she’s allowed to date whoever she wants but damn them together in Lauren’s apartment hurts. And knowing Lauren is still so in love with her? Since when would she do that! I guess this is the opener for Lauren to stay with her sister but they couldn’t think of anything else? anon 3: Lololol what a shame about Leyren. They could've left it open ended at 4×22. 🤷🏻‍♀️ anon 4: I’m so very disappointed in how Leyren ended up. I didn’t have a ton of hope after the bribe but I thought there had to be a method to the madness instead there was just more madness. I don’t get it, why put them through all that for such a useless ending? The bribe was one thing but the other issues they kept dumping on them was insane. Not to mention trashing Leyla in the end which makes me so sad. They could’ve let her go and had her be the one that got anyway but they decided to do this instead and I don’t get it.
let me just say, i emphatically agree with all of you about how disappointing it was that they wrote leyla out that way. i don't think the time between s4 and s5 was a long as 1.5 years, likely a couple of months. but agreed, leyla is allowed to date whoever she wants but did she have to bring the woman back to the apartment that belongs to her ex-gf who she knows is still in love with her 😭 doesn't this lady have her own place y'all can go to 😭 leaving that moment as the last time we physically see leyla too??? the next tidbit we get is that her visa cleared and she moved out and also transferred residency to a different hospital in NYC. it felt so sweeping things under the rug and move along for a relationship between two characters that spanned almost half the lifetime of the show. at least floyd and evie got a proper, even if melancholy, goodbye. i agree that if this was going to be the way they played it out, should've just left things at 4x22 and start 5x01 with leyla written out offscreen. the writers really did their best to leave us with a bitter taste in our mouths as a last impression of her character smh.
also how am i suppose to believe that leyla shinwari, who was always so conscious to be careful and respectful of lauren's apartment, the space that leyla once was part of the beginning of building a life there together, is now fine and dandy bringing over a new woman to the place that she knows she's staying as a guest??? i could've lived with this if they had kept her character around and actually let them slowly repair the foundation of their relationship through working together in the ED. but alas. then to throw salt in the wound, that interview from schulner after the episode that was just like 'yeah nvm the bribe irrevocably fucked them up.' like fuck off dog then what was the point of us going through the back half of s4 and the shitty mess that spiraled from that 😭???? you know what, maybe it's actually a small blessing that the writers didn't approach leyren getting back together in the finale episodes of the series. god knows how they would've fucked that up. i just hate that they fucked up canon so much that the fanfic writers lost all motivation to even do a fix it 😔✊
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
Here that part 2 before I forget lololol
Tsuri comfort Morgana (it makes sense just hold on)
Tsuri didn't respond when Morgana yelled about their internal struggle with thoughts about their father. He didn't try to calm them down. He didn't try to pretend that everything was okay. Saying things like "It's going to be okay" or "just don't think about him" were cop-out answers that never helped anyone with this kind of problem. He sat there and listened. He let Morgana scream and curse, and he'd let them cry too, if they weren't trying so hard not to let the tears fall.
Only when Morgana went silent (other than exhausted breaths) did Tsuri pull the other closer for a hug, firmly yet comfortly holding onto their head, similar to how he would hold Leroy after he had a panic attack.
Morgana stiffened, but they didn't pull back from the hold. Yelling about personal shit like this to someone who was just a friend.. they were probably annoying Tsuri with this. But it wasn't something they wanted to bother his other friends or family with. This is something they should've gotten over already. Over 10 years, and they still struggle with this??
".. I'm so fuckin' weak.. I hate being weak, I hate it so much.."
"You're not weak."
Tsuri's cold tone tensed Morgana up even more. "You already know why you think about him and his approval." He continued. "Things that don't make sense and don't appear to have an answer drive people the most crazy. It's infuriating. I understand that kind of trauma will always affect a person even years after it happens, because there's no true resolution, especially if by your parent. Unfortunately, there will parents that feel they're right simply because you are the child. Someone like him will never give you the answer you want.
"That's why the only thing you can do is focus on your present and future the best you can. There will never be clarity from that man, but you have your other friends and family. And you have something better than approval: you have their love and genuine support.
"Some mysteries stay a mystery for various reasons, and it can hurt. You're allowed to be upset by it. Scream, cry, punch.. do whatever you need to do to let out that frustration. Just always remember, at the end of your release, that you have a better life than that bastard. It has made you stronger, mature, and smarter than you think. Rae, Otis, and Pico are your true family. Don't ever forget that."
It took some time for Morgana to realize that they have been crying halfway through Tsuri's words. But as much as they were trying to hold it back before, they didn't bother stopping now. They always felt ashamed of their tears: why cry for that man? Why show weakness like this? Why break down and allow themselves to feel miserable?
For once, as messy as it was, it felt good to cry.
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vreenak · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
THE TERROR ➢ FIRST APPEARANCES ; H - J Tom Hartnell: 1x1, Go for Broke William Heather: 1x3, The Ladder Cornelius Hickey: 1x1, Go for Broke George Hodgson: 1x1, Go for Broke John Irving: 1x1, Go for Broke Lady Jane: 1x1, Go for Broke Tom Jopson: 1x1, Go for Broke
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davinkis-penis · 2 years
The Record Store.
   Hiya! This is my first fanfic- like ever. So there's a shit ton of mistakes! *also this was originally supposed to be a few head cannons until I got carried away lololol and I'm typing this on 0 hrs of sleep bby send God*
1760 WORDS
Synopsis: Wayne and Eddie Munson Being the Buds That We Never Got in the Show so We Have to Make it Up Ourselves™
When Eddie first starts living with Wayne, the record store is sort of like a bonding experience? Wayne isn't the most affectionate and doesn't really know how to communicate with the kid now that he's responsible for him. Yeah, he's seen him a few times but Eddie's Dad was always doing stupid shit and Wayne didn't want to get wrapped up in that- So, he takes Eddie to the record store because before everything went to shit, that was where him and his super-cool big brother used to hang out to get away from whatever was going on at home.
The record store became a ritual- they’d go one day at the end of the month, order pizza, come home and listen while merged with the couch- staring blankly at the ceiling. They usually picked out something together, but one day Eddie was dead-set on this brand spanking new Agents of Fortune album by Blue Oyster Cult- Wayne thought the band name was weird- but he'd never seen Eddie so adamant, so he caved. They get home with the record and it. never. stopped. playing. Over…and...over...and over. Wayne prayed it would just stop. Every lyric from that album was forever ingrained in his head. But Eddie was just so damn happy- he'd hop off the school bus and bust through the door just to put that record on the player in that cramped bedroom hall.
Wayne didn't understand how he wasn't sick of it. Until he came back from the plant one morning, and found Eddie sprawled over his old beat-up acoustic that came from his grandfather, Eddie's Great-Grandfather, who was a pretty good player himself. That thing had cracks, scratches, water damage, you name it- the strings were so damn old Wayne was surprised they didn't all snap off with Eddie's strenuous playing. Which was pretty obvious from the kid's bleeding and bruised fingertips. Wayne wondered how long he spent, trying to go over the riffs, listening to where the notes cut off, which note played where, playing the record back, trying to move fast enough to keep up- Wayne knew a few chords but never could fully get it. The musician gene skipped him, but maybe it didn't skip Eddie. Wayne learned to embrace the never-ending record playbacks. A rare grin appeared on his face as he heard his nephew progress in the skill.
A few years down the line, Wayne would listen to Eddie's band play at the middle school talent show- He had never been prouder. He didn't know how to show it then but now- he wished he would've ran around and danced like that little cheerleader Eddie had a thing for. He noticed Eddie get all red in the face talking to her after the show while she was running all over the place talking about how it was so cool he played the guitar like that. The guitar that Wayne got him for his 12th birthday. The one that he saved the whole town with, according to one of Eddie's few friends. The town that didn't sow a single seed of gratitude for their unsung hero, instead of gratitude they flocked fields with hatred and disdain. Wayne wonders if that guitar was the beginning of the end or maybe it was the record- maybe he should've showed Eddie that wacky Bee's Gee's album instead. Maybe- His nephew would be sitting next to him. Maybe he'd be going on and on about that damn Mrs. O'Donnell and how he was finally gonna graduate. Wayne was going to take him to a Metallica concert in Fort Wayne to celebrate, even though Heavy Metal wasn't his scene. He'd put up with it for one night for Eddie. He had already made arrangements for time-off, because he knew Eddie was going to finally get that damn diploma.
Wayne always thought metal was a bunch of racket, He was more into the likes of Glen Campbell, Johnny Cash, and on occasion The Beatles; i.e. the softer stuff. He remembered always telling Eddie to turn that shit down and he would hear the conundrum as Eddie crashed into the record player to get it from max volume to almost nothing before Wayne could even finish his sentence. He was such a good kid. Trying to fill the shoes of Eddie’s father became especially tough when Eddie went through his teens. Not that Eddie was angry like most teens, he just became harder to read, and there was an obvious distance between them that wasn’t there before. When he was younger, it was easy. That boy was an open book. He'd come through the front door and when Wayne was home- he’d tell Wayne everything about his day from what he learned about in English to what he had for lunch. Eddie’s Dad nor Wayne were much talkers so he always wondered what made the kid run his mouth so much. He was far from the quiet bug-eyed kid Wayne met down at the police station.
Over the years, Eddie stopped busting through the door and then he stopped smiling as often. As if very time he left, bits and pieces of his enthusiasm were walking out with him. And some days, Wayne could’ve swore he saw tears in his eyes. Wayne knew Eddie put up with shit at school- they'd make fun of his clothes or the way he talked. They’d call him the freak because he had gotten into some game with dragons “DD” or something like that. He didn’t press on Eddie to talk about it because he didn’t know how to handle it. Wayne tried teaching the kid to hit first and hit hard but it didn’t work, at least he thought, until he got a phone call from the school, luckily he was home to get the call. Eddie came back home with black and blue splotches swallowing him up that day as well as 3 week’s worth of suspension. That was the point where Eddie’s grades started dropping and his room started reeking of weed and cigarettes. Maybe the guitar and the thrashing metal were inevitable, but Wayne knows if he would’ve intervened then- he would enjoy the silence that surrounded him now. He sure as shit wouldn’t be scrambling through all this junk to flip the damn cassette to side b in the radio that sat on the clutter infested counter.
Wayne hated cassettes, the sound could never compare to vinyl. But as soon as Eddie started making his own money, he owned more cassettes than Wayne could count. Every week he would go around the neighbors asking if they needed lawn work done and at the end of the month they’d go to the record store like usual- the guy behind the counter greeted them with a bright smile and warmth. He knew Eddie by name at that point and always saved a stack of what he might like behind the counter. Wayne would flip through the vinyls, carefully peering at anything new that would catch his eye, but usually it wasn’t much. On the way home they bicker about which was better but he knew Eddie didn’t care. Kid just loved the music. Of course when Eddie got his license and Wayne’s work schedule got chaotic-,the visits to the record store trickled down to only once a year, on Wayne’s birthday. The only thing he ever wanted when Eddie came through flamboyantly with some wacky plan for a surprise party. He shoo’d it away at first thought. Even though they didn’t spend as much time as they used to sometimes they would still listen together. They may have not been on the same wavelength in the last few years- but they were listening together in their own respective ways.
When Wayne went back to that same record store, the clerk who was once so warm- now moved with a lingering aggression that Wayne wasn’t used to. The scent of rotting cardboard and that sweet wood smell threw Wayne into fond memories with his nephew and brother, both of them gone in different ways now. His own brother wouldn’t show his face at Eddie’s memorial- son of a bitch was convinced Eddie was guilty- spewing some bullshit about the Munson family curse or whatever he was strung out about. Wayne thought he would be the only one there- but Eddie had a lot more friends than he let on. They all said such sweet sentiments about who he was- as they too were grasping for another second with him, Wayne wished he would’ve pried Eddie a bit more- because there was so much he didn’t know.
One kid spoke up how Eddie bent over backwards to make sure they were ready for their first game of that “DD'' he played so fervently. Eddie apparently looked out for them better than anyone in that school. He had been the leader of the game- the dragon?- or maybe it was the dungeon master and he was pretty good at it- a little girl interjected with her story of how he welcomed her to the game. She looked like she still played with baby dolls so he wondered what she was doing playing a game like that. But when the clerk asked if he needed help it brought him back to reality. He explained how Eddie would come in there all the time- the man's face crumpled as he went under the counter to grab a single cassette- the title read Somewhere in Time by Iron Maiden- The name and look of the small box sounded about right. The man went to talk about how Eddie waited day and night for the band’s next album, that he would've loved it. Wayne a small promise to buy all the newer albums that Eddie would've loved but would never get the chance to listen to.
Truth be told, he couldn't deal with the silence now that Eddie was gone. He was so accustomed to the thrashing, there’s a void clumping chest without it. He flips the cassette into the radio, turning it all the way up. The lyrics “Caught Somewhere in Time” bleared out of the speaker and kept repeating. Wayne hoped Eddie was caught somewhere in time. That maybe Eddie was with him somewhere merged into a couch, staring blankly at the ceiling, just listening like they used to, together.
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sighonahurricane · 2 years
Okay These are my thoughts about ep5. Very loosely formed, and though I've discussed most of these with @nofckingfighting i can elaborate more on some parts but bleh, i'll do it if i'm really absolutely restless about not explaining enough.
Really enjoyed the opening scene in Chinatown and all. Kinda very-tommy-ish about how he handled the bomb. Also "By Order of the"..what??? Sounds funny af lololol.
"And new wounds you can open up" yeah lizzie, he did that, didn't he? (keeping aside the thoughts part, he looked beautiful in the garrison meeting scene. very gorgeous. Ada reaction was pretty much my own reaction to a lot of things this episode.
"Shelby breakfast" they actually do read all the comedy shit we write on here, don't they?
Duke stealing Arthur's watch. "You come from a long line of thieves" yup. I actually liked Tommy and Duke's interaction at the boatyard. Though the entire "Duke of saxton whatever thingie" was funny but Tommy actually looked quite fascinated about duke wanting to wander in the hills. It's like he sees a part of himself in him. And duke doesn't like the dark part of the business and he was very vocal about it, thank the gods he's not another psycho who wants to blow up the well with white bricks lol. (again, tommy looked DASHING in this scene. Absolutely gorgeous) But my brain was like- "Run away from him, Duke. ffs just run away. don't stay"
Tommy Linda Interaction **chef's kiss** Also, Linda's outfit slayed.
"And you will do God's work", "God is interested in you as well, Tommy" okayyy talk about THAT
"He may not need to take many steps" listen, tommy drops very clear hints when he knows he'll end up dying, okay? like he did in s2. Wanting ada to post that letter, and yet NO ONE has the decency to find out what's going on with him or care about him enough to just push him to tell them what he's going through. Like- please just use whatever resources and atleast try to find out what's wrong and why he does that?
The way he says "God Bless" shear mockery in his voice. He's a little bitch, i love it
I do have thoughts about what he did in the Hayden Stagg scene but idc enough about it right now to talk
KISS YOUR LOVELY WIFE ON THE LIPS, TOMMY. (sorry if this gives you a weird image but both. the ones attached to her head will do though)
That I love you was so dead, maybe it sounded like that only to me idk. YES pin him down, Lizzie. He's yours. I have more thoughts but i'll maybe make a separate pst for tommy lizzie
Legit loved the air around Jack Nelson this episode. Finally, some movement, some danger, some dyamics in his character. It was very flat to me till now but the billy grade scene with him was great, imo
He looked cute and tiny while dressing up in that large shirt though. And Lizzie coming from the back and putting the tie on him, beautiful <3 Legit enjoyed it. Should've choked him with that tbh.
Tommy you fucking bastard. Fuck you for fucking that fascist bitch. Yeah well it's clear and i do understand that he didn't want to but he didn't have to tbh. What purpose did it solve? I think he saw it coming that she will use it against him, only after he was done with it. Post-nut clarity, I believe. He did fuck her, whether or not he wanted to and it has pissed me off. I know we all saw it coming but just- yuck. She treats him like a toy and it's Disgusting.
Lizzie, my beautiful Lizzie, I feel so deeply for you after the dinner scene. I do. So much that idk how to write it here
Well, Tommy stooped too low and he finally admitted that he doesn't deserve Lizzie. I have contradictory thoughts on how this can work out in the last episode and i'll make a seperate post for it
but, Lizzie legit looked scared when Nelson said Michael will be there with Tommy. And when Tommy said he's going to Canada. The woman just wants to get away from all this, ffs either make the conditions better or let her leave :'((
i hate sk for the diana tommy thing a nd i'll never forgive him for that. never.
The soundtrack was okay okay, not very peaky except One Silver Dollar and the song that played while tommy was going to chinatown.
Tommy was BEAUTIFUL AND GORGEOUS in the entire episode!!!! TWO SEX SCENES CJHBRHBFVU3FVUEBCIWNCWNO!! I only liked the first one, though.
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