mdtaslimstuff · 1 year
HelloToday while reading few comments on stress, it came in my mind, which I am trying to share …Everything whatever comes into existence ,it always comes with last day of it’s existence.When child takes birth, he comes with a death tag.It is with everything.Negativity and positivity are two sides of a coin. It is true with each and every emotions,seasons etc.If we will have negativity it will…
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happigreens · 5 months
Sustainable Furniture: Sabai
Sabai about:
[...] In 2019, [Phantila] Phataraprasit co-founded Sabai—a Thai word that roughly translates to comfortable or relaxed—with business partner and college friend Caitlin Ellen.
[...] “The core of why we wanted to start Sabai is to make sustainable furniture that was accessible to people in our demographic, knowing that we are part of an age group that cares the most about this and wants to purchase according to those values, but are limited by things like budget, lifestyle and convenience,” she says.
Sabai CEO interview:
[Phataraprasit]: [...] We started an Instagram account that served as a great tool to leverage our community to understand what they cared about. When we started the design process, we would always go back to the Instagram community and poll them on, "What do you use your couch for?" "Do you like wide arms?" "Do you like thin arms?" It seems so simple in terms of, obviously, a couch is for sitting, but the insights that we received from that were helpful in informing the design process."
[...] It was definitely difficult for two relatively young women who had never started this type of company before and in a relatively traditional space to find any factory that was willing to work with us and basically take a bet on us. [...] When we finally did find a manufacturer who wanted to work with us, that was amazing, [...], but for us, we [...] had to find the sustainable alternatives to every component of the product so that was definitely a whole process in and of itself.
Sabai Materials blog post:
[...] OEKO-TEX certified hemp fabric is used in our Evergreen slipcovers [...] We wanted to ensure we were using [natural fibers] that uses less water than the cotton and linen options we’ve seen offered.
In place of traditionally used polyester upholstery fiber, we are using a natural fiber material made from a mix of coconut fibers and natural rubber wherever possible. The wooden legs are finished in a water based finish and the frame construction uses a non-toxic, solvent free glue.
[Sabai furniture] are designed to be assembled and disassembled easily with standard hardware and tools. Second, both seating collections are made to be repaired, individual parts can be purchased to replace in case of damage and cushion covers and slipcovers can be replaced to ensure the longevity of the product.
B Corp status of Sabai:
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Sabai third-party product review:
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The brackets are here!
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So with 25 characters per group some randomly lucky ones got to the second round immediately for they defeated their nonexistent opposition
I decided to use only one variant of name because otherwise table would be unreadable (also I wanted you to look at some of them and be confused who exactly they are so you could be surprised when the poll drops) except for one character from two different fandoms who would be indistinguishable without clarification, but don't worry, every duel would have a sufficient (provided) description of both sides.
Having whole week dedicated solely to one round of one group leaves us with just the first round for two months, so despite longivity of each battle being one week we'll have a new batch of fights every 3-4 days
And may the best win!
Group A polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹
Group B polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹
Group C polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹
Group D polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹
Group E polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹️
Group F polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹️
Group G polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹️
Group H polls ⏹⏹⏹⏹⏹️
Decisive Battle 🥇🥈🥉
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ghcstcd · 7 months
Do you think ghouls think human's are too sensetive about everything? Like how we always talk about *value of life* but they're killin left and right? Like, do you think for them it doesn't really matters that much cause of their longivity. They see the bigger picture. Nothing matters.
I don't think they're killing willy nilly. I think they care and cry like anyone else. I also think they mourn death and appreciate the life cycle just as humans or more so.
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subiysu-chan · 8 months
Dark Fantasy portfolio project
So, the main country for the setting, I don't have a name for it yet.
It has four regions: North-West, South-West, North East and South East.
The North-West region has the province of the capital, or the Penbre province. It contails the capital city, an outpost and 11 farming villages supplying the capital with most of it's food. It is limited in the South by the great Cliff, to the West by the sea, in the North by the mount Fay and by the swamps in the East. It's primary crops are oats and rutapaga, while peas, shallots, radishes and cresses are grown as the main vegetables. Thyme is a popular condiment. It's most abundont fruits are rowan, virburnum, cranberries, hazel, cedar and bird cherry. It's only open boarder is the North, being closed at the south by shield plate and steep banks, by a swamp in the East and the sea in the West. Plenty of birch, pine, rowan and cedar cover the land, both wild and domesticated. Rowan is a favored gardened tree for it's small size and longivity.
Drinks are very seasonal: rowan tea or virburnum flavored eau-de-vie in the winter, fresh birch sap, young birch wine and early pine beer in early spring, beer in summer (be it oat or pine-based), mead or infusions, sometimes berry-wine. Cranberries might be added to other alcoholic bevrages to inhense flavors. Hazel and bird-cherry tea in fall. In swampier areas water cress and cattails are a favored plant in times of plenty and hardship alike.
Pork and mutton are the prefered meats, but crabs, crayfish, freshwater shellfish and pigeons are secondly the most consummed during the hot season. Duck and goose are also quite popular. Beef is rather rare, as cattle are too precious to break up the hard soil to be killed for meat. Horse, dog or cat are precious animals and if they are eaten, it is out of desperation. Birch leaves, inner bark and catkins are usually not eaten by the mainstream unless there is a famine, but is commonly cosmmed by the parias, especially the torturer and executioner guild, as it's considered a by-product of making torture instruments.
The main sources of fat are butter, cheese, hazelnuts, pig fat and duck fat.
Besides it's food, the region is well-known for it's textiles, mostly wool, occasionally hemp that is finely woven. Most fabrics are either brown, peach, yellow or pink thanks to the abundonce of birch trees, hazelnut husks and shallot barks. However, the capital also has access to other imported dyes such as cochenille, acorns, lichens, woad, indigo and more. Other luxury imports to the capital are barley, buckwheat, honey and coffee.
Besides textiles, the region's next greatest source of crafts are faïence and other ceramics of various qualities, producing particularly beautiful coffee cups and herbal tea jars.
Local monasteries also produce flavored cheeses from various animals, providing a nice diversity of diets. It's mount fay has an underground city of Pyroxene Drow as well as a fairy colony, probably of cranberry fairies. The Eastern Swamps are house to Fées des Houles living with nixes and low elves, fiercely protecting the central parts of these swamps. The region is also particularly haunted by various creatures and undead beings.
In Penbre, wheat, lentils and apples are considered luxury products, although in the cities, they are vastly more available.
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sereniv · 2 years
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So most things are technically biodegradable at some point, except for some stuff like polyester (PET, most commonly used) which can take up to hundreds of years to degrade. which can technically be considered biodegradable but compared to chromium tanned leather (most common process), it isnt.
polyester is nearly half of all material used for clothes in general, and most when looking at synthetic materials for clothing (which also includes rayon which is semi-synthetic, and polyurethane which is synthetic).
there are different types of polyester but generally, polyethylene terephthalate is most common which is one of the most common microplastics also.
polyurathane on the other hand, which is what most fake leather is made from (usually painted over polyester, rayon, or cotton), is not toxic and biodegrades in 20-30 years. Vinyl is also used and is not biodegradable and can be toxic for the enviroment.
and rayon biodegrades even faster at a few weeks, which is another commonly used fabric.
Now these all have some sort of toxic chemical added to them whether it be polyester, rayon, or polyurethane (which is usually painted on polyester, rayon, or cotton).
so saying something is biodegradable doesnt mean anything in terms of environmental impact or even longivity. All it means is that it eventually breaks down naturally. What it also doesnt mean is that that break down is always free from chemicals bleeding into the enviroment.
Because thats what happens. You have the people who work with the chemicals to make the fabric, and then you have the fabric leaking its chemicals into wherever its left to degrade.
anyway, the most common way of tanning leather is with chrome which poisons people, the water, the land, and air.
the most common clothing material overall is polyester and cotton
for most common material used in faux leather, it would be polyurathane, which is again, painted on polyester, rayon, or cotton.
polyurathane clothing can last 30 to 100s of years depending on how its manufactured, while current chromium tanned leather lasts up to 50 years or longer, and polyester can last hundreds of years, and cotton/ rayon last years.
Leather of which is more expensive than polyurathane. So with this comparison, Leather lasts longer (with proper care) but is more toxic and more expensive, Polyurethane Leather usually has a shorter life span, but is not toxic and is less expensive.
When in comparison to all clothing, Polyester is most common, toxic, and isnt biodegradable.
Just over 1% of people are vegan (original coined Vegan Society definition);
8 million vs nearly 8 billion people.
Most vegans make under 30k and thus are low income and cant afford real leather anyway unless it was at a thrift store.
The average person is working class and probably low income and though i have no data, id say that most people arent buying genuine leather products often, because its too expensive.
So you have chrome tanned leather which is the most common type of leather bought (around 90% of all genuine leather),
and polyurethane used in fabrics which takes up only 18% of the overall uses of polyurethane, the rest is in furniture and foam for thermal insulation.
You have the most common fabric overall is polyester and cotton,
and you have approximately 8 million vegans world wide, compared to the rest of 8 billion people who arent vegan
The conclusion of all of this is:
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
Those of us that have less money cant afford premium stuff, and when we do we want it to last
But most of the time there is a choice when shopping anywhere that isnt a thrift store.
To know that the leather you buy (unless brain/vegetable/etc tanned) is destructive inherently to the people who process it, who slaughter the animal, and the toxins it releases
and to know that there are alternatives that are less destructive- that dont even have to always be polyurathane either
to know that we all have something in our closet that involves polyester
To know all this now, not only should you take these into consideration when shopping (when youre able ofc) but to stop spreading the misinformation that "vegan" leather is worse that real leather
because vegan leather doesnt describe anything other than it doesnt come from an animal. And genuine leather doesnt even tell you how its tanned
We are not going to be the main ones buying fake leather of any kind. Just by the fact that there are more non vegans than vegans
This post is neutral, but also has an agenda. That agenda is to lay it all out so that people can see that everything has its pros and cons, but ultimately there is going to be a better choice
and the better choice isnt even "vegan" leather as a whole. If youre shopping for "vegan" leather, try and go for the more sustainable kinds of material
this post took me a week to research and write up. Id provide the graphs and sources but this is already so long, so if anyone wants to add to this and add sources please do that.
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miautinho · 2 years
Um e mil contos sobre cavalaria
— vivemos o amanhã, mantendo o ontem como lembrança (o cavaleiro, o assassino, e a dama de Asmodin).
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Helium de Asdvier cresceu em um orfanato junto de Beel de Longive. Seus pais foram mortos por bárbaros, enquanto os de Beel partiram para longe, negligenciando seu filho do bem e do amor. Tornaram-se grande amigos com os anos.
Ambos desejavam pregar a justiça e proteger os necessitados, logo procuraram tornar-se cavaleiros. serviram como pajens por sete anos, porém, ao receber o título de escudeiro, suas opiniões começaram a se divergir, já que Beel causaria males terríveis em nome de sua ambição, enquanto Helium queria adquirir tal título honestamente.
No Reino de Asmodin, apenas Helium conseguiu o título de cavaleiro, enquanto seu Beel fugiu para longe após matar um senhor feudal que considerou mal. Sua situação era incompreensível para qualquer outro além de seu amigo, por isso o mesmo o perdoou.
Anos depois, Helium soube que Beel virou um assassino de aluguel e fazia muito dinheiro com isso. Sua próxima vítima seria, supostamente, a filha do senhor feudal que matou anos atrás, Henrietta de Asmodin. Helium foi convocado para protegê-la caso os rumores fossem verdadeiros.
Helium se apaixona por Henrietta e ela pelo mesmo, embora não demonstrando totalmente tais sentimentos. No aniversário do cavaleiro, eles aceitam o que sentem um pelo outro, mas logo depois Henrietta é sequestrada quando Helium é pego desprevenido.
Beel, o sequestrador, jura matá-la, porém Helium os alcança a tempo e inicia uma batalha. Ele sai como o vencedor, e seu amigo como o perdedor, mesmo aquele tendo o poder maléfico ao seu lado naquela luta.
Mesmo desejando poupá-lo da morte, Helium não pôde, porque assim que Beel deu-se por vencido, sua alma veio a ser coletada pelo Mal em pessoa, que havia feito um contrato com o jovem em busca de poder cegamente. Em seus últimos suspiros de vida, Beel desculpou-se a Helium, por tudo que havia feito influenciado pela amargura.
Helium volta para o reino com Henrietta e se casa com ela. Ele é louvado e ganha grande respeito por todos os seus colegas, mas, no fim desta história, ele decide reviver o ontem uma última vez, antes de iniciar o amanhã
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Squall King And Air Rider (Villainous Ocs)
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Names: Basileia and Zenon Onasis DOB: Janurary 6th - Air Rider; Janurary 16th- Squall King Ethnicity: Greek Americans Residence: Faithvale Sexuality: Straight (Both) Love Interest: Each Other (formerly) ; Swan Dive (Squall King) Powers: Icthor Blood- Can Cause Burns If Touched; Longivity; Storm Powers Species: Metahuman Headcannon Voice Actors: Chynna Phillips (English- Air Rider) Maritza Rojas (Spanish- Air Rider) ; William Baldwin (English- Squall King)  Antonio Delli  (Spanish- Squall King) Age: Early 30's Occupation: Supervillains (former for Squall King);  Archaeologists; Superhero (Squall King) Marital Status: Divorced Residence: Faithvale Personality: She and her husband represented together a regal air about themselves when they were together. They often prided themselves on being inheriters of the essences of the Greek Pantheon. They also were very knowleagable about Greek mythology and history which sometimes used to their advantage.  Despite being villlains, they seemed to dearly love each other until Squall King decided to ditch his wife for Swan Dive which infuriated her and showing he wasn't that faithful to his marriage. This shows she shows justified veagance against those who scorn her. She also showed great sorrow as well because she believed that their marriage was stable. Squall King also believed that there was more advantages of being a hero than villain and knew his wife wouldn't switch which another deciding factor in leaving her. This makes very self-motivated for his reason to switch sides. Background: They both started out as archealogists working in Greek artifacts that is until they came across a bottle of ambrosia consumed it and gained storm powers. They then modeled themselves after Zeus and Hera and decided to become villains. They would enjoy their time in crime in Faithvale as the top notch villains and even become members of the Black Hat Organization. However, that changed as Squall King became more and more interested in their nemesis until he decided to finally just abandon his wife to get with her which enraged her and she contacted the services of the BHO to get revenge. They were targeted and humiliated for their infedility. * They only got longetivity due to how old the ambrosia was. * They were planning on having children until her husband cheated. * Squall King and Swan Dive will later have children together based on Leda and Zeus' mythological children. They will inherit his immortality. * She goes as a solo villain and it takes a while for to find a new man. While she will never be comfortable with Leda and Squall King's children, she won't target them for their parents' mistakes. * Both of them on seperate ocassions will meet the actual Zeus and Hera. * PEACE will run a PR move for Swan Dive and Squall King so the public can side with them for their infedility by trying to portray Swan Dive turning him to good. * Even other bad guys think he's Squall King is a piece of crap for leaving his wife, especially for a heroine. * Other heroes are not going to be easy about Squall King being on their side but tolerate him because he's useful. * They used to be part of the archeology team at Faithvale at Faithvale museum. They have their doctorate in archeology. * She's a fan of Penumbra and Dr. Rapture's work. * They still use their archeology skills to find artifacts for use, especially Greek related ones. Created through picrew.me/image_maker/1041191/… and meiker.io/play/11040/online.ht…
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anftherapy · 3 months
ANF Technology applied to healthcare.
ANF.care launch 🚀
Andorra 🇦🇩 Longivity & biohacking Congress 2024
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londonregenerative · 1 year
Regenerative Treatment in London, revolutionary longivity procedures to obtain eternal youth
London Regenerative Institute (LRI) stands at the forefront of longevity and regenerative treatments, reversing internal and external ageing through cutting-edge, personalized protocols. LRI channels this innovative spirit to deliver the advanced longevity solutions and treatments with a global network of renowned clinics. LRI is committed to transforming the lives of our patients through regenerative medicine, marking a new era in the journey towards eternal youth. Start your longivity journey today by visiting https://london-regenerative.com/
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anshraa99 · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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aqsaa8685 · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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ansraali · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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amdia80 · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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iqrakanjri7878 · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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iqra8482 · 1 year
Top Model - Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw
cipcipweebee 12:14 PM 0   Aimee Cheng-Bradshaw – 3rd place of Asia’s Next Top Model cycle 3.  Commecial princess with longivity in her modeling industry. She had a modeling since 2008 and more than 10 years later she still modeling! Aimee Rose Cheng-Bradshaw is a British-Singaporean fashion model and television personality. She is best known for coming in 3rd in the third cycle of Asia’s Next…
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