#look at his styleee
vngelicc · 5 months
w e c a n ’ t b e f r i e n d s
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⋆ TAGS — ANGST like rlly bad, toxic relationships, oc and jk dated since they were young, canon au but the boys don’t go to the military, arguing (lots), protected sex, cowgirl styleee, jk’s a little mean, dirty talk, jk’s slightly possessive(?), pussy eating under the sheets, slight face fucking and cum swallowing, bad ending oop, hinted cheating but not between oc and jk, does it count if they weren’t together ur honor, making out, jk’s a really bad bf, oc’s also quick to jump to conclusions sooo toxic combooo
⋆ WORD COUNT — 9.8 k
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It’s the same thing (over and over) where you fight and break up, then kiss and make-up. The cycle’s everlasting and it feels like you’re just going in circles.
The littlest things were enough to set either one of you off. It could be that Jungkook looked at you some type of way, or that you used a tone he didn’t like. You fought over the dumbest things but somehow always ended up back together?
Childhood sweethearts, they called it. You started dating all the way back when you were just teens, Jungkook was a bit awkward around the edges but the sweetest boy ever. It was a miracle your relationship survived after he left to train and then you did too.
But as the years went on it seemed sometimes like the love was fading. It just wasn’t the same anymore (evident in your frequent fights). What felt like love once now felt stagnant, like you two just existed in each other’s world and co-existed together.
Yes he was your boyfriend, and you his girlfriend but that was all. Just y/n and Jungkook. It didn’t feel special anymore. When did the love start to die out?
You’ve been thinking about it for a while now in between your breaks from the relationship, and the very thought terrifies you.
“I thought you and Eunwoo were going out?” You softly asked, a bit surprised to see Jungkook still here in the living room.
“Change of plans.” Jungkook shrugs, “Something came up.” He’s curt and brief, doesn’t even look at you when he’s talking which annoys you a tiny bit but for your sake and his you don’t comment.
“Oh, that sucks,” you softly say and slip onto the couch opposite of him, “did he cancel on you or was it just not a good time?” You’re sitting on pins and needles watching him and his reactions closely.
“I dunno,” Jungkook sighs like he’s exasperated by the conversation, “he didn’t tell me.” You know he’s starting to get annoyed when he does that thing with his tongue inside his cheek.
“You wanna watch a movie?” You quietly ask. You’re worried Jungkook didn’t hear you at first but a couple of seconds later he’s nodding and holding out the remote to you.
It doesn’t feel right. It makes you feel like he’s generously giving you the light of day to entertain your “silly ideas”. You don’t like it.
You go about picking a movie, not even bothering with asking him what he wanted to watch. You doubt he’d even reply to you, maybe if you were lucky he’d just say “Pick whichever one.”
“I heard this one’s good.” A hum, “Came out—I think, last month..? Yeah.” Another hum, “Should I bring snacks?” Head shake.
You kinda get the memo and shut up after that, the ache you’re feeling still lingering in your heart. The credits roll in and the movie’s starting, you look out of the corner of your eye to get a look at Jungkook. He’s just sitting there quietly, eyes focused on the TV screen.
It feels normal—looks normal, but you know and feel that it’s really not.
After arguing with yourself in your head, you finally muster the courage to slip off the couch and into Jungkook’s side. You hide your face in his shoulder and lean against him comfortably. Jungkook doesn’t respond for two seconds before he’s casually slipping his hand over your knee.
It feels..good again. You, Jungkook, and his thumb that caresses your knee ever so gently like you’re made of glass. Maybe you really were worried about nothing. It was probably your head messing with you again and making you think things that weren’t true.
Are they though? I don’t know.
“Oh how prettyy,” you softly marvel at the white dress the actress on screen was wearing, “I wanna have one like that when we get married.”
Jungkook doesn’t utter a word and at first you’re like okay, it’s whatever he’s been doing this already anyways. You don’t really begin to think about it until you feel gentle caresses come to a stop. You turn to him to ask what’s wrong but you think you have your answer.
“What, you don’t wanna marry me?” You softly joke but you’re met with silence. He looks troubled, like he wants to say something but can’t get it out, “.. Jungkook? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” Jungkook shakes his head, “I was thinking.”
Your stomach does that weird thing again where it feels like it’s dropping. You can hear your own heartbeat ringing in your eardrums too, “About?” You whisper.
Jungkook finally meets your eyes with a pinched expression, “I don’t know if I’m sure about marriage yet, I don’t think I’m ready.” He quietly explains, “I don’t feel ready. I feel like there’s so much more I can still do before settling down.” With you…?
Your eyes almost water but you refuse to let them, “So..you don’t want to marry me?”
“What–no, I said I wasn’t ready,” Jungkook blinks rapidly, “I.. I didn’t say that.” He says once he recovers from the initial shock.
“Then what did you mean?” It comes out snappier than intended, “Because to me it feels like something else.”
Jungkook grows visibly irritated, “y/n you’re blowing shit out of proportion again, I didn’t even say anything about you specifically, why the hell are you twisting my words?”
“You make it sound like I’m being weird about this, you were the weird one when all I said was a tiny joke. You’re the one taking it some type of way.” You’re trembling with adrenaline.
“I was just telling you how I feel,” Jungkook stands up and paces back and forth, “why are you being like this? You always wanna say it’s me who starts arguing but look at you!”
Hot tears of anger well in your eyes, “Because it is always you! You give me weird ass attitudes when I’ve done nothing to you, I barely even talk to you!”
Jungkook pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes, “I’m not doing this again with you. I just fucking can’t, I mean fuck, look at us! All we fucking do is fight, fight, fight and you expect me to wanna marry you? To be stuck with this? No thank you!”
You wipe your tears and stand up, “And there it is, at least I know how you really felt. Saved me my time too.” You glare as you pass by him in the direction of his room.
Jungkook shakes his head, “Where are you going? It’s late.” He calls out loudly, “y/n, answer me.”
“I’m going home Jungkook, it’s fine we’re done. We don’t have to keep doing this anymore.” You look back with dry tears, “I’m done too, I’m tired of pretending everything’s okay when it’s not.”
He doesn’t respond to that, he knows it’s true. “At least let me walk you out to the car.” He quietly murmurs.
“y/n, don’t–”
“Leave me alone.” You whisper and storm out of his apartment, away from your home without your heart.
It takes three weeks for you to realize that he’s not coming back. He hasn’t texted or called and suddenly it feels real. You were in deep denial the entire time thinking maybe he’d come around and you could talk it out like you always do. He never showed.
You don’t like this, it hurts like a deep ache you can’t seem to get rid of. You find yourself choking up every time you think about him, you don’t want this. You never wanted this.
“Fuck, please,” you whisper shakily. A few rings go by and then you finally hear him.
“Jungkook, I need you.” You softly whisper into the phone, “Please..?” He goes silent on the other end and with each passing beat you’re more worried and anxious.
“Where are you?” He softly replies.
“Home.” You quietly croak, the relief filling you in an instant.
“Okay, stay right there I’m on my way. Please just—just sit tight okay?”
You nod like he’s right here in the room telling you face to face, you don’t even know why. He stays on the phone with you in comfortable silence, you hear when he leaves his apartment, when he starts his car and when he finally pulls into your parking garage.
“Is the door the same code as before?” Jungkook asks quietly.
“Okay, I’m here outside.” He hangs up the call briefly and then you hear the beeping noise of your front door unlocking.
The sight of Jungkook has your heart breaking into millions of pieces when you realize he’s not yours. Not anymore. You blink away the fresh tears welling up, he visibly softens and holds his arms out for you.
“Come here.” He softly murmurs. You don’t waste a second and cross the living room into his arms in an instant.
Jungkook wraps his arms around you tightly and holds you against his chest. He shushes you softly and sways side to side while you softly cry into his chest. He whispers everything’s going to be okay but it’s not—not with him not by your side.
“Sit, I’m gonna go bring you some water.” Jungkook softly says as he leads you over to the couch.
You nod quietly and watch with red rimmed eyes as he walks off into your kitchen. There’s a million things running through your head right now but you were more concerned with Jungkook. You hated how distant he was, it felt alien-like and weird.
“Here,” Jungkook murmurs as he comes back with the glass of water, “I brought some tissues too.”
You quietly accept with a soft thanks as you wipe your nose and take a tentative sip of water. He watches you with pity in his eyes, and you don’t want him to look at you like that. It makes your skin crawl and leaves you frustrated because you didn’t want his pity.
You just wanted him.
“So what happened?” Jungkook quietly asks after a few minutes of letting you gather yourself.
“I miss you and it just hurts so bad the way things ended. I’ve been regretting it and it hurts–” You can’t even finish because you’re already tearing up again and Jungkook hushes you softly.
“I know,” he solemnly says, “I know it does. Trust me you’re not the only one feeling like shit about this, you think it’s easy for me to let someone I’ve loved walk away after years? It’s fucking hard.”
He sighs shakily, “But I know that if I truly did love you and wanted the best for you, I’d do this. I just can’t keep up anymore, all the arguing is just not good for us y/n and you know it.”
“I know, I know.” You say into your hands with a sniffle, “But I don’t feel like letting go.”
“Me neither,” Jungkook gently brings your hands into his and looks into your eyes, “but we can’t keep going like this. We tell ourselves it’ll be fine but it’s not, it never is.”
You stare silently into eachothers eyes until Jungkook finds his voice again, “Which is why I think we should just take a break for I don’t know how long but we need to work on ourselves. If you truly loved me like I do to you, you’ll let me go and work on myself. You’ll want me to get better.”
And it’s true. You’ve only ever looked out for his best interest and wanted nothing but good things for him. But is it so bad to want to be a little selfish?
“I know.”
“So you understand we have to actually put in the effort if we want this to work out in the future? We can’t half ass this and rush into things anymore, that’s not how I want it to be between us.” He whispers softly.
You look at Jungkook miserably, “Yeah, I get it..” You quietly say, “I just..just promise me you’ll still be here in the end.”
Jungkook cups your cheek gently and smiles which doesn’t look genuine, it's a more sad bittersweet smile. “I’ll be here.”
You’re not together but it doesn’t feel like you’re not together? You don’t know how to explain it but it’s weird.
Before it was obviously a shitshow with all the arguments and whatnot. Several things actually like Jungkook’s attitude and his weird bipolar moods, and then you with your misinterpretations and spiteful words. It’s different now.
It almost feels like you’re happier with him now than before when you two were actually together. It’s funny that it takes a break up for you two to start being civil and loving—more than before actually. You don’t act like exes, and you both know you don’t.
Exes don’t call each other every night to ask how their day went, neither do they sleep over or cook for each other. It’s one thing to call up your ex from time to time but everyday? Were there no boundaries because you two clearly needed to set some.
Your friends tell you they’re proud but you don’t feel so good knowing you’re still going back to him every night. Sometimes you fuck, sometimes you don’t, most days he’ll just want company or someone to come with him to shop for groceries. You do all these things telling yourself you’re just here for support, nothing wrong in that right?
There’s nothing wrong with being friends with your ex, right? That’s all it is, just friends.
“Hold on, I'll be back, I got a call.” You excuse yourself from the table and head into another room for more privacy. “Hello?”
“Hey, are you doing anything right now?” It’s Jungkook again and it makes your tummy flutter with butterflies at the sound of his voice.
“Uhh, not really? I’m just having some dinner with friends, why?”
“No reason I just wanted to see if you could come over and maybe we can watch a movie or somethin’. I also realized I might have ordered a little too much fried chicken, old habits die hard I guess.” He jokes softly.
You think it’s a little cute and you can’t help but say yes right away, “Let me finish up real quick and I’ll head over in a bit.” You’re smiling like an idiot right now.
“I can come get you..? Only if you want me to though.”
“That sounds good to me, text me when you get here then.” You softly say, “Bye.” It’s a little awkward not saying ‘love you’ but then you remember you’re not technically together and your entire mood is soured a little.
Shit, what are you going to tell the girls? Something came up and you have to go? No, they’ll ask and you’re a horrible liar. Plus you’re stressing out a little over how you’re going to leave undetected, what if Soyeon tries to walk you out to the car or something? You don’t drive but Soyeon has a habit of walking you out whenever you leave her house (god bless).
It’s moments like these that make you wish Soyeon wouldn’t offer, just for today.
“Hey what’s up?” Soyeon says when she sees you re-enter the room, “Everything good?”
“Yeah but I forgot I had a meeting coming up, it’s about a comeback coming up soon and they need me for creative directing or something. Point is I gotta go guys, sorry.” You don’t like lying to them like this but they’re gonna give you shit and right now you don’t want to hear it.
“Oh cool, okay then we’ll hang some other time then yeah?” Soyeon smiles as she begins pushing her seat back. Oh no.
“Stay here it’s fine, the car’s almost here anyways and it’s a bit chilly outsideeee so stayyy.” You whine while pushing her back into her seat, “Also Miyeon’s literally here, keep her company don’t be rude.”
Both girls look confused as Soyeon raises a brow in question, “Miyeon’s fine she sees me almost everyday. Just let me walk you out weirdo.”
“You’re not even wearing shorts Yeon, just sit this one out I’m good. I’ll text you when I get in the car and stuff okay?” Soyeon doesn’t look convinced but she nods anyways and agrees to let you go reluctantly, “Bye!” You wave and hurriedly make your way out after Jungkook texts you he’s here.
“Byeee.” Once you’re out the door you let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding in. Why was that girl so damn stubborn? You love her to death but now was NOT the time.
jk: outside
You hurried down the hall and to the elevator. Jungkook was waiting for you in the parking lot outside of his car, just leaned back against the hood of it with his hands in his pockets. “Are you cold?” He asks as soon as you come in front of him.
“A little bit,” you smile and sink into his warm and welcoming embrace, “you’re super warm though.”
Jungkook chuckles quietly and strokes your hair, “Here I’ll give you my sweater.” He shrugs it off and holds it out to slip you in it, “You look funny.” He laughs.
“Your face is funny.” You stick your tongue out meanly meanwhile he laughs, “Alright hurry up, I’m cold and hungry.” You pull away from him and head to your side of the car, happily sighing as the warm air from inside hits you.
“I thought you ate already.” Jungkook snorts in amusement as he slips into the car.
“Well I’m hungry again.” You grumble.
He doesn’t respond verbally at least, he shifts the car into drive with a tiny smile on his face. You find yourself leaning back into your seat with a soft smile of your own. Times like these you were able to just sit back and forget about everything and anything. The only thing that mattered right now was you and Jungkook.
That’s it.
The movie ended up becoming background noise over the soft sounds of Jungkook’s lips meeting your own over and over again. The food lays discarded on his coffee table, half-eaten with a couple of soju bottles littering around the boxes.
It feels good like this with Jungkook’s hand tangled in your hair and his other settled over your hip. You’re sitting halfway in his lap, the angle a bit awkward but doable nonetheless. You hear him release a low grunt in his throat, lips smacking wetly over your own as he tightens his fingers on your hip.
You thread your fingers through his hair, stroking over his head gently pretending to not notice how he leaned into your touch eagerly. You barely even notice when he impatiently drags you onto his lap and sits you firmly over his thighs, your own bracketing his hips and closing him in.
“Jungkook,” you quietly sigh while bearing down on him and grinding over the thick bulge in his joggers.
“Yeah..?” He replies through a quiet sigh as his half-lidded eyes watch down below between you two where your clothed cunt is pressed tight to his hard cock.
You can’t reply because you’re caught off guard by a bubbling moan in your throat. You find yourself gripping the collar of his shirt tightly between nimble fingers when he suddenly bucks his hips up sharply. The print of his dick presses tighter against your slick folds, the head messily bumping into your throbbing clit.
Jungkook lets out a ragged groan as he tilts his head back and parts from the messy kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips. He guides your hips with both hands as he rolls you over his cock and holds you down to keep you in place. It makes your breath hitch and a stuttered moan slip from your lips.
“Fuck..” You pant softly as your toes curl, “Need you so bad.” You whisper in between the short rough grinds.
He bites his lip harshly and reaches down to unbutton your jeans, you help him slide them off as he hooks his fingers under your panties and tugs them to the side. You feel his fingertips slide through your messy folds, circling over your swollen bud and pressing down with the pads of his fingers.
The slide’s pretty slippery, you barely feel his touch but the pleasure bubbles over and leaves you tingly and hot down there. Jungkook teases you by dipping his fingers low against your fluttering hole that greedily squeezes around nothing. “Don’t tease,” you mutter softly and lean forward to press kisses against his jawline.
“Fuck, wait.” He reaches over and blindly pats the sofa for something you can’t really be bothered to look at. A low hum leaves him when he finally finds what he was looking for: condom.
You watch him bite the foil open and reach down to shove his sweats off, the way his dick slaps against his stomach has you squirming in anticipation. He hisses low through his teeth as he strokes the tip slowly before rolling the condom on. You watch hungrily as his cock’s engulfed in the thin rubber, standing hard ‘n tall with a beady pearl of precum getting trapped within the condom.
“Good?” He mumbles once he positions his cock under you, the tip’s barely brushing over your hole before you’re whining at him for more.
“I’m good,” you wrap your arms around his neck and tug him closer, “now fuck me..please?” You say after a couple of seconds of silence.
Jungkook huffs out a breathless laugh and shakes his head, “You’re cute.” His amused tone dissolves into a low moan when you start pushing his cock in, inching yourself down until your perk ass meets his thighs with a low pap noise.
Fuck you forgot how full he makes you feel when you ride him, your poor little cunt’s all stuffed up with his fat cock. It doesn’t help that there’s a little sting from the stretch with the way your pussy hugs his cock tightly. Jungkook though looks blissed out, he bites his lip and watches through hooded eyes, he’s moving his hands to grip your hips tight.
“Feels so good,” you slur out and start bounding idly, not too fast or slow, “feel..full.” Your tone comes out lewd and borderline pornographic. Can he blame you? His dick always fucked you stupid, turned you into a little yapper too.
Jungkook grunts quietly, “Yeah? You’re gonna be a good girl and ride me like you mean it baby?” The words slip out of his filthy mouth like nothing, you almost forgot the nasty shit he used to tell you when he was plowing your brains out on a Tuesday night.
“Y-Yeah,” you gasp softly as your eyes flutter shut when he hits that one spot you like, “so, so good Jungkookie,” you whine quietly while rocking your hips back and forth, your cunt greedily swallows him up through every push and tug.
Jungkook groans low and moves his hands to settle over your ass cheeks, he grips each cheek in his hand and squeezes, kneading the flesh under his palms. “Shit–like that,” he huffs softly as he guides your hips in smooth fluid grinds, “so fuckin’ good.” He groans again and tosses his head back.
You bite on your lower lip to supress your whimpers, your hips bounce lightly in his lap with a low fopping sound as Jungkook’s cock coaxes more slick out of your pussy. You’re dripping through the sides as a low squelch emits from your sopping cunt. Through the soft moans and grunts you there’s a skin on skin slapping sound your ass makes when they meet his thighs.
“Oh, fuck.” You whisper, breathing picking up as your hands slide down to settle over his abdomen for purchase.
Jungkook’s lips part, eyesbrows pinching together in concentration as he watches you fuck yourself languidly on his cock. His body lightly rocks upwards from your eager bouncing, the slapping noises only get louder the more you grow desperate. He can’t help but land a hard smack on your cheek, watching in satisfaction as you mewl from both pain and pleasure.
“You like that baby?” He breathlessly asks, “Like being slapped around like a slut? Hm?”
“Y-Yeah,” you gasp shakily and throw your head back, “love it so much Jungkookie,” you mewl.
Jungkook moves one hand from your ass up to your head, fisting the back of your hair and forcing you to expose your neck for him. “How much?” He grunts low, “Whose cock makes you scream like this?”
You swear the ache in your skull from him yanking on your hair makes you even wetter. The throbbing in your pussy has you wildly grinding against him for more, you can’t even reply because of the uncontrollable moans you’re letting out right now.
“Answer me,” he hisses with another smack to your cheek.
“You do! Only you,” you softly sob as he stops you and holds you in place, “please ‘m so close, wanna cum.” You try to bounce, move, anything—but he’s not letting up as he holds you in place and leaves you squirming all over his cock.
“Cum.” Jungkook darkly murmurs as he begins fucking into you from below, his sharp thrusts send you flying into his chest as you cry out.
He drives his cock right up against your g-spot with each hit, the living room quickly fills with the sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the couch creaking from the weight. He doesn’t hold back on his moans either, he’s cussing and groaning under his breath as he uses your pussy to his liking. You on the other hand..
“Jungkook..!” You feel your pussy clamp down and you reach down to rub at your clit in fast circles, trembling and whining as your orgasm approaches fast.
He grips your cheeks tighter and spreads you open as he fucks his cock in and out of your sloppy cunt. Your mouth falls open as the wind is knocked out of you, you’re coming fast and hard as stars explode behind your eyelids. You feel like a ragdoll in his hands as he fucks away into your oversensitive cunt.
“Shit—nearly there baby,” he whispers as his eyes flutter shut in pleasure, “oh fuck.” He grits his teeth and bucks up hard until his hips are stuttering in their pace and he’s groaning loud.
You wish he wasn’t wearing the condom as you feel every little throb and twitch inside. It makes you drool at the thought of his hot thick cum filling your ruined little pussy, it’d probably drip afterward too..
“Good?” He quietly asks as he tries to catch his breath.
You end up laying your head on his shoulder for a couple of seconds, enjoying the way he rubs your back gently in a comforting manner. “Yeah, ‘m okay.” You softly reply while clinging to him like a koala.
Jungkook hums, you don’t go home after that, or the day after.
“Damn when did it get so hot?” Taehyung complains under his breath, “Swear it feels like the weather was cooler yesterday, don’t tell me summer’s already coming.” He groans.
Jungkook hears Hoseok grunt in agreement, “Can you believe spring’s almost over though? We’re like a month away from summer starting.”
“What? No way.” Jungkook frowns, it can’t be, the last time he spoke with you was—
“You realize we’re in the last month of spring right?” Taehyung looks at him weirdly with a snort, “Have you been living under a rock or something?”
Hoseok joins in on the teasing but Jungkook doesn’t think it’s so funny anymore. Not when he realizes it’s been almost two whole months since you and him decided to take a break. He hasn’t really kept up with your life like that, the last time he spoke was when he asked if you were home and then he did go over and you guys ended up—
Holy shit.
“Jungkook,” Hoseok calls out, “your phone’s ringing.” By the looks on their faces they know who’s calling right now. Hoseok looks mildly disappointed and Taehyung just seems tired of it.
“Are you gonna answer it?” Taehyung asks tentatively.
Jungkook looks at your caller ID and then silences his ringer, “Nah, I’ll see what’s up later. Where do you guys wanna go next?” They look at him like he’s crazy and Jungkook sighs, “What?”
“We didn’t know you guys were still together, thought the breakup was for good.” Hoseok quietly admits.
Oh. Right, Jungkook’s been talking about how you’ve both been separated for a cool minute now. Of course they would naturally think that you’ve both finally realized you’re no good and left each other the fuck alone. He’ll never forget their proud faces when Jungkook admitted he walked away from it.
“Look, she’s a good person and all that but is it really worth it if all you do is fight and tear at each other? I mean it’s not like this is the first time.” Taehyung rambles slowly as Hoseok nods along to every word, “Don’t you think that maybe answering her would fuck up all the progress you’ve made so far?”
Will it? Jungkook likes to think that maybe he’s doing a good job but clearly not if Taehyung and Hoseok are calling him out on it. Of course they want the best for him too, they’ve been his hyungs since forever (but you were his forever too).
“Look I know it’s bad,” Jungkook sighs, “but I just can’t leave her like that either, it’s wrong. She’s been in my life since we were kids Tae, I’m not gonna just ditch her like that.”
“And nobody’s mad at you for it but Jungkook c’mon, you need to set some boundaries for your sake man. You can’t fall back into this nasty habit, not when you’re doing so good for yourself right now.” Jungkook knows Taehyung’s referring to his upcoming Golden album release.
“Listen, we’re not gonna police you because you’re a big boy and you can deal with your own shit but I’m just telling you right now it’s not a good idea whatever you’re doing with her right now. The sooner you begin to pull away, the easier it will be when you two finally decide on the future of your relationship.” Hoseok finishes quietly.
They’re right and Jungkook hates that they are. As unsettling as the truth is, that’s just what it is and Jungkook can’t change that.
You’re broken up but why does he still go over? Why does he cook for you two, watch movies in bed like a couple and then fuck you to sleep before the cycle repeats over and over? Did you ever break up to begin with?
“If you want this to work you need to let go.” Taehyung’s hand comes up to squeeze his shoulder, “Some things were not made to be forever, and unfortunately this is one of them.”
Jungkook looks up at the two men in front of him, they’ve each got reassuring smiles on their faces and for the first time he feels good about his decisions. He makes a mental note in the back of his head to speak with you later on, for now he’ll just enjoy this.
“I didn’t know you and Jungkook were still together.” Soyeon comments upon seeing a sweater she knew was too big to be yours and quite frankly wasn’t something you’d personally go out and buy yourself.
“Oh, that—we’re actually not.” You chuckle under your breath, “He left it here the other day–”
“The other day?” Yuqi frowns, “What do you mean? I thought you guys haven’t seen each other in two months?” You can tell they’re equally confused about the situation.
“We aren’t together-together, we’re just kinda hooking up here and there whenever we feel like it.” You shrug.
“Uh-huh, and he just leaves his clothes too?” Soyeon raises a brow, “y/n—babe, I love you but what the hell? I thought you and him were completely done already?” She says, Yuqi nodding along in agreement.
Now it’s your turn to look at them confused, “What? We’re just hooking up, it isn’t anything bad either I mean we’re doing better now than before.”
Soyeon sighs deeply and sits down, “Have you maybe thought about why things are better now? Because you’re not together y/n, you’re only doing ‘better’ now because you don’t have a label to the relationship because you’re both pretending shit’s okay.”
“This can’t be good either y/n, it’s not healthy it’s just gonna lead you both down the same path as before. You guys think that because you’re happy now, the issues aren’t gonna be there.” Yuqi shakes her head.
Of course you knew they were gonna start with this but your pride was too strong to admit that they were of course right about this. It’s something you’ve been intentionally ignoring, kind of like if you don’t think about it, it’s not true type of thing. Which in itself was a pretty bad mindset.
“But we’re gonna fix things.” You softly reply.
“Are you?” Soyeon looks like she doesn’t believe you, you don’t even believe yourself.
Yes, yes, yes—
“I don’t know.” You find yourself saying without thinking, that’s the truth right? Right..?
Yuqi sighs sympathetically and shakes her head, “It’s time to let go, it’s over y/n—for good. I know it’s hard love but you have to do it.”
“I’ll…talk to him later about it, can’t guarantee this but I’m going to try to break things off permanently.” You’re just tired of this back and forth with yourself wondering if Jungkook and you are truly going to be okay.
You know you both will be okay…just not together and that’s what hurts the most to think about. They don’t push the topic anymore, something you’re thankful for. The entire time you’re with the girls you’re stuck thinking about Jungkook.
you: come over
You spent at least ten minutes with your thumb hovering over the button before you actually pressed it. It shouldn’t be so fucking scary but you’re just extremely nervous right now. Your friend’s words ring in your head over and over again like a mantra and you feel like you’re going mad.
jk: rn?
you: yea, really want to see you
jk: me too.
It’s the shit like this that makes you question everything. You hate how weak you are because Jungkook can sweet talk his way into your head and you wouldn’t be able to stop him. It’s not like he does it intentionally but still the power he holds over you, it’s stupid.
After the girls left you ended up cleaning the living room a bit, stopping in your tracks when you came across the sweater he left behind. You stare at it for a couple of seconds before slipping it on finding it much more comfy wearing his clothes. You hear the front door keypad beeping before it unlocks and Jungkook’s slipping in.
“Hey.” He greets quietly and shuts the door behind him.
You smile up at him and tug on the sweater paws, taking note of the sweaty state he was in, “You coming from the gym orrrr…?”
“Oh yeah,” he laughs, “I just got finished with working out when you texted me. Look at that,” he flexes his bicep to show you, “hot huh?” He grins.
“Ew no as if, go take a damn shower you probably stink.” You pretend to cover your nose and gag, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“Yeah, yeah whatever.” He walks over to tug you into his arms, “This my hoodie?” He mumbles, “Looks good.”
You let him lay soft kisses over your pouty lips until you’re pushing him away with a low grumble, “Go shower now, I don’t wanna stink of sweat in your hoodie.” You snort.
Jungkook lays one last kiss over your forehead and walks in the direction of your room, “So mean and for what? It’s literally my hoodie who cares if it stinks? I’m gonna be taking it off anyways.” He smirks deviously.
You follow with a unamused look, one that leaves no room for anymore arguments. “I’ll wait for you out here,” you flop on the bed and turn on your TV, “go on, shoo.”
“Meanie.” Jungkook mumbles but makes his way into your bathroom nonetheless.
You catch up on some of your shows you were watching at the moment while waiting for Jungkook to come back out. You’ve long made yourself comfortable in bed, curled up under your soft comforter with the remote in hand. He doesn’t come out for at least fifteen minutes or so, you don’t really mind because it feels oddly domestic.
“You’re watching this too?” Jungkook breaks the silence in the room, “I’m on the last episode.”
You barely look at him as he walks over to the bed in nothing but his towel wrapped around his waist. “Yeah, I started this like a week ago I think.” You murmur distractedly as he flops in bed with you, “Don’t get my pillows wet,” you whine with no real bite to your tone.
“It’ll dry.” Jungkook snorts as he lays his head over your blanket covered lap. The two of you fall into silence afterwards with him loosely wrapping an arm around you.
Nothing happens after that, you lay together quietly while the episode runs in the background. Occasionally Jungkook turns to hide his face in your lap, you can’t help but slip your hand in his wet hair and gently comb over it, lightly scratching at his scalp.
“Wouldn’t it be funny if I spoiled it?” He pipes up out of nowhere.
“Do it and I’m throwing you out towel and all.” You glare as he starts giggling in amusement, “I’m serious, do it and you’re out.”
“I won’t, I won’t.” He says as he lifts his head up, “But I’m a little bored,” he pouts and draws circles over your thigh, “I already watched these episodesss.”
“I dunno do something. Go order food or find some in my fridge, I don’t know.” You sigh.
Jungkook doesn’t reply and instead nuzzles into you, “I have something else I can do in mind..” He trails off and slips his hand under your comforter to stroke your thigh.
You don’t say anything, instead you part your thighs for him as a silent ‘go on’. He takes the bait easily and slips under the comforter with a devious grin, “Jungkook– ow, don’t bite me you ass. Why did you do that?”
Instead of answering you he just reaches under for the waistband of your shorts, peeling them off alongside your panties in one go. You can feel his hot breath hovering over your pussy, his tongue dips low between your soft folds as he licks a stripe up your cunt.
He circles his tongue around your clit, swiping from side to side and front/back. It’s enough to have your knees buckling weakly as you reach over the comfort to place your hand where his head would be as you sighed in pleasure.
“Like you better when your mouth’s full.” You find yourself mumbling.
Jungkook grunts in affirmation, he wraps his arms around your and tugs your hips closer to his face. He’s literally buried in your soft cunt, nose poking at your clit while he licks over your slick lips, sucking on your soft fold with a pleased hum.
You push up with a low moan and angle your hips down so that he’s licking over your swollen clit. “Shit, jus’ like that,” you tilt your head back and close your eyes enjoying the sensation of his tongue.
He lays one hand flat over your pelvis and holds you down while he sucks on your clit feverishly. It sends your back arching off the bed from the sudden spark of pleasure. “Fuck..!” You hiss out when he engulfs your tiny bud between his lips and sucks.
Jungkook doesn’t disappoint. He slurps and licks like no tomorrow while he prods his fingers against your pussy. You’re literally scrambling to get a grip on him, your pathetic little moans and whines spurring him on as he finally slides his fingers deep.
“More, gimme more please,” you mewl.
You hear him shuffling around down there so you naturally take a peek out of curiosity. The sight has your mouth dropping in awe when you come across him fisting his cock from under the sheets while he eats you out like you’re the best meal ever.
“Coming,” you gasp softly as your fingers tangle themselves in his hair.
Jungkook sucks harder with a hint of teeth, he curls his fingers at the same time and fucks them right up against the roof of your cunt. It has you crying out his name and pushing his head away as your pussy clenches tight and then suddenly you’re gushing all over him.
“Jesus,” he whispers and covers your cunt with his hot mouth, licking up the entire mess you made all over yourself.
“Come here.” You dryly whisper after noticing he didn’t cum.
He obeys without hesitation, he knows what you want so he climbs up and kneels beside you with his weeping cock over your lips. “You sure? I don’t mind.” He murmurs.
“I want to.” You softly reply and part your lips, “Don’t want you to be gentle with me.. I can take it.” You murmur as you engulf the head of his cock slowly.
Jungkook hisses quietly and guides your head until your nose is meeting his groin. You gag around him with the saliva quickly building up in your mouth. He doesn’t mind though because he absolutely loves it when you slobber all over him.
“Don’t you look pretty with a mouth full of cock?” He grins teasingly despite being minutes away from coming, like he wasn’t edging himself before when he was eating your cunt.
You moan unabashedly as tears spring in your eyes. He doesn’t waste anymore time after that and begins fucking into your mouth unapologetically. He doesn’t even start off slow, he’s desperate to cum and you get it. You’re salivating at the thought of his cock filling your throat and leaving you sore.
He grips the headboard above to stable himself as he slides himself in and out of your mouth. Jungkook moans under his breath as he bucks his hips rather harshly, just listening to the sound of your gags and saliva dripping.
“So fuckin’ good,” he mutters, “you take it so good for me.”
You know he’s getting close when he starts getting quieter and instead puts his attention on his pleasure. The only noise around is the sound of your gagging and his labored breathing. You feel his cock start twitching and throbbing until he’s shouting from the pleasure and coming down your throat.
“Shit—stop, stop, stop.” He sighs as he gently pulls you off his cock, “Fuck.” He says after catching his breath.
Cleanup is fairly quiet, he helps you change the sheets and get dressed into comfier clothes before you’re both climbing back into the bed and sitting side by side, body to body. It feels all too real and suddenly realization is hitting you hard.
The silence is comfortable between you two, the scene feels a little familiar (you, him, a movie and your head on his shoulder) but you don’t comment because it makes you feel a little uncomfortable. Like before, Jungkook caresses his hand over your thigh gently with a comforting grip after.
“Why did we ever fall out?” You quietly pipe up, “Like where did it all go downhill?”
He stops in his tracks, he doesn’t look mad or upset that you brought it up out of the blue. He looks..at ease. “I don’t know, but I think it has to do a lot with the fact that we slowly grew out of each other? Kinda like we just lost the love and it wasn’t the same anymore, and instead of trying to fix it we just acted like our problems weren’t there.”
Jungkook calmly continues after taking in your reaction, “I love you don’t get me wrong, you’ve given me the best years but I just think we finally grew apart. Think about it—the fights, the breakups and make ups? We got to a point where we just didn’t care anymore.”
“I know, but it still doesn’t change the fact that I want you forever.” You softly admit.
“No you don’t y/n,” he replies equally softly, “you don’t want us—this, forever.”
It’s like a punch to your gut, why is he saying this? Why is acting like he knows what you want? You know what you want, and you want him. Is he trying to call you a liar? A saner part inside of your head eerily tells you he’s right, you don’t want that. You want happiness.
“I do know what I want actually, why are you thinking otherwise? You’re making a decision for me without even asking me how I feel about this?” You frown and push yourself off his shoulder.
“y/n,” Jungkook pauses briefly before shaking his head, “trust me I know you don’t want this. It’s not hard and it doesn’t take a fucking rocket scientist to see we’re not made for eachother. I’m sorry I need to tell you like this but whatever the fuck we had is something I sure as hell don’t want.”
It literally crushes your spirit because you knew what was coming, you KNEW he was going to tell you the cold hard truth sooner or later. It’s all everyone's been warning you about and now you have no room to cry about it. You had nobody but yourself to blame for your heartbreak. Not Jungkook, not Soyeon, not Yuqi.
Just you.
“You know what Jungkook, fuck you.” You fiercely whisper and push yourself off of him, “No actually, fuck you. You don’t get to tell me what I want and don’t want–”
“Because I know what the fuck I want and it’s not you! As fucking sad as it is y/n I can’t do this shit anymore,” he stands up too and begins hazardously dressing himself in his clothes again, “I know what I’ve done is shitty and I hope you can forgive me for it but I’m not willing to stick around anymore. Not after this.”
You watch in silence as he picks his things up off the floor and storms out. Not one word is spoken throughout the entire ordeal. Jungkook gets his shit and leaves like nothing ever happened, like you didn’t tell him to fuck himself and he didn’t respond by saying he didn’t want you.
When he finally leaves with a loud slam, your resolve crumbles and soft sniffles begin to fill the too empty apartment. You look around the room with red-rimmed eyes, now what are you gonna do?
You fucked up, again.
Jungkook doesn’t talk to you—doesn’t even text—for a total of two weeks and counting. You tried distracting yourself with work and your upcoming comeback but it was hard to focus. Not when your mind keeps going back to him and what happened that night.
“You don’t look so good, you sure you’re okay?” Your manager says with a look of concern on her face, “I can wrap things up and we can get you home if that’s what you want.”
“Please,” you find yourself nodding, “I’ll um let you know later on how I’m doing and stuff, for now I just wanna be alone.”
They understand you’re not doing well emotionally as of lately so they don’t question it when you request to be left alone. They simply wrap it up and call for your driver to take you home. A few staff send you off with tiny gifts and comforting hugs but none are enough to take away from the misery you’re feeling right now.
You make a quick stop at the store on your way home, you’ve never felt more dead in your entire life than right now. Even buying groceries proves to be a hard task but you somehow push through it and buy what you need.
The entire time you're there you think about Jungkook, should you call him to clear things up? Apologize for the shitty things you’ve ever said and for how you’ve acted towards him over the slightest inconveniences?
‘The phone’s right there,’ a little voice inside your head whispers, ‘just open up and click on his name, he’s right there.’
Do it, do it, do it, they chant.
Before you even realize it you’re dialing his number, the phone pressed tight against your ear as you wait with a bated breath for him to pick up. Three rings go by until finally Jungkook picks up with a quiet ‘hello’. “Hey,” you quietly mumble, “what are you doing?”
“Nothing much, I was cooking about a minute ago. You?” He sounds distant, like he’s catching up with an acquaintance.
“Cool, and nothing either, I just went to the store and bought a few things I needed.” You play with a strand of loose hair, suddenly finding that much more interesting to look at.
“That’s good.” He murmurs and it goes quiet after that.
Neither of you know what to say right now, you don’t even know where to begin. What can you say? Hey I’m sorry I told you to fuck yourself? I’m sorry for my shitty ass attitude? I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend? There’s so much to say but you can’t find the words for it.
“Jungkook,” you hesitantly say after finding the courage to speak, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything, I know I fucked up over and over again but I want to let you know I’m sorry I treated you the way I did and for the things I said.”
Jungkook doesn’t say anything and for a second he scares you thinking that he hung up or something. “I know, and I’m sorry too for the way I acted and shit. I know we haven’t been the best but for what it’s worth none of this was ever your fault. Things just didn’t end up working out.”
You hate that this feels like a permanent goodbye, it must have really been the last straw for him the last time you spoke. You find yourself tearing up and there’s a heavy lump sitting in your throat. You don’t know whether you want to cry, scream, or run off.
“It’s just hard when I miss you this much,” you quietly reply despite the wobble in your voice.
“I know,” you hear him take a deep breath and before he can reply you hear it.
There’s a low shuffling noise in the back, at first you think nothing of it until you realize it’s a feminine voice asking Jungkook if he wants her to help clean up the mess.
Your heart rapidly beats in your chest, the pounding in your ears so loud you swear you feel like you’re going to have a heart attack with how fast it’s going. “Didn’t know you moved on already.”
“It’s not like that–”
“Then what is it like Jungkook? Because to me it sounds exactly what I’m imagining right now—don’t try and treat me like I’m fucking stupid.” You wipe your tears of frustration while pacing back and forth.
“Okay fine, you want the truth: I met someone and I’m getting to know them, I’m thinkin’ maybe she can make me happy too. Is that what you wanted to hear from me?” He snaps back.
“When.” You coldly demand, the anger you feel right now is astronomical.
Jungkook holds his breath for a few seconds, “A month ago.”
Your entire world stops then and there. So while you and Jungkook were doing these lovey dovey things and still seeing each other, he was already talking to someone new. All this and for what? He found someone new while still using you as an escape from reality (for fun really), and to know he was doing this while having someone on the side waiting?
It makes you sick to your stomach.
“D-Don’t you ever come near me. We’re done, so fucking done. How could you fucking do that to me? You knew how I fucking felt about all this and you went and pulled this? I hate you, I hate you.” You can’t even speak, it physically pains you to talk.
Through your sobs you manage to shakily hang up and head for your bedroom. You toss a bunch of clothes on the bed and drag your heavy suitcase out of the closet. You don’t know where you’re going, but at this point you’ll go anywhere if it means you can get away from this place.
All that’s left is the sounds of your sobs and clothes shuffling as you stuff them into your suitcase messily. You feel so alone and empty wondering what everyone else in the world is doing right now. Surely not getting their heart stomped on like you, right?
As you're finishing up with your closet, you hear the front door beep and buzz. No, no, no, he is not doing this right now you think while storming out to the living room. He’s already coming in as you’re stepping out.
“What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to leave me the fuck alone!” You throw a vase in his direction watching him yell out in shock as he barely manages to dodge it.
“Fucking hell—calm down! You’re gonna hurt yourself!”
“And why do you care? You didn’t before so what’s fucking different now!” You wipe your face and stomp to your bedroom with Jungkook hot on your tail.
He tries to grab your arm but you rip yourself away from him in fury which makes him get the memo instantly, “I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay, I don’t want you to hurt yourself or do anything stupid.” He stops in his tracks when he sees the state your bedroom’s in.
“y/n..what are you doing?” He quietly asks, his doe eyes filled with surprise and a mix of fear.
You take a deep breath and hold it in for a couple of seconds, letting it out slowly when you feel calm enough to reply, “I’m leaving Jungkook, all this—I’m done. I had hopes that maybe we could solve things and make it work again but it looks like only one of us wanted this.” You smile sadly.
“I choose myself Jungkook, I did some petty shit and said dumb things and I’m sorry for it. Looking back on it, it was me who refused to move on. I was so hung up on making things work I just didn’t realize I was dragging you down and forcing you to be with me.”
Jungkook visibly deflates with hurt written all over his face, “I’m sorry too, I never meant to lead you on and if I did I’m so sorry for it y/n. You deserve someone who can make you happy, and I’m sorry that someone can’t be me.”
You stand across from each other in silence. Jungkook looks down at your luggage with his own sad smile, “Maybe..we could be friends?”
“No,” you softly reply and get back to packing, “we can’t be friends, but I’d like to pretend.”
“So this is goodbye then.” Jungkook’s got his own unshed tears ready to fall.
“Yeah, I guess so..”
He looks up at you and tearfully smiles, “Goodbye y/n.”
You match his smile with one of your own, “Bye, Jungkook.” Maybe in your next life you will both be happy. But not in this one.
For now, it’s only me and maybe that’s all I need.
One year later.
“It’s only gonna be for two weeks, you big baby. You’re acting like I won’t get on a plane and go see you.” You laugh softly and shake your head, “Besides, I thought you were taking me to the beach in LA?”
“I am! But I wanted you there with me,” Mingi looks at you with pursed lips, “wanted you to see me on stage.”
You can’t help but coo and squeeze his cheek, “You’re so cute, don’t worry I’ll make sure I don’t miss it.” He smiles happily and you can’t help but lean in for a smooch on the cheek.
“Oh wait, I saw a guy selling ice cream back there. Wait for me right here, I’ll be back.” Mingi heads back to all the food stalls leaving you there in front of this cafe.
You hum under your breath and check on your messages, replying to friends who slid up on your story asking if you were finally back. It felt good to be home after all that went down before, you really needed the break.
“Hold on, I got it, let me carry it for you.” You hear a familiar voice say which instantly has you turning around to look.
It’s Jungkook and he still looks the same as before minus the hair he’s cut short now and has it in an undercut. You feel weird seeing him again after all this time. Weird in a good way? You don’t know, but it isn’t bad either. You kinda don’t feel anything.
You curiously look over at his girlfriend(?), stopping in your tracks when you notice a pretty ring on her finger. It suits her. You look back up and come face to face with Jungkook who stands there in shock too.
There’s a million things you can say or do right now, but you don’t. In fact you’re happy for him.
“Did I take long?” Mingi suddenly pops up behind you holding two ice cream cones, “I got your favorite.” He grins foolishly.
You break away from Jungkook and look at Mingi, “Thanks, how sweet of you.” You grin and lean in to kiss his cheek again, “Ready to go? I’m kinda tired of being outside.” You complain softly.
Mingi lets you take the cones from his hands and instead wraps his arm around your waist leading you through the crowd of people. Your heart races as you two get closer to Jungkook and his fiancé. Just for a second you meet his eyes, and then you smile before turning your attention back to Mingi.
Jungkook smiles back and just like that, you move on with your lives.
My love, I won’t wait for your love.
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TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @jungkooksseuphoria @kooliv @angelarin @jjeonjjk7 @lilliankoo @pb-n-juju @ellesalazar @saweetspoiled @laylasbunbunny @prettyprincejk @cherrysainttt @hyunjinswifeee @joongraduatewithonor @hellbornsworld @leire-mia @m1sss1mp @lissful @winkii @lifeless-firefly @exactlygreatcoffee @taestoess @ayalies @floweryjeons @softtcurse @lilspinachwrld @tearyjjeon @littleobsessedkitty @lovelovelovebts @angeljmnie @rerefundslocals @bangtans-mama @thvhoe @maddkitt @tvse @ohjeon @teteswtnr @jkslovey12 @kelsyx33 @milfpo1ice @sluttydidi @ztyur @beomgyuult @shescharlie @sweet-sourhotcoco @lalita-7 @hazzzelsdimension @p34rluv @kook-net @bonita0-0 @vmapy @dahliadaenerys @frieschan @lilyflowerguk @sayokodiary @babycandy111 @looneybleus @ash07128 @gyukookswhore @rrosiitas
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tomscumdoll · 5 months
Body Suit
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CHARACTERS: 2008 Tom & f!reader
WARNINGS: p in v (doggy styleee), reader feeling self conscious of their body, hair pulling, rough sex
A/N: I had 3 bowls of nachos at lunch today. Send help.
You and Tom went shopping for new clothes and also just for fun. You went into one store that had a body suit you really wanted.
You looked through the sizes and they didn't have your size. So eventually, you went with the small. You grabbed it off the hook and went to a dressing room to try it on. Tom sat outside, waiting for you to come out. You struggled to get it on.
"You okay in there, darling?" Tom said, his voice filled with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine. This thing is just so hard to put on." You said, zipping up the body suit.
"Come on out, let me see you." He said.
You came out and his jaw DROPPED. The body suit accentuated your curves, it made your breasts look bigger, and your butt look bigger (bbl drizzyy). Tom's eyes raked over your body.
"Holy Jesus.." He said, his eyes raking your body.
You felt self-conscious in the suit, you looked in the mirror of the dressing room and frowned. He noticed this and his brows furrowed with concern.
"What's wrong?" He said, standing up and walking behind you.
"I don't like it. I don't like how it makes me look." You said, tugging at the fabric of the body suit.
"Why not? You look absolutely amazing." He said, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder.
"I know, but -"
"No, I'm not gonna sit here and let you talk terrible about yourself. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. You're smart, kind, and did I mention beautiful. Look at me, you are wonderful. Don't let anything or anyone bring you down. You are the best girlfriend any man can ask for." He said that with the most sincerity. He looked you dead in the eye and said every word from the bottom of his heart.
"Now buy the damn body suit and let's get out of here. I'm starving."
"But, we had lunch 4 hours ago?"
"That's like 4 years in my book."
You chuckled, he was probably one of the most hungry men you've ever met.
(We are not going to question how we got into this situation)
Your cries came out muffled due to your face being forced into the pillow.
"That's it, darling.. Fuck.." He groaned, pumping in and out of you. You whimpered tears falling down your cheeks.
He leaned down his hot breath brushing against your neck, his dreads cascading down his face. He pressed his lips against your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys behind.
"Mmph.." Your moan of protest came out muffled by the soft silk of the pillow. His thrusts were rough and hard. He pulled on your hair since it was in a pony tail. Your ass pushed into his front, begging for more.
"Yeah? You want more, darling? I'll give you more." As he said this, his thrusts picked up speed.
"God fucking dammit.. I've been waiting for this all day.. That damn body suit of yours.. Teasing the fuck outta me.." He said through gritted teeth.
The sound of your breathless moans and his heavy breaths filled the air. His thrust slowed as he came close to ejaculation. He felt you grip him as you shudder, signaling your orgasm.
He felt you tighten around him and he ejaculated. He pulled out of you slowly, making sure not to hurt you. He took the latex off and disposed of it in the trash can. He grabbed your hand and lifted you, taking you to the shower.
He turned on the shower and gently placed you inside. After a bit, the shower warmed up to your liking and he wrapped his arms around you, you laid your head on his chest closing your eyes whilst he placed his cheek on your head.
"You're perfect just the way you are," The words startled you since they came out of nowhere but you let him talk.
"You are amazing, brilliant, caring, defiant, extraordinary, fantastic, gorgeous. You're perfect in every single way. Don't let one piece of clothing, one that looks good on you by the way, bring you down. You-" He pulls away and looks at you. "You are so.. I don't know how to describe it. I literally ran out of words to describe how perfect of a person you are. Please, don't change your self for validation. You'll always have my validation, remember that."
He looked you dead in the eye for a good moment, the bathroom silent except the faint sound of the shower running. Tears started forming in your eyes before you hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around you pulling you into his chest. You stayed like that for the rest of the shower, until he placed you down and turned off the shower.
You guys got out and got dressed for bed. You did your skin care and hair while he sat on the bed watching you from a far, admiring you. Once you got finished, you laid down with him on the bed. As soon as you were about to fall asleep, you hear him whisper to you one thing.
"I love you."
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rroketa · 7 days
okay i realised that making a chart would actually be too complicated so i'll just write list styleee
(aka ramblings of very vague ideas of how i think everyone relates in this au)
Mike and Julie – Julie's identity as Kane's daughter is still unknown to anyone in KaneCo. Mike knows her as a co-worker and positive acquaintance. Kane subtly pushes Mike and Julie to interact sometimes though. Have lunch and such.
Mike and 'Red' – At the moment, the biggest nuisance to KaneCo's operations and Mike's biggest rival. Red seemingly has insider intel of KaneCo's operation which makes them a large threat.
Dutch and Chuck – As the cabler's settlement is both the historically rich and most vulnerable part of motorcity, the cablers have set a deal with the Duke. The cabler's settlement and the Duke have a deal pertaining to material trade and mutual technical assistance.
Chuck basically only talks to the Duke in the mansion, so he often hangs out in the cabler's settlement to hang outwith Dutch and Tennie, using 'installation' as an excuse. Due to Chuck's alliance to the Duke (and his overall clingy behavior), Dutch can't see Chuck's presence more than an annoyance.
Mike and Chuck – Formerly friends at Deluxe, Mike and Chuck find themselves on opposite ends of Detroit. Their interactions are brief and somewhat awkward during negotiations between Kane and the Duke, but both question what guided the other to their current position.
'Red' and Texas – Red and Texas team up at times when their goals align. But having different approaches in most things they always end up butting heads.
At other times Red and Texas can be against each other. While Red protects motorcity, they seem to be defensive when it comes to Kane. While Texas is categorically for taking down Abraham.
Dutch and Texas – Texas is a delivery boy that at times reaches the cabler's settlement. Often rambling about his ideas on how to take down Kane, Dutch can often lend a sarcastic piece of advice that is actually helpful. In a way, Dutch is the brain of Texas' operations and is responsible for the fact that Texas hasn't been caught so easily.
Chuck and Texas – Chuck is the number one customer of Jacob's restaurant. Big fan of the muffins. Other than delivering to the mansion, Texas bullies Chuck for his 'dorky look'. The fact that Texas isn't a fan of the Duke doesn't help that too much.
Mike and Texas – Less of a threat, but more of an annoyance, Texas always finds himself tangled up with Deluxe's law enforcement. So much that Mike already easily recognises the troublemaker.
Mike dismisses Texas as not much of a threat, often, seemingly on purpose letting him go. Even Texas can notice that doesn't seem too right..! On one hand he feels underestimated, on another, he feels like a certain cadet might not be as ruthless as other Deluxe cadets..
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firefirefruit · 9 months
Steel in Her Veins | Chapter: Six
Table of Contents | Next Chapter
Characters: Fem!Reader x Roronoa Zoro
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Chapter Six: It’s Awful, Do It Again.
The daylight drapes across the horizon like a turned curtain, folding across the contours of your eyelids in a sweet, murmured hello. As you lay there, hunched over your desk, the sounds of cackling birds echo through your idle body, nipping at the well-crafted frame of your dreams until it all fades away… subsequently plunging you into reality.
Suddenly, you jolt up. The familiar summer breeze hits your bare arms as you look at your desk, taking in the sight of the vials loosely clutched in your palms. Typical, you think in disgruntlement, pushing your sooty arms against the bench. Sleeping on the job…
You don’t register the existing company that lingers in the corners of your vision; a blur of different colours whizz around in the background as quiet as they can be – which, if Luffy and Usopp are ever involved, that’s just them talking in their outside voices. That is, until your brain jumpstarts itself to come around.
Zoro, seated about six seats away from you, is the first to notice your awakening. He glances at you, a faint trace of annoyance evident in his gaze as if your sleep disrupted the natural order of things. With his arms crossed, he grumbles in his usual gruff tone, “Finally decided to join the land of living?”
You stretch lazily, letting out a low, exaggerated yawn. "Well, well, good morning, Sunshine. Did someone forget to leave their attitude back at their ship?"
He snorts, unimpressed. "You wish I cared that much."
"You're right; I must’ve confused you with someone who has a personality," you say, genuinely yawning this time. "My bad."
"Save your witty remarks for someone who has the time," he mutters.
"Oh, Zoro, I'll treasure your indifference forever," you gasp, mockingly.
He shoots you a deadpan look. "You're exhausting."
You eye him up and down, displeasure colouring your face. “Trust me, it’s intentional.”
Pushing yourself away from your wooden stool, your back bluntly pulses as a reminder of last night’s gruelling work. You give yourself a long-deserved twist and stretch, feeling sporadic parts of your body crack in misery as you take in the chaos that’s unfolding in your studio.
With your lips parted open, you gape at Luffy who’s spinning one of your swords like a frisbee, narrowly missing a blunt forced chop to Usopp’s nose. Usopp yelps out loud before his terror transmutes into rage, indeed a deadly turn of events, as he immediately wrestles Luffy to the ground.
“What did I wake up to?” You laugh.
“Raya, you’re awake!” Chopper exclaims, firmly holding a tiny dagger he’s found himself somewhere. Deep down, you know that what he’s so lovingly caressing in his hand isn’t an awesome miniature dagger, but actually a mere old box cutter– but, come on, he doesn’t need to know that.
Everyone turns to your direction, their eyes lighting up when they see you awake and blinking. It seems like they were trying their best to let you sleep, aware that you probably had a long night of purifying disturbed metal.
“Oh no…Did they wake you up?” Nami’s furious eyes frantically divert from you to the two wrestling boys. “I told them to be quiet, for fuck’s sake.”
“Nah, let them have fun,” you smile, placing a comforting hand on Nami’s shoulder. “It’s not every day you find an underground workshop ran by runaway swordsmiths.”
Gramps Suki, who enters at his usual hour with a cup of tea, raises an eyebrow at the commotion. An approving smile twitches on his mouth as his eyes meet the familiar band of pirates. “Well, good morning…What brings you all here?”
“We stick to our promises, Hitetsu-san,” Brook says, coolly lounging across a worktable as his skeletal fingers strum melodies across his guitar. “We’re here to make amends for Zoro’s cruel mess…
"Ohhh, the marimooo,
From what we knoooww,
With a demonic smileeee,
Attacks in his three sword styleee~”
The swordsman's brow furrows in a mix of irritation and mild disbelief at the timing of the skeletal musician's impromptu performance. Brook, with his bony fingers strumming the guitar, continues to belt out his tune with an energy that seemed to rattle the very bones that composed him.
As the rhythmic melody fills the air, Zoro's expression remains stoic, but there was an undeniable edge to his demeanour. He shot a piercing look in Brook's direction, one that carried a silent message of, “Are you serious right now?"
“We were?” Luffy frowns in response to Brook, scratching his head. “I just came to talk to Swords and Gramps…”
“Do you ever listen to what I say?” Nami barks, snarling against Luffy’s neck.
“No - seriously, Zoro. Why did you do this?” Franky frowns, admiring the work that limply hangs in his robotic palms.
“I told you - she started it first.” Zoro bursts out with a scowl, unable to brush off his pestering crewmates any further. It's like they were all competing in the 'Blame Zoro for Everything' championship, and he was determined to win... or lose, depending on how you looked at it.
“Just swallow your humongous pride and help us clean, moss-head,” Sanji loudly retorts. “Besides…:
With a hopeful drag of his cigarette, Sanji turns to Gramps Suki, his eyes holding a little glimmer of excitement.
"When are you gonna show me those knives, old man?" The cook raises an eyebrow.
You faintly remember the conversation Gramps had with Sanji from last night; they were both chatting so animatedly - so passionately - on the importance of culinary knives, of each make and consequent use for specific ingredients – and, most importantly, on how truly important they are to a cook’s honour.
“One’s blades reflect what type of cook someone is…It’s similar to a marimo and the relationship with their sword,” Gramps had described to Sanji. “Are they sharpened properly? Are they well-kept, polished, and stored? Do your blades feel like an extension of your hand, or does it feel like what you’re holding is heavy, dull – almost like a corpse?”
Sanji vigorously nodded his head, deeply attentive to the old man’s words.
“Absolutely agree. That’s what distinguishes a good cook from a great one,” he had said, developing a newfound respect for Gramps Suki.
Gramps was so impressed by this blond cook and how palpable his passion for his cuisine was, that he’d offered to show him something he’d never mention in conversation to anyone else – his own artisanal culinary knives.
Gramps Suki smirks at him, taking a long sip of his tea. "You can use them when we make dinner later."
An authoritative decree thunders through the air as Nami, with a raised eyebrow, sticks her finger at the cook. “Hey, you’re not getting out of this. Start cleaning.”
Suddenly, Sanji, like a lovestruck marionette, succumbs to her authority. He stumbles toward her, a cigarette hanging precariously from his lips, his movements resembling a gleeful dance of compliance.
“Nami wields authority like a sorceress,” Sanji sighs dreamily, a sweet smile gracing his lips.
Quite blatantly ignoring him, Nami turns to you with a smile. “Leave the battlefield to us! We’ll make this place spotless.”
Your forehead creases. “I’m cleaning too, right?”
“You have more important things to do!”
You give her another confused look. Besides crafting Zoro’s swords, what else is there that you need to do?
Leaning in with a theatrical flair, she drops this gem in your ear, “Oh, you haven't noticed? Zoro's just been a beacon of patience lately. Losing his swords is clearly putting him in a state of enlightenment, don't you think?'"
Raising an eyebrow, you pivot to glance at Zoro, who conveniently nods off the moment 'cleaning' slips from Nami's lips. You didn't realize he was so emotionally attached to his swords – I mean, who could've guessed, especially considering the sorry state his blades were in?
As everyone's battling the clutter in the studio — no thanks to Zoro — you notice Usopp stumbling upon some wild contraption in the middle of the cleanup.
"Hey, what's this gizmo?" Usopp shouts, giving a crank a good twist.
Franky barrels over, suddenly hyped by the crank action. "Whoa! What do we got here? Move aside, Usopp! Lemme look at it!"
Smiling at their curiosity, you decide to gravitate towards the two gadget-loving-nerds. "Oh, that’s my cannon. It's not quite perfected yet," you explain, unveiling the inner workings. “See? I’ve added a better scope…here… and used a lighter alloy…there…to increase its efficiency. The form’ll be slimmed more like this…”
You excitedly point at the sketches pinned on the wall, clearly passionate about the work that you’ve devoted your life to. As you continue explaining your design with evident love in your voice, a peculiar sensation washes over you—an instinct that you're being discreetly observed. A pair of eyes lingers in the distance, silently drinking in every detail of your explanation.
Caught in this enigmatic gaze, you spin around, anticipating a mischievous culprit - only to find Zoro, still sound asleep...
Franky’s eyes are glistening as he whispers to himself, breaking you out of your little bubble. “I think…I think I’ve finally found my work-soulmate…”
You grin at him, crossing your arms. “I’d like to see some of your stuff, actually. You’re the shipwright they keep talking about, right?”
Franky nods wildly, unable to contain his excitement – finally, he’s able to nerd out to someone about his designs and they’ll be able to actually understand them.
After making promises to work with each other in the near future, you decide to excuse yourself from distracting the crew with their little self-appointed mission.
Gently, your hands fumble over the apron slung gracefully over your neck and the goggles adorning your head. A soft exhale precedes the enchantment – once, then twice – each fingertip and thumb gradually igniting into a decadent, sizzling red.
In a subtle movement, your eyes dart to your side, catching the marimo's watchful gaze.
“You don’t have to pretend to sleep if you want to watch me work, you know,” you smirk as you stretch your fingers out, letting the blood run through your most important tools.
Zoro grumbles, trying to maintain his usual stoic demeanour, but the red hue on his cheeks deepens. "I ain't watchin' or pretendin' anything," he mutters, avoiding eye contact. “Just making sure you don’t burn down the whole place.”
In a graceful swoop, your hand clasps over the first glass tube, the glinting Enma serenely solidified in its throat. After a few minutes, the purified alloy begins to release its tension, swimming in its own silver sea. You close your eyes, reaching out with your Haki, searching for her.
Yes, I’m still here, she whispers, her metallic hum reverberating through your bones.
Your eyes open in shock. That’s the same voice of his old Enma.
She’s still alive, you think, and you beam widely at your revelation.
Hello, you think to the metal. You’ll be back in his hands very soon.
As Luffy throws out his arms parallel to his body, he stretches out across the studio, stuffing your hammers and screwdrivers back into random open drawers. But then, just like rubber, they furiously sling back to its owner like a boomerang, completely wiping out anything and everything that’s standing in between his body and arms.
He strings his hands all around the studio, making more of a mess than being of help. Nami’s having a heart attack as she trails behind Luffy’s wriggling arms, trying to minimise the wreckage he’s manifesting.
This time, Chopper falls victim to Luffy’s antics.
In an instant, Luffy inadvertently threads his arm through the reindeer’s legs, who's precariously balancing a tower of ores. Chopper yelps as the ground beneath him vanishes, desperately clawing at the air to maintain balance.
Swiftly, Robin leaps into action. Delicate hands sprout like blossoming flowers around the reindeer in a perfect circle, deftly capturing each airborne tool and, most importantly, keeping Chopper up before he crashes to the floor.
“Thanks, Robin,” Chopper pants, his eyes as wide as cannonballs.
“You know what Luffy?” Nami pants, wiping sweat from her face. She points at the naughty corner wedged between where you and Zoro are seated. “Just sit down there. We got it from here.”
“Okay!” Luffy shrugs, happily skipping over to you. He assumes his seat like a picture-perfect student.
But as a few seconds elapse, Luffy's initial obedience wanes, and he starts groaning, incapable of staying in one spot for more than a moment. Gradually, his head nudges against yours as he watches your meticulous hands at work, releasing random ‘ooooh’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’ at various intervals. You can't help but grin at his antics, finding yourself more entertained than annoyed by his intervention.
“Sooooo, Swords!” Luffy pipes out. “When did you start making swords?”
“When I was eight, I think?” You start smiling, relishing in the memory of your first ever sword-making experience.
“Tell me the story!” he demands, his hands propped on both cheeks, eyes wide with anticipation.
Gramps suddenly guffaws from his usual seat in the back of the shop. “She was such a brat!”
Lowering the book that he was reading, you notice a smile very much like yours resting across his face. No doubt, he's savouring the same memory that you're thinking of.
You nod sheepishly, while flipping through hundreds of blueprints for the right make. “He wouldn’t let me make swords at first, which I thought was totally ridiculous.”
“You were eight!” Gramps exclaims. “What kind of responsible adult lets a child run around with murderous weapons?”
 You stick your tongue out at him cheekily.
“I had to learn by watching. Back in our homeland, I’d sneak into Gramps’s studio in the evening, and I’d watch him work in the shadows. And when he’d go back upstairs, I’d push my sleeves up and get started…
“I remember the first time looking at all these terrifying, massive tools and wondering if I was going to get into trouble. ‘Using your hands other than for serving tea or playing instruments is unwomanly,’ they’d drill into me. ‘Women must keep their hands soft, slender and clean.’”
“That’s awful,” Nami frowns as she and the rest of the crew gather on a bench behind you. Sanji lights another cigarette, deeply inhaling his first puff.
“I never understood stuff like that,” Franky mutters, making Chopper fiercely hum in agreement.
“I can’t tell you how many times I hurt myself on my first try. I burnt myself - millions of times, actually – melted metal on my fingers, hammered my own hands—”
“Hit your head on the anvil…” Gramps lists while reading his book.
Everyone immediately bursts out in laughter, especially Luffy, and even Zoro - who’s supposed to be asleep - has a faint smile twitching on his lips.
“You did what?!” Luffy shouts, grinning.
“Thanks for that,” you hiss, glaring at your old man; this time, he sticks his tongue out at you. You turn back around, continuing to recount the story.
“I didn’t go to sleep that night. I worked until dawn, put my whole soul into it. So when Gramps came climbing downstairs—"
“It was AWFUL!” Gramps exclaims, chucking his book on the table. “Her sword looked like a massive sausage! Wobbly and wriggly and chunky!”
“You know what he said to me?” You grin, remembering the moment like it was yesterday. “He took my sword, silently inspected it…And I swear I thought he was going to shout at me because little girls shouldn’t be doing men’s work… but instead, he looked down at me, sausage sword in hand, and said –
“’It’s awful. Do it again.’” You and Gramps quote together.
The crew erupts into laughter, and even Zoro's eyes open slightly as a tiny smile crosses his face. Luffy slaps his knee, thoroughly entertained.
“Gramps, you’re mean!” Luffy accuses between laughs.
“I was just being honest,” Gramps defends himself with a big grin.
Nami, with a smirk, interjects, “Well, it looks like that didn’t discourage you.”
You shake your head, “Nope. If anything, what he said pissed me off so much that I worked ten times harder. I kept at it. And eventually, Gramps couldn’t deny that I had a talent for it.”
“More like stubbornness,” Gramps adds, but there's a fondness in his eyes.
“Maybe a bit of both,” you concede with a grin. “But it was the start of my journey as a swordsmith. And now, here we are.”
Luffy, still chuckling, claps you on the back. “That’s awesome, Swords! I like you!”
“Speaking of swords,” Usopp interjects, smugly smiling to himself, “I think that we’re missing a huge opportunity here – something that won’t ever be allowed again in different circumstances.”
“What? What?” Chopper and Luffy bounce together, both completely captivated by his words.
Usopp grins, closing one eye. Dramatically, he shoots his finger into the air before slowly cocking it downwards.
He points at the marimo like a sniper rifle. Everyone turns to stare at him.
“Zoro, would you say you are a swordsman?” Usopp demands in a fake dramatic voice.
Zoro, clearly unimpressed by Usopp's theatrics, narrows his eyes and sighs.
“Are you stupid?”
“And would you say you like swords?” Usopp continues, intentionally ignoring his comment.
Zoro’s eyebrow twitches a little. This time, he doesn’t even grace him with an answer.
“’Why yes, I love swords, Usopp - my fearless crewmate!’” Usopp impersonates Zoro, quickly scrawling a fake scar on his eye with your marker pen. “Well, Zoro, my friend, since you're a swordsman, I've got a ground-breaking idea that will shake the very foundations of the ground you stand on!”
Luffy cackles, smacking his hand on his knee. “What is it? Tell us!”
“Yes, do tell us!” Gramps claps.
Usopp grins at the positive reception that he’s receiving– even Gramps is now captivated by this oddly stellar performance.
 “We are here, with the best swordsmiths of the land, with unlimited swords at our disposal, with a swordsman who loves swords….” Usopp looks at each and every one of you with meaning. He leans in, a mischievous glint in his eye.
 “In honour to show our appreciation for our sword-loving friend… I think it’s time for a Zoro-impersonation performance.”
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marumarielle · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐑 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 (𝟎𝟎𝟐)
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ another one after abandoning my schoolworks LMAOOOO. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝ this one is more family centered (DR STRANGEEEEEEEE!!!) because i miss my dad
tw: none rlly, just a moody stephen strange lols
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mcu dr moodboard
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dr strange is my father figure (HE NEEDS MORE LOVE FRFR)
He used to love to make letters for people he loves but after the accident he stopped making them because he's insecure lf his handwriting
But i tell him to do it anyway because it's a rare thing to receive these days
Then i got a letter the next day :DDDDDD
Stephen and I know each other so well he gets that parent sense.
Yknow, the type of parent sense where his gut just gives him a feeling of "Oh, she feels down today. I'll make her something to make her feel better"
also applies to danger btw (we'll get to that in another post 😉)
This man writes me letters with encouraging and reassuring words whenever i feel down but he'll usually slide them beneath my door because i tend to stay in my room after a bad day😭😭😭
He usually starts it off with a "I've felt something heavy on my chest for a while. Did something happen, sweetheart? Are you sleeping well?" AND IABDUSBSJWBDHW ILYSM YOU DONT EVEN KNOOWWWWWWW
idc about what anyone says, STEPHEN IS A MASTER BAKER AND COOK
this man is literally the eldest in his family and had 2 younger siblings ofc he had to take care of them
(p.s. the only reason y he stopped baking and cooking was because of his tremors)
I have long hair in my DR and so he whenever he's outside and sees a hair accessory shop, he'll come home with a paper bag full of hair pins, clips, clams, hair ties, etc.
He then says it would be a waste if i didn't use any of them so he'll style my hair himself (its his excuse for showing affection)
he won't hesitate to tell me if my clothes don't match and then he proceeds to teach me how to style my clothes correctly
Doesn't let me fight enemies
Would literally step between me and an enemy with ZERO HESITATION (dw guys i scripted he doesn't die, HES MY DAD I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN DUHHH)
I would quietly steal his phone when he's not looking and take a funny selfie of myself (the one angle where the camera's near your forehead)
LMAO HE USED ONE OF THE PICS AS A LOCKSCREEN?????? okay dude, whatever makes you happy ig
He's also v strict tho
So. if im late he trains with this sour mood (he hates his time being wasted)
can sometimes be a bit harsh but v apologetic afterwards
he proceeds to cook something up for me as a sorry
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that's all for now. i made this at like 1 AM so its v messy. TY FOR READINGGG!
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pioripan · 8 months
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Your cotl AU brings me a lot of joy!! So I drew a couple of your guys
Hi, I love you
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THEY ARE SO CUTEE IN YOUR STYLEEE. I had to take a moment to walk around the room when I saw this haha
TYSM!! I'm glad you like my AU! Pan and Sozo look honestly AMAZING omg <3
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pixlokita · 1 year
Sorry sorry to butt in but I love the way you draw Glamrock Freddy sm!! He looks amazing in your styleee
( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥˟°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ) 💖 AAAA thank you TTwTT I legit struggle shaping his head most of the time ;; so I appreciate hearing this 💖✨💖✨ thank you so much 🌸✨ bless u ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
I commissioned one of the artists that I've fell in love with on instagram, which is brujo_ari_ , AND LOOK AT MY BABY IN HIS ART STYLEEE AAAAAAFNFJEBFI
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His artstyle is so good I swear and it always inspired me so much and will still do iiiiit NFJFBSIFHSIRHJA
I LOVE IT. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 And go commission him if you're looking for someone to draw for you ;)
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artsyaprilmr · 1 year
10 and 21 for lucas !!! <3
Thank youu <333
10. What about their hobbies?
Lucas had many hobbies as a teenager as to not wither away in an empty house. Some of them stayed with him in the adult life. He likes jazz music and has a big collection of vinyl records. He has read a lot of books but that’s also connected to his major. Playing piano and swimming also helps him to relax, though he has less and less time to practice with his current situation (being hunted by every supernatural possible).
21. What does their apartment look like?
It’s vintage styleee, it looks like a museum, an art gallery and a library all at once lol. Lots of décor acquired throughout the years of searching through flea markets, ebay auctions and antique shops. Little free space. A lot of books. Kinda cluttered but in a tasteful manner.
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kavehater · 2 months
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marscomet · 1 year
𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘷 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴, 𝘦𝘱. 𝘰𝘯𝘦 ﹒⟡
pav: hey bro, can i get a sip of that water? hobie: it's not water pav: vodka! i like your styleee- hobie: it's vinegar. pav: . . . WHAT? hobie: it's vinegar you puss- ----------------------- miles: ayee how much money do you have? peter b: aw, like 69 cents miles: oh! you know what that means? peter b: *sobs* i dOn'T hAvE eNouGh mOneY fOr cHickEn nUggeTs miles: oh-.. ----------------------- miguel: *footsteps* mayday: daddy? miguel: DO I LOOK-? ----------------------- hobie: i don't want to be cool anymore! *throws sunglasses* *comes back to him* hobie: well i guess i don't have a choice! ----------------------- spot: oh, hi thanks for checking in i'm..still a piece of garbage! *finger guns* ----------------------- peter b: what the HYELL are you doin'? aunt may: *with a giant full length mirror* i'm doing my eyebrows peter b: that's a big ass mirror! aunt may: i have big ass eyebrows!
----------------------- 42-miles: *vibing to his music* miles: *pulls out his earplugs* miles: yo check this out! *shows him his phone* 42-miles: yo, let me see that! *smashes his phone on the ground* miles; OH LAWWWD *faints* 42-miles: aye, what we learn? ----------------------- *during their first meeting* gwen: uh..hi! miles: okeh- 😃
okay i'm done-hopefully ep 2 will be out soon!
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inyokwetrust · 3 years
Everybody is out there screaming about KinnPorsche, TimeTay and VegasPete (fair enough, I feel you sweeties), while I'm here being OBSESSED with Tong Thanayut. I don't even know well his character, just seen him slaying in his fur, shaking his ass on a table and shushing his scary mafiaboss father... and for me it's enough, I'm a CERTIFIED TANKHUN SIMP bye
(My love for crazy slutty sunshines is undeniable, right yok?)
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inkz123 · 2 years
Commission for @notkierz of their OC Cedar💕💕💕
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Thank you for commissioning me!🎉🎉🎉
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7th-place · 7 years
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whether it was luck or destiny that got me this far -- i can’t stop now!!
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justwritedreams · 2 years
I wanna taste that sugar | Jeno
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Jeno x Reader, university au! Word count: 2526 Genre: smut Warning: Sex without protection (don’t do this at home, use it!), language and slight food play. MINORS DON’T INTERACT, THIS IS A +18 STORY Author: Maari Note: You don’t have to read the first part but I recommend. This is filthy okay? I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote this but yeah and it’s highly based on sugar by youngjae. none of us are that innocent anymore lol Request: hiii just wondering if u could write a part 2 for jeno's we never go out of styleee  
Part one ⪢ NCT Masterlist    
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Y/N felt her head weigh and hurt at the same time, eyes feel dry and fingers hurt from typing so much on the keyboard but she needed to finish that assignment as soon as possible. The deadline that the teacher had stipulated for delivery was approaching and she was not even halfway through.
What was wrong with her? She wasn't going to campus frat parties and wasn't even drinking anymore.
Oh right, the problem was her boyfriend and how he seemed to dominate her mind.
Y/N imagined that after Jeno asked her to be his girlfriend, he wouldn't have so much control over her memories, after all, everything would be natural and everyday. How she had been wrong.
She was so into and addicted to Jeno that it didn't look normal.
But she knew it was because she was in love and because her boyfriend was now giving her his all, including facets she could never have imagined.
Like, who knew Jeno was an introvert? Nobody. He was famous on campus, but he still wasn't close to just anyone and just dating him, she could see it.
And she wouldn't complain, she was so happy!
She had the most wonderful, caring, amazing, romantic man she could have met in college. She was just a little bit too in love with him.
She took a deep breath, stretching in the chair and massaging the back of her neck with a hand as she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" she spoke loudly and returned the spoon to the jar of nutella.
Figuring that was her best friend, she didn't even turn around to make sure she was right.
She heard footsteps approaching behind her and suddenly the wet lips she knew so well planted a long kiss on the back of her neck, making her shiver and jump out of the chair.
“Oh Jeno.” she turned to find the boy smiling as she brought the other hand up to her chest that throbbed against her palm. "You scared me!"
“A kiss for your thoughts.” he spoke, keeping to his feet behind her.
"Don't do this!" she brought her hand back, pushing him up the torso, making him laugh. “You can't distract me now. I'm busy."
Jeno snorted and she heard him throw himself onto her bed, next to the table she was on, glancing up and she saw he wasn't in his cycling gear.
“Weren't you going to ride a bike with Jaemin?” she asked without taking her eyes off the laptop screen.
"He is sleeping!" he complained and Y/N laughed lightly, typing another sentence. "I slammed the lids of the frat pots in his ear and he didn't wake up, sedentary."
She shook her head, told her boyfriend that none of his friends seemed to want to get out of bed at 7am to ride a bike, but he didn't listen.
"You should call Jaehyun." she spoke, erasing the paragraph she had typed.
It sucked and she couldn't concentrate.
"He didn't sleep at the fraternity and apparently neither did your friend."
It wasn't until the mention of Jeno that Y/N stopped to realize that her friend really hadn't come back last night.
She'd been so busy with her homework the night before that she hadn't even stopped to think about her friend.
"I didn't even notice." she spoke quietly and leaned back in her chair, picking up the spoon once more with a large amount of nutella and bringing it to her mouth.
“Are you eating this straight?” Jeno asked, shocked and that was the first time she turned to face him.
"I like that way." she shrugged and went back to looking at her notebook, not knowing what to do.
"Now it's explained."
"What?" she looked back at him, curious.
Jeno was smirking and she raised her eyebrow, waiting for the answer.
"Why you're so sweet."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head.
"Serious? Are you flirting with this one on me?” she asked, frowning and Jeno scratched the back of his head.
"It was bad?"
“A little corny.” she replied, going back to get some more nutella and heard Jeno get out of bed and approach her. "And we're already dating, you don't have to try to win me over."
You've done it anyway, she thought.
"I like to see your face getting red." he replied proudly.
Y/N rolled her eyes and brought the spoon back to her mouth, not knowing how to respond to him.
"Give me some." he asked and she looked at him, Jeno was carrying a pout so cute that she wanted to bite it but instead while the nutella was still falling apart in her mouth, she put the spoon back in the pot and took a quantity, the intention was to take it to the Jeno's mouth but he was faster.
Jeno took advantage when she turned her head towards him and instead of picking up the spoon, he held on either side of her face and simply kissed her, taking her by surprise and automatically opening her mouth when she felt his tongue ask for passage.
Y/N moaned at the contact, closing her eyes and surrendering, feeling her entire body tingle as his tongue danced a slow, sensual rhythm inside her mouth.
She tried to keep up with the pace but the position didn't favor her, her head was too high and she lost her breath faster than she wanted to, Jeno took the opportunity to bite her lower lip and brought it to him, making her squeak.
"I have to finish this." She spoke, eyes still closed and Jeno chuckled against her face, rubbing his nose all the way down.
"You sure about that?" he questioned, bringing his mouth to her ear and took a light bite, she shivered once more.
She was only sure of one thing and it had absolutely nothing to do with her course assignment.
Oh fuck it.
Y/N rose from the chair, pressing her body against Jeno's, grabbing the back of his head and bringing his lips back to hers. Their kiss was more desperate, mouths open as he sucked on Y/N's tongue and collected all the nutella taste that was still imbued in her. Jeno took the opportunity to grab her around the waist with one arm, taking the spoon out of her hand with his free hand and put her on the table she should be studying, Y/N felt something hit her ass and a song started to play, causing the two to move away in fright.
He smirked at her as the excited beat of Sugar filled the room, Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"What a coincidence." he spoke, lifting the spoon he was still holding. "It seems like we'll always have music playing in the background."
Y/N smiled, biting her lip then and saw Jeno bring the spoon up to her neck, leaving a trail of nutella on her skin causing her to tip her head to the side in anticipation, and shiver with excitement when Jeno brought his mouth to the place with the nutella, sucking hard on her skin and moving his tongue to remove any trace of the candy.
She just closed her eyes, feeling her body completely yield to Jeno's mouth on her skin, and gripped the table tightly as she felt her insides throb.
“I feel guilty, you know?” he spoke against her skin and she giggled. "It feels like I'm corrupting you, getting in the way of your studies, but I can't help it." Oh if he only knew…” You’re so delicious.”
Y/N shivered and swallowed a loud groan.
Hearing it next to her ear was very sensual and only made her get even wetter.
“Jeno…” she wanted to say so much but didn't have the strength, just calling his name came out in a breathless whisper.
She felt hotter than usual and needed to feel his body against hers but all he did was pull away completely, making her open her eyes.
“Do you still want to study?” he asked, feigning an innocence that irritated her.
Studying? Who was thinking of studying now?
“If you don't kiss me now, I swear to God-” she was interrupted by Jeno's lips colliding with hers.
Releasing the table, she grabbed Jeno's shoulder with both hands and heard him throw the spoon clumsily on the table so that his free hands gripped her thighs, positioning himself between them, he lifted her off the table, clinging to her hip and Y/N sighed against his hungry lips as she realized he was also starting to get aroused, so it was hard to control the urge to rub her hips against his.
That seemed to give Jeno gas to get her to bed faster, grunting along the way. He laid her down on the mattress and covered her body with his own, each piece feeling the heat he gave off as he devoured her mouth and Y/N felt her lungs fail but she didn't want him to pull away.
She took her hands to his back in a desperate way and started pulling the shirt he was wearing up, he got the message and didn't torture her like he used to, pulled away enough and broke the kiss so that the piece was throw far away.
However, he didn't continue the kiss, in fact he directed his lips to Y/N's neck again and she grabbed his back, scratching the skin as his tongue started to leave a wet path, causing the spot that pulsed between her legs to get bigger.
So she started rubbing her hips towards Jeno's, it wasn't too difficult to get what she wanted as the bodies mixed together. This made him stop distributing kisses and lift his torso, resting his hands on either side of Y/N, he stared at her for a second until he lifted the shirt she was wearing and took it off completely.
Jeno then began to distribute more kisses on the newly exposed skin and Y/N moaned softly, grabbing the back of his neck feeling her heart beat so much faster as he got close to her breasts, she knew he could probably feel it in his mouth.
He took off her bra without looking and without stopping the kisses, and when he spent his sweet time on her right nipple while his hand played with the left one, she grabbed his hair and went back to rubbing her hips against his.
But even though she was impatient because she felt that Jeno was as needy as she was, that he wanted to be inside her soon, he didn't comply so easily.
In fact, he spent quite a bit of time kissing and sucking her breasts, seeing how much mercy she was, and then began to get down. He kissed her belly, placing a soft kiss on the little mole on her hip bone and his fingers reached the sweatpants she was wearing.
Y/N felt anxiety consume her, opening her eyes and seeing Jeno smile mischievously while holding her gaze, when the piece of clothing came out she felt a chill in her stomach with the way he stared at her panties which by that point were already soaked, and she couldn't even be embarrassed because he had a glint of pride in his eyes.
She was about to say something when his fingers gently found her wet spot, making her practically choke on her own saliva and a slightly louder moan came out.
Now unable to grab the back of his neck or his hair, she had to grip the mattress so hard that her fingertips ached but she didn't care, not when Jeno's slowly torturous touch took all the air she'd regained.
“Stop teasing.” she complained softly and he laughed lightly.
“Without suffering there is no achievement.” he replied, adjusting her legs so they were braced between his shoulders. "I thought you already knew that."
“You son of a…” Before she could swear, he pushed her panties away and started licking her spot that needed attention the most and would now have completely from Jeno's lips. "...bitch." she moaned the word, closing her eyes tightly and feeling weak in her legs.
Unlike the slow rhythm he took with her breasts, now Jeno devoured her precisely. His tongue collecting the sweetness from her as if it were as tasty as the nutella now forgotten by the two of them and all she could do was moan his name over and over as he drove her crazy.
Her flesh throbbed so hard and she felt the arousal trail from the beginning of her belly to the tips of her toes hit like a lightning, and then she reached her climax moaning breathlessly but Jeno continued sucking her but at a slower pace and then kissed her thighs as she tried to catch her breath releasing the mattress and her fingers complained about the strength she had used.
He hugged her again, making her shiver as she felt how close he was to finally entering her, he kissed her chin before leaning their foreheads together and adjusting so he could torture her with the slowness of his thrust, he had a teasing smile and it took so long to be inside her that Y/N crossed her legs against his back and pulled him in deeper.
She closed her eyes again as felt him hot and hard inside her, heard him grunt and began to move, in a little faster thrusts but still not what she wanted. However, knowing Jeno, she knew he was doing it on purpose so she buried her face in his neck and bit the skin as he started to go faster.
She felt fulfilled, in every way, and light. She had no worries when she was with him, she just wanted to feel and hear their hips bumping against each other. Jeno's heavy breathing against her skin and the way he possessively gripped her waist was enough for her to lose herself in the lustful dance of their bodies.
She just pulled her face away from Jeno's neck to moan loudly when she was close to reaching out once more and opened her eyes to find Jeno's intense eyes already staring at her, he had a slightly frowning brow and she knew he was so close as she so began to distribute wet kisses over his face while scratching his back.
He called her name a few times and she clenched her jaw to hold back another groan as she peaked before Jeno, but it wasn't long before she was joined, both bodies shaking and sweating. Y/N hugged Jeno around his neck as he sighed against her skin and let his body weight fall onto hers, neither of them moving right away.
Jeno placed a kiss on her collarbone before getting off her lying on her side Y/N was now looking at the ceiling trying to catch her breath.
“You’re so much sweeter than nutella.”
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dannythedog · 2 years
Helping danny explore his new styleee pleaseee going clothes shopping and sharing stuff you see on pinterest with him, just telling him how handsome he looks all over again
STOP imagine how bashful he’d be about it at first 😭😭 all blushy and shy
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