#he will be my crazy slutty son
spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
I know I’m throwing another on you, but you know how everyone writes and pictures dadstarion with a daughter who looks like him? What if we reserved those tables and his first child is a boy who looks like his mother’s little clone 👀
Yep, Astarion's daughter who looks like him is almost a canon! Take my Alethaine or @tragedybunny Estelle! It'sjust difficult to see him as a boy dad!
Boy Dad Astarion
Astarion goes crazy when you get pregnant.
He? A parent? For real?
It must be a mistake.
He even contemplates for a while whether you should terminate your pregnancy, but feels a relief when you decide to keep the baby.
Deep inside, he wants to become a father.
For some reason, he thinks it's a girl.
He is so sure that you are carrying his daughter in your body that Astarion calls the baby "she".
"I can hear her heart beating, love," he murmurs, pressing his ear against your bump.
When labor begins, it's the scariest moment of his life.
If he could get drunk, he would definitely do.
Your child is born in the middle of the night.
It's a boy.
A dhampir. Half-vampire of elven origin
Astarion cries as he takes his son in his arms for the first time.
Once Astarion comes to his senses, he becomes the best father in Faerûn.
He is Raevar's primary caretaker, for he cannot leave his home where there is sunshine. 
Astarion tries to be the best version of himself, and more often than not, he succeeds. 
The boy grows up to look almost exactly like Astarion - the same soft silver curls, facial features, the attitude.
He teaches his son how to pick locks, fight with daggers, hunt for prey.
They often return at dawn, all covered in mud and blood, but perfectly happy after a night out.
Also, your son is a little gentleman who treats his mother like a queen.
When you are tired, Raevar is willing to do all the housework just so you can relax.
Over time, your son grows into a handsome young man.
He grows his hair according to elven customs and wears ear cuffs. 
Raevar also favors elven clothing, though his fangs betray his vampire nature.
Astarion sometimes mocks his chivarly, joking that Wyll should have been the father, not him.
But truth be told, Astarion loves Raevar's good-heart - he's a hero and will be someone's savior one day.
Sometimes bad things happen - a failed duel, a deadly expedition to the Underdark, a powerful vampire lord too strong for a young dhampir.
Astarion's undead heart breaks every time he sees his son wounded and beaten.
He is also annoyed by Raevar's many friends. It seems that he can befriend a drider and invite him over for a drink.
Raevar sees Astarion as a role model, as someone he wants to look up to.
Even though he knows of Astarion's weaknesses and misdeeds, it doesn't make him respect his father any less.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids
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honeybcj · 2 months
han bb care to share any catholic guilt barty head canons? he’s been on my mind lately. i’m tormented by bartylily with pastors son barty AND pastors son barty meets amoral freak evan. I’m so crazy for him, and you know him so well. <33
oh my absolute favorite thing to talk about. you know how i feel about him and his catholic guilt… this is practically going to be an explanation of my fic plus some extra special treats <3
— unironically wears a rosary for ages, even after he steps back from his faith because he believes its penance to be trapped with it for the rest of eternity because he turned a blind eye to God.
— and because you mention bartylily (the plague my mind every single day) imagine if they grew up in the same congregation and barty kind of goes off the deep end, similar to my fic, barty’s wrapped in drugs, taking them like his own holy communion and one night he’s in a stupor, high out of his mind in the pews when lily shows up to pray, seeking answers from god himself, only for lily to stroke barty’s hair, keeping him from getting sick on himself, god watching with thoughtful eyes
— pre-leaving his faith barty stumbling across amoral evan in the woods, pulling teeth from animal carcasses and barty screams for god to save him because he thinks evan is going to Kill Him only for him to discover that he gets Turned On by being treated like prey and worshipped like he means something
— has a terrible relationship with his parents (obviously) and he has a lot of hatred for them, but it’s hard not to hate them because they raised him to be a good man yet he cannot grasp how to be himself around them when they are Not Good People
— his guilt somehow turns into him being a hypersexual masochist that gets off on pretty boys with dead eyes (hi evan baby) praising him for behaving and having cool blades dragged across his skin, sometimes deep enough to draw blood.
— has night terrors after leaving his family’s home, often waking himself up to the loud chants of him shouting the Lord’s Prayer over and over despite the prayers and hymns leaving a sour taste in his mouth
— fucks people in church parking lots just to feel something, making sure that God is watching his every move.
— that man kneels for anyone besides God
— pretends shrooms are the body of christ just so he can pretend he’s doing something worthwhile with his time
— slutty!evan breaking barty down until he’s sobbing because the hand of god never felt as nice as evan’s, even if the guilt strangles him and pulls him under each and every time
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liaromancewriter · 11 months
Meet The Parents
Premise: Sienna is nervous about meeting Max’s parents, aka, her soon-to-be future in-laws.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,340
A/N: I've been missing Maxenna lately and got inspired by Meghan Trainor's Made You Look. I'm using @choicesflashfics week 44, prompt 1 (in bold). Submitting to @choicesmonthlychallenge August, National Couple's Day.
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The walk-in closet in the swanky Georgetown apartment was littered with discarded outfits, a kaleidoscope of colors and fabrics. Time was running out, and the lone occupant in the room was ready to scream from frustration.
Wearing only a black lace bra and matching panties under her robe, Sienna Trinh riffled through the clothes hanging on the rack for a suitable dress. She should have gone shopping earlier; now, it was too late to do anything.
Too short. Too frumpy. Too slutty. Sienna ran through the litany of everything wrong with her clothes.
She’d spent the last eight years in and out of hospital scrubs and clothes designed for comfort during twelve-fourteen-hour shifts. Her limited wardrobe was not intended for fancy dinner parties with billionaires.
Sienna had moved to DC and in with Max Valentine a month ago. They’d been traveling ever since, first to visit her family in New Orleans, then vacations in St. Thomas and Paris. Now that she and Max were back in town, his parents had invited them for dinner.
Maybe she should fake a headache and end the misery now. Except, they would see right through that excuse, and she’d have forever damaged her relationship with her boyfriend’s parents.
Sienna glimpsed at the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and her face fell at the sight of her reflection. Her make-up-free face was haggard from worry, and strands of brown hair escaped whichever way from a messy bun atop her head.
“Whoa. What happened in here?” Max asked from behind her.
Sienna spun on her heels to see him standing in the doorway. His suit jacket was folded neatly on his arm, and a dark gray tie hung loose around his neck. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, revealing an expensive watch wrapped around his left wrist.
Seeing him looking like that after a full day at work, Sienna felt even shabbier.
Max was staring at the mess on the floor, eyes wide in astonishment. He was a neat freak, and it was probably driving him crazy. Great. One more thing she couldn’t get right, she thought in despair.
“I can’t do this,” Sienna said, her voice hitching on unshed tears. “Please apologize to your parents for me. Tell them I came down with a cold, a stomach bug, or something contagious. Just make it up.”
Max slowly walked towards her, his green eyes wary.
“I can do that,” he said, gently touching her shoulders. “But if I’m going to lie for you to my parents, you’ll have to explain why first. And make it good.”
“I have nothing to wear!” Sienna exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Okay,” he nodded. “I have a sister, so I know that’s Girl Code for ‘I’m nervous, and everything I own is ugly.’ Did I get that right?”
Sienna deflated when she realized he was serious rather than dismissive as she’d been expecting. She should have known better. After all, he’d never trivialized her feelings when they were friends. Why should now be any different?
“Here,” he said, folding her into his embrace.
Sienna nuzzled into him, the fabric of his dress shirt soft against her cheeks, and inhaled his scent. Her earlier panic dissipated the longer he held her.
“Want to tell me what’s wrong?” he said softly against her ear. “You’ve met my parents before, remember? You even had dinner at their house last year.”
Sienna leaned back in his arms, her hands resting on his upper arms, and smiled ruefully.
“Yes, but I was always Cassie’s friend before. Now I’m living with their son and heir, a man I barely went on a handful of dates with before moving in with him a month later. I��d be suspicious of me too.”
“First of all, Cassie and I are both their heirs,” Max said, leading her to the padded bench in the middle of the room. “Second, you and I have been circling each other for years, even if we didn’t make it official until recently.”
He placed two fingers on her chin and tilted her face up. “Third, my mother loves you. Probably more than she does me.”
“I see you didn’t mention your father in that sentence,” Sienna said, pursing her lips.
Max shrugged. “My dad will, too, once he gets to know you. He hasn’t had the same opportunities as my mom to spend time with you.”
“I’m so afraid I’ll mess up, use the wrong fork or dip my fingers in the soup instead of the water bowl,” she confessed anxiously.
Max laughed, tears of mirth leaking from his eyes.
“If I was dining with the Crawleys at Downton Abbey, I’d probably worry about that too,” he said, still chuckling. “Luckily, we’re dining with the Valentines at Country Club Hills, and there’s no water bowl or snobby butler in sight.”
“I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?” Sienna said, more annoyed with herself.
“No, you’re not,” Max said. “I was terrified of your family, especially because your sister kept giving me the beady eye. So, I get it. But I survived meeting the parents of the woman I love, and you will too.”
Sienna covered her face with her hands and groaned in frustration before turning to face him.
“Tell me something about them. Your parents,” she clarified when he looked askance. “Doesn’t have to be major, just anything, even if it’s small, about Olivia and Robert, not Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.”
Max drummed his fingers on his thighs as he thought about the request.
“Okay. I don’t know if this counts, but,” he began slowly, “my parents have never spent more than a handful of nights apart since they got married.”
Sienna felt her heart melt at the sentiment, and her eyes softened as he continued his tale.
“Whenever my dad travels overnight for work, my mother accompanies him. Neither is happy unless the other is close. I remember once my mom was admitted to the hospital for a mild concussion after a skiing accident.”
Sienna smiled, watching the amused exasperation cross his face at the memory.
“My dad pulled strings with the board so they’d let him spend the night in her room on a rollaway bed. The damn thing was way too small, and he was uncomfortable, feet hanging off the end. But you couldn’t pay him to leave until she was discharged.”
“That is so incredibly romantic,” Sienna said, tears dripping down her cheeks.
“And incredibly embarrassing if you’re their kid,” Max grumbled with an exaggerated eye-roll and head shake. “They’re always touching, a hand pat here, a kiss on the side of the head there.”
“I love that!” Sienna gushed, recalling how she’d seen them do just that at Cassie’s wedding.
Sobering up, Max sighed and took her hand. “If you can’t do this tonight, I’ll call them to reschedule. Tell them I double-booked or something came up at work. They’ll understand.”
Sienna’s lips twisted in a wry grin at Max’s offer, and she shook her head.
“No, it’s okay. We should go.“ She glanced at the clothes lying on the floor and sighed morosely. “But I still don’t know what to wear.”
“Will you trust me to help you with that?”
“I trust you with parts of myself I’m afraid to show anyone else,” she said softly, giggling at the strange comparison. “So, yes. I can trust you to dress me appropriately for the occasion.”
He pulled out his phone and unlocked the screen.
“What’re you doing?” she asked curiously when he clicked on the FaceTime app.
“Calling the expert,” he replied just as Cassie appeared on the screen.
Telling his sister to hold on, he paused the call and peered intently at Sienna. “I’ll hold up the phone; you try outfit options with your bestie. Sound good?”
Sienna beamed in pleasure at his solution. Deciding her best friend could wait a few more seconds, she leaned in and slowly kissed his breath away with the promise of more to come later.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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"Your dad kicked you out for being gay? Don't worry, you can still celebrate Father's day at the Daddy Issues party. All you have to do is come tonight at 9 PM at the Desire gay club and who knows? You might find a loving daddy to wish him on Father's day!"
That Facebook announcement really caught my interest. All my friends were out of town and I found this party a great chance to spice up my night and my weakness for older men motivated me to go. So I had a shower, groomed myself, put on my favorite pink jockstrap under my clothes and hit the road.
The line outside the club was a little long and I was getting kind of bored.
"You seem to hate the long wait, don't you, cute boy?"
I turned around and I saw a chubby middle aged man. His hairy bear belly was pushing out of his navy blue sleeveless jacket.
"Usually yes, but a man like you can make it entertaining" I responded in a flirty way and he grinned. "My name's Derek by the way" I added.
"I'm Walter" he introduced himself.
We kept our chat until we got in the club. He was 50 -exactly double my age- and worked as an ticket inspector in the railway. I also told him about my barista post at Starbucks.
We finally entered and the place was crowded. Didn't expect so many guys my age wanting to fuck an older man to be honest. Walter grabbed us some drinks and we started dancing. When we got tipsy enough, I started grinding myself in his belly and his furry chest. He didn't miss the chance and kissed me while shoving his tongue in my mouth.
"We can resume at my place if you want it" he proposed when he came closer to my ear.
"What are we waiting for? Let's keep the Father's day party in privacy!" I told him and he smacked my booty.
We got in his car and left. When we got home, he raised me in his arms and we kissed all the way to his bed, where he let me down. He then climbed on top of me and started stripping me nude. He leaned to my feet, took off my shoes and socks and said:
"Do you mind if I lick you toes and soles? I'm a crazy footie and yours are triggering my fetish too hard"
I had never tried foot sucking, but when he said it, I got a feeling that I wanted to experiment with that.
"Only if you give me yours too" I answered eventually.
"Thank, God. It's so hard to find a man to like feet nowadays" he said obviously relieved.
Next thing I knew, we were laying on his bed naked and were enjoying each other's soles.
"Good boy. Daddy's very happy you're worshipping his feet and he's getting to suck yours" he growled.
I then turned to his cock and started blowing it. Walter seemed to be very pleased by it. He slapped my face with his fat fingers as I was gulping down his manhood.
"Bring your butt to my face and let me lick your crack open. That slutty jockstrap you're wearing has been provoking my male insticts for too long" he commanded and I obeyed like a good slave to my master. He kissed and slurped my hole with gluttony, as well as also teased it with his fingers.
"It's time to ride my dick" he growled and he smacked my butt once again. He raised his back, half sitting on the bed, grabbed my hair with his right hand and choked me with his left.
I was bouncing up and down on his crotch and his belly.
"Who's your daddy, naughty boy?" he shouted as he pulled my hair with more force.
"Walter" I moaned.
"Right, Derek. You're such an obedient little fuck toy. The best son I could spend this Father's day with!"
He then pulled out of me and pinned my head down with his foot. He inserted his dick again in my ass and fucked me in a sideways doggy style position.
"What an epic boypussy you have there, Derek. Heaven is between your legs" he said as he was panting and sweating from pounding me.
"And you have the key to my heaven" I teased him to drive him crazier. He actually pulled out of me and his cum splashed all the way up my back.
"That was a crazy orgasm, son. Daddy is satisfied with you" he said and leaned to my lips for a kiss. Then he went down to my still hard dick and put it all in his mouth, sucking and licking it until he finally made me edge. My cream spread all over his cheeks and nose, dripping on the bedsheets.
"Happy Father's day, daddy" I told Walter, who crawled up to me, hugged me and kissed me as he said: "I'll always remember that Father's day thanks to you, son".
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amc-iwtv · 11 months
Sucker Punch Fic Live Blog #2
“He’s just some guy,” Louis disagrees. Lestat is still recovering from this burn to this day!
“I just want to try out another date all on my own terms. No disasters. And I want some Italian tonight.” Who is going to tell him Lestat is half-Italian?
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“A blonde roast,” Daniel says for a second time, setting the espresso down upon the still nicely shined mahogany counter. “Blonde, Louis? What inspired it?” Daniel was thinking what I was thinking.
Workaholic Louis is special to me like no other. A Louis that shoulders the burdens of the world and his family is the most Louis to ever Louis.
Louis's temper flared up. I like to see the characterization of Louis that brings up how hot-headed he can be when he's overwhelmed.
“Both,” Louis croaks out. “I want to be normal, too, Daniel. I want to have a career. I want to have a life. This doesn’t mean I believe that this thing with Lestat is going anywhere, because I really don’t believe it, but it’s a way to prove to myself and to everyone else that I’m capable of at least trying.” Stop making me feel!
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George scoffs, waving his hand at Louis. “Nonsense, son! Your daily special creation is what I look forward to each morning! It gives me a reason to get these old bones walking around.” I love old sweet regulars!
Her memory lives on in their community, but no one is really aware of the sort of woman his mother was behind the closed doors of their home. Louis has mommy trauma on par with my own. Don't worry Louis,
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"A date? Daniel, you don’t go on a date that close to midnight. That’s a hook up.” Daniel being a slutty mess with horrible taste in men is a headcanon I didn't know I need.
“You need to get laid,” Daniel says very seriously. “It will literally cure so many of your problems, Louis.” Daniel dispensing wisdom this fandom needs to hear.
"On my way. I will arrive in about twenty-five minutes if traffic is not too busy!" If Lestat is late again, I'll beat his ass myself. I hate dates who are late! It's so disrespectful! It makes me crazy. I married a woman that is an hour early to everything for a reason!
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“Ah, Bella Napoli!” Lestat interrupts merrily. Lestat come out as half-italian and Louis will fuck you, I promise.
Louis is reminded of a golden retriever, wanting a treat for good behavior.  I love references to Lestat being a dog! Either positively or an insult.
He actually sings the words out to Louis. Louis is lost in the sauce.
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Whoa, whoa, we split the check,” Louis instantly demands. LOUIS DID YOUR MOTHER NOT RAISE YOU RIGHT! Letting pompous rich white men handle the check is how you get back reparations on the low.
“I collect first editions and rare copies of books,” Lestat says. THIS IS HOW LETAT CAN STILL WIN!
“I’d love to see,” he mumbles.  Going home with a guy on the second date? Louis you SLUT! You have to wait five dates!
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Reciting poetry? My HEART!
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“Don’t fucking good morning me,” Louis growls. I love when characters make assumptions and act rashly and then look a fool!
 “You are right, that I am married,” he murmurs. “That man in the photo? Nicolas? He is my partner. He is my love.” I CAN'T BELIEVE FRENCHIE DID THIS! This is why:
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@thefairylights It has been way too long since my last review. It is so fun to reread this fic. Again, great characterization of Louis and his motivations. It is so romantic and so sexy, I love a dream date that has a character floating on air. I find geeking over books and reciting poetry so sexy, and I could feel the passion in that sensual scene. Thank you so much! 10/10.
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foxydivaxx · 3 months
Gossip Girl AU Prequel Chapter 4
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How messed up is Zoro? The man finally tells us here. Not for the faint-hearted. Warning: Contains mentions of sex, partying, alcohol, drugs and rape.
Hello Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here. And once again, I am here to give the delicious deets on the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. Now onto the main course.
The summer holiday is slowly coming to an end and everyone is rushing to go get the school supplies. Now that brings the question; is Z retiring from the entertainment industry for good? Or will he just take a break and focus on being a normal kid?
I ask these questions because of the court drama that has played between his dads and his mother lately. Then there is the rumour about his record label dropping him for a supposed new It boy. From what I gathered, that was who Z hooked up with during his little rendezvous in Paris 2 years ago.
This will definitely cause tension between him and S because the two just started dating. And what’s going on with E and SU? Are those two dating or is this a friends with benefits thing? Those two have been getting real cosy these days.
Only time will tell.
Gossip Girl
"HOLY SHIT!!" The guys were going through Zoro's clothes and found some rather interesting outfits. Very sexy and revealing outfits at that. Zoro smirks. No one really knows about that other side of him besides Perona and his mother who was against it.
"How the hell were you able to bypass your mother to go clubbing?" Sukuna asks. The truth is, the others were not aware as they were busy living their lives in other parts of the globe.
"Simple. I bribed the guards and various staff members who helped me cover up. Perona knows all these club owners and various other people and also she hooked me up."
Zoro chuckles as he sips some wine. "I thought as much because Mihawk has loads of connections." says Eren. "Still, this is pretty sexy." says Sanji as he holds up the grey T-shirt that had ripped hole in front.
"Perona and the maids helped me get those slutty outfits. What I do is that I made sure mum was either not around or that she was asleep. Once the coast was clear, I would then change into my slutty outfits and do my makeup downstairs."
He then shows them a picture of himself at one of those parties. "WHOA!! DUDE YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DIFFERENT PERSON!!"
Zoro chuckles. "That's not all. I had a lot of sex at those parties as well," he said. "Wait a minute. How many people are we talking about here?" His smirk broadens. "Sometimes threesomes, other times foursomes at times fivesomes. Truth be told, I almost always have sexual orgies almost every single week. Thinking about it now is making me horny."
Their eyes widen. "NO FUCKING WAY DUDE?!" Sanji just pouts. "I wish I was there." he whines. "I know right? I would kill to have a front row seat to see the crazy bad boy Zoro Roronoa in action." Zoro raises an eyebrow. "You sure you wanna see that? 'Cause I could show you how wild I can get tonight. If you want."
“Nah let’s not go there. Still it is kinda sad how you got this way.” says Sukuna. The others nodded. Zoro used to be a kind sweet kid. But now, that little boy is long dead.
Zoro smiles sadly. “I am done being nice. I am tired of being used and betrayed. So I became the guy that I am now. I no longer care anymore. So long as I can gain some form of pleasure to escape the shit in my life. Then I am fine. So long as I do not feel that pain anymore then.....it is all good. And so that's what I did to survive. Open my damn legs and let all kind of guys to fuck me senseless until I cannot remember my name that night.”
The others exchanged looks. This was the first time they would hear Zoro speak that way. Truth be told, there are still some things they do not know about him. Hearing this shocked them. Yes, they have done equally horrible things but Zoro’s situation hits different once you remember what she had done to her son.
"That woman ruined him." says Sukuna. He always sued to get into arguments with Terra a lot because he noticed how much that woman hurt her son and had enough decency within him to call her out. Sukuna may be an ass but even he would never cross that line with his own kids.
“They better let you guys win.” says Eren. Zoro nods. “Anyway enough of that. Congrats on your debut Sanji and Eren.” he said with the fakest smile plastered on his face. A couple weeks ago, Eren, Sanji and three other guys announced that they would debut as the boyband Aogiri.
Now don’t get Zoro wrong. He is happy for them, especially Sanji. But he felt this strange emptiness. Nah I can’t be jealous. He worked hard for this.
He remembers how the media often tried to pit them against each other and created a rivalry that was none existent back then. He found out weird especially since it was a well known fact that he was in love with the boy.
What he fears more than anything is the fame getting into Sanji’s head and Sanji suddenly abandoning him. Just like majority of their other friends. Like Sesshomaru. Agh….not those voices again!!
“Honey are you okay?” Sanji’s sweet voice was enough to snap him out of his trance. “Oh nothing. Just picturing you onstage.” Partially true.
Soon, Sanji and Eren get picked up by their manager and Sukuna gets called away by his dad leaving Zoro all alone.
Once the others were gone, his mask gets quickly discarded. “Why is life so hard?” he mutters as he sits on his bed, staring at the pile of clothes that lay all across the room.
He was deeply confused. One minute he was on top of the world. The next, he was a mess. Can death just come and claim me please?
“Is it me or is Zoro hiding something?” Sanji asks. He and Eren had just finished group rehearsals and were taking a break.
“Looks like I ain’t the only one that noticed.” Says Eren. “What did the woman do to him?” Marimo please don’t hurt yourself. I beg you.
Although he and Zoro have been having sex, something still felt off. He was a lot distant and rarely spoke. It seems that it could be connected to sexual trauma. It was then that Sanji remembered his own traumatic past and panicked inwardly. Did that witch sexually abuse her own son?
Meanwhile Mihawk and Arashi were busy chatting in the kitchen whilst having some coffee. “Remember when Buggy accidentally burned down part of the kitchen whilst trying to make some spaghetti for Shanks?
Arashi laughs. “Zeff almost killed him that day.” Mihawk chuckles. Nothing like reminiscing about your younger years with your childhood friend. “I can’t believe Zeff let him into the kitchen.”
Mihawk spots Zoro who had just come down the stairs and was lurking around. “Oi Zoro you okay buddy?”
The boy just stares at the ground. Arashi walks over to the boy and hugs him. “It’s okay kiddo.”
“Dad. I have a confession to make. It is related to mother.”
Both men stare at each other before staring back at the boy.
“Tell us.”
Zoro gulps. He actually wanted to tell his friends but he felt it was best to tell the dads first. “M…Mother raped me when I was 7.”
The poor boy finally breaks down in tears. The two men immediately pull him into a warm hug. “God I failed you Zoro!! Why did I not see that?!” Mihawk exclaims.
“It’s alright Mihawk. All that matters is that we protect him now.” says Arashi. Mihawk nods. “Oh that bitch is gonna pay for what she did to our son!!”
Zoro smiles. The weight has finally been lifted off his shoulders. His siblings overheard the entire conversation and were horrified. “How could mother do this?!” Miku gasps.
“Pure evil I tell you.” says Perona. “We need to protect him at all costs.” says Kuina.
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martiwikiwi · 1 year
So, yeah, I’m going to tell you about this super long comic I used to draw when I was a teen back in the 2010′s because I’ve recovered the massive folder were it has been stored for the last 13 years and decided to read it. And yes, it was bad. But omg it was the biggest queer drama ever and I remembered how much I loved the characters, SO...
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Master Kai (he/him) was somewhere in the ace spectrum but back then I didn’t have the word for it. He was very very grey but also very very romantic and felt sensual attraction very intensely. There was a very big drama because his wife had died like a few months before the story began and he had problems dealing with that. However, his life changed for the better when he came back to his job as a math and magic teacher. He also fell in love again eventually.
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Kaoru (he/him) was so chaotic bisexual polyamorous I can’t believe it. He was Kai’s fav student but he couldn’t cast any magic and he was actually very bad at maths but omg he did try. He wanted to become a teacher like Kai, his hero and not-so-secret love. As you can see, he was into drag and also was very slutty. There was big drama about him because he had a heart condition but also a big drama because for some reason he couldn’t avoid his destiny of dying very young and the comic was actually about everybody trying their best to save him.
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Luka (he/him) was everybody’s worst nightmare. This kid was very good at casting any magic and on top of that he had a super skill for predicting the future. He was Kai’s adoptive son and would always spoil the kid. He was also toxic af but only Reki would realise it. He loved Kaoru so much that there was also an adult version of him who came from the distant future to save Kaoru too. Proud and gay.
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Windy (he/him) was Reki’s nephew and for some reason he brough very bad luck to everyone like a curse. He was very good at everything but at casting magic and his dream was to become a musician. He would give his life for Luka and Kaoru but would also do anything to get Kai and Reki’s approval. Very easy to manipulate and also very jealous and gay btw.
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Reki (he/him/she/her) was my first trans character but I also didn’t have the word for describing his experience back then but he was kinda agender and demi gay. He was crazy for Kai, like very very crazy for him, you can’t imagine the big crush he had on Kai. There was a point in the story they started dating and omg they were so happy together but this comic was a big drama and it didn’t end well. He also had big depression issues and could only find comfort in his job as a doc. Fashion icon.
AND that’s it.
Sometimes I think how cool it would be to sketch long comics without any script again, just for the pleasure of sketching and drawing drama but then I remember I’m not 15 yo anymore.
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lyon-amore · 1 year
The half of me Chapter 29
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Chapter 28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Jake POV*
I leave the cell phone on call, listening to MC's breathing. From time to time the breathing changes, being uncontrolled from time to time. I put the headphones on the cell phone and I pull up the mask, then I adjust the hood and the jacket well. I have decided to go to Irma Roth's place and talk to her. Normally I would not do this, but under these circumstances, only I can investigate it. And I need to know what kind of person she is. If she had to see something when MC was drugged. After learning her story and what she has told me, I have a very bad feeling. I put the address back from last night and leave the apartment with large steps, not wanting to waste time.
From the outside, any nightclub looked like any other. Perhaps at night it is much more spectacular with its lights and its people screaming, but I can only see that it is a club where MC was made hell out of a night that had to be entertained. I go in and see that the employees are working on cleaning the place, running from one side to the other and sometimes yelling at each other where they have put some bags of garbage. I approach one of them and look into his eyes. I think from his expression he is scared of how I look at him. I know I may look like a thief with the looks I have, but I can't control my anger right now.    "Irma Roth?" I ask harshly.    "She's…" he points the way with his hand "in the office. You have to go next to the bar counter, the iron door” he answers with some fear “. There is a corridor and you have to knock on the third door on the left.”     I waste no time and walk away from him, heading in the direction he told me. Some employees call me, to no enter. But I completely ignore them. The fluorescent lights in the hallway are totally annoying to look at, I squint, trying to get used to it before reaching the door. I start to hear screaming behind Mrs. Roth's office. I try to tune the ear. It is the voice of a man.    “I already told you that I had nothing with Daliah!” I hear Serrano shout, furious “I don’t know why they they arrested me! She was just my employee and my daughter’s friend!”    "Then who could have known about you?!" Roth yells at him and I hear a thud "Hello?! Did I make it up?! That the police didn't want to know that you were lovers?!”    “You are crazy!” I hear footsteps, as if Serrano was going to the door.    “Am I the crazy one?! And she was a slutty bitch after your money!”     I move away from the door as it opens and see Serrano wave his hand as if he wants her to leave him alone. As he leaves, a high-heeled shoe flies off before I walks into the office, brushing my face.    “Son of a bitch,” Roth mutters under her breath. I enter the office and she looks at me, furious “And who are you?”    "I prefer not to give names." I reply.     Roth laughs and walks over to the bookcase, opening one of the doors. Inside you could see that it was some kind of refrigerator. She takes out a bottle of whiskey and instead of pouring the contents into a glass, she drinks it straight from the bottle.    “You want?” She offers me and I shake my head "Well, you're missing it" she takes another sip again and complains through her teeth "What have you come here to do, pretty eyes?"    "I am here to talk about what happened to my girlfriend last night." I reply, moving a little closer, crossing my arms. I manage to continue listening to MC sleeping peacefully, without knowing what is happening.    “What girlfriend?” Roth leans back on the table, setting the bottle aside. She keeps her gaze on me, as if she was examining me "And what did she lose last night? Bag? The panties?” I clench my fists and she laughs “It often happens that they leave clothes behind.”    “Does the name MC Gardner ring a bell?” I take another step forward. I see how she looks at me when saying the name, her eyes have moved nervously.     She makes a face, shrugging.    "Yes, my daughter introduced her to me" She separates from the table, picking up the bottle, sitting on the sofa “. She's a doll, just like Daliah.”    "You mean 'Daliah the bitch.'" I remind her what she called her, wanting to look for a guilty reaction.     She grunts and drinks again, wiping her hand across her mouth. She does not hide her contempt for Daliah.    "Did you ever meet her, Mr. Unknown?" She asks me as she spins the bottle. Roth's voice is nonchalant.    "I have not had a chance to."    "Then her sister is lucky" she points at me with a smile ", you probably would have ended up having sex with that bitch."    “I highly doubt it, from what I have come to know about Daliah, at the moment I know that she is not to my liking.”     Perhaps if I show myself as an ally with her in their common hatred of Daliah, I will have an easier time getting her to talk. She smiles and taps on the sofa, inviting me to sit down.    “Why don’t you sit down and we’ll talk better?” Her voice sounds flirty. I already know what she wants.    “No thank you, I am better on my feet.”     She lets out a laugh, getting up from the couch. She moves closer to me placing her hand on my chest, sliding to my shoulder as she circles me.    "I never liked that girl" As I speak, I notice the smell of liquor coming out of her mouth, luckily the mask makes the annoying smell less relieving “. So sweet so perfect.” She lowers my hood and runs her hand through my hair, to which I stop her by taking her hand.     I keep my gaze steady and she looks me square in the eye, lowering her hand.    "She was young, beautiful" she drawls out her annoyance “. Armando offered her a job as soon as she turned eighteen, so you know what that means.”    "Did you suspect that Daliah had sex with your husband?" I ask curious.    “Please! It was more than obvious” she separates from me, raising her hands “. That brat knew what she could achieve if she spread her legs to my husband” She sighs, picking up the bottle “. She was just like me when I was young” she smiles, it is a cold smile “and I'm glad that she's finally dead.”    “Do you admit that it was you who killed her?     She turns her head quickly, looking at me with nervous eyes.    "Are you from the police?" She places a hand on her hip, and the cold smile returns "I'm just glad she's not hanging around my husband anymore, that's all."     I let out a slack laugh, taking it all in. This woman has so much money that she would fear losing it because of her husband's infidelity.    "And what about MC?" She ask, returning to total calm "What happened to her last night?"    “She was drugged at her bar.    “And?” She raises her eyebrows, confused “what does it have to do with me?”    "It was your son, Ralph." I approach defiantly, clenching my fists.     Roth looks down, avoiding looking at me because she knows I am right about what happened.    “Do you accuse my son of having drugged your girlfriend?” She asks me without looking at me, but at her nails. Reds. sharp. Like her tongue “Ralph is a good boy, he would never drug your girlfriend.”    “And Daliah?” She looks at me out of the corner of her eye “. She also had a bad experience here.”    “Do you have proof that it was in my place?” She lets her arms fall heavily from her, snorting, like she is tired of hearing me.    "It is the only place where they come to drug girls." I reply coldly.     She approaches me, the sound of her heels echoing throughout the office. She raises her hand, bringing it to my face, to remove my mask. I stop her and she smiles.    "Pretty eyes, no one has ever drugged anyone at my place" she says, tilting her head, "fixing" my jacket "we have strict surveillance that it doesn't happen.”    “And if that surveillance was only decided by the boss who should notify who has been drugged and who hasn't?” I ask dropping that perhaps she was the one who decided to drug MC “After all, MC and Daliah are twins, you might fear that your husband would replace her with MC, right?”     She rolls her eyes, laughing coldly. She seems to be one of those laughs that you only hear from a witch.    "It's true that I was shocked to see MC because I saw Daliah in her, she was wearing that dress and that hairstyle from the last time she was here" I pay attention to her words, Was MC the same as Daliah on the day of the events? “, the same little bitch that I thought was dead, I had before my eyes, alive. Breathing” her lip twists into a small smile “. It was worse than seeing a ghost, because I was seeing her alive.”     I do not know what to make of this, is she or is she not guilty? Maybe she just hated Daliah but not capable of killing her. She would lose a lot of things if she did. All her fortune. Even her husband, who was already afraid of losing because of Daliah.. Surely she thought the same thing when she saw MC if she knows that her husband "knows" MC.    "But no, I didn't order to drug anyone and my son is totally innocent" She grabs my face, placing her nails on my face. Luckily it relieves the pain with the mask a bit “. If that's what you were looking to find out, pretty eyes, I'm very sorry, but everyone here is innocent-“    "Until proven otherwise." I coldly cut her off now.    "But there's no proof." She moves closer to my face and I can smell the wishkey better. I pout. Stinks “, so get out of here before I call the police for harassment and if my husband finds out, he won't be very happy...”     I clenched my jaw. She may not have confessed directly, but I think she has said a lot more than I expected. I go to turn around and she grabs my arm, then unexpectedly lowers my mask and kisses me. I push her away and run my hand over my mouth, wiping my lips, then push my mask back up.    “What?” She begins to say, picking up the bottle again “Can only you men cheat on us? If I can revenge at him and her sister just to make the bitch roll over in her grave, then I'll do it with great pleasure.” Her eyes seem to bulge out of their sockets. She looks at me madly “. I hope to see you again, pretty eyes.”     I leave the office slamming the door. Disgusted by what she has done. Clearly there is no denying that they are mother and son.
When leaving the premises I receive a message. I growl when I see it is Rocco. Mike has given you my cell number. I pinch the bridge of my nose. Thanks Mike, get more innocent people involved in my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----Rocco has connected-----
Rocco Good morning Jake 👋🏾 I hope you don’t mind that Mike gave me your cell number.
Jake Well, it is not that I do not care. It is just that I do not like it if I have not decided it myself.
Rocco I understand, but Mike was in a hurry. You should have seen his face, he doesn’t look like he slept. 😅 
Jake Yes, something he has told me. What is going on?
Rocco I'm going to Colville to look for the computer to take it to the little princess 😊  They told me what happened, how could they do that to her?! I also want to join the battle against whoever did this to my friend's sister!
Jake Thanks for worrying about her, Rocco. Right now MC is resting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I lean on the motorcycle paying attention to the call that is still online. I hear her complain of pain again. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down.    “Calm down, MC” I whisper into the headset microphone “, try to calm down.”     Little by little she stops complaining until she breathes calmly again. Damn. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rocco Mhm… Do you know what they put on her?
Jake We do not know. But she said that she felt fine.
Rocco Oh! How good? What symptoms did she have afterwards?
Jake Vomiting, chills, sweating, pain in the body, hyperactive, nervous, quite angry with herself… But the last thing was because of what happened last night.
Rocco I don't think so Well, in any case, it's better that she don't know at the moment what she took if you say that it felt good at first, she might want more It is one of the things that must be prevented from feeling the need to take it again
Jake I will avoid it.
Rocco Well then Ah… This is upside down since she died right? Anyway Batman, I’m already halfway there Wait for me with the door open 😉 
Jake See you soon.
-----Rocco has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  “Rocco is already on his way to Colville, MC” I whisper back into the microphone “. Soon you will have your sister's memories with you.”     I hear no response, which means I have not woken her up right now. I get on the bike and start to start it, being careful with the helmets and the cell phone as before so they do not get separated from me. I need to be aware at all times that she is fine.    <<You should have gone with your parents. At least you would be well taken care of.>>
I get to the building and run into Rudy. She carries shopping bags.    “Wait, I will help you.” I say quickly getting off the bike.    "Thank you, handsome" she tells me, giving me one of the bags “. Those are the things you asked me to fix the boiler, so we don't waste time.”     I nod and we enter the apartments. I stop for a moment when I hear MC complain again. I see how Rudy looks at me curiously.    “Any important game?” She asks raising an eyebrow.    "I hear MC sleeping" I see that she looks at me with a face that I am weird and I get nervous “. It's because of the drug” my voice shakes, I don't want to sound like a stalker “, she was complaining all night and an hour ago she fell asleep again, so I check that she is okay.”    "Poor girl" she shakes her head and we walk back to her apartment "And do her parents know?"    “I do not think they know” I reply as I wait for her to open the door “. And that worries me, they could take care of her.”    “She'll get to tell them.” She opens the door and I walk in after her, following her into the small living room “. The worst that can happen is that her parents want to kill the person who drugged her, which is normal for concerned parents.”    The truth is that I have no idea. I have not known what a mother's concern is like for years. Would she be worried about me right now? Would she look for me after so many years?    "I think I've opened a wound." I react when I hear her address me.    "No, I am fine" I reply with a sigh “. I'm going to take this” I separate what I need for the boiler in one of the bags “. A friend of your son's has to come pick something up, do you think you can tell you where I will be working?”    "Sure, no problem." She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand and I leave.
   As I swap some bad pipes for new ones, I then hear MC starting to wake up, making waking sounds.    “What?” I hear that confused question “Jake? Are you still on the phone?”    "I was not going to leave you alone after what happened" I reply, stopping for a moment from working, brushing my wet hair away from sweating "How do you feel?"    "Like this morning" she replies complaining "my whole body hurts, I feel like I'd break if I got out of bed."    “Any other sensations?”
   “I’ve been hot again, but I felt the chills, as if I were sick.”    “It will still be the effects” I remember the conversation with Rocco. I would rather her keep in mind how she feel now than how she felt last night taking it “. MC Have you told your parents what happened?”    “I haven't had time because of the complaint and the talk with Jane.” It relieved me a bit. I think she need her parents' support on this issue “Do you think it's a good idea to tell them?”    “Right now I cannot take care of you, MC” I say hurt, gripping the phone tightly “and they are your parents, you should not hide it from them.”    "Would you tell them?" She asks me in a low voice “Would you tell your parents?”     The truth? I think I would end up feeling more sorry for the person who did it after seeing my mother's fury.    "Well, if I was not that I was taking drugs voluntarily, then yes, I would tell her" I hear how she lets out a heavy sigh “. If something happens to you, trust me, they will be mad that you did not tell them.”    “Yes you’re right…”     The door opens and Rocco walks in. When seeing me, he makes an exaggerated sound.    “Oh my God! Sweaty and greasy?! You are anyone’s dream!” He says in a shout.    “Jake? What was that?” MC asks concerned.    "Rocco..." I answer, massaging my temple.    “I was kidding” Rocco laughs, crossing his arms ". You're not my type anymore, I like men in suits better."     Ah, yes, I remember that he conquered an FBI agent.    "Are you talking to MC?" He points to my cell phone and I nod “Greetings from me.”    "Greetings from Rocco.” I say to MC, as I put the tools on the ground.    "Oh, how kind of him to remember me, say hello for me too" I hear her let out a little laugh and then she complains "You know? You're right, I'll go to my parents' house...”    “Be careful, you do not have a car and you could be an easy target for the killer or Grace.”    "Don't even remind me" she complains again “. We'll talk later, Jake.”    "Goodbye, MC." I hang up without calling her this time love. One so I do not bother her after she is slept badly again and the second, I do not want them to see me saying it.     I look at Rocco who looks at me with a smile.    “In your eyes, I can see how much you love her, did you know that?”     I look away and start to walk out of the boiler room. I just hope I do not show the blush.
We enter the apartment and I go directly to the computer, to see if the files are already unlocked. I see that there are still a few missing, but I don't think it will be a problem, the program works correctly.    "Okay, here it is" I lower the screen and put the computer in the backpack in which I picked it up, keeping the cables well. Then I hand it over to Rocco, looking at him seriously ". Be very careful, do not touch it, make sure it does not fall off either."    "I'll take care of him like he's one of my students." he smiles as he shifts his backpack forward.    "MC is at her parents' house right now, so I will ask her for the address so you can go there."    "Calm down" he pats me on the shoulder with a smile ", it'll be perfectly fine with me."     I nod a little worried. It is not that I do not trust him, but being important, I worry too much. I take out my cell phone and start writing it. I smile seeing her excitement at the new news. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nym-0s Apparently, we did not let him work.
MC 😑 Well, at least, all the files are being fixed quickly, right?
Nym-0s More than my program did. We would have been waiting too long. There are quite a few files. They date back to two thousand and thirteen.
MC 2013? So much time?
Nym-0s Is what it seems.
MC No wonder it takes so long... But luckily Mike has made the program fast for us I have to make it up to him... Do you think he will like strawberry shortcakes?
Nym-0s I think he would settle for more money.
MC Well, I still lack that He will have to settle for the cake 😄
Nym-0s Ha ha. Maybe he will even like it ;) I need the address of your parents' house. Rocco is going to Rosenschwarz to give you the computer. There are still a few files left, so if you leave it connected to the current doing its work, you will have it in a short time.
MC Ok 😊 [Address EMBER 16] Here I leave the link of how to get there
Nym-0s Perfect. I am sending it to you now.
MC Thanks Jake For all
Nym-0s How many times are you going to thank me? You know that I do it for you, love :)
MC ❤️ I will be waiting then
-----MC has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I quickly send Rocco the address that MC gave me and I see how he looks at his phone, nodding.    "Well, I'm leaving now" he looks at me and shakes his head "what a shame to have to leave now, knowing that you're going to take a shower."     I roll my eyes and he laugh, giving me another pat on the shoulder.    "Until another Batman, I'm off to see your little princess."     I nod and watch as he leaves the apartment. I look at my computer, now the program stopped. I guess my part is over. Now it's time to wait for her to find what she is looking for in those files.    "Good luck, MC…"
The memory of Grace's slap disappears when Jake tells me I'm going to have Daliah's computer in my hands. I want to be able to read each and every file it has, not wanting to miss anything without looking. As I walk, my legs ache. When I wake up, my head is pounding again, although a little less. My arms and wrists tingle, as if I had ants crawling up. I must be aware of the duration of these symptoms, next time be more attentive if they return… No, it won't happen again. I don't think I'll ever go through that place again. I don't want to see Ralph either, I don't think he's capable of it. My discussion with him was the last one I would have, there will be no more.
I arrive at my parents' house and knock on the door. When my mother opens, I look at her surprised. I didn't expect her to open. The first thing she does is hug me tight. A smile escapes my lips, returning the hug. Like Jake and Jane, I feel so much better to feel this warm feeling.    "Come in, daughter" she tells me, lovingly grabbing my arm ". I'm surprised you came without warning, we were going to send you a message."    "Why? What's going on?" I ask as she lets me lead her through the house to the dining room.     I bite my tongue, holding myself back from saying anything as I see Elliot sitting with my father. I know that with every encounter I have with him, nothing ever goes right.    "How come you haven't told us that you've been drugged?" My father asks me in a rather worried tone.     I look at him nervously and then at Elliot, my jaw clenching tight.    "Have you told him?" I ask angrily.    "I'm a policeman, it's my duty to inform them" Elliot gets up and approaches me "And why didn't you tell me when we met this morning?"    "Stop meddling in my life, Elliot! " I yell at him uncontrollably "I was going to come and tell them! You don’t paint anything here! You're just Daliah's ex! You don't have to come every time you feel like it!"     I feel my mother's hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. I keep my gaze fixed on him, nervous. Elliot is much calmer than me, I even think I can tell that he's trying to figure out what I'm hiding. Obviously he will have found out by the rest of the police that I was drugged. What surely now some policeman who loves to talk too much must have told it for the people. Or worse, that Grace is saying it just to sell the story of the innocent brother.    <<Well, let's add to the list of 'What is MC' the fact of being a drug addict.>>    "Who were you with last night?"    "I'm not going to tell you." I answer quickly. I know exactly what he want me to say, that I was with Jake. That his suspicions that I have contacted him is that I saw him.     He takes a deep breath and looks at me with a frown.    “Grace told us that you ran off with a guy after you got drugged” he insists. I'm embarrassed in front of my parents about this argument, I know that dad loves Elliot as a son-in-law, so he must think it's some kind of couple's argument ". We want to ask you about what happened last night."    "No." I say again, crossing my arms.     I stand firm. I'm not going to back down and tell him where Jake is. He know very well I'm talking about him. Will he put me in jail for defying the police? Because it's what I fear the most. He's here as a policeman, not a friend, so if I refuse too long, I might be in trouble.    "Is he in Colville?" He asks again "Is it still there?"    “No.” I reply, this time trying to believe the lie I'm telling to make it sound more convincing. If Daliah could do it, so can I.     He continues to examine me, trying to see if I'm telling the truth.    "Elliot, why don't you let us talk to her?" My father asks him, placing his hand on his shoulder "I'm sure it will be easier for her to talk to us than with you after the terrible events and…" He sighs and I see that he is nervous. Finding out that your daughter has been drugged by someone else must not have been pleasant "We want to have a family moment."    “Yes, of course” he replies as he looks at me ". Right now I'm leaving and MC? Stop playing detectives" I look at him strangely ", Grace has told everyone what you're doing, let us do our job."    “Of course.” I nod, never taking my gaze from him.    "Something more" he looks at all of us, serious ". In the absence of evidence, Ralph Hesse has been cleared of any charges."    "Has my testimony been useless? Seriously?" I ask annoyed.    "There were no traces of drugs on their hands and both Grace's and Ralph's testimony agree, even a Colville patrol is going to ask the local workers and the owner to see on the surveillance videos if they put something on you in the drink.” I growl under my breath. I hope that with the videos they can do something ". I'm so sorry."    Elliot says goodbye heading to the entrance along with my father.
I take a deep breath sitting on the couch. My mother sits next to me, hugging me. My whole body shakes with nerves.    "MC?" My mother starts talking to me "What is happening? Why did Elliot say that you're playing detective?" I look at her and this time I can't hide it with my eyes "Again? Don't you remember everything you went through when you were involved in Hannah's case?"     I lean back, staring at the ceiling. Yes I know. Every damn day I come across something that reminds me of Hannah's case, it all comes to mind. But I didn't choose it. I never wanted to get into that mess. But this time I had the option to choose and because it is personal.    “Daliah was being harassed for a long time, you know that?" I look at her wanting to cry, but I control myself "She hid so many things from us so as not to hurt me that... Mom, you wouldn't understand, Daliah was your daughter, but she and I had a connection that only we understood and... All of that was destroyed seeing the things that she was hiding."    "And is that boy in the middle again?" I see he's starting to get annoyed "Of course... It's him-"    "Mom-"    "He hurt you a lot."    “I know, but he didn't have a choice."    "What choice? Not appear to testify? " I let out a loose laugh. He couldn't have done it even if he wanted to. But I don't care about it anymore. I promised, I won't let myself be convinced that Jake is a bad choice again.     My father returns and looks at me again concerned. He sits next to me too, and I turn to face him.    "Are you alright?" He asks me and I nod "Was it really Ralph Hesse?" Well, here we go, the father about to go kill his daughter's stalker. I don't want my father to get into trouble, so I'd better shut up.     He puts an arm around my shoulders and hugs me. My mother sighs and strokes my hair. It's a moment when I feel smaller than the other times I've been hugged. Now I feel safe with them. I think that many times this type of hug is not appreciated, it is a pity that I have missed so many because I was investigating. I have also distanced myself from them, not only my mother. I have to admit it.    "Everything will be fine, honey" he kisses me on the forehead and I notice a smile in his voice "let's let the police take care of everything. You better stop looking, honey, it's going to kill you and we can't lose another daughter."     I nod without answering. He doesn't know that Daliah's computer is coming to me. I must know what Daliah was hiding all this time.
We decided to cook as a family, something we haven't done in a long time. The music is playing all over the kitchen, they are old songs from my parents, but I love listening to them. Daliah didn't like it very much, she said they were old songs, so I pestered her by singing them. But once I caught her singing some songs. In the end, she couldn't resist. Power of music. There is a knock on the door and I see my mother move to go to open it.    "No, I'm coming." I dropped everything and ran to the entrance, looking through the peephole. I see Rocco. Strange, haven't he been stopped this time? I open the door and smile ". Hi." I say with a shy voice. I haven't talked to him long enough to trust him, but if he was a friend of Daliah's, I think I can trust him.    "Where is the surveillance this time?" He asks me, looking everywhere "They haven't stopped me."    “They are too busy with another matter."    "You mean the investigation for your-" he stops and hands me the backpack ". Sorry, Mike told me, we're a little concerned with everything that's going on."    "I really appreciate it" I hug the backpack tightly ", and also that you brought me the computer."    "Good luck, MC."    “Thank you."     I close the door after saying goodbye and open my backpack to see the computer. My heart is pounding, it's as if it were going to jump out of my chest. Is it an effect of the drug? I run up the stairs to my old room, leaving the computer on the desk and plugging it into the power. I push my hair back to see the screen better. There are many files. How much did Daliah write in these years? I pull out my phone and text Jake quickly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jake I already have the computer There are many files!
-----Nym-0s has connected-----
Nym-0s Yes, your sister liked to write quite a bit. Do you think you can find what we need?
MC I want to think so But there is something that bothers me now And I want to start from the beginning
Nym-0s It is a lot of work.
MC I know But I want to know what Carter means when Daliah changed Maybe there's something here that says so
Nym-0s I wish you luck. I hope you find what you are looking for.
MC By the way Elliot has been at my parents' house He has told them what happened to me
Nym-0s Seriously?
MC He has even asked me who I was with He tries to get me to tell him where you hide
Nym-0s Well, I wish him good luck too. I am hard to catch ;)
MC Just watch out for Colville The police there are going to investigate the surveillance cameras of the local ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After saying that sentence, he doesn't answer. I start to worry. What has he done already? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MC Jake?
Nym-0s Let say… That I have gone to pay Irma Roth a visit.
Nym-0s That woman hates your sister very much. I would bet that she had something to do with her death.
MC So I'll have to find out We will speak later
Nym-0s Have a good time with your parents.
MC Thank you 😊
Nym-0s :)
-----Nym-0s has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put my phone away and look at the screen one last time before going downstairs to continue making food. As soon as I'm done eating, I'll come read all the files. I'm going to need quite a bit of energy to do this, because it's going to take me all afternoon to read them.
Chapter 30
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ftmpreggome · 1 year
Still waiting for you to announce that you let your slutty pussy get stuffed full and knocked up again ❤️
It's crazy you sent me this now because I wasn't sure if I should say anything but I actually broke down this week and Xavier's father and I have been having real sex. We have done it three times already. The first time I was in a lot of pain more than pleasure due to his size and me being basically a virgin with him only. I haven't had a man since he got me pregnant with his son Xavier. The second two times I felt so much better inside my vagina and he got deeper. He engaged in breast play with me riding and I melted wide open. He didn't wear a condom and I am scared.
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bitchkay · 2 years
Uhh... NSFW for Zev ig...
Zev is a bottom, you cannot change my mind. I also see him especially being into degradation and bondage. Go crazy, go stupid
Oh I have plenty of nsfw thoughts for Zev trust me, I am in fact going crazy, going stupid
As soon as they're an Avarian that's not Guy(or j*sper) I'm just like MMM WHORKNEE😩😩
Like I made a banner for him for a reason
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Ha ha the amount of fanfiction I've written for this man and I don't even think mc has ever had a positive interaction with him💀💀
I literally have 5 WIPs for the man, the legend, THE prince Zev Avari, third in line and youngest Avarian son.
I bully him but I also would like to have sex with him.
He's dreamy, even with his 2016 skater boy hair cut🥰🥰
5 work in progress fanfucs 4 of them being smut and would you believe me if i said bottom Zev has actually never crossed my mind
But ya know what hell yeah!!
Zev's literally a slut
Look at him
He's a slut
Bro wait-
Hold on o just thought of something
Nah I'm jumping straight into this imagine, the wheels are already turning
Imagine this☆:
"Do you not think this is a tad excessive?" "There's so much more I can do to you, you got the long end of the stick." His wrists were tied behind his back but he was otherwise free, retrained nonetheless but still mobile if he so chose. His hands were the only things bound together yet he behaved as if he were hogtied. Zev sat on a chair in front of you, shirt falling off his shoulders fully unbuttoned, as well as his pants. You presented him like a meal waiting to be devoured, the foil peeled back just enough for anticipations sake. "Long end of the stick??" You lightly backhanded his cheek in warning before setting yourself down on his legs. The first sign of struggling when he unconsciously tries to reach for you, tugging against the ties on his wrist. "Don't struggle." You caressed his cheek, tucking a blond strand of hair behind his ear in faux comfort. You ran your hands down his exposed toned chest before reaching for his open pants caressing the bulge beneath his underwear. "I cannot touch you? Why you devil~" You rolled your eyes at his attempt to flirt before squeezing him harshly through his boxers. "Aht!" "You will only watch. You can't touch me. You can't cum. I'll use your pathetic cock as a toy and you will behave yourself." Left to silence under your hard gaze and grip on his cock he obeyed, submitting to you. While physically stronger than you and only his hands having been tied, he could still flip the tables at any moment, hell he could just stand up and yet– "Good boy." –he dosen't. You hiked up your skirt, freeing his stiff cock from its confines, tapping his tip against the damp fabric of your panties. Zev sucked in a breath as he felt you through the thin fabric that separated your sex, clenching his fists behind his back. You teased the head over your clothed pussy, smearing the arousal all over the seat of your panties. "... you're so wet, do I make you--" "Shut up." You slapped a hand over his lips stopping his speech. "Did I not tell you to behave?" You grind against Zevs cock for a while longer until it was burning with need, the tip an angry red and twitching every time he brushed your folds through your underwear. Giving into your own needs you pulled your panties to the side, sliding down on his dick, filling you up to the brim. Sitting flush to his hips you circled your hips a low moan on your lips watching as Zevs entire body tightened, clenching his teeth to hold himself back from cumming right there and then. "Mmm.. your slutty cock's inside me Zev... think I'm gonna make myself cum with it~" you teased as you rose and fell, effectively bouncing on his cock. "You'll watch me get myself off, wont you? Use you like a dildo, yes?"
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shavalimonysal · 11 months
familia vacío legal, aka Quackity having kids from different fathers
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Quackity descrip: Noisy alcoholic and slutty bitch, also incestuous, classist, violent and searches for older man. (IT SOUNDS SO AGRESSIVE IN ENGLISH LMAOO)
S: You remember me of my younger self, Missa
M:.. (He's actually the older brother by 6 years and 10 cm)
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Missa: Biological Quackity and Rubius son.
Spreen: Biological Rubius and Vege son.
Shadoune: Rubius brother, crazy uncle that was on prison and just came out, nobody knows why he was there in the first place.
And the rest is just Quackity flirting on basically everyone except Spreen
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I posted 8,495 times in 2022
161 posts created (2%)
8,334 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,854 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#hannibal - 272 posts
#fanart - 227 posts
#filmedit - 216 posts
#murder husbands - 194 posts
#hannigram - 164 posts
#art - 153 posts
#michael myers - 132 posts
#dracula daily - 125 posts
#cat - 106 posts
#meme - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if you just listened to the lines you’d thought this scene is set in bed with the two already naked talking right beside each other’s ears
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reblog to give the person you reblogged it from a broom 🧹 to shoo away the twitter escapees that won’t follow the rules here
207 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Our slasherfuckers’ brains are just rewired. That scary movie moment where the killer appears? To us that’s like the hallway locker scene where the cute guy appears in a high school romance movie.
288 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
About other universes in Everything Everywhere All at Once...
there is one universe where Evelyn was sick and Waymond was right beside her, holding her hand.
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In Alphaverse, the van Alpha Waymond was on is basically a mobile rebel base with limited resources and space, and yet he still set up a shrine. Usually a shrine like this, considering there was an urn and red lights, I think it’s safe to assume this was not something like a poster of a spiritual leader at the rebel base to boost morale, but a shrine set up for a family member, by a family member.
See the full post
750 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
It’s about Evelyn saying “sometimes I wonder how he would have survived without me“, then we realised Alpha Waymond proceeded to live without his Evelyn and continued to find other Evelyns, and would still look at them lovingly, because he knows them, and maybe even hold their faces while talking to them. And then we were hit with CEO Waymond who was even successful, without Evelyn, but at the end CEO Waymond still said, “in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”
So yes Evelyn, he could survive without you. He just prefers surviving with you.
1,842 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tHERE is too much sexual tension starting from that Will Graham in slutty red shirt scene. I don't know how many times I've rewatched this show but it still drives me crazy
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You mating season salmon son of a bitch
2,634 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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misseviehyde · 2 years
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Linda knew that taking down Alice the evil brat would help her kill two birds with one stone. Not only was Alice directly bullying her daughter Rose, but she was also dating her sons bully Jason. Dealing with her would hopefully protect both her children.
Alice was one of these slutty e-girl types who was hugely successful online with thousands of simp followers. Linda didn't much understand the world of social media and streaming - but just because the girl was a rising celebrity, that wasn't going to stop her from confronting her.
She knew that Alice was a hugely successful cosplayer. Her costumes were said to be amongst the best looking ever - no one knew where she got them from. Maybe her rich and powerful Daddy got them for her, but no one knew for sure.
Regardless - Linda was determined to confront her.
Linda had waited till Alice's parents were out and then she banged on the door. The bored blonde e-girl rolled her eyes as she saw the much older woman on her doorstep.
"Like what the fuck do you want old lady?" she yawned twirling a piece of gum round a manicured finger.
"I want to talk to you about my children. I want you to leave Rose alone and tell that disgusting boy Jason to lay off my Sam too."
Alice giggled, "OMG - you're those two losers Mom? No wonder they are so pathetic. Eugh, I can't believe you like came over here to threaten me. Like am I supposed to be scared?"
Linda felt her anger rise at the insolence of this little brat. She pushed her way into the house.
"Hey - you can't come into my house," shrieked Alice in outrage. "You're fucking crazy lady. I'm calling my Daddy."
Alice turned to run to her room where her mobile phone was and in a panic Linda followed her. She wasn't quite sure what she thought she was going to do but as she burst into Alice's room behind her - her heart was hammering.
She barely had time to take in the scene. A weird machine stood in the centre of the floor. It had a large funnel shaped hopper on top and next to it Alice was grabbing her phone and already trying to ring her Daddy.
With a gasp Linda grabbed Alice and the two women fought, struggling and crashing around the room till with a shriek, Alice suddenly lost her balance and fell into the hopper.
There was a wet sucking sound and Linda's mouth dropped open as she watched Alice sucked down into the hopper. Impossibly her body seemed to fold in on itself, shrinking and emptying as it descended.
A tube on the bottom of the machine sprung open and an empty skin with long blonde hair popped out with a ping.
"Oh my God," groaned Linda in horror. "I didn't mean to kill her... I... but wait... I mustn't panic - I need to think."
Picking up the skin from the floor Linda held it up and noticed it had seams in it. The machine had turned Alice into a costume! The skin was incredibly soft and stretchy - it still even felt warm. It was like it was... alive.
Looking down at the apparatus she began to understand. This was some sort of costume making machine. No wonder Alice had the most realistic cosplays.
Maybe there was some way to reverse the effect of the machine and turn Alice back to normal? She had to figure it out.
Suddenly Alice's phone began to ring. There was only one word on the screen. DADDY.
"Shit," gasped Linda realising that in the confusion Alice must have managed to call her Daddy for a moment and he was now calling back concerned.
Panicking she picked up the bodysuit and without really knowing why she pulled the face over her own.
Alice's tight young skin stretched and then snapped into place. Linda felt a pricking like millions of pins and needles then suddenly she could feel soft blonde hair around her ears and the taste of cherry lipgloss. Her teeth felt different, smoother and more perfect. She reached up to touch her face and gasped at the feeling of young soft skin.
"Oh my God," she gasped and her voice was the voice of Alice.
The phone was still ringing - so picking it up she answered.
"Hello ummm Daddy."
"Alice. Are you okay? Why are you calling me?"
"Ohhh ummm I was just errrrr..." Linda's eyes roved around the room. "I was just having some problems with the costume machine in my room. Do you know if it's possible to reverse the effects if you use it Daddy?"
"Baby - be careful with that thing. I told you it's not a toy. I'd get into a lot of trouble if you were caught with that thing. But anything my girl wants - she gets. I'm not sure about reversing the process - but I'll ask my research team."
"Ohhh okay ummmm thanks Daddy."
As she spoke Linda was amazed at how easy it was to ape Alice's mannersims and speech patterns. It was almost like the knowledge of how to do so was in her head, accesible at the periphery of her thoughts. Were Alice's memories inside the suit as well?
Breathing a sigh of relief Linda hung up then slowly began to peel Alice's face away. She felt strangely reluctant to do so. Alice's face felt good. She stopped and she felt the skin tighten on her face again... almost possessively.
Turning to the mirror Linda looked at her beautiful pouty features. Alice's bratty face looked back at her with wet pink lips and mischevious eyes. Thick e-girl makeup covered her slutty features... she looked... hawt.
Linda wondered what it would feel like to wear the entire skin? A terrible temptation grew within her and the face in the mirror seemed to be egging her on.
Yessss that's it you old shrivelled bitch. Put me on entirely. See how it feels to be young, tight and hot.
Linda's fingers went to her buttons as she began to rationalise the growing urge within her.
"Alice's Daddy needs time to come through with a reverse process, I guess that means I may need to impersonate Alice again. One little try of her body can't hurt."
That's right bitch - slip inside. Wear the body of the alpha-slut who has been bullying your own children.
Linda gasped as she tore off her clothing and finding the seams to the suit began to climb inside. The skin should have been too small - but it seemed to stretch to accomodate Linda's girth then tighten to squeeze her down to the right size.
"Ohhhhh fuck yesssss," panted Linda in Alice's sexy voice as she felt her body crushed and squeezed down into that of a tight little slut. She giggled as she wiggled her now perfect bottom and stretched her lithe young body as the seams sealed invisibly. Only a tiny catch was left on the back of her neck under her hair. She felt amazing.
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"Wow, I'm so fucking cute and hot now," gloated Linda as she paraded up and down in Alice's body. "I can't believe how good this feels."
Naked she ran hands over her firm perky tits and inevitably towards her already wet pussy. "Oh my GAWD my little kitty is so fucking tight," she squealed as she slid a finger inside. "I forgot how good a tight pussy feels."
Throwing open Alice's wardrobe Linda got dressed. A sexy purple sweater, tight daisy dukes and white knee socks with converse trainers and she was ready.
She realised that she was able to channel and absorb all of Alice's bitchy memories whilst wearing the skin. As a result, this outfit was exactly like one Alice would wear. Turning to face the mirror she giggled to see that she had adopted Alice's body mannerisms and posture.
"OMG - I totally look and sound just like that bitch. No one would ever know the difference."
Picking up Alice's phone, she giggled as it unlocked automatically - recognising her biometrics. As she scrolled through the various contacts and apps - she realised she now knew all these people. The skin was giving her all the knowledge she needed and the longer she was inside, the more Alice's memories sat in her mind like they were her own. She wondered if she'd be able to access them once she took off the skin?
"Now then, what shall I do as Alice?"
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Linda groaned... legs spread wide and pussy high in the air as she bent over the bed and Jason ploughed her like the tight little slut she was now.
"Ohhhh fuckkkkk" she squealed... her tight pussy lips gripping every inch of his eight inch cock as he expertly ploughed her so deeply she could feel it all the way up to her tummy.
She was so fucking wet. Her husband Donald had NEVER fucked her like this.
"Fuck baby, you're so horny tonight. What's gotten into you?"
Linda wanted to laugh hysterically, if only Jason knew! Instead she looked over her shoulder and bit her lip. "Shut up and fuck me harder."
She groaned as he grinned, slapping her ass hard and driving her down into the bed so he could just fuck her harder.
It just felt so fucking good. Part of her was disgusted by what she was doing, but the rest loved it. After all - she'd spent night after night comforting her son as he described how Jason bullied and tormented him.
Now she was letting the same bastard that terrorised her son rail her and she was loving every moment.
It had just sort of... happened. She'd gone round to Jason's thinking of using her new body to punish him or getting him to change his ways.
The minute she'd seen him she'd felt her new body respond... her heart start beating faster... her pussy getting wetter. When he'd slid his strong arms around her waist she had been ready for him.
Jason's hands were in her hair his voice in her ear as he pounded her with long slow confident thrusts. "I know what will make you cum even harder babe. I know you love it when I tell you how mean I've been to the losers at school. You should have seen that nerd Sam crying after I flushed his head down the toilet."
"Ohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk."
To her horror Linda felt her body respond. There was just something so fucking hot about the thought of her boyfriend dominating her son. Wait... her boyfriend?
"Shit... that's it baby... you love being a mean spoiled bitch don't you? You love being a souless vain bullying bitch. Say it..."
Yessss that's it... you wanna be a bad girl. Feel how wet your pussy is...
"Ohhhhh fuck... I love being a bully... yessss fuck me deeper baby. Tell me how you bully those losers. I love it."
Linda screamed as she began to cum and Jason slapped her ass again.
It felt so good to be bad.
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Linda giggled as she saw her phone had eleven missed calls from her daughter Rose.
What does that fucking reject loser want? Probably wondering why her fat loser Mom isn't home yet.
Linda hesitated. It was getting late. By now Sam and Rose would be in a panic. Her husband would be losing his mind.
She reached up to her neck... to the clasp. She needed to take off the skin.
Why? Why not leave it on? No one knows what you did. Why not become a bullying spoiled bitch and enjoy this life forever?
"Nooooo, what's wrong with me?" she gasped.
Face it bitch, you're loving what the skin is doing to you. Losing your identity, losing yourself to Alice. You WANT the skin to merge with you to become you. You've never been wetter or more turned on.
"No... I have a family... a family I love!"
With a scream Linda reached up and found the clasp. She tore off the skin, panting and groaning as she tore off Alice and staggered out of her with a wet sucking sound.
Groaning she lay shivering and naked. Then slowly her breathing steadied and sitting up she looked at the skin with a mixture of disgust and longing.
She had narrowly escaped - but already the longing to become Alice again was growing. Gathering up the skin she stuffed it into a bag and pulled on her clothes.
Trying not to think about the Alice costume in her bag she grabbed her things and slipped out of Alice's house.
It was late and she needed to be home. She needed to see her kids and her husband.
She needed to hide Alice and never wear her again till she could turn her back.
How hard could it be?
Like, comment, reblog and message me if you'd like a part 2. Maybe someone else will get inside Alice... or maybe Linda will have another go?
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inyokwetrust · 2 years
Everybody is out there screaming about KinnPorsche, TimeTay and VegasPete (fair enough, I feel you sweeties), while I'm here being OBSESSED with Tong Thanayut. I don't even know well his character, just seen him slaying in his fur, shaking his ass on a table and shushing his scary mafiaboss father... and for me it's enough, I'm a CERTIFIED TANKHUN SIMP bye
(My love for crazy slutty sunshines is undeniable, right yok?)
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syntaxeme · 5 years
I said yesterday that I really like Genji’s character, because I do, and my husband said he’s boring. Like. What? There’s so much to him?
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missskzbiased · 3 years
The Things We Don’t Tell
Summary: You were sure your life was written and directed to fit a sketchy Rom-Com and nobody could convince you otherwise. First, your boss was too hot to be true, and burning with desire didn’t even begin to explain the tingling sensations he left on you. Second, your coworker (a.k.a. Ex-About-to-be-FWB) insisted in turning your life into a living hell, which wasn’t the exact kind of hotness you were into. And if having these two hot men around you every single day of your life wasn’t enough to prove it, maybe the threat of your slutty secret identity about to be busted would be… But you couldn’t let this happen.
WC: 7,5 K
Genre: Smut, Humor (?)
AUs: Office, Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin X Fem!Reader X Bang Chan  
(Not really a love triangle as Hyunjin is the Lead. However, Reader wants to Bang Chan)
Rebloggable Masterlist    //   Main Masterlist   //   Tag List
Warnings: Language, Thigh riding, Public space (Office), Exhibitionism, Possessiveness, Pet Name (Baby girl), Sir Kink  
[If I forgot anything, please let me know! I’m kinda sleepy right now]
Notes: There will be at least one more chapter but I won’t do a tag list post for now, only if someone wants it, cuz I’m too lazy to think about doing it right now. This fic is an attempt to experiment with some writing style things that I’ve been wanting to try. I don’t think it worked, tho SUHAHUSAUHSUHA But that’s life
- I’ll quite possibly change the title in the future-
  You are a superhero.
    Okay! To be honest, you may be exaggerating a little bit ─ a tiny harmless little bit ─ but that was how you felt every single day of your life, alright? You had this glorious and mysterious side of yours that you hid from everyone else in the world… That mask that you couldn’t let come to the ground and would fight for dear life to protect… That side to your persona that no one was allowed to meet… The fierce, bold, and dark aspects of your soul that—
    “Y/N! I want those papers on my table!”
    “Yes, sir!” You shrieked in an embarrassing (not even slightly bold) way.
    — That you couldn’t show at your work.
    Yeah… So maybe no one actually thought of you as a superhero, but you really believed someone should start to. Was there something that different between your life and those low-budget TV shows people seem to enjoy so much? You didn’t think so.
  To be fair, sometimes you felt like someone wrote a questionable script and poorly directed your life to fit you as the leading lady of a sketchy rom-com. As if they just focused on checking out every point on a bullet list made up with rules for a successful superhero office drama that wasn’t even that good…
    … And speaking of which…
    Rule Number One: The stern (maybe kinda attractive) boss!
    If you had to define Bang Chan with a couple of adjectives, you would choose undeniably beautiful ─ extremely professional of you because the right words to describe him were fucking hot ─ and committed. Fortunately, it wasn’t an “I have someone waiting for me at home and a bunch of kids I must put to sleep” kind of commitment, which would destroy your hopes of having this man one day. Unfortunately, it was an “I’m better than the header and gonna run this company by tomorrow night” kind of commitment, which destroys your hopes of a peaceful day at work.
    Now, it’s not like you don’t want to do your job! It’s just that you didn’t sign up to be Bang Chan’s perfect little toy ─ definitely not the better words to describe it ─ and you didn’t expect to be joined by the hips ─ really? ─ with him or any of your coworkers. The thing is that Bang Chan wants to be on top ─ someone has to stop you ─ and he believes the only way to get there is to work as a team and be as perfect as one can be. In other words, Bang Chan wants absolutely everything and everyone to be neat, tight, and ready to be used ─ again… Not the better way to put your thoughts into words ─, but this just wasn’t who you were.  
    It also wasn’t the point right now.
    The point right now should be the fact that Bang Chan was striding to his office looking like he owned the whole damn place… If this was a movie, the camera would be focusing on his expensive, black leather shoes before scanning all the way up to his waist in slow motion. The scene would zoom in on his fine ass only to go a little bit up and catch the shiny, black belt wrapping around his figure. The outfit didn’t leave much to the imagination, but you had a hell of a productive mind… You could think of a few things you shouldn’t really be thinking about right now.
    Bang Chan didn’t seem to understand he was at work either.
    He rolled his sleeve up in a sexy motion that should be illegal. It isn’t. You can tell by the way there are no cops bursting inside the building and arresting this gorgeous son of a bitch.
    The lack of any authorities to stop this atrocious moment had you lowering your gaze to your desk ─ a vain attempt to ignore the way his forearms flexed as he gestured and ordered people around. If you were a little bit less professional, you would have some ideas of how he could do it in bed. With you. But you weren’t some kind of creepy perv who would be fantasizing about riding your own boss from dusk till dawn.
    Not at all.
    “Do you need me, Sir?” His secretary asks politely.
  A question that you would love to ask him too… In a totally and strictly professional way, of course.
    Rule Number Two: The (extremely unnecessary) nemesis!
    The shiver running down your spine could mean only one thing: Hwang Hyunjin ─ your obnoxious coworker ─ was standing right behind you, just like a bloody damn ghost. There was no need to turn around. You knew he had his mocking eyes glued on Bang Chan’s figure, and you could feel the air shifting as he tilted his head in a silent sneer before leaning on your desk.
    You refused to turn around and acknowledge his presence; painfully aware that he would flash a wide grin while looking at you with a knowing glint in his eyes. You wouldn’t give him the taste of seeing in your face that he was right; that you were staring at your boss as if you were a starving vulture. So you did the only thing you could do in this situation: You started to work. The sheets scattered over your desk wouldn’t walk by themselves to Bang Chan’s room, right?
    And neither would you if it depended on Hyunjin.
    The attempts to swipe the papers in your direction and gather everything you needed ─ to finally get rid of Hyunjin ─ proved to be vain as his hand took root on the desk. You pursed your lips in annoyance while glancing at his prominent knuckles and slender fingers; wondering if he would be so collected if he knew you wanted to crunch them. Probably not. But he gets off so fucking much on upsetting you that he might just want to take the risk anyway.
    “What do you want, asshole?” You hissed; stopping your motions before turning around to stare blankly at him.
    The face of an angel was the most accurate way to describe the sight in front of you. Plump, pink lips molded into a sweet smile and dark brown eyes morphed into cute crescents. None of those features fit his true self, though. Underneath the angelic façade, there was a demon called Hwang Hyunjin ─ who was resting his free hand on your shoulder for no reason besides driving you crazy.
    It would be easier if he was just a pretty face, but Hyunjin had a good body too. The guy looked just like a model ─ slim, tall, and classy ─, and even though only his collarbones peeked out from down his shirt, you knew that there was much more than the eyes could see.
    Well, you never saw it, but you had felt it.
    As far as you could remember, each curve on Hyunjin’s abs was craft by God himself. The way his chest was built for you to caress would be forever craved on your mind. You might never forget how soft his lips were in contrast to his lap… How his thighs flexed just right when you pulled his hair… How reactive he was… How his moans sounded… And how he put everything to waste.
    “Oh, nothing” He shrugged. As usual, his voice was just like sweet, hot honey; still, you could wipe the poison dripping down his chin, “I was just wondering if you had enough time to do your job while fucking your boss inside your head” He clarified sarcastically, cracking you a smile.
    Sometimes you regretted not putting his mouth to good use… He really needed to learn how to shut up for a while and stop being so… Unbearable. The silence he met had him scoffing; body leaning even closer to the point his face was practically hovering over yours ─ smugness plastered all over it. You held his gaze to confront him; breathe mingling with his in a heated mix that matched the anger under your eyes.
    Was he licking his lips as he stared at yours? Oh boy… He definitely wanted to get laid. It was your time to scoff as the frown on your lips turned into a smirk; eyes twinkling mischievously as you looked into his in a silent teasing. As if sensing that he was in trouble, Hyunjin tilted his head to look even more obnoxious than he was; face coming closer to yours to defy your newfound confidence.
     “You know what? If you stared at him any longer, I think his balls might have fallen off…” He whispered in a tone loud enough for just you to hear “Unless he saw the way you were looking at him… Then I guess his dick would go straight up” He assured you with a ‘friendly’ pat on your shoulder as he finally let go of your papers and straightened his back.
    “Are you saying it from experience?” You sneered; grimacing at him.
    “Are you telling me that you want me to fuck you too?” He retorted gibingly; not even thinking twice about it.
    “No” You tilted your head, trying to stay composed, “I’m reminding you that you couldn’t even kiss me without getting a boner… Just like a teenage boy” He arched a brow at your statement; pursing his lips as he hummed in wonder “I’m surprised you never came in your pants like the pathetic thing you are” He laughed; poking his cheek with his tongue before squeezing your shoulder in a silent warning.
    “I must have been quite a sight if you can remember it so vividly” You pretended not to notice the way he sniggered, pushing away the urge to punch his face.
  Nemesis was just a classy way to call him a pain in the ass.
  Rule Number Three: The (plain and uninteresting) secret identity!
  It would be impossible to miss the moment Hyunjin’s devilish smirk morphed into a bright, friendly smile. The snarky comment on the tip of your tongue was swallowed back in a bit; grimace dissolving into a wide grin as if you weren’t about to throw your fists at him. He giggled as his arms spread open before snaking around your body to pull you into a tight hug; holding you close and rocking your body side to side as a soft huff fell from your lips.
    If you didn’t know any better, your knee would be buried between his legs.
  “Way to go, Y/N!” He chirped, loosening his grip to take a better look at your face; eyes smiling as if the both of you were the bestest of friends in the entire world, “You’re awesome! I’m so proud… I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you as my teammate” He pursed his lips; dimples showing as he offered you nothing but affection in his gaze.
    You did know better, though, and it wasn’t too hard to figure out who was standing behind your back as you opened your mouth to answer him: “There’s no one I’d rather be with!” You reassured Hyunjin in a sweet, mirthful tone; tilting your head to return the fondness in his look in an act worthy of an Oscar “We’re a team, you know? You can’t get rid of me so easily” He laughed wholeheartedly at that; ruffling your hair before leaning closer to you again, resuming the hug.
    “We’ll see about that” He whispered in your ear, making you scoff.
    “What are you gonna do? Cry to Daddy so you won’t work with me anymore?” You hissed back; breaking away from his hug with a tight grin before turning around to meet Chan’s gaze.
    The surprise plastered over your face was millimetrically calculated; just like the way you pretended to be flustered as you stared into your boss’ eyes to see the pride shining on them. You brought the papers closer to your chest in what was meant to be an innocent, coy way ─ a technique mastered over the months you worked for him ─, and Chan seemed to fall for it as he giggled in delight. The poor guy had no clue all of this was as fake as your camaraderie towards Hyunjin, and he wasn’t about to discover it anytime soon if it depended on you.
    Luckily, it did! You had taken some acting classes; just enough for your next words to be naturally convincing: “I’m so sorry, Sir! We’re just so happy that –” The words were deliberately drawled to give him enough time to interrupt you. Just like you knew he would. And it was a good thing that he did because you had no idea of how you were supposed to finish that sentence anyway.
    You were a good actress, not a professional improviser.
    “Don’t mention it” He cut you off giggly; detaching himself from the doorframe he leaned on as he watched the friendly scene taking place.
    The amount of cuteness this man could deliver in his smile wasn’t fair, and it didn’t match the sensuality a simple gesture of his overflowed with, enchanting you. You gulped down as he gave both of you a silent order to follow him into his room, wondering if the duality he had in the office was remotely similar to what he could do in bed ─ a thought that shouldn’t be having a place in your mind right now.
    Hyunjin seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly too, and as soon as Chan turned around to head to his office, he bumped his shoulder onto yours. The obnoxious action was followed by your elbow diving into his ribs; a retaliation that took you less than a second and, luckily, Chan ─ or any of your coworkers ─ didn’t seem to notice. Neither of you gave away your silent quarrel as Hyunjin closed the door behind him, smiling at you when Chan finally took his seat.
     “It’s good to see that you guys have such chemistry” He confessed, and you had to suppress a scoff when you looked into his eyes. He had no idea… The chemistry between you two was enough to make you want to blow each other, “You know what I always say, right?” He boasted on a sing-song; much more at ease than he seemed to be earlier.
    You weren’t about to put that on the line, though.
    “You can’t have teamwork if you don’t have a team!” You warbled in unison.
    “That’s the spirit!” Chan gurgled, heading to his desk in a visibly good mood.
    What was going on? He wouldn’t be so happy just because you and Hyunjin were being friendly… Were you missing something? He didn’t seem in such a peaceful state of mind when he came in… It had to be something that happened after that. Perhaps he got some good news from his secretary? Or maybe… You narrowed your eyes as you caught a glimpse of Hyunjin’s hands fidgeting in front of him; his foot tapping the ground rapidly but quietly before moving slightly to step on your toe.
     Or maybe Hyunjin had something to do with it…
    “As I said in the email, Sir, I happened to hear some stuff around and… KQ managed to get an exclusive with Han Jisung” The sentence sounded just like a normal introduction to a report, but you knew it wasn’t. Hyunjin’s eyes darted to meet yours, glinting with anxiety and despair. He was informing you of what was going on, not Chan, “And as we all know, Jisung is a rising producer star, which is bound to raise their sales and might get in the way of ours…” He continued, swallowing dryly and widening his eyes ever so slightly.
    He was definitely trying to warn you of something.
    “Yes, I read the e-mail, Hyunjin” Chan agreed sternly; smile disappearing as his fingers intertwined to serve as a support for his chin. He looked classy and incredibly sexy, but your mind couldn’t afford to focus on it right now. You had to figure out what the hell Hyunjin suggested to Chan before blowing everything up, “You also said that Y/N might have the solution for this…” Oh, so that was it, you thought when Chan arched his brow; eyes connecting to yours.
    And now what?
    “So?” He encouraged you, detaching his chin from his hands so he could rest them on his desk “I’m waiting” He smiled gently; a closed-mouth smile that was supposed to calm your nerves, even though you could see how tumultuous his gaze was right now.
    It was practically a silent threat.
    In a normal situation, the predatory way he was looking at you ─ resembling a wolf when you were nothing but a sheep under his radar ─ would get you… Thinking.
    Your job wouldn’t be at stake in a normal situation, though.
    The pressure on your toes increased; the subtle way Hyunjin found to snap you out of your mind, despite your silence hanging in there for just a few seconds. It was obvious that he was freaking out just as much as you were, and you couldn’t help but blame him for this. Couldn’t he have told you about it earlier? What the hell was going on inside his mind?! Instead of taunting you about wanting to fuck Bang Chan, he should have warned you about that shit!
    That’s not the time for this, Y/N.
    The muscles on your face tensed as you tried to not give away everything going through your mind; lips twisting in a tight smile as you looked at Hyunjin: “Yeah, he was right” You answered calmly, even though your stomach was settled on becoming an Olympic athlete right now, “As I was telling him before coming here, Sir, I have someone in mind…” The relief washed over Hyunjin’s face; a genuine smile adorning his features as he withheld a sigh, “I happen to know I.N, and I think I can get us an exclusive” You confessed, shifting your gaze from Hyunjin to Chan.
    “The writer?” He blurted out, astonishment plastered all over his face.
    “Yeah… They’re a friend of mine…” You trailed off, embarrassed to say it out loud “They’re in the top trending now since their novel will become a drama and…” You cleared your throat, lowering your head to avoid his gaze. There was just so much of acting you could handle for a day, “I mean- It’s… Adult stuff, right? But they never—”
    “I know! That’s perfect!” He beamed, getting up from his chair to walk your way “They’ve never been seen! Nobody knows anything about them, Y/N” He laughed ─ he genuinely laughed ─ while clasping his hands together “Han Jisung is good, but I.N is better! This is hot news… FrontPage… How come you never told me about that?” He chuckled, placing his hand on your shoulder “Rest assured that when I get my promotion, I’m gonna have you right here in this room” He promised you in such a serious tone that a shiver ran down your spine.
    Rule Number Four: The (kinda horny) true self!
    There was not a single soul in the office as you made your way down the hall; eyes focused on the mesmerizing view outside. The sky was colored in purple shades, so deep that you would have mistaken them for black if it weren’t for the dazzling, sleepless city and its dozens of skyscrapers lighting everything up. Not even the full moon would be able to compete with such a beautiful brilliance, but it wouldn’t be necessary either as your gaze was abruptly torn away from the night.
    The darkness surrounding you didn’t allow your brain to connect the dots immediately, and you couldn’t help but wonder what happened when you bumped into something. The surface was much softer than a wall, yet firm enough to have you wincing for the impact; eyes snapping to meet the unlucky bastard that stayed until so late. The moonlight kissed his skin just enough for you to recognize the sharp features of your boss; clenched jaw revealing popping veins that distracted you for a fraction of a second.
     Your eyes trailed the path from his jaw to his neck, and you couldn’t help but wonder how it tasted like; if you could savor it like the sins you wanted to commit with him. The closeness didn’t work in your favor, and the hint of his scent intoxicated your senses as you connected your gazes. Something must have given you off ─ maybe your hesitation, maybe the lust glinting in your eyes ─ because the next second, Cristopher had his hand placed on your lower back.
   The warm sensation grew to a burning feeling as his eyes darkened while diving into yours; his stern, cold gaze contrasting to the feeling of his touch and sending a shiver down your spine. Could he have noticed the way your legs trembled as his grip tightened around you? The look on his face was indecipherable, and the intensity of his gaze made you feel too exposed and vulnerable to keep looking for an answer, so you averted your eyes away from him.
    “Weren’t you supposed to come as soon as you got his answer?” The way his voice made its way to your senses had the embarrassment washing over you. The huskiness in his tone made you gulp down ─ throat dry from thirsting over him ─ and the calmness in his sentence alarmed you as it didn’t match the disapproval in his eyes “It’s so late that there is no one else here anymore” He added nonchalantly; mixed signals getting you confused to what he meant by it.
    Was it just a way to scold you or was it an invitation?
    “I’m sorry, Sir” Despite not having anyone around, you whispered the words as if you could be caught at any moment now, “It took me longer than expected, but we—”
    “We?” His eyes were sharp enough to cut you off but the real reason why you couldn’t manage to finish your thoughts was the way he pulled your body impossibly closer to his “Were you with him this whole time?” He hissed right into your ear, letting his hot breath fan over your cold, sensitive skin in a silent threat.
    “Working” You corrected, even though he didn’t say anything.
    “Working” He hummed in agreement; hand going to tuck your hair behind your ear “As in how we work late at night?” He sneered, manhandling you to press your back against the cold surface of the glass wall that separated his office from the rest of the place “Or is it as in how he wants to work you on his desk?” He scoffed; soft huff almost as degrading as the way he held your cheeks with one hand and guided your eyes to his.
    “Neither” You guaranteed breathlessly; voice quivering in excitement.
    “Are you going to pretend that you didn’t notice his looks?” He narrowed his eyes at you; his knee making its way to the gap between yours before slowly rising to your thighs, “That you don’t know how much he wants to fuck you?” He laughed humorlessly, shaking his head in disbelief, “You better not, ‘cause I know you love it” He warned as he kicked your legs apart.
    “He could never fuck me as you do” There was such seriousness in your tone that it had him chuckling, and he nodded in approval before burying his nose in your neck, “I-I’m yours only, Sir… I know my place” You promised quietly, trying not to give away how aroused his jealousy made you feel.
    “Yeah…” His raspy laughter tickled your skin, and you muffled a whine as he grazed his teeth over your neck teasingly “But you like being reminded of it, don’t you?” He taunted, taking in your scent in a way that made you feel too small and helpless. He groaned as soon as you let a whimper fall from your lips, and you couldn’t help but struggle to stay still while knowing what was about to come, “Do I have to spell it for you, baby girl?” He snickered before sucking on the tender spot of your skin that he knew too well at this point.
    “N-No” Somewhere inside your head, you acknowledged that your reaction was insanely humiliating. He just needed a couple of words spoken in a sultry tone and you couldn’t even form a proper sentence. That was the power he had on you. And you loved it. “Only yours” The rushed tone made him smirk against your neck, stopping his path of kisses for a second to look into your eyes “Sir” You panted; returning his gaze with just as much intensity as he had on his.
    “Claim your place” His order was so tantalizing that you didn’t even blink before you finally let your knees give away, losing the support of your legs to earn the support of his thigh, “That’s right… You do remember your place” Somehow, this sounded like the best praise he could ever offer you, even under his amused tone, “But you have been such a bad girl lately…” He pouted as he caressed your cheek; hand stopping to grab your chin gently “And I don’t like bad girls… You know that, right?” He let his thumb reach for your lower lip, fiercely staring at it before grazing his finger on your teeth.
    Your answer was as silent as his request; tongue welcoming his thumb before you sucked on his digit. He hummed in appreciation, pushing it inside your mouth as you looked at him with big doe eyes to show a coyness that wasn’t really there within you. The action was followed by a swirl around the tip of his finger; as if to leave in his mouth the taste of what he was missing and prompt him to give you what you really wanted: Him.
    If he picked up on your plans, he showed it by giving like for like.
   He didn’t say a word as he pressed his thigh against your heat; leaning closer to let his breath fan over your neck once more. He stood like that for what could have been seconds, maybe minutes, but nonetheless time enough for his warmth to creep into your senses. He was like a poison to you; the intoxicating presence clouding your better judgment and destroying any will you had to have him losing control. You didn’t even mind the way he scoffed as you started to grind his leg; brows twisting to shout out a needy plea for release.
    “That’s a good girl” He approved, catching your earlobe between his teeth. The moan that fell from your lips was muffled by his finger and he didn’t seem to appreciate it, “I don’t hear you, baby girl” He complained, moving on to your jaw with a path of open-mouthed kisses that weren’t enough to distract you from his other hand “There’s no one here… Be loud for me” He allured you as his hand found its way under your shirt.
      The temptation was great… Scream his name as he fucked you senseless in the office... No risk of being caught… Just you, and him, and your dirty little secret…
    Your thoughts were all around the place, and you had no hopes of grasping them back as his cold hand brushed your side, contrasting to the warmth under your clothes. The way he touched you made shivers run down your spine; his slow, delicate motion enhancing your senses to every single second of his caresses. You held your breath when his finger finally managed to reach its destination; grazing over your nipple to have you succumbing to his wishes.
    You fought it as you could, but you were never much of a fighter.
    It was too easy for him to have you under his control, and he knew it. You could tell it by the way he chuckled as soon as you gave away how lost you were at this point. The moan that left your lips came all the way up from your chest, sounding crystal clear in the room as you let your mouth fall agape. Sucking on his finger and following his orders were the last concern you would have for this moment. The only thing worthy of your attention right now was the fact that you couldn’t get as much friction as you needed, and you had to do something about it.
    So you grind on his leg for dear life.
    “You’re so needy” The mockery didn’t have much effect on your mind anymore, so you just kept sliding up and down his thigh as if that was the only thing that could keep you going “You’re not even listening to me, are you?” He huffed in disbelief; thumb leaving your mouth so he could cup your face “That’s all you can understand, right?” He taunted, pinching your nipple to get your attention again, “Are you still there, baby girl?” He leaned closer to whisper in your ear.
      “F-Fuck me” Was the only answer he would get.
      “Manners” He warned; licking the sweet spot next to your jaw.
      “Fuck me, Sir” You corrected yourself; wrapping your arms around his shoulders to look for some support as you practically bounced on his leg, “Please, fuck me, Sir” You repeated, forehead resting on the crook of his neck as you clawed his back, trying to bring him as close as possible to you.
      “Louder” He demanded, and you didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was grinning, “Louder…” He instructed in a tone so low that you could barely hear him over the rustling sounds of fabric against fabric. Your breath hitched as his hand gently caressed your hair; moving some strands away from your face to take a better look at you. However, he didn’t get to see your teary eyes, “Come on, baby… Look at me” He asked in a tantalizing tone, alluring you to try and meet his gaze.
    There wasn’t much you could see through your hooded eyes; vision too blurry for you to grasp what was going on inside his mind. You could tell he enjoyed it, though. He always did. That moment when he could pinpoint you had given up on your control, that you weren’t yourself anymore and would be willing to do whatever he asked… He lived for it, for that rebellious flame of self-control extinguishing from your eyes.
     For who you become when lust overcomes you.        
    The grip on his hair wasn’t unexpected, and Cristopher offered you a small, wicked smile before you connected your lips. The kiss was messy and hurried; tongues exploring every corner they could find while your hands were occupied on getting rid of your clothes. Neither of you cared about anything else but feeling each other’s bodies as you ripped your shirts. The cold breeze hitting your bare skin wasn’t enough to cool down the heat consuming you, but it was enough to have you squirming and whining.
      “Beautiful” Was the only thing he said before pushing your back against the glass and adjusting his grip to take your nipple between his teeth. The groan that escaped your lips was almost animalistic, prompting him to answer with a grunt of his own as he sucked on your skin. The vibrations ran from your flesh to your core, enticing another moan that seemed to fall into deaf ears, “Louder, baby… I want him to hear you…” He pleaded, letting go of your breast just to grope it and give you a kitten lick on the next second “To know who made you like this…” He added before sucking on it again.
    Perhaps it was the fact that he thrust on you, just to tease your senses and make you thirstier. Perhaps it was the fact you had to support yourself on just one leg as he pushed his hips against yours and you tried to seek for your balance by involving his leg with yours. Perhaps it was his hand sliding to meet your clothed core; finger pressing against your clit to add a delicious, needed stimulus for your orgasm.
    Perhaps it was the words that slipped through his lips.
    “W-What did you say?” You panted; hips faltering as you tried to keep riding him, but steading their pace as his finger circled your clit to goad you “M-Mhm… S-Sir” You cried; hand burying in his hair to pull it and translate the utter bliss waving down your body. The string of mewls and urgent pleas spilled from you like a chant, getting him more eager than before, “P-Please” You whined, even though you weren’t sure what you were asking for.
      “Hold it” He ordered; straightening his back to look right into your eyes, but failing as yours rolled back to your head. His hand made its way to squeeze your cheeks, forcing you to look at him with a soft shake to catch your attention “Look at me” It sounded like a warning; stern enough for you to try your best to focus on him, “You’ll only cum when he walks right through that door… Do you understand?” He searched for any signs of stubbornness in your eyes, but his smile showed he didn’t found any.
    “W-Who?” You managed to ask; body trembling as you tried to hold every single string inside your mind in place, even though each one of them was ready to snap and unravel the crashing pleasure that was building up.
    “Why does it matter?” He scoffed, quickening his pace as the unmistakable ring of the elevator sounded on the room “You love being seen, don’t you?” He chuckled, watching as your body shook violently and your knees started to give away to the sensations running down your body.
      “Y-Yes, Sir” You could bet your voice echoed inside the building, and Christopher seemed to agree with you as he grinned in approval.
    “So look at your guest, baby… And scream my name” He instructed, pushing your face to the side. The doors opened slowly, revealing the lights inside the small cubicle right in front of your eyes “Let him know who you belong to” He whispered in your ear; hand pushing your underwear aside so his finger could come in contact with your core.
    The mysterious figure detached from the corners of the metallic walls to finally reveal himself. You met his eyes for a half of a second; enough time for you to recognize the one who worked with you every single day of your life. For the past few years. Someone who would be your partner for years to come, and who would witness and engrave your face in your most vulnerable moment.
    You came hard; probably the most overwhelming orgasm you had ever had in your life. It was impossible to hold back your voice, and you couldn’t help but howl his name; legs shaking and body collapsing into your boss’ arms. You squirmed and whimpered as you tried to recompose yourself; letting him help you ride you out of your orgasm and occupying yourself by staring into your coworker’s shocked eyes.
    “Thank you, Sir…” You breathed out, gripping his arms for dear life while the shame sank into your soul.
    Rule Number Five: The (grateful and satisfied) fans!
    And… Post.
    Oh, well… You did it. Again. There was something about displaying your deepest fantasies for anyone to see that was kinda thrilling to you. Your heart raced inside your chest just like a drum ─ well, if a goddamn drummer decided to do a solo but was too offbeat, to begin with ─ and you couldn’t help but stare blankly at the page without a clue of what to do now. It was out there… Why didn’t anyone say anything yet? Was it that bad? Should you delete it?
    Well… People have to read it before commenting, you know?
    Yeah, right… You just posted it.
    You licked your lips before biting them; feeling the rush that was posting about your boss online when no one else knew about it. If you were being honest, the best part of this wasn’t having the chance to live your fantasies throughout your writing. No. The best part was knowing that only you knew the true identity of Christopher… Or what you really wanted to do to him while he walked down the hallway. The best part was that no one would ever figure out that you were the author of the bestselling novel of the moment… That this steamy romance between boss and employee was nothing but your rawest desire.
     Who would think that the boring, shy girl from the office would be a smut writer? Who would think that you would have a horny, interesting secret identity? No one else but you.
      And this was priceless.
     Or maybe… It was priceless.
    As far as you knew, every single thing you cherished about being a secretive horny bitch could go down the drain tomorrow. It would be all fine if it was just a… Well, actually everything would suck. How would you look at Chan’s face if he knew you were writing about having sex with your boss while he was your boss? What would you do if they decided to fire you because of it? What would you do with your life from now on?!
     Don’t panic, Y/N.
    You had everything under control… Tomorrow morning you would be going to Jeongin’s house and interview him as if he were you. No one would ever suspect you after that. You would save your ass, Hyunjin’s ass, and Chan’s ass. And that was it. The perfect plan. Nothing to worry about. Just trust Jeongin to follow your script and make sure everything would go as planned.
    Flawless. Totally safe. Perfect.
    That’s right…
    You just need to take a deep breath and rela—
    The sudden sound caught you off guard; eyes focusing on the screen once again so you could understand what was going on. All of your worries vanished away as soon as you saw the notification on the top of it; announcing that you had just got a message from a fan.
    The weasel icon was so familiar that you chuckled while opening the message; a smile plastering over your face as you let your eyes wander around the words. There was nothing more fulfilling to your writer ass than seeing the way Weasel always had something to say about your story. Sometimes, he’d give you some feedback on your style. Other times, he’d freak out about how much he wanted to “try those things out”, as he usually said. There were also times when he’d just get excited over the characters and their conflicts, which always got you laughing.
    It was fun to talk to Weasel.
    He was just as mysterious as you… There was no name to his face, and also no face to his icon, but both of you were friends anyway. He had been keeping up with your stuff from such an early stage that it felt natural to have him around and getting his feedback. It was so comfortable, that you didn’t even mind when he slid in your DMs, embarrassed to let anyone else know that your smut made him… Feel things. There was no need to elaborate on what he did about those feelings or those things. But it was kinda hot to know he enjoyed himself throughout your fantasies.
      His fantasies.
    Well… For the number of times that you used them to write your stories, it was some sort of shared fantasies by now. As a matter of fact, you never intended to make Christopher a jealous character but Weasel made the idea seem too hot for you to ignore. Sometimes, he’d open up about that girl from his work that he really liked and how jealous he was of the guy she liked and then… Well, it felt… Interesting.
    The thought of being desirable to the point a guy would want to claim you as his like this? Not that Weasel did it. He actually just mentioned that he hoped she was into this as a kink. You couldn’t help but picture the way he would touch her in such a greedy way… The possessiveness blinding him for a second… The grip tightening… The mean words and the humiliation… Oh, the sweet humiliation that would crush you as he whispered how much you would cum for him… How he was the only one who could make you like that… How he would ask you to say his name… To tell him that you were his…
    You could drink holy water and still be shaking just by picturing it.
    “That was such a good chapter… I didn’t expect you to use her friend like that. I thought it was a given that she’d end up with Chris” You read out loud, chuckling when he reached for your DMs to talk to you “Will we get a threesome or something, miss? 😏” He joked on the next line and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at this “I’m waiting for it”
    “You’re just a horny bitch, aren’t you?” You typed, smirking as you stared at his messages “No spoilers for you, though, baby boy… You’ll have to wait like everybody else” Teasing him was always funny, and he never failed to amuse you.
      “I’m not the one writing porn online” He pointed out, and before he could write anything else you shot him.
    “Yeah but you’re the one getting off to it” You retorted, getting a whole set of gasping and shocked emotes that had you laughing.
    “I have no words to express how offended I am” You chortled, shaking your head in disbelief.
     “Alright, Drama Llama” Why was it so fun to mock him? You wished you could actually meet him offline and banter like this in real life “To fill your horny ass, I might write a dom!reader next time… I was thinking about torturing the 2nd lead a bit”
    “First of all… I don’t think I want my ass filled, thank you for offering tho” Why was he like this? “And I was just joking” You frowned at that, confused by what he meant “Don’t you think that a threesome doesn’t go along with the characters? Her friend likes her a lot and Christopher is just a kinky son of a bitch… I thought he’d just show him that she was his and be an ass as usual”
    “What do you have against Chris, dude?” You rolled your eyes, although he wouldn’t be able to see it, “He’s way better than her friend! At least, he does something about her”
    “I have the 2nd male lead syndrome! You know that!” You chortled, very aware of this, “And isn’t that the perfect opportunity for him to do something about it?! I mean… I don’t want to be nosey but having a threesome is way out of character for them” He pointed out, and you had to admit he was right.
    “No, you’re not nosey…” You sighed; shoulders dropping for a second “It’s just that I’m upset about something that happened at work today and you know that projecting my problems on those characters is my thing” You pursed your lips, staring at the keyboard for a few seconds before deciding to continue “Besides, I’m about to spend an entire day with a guy that kinda inspired the 2nd lead and… I don’t really want to think about a sex scene with him, you know?” You confessed.
    “But thinking about torturing and having a threesome with him is easy” He mocked you.
      “That’s because that threesome would never happen” You sent it before you could think about what you had just written.
    “Ooohhhh!” Holy shit… The amount of emotes he had just dumped on that chat couldn’t be a good sign, “So having sex with this guy is something you want?! And that could happen?! ” Great, now you would have a Drama Llama-Weasel trying to get some juicy gossip about your inexistent sex life… WORSE! Your sex life with your nemesis! “Why don’t you go for it? I’m sure he’s into you if he’s anything like his character” Poor thing… He had no idea.
    “Shut up, it’s not like that” You brushed it off.
    “If you say so” You could almost hear him snickering, even though you didn’t know how his voice sounded like “I’ll just have you regretting this for the rest of the night” You snorted, shaking your head in disbelief. He was unbearable! “I have work early tomorrow but I’m gonna come back with questions, Miss… Wait for me”
    “What I meant is that it’d be easier to happen than having a threesome, not that I want it to happen, moron” You defended yourself but he didn’t even get to read it as he logged off right away.
      Great… He would never let you live it down.
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