#look at me being cringe with OCs and having FUN
moeblob · 3 months
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Another OC gift because it's another buddy's bday! And I like to draw gift art. And birthdays are such valid reasons to pester people to let me draw their children.
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waterghostype · 7 months
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a bit of an unconventional post but here is rosel!!! struggling princess and novice of void she is my ninjago oc bc ive been infected with deadly oc brainrot disease…
oc ramblings under the cut lel
she is a princess with a tragic backstory . super original i know
in all seriousness she basically conjured up in my head while i was thinking “what could they ever do to recover harumi’s character from crystalized in dragons rising” and it all went downhill from here
she’s super energetic, lively, dramatic, basically a cringe theatre kid who doesnt shut up at all. she loves animals and nature and life and being elaborate and performing and all that jazz.
she’s basically harumi’s surrogate little sister. after being on her own for a bit and traveling all across realms she landed in this weird magical realm (one that i made up. lol) and was taken in by the royal family as a knight (basically) after she brought back rosel when she got lost in the forest. she’s having a terrible time in there BUT she’s staying because… there is a freakazoidal organization trying to take them down. super original once again.
harumi feels like shes sort of called to do something about it to somehow atone for her wrongdoings but she doesn’t want to do any more than she has to aka she doesn’t want to get close to rosel bc shes obviously very Not right in the brain and also because of her past
rosel originally had an older sister who was supposed to be the actual heir to the throne and she was totally chill with that! she liked to just have a second say in important stuff and do a lot of commercials like that was her whole thing and she enjoyed it. then her sister got assassinated so now she has to be the one to worry about everything and just be an heir all of a sudden. this is part of the reason why she got very easily attached to harumi and harumi knows this and understands what’s going on in rosel’s brain because a losing family then getting badly attached to someone bc you think they can fill that hole in your heart?? yeah not cool
doesnt help that harumi currently hates herself and thinks shes the worst person in the world (tbf she did do All that.) but the difference is when she was being unhealthily attached to garmadon he mistreated her BAD but here harumi actually tries protecting rosel and gets unfortunately attached as well which sucks! it’s like that grumpy old man adopts daughter trope except it’s a ~20 yo girl and a little sister
before she died rosel swore she hated her sister and they would fight allll the time. older sister (havent decided on a name) is really strict and pressured to do all her work as an heir and the oldest princess and i could go into more detail abt their relationship but just think oldest sibling vs youngest sibling shenanigans. theyd fight abt how rosel would never understand the pressure of being the heir in their political cilmate thing (yeah the made-up realm is going through it) but too bad so sad she got executed in front of literally the whole kingdom.
after a surprisingly short while rosel gets back on her feet after her sister’s death but shes just fakering oops. she has a bunch of bottled up issues but it’s ok! it’s ok!
also shes the elemental master of void. oops
this one is fucky wucky complicated but BASCIALLY my bs reason for her little mary sue op power is bc time twins were stuck in that weird time vortex all throughout everything And then the merge happened and the merge’s weird elemental energy whatever caused the time vortex and the twins’ elemental powers to get weird and because time is being messed up reality can be messed up and so this basically broken version of the time element gets transferred onto my girl rosel as if it was a regular degular elemental power which sucks bc it’s even harder to use and control and she doesnt even know how to fight so shes just struggling
she finds this out while on a journey with the ninja and harumi. like if it was a season itd be like episode 15+ she finds out. this is because she accidentally caused an important artifact to disappear out of nowhere, got sad about it bc she messed everything up, and then she accidentally makes a whole bunch of stuff (including living things) disappear too. yikessss
she doesnt want to hide it she tells the ninjarumi right away and theyre all like What the hell and shes freaking out but after some help she can at least keep herself from destroying literally everything.
until she messes up gets mega emotional loses control of her everything and starts voiding a bunch of stuff so she gets even more stressed which makes her void even more stuff and now shes basically destroying the kingdom shes been trying so hard to be able to rule. ooooopsies
after a whole thing with the power of siblingship and empathy harumi snaps her out of it and now shes absolutely baffled with what shes done and is a bit crazed abt the whole thing. bc of this she decides it’s best to train with the ninja (idk if she actually becomes one) so she can use her power better. btw harumi was able to snap her out of it and give her a hug without being voided because a) power of friendship and b) overlord resurrection she’s literally dead inside She basically is already voided in a way
so thats basically what goes on very sorry this is too long but i hope it all makes sense… i swear her story is better than the way i explained it (or maybe it’s not idk) i just have many MANY MANY thought abt her! i might ramble even more in the future so be cautioned. thx
heres zoomed in ver of the notes in case u need it
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crest-of-gautier · 1 year
ohh when i finally look through my old clips from splatoon and have time to edit weapon splats compilation(s) + that salmon run death compilation i keep saying i’ll do it’ll be over for all of you...
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arolesbianism · 5 days
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I’ve drawn a decent amount of isat au eternal gales but yknow what I haven’t drawn? Eternal gales au isat. Don’t look at me.
#keese draws#eternal gales#isat siffrin#that’s all I’m tagging I’m being a coward sorry#anyways! I mostly made this cause I thought it’d be funny but it was fun thinking abt how this hypothetical au would look#mostly because it gives me an excuse to think abt different stalien societies#also the basic plot of this au would be way closer to isat than eg just due to the nature of eg#I don’t even have enough characters to fill out just one half of the eg cast let alone both#but I don’t mind since it means I can say fuck it and give myself more creative freedom#plus I can’t just not put this fucker into another timeloop I can’t let them rest easy or I’ll die#it’s mostly just a setting and worldbuilding change so I can think abt my worldbuilding more <3#now alas au will have to make up smth completely new for sif in terms of his original herd but that’s fine#I’ve been wanting to fuck around with island herds anyways#the other four get to hang out in the ones I’ve already made#mira and isa are part of the desert herd that rotate between the surface and underground seasonally#odile is a part of the herd well known for having the longest migration cycle#and bonnie I’ll probably also stick in desert land but I might also have them be the token marsh herd rep#aka the society the main stalien cast from normal eternal gales are from#which would mean extremely bad things for bonnie and nille but I’d be mostly nicies to them#well. compared to the actual cast. which is a low bar.#now all of these herd names aren’t official and are bad descriptions but shhh#the desert one isn’t even a desert it has two dry seasons and two wet seasons with one of the dry seasons being cold as hell#oh the real hell has been deciding energy types for all of them#sif is red mostly because I wanted to fuck around with the logistics a bit#red energy will mimic other energy types it comes into contact with#the things on his fingers are basically a catalyst for that and they use them to create their weapons#they specifically mimic yellow energy for this purpose as it can temporarily create somewhat solid constructs#usually in yellow energy staliens this is used to create mandibles and wings#anyways ignore my insistence on associating isat with my ocs allow me to be cringe
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angiestown · 6 months
I'm always like "I don't really do OCs I'm jealous of people who have OCs that they get obsessed with" but I actually did have two (2) OCs in my early teens
one was a robot girl who used a hard light hologram to look human. she had no personality traits and I was never really sure on a name for her because that stuff is not fun to think about. the only anything I had about her was that it's a secret that she's a robot, and I'd imagine scenarios where she'd be damaged or run low on battery and have to get outta there before people found out. she had a megaman-style forearm gun of course
second was a boy who liked robot girl and he had a hat that was fun to draw and he thought robot girl was even cooler after he found out she was a robot. that's it
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bunnwich · 4 months
It's Supposed to Be Fun
(a letter to my friends in the twst fandom)
I've been wanting to make this post for a while and these thoughts may seem scattered but I’m gonna try to express them. 
Lately, I have seen many friends and moots that either are leaving the fandom or feel guilty over not having posted in a while or losing interest in twst. On the other side, I also have friends being harassed.
This a reminder to remember why you joined this community to begin with. I know that keeping up with the fast-moving pace of fandom and comparing ourselves to others, can skew our perspective on these things.
It’s supposed to be fun. 
Why do we post art or write? Sure, partly for recognition, there's no denying that. But, why do we create, I mean really? For enjoyment. Not for others, not to be “popular” FOR JOY.
So, whether you’re dealing with people critiquing you or feeling guilty about not creating. My question is this: Why waste so much of your time on something that makes you miserable?
Did it stop being fun? Why? Haters? Loss of interest?
To my friends who feel guilty for not creating and not sure if they lost interest in twst: 
Don’t feel guilty. At one time, the creation of your twst content was natural. It's what you did for fun with friends or for yourself. Revisit that mindset and think - if creating twst content now will bring that same joy it did before.
If the answer is no, then maybe it’s time to pivot. It’s okay for interests to fade. It doesn’t mean that time, memories, or the friends you made are lost. Connect with your friends, we will understand! We still love you! It's not a race there's no time limit, just pick up were you want to. Draw fanart of old events or OCs.
To my friends who have been harassed: 
I say this with sincerity…. People who harass others over fictional characters are fucking losers.
Like… There’s no other eloquent way to encapsulate it. I’m starting to not care for the reason anymore - If you harass or be shady to others over a ship or fictional character. CONGRATS! YOU ARE A LOSER.
We all join fandoms as a hobby, for fun. We’re all just kids in the sandbox playing pretend again… and if you are the type of person to go up just to “kick the doll out of someone’s hand" or make commentary on how “their way of playing is wrong." You’re a loser. I have a life outside of twst, we all do. Someone saying my ship is wrong or cringe is just so laughable to me. We have to make fun of these people more for being so goddamn lame.
Imagine being so unhappy that when you see someone having fun you HAVE to comment on it. By all means, if it gets you through the day...talk shit to close friends or even post about it on your own blog. (THAT WAS ALWAYS ALLOWED.) Don't bother creators directly. Don't be a loser. I sure see tolerance leave people’s bodies when they see a fandom opinion they don't like. (And this is coming from someone who has lots of opinions on these things! But that's why I always put the disclaimers that, hey this is just MY opinion.)
Discussion is one thing, unhelpful comments are another. We shouldn’t give these people the time of day. Curate your online space. Yes, when you post things online you are subjecting yourself to scrutiny. But, we as creators need to stop letting these people have power over us. Period. We do this for free!! FOR FUN. The best thing you can do is create shamelessly.
Delete weird replies, block whoever you need to do to rid yourself of these people who have nothing better to do. Keep your peace. It’s supposed to be for fun. You don’t owe anyone a response.
The twst fandom is like a little family to me and I guess I feel protective over the people in it?  I have made many friends and memories because I joined it. And even dispite a handful of the negative experiences (AKA: A couple of “losers" that I’ve had to deal with.) I’ll always look fondly back on this time.
The key for me has always been to just…create for myself. I originally made bunnwich for me and one friend to make fun little arts about our Yuu’s and now I get to have lots of friends to share it with! I’ve transitioned from an OC blog to probably more of an Oc x Canon blog…but I don’t care tbh. I just…draw what I feel like. I know there are people who probably dislike me for that or feel strange about my content and that’s fine. I’m still gonna keep drawing it, loser.  
And I just want you guys to do the same, twst or not.
I can’t forget that all my followers and friends are a bonus, if I had never joined tumblr I’d still be drawing the silly shit I draw in peace. And while yes, I do want to grow as an artist and sell more merch and keep growing... I can’t forget my initial excitement for this silly little game. I like to talk about it. I like to write about it. It inspires me.
It’s supposed to be fun. Please remember that. I know it can be discouraging to have others being shitty to you. Or going through a creative drought. But, try not to let this stop you from creating what you love.
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darkbluekies · 11 months
Halloween special<3
Warnings: the three dirty yanderes being dirty as usual
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Genuinely loves halloween, loves to scare little children for absolutely no reason at all. But he doesn’t want you to want to do the same thing — or whatever you wanted to do. He wants you to be with him only, dressed up for his eyes. He has never allowed kids to come for trick or treating, but you manage to convince him to leave out a bucket of candy this year. You sit curled up in the window in your costume, watching to see if any kids will come take from your prepared bucket. Time goes, but no one comes. 
“Don’t be sad, little thing. They’ve never been allowed to come here so they probably don’t know that they can come here this year. And I think that their parents know who I am, so they don’t want to send their kids over here anyhow. I know that you were excited, but this is the reality of being a criminal. Bring the bucket inside and we can overindulge. By the way, your costume turns me on.”
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Dr Kry: 
Dr Kry has given you a little makeup to paint you into a vampire. You have a bucket of candy in your hand while Dr Kry brings you through the hospital to visit small children laying in their beds. He thinks that you’re adorable with kids and finds himself staring at you talking to a little boy. You pet his teddy bear and give him a chocolate bar before walking out of the room to go to the next. 
“You’re really nice, and great with kids … wow. Why I’m not dressed up? I don’t like that very much, but I like to see you dressed up. That fulfills my need of costumes for this year. Next year maybe. Let’s see how much candy you have left. Do you want to keep those for yourself or give them out? Give them out? You’re so nice, Y/N. Let’s move on. You need to go back to bed soon, so better hurry. Before the air and its toxins get to you.”
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King Edmund: 
Halloween doesn’t exist in his timeline, but he decides to have a masquerade ball for kids and by your request, the doors standswide open for the entire kingdom. Parents of all classes came to drop of their kids in cute costumes. Edmund sits on his throne, watching over you and the fifty children in the big hall. He looks at you with a small smile, seeing how you take such good care of the little kids. While they dance, you go to get a bucket of candy. Edmund gets down from his throne and walks over to you. 
“It seems like you have quite the control, my dear. I can't understand how you like these creatures. Yes, I know I've been a kid and yes I know I'll have to have a kid in the future, but still. Look at them? You're doing great though. Keep doing that and I'll have to pump a child in you sooner than planned."
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She refuses, but gives in once she gets to hear that she can scare the kids. Doesn't want to couple match because she finds it cringe, but if you're going to match, she wants to be superior to you like owner and dog or queen and peasant, or even cop and jailcriminal. 
"I'm going to scare so many fucking kids, this is going to be amazing. Don't give me that look. It's trick or treat! You give the treat and well … I do the trick. Stop being a baby, it'll be fun. We could do role-playing in these costumes, by the way. Just wait until we get back home. I'll show you what a queen does to the peasant who hasn't given crops to the castle."
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Of course she'll love it! She will buy too much candy and decorate the entire mansion for kids to come trick or treating. You'll be in adorable couple costumes (chosen by Hedwig of course) and have fun with the little kids. Hedwig shines every time she pretends to get scared by a little kid.
"You look really cute, Y/N. Do you like this? Imagine when we get kids, we can do this every year, create our own traditions. We can dress in family costumes and … and have really, really fun. You look really cute with kids, Y/N. But I’m starting to wonder if you like the candy more. It’s okay, we have a lot, sweetheart, just eat away.”
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aohisworld · 30 days
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"what're you doing here, little bunny? Not up to some trouble, I hope."
✮⋆˙ When memorabilia ends and the new album era begins, Aohi makes the decision to dote on her boyfriend, Jungwon. In fact, why not surprise the leader before one of his interviews?
mlist! | next!
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ y.jungwon x addedmember!oc, mentions ofpoly!ot7 x addedmember!oc , contains. cringe writing, fluff, suggestive themes, (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT I SWEAR TO GOD).
| : ̗̀➛ WARNING! How I write ENHYPEN is not meant to portray the idols irl, this is my au and I write this for fun.
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“Wonnie.. are you going back to the studio again?”
The domestic clattering inside their new dorms barely covered Aohi’s question as she watched Jungwon speed from one table to another, readying for his departure.
Aohi frowns, sitting antsy on the couch, she felt bad that their leader was the only one with a schedule today, and she couldn’t even join Jungwon! (Per the boy’s request, saying she needs to “relax” for the day.)
“I have to, batsy. I won’t be long, promise, we’ll get to watch that series you wanted on Netflix.”
Jungwon leans down in front of her, placing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head.
“You work too hard..” Aohi whispers to him as he pulls away, a guilty smile on his face. “I know, batsy.” His hands tucks a stray strand out of Aohi’s face, and she almost leans into his touch.
“Stay safe then.” With her words, Jungwon stands up and grabs his bag from the couch. He looks at her for a little bit, and his heart warms at her soft pout, letting out a small laugh.
“Bye, batsy.”
Aohi only hums loud, look back to the television despite not actually paying attention to whatever show was on the screen.
Jungwon sighs quietly when he doesn’t hear a response, only her hum, before he walks to the lobby of their apartment, putting his shoes on.
He glanced back at Aohi, hoping slightly that she’d look over to him, knowing she was a little bit upset. His eyes catches the glance Aohi tries to throw without being unsuspecting, and laughs when she jumps at the sudden eye contact.
“I’ll be home soon, honey.” Jungwon teased from the lobby, hearing Aohi retort back, “if jay-oppa hears you call me that!” but a giggle following right after makes Jungwon smile and feel a little less tense.
He opens the door and leaves, the sound making Aohi look towards the door and sigh, she lays onto the couch, her gaze up at the ceiling.
She ponders for a little while, bored and still a little irked that Jungwon had to go to work when it was their day off together.
“baby? what’re you doing?” Jake enters from the bathroom, his hair damp from his shower. “Rotting…” Aohi mumbled into the air, continuing to stare up at their ceiling, spacing out.
Jake just stared at the so-called, “rotting” bat on the couch, before he looked around, for one of his other roommates.
“Did Jungwon leave already?” Jake questioned after finding no trace of the leader in their dorm.
“Mhm… he left me behind…” Aohi drooped from the couch, turning her body so she’d lay on her stomach instead. She looked towards Jake, who seemed clueless on how to deal with Aohi as she… threw a tantrum?
well, it’s not really a tantrum, she’s.. Jake doesn’t really know, he does opt to sit down by Aohi, making her scoot up and lay her head onto Jake’s lap.
“What’s wrong, hm?” Jake hums, running his hands through her hair, and Aohi feels a little comforted at the scent of Jake’s bodywash, still lingering from his shower.
“I wanted to spend time with Wonnie today.. I’ve been spending so much time with everyone besides him, and I wanted to give him my time too..” Aohi reached up and plays with the hem of Jake’s shirt.
“But now that I do have time, he’s working, despite it being both our day off.” She frowns, her gaze saddened as she played with Jake’s shirt.
“He won’t be at the studio forever, baby.. you still have time to spend today with him.” Jake softly cooed, combing his fingers through her newly dyed hair.
“Yeah.. I wanted to spend the entire day with him..” Aohi whined, turning away from Jake.
Jake looked at the upset bat with a small pout, he never liked to see Aohi unhappy at all, he thought of anything that could make Aohi feel a bit better, looking around the room for any inspiration.
His eyes then land at the door Jungwon had left out of earlier, and his eyes glistened in an idea.
“Why don’t you go and spend the day with him at the studio?” Jake suggested, looking down at Aohi, who just pouted at him.
“You think I didn’t ask that? He said I should stay home..” Aohi sighed, before sitting up and turning towards Jake.
“I want to be all affectionate with him, I don’t want to spend the whole day being friendly anyway.” Aohi’s mood seemed to sour at the thought of doing so. “I don’t know why we just don’t tell people..”
“Because even if everyone accepted us, there’s always going to be somebody else who won’t.” Jake caressed Aohi’s cheek in a comforting way, a sad smile on his lips.
“Is this really what we’re going to be okay with? Just hiding our relationship forever?” Aohi questions, and even if Jake hated that idea, he has no choice but to hesitantly nod.
“You’re.. okay with that?” Aohi replies to Jake, and he regrets even nodding as he could see her eyes glisten. “I’m not, but it’s the only way I can have you, isn’t it?” Aohi stays silent at his words.
Jake pulls her into his embrace. “I’m sorry, batsy.” Jake softly hums, and he feels Aohi bump her head onto his chest. “You know what?.. I will go.” Aohi spoke, placing her chin on Jake’s chest to look up at him with a glint of mischief.
“What are you planning?” Jake hesitantly asked. “Nothing, nothing..” Aohi leaves her spot in Jake’s embrace as she walked to his room, her feet padding against the wooden floor. “Can I borrow some of your stuff, oppa?” Aohi called out to the living room, where Jake waited.
“Uh..yeah, sure.”
It was a bit before Aohi emerged from Jake’s room, his clothes, despite being a bit oversized, fits on her like a glove.
Jake felt himself gulp. He was only a man, and god knows what happens when a man sees his girlfriend wearing his clothes.
“what do you think?” Aohi softly giggled, twirling in her “disguise”.
“I don’t think that’ll work.” — “what? I’m practically the same height as you.” Aohi snorted.
Jake looked at her with slightly widened eyes, “what do you mean? You’re literally five-seven!” Jake’s eyebrows furrowed confusingly.
“same thing!” Aohi teased, knowing Jake hated being the shortest in the group anyway.
“That’s not!-“ Jake tried to argue, but Aohi stopped him by standing on her tippy toes, and planting a gentle kiss on the boy’s lips.
“I gotta go, oppa, let’s argue later.” Aohi rushes to grab her own bag and speeds into the lobby of their apartment, putting on her own shoes as Jake continued to stand in the middle of the living room in bewilderment.
“Bye, oppa! Lock the door, please!” Aohi shouted, darting out of the front door to try and get to the studio while Jungwon was still there.
Jake stood, staring at the empty spot where Aohi used to be for a few minutes, before he snorted to himself, returning to his room wondering if he should tell Jungwon about the bat on the way.
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Jungwon sighed and rubbed at his neck as he sat on the empty couch of his own private room, tired and willing to head straight on home.
He hadn’t been at the studio for more than an hour or two, but Jungwon felt like he’s been there forever anyway. Jungwon felt a bit awkward sitting on the couch, without any of the other members or Aohi sitting next to him.
Jungwon hadn’t seen Aohi for a few hours, but he’s already deprived of his girlfriend’s attention. Jungwon wonders if Aohi felt the same way, yearning for him back at the apartments as Jungwon sat in the studio working like he’ll never stop ever again.
As he continued to space off, letting his small break go by, the door to the dressing room opened, and Jungwon’s suddenly alarmed.
“Hey- you can’t enter in here-“ he tilts his head when he sees the familiar attire of the person, “Jake-hyung, I thought you were staying home today?”
Aohi giggled under her disguise, “I’m not Jake-oppa, wonnie.” She finally turns to face Jungwon, who looked over her features underneath her hat, a shocked look washing over the boy’s features.
While Jungwon was shocked at Aohi’s presence in the studio, the girl had walked towards him, making him stumble a little bit as Aohi forced him between her and a dressing room table.
She took a comfortable spot in between his legs, happily situated, being covered by him on all sides.
Aohi looked up at Jungwon, her eyelashes fluttering at him, as if teasing him and urging him to do something. Jungwon’s eyelids were lidded as Aohi’s face were mere inches apart from his.
Jungwon knew he shouldn’t stare at Aohi’s eyes, he knew if he did, he’d might have to keep Aohi to himself for a few days.
He continued to stare at her lips though, her plump, pouting, kissable, lips. Aohi knew it.
“What’re you doing here, little bunny? Not up to some trouble, I hope.” Jungwon softly muttered, and by the nickname he used, Aohi had caught the leader, hook, line, and sinker.
Jungwon really ever called Aohi little bunny whenever she was resting his temper, or if he ever felt doting or possessive, not like her actual wonnie, who looks up at her for her attention.
“I missed you too much at home, why wait for you to arrive when I could just see you right now?” Aohi replied, her eyes flickering from the leader’s own lips to his eyes, which was adamant at not making eye contact.
“I told you to wait.” Jungwon wrinkled his nose, looking playfully distasteful at her presence.
“Don’t you know how to be patient?” He spoke, teasing her a little. “Don’t you know not to leave your girlfriend especially on your day off?” Aohi retorted in the same tone.
Jungwon grinned softly at her words anyway, rolling his eyes playfully.
The two continued to just stare at each other, drinking up their presence in their sight. Soon enough though, Aohi couldn’t hold herself back any longer, leaning closer and closer until both of their lips met.
Their lips worked in tandem with each other, and Aohi could almost say that it was as sweet as the first time they kissed. She swore she could never get used to how soft Jungwon’s lips were.
Jungwon on the other hand, refused to let go of Aohi, his hand snaked around her waist like he’d lose her forever if he let go.
Aohi’s hands situated themselves on Jungwon’s chest, feeling his heartbeat through her palms.
Jungwon felt a bit soppy for thinking this, but truly, if he didn’t need to breathe, he’d spend every second with his lips on Aohi’s.
Aohi made the initiative to pull away after a few moments, regaining her breath as she softly smiled, she could see that she did a small amount of damage to his lips.
It looked puffier than before and she knew that his stylist would be perplexed on why it plumped up all of the sudden.
“When do you get back?” She softly mumbled, enjoying her spot between him as she gently fiddled with the pieces of the outfit their stylists chose for him. “I won’t be back til dinner, bunny.” Jungwon muttered, his voice laced with disappointment.
“Will the interview really be that long?” Aohi frowned, her hands moving up to cup at his cheek which Jungwon leans into.
“I can’t do much about it, batsy. I’m sorry.” Jungwon’s face hold an apologetic expression, knowing that Aohi understands.
“How much time do you have left before you gotta go?” — “about thirty minutes.” Jungwon replied, looking at the clock, “why?”
Jungwon got his answer when Aohi reconnected her lips with his, a small hitch of his breath being heard as his hands instinctively went to her hips, holding her in place.
Aohi’s hands gently wrapped around Jungwon’s neck, no intention of letting him go.
Jungwon pulled away just as he got desperate for more, never being able to resist Aohi, no matter the situation.
“Desperate girl.” Jungwon teased, a soft whine of disapproval leaving Aohi, “you made it that way.” She replied, fluttering her “innocent” orbs at him.
Jungwon hummed, focusing his attention on peppering the corners of Aohi’s lips with kisses, and slowly, little by little, went lower, his lips enjoying the soft supple skin it worships.
“So pretty, our pretty bunny.” Jungwon mutters, a dazed tone as if drunk on Aohi’s scent.
She would’ve cowered at that sentence, being embarrassed at the possessive declaration he’d made for him and the other members if it weren’t for the fact that Jungwon’s lips made their way down her neck.
She arched her neck as Jungwon opted for the crook of it, smelling his favourite perfume on her. Only humming at his words, her head was mostly filled with the feeling of Jungwon planting gentle kisses on her neck.
“Don’t go making marks, wonnie.” Her fingers snaked up to his hair, gently tugging at the strands, not too much that it’ll ruin his hair, but just enough to keep him afloat, to keep him aware that he has an interview after.
“I’ll try not to.” He muttered, his hands pushes Aohi further into him, being chest-to-chest, “so clingy.” It was her turn to tease. “Don’t test me.” He groaned.
“You teased me first!” Aohi retorted, and instead of arguing back, Jungwon makes his stand with a bite to her collarbone.
“Ouch!” Aohi slapped at Jungwon’s shoulder, making him pull away and laugh.
“I told you no marks, freak.” Aohi scolded, her tone being playful. “I didn’t make a mark.” Jungwon spoke smugly, wiping at her collarbone.
Aohi only slapped at his shoulder once again, before Jungwon initiated another kiss, desperate to feel Aohi close once more.
A sigh of content leaves Aohi as the two locked lips once more, seeming to never get enough of each other. The more time passed, the more they seemed to forget about the interview that Jungwon has.
Luckily, a staff member knocked on his door, making Aohi and Jungwon jump away from each other.
“..yeah?” Jungwon spoke hesitantly, looking at the door as his hands flattened any wrinkles caused by. “Jungwon-ssi, you’re going on in seven minutes, please finish up whatever you’re doing and come down to the studio.”
Aohi frowned at how fast time flew for the both of them, guess she kind of expected it since she spent most of it making out with her boyfriend, being too weak to resist him.
Jungwon sighed at how fast his break had gone as well, turning around and fixing his hair as he tried to redo his look before Aohi got here to mess with it.
“I know you have to go, but do you really?” Aohi softly mumbled, walking up towards him as she wrapped her arms around Jungwon’s waist, upset at having to let the leader do his idol duties.
“I’m sorry batsy, I really am. I promise I’ll make it up to you when we get home, okay?” Jungwon turns to cup Aohi’s cheeks with both of his hands, looking into Aohi’s sad little brown orbs, trying to see a bit of understanding in her eyes.
With a soft pout, Aohi nods her head anyway, knowing Jungwon couldn’t just leave mid-shoot, Aohi leaned forward and gave him a more gentle, loving kiss.
One that meant that she loves him so much, and will continue to love him more.
Jungwon wanted to kiss her a little longer, desperate to stay by Aohi’s side. The persistent knocks from the staff stopped that though, making him groan out of annoyance as he pulls away from his girlfriend.
“Alright, alright! I’m coming out!” Jungwon frustratingly spoke, walking towards the coffee table where his phone was.
“Go home, little bunny. Wait for me.” Jungwon spoke softly to Aohi, kissing the temple of her head, his hand cradling her with the gentleness and fondness he only saved for her.
“I can wait here..” Aohi mutters, a small tone of defiance in her words. “I don’t want you to, and I’m sure the hyungs are missing you already.” Jungwon smiled when Aohi’s cheeks tint red at the mention of the others.
“They have me to themselves all the time, you, noo-oppa and Ri-ki, barely do..”
Jungwon coos at Aohi’s pouty features. “You’re too sweet, bunny, caring for all of us,” He pinches her cheek softly, “but truly, go home. Don’t make me ask thrice.” Jungwon replied, his voice twinged with sternness.
“Okay.. promise me you’ll come home as soon as you’re allowed to?” Aohi asks one more time.
“Yes, I promise.” Jungwon reassured her before walking towards the door, where he opens it just a crack, not allowing anyone to see Aohi as she only stares at his back slipping into the opening with longing and a frown.
Aohi sat in the dressing room for a little while before sighing, if she was hoping for anything after the interview, she’s going to have to go home now. She grabbed all of her things, but not before scanning the room and finding a cap that Jungwon left for her taking. She places the hat on her head, smelling Jungwon’s shampoo from the hat.
With the reminder of Jungwon’s scent near her, she felt a little less upset to be going home, because despite having such busy schedules, Jungwon chooses to come home to her, and her only.
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“You’re home early.” Sunoo greeted by the door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed at his chest. “Wonnie didn’t want me to wait at the studio..” Sunoo smirked at her words, “So he sent you packing?” Aohi playfully rolled her eyes, knowing Sunoo enjoyed to tease her. “I told you batsy, he won’t drop work for anything, not even a pretty little thing like you.”
“Noo-oppa!” She groaned, placing Jungwon’s hat onto the table near the door, they all placed something there, whether that be Jay’s car keys or Heeseung’s spare Gameboy, it was there for convenience, so the group wouldn’t have such a hard time looking for everything.
“Hey, if he doesn’t want to spend time with you, his loss right?” Sunoo followed Aohi as she took off her last shoe, walking into the living room with a defeated pout.
“You can spend the day with me instead, hm?” Aohi took no interest to the sly fox that loved to take her attention away from the other members.
Aohi doesn’t really know why Sunoo loves her attention, well, besides the fact that he wants his girlfriend’s attention, he seemed to love the idea of getting more affection than his hyungs.
Aohi thinks that Sunoo, for one, loves the power trip he gets when he successfully gets her to dote on him instead of another member.
Aohi lied onto the couch, returning to her old position of staring up at the ceiling as she quote on quote, “rotted” away.
“Batsy?” Sunoo called for her softly after realizing that he wasn’t getting her attention easily. “Are you okay?” Sunoo softly spoke, wondering if something had happened at the studio for her to act like this.
“Yeah.. just a little upset is all.” Aohi sighed, Sunoo watched her sigh sadly before he hesitantly sat by the small spot he could, before gently laying over Aohi.
She had mentioned to Sunoo that for some reason, she really enjoys the weight she receives whenever the boys lay on top of her.
Maybe she got used to Ri-ki always sleeping on top of her whenever it was his turn to sleep over with her, or maybe there’s something comforting within the weight distributed that Aohi finds difficult to replicate with blankets.
Either way, it was the only way Sunoo knew how to comfort Aohi without annoying her with words.
Sunoo’s arms gently wrapped around her waist, his chin placing themselves on her collarbones, looking up at the girl who seems to find an interest in their ceiling.
“Aohi-ssi.. there’s someone wanting your attention..” Sunoo spoke, smiling when he sees the corner of her lips twitch upwards.
“Really? Is it Yang Jungwon? Otherwise, they can get lost ~” Aohi teased, looking down just in time to catch Sunoo’s pout.
“Yah! I’m your boyfriend too!”
Aohi giggled softly, finally wrapping her own hands around Sunoo. “I’m just kidding, oppa.” Her hand reaches up to run themselves through his soft blonde hair, looking fondly at him.
Sunoo feels his heart race just a little bit faster at her words, her loving gaze also made him melt in ways he couldn’t explain, how could she look at him with such eyes?
“..you’re so good to me, oppa.. I don’t know how I deserve any of you..” Aohi mumbled, her hand playing with a strand of his hair.
“I don’t know how you manage to love us so much.” Sunoo hummed, “You always manage to make us feel like we’re not getting any less affection than anyone else, and always have us in your mind,” Sunoo cupped Aohi’s cheek, his thumb swiping at the soft skin.
“I just hope you’re not too tired of loving us sometimes.” Sunoo reached in, his lazy smile planting a gentle kiss on Aohi’s soft lips.
Aohi gently smiled, shaking her head to his words, “I could never be tired of you, any of you.”
“..mm, good to know..” Sunoo mumbled, his eyes looking around as it drooped little by little, getting harder and harder for Sunoo to stay awake.
“Falling asleep, oppa? You should head to your room..” Aohi softly spoke, gently patting the older boy’s cheek.
“I can wait for Jungwon with you..” Sunoo argued, adamant about not moving from his spot. “But then, he’ll see I’m with you and not spend time with me.” Aohi pouted, sitting up as Sunoo followed with her, pulling away from her chest.
“So?” Sunoo rubbed at his hair. “I want to dote on Jungwon today, he’s been doing a good job as a leader, and it’s only fair that he should spend some time with me relaxing.” Aohi gently turned Sunoo down, knowing that all of the boys want their own time with her.
When it came to spending time with the boys separately, it was hard to make sure that all of the boys had a fair share of Aohi’s love. She shouldn’t think of it that way, but she worries constantly that any of the boys are being dragged around while she dotes on a specific member.
Aohi just wants to love them equally, because she knows they deserve that much from her.
“…mm, okay..” Sunoo replied softly after a moment of silence, standing up with a soft stretch as he waddled away to his room.
And Aohi, being an empath, called for him as he walked away. “I’ll spend another day with you soon, eung, oppa?!” She doesn’t hear a response, only a door opening and closing and she feels bad.
But that’s the less of her concerns, she wants to wait for Jungwon, looking longingly at the door as time passed. She didn’t bother to turn on the TV, occupying her time by waiting patiently.
Soon enough though, an hour waiting turns into two, and then three, and soon enough, Jungwon still hasn’t arrived an hour after dinner.
Aohi had laid back onto the couch, holding a pillow close to her as her eyes started to fall against her will. She had waited so long that she couldn’t fight off the sleep from being so tired and bored while waiting for him.
“Why don’t you just close your eyes for a bit? He’ll be home soon, okay baby?” Sunghoon softly cooed, sitting on the floor as he gently rubbed Aohi’s cheek.
Sunghoon and the othera had come down to have dinner at one floor, opting for where Aohi was staying for the time being.
Of course, Aohi and Xiulin have their own floor, but Aohi mostly sleeps at one of the boys’ rooms.
“What if he sees me sleeping and just lets me sleep?” Aohi mutters, still staring at the door despite one of her eyes already closing.
“You act like there’s not another day for you to spend time with him.” Sunghoon teased, pinching at her cheek.
“Yeah but—“ He interrupts her with a chuckle. “You’re worrying again. You think that you don’t love on us a lot and that means we’re feeling left out.” He reveals, knowing of why Aohi was so affectionate.
“That’s why I am affectionate, because I don’t want that to be true ever. I really, truly love all of you, and don’t want you to settle for anything less because you already share me with six others, how could I pick up favourites too?”
Sunghoon smiled, “and that’s exactly why you shouldn’t worry, you already do so much, making sure we all know that you do love us,” he looks at Aohi’s tired gaze, trying to sense any sadness coming off of her as they spoke.
“Don’t tire yourself out worrying about us so much.” Aohi pouted softly at his words, unsure on how to respond.
As Sunghoon and Aohi talked, the door suddenly opened, revealing a tired Jungwon. Aohi suddenly perked up, her tiredness leaving her body as quick as a bird.
“Wonnie!” She spoke up, greeting him quickly. Sunghoon chuckles at how fast she had gone from tired to excited as she almost tripped getting off of the couch to meet Jungwon at the door.
“Guess that’s my cue to go.” Sunghoon mumbled to himself as he walked to the front door, “Hey, won-ah.” He greeted the boy.
“Oh, what’re you doing here? did you have dinner here, hyung?” Jungwon looked up from taking off his shoes, “and kept Aohi company while she waited for you.” Sunghoon added.
Aohi stood beside Sunghoon, happily waiting for Jungwon, finally coming home. Jungwon turns to her, looking excited despite seeing the lingering tiredness in her eyes.
“Ah.. I’m sorry, batsy, did I make you wait too long?” Jungwon spoke, his eyes filled with worry as he made contact with Aohi, pulling her to his side.
“It’s okay! I didn’t mind waiting.” Aohi pulled onto her tippy toes, planting a gentle kiss on Jungwon’s cheek.
“I’ll leave you two to it, don’t do anything funny.” Sunghoon warned jokingly to Jungwon, but the leader knew better than to test it, because he knows how jealous Sunghoon could be.
A soft giggle leaves Aohi, turning her head and kissing his cheek softly. “Thank you for staying with me, oppa, sleep well okay?” She wished the older boy a good night, her eyes full of love and affection for him.
“Eung.. don’t stay up too late, we have a comeback tomorrow.” Sunghoon reminded them, ruffling Jungwon’s hair and pinching Aohi’s nose.
“Eung! Goodnight!” - “goodnight, hyung.”
Sunghoon put on his shoes and grabbed his phone, making sure he hadn’t left anything before leaving out the front door, the door locking behind him.
Jungwon waits for Sunghoon’s steps up the apartment complex, before he turns to Aohi, who looked at him expectedly, and his bashful grin returns.
“Shall we?” He spoke, his tone reminding Aohi of a noble gentleman from the early 1900’s.
Aohi played along and curtsied, “we shall.” Aohi replied, being pulled to his room with quickness she thought Jungwon wouldn’t have after such a long day.
“Slow down, wonnie!” Aohi laughed, Jungwon wasting no time closing the door and locking it with a grin, he planned no interruptions nor attempts of robbery of Aohi as he doted on her.
“I missed you so much.” Jungwon spoke, his hands grabbing at her wrist as he pulled her to his bed, falling back as she followed, falling on top of him. “You didn’t see me for a couple of hours, won..” Aohi retorted, feeling Jungwon cup the top of her head to guide her to his lips, kissing the crown of her hair.
“That-“ kiss! “was-“ kiss! “hours-“ kiss! “too-“ kiss! “long!” Jungwon peppered Aohi’s face with needy kisses, kissing from the corner of her eyes to pecking her nose, to laying a long, desperate kiss on her lips.
“That’s tickles, wonnie!” Aohi giggled, trying to shield herself from his affectionate attack. “Don’t hide from me now, little bunny.” Jungwon playfully growled.
Aohi felt herself be flipped over, her back to the bed as Jungwon’s hands caged themselves by her head, him towering over her like a tiger ready to pounce.
Aohi couldn’t help but hitch a breath as she looks up at the sight, seeing the sleeveless top dutifully showing off Jungwon’s hard-earned muscles at the gym.
“You look so pretty, batsy…” Jungwon murmured, his right hand leaving its spot to caress Aohi’s cheek his the back of his fingers.
She moves into his touch, and flutters her eyes at the warm feeling.
Jungwon couldn’t help but admire Aohi underneath him as he gently felt her soft cheeks, his arms grew tired holding himself up as he laid himself down, taking a similar position as Sunoo did earlier on the couch, his arms pulled away from Aohi’s face and wraps around her waist, taking in her scent and presence as he just cherished it.
“Don’t you want to do something, won? Like play some games? Chat?” Aohi spoke softly, looking down at the boy who laid himself on her stomach, his favourite pillow.
She could feel his shake his head, her hands reaching up to play with his hair, a habit she had gained from being so frequently laid on.
“Why? We still have time to do something together..” Jungwon looks up from his spot. “I don’t need to do anything big, this is enough time for me, just lay with me for the rest of today..” he whispered, a slight pleasing tone in his voice.
“I don’t care what we do, I already feel so loved when I’m just in your arms, I don’t want to do anything but be in your comfort right now.” Jungwon continued, his arms hugging her slightly tighter, scared to let go.
Aohi stayed silent at his words, her hands continuing to pet at his head, her lips in a comforting, yet sad smile. “..okay, if that’s what you want.” She spoke after a moment, letting Jungwon lay in her arms until he got tired of it, if he even got tired.
She looked up at the ceiling, the only sounds of the dorm being her’s and Jungwon’s breaths in sync, the night catching up to both of them as Aohi felt her tiredness return from earlier.
“..can you..” Jungwon mumbled softly, Aohi looking down, wondering what he wanted to ask. “Can you tell me you love me?” Aohi was a bit surprised at the sudden request, looking at him with slightly widened eyes. “I just want to hear it, I know you tell me all the time, but I want to hear it.” Her eyes softened at his words. “I love you, Jungwon.”
“Again?” Jungwon asked, “I love you, so much, Jungwon.”
He moved at those words, sitting up and pulling at Aohi’s arms as he managed to slip her onto his lap, his hands dropping her wrists to cup at her face, making her gaze turn to him. “I’m only devoted to you, batsy. I never want to love anyone else, I won’t allow it.” Jungwon whispers, before his hands urged Aohi’s face closer and closer to his, he could feel her breath on his lips.
���I don’t want anyone else but you guys either.” Aohi responds, her eyes flashing from Jungwon’s brown orbs to his pretty pink lips. The two stared at each other for a moment, extremely close to each other before the two closed the gap between them.
Aohi’s eyes fluttered close at the feeling of Jungwon’s lips on hers once again, she felt her mind overheat, not helping the fact that she couldn’t focus on both the kiss and the way Jungwon’s hands firmly held her at her waist, almost possessive of her.
As the two lip-locked, Aohi couldn’t help but melt under his hold, and with a swift push, Jungwon had her laying onto the bed without breaking the kiss, and despite Jungwon feeling his breath run out, he didn’t pull away from Aohi as much as she didn’t want to let go of him either.
Times like this, Aohi wished she didn’t need to breathe, but with a regretful tap on Jungwon’s shoulder, she pulls away with a soft gasp, her lips puffy from the kiss. “..fuck.” Jungwon cursed, huffing softly as he tucked his head onto her neck.
“Wonnie..” She whispered.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” Jungwon’s muffled words vibrated up her neck, making her shiver. She could feel his lips graze upon the crook of her neck, a breathy sigh leaving her as she could feel a small pressure against her neck. “Can we sleep? I know you want to spend time with me, but I really am satisfied with having you in my arms tonight..” Jungwon pleaded softly, looking up at her with his cat eyes, waiting for her response.
Aohi softens at this, a gentle smile forming on her lips. “Of course, Wonnie, anything you want, we’ll do, okay?” She replied, and as she expected an answer, Aohi doesn’t get one, and being curious, she looks down to see why he didn’t respond, she’s met with a tired, sleeping Jungwon on her chest, and she can’t help but giggle quietly, “Goodnight, Wonnie.”
She looks to the side, and gently feels for her phone in her pocket before placing it onto the bedside table, and moving Jungwon to her side, the boy’s sleep being undeterred despite being moved a lot.
She sits up, and turns to the lights up, the movement making Jungwon sleepily open his eyes, the room was bright one second and dark the next, before he felt the bed dip again and a warm body scoot their way next to him. “I thought you were gonna leave.” Jungwon sleepily murmured.
“Not tonight, I want to sleep here..” Aohi responded in the same tone, her hand reaching up to caress his cheek in the dark. “You make me feel so loved, you know that?” Jungwon spoke his last words for the night, unable to fight the sleepiness that was threatening to take over his body.
Aohi laughs quietly, “Goodnight, Won.” She lays in the dark for a little bit more, before a quiet sentence leaves her, “I’ll dote on you more often, our leader.” She wraps her arms around Jungwon, laying her head on his chest as she listened quietly for his heartbeat, her hands pulling up the blanket to cover the both of them.
Aohi felt her eyes close as she’s lulled to sleep with the rhythmic beat of Jungwon’s heart. Aohi considers this a mission complete, successfully doting on Jungwon, don’t you?
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103 notes · View notes
I never understand the discourse over ocs/self inserts, I mean yeah some of cod ocs can be a bit much 😬 I give them that. But some are just having fun! Yet they’re dragging them as if their ocs were any better
They don’t take issues when the ocs are always fighting, killing etc. but the moment ocs started having connections, intimacy, relationships with the canon—it’s not okay anymore??
And the chihuahua comment is wild 😂 guess some ppl still can’t see the difference between reality & fiction again !! 🫢
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Thank you so much everyone for the love and support! I really do appreciate your messages so much (❁´◡`❁)
If I can say things, I could, but I won't try to make someone like something they don't like. I read the comments with popcorn and candies on my hand, and all I see is uninformed individuals who see my artworks only from reposted images in Pinterest and TikTok 🤣
(They also don't know that OG!Modern Warfare exists, that an artist's art style change/evolutionize over time, and that Jade is not a sergeant or a military personnel, and that a woman doesn't have to be 6'4" muscular, overtly masculine or even look scary and intimidating to be capable of something btw)
This happens because of course their only source of information regarding her is from REPOSTING MY ARTS. This is why reposting is DANGEROUS to OC creators like me.
However, I do saw all the comments supporting me, and I do thank all of you who defended me <3 I'm very thankful to all of you (❤️ ω ❤️)
At the end of the day, I'm grateful they mainly dragged me instead of someone else. I take these things very lightly; others might take it to heart and stop creating altogether. Be careful what you type folks.
Stay creating, don't stop being cringe, and be happy ✨🥰
91 notes · View notes
3vln · 3 months
Ravens and Stallions: Ch. 1
Pairings: D. Blackwood x Bracken!Reader
Words: 3,800+
C.W.: probably needs LOTS of revisions. lots of time-inaccurate privileges (ladies allowed in taverns?? modern dilly-dallying), lots of cringe-worthy moments trying to add Westerosi/British slang into the mix (would love help on this) OCs, enemies-to-lovers, Romeo & Juliet-esque, non-canon stuff, no smut yet but will have (so MINORS DNI) My Lady Jane-type of banter.
Summary: Someone’s broken heart is how the day got started; for someone else, it was how it ended.
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There was nothing special about meeting the Blackwood boy, at first. And he thought the same about you. It wasn’t love at first sight, or anything like that. But it was a gradual thing as you both got to know each other throughout the evening. It was a meeting by chance.
See, your respective friend groups had taken you both out to the nearby town of Harroway for some drinks; for the Blackwood boy, he’d heard talks about war looming, and the time to enjoy his livelihood, and his time being alive… well, he knew it would be short. He needed to make the days he had on Earth count.
And you, you were staying at your aunt’s house in Harroway to accompany your heartbroken friend to get drinks with a few others. While you weren’t someone who usually snuck out to drink, and had a good head on your shoulders, times like these where you enjoyed yourself were few and sparse. It was easier to obtain forgiveness from Aunt Jeyne than to ask your parents for permission.
So, as you were drinking your wine and comforting your distraught friend with the others, you briefly met, unbeknownst to you, the eyes of a rival.
“He had used me! I know he did, that rat bastard!” your wailing friend had choked out, snapping your attention to her. The other two friends made agreeable comments to comfort their hurting friend. In a loud tavern full of bustling noises, no one else had paid attention to her besides the friend group. It drowned out the quiet sobs and prevented any unnecessary attention.
You tried to encourage her with words of affirmation in an effort to lighten up her mood, it pained you to find close ones in pain, especially if it could have been prevented. “Lyanne, you can’t let that boy dictate how you live your life,” you heartened. The others agreed and chimed in with more affirming reflections. You eyed the table’s supply of wine and ale and sighed. “Moon tea will serve you best if it interests you, and please pray to the Maiden. Let’s get you another round of drinks for now; what do you say?” Lyanne wasn’t much of a devout, but she still took the advice to heart; smiling through her sad smile and teary eyes, she reminded herself to thank her friend later.
As you got up, another from the friend group joined you, making small talk about the unfortunate girl’s heartbreak and thanking you for joining them and for bringing fun and reason into the conversation.
“Although, I really think she should look into another man’s arms for comfort,” she mentioned coyly upon arrival to the bar.
“Bellena!” you quietly exclaimed with a smile before turning your back to order. You were too lost in your blush but thought about agreeing. Truth be told, it wasn’t a terrible idea. Not the best and ladylike, but nonetheless. Crying over failures was futile, and it was best to occupy perplexed thoughts with distractions.
An unfamiliar voice behind you tried for an unsolicited introduction between you both with a “Lost are we, ladies?” You quietly exchanged unimpressed looks.
A man with a sly grin had presented himself, mostly towards your friend; while weak of an introduction, yes, you saw Bellena’s gears start to work, most likely thinking of ways to see how she could use this to their advantage.
It was beautiful to see her magic work in real time, as she smiled sweetly, flirted with her eyes, and informed the man they’ve come for sweet libations from handsome men. “I see we’ve come to the right place,” she added. They maintained a bit of prolonged eye contact and, truthfully, you couldn’t fault either.
Bellena, of House Piper, was a natural beauty. Dark, cherry-red hair adorned her, and she truly embodied her house words of “Brave and Beautiful.”
The man before her was tall and handsome, Dornish-looking in a way – dark skin and thick eyebrows. You weren’t sure what house he was from, but Bellena thought it didn’t matter on nights like these. No one was dressed for battle and expressed their house colors tonight. The ladies themselves were anonymous in a way, dressed as common folk or servants having the night off to avoid the attention if dressed in their usual silks.
Banter and flirtatious remarks were exchanged between them, and soon after, Bellena successfully got the man to pay for the next rounds, allowing him and his friends to join your table at the tavern.
You both exchanged another look - this time, a silent acknowledgement in maidenhood: if anything happened that wasn’t welcomed, you’d all be quick to collect the other 2 ladies sitting at the table, and quickly exit.
This was an acknowledged risk, and for Lyanne above all.
“For the lore,” a phrase you all repeated and clinked your first drinks to.
“Miss?” The bar tender called for you, snapping you back to the present, “the drinks.”
As the man waved for his friends to join you, and as you moved towards the drinks, a familiar face you had seen a moment ago reached out to them before you, “Oh!”
“Let me get these for you,” he offered with a lazy smile.
You eyed him suspiciously, but offered back a polite smile.
“Davos, mate! Ever the gentleman. Follow us,” Aron, you soon learned, called out ahead.
Bellena quickly introduced him and his company, and ensured at least one of you had someone to talk to and talk about - especially Lyanne, whom the girls wanted to see enjoy herself and meet someone new.
Times like today, you weren’t fully mentally prepared to meet new people or anyone outside of whom you thought about spending the evening with. Quickly downing your drink as you sit next to Lyanne, you hope it quickly loosens you up to conversation. But to your surprise, you found that Davos, from at the end of the table, had noticed this quick moment and looked at you with a mix of surprise and, ultimately, awe – nodding his head in approval. You looked away in embarrassment, not expecting the attention.
“What brings you pretty lot out here to Harroway anyway?” one of them asks.
The ladies took a moment to respond, sheepishly looking around at each other with embarrassed smiles, debating if an elaborate story should be told or flat out explain the story in which they’re here for their broken-hearted friend.
“Well...” it was a tricky position. They didn't want to reveal themselves, but the ladies didn't know where to begin.
One of them snickered. “Don’t tell us you’re all out having a naughty night out and running away from home,” Davos joked as he took a drink from his pint. “I’d be quite intrigued if that was the case.”
The cherry-haired girl chuckled at the irony and nodded towards you, “Oh, you’d be surprised. Have you met my dear friend over here? I think you’d be quite smitten with her.”
In this moment, you remembered thinking and wishing for the Earth to open up and swallow you whole, and created a mental note to strangle the girl in front of you as you cover your face with your hands.
“Oh? A runaway, I fear?” he teases.
“Absolutely not,” you shook your head, quickly thinking of ways to explain yourself. “I had only wished for some fresh air and found myself in this tavern before I knew it. I’m sure we’ve all been there before.” Not your finest.
“Oh! Oh, yes!” He teasingly agreed, nodding with a sarcastic smile. “I was out with these lads having a drink, and before I knew it, my feet had taken a mind of their own and found myself here. I’m glad I’ve found my people.”
He chuckles as he rolls his eyes and takes another sip from his pint.
The rest of the evening was followed by more laughter and banter from both ends, surprised at how well things were going and the ladies having fun and comfortable, the heartbroken girl had even rallied back together from her earlier state; and even though you weren’t contributing to much conversation, you were relaxed as long as everyone else was having a grand time. You looked down at your drink, almost gone, and while you weren’t inebriated, you figured it was time for some fresh air.
Absent-mindedly, you excused yourself from the table, and upon leaving to venture outside, you weren’t prepared to see Lyanne perched up outside against the tavern walls towards a quiet corner, in the middle of a passionate kiss with the man whom she had been speaking with.
Quickly hiding back behind the wall, hand on your chest and the other over your mouth, a peal of laughter creeps up as you try to hold against it, afraid of being caught or heard. You were wondering where she had gone after missing from the table for some time. Now you know where. You made a mental note to hold court with her and the other girls soon to debrief on the day’s events.
“There you are.”
You looked to the entrance of the alehouse and saw the man who had helped you with the drinks walk up. You offered him a greeting with a biting smile.
He seemed amused by your reaction. “I see we’re in need of some fresh air?”
You nodded as you bit your lip, holding back a giggle. “Well, that was the plan. But I see that we’re not the only ones who need fresh air.”
He looked at you curiously until he looked around the corner and saw the offending sight. He looked at you with shock, his mouth hanging in disbelief with his lips turned up, “Seven hells!”
You nodded to reaffirm you were equally as shocked. He looked over again, feigning the same shocked reaction, but this time he furrowed his eyebrows, face growing stern, “Wait, that’s not alright.” He touched your shoulder, as if to excuse himself as he made himself visible to the offending couple, “Ey! Get your vile tongue off her! And treat her like a lady - get a room!”
There was a “Piss off!” in the distance, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the entertaining interaction between Davos and his friend. He let out a chuckle as he ran his tongue over the side of his teeth, returning the response with an offending finger towards the distant man.
“The boldness of that lad, huh?” he returned his attention back to you.
You shrugged, “I hope this doesn’t make me a bad friend, but I’m glad she’s having fun.”
He raised his eyebrows as he scanned you down, “And you call that having fun?” You roll your eyes as you push yourself off the wall.
“Calm down. All I’m saying,” you emphasize, “is that I’m glad that she’s not sad anymore.”
“Hm. Care to elaborate?”
You looked at him curiously, looking at the way he was genuinely interested in conversation as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall towards you. Relaxed eyes looking down at you, dark irises gleaming despite the twilight sky. You thought about how sweet he looked – kind of handsome in a rugged and boyish way, his choppy bangs framing his face. It almost made you uneasy how interested he looked.
Clearing your throat and looking away, you entertained the conversation and started to walk around the alehouse – both attentive to not disturbing the lovebirds – and although you were careful not to reveal too much about yourself, it was nice to talk about your friend groups and your interests with someone who was interesting, of substance, and someone who understood your humor. This was a stark contrast to the suitors that your mother had wanted you to meet. Most conversations had fallen flat, or lacked sympathy, or intelligence for that matter.
Davos was careful to maintain a respectful distance, cautious to not make any unnecessary touches, which was something you appreciated. You began to take a liking to him because of that.
“What about you?” you asked as you both made your way to the distant trees that offered quietness - polar to the noisy tavern inside. “What do you like?”
He sheepishly smiled. A thought formed in his head about whether he should take a bold move or stay conservative. “Not a lot of things, truth be told.” He looked away. “But I know I like something when I feel it,” he finished, his head turning to you with a lopsided smile.
Taken aback, you hope the blush creeping up doesn’t betray you, and silently nod.
A beat of silence follows, and a look of realization falls on his face as he stands tall from leaning against the tree he had just made himself comfortable on. His face, now beet red, distorts with ideas to make conversation out of, “I hope that wasn’t too forward, I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re very pretty with a pretty laugh, and I think you’re a very nice girl and funny too, and I like you and…” strings of words came together to fill the silence, and you look at him in awe and curiosity at how fast he’s able to talk, wondering if he’ll ever catch a breath for talking fast.
As he continued, you made a forward move to place your hands on him in hopes of calming him, holding his face in one of your palms, “Davos… Davos!” you try. His face was warm, you didn’t realize how bony his cheekbones were as you brushed your thumb against his cheek.
Eventually, realizing your hands were on him, he slowed down. “Right, uhh, yes, sorry,” he breathed as he calmed.
“Thank you,” you chuckled. “I thought something had possessed you,” you laughed. A beat of silence. “But that was sweet.”
You forgot your hands were still on him caressing his cheeks until he placed his hands on top of yours, something you were unprepared for, but nonetheless welcomed.
Another beat of silence. “You have very soft hands,” he murmured as he closed his eyes and kissed the inside of your palm, then leaned into it. Oh.
When he opened his eyes, he studied you and smiled, “You are very pretty,” he said softly. Oh!
Something in you grew, your heart, or your chest, or something. It was almost consuming. Was it the way he had kissed your palm? Or the way he outright told you how pretty you look? Or the endearing way his thoughts dispersed and he babbled on? A bit of everything, you supposed. It was too forward, but it was nice, it was a nice feeling; foreign, and a bit uncomfortable from it being all new to you, but you welcomed it with a smile, curious to see how this unfolds.
You don’t remember exact details but you remember thinking about the scar above his lip, touching it lightly with your fingers, and the electrifying feeling of his lips meeting yours. The butterflies in your stomach swelled, making their way towards your chest, and your blood pumping with nervousness and excitement as you ventured into a foreign experience.
It felt good to be wanted, the way his hands snaked around your waist, and the way the kiss had started off soft, innocuous, and tender, and how it lent its way to become more profound, and almost sinful.
He was careful to not make any more offending moves, and that made you want him even more; one of your hands now having a mind of their own, snaking their way to comb his hair behind his head between your fingers. You clocked a small grunt leaving him as you tugged his hair a little, his arms pressing you closer to him, and a heat spreading through you, legs seconds from turning jelly and letting him mold you.
You needed to catch your breath – this was becoming too much, and you weren’t expecting any of what had just unfolded. Still interlocked in each other’s arms, a shy laugh left you both.
You shared a comfortable silence in each others arms after some time. And you, dare say thanked? the gods for giving you a lovely moment to live on.
“You know,” breaking the silence after a while as he held on to your waist, “that was quite a feat what you did back there with your drink.”
You quizzically looked at him as you toyed with the locks behind his ear, “hmm?”
“When you chugged your drink. Faster than the northern winds.”
“Oh, was that what first caught your attention?”
“Mmmm, that and your pretty face.”
You rolled your eyes, blushing. “You never told me what you didn’t like,” you murmured in an effort to change the conversation.
To that, the man bobbed his head side to side. “That may be a longer list,” he grimaced.
You heartily chuckle, “I may have the time for it.”
He smiled, “Well, for the basics, what I despise–”
“Oh, we’re starting out heavy.”
“Hah, mmm, well, maybe…” he grinned, and he indeed shared a long list of things, a lot of it personal things that are beyond surface-level that made him his own unique being; and more minor, funny things that he thought were inconveniences.
You really did admire him for being someone who isn’t afraid of vulnerability. It felt like a breath of fresh air. And the attentiveness!
You brushed your thumb over his cheek, with him leaning into it as he continued to list out the things he passionately disliked. He was a man of passion, you soon found out. To your surprise, you've come to found out you like this trait. And surely he's someone you'd be interested in if he were interested in pursuing you. You just needed to find an opening in this conversation with your parents once you learn of Davos' parentage.
And just as you thought about opening up about your family, he’s beaten you to it, and a part of you shatters.
“… ah! And Brackens.”
Huh? You turn to him, “I beg your pardon?”
A million thoughts ran through your head, maybe you misheard? Were we back to talking about our his likes? Enjoyments? Gods be good, are we family? A horror strikes your face. All thoughts race, all leading to the shared kiss.
You looked at him, warm relaxed eyes looking back at you – unaware, unassuming. A piece of you has broken, you think.
He shrugged, “Aye, Brackens. Cravens, the lot of them. I think they’re a bunch of good-for-nothing–”
Another shatter. “I’d be careful with your next words.” You dropped your arms away from him as you sternly held your ground, ready to bite back and defend your gold-and-red coated family. The worst has dawned on you, and disgust has overtaken. No, no, no, no!
Confused and a bit hurt, he studied you and nodded with a frown, finally piecing the puzzle together.
A pregnant silence takes over before he takes a deep breath. “I take it you’re Bracken?”
He continued nodding his head and rested his hands on his hips, “Then we’re definitely in a bit of a situation.”
You rolled your eyes, “there’s no situation.” Definitely not after the revelation. It couldn't be allowed. Wouldn't.
“Oh really? This moment we had–”
“We had no moment.”
“- kinda looked like a situation… Right. Well.”
You scoffed. “Davos, do me a favor, forget this ever happened.” It had to. If he was willing to say something about your family, what were the chances of him treating you any better? This was nothing but a flirtatious evening. It was going so well, until it wasn’t, especially when speaking in the matters of family. You couldn’t allow yourself to think beyond this moment, of the what ifs. You had to ensure he understood that and cut it off before anything more began. You looked him in the eye and stood your ground.
There was a darkness in his eyes now, surely hurt after being told to forget this moment with someone whom he wanted to explore a prospect with. He thought about the possibility of apologizing, asking for forgiveness, and although too soon, he'd thought about facing the challenges that involved asking for your hand from a family that wouldn’t welcome him in the first place.
But upon hearing your words, it snapped him out and brought him down to reality. Of course, there was no future, much less a moment of truce between the opposing Houses. This was a feud as old as time. So he did what he did best, and put up a wall around him that had forced him to spit insults, regretfully projecting his own hurt. “Forget? How could I forget the moment I discovered an almost civilized Bracken?”
Oh. This had turned around rather quickly. “Almost? Coming from a Blackwood, that’s a compliment.” Unexpected, but you saw this invitation to pass insults, and determined to not lose this battle, you wanted to hurt him if he was going to act this way.
“Don’t let it get to you. You might start thinking you’re actually interesting.”
I beg your pardon? “Interesting enough to catch your attention, apparently,” you spit, “Or is your recollection as poor as your judgment?”
He leaned in closer, towering over you. “My judgment might be questionable, but at least I don’t deceive people to have fun.”
Crossing your arms, you looked at him lamely with an arched eyebrow, “Oh that’s rich, I didn’t know Raventree Hall had a jester. Is that a Blackwood trait or just your own special talent?”
He stood mere inches away from your face and your stomach was back to making butterflies, but you refused to showcase anything other than annoyance, you were determined to have the last word.
Giving you a once-over, he chuckled, clearly over this, “It’s called charm, something I’m not afraid to use again,” he murmured.
A sound of disgust leaves your lips as you turn around and march back to the tavern, “Enjoy your delusions, Blackwood.”
Davos, back to leaning against the tree, smiled to no one in particular as he would enjoy his delusions. “And you, Bracken; enjoy your illusions.”
On your march back, you were too focused on holding back from vomiting and feeling your emotions, bottling them up and storing them far away. Just as you thought you found someone on your own, it had to be someone you couldn’t have and someone who was willing to insult your family.
You collected the rest of your friends, much to Bellena and Lyanne’s chagrin, and marched back home to your Aunt Jeyne’s place before it got too dark. It was then that you fully settled into your emotions, thought about the shared kiss, how sweet it was, and silently sobbed.
You ended the night with a broken heart.
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the-ascended-weeb · 1 month
Hound, Hounded
The way Deadpool and Wolverine got me back on my shit foaming at the mouth over Logan. Anyways, This is meant to be multiple parts and follows the events of the Movies. Go watch them if you haven't, 2000's Logan will send half of y'all into cardiac arrest.
Please lemme know if you like it, what you don't like about it, if Logan seems OOC to you, etc! Also this is an OC fic as of now but if you all think it's fit better as a reader insert I'd be down to edit it.
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X-Men Movie!Logan "Wolverine" Howlett x Fem!OC
Summery: Maeve is on the run with her little sister Marie. With no other options, they hitch a ride with the brooding man they meet in a bar.
TW! Cursing, Logan being a grumpy softie
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Soft white puffs of snow whipped past the window, fading into the fog that perpetually hung over the mountain pass. The engine of the truck struggled to fight back the ever-present cold that made its way into the cab, despite the heater being on full blast. Maeve sighed and tried futilely to shift into a more comfortable position with no luck.
Beside her, her little sister Marie twitched in her sleep, curling into Meave’s side as far as she could in a search for warmth. The elder sister stilled, waiting for her to finish moving around before settling herself.
God, she needed to sleep.
The ravenette could feel exhaustion pulling at her mind and body. It had been days since she had gotten a decent amount of sleep. Or any at all for that matter. She knew she needed to eventually, but she couldn’t. 
‘You can sleep when Marie is safe.’
The thought rang around in her mind like an alarm, a reminder she told herself every time her hazel eyes fluttered closed for a moment too long. She had a baby sister to care for, which took precedence before anything and everything, even herself if need be. She wouldn’t have it any other way, either.
Maeve continued to watch out the window into the growing darkness, preparing to depart when she felt the slow deceleration of the truck.
“We’re here.” The gruff voice of the driver announced, getting out of the truck with a slam of the door. He left before either of them had moved. Rude. 
Huffing, she turned and as gently as she could, she woke Marie up, taking the girl up under her arm to guide her and shield her. Their packs were slung over her other shoulder as she led her younger sister toward the old wooden shack that some might call a bar. However, night had blanketed the mountain in entirety at this point, and this was the closest thing to shelter they were going to get, so they were taking it. And some food while they were at it. 
The wind shut the door behind them with a ‘wham!’ that was drowned out by the buzz and bustle of people. Looking around, inside was what one would expect, at first. An old wooden bar flanked on either side by stone walls that turned into darkened hallways that led into another room with a metal cage encircled by metal bleachers. Pipe structures popped out of the concrete every so often, holding dancers and entertainers who seemed to be there just for fun, and too drunk to do anything other than sway and cheer.
The sisters found two empty seats towards the edge of the bleachers and sat down. The cacophony of roaring voices was deafening. Beside her, Marie cringed at the sound of every punch, horror on her face as the fight ended quickly, and brutally.
Maeve watched the fights with little interest, keeping one eye on Marie and one eye on the ring. A stout old man had entered the ring, with a microphone in hand and a phony look plastered on his face.
“In all my years I ain’t ever seen anything like it. Are you gonna let this man walk away with your money?!” He exclaimed, jabbing a fat finger in the direction of the lonesome man in the corner of the ring. The crowd’s response was damn near rabid.
To their left a huge man stepped up, exclaiming his will to fight with more confidence than any sane or sober person could, or ever would. Did none of these people have brains? This mystery guy in the ring had taken out three guys in seconds with not a mark to show for it. She had years under her belt as a martial artist, but not even she could claim to walk away unscathed from blows like that. What chance did these idiots have?
Nonetheless, the new fighter stepped up into the ring, the bell ringing seconds after his feet touched the floor. He immediately went in with a kick to the back, followed by two right swings and a kick to the ribs. The guy taking the beating didn’t seem to notice, or care for that matter. It was unnatural. His unflinching approach to the fight, not bothering to block his opponent. It was like he knew he was going to win.
And he did with only three blows.
The crowd cheered as the challenger went in for another punch, only for his fist to crumple as it was met by the defenders’, and Maeve wasn’t sure she heard correctly at first. Then he swung again, and she knew it hadn’t been in her imagination the first time she heard it. The sound of bone striking metal. 
The man stood back up, fist up and ready to charge-
Only to be K.O.ed by a headbutt to the skull, collapsing in a heap on the mat. The mass of people booed and the announcer collected the bets. The entire time, Maeve watched him, the ‘Wolverine.’ His face was swathed in darkness as he smoked a cigar and downed another whiskey, looking more annoyed and less like he had just suffered blows to the spine and ribs that would have most people out of the count for at least a week.
The crowd filed out of the building, with only a few stranglers left in the building by the time all was said and done. Maeve stood to follow suit, holding Marie close to her as they exited the room. She swore she felt eyes on her as they exited. Peeking back she saw no one but the announcer and the Wolverine, still standing in the shadows with a cigar in hand, shrouded in smoke.
She didn’t know why, but she had the feeling she should stick around that man for a while.
Logan was feeling like relative shit by the time he finished cleaning himself up and re-entered the main bar. The owners didn’t spare him a moment as he collected his winnings and promptly sat down at the bar opposite of an admittedly attractive woman, and who appeared to be her younger sister.
He had noticed the woman back at the cage fight. When the crowd around her challenged, gambled, and drank away their common sense and money, and her sister watched on with horror at the beat-down before her, the dark-haired woman analyzed the situation with sharp eyes and a bemused smile. He wouldn’t be surprised if she had some kind of formal training, or if she knew what he was. The thought of being chased out of town and having to relocate again left a pit in his stomach. Regardless, as he watched her from across the bar, she made no move to do anything about him, seemingly absorbed in caring for her sister beside her.
Then she caught him watching (s̶t̶a̶r̶i̶n̶g̶).
And with a smile that was damn too bright to be in a dump like this, she winked at him.
Logan rolled his eyes and scoffed, but found himself with a smirk tugging at his lips as he turned away, ordering what was probably his twelfth whiskey of the night. Or morning, whatever time the fuck it was by now. Probably one.
He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t like the way her smile made him feel. 
To his right, the woman(a̶n̶g̶e̶l̶) had turned away from him to watch the TV. He took a glance at it and felt his jaw clench. The UN meeting was going to take place in New York soon, and there the world leaders would get to decide if they wanted to royally fuck over mutants or not. He glanced back at the woman, expecting a look of disdain, disgust, and loathing, only to find a face of carefully masked anger mirrored his own. And as she held her little sister closer, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead, the realization that he might not be the only freak in this bar struck him fast and left a fire of concern in its wake, one that he tried very hard to stomp out. Her eyes met his for a moment, and he could see the fear there as she quickly looked away again, only for her eyes to snap back to him, eyes narrowed with apprehension. But she wasn’t looking at him.
And when he felt a hand grip his shoulder, he couldn’t help the sigh of exhaustion that escaped him. He was fed up with these god-awful people.
“You owe me some money pal.”
He made no move to hand over anything. Behind him, he could hear the other man who approached mutter to the other, clearly trying to save his friends’ hide, “C’mon man, this ain’t worth it.”
The two bickered behind him for a moment, and it took all of his willpower to not smash the glass in his hand against the guy’s skull. The pretty lady was watching closely, likely trying to discern if she should step in or grab her sister and run. Then he felt hot, foul breath against his ear as the man he had humiliated whispered.
“I know what you are.”
“You lost your money, you keep this up and you’ll lose something else.” He snarled back quietly. His night was already shitty, made only slightly better by the lady across the bar, and he didn’t feel like cleaning blood out of his clothes if he could help it.
But if it was a fight he was in for, then it wasn’t his blood he’d be washing out.
Another moment of silence passed by before he heard the flick of a knife and felt his eyes roll in his head, vaguely registering the woman shout a warning. He had his claws to the man’s throat before his little knife could do anything. The metal sliced his skin and muscle, a dull pain that he focused on, was used to. It was probably that pain and the two girls behind him that kept him from gutting the idiot in front of him. 
For a moment everyone stilled. The silence that had overtaken the bar was broken by the sound of a shotgun pump, and he could feel the barrel against his skull.
“Get out of my bar, freak.” The bartender behind him muttered.
He cut the gun in half. Frustration burned like fire in his skin. All he wanted to do was have a fucking drink, but instead, it looked like he would have to be on the move again. Fucking great. The sound of shotgun shells spilling out across the floor like marbles was the only thing he could hear as Logan stormed out into the frozen night.
A freak with no memories, no home, and more anger than any normal human should be able to feel.
His truck roared to life and he slowly made his way out of the small parking lot. The snow had stopped some time ago, but it was still frigid outside. A few hours passed and the frustration searing in his bones had yet to simmer. He had no idea where he was going. Just somewhere cold, remote, and with as few people as possible. Maybe he’d finally get around to building a house instead of living out of his trailer. A log cabin or something, and maybe a hunting dog or two that he could live his life in peace with until he finally fucking died.
The sound of a small thud brought him out of his thoughts and he exhaled sharply. If his bike had somehow come loose he was going to break something, and god forbid someone had had the balls to tamper with it because he was not beyond turning back around and smashing someone’s skull in. Maybe his temper would finally cool off then.
Shifting the truck into park, Logan hopped out and slammed the door shut, walking around to the tractor-trailer expecting to find his bike in disrepair or gone altogether, only to find it exactly the way he had left it. Satisfied, he almost got back into his truck, but then he stopped. 
Why did his bike smell like that woman from the bar?
It was then that he noticed the black mass lying in the trailer that he didn't recall putting there, and when he nudged it and felt a warmth he genuinely began to wonder if god was real and simply hated him in particular.
The woman jumped out of the back without a word, assisting her sister and taking their packs. She looked exhausted, offering only a small apology as she wrapped herself around her sister, beginning the trek back to the bar.
He got into his truck and began to drive away, trying to ignore their silhouettes in his side mirror. Not his problem. He had his own shit to deal with. They were better off without him. He brought trouble and danger with him everywhere he went. And yet he saw the scene in the bar flash through his mind, remembered how bright her smile was, how she held her sister and masked her anger, her rage at the world for being forced into this situation for simply being born different.
And apparently, Logan was a shit fireman, because he felt the concern from before that he tried so hard to ignore flare up in his chest. With a sigh, he put his foot on the brake and waited, watching as the two clambered into the truck.
The blinding smile of relief and thankfulness on the lady’s face twisted his insides more than he would ever be willing to admit.
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mspaint-taylor-hebert · 8 months
you should make something NOW!!!!!!!
"i'm not an artist" "i can't draw" ""i'm not talented"
NO!!!!! open ms paint and draw something RIGHT now. write something about how you feel. it doesn't even matter if it's bad. have fun making things. kill the cop in your brain that cringes at stuff. be a little geniune. people are too afraid of putting shit out there.
"it'll be bad" who cares. we're allowed to make bad things. we're not being graded.
i love deviantart sonic OCs. i love the cursed tavros doll. i love ms paint art, i love weird youtube videos from small creators. make the next plan nine from outer space. seeing things that look like people had fun making them makes me happy. i love things that are imperfect. i love seeing the process and the emotion in something.
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the-crow-binary · 1 month
Trans headcanons: when people ridicule the thing they think they support
So I'm tired. Let's have a talk.
Let's start with the very concept of headcanons, before I get to the infuriating part: A headcanon is, by definition, an idea that has never been confirmed as being actual canon. It's people imagining things about the characters they like, taking advantage of the fact the media they're in never depicted certain things, certain moments of the characters' life, to fill the gaps. A headcanon that make sense, and isn't there to just make the character your OC, takes into account what the actual canon has already shown, such as the character's personnality or goals. (I'm taking characters as example here but headcanon can be about the media's universe as a whole, too)
For example: In Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, and it's mangas, we never saw the life Hector and Isaac lead in the Castle between the moment Hector arrives (Isaac being already there) and the moment he runs away. It's a perfect opportunity to have fun and imagine what happened all those years! So, by taking into account what official products gave us, such as Isaac and Hector's personnalities (before and after the curse took ahold of them), how they interact together, and their common roles and duties under Dracula's reign, we can easily headcanon that they used to be friends and respected each other, before it slowly gets crushed by Isaac's obvious inferiority complex and jealousy in regards of Hector's power and relationship with Dracula.
That's a headcanon. A thing that can differ from one person to another, as interpretation can also vary, just like the plots we like to see. But let me tell you something absolutely crucial this headcanon does that make it a valid one: it doesn't contradict canon material.
That's a thing I feel like tends to be forgotten by many claiming their takes on characters as "headcanon". It stops being a "headcanon" and start being a "i'm twisting this character into my OC" when you start making shit up that not only does not fit the Character, but also contradicts directly what has been shown about said Character, just because you're a certain way or like certain things. That's not a headcanon. That's fanfiction. Not one that will interest those who actually like the canon and doesn't like when people change things about it instead of just adding to it, but if you're having fun, go for it! Just own up to the fact that you're deforming a pre-existent character, lol.
Now that... that is still pretty harmless. Sure it's annoying to see someone take your Blorbo and make it do things it would never do and call it a "headcanon", but it's just that. Annoying. But then...
Have you ever come across, in your favorite medias, male characters who look are act just a bit feminine? Or female characters who might be a little rough, angry, or muscular? And then you go look for content of them, and are met with "that character is trans" headcanons? Chances are, if you're very active in fandoms, you have. Maybe some of you cringe because there's something wrong going on there and you're not sure what, and you're afraid you're just being transphobic even though you support transfolks and maybe are one yourself... at least it was my case at first lol. But not to worry! There's a very good explanations to your cringiness! And it's that: Lots of those headcanons are straight up awful in their logic and an insult to every genders involved! :)
Let's take the Netflixvania version of Hector as an example. He's the perfect target for those kind of headcanons, because he's a pretty boy! He's (a bit) feminine! So of course, just from that, you'll have people claiming he MUST be a trans woman. An awful take to call "headcanon", because it's very surface-level, gleefully ignores that everyone everywhere have both feminine and masculine sides to them (and the fact Castlevania is originally a JAPANESE product, have you ever seen ACTUAL anime? Pretty boys and boys who look like girls be everywhere in this media), some men being more feminine while some women can be more masculine, and literally goes back to gender-conforming logic. Something the very concept of transgenderism actually fights against. I mean sure, you have trans women trying to be as feminine as they can, and trans men as masculine as they can, for reasons that might differ from one person to another. But there's also those who don't. Those who simply exist, feeling secure enough in their gender that they don't care how masculine or feminine others percieve them to be. And what about the very cis people who don't conform to what others say they should look like, according to their genitalia?
Headcanoning a character as trans because of the way they look only is great !... To perpetuate gender-conforming mindset and clichés, and be uncomfortably close to transphobic logic (the "we can always tell" crowd who'll think a cis woman is a man because her body, that she has never altered in any way and is only the result of her genetics, is a bit too masculine, for example :) ). So what else you can use to headcanon a character as trans without it leaving a sour taste in other people's mouths?
Their personnality? Well, yes... but also no. It all depends on how you turn it. And in case of N!Hector? Oh boy! ^^
Hector is kind and compassionate... mostly with animals lol, and the devils he creates. He is gentle, can be vulnerable. He doesn't want humanity gone, but he wants them to be kept under control, because on one hand, he doesn't like them because Trauma, and on the other, he's not a bad guy at heart. He is naive, dare I say, emotionally, physically and mentally weak, wich causes him to be compared to a child by actual characters in the show, and a dumbass by the fandom. ^^ And ALSO causes him to get tricked, beaten and abused by vampires (wich makes the fandom call him even MORE of a dumbass for, and side with his abusers because "haha hot women vampire go brr"). Overall, even if he's trying to be tough here and there, and opposes some (futile) resistance sometimes (never going as far as it should've because of Peak Writing), he quickly goes back to being, well, soft (wich is NOT a bad thing in itself btw).
Now there's nothing wrong when you look at his personnality alone, and ignore literally everything else such as the way he was treated by the narrative, the characters, and the fandom itself. But look at this... and tell me it feels trans woman-coded.
Headcanoning Hector as a trans woman boils down to say "i think women are soft, naive, stupid, weak, kind and compassionnate, and men cannot be". It's already a very vomit-inducing take insulting both genders, but then you take into accounts what actually happens to Hector: him being tricked, used, abused, beaten, dehumanized by every character he interacts with and never taken seriously, even by the man who hired him as one of his GENERAL. Oh, and treated like a literal pet, too! Called as such by Lenore herself! And it gets worse. Because the narrative itself sees nothing wrong with that (exactly because he's a man :)). Just... why would you see a man being treated like a pet, not human and not even an adult, and think "ah, yes. A woman." ?? I'm sorry but I can't, in good faith, approve of that. What kind of vision does it mean you have of women and trans women?
So not only headcanoning N!Hector as a trans woman is an insult to women and tells more about how YOU view them than anything else (consciously or not), but it also serves to completely rip Hector off of his masculinity and insult men as well. As if a man couldn't suffer the way he did. As if a man could not be kind or naive without being compared to a child. As if a man had to have short hair or beard or drink beer or whatever you think a man is supposed to be like and how a woman is supposed to be like.
Oh, and special shoutout to that one tumblr user I will not name that literally said "how can you not headcanon Hector as a trans girl. She's literally a doggirl ok"! It's is the most awful take I have EVER seen and I want to throw up all over your blog! Literally, how dumb does one have to be to see a gentle, pretty man being treated like a dog for kinky points and go "not only is this a girl, that's also a doggo! Woof woof!" I swear to God.
Sigh... so, yeah. This far, I have yet to see anyone headcanoning Hector as a trans woman and not making me want to throw up in my mouth, considering how the character is. But there's one more thing! The narrative.
The narrative can also be used for headcanons, and often is. "What is this character and their story about?" "How is the [media] portraying them?". "How are we supposedd to feel about the character/story/actions?" In N!Hector's case, despite him having potential... the narrative is just humiliating him through and through. He gets tricked by everyone, mocked for his harmless personnality, his mistreatment happens out of pure sadism and to elevate the Girlbosses, and he gets used for horny points. He is just a victim durîg the whole show, and when you THINK he's FINALLY going to do something... nope! He vaguely help bring back the Big Bad Guy (wich ends up being useless i swear to god N!Hector's life is joke lmao killme) while falling for his abuser! Getting back at her by protecting her, I guess! ^^
So what was his character and story about? A misunderstood man... who exist only to be used and tossed around and never get justice nor is allowed to fight back. You can't even say he's a plot device because the plot itself mocks him and could have worked well, if not better without him. (Isaac going after Carmilla directly instead of going after Hector and choosing last minute to kill Carmilla while he's at it would have made a little more sense, though he still would have went after the wrong people, but that's another story) Definitely the kind of character I love to see having his masculinity revoked and called a woman! Not insulting at all!
See, it is very difficult to headcanon a character as trans... especially when you don't think about it through. Wich people like that one user calling Hector a "doggirl" did (that was a whole other level of victim blaming holy shit. Shows once again how men's and males' trauma and suffering are not taken seriously enough). What is happening to Hector here happens to many other characters in other medias, and to stay in Netflixvania, it is happening with Alucard as well. Because people are cowards and won't headcanon the big grumpy hairy guy as a trans woman, they have to headcanon the gender-nonconforming character and, by doing so, actually gender-conform him ❤️ (i mean it as a half-joke. you do you, but I think this is a clear proof of how the gender norms have a big place in your mind)
I think I would have less problems with lots of these if they weren't called "headcanons". Let's be honest, many will think of a character as trans because THEY'RE trans and it's their blorbo, and MAYBE think of justifying it further afterward. That's not how HCs work, you're just projecting. And you know what? It's fine! It's not a bad thing in itself! Make a pre-existent character trans if it's fun for you! If it makes you feel better! I mean I'm worried of N!Hector is the one you relate to the most. But it doesn't matter if others don't like it, because it's a content made for you, by you! But don't call it a "headcanon" (or claim it as canon directly, wut) and try to justify it when there's nothing in canon even slightly hinting at it being potentially true, or working, or making sense for the character. Don't call it "headcanon" when you're literally genderbending a character. Please. Think things through.
Also, remember when I talked about a proper headcanon does not contradict actual canon? Well. The male character you call a trans woman going by "he/him" the whole time kinda contradicts your idea. It's as if you "headcanoned" a character who has been seen only being attracted to the opposite gender and in love with someone of the opposite gender as being gay. Sure, you can say that's a closeted trans character... but then you better have solid reasoning for thinking that, once again. Or, you know, you could assume that you genderbend the character for fun (and i don't mean "turn it into a cis character of the opposite gender", i mean keep them trans, but don't pretend to base your vision mostly on canon). Would be less insulting than saying "this weak pretty man is actually a woman because he's weak and pretty, canon told me". I prefer someone who owns up to the fact they don't care about canon and just want to have fun rather than someone who implies they care about canon by using "headcanon" and then give poor and insulting arguments.
I get that lots of people with these headcanons don't have bad intentions and don't realize how fucked up their reasoning (or the simple fact of calling N!Hector a damn DOGGIRL- sorry i'll never recover from that) is, but still. As much as I respect everyone's right to do whatever they want with characters in their own little corner, caring about nothing but having fun, I've been needing to vent about this issue for a while now. Being an ally or a trans person yourself doesn't prevent you from spreading stereotypes, I'm afraid.
This problem of "i'm using poor and stereotyped arguments that is more insulting than anything to justify my idea" could apply to autism headcanons too, btw. And probably other things as well. Just. Please. Think about what you're writing. Think before you talk.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 months
Or: She needed to come back down to earth
Chrissy Cunningham has tickets to see her favorite pop star perform. It's a concert she'll never, ever forget.
Past Eddie/Chrissy, current female Pop Star!Reader/Rockstar!Eddie
*In the 3rd person, can also be read as an OC
Word Count: 3k
Rating/Warnings: Reader is female presenting and performed Espresso originally by Sabrina Carpenter, and I describe her as moving and posing, but possibly with the aid of dansers? - blank slate otherwise. No Upside Down. Could be read either canon!AU (mid 90s or so as they're adults now) or modern!AU. If I missed anything AU wise or blankslate!reader wise, please let me know kindly <3 I'm only human.
This work is rated PG but this blog is always 18+
A/N: The song got me, what can I say? Somewhere in my head Espresso mixed with Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne and here's what you get. A little fic to whet your appetite. Not edited, not betaed, written in about 1.5 hours while also at work- but I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
Chrissy giggled as she sang along to the track floating from the state of the art boombox on her dresser. Her best friends, Cindy and Linda, danced around the bedroom with her, feeling like teens again as they got ready for the concert that evening.
“I can’t get enough of this song,” Linda gushed as she leaned close to the mirror above Chrissy’s vanity. She stopped singing along with the other girls long enough to apply her shiny lip gloss to perfection.
“She’s the best.” Chrissy agreed, turning the volume up even farther, hitting the threshold as the boombox reached max volume.
“Can I borrow this?” Cindy asked, picking up one of Chrissy’s eyeshadow palettes.
“Of course,” Chrissy agreed without thought, only to pause. “Wait- as long as you use that pink,” Chrissy amended, pointing to the neon hue. “Because it’s perfect with your outfit.”
The girls all laughed as they agreed on it being the perfect shade.
“How did you even get these tickets, it’s been sold out for months?” Linda asked, turning away from the mirror, bopping in place to the music.
“Daddy has a client whose son’s fiance got mono on her bachelorette vacation, so they canceled the wedding. They sold her tickets to afford the cancellation fees.” Chrissy explained as she compared two necklaces against her outfit. The girls cringed in sympathy, but the mood was quickly uplifted as they all tuned back into the music, forgetting the unknown couple’s problems. The tornado of excitement and glitter moved through the room until suddenly the girls all stopped what they were doing to sing along in tandem.
“I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger
The three faced each other as they sang, sharing the moment as they each performed their hearts out as if they were the one performing on stage tonight. The three danced, twirling their hips and waving their arms the way they did as teens, trying to get all the boys’ attention. Not the three grown adults they were, with homes, partners and responsibilities. It was freeing to feel so young again.
“My twisted humor, make him laugh so often My honey bee, come and get this pollen-
The three all shrieked with laughter as they reached the end of the verse, laughing at each other’s lewd dance moves in camaraderie.
“Oh shit, is that the time?!” Cindy gasped, cutting off the raucous laughter. The other two girls turned to the clock Cindy was staring at, noticing time did indeed fly when you were having this much fun. If they didn’t finish getting ready soon, they would be late and then have a hard time finding a good spot to watch the show from.
“Shit!” Chrissy cursed, barely audible over the blasting music. She jogged over to the boombox, turning it down a few notches to a more reasonable volume.
All three women snapped back to task, perfecting their make-up and concert looks. It wasn’t long before they were running out the door and into Chrissy’s powder blue Beamer. Chrissy hadn’t even backed out of the driveway before Linda had the car stereo blasting the album, right where they had left off in the house. The three women sped down the highway, singing along to the tracks they would soon be hearing live.
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Chrissy was sure her perfectly coiffed hair was falling and frizzing up, her carefully applied make-up turned into colourful smudges across her cheeks, the boots styled to match her outfit splattered with dirt and mud - but she couldn’t care less. She was having the time of her life at the concert. The singing was amazing, even better than the album. The dancing, the choreography - the hunky dancers. She was having the best time, dancing and singing along with Cindy and Linda.
“This is AMAZING!” Linda shrieked as the song ended. Chrissy clapped and cheered while Cindy jumped up and down.
“Alright, alright,” the woman on stage spoke, waving off everyone still cheering after the last number she performed. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath from the singing and dancing, skin glistening with sweat under the stage lights. Her hair hadn’t fallen and her make-up hadn’t budged. Chrissy watched her in awe, quieting her own thrilled cheers to hear what her favorite artist had to say next.
“Oh my god, Indiana, you guys are crazy!” She laughed, waiting for the crowd to die down. Unfortunately, the comment made them cheer in agreement. Chrissy and her friends jumped up and down, cheering along.
The performer on stage dropped the microphone to her side as she laughed again at the crowd’s reaction. She looked off stage and made a little shrugging motion, a smile on her face all the while. Chrissy couldn’t see who she was looking at from her angle - someone on her team, her manager, someone running the equipment; she wasn’t sure. She kept looking between the crowd and the wing of the stage until they quieted enough for her to speak once more.
“See I have a friend,” the singer started, roaming the stage with ease. Her presence filled the large space as the crowd - Chrissy, Linda and Cindy included - took in each word with bated breath. A field full of fans waiting to see what she would say or do next. “A very good friend, you might say.” The singer admitted with a sly smirk.
The crowd exploded - some cheers, some boos of disappointed fans.
“Did you know she was seeing anybody?!” Linda gasped.
“I hadn’t seen anything in The Enquirer!” Cindy shook her head, flailing her hands as if trying to fan herself. “Oh my god, who do you think it is?”
“It could be anyone,” Linda started, only to be interrupted by Chrissy.
“Maybe Leo!” She laughed, joking while all the while loving the idea that her favorite pop star might be dating her favorite hunk of an actor. Linda and Cindy agreed by way of shrieking and jumping with excitement. Chrissy joined in immediately.
“See, my very special friend is from right here in Indiana!” the star continued over the mic, halting the girls’ theorizing. They quieted down, Linda blindly grabbing for Chrissy and Cindy’s hands as she never took her eyes off the stage. No one wanted to miss a hint on who the mystery “friend” was. “He told me that you guys… Well, he doesn’t seem to like his home state very much.” The star fake pouted as the rapt audience booed. She looked off stage, pointing her exaggerated pout that way. 
“Oh my god, is he here? Who is it?” Cindy nearly fell over, trying to lean over far enough to see backstage.
“I can’t see from here!” Chrissy huffed, craning her neck to get a better look. It was no use, they were too far to the same side to see into the wings.
“I know! What a meanie!” The singer laughed joyfully into the microphone. “I tell him he’s a big meanie all the time, but he doesn’t believe me.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
A dull laugh rolled through the crowd and the performer gave it a moment to breathe before continuing with her story. “I think you were all a bit mean to him too once, but maybe one day you’ll forgive each other.” She tutted. The crowd cheered their agreement - anything to make their idol happy. The reaction made the singer beam brightly, glancing over her shoulder yet again.
“This next song… I wrote it for him, and-”
The crowd cheered and awed, interrupting her briefly. She shot a wink offstage before rolling through the crowd’s roar.
“I wrote this for him, and right here in front of everyone he says he hates, I’m dedicating it to him! Let’s show him some love!” She yelled over the mic, the crowd growing louder as it fed off her excitement.
There was a short beat of silence before the opening notes to Espresso started, making the crowd go wild once more as the smash hit song started.
Chrissy, Cindy and Linda all screamed along with the crowd, jumping with excitement despite their sore, aching feet after dancing all night. Chrissy pulled her camera out of her fanny pack, snapping pics as the song started. The singer smiled and danced to the opening notes, waiting for her cue to start singing. The dancers around her grooved along with her, waiting for the choreography to start.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
The trio of women sang along at the top of their lungs, as loud as their already sore throats would allow. Chrissy couldn’t be bothered to care that she likely wouldn’t have a voice tomorrow, it was worth it to sing along.
"Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya
The singer and her group of dancers made their way towards their side of the stage, the crowd around them cheering for her as she approached. The three girls got their cameras ready as they snapped pictures of their favorite singer performing their favorite song just a dozen feet away from them. The male dancers fawned over her as the female dancers backed her up, dancing with her.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso
The singer moved back across the stage, doing her best to perform to all sides, giving each fan in the crowd a chance to see her and her dancers. She had been doing it the whole show, but the crowd predictably was even more lively for her big, hit single.
All too soon, the song ended with everyone on stage hitting a final pose. The singer was center stage, looking upwards towards the stage lights as the dancers posed around her. Cameras flashed through the people as everyone took their chance to get a decent shot as everyone stood still aside from their heaving chests as they caught their breath.
Chrissy, Linda and Cindy followed suit, cheering and taking pictures between their jumping and flailing. Chrissy was lifting her camera for her fourth or fifth photo of the pose - she lost count - when Linda grabbed her arm and her attention.
“Look!!!” Linda screamed as others in the crowd started reacting too. A tall, lanky figure had emerged from the wing, sauntering proudly towards the singer at center stage. He wore dark coloured jeans and a black t-shirt. His face wasn’t visible past the mop of inky curls when they first caught sight of him, but Chrissy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach at the silhouette. It was too familiar, a memory of her past, but surely it wasn’t-
More people from the crowd started screaming as the man crossed the stage. The singer finally dropped the pose, lowering her eyes to look at the crowd. She was smiling, face flushed from performing, but she soon noticed the crowd looking to the side.
Chrissy heard a man behind her, arguing with his girlfriend, the conversation fading in and out of the ruckus around her. “... -ed Coffin… telling you that’s him… think I know what “Shredder” Ed-…”
The pop star on stage looked surprised to see the man at first, but by the time he pushed through the cluster of back-up dancers around her, she was smiling up at him. The smile was brighter than any she’d given the audience on stage that night, a smile that shone in her eyes in a totally different way than performing on stage made them shine. The pop star started to speak, the microphone still held to her side not picking up any of the words. She didn’t say much before the man interrupted her, cupping the back of her head and dipping down to kiss her.
The crowd cheered through the passionate kiss. The back-up dancers around her reacted with joy and surprise at the public display of affection, some gasping while others applauded or laughed. 
The man pulled the woman to him, holding her like he might be able to absorb her into himself in front of everyone. The singer didn’t fight, but she was obviously caught off guard at first. It barely took a moment for her to drop the microphone, a loud thunking noise booming from the speakers as it clattered to the stage. Her arms wrapped around the man, returning his embrace as she kissed him back. The sound of camera shutters nearly drowned out the voices of the crowd as everyone rushed to take pictures of the pop star and her apparent boyfriend - some to brag to their friends, some to try to sell as the first appearance of the world’s newest celebrity couple.
Chrissy stayed frozen, camera to her side as she watched who she was sure was her high school ex-boyfriend, Eddie Munson, having a heavy makeout session on stage with her favorite pop star.
“Wait, is that…” Cindy asked, starting to also recognize the man who had yet to turn his face their way. Cindy looked at Chrissy, her frozen reaction being all the answer she needed. Cindy prodded Linda, trying to get her to smarten up to what was happening to their friend.
The couple on stage finally parted, catching their breath as they only had eyes for each other. The pop star looked up at her man like he was the only person in the whole state, let alone in a crowd of hundreds. The man’s hand, covered with large silver rings, cupped her cheek gently. From where she stood, Chrissy could see his thumb caress her cheek. Despite the warm summer day, Chrissy shivered as she felt a ghost of a touch, a memory, across her own cheek.
The man leaned in, speaking directly into the singer’s ear for a few seconds. She let go a second later as he released her, bending down to pick up the microphone that was left abandoned on the stage. The man turned towards the crowd, finally showing his face to the entire audience. Some cheered as they recognized the lead singer and guitarist for the heavy metal band, while others who didn’t listen to heavy music waited for a clue to who the man was.
“Is that Eddie?!” Linda gaped, looking up at the man who was once the boy dating her friend.
He was older now than he was then, obviously. His mop of curls were still present, if possible better cared for. He had inky tattoos up and down his visible arms and some high on his neck, coming out of the collar of his Metallica shirt. He’d grown a short goatee, but the dimple in his cheek was still visible as he addressed the crowd. He looked… Great was probably not a strong enough word for how good Eddie Munson looked.
“Your Ex? Like, Eddie Mu-oof” Linda continued until Cindy elbowed her harshly in the side. Linda finally noticed the pale, frozen expression on Chrissy’s face. “Oh.” She mumbled lamely.
“Who's a freak now, Indiana?” Eddie growled into the microphone, his voice raspier than Chrissy remembered it- age, constant performing and steady smoking had settled into his vocal chords in an appealing way. It reminded Chrissy how he used to sound after a show at The Hideout, voice rough from a night of screaming into the mic. 
Eddie tossed the microphone to a nearby dancer, not bothering to check if the unsuspecting man caught it (he did, barely) as he stuck his tongue out, devil horns atop his head. Just like that, Chrissy could see the boy underneath the age, tattoos and facial hair. The 18 year old who couldn’t promise her the world, but promised everything in his world, only for her to break his heart a year and some months later. Out of everyone there, Chrissy looked up and saw no one but Hawkins’ freak with a heart of gold Eddie Munson, but she realized Shredder Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin didn’t even know she was there. She hadn’t even realized he’d gotten signed, or the band was famous- when had that happened?
Eddie turned, planting another passionate, borderline messy kiss on the pop star's laughing lips. The crowd erupted in another set of cheers, harshly pulling Chrissy back to real life.
Eddie ended the kiss, resting his forehead against the singer’s. The two’s lips were moving through their wide smiles. Chrissy could only imagine the sweet nothings being exchanged. Once upon a time, in a different life, in a quiet trailer park, those sweet nothings had been reserved just for her.
Eddie patted the star on the ass before releasing her from his arms. She laughed as he jogged back to his spot in the wings, hand over her mouth like she couldn’t believe the kiss they’d just shared. Eddie didn’t bother to acknowledge the crowd as he left, no wave goodbye or lude gestures. Before he disappeared from view, he turned to blow a kiss in her direction.
Red faced but smiling gleefully, the starlet pretended to catch it, placing it on her cheek. She stared after him even once he was out of view, only remembering herself when the dancer handed her the microphone.
“Oh, um…” She stumbled her words into the mic, giggling bashfully. She lowered the mic and took a deep breath, physically shaking her limbs. “I was expecting that even less than the rest of you.” She joked once she brought the mic back up to her smudged lips. “Let’s, uh… Let’s move on with the show?” She laughed, unsure how else to move forward with the setlist. The crowd cheered their agreement as she nodded to all her dancers and musicians to get ready to start back up.
“Should we leave?” Cindy asked quietly. Linda stared at Chrissy, waiting for her response.
It was definitely a concert she’d never, ever forget.
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sceletaflores · 10 days
i’m so obsessed with crimson (not a cringe name at all!) and logan!!!
pls tell us more about crimson and her backstory! and her mutation! thanks baby!!!
wtf oh em gee anon ofc i’d love to chat about her!
for her mutation, she’s basically a blood bender, but with some extra stuff cause i thought just blood bending was a little boring lmao. i'm not the best at explaining things, so hopefully this isn’t all over the place.
in my head, she can manipulate blood that's both inside and outside of the body. she can sort of "possess" peoples bodies by either ingesting their blood or by blood-to-blood contact. if it has a blood stream, she can take it over. it’s not only limited to just the living either, corpses that still have blood in their bodies are easiest for her to manipulate.
she refrains from ever ingesting blood in fear of looking too scary, she only learned and honed the blood-to-blood contact method working with charles and hank. she can also use her own blood (other peoples as well but once again, she doesn't really want to come off as scary) as a weapon by manipulating it into sharp objects once it's spilled.
she hardly possesses living people because it takes a huge toll on her physically and it's still a little too hard for her to execute safely.
i even toyed with the idea of her being able to like...ingest a mutants ability. not forever, but if she takes enough blood from them she can retain a watered down, weaker version of whatever ability they may have for a short period of time, but i'm not so sure about making it 'canon' in my own little universe.
one cause it’s a super similar trait to rogue and two cause i obviously want her abilities to be interesting and powerful in a way, but i don't want to make her too op or a sort of mary sue type character. it's so icky reading ocs that are written to be the strongest mutant ever that body jean and magneto and everyone else under the sun. i don't ever want to give that vibe with this lol please let me know if i do don't spare my feelings like is this cool or is it too extra...
okay so what i have in my head in terms of a backstory is very chaotic and not really fully fledged in any way shape or form! the main idea i have for her is that, as a child, she was sold to a mutant testing lab by her abusive mother. her father left right after her abilities developed, refusing to raise a mutant daughter.
i know i very ominously mentioned the “scientists” and the “experiments” in afilav sort of in passing, but just know she was a mutant before she was tested on! the experiments only affected her mutation. that’s why she reacts more aggressively or viscerally to the sight and smell of blood. however, her enhanced strength and healing are a result of her time in the lab.
anyway long story short she finally broke out of the lab when she was older and started to “work” as like a free agent for a couple years.
killed whoever wherever for whoever for lots of money. she never stayed in one place long. she liked being off the grid, mostly drifting from state to state sleeping in shelters, on park benches, in abandoned cars, but only until she was found by charles xavier.
that's really it! i'm trying to think out some more aspects of her that are only half-baked ideas so i won't bother writing them down lol thanks for the question anon! i had so much fun actually sitting down and writing this.
fyi: i'll be tagging all my content about this au and character with the tags 'to the bone au' and 'file: crimson' from this point on :)
love you!
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ayippeei · 3 months
Wow, gosh well today is my birthday.
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Today is my 14th birthday
I just want to say a few things because honestly it’s hard for me to even imagine, 14, it’s a big number to me.
Unfortunately nobody I know irl was available to celebrate this year and I’ve learned that it’s alright, people get busy. I’m thankful for everyone I’ve known, whether it be we aren’t friends anymore or had problems or even if we’re still together! Everyone I’ve met till this day has at least some importance to my life and I’m glad to have met everyone I know now.
Honestly I feel like I’m being extra so go ahead and cringe, I am too at myself lol.
Now this applies to everyone I’ve known, especially those I’m close with
Thank you for making me happy and brightening my mood in ways that I could never imagine, caring enough to ask how I am when I’d get upset and keeping me going throughout the day. I enjoy making jokes with you all and I love hearing you laugh, even if my jokes weren’t that funny it made me happy I put a smile on someone’s face. You guys have changed my point of view on so many things and helped a lot on my art journey.
There have been days where I’d feel so horrible I couldn’t even get out of my bed but to check my phone and see your messages would leave a smile on my face and every day I look forward to hanging out, and even if you may not be available I’ll be thinking about you and wondering how your day has been. It makes me happy knowing you’re okay and when you’re not, I’d be willing to help, even if you don’t want help then I’ll wait.
Seeing you send me art or share accomplishments will always make me happy and proud for you. I love exchanging drawings and ideas and making new AUs and ocs or playing games together and even just talking in general and having fun.
I have so much more to say but I wouldn’t know how to say or express it, I’m just glad we’ve met <3
Thank you for making me the person I am today
Here I’ll just tag as many of my current friends accounts as I can list down, it’s a lot of people (in my opinion at least <3)
@garbagechocolate @alexluminosbucket @lilsteppybigoof @harry-clarence @oddogoblino @sleepyzz0h @sleepyheadd0 @gomorahkallenbach @razberrymilkshake @artistkeval @lunar-o-ocean @theblog-with-thestuff @sol-s-hine @crescentdream3r @creampuff-central @nomsthecat @nosleepygay @requiem186 @indiedragondev
And if you’re a mutual of mine that sees this but hasn’t been tagged, don’t worry you too <3
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