#look at that ya little bastard. you're special
ministarfruit · 6 months
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armis has been added to the bug collection!
full bug collection so far under the cut
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234 notes · View notes
imastrangeone98 · 4 months
(A/N: boothill my cyborg my love my life my everything-)
WARNING: fem!reader, SMUT SMUT FRESH OFF THE PLATE MINORS GTFO ILL WHOOP YO BUTTS, probably ooc!boothill but whatever it's fine lmao, his exact birth name isn't known so I didn't put a name for him- if there is one I'll replace it; but I found some X art that called his baby girl "cherry" and I really liked it so I'll use that, and way too much plot as always
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"Well, hello there! What'cha lookin' at, sweetie?" You bend down to the little girl's eye level, peeking at where the child's gaze is locked on, then smiling in understanding. "You like those ones? They're moon lilies; they're flowers that are really special!"
"Pe... shal?" the little girl babbles, and you laugh.
"Yes, dear. Special." You pluck one of the flowers, beautiful with light blue petals and golden pollen, and offer it to her. "They mean loyalty, and undying devotion, because they only grow in places they like, and they won't grow anywhere else."
"Loya..." the girl mumbles. You chuckle and pick her up, carefully tucking the flower behind her ear.
"Now, where's your mama? Or your papa? I'm sure they're worried sick about-"
"Cherry! Sweet pea, where ya at?!"
Your ears prick, and the girl giggles and claps at the sound. "Well, I guess we found him."
You maneuver through the crowd until you find the source of the call: a man, tall and lean, with flowing black-and-white hair and piercing gray eyes.
Oh. He's beautiful.
The little girl squeals with delight at the sight of her father, and his head whips towards your direction. He sprints over to you and takes the child in his arms, pressing her close to his chest.
"There ya are, ya little rascal! What'd I tell ya about runnin' off?! Ya had me worried sick!" He kisses her forehead, then looks at you. "Thanks, I would've lost her without ya."
"Of course!" You wave it off, hoping he doesn't notice your hot cheeks. "I will say, she has good taste in flowers! If you'd ever like to buy a bouquet, you should bring her along!"
"Flowers? Oh..." He looks at his daughter, finally noticing the moon lily tucked in her hair. His cheeks flush a bright red. "Aw, man, I'm sorry for the trouble, I can pay for it-"
"Oh, don't worry about it, it's on the house! But I do hope this won't be the last time I see her!" You wave at her, and she giggles.
The man laughs at that. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He then stretches out his hand to you. "I'm [???]."
He repeats your name slowly, thoughtfully, then smirks. "Guess I'll be seeing you around, lady."
"I'll be looking forward to it, cowboy."
Your eyes crack open.
Instead of a bustling marketplace, you're in a small shack in the middle of nowhere.
Just a memory.
You rise, body aching with fatigue and heartache, but you force yourself to push it to the side.
There's work to be done. You grab your phone and send a message.
ML: The USB is ready. I'll leave it at the usual place.
BH: ca nt maek it cme her
You stare at the coordinates your contact sent you with a groan.
You don't do face-to-face, too much risk. And the information you collected is time-sensitive; you're not sure if you'll be able to make it to the abandoned planet of Mavorosa in time for it to still be valuable, and your spaceship isn't one meant for such great lengths.
But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: Oswaldo Schneider is likely to make an appearance at the upcoming IPC Centennial Gala, and BH has proven themself capable of terminating that sick bastard.
You know you're not strong enough to do it yourself, but BH is. And anyone capable of taking down the son of a bitch who destroyed your home, your planet, your lover, is worthy of your trust.
So you bite your lip and bear it. You'll work something out.
ML: ok. I'll be there tomorrow @ 18:00, don't be late.
BH: k
You roll your eyes. Never mind.
With a heavy sigh, you carefully take out the picture/ only one you have of him. With your little girl in one arm and the other wrapped around your waist, he stares back at you with a grin. Bright, beautiful, alive.
"Don't worry, darling," you whisper, tracing the lines of his cheek and hair on the photograph. "We're one step closer to our goal. That bastard's a dead man walking now that we got BH on the case. They're good; strong and capable, I know they'll get the job done for us."
You gently press your lips over his image. And for a brief moment, you let yourself pretend that the paper is a good replacement for his callous skin.
"Once everything's done, I'll go over and join you and our girl. We'll be together again, I'm sure."
He smiles eternally at you, and you find yourself smiling back.
"Wish me luck, darling. Help me be strong."
His little girl adores you.
Each time he comes by the market, the first thing she whines for is to see the flowers. And you always indulge her, lifting her in your arms so you can show her all the pretty little blooms you have in your small cart. You give names to each one, tell her what they mean as though she understands you.
And you laugh. And he finds himself thinking that his little girl is a good judge of character, because he's starting to adore you too.
And it's becoming obvious, since Nick and Gray give him the occasional nab and jab, wondering out loud when they're going to see him get married and give them another grandchild. His siblings too, always cackling and yapping about how he might be the first to hang up his boots and settle down.
He rolls his eyes, but he's not too displeased by the idea. You're soft and sweet, with a kick of spice to match- the thought of settling down with you and Cherry on the farm is surprisingly sweet.
So he leaves Cherry to her loving grandparents and invites you out on a moonlit stroll through the hillside meadow, the one with the perfect view of the blooming moon lilies and the spring lake that reflects the starry night sky.
"I've never been here before," you gasp in awe, eyes aglow as you absorb the scenery. "It's beautiful."
"Yeah," he murmurs, gaze fixated on you and the moonlight in your eyes. "You are."
You turn your head, and your eyes meet. "Huh? Did you say something?"
"N- nothin'!" He faces the lake, and hopes you don't notice his red cheeks. "Said nothin'."
You laugh, and god, he melts at the sound. Then you rub the back of your head, and turn away, blushing. "I... I think you're very beautiful too."
His brain short-circuits. "Pretty... you think I'm..." Then he gasps dramatically. "So you did hear that! You sneaky mouse!"
He playfully tackles you, and you both laugh and chortle as you wrestle one another to the ground. But then he opens his eyes and finds himself on top of you, hands intertwined, faces so close he can feel your breath, smell your moon lily scent.
The moonlight bathes you in silver, and god, he wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you senseless, run his callous hands on your soft skin, wrap your plush thighs around his hips and-
"Can I...?" he whispers, weak and wanting. "Just... just a taste, I swear..."
You stare up at him, eyes so big and wide that he swears the moon itself disappeared to light up your gaze, that he doesn't notice you untangling your hands from his until you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Just a taste, cowboy?" you tease. "You don't wanna try... anything else?"
You raise your hips and grind on his pelvis, and he moans and kisses you, hard.
Eager hands dart across skin, tearing off clothes. He runs his hands over your plush tummy, hooks your thighs around his hips and moans when he finally enters you.
He'll never forget this moment. Even if he were to die and be reborn, he'll never forget you. Your pleasured moans as he slides himself inside your tight heat, your teary smile as you open your arms to let him press his chest against yours, your starry eyes so full of love and desire that mirror his own.
You make love for hours, the stars and moon lilies your only witnesses.
"-hill. Boothill."
His eyes crack open.
Instead of a blooming moon lily meadow, he's in the underground repair shop.
Just a memory.
He rises with a groan, mechanical joints creaking from the lack of use. "Done already? I was havin' quite the nice dream."
The mechanic rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I can tell. Anyway, speed upgrades are done; the rest of your body is the same- sensory receptors are good, memory chip still intact, et cetera."
She rambles on and on; he's used to tuning her out at this point. As long as his body is in peak condition, he doesn't need to know what else extra she's stacked on him.
"-and the dick. Make sure to test it out at some point."
He blinks. "What'd ya say?"
She groans. "The dick, Boothill. Make sure to test it."
"What dick are ya talking about? If you're trying to say I'm a piece of shi-"
"I added a dick attachment to your body, dumbass." She points towards his crotch. "I had an extra one that I really need to get rid of, so I'm giving it to you. Use it, rip it up and toss it, I don't care- just get it off my back!"
And with no further explanation, the mechanic practically throws him out the store, slamming the door with extra ferocity. Boothill lies on the ground, blinking a few times in shock, before checking his pants, and lo and behold, there is a silicone dick attachment. Sensory receptors and everything, he hisses when he pokes lightly at it, the wires in his body jittering at the unfamiliar sensation.
Doe eyes and a teary smile flash in the back of his mind.
He suddenly jumps to his feet with a vengeance and slams on the door. "You cheating, deceitful shirt-bag! Take this fudging thing off right now! You hear me, woman?! Take this shirt off right now!"
He's no doubt starting a commotion, a crowd drawing in to witness his rage-induced ranting and raving. But then his phone dings, and he's forced to put a pin in it, taking out the shitty device to hear the alarm: Meeting with ML @ 18:00! Meeting with ML @ 18:00! Be there or be square!
Ah, shit.
He can't miss this meeting, not even to blow a hole right between that shitty mechanic's eyebrows. ML is too valuable to lose, having provided him with incredibly detailed information on Oswaldo Schneider and the IPC time and again. Almost as if they have an agenda against that sick bastard as well.
Well. The enemy of an enemy is a friend, right? He'll take what he can get. And if they end up turning their back, well, he's sure his bullet is faster than their legs.
So he leans to the door, whispers a deadly "I'll be back for you, baby," and dashes to his spaceship to head over to Mavorosa.
And as he's prepping for flight, he looks over at the picture on the dashboard.
It's the only one Boothill has of you. The three of you, together- him holding little Cherry in one arm and your waist in the other, you wrapping your arms around him and your baby girl with your sweet smile and moon lily eyes.
He brushes a metal fingertip over your face.
"Just hang in there, moon lily," he whispers, a clump in his throat. "We're one step closer; ML's got some good intel on the son of a nice lady that destroyed our planet- our home. That destroyed you."
Boothill lost the ability to cry long ago, but the corners of his eyes itch all the same. He gnaws on his lip so hard, drops of blue blood trickle down his chin.
"I swear to you, darlin', I'm gonna get our revenge against that beautiful bench. He'll wish he never set his filthy sights on our home once I'm through with him." He gently picks up the photo and presses his lips to your image. "And then I'll come home. To Cherry, Nick and Gray, my siblings. I'll come home to you. We'll get started on that house we talked about, maybe some runts so Cherry can be a big sister..."
He swallows, then carefully puts the photo back on the dashboard. The lump doesn't disappear, so once the spaceship is cruising through the stars to Mavorosa, he sets it on autopilot and descends into the belly to go to his chest of valuables. He opens it up and delicately takes out the moon lily crown.
The one he was working on for you, a promise of his undying devotion. Before the world exploded in fire and ash. Before the IPC decimated his family, the moon lily meadow... decimated you.
He closes his eyes and raises it to his face. Even preserved, the petals are still soft to the touch, and smell just as lovely.
Just like you.
He won't let your death be in vain. He won't.
The lump in his metal chest morphs into rage.
Boothill opens his eyes.
If not for the Stellaron, Mavorosa would be a wonderful planet. A once lively city now stands abandoned, its skyscrapers and glass structures being embraced by nature once again.
You stand on the rooftop, mask and voice synthesizer on, fidgeting with the USB, simply observing everything when-
"So this is what you look like. I thought you'd be bigger," a male voice calls behind you.
Your body freezes. That voice... it sounds like...
No. You must be wrong. Maybe you've been so lonely that every male voice just starts to sound like your deceased lover.
"I thought you'd be here earlier," you reply with your warped voice. "Time is precious to you and me both, BH."
"Sorry, had to wrap up some... personal stuff on my end. I'm here now, ain't I?" The oh-so-familiar yet distant voice chuckles. "Well. Business ain't gonna settle itself. Where's the drive?"
"Where's the payment? We both know I don't work free."
He huffs. "Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. Don't worry, I got your cash. Just fork over the drive, no need to make things difficult, not after everything, yeah? Haven't I earned your trust by now?"
"You realize how difficult face-to-face is? It takes a substantial amount of effort to get this intel, not to mention the possibility of being-" You turn around in your exasperation-
And you drop the USB.
Tall and metal. Flowing black-and-white hair. Piercing gray-and-red eyes. Sharp teeth.
"Y'know, I've always wanted to be a gunslinger, just like Nick," [???] cackled, whipping out his revolver and making dramatic poses with it. "Maybe be one of those boothills of legend."
"I'd rather you not," you murmured as you brushed off some dirt off of his shirt. "Those boothills always died on their feet. I'd rather you not die at all."
He softened, and with a smile, he put down his gun and sidled up to you, bringing you in his embrace, warm and strong. You breathed in his comforting scent and sighed happily.
"Don't you worry about that, hun." He kissed your cheek, then square on your mouth. "I ain't goin' nowhere. You can't get rid of me that easy!"
BH. Boothill.
How could you not notice earlier?
Your mouth dries. You can't move a muscle.
It's him. Mechanical, but very much alive.
"Hey, watch the merchandise!" he hisses, pointing at the fallen USB. "I need that, don't you forget it!"
"How are you..." you weakly gasp, then you grab the USB. "Here. Take it. Forget the money."
You slide it over to him, and he stops it with his foot. But his eyes narrow at you.
"Whaddaya mean, 'How are you,' huh?" He walks towards you, slow and leisurely, like a coyote cornering its helpless prey. "You say that like you're shocked I'm still around. What'd ya do, huh? Sell me off to the IPC?"
"No!" you cry, shocked. "I would never-!"
"Why so jittery, partner? What are you hiding?" He smirks, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "How about a show of trust, huh? You take off that cute little mask of yours, I don't shoot you dead, and we keep our little arrangement goin'. Sound fair?"
You turn around, eyes searching for an escape route.
Aeons above, you need to leave. You can't show him your face. You can't remind him of everything he lost, the people he couldn't save. You can't hurt him any more than you already have. You're afraid. You want to hide. You're selfish. You want to tell him. You're in love.
You want to die. You want the ground to swallow you alive. You want to hole away in your shack and wallow in your grief, descend into a spiral of what-ifs: what if you tried harder to find him? What if you searched the whole IPC ship you snuck on trying to resolve things peacefully until you found him? What if you ran out earlier and tried to bring him with you? What if, what if, what if-
"Now that you got some measure of my grit," he whispers in your ear, suddenly standing behind you, "I'm sure you know how this ends, yeah? C'mon now, take it off."
You pant heavily, head dizzy with his close proximity- god, even with the metal, he still smells the same. "I- I can't-"
"Feelin' shy? Alright, I'll do it for you."
"No! Please, no!" You swat at his hands and try to break free of his iron grip, but he grabs you hard and pulls you against his chest.
He cackles, metallic and bitter. "And here I thought I finally had an ally, but no- you're just like the rest of 'em shirt-bags." He whips out his revolver and raises it to your head. "Take. It. Off. Now."
You want to cry. You don't want to hurt him.
Slowly, with trembling hands, you take off your mask...
And his gun falls to the floor.
Doe eyes. Soft cheeks. Scars. Floral scent.
"What made you wanna be a florist?" he asked you once, helping you water the rainbow roses. "They're pretty and all, don't get me wrong. But don't you want somethin' more exciting?"
"On the contrary, I think they're very exciting," you explained. "They all have their unique personality; some need lots of love and care, and others don't mind if you go missing for a week or two. There's flowers that only stay with you for so long, and there are others that will love you for as long as you'll let them."
He grunted. "Sounds like you'd do just fine without me."
"Oh, please." You put down your watering can and embraced him from behind. And just as planned, he melted at your touch. "Moon lilies love the moon, but they need the sun to grow. And that's exactly what you are to me."
"The moon?"
"The sun."
ML. Moon lily.
It's so obvious, how did he not realize it sooner?
He lets you go. You immediately stumble away from him, hands covering your face in shame.
Boothill has no lungs, yet he feels his chest collapse.
"(Y/N)?" he calls to you, weak and desperate. "Moon lily? That's really you, right?" He reaches out, hand shaking. But when he grazes your shoulder, you hunch further into yourself. "I- I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to scare ya. Please..."
Boothill willingly let go of his humanity. But right here, right now, he wishes he still had his skin.
"Please, darlin'... turn around? Let me see you, please."
You shiver, tears spilling down your cheeks, and slap a hand over your mouth. You can't hurt him, you'll never hurt him. "I can't... I can't see you."
His body wants to collapse. He wants to grab you by your shoulders and kiss you senseless, look at you from head to toe and sing praises to Lan for protecting you and keeping you safe.
But you won't see him. You won't turn around.
"Why?" he whines, like a pleading child. "Why not?"
"Because I'm not the same anymore!" you sob. "I'm not your moon lily anymore! I don't want to remind you of everything you lost! I don't want to hurt you anymore! You don't know the things I've done, the blood I spilled, all to destroy the IPC!" You sink to the floor in despair, echoes of the dead haunting you, swarming your mind. "I can't bear to see you hate me for being alive when everyone else died. I already hate myself so much, hated myself because I couldn't save anyone else! I thought I lost you, but now I realize I didn't search for you at all! I didn't even try to find you, I..."
You cry and sob and scream. You pound the floor with your fists. You pull at your hair, your clothes, your skin, so hard that drops of blood water the cement.
Boothill's eyes itch with tears that will never spill. His chest burns with a profound grief that will never truly be his own.
"You think I don't feel that way about myself?" he finally whispers. Bravely, he takes a step closer to you. "From the moment the bombs fell, I was never the same. I changed too much to be that man you met at the market- hell, I don't even have the body anymore." He sits just behind you, close to touch but not close enough. "The blood I spilled would be enough to fill oceans. But I'm still here. I still remember everything. I still remember you." His hand, feather-light, brushes your arm. You don't pull away. "I thought I lost you. When I went back to the ranch and couldn't find anyone there, I thought you were one of the piles of ashes on the ground." He chokes as he speaks, but he pushes on. "I never hated myself more. I failed to save them; I failed to save you."
You shake your head, but he gently rests his head on your back, right between your shoulder blades. He breathes you in- dust, machine oil, and moon lilies.
You smell so alive.
"How could you think I'd ever hate you," he whimpers, "when there's no one I hate more than myself? No, sweetheart, I could never hate you. I never will. Nothing you do could ever make me hate you. So please, turn around..." He grabs a fistful of your shirt and tugs. "I'm begging you. Let me see your face, please."
Your heart breaks. You couldn't fathom how much he suffered, how lonely he must have felt, the self-loathing that coursed through his wires every time he looked in the mirror.
Just like you.
"Don't hate yourself," you sniffle, rubbing your eyes. "Nothing you do could ever make me hate you either. What happened wasn't your fault; you didn't know what the IPC was going to do until it happened."
He lets out a small huff. "I could easily say the same about you. It wasn't your fault either- neither of us could've known until it was too late."
You exhale shakily. "Do you really mean it? Not hating me?"
Boothill smiles. "Every word."
For a moment, you're afraid. What if he doesn't like what he sees? You know he's not a superficial man, but you're still not the sweet florist he remembers anymore.
You suck in a deep breath. He's not the same man you remember, but he's still your cowboy, your Boothill.
Slowly, you turn around, and...
Oh. His face is just how you remember. His beautiful silky hair, the red targets in his eyes still framed within familiar stormy gray. When you reach out with trembling hands to cup his smooth cheeks, he melts in your touch just how he always did.
And melt he does. He nearly moans at your soft touch, pressing his cheek into your palms to keep your focus on him. He drinks up every detail of your face and commits it to memory- your beautiful moony eyes and the dark circles under them, the faintest hint of a scar curling from the edge of your jawline into your neck, your soft hair that smells of moon lilies.
You're still you, the sweet florist he fell in love with all those years ago. And now you've returned to him, and this time, he'll never let you go.
He sits you on his lap and embraces you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and savoring your scent. You wrap your legs around his waist and make yourself comfortable, admiring his metal body, tracing patterns into the steel.
"I love you," he whispers with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "I never stopped loving you, not for one second."
"I'm sorry I didn't look for you," you confess. "But I kept you in my heart every day. Even when we weren't together, you were always a part of me."
"I'm here now." He pulls away to admire you, his thumb brushing your bottom lip as he gazes at you with what you could only describe as reverence. "I'm right here with you. I'm not leaving you ever again."
Boothill didn't realize how much his world lacked color until he kisses you, but now he swears he can see every color in the spectrum flash before his eyes. You taste just how he remembers, sweet and salty with your tears. When you pull away for air, he dives back in to reclaim your lips, hooking a hand around your neck to keep you in place.
He won't let you slip from his fingers again. And you clearly feel the same way, because you tangle your hands with his hair and tug him closer, pulling him on top of you.
"Please don't be a dream," you cry in his shoulder, and it damn near breaks his heart. "I don't want to wake up if it is."
"Darlin', those dreams are better off in Penacony; I'm right here. Does this," he kisses your cheek, "or this," he squeezes your ass and relishes in your squeal, "or this..." He grinds into you, and you gasp, squeezing his shoulders with a whimper. And fuck, maybe he was a bit too harsh with that mechanic, he should send her flowers or something, because your face contorted in shock and a hint of reawakened pleasure is a drug he will happily become addicted to. He nibbles on your ear and whispers, "Any of that feel like a dream to you?"
"...No." You stare at him, moon lily eyes abloom with hearts and love and fuck, he wants you, he needs you.
And your eyes are reflected in his, because you're so captivated by how the targets in his gaze morph into blood red hearts that drip with love and devotion. You want to give him everything, bring him under your skin and into your heart so you'll never be separated again.
"I love you." You smile and open your arms for him. "Let's never be apart again."
Boothill's brain short-circuits. He can only remember the minutiae of what happens next- tearing off your clothes, your hands running across his metallic chest, his sensors working in overdrive to let him process your touch, your smell, your taste, as he kisses, nibbles and sucks his way across the canvas of your body to reach your core.
But just as he's about to taste your liquid gold, you tug on his hair. He immediately moves up to your face, nuzzling into your neck to comfort you.
"What's wrong, moon lily? I'll be gentle, I promise," he reassures you, but you bite your lip and shake your head.
"I know. But I don't want that right now; I want you to fuck me."
You spread your legs, once again revealing your soaking pussy to his hungry eyes, and fuck, his mouth goes dry at the exquisite feast before him. And his new dick feels the same way, as the electricity in his body jolts it to life, straining against his pants.
He swallows. "Yeah, baby. I want you too, but I gotta prep ya, or it's gonna hurt."
"Don't care!" you whine, and on Lan's Arrow, you're so cute with your pouting and wailing. "I need you, Hillie, I need it, I need it-!"
Ah, fuck. He can't say no to you, and he won't start now.
So he rips off his pants, and after a few quick pumps of his new cock (yeah, he'll send some flowers to the mechanic as a thank-you), he grabs hold on your hips and thrusts forward.
You shriek at the burning sensation, scrambling for grip on his shoulders as he penetrates deeper and deeper. Fuck, it's been so long since you had sex of any kind, and it shows. You moan loudly, shamelessly, so sensitive to the buttons his cock presses perfectly against your walls, that you cum instantly when he bottoms out, hips meeting yours with a soft thud.
"Fuuudge," Boothill groans, each syllable drawn out in pleasure, "you're so tight, sugar~ I can't even move..."
His brain might just melt from the overload of sensations. Your pussy's so tight, so wet, he's damn sure he near ascended to aeonhood. And your face is so adorable when cumming, he makes sure to engrave every part of it into his neurochip and brush the hair out of your eyes, moving his hips in slow, shallow thrusts, guiding you out of the afterglow.
When you finally blink the stars out of your eyes, you see Boothill hovering above you, rubbing your cheek with hearts in his eyes.
"God, you're so fudgin' gorgeous." He grins, sharp teeth glinting in the dim light, and a shiver of excitement runs down your spine. "Think you got another for me?"
You whine, "Still sensi- AH!"
He immediately sets a vigorous pace, hips slamming against yours in a hypnotic rhythm. He fixates on your breasts, and leans over to take a hard nipple in his mouth to suck and lick and nibble. You squeal and pull on his hair. He bites your skin in retaliation.
"Easy, moon lily," he moans, quickly stifling it with a kiss. "Hold on to me."
He grabs under your arms and lifts you onto his lap. His cock sinks impossibly deeper inside you, the tip nudging at your cervix. With a shriek, you bite his neck to try and ease the discomfort, but it only excites him more. With a guttural groan, he thrusts up into your sopping hole, bouncing you up and down with rough hands to set an even rougher pace.
You're still so sensitive; too much, too fast, and his cock fits so snugly inside you that you're already spiraling towards another release. But you don't want to make that journey alone, you want Boothill beside you.
So you grab his face and devour his mouth, pressing your tongue against his to savor his metallic taste. He moans against your lips, hips stuttering in an effort to keep up with you.
"Wanna make you feel good," you pant heavily. You carefully slide up and down on his thick cock, head thrown back as it hits your sweet spot. "Wanna... wanna cum with you!"
"Y- you are, baby," he groans against your neck, each word punctuated with a deep thrust. "You're makin' me feel so- darn- good-"
You're so close, you can see the faintest glimmer of stars again. Or maybe that was the sparks from his body as it overworks to keep his sensors running, so he can keep feeling you, tasting you, fucking you.
"Hillie," you gasp when the stars start to overwhelm you. "Hillie, I-"
"I know, baby, let go, I'm right with ya." He kisses you, over and over, thrusts sloppy as he chases his high, sensors working overdrive, wires sparking to further push him over the edge. "I'm- fudge, fudge, fudge-!"
He chokes, and you both come undone together, chasing that relentless wave of pleasure side by side. Stars collide and burst in showers of gold and silver, and your strength all but fails you, so you collapse in Boothill's arms, rubbing your cheek on his cool chest.
He catches his breath, letting his sensors rest as he basks in that afterglow. His wires are probably fried after such an intense sensory overload, but he can't bring himself to give a damn. Not when you're sitting so pretty in his arms, eyes just barely able to stay open.
You're so cute when you're sleepy, it's hard to not bite your cheek like he used to do. But tonight, he'll be generous and resist the temptation; you need your rest.
He runs a hand through your hair, and he once again finds himself wishing he still had his skin. But he sets that aside, preferring to be lost in your sleepy smile instead.
"Love you, Hillie," you coo drowsily, head nodding off.
"I love you more, moon lily," he whispers back with a kiss to your forehead.
In a moment, he'll bring you on his spaceship and clean you up, then tuck you in the spare bunk next to his charging port. He'll have to look at that USB you painstakingly put together for him sooner or later.
But for now, right here, he's not going anywhere.
His moon lily came back to him.
Boothill has finally returned home.
"What the actual hell is this..." the mechanic sighs as she stares at the large bouquet of blue flowers.
She wonders if she should toss them out before she notices the card.
Thanks for the added bonus, Doc! - BH & ML
Her eyebrows raise. The handwriting's too nice and legible to be that Galaxy Ranger's, so...
She chuckles. "I figured it'd come in handy sooner or later."
She sets the bouquet on her desk and continues on with her work.
...if only he loved me back just the slightest, cuz I lost 50/50 and went hard pity to get him. But I did win his lightcone so I guess it's even...?
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
2024 Villain's Festival - Team Villain's Story ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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The condition for receiving the entire bonus from Her Majesty, is to steal Kate’s heart.
When the battle begins, three shadows with villainous expressions appear in Crown Castle.
Alfons: Such rowdy party. Let’s enjoy it to the fullest!
Roger: If I collect the full bonus, I can use it toward research and alcohol expenses. I’ll have to go all in.
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Alfons & Roger: Ah! 
Alfons: Oh, Roger. What a coincidence to run into you here, please move aside.
Roger: I've got business up ahead, too. You get out of my way.
Jude: Don’t block the way. Your both huge and your in the way.
Jude: Oh?
Jude: What do ya guys have there? 
Roger: A sack.
Alfons: Does it look like anything other than a rope?
Jude: So, you'll bag her, tie her up and kidnap her....
Alfons & Roger: Please don't ask if you already know.
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Alfons: You're so evil, Jude, to immediately notice what we're trying to do, aren't you?
Jude: Thanks.
Alfons: This game is about capturing Kate’s heart.
Alfons: In short, the winner is the one who takes the necklace that Kate has!
Alfons: In that case, any means are fine.
Jude: These guys are bastards.
Roger: I think you were the one who was going to kidnap Kate, weren't you?
Jude: You'll know it when you see it.
Roger: That's surprising. I thought you'd just say it's rubbish and not get involved.
Jude: You know the rules, you just take the woman’s necklace and the money rolls in.
Jude: It's rags to riches business in terms of cost-effectiveness.
Roger: You're pretty much a bastard yourself. Well, I guess fighting the good fight doesn't suit us.
Alfons: Let's fight fair and square until there's only one left standing!
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Alfons: That's what I was thinking until just now, but when I thought about it, aren’t we at a disadvantage?
Roger & Jude: Disadvantage?
Alfons: Each of us cursed ones has our own special abilities….
Alfons: Isn’t our self-righteous king William, a bit of a cheat?
Roger: The "do as I say" is definitely a cheat.
Roger: If he uses that, it's game over in an instant.
Jude: It's hard to tell what he’s thinking. It’s really creepy.
Alfons: Therefore. The clever Alphonse came up with an idea.
Alfons: Why don't the three of us join forces?
Alfons: It's what we call a joint front.
Roger: Certainly, the three of us working together would be more efficient than working alone.
Roger: Fine, I'm in.
Alfons: You are indeed an efficiency-oriented muscle man. How about you, Jude?
Jude: Yeah. I'm in. “While we're on the same side.”
Roger: Wow, I'm surprised you agreed so readily. I wonder what's going through your mind.
Jude: How dare the treacherous cursed man put himself on a pedestal.
Alfons: Yes, yes, now that we have formed a joint front, let's get along.
Alfons: So, the most wicked team is now complete.
Alfons: Let's go and kidnap Kate quickly!
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Harrison: Kate, you are being targeted from all sides.
Harrison: But we'll protect you.
Liam: Yeah, all we want to see is your  smile, Kate.
Ellis: Kate, leave it to us.
Kate: Thank you, Harrison, Liam and Ellis. 
Kate: Behind you!
Harrison: When did you guys!
Alfons: “Kate, is invisible to you.”
Harrison: …….
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Jude: Ellis, you're not getting enough sleep. Why don’t you sleep a little. 
Liam: Jude….ah.
Liam: Harry, Ellis! Damn it, disappear.
Roger: Liam. Your abilities are not the best match for mine. 
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Roger: Even when you disappear, my ears are still picking up your heartbeat. …..Right here?
Liam: Oh! 
Jude: You should sleep too.
Roger: Ok, everyone’s sound asleep like good boys.
Alfons: Normally, we don't get along well with each other, but when it comes to deviousness, we are united, which is a strange thing.
Roger: Because bad people can understand how bad people think.
Jude: If we have time for idle chit-chat,  then let’s get out of here before the nobles launch a surprise attack.
Alfons: Yes, yes. Well, Kate, please let us kidnap you.
Kate: What? Oh, hey! 
Jude: You'd be smarter to stay quiet, princess.
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Jude: I hope you locked the door properly.
Alfons: Yes, of course.
Alfons: This is the perfect guest room. Whatever happens here, only the four of us will know the truth.
Alfons: A secret only for us. Hehe, I'm so excited, Kate.
Roger: Sorry to tie you to the chair, missy. It would have been troublesome if you'd escaped again.
Kate: So the three of you formed a joint front.
Kate: But still, of all people, these three?
Alfons: What do you mean?
Kate: No, nothing. 
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Roger: You're trying to say that three people without a shred of conscience got together.
Alfons: I'm honored that you appreciate my reputation for lack of conscience.
Alfons: Now, as planned, Kate belongs to one of the three of us.
Alfons: Let's start the finals here.
Jude: Oh?
Jude: Why are you trying to touch the nape of someone's neck, you talking piece of shit?
Alfons: Jude, you're the one who tried to poke me in the forehead with your finger.
Roger: I thought it was funny how easily you agreed to a joint front.
Roger: Your plan is to make it look like a joint front so that you could outflank us at the end, right?
Jude: It's a matter of course. It is a basic business practice to decide whether to use or not to use a contract based on who you are signing it with.
Jude: That fighting pose is proof of that. You traitorous quack.
Alfons: The lowest! Are you planning on hitting us even though you are a former doctor?
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Roger: Don't make false accusations. I just thought I'd let you guys have a good night's sleep, since you usually don't get enough.
Jude: I’ll put you to sleep. I’ll comeback and bury you accidentally in a graveyard. 
Kate: This is a picture-perfect clash of friends! 
Alfons: Oh dear, the joint front is destroyed. It's no wonder it's come to this.
Alfons: Let's play it out in a no-holds-barred match.
Roger: That’s great, I won't complain even if I lose.
Jude: If there’s any mouth left to complain about it, sure.
Roger: What's the matter, missy? You’re being loud. 
Kate: As you can imagine, we can't afford to a situation where any of the crown is missing!
Kate: Violence. No. Absolutely not. Anyone who touches me will be considered disqualified and will not be given the necklace!
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Jude: Wow, you've become quite the big talker haven’t you?
Jude: Isn't it okay if I take it away by force, princess?
Kate: If you try to take it away from me, I will run away as fast as I can, even if I have to drag a chair with me!
Jude: Ha, she's still as stubborn and obnoxious as ever.
Alfons: Kate has a point. If we were to die accidentally, it would be a national disaster.
Roger: But then, how do you settle the matter?
Roger: Kate, any good ideas?
Kate: Oh, I've decided! Just now!
Kate: The "best and kindest" of the three will receive this necklace.
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Alfons & Roger: - The best.
Jude: That's a lukewarm criterion, isn't it? It's the kind of thing you would think of as a child.
Kate: If I don't give it to someone nice, that's when I’ll get in trouble again, right?
Kate: I think it's a good idea and a peaceful solution.
Alfons: That's a very Kate-esque, typical suggestion...shall we try it?
Alfons: Kate, Kate, you must be cramped tied to that chair. 
Alfons: I'll let you go. Here you go.
Kate: Oh, thank you very much, Alfons!
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Alfons: I'm a gentleman, kind, and handsome, a national treasure, right?
Roger: Hey, back off, you frivolous man. I guess I'm the one who's kind.
Roger: Kate, there's no one as sweet and loving on you as I am, right? Leave it to me.
Jude: There's no way this masochistic pervert would be satisfied with you just being nice.
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Jude: I'll be nice to you after I torture you a lot. You like this kind of thing, don't you?
Alfons: I don't think Jude is being nice. He is a villain, this president.
Alfons: I actually saw it…. the other day.
Alfons: Jude threw the fatty part of his steak onto Ellis' plate!
Jude: What's wrong with sharing something you don't like with others? I'm just giving them a hand out. 
Roger: It's not nice to force something you don't like on people, is it, Jude?
Jude: How dare you put yourself in someone else's shoes?
Jude: The other day you guys worked together to put Elbert to sleep with a drug that you don't understand, right?
Alfons: There are various things that I would like to clear up without Elle knowing about it, so I have no choice.
Roger: I just want to be able to experiment with new drugs.
Alfons: It's just that my interests coincided with these muscular glasses.
Roger: That’s right.
Jude: All of them are a bunch of bastards.
Alfons: Oh…
Jude: Yeah?
Alfons: Where is Kate going?
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Jude & Roger: ………
Roger: When did you do this, missy?
Jude: How fast are you running away?
Alfons: Aha! 
Alfons: Disappointing. Now the game is back to square one.
Roger: Haha, that's good. It's more fun when you don't know what the game is. Hey, Jude?
Jude: Stupid.
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[Master List]
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neverchecking · 1 year
I'm mostly curious, so you can write this as whatever but how does Sage do with an affectionate reader? We know he laps up all the attention Reader generously gives but like, is he generally rigid at giving or receiving? Or is he the softest man alive haha
Not well. Affection does not compute with this poor guy-
@lovanmari I think these may be more of what you were looking for?
Anyway, Sage is TotK Link!
In face, have some headcanons on this-
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・❥・Sage. My precious baby boy. How I love and cherish you, you little rat bastard.
・❥・So, we've established he's got some trust issues. Can you blame him?
・❥・He's just so, so tired. He just wants to rest. But he can't. He feels he's the punchline to one of Hylia's jokes. And it eats at him.
・❥・So when you, perfect, adorable you, come in with your sunshine and rainbows ass, he's just...like frustratingly confused.
・❥・What about life is so great? Hm? What about it makes you want to go around, hugging and kissing the others around him? Hm? What makes them so special? Hm?
・❥・Why do you feel the need to do the same to him?
・❥・At first, Sage doesn't trust the affection at all.
・❥・He's convinced you're buttering him up for some sort of secret attack. Like he'll lower his guard to accept one of the cuddles you bestow upon him and you'll stab him in the back-- literally.
・❥・But the others just seem to...accept this?
・❥・The bird hero (Sky) seems to downright preen whenever you gently press a kiss to his cheek.
・❥・The smithy with a height problem always looks so at ease whenever you settle next to him, laying his cheek on your shoulder.
・❥・Even the ever stoic Ocarina player looks more...relaxed when you come up to him, demanding a piggy back across the swampy bog. Little you demanding something from Time sparks something in Sage.
・❥・He knew that Time was just as scarred as he was when it came to trusting people. He had been burned in the same way, hand scorned when offered too many times.
・❥・That's part of what gets him to settle just a bit.
・❥・He doesn't start any cuddle parties, don't get it twisted, but if you wanna sit next to him while he's restringing a bow, he won't say no.
・❥・But start slow. He's like an easily startled deer in this situation. Only you never know if the deer is gonna buck and curse you out, stomping away, or if it's going to simply turn on its heel and reinstate the original distance he kept between the two of you.
・❥・But once you've gotten past the initial stage where he's simply scared of getting hurt again, Sage has an absolute heart of pure mush for you And you alone.
・❥・You see, once you've proven that you're hard to get rid of, he takes it as a sign. Especially if you've spent quite a bit of time together.
・❥・ He'll start slow. Sitting next to you while he fiddles with his Purah pad, or setting his bed mat closer to yours than before, but when you accept these without question, or, goddess forbid, encourage them- oh ho ho-
・❥・He is the clingiest bastard. Like, you will have no time alone.
・❥・(Forgot this was a yandere blog, did ya? Well I'm here to remedy that! >:))
・❥・He is constantly hovering over your every move. You wanna sit under a tree and read? He's laying his head on your lap, expecting head scratches the entire time and loudly complaining if you don't give them. You wanna go for a swim in a nearby lake? He's joining you in the water, no questions asked, making sure you don't drown, even if you're a great swimmer. He's got that Zora armor, and even if he doesn't wear it, he's spent enough time with Sidon to become a great swimmer. You wanna take a freaking nap in a tree?...Are you nuts? Sage would never let you nap in a tree, are you kidding? He has a much comfier lap with arms wide open for you to crawl into.
・❥・You fool.
・❥・Once he's established that you're not going anywhere, not for a while at least, he is all over you.
・❥・Like, this man, who's used to traveling along? He's switching up everything. Extra shields for you (Because he is not giving you any weapons. At all), extra potions, carrying snacks in his Purah pad, extra bed mats and blankets, extra armor and gear (Like snowquill jackets and fire breaker sets).
・❥・He's a secret mother hen he just hides it.
・❥・When you guys are traveling, he's in your presence constantly. Like never out of arm's reach. He has in fact bitten someone for trying to fight him for his spot (Rip Wars).
・❥・He will in fact do it again because when he's in arms length he has so many possibilities. Like you are right there.
・❥・He's pressing swift kisses to your temples, cheeks, even your lips when he gets cheeky enough, before moving on like nothing happened.
・❥・He's walking with your fingers knotted with his own, rubbing his thumb along your skin.
・❥・He's not only moving his sleeping mat beside yours, oh no, they are touching they're so close and he's clinging to you in his sleep.
・❥・And he is heavy. Like he is clinging to you like a Koala bear in his sleep.
・❥・You are not safe. He snores and drools and you're just gonna have to put up with that. Sorry not sorry. He just sleeps so well when he's with you! He can't help it!
・❥・It burns the other Links, but there's not much they can do because, let's be honest, you like having Sage's attention.
・❥・It's something well earned and you deserve to enjoy it.
・❥・Just don't let him get used to it. Who knows what he would do if that happened?
・❥・Unrelated, but how do you feel about, say, Tarrey Town?
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t-r99 · 5 months
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Oliver Aiku x reader
fuck him and his absurdly long lashes okay
Not too explicit, but meh kinda. I write smut whenever I'm bored just for shits and giggles but I've never uploaded it on tumblr. This one's pretty tame.
(embarrassing fact about me, I used to be one of the cringy teenage smut writers on wattpad back in 2014. DON'T DENY IT! Y'ALL WERE THE SAME)
warnings: smut obviously
(does it get sliiiightly angsty towards the end? idfk)
wc: 1k
There's something special about him that's just impossible to put into words. Maybe it's the two toned hair or the mismatched eyes that stick out, or maybe how handsome he looks when he smiles, or it could be his way with words that has girls swooning, but you still struggle to figure it out.
Unfortunately, you share the same friends. You accepted that the guy would occasionally be in your presence long ago.
The first thing you think when you see his face or hear his name is slut. The second thing you think is manwhore. Oliver Aiku really is one, but he truly does look good. It really is a shame. If the term eye candy is looked up it will probably include a picture of Aiku.
He looks otherworldly when his face is flushed and those mismatched eyes appear a shade darker under the dim light of the room.
You hate him, don't forget that. You hate him, but how could you ever hate those big hands that grope and caress every inch of you? How could you hate the way he groans and pants right by your ear?
Most importantly, how could you ever hate his cock?
Really, it's perfect.
Is this the first time this is happening? Nope. Are you ever going to admit that you love it? Also no.
To be fair, there's no need to. Your body is doing all the talking since your mouth is too busy at the moment.
He's fucking you like his life depends on it. Maybe it's all the alcohol he had earlier, but why do you care? He's good. Really good.
Aiku slows and leans down, muscular body caging you in. He's smirking down at you like the smug bastard he is, enjoying fucking you stupid barely an hour after you ignored his existence and told your shared friends that you would prefer not to talk to him.
He brushes the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip, mismatched eyes staring down your mouth for a few seconds, then he tugs gently and urges you to part your lips.
Aiku chuckles, low and deep. He's loves seeing you like this. "Y'want me to kiss ya, huh?"
You're warm, hot. You're melting.
Still, you will never admit it outloud. The words will never leave your lips. Instead, you force a look of disgust on your face and scoff, breathless. "I'd rather die." You pant out, turning your head to the side.
Oliver is so deep inside you, damn it. It feels amazing . . .
"Stubborn, ain'tcha, doll?" He leans closer until his lips brush against your cheek instead, his breath hot against the flushed skin. "You drive me fuck'n crazy."
He starts moving again, giving slow thrusts that almost have you whining. It's too slow. It's not enough.
He's still so deep inside you can hardly think. If only he would move and show off that brutish strength of his.
"A- Aiku . . ."
"Oh?" Aiku stops moving. He leans fully down and now his entire weight in on top of you and you welcome it by locking your legs around his waist. "What was that?"
He's being an asshole.
"I didn't catch that." Oliver smirks. The glare you're currently shooting up at him means nothing because your eyes are glossy with unshed tears and your face is flushed. "You're adorable, y'know."
His face is so close to yours, your head goes blank.
Screw it.
Your lips meet his.
Oliver rests his arms on either side of your head and pushes back just as hard, giving deep and slow thrusts. He kisses you back eagerly and swallows up your moans.
"Oliver . . ."
Finally hearing his given name roll off your tongue in a breathy whisper, Oliver finally picks up the speed.
He loves it when you whisper his name like that, your own little way of begging him to fuck you. It makes Aiku want to wrap his arms around you and never let go.
At least he can do it for a single night every now and then.
"You feel so good, doll." Oliver mumbles against your lips, head feeling light. You're squeezing him like you never want him to leave, legs wrapped tightly around his waist, holding his face gently in your hands as he kisses you hungrily.
Your hands are soft, much more delicate than his. Everything about you is. Oliver loves how smooth and soft your skin is, your lips, your touch, your voice, everything. Your warm walls feels soft around his cock that's now throbbing with need, almost aching.
"So good f'me." He breathes.
"'m close . . ." You whisper. "Oli, 'm close . . ."
"Yeah?" He bites his bottom lip. You look so fucking sexy like this, eyes teary and lips swollen from his rough kiss. "G'na cum f'me, baby?" Aiku pants desperately.
He's desperate to feel you fall apart on his cock. He just can't get enough of making you cum. Oliver gets to feel your tight little hole clamp down on and milk his cock for all he's worth, he gets to hear you cry his name for the high heavens to hear, and you always let him fill you up.
"D- Don't stop . . ." You beg him. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop."
Oliver buries his face in the crook if your neck where he leaves open mouthed kisses all over your smooth skin. You're tugging on his fluffy hair as he brings you ever closer, pushing at his head in a silent plea for him to get even closer, if it's possible.
It just feels so good.
Who cares that you claim to hate Oliver Aiku? He doesn't believe you, and honestly, you don't even know if you believe that anymore.
"I'm- F- Fuck," Oliver's voice falters. "'m g'na cum."
Oliver swears that he's in heaven right now.
He moans into your neck and you finally cum with a broken cry of his name, spasming around his cock and milking him dry.
"Oli . . ."
He only whines against your neck in response and shifts a bit so he can slide his arms under your back so he can hold onto you tightly.
You sigh. Maybe it's the alcohol in your system that has you relaxing and almost melting into the mattress, or maybe it's how Aiku clings to you and presses soft, lazy kisses all over your neck.
It just feels so good . . .
Sure, you hate him, but you don't hate the way he holds you like this, and tangled up together.
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𓆩Bob Velseb x Reader HCs𓆪
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Wooooo, first (official) post on this absolute garbage fire of an app. And of course it's Bob ✋💀 but is anyone really complaining? Because I'm sure not. Anyways this post was made really late at night, and there may be grammar and spelling mistakes because I'm running a fever rn- so I'm sorry 😭
CW+TW; Cannibalism, Murder, Knife mentions, Blood mentions, NSFW at the end ;)
🜲 Bob's a big guy, I think we all know this- but he's also really, really comfortable. And warm. He's the best cuddle buddy, hands down. The butcher man will often times pick you up from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck while mumbling something like "I've missed ya, sugar" after a long day of "work".
🜲 He almost always has his hands on you, even in public! He's usually got an arm wrapped around your waist, or a hand on your shoulder. Hell, sometimes he's even HOLDING you. It's really sweet, but sometimes unexpected or overwhelming.
🜲 Bob is really big on cuddles! He's either got you in his lap, or snuggled up to his side. Sometimes the big guy falls asleep on you; rather effectively trapping you in your spot until he wakes up. It's all in good nature, of course, it just means that he loves you.
🜲 PRAISE. Both giving and receiving, Bob LOVES it! Especially from you. Speaking of which, you'll usually have a "You look stunnin' t'night, sweetpea. I could just eat you up" or a "Not even angels compare to what you've got, sweetness" whispered into your ear. Bob never fails to make you blush.
🜲 Big guy is very protective. If another person is even THINKING about trying to hurt his little darlin' consider them dead in an instant. That goes for bastards trying to flirt with you, too. You're HIS and his only.
🜲 Bob's anger can get ahold of him sometimes, and it's overwhelming. But he'd never, EVER take it out on you- you mean too much to him. Most of the time he'll just leave for a few minutes, before coming back covered in blood. Sure, red stains get everywhere but it could be worse!
🜲 His knife is the same as his anger. He'd never draw it on you (unless you reeeaallllllly asked him to). Sure, he's a cannibal and all- but the idea of knowing that he hurt you? Bob doesn't like to think or even TALK about it. The idea is often shoved down with a "Hm. Interestin'. Anyhow, did ya hear 'bout the news this mornin'?"
🜲 Bob has, and will try to get you to eat "Long Pork" as he calls it. You know damn well it's human meat, and have expressed your discomfort with consuming the substance. But Bob is persistent, always saying something like "Awh, C'mon, sweetness. Just a bite? I promise it ain't all that bad. Tastes just like Pork!" And "I'll give ya some special Lovin' if ya try iiitt~"
🜲 He also really, really likes cooking for you! Any dish you can think of, he's got the skills to do it! Which often leads to him making you all your favorite meals whenever you're sick, or feeling down. Physical contact, acts of service and personal time are his love language, after all.
🜲 Bob also really enjoys giving you tiny little trinkets! Anything that be finds on his victims that he thinks you might like, he's taking. Sure the items are always a little bloody, but that can just be washed right off!
🜲 Bob is a horny motherfucker 24/7. He's really good at hiding it, but goddamn it doesn't take much to get this man going at all. Cuddling usually always turns into him slamming his hips up into you, biting down on your shoulder just to hear those delicious little noises you make.
🜲 He has good stamina, surprisingly. He'll have you pinned down to the bed, practically cockdrunk from how many times you've came- and he's still going, fast, too. "Just one more round, sugar. I promise I'm almost done" Bob usually lasts anywhere from 3-6 rounds, only to just collapse and nearly fall asleep right on top of you.
🜲 Aftercare with Bob is always some of the sweetest moments; him cradeling you in his arms, usually humming a little tune as he peppers kisses along your face and neck. Any bruises or marks left upon your skin always end up being kissed, Bob uttering a gentle apology under his breath.
🜲 Overall, being in a relationship with this big, lovable cannibal man is wild. But in the best ways possible <3
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justrainandcoffee · 7 months
Deal (Tommy Shelby vs. oc!Solomons) + (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 1
“You're a lamb entering the territory of a hungry wolf.”
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Summary: Why is Thomas Shelby in front of Mrs. Solomons? Just business. Tommy just needs information. But first he needs to deal with Rose Solomons who, unlike her husband, has no sympathy for the man sitting in her office. And yet, they know how to make a deal. "A soul for a soul, Mr. Shelby."
Warnings: Mentions of dead, killing. Allusions to sex. Mentions of physical violence. Misogyny.
Words: 4.5k. || Special thanks to @look-at-the-soul who helped me today 🙃♥️.
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"The bastard is a fookin' ghost!" yelled Arthur.
The Garrison was empty except for those members of the Peaky Blinders, allowed to be there. There was a person that they couldn't find. An Irishman called Nicholas Baker, possible member of the IRA. Last time they saw him, it was he when he shot a blinder and left him to die in the streets. He escaped before Arthur or anyone else could catch him.
Since then, the brothers and the rest of the gang were looking for him no succeed. Not just because he killed a man they know, but also because they were sure he was a spy.
"Maybe he's dead," suggested Isaiah.
"No. He's alive and living in London." This time, Tommy Shelby's voice could be heard all over the place. "And Elias is not the only person he killed. And his real name is Sean Patrick O'Finn."
Tommy dropped a newspaper in front of his brother and Arthur read it out loud.
"His own sister! He fookin' killed his sister!"
"And tried to killed his wife as well, according to the neighbours. She escaped." Tommy sat in his usual place as he lit up a cigarette and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He looked at Arthur and the rest of his men.
"We have nothing, then! He can be in middle of fookin' Russia by now." Arthur was frustrated as usual.
"I don't think so. I think he's still there in London, and as we know, police is useless. London is a big city and they don't care. People are killed every day" Tommy lit another cigarette "but I'm going to find him. And I'm going to put a bullet in his head, too."
"You don't know where to start, Tommy!" Arthur furrowed brow and look at his brother.
"Yes, I do know where to start. I need to talk to his wife."
"But do you know where this woman is, Tom?"
The Solomons residence in London was quiet. Rose was working and Alfie just arrived there over an hour ago. He was about to rest his back in bed when their maid announced that he had a call.
"It's Mr. Shelby," the woman said. She saw him do a grimace, but he said nothing to her.
"Thanks, Doris."
Alfie entered his office and closed the door behind before picking up the phone. Every time Tommy called it meant problems, usually for him. But this time what Tommy said, took him by surprise.
"Are ya mad?"
"I just need her this time, Alfie."
"She will kill ya, mate."
"No, she won't. Your wife isn't a killer."
"Maybe. But the women around her are. Honestly, Tom, they're a pack of fuckin' bloody wolves claiming for men flesh. You're a little lamb entering the territory of a hungry wolf. Rosie is the leader of that pack, if she gives the order next time I'll see ya it'll be in your own fuckin' funeral... If I find your body." On the other side of the line, Tommy opened a drawer and picked up some papers and started to take some notes. Sometimes Alfie exaggerated, especially if he was talking about his wife. As far as Tommy knew, Rose Solomons just worked helping women in need and in the streets fighting for equal rights. The few times he saw her in Alfie's place she didn't seem to be a menace to anyone.
"They're just women, eh?"
"My Rosie isn't just a woman, Tommy. She's me wife." Alfie sighed "Rosie will decorate the fuckin' Christmas tree they put on her workplace with your balls."
"I'll take a risk, then. Just wanted to inform you."
"Fine. But I'm not going to tell her yet. I prefer she knows it on her own… good luck then, Tom."
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Today. London.
It's only 7am and the Solomons were making love for the second time in the morning. Rose didn't know what her husband was thinking, or feeling, that he had waking up so passionated but she wasn't complaining either.
"Alfie… I can't… god…" her back arched and her toes curled once last time until she fell on the mattress, completely satisfied. She could feel Alfie finish as well.
The man stayed on top of her few minutes more, catching his breath, before rolling on his back, laying next to her. Alfie opened his arms and invited her to be against his chest.
"Are you fine?" she asked kissing his neck.
"Feelin' like a God now, luv. Why do ya ask? You're talking like we never fuck like this before."
"I ask, because I know that sometimes you use sex to channel your frustrations and I just want to know you're fine."
"I'm perfect, Rosie. Gimme some time and we can repeat it."
She laughed. "No way you still have energy, Al. I can't, I've to work. Tonight, maybe."
In response, Alfie kissed her. That same night, probably she wants to kill him. He had talked to Tommy the day before and she didn't know. Alfie was just trying his best to calm her before the storm. Although spending time with her, it was always beautiful. The kiss continued until she pulled apart slowly. He caressed her cheek. Rose knew that Alfie definitely was hiding something from her, but she didn't know what. After one last brief kiss, she sat down in bed and then walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
Alfie stayed in bed, thinking about his friend going to his wife's place. In all those years, over a decade since it was founded, he visited her school just twice. Once when it was inaugurated, when they met each other again, and the other one after the war. They had an implicit deal: "You don't interfere with my business and I don't interfere with yours" even if they asked each other for some advice, suggestions or help. He was a bit worried about her, even when he knew that Tommy wasn't going to hurt her.
When Rose went out the bathroom, she found him sitting in bed, stretching his back, ready to have breakfast. She approached him and played gently with his hair.
"Thought you're going to join the shower."
Alfie put his hands on her hips and pushed her down on his knees. She was wrapped with a towel and when Alfie kissed her shoulder, he smelled the fresh soap on her skin.
"Ya didn't invited me."
"Since when you need invitation?" she chuckled and put her arms around him. Her hands were stroking the back of his neck. Rose was staring at him, "are you sure you're fine?"
"I am, Rosie."
"Okay," she didn't believe him, but she wasn't going to pressure him either. Instead, she kissed him and he reciprocate immediately. Her towel fell on the floor and she felt him ready to be with her once more.
Never two without three.
Arrow house
By the dawn of the next day, every Shelby knew where the leader was going. If they had any opinion about it, they didn't share it. A car was parked outside Arrow House with three men in it.
"I'm going now," announced Tommy. His black coat was over a chair and he took it. "Johnny Dogs and the Smiths are coming with me."
Arthur chuckled. "Johnny Dogs? And the Smith brothers? Ain't too much, Tom? Four men to visit just a bunch of pussies and tits? They're just chicks."
"Not according to Alfie."
"According to fookin' Alfie! The fookin' Alfie! Ya believe him?"
"Yes. Alfie will never allow me to be near his wife, if he didn't know now that she's safe. I know that. And if she's safe that means she's surrounded by an army."
"Are ya planning to kill them?"
"I don't kill women, Arthur. And I don't want problems with Alfie. It's just in case."
"So take me with ya!"
"Arthur, no offense but you don't know how to deal with a Solomons. Stay here and take care of the business, eh? I'll be back at night, probably or tomorrow."
"Tom! Tommy!" the eldest brother yelled but the other man already reached the door.
"Goodbye, Arthur. Tell Pol, that I left her a letter under the flowerpot."
Pebblebrock was Rose Solomons' former manor and prison hell at the same time. Now it was a beautiful school for girls and at the same time it served as a roof for some women who had run from their abusive homes.
As the owner, she was the one in charge even when she had several women in which she trusted working with her side by side. But the final decision on everything was always hers.
Alfie, and Tommy too, were right. The place and Rose, were surrounded by women specifically trained to kill. It wasn't uncommon for men to try to reach those who they already hurt. The rules were crystal clear MEN ARE NOT ALLOWED IN PEBBLEBROCK. The ones who didn't understand the warning were now resting eternally in a cemetery.
Men were only allowed if they were doctors or priests. The institution had nurses and two nuns who volunteered to help there. But sometimes a doctor was required, same with priests. Any other men should call for an appointment, only under that circumstances their entrance were allowed.
"Look at this fucking place."
From the road, Tommy, Johnny Dogs and the Smith brothers were watching the entire property. The gardens extended beyond their sight.
"Full of pussies, it's my fucking paradise. An all-you-can-eat-fucking restaurant" commented Gregory Smith. Except Tommy, the rest of them laughed.
Rose heard the crows. That was never a good signal.
"Now who?" she thought for herself. A lot of names crossed her mind, but none of them was the right answer.
Five minutes later a knock on her office's door brought the answer.
"Who?" she asked not believing her ears.
"Mr. Thomas Shelby, Mrs. Solomons" repeated the woman in front of her. "He says he needs you."
"The Thomas Shelby?"
But unaware of who he was the other woman didn't respond.
"Yeah, well. Tell him I'm coming."
"There are three other men with him, Mrs. Solomons."
Of course.
The day was beautiful. Cloudless sky and almost no wind. It'd be perfect if not for Tommy Shelby in her property.
"Didn't you read the sign?" she said greeting them "men are not allowed here."
"Good morning, Mrs. Solomons," said Tommy with deep voice.
"It is, Tommy. It is."
It always was intrigued him that a man like Alfie could be so devoted to a woman who barely reached his shoulders. His Rosie. Alfie Solomons could start a war against the king and the Pope if something happened to that woman.
Gregory Smith had another idea.
"We don't follow rules, sweetheart. We're the peaky fucking blinders."
"The Peaky who?" Rose looked at the man "Who the fuck are you?"
"The audacity of this bitch. It's a Solomons, eh?"
"Gregory…" warned Tommy.
"Yeah. I'm a Solomons. Proud of it. But I'm quite dumb, Gregory. So I need your help, I only know how to count to two. Like, one, two… what's next?"
A woman stading behind Rose was holding a gun.
The bullet impacted his head. The man was already dead when his body collapsed on the ground. Rose just looked her pocket watch and then clicked her tongue.
"Men are not allowed here," she repeated. "You understand the warnings now or you what to be the next?"
Tommy looked at the dead body.  The blonde woman behind Rose was staring at him and Tommy knew that she wasn't joking. One more step and it couldn't be any difference between a Gruyère cheese and him.
Tommy sent Johnny Dogs and the remaining man again to the car. He also gave his gun to his friend.
"Ya sure, Tom?"
"Just go, Johnny."
When Tommy turned around again, he saw the woman extending her arm, she moved her hand "gimme the fucking cap."
Again, Tommy did what she said. She gestured him to follow her.
The interior of her office was elegantly decorated. An expensive rug on the floor matched the wallpaper and the mahogany desk. Lots of books were perfectly ordered on the bookshelves. Rose Solomons invited him to take seat on one of her velvety armchairs. Tommy followed her with his eyes. Now his cap was over the head of a marble bust representing Aphrodite, just behind her, looking at him. The woman sat behind her desk and put her hands under her chin.
"We have a beautiful garden here. A greenhouse full of exotic flowers and plants. Was your man married? I'd like to send the widow some flowers."
"He wasn't."
"Better, then."
Her brown eyes never leave his blue ones and same as Alfie, he felt she was trying to anticipate his movements. But Tommy didn't express any emotion.
"So? What the hell is doing Thomas Michael Shelby here? My husband isn't here."
"Not looking for Alfie."
"That's fucking new considering the mutual obsession you have with each other."
Tommy curved his lips, barely smiling. "I'm here purely for business, Mrs. Solomons."
"I'm not the kind of person you do business with."
"You are."
Both of them remained in silence for several seconds. Probably she was unaware of it, but Tommy noticed some mannerisms in her that he had witnessed in Alfie before. She was thinking while playing with her fingers. Impossible to say who copied who.
"What kind of business? Illegality has no place here," she finally said.
"I need to know where a certain man is."
Before she could say something Tommy saw the door opening and a beautiful woman in her mid-forties, entered Mrs. Solomons' office. She greeted him with a movement of her head and then started to talk to Rose in French but she stopped her almost immediately.
"This isn't going to work now, Geraldine. The man knows french," she said pointing to him "same as Alfie he fought in France during years. Tell Edith to come. She speaks Hebrew."
Geraldine nodded before leaving again.
"You do that often? Speaking other language in front of strangers?" Tommy settled in the armchair.
"Don't you do the same? I'm sure that speaking Romani is very useful if you want to express something to a friend or relative but you don't want the other to know what are you saying. Don't judge me, Mr. Shelby."
Edith, Tommy asummed it was her, was barely in her 20s, probably she was still a teen. Young and with a cheerful face, the girl approached Mrs. Solomons and both of them started to talk in Hebrew, a language he couldn't understand. For a moment, Rose looked at him sideways.
"Thanks, Edith" she said and the girl left without looking at Tommy. "One of your men tried to sneak in my school. Or they're fucking dumbs or they're really ready to visit God."
"Fucking hell…" Tommy rolled his eyes before breathing deeply. He was sure it wasn't Johnny Dogs but the other Smith. "Listen, Mrs. Solomons, I didn't give the order. I didn't know."
"I know, he acted by his own. Good news is he's alive. Bad news is my girls are taking care of him. It depends on you what I'm going to do with him. Alfie knew you were coming, didn't he?"
"I called him yesterday."
Rose sighed "Yes, of course he knew. Of course he fucking knew," his actions that morning now it made sense to her. Not because it wasn't unsual for them to have sex in the morning, but because there was something in his eyes that his mouth wasn't saying. And after all those years together, Rose knew him very well. "Anyway… what do you want do with your man, Mr. Shelby?"
"Can I smoke?"
"If you go next to the window and put your hand with the cigarette out, I don't have any problem. But I don't want smoke here."
She saw how he stood up and walked towards the window. That one in particular faced one of the gardens where the rosebushes were. In spring and summer, the sweet smell of roses invaded her office and it was something that she really liked.
When that morning Arthur asked him why he took three men with him just to visiting a school and women's residence, Tommy  was exploring his chances. Better Gregory Smith than him. He trusted Johnny Dogs, he was a loyal, obedient man. But the Smiths…
"Kill him if you want," Tommy finally said "if my man can't follow my orders, then he should face the consequences. This is your place after all, Mrs. Solomons."
"Edith told me he was screaming that he wanted to avenge his brother."
"Yes. The one you kill it was his brother." Tommy glanced at her. A ghost of a smile was on his face.
"I never killed anyone, Mr. Shelby."
"You don't need to hold a gun and shoot to be a murderer. Most of the murderers just give the order behind their desks."
"Well, he'd be alive if he hadn't been an asshole. It's all about the rules, Mr. Shelby. The sign is there for a reason and if you ask me, you don't seem very concerned about your man's death."
"Rules, eh? Something tells me you're not very fond to follow them, either, Mrs. Solomons. How was the prison?" Tommy blew another puff of smoke out the window, but kept looking at her.
"Pretty cold. Full of cooties and rats. I named one in your honour, that's a tradition that we the Solomons have. Name a goat, name a rat… How's Arfah, by the way? Alfie misses him."
"Thanks for the honour, Mrs. Solomons. Arthur wanted to come. I told him he doesn't know how to deal with a Solomons."
"Oh," she grinned. "And you do?"
"I'm pretty confident about it. It worked in the past."
"I have no doubts about it. But I'm not my husband, Mr. Shelby. I don't fall for a pair of blue eyes and a chiseled face and most of all, I don't trust men."
Tommy threw the remaining of his cigarette in a basket that was there and walked again to the seat in front of her. He crossed his legs and rested his hands over his stomach.
"Do you want to fuck me, Mrs. Solomons?"
"Yes. Just bring me a bottle of cyanide to accompany the moment. And then I want to hug a black mamba. Your place or mine?"
Tommy chuckled. "Wherever you prefer, sweetheart."
Far away from being intimidated by the confidence he was exuding, Rose just scratched her chin.
"Alfie accepted? I mean, if this is the way you deal with a Solomons..."
"Never asked."
"Oh, you should have. The answer maybe could suprise you. But, let me tell you something, Tommy. Can I call you Tommy?" he nodded. Rose left her armchair and approached the man. He followed her with his eyes. Her face was now in front of his, their noses were touching. Both pair of eyes were staring at each other. Tommy felt her breath on his skin "I know who you are, Tommy. Reputation precedes you. I know how you do business with women. But here's the thing: I'm not them. And yes, I'm a Solomons, yes Alfie and I we have lot of similarities. But I'm not Alfie. I'm not interesting in you as a man and if your cock is the only thing you have to offer me, you're wasting your time here… sweetheart." Rose inhaled deeply "God! I never killed anyone, but I swear the devil keep tempting me. How about having your head as a trophy hunting hanging on this office? But…" Rose moved her head back again "as I said, I'm not a murderer."
"Alfie is a lucky man, Mrs. Solomons," Tommy said once she returned to her seat behind the desk.
"Is he?" She tilted her head.
"Believe me." Tommy straighted on his armchair "and I'm sure If something happens to him, I'm sure you're going to heard the devil that keeps telling you to kill someone."
"Be sure of that. If anything happens to my Alfie, the only one who can stop me is Alfie himself. I hope nothing happens to him, EVER. You know about it, don't you?. Your late wife, we knew what happened. I can't imagine the pain."
"No, you can't imagine. But I'm getting over it." Tommy cleared his throat "Mrs. Solomons, I need information."
"In exchange of…"
"Mutual respect."
Rose snorted. "Yes, sure. Alfie could be delighted when I tell him. Information means business, Mr. Shelby. And whiskey is for business, innit?"
She opened a cabinet in her desk and put a bottle of whiskey with the Solomons logo on it. Behind her, were two glasses that she grabbed. A rose was engraved on them.
"I didn't know you drink," he said.
"Only in very few occasions. I prefer just tea for the rest of the day. So? You tell me."
Tommy drank a sip of whiskey before talking again. In his mind the image of Elias dead on the streets of Small Heath appeared again. Contrary to Gregory Smith, Elias was a good man. Her widow was pregnant and a payroll wasn't enough for the woman to compensate her for her husband's death. Yet, it was the only thing that Tommy could do.
"I'm looking for Mrs. Baker."
"There are several, Tommy. It's a very common name. Any details?
"It's an Irishwoman. I don't know her appearance but her husband killed her sister-in-law. It means his own sister."
"Sonia," mumbled her, "but the last name isn't Baker. It's O'Finn. Although she said that prefers her own surname. I'm going to keep that information to me until you tell me what the hell is going on."
From the murdered committed in Birmingham to the one in London's underground. Tommy told her about his suspicions that O'Finn was a member of the IRA and how he, Tommy, was now a target of them. Again.
"If that's true," she replied "then no matter what, your head already had a price and it's not going to be me the one hanging it on my office, but them. Nowadays it's very easy to send a message to the other side of the map. A telegram or a phone call… I don't understand why do you want to talk to this woman if he already communicated with his people."
"Because I don't think he did that. He's hiding. He's a fucking rat."
"Ok. Well, there's a lot of problems first. Mrs. O'Finn, she's not in conditions to talk. Even if she can, you're not allowed to be near her and this is not negotiable. These women are under my wing. Not you, not fucking Churchill can be near them. I don't give a fuck if you bring an order from the fucking president of I-don't-know-where. Understood? I have women specialized in talk to women with the kind of trauma that Sonia has, so, think about twice before suggesting another way to do this."
"The less people know about it, the better, Rose."
She pointed to the door, silently. Tommy sighed. "Fine. But I prefer that you can be present. And me too. Or at least I want to hear everything by myself."
"Agree. We have a place we can use. I need to tell you, or better say, reminder you that Sonia is highly traumatized. Yes, she's alive but the price she paid…" Rose stood up again but this time she walked to one of her bookshelves and picked up a carpet, although to do it she had to climb a ladder. "Tommy, I don't have this rule of "men aren't allowed" just because I'm fucking misandristic bitch, I'm not. I believe in equal rights. I fight for equality. I have that sign because people here, women, kids… are afraid of your kind. I have a register for every single woman that lived here since 1911 when I inaugurated this place. Open the folder."
Tommy obeyed and his first reaction was exactly what Rose hoped to get "Shit…"
The first page was the document of a woman who lived there in 1914 before volunteering as nurse in France, Rose never saw her again. Her name was Rita Brown, 20 years old. She escaped from her house because her father was an abuser. He ended up cutting her face marking a cross on her.
"I don't allow men, because we don't know what kind of bastard will cross that gate. Your man, that Gregory, he's not the first. Dozens before him, I'm genuinely surprised that if you talked to Alfie yesterday he didn't mention my women."
"He did."
"So you knew."
Tommy nodded and Rose studying his face laughed . Suddenly she understood. "You bring this bastard on purpose! You fucking did! You wanted him dead. Fucking hell, Tommy. I heard things a lot of things about you and I'm still impressed. The brother, too? You wanted me to rid off the other guy, too?"
"Why not?"
"Fine. I don't give a shit. One less." She returned to her seat and rang a bell. The same young girl called Edith appeared. Both of them talked in Hebrew again and Edith went out again once they finished. "We have an agreement, it seems. Now my payment."
Tommy opened his coat and placed two payrolls on her desk.
"I appreciate the effort," she said no looking at the money. "But I'm not interested it in cash, although if you don't want it. I can use it to buy something for the school like a new piano for the girls and some violins. A donation."
"I don't want it," he confirmed "then what's your price, Mrs. Solomons?"
"A soul for a soul, Mr. Shelby. I want a man dead."
"Churchill's right hand man."
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Next part.
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...so? 👀
115 notes · View notes
macsimagines · 1 year
Hello. Can I request headcanons for a yandere shinichiro with a darling who went to his shop to buy her brother's goods? (Thanks. I love your blog. It's awesome <3)
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Not everyday pretty girls come into his shop and he gets to flex his knowledge of bikes. Dude drops everything he's doing and comes straight to your aid.
Its pretty obvious he's trying to impress you, not hesitating to explain every tiny little detail to you.
Thankfully, you manage to explain you're only here for your baby brother and hand him a list of parts your little bro asked you to come and grab.
Shinichiro wasn't planning on pulling a fast one over you, but he really wanted you to come back so he ends up lying and saying he has to special order some parts and you'll need to return for them.
"Oh, gosh, it's ok! I'll just go some place-!" "Don't be silly, we've got the best prices here, I'll even give you a discount."
You can't argue with that and you end up coming to the shop everyday to see if the shipment came in.
And Shinichiro covets your time like you have nothing else better to do, chatting away with you for an hour and prolonging each visit, slowly trying to wear you down so you'll go out with him.
"Um...About my order-!" "Oh ya! Bunch'a bastards. Looks like it's still not here. Just try again tomorrow! So about that coffee date-"
You're too nice to call him out on it. And eventually you do end up going on one date and making the unfortunate mistake of letting him walk you home.
Now he just shows up whenever he wants. "Hey there, sweetheart! Missed you~, look I even brought flowers!
Unfortunately, you went in for spare parts and came out with a boyfriend Stalker.
157 notes · View notes
𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 - Aemond Targaryen
FINE. FINE. Fuck sake, fine. Jeezus christ, y'all are like rabid dogs😂 Alright, this is the only time I'll give in to peer pressure lmao. I tried to make this just as fucked up as the last one so here ya go. Please mind the warnings.
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), NONCON, Dark!Aemond, incest, painful loss of virginity, sadism, humiliation, breeding kink, violence, slapping, choking, bad bad Aemond
word count | 3.2K🤙🏻
part one | part three
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Pain; the first feeling you felt when you woke up. And wind, strong wind. The smell of rain...and dragon.
Your vision was hazy, the left side completely black, void, empty. You could barely see your surroundings. You could sense the clouds passing by, flying through them. You could see a large wingspan on a dragon, so it certainly wasn't yours. What was going on?
Then you heard him, his laugh, and it all came flooding back to you so hard a migraine shot through your skull. You groaned, attempting to reach your hand to your head, only to find it restrained. You tried to speak, but you were quickly shushed. "It's okay, niece, we're almost home." Home...Dragonstone? But before you could ask, you blacked out once again.
Aemond couldn't wait to get you all to himself. After your lovely performance at Storm's End, he decided he couldn't restrain himself any longer. Ever since seeing how you grew up into a fine lady, he decided he had to have you.
Before he would've killed you without hesitation, you were just a bastard after all, would be of little consequence. But he always wanted that moment to be special, in battle perhaps? He thought over and over how he'd do it. He would take both your eyes first, cutting off your head and presenting it to his family on a silver platter, and making your eyes into gifts for his mother. But now, he had much greater plans for you. All that was left was for you to finally wake up.
Aemond perked up immediately after hearing you stir in your sleep, the size of his bed making you look almost as small as a child. Though you, you had no recollection of how you managed to be where you were. It wasn't your bed, your room, it didn't even look like anywhere in Dragonstone. The smell was entirely different as well, you couldn't smell the sea anymore. That pain in your skull was still there, it hadn't dimmed since when you felt it. You wondered if it would ever go away.
The room was warm, a lit fireplace coating the area with orange and yellow hues, only accentuating the already golden walls. Then you finally recognized it, that faint metallic smell mixed with wine and musk. You were in King's Landing.
You tried to sit up in the bed you were in, only for a sharp piercing pain to shoot through your entire body and force you to lay still. The throbbing in your head was almost unbearable, you could hear the thumping in your ears, so loud you almost didn't notice the sound of a chair moving closer to you.
Tears came to your eye as soon as you saw your uncle sitting across from you, a smug smirk on his face as he looked over your weak form. "The worst of it only lasts for about three days. The pain started to dull after that."
You frowned, your throat tightening and trying to keep in a sob threatening to escape. "I did what you wanted, uncle. I gave you an eye. I paid my debt, so why am I here?"
Aemond chuckled darkly. "Yes. Yes, you did. But you owed that debt ever since you took your blade to my eye all those years ago, that was just between us. We're at war now, who would I be if I just allowed a traitor to try and take my brother's throne? You're lucky my brother, the King, didn't execute you as soon as I brought you here. It's what you would've deserved."
You felt an all consuming anger fill you, if you had the strength you would have taken your uncle's remaining eye. "I'm not the one who's a traitor. Prince Aegon is the one who usurped the throne. My mother, the Queen, will have each and every one of your family's heads for this treachery."
"Hmm." He smiled. "We shall see. Until then, you remain our hostage. Let's see how much your mother cares about you more than the throne."
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A week. It had been a week of playing hostage for the Greens, no sign of your mother coming to rescue you. No sign of hope. You really should've just left Storm's End as soon as you saw that Aemond was there too, now you were at his mercy. You were treated as though he had brought a stray home, only able to keep it if he was the one to take care of it. It was dehumanizing, you just hoped your dragon was treated better than you.
You could never get a read on Aemond, not even when he was a child. You felt like you were chained to a rabid animal, not knowing if or when he was going to lash out. You felt his anger just beneath the surface of his otherwise calm and collected exterior, only seeing glimpses of what you could be exposed to whenever you talked back to him disrespectfully, his eye lighting up with malice and eagerness that he never expressed but it always chilled you to the bone to see it. It was the same look he gave you when you allowed him to take your eye, a dangerous playfulness that you would never want to explore.
One silver lining was that your uncle was right, the pain from your lost eye dimmed slightly. There were now times in your day when you felt like you wouldn't throw up from the pain anymore. You had your own living quarters, albeit with a many number of locks and bars on the door so you wouldn't escape, like you even could in your state.
It was always a roulette game whenever it came to if Aemond would visit you or not. If not the servants, he would be the one to bring you food. Sometimes he'd just show up unannounced and you were left wondering if it was finally time to die at his hands. You were constantly on edge, almost wishing you could go ahead and die already. Put an end to your suffering and your mother's hesitance on what she should do about you. You just wanted some pin to drop, you hated waiting and wondering what would happen, hated being afraid.
If you appreciated irony in awful situations, you would've thought the gods finally answered your prayers. It was night and you were restless, looking out at King's Landing on your balcony. You longed for your home, you missed your brothers, you missed your mother, you missed riding your dragon. You could faintly hear the calls of your dragon all the way from the Dragonpit, sad mewls that told you he felt the same.
"My brother says if your dragon doesn't quiet down he'll cut off his head and serve it to you."
You scowled as you heard Aemond's voice from behind you, the wind flowing through the tower not able to ever give you chills the way his voice managed to. "Then he'd be a dragon slayer as well as a usurper." You snarked, your knuckles turning pale as you gripped the balcony ledge tightly.
Your body froze as you suddenly felt warmth from behind you, trying to not let a shudder run through you as you felt Aemond's breath on your neck. "You surely are disrespectful for someone who's supposed to be our hostage." He voiced lowly, his tone making you dig your nails into your palms.
"I believe I have every right to be disrespectful to the cunts who kidnapped me." You smirked briefly as you thought how Daemon would be proud of you for saying that, but that smirk quickly got wiped off your face as your uncle turned you around harshly to force you to face him.
"Do you have a death wish, girl?" He seethed, one of his hands coming to gently grip your throat.
"Yes, kill me, uncle. That's what you've always wanted, right? My eye wasn't enough for you, was it? So, do it. Throw me off this tower, feed me to Vhagar, whatever you want. Just let me go. Let the war wage on so my family can kill yours." You spat in his face, just below his remaining eye.
He slowly wiped away the spit, his lips upturned in a sneer, staring down at you like he was actually considering it. You were almost shocked he didn't kill you right then and there, but what did was when he swiftly leaned forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. You instantly pushed him away and landed a punch to his jaw, causing him to stumble back with a dark smirk. "No, I wouldn't kill you. Not yet, not until I've had my fun with you."
You didn't understand his meaning, thinking you must've knocked the sense out of hum, until he grabbed you roughly by your wrists, dragging you inside and throwing you on your bed. You tried to scurry away, but he grabbed your leg and yanked you back to him. "No, Aemond, stop-!" You shouted angrily, trying to kick at him, but he was too strong to get away from.
He chuckled, only amused by your resistance. "I've waited so long, I've been patient. Well, I'm finally exhausted of this game, dear niece. I'm going to fuck you, maybe you'll learn to respect me, respect all of us after I'm done with you."
Your eyes widened, your fight or flight instinct kicking in. You tried to flee, but that didn't work, so now you had to fight.
Aemond let out a pained grunt as you kicked him as hard as you could in his stomach, allowing a gap long enough to run to your doors, only to find them locked. "Help!" You screeched as you pound your fists on the wood, hoping and praying that someone would hear you. You screamed as Aemond grabbed you, dragging you back to your bed.
"Okay, that's enough of that." He spoke emotionlessly. You kept trying to fight him, only stopping when you suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through your skull. He had slapped you, on your left side where your wound was still healing. It made everything turn dark for a brief moment, the ringing in your ears so loud you couldn't hear anything.
The world around you was blurry, the ringing subsiding enough that you could hear the fabric of your nightgown ripping down the center, exposing you to your uncle's view. You watched helplessly as he started to shed his clothing eagerly, his eye memorizing every curve and detail on your body. You started to cry as his cock sprung out of the confines of his trousers, the size only scaring you into thinking that it was going to split you in half. "Aemond...uncle, please." You begged, closing your legs as tightly as you could and covering your chest with your arms.
Aemond only smiled, easily kicking your legs apart and situating himself between them.
"Please, don't. I've never been with anyone, please."
"Oh, I know it, sweet niece. That's why I want to do this now, while you're still pure. Aegon has made his jokes about being the one to take your maidenhead, but I just couldn't have that. You're mine to claim, only mine." You gagged as he thrust his fingers into your mouth, trying to turn your head away. "Spit. Do it, or do you want your first time to be as painful as possible?" You finally relented, coating his fingers with your saliva, watching him bring it down to lube up his cock and your cunt, letting out a whimper as he lined himself up with your entrance.
You let out a loud sob as Aemond pushed into you, filling you to the hilt. The stretch was so painful, you felt like you were going to die. You couldn't imagine why anyone would enjoy something like this. "It hurts, Aemond." You whimpered, trying to push him off you but he wouldn't budge, his cock stayed firmly settled inside you and you wondered if the pain would ever go away.
Aemond let out a groan as your walls clenched around him, watching with an amused smirk as you so desperately tried to expel the painful intrusion. "So tight. You feel better than I could've possibly imagined, sweet niece." You cried out once again as Aemond started to move, pulling back out just to ram himself back in again. You whined out his name, but that only seemed to spur him on further. "This will go a lot easier if you just give in." He took your arms and pinned them into the bed on either side of your head, showing no semblance of mercy as he started to thrust into you.
"Uncle, stop-!" You sobbed, trying to thrash about and fight him as much as you could, feeling your tears fall on one side of your face as the ache in your core reverberated throughout your whole body, a migraine in your head making no sign that it would go away soon.
You flinched as you felt Aemond's warm, wet tongue lick up the side of your face, capturing your tears with a satisfied him. "Are those tears of pleasure or pain, sweetling?" He chuckled sadistically.
"Fuck you!" You screamed, headbutting him and immediately coming to regret it as more pain shot through your head, your vision going blotchy and dark again. Then you kept feeling shocks of pain, again and again as Aemond slapped you, until you felt hot thick liquid travel down the left side of your face. Your bandages were removed and you could feel Aemond's breath on your throbbing wound. You cried loudly as you felt his fingers run around your empty socket, the pain unbearable.
"Why must you make this so difficult for yourself, hm?" Aemond then brought his fingers to your mouth, forcing you to taste the coppery substance as he fucked into you harder, the sounds of your cries and his moans filling the room. "Gods, your cunt feels so heavenly. I never should've waited this long, wouldn't you agree?" He asked, knowing he'd never get an answer.
You were so out of it, the pain subsided slightly only for you to wish you could only feel the pain as you started to cry out from pleasure. You didn't want to feel good, you didn't want to give your uncle the satisfaction, but your body was betraying you. You no longer felt the pain of the stretch in your cunt, you now only felt how Aemond's cockhead kept hitting a place inside you that made your toes curl and your back arch.
Soon enough, the room started to be filled with the sounds of your intimate union. Wet, slapping sounds coming from where Aemond's cock met your cunt, your slick starting to coat your inner thighs and his pelvis. "So wet, dear niece? I always knew you were a whore just like your traitorous mother. Fucks, feels so good." He moaned, leaning down to kiss up your jaw, trailing over every bit of skin until he reached your wound. "Perhaps, if you survive this whole ordeal, we can get you a jewel to replace your eye? Whatever you desire; although, I would prefer to see you with a sapphire."
Just the thought of being forced to match your uncle made you cringe. You never wanted to be anything like him, but it was already too late for that.
The lewd sounds that your body was making, along with Aemond's deep groans made shocks of pleasure shoot through you, much more agreeable than the pain you had only been feeling up to this point. It frightened you how it just kept building and building, like you would explode if it never stopped. But you didn't want it to end, you wanted to chase that feeling to see where it led. You threw your head back against the mattress as Aemond started to lick and nip at your nipples, hardening from the pleasure of his cock. "Finally enjoying yourself, sweet niece?" He growled, biting the skin at the juncture of your neck roughly, causing you to wince but it oddly enough made the pleasure that much more intense.
"Please..." You begged, but you didn't know for what. You wanted him to stop, but you needed him to keep going. "Oh, gods." You moaned, writhing beneath him as he started to play with your clit, soon feeling an overwhelming euphoria wash over you, making you completely forget about the pain.
"Come on, princess. Let go for me." Aemond urged, pinching your clit and thrusting into you as hard as he could until you were spasming beneath him, your legs shaking and high pitched whines escaping your lips. "That's it, that's it." He cooed, kissing all over your face until you came down from your high. "See? All you had to do was relax, don't you feel so much better?" He smiled softly.
Your tears of embarrassment and shame kept rolling down your face as Aemond continued to chase his own high, sitting up on his knees and digging his fingers into your love handles for purchase. If you weren't so pissed off, you would have thought he looked angelic with his silvery hair sticking to his face and his body shining with sweat, but you knew better. He was no angel. He was a dragon, and dragons always took what they wanted with no care or concern for others. You were just another one of his conquests.
He kept using and using you, violently chasing his own peak of pleasure until you were whining with overstimulation. "Fuck, I'm gonna come soon. You want my cum, bastard?" He growled. "Want me to sire you a bastard as well?" He chuckled darkly as you shook your head weakly. "If you think this is the only time I'll be fucking this sweet cunt, you'd be sorely mistaken, niece. I'm going to keep you in this bed, all day and all night. You're going to be swollen with my child eventually, that or you're barren. But we can't have that, can we? Your whore mother might be okay with having bastards, damaging the Targaryen name, but I'm not. I'll have my mother agree to marry us. Maybe that will stop this tedious war on both sides."
You did not like the sound of that. No matter how out of it you were, you'd never agree to marry your sadistic uncle. But he talked like it wasn't up for discussion. "Stop, please." You whined, limp in his arms and unable to fight anymore.
Aemond growled, leaning down to wrap one of his hands around your throat, squeezing until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you could feel your hammering pulse against his skin. "Mine. All mine." He groaned as his cock twitched inside you, his thrusts becoming uncoordinated and erratic until he suddenly stilled. An uncharacteristic whimpery moan escaped his lips as his seed filled you, his face contorting in an expression of pure bliss that made your insides clench despite yourself.
You finally felt like you could catch your breath as Aemond pulled out, flopping down beside you elegantly, a content smirk on his lips as he glanced at your numb, tearstained face. "Don't warry, niece, it only gets better from here. I suggest you learn to accept it, because I am never—never letting you go."
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lethalchiralium · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are well and having a fantastic day!
Can you, if you're alright with it, make this a oneshot separately for Ghost, Soap, and König and how they would comfort their S/O in this scenario.
May this be an x Fem!Reader where the reason that Y/N joined the military was to get away from her abusive family, and when she first joins the force, she's very quiet and sticks to herself, obviously being shy around either one of the boys. Eventually, they both start talking, and once she gets comfortable around him, she turns into an extrovert and tells him many things with him lovingly listening to her.
Maybe she could also tell him about how, with her family, she couldn't tell them anything because she was either told not to talk or they wouldn't listen, in other words, shut her out. Making her feel like she couldn't talk to anyone.
(You don't have to write it if you don't want to.)
You’ll Understand One Day | John “Soap” MacTavish x F!Reader
a/n: i used artemis for this because she can be seen as you! i’m also sorry this took so long i got distracted (AGAIN)
warnings: vague mentions of neglect, abuse. cussing, soap being soap and having a crush
summary: Soap has a special interest in Laswell’s protégé, Artemis.
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Soap would have never ever believed that she was this talkative when he first met her. He was never a man to go out and catch feelings, it was more like those feelings immediately grabbed him and put him in a chokehold - that’s exactly what happened because of her.
Laswell’s protégé, Artemis, was a force to be reckoned with. She had been lent to the 141 for extensive tactical training by Laswell, and when she stepped off the plane, Soap internally swooned - though he swore to himself never to tell her. He had walked up, shaken her hand and talked her ear off about the whole base.
It was very early on that all of the 141 noticed that she almost never spoke, only ever responded to orders and comms. If anyone tried to approach her, she’d back away like a scared dog. That put Soap off - what if she had a mission go wrong and she’s scared of attachment? What if her last team didn’t treat her well, that’s why she’s scared of him?
Tried to bump into her at the water fountain, she ducked away as soon as she noticed him. He even sent Gaz to talk to her for God’s sake, she scurried away like a mouse. The only person she didn’t run away from was Price, which was odd to Soap - almost everyone was scared of Price. His poor little heart thought she had heart eyes for Price, but oh, he was dead wrong.
He asked his Captain about the relationship, Price rolled his eyes and said that Artemis wasn’t used to being with a team that was like a family. She didn’t want Price to think she wasn’t capable of doing her job, so she was like his shadow.
Soap internally swiped the sweat off his brow, but he was still confused. Family problems? Artemis? No! She was too nice for that, too skittish, too good for that. He didn’t want to think about it, he didn’t want to believe it was real. So he made a point to get her to talk to him, no matter what it took.
He walked up to her at the water fountain and loudly asked her a question. “So, Arty, you know why the strawberry was cryin’?”
She looked bewildered, eyes widened and back straightened as if to make her look bigger, but it didn’t put Soap off.
“‘Cause he was in a jam!”
Her eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed. “Funny.”
“You like jokes then?” He smiled. “Price gets all his jokes off me, the bastard.”
She just stared at him.
He stared right back, his smile reached his eyes. “I hope you’re not stealin’ jokes from Price, you can just get’m from me!”
She nodded and walked away.
It took her only a couple more weeks for her to not move away from the fountain when he approached her, she was no longer like a scared deer at the shore of a lake - she only stared at him as he filled up his water bottle.
“Ya know why the coffee filed a police report?” He screwed the cap back on, his smile still huge. It’s like he couldn’t make it go away when she was around.
“‘Cause it got mugged!” He chuckled, his smile got impossibly bigger.
There was a crack of a grin on her face as she spoke, “What’s the most terrifying word in nuclear physics?”
His eyebrows furrowed, raking his brain for an answer while still being shocked that she was talking to him. “Uh, dunnoe.”
Soap let out a bark of laughter, almost dropping his water bottle. “S’good one, Arty!”
The smirk on her lips lit up his heart again, the infatuation only getting worse.
After that day, he’d seemed to find her everywhere. He used to spend hours looking for her, just to check on her, but never find her. It’s like she is making sure he sees her whenever she’s near - he smiles about it. He’s always smiling.
She approached him more, telling him jokes more often; that evolved into asking him questions about his life, his hobbies, his favorite gun to use. Soap was happy to oblige, babbling on and on about his large family and the trouble he used to get in as a ‘wee lad’. And at a certain point, something changed - she began to answer his questions. Soap was getting confused more often at what had opened, what had changed in her pretty little head for her to talk to him with more than the same ten words she had for months before.
It was a Saturday night in his Glasgow apartment when there was a knock at his door. The Glasgow Celtics game was on, he was pissed off that they were losing and texting his mom about it. She was sure to be watching, so he knew it wasn’t her at his door. His sister lived in Edinburgh, and was known for announcing her presence by calling him six different times on her way to Glasgow - it wasn’t her either. And it definitely wasn’t any of his team, he knew how almost everyone knocked.
He hopped over his couch, almost slipping on the hardwood because of his Celtics socks that he wore every game he watched. He was grumbling to himself, upset about the game, that it was almost over and that they were losing. He ran a hand through his mohawk, quick to grab his front door handle and pull it open, “This better be good-“
He shut his mouth, eyes wide as Artemis stood in front of him - soaked to the bone, eyes red and her dufflebag on her shoulder. He opened his mouth again, then shut it quickly. For a blabber mouth, as Price says, he did not have one word to say as she clenched the handle of her duffle.
“I didn’t mean to bother you.” Were her first words, nervously teetering on her feet as she then sniffled. “I just- Ah, fuck,” One hand went up to her eyes, rubbing at them before continuing, “Can-Can I crash here?”
Soap was bewildered, to say the least. The girl he was pining over was at his door step, soaked and in tears, and he felt anger rise in his chest. Who would force her to walk in the rain? Who made her cry? Come to think of it, he never even asked if she had a boyfriend. Eejit, eejit, eejit! He was mentally kicking his own ass as he swallowed thickly, answering, “Y-Yeah, c’mon.”
He looked ridiculous, he remarked to himself, wearing a ratty 141 t-shirt with MACTAVISH on it and a pair of bleach stained Celtics sweatpants. He moved out of the way, but she had kneeled to untie her boots. He watched her, noticing that she had to have been in the rain for at least half an hour, since everything she wore was dripping water into the carpet of the hallway. As soon as she shucked off her boots, she walked in, setting them beside the door before standing up straight again. Soap hadn’t closed the door yet, still in shock that she was in front of him - in a soaked university sweatshirt he didn’t recognize and jeans. She glanced out the door before looking down at her clothes, then back up to Soap. “Could I use the shower? And some clothes?”
The Scot licked his lips as a way to try and wake him from his stupor, but it barely worked. “Down-Down th’ hall on th’ right, ah will git some clothes fer ya.”
She was gone then, walking down the hallway - leaving wet footprints since your socks were soaked too. All Soap could do was close his front door, lock it, and mentally kick himself in the ass. If he’d known you were coming, he would have at least brushed his teeth - and he remembered the pile of dirty laundry in his bathroom. He was going to stub his toe on purpose.
He heard the lock click on his bathroom and immediately jumped into action, moving towards his kitchen and putting away plates that had been clean for a few days, just sitting on the rack. He filled the kettle with water, placing it on his old stove and turning it on high. He then moved away, rushing to his living room and picking up his many empty bags of crisps. He threw them away before moving to his cramped laundry room next to the bathroom, hearing the water turn on as he opened the small cabinet he had to old sweatshirts and sweatpants, all of the sport and military merchandise type.
He grabbed one of his larger sweatshirts and a pair of sweats that he figured was close to her size, knowing that she probably would have felt more comfortable with him not seeing her body through his clothes she would wear. He wanted to respect her space. He turned off the light in his laundry room, noting that the shower had turned off as soon as he closed the door, he set the green and blue set of sweats in front of the bathroom. Soap then hightailed himself back to his kitchen, mind still flying thousands of miles a minute.
The kettle on his stove was beginning to whistle and he almost tripped on himself as he moved to the stove, pulling the well-loved kettle from the hot element to the cold one. He then opened his cabinets, grabbing a box of his best tea and two of his cleaner mugs. He settled them on the counter, putting the tea in the mugs just as he heard her open the bathroom door, before shutting it again. He took the mugs to his coffee table before making the smart decision to bring his small jar of sugar and his bottle of milk too, settling them on the table while he heard the door open for the final time. He looked back to his TV, trying not to seem like a creep and seeing that the Celtics were still losing. He heard her walk into the living room, he reached forwards and muted the TV as she sat on the opposite side of the couch.
“Made ya tea.” Soap looked to her, his heart pounded in his ears as he observed her in his clothes. H/C hair dropped water onto the sweatshirt as she reached forwards, putting sugar and milk in her mug.
“Thanks.” She murmured as she took the warm mug into her hands, taking a sip and sitting back. Soap wasn’t too worried about his own tea as he was why she was here.
“Do ye wanna talk about it?”
The look is her eyes almost confused Soap, she mumbled, “What?”
“Ye don’t hav’ tae talk about it if ye don’t wantae, I-I’m just curious as to how you even knew whaur I lived.”
“Ah. I-uh called Price.”
She reached forwards and placed her mug down on the table, wiping her mouth before whispering a soft, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy.”
He shook his head, settling his hands together and knitting his fingers. He was trying not to explode. To be honest, he had imagined her coming to his apartment on very different terms - after a date, maybe just a sleepover or just to hang out. Soap’s whole world was spinning; the girl he’s pined over for months is sitting in his apartment, crying, and he’s daydreaming over her. Get yerself together, yeh fockin’ muppet! “Uh-no! No, no- I wasn’t really doin’ anythin’.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Important. Anythin’ important, meh team was losin’ anyway.”
“Well, I just-“
Brrrrg! His phone began to ring on the coffee table next to the TV remote, his eyes glanced down to it, seeing that it was his sister. She stopped what she was saying, mumbling, “It’s okay, you can take the call.”
Soap took his phone in his hand, shutting it off before putting it back on his coffee table. If his sister really needed something she could call their dad. He looked back to Artemis, confused as to why she looked as if she was going to cry again. He reached his hand out to comfort her, she hesitantly took it. “What’s wrong? What’d I do?” She shook her head, hands going to her eyes as she sat back on the couch, clearly upset. He felt awkward then, not sure what he had done to make her cry. “Arty-“
“Thank you.” Her voice wavered as she laughed a little, leaning her head back as she wiped away her tears. “Thank you.”
“What’d I do?” Soap questioned again, curious.
She sniffled, settling against the arm of the couch as she whispered, “You just declined a call to listen to me.”
He blinked rapidly at you. Was she serious? “Well, yeh. I think whatever you say’s important.”
Her hands dug into her eyes, sniffling a little louder before her hands unceremoniously dropped to her legs. She then brought her feet up onto the couch, bringing her knees to her chest as she could rest her head on them - keeping her gorgeous face looking towards him.
His big Scottish heart felt like he was doing laps with Ghost, running as fast as he possibly could while Ghost barely broke a sweat. He almost condensed himself into remembering his first crush in primary school, how his heart beat so fast and so hard that he thought he was dying. His mum just laughed about it, telling him that he should never be scared of love.
“An-And if ya wanna talk about whatever happened, ‘m all ears. ‘Cause my ears are really big ‘n always have been, ever since I was a wee lad ‘n-“ He smacked his own hand over his mouth, the giggle that escaped her lips made his stomach do a flip. It was ethereal, like an angel had possessed her. No, he concluded, she is an angel. She’s Artemis, she’s Y/N. Y/N is an angel.
With her arms wrapped around her legs, she murmured, I-uh, my family doesn’t really like me. And they don’t really let me talk all the time… ‘n I just didn’t want to sit there and be silent for another week…”
Everything came crashing down.
How could they even dare to damage an angel like you? Your voice is the only thing I want to hear for the rest of my days, you’re so witty and smart and I will never deserve you. And I know for a fact that you don’t deserve them and they do not fucking deserve you.
“Well, you can say whatever you want to me. I’ll never shut ya up, but you might have to shut me up ‘cause I’m loud and obnoxious and I talk too much-“
“No, Johnny.” Her hand grabbed the one flailing about, her fingers pressed into his pulse point. “You’re perfect.”
For the first time in John MacTavish’s life, he was speechless.
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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claire-elvisgirl · 10 months
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Summary: Elvis is your daddy’s best friend. He’s been around your family since you were a little girl, you practically grew up together never minding the age gap between you two. He starts to feel something for you. Is he ready to let his feeling go and ruin a long-life friendship?
Warnings: +18, age gap (f 20/m 33), angst, sadness.
You were still embraced together while the door of your room opened and your father came in. Elvis saw him standing by the door, and he tried to quickly remove his body from you, but it was too late. Your father was shocked and he couldn’t believe what was happening before his eyes. Elvis looked at him and he felt like he had no way out. You tried to get up to cover yourself as Elvis got up and dressed.
“Bob, I-I can explain, I promise, please don't be mad at me! I know it was...it was wrong, and I'm sorry…”
Bob could not even talk. Elvis got close to him: “I...I am deeply sorry, but she was always making me feel a certain way about her. I mean...” he turned and looked at you “...she looked so beautiful…I couldn’t resist!”
Your father looked at him shocked: “You dirty son a bitch!! I thought we were friends...you’re a bastard!”
Elvis nodded. His face looked sad, like he was about to cry.
“Yes, Bob, I guess I am a bastard, but I felt she needed me. Please, Bob, don't be mad at me, I'm just...I just couldn’t help myself…”
You started to cry. Elvis hugged you while he held you close to him. “I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Ya know that everything I did was for love. I love ya so much. You don't know what it means to me to be yours. You're my angel. You're my babydoll. You're my...my everything and I just couldn’t help it. I don't care what anyone says, I'm in love with ya.”
Bob was furious at Elvis. He grabbed him by the shirt and shook him. "After all these years with us...you were my best friend! How could you do such a thing to me? And to her!”
Elvis kept looking at Bob while he tried to think of a way out. He was scared to death and he was not sure about what to say. “Bob please, don't be mad at me. I'm sorry, I...I just love her too much. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you and your family!”
Bob pointed a finger to him: "Take your fuckin’ ass out of this house! I don't wanna see you ever again!"
Elvis's eyes opened even wider and he took a step back. He looked at you and he felt really bad for what he had done. He looked at Bob and he realized he had made a big mistake. Elvis didn’t say anything and he didn’t put up a fight, he just turned around and left the house without saying another word.
While he left, he looked at you and sent you a lip message: "I’ll always...love...you".
You cried all your tears out as you watched Elvis living the house. You looked at your father and you couldn’t believe what just happened. You couldn’t believe that the man you understood to love was leaving forever. You couldn’t stop crying and you kept thinking about Elvis saying "I will always love you" before leaving the house. You father just kept looking at you with an angry look on his face. You stopped crying and tried to control yourself before trying to talk to him.
“Daddy, please, listen to me, I...I love him, daddy. I love Elvis. I know what happened was wrong and I'm so sorry, but I love him. I can't control how I feel for him, daddy. There's just something about him...I don't know how to explain it, Daddy. I just love him and I...I can't just stop loving him because of what happened. Please, try and understand that, okay?”
Your father tried to stay calm as he talked to you: “You love him? You are in love with my best friend? Why Elvis, of all people?”
“Yes daddy, I love him!” you replied.
He turned back at you: “Don't you think I could tell, y/n? Don't you think I could tell when you looked at him? When you smiled at him with those innocent little eyes...Don't you think I wouldn't notice when you'd sit all close to him and how you'd give them special looks? Don't think I wouldn't notice when you'd blush and get all shy when you were around him? Don't you think I didn't ever see that look in your eyes, y/n? I only thought...it was just a child infatuation!”
You got angry and you shouted at your father with all the rage you could gather up. “You don’t understand! You never gave me any attention!!! You were always working and you never cared about me or treated me like your daughter! You only used me when you needed help!!! Elvis loved me and he took care of me!!! Elvis is the only one who saw me and who really wanted me!!! Elvis was never like you, he always took time to be my friend, he always took time to be a better father than you'll ever be!!!”
As she said those words she stepped back. Bob's eyes opened up in surprise while he realized that you had just called Elvis "daddy" and he's shocked.
“Daddy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...”
Bob's face went from fury to sadness while he realized that it might be his fault that you and Elvis have started to have feelings for each other. "I left you alone with him? Is that what you're trying to say? I left you two alone? Did I? That’s why you fell in love with him?"
Your father started to calm himself down and he took a deep breath before speaking to you again.
"Y/n, can't you see what he did to you? Do you see what you're allowing him to do to you? Do you think he really loves you with all the other girls he probably sleeps with? Don't you understand? Do you understand that he's using you?"
You replied crying. "It's not true! He...he said he loves me!"
He shook you even harder and he pointed his finger at you, while he raised his voice once again.
"No, y/n, he doesn't love you, and you know it! He's just using you for his own pleasure! He wants to use you and then throw you away like all the others, like garbage! You're nothing to him, you're not special! He just said he loves you because he knew you were going to fall for it! You think Elvis Presley loves you, come on y/n, wake up! He doesn't love you at all!"
Then you confessed you last secret: "You're wrong! I gave him everything I had...EVERYTHING. If you know what I mean..."
Your father just looked at you in shock while his mouth remained open as he heard what you just said. He couldn’t believe what he just heard and he didn’t know how to react to this anymore. His face changed again, this time it was a mix between shame and disappointment. He looked at you again. He looked like he wanted to scream in frustration and anger, but at the same time, he felt disappointed in himself. He couldn’t believe you gave yourself completely to Elvis and he felt like it's his fault. He felt like he failed to protect you.
You hugged your father. "Don't blame yourself dad. It's my fault...but I can’t stay here doubting if he loves me or not. I have to go after him!"
He would scream at you and put some sense into your head, but he couldn’t. He knew that you already made your choice and he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Y/n baby, I beg you, please think twice about what you're doing. Listen to your daddy who loves you, who has done nothing to hurt you or break your heart.”
Your daddy hugged you as he looked at you, his eyes filled with sadness and he looked at you as you hugged him back. He didn’t say anything as he let you talk. He felt ashamed of himself and he felt sad for what happened to you. He didn’t know what to say and he felt completely devastated. He took a deep breath and took your hand as he spoke in a calm and sad voice.
"Y/n, sweetheart, you don't have to do that. You don't have to go to him. Please, please don't do it."
“I have no choice!” you replied.
He stopped himself while he took a deep breath. "Y/n, stop this little game and listen to me. You can't go and see Elvis. Your place is here, with me. I've taken care of you all these years and I will not let you just leave. Don't you understand, baby? You're my angel, you're mine. Do you understand that? You're mine!"
“I’m sorry!” You ran away looking for Elvis.
Your father tried to control himself as he watched you run away. All he could think about was that he's failed to protect you and that he's lost his daughter. He thought about how much he loved you and how much you meant to him. He run after you while he shouted out you name. “Please come back! Please come back to me!”
You kept on looking for Elvis, while your father kept chasing after you. All he could think about was that he had to find you before you find Elvis. He ran faster than he ever had in years and he was determined to catch you. He was breathing harder and he could feel his heart beating faster and faster.
Finally you found Elvis and you called him. The moment you found Elvis, your daddy’s heart started to sink even lower while he stopped running. He stopped and just watched you in silence as you started to run towards Elvis. Elvis noticed you run towards him, while your father kept running to catch you up as fast as he could. He was still shouting your name while Elvis smiled at you. Just as you were about to reach Elvis, your father arrived and grabbed you by your arm and stopped you. Elvis kept looking at you, while your father watched you with a mix of anger and disappointment and tried to understand what was going on.
Elvis just smiled to you while your dad kept asking you and demanding an answer.
"Why? Why did you do this, sweetheart? Why did you go looking for him? Answer me!"
You looked to Elvis: “Elvis, the only reason why I'm here is...I have to ask you a question...”
Your father was listening to you too and he was still holding you, so you couldn’t move. You looked to Elvis again: “Elvis...you have to answer me sincerely. Do you love me?”
Elvis just kept staring at you with a little smile on his face while his eyes sparkled with love and affection for you. As your father watched, his anger turned into concern for you. He could see how happy and in love you were with Elvis and how you were asking him such an important question. Elvis came close to you: “I do, y/n. He answered you with a soft voice, while he still had that smile on his face. "I do love ya with every inch of my heart. I love ya with all I have and all I ever will."
You ran to him and held him tight. Then you told to your father: “Daddy please, we're really in love. I know we made a mistake, but now, we can make it up". You kissed Elvis’ lips softly.
Your dad stared at the two of you while you were hugging each other. He sighed before speaking in a soft and sad voice: "Y/n, sweetheart, I love you so much. Just promise me that you'll be alright."
“I promise daddy...he's gonna take care of me. I'm sure about that!” you answered sweetly.
Your father swallowed his pride and he watched you and Elvis hugging each other tightly as Elvis kissed your cheek. He sighed and he tried to hold back his tears.
Your father came silently to you: "All right, just be careful. And you Elvis...I don’t know if I will be ever able to forgive you, but I have to tell you just one thing and it’s very important: take good care of my baby, she really means the world to me." Then he turned his back and left.
“I will Bob...” Elvis answered. “...I will!”
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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"You're the son of Kousuke Ezaki, right?"
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"Hm. Got a feelin' he'd be disagreein' with ya on this..."
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After Vince returned to Night City in 2071, Jackie introduced him to another of his many "friend-of-a-friend"s - the owner of a Valentino-adjacent (but not officially affiliated) car repair shop in Heywood. The guy had been desperately looking for a tech-savvy helper, and Jackie figured it might be something Vince could be good at with his knowledge, skills and an interest in cars.
Vince did not exactly jump at the opportunity, but he did not have too many other choices at the time, if he wanted to keep a roof above his head. There were better jobs, but also much worse, and so he agreed to give it a try.
Turned out, he had a knack for cars, and after some initial reluctance from both sides, "V" became an important asset to the small repair shop in no time. He learned to enjoy all aspects of the work, from fine-tuning ECUs to fixing electrical damages, all the while improvising with the often limited resources at hand. Still though, not a Heywood-native, Vince always remained the odd-one-out among his coworkers, as with their love for cars their common interests ended. Vince learned to prefer it this way, as it gave him the freedoms to set his own priorities, work on side-projects while the others were out for lunch for example. Also, he would not get too attached to a workplace and coworkers he knew he did not want to stay around forever.
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The repair shop's clientele largely consisted of locals, gangers and "normal" citizens alike (even if the lines tended to get blurry occasionally). But there was also a handful of regulars of a bigger, much better-paying caliber, that Vince initially wasn't even allowed to look at, let alone touch their cars.
Word-of-mouth recommendations had led a certain Arthur Jenkins to Heywood one fateful day, his request so simple that Vince was allowed to tackle it. The first time he was trusted with a "special" customer on his own. The task: "correct" the milage of the suit's car, easy as pie. Vince had mastered similar feats as a teenager already.
What should have been a quick-and-easy job though uncovered something Jenkins did not like at all - a well-hidden tracker following his every move, and had it not been for Vince's experience with these things, it would have remained undiscovered most likely. Jenkins left the shop satisfied but also curious... How come a low-life street-punk like that knew so much about Militech tracker signatures?
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A few days later Vince was intercepted by Jenkins on his way home. Initially not too impressed by the corpo throwing around random facts about Vince's not-so-secret past that anyone with too much time on their hands could have uncovered, Jenkins had an ace in the hole. Vince was confronted not only with a part of his past not even he himself was aware of at this point... but also an offer too intriguing to pass up...
Vince through the years (4/9)
Fun fact: I'm fully abusing this little project to showcase all the hairstyles I almost gave Vince when I first made him in CC XD This wasn't my second or third choice, but I considered it! It's just so funky-looking with the two colors, super bold, and it does really fit him during that time in his life where he doesn't give a fuck about anything at all anymore. He goes a bit more wild with his appearance, dares to experiement more and grows into his own person... only for Jenkins to show up just in time to ruin everything, the bastard (affectionate).
I don't want to spoil too much about what exactly it is that Jenkins knows about Vince's past that made him eventually follow him into Arasaka's loving embrace, cause I still wanna write this scene out in detail in my background fic for Vince :3 It isn't just one detail or one thing either, it's a multitude of factors, promises, secrets, opportunities, combined with Vince's hunger for more than being a little part-time mechanic in a sleazy auto shop, more than a roadie or retail worker, just more... because he knows he has the potential for it, and Jenkins is holding all the keys to unlock it in that moment.
And yes, this is all one hell of a fateful coincidence, but it's those that make a good story. As for the task Vince was given with resetting the car's mileage: he had done similar things to his mother's car as a teen, when he "borrowed" it late at night to go on joyrides with his "friends" at the time and she was not supposed to notice. His mother also had connections and friends at Militech that supplied her with little tracking devices to keep her unruly child in check, and once Vince noticed that he learned to spot and disable them as well.
Also, tiny detour to/ easter egg for "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar", if you've been keeping up with that!
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The car in the background of the upper pic and more prominently in the second with Jackie is Vince's first car, a pale blue Archer Quartz. The (almost) same model Mr. B provided as a getaway vehicle in chapter one of my post-ending fic, that Vince has to abandon at an auto repair shop :3c Oh, how could Mr. B have known these details of Vince's past...
Speaking of Vince's past and the quote I put at the very top of the post! Vince isn't hiding the fact that he's trans, it's a part of his story and he's proud of his identity. So, when Jenkins wonders if he's Kousuke Ezaki's son, Vince reacts the way he does because for one, by the time his father had died he hadn't realized himself yet that he was trans. And secondly, even if he had, he knew his father well enough to know he would never have accepted him the way he is, for a variety of reasons.
In this moment he learns an important thing about Jenkins: that he's a manipulative bastard trying to tug on his heartstrings, but he only has outdated, surface-level information - or is at least willing to reveal only that for starters.
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justicefanged · 4 months
If that nosy professor had already caught win of the game, then Marni is already running out of time. She needs to think of a plan and fast. The problem is, coming up with plans isn't her thing. Her job had been to ask "how high" whenever her boss asked her to jump, not to come up with any plans of her own.
Every plan she'd come up with herself, well... she didn't have the most stunning track record.
Who better to make a man shirtless than another shirtless man? Honestly, minus the shoes and the general healthy skin tone, his outfit sort of makes him look like a Corrupted. Alright, okay, yeah, she's used to telling Corrupted what to do. She can do this.
There is no longer any time for secrecy or explaining when the jig will be up any second.
Marni walks up to Linus and launches into a descriptor instead of a greeting, "Big guy. Coat. Red hair with a streak."
She all but slaps her crystal brooch into his hands.
"I need his shirt off! Go now!"
Of all the people to approach him, Linus wasn't really expecting a kid dressed up like a creepy cotton candy doll to be one of them. Even less so expecting the immediate rundown of a target -- who sounded very familiar to him, indeed -- as the girl slapped one of the crystal decoration from her brooch into his palm. Linus had hardly been trying to do the little collect-a-thon, but he supposed he could accept this payment for a special case.
The ballroom may have been chock full of people, but Linus had height to his advantage -- also helped that he was looking for someone who similarly stood above the general crowd.
A sharp grin split his face when he located the target -- none other than the big red bastard himself!
Removing one of the stupid bells from his own brooch, Linus rolled his shoulders and casually tossed it in the general direction of the girl. "You're lucky I owe this guy a visit anyways, kid, or I might be givin' ya an earful for orderin' me around."
And with that, Linus went charging through the crowd at top speed, shouting, "MOVE OR GET MOVED!! OUTTA THE WAY!! YOU SPILLED THAT DRINK ON YOURSELF, I'M NOT LIABLE--!!"
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jewbeloved · 2 years
The pink eyed situation with Team Stan and their s/o🧟🧟‍♂️💗💗👀
This is Halloween special post🎃🎃🎃🎃
Since I liked the writing I did for the preschool episode, I decided to do another for the episode called 'Pink eye'
Here's the episode If you can't watch it: https://www.wcoforever.net/south-park-season-1-episode-7-pink-eye
Warnings: Blood/violence, a little death wishing.
Gender: Neutral
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💙💚 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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It's a "normal" casual day in south park.
You were standing at the bus stop with the boys.
All of a sudden, a big metal thing landed on Kenny and squashed him to smithereens.
"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
"You bastards!" You and Kyle looked at each other for a sec realizing that you both said the same thing together.
"What the hell is that thing?" Cartman pointed at the contraption that killed Kenny.
"It looks like a UFO!"
"Theres no such thing as UFOs!"
You guys then watch as the ambulances pulled up and put Kenny into a bag labeled as 'Body Bag'.
"C'mon, let's get him to the morgue" They began to drive off with Kenny.
"Wait until you guys see my Halloween costume tomorrow, it kicks ass"
"Dude, it can't be cooler than mine!"
"Man, we gotta get home and get our costumes ready!"
"I already have my costume ready" You said trying to be proud.
"Well we'll see about that Y/n! my costume is going to be better then yours! you better not be dressing up as a hippie!"
You sticked your tongue at Cartman before you all parted ways to your houses.
"You look like a pansy!"
"Shut up Kyle!"
"What are you supposed to be anyways?"
"I'm Raggedy Andy"
"Heh, why did you dress up as raggedy Andy dude?"
"Because Wendy is going as raggedy an, and she said this is the way we will win the contest for sure!"
"No way dude, I'm going to win the contest with this sweet Chewbacca costume!"
"Wendy said the prize is 2 tons of candy!"
Cartman then showed up in his costume.
"Hey dudes"
"Cartman! what kind of costume is that???"
"It's Adolf Hitler costume, Sieg heil! Sieg heil!"
"Where you get that?"
"My mom made it, isn't it cool?"
"No it's not cool!!"
"What are you supposed to be Stan, Howdy doody?"
"No I'm raggedy Andy fatass!"
"Oh..wow, you look pretty kewl!"
Cartman and Kyle began to laugh.
"I'll kick your ass Kyle!"
"Oh look out! Highly happy is all pissed off!"
The boys saw Kenny approach them.
"Oh look, Kenny is not dead!" Kenny stood there in silence.
"You forgot to wear a costume Kenny!"
"What's the matter? couldn't your family afford a costume for you?" Stan teased.
"Yeah, why is your family so poor Kenny?"
"Kenny's family is so poor, that yesterday they had to put their cardboard up for a second morgue!"
Kyle giggled.
Kenny still stood there in silence.
"I said your family had to put a cardboard up for a second morgue, Kenny!"
"I'm talking to you Kenny!"
"Poor piece of crap..."
They suddenly realize something.
"Hey, where's Y/n?"
"Eh, guess Y/n won't be showing-"
"BOO!" You jumped out from behind Cartman and it scared him.
"Woah dude!"
"Where did you come from Y/n?!"
"I sneaked up behind Cartman while you guys were talking to Kenny and I figured I should give you all a scare :3"
"You little bitch! that wasn't funny!"
"And what are you supposed to be Y/n?"
"Oh, I'm wearing (Favorite Halloween costume) Do you guys like it?"
They took a look at what you're wearing.
"Not as cool as my costume! that's for sure!"
They began to laugh at you while Kenny still remained silent.
"Oh........." You look down with a hint of lil sadness.
Don't worry, they actually do like what you're wearing <3
The bus driver pulled up after a few seconds.
"Get on! we're running late!" Miss Crabtree yelled.
"We're always running late ya ugly stank"
"What did you say?!"
"I said, I can't wait to own a fishing tank!"
"Oh.....neither can I..." The boys got on the bus while you followed right behind them.
Cartman sat with Kenny on one side, Kyle and Stan sat on the other.
"Whoops, Y/n you're going to have to sit in the back with all the other losers!"
"Hmm..." You sat on Cartman's lap without hesitation.
"Haha! you're a seat now fatass!" Kyle pointed at Cartman while laughing.
"Shadd up Kahlll!" Cartman yelled while blushing at the fact that you were sitting in his lap.
After a while, Cartman submitted in defeat and wrapped his arms around your waist so you wouldn't fall off his lap.
"This is the only time I will allow you to sit in my lap, after that you better go sit somewhere else!"
"Hehe, whatever Eric"
"Stop calling me by my first name!!!"
"You never seem to have a problem with me saying it the first time thought"
Cartman did his little tantrum whine while you rolled your eyes.
"Wait until everyone sees my Chewbacca costume. They are going to be so jealous!"
When you guys look at the whole class, you saw other kids wearing the Chewbacca costume Kyle was wearing.
"Everyone came as Chewbacca?!"
"It sure does seem to be a popular costume this year Kyle" Mr Garrison chime in while wearing a white dress.
"Damn it!" Kyle threw off his Chewbacca mask.
"Hi Stan"
"You said we're going to be raggedy an and Andy together!"
"We we're going to enter the contest as a pair!"
"I know, but then...I just realized how stupid we would look!"
"You what?!"
"I thought you would reach the same conclusion, so I came as Chewbacca!"
Stan began to bang his head on the desk as 2 guys walked past him.
"Hey Stan! you look pretty enough to kiss!"
"Yeah! you wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Hey dude, all of a sudden my costume is pretty badass"
"Dude! dressing up as Hitler is not badass!"
"You're just jealous! why don't you go back to endor you stupid wussy!"
"wookie don't live on endor!" Cartman mocked what Kyle said in a baby voice.
"Well at least my mom isn't on the cover of crack whore magazine!"
"Crack whore magazine?"
"Okay, all you little Chewbaccas take your seats"
Everyone did what they were told to do and sat down in their seats. You sat down right in front of Kenny and Kyle.
"Children since today is Halloween, I thought we can learn something about the new horror writer Jackie Collem"
You felt somebody tugging at your costume, you turned around saw Kyle tugging at it.
"What are you doing Kyle?" You whispered to him so Mr Garrison wouldn't hear.
"Nothing!" He immediately turned his head away with a little hint of blush on his cheeks.
While Mr Garrison was still teaching, you saw Kenny's arm fall off and landed on the floor next to his desk.
"Ew!" Wendy cringed.
"Is there a problem Kenny?"
Kenny stood in silence again, you started to get creeped out since you haven't heard a word from Kenny ever since.
"Let's try to keep our hands to ourselves okay?"
"Your never gonna win that 2 tons of candy looking like everybody else"
"I'm gonna make a new costume during recess I can still win that candy!"
"You gonna dress up as a pumpkin Kyle?"
Stan and Cartman laughed at what you said.
"No I'm not, shut up Y/n!"
Cartman looked over to see Kenny not eating his pudding.
"Hey Kenny are you going to eat your pudding?"
"No Eric, you can take my pudding If you like" Cartman mimicked Kenny's voice.
"Why thank you Kenny, how nice of you"
"Aren't you hungry Kenny?"
"He hasn't said anything or moved an inch"
"Hello Children!"
"Hey Chef!" Chef looked to see Cartman eating Kenny's pudding while wearing the costume.
"What in the hell are you doing dressed up as that?!"
"Eating Kenny's pudding..."
"Hello children, oh love the elvis costume Mr Chef" Principal Victoria greeted the boys and Chef.
"Elvis? Im evil kaneva, why the hell would I dress up as Elvis!"
"Well then why the hell would you dress up as evil kaneva? Anyways I hope you children are-" Victoria pause when she saw Cartman's costume.
"Eric! God bless it, what do you think your doing?!"
"Hey! he said I could have his pudding, ask him yourself!"
"That's right principal Victoria, It's fine with me because Eric is cool!" Cartman mimicked Kenny's voice again while moving his head with the spoon.
"Where did you get that costume young man!"
"My mom made it, Sieg heil! Sieg heil!"
"Shhh! god bless America. you get into my office before anyone else sees you!" Victoria began dragging Cartman away from the table and to her office.
"I have to show you an educational video"
"Eh?! I don't want to see an educational video!"
Just as Clyde approached the table you guys were sitting at, you saw Kenny jump and bit Clyde's arm.
"Ah! you bit my arm!!"
"Oh good! Kenny's back to normal!"
"But he just bit Clyde's arm!"
Stan and Kyle look at you with a confused expression.
"What are you talking about Y/n?"
"He-....oh nevermind..."
"Watch the video Eric" Victoria turned on the TV showing a video of Hitler.
*After the video ended*
"Now do you have any questions?"
"Can I see that again It was cool!"
"You must remove that costume immediately!"
"I can't! I have to win those 2 tons of candy!"
"Well how about we make you a new costume, let's see....hah!" She grabbed the white cloth off the shelf.
"How about we make you a nice scary ghost costume" She placed the cloth over Cartman's head.
"I don't wanna be a stupid scary ghost!"
"Let me just make a few alterations....and there you go!"
Cartman's new costume was completed.
The costume contest was starting.
"Boo! I'm a ghost!"
"Man, I feel like a total chode!"
"Oh come on Stan, maybe it's because you do look like a total chode"
"Hello Children!"
"Hey Chef!" Chef screamed and walked away when he saw Cartman's costume.
"Wow! Chef's really scared of ghosts huh!"
"Hey, where Kyle?"
"Check this out!" Kyle merged from the 2 doors revealing his new costume.
"So you did dress up as a pumpkin?"
"I am not a pumpkin!"
"You look like one though"
"Don't make me kick your ass Y/n!" Kyle came closer to you with an angry look on his face.
"Woah dude!"
"What is that?"
"I'm the whole solar system dude! The planets even revolve the right way, that tub of candy is as good as mine"
"Hmm.....still a pumpkin :^"
Kyle punched you in the arm, but not too hard though.
"Okay children, let's get you all in line so the judges can look at your stupid little costumes"
Everyone got in line.
"Children this year we have a celebrity judge the star of family ties, Miss Tina utter!"
"Dude I thought she was dead"
"Yeah, me to"
Miss Tina utter handed Mr Garrison the board.
"Thank miss utter, okay. The 2nd best costume goes to.....Kenny! For his Edward Janes costume!"
Miss Tina utter placed a 2nd ribbon on Kenny.
"And the award for the very best costume goes to....Wendy! for her Chewbacca costume!"
"What?! but she looks the same like everyone else! Up yours Tina utter!"
"And the award for the worst costume goes to..Stan for his stupid little clown thing costume, let's all point at Stan and laugh children"
Mr Garrison and a few of the other kids laugh at Stan before walking away.
"Thanks a lot Wendy! you ruined my Halloween!"
"Relax Stan, you'll feel a lot better once we're out trick or treating"
"I don't want to trick or treat with you, you lied to me!"
"Alright children, let's gather around and Bob for stupid apples now. You go first Bebe"
Bebe stuck her head into the water trying to get the apples.
"That's good, just use that mouth like the girls in Bayjay"
"Brains!" Clyde tackled Bebe and began drowning her while biting her.
"Wait your turn Clyde!"
"Where the hell is Kyle? we don't have all night to wait for him!"
"I bet I get more candy then you dude"
"Your still wearing that costume Stan?"
"Shut up Y/n!"
"Are you crazy? I'm the candy master!"
"No your the ass master, there's a difference"
"Ay! I'm not the one walking around all day looking like hippie longstocking!"
"Oh yeah? well my mom's not on the cover of crack whore magazine!"
"Goddamn it! My mom is not on the cover of crack whore magazine!!"
"Hey dudes"
"Good you're here, now let's make sure we got everything. Flashlight?"
"Plastic pumpkin tales?"
"What's that?"
"For shocking people who try to give us granola treats or something"
"Yeah, granola pisses me off"
Kenny approached you all without saying a word, again.
"Hey Kenny!" Kenny stood in silence.
"Pew! you stink Kenny!'
"You still don't got a costume yet Kenny?"
"Eh, too bad drinking stotchs isn't a job or else Kenny's dad would be a millionaire!"
"I said your dad would be a millionaire Kenny!"
"I don't like Kenny anymore, he just doesn't communicate"
"Hi guys!"
"Hi Wendy"
"How's your barrel full of candy Wendy!"
"Oh, I didn't want all that sweet stuff. I gave it away to hungry children"
(Well that's very nice of her :3)
"You what?! are you insane?!"
"Let's go trick or treat!"
"I don't think so Wendy, I think you had enough candy for one day"
"Stan, I'm awfully sorry that you got dressed up as raggedy Andy please don't be mad"
"How can he be mad with such pretty hair and rosy cheeks!"
"Trick or treat with yourself Wendy!"
"But Stan"
"No buys Wendy, I wish you were dead!"
As you and the boys began to walk away you looked behind and saw Wendy being attacked by a zombie.
The boys ran the neighbor's doorbell and the neighbor opened her door.
"Trick or treat!"
Kenny's other arm fell off.
"Oh how cute"
Just as she was giving you and the boys their candy, Kenny repeatedly bit her arm.
"Dude, Kenny!"
"Oh my god! call 911! call 911!" The lady closed her door.
"Nice going Kenny, she was about to give us candy!"
"Yeah! she had sweetie pops!"
"You owe me a sweetie pop asshole!"
You started to catch on that Kenny might be a zombie, but the guys won't believe you If you told them so you just remained silent.
You guys rang another doorbell and a man came out.
"Treat or trick!"
"Hope you guys love chocolate buttercream puffies!"
Kenny began bitting the man on the arm.
"Ah! get it off! get it off me! Gahh!!!!"
The boys stood there in silent watching while you had a nervous look on your face.
"Damnit! we'll never get any candy If Kenny keeps eating people!"
"Yeah, that's it Kenny you can't trick or treat with us anymore!"
You guys proceed to leave Kenny alone with him still eating the man.
Kyle rang the doorbell for another house.
"Trick or treat!"
The people opened up the door wearing ghost costumes like Cartman.
"Hey, they're all dressed up as ghosts too!"
The people placed one single candy into Cartman's bucket.
"2D bar?! you cheap bastards!"
You guys went to another house while ignoring the chaos going on in the town.
You ranged another door bell.
"Trick or-" The door immediately opened with Chef holding 2 chainsaws in his hands.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!" You and the boys got scared.
"Get off my property you brain eating zombie bastards!"
"Chef! Chef!"
"Chef no!"
"Oh sorry children, I thought you were one of them!"
"Can we have some candy now please?"
"Damn boy, what in the hell are you doing dressed up like that?!"
"I'm trying to trick or treat goddamn it!"
"Remind me to whoop your ass next time, now get in here before those zombies get ya!"
You guys walked into Chef's house and closed the door.
The boys proceeded to sit on Chef's couch.
You decided to be cheeky again and sat on Kyle's lap.
"Hahaha! who the seat now Kahl!!"
"Shut up fat boy!"
Kyle just immediately gave in and wrapped his arms around your waist too so you wouldn't fall off.
"What are you talking about Chef?"
"Zombies children, south park is overrun with the living dead. Haven't you noticed anything strange lately?"
You opened your mouth to say something but immediately closed it.
"Well, not really except that Kenny keeps on eating people's brains"
"Don't you children see? Kenny's turn into a zombie like everyone else in town!"
"Oh my god, that means"
"If everyone's turn into zombies"
"There won't be anyone to give us candy!"
The boys gasped.
"Chef! you've got to help us!"
"I'm working on it children"
You guys watched him pack the chainsaws into a bag.
"Wait, where are we going?"
"The doctor said that the first people that he treated were the morgutan and his assistant. We'll get to the bottom of this, at the morgue"
You look behind you to see that Stan and Cartman were shaking, including Kyle.
"You guys okay?"
You heard a fart noise and it sounded like it was coming from Kyle.
The boys began to laugh.
"Kyle, really?" Your cheeks were tinted with red from the 2nd hand embarrassment.
"What?" He giggled at your reaction as you began to pout.
"Alright you can stop pouting now, you're too adorable for that" He began ruffling your h/c hair.
"I don't know about this Chef"
"Yeah, I'm scared"
"Candy, focus on the candy..."
"What are we doing here Chef?"
"Just look for anything suspicious"
You and the boys begin to search through the drawers and desks while Chef does the same thing.
"I found it! I found it!" Kyle pulled out a certain magazine that had Cartman's mom on the cover.
"See Cartman! your mom is on the cover!"
Cartman began to stutter with his words while freaking out.
"We told you dude!"
"Let me take that Kyle"
"Hey Chef, look!"
Chef spotted a yellow bottle, it was labeled 'Worcestors shire sauce'. The bottle also had a hotline number.
"I've gotta call this hotline number children!"
Before Chef could dial the number, the zombies broke through the windows and the walls.
One of the zombies was Pip who broke the window that was behind Chef.
"Pinkkkkk eyeeeee"
"It's the british kid! except he's a little limey zombie now!"
More zombies broke in as they speak.
"Look out children!"
One of the zombies broke through the floor in front of me and the boys.
Stan immediately picked up a bat and started wacking the zombie back to the floor.
"Okay Chef! dial the hotline number!"
Chef didn't respond.
"Guys look!"
The boys look and saw that Chef was one of the zombies now.
You guys watched as Chef started singing and the zombies were standing to the song.
"Let's out of here!" you followed Stan out of the building while Cartman and Kyle followed behind.
"We've gotta call that Worcesters sauce number!"
"Hey! there's a pay phone!"
"Kyle, you call the number"
"But the zombies are coming!"
"We'll hold them off!" Stan and Cartman picked up the chainsaws Chef had before running to kill off the zombies.
"I should've brought my (Favorite weapon) If I had the chance to" I leaned on the booth in misery.
"Calm down Y/n, just wait right there while I call the number"
Kyle looked at the number on the bottle before opening the glass and grabbing the phone to dial the number.
The same usual robotic voice was talking over the phone saying to press 1 and all that shit.
Kyle jumped up to press the number before calling again.
"Nobody screws up my trick or treating and gets away with it!"
Cartman jumped towards the zombie man and sliced his head off with the chainsaw.
Stan did the same thing and succeeded.
I was now leaning onto Kyle while having my arms around his legs, tired as he still struggles to get the people to answer.
The lady on the phone finally answered him.
"There's a bunch of zombies here!"
"Please hold" The lady on the phone put him on hold.
"Goddammit! these people put me on hold!"
Stan and Cartman were still decapitating zombies, giving Kyle some more time.
As Stan was cutting off a zombie's head, he saw Wendy approach him and it looked like she had turned into one of the zombies herself.
"Arrhghs" Wendy made a zombie growl noise.
"Finish her dude, she's a zombie now" Cartman said walking up next to Stan while holding his chainsaw.
"I know...but I....but I..." Stan hesitated.
"Come on Stan, remember how she did you at the costume contest?"
"Hey yeah!" Stan raised his chainsaw a little as Wendy proceeded to approach him closer.
"The first thing you need to do is to make sure you're not decapitating zombies left and right do you understand? Do NOT start decapitating zombies left and right!"
"Uhhhh okay! then what?"
You shifted uncomfortable on the ground wondering when this is going to be over so you could get some candy with the boys :>
Wendy growled at Stan again, closing in on him.
"Wendy, I know we had a fight and I wished you were dead...but..I didn't mean it"
"Kill her Stan!" Cartman was getting impatient.
"All you have to do is kill the original zombie, the one that started this whole mess. Once you kill the original zombie all the other zombies will go back to normal"
"Original zombie? well how the hell do we know who the original zombie is?"
"Maybe it's Kenny because we did see him act strange today before we heard about zombies taking over south park, so it might be him"
Kyle looked at you for a sec before thinking about it in his head.
"Wait, that thing before landed on Kenny, and they took him to the morgue! You said something helpful for once at the moment Y/n" Kyle gave you a playful glare before you started to giggle.
Wendy was getting more closer to Stan by the second, ready to bite him and turn him into a zombie.
"I....I can't..." Stan lowered his chainsaw down.
You watched as Kyle went over to Kenny and began cutting him in half with the chainsaw that picked up in his hands. Kenny's body fell to the ground with blood pooling all around him.
"Oh my god, I killed Kenny! You bastard!"
"Now that's a lot of damage" you said trying to crack a joke at the moment.
"Uh....what happened..?" Wendy turned back to normal as Stan held her hand from behind.
"Don't worry Babe, everything is going to be okay"
"It's working! they're turning back to normal!" You saw that all the people who were zombies are back to normal.
"You did it children!" chef says popping out of nowhere.
"Okay let's go trick or treating now, come on!"
"I'm sorry that I dissed you like that at school Stan, I guess I wasn't considerate of your feelings"
"That's okay Wendy, I'm sorry that I wished you were dead"
"Maybe we could actually kiss tonight Stan" Wendy started to lean close to Stan to kiss him but he ended up getting nervous and vomited on her.
"Eh! gross Stan! sick! Barf is gross!" Wendy said in disgust as she walked away.
I ended up snorting at the scene and Stan turned around to glare at me before he started to chase me as we catch up with Kyle and Cartman to go trick or treating again.
The boys gathered around Kenny's gravestone.
"Oh man, I can't believe he's gone"
"Yeah, he was too young to be taken away from us"
"Dude, you're the one who cutted him in half with a chainsaw"
"Let us remember the good times Kenny wanted us..." Cartman was cut off by his crying.
"You know, I learned something today. Halloween isn't about costumes or candy, it's about being good to one or other and giving and loving"
"Dude, that's Christmas"
"Oh, what's Halloween about then?"
"Costumes and Candy"
Cartman continued with his crying before stopping out of nowhere.
"Welp, let's go home and start eating that candy"
"We can eat it at Cartman's house and see more naughty pictures of his mom!"
"Knock it off you guys! She said she was young and needed the money!"
"Cartman, those pictures were like taken last month!"
"Eh!...E-Eh!....screw you guys!!!!"
Bonus part B)
When they reached Cartman's house, they found you eating out of Cartman's candy bucket.
"AH! Y/n!? What the hell are you doing?!? get away from mah candy bucket!!"
"No!" You said in a playful way while running around with his candy bucket in your hands as Stan and Kyle began to laugh at the scene before them.
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Halloween is tomorrow everyone! Stay safe and have a happy Halloween!!🎃🎃🎃
157 notes · View notes
hyenahunt · 6 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 2
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: Jun, Kaname
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Jun: So bring it the fuck on! Don't hold back! No matter what kinda unreasonable suffering you Specials put me through, I won’t feel a thing!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: At the same time, in a classroom for the exclusive use of Special Students within Reimei Academy.
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Kaname: .....
Jun: Hey, HiMERU! What the fuck d'ya think you're doing, you asshole!?
Kaname: I could ask you the same thing, Sazanami!
You're not a Special Student, and yet you've waltzed into our classroom without permission whatsoever, spewing such insults my way!
That’s a curse word, right? Goddamn, I mean.
Jun: You bet it is. Kazehaya-senpai told me that rather than cursing at other people when something bad happens, we oughta curse at God instead.
"That way, no one will get hurt," or so he said.
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Kaname: Really now. Whether God exists or not, I don't think he's listening to a word we're saying down here.
So no matter how much you curse at him, he's probably not hurt one bit by it.
It makes sense—You learned a useful word, didn’t you? Of course, a perfect idol like myself would never allow such unpleasant words to pass my lips, though.
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Jun: Perfect idol, my ass. The stupid words you spout always straight-up clash with your good looks, huh?
Kaname: I'm merely stating a fact, that's all.
Jun: Oh, riiight. Well, I dunno 'bout perfect, but you're not wrong — you've come to be the top idol at Reimei Academy.
Kaname: I have. Through hard work, of course.
Jun: Hard work? The fuck are you on about, you degenerate copycat, stealing the hard work of someone else — of Kazehaya-senpai!
The hell d'you mean, hard work? Cut the crap, you thieving bastard!
Kaname: It seems you're misunderstanding something... Sazanami, was it?
Pardon me. I'm not an idiot, but I'm bad at remembering things; if it isn't important, then it slips right away.
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Jun: Yeah, yeah, that's right... I know you high and mighty Specials can't be assed to remember the names of losers like me, huh?
Forget shitty useless guys like us, right? It's more important to remember the contact info of your business partners or all the shit you study up on in idol history, yeah?
Kaname: That's right. Being an idol requires one to have resourcefulness and knowledge to match, not to mention a tremendous amount of technical skill — I can't neglect a single thing.
The human brain can only hold so much.Therefore, we must be exceptionally discerning in what we choose to remember and what we choose to forget.
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Jun: Hah! Exceptionally discerning, he says! Using big words for a dumbass now, are ya!? I know what you're really like — you're just a dumbass tryna maintain your stupid facade!
Kaname: Do stop insulting me in such a loud voice, Sazanami, unless you'd like to be sued.
Jun: Oh, go ahead and try! If I'm pissin' ya off, go ahead and take me out with violence! Everyone around you’ll just take the side of the lil' goody Special Student anyway!
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Jun: So bring it the fuck on! Don't hold back! No matter what kinda unreasonable suffering you Specials put me through, I won’t feel a thing!
Kaname: ... Fine, then why don't I give you exactly what you want?
You all, please do remove this idiot from our space. He's unpleasant to look at.
Jun: That's my damn line! Just a little while ago you were on the same level as me, y'know? Just a snivelling lil' crybaby brat!
Kaname: ... Forget about that. No, even if you don't, then I'll simply pretend it never happened in the first place.
I have the power to erase whatever I'd like now, after all.
No matter how much you might talk about those disgraceful days, not a single person will believe a word you say: they'll ignore you at every turn.
You and I are in very different standings, Sazanami.
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Kaname: ... You have realized it by now, haven't you?
Reimei Academy is founded on irrationality. No matter how you may push your "righteous ideals" onto others, it's in vain.
While you're here, you're the one in the wrong. It's only by acknowledging it and allowing ourselves to be dyed in the hues of insanity that we can survive even a bit.
Understand that much, won't you?
Even now, I can't help but pity your reluctance to abandon that "individuality" of yours, Sazanami.
[ ☆ ]
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12 notes · View notes
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Summary: The All Japan Youth Training Camp comes to an end, which leads to amazing friendships and the eventful reunion with your boyfriend. The Nationals arrived after a short Christmas celebration, and so did your first match.
Kenma x reader; Haikyuu x reader
Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15
From the beginning
The first thing that the guys did the next morning was another practice match. You see Atsumu serving with his jump float, however it looks different than usual, softer almost. After Atsumu receives a ball, the last hit is tossed to Hoshiumi, who jumps even higher than when you first saw him play, sending the ball to the end line.
“You DID get better Hoshiumi! That jump was higher than before!” you exclaim
“I know! I told you, you will be surprised!”
“Oh sorry, I interrupted” you look at the coaches
“It’s alright, that’s why you're here after all. Something else you want to say?”
“Ehh…Eikichi-kun, is that really how high you can reach? Cause personally, I think you can reach higher, you’re tall yet your jumps are quite low, not as they could be”
“But this is how I spike the best…”
“But imagine how powerful and cool it would be if you get used to hitting the ball a little higher while being left handed. Can you try to do it for a few plays?” you ask using your best convincing tone
“S-sure it doesn’t hurt to try. It does sounds cool after all” he blushes
“Yay! Tobio-kun, you got it?” you call the young boy while going back to the coaches
“Yes, Yn-san, I’ll take care of it”
“I’m surprised that you were able to convince a spiker to try something new, usually they prefer to go with what’s easier for them” a coach says once the game resumes
“They are still teenagers, it's easy to convince them once you tell them how powerful or cool something can be. And being a girl helps a lot, specially since most here don't know me that much”
“Really clever, I must say”
In the evening the guys are doing their cool down stretches after more practice while you go around passing bottles to some of them when you notice Atsumu talking to Kageyama
“In the training camp I didn’t really pay attention to yer school, ya were good, but yer teammates weren’t; plus, I cared more about Chibi-chan, so I thought ya would be a difficult person here, but it turns out ye’re actually just a Goody Two shoes”
“Tsumu, what are you doing?” you call him, making him shiver a little
“Just talking to Tobio-kun here”
“Really? It didn't sound like a nice talk. Can you not be a cocky bastard for like a day?”
“I’m not cocky!”
“Yes, you are. Sorry Tobio-kun, he can get annoying” you take Atsumu by the wrist, walking away “you know that I don’t have a problem with you being cocky, you have the talents to be, but don’t ruin your reputation so fast”
“I’m sorry chibi-chan, but ya just said that ya like me being cocky”
“No, I don’t like it, but I get it, as long as you never treat me or the people that I care about bad, I can live with it”
“I would never, I love ya too much. Plus ye’re terrifying when ye’re angry”
“Thanks, were you holding back with the jump float served?”
“What are ya talking about chibi-chan? Like I’m the one to hold back” says with a knowing smirk, however he lowers and whispers to your ear “we need to surprise our future opponents, don’t we?”
“Look at you, using your brain on your own for once, well done”
“Rude. Let’s go to eat”
“Sure, let me do something first” you go to where Sakusa is “Sakusa-kun! Did you watch the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa?”
“Not yet”
“Good, then here, I watched it yesterday and took some notes, I thought you will like to have some information about them” you give him the notebook where your notes were
“Why did you do this?” He says surprised, taking them
“The notes? Well, you got me curious about the match. Plus both of us like to be careful about other teams, so why not help you?”
“I see…thank you” he smiles at you
“Of course, we’re gonna go now. I’m sure you will, but eat a good meal”
“I will” he pauses looking a little conflicted as you turn around with Atsumu “Yn-chan?”
“Yeah?” you turn around
“Can…can you give me a massage later? My shoulder still hurts” he looks to the other side, blush appearing in his cheeks
“Of course, you don’t mind me touching you, do you?”
“No, I trust you the most out of everyone here” he looks at you, blush deepening when he saw your smile
“Oi, Omi-kun! Dontcha dare to flirt with her, she’s dating!” Atsumu squints his eyes at the boy
“I know, the blonde dude from Nekoma, right?” he asks you, making you nod “that doesn’t mean I trust her any less with this”
“I’ll help you out, don’t worry Omi-kun. Let’s go Tsum” you push the fake blonde away so he doesn’t end up in a fight, going to the cafeteria
“Do ya trust him to be alone with him? Ya want me there with ya?” Atsumu asks, worry in his voice
“He is not going to do anything, Tsum, he’s very gentle”
“Alright…anyways, will ya give us the notes too?” Atsumu passes an arm through your shoulders
“Of course, I may be in Nekoma now, but half of my heart is still in Inarizaki”
“We miss ya too” he gives you a loving kiss at the temple. Unless they play against your cats, you’re going to help them as much as you can. It's the least that you can do to the first ones that love you and help you.
The week passes fast and before you notice, the last day of the training camp is here. Thanks to the coaches, who gave you a lot of freedom to say and do whatever you wanted, you became closer to the rest of the players due to all the feedback that you gave them; especially with Sakusa, ever since you gave him the massage he gained a whole lot more trust in you, becoming the closest one outside Atsumu.
Now the guys are playing a match where the players switch their normal positions, Atsumu being the libero, Hoshiumi the setter and Kageyama the wing spiker. Kageyama spikes one of Hoshiumi’s sets and scores past a double block attempt.
“Well done Tobio-kun”
“Thanks Yn-san” says bowing eagerly
“Yn-chan, how was my set?” Hoshiumi asks excitedly
“Pretty good, you’re a good setter too”
“Yay!” In the next rally Hoshiumi sends a set to Sakusa, however he hesitates before hitting it even though he marks a point.
“You doubted my set didn’t you?!” Hoshiumi screams at him
“I just wanted to be certain of it” says Sakusa monotone
“But Yn-chan said my sets are good, you don’t trust her?!”
“I do, but I just wanted to be sure”
While doing their cool-down stretches, you once again see Atsumu going to Kageyama, and considering how he can be, you decided to approach just to make sure he didn’t go too far with provocations.
“…Someone who can’t hit my sets just sucks. You should be a spiker, you seem tense playing as a setter”
“Maybe he’s like that because of what you told him, you idiot” you plop onto his back, barely making him flinch as Kageyama nods
“But I’m a setter”
“I know, I know” Atsumu stands up, making sure to grab you so you didn’t fall from his back
“Miya-san what does Goody Two shoes mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds, you’re a serious, honest and all-around good person”
“In a way I do agree with Tsumu, strangely” you say, making the blonde whine “You’re really good at adapting with your team, but are you sure that’s all they can do?”
A little later, after everyone had eaten a proper meal, the coaches called all of the players to say a goodbye speech.
“I want to congratulate all of you for being able to play in such a new environment. This camp was planned as a way to get all of you started on their youth activities and to help you figure things out and show you that there’s always room for improvement. In that same note I want to congratulate you Yn-chan, watching you help everyone here really set my mind of how good of a coach you can be, I’m sure all of the players appreciated your help”
Everyone says thank you to the coach before going to take their things out of the dorms. You go outside with your backpack, seeing Kageyama there tying his shoe.
“Tobio-kun, do you need help going to the station?”
“I don’t think so, is Kozume-san coming to walk with you?”
“No, Tsumu wanted to walk with me to say hi to my family, so I told Kenma to wait in his house” you clarify
“Ah I see”
“Bye Kageyama! Bye chibi-chan!” says Komori when he goes out, high fiving you. Sakusa follows behind, staring down at Kageyama
“Bye Komori-kun! Bye Omi!” you say
“See you soon, chibi-chan” Sakusa rubs your hair while passing by your side. Hoshiumi also goes out nodding at Kageyama and giving you a hi-5 before leaving.
“See ya at the Nationals, Tobio-kun” Atsumu with a little cocky grin, however his demeanor changes when he sees you with your eyebrow raised “Let’s go chibi-chan, it's late”
“See you Tobio-kun, say hi to Shoyo for me, please”
“I will” he says as you two leave the gym, walking towards the station
“Hey, isn’t that the hoodie that Suna gave ya?” Atsumu asks when you are walking
“Yeah, it’s really warm and it reminds me of all of you, I used to steal everyone’s jacket at one point”
“Oh yeah, I remember how flustered ya made Samu when ya wore his” Atsumu laughs
“You’re acting like you weren’t red as a tomato when you saw me on yours, I have proof “
“Well, it’s not my fault! It’s not the most normal thing to do here in Japan”
“I don’t even know if it’s normal in my country, it’s just a me trait. That’s my house”
“Then I’ll bring one of my hoodies when we come for the Nationals” he hugs you, putting his chin on your head “ya looked cool in the training camp”
“Giving feedback to everyone so they could be better, or explaining stuff to us. Sometimes ya look more like a coach than the coaches did”
“Thanks, Tsum” you nuzzle your head in his chest, him caressing your head “go and say hi to my family, you’re going to miss the train if you don’t go soon”
You went into your house so Atsumu could talk with your mom and brother, you sitting next to him since he didn’t want to let go. When Atsumu leaves you go to Kenma’s house, entering with the spare key that you had to not interrupt anyone. You enter his room only to find him sitting in his computer talking to the headset, extremely concentrated while playing an online game. You go and hug his back, making him jump a little before looking behind him.
“Sorry” you mutter quietly
“I have to go, sorry” says into the mic, turning everything off immediately as he turns the chair around and pulls you into his lap “Hi”
“Hi” you chuckle, nuzzling into his neck “missed me much?”
“No…” says, yet his arms pull you tighter
“Oh really? Then you won't mind me going to Tetsu’s house to tell him about the camp. He seemed excited about it”
“No… I had to survive with Lev and Kuro alone”
“Poor you, you had to talk to your teammate and best friend” you earn a glare “I’m kidding, pretty boy. Did I miss something important?”
“Not really, we did the usual stuff. Everyone seemed a little off though, I guess they all got used to having you and your snarky comments around” he smiles playing with your hair
“It was weird for me too, everyone was…too good, it was strange not having someone like Lev”
“Why only Lev?” He squints his eyes
“Because Lev still has some problems playing? Don’t worry though, I missed more the kitty that claims to hate affection and people, yet always wants me around and let’s me hold him” you kiss his cheek, making him blush a little “I’m going to lay down for a while, you can keep play-”
“Let’s go” he takes your hand to take you to his bed. Once you lay down, he immediately lays in your chest, holding you tightly as he nuzzles into you “how was the camp?”
“Quite fun actually, there were only 20 people and I knew 6, so I didn’t feel as anxious as I normally would when interacting with them, and having Tsumu there made it a lot easier. The coaches were really nice too, they let me interrupt as much as I wanted, so I ended up talking and helping them a lot an-what?”
“Nothing” he says when you notice that he was looking at you with extremely soft eyes, making you blush and get shy. He moves up a little so you were face to face, taking your cheek and kissing you deeply while his other hand was under your t-shirt, touching your waist. Your hands went to his neck almost immediately, pulling him closer. Your foreheads connect when you stop, gaining your breath back “I’m glad that you had fun, but I really missed you a lot”
“I missed you too, your presence relaxes me” you give him a quick peck “You know, it baffles me sometimes that we met this year, our relationship isn’t even a year old, yet it feels so…natural”
“Do you believe in fate?” he lays down again, his face on your neck
“Cause I do now, there’s no other logical explanation for us”
“And here I was all my life refusing to believe in soulmates, fate or destiny. But I’m not complaining, I got an amazing boyfriend…God, I’m tired, I want to sleep”
“Then sleep” he rolls to the side, putting your head on his chest while he passes his arms around, taking his PSP out
“…you’re quite the hypocrite, but fine, love you”
“Love you too love” he kiss the top of your head, smiling into your hair
Today’s Christmas eve, so Kenma, Kuroo and you were supposed to walk around Tokyo while eating street foods while your families hang out together. If there’s something that you learn in these past 2 years is that the holiday season here it’s celebrated quite differently; Christmas being the time for friends and couples to celebrate together, while New Year was for the family, visiting temples on January 1st.
“Are you sure you want me here? You two are a couple, and Christmas eve is supposed to be the most romantic date of the year…isn’t it awkward for you?” Kuroo asks awkwardly while you walk through a Christmas market
“This is for friends too, Kuro, relax”
“Yeah, but you know…you two are together…”
“Tetsu, relax, it’s just like any other day”
“Chibi-chan, Christmas eve here is like a holiday of yours…valentin? Something like that”
“Valentine’s day? Well, I never liked the idea of it, I don’t need a holiday to express my love towards my boyfriend or friends. Woow look at that! That’s so pretty!” you get distracted by a giant Christmas tree, making the two of them laugh
“Yeah, it’s pure capitalism. I’m already outside, so don’t make this more annoying for me than it already is Kuro” adds Kenma, pulling you slightly closer as he rubs your hand to warm it up
“Man, you two are the weirdest yet cutest couple out there” Kuroo laughs “should we sit and order something then? Chibi, did you know that eating KFC is like a tradition here?”
“Yeah, last year I ate some with the twins and Rin when they went to my house…it was a weird yet comforting”
“Well, it’s really different” Kuroo says while you sit in a park nearby, Kenma laying on your lap “I’ll go buy something, you two do your couple things or whatever”
“Sure” Kenma takes his phone out “couldn’t we have stayed at any of our houses?”
“Let me enjoy my first Christmas in Tokyo!”
“But it’s full of people and couples, it’s disgusting. Plus, it’s cold, you wouldn’t be shivering if we had stayed inside”
“Ken, we ARE a couple, I’m literally wearing your hoodie” you put your hands between his scarf and chest, making him lean his head on your arm
“But we are not the annoying kind, and you wear my hoodies everyday anyway. You’re lucky that I can’t say no to you, I wouldn’t have left my house otherwise”
“…Sorry for dragging you out, I really wanted to see Tokyo in this season, and tomorrow is one of the few days we don’t have practice”
“It’s fine, as long as it makes you happy I’ll do it…next year we’re not going out though, we’ll stay in playing something, we can even bake something together”
“Bake together? Or me baking while you pretend to help?” you tease him, earning a glare from the boy
“I’ll help y-”
“Planning next year's Christmas already? Are you two married or what?” says Kuroo arriving with the food, a teasing smile on his face
“Tetsu, kindly, shut the fuck up” you say making Kuroo gasp dramatically and Kenma chuckle “what did you buy?”
“Some onigiris and a Christmas cake. I bought some French fries too since you like them chibi-chan”
“Thank you”
You spend the rest of the afternoon talking together, mostly Kuroo and you, but Kenma still contributed here and there, whether by correcting some stories that Kuroo was telling you or saying his side of them.
“Kuro, can you go ahead of us?” says Kenma when you were near your houses
“What? Why?” he asks with a smirk
“Don’t start”
“Fine, fine I’ll leave the lovebirds alone” he turns around, walking faster than before. But Kuroo being Kuroo, he obviously had to yell something before leaving “don’t do the naughty yet kids, both are too young!”
“Don’t laugh! You’ll make him believe he’s funny” Kenma whines, hiding his face on his scarf
“Just so we’re clear, I’m not really into exhibitionism” you earn a glare from him as he blushes even more “sorry, sorry. What was it?”
“Nothing now” he squints his eyes
“Ok then, I’m not going to beg for you to tell me” you joke while continue walking, but he stops you taking your hand
“You’re unbelievable…here” he shakes his head while taking something from his backpack, a Harry Potter scarf “Merry Christmas, it’s not a lot, but I know that you’re used to this” says while putting the scarf around your neck
“Thank you” you give him a peck before hugging him “I also have something for you at my house…but Tetsu is over there and it’s making me uncomfortable” you caress his cheek as he looks towards the tall boy, sighing before taking your hand and starting walking
“I told you to leave Kuro” he says when you continue walking towards your houses “stop acting like my relationship is yours too”
“And miss my two friends' cute moment? Never. It was like a movie! With the snowflakes and all! Plus, considering that I was the one who push you into asking her out, I feel like I deserve it”
“No, you don’t”
“You’re weird Tetsu…see you tomorrow” you pull Kenma towards your house. When you were on you room, you give him the hoodie that you bought him “Merry Christmas…thank you for let me get to know you”
“Thank you for getting to know me” he pulls your closer into a sweet kiss
Today’s January 4th, the start of the Spring Tournament. You are walking down the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium behind your team when you hear Kuroo talk to somebody
“Did you finally get to see the real Skytree? You country crows”
“Always with his unnecessary commentary” you say to Kenma and Kai, who just shake their heads “I’m going to find the twins and Rin, can you take care of things for a bit, Kai-san?”
“Of course, chibi-chan, be careful”
“Thanks. See you in a few, babe” you kiss Kenma’s cheek before walking away. On the way there you pass next to Kuroo and Daichi, who are talking about how nervous the other was.
“Yn-chan hi”
“Oh, hi Sugawara-san, Asahi-san”
“Kageyama told us you were in the training camp as an assistant coach”
“Yeah, it was quite fun actu-”
“CHIBI-CHAN!” someone lifts you up from the ground
“Fuck! Bokuto-san, why do you always have to scare me?”
“Because you’re cute!” he presses his chin on the top of your head after putting you down. The two third years of Karasuno just laugh and go away
“Is Kenma okay with this type of skinship, Yn-chan? You can always tell Bokuto-san to stop” says Akaashi arriving
“Yeah, he doesn’t mind. He knows that we’re just friends” you look at Kenma, who is staring at you with a little, barely noticeable, smile “How are you Akaashi?”
“I’m fine, it’s going to be a really good tournament this year”
“Chibi-chan hi!” another voice calls you
“Komori-kun hi! Sorry I can’t really move much. Hi Tobio-kun” you gave him a hi-5 and smile at Kageyama while Bokuto just press his cheek on your head even more
“Does Omi-kun have an imaginary pain again?”
“Nah, he is the corner over there, he hates crowds” he points at where Sakusa is, looking gloomy in a corner. He nods slightly at you when you wave to him
“I forgot that the four of you went to the youth training camp, how was it?” asks Akaashi
“It was really good, chibi-chan helped us a lot when trying som-”
“Chibi-chan! You went to the youth training camp?!” asks Bokuto loudly, making a bunch of people look at your direction
“Y-yes, I told you Bokuto-san”
“She asked you if you went before Bokuto-san, you literally answer her”
“Oh right! I forgot!” he laughs loudly, the conversation keeps going for a while, and even if you were engaging in it, you still could listen to the very loud whispers around ‘how many dudes she’s with? I saw her holding hands with a Nekoma one, now Bokuto’ ‘I remember her being with an Inarizaki dude too’ ‘She was invited to the youth training camp, how? She’s just a pretty manager’ ‘do you think she was invited so the boys there relieve stress? She’s hot’ ‘What else could be? I bet that she has slept with so many…’
“Chibi-chan, breath with me” Bokuto whispers, rubbing your arms
“H-huh?” you broke from your trance, noticing that you were shaking and your breathing was inconsistent
“You’re getting anxious Yn-chan, follow Bokuto-san breath” says Akaashi with a calm yet worried look, alongside Komori and Kageyama
“I-it’s okay…I’m used to it” you try to follow Bokuto breath
“You shouldn’t be used to that, you’re so nice. People can be so rude” Komori pats your head
“Yn?” Kenma says, arriving at your side with worry in his eyes. Bokuto let go of you so you can go to Kenma, taking his hand immediately
“I think it should be better if we go for now, the ceremony is about to begin anyway. Let’s go Bokuto-san” Akaashi smiles at you
“Sorry chibi-chan, it was my fault. I’ll make sure to beat everyone here that talks bad about my precious friend” says with confidence. The rest of them say bye too before Kenma drags you away to where Nekoma is, moving near the wall before pulling you into a hug. The rest of the team come around you in a protective manner, making a little shield
“People will look at you Ken” you hug him back as one of his hand move into the back of your head, caressing it
“I don’t care, are you ok?”
“I’m fine, I got so used to being around all of you that I just kinda forgot that this happens”
“It’s still really rude, chibi-chan. We’re not going to let anyone talk bad about our precious friend and manager” Yaku pats your arm, the rest of the team nodding
“Yn-san…is this really normal? You deal with these comments daily?” asks Inuoka, the eyes of the first years are full of worry
“It’s not daily anymore, when I was in Inarizaki it was, a part of Tsumu’s fan club was really annoying. It’s okay though, it just caught me out of guard”
“Are you sure? You can always tell me if something is bothering you, you know?”
“I know, Ken, I’m alright” you finally separate from his body
‘We will now begin with the opening ceremonies’
“Stop worrying about me and get ready, you guys are in the Nationals, I will not allow you to lose so fast” you look at Kuroo, in hopes he understood that you just wanted to move on
“You heard our manager, let's go” says Kuroo. While walking towards the doors you feel Kenma's hand take your, squeezing it, before taking off his jacket and passing it through your shoulders
“Hey, I love you”
“I love you too”
After the opening ceremony you waited for a few minutes before the first match started, against a school from Kiyokawa. While the rest of the team warm up, you were sat on the floor reading the notes with Kuroo, who finished first.
“They don’t seem too challenging, honestly. For what I notice, they seem a little bit more powerful than you in offense, but the defense and blocks aren’t particularly strong”
“This here means that they have resistance, right?” he points at one of the words in English
“Yeah, the ace spiked at lot, and he didn’t seem that tired by the end of the match. His cross shots in particular seemed really powerful, that may cause you a bit of trouble in the beginning”
“We should be fine then”
“Yeah, it’s nothing that you haven’t played before. You probably will finish in two sets” you close the notebook
“Chibi-chan, you became cooler in the training camp”
“Eh? How?”
“I don’t know, you seem more confident”
“Suure. Go on, cap, you have a game to play”
As expected Nekoma doesn’t really have major problems in the game, already being 3 points ahead in the second set. The Ace of Kiyokawa attempts to do multiple spikes however your cats are able to receive each one of them, forcing him to hit a ball out of the bounds. For the last rally Kuroo is able to touch the ball, making Kenma set to Fukunaga, landing it in the back corner marking the win for Nekoma.
“YES!” screams Kuroo excitedly shaking a less excited Kenma while coming out of the court
“Didn’t I say you would win in two sets?” you pass around their bottles, Kenma using this opportunity to get away from Kuroo, going behind you
“Of course you called it” Yaku laughs
“Yn-san is a genius” says Inuoka as the team goes out of the gym, you pulling Kenma a little behind the rest
“You did really good” you gave him a peck “I don’t think a lot of people realize how good of a setter you are”
“I’m not that good, I’m not athletic enough”
“I mean, yeah, you could use more exercise, but you always underestimate yourself, you're more dangerous that you give yourself credit for”
“Thank you”
“Oh yeah, I’ll give you your reward when we get to the hotel” you wink at him, making him blush with an annoyed face
“You do this on purpose, don’t you?”
“Of course I do, it’s fun”
“You’re mean” says with a smile
“You love me though. Let’s go to eat, pretty boy” You go to where the rest of the team are, who where sitting in the floor a few meters away. You passed them their lunches as they finish stretching
“Chibi-chan, aren’t you going to watch Bokuto’s game?”
“It should be over, our games were at the same time”
“True, that’s one of the annoying things about Nationals”
“Yeah, I wish I could watch every game, but it would be so long and we only have a few days”
“CHIBI-CHAAN!” someone says plopping into your back
“Tsumu! What the fuck!”
“Ya did this to me every day in the training camp, this is payback!” says childishly
“Well, she’s not a giant pig. Get out of her” Osamu takes his twin by the collar of his t-shirt, sitting down beside you and kissing the top of your head
“I’m not a pig!”
“Yes, you are, it looked hilarious” adds Suna filming in his phone “hi chibi-chan, guys. You know, Tsumu didn’t shut up about how cool you were in the training camp”
“I love ya chibi, but it was getting annoying” Osamu move to lay his head on your shoulder. By now the 3 of them had sat down beside you, Atsumu in you other side and Suna just plop his head in your lap looking at his phone. Despite being used to this kind of affection by them, you can’t help to tense a little remembering the comments
“But she was awesome! Ya should have seen her! Chibi, ya grew up so much! Now ya talk to people without problems! I’m so proud!” Atsumu lays his head on your other shoulder
“I cannot eat in peace in this place” you take the bento that Kenma was passing you, he and the rest of the team were looking at the scene with a smile on their faces. You put the bento box on Suna's face, receiving an annoyed sound “what? you put yourself there, deal with it”
“Oh shit! sorry dude, I forgot that you two were together. Let me move” says Suna looking at your boyfriend, moving to sit up
“It’s okay, I know that this is how your friendship works”
“You sure? I understand if you don’t like it”
“You’re not jealous Kenma-san?” asks Lev
“I trust Yn, and I know that none of them will try to do something, why would I be jealous?” Suna it's surprised at that comment, however it makes him relax and lay down again.
“I knew from the beginning that ya would be a good boyfriend for our Chibi” Osamu does a fist bump with Kenma “anyways, we watched ya play, ya guys were good”
“Thanks, it was easier than expected, you guys start tomorrow right?”
“Yes, we came here for the ceremony…”
You spend a good part of the afternoon talking to each other, the twins and Suna not leaving your side until you decided to leave. On your way out you went to the bathroom, telling the guys to wait outside so everything was faster. Once you arrived to where the bright red uniforms are, you noticed Karasuno with them, talking together.
“YN-SAN!! Is it true that you went to the youth training camp?!” asks you Hinata when he sees you, pulling you to where he, Inuoka, Lev and Kenma were talking
“Ehh…yeah, I did went the-”
“THAT’S SO COOL!” he screams with his eyes shining, making you jump from the sudden scream “how was it? What did you do? How was everyone there? Did you help them train? Can you help me too someday? But you’re from other school, that means you will help an enemy, but if you help them that me-”
“Shoyo! too fast” you say making the boy apologize, you hear the guys from your team laugh “it was fun; I did help coaching them; everyone was really good; I did, I gave them feedback when they tried stuff; if I can help you I will, but I don’t know when that will be”
“You’re so cool Yn-san! Kenma, you got so lucky!”
“I know” he takes your hand
“We should go, it’s getting late. All of you need to rest. Guys! We’re going!”
“Well, try to survive tomorrow too” says Kuroo once everyone got together, ready to leave
“Same for you” Daichi says back. However, as soon as both of them turn around their expressions got really serious.
“Relax, Tetsu. It will be fine”
“I hope so”
Once you arrive to the hotel, you tell the boys to go shower while I do the same. Once done, you went down to the lobby with the third years, who started to talk about the next tournament while you were on your phone next to Kai looking at Twitter.
“The first Nationals…I would have love going far away, I want to use a bullet train” Yaku says
“Where will be next year? If it’s far away let’s go to cheer them up”
“You think we will go?”
“The faith that you have in us is so assuring Kai-san, thank you” you say with a sarcastic tone
“Exactly Chibi, trust in our juniors a little” Kuroo adds
“There’s another one here” Kai whispers when Kenma goes down the stairs, ready to buy something from the vending machine. There were two other dudes in front of it talking, so Kenma looks at you, asking for help silently
“I got you, you big baby” you say standing up and going to him, taking his coin purse
“Thanks, buy yourself something”
“I was going to” you make him roll his eyes playfully “Hi, can I use the machine…?”
“Oh yeah, so…rry” the dude that turns around stutters, so you give him a small nod and smile as a thanks while taking the money out “l-let me buy it for you!”
“Ehh, you don’t have to, I’m buying two things…” you say confused
“I got you” he goes to the vending while putting the money in, so you shrug your shoulders before pressing the buttons, who were you to deny free drinks? “Ehh…c-can I get your number?”
“I’m dating, and I don’t give my number just like that, sorry…Thanks for the drinks, though” you bow down slightly before going to the stairs where Kenma was
“Thanks” says Kenma when you handed him his drink, with a small smile. You take his hand and move him to where the rest are
“Knowing Kenma, if he didn’t like volleyball, he would have quit already, right?” says Kai
“Jesus, relax dude, don’t scream” you sit in the arm rest while taking your phone out, Kenma sitting in the chair
“If I want to leave it, I will, although I will feel bad” Kenma answers Kai question
“What?” says Kuroo surprised
“I can be considerate towards you too, you know. But just a little, I wouldn’t train for so many hours just for consideration, and I wouldn’t play if I didn’t like volleyball. I play just because, I don’t have a reason to do it, but neither to leave it. It’s normal” Kenma squeezes your hand
“That’s too complicated, dude”
“I don’t like sweating or the sensation of not breathing…but I don’t mind leveling up”
“Of course you would say that” you lean a little into him “Wait, this is awesome, I found the best tweet ever”
“What is it chibi-chan?”
“A foreigner found the tournament online, she doesn’t really know what is happening but she can’t help to watch it…not only she’s amazed by how hot everyone is here, but she created a thread of the ones she likes the most” you explain
“Okay, I’m intrigued now”
“Let me read what she put ‘Thank god this tournament has an online magazine, cause dude, everyone here is beautiful. Not only the players, but the coaches? Managers? What do this people eat? My personal favorites though are what I like to call The Pretty Setter Squad, no joke, the most beautiful man I have ever seen’ and she added photos of Akaashi, Tobio-kun, Suga-san, Tsumu, and the one and only, Kenma” you show them the photos
“Why did you tell them?” Kenma grunts hiding his head on your shoulder
“Because you don’t believe me when I say you’re pretty”
“Dude, it’s not fair. How come you steal every foreigners heart? You’re dating a foreigner girl, this tweet right here too and the likes…dude you’re like the third one with most likes. Not fair” Yaku says shocked
“Dude, you’re a heart-throb. The boy who hates attention is receiving the most attention out of us. I will never forget this” Kuroo laughs at his friend
“I have to say though, it’s really impressive” Kai passes you your phone back
“Whatever, let’s go” Kenma pulls you towards the dorms, making the third years laugh harder. Once in the room, he sits near your futon and glares at you before turning on his PSP “I can’t believe you said that”
“Did you really expect me to not say anything” you sit in between his legs, hugging him tightly “hey…are you really okay with the amount of skinship the guys do? I can always tell them to knock it down a little”
“It’s okay, really, I know that they love you like a sister. I’m not going to make you stop loving your friends”
“Thank you, babe, it means a lot” you snuggle a little more. You stay like this for a few minutes, comfortable hugging each other while he plays
“Can I ask you something? I want your opinion” he asks after a while
“Of course, you always can”
“I…I been thinking, on our third year I want to start streaming more seriously, uploading more YouTube videos…but I don’t know”
“Do it then, I don’t see why not. You’re good at playing, and there’s something about seeing you play that is so mesmerizing. There’s a reason why I love seeing you play”
“But you’re my girlfriend, you’re bias towards me” you can feel his smile on the crock of your neck
“Well, yes, a little. But seriously, you should do it. Who knows, maybe you end up being a famous streamer” you chuckle “I don’t know how I could help you, but I’ll be there for you. Just don’t ignore volleyball or me to do this”
“Thank you. You know that I’m here for you too, right?”
“I know, love”
“And I would never ignore you, don’t worry” he gives a quick kiss to your neck before continuing playing
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