#look at them...sooo sillay
sweetfloatapartment · 9 months
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mustache piggy bank ^_^
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yardsards · 2 years
lake holding blåhaj because they both got voted off of @askerror87's transmasc swag poll (i had considered drawing them w a shiny sylveon plush, bc sylveon ALSO got voted off, before remembering that sylveon is really hard to draw)
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edit: look in the reblogs of this post, there is a Very Good drawing of lake w a sylveon
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woodlandscab1n · 8 months
Guys. Guys never let me onto the cleon tag i have been giggling and kicking my feet like a dumbass. Actually. I am so cringefail
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cidnangarlond · 11 months
some of these r people I made up some are based on actual mutuals or inspired by posts if not directly drawn from them but know I came up with these out of love. I love uuu my mutuals
mutual 1: made more art of the war criminal as a catboy in the style of Cabanel's The Fallen Angel. drawn in a fugue state in 2 hours
mutual 2: wrote a little poem as I waited at the bus stop *one of the most heart-wrenching poems you've ever read*
mutual 5: inventing a new kind of drug *photo of a joint made from columbo-themed rolling papers*
mutual 6: if this team scores against mine again I'm flying to their stadium to personally blow them all up
mutual 7: now see her sillay *photo of their cat everyone knows by name*
mutual 8: now see her sillay *photo of their car on fire*
mutual 6: which one of y'all reported me to the authorities I WAS JOKING
mutual 9: dnd session today if glumpus and glumpo don't resolve their sibling issues and put it behind them then the world is gonna end they are LITERALLY having this much beef and a character is already dead in the middle of this fight to save the world
mutual 10: I'm gonna have glumpo fuck old woman cheddar tonight
mutual 11: they were insane for this one *screenshot of them listening to the alphabet on youtube*
mutual 12: look at my son *oc everyone knows by name and loves*
mutual 13: hey guys staff terminated me again because they said my repeating replying to dumb as shit tumblr ads with the wikipedia article text for japanese giant salamanders was "harassment" reblog to help me find my followers again
mutual 14: hey guys my blog got nuked because I told a proshipper to kill themselves reblog to help me find my followers again
mutual 15: *callout post for mutual 14*
mutual 16: *20 reblogs in a row of art of dio brando with huge tits*
mutual 17: did a quick makeup test for the show! only took me half an hour this time ^_^ *photos of intricate professional-level work to make them look like a skeleton*
mutual 18: going to the arctic to find out if those men fucked on the doomed expedition wish me luck 👍🏻
mutual 19: hey guys we haven't heard from mutual 18 in a week I think they were serious
mutual 20: i think i hauve covid *photo of a sheet of white paper*
mutual 21: if I don't get to see this band in concert I'm making a pipe bomb (FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS /J)
mutual 22: got high with my manager on break and why's he kinda... like he's married (for now) butWIAT THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE
mutual 18: in the arctic just killed a seal. I've never felt more alive
mutual 23: just got to heavensward sooo excited to play this expac... heard it's crazy good
mutual 24: hey mutual 23 what do you think about haurchefant
mutual 23: he's my favorite. why
mutual 26: LOOK AT MY WOL BOY *picture of their warrior of light with massive boobs*
you: awesome *reblogs it*
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peachy-doodles · 1 year
have to type this out rn cuz they wont leave my head-
i NEED to do full refs for Clown Emmet and Mime Ingo sooo bad. i wanna colour them finally and then figure out their sillay little team comp that they use to entertain ppl with, too, because OFC Ingo would have a Mime Jr. and i thonk they would share a smeargle because theyre cute and friendly and could help with face painting... im blanking on the team comps of the ingame Unovan Clowns so ill have to look em up but i dont wanna copy em rly cuz i wanna have fun and mess aroun...
i am also thinking i dont wanna take away their aces cuz thatd feel rude but whilst Chandelure could work for a Mime (floating objects, possesion etc...) am having a harder time thinking of the. clown reason. Emmet would have a Eelectross jwjsksjd maybe just the ability to float and do tricks in the air? could use the electricity as part of an act where hes been making balloons but Eelectross keeps popping them?? hrmnghh thibking emojie :Ic
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bumpscosity · 9 months
first of all they filmed star trek here :3 here's where the whales were in the movie
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this fish was ginormous and was just hanging out here sleeping i think. very sillay
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very interesting specimen.
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i liked these little dudes hanging out underground
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i assume this eel was sleeping? it looked very cozy
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they had a TON of different kinds of cool jellyfish (some that glowed different colors!) but these were my favorites. i don't remember what they were called but they have a cool shape to them
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sluggies :)
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i was surprised to see they had penguins, these two were cleaning eachother and i got this perfect shot of what looks like them kissing <3
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and here's the souvenir i picked! i almost got an otter plush but i thought this little dude was sooo cute. his name is Bingsu :)
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toddstool · 1 year
i finished breath of the wild (loz for those who don't know) and before I get to totk i wanna at least talk about the casual/subtle/built-in misogyny in the game and get it off my mind
1) the first i noticed directly was how purah OFC wasn't allowed to be an old woman. two old women in a game? naahhh that's crazy, let's make the one that's a scientist a loli stereotype 🤪 "sure she has the body of a cutesie 6 year old (that looks nothing like the other children in the game) but she's ACTUALLY like 120 sooo :P" plus that stupid stance thing that she does with that noise is so fucking... weird i can't stand it. why couldn't she just be a wise old woman?
2) backing up to purah's village and family, let's talk about her grand niece Paya. complete fan service right off the bat. that noise she makes when you start a conversation with her is straight up pornographic. and she's nervous around men. and she's in love with link. there's NO other personality we could give her nintendo?
3) Mipha. also in love with link. she dies lol ofc. very soft spoken and is a healer. again whole personality is being in love with link. there's some side notes about her connecting with van ruta really well but majority of her story is about her love for link. 😐
4) all the female zora are in love with Prince Sidon. he has a fan club. except for one:
(and also one female zora that is married and got so carried away with fishing she forgot about her family. she kinda slays so I'll give them that but getting to my point)
5) one of the younger female zora; a side quest you're able to do is ssaauurrr weird. so the zora age slower and live longer than the hylians (humans) and there's a female character that wants to find love cuz she doesn't have a thing for Sidon like the others. she sends love letters down the river to some guy she's corresponding with. they meet once you complete the side quest and he's an adult human with a child female zora. but it's okay cuz she's a late bloomer. 😰 also also side note there's another female zora not in love with Prince Sidon, she's in love with link. or was. she got married after link went missing but like CMOOONNNN
6) zelda's entire damsel in distress character. others have worded this better than me. also in love with link and was completely "useless" until "her love for him" unlocked her powers. not when like, her entire kingdom and her father and all the champions died that was chill ig. NOT MY MANLET KNIGHT ESCORT NAAUURR. i never thought i would start to dislike link ever but here we are.
7) the great fairy/ies. but this has been a thing. and they kinda slay. but still it's kind of weird to be in what is considered a child's game.
8) the rito. the males of the rito are known as flying warriors, skilled in archery. the women: their singing 😐 literally give me a break here. both male and female birds sing. at least majority of the children in the village are these sillay girls but that doesn't make up for the fact that all they do is sing. and stay home. and cook. and like,, stand around.
9) the gerudo is just......... like they could be SO COOL but that's not allowed. for those of u that dont know the gerudo are an all (most of the time) female race (one male is born every 100 years)(oh and btw when he is born he's like hyrule wizard hitler very cool not racist at all when u look up the gerudo (only sometimes tho i think to be fair)) and they strictly forbid men from entering their village. sounds kinda cool right? yeah that's where that stops. a majority of the gerudo talk about marriage or men in general. the female children gather up at some point in the day and when you interact with them, they're talking about marriage and falling in love. the gerudo leave their village when old enough and go out to find a husband. the older gerudo women are portrayed as lonely and regretful. and of course there's the whole thing of link either having to sneak in in most games or CROSSDRESS like in botw to get into the village. but it's for the good for the world or whatever. oh and btw, in botw the male that link gets the crossdressing clothes from has the same voice sounds as the only other gnc male, who is largely portrayed as gay. verrrrryyy interesting stuff here. very subtle.
10) the gorons. okay I like the gorons. just silly guys. but that's the thing there's no female gorons. i forgot their origin and lore but they're basically rock creatures and are very big and buff. and nintendo couldn't make a female character like that 😱 so there's just no female gorons. im sure it's explained away but bruh.
okay this has gotten too long and that's all i can think of off the top of my head anyway.
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mickmundy · 1 year
sorry to bother ya but do ya perhaps have any new silly thoughts about your silly guys (vamp medic + hunter sniper)?
OMFGGG YOU ARE NEVER A BOTHER UWAAA ;___; i love getting asks!! ^__^ you could sincerely never bother me I feel like i'm bothering YOU when i just blab about stuff so ;_; asks help me feel less annoying ehe!! AND ABSOLUTELY HMMM let me see.,.,
their dynamic is extra fun to me because OBVIOUSLY i am sooo slutty for slow burn pining etc BUT this fic would let me have a lot more fun in the sense of adding on all of these supernatural Creatures and their social dynamics etc.,., plus since it's just a silly fantasy au i can be sooo sillay and a bit Corny Tropey with it but it's okay! let dutch have fun as a treat...................
so i've said before sniper isn't a hostage nor is he a ward or anything else... but medic's castle is really nice and so sniper figures he'd probably be crazy not to take him up on some of that amazing lodging!! medic calls in a chef that cooks for sniper around the clock and often joins sniper when he eats (having just finished eating himself... heh) and is often sitting at the table waiting for sniper swirling a glass of blood in a wine glass and being like "gooood evening herr hunter! ^v^" and at first sniper would think it was absolutely ridiculous but he's also.., kind of lonely.,., and as he gets used it medic just becomes a part of his routine and he looks forward to having dinner with him... they "quickly" become friends and pick each other's brains about humans, vampires, combat, hunting, etc!!
and i think sniper specifically is really well suited to the like. "vampire/supernatural/creature hunter" thing because he's a liiiiittle bit morally gray. like he'd be.,., a little curious about medic and how he ticks (and how he hunts/kills) and medic would think that was so cute.... and of course he loves to talk about himself so that's perfect!! and i think sniper's also just got that Funny Offbeat-ness to his personality (canonically. but as well as in this au ehe) that i think he and medic like things that are "morbid" and "weird" and they just Get Each Other like that!
medic talks to sniper about the thrill of the hunt from the perspective of his wolves.,., "hoo! there is nothing like it!" and sniper on the edge of his seat listening because god it would be so cool to hunt like an animal does.... medic taking sniper up on that and offering to let him tag along the next time his wolves go hunting. sniper does so just to watch his wolves work, fascinated by the fact that it's medic controlling them (or not knowing that bit of info at all yet. haven't decided which is more Delicious ehe) .,., letting out a startled yelp as one of the wolves comes up behind him and blows hot air in his ear and nips at sniper's ear and barks and does the "play bow" at him.,., medic's playing with him.., sniper playfully shoves the muzzle of the wolf away and is like "ALRIGHT alright.,., very funny.,. -_-" but he's chuckling and brushes the snow off of him and readies his own bow and hunts a few animals for them (as a thank you to medic).,.,
sniper coming back in soaked and muddy and one of medic's wolves trotting up to him and sitting beside medic and sniper shucks off his drenched gross outdoor clothes by the fireplace and medic "jogs" up to greet them (going Human Paced) and is like "HOO! LOOK AT YOU! did you have fun? ^v^" and sniper's excitedly babbling about how much fun he'd had and is like "heh., s'fun hunting with a pack. never done that before, well, obviously," and of course the wolves were being controlled by medic but medic's like ;-; because sniper looked so in his element and looked like such a Handsome and Rugged Hunter... and medic's like "well, i'm so glad to hear you had fun; you certainly gave my hounds a run for their money, hoo! why, i-" and sniper's asleep curled up by the fireplace and medic grins oughhhh he wants to hold sniper so bad...
sniper is SO human and medic doesn't miss being a human whatsoever (and of course in true medic fashion Jumped at the chance at Vampire Immortality in the first place) but... it's a nice change of scenery... Very Cute.,., and it makes medic's dead old heart flutter just a little bit... ehe.,.,
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goatpaste · 2 years
ok, first off, part 4 is the best one im sooo happy you hold the right opinion there. secondly, have you gotten to jojolion? if so, any opinions?
P4 is is just so good!! dont compare p4 to the rest of jojos!! its just doin its own thang
its very good and really just stands strong on its own
and yes! im actually currently reading through JJL atm, im workin through v14 right now, so i just finished reading the Vitamin C fight
and its very good, i like it A LOT more than sbr
it still has its icks, i cant ignore that and their some pretty big icks. but AT LEAST unlike SBR it isnt a major plot point that spans throughout the story and hinging on being "important to the story" its just a few unfortunate icks here and there.
BUT THE MAJORITY of the story is VERY fun and im REALLY enjoying it. i love the higashikatas so much their all freaks, i love that they all wont wow we love you josuke so much we wish you were our real son insteed of joshu <3 and then flushed him down the toilet <33
SOO mad Joshu has a cool fucking stand with a baller design, doesnt even deserve it...
i really do love the stand and ppl designs in this part. they look like they'll be very fun to translate into my art style if i ever get around to drawing them :))
and again love the characters, everyone's such a freak in the funniest best way possible i love them sm.
also i do really enjoying watching araki try to explore like, whats the world, really dive into character thoughts and feelings. i really enjoy watching through Gappy's delima of the question on "who am i and what does being me mean" its,,, ough
theirs just a lot more to like about this part beside the characters its very good charaters in the classic good morioh setting with a fun story
aND this is one of the few parts that i geniuenlly knew VERY little about. i know Gappys deal and his whole idenity for the most part without the finer details, i know the name of some stands, i sorta understood the higashikata family set up, i know the name of the main villian and his stands name and i think i know its ability. and i knew the rock humans. But thats kinda it, i have NO idea a lot of the stuff thats going on as i go, i dont know a lot of characters, i dont know villian goals, or a lot of character backgrounds and development. im actually getting to go into this one pretty blind! and its so good because its a mystery set up and im like, really good part to not know whats going on. so exciting.
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maniaparty · 10 months
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catastrophic autism moment. jin & casey's wols throughout the years with some silly things below the cut
so jin's wol has gone through a lotttt of changes LEGACY: catgirl because catboys aren't around yet first of all. jin actually played on launch! :D aurora break'r was there since day one, she was a pld through and through! no crazy notes aside from the weapon she's holding being the starter zodiac relics.
ARR: finally. catboy. the warrior zodiac relic because of Course he'd grind that out. he's also a warrior cuz he wnated to try out another tank, and... WAR was the only other one at the time. he also gave his WOL the FF13 collab hair because i knoww he'd like ff13. unfortunately i haven't finished it so i don't know much to add here. but he would like it. HSW: the start of his DRK arc. aurora has golden eyes atp because of hraesvelgr and i loveee doing that to peoples' wols. the gear that he uses here is his current DRK glam, too! :D sillay note.
STB: sorry. he saw his first chance to dress slutty and took it. the first two ultimates came out and he ate those uppppppp. he went back to PLD because apparently DRK & WAR didn't feel good during stb. also it's been awhile since he played it so. lul.
SHB: back to being a woman. this is where the white eye comes in, too. also you can see the dqslime earrings. he'd love dragon quest methinks. anyways not that much to say here but he loved his bunnygirl. lightning hair btw because he liked lightning
EDW: THE END OF IT ALL. 5 ultimates under his belt. i know he lost his mind when mviera were announced cuz he was waiiiiting so long for them to come out. ever since he saw fran he was like +__+ thats rlly it for him
CASEY. ON THE OTHER HAND... i should say has gone through similar changes. believe it or not she fantasias way more than jin. jin only does it for jokes but casey does it because she likes messing around in the character creator. she just always comes back to the catgirl cuz she likes the fluffy ears and also being short. ALSO IM SO SAD I COULDN'T HAVE A LEGACY ONE FOR HER. well... i could've. but 8 y/o casey's wol would have made me sad. just know she was the kind of person that downloaded the game, played a bit, never touched her character until arr. speaking of which
ARR: ACN starter :D she thought carbuncles were sooooooooooo cuteiepie... u can't tell but both of her eyes are pink HSW: She heard a lot of people liked WHM, and the relic that came out for it was sooo cute that she decided to level it up n use it as her main job!! new hair just cuz she wanted to try it out. for lorereasons k'cea couldn't get a haircut since she was a criminal in eorzea... lol STB: SURPRISE! of course she'd want to try out the new cute girl race. ummmmm... still a whm. this was where she actually started to do hard content! she started doing savage fights with her brother (this is also where she started playing w/ jins static but it wasn't official. esp since she was still... 16 when they started coming out. but she started playing the game less casually :3 SHB: First ultimate clear baby... casey actually hasn't done UWU or UCoB. she dove headfirst into TEA w/ slopsquad :D this is where she started her SCH phase and she honestly hasn't looked back since. (back to ACN stuff btw which is soo cute to me) EDW: thats right. THE SAME CATGIRL!!!!!! there's nothing really new to say but she does flex her ultimate weapons and also is alwyas changing her glams :D
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bloodcoveredgf · 1 year
buffy for the tv asks !
favorite character: buffy summers without a doubt in my mind :] shes the best girl in the world to me as everybody probably already knows... & that will never change!! do not even care that she is the main character and of course nearly everyone loves her i love her in a more intimate and profound way /lh shes my forever :)
funniest character: OO TOUGH theres sooo many funny little guys.. but i will say spike. or anya <3 she just gets me (her autistic weird girl swag which gets played for laughs often but i usually laugh With her and when shes being sillay and cute).. spike is just like. he definitely gets the most laughs out of me hes so sillay and pathetic and funny. im always either laughing at him or with him
best-looking character: every woman. no but like actually.... buffy but also drusilla and darla and anya and faith and willow and tara and glory and cordelia and kendra and jenny and harmony and- hfkshfj you get it.. The most wife ever to me though is buffy. or drusilla. OH GOD... both of them
3 favorite ships: umm.... gets nervous.. buffy + faith, willow + tara, spike + buffy. It physically pained me leaving out spike + drusilla, angel + darla And spike + angel... like ultimately spike & drusilla are THE ultimate duo ever in the buffyverse In my opinion but not necessarily top 3 ship... im sorry for my spuffy crimes. im so sorry for this. But also i dont take ships as seriously as everyone else like do not start legitimate ship wars on this post i prommy i dont care
least favorite character: warren. i dont think i even need to say anything else
least favorite ship: probably buffy and riley like there is Absolutely worse and theres like non-canon ships people have that are so yuck but in terms of like ships i actually had to endure... them.. i actually dont mind riley himself i just dont like buffy and riley together they had potential but ultimately... their storyline just went somewhere and they lost me. riley lost me but i find things to appreciate about him And his relationship with buffy especially as i analyze him/his purpose and listen to others analyze him more but when it comes to buffy/riley.. not a fan!
reason why i watch it: uhhh.. well its good :) i could write a whole essay but my brain is not working enough right now for that hopefully thats okay. i will say its just peak television in my opinion like yeah theres bad writing like any other show but thats my beloved babygirl show... she does me wrong sometimes but i love her forever.. Also the characters and themes just enrapture me and the show brings me endless entertainment and insanity and i can analyze and nitpick and obsess over so much. so much happening in that show always!!!! and its very fun and sillay :) Also. theres buffy <3 the MOST character OF ALL TIME the best girl EVER put on any television screen... like genuinely she means soooo so much to me augh.. so does the show... i just love the show very much!
why i started watching it: wellll i heard a lot about it from many many people including my mom and was like i really need to watch this... i tried to one time and got through half of the first episode and was like hmmm.. but then kept seeing it everywhere and what really got me to try again was actually tumblr user william dogmotif and i blasted through the entire show in um 1 month + a few days !! so... yeah!! needless to say it quickly became a hyperfixation and has stuck with me since Woo!
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bingobongobonko · 1 year
im so fucking sleepy but also. OHHHH. OHHHHHH. YESTERDAT OHHHHHHH. guy who made a looney tunes entrance into the wall and immediately started arguing with kass because her clone fucking tried to kill me. and then she doxxed my mech and was like. can you even fucking USE that thing you senile old man. and then i one-shot crit a guy before looking her right in her direction. we stay sssoooo sillay we stay sooo sillay. rp wise, oh myyyyvgod they were arguing for half the fucking fight. mostly yves feedin it and getting on kass's case, accusing her of knowing she had a shitton of clones running around even though she had NO idea. but yves i mean. reasonably mad cuz she shot him + kidnapped elias + saw The Nothing. and yves finally met Treasure, freaked yhe fuck out, before realizing that the Treasure understood their reality and had witnessed all of this before. and honestly yves is desperate to not feel absolutely fucking unhinged about this so he breaks into private comms and begs him to help them figure out how the fuck to leave the timeloop. but.... very cryptic response, maybe hopeful. they just gotta bury the clown. before yves can get further word in, his comms suddenly jam and he's forced into battle. battle continues 2 go on, until rest of the team makes it to the control point, but TWO[2] issues, yves is kinda still trudging thru water to get to the point, and the point is being contested by a big guy. so i enter sillaaaay juggernaut mode and slam right into this guy with my mech, pushin him way back from us. HOWEVER. it doesnt go prone and retaliates next turn 2 contest the point. HOWEEEEEVER... telly fucking dives in, pins, and drills the fucking big guy. A crit. no less. guy is still standing... then fucking TREASURE.... COMES IN AND JUST STABS IT 2 DEATH... OVERKILLL... ANOTHER CRIT. so its a flawless fucking win, we have the point. at that rate we're like. aaaalright we gotta get the hell out of here actually, telly's all suspicious abt yves having been gone for so long but yves just kinda says. lol we were kidnapped yeah. for the most part everyone believes that - except jeurgen who just finds it suspicious that yves isnt elaborating. while thats happenin, skink's out and about lookin around these rooms she found. one's just a rreally shitty dormroom filled with bunk beds. the other? well........... after yves explains the situation - or at least what he wants them to believe - he turns back to elias, who i forgot 2 mention has been in the mech with yves the whole time. expanded compartment, he's just hangin out and tryna not to die. but yea yves just rambles to elias about the whole ordeal. about skink. about the fact that he overheard from tellius that elias had seen the same woman before. he knows who skink is. and he knows there's seemingly more than one. and one in helios, ironically enough. and its rlly funny cuz this is happening at the same time that skink's opening this upper room and realizing whats in there. so like as soon as yves assures himself, yeah skink is one of many clones, and one of her clones IS the Fool. flash to the actual room where skink is, its fucking filled with like. chambers.... of HER.... a bunch of clones........... and shes like. Oh. and telly, jeurgen see it too. and theyre like. Oh. theres also a terminal that we uncover, all of which details messages between a skink and someone else. and all of it is eerily descriptive of everything that happened now. everything thats gone wrong, the Fool's had her hand in it. her clone is the reason why any of this is being initiated...... funny thing. i cant even say clone. bc the fool IS the original skink. our skink's a clone of her. so...... head in hands... i know widow was brought up, was a program on yorrik 5 if i remember correctly. elias knew about it, cuz he was tasked to keep an eye on the woman that made it off. The fool!!!!!!!! it's all fucking falling on our head i think. we're sooo fucked we're so fucked
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mchi22 · 1 year
can i get uhh.. winston? (1,2,3,10,20)
WINTON!!!!!!!!! im literally in a group to go see him rn (-:
1 My first impression of them i was in a call with my friend at the time and his favorite hobby is bullying me for being gay so i was acting sooo normal but i was enamored with this freak the second i saw them
2- When I think I truly started to like them ok so i looked thru my messages and i fought him for the first time on 12/8 at 3:43am
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and then sent this in my group chat the next day
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so. i think it mightve been immediate (-:
3- A song that reminds me of them auuugh fuck u caught me i dont. listen to music. i should really sit down and make a playlist 4 her at some point tho.......
10- Describe the character in one sentence imprisoned for sillay crimes
20- A weird headcanon i dont think his dialogue is exclusively relevant to the first time u meet him even though he mentions how its "been a while since hes spoken to a toon." i think when he shuts down at the end of the fight and you come back down to fight him again, hes genuinely forgotten that hes seen you before
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skiploom · 2 years
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i honestly love rose and frank so so much, whether they have kids or not!! i love either or, bc either option involves so many sillay shenanigans and its soo heartwarming 🥺 🥺  !!!
which leads me to this next thing, i read a super cute fic series  by da lovely @/columboscreens (pls check it out!!) that involves them havin kiddos and i love them sm i wanted to try to draw what i imagined they look like!!! they are litcherally so special to me sniffles
and thennnn i went hog wild and drew smth that inspired me sooo much , this cute bi bob comic made by @/stevetwisp 
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viovio · 2 years
what I think about each district:
G1 - normal it's just that morfosi is there. everybody has human skintones no more blue or greyscale. also i think while it's not a dinoverse game bc they only made the art, morfosi should still be in the same universe but its modern sooo way way before vtsom and twdak. they got macher corp i guess
G2 - dream eaters. not entirely well-versed in what they are other than the name and y'know eating people thing, or what albert is supposed to be (gotta repeat playthroughs) but what i DO know is that he is my friend. bright hot pink and blues and desaturated black, quite awesome aside from the horrors. they're pretty chill though they love to be sillay
G3 - mutants, quite tame as they do not eat people and are just some guys. genetically modified humans and have a sort of muted palette, more colors included like greens blues and yellows. their sky is yellow too hope this helps 👍🏼 (g3 citizens like to make fun of G4 citizens too i think in like a. idk they know myers isn't hot shit. not only cuz of vorhees' competition they don't care about that they just think he's annoying)
G4 - ya y'know the horrors, cyborgs. if you're wondering what they put in the g4 water to make them act like That look no further than the bay. sort of similar to g4 except their extra colors are for the background, not muted but mostly black white reds and blues. skys ourple. to them the Evil universe would just be normal because they live in hell which is Normal to them, imagine living in a district where your neighbors didn't go missing and turned up as food for a megacorporations twisted project. that'd be weird right.
G5 - stands. they have stands. shut up let me have this it makes sense to me. also color palette changes wildly every dramatic cut. the firefly conglomerate, while top in the district, don't really compete. i don't have a fully fleshed idea for em yet but i like thinkin about it
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milfmatsu · 3 years
omg for the ask game........ichimacchan
Give me a character: Ichimatsu!
favorite thing about them
this guy is such a TRY HARD it's hilarious. i like his expressions the most in the animation, he looks silly. also when he's really into a story he repeats after what the speaker said. top 5 110matsu momence
least favorite thing about them
his personality mainly revolving around cats. this is more on the writers than him tho. we are seeing him getting into different hobbies in s3 which is good
favorite line
"Happy Valentine! Love is over! We are the world!"
PARKAAA #1 they're sooo. grilla ough ough. you know? i just think it's sweet that oso is the only one that ichi can be a true younger brother to. they're two weirdos. fucked up in da head. i love 110 as well of course, they're my first favorite duo!!
ichibita. it's a malewife x malewife situation (love wins). and IN THEORY ichitoto. cringefail girlboss x cringefail malewife (love loses)
ichinyaa. just because he likes cats? that's lazy imo
random headcanon
he's super into 1980s scifi fantasy action cartoons. He-Man, She-Ra, Voltron, THUNDERCATS, Transformers, TMNT (Donny is his fave). this also includes anime, but i can't name any off the top of my head. he's a real geek this guy.
unpopular opinion
he's kinda lost his edge in the recent seasons? s3 malewifed him a lot which i'm NOT ungrateful for, but i liked his really off putting behavior even more. he's gone from eugh. weird guy. to aw 🥺 weird guy! idk. let him embarrass himself more please. but this is a double edged sword bc this will only fuel the "omg ichi daddy dom uwu cat boy" weirdos. also i think he's on the thinner side *compared to his brothers! idk it's a very popular thing that because he's depressed he MUST be fat. doesn't rub me the right way. i am not against him being fat either.
song i associate with them
Devour by The Garden and Pardon Me by Incubus
favorite picture of them
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so sillay
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