#look i just think theres something about the fact he is bunkered in the middle of the infected city and remains stalwartly unaffected
goodmode · 1 year
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no one comes to hallownest because they belonged anywhere else
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angeltiddies · 4 years
eternal skyline of a spotless mind- or the one where the first 5 or so minutes of 15x20 are the only minutes i accept. 
in which i ramble a whole ficlet on accident and y’all i need the full fic. yes there’s a tinnnny bit of smut. also spn 15x20 spoilers slightly 
now i want the fic where dean applies to be a mechanic, gets the job, does real good. he and miracle live in the bunker, sam and eileen moved out a year ago now to follow a job opportunity for eileen. it’s a big place to be alone in. he keeps watching over and over all of the movies he has in a file entitled ‘cas’ favourites’ he sips whiskey, a responsible amount, and pets miracles head while his head is on his lap. sometimes he dives into the lore, he’s glad sam isnt here to give him shit about finally doing his research, but he’s trying to find a way to cas. to save him. and one day he tries to mix up a spell thatll open a portal into the dark nothing and his ingredients sputter and spark and he thinks it��s gonna work this is it, and it just doesnt. the smoke clears, the sparks stop popping, and there’s nothing. and so that night he goes into the dungeon draped in one of cas’ old trenchcoats and he sits in that spot he had to sit years ago and he cries, and miracle sits beside him and he cries because he’s trying he’s trying to live for love he’s trying to do right by cas and he just....he cant...cas died thinking dean didnt...didnt love him. and god, does dean love him. so he cries and he whispers iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou and he falls asleep on the concrete, uses miracle as a pillow but dean doesnt think he minds. and he wakes up in the morning, eyes puffy, and he drags himself to work, and he’s back to square one. and this continues for a while, dean doesnt really remember when he tried the spell, but it’s been a while. a month, maybe more. and he goes into work, and there’s a new car for him to work on. it’s old, a classic, but dean kinda thinks she’s more junk than classic, sue him, and he starts working on it, and he opens the trunk to pop a particularly stubborn dent out of it, the client’s not paying for that but he just can’t let the car be driven around all beat up, and there, right in the trunk, is a trenchcoat. bundled up, and tan and big and dean grabs it, he shouldnt but he does and his heart is beating so fast as he brings it to his nose and smells it and it’s cas it has to be and so he rushes to the front office, demands to know who the client is, when are they coming by and as he’s going completely wild wanting to know everything it suddenly goes calm. because there, in a worn flannel and blue jeans, is cas. castiel. and dean just looks for a moment, to convince himself its real, and then hes rushing to a wide eyed cas and saying ‘you stupid son of a bitch’ and crashing his lips into those ones which he has wanted for and then cas isnt really kissing back so dean stops because he...he cant take anything more from cas, he needs to give and he...he stops himself because what if...what if this wasn’t what cas wanted, so he pulls back, lets his hands linger on the soft of the flannel, and then cas is speaking, head quirked, ‘do i...do i know you?’ and fuck. his heart drops right out of his ass. his knees buckles and hes on his way down when castiel catches him, pulls him up, hand on his shoulder, and he holds on to him. and dean lets out a ‘you don’t remember?’ and castiel says, ‘no. i...i dont i’m so sorry.’ and dean thinks all hope is lost until cas asks, ‘i know this is too much to ask but it...appears i know you, and i kind of just, woke up one day in a field and i...i dont really have anywhere to go..and um’ and hes rambling but he’s determined to get his little angel back, all the way back, so he says, ‘you wanna come home with me, angel?’ and cas grins and dean wants to see that grin everyday of his life. so he finishes cas’ car, lets him trail behind as they drive to the bunker. he doesn’t explain it really, just opens the door and says ‘well, heres the place’ and cas walks in and looks at everything with such wonder. and he brushes his fingers across the gold embossing of an angel on one of the books there and dean just watches, listens to cas breathing, aches to touch.
he sets cas up in his old room, cas quirks a head when he sees all the suits and ties in the closet, says something like ‘now i understand why i woke up looking like a tax accountant’ and hes being good old cas, sticking so close to dean and he’s sitting beside him to watch a movie and miracle is sprawled across their legs and cas says, ‘i could get used to this’ and dean says, ‘yeah cas, me too.’ so they sit and they watch and they repeat that day in day out and the bunker isnt so lonely anymore, and he and cas do everything together, and dean researches spells to get cas’ memory back. he thinks it has to do with the fact that his grace got ripped out in the process, theres a small nick on his adams apple that he recognizes as the place it must have left, but he coughs himself out of thinking about that neck and those lips and that hair and those thighs and- he hasnt kissed cas since the first day, he longs to. he sees the way this cas looks at him and he wonders. he wonders if maybe...maybe this castiel can learn to love him again. and it’s going on a year now. cas works down at the local flower shop and has an apiary on the hill above the bunker, deans still in his same routine of life, and they’re not...they’re in the same place they were before cas confessed. just, in this middle ground, this unspoken something, so as he lies beneath a car he decides, the happiness isnt in the having its in just being in just saying it, so he goes home that night, picks up flowers from a competing shop bc he doesnt wanna spoil the surprise, and sets up the table. cas’ name is still carved there, cas had laughed when he first saw it because “what kind of long name is that,” and dean was bursting with fond. and anyways he lays down a table cloth and lights a candle and waits. shaking in his skin just waiting for cas to get home, and then cas is walking in saying ‘hello, dean’ and running down the stairs, groceries in paper bags overflowing in his arms, and his hair is disheveled and dean helps grab a bag and puts it in the kitchen and waits for cas to follow and see...the set up. and cas asks, what’s this about? and dean looks at cas and takes a deep breath and says, ‘someone once told me there’s happiness in just....fuck...in just saying it so here goes. and its okay if you..if you dont but...’ and cas is getting closer, his head quirked and deans heart is beating out of his chest and he says ‘i love you.’ and then cas is rumbling, ‘dean, look at me’ and so he does, looks up into wide blue eyes and cas is smiling. smiling so big and beautiful and dean wants to hear it he needs to hear it he needs- ‘i love you too, dean winchester’ and then theyre kissing again, kissing and holding and deans a little embarrassed but hes crying and then theyre skipping dinner entirely and cas has his hand on deans bare shoulder and hes shivering into the touch its so overwhelming and he fucks himself down onto cas’ cock and cas digs his fingernails into deans thighs and looks up at him blue and beautiful and overwhelming and deans pretty sure he blacks out when he comes except, he doesnt, because his eyes are open and the lights in the room are all busted and cas is lying there under him looking up, dean thinks so at least, he can’t really see him and so he laughs and he laughs and he’s not really registering what happened, a beautifully timed power outage like something divine saying this is how you met and he’s here still and you finally have him and so he climbs off of cas and grabs something to wash them up and a candle or two from the table and when he comes back, and wipes the damp cloth gingerly across cas’ body he notices cas tense and he sees in the candlelight cas is looking very serious and he stops being sweet just asks ‘cas? whats wrong’ and cas says, ‘dean? dean. dean winchester... dean...righteous soul the one i fell for and will always fall for the one i love the one i have always...’ and dean dives back on top of cas and kisses him senseless because now cas remembers everything before and he remembers everything after and everything now and its perfect
and honestly they still arent really sure what happened except that maybe the spell needed angel mojo so it snagged it from cas or maybe the empty curled itself around cas mind and all it needed was the Loud of too many emotions to overflood it but all that matters is that they are here together.
and then one day, at the dinner table, cas looks at dean and he says ‘dean, will you....’ and he shuffles inside his pocket and presses a box into deans hand and its- ‘will you marry me?’ and dean is practically leaping over the table to kiss cas and saying “yes yes yes of course of course i wanna grow old with you i wanna be with you always in life and death in everything always together”
and cas is crying because he could have what he wanted, he has the one thing he wants most and dean wants him most too.
and then dean is pulling back and cas is looking pensive and he says, ‘there is one thing, dean.’ and dean looks worried so he places his hand on his knee and he says, ‘i want to be human, all the way human.’ and dean looks like he wants to protest or cry and hes not sure which it is but then dean is crying and saying ‘ill help’ and then the next day theyre out with the bees, because cas thinks his grace will do them good, and dean holds cas’ hand in his tightly and follows that little nick on his throat and opens it ever so slightly with the angel blade and tries not to think about how hes hurting the person he loves and he loves and he loves and then the grace is flowing away and dean captures it in a bottle, hands it to cas, who later pats it down in the ground so they can grow a new tree, and dean gives cas two little stitches on his throat and kisses all around them and washes cas hair for him in the shower and then
when the day comes, they go together, they get to live with one another and watch the sunsets on their front porch with miracle and jack and sam and eileen all looking out over an eternal skyline.
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searchingforbucky · 5 years
Fic Rec List (Part 9) :)
Hello! I’ve gotten MANY many requests for Mobster!Bucky, which is one of my favorite AU’s! (I say that about almost every AU, I know, I’m sorry, I cant help it) I just really like AUs obviously. ANYWAYS, on this list are some of my favorite mobster stories in no specific order! Yet again this is long, I hope you lovelies enjoy! If their are any mistakes im sorry!
Run to Me by @sgtjbuccky​
I fell in love with this story immediately. The dynamic Bucky and the reader have is wonderful. She doesn’t take any nonsense, and boy is he just smitten. The way the story represents Bucky is awesome, he is cocky and full of himself, but you see the west side, the insecurities and his heart. Its not one of those fics with a whole lot of angst, its just a genuinely good read. It makes you happy, and the DRABBLES oh god the drabbles that come along with it were so cute. Also, Salina has another spectacular Mobster Bucky story called **Disbarred https://sgtjbuccky.tumblr.com/post/180246739540/disbarred which a very, very good fic as well. Makes me want to get a mobster of my own lol.
Black Serpent Universe by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
LOVE love this series. This is the first mobster AU I think I ever read, and it is literally flawless. The universe is basically on every long oneshot and accompanying drabbles/HCs. The one shot is everything I could’ve asked for in a fic, its long, well thought out, detailed, exciting, heartbreaking, fluffy, and so so realistic. I know what you’re thinking, a mobster story realistic? Okay, so maybe not the mob aspect, but the real reactions and the slow burn, its true to life, they don’t just jump into things, they live through the build up. The emotions are practical and real and I feel like they were people and not characters. Its just, really freaking good.
Petals & Bullets by @revengingbarnes
This one is really unique, and it talks about sex slave so you know that's a trigger warning. anyways it's just really well done. And like I said I've never really read anything like it and I think that's what makes it great. And when you go into reading it you really think that it's going to be dark and hard to read because it's such heavy material, but the way it's written is really good because it gives that white and makes it worth it to read. It really makes you feel a lot of emotions that I couldn't honestly pinpoint because I was angry at the situation but I loved the characters, so all in all it was just a genuinely good read, and it was really really well done. Not many people could take that subject and turn it into a really good story like that.
Stay, Gold by @the-canary
You want some angst with a side of pain? Well heres the fic for you. This one HURT. There is not a happy ending, not even close. But with all of that being said, it was beautiful. As you read, you realize whats happening and you just hurt for them, they deserve better and you want them to have better, but thats not their fate. They are a pair of lovers unfortunately a part of a tragic story, but oh sort they make the most of what time that had. I cried, a lot, but I also loved the characters. They loved each other, so much, and you could feel it in your bones. Fantastic story. 
Tangier & Redux by @softlybarnes
Theres something about this one that I love, something so unique about the reader. She’s… mysterious, ethereal, and kinda sinister but most importantly damn powerful. The way she speaks, and talks, it reminds me of a witch. Its something that you don’t see a lot in stories like these, the reader being anything but ‘innocent’. She doesn’t take any less than she knows she deserves, and he fiercely wants whats best for her. Sometimes they don’t think those are the same thing. But the chemistry they have, its so nice to read. And the scene setting in this, its perfect, you can picture exactly what it would look like. And the personification of Bucky as well, he’s no wannabe mobster, he’s ruthless, and they fit together so well. 
Someday by @221bshrlocked
This one is really good, it's Rough and violent but like that's the whole point he's a mobster he's ruthless Yet it's perfectly balanced with the fluff that's in there because at first you don't really see it but as time goes on you see all of the small nuances to how much he really likes her and how soft he is actually on the inside and it's one of those stories that you can tell was just written naturally like there wasn't a lot of structured to it and I think that's some of the best stories because it's like real life you know it just happens and you go with the flow and there's nothing jarring that pulls you out of reading. The smut scenes are also perfectly balanced between being sexy yet sensual and sweet. Really awesome fic.
Truth Set Free by @propertyofpoeandbucky
It was so hard picking one of Leilanis story to focus on, because they’ve done some absolutely spectacular ones such as “Missin’ My Girl”, “Soft To The Core”, “Burst Of Anger”, “Maybe This Time”, “How Unlikely”, and of course a fan favorite “Good Business”. However, I decided to focus on the first one I read of theirs. Its such a cool piece, the way its set up is super good I the way that its picking up sort of like in the middle of the story but you’re not lost, you gather details as you go that forms the whole picture in your head. I love the whole secretive thing it has in it, it makes it kinda mysterious to read. Then you get to the second part, and besides the drama, its sweet, he knew they were gonna be together from the beginning. And this sweetness isnt even like explicitly said, you can just see the nuances from his actions. Really good fic, and so are all of the others. 
Lil’ Anthony by @tranquil--heart
My favorite part of the mobster Trope is the whole big bad mob boss who would do anything for those he loves. And this is a perfect example of that, because he's so hard and tough and a bad guy, but when he's with her he's soft and he just melts. the violence in this is the perfect mix of descriptive without being gory, it's realistic yet not exaggerated or too much to handle. it represents the truth well because it's not  ignoring the truth to mobsters. The way they use the other characters and it is why I was awesome because you get to see the comparison between who they are in the Fic and who they are in the movies. The sexy scenes are nice too lol, and knife kink alert lol, That must be said. 
World On Fire by @beckzorz
Alright so this one is super awesome, it's not done yet but what is done of it is too amazing to not include. it's like the perfect combination of two AUs: its mob boss Bucky, and 40s Bucky all in one. What else could you want honestly?The story keeps you on your toes, you know he's secretive she's in love with him oh, you don't really know what's happening next until it happens and then you think we'll of course that's the perfect way to take the story. the way she writes to is just so amazing, it feels like you're back in time and the way she uses those sensory details is just spectacular. In the reader has secrets to so it's like as your reading your findings these things out And it's just really interesting there is no boring aspect to it.
The White Wolf by @captain-ariel-barnes
Okay so this is the first like long mobster fix that I read and it was a really good introduction to that universe. The way every aspect of this story comes together is just really amazing the plot, the dynamic between the characters, the details, the emotion it makes you feel, it's just the perfect combination of pain and fluff in it just is a really good read. it was a roller coaster of emotions, but it was worth it there wasn't just any angst to have angst it was all plot driven and necessary. Also the way it circles back to the beginning at the end is just an example of really good writing it was believable and true to mobster universe is but it also really reference to the Cinematic Universe really well because it brought in those little details and twists from the movie. And I really really love the flower aspect of it, I just really like flowers, and the fact that he loved her so much from the beginning and you could just see that throughout the whole story was just beautiful. 
His Favorite Gal by @mycupoffanfiction
Okay so there's probably nothing in the world I love more than tough guy and the waitress trope.  and this is just a really good rendition of that, it was one of those stories that like was so good that you read it all in one go and then you get to the end and you're kind of like well damn now it's over and I don't really know what to do. He loved her so much and it was one of those stories that made you feel really powerful to be a woman because it wasn't ever demeaning and it was really empowering to see her go from being a waitress to the queen of New York like that, I really like how it represented how if you have a healthy relationship then you'll both grow to be better people (besides the whole mob aspect lol) 
A Business Deal by @em-imagines
So this one was super interesting, I really loved seeing as the story went on how they were falling for each other. And honestly just like the beginning of the story that plot twist was absolutely amazing, I really like how it showed how powerful the reader can be. Because a lot of the times and fix complex where he has all the power over her, but I really like seeing them on that sort of equal plane. The dynamic between the two was also really awesome because there wasn't ever any Real damsel-in-distress moment oh, they were both really independent and capable people who came together to form that's really nice relationship. It was just a really good story to read, and there are many like it out there.
Should’ve Listened by @becs-bunker
You know as I've been saying I really like the stories where the reader isn't just completely helpless, and this is another really good example because you know like it says the reader is truly a bad ass. When you think the world that she's in the middle of and how she reacts to it it's really empowering, and the way her and Bucky interact is really nice to see. And it's really interesting to read because you can literally feel the tension between them and when is it going to happen when is it going to happen oh, and I really hope there's another part to it lol. Its really well done, and a nice funread.
Kings by @kaunis-sielu
So this one I'm going to be honest and say I didn't know if I was going to like it because I'm not a huge fan of really helpless readers but the way this was done is just really sweet. because she's not just completely helpless like she's not incapable, she just needs help because this isn't the world she's used to being in. and you know the relationship moves fast but you never get the feeling of like that went so fast, you just really feel the love in their relationship. And you see her grow into the position she got put into as his girlfriend, because you feel her gain her confidence and she becomes a real badass in the end and I love how much he loves her it was a really sweet story.
Also check out some awesome drabbles at @empyreanwritings under #Mob Monday, and at @bucky-plums-barnes under #Mobster!Bucky
Thank you guys for reading until the end, i hope you love these as much as I do!💖💖
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
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Word Count: 2414
Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas (mentioned), and Reader
Pairing: Dean x Reader
About: Reader avoids Sam but Sam isn’t having it but reluctantly gives up. Dean and Reader go for a drive and after the reader tells Dean about the kiss with Sam and her true feelings for Dean, things get heated.
18+ CONTENT. So if you’re younger than that, MOVE ALONG.
Warnings: Language, Angst, Smut, Protected Sex, Fluff
A/N: I just figured out how to make this kind of post with a header and such...I will be doing all my other posts like this. Once I figure out a Master list I will do that too!!! If you want to tagged in future shorts like this comment and I will tag you. 
A/N 2: Please tell me what you think!!! 
I sit in the library staring at the screen on my laptop. It's been two weeks since that kiss with Sam. I try my hardest not to think about it but sometimes I find myself looking back on that moment. The way his hands had trailed my body and the way my hands trailed his. I can still feel them if I think about it hard enough. I shake my head and go back to what I was doing. Looking at online news articles to keep me distracted. Hoping to find a case. I'm so into my searching that I didn't see Sam come in and lean up on the small bookshelf across from me until I close my laptop.
"For fucks sake," I say catching my breath. "How long have you've been there?" Sam shrugs his shoulders and I couldn't help but see that he's just in a short sleeve shirt. I dart my eyes down at my laptop.
"Long enough," Sam begins to walk towards me as you stand up to walk out of the library.
I tried to make it my goal not to be alone with Sam for reasons like this. Whenever we found ourselves alone, I would keep my distance from him but Sam would somehow find a way to be near or next to me. He would whisper things in my ear. Things that he somehow knew would make the hair on my body stand, in a good way. You take a deep breath to begin to walk away but, Sam is already across the room and I'm backing into the bookshelf behind me.
"Sam," I say looking up at his face. "How many time have I told you this? That kiss meant nothing." My back hit the bookshelf. I can smell the body wash off him. I close my eyes so he wouldn't see how the smell affected me.
I feel him cup my chin in his hands. They're soft but firm. I open my eyes to see him slowly inching closer. "But you're not stopping me are you?" Sam has a point. I was strong enough to push passed him. I could knee him, I thought. But I didn't. I close my eyes and tilt my head back to feel his lips on mine again. Sams lips barely graze mine when the bunker door opened.
I quickly move pass Sam whose face has disappointment written all over. I turned to see Dean walking down the steps with a few bags. He noticed Sam was standing with his arms crossed looking at me. Dean saw me hugging my laptop close to my chest.
"Come on guys," Dean says setting down the beer and food. "I'm awake and okay. Cas healed me up nice. Can we get over this whole thing going on between you guys?" I can't help but see that Dean knows theres something else going on between Sam and I. But Dean wont ask until theres more proof that there is something else going on.
"I've been telling him that for weeks now," I say walking towards my room. "But he just doesn't want to." I look behind me to see Sam staring at me.
Sam pushed up off the bookshelf and licks his lips and looks me up and down. I take a deep breath because all that at one was kind of hot and annoying at the same time. "Fine," he says walking passed me. He purposefully brushes his arm on my shoulder. Leaving goosebumps on my shoulder. I turn and watch him walk away.
"You guys going to be okay?" Dean asks handing me a beer. I smile and take the beer. Deans green eyes look me over and that sent shivers down my spin. If only I kissed him, I thought to myself. Maybe I should kiss him now. Maybe that would get Sam off my back. But then Sam would just try harder.
"We'll be fine, I hope," I say cracking open my drink and taking a huge drink. Dean watches and raises an eyebrow. I love the way he watches me when I catch him watching. But Dean has been doing it more and more these last few weeks.
Dean sets his beer down. "Wanna go for a drive?" He asks me. "It looks like you need the distraction." I nod and set my beer down as well. I follow Dean to the garage and climb into the passenger seat of the Impala.
Dean drives to the only place he takes me to clear my mind. That's in the middle of nowhere parked in some wooded area outside Lebanon, Kansas. I have only been there a handful of times. When I found Logans killer. When I killed Vampire Logan. When I had a mental breakdown a few weeks after that. When arguments with Sam or Cas or other hunters got out of hand, Dean was always there to take me out to breath. When Dean was in a coma I snuck here a few times to clear your mind.
"Alright," Dean parks the impala and reaches into the back and pulls out a few beers. "Tell me whats on your mind. Or," He hands me a beer and his gun. "You can go outside and shoot a few at a few things. It's all up to you, sweetheart."
I smile a little and look at Dean. "As much as I really want to shoot something, it wont help with whats going on between Sam and I." I crack open the beer and take a sip. "Something happened while you were out." I take a deep breath and get out of the impala. I walk over to the cardboard box that was just sitting there from last time and set it up with a few cans. When I turn around I see Dean leaning up on the Impala. Damn he looks hot. I can't help but bite my lip and when I realize I was, I look down at the ground.
"What something is that?" Dean asks handing me my beer. "You can't just tell me something happened and not tell me. You already said that you didn't sleep with him, unless you were lying about that."
I laugh and take a drink. I take a deep breath and shoot at a can before I answer. "No, that was the truth. I didn't sleep with him. But," I take two other shots at other cans. "He did kiss me and I to my surprise I kissed him back. It was stupid too, because I don't feel that way about him because I have feelings for someone else.He won't get that through his big head and let it go." I shoot the rest of the cans down and put a few rounds into the box.
I look at Dean and the expression on his face isn't hard to read. "So you have feelings for another dude and kissed Sam?" Dean took a few shots at the cans. He misses two but it doesn't phase him. "Does this other dude know how you feel and that you kissed another guy?"
I'm silent for a few minutes. I watch as Dean shoot the other cans off the box. I guess nows the time to tell him, I think to myself. But what he doesn't feel the same about me? I could ruin our whole friendship. I practically ruined mine and Sams. I would need to leave and go have my own life. I take a deep breath and give my answer. "I just told him."
Dean turns to me. His face is hard to read but his eyes tell me that he felt somewhat the same. "Well," He says holstering his gun. "I guess I have a confession myself." He rubs wipes his mouth with his hand and makes his way back towards me. "I remember some of what happened before I passed out for a week." Dean is a foot from me, I take a step back and feel the hood of the impala behind me. Dean steps closer and takes a hand and places it on my face. My heart begins to beat faster.
"What do you remember?" my voice shakes when I ask him. I look back onto that night and remember how I pleaded for him to come back.
"You were begging me to stay," He leans his head onto mine and I close my eyes. I know where this is going and I'm still nervous as hell. "You said you needed me. That you love me." I feel deans forehead furrow against mine. "Kind of sucks that you kissed my brother though."
I take a deep breath and open my eyes and look up into his. "But I'm here right now," I take my free hands and grab the collar of his shirt. I tilt my face up and press my lips to his. They were slightly chapped. Probably due to the fact he barely drinks water.But they were gentle. Unlike Sam.
Deans hand slowly slides down from my face to my waist. Leaving goosebumps on whatever exposed skin that shows. He places his free hand on the other side of waist and lifts me up onto the hood of the Impala where I wrap my legs around him to pull him closer to me. Dean moves his lips from mine, but not before nipping my bottom lip making me suck in a pleasurable sharp breath. I can feel the smile on his face as he places his lips to my neck. I let out a sigh and bury my face into his neck and wrapping my arms around him as well. Taking in the Deans scent. This is what I want. This is what I need.
Dean pulls back and takes my chin in his forefinger and thumb and places a firm but gentle kiss on my lips. "We can stop and go home, "Dean whispers against my lips. "Or, I can show you what I can really do." I gently grab hold of Deans bottom lip with my teeth and slowly pull back.
"Show me what you got, Winchester," I whisper into his ear as I slowly slide off the hood and pull him to the back seat of the impala.
Before we crawl into the backseat, Dean grabs a towel from the trunk and lays it down. Once it's laid down I slide right on in and pulling Dean in on top of me. The weight of him on top of me is different from the weight when we both were thrown into a wall a few months back. This weight made me tingle and wet. As we are adjusting to a comfortable position I begin to unbutton my shirt. I let it fall and when Dean looks up he just stares at my bare chest.
I lean forward and pull the flannel off Deans arms and throw it up front. When I turn back Dean is tossing his t-shirt to the ground. He pushes me down and gets in between my legs and kisses me. While he's kissing me, he's rolling his clothed hips into me. I moan softly against his lips.
"You like that, don't you?" he smiles pulling back. "I bet you wish it was the real deal." Dean sits up and undos his belt. While I watch I focus on getting my pants undone and off. Deans are off within seconds and he's helping me get mine off. "Give me a second," Dean reaches up front and pulls something out of the glove compartment. Dean sits back and I notice that he has a condom in his hand. I sit up and take the condom from him.
"Let me help you with that," without breaking eye contact, I slowly roll the condom onto his length. Dean closes his and bites his bottom lip. A low growl is heard from the back of his throat. When I get to the base of his length I move to straddle him. Dean opens his eyes and moves with me to where my entrance is right above him. I feel his hand grip my hips and slowly pulls me down. A soft moan escapes my lips and I throw my head back.
"Fuck," Dean growls as he feels my fingers dig into his shoulder as he beings to thrust up into me.
"I should be the one saying-" I suck in a deep breath as his thrusts pick up the pace and become deeper. "Fucking shit, Dean!" I begin to feel my core tighten around Dean whose thrusts start to become sloppy.
"I'm not going to last much longer," Deans growls as he pulls me to his chest and kisses me. I know I wouldn't last longer either. Deans thrusts get deeper and I wasn't sure how that was possible but he kept hitting my g-spot.
I get tighter around Dean. As his thrust become irregular, I become a whimpering mess against his lips. I know I can't keep it together as I feel every muscle tighten up. "Holy...Fuck...Dean." I make some noise that I didn't know I had in me. I feel every my body begin to relax.
Deans hold on me gets tighter and thrust in me even faster and harder. I bury my face into his neck as I feel a second orgasm come on. Something that no man, not even Logan could do. I bite my lip as my second orgasm comes and scream into his neck. Dean comes seconds after me. He thrusts through both of our highs, grunting until he's done.
"That was amazing," Dean says letting his arms around me fall. "Next time, I will have to show you more of what I can do."
"There's more?" I ask pushing myself up to look at him. "You made me come twice which no other man has ever done. You even have orgasm control. What more can you do?"
Dean trails a hand over my chest and smiles. "Maybe I can show you later tonight after Sam has gone to bed. I have a few toys and a few ideas."
With a smile on my face, I look Dean up and down and bite my lip. "Well, count me in." I lean forward and press my lips into his.
@myinconnelly1​ @donnaintx​
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gigilalaka · 4 years
The Deage Troll Au. Update and Chapter 1
So, this was supposed to tell you all that want to read my still in progress deage au, that chapter 1 was out on my ao3 account. Well its not. I can’t get access to it on my pc and I’ve tried a couple of other methods as well. Now I’m just waiting for they guys and girls that run ao3 to find whats wrong. However I want people to at least read the first chapter so here it is. We will see what happends in the coming days but for now enjoy!
*for thought
‘for speak
Chapter 1 “ Good days gone bad”
Poppy looks out of one of her windows that she got installed barely 3 weeks ago, its soft rain that gos pit patter on them tonight and normaly she would hum to the soft sound but she can’t find the strengt nor heart to do it. Her mind is filled with worry and guilt over the small body thats currently sleeping in a small borrowed bed that Smidge had been so kind to give her. * What am I do to now?* the words keeps runing around her head as she hears a small whimper coming from the bed. She truns around to look at them and walks over with soft steps and just stops at bedside, the little thing looks like they are not haveing the best of dreams. She could not blame them, she bet shes haveing them tonight as well once she finally finds sleep herself.
She slowly stroke the little things face, tears silent runing out of both closed eyes. One out of lost another out worry the next out of fear. A small boyish voice filled with sadness and longing asking for the one person thats never going to be able to anwser back ‘ grandma, where are you?’ It breaks her heart just hearing it.
‘Oh Branch, I’m so so sorry. I should’t have brought that stupid flower to the bunker, we should’t have.’ she says as she looks at her boyfriend, now in a body of a 6 year old, his skin grey as dark ash, hair black as coal and a fearfull frown onpond his little sleeping face. It still amazed her how bad everything had gotten just within 5 days, and it all started when he asked her a favor of just getting some stuff from the deep forest. How she just wish she’d could stop her past self from taking that damn flower or just give it to the herbalist before she and Hickory went to visit him. Maybe then neither of them wouldn’t feel so bad like they do now.
‘I’m so so sorry, sweetie. I’m so sorry’ she keeps saying, tears anew starts run out her eyes again, while her mind drifts back 5 days ago, where it all started.
‘So let me see if I get this right?’ Hickory begins while he helps his brother over a giant fallen log with a rope around him and Dickory, while said brother is cursing up and down and to the high heavens for gifting him with this damn body and how he wish he’d have moveing hair like the pops have. It would sure make this a lot faster! Poppy stops to look at the bounty hunter, the half open basked strapped on her and one on each bounty hunters backs moveing a little showing herbs, barks, flowers and berries, a small smile froming on her face when Hickory nearly let loose the rope thats currently the only thing thats keeping his brother from falling several feet down, again. The small yodleller looking at the other one with a glare. Dareing his little brother loose his grip again on the rope, or else theres going to be hell to pay.
‘Branch is missing or gone out of several herbs and a type of moss thats used for a variety of diffrent meds and skin tonics? And he ask you to get them for him while he fixses something down in the bunker thats gone badly out of whack?’ For the past 4 months, Hickory and Dickory has been residents of said bunker while they are here helping the pop trolls build up their villiage again. Its part of the deal they have with Delta on the amount of charity works they need to get done with the country trolls and for what they did Poppy and Branch. First they had to help fixing some the homes and buildings back in Lonesome Flats, before they were sent to what remaind of the Pop villiage to help fix things there as well. Though to be honest, untill more of the trees and plants recover some more, theres little they can fix. Many a troll are still living in the undergrund bunker the resident grump live and build up, till some of their home trees are ready to take them in again. Though said grump was getting a little antsy with all the other trolls hyper-go-lucky energy. And endless will to party hard and as loud as possible.
Both he and Dickory had been very supriesed and shocked on how one troll had build something this lagre by the age of 15, get it so well stocked and maintain all alone for well over a decade. It was not for nothing that the other pop trolls called him the most prepared troll of the Pop villiage. *Though to be honest, we should have figured that out with how he was so prepared for just about everything on the journey* Hickory thought while putting the rope in his basket, Dickory finally on safe ground. He’s very sure that if they meet another log like that again, his big bro is just gonna swallow his pride and ask the queen for a ride over instead. It was getting very tiring getting past these forsaken logs for the both of them.
‘Yep’ the queen say, the ‘p’ poping as she said it.’ The Ruby moss is the most improtent one along with the Silver Drop Rose. They are used for some very serious bruns tonics and blood loss meds that I think even the funk trolls have never seen. Branch said that even if we only get a few of each of them, it still be enough to treat several dozen patients, but it would really help him and the doctors to have a bundle or two of each instead. They only bloom for the brief period between these 2 weeks. The rainstrom season is coming soon and they are going to be washed away soon when the first storm hits. Oooh look some more Dede berries! Miss Flourens going to be so happy that we gotten some of them, they hard to find this time of the year. Now she wont have to worry so much about the flu season’ The berries looks nice where they are hanging from their bush, a rich maroon colour with what looks like a golden stripe going around the oval shaped fruit. Poppy takes out a few small clay jars to store them in from her basket. She notes that she’s running out of room to store things. She take out a book from the basket she’d taken with her in her hair, incase she found any other herbs she’s not sure about. One of the many useful gifts Branch have given her the past 2 years.
‘So why did you take us with you girly? You know how that boy of yours don’t like us very much’ Dickory asked, it was a bit of a understatment, Branch had been rageing mad at them when he found out the their lie. Had it not been for the fact that Poppy's other friends was holding him down, Dickory is very sure he and his bro would not be walking at all. Its a bit better now, but non of the yodeller brothers wants to overstep themself the frail peace they have right now. Though he still wounders what the less colour full troll meant with ‘ this is just like what happened almost 2 years ago!’. He did not like the sound of it, not at all.
‘Mostly to give you guys some breathing room really.’ Dickory gets back, the queen is still getting some of the last berries in the jar. Then give them to him for storage in his basket. ‘Also, I know for a fact that since your both bounty hunters you guys was the better choice to take on this little trip when it comes to protection. Which I know mister grumpy is not going argue against, beside I’d rather take you guy over the other one thats avaialble.’ * The less said about Creek the better off I am* Poppy thinks, not wanting to take that guru on this trip today, lately the purple troll was trying to get them alone very often and that scared her.
The three continue their journey, stoping every now and then for a breather or a brief lunch, when they come to a area that has the herbs they are looking for. Its not easy to get to them though. The roses blooms on a small cliff thats very close to a river that has some very sharp stones jutting out and the moss prefer to be on the ceilings in a cave that is home some nasty creeps and crawls that no sane troll would want crawling in their pants. However, when they took a break near a tree, they a get a glimps of a snow white petals that seems to shimer in the light behinde another tree and some bushes a little father ahead of them. Hickory and Dickory is not sure if it is safe to go there, but Poppy is insistent that they at least check it out.
They come onpond a small clearing with a pond near the middle of it, a single flower blooming from the north side of the pond. Its white as snow that shimer in the sun light, with what looks like golden, amethyst and royal coalbolt blue bands around the base of the pastals forming a lovely small pattern of rings together. Its shaped like a tulip, if a tulip had slightly longer pastals and curly torns that is. They can smell a faint hint of sweet yet lightly bitter smell coming for it.
‘Now what in blues hell is this? Poppy do you know what this flower is?’ Hickory ask as he looks at the plant. Its very nice to look at and would make a wounderfull gift to a loved one, but dose not go near it. Neither he nor Dickory knew if it was safe to go anywere near it. No doubt that something had to be wrong if only the flower was the only thing to bloom in that pond. He dose not get a anwser for a while, the queen busy with her herb book to see what they have stumblot onpond.
‘Thats very strange. Its not in the book.’ the pink troll say with a mumble. She looks at the two and ask ‘ are there any sticks or stones near bye that we can throw? We need to check that its not a pond lucker. Those things are rightout nasty to deal with and I rather like to keep my arms or legs intact.’ A shiver gos down her spine when she think what happened to the last party group that went out to gather stuff from the deepest part of the forest. From a 35 group to only 14 coming back, almost half of them missing limbs thanks only to dose things. Was it not for that 2 of them had realy good aim, more would have been lost.
‘I think a saw some over there by the river. Gimme a min’ Dickory say as he runs there to get some. When he comes back the three of them each choice a spot to hit, but noting happens. They to it a few more times, just to be sure but is just a normal pond. Relief settels in a bit, but they move slowly near the flower. Once they are near enough, Poppy takes a few minutes to look at it, than take out a pair of gloves, a sturdy looking glass jar and a small spade.
‘Don’t tell me your gonna take that flower with you?!’ Dickory almost shouts. ‘It can’t be safe if it is the only thing that living in this damn pond!’
‘I have to. This area is the closest to the villiage when it comes to get these types of herbs. The others can take weeks to go to and fro. Finding a plant that we know nothing about so close here, I have to take this to our herbalists to find out what it is. For all we know it might do more harm than good to this area’ Poppy anwser back, most of her focus on the plant, not knowing how true her words would become.
Once she got it in the jar, she looks at them and says ‘Its best we go now. We don’t need to be here any longer’ the hunters agree with both of them tur-
‘WAAAAAA’ a scream comes out of Branch traped yet again in another nightmare that he can’t wake up from, sending Poppy out of her thoughts and chair like a rocket crash and running to him. She hugs him while the trolling continue to scream his heart out, his fear clear as day, small fists hitting her chest every now and then. His not stoping and his sob aren’t getting better either.
*My poor poor Branch. Why do you have to suffer more of this?* rings in her head, well aware that her boyfriend haven’t had this kind of nightmare in a long time. It seems fate still wanted to give the troll some more grief. All she can do now is hold him tight, whisper sweet nothings and patt his back.
Slowly but surely Branch began to calm down, and slowly Poppy sings whatever her tried mind can come up with right now not careing if they fit with the song whats so ever.
Sweet baby mine don’t cry
The moons here to sing you a lullaby
And am here to sing with stars
Sweet baby mine don’t cry
We are all here to make you smile
She continues to sing as Branch slowly starts falling to a peacefull slumber, but Poppy know its not over yet. She lays him back to bed makeing sure not to wake him. Once she sure his going to sleep a bit more she drags herself to her own bed try to get some rest before Branch wakes with another scream.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA Reacting to a Muslim MC
requested: twice by the same anon :P
a/n: note that I am not a muslim nor am i a hijabi, so if i get a detail wrong, im super sorry and please pLEAse let me know so it can be fixed!! :D this was really interesting to write, enjoy!! 
would you like to support this Muslim MC? want more specific WoC MC’s? buy me a coffee to support my dangerous coffee addiction so i can do em for ya!
warnings: n/a
-hyped mod alex
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-his strong faith in Christianity was admirable, his ideals set in stone as he abided by them; but of course there was the smallest bit of apprehension in getting to know him, how would he react to someone with ideals different than his?
-he was never one to announce his faith publicly, he still isn’t, however he likes taking with you about your respective religions, sitting on the balcony of his penthouse taking in the cool night air,,, wine for him and Aryana’s Halal Cola shipped all the way from Montreal for you
-orders you the finest hijabs for you to wear, most of them custom made exactly the way you love them, elegant and refined. he also learns the level of modesty you tend to wear your clothes, buying you occasional stunning gala outfit that he knows you’ll both love and feel comfortable with
-you own the most stunning abayas
-absolutely takes you with him on his trips to the middle east. he’s an avid believer in learning about your own roots, and especially if you have family there, he’ll more than certainly take you, going together to see all the sights, take private tours of museums and enjoy life
-makes Chef learn specific halal recipes, and is more than willing to import any food you want from other countries that you cant get in Korea
-learns Arabic in about a year flat,, of course his Korean accent hits heavily, but its so sweet hearing him carefully pronounce sentences to your parents and or relatives
-on eid al-adha he’s aware of the old tradition to sacrifice animals and share with the poor, needy and family; so as a compromise he decides to donate 300 lbs of meat to various homeless shelters and soup kitchens. both you and him going down to help with transport, hand every box to the people, a sort of community service combined with observing a time old tradition.
-comes down with you to the night prayer at the mosque during ramadan, and even though he stays near the entrance and the garden out front, hearing the prayers coming from the inside and seeing all the people that you know and love around you, smiling and having a good time, it makes him happy
-she grew up catholic, lives catholic; but this isn’t to say she’s close-minded to other religions,, she always loves learning more, especially if its about you, who she loves with all her heart
-when youre cuddling, she likes fiddling with the edge of your hijab, just feeling the material and knowing you’re there makes any day of hers better, no matter how hard it may have been
-you being muslim doesn’t have much of an impact, she’s respectful to your beliefs, and even puts in halal foods in the cafe
-this is, of course, after months of her experimenting with different recipes, often finding her in the kitchen at midnight, flour on her face and apron dirtied, sleeves rolled up in a frenzy as she mutters under her breath 
-shes so proud to finally present the finished deserts and foods to you!!
-one time you used one of her woven silk scarves as a makeshift hijab when all of yours were in the wash and she almost cries seeing how pretty you are in her stuff (the scarf is yours now)
-always interested in your religion, and she likes learning the differences between the traditions she was raised with and the ones you were
-during Ramadan, the two of you keep the shop open later for anyone wanting to eat after the sun has set, figuring that no one had to break their fast alone if they didn’t want to
-she gets up very early to prepare Suhoor for you in the morning, a simple oatmeal with dates, blueberries, grapes, almonds and honey
-likes to read her own books aside you while you read the Quran and do your morning prayer, its often the most peaceful part of your day, just having a clean and quiet space as you both enjoy each others company while also doing your own morning routines
-sweet boy, he knows very little of,, well any religion to be honest, and outside of 10th grade history, his knowledge on Islam as a whole is quite limited
-always asking questions about your traditions
-he reads the Quran at some point, wanting to understand you better,, and even though it takes him a long time (mostly due to having to re-read the passages over and over again to understand what was going on), but he’s devoted to learning about your culture
-he drives/walks you to the mosque, but doesn’t leave,, he’s not sure if he can go in, so instead he opts to walk around the area, enjoying the park and waiting for you to come back out so you can walk/drive back together
-he learns so many recipes specifically for you everything from mawmenye, harira, and moroccan krsa to berber bread
-he loves spending time with your family, he loves the sense of community and the celebrations that take place in your household, specifically during religious holidays
-he legitimately cries when you eventually decide to go to Mecca, leaving for hajj, because he knows he cant be with you for around a week and a half,, he can’t help it, he’s so sad he won't be able to see you for more than a week
-he’s so used to stopping all gaming and quieting down devices during salah, that even when you’re not around he still stops for five minutes at the designated times, mostly out of habit, but it also serves as a break from working, studying or gaming
-Lisa,, lisa loves your prayer mat, always trying to knock it down from its rolled up position next to the couch and sleep on it, so instead yoosung buys her a smaller prayer rug to lay on and its the cutest thing you've ever seen
-although he’s always been the one to mention his own faith in Catholicism, he’s also the one to be most curious about other faiths.
-he likes hearing you talk about the way you grew up, specifically hearing you talk about Islam and asking questions about traditions and practices you have to do
- “wait y/n!!,,, are honey buddha chips halal???”
-if theyre not, he opts to buy pringles in bulk instead. hes going to binge eat chips and damnit he wants you to join him!!! 
-when it comes time for you to perform Salah, he makes sure that you have total peace, even stopping his typing for the duration, letting you connect fully with Allah and your spirit
-since theres little to no sunlight that appears in the bunker, he makes a simple little app that alerts you when the times of prayer come, pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night, using the bells that are primarily heard in mosques as the ringtone for the app
-if anyone dares to mess with you or insult you in any way, Defender of Justice 707 will send a nasty virus their way, because theres no way anyone is getting away with hurting his angel
-its canon that he knows Arabic, and often times, when you can’t go to sleep he’ll sing to you in the language, and although his singing isn't the best, focusing on the strength and passion in his words, the almost comforting way he sings, it sends you calmly to sleep
-incredibly respectful of your religion and the fact that you’re Muslim
-he sets himself to learn everything he can about your faith and things he might have to change or alter in his own life to be respectful of the way you live yours
-he cuts down on alcohol. a lot.
-this isn’t to say he stops drinking altogether but he certainly cuts down, only having a beer or two in the fridge for emergencies
-bursts in one day, phone in hand as he wheezes, leaning on the couch for support, “y/n ArE wE hALaL dATiNg Or?”
-if you believe that sex should be saved to be only after marriage, he respects that, if not,, well he respects that too
-WILL spend extra money on an abaya from serenity scarves as a gift, just for you being you
-his only goal is to make you as comfortable as you can be, and he Will Not Stand for islamophobic comments directed towards you, but in most cases he won't even let them reach you, cutting off interviewers before they can say anything with a stream of gushing about how perfect you are, and smoothly taking you to the other side of the room if he thinks someone is looking at you, shooting them a mean glare before looking back at you and smiling, whispering something to make you laugh as you guys walk away hand in hand
-respect is this mans middle name, he’ll meet your family the second you start officially dating, making sure to make a good first impression, the second, and third, and fourth impressions
-likes going shopping with you, and is constantly in awe of how stunning you can make anything look, going to the little middle eastern kiosk in the mall to buy food
-he’s such a shameless fan of those cute matching couples outfits, and his heart bursts everytime your hijab matches the colour or pattern of his shirt or jacket
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thirsty-pixie · 5 years
Crowley X Reader
Part 2
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Sam and Dean were put in charge of me by my mom as her dying wish, she made them swear to protect me with her dying breath. We met sam and Dean on a hunt that went south, my mom ended up getting stabbed by a wraith. But that was 6 years ago, and the boys came to think of me as a sister.... except the awkward kiss Sam and I shared. It was about a week after my mom died and we were drinking in the run down hotel room, we kissed for like a second then Sam immediately got up and left my room. We never have and never will speak of it again, I lived with them in the bunker but I wasn't allowed to hunt anymore. I stopped hunting after I was nearly killed by a shapeshifter, after that I was demoted to research girl.
I got out of the shower and threw on a tank top and my grey spandex shorts before sliding my feet into my slippers and heading down the hall. I ran my fingers through my wet (h/c) hair pulling it up into a messy but before opening the archive room doors. I was in the archive room looking for looking for a box when I heard a sigh, I got scared because I was supposed to be alone in the bunker. "Is someone there?" I asked my voice shaking "yes its casper" a sarcastic voice answered back from the other side of the shelves. "Who are you?" I felt around the shelf looking for a way to get to the other side. "Grab the shelf and pull." I did as the man said and opened up the wall revealing a man sitting cuffed to a chair in a demon circle.
I walked into the circle and sat across from the man, "so who are you?" I now realized why Sam and Dean never allowed me in here. "I'm Crowley the king of hell" he tried to sound intimidating but I just laughed, "you dont look like the king of anything" he looked at me annoyance in his eyes. "You're almost as vexing as moose and squirrel." His accent sent a shiver through my body, I leaned onto the desk resting my head on my hand and smiled. "Yeah I try but I'm a lot cuter than Sam and Dean" Crowley folded his hands on table and laughed "someone thinks highly of themselves."
He raised an eyebrow as he spoke a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
I stood up from my chair and walked to the back of his chair examining the chain the was attached to the metal collar around his neck. "They really don't want you to escape" I ran a finger over the metal before walking back to the desk. I looped my finger around the chain attached to the cuffs pulling them up to look at the carvings "wow you must've really pissrd them off" I giggle and sat on the desk leaning back on my arms. He leaned towards me with a smirk, I watched as his eyes skimmed over my body and stopped on my thigh. He hooked his finger under the edge of my shorts pulling them up to expose the rest of my anti possession tattoo. "They made you get one of those hideous tattoos too?" I smacked his hand away and pulled my shorts back down to where they were.
"Actually, I got this before I met the boys" I couldn't tell if I was irritated with him or turned on by him so I turned my head away glaring at the wall to avoid his stare. "I don't know why moose and squirrel have me here probably for information but they haven't really come back down here since they chained me up" I looked back over at Crowley who was looking down at his cuffed hands. My heart melted a little at how sad he look, "how about I come visit you every night" he looked up at me and smiled. He opened his mouth to say something but a slam came from upstairs, we both looked up then looked at each other.
"Y/N!" I heard Sam yelling from upstairs causing me to jump off the table, "I was never here". I pushed the chair back to where I found it and walked to the shelf, before pushing the shelf back I smiled at Crowley "I'll come back". I pushed the shelf back into place and ran to my bedroom closing the door behind me quietly. I threw myself on my bed and pretended I was asleep, I heard someone open my door amd walk kkup to my bed. "Wake up Y/N, we got fried chicken and beer" my pillow was ripped from beneath my head and smashed onto my face. "Oww fucker." I sat up and glared at Dean who was holding my pillow and laughing. I pushed him away from me and snatched my pillow from his hands, I tossed it onto my b7ed and left my room. Dean and I walked to the war room where Sam and Kevin were talking about the tablets, "what's up noobs". I grabbed a beer and a piece of chicken before sitting down, "What's new with the tablet?" Kevin looked up from the tablet with a look of annoyance "theres still a few parts I cant get". I looked over at the paper with the symbols... 'pshh as if I could even begin to translate' I thought to myself before leaning back in my chair.
Dean was walking out the door on a quick hunt that Castiel had called about, I ran up the stairs hugging Dean around the waist. "But you just got back" I looked up at him and pouted, he hugged me back with one arm before rustling my hair "I'll be back its probably not even a case.... I'll be back before you know it". And with that he left, I glared at Kevin who mumbled something about being clingy. Sam left walking towards the archive room, him and Dean talked about asking crowley about the symbols. A few moments later Sam returned to the war room with an annoyed look on his face, "Grab the paper Kevin and let's go" Kevin stood up grabbing the page of unreadable symbols and walked after Sam. I stood up following Kevin but a palm hit me in the forehead, "no I don't want you involved in this stuff" Sam had his arm extended stopping me from following. I slapped his hand and huffed "I'm coming weather you like it or not im not a child" I walked passed Sam following Kevin who was stomping down the hall.
We all stood in the room with Crowley Sam stood bent over the desk glaring at crowley with his hand on either side of the sheet of paper. Kevin stood with his arms crossed in the corner and I stood leaning against entrance of the shelves arms crossed watching them. I smiled and gave Crowley a small wave, he smiled back and winked at be causing my cheeks to grow warm. I looked away knowing my face was turning pink, I heart flopped with each word he spoke as him and Sam negotiated. They made a deal where Crowley would translate the symbols in return for a phone call, so sam and Kevin left the room to go get some supplies.
I walked up to the table and looked at the paper "What do they mean" I picked up the paper holding it close to my face before setting it back down. "It's about a ritual Metatron did with Castiels grace" he watched me as I examined the symbols "mmmh lame..." I leaned onto the table and smiled at Crowley "on a different note.. why does Kegin hate you so much" he shrugged looking at the cuffs like as if he was more interested in them than me. "I made him think I killed his mom when in fact shes quite alive" a devious smile dance across his lips as he spoke, "that's pretty messed up." I frowned before standing up to look st the door Sam and Kevin had returned with the supplies they needed. "What's messed up" Sam asked as he walked up to the table, Crowley and I made eye contact for a moment before i turned to walk out of the room "Dont worry about it Sammy" I left the boys to finish their business.
I had been going down to visit Crowley every night for about a week and a half, I stayed a little longer each night till one night I stayed till 6 am. I had fallen asleep while talking to Crowley,I was woken up by him tucking my hair behind him ear and kissing my temple. "You might want to head to your room darling. I'm hate for squirrel and moose to catch you in here alone." I stretched forward groggily groaning loudly. "I dont wanna" I sat there with my forehead against the cool metal of the table trying to bring myself to leave the room. I stood up and walked to his side of the table "I guess I'll go..." I bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek then I left the room and heading to my bedroom.
"I'll be back Kev" he responded with a middle finger and a fake smile "bring me back some soda" I gave him a thumbs up and headed to the garage. I hopped in my truck and drove to town, I walked around the liquor store for about an hour before I finally found the bottle I was looking for. On the way home I took the long way enjoying the drive, it had been the first time I've been out of the bunker in weeks.
I pulled into the garage parking in my usual spot before heading to my room. I hid the bottle of Johnny Walker in my desk and went out to see Kevin. I expect to see him sitting in the war room hovering over the tablet as usual, but this time there was something different. Kevin had dried blood on his shirt and he seemed tense. "Kev? Whys there blood on you" I approach him cautiously setting the soda in front of him. "I paid a visit to Crowley to get some answers" I tried to act nonchalant as I walked away but as soon as I was out of sight I took off running.
I burst through the door seeing Crowley beaten and bloody and a sledgehammer laying on the ground in front of him. I knelt down in front of him placing my hand on his cheek pulling his face to look at me. "I shouldn't have left Kevin alone" he gently touched my forearm "it's not yours fault. I'm the one who pissed his off, to be honest I've been a huge ass to that kid" I sighed at his words before gently grabbing his hand. "Its still not right" I heard the door open behind me but before I had a chance to stand up Sam and Dean walked in
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augujerdeer · 5 years
🍎👠🎃🌆👂😱💬!!! Feel free to not answer any of them!
🍎what are yall’s favourite foods?
I think this is gonna be a long post now that I think about it, but i’m asking everyone what their favourite food would be if they could only pick one or two (not everyone answered or can but >:0)
Mine (Jamie) would be pancakes! or grilled salmon! OR SPICY TUNA SASHIMI!!!!
Kris, Chara and Matthew immediately just have chocolate as their answer dicenksfvjk but kris says “anything” and he lives up to it sometimes
Jaiden says gummy bears and gummy worms (all he eats is CANDY)
Kobe says flowers,,,,
Sal is picking between pizza and cheesecake smoothies
Peter says he doesn’t have one yet ;;
👠how difficult is it for y'all to agree on one cohesive outfit?
So this kind of depends on how many people are out, but I usually follow whoever wants to wear something if only one person is requesting something (Like when Kris would screech and ask for me/us to wear the pink hoodie or his sequins sneakers)
But if there’s multiple people, (usually Kris, Chara, or Matthew) it might take a while ksjskjskjs but generally everyone would go rock-paper-scissors or let the other person have us wear what they want! Usually because they deserve this turn or we take turns :0
🎃how many head mates could be considered scary?
HMM,,, I guess I would say Severous first. He’s a 8+ foot werewolf man, he is a BEAR
his fur is PITCH BLACK especially at night and his eyes and drool glow white (so he has no pupils, that’s his entire eyes), so if you’re in the forest in Providence in the middle of the night, you’ll just see a scary OwO face in the dark
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he always stands on two legs unless he’s SPRINTING , but honestly??? HES BABY and we all love him, Kobe calls him “PUPPY” and even drew him a few times while fronting ;;;;;;;; He’s actually a dad to one of our littles Penny and is gay and dates someone from one of my partners’ system
Also he doesn’t speak very well? He used to speak fluently but overtime and he was recovering from being a persecutor, his ability to speak was kind of, disintegrating? So he only speaks in SUPER SHORT and almost broken english sentences. if you visit him you can catch him reading children’s books and practicing to read and speak again,,, he’s baby,,,,
Chara (from undertale) could be considered scary inspace becaus ethey can go goopy- they’re not a scary person but if they want to scare you, (especially if you don’t know who they are i mean), they will be intimidating and stuff ;; when i first met them, they did spook me, and their eyes are very bright red
Sal (from Sally Face) I guess could be considered spooky because i was drawing him in class one time (prosthetic ON of course) and my friend said he looked scary ;;;? poor sal;;; he’s not scary at all
🌆what does your headspace look like?
*clasps hands together* goodness it’s a good thing i made this map. it’s VERY OLD but it’s still the same except imagine everything is WAAAAAY more spaced Out!
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honestly i need to move the teleporters and mansion higher up (and the main tree closer to them) but this is it!!!
The most common places people go to is The Mansion, The Bunker, The Farmhouse, and The Picnic Ground! People when going for walks in the forest usually stick around the Picnic Grounds-Cave Pool-Farmhouse Triangle but usually can go anywhere- the forest is SO big though (alven took me flying once and it stretches to the horizon)
The Mansion is where most of us live! Here you can find Jaiden and the kids (Kobe, Aco, and Penny– and Carla (Carla is an NPC [who is aware of the outside?] but we don’t care she is family). Alven is also here with his lab, so is Joseph and Louise!! (and their dog, Troy). On the outside, you can’t see the mansion, only two giant doors (nobody ever uses kdndckdocsl we honestly just use the teleporters to go anywhere– Also, everything you see INSIDE the meadow excluding the bunker was what our headspace FIRST looked like!!! it was the start of everything ;; Jaiden made the mansion. The mansion has two main rooms- The Main Hall, and The Tall Corridor. There’s a looooot of history here
The Farmhouse is where I (Jamie) live! But i’m not inspace a lot so it’s honestly empty until i meditate there ;;
The bunker existed and is a place some people permanently moved to because we started having some Bad Refuses To Do Good Persecutors, or just bad people. They were VERY violent so half of us went to hide- and eventually the entire system actually moved to the bunker for almost a year and a half before moving out- and then some people stayed- mainly Matthew. People who live in the bunker are Matthew, Kris, Peter, Jade, Chara, Liam, and Sal! Icari should be here somewhere but i think she’s still hiding ;;
Most of the time if we have a new person, they move to the bunker right away. There’s a teleport system almost all over the frequent spots in the headspace so they can easily leave and enter! Matthew lives one the second ground below the 1st ground below because of some bad things that happened- he never leave the bunker because being outside scares him a lot- especially with the entire headspace being a forest :( you need special access to get down there
The Picnic grounds isn’t very special to me personally but Jaiden made it so people can have picnics!! It’s honestly SUPER pretty oh goodness, and no matter what time of day (unless it’s night) the sun is always shining nicely and it’s so pretty there, and people actually go there!!
The only people that don’t go there are Joseph and Louise because we had one bad person hurt them badly in that area,
Also the Ruined City i didn’t mention because– no one goes there- but we all know it exists. Basically it’s a purely grey/monotone/greyscale land? Like the moment you enter, the world transitions to black and white (not your body but the environment) and the only things that have colour are the miss and greenery in the background (mostly grass and parks, not a lot of trees). all the buildings are collapsed or destroyed in some way- so imagine a big area with degree and rubble and standing building but there’s so many destroyed parts like one building is missing an entire second floor and another has a giant gaping hole not eh side, etc.
we also don’t go there because it’s dangerous- there are giant SPIDER robots that patrol the area- we still don’t know why, but they shook lasers! (come back to this post later because I WILL add a picture of what i’m talking about!! i just don’t have my phone on me)
👂What kind of music do y'all like?
Jamie - what do you mean people have favourite music? i’m just kidding uksdeijfdkj i like indie and broadway!!! pop is pretty cool but it’s not my first choice at all ;;; rock and metal hurts my ears
Chara - they have 4 playlists on spotify! One playlist is called Soft Knives for calm music (it’s usually happy but there could be some sad ones there- but no angst songs- imagine songs you can sleep to or calm down with). Blunt Knives is for angsty or apathetic moods- and Angry Knives is for ANGRY LOUD music. The have a 4th playlist called Chara’s Classical Collection. Chara can range from Classical music to indie music death metal and rock. They usually hate pop
Kris - he loves rap and r&b! though he loves a lot of music besides those! He loves tally hall and kid bloom :0 mostly chill or music that makes you go aW YEAH (his words) he also has Classic Songs in his playlist. So if you have it one shuffle, you’re listening to some sick bops and then all of a sudden Rockefeller Street Nightcore comes on and you get whiplash. doesn’t like metal or rock. He has a second playlist called “it’s Saturday Morning” for stuff like heo soul or “music you can dissociate to but not in a bad way” (Listen to Sugarcoat by Kid Bloom or Different State of Mind (some artist) for a general idea)
Matthew - rock and stuff similar to chemical romance and panic! at the disco. they like metal and rock but he says Sal’s and Chara’s are too aggressive for his taste- and hen you find out he sometimes listens to screamo
Sal - honestly i find his playlist super weird ? Some music sounds weird to me but otherwise his playlist is full over a lot of genres ! It’s kind of wack and funky- not the genre- but the amount of variety he has. And in his 2nd playlist is death/metal and rock- a bunch of loud music that can be fast sometimes too- is not afraid to head bang in public and do air guitar
Peter - We’re not sure yet but he likes music from his time- plus old music- specifically New Wave for now!his playlist is super new and he hasn’t been here a while so we’re not sure o>o
Jade - Soft calm or upbeat and happy music
Kobe and Aco - they are babies- Kobe still sings the ABC’s everyday so
😱do your headmates have any phobias?
i don’t think any of us has phobias- because it’s defined as “irrational fear” actually wikipedia says it can be CAUSED so nevermind dkjjkfd
Honestly these feel like triggers more than phobias butnit first thendescription of a phobia so;; i’m putting POSSIBLE because we’re not sure
Chara - Possible Nyctophobia (fear of the dark, but specifically extreme pitch blackness for Chara), Possible Ecclesiophobia (fear of the church -either building or what it represents])
Matthew - Agoraphobia most probably (fear of going outdoors/leaving the house, some say wide open spaces)
Sal - somewhat Cynophobia but wants to overcome it (fear of dogs) ((likes dogs but is afraid of them honestly))
Kris - Monophobia/Autophobia (Fear of isolation and abandonment) ((this is a big one))
That’s all i can think of for now
💬free space! one cool fact!
uuHHH,,,,,, i can’t think of any, but i know one thing: i love our system and i can see everyone’s trying really hard to take care of each other or are doing a lot to process their own memories and feelings ;;;
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