#lookin for tumblr buddies!!
soldateins · 4 months
hey tumblr folks! i'm looking for people to follow and interact with that like the stuff i like!! i love:
Stardew Valley
Baldur's Gate III
Resident Evil: Village
Assassin's Creed
Gilmore Girls
Trashy romance books
The Witcher (books, games, show)
Life is Strange
Warhammer Fantasy & 40k
Nature and animals
Murder, She Wrote
Dungeons & Dragons
Five Night's at Freddy's
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patches and her friendy pally @rookie-land go on a throuple double date (throuble date?) with their transgener partners and watch sharknado, 2022 colorized
(reblogs > likes or explode)
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Forgot to introduce you lot to this little guy
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His name is Crush.
My sister brought me a lego head storage thingy yk, this handsome fella
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And decided I needed lego bits to put in it, despite the fact I have a massive storage box filled with broken lego sets. And well those random legos came with instructions for ideas you could build (because yk they thought a child would receive it, not a grown ass person) and I decided Crush shall be build and shall live free.
So say hello to crush. More crush content soon innit it because I'm building a truck rn
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hellsite-detective · 9 months
Hellsite Detective in…
The Miku Bind
sometimes, a detective has got to do some work for herself. and i decided it was time to go after one of my white whales…
it was a cool, rainy afternoon in Tumblr City, like always. i had just wrapped up doin’ some cases and i was broodin’ out the window. but one image kept flashin’ in my mind. a vocaloid lovin’ foundin’ father that i’ve sought for my whole career. the fabled Thomas Jefferson Miku Binder.
to start my journey, i went down to the Search Bar, a night club in the heart of the city. neon lights shined on the sign out front and music could be heard pourin’ out the front door. i stepped in, drippin’ wet from the rain outside. the place was lively as ever, groups minglin’ and dancin’ to the music. and there, in a corner booth away from everyone else, was Don Google. that big time mob boss that acts as my informant. they sat there playin’ poker with a couple of lackeys, no one of note from what i could tell. they saw me walkin’ up and immediately called out to the waiter for another drink.
“well well! if it ain’t my buddy, Miss Detective! whatcha here for?”
i’m here for personal business, actually. i’m lookin’ for this…
i slid a photograph across the table. the photo that was so well known, it made even the Don pull back. they knew this was serious business.
“you sure you want this one?”
i’m sure, Don. you got it or not?
“oh, i got it. but it’ll cost ya.”
i wasn’t about to have my victory snatched away by this selfish old fool. the Don lookin’ for a deal was never a good sign, but i was desperate.
what do you want?
“oh, nothin’ much, doll. just do me a favor sometime down the line. then we’ll call it even. capisce?”
bein’ in debt to the Don was not something i wanted. whatever they asked me to do, i knew it’d be bad. but either way i needed this post. i needed to solve the case. so i made what would possibly be the worst mistake of my life…
it’s a deal.
“glad we could reach an agreement, Miss. i believe this is what you’re lookin’ for?”
they pulled out their black leather briefcase, their name engraved on it in multicolored letters. it would seem tacky on anyone else. but the Don had a style to them that made it work. poppin’ it open, they handed me the file i was lookin’ for. just sittin’ there at the top, like they knew i was here for it. i grabbed it, thanked the Don, and got up to leave. that’s when they grabbed my sleeve.
“Miss Detective. don’t forget about our arrangement.”
i pulled away, scoffed, and went on my way. whatever they wanted me to do, i’m sure it wasn’t great. either way, the job was done. and i finally had what i wanted. i went back to my dingy office, alone, and filed the post away. the rain still poundin’ down against the window.
Post Case: Closed
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ashleyloob · 1 year
From someone who is disorganized and discouraged, I would love advice on weight-lifting/building muscle. Would you share your understanding of building muscle and the breakdown of diet?
If possible, could you share how you apply what you know to yourself? If you use any tools to help you?
Struggled with working out, gaining weight, and eating my whole life. Thanks!
prefacing this with some important info for fellow disorganized scatterbrains!!!!
the main reason why ppl have trouble sticking to a lifestyle change is because they try to make very drastic changes too quick, and you get overwhelmed and it becomes unsustainable. this is especially an issue for neurodivergent folks, and since it's Tumblr I assume a good chunk of y'all are (me too dw)
DON'T immediately overhaul ur diet and hit the gym 5x a week from day 1!!! hitting tiny goals consistently is also more rewarding than working towards one very large arbitrary goal that you might not reach, esp when it comes to working out. start veeery small if u need to, such as only 10 bodyweight squats per day like i did and go from there. you wanna program ur brain into feeling accomplished to keep you motivated. patience is key!!!!
ok!! now onto the more detailed info below
Disclaimer: I'm still a newbie myself!! only consistently lifting heavy for about 3 months as of this post. I did a good deal of excessive info diving on lifting using the power of Sheer Autism, and my main gym buddy is very experienced & taught me a good chunk of this shit so shout-out to my pal for making all this possible xoxo
so good news!! "building muscle" is very easy for beginners starting from zero. newbie gainz are absolutely real. at this stage you can do just about anything at the gym and get stronger bc u can only go up. BUT!! if you structure it, you can make the process enjoyable and much more efficient. if you're goal oriented (lookin at u ADHD menaces), you'll love the concept progressive overload.
wikipedia defines progressive overload as: a method of strength training and hypertrophy training that advocates for the gradual increase of the stress placed upon the musculoskeletal and nervous system. in layman's terms, it just means gradually adding more weight as you work out to increase the difficulty as you get stronger. progress is VERY easy to track because of this, and you'll be hitting PRs pretty much every week for the first couple of months and that shit feels fantastic because you physically feel yourself getting stronger so rapidly. I use the app Strong to track my workouts. so, how do we structure progressive overload? that's through sets/reps. A rep is a single execution of an exercise. 1 squat is one rep. 2 squat is 2 reps. and so on. A set is a collection of reps. The format is Sets x Reps, for example: 3x5 means 3 sets of 5 reps. You will rest between sets, and it's typically anywhere from 1 minute all the way up to 5 minutes depending on the level of exertion/type of training you are doing. Heavier weights mean longer rest periods and vice versa.
For those interested in barbell training: the r/fitness beginner routine is pretty good! I also recommend 5x5 stronglifts. both are very straightforward, but also note the typical olympic barbell is 45lbs. If this is a weight you struggle with, you can begin with bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, or machines at the gym which are all very BEGINNER beginner friendly. especially when it comes to legs you're probably much stronger than you think. Most people can squat 45lbs first try. don't be afraid -- you're standing on those things all day, they can support hella weight. Like I mentioned earlier, don't be afraid to start veeeery small and work your way up from there. I started at home with doing only bodyweight squats without the barbell, then added on benching with light 7lb dumbbells after a week, then impulse signed up for a gym membership a month later and began to go there to use equipment and now i'm deadlifting over 100lbs as a tiny girl that previously was too weak to even lift a 40lb dog. it snowballs quicker than you think once you gain confidence in your own body and its abilities!
If you can, i highly recommend getting a personal trainer to assist you, or tag along with a gymrat pal to show you the ropes. This page is also a good resource to learn specific lifts. otherwise, youtube is your best friend. you can record your sets and compare your form to form tutorials on youtube, and actively take notes on what to change the next time you work out. Be an active learner!!! be aware of what muscles are engaged when you lift and how your body feels. almost NOBODY gets it right the first time, esp with barbells. we've all made fools out of ourselves at the gym as beginners it's chill. i find people at the gym are very nice and willing to help you out if you're struggling, and people don't judge at all-- it's very easy to get in your own head in these spaces but most humans there are supportive and want you to succeed, especially since it's a hobby they are also passionate about. the more you do it, the less anxious you get. exposure therapy is very effective!! Also, almost all the barbell exercises can be replaced with smaller dumbbells, and you can do them at home if you get your own set + a workout bench (pretty cheap if u get secondhand, check facebook marketplace/craigslist). i got mad social anxiety myself so i understand sometimes you just can't, and this is an option for those that find public spaces overwhelming.
I personally don't think specialized diets/precise macro tracking is super duper important for newbies/casuals, only moderately important (spicy take for some but whatever). but you probably naturally will take an interest in diet once you realize it'll help you perform significantly better in the gym. the only macro i track is protein. You can use a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator to roughly estimate the amount of protein you need for maximum gainz. it's usually around .7-1g of protein for every pound of lean body mass (weight that isn't fat mass). Imma be real it's pretty hard for me to hit the recommended protein goal and most days I don't because my appetite just can't kick in for the amount it demands, and protein is super filling. I found that if i decreased the amount of carbs i eat, i am able to consume more protein bc i guess there's more room in my stomach lol. i eat a fuck ton of greek yogurt, chicken, fish, and tofu. when i started working out, i begin cooking a lot more and found i naturally craved less processed junk foods and snacks because the protein was keeping me full all day which is a plus! Even when im not regularly hitting my protein goal my gym progress is still going well and I think it's simply because my diet is A LOT better than what it used to be in my gremlin days. I also eat a lot more now that i've gained a bit of muscle, so do be prepared for food costs to go up as your metabolism increases and demands more energy to upkeep your gainz.
a whileeee. over a year, probably, unless if you're on anabolic steroids (dont ever do that u will quite literally die). and physique is mostly from diet since it's dependent on your body fat percentage, the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is true. its why you see hyper skinny terminally indoors gamer dudes with abs, even if they'd snap in half if you farted in their general direction. those mfs barely eat they too busy being gamers i am no longer interested in lifting for aesthetics personally since i get more joy from hitting PRs and i'm pretty content with my body image, but ik physique is the reason why most people get into lifting so i'll touch on it. Weightlifting on its own will not make you lose weight or fat. Again, it needs to be supplemented with a healthy sustainable diet (DO NOT DO CRASH DIETS THAT SHIT IS GARBAGE) and a form of cardio. I actually gained 8lbs since I began lifting from water retention & new muscle mass (muscle is more dense than fat, your body retains water when repairing muscle after a gym sesh) but my measurements and pants size have remained the same. I'm short, so something as small as a 5lb increase usually bumped me up a pants size but it didn't this time bc im gettin swole :') if you want to track physique changes, measuring your waistline & progress pics is a better way to do so than the scale. If you want bigger muscles, look into hypertrophy training. it's a tad different from strength training, mainly because you do higher reps at a lower weight.
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esoteriamaya · 3 months
What About Us? A friendship psychic reading.
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LEFT (1-3)
RIGHT (2-4)
The friendships we create are the ones most needed in our time of growing up and finding who we are in this world. For some of you, your new friendship group is coming. For a lot of you, current friendships need relearning, reshaping, and refocusing. There may be something going on under the surface, and will prepare to bloom soon come. Since this is the summer months, I would like to do something for friendships as love is always on our minds, but a platonic love that touches the stars is always certainly going to be harder to find <3
Anywho, without further a due. We can get started. So I hope you picked which one you feel the most called too. Lets begin ;)
Group 1 : This is for us. The beginning to the End.
If you have picked the one, its time to start a new friendship with someone new. You could be getting ready to go back to school in august, you could also be in groups (text chats, social media groups, volunteer groups, etc.) and this will be how you meet this new friend. You guys could go to the same school, university, job, career, or you could have found them when you were going to a concert, a park, event. you get my drift.This new friendship is going to cost you the old one, because they need time to figure out for themselves what they are lookin for in love, romance, friendship etc. and you could also be in a romantic partnership but also needing more platonic love to hit your corner.
All in all, this new found friend could be a soulmate of some sort. you guys just get it. Y'all know what y'all like and you guys pat each other on the back from time to time. It seems like you guys have known each other for ages, but its only been a few weeks/months.Plan a date with this person and see where things lead! Go shopping, go out to eat, go to a flower shop. Being spontaneous is how you'll meet.
Keywords: 111, Santa's Hat, 333, Bunnies, Awareness groups, Veterinarians, Poem, Talent shows, Concerts, Zodiac signs, Remember, Museums, Poetry nights, Sculpting, Movies, Fun nights, 666- Venusian pleasures, More life, Jumping for joy, Leo, Moon, Flowers, Pottery & Puppets.
Number sequences, 111, 333, 666, 717, 999, 1010
Group 2 : Crossroads, More to come in the Future.
So with this group, there is going to be a need to explore out of your home state, or maybe you may go to their home state. If you guys have been feeling bored this summer, then maybe its time to plan a trip somewhere like going camping, going to the river, or simply finding joy in new spaces. I feel a rekindle coming up for this group as well. Some of you may have to forgive somebody and vice versa. There could be a familiarity with this group, and the type of friends you want for yourself can come in the near future if you act more confident and free.
The more bold you are, the more the right people notice you, and then a friend group can commence.
Keywords: Crossroads (movie), Tumblr girl, Pizza dates, Online buddy, Road trip!!, Computers, Classroom, Video games, Anime, Donkeys, Cheetahs, Dragons, Beyonce.
Number sequences: 333, 888, 917, 326, 414, 909, 323, 7777, 8888, 2020, 2222, 2121, 3232, 101
Group 3: Where the wind goes, I'll become of you.
This is a beautiful connection! It's like a hippie type of love between the two of you. Just vibing with the waves, and not carrying where it takes you next.
You guys have a capacity to know what each other is thinking, a type of telepathic connection. A long lasting platonic energy between you and them. Gifts, talents, and abilities skyrocket when your with them because they boost your self esteem and help you along the way. This friendship group needs no reshaping, just simply being able to enjoy each others presence every time they meet.
Keywords: 1111, dream reality, riding around town, enjoying each others company, mountains, hike trails, forgiveness, compassion, 'im having the time of my life', 19 years old, cannabis, margaritas, dancing the night away.
Number sequences: 111, 222, 1111.
Group 4 : Let's have a girls night !
This group really needs to let go and let there hair down. Its time for a nice night with the ladies. You may need to get something off your chest, and thats what friends are for! You gotta get up out your comfort zone, and try hanging with your friends a lil while longer, you never know what can happen when you guys are together!
Keywords: Luxury dates, Club hopping, Sleep overs, Wine, Boy problems, Pajamas, Girls trip (movie), Cabin trip, Banquet, Movie nights.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Shiny Anon:
How about a badly injured!reader and concerned-and-afraid Emmet (and Ingo). I’m sure the twins have first aid training, but it’s not meant for this sort of thing. Not the best way to end a date…
Have a bit of a prompt for it:
“Hey, don’t close your eyes!” The blood is soaking through Emmet’s coat, staining the white fabric a terrifying red. You try to obey, you really do, but everything is going fuzzy and dark at the edges. A whimper of pain escapes you as Emmet presses down harder.
“Stay awake, stay with me!”
What happened, the cause, the consequences, everything else is up to you.
P.S. sorry if this got asked before, tumblr seems to like sending my messages before I’m ready to send them. That said, this is the actual ask.
I’m not very good with long prompts so I hope this is to your liking!
CW! Blood and injury!
You always knew your lovers were decently popular, so you aren’t caught off guard when on dates you three get stopped.
It doesn’t happen often, thankfully.
Ingo and Emmet are usually very good at keeping interactions brief.
But you know how much they love to battle, you can tell when they haven’t had a battle, or a good one in a while.
They love the thrill and the on spot strategies, they just find it so fun! They are truly in their element.
You three decided to take all your Pokémon to a park, to hopefully get out some energy.
But you knew they wanted a battle.
You offered, but a double would be better, yet there are only three of you.
But a fan of theirs happened to over hear your problem, such a sweet young man offered to help.
Emmet was so giddy, you alone are a strong trainer! So a battle buddy for you? This will be exciting!
Ingo perked up at the promise of a battle, Chandelure humming happily with her trainer.
And thus the battle went underway.
You can feel your blood pumping, as you stand in front of Emmet, and your companion in front of Ingo. Though a stranger, your battle buddy was kind and easy to work with.
Both of you communicating easily to land effective attacks.
Both sides are on the ropes, each person down to their last Pokémon, one last round to determine the victors.
Ingo’s Haxorus and Emmet’s Archeops, are all they have left.
You should be able to win this, if you two plan this right.
The area around the battle field is cloudy, the dust being almost thick, you can hardly see.
Ingo’s shout brings you back from your thoughts.
“Haxours! Use dragon claw!”
A loud roar echoes from the dragon, before thundering footsteps rapidly approach.
Your body moves on autopilot.
Haxorus had missed her opponent, in full charge the large Pokémon tries stopping, momentum keeping her going.
Noticing too late she missed.
The man barely on time to move.
Luckily you noticed before he did. You slam your shoulder into him, knocking him out of the way and onto the ground.
You gasp, feeling the attack hit you. Your body doesn’t touch the ground as the dragon type holds you. Your blood quickly dripping from the new gashes across stomach.
The dust slowly settling, with a pained cry from Haxours
The twins are terrified once they can see again.
Eyes widening at the sight of blood covering their beloved pokemon.
The man sparring with you quickly pulling out his phone, frantically dialing and calling help.
The brothers quickly rush over, trying to get Haxorus to let you go.
“Darling! Darling answer me!”
Emmet shouts, while Ingo talks the Pokémon into laying you down.
The both had first aid training, but not for anything like this.
You can’t respond, you feel so tired, your eye lids feel like lead.
You whimper.
It’s the only thing they hear from you.
Emmet holds you close, while Ingo yanks off his coat.
“Hey, don’t close your eyes!” The blood is soaking through Emmet’s coat, staining the once white fabric a deep red.
Ingo balls up parts of his coat, applying pressure to the gashes.
You try to stay away, you try to talk to them, to keep your eyes open, but everything is going fuzzy and dark at the edges.
Looking up, all you see at the scared expressions of your beloveds, tears streaming down their cheeks.
A whimper of pain escapes you as Emmet holds you tighter, and Ingo presses down harder.
“Dear, please! Stay awake, stay with us!”
You can’t.
You’ve never felt more exhausted.
You hope they can forgive you.
The last thing you hear are their panicked screeches.
You wake up to an awful bright light shining through the curtains.
You lazily open your eyes, groaning in agony.
It feels like you were hit by a bus.
You body feels so stiff and sore.
You try to move your arms at least, but find they feel heavy.
Looking down, you see on either side of you, Ingo on your right, and Emmet on your left.
Both twins holding and laying their heads on your arms, holding onto you like your disappear.
You don’t want to bug them, they look so tired, like they could use some extra sleep. Though you doubt these positions are comfortable.
You shift, trying to get comfortable in the hospital bed. You didn’t mean to wake them up.
Emmet shoots up at the movement, his eyes unfocused, but he’s trying.
Ingo jolts, before slowly rising, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Darling you’re awake!”
“Careful Emmet! Be mindful of their injury!”
Emmet slows his roll, he looked like he was going to lunge at you before being scolded.
His arms are still quick to wrap around you, as best he can.
Before smothering your face with tear filled kisses.
Ingo is not far behind, slowly kissing up your arms to your neck, waiting for Emmet to move so he can kiss you too.
“How do you feel, dear? Do you need anything?”
You groan a bit before laying your head completely back.
“Some water, please? I feel like I’m dying.”
“I’ll be right back!” You don’t think Emmet has moved so fast.
Which leaves you and Ingo.
He holds your hand, kissing the back of it before moving up to kiss you. His lips press against yours gently, as if you’d break.
“I’m so sorry, we were so worried that…I….I’m just so happy you’re okay.”
A few stray tears fall down, he leans his forehead against yours, taking in and basking in your presence.
“I know, but I’m okay! I love you.”
Ingo breaks, lowering his head to your shoulder and sobs.
His shoulders shaking with each cry he lets out.
It was his Pokémon that harmed you, it’s all his fault, had he and Emmet not wanted a battle you wouldn’t be in a hospital.
Had he just said no, and waited for a challenger on his line.
He’s sorry.
“I thought, I thought I’d never hear you say that again!”
You leans your head against his, still feeling so tired.
But you’re relived.
Emmet comes back, tears of his own brimming his eyes.
“Water for darling!”
You go to move, but he’s quick to help you, letting you lay back while he holds the cup for you.
You greedily drink the ice cold water, it feels so refreshing after Arceus knows how long.
“Thank you.”
Emmet quickly settles in next to you. His smile quivering.
“Anything for you, love.”
You don’t know what’ll happen after this, but you’re glad to know you’re going to be well taken care of.
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cycat-carisi · 2 years
I’m supposed to be writing a thesis, yet this little drabble hit me like a ton of bricks...so yeah, I’m yeeting it into the Tumblr world! Enjoy? Could fill the “Fresh Start” square in @adarafaelbarba’s birthday bingo!
Summary:  Just a little hurt/comfort drabble with Joe (: Pairing: Joe Velasco x Reader Warnings: language, mentions of domestic abuse, hurt/comfort Words: 806 AO3 here
You are drunk again. A few of your female police officer buddies had joined you for drinks after your shifts. Afterall, it had been a particularly hard day. First, you were called to the scene of a bad accident, then it was followed up with a potential case of assault, and to top it all off, your boss yelled at you for some dumb thing that the alcohol has already made you forget.
Yet another shot is being downed when suddenly he walks in. The sexiest man you have ever seen. Tall, dark and most certainly handsome. Light stubble lines his cheeks and that leather jacket...oh boy, that leather jacket!
"Chiquitita . Time to go home," he speaks in a voice barely audible over the music in the bar.
"Why, hellooo handsome!" you whistle. All your friends' eyes are on you, but you’re too drunk to register their stares.
"Come on," he whispers against your ear.
"Trying to take me home, eh? Well, good lookin', it's a good thing you're so good lookin' because I'm definitely gonna let you take me home!" You stumble a bit, bracing a hand on his firm shoulder.
His find your waist to steady you while, under his breath, the man lets out a curse in Spanish. "I’m your boyfriend, Chiquitita, and it's time to go home now." His voice is stern, dripping with annoyance.
"You're my boyfriend!?! Damn girl, you done goooood!" you give yourself a sloppy pat on the shoulder.
"Please," he begs with those big green eyes. "You do this every time. I dread getting this call but it keeps happening. This has to stop."
You had met Joe Velasco when responding to a call of domestic violence a few years ago. The two of you locked eyes immediately; some kind of electric exchange happening from across the room. He had been the one to ask for your number and there had been no going back since.
A large frown causes your brows to wrinkle but you nonetheless allow Joe to lead you out of the bar. The cool night air feels like a slap to the face, yet it allows you a moment of clarity. "What's the matter with you?!" you demand, perhaps a little too harshly.
"What's the matter with me?" he scoffs, still supporting you in his arms. "You're the one whose friends repeatedly call me to come and get you when you’re drunk out of your mind!"
You add fuel to the argument, exclaiming, "I had a bad day!"
"We all have bad days! But you get completely wasted and…you know how it makes me feel."
"But you knew going into this whole thing that I’m a bit self-destructive!"
"A bit? Come on, please!" Joe rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"I grew up with five brothers! You'd think that after five boys my parents would have wanted a girl.” You sputter out an angry laugh. “Ha! Nope! I was the accident that came out with an X chromosome instead of a Y and they never let me forget it!"
Joe has repeatedly been there for you when it came to how your family treated you, but right now he’s tired of you using it as an excuse for your drinking. "And I had an abusive father,” he rebuts, “who...who would..." There's pain etched across Joe's face as he says the words. "He would drink until there was nothing left, which only made him angrier. That anger had to come out somewhere..."
Your foggy mind immediately flashes to the scars you know litter Joe's back. Suddenly, the guilt hits you like a ton of bricks. "I'm so sorry, babe," you sob out. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't mean to make you think of him. I'm sorry." The tears run freely. Clearly, you are an inconsiderate, self-absorbed asshole to a boyfriend who has been nothing but good to you.
Joe's face softens, his tone lowering to match. "Hey, don't cry, Chiquitita. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but drinking won't make it better. I know my schedule is nuts, but I will always be here for you to talk with. I wish you would turn to me instead of the bar."
You honestly didn't deserve him, yet Joe still made you want to be a better person. "I promise, Joe! I promise to talk. I promise not to drink. I promise to be better to you!" You fling your arms around his middle and squeeze.
It's not a moment later that his arms fully envelope you, pressing you tighter to his chest. You can hear the steady thrum of his heart, beating like a calming melody in the most frightful of storms. "I love you," you murmur against his shirt.
"I love you, too," he whispers into your hair. "Now, let's get you home."
Tag list: @plaidbooks @adarafaelbarba  @misscharlielulu @barbasbodaciousbeard @caracalwithchips @averyhotchner @one-sweet-gubler @anlin2058 @katieslotherford @pjkimrn @aynansstuff
I realize it has been an insane amount of time since I last posted, so please let me know if you’d like off/on this list ^^ 
*crawls back under my rock until the next idea needs out of my head*
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myevilmouse · 2 years
i’m so glad i found your post on luke getting electrocuted. I’ve ALWAYS been insanely turned on by that for pretty much the same reasons you said, and I’ve never seen anyone anywhere openly talk about this ever (considering how massive SW is you’d think there’d be at least one out there somewhere). is there anything else you wanted to say about it and how/why you love it? any other weird unorthodox movie moments that turn you on?
not asking to be weird or perverted, i just love to finally have an outlet to express similar but very niche interests
Hey friend! Thanks for this ask! I love asks and yours is a fun one. First of all, if you haven't explored it already, you may enjoy my tag #he suffers so beautifully, which is pretty much all the Luke Skywalker pain in one place. I have another one #bruised battered bleeding where you may also find some yummy Luke...
I actually took a long time to start reblogging Luke in pain images and gifsets (and some I still don't) because they really sort of hurt my heart, no matter how fabulous Mark looks all contorted and wounded. I'm not a huge fan of whump actually, despite those tags ahahah. Don't really read it and you still won't find a lot of "off with his hand" scenes in my archive, for example. But you make an excellent point--some actors are just sexy when they suffer and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
I think one reason some people (yourself included) may find the electrocution scene so much of a turn on is how those muscle spasms, "o" faces, scrunched-up eyes, tousled hair and jerking hips give us a dark/warped mirror to the erotic throes of orgasm. Someone flailing around so elegantly, those long fingers, those tightly-clad legs....yeah.... Sigh.  There’s a reason it’s called la petite mort, you know? 😈
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Anyway, definitely don't feel weird or perverted about being into it. I get it. There are whole dissertations about how horror movies, for example, are these psychosexual outlets--examining the penetration of knives as phallic metaphor, etc etc and so forth... Lots of logical connections between agony and ecstasy, in other words.
Also, and I have discussed it here before, the "I am a Jedi" Death Star scenes are really the crowning hotness of all the Luke scenes in the trilogy. Like I don't know how everyone on set kept from creaming their pants that day/those days. Mark looks SO ridiculously sexy both before and after he's zapped, it honestly doesn't surprise me at all that the zapping also is melting everyone's butter.
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LOOK AT HIM was grief ever so sexy?!
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gif courtesy of @jadedjo
As for other weird movie moments that turn me on, I am a sucker for the blood-spattered hero. I mean, Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves? Mel Gibson in Braveheart?  I’m dating myself but cut me some slack hahaha
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These are dudes who take a lickin' and keep on lookin' lickable muwahahah. So Mark in that bacta tank, absolutely. I even commissioned art for that to have him super 美少年.
I think part of the attraction to these moments is they humanize our larger-than-life heroes, and they look so good doing it...It's like the old anime cliche of that single line of blood on the cheek. Our gods bleed, and that makes them attainable. Or something like that. I'm on a tangent now.  But cinema is full of heroes that only get sexier the more they suffer and angst, so it’s a logical and very understandable kink, imo.  Thank you for this ask anon, and I’m so happy I have content that will feed that thirst for suffering Luke.... I hope you enjoy exploring that tag on my feed and thank you for being a tumblr buddy!
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finnsagere32 · 11 months
hi i dunno anything about tumblr but lookin for agere buddies :3
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laughyoudrecognize · 7 months
I just wrote a rant about greys anatomy post season 11 and then tumblr deleted it before I could post it and like that was the right call, tumblr. Good lookin out, buddy.
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mayanell-wav · 11 months
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:: 'timeless_trivialities' is up and out of the archives -- give it a listen at the link up top
:: cassette tapes are in the works for the end of autumn. grateful to be working with @thefountainconcertseries ' new DIY label based here in Oakland.
: also really lookin fwd to holding an object! in my hands! that I can give to my Mum! and say Look! eye AM broke but I DID go to my 'JOB' but I DID make the thing! also, looking fwd celebrating with a wee little winter time showww (👀)
:: yesterday eye uploaded and released it quietly for myself and the stared into the abyss of IG until now 🕳 (tumblr & soundcloud saw it first!! if you havent' gathered s'far i rlly do hate this cursed website💀)
lately ive been deeply struggling with these platforms of self-promotion and want to do something with this release beyond giving pennies to bandcamp (who's new owners also get a big fuck you for firing half of their staff and not recognizing the recently won union)
these songs mean more to me than the chump change of sales, and I'm inspired by artists who are able to mobilize what they create to pull focus and rally supprt support of needed relief, especially in this violently hectic time of ramped up genocidal impunity. what are our creations for if not for healing, to speak truth to power, and to resist the economies of domination. track three "sovereign intimacy" is a song I wrote for my senior creative thesis, in step with the insanity of this moment, and the chronic insanity of settler colonial fever dream unreality. as we continue to witness these empire machines violently resist the people's demands to cease with these old world colonail paradigms, I hope this song particularly, and the songs on this project bring you or anyone some soothing, some witness, some resonance.
the album is also up on bandcamp put please truly do not buy it, not there and not yet. If wanna send me money through there I'd suggest adding to wishlist and waiting for bandcamp friday, because once again, a HUGE fuck you to the new owners songtradr.
I'm in the works getting this release and my other audio projects organized as a free download // offering in support of Palestinian relief/solidarity efforts. I'll be sharing that presently, so If you want to support or are interested in that offering be on the look out.
i know what music has done for me in times of grief. all of these songs I have written as acts of saving my own life, and have helped me to transmute through my own versions of hell. these files are all I have to give and I'd rather give them away if that supports someone feeling more motivated to put their dollars in the pocket of medical relief funds right now.
social media is hell and self-promotion makes me want to rip my eye-balls out, but thank you to my friends and family and community for continuing to support my music making, thank you my buddies at the fountain for the generous advive and encouragement
and thank you to music, the mystery of the sound wavs, for always being there for me, for us, in and through portals of grief
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iceespizza · 2 years
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I posted 1,359 times in 2022
That's 1,359 more posts than 2021!
114 posts created (8%)
1,245 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,092 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#total drama - 669 posts
#total drama island - 338 posts
#td noah - 176 posts
#gravity falls - 160 posts
#the owl house - 157 posts
#total drama revenge of the island - 143 posts
#total drama world tour - 120 posts
#td owen - 110 posts
#bill cipher - 95 posts
#td courtney - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i left bridgette stuck to a pole robbed leshawna of her fabulous soul made even courtney lose control but i cant leave you wedged in a hole
My Top Posts in 2022:
what if i put the owl house chracters in a total drama simulator
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...i did it. i might as well post what happens in the first episode
team status
See the full post
136 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
guys i know axel (army brat lookin girl) looks like an antagonist but hear me out.
what if shes a mean protagonist.
138 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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part 2 of total drama textposting stuff but theres only one
153 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
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okay listen this photo is so funny because owen is like "OH NO MY LITTLE BUDDY IS DYING" while heather is just like "who is this guy again" and trent's face screaming "i hope he dies"
155 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
264 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
my top post is the fucking aleduncan one.... 😭
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peysk · 2 years
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I posted 3,841 times in 2022
That's 3,460 more posts than 2021!
2,879 posts created (75%)
962 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 228 of my posts in 2022
#japan stuff - 5 posts
#youtube - 5 posts
#this happened to me - 2 posts
#ref - 2 posts
#seasoning☆cheese - 2 posts
#tumblr milestone - 2 posts
#lovely post - 2 posts
#tang dynasty lookin - 1 post
#huh???????? - 1 post
#i will die defending klefki my beloved - 1 post
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#"i have the divine right to be mediocre and boring and plain but the girl that saves me better look like the ladies i jack off to 3 times a
My Top Posts in 2022:
no ones going to ever sell me on the idea that moshpits are like. cool badass things to do. Oh you got excited by the music so you got the r/Zoomies and need to run in a circle with your buddies? that's so metal dude. Own up to mosh pits being the natural evolution of playground games. it's fine
289 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
Need me a trad wifey that will cook me Pile of Salt for dinner with a side of Warm Slop
367 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Spotify uses its data on user behaviour to define and then name new "genres" of music. They recently did this with the stuff you listen to and decided to name the genre of the stuff you listen to "Unwashed Freak" Music
383 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Hey sorry to send you an ask like this but you seem to have turned anons off and i have several putrid things to tell you. Could you turn anons on again?
759 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Guy now: my iPhone battery died wtf
Guy in the future: my Futuristic iPhone battery died wtf
860 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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soulsilvers · 4 years
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a squid and their funny little smallfry!!!
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bird4-727 · 3 years
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Good morning!
It's been quite a long time since I've watched the Spirited away movie, but I found that the scene where Chihiro and No face sitting together casually on a train hit different.
Anywho, this is Dr. Melvin, on his way to...work. Obviously.
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