#looking too closely at any of the joints on these poses is a hate crime jsyk
softerhaze · 2 years
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(♪ || full playlist)
milo, standing in the living room of ruthie’s apartment with his phone in one hand, reaches for his suitcase with other.
MILO: I’ve gotta get going if I wanna catch this flight
MILO: Thanks for letting me crash here, and for...y’know, everything else
extreme close up of ruthie’s mouth half open, half-smiling and speaking
RUTHIE: *laughs* everything else? You’re sick, you know that, right? Also, you can stay here whenever, it’s not a big deal
where ruthie is casually resting on the back of her couch, milo leans over to plant a kiss on her forehead
MILO: careful, I might just stick around and then you’ll never be able to get rid of me
close up of ruthie with an inscrutable look on her face
MILO: But...I’ll let you know when I get home. Later, Ruthie.
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bimswritings · 4 years
This Is Our Way
Summary: What happens when you make the mistake of thinking you can steel from a Mandalorian? You land yourself and job and a plethora of adventures and emotion you could never even dream of.  The question is; where will those emotions lead.
Warnings: Typical canon violence, NSFW implications and scenes later on
You can also read it on my Ao3 account.
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Clouds. Dark, impenetrable, depressing grey clouds are what greet you as soon as your eyes open, just like they have every day for years during your existence on the scrappy planet of  Corellia. Home to the most desperate and cruel criminals, along with the enslaved and weak civilians and captives. All mixed in with your average day citizen trying to get by.
A great place to live.
The sound of tie-fighters overhead is what first woke you, screaming as they made their morning flight overhead, acting as an ever present reminder of the Empire's presence and signaling the start of your day. Bones and joints crack in sync as you push yourself up, rubbing your eyes and crawling from the busted old weapons crate that acted as a poor supplement for a bed. Its lid laid discarded to the side, allowing the cool night air of one of the only dry nights of the month to flow in while you slept. The hard metal lining was barely tolerable, even when padded with the few scraps of fabric you had managed to snag over the years, but it was sturdy and the lid provided great protection from the ever present rain on the overcast planet.
Taking care not to trip while climbing from the enclosed space, you stumble out onto the main section of the roof and stare over the city as you stretch, trying not to cringe as certain bones popped back into place painfully. It wasn’t a pretty sight, and not even the fresh breeze that floated in from the sea could make it any more appealing.
Boring, industrial buildings stretched as far as the eye could see in varying colors of black and steel, hardly standing out against the horizon of equally dull colors only punctuated by the occasional crism Empire flag. In the middle of it all was the only decently maintained and sizable buildings on the planet, where the majority of ships for the Empire were produced. It was thanks to the presence of that one building that there was even an economy here, keeping it from turning into a more dreary and wet version of Tatooine, the outlandish world it was. The sight was enough to make your stomach churn, but had nothing on the aching pain that radiated from the organ and had you mind wondering when you had eaten last. Three, four days maybe? It didn’t matter. However long it was, the meager scraps you had managed to find behind the restaurant district of the wealthy were but a distant memory. It was this very hunger that drove you from your safe space, forcing you to climb down the pipes lining the outside of the building you resided on.
The metal creaked and groaned in protest under your weight, but you didn’t give it a second though, knowing there was nothing to worry about. You had been climbing along these fixtures for years, nimble hands and feet finding the smallest of purchases as you move along with ease.
When the ground was close enough you dropped, rolling through the impact to your feet and taking shelter behind an abandoned stall as you momentarily stumbled, vision swimming and black dots dancing before you. Force, you really need to get something to eat soon. Rainwater could only fill your stomach for so long before it lost its abilities to hold you over.
Peering around the corner, your eyes scanned the narrow alleyway, looking for any sign of stormtroopers or other rough characters that would cause trouble. You were never much of a fighter, but today especially was a day you were feeling particularly weak.
‘Alright. All I need to do is slip out, grab a couple of credits, and get back. It should be fine as long as I don’t run into-’
“Well well well. Look what we have here.” Leon’s voice spoke from behind, making you cringe and berate yourself for not being more careful. This was the last thing you needed to deal with, and Leon’s sickly smooth voice only served to grate on your nerves more as you turned to face him and his three lackeys, identifying them as Sho, Everett, and Corin.None as dangerous, but all as bad tempered as their leader.
Glacial blue eyes stared from pale skin beneath his shock of blond hair, a combo that drew ladies like flies to him. Pair that with pearly white teeth and he could have been a poster boy for some prep school on Coruscant. If not for the tattooed arms and green vest that held the insignia of a ranicore tooth, marking him as one of Sozin’s many street enforcers. His kind was the one you hated most. Cocky guys who thought that just because they were someone in some gang they had power over everyone else, not giving a second thought to those they hurt, be it man, women, or child. As long as they got a nice cut at the end of the day they were fine. Despite your hate for them, by all means joining a gang was the best way to survive here. It promised food, shelter, and constant work. All you had to do was give up your own self respect and humanity in return.
“The little Jawa had finally come out from her fortress. Tell me,” He smirked as the others formed a loose circle around you, effectively caging you in. “Get anything good lately.”
You wanted to spit at him, slap that stupid smirk off his face and leave him to go crying back to his boss. But you didn’t. Instead, you took a more casual, defensive stance, ready to get away the moment you had the chance. Slapping a fake smile on your face, you cocked an eyebrow in mock teasing.
“Please. If I had anything of interest I’m sure you of all people would know.” You were getting more nervous now, keenly aware of how close Sho was getting to your current position. Far too close for your liking.
“And with the patrols increased and punishments cracking down, things have gotten harder.''
“True, but I just never know what those sticky fingers of yours may manage to pick up. Your skill has a reputation after all.” His eyes skimmed over your body, not even trying to hide the way he was practically undressing you. The slimy bastard had been pining after you for years, ever since he had watched you lift a number of things from a trooper when you were both just young teenagers. He claimed it was for your skills but it didn’t take a genius to see he was looking for something more. “Maybe you could give me a live demonstration some time.”
And there it was.
You said nothing, only pushing yourself further against the cool metal of the wall behind you in an attempt to create some sort of distance in between you. Your stomach, the traitor it was, decided that it would be the best time to voice its own opinion, letting out a loud growl of protest that didn't go unheard.
Leon’s face took on a mask of concern and sympathy, and you might have fallen for it had you not known any better. His tone took on a softer, more whispery tone, like he was speaking to a stray feline. Not that far off if you thought about it.
“You look hungry. Why don’t you come back with me. I can get everything squared away with Sozin, and I promise, I’ll take real good care of you.”
His hand extended out in invitation, strong fingers that had ended the lives of so many gently relaxed, the other crossing behind his back in a mock gentleman pose, as if he even knew what being a decent guy even started with.
“C’mon. Think about it. No more empty stomachs or fighting for every scrap. You’d even have a nice bed to lay in at the end of the day. No more sleeping on the filthy streets.”
Scoffing, you summoned the last of your confidence, brushing past him and ignoring his invitation. “I’d rather take the streets than your blood soaked sheets any day.”
That should have been it, and it would have been for anyone else on just a code of respect among those here. But Leon wasn’t known for taking no for an answer. Before you could even make it  three steps his hand closed on your elbow, bringing you back closer to him. Despite all you twisting and pulling, his superior strength kept you close, breath fanning your skin as he spoke.
“Listen here, I’ve been more than kind in my advances. A saint some may even say, so you’re not going to walk away from me, understand? No your going to come back and-”
“Hey!” A shout from the end of the alleyway interrupted him, drawing all your attention as the squadron of storm troopers rounded the corner to the alley, falling in line behind their captain.”You there! What’s going on?”
At the sight of the local law enforcement and their blasters, Leon’s grip loosened a fraction. Just the smallest amount really, but enough for you to be able to slip from his grip and between Sho and Corin before they could stop you. You ignored the shouting of the officer, sprinting in the opposite direction and around the corner into the main streets of Corellia.
‘Good luck trying to find me now.’ You smirked, pulling your hood up to conceal your face as you effortlessly blended into the crowd, becoming just one of the thousands of faces that traveled through as you continued on your way. Now it was time for the real work to begin.
Just as with the seasons, your own hunting grounds changed, ever rotating through the different sectors in order to keep law enforcement off your tail. It was one of the first lessons you had ever learned; never hunt in the same spot for more than a few weeks.
Today was a fresh start in the port district, leaving an abundance of new and unaware targets. It was a popular place for travelers as well, who were especially naive, but even with that you knew today would be a challenge. It hadn’t been a lie when you told Leon that the troopers were cracking down. More patrols and increased severity of punishments had started to begin in order to ‘cut down the crime’, as your senator put it. Fat chance of that though, as one could argue that Corellia ran on crime. Still, the effort put forth was really putting the pressure on smaller people like you, who were just trying to survive, not to mention the street vendors and shop owners had installed their own new security measures in place, leading to an unfavorable combo that led to your current weak and hungry state. So you were here, looking for some oblivious fool to cop a few credits off from your perch just outside the mechanics.
As your eyes scanned the crowd, looking for visible money holders or those with liftable jewelry and other items, you saw him. He was hard to miss actually. The beskar he wore from head to toe shone proudly even without the light of the sun hidden above, speaking of its own durability and care shown by the owner. Alongside him was a pod, closed, and most likely carrying whatever supplies he had picked up from the market. The brown cape around his shoulders did nothing to hide the gun scross his broad back, nor the dozens of smaller weapons strapped to his person.
He stood tall above the crowd, most parting like water around a stone to avoid him, and it was no wonder. Even you had heard the stories about the Mandalorians. Fierce warriors and fighters who could track their prey to the ends of the galaxy. They were the best bounty hunters and hired guns on the market. You had been witness to more than one lowlife being pulled from their seat in the cantina by his kind, kicking and begging to no avail as they were carried away, dead or alive.
Teeth gnawing on inside of your cheek, you debated with yourself. On one hand, he was a high risk target, undoubtedly being used to these kinds of places and the people who lived here. Stealing from him would earn you a blaster shot to the head if caught, that is, if he were feeling merciful enough not to crush every bone in your body. But then, he was a bounty hunter. They always carried a lot of credits, and ones worth more at that. One swipe from him could set you up for days, if not weeks! He was also the only target you had seen open worth any value the entire day, and you weren’t sure you could go much longer without food.
You debated with yourself, going back and forth as you watched him grow closer to where you sat. If you didn’t make a decision soon you would lose your chance all together.
As if detecting your hesitance, your body made the decision for you, loosening another growl from its depths, prompting you forward and before you knew it you were on the move. Pulling a small guide book from your pocket, you pretended to be grossly interested in the useless thing, eyes moving to falsely skim the words as you carefully adjusted your path closer to his, threading between the crowd with as much ease as he cut through it.
The moments before were tense, each step leaving you feeling more electrified as adrenaline coursed through your body, only feeding your blind confidence as you counted down.
You pretended to stumble, tripping on your own feet as naturally as you would walk, veering from your course and bumping into the armored man. You winced slightly as your shoulder made contact with the metal, which made your grunt of pain that much more believable and distracting while your hands got to work. Like all bounty hunters, he kept his money in front of him, just slightly to the left of his leg. A tactic to prevent pickpockets like you that frequented the scenes they often found themselves in. Smart, but you had gotten used to this tactic before, and it was a simple swipe of your hand as it quickly entered and retreated the pouch, fingers closed around an unknown number of credits, all within a fraction of a second as you mumbled apologies, raising your opposite hand in distraction as your other moved to pocket your catch.
As soon as your own fingers left the pouch, you knew you were in trouble. Years of being on the streets had taught you when you had the upper hand in a situation or not, whether you were the predator or prey. In that moment, that small fraction of a moment, you went from poised victor to the most demure of prey.
And the man in front of you was the hunter.
His hand, even quicker than your own, moved to latch onto the retreating limb. The very one holding the credits you had thought had been yours.
Head snapping up to meet his, you were faced with an unfeeling gaze in the form of silver surrounding a small ‘t’ of inky darkness that prevented you from seeing his face. You tried to pull away, only to have his stern grip tighten even more, the leather of his glove squeaking in symphony along with the crackling of the joint. Yet you still refused to drop the credits, stubbornly holding onto them out of spite and fear. If he hadn’t seen them yet, there was no way he could indefinitely prove you had taken anything from him, though the way he focused on it told you he already knew the truth.
Kriffing hell. Why had you even thought this would be a good idea. He was a Mandalorian, and in your hunger driven brain you had somehow managed to convince yourself it would actually work. Well congratulations, you had the credits, but now you were as good as dead. If he didn’t decide to deal out his own justice and kill you then and there, surely he would turn you over to the stormtrooper.
The skin on your back tingles and warmed at the thought, memories of public whippings flashing in the back of your mind and doubling your heart rate and raising your panic even more.
Maybe you could still get out of this though. He was a man, as far as you could tell anyways, and all men were susceptible to one thing, hardened warrior or not. You could distract him, try to get a trade or compromise in return for forgetting about the situation. If not him then the clones. Maker knows they were always willing to pass up small crimes every once in a while in exchange for a way to sate their horniness. Though you had never tried the practice yourself, you had heard of numerous others getting off the hook that way. How hard could it be?
Your thoughts were interrupted by movement, bringing you back from your blind panic of plotting how to get out of this. The Mandalorian had tilted his head, t-visor still trained on your face as he observed you. Those around you were all too eager to ignore the situation, walking past with explicitly diverted eyes as they went about their business. The hand not holding yours moved, making you flinch back but with nowhere to go as he kept you trained in place. It moved towards your face and you braced, eyes scrunched and ready for the impact of a palm or fist making contact.
Yet, it never came.
Instead, the soft worn leather gently pressed against your face, fingers gently running along the curve of your cheek, highlighting the bone that protruded with hunger. The occasional scrape of his beskar along the skin makes you shudder, but if he even notices he doesn’t say anything, only continuing to stare as his hand tips your face every which way for him to examine. Then he just...let go. Without another word he had dropped his hands, stepping around and continuing on his original path, leaving you behind him, frozen in place and in a state of shock.
You could have stood there for any measure of time, be it seconds or minutes. Your brain was too busy trying to process what had just happened to even think about anything else. It was only when someone rudely bumped into you, almost knocking you to the ground, that you finally snapped out of it, and suddenly you were running. Feet pounding the uneven ground as you gained speed, faces flew past as little more than blurs as you continued to put more space between you and your should-have-been attacker. If it had been any other time you might have been proud of the speed you had, the burning in your lungs of little significance. Not even when you had seen Leon once again did you blink, blowing past as he called out and tried to grab you.
Before you knew it you were rounding the alley back to your little home, leaping more than climbing up the pipes with record speed as your feet barely touched the rickety metal. You practically dove into your little crate of a home, pulling the lid and locking yourself in darkness as you tried to sooth your pulse, taking deep breaths that did little to help. Absentmindedly, you began humming to yourself. A song so out of tune and unrecognizable it would have made a wookie weep, but it was what you needed as you pressed the burning and sticky skin of your forehead against the cool metal of the wall.
Eventually, after countless repetitions or the short tune, you managed to steady yourself, bringing enough sense back to realize you were still holding onto the credits from before, which were now gripped tightly in your hand. Enough to the point where the skin had turned a pearly white and your fingers hurt to move as you slowly unclenched them, revealing angry marks and even places where the rectangular currency had bit deep enough into the skin to draw blood. But oh what a beautiful sight it was.
One hundred credits laid in your fist, clustered together in a jumble of varying amounts and different kinds, but a total amount of one hundred. You normally only got this after a week of extremely successful hunting in the summer months. The sight of it now was enough to make you cry.
Despite the urge to go and get food from the nearest vendor, you knew better than to go out right away. For all you knew he had only let you go just to follow you back to your base, probably thinking he could turn you into the stormtroopers for a bigger ransom than what he lost, or loot your own place for anything you had stored up. Jokes on him if that was the plan, because he would only get back what you took from him.
The thought stayed stuck in the front of your mind, forcing you to stay tucked in your hiding space for the remainder of the day and keeping you awake through the night. Every little sound made you jump, convinced that you would once again find yourself at the receiving end of his burning gaze, the helmet he wore only masking his expression and leaving your fate uncertain. He never showed though, never ripped the lid off your container or dragged you out into the open.
By the time you managed to fall asleep, your body finally running out of its immense supply of adrenaline, the city itself had just begun to awaken below to the wee hours of the morning, and the fighters had just begun their morning rounds once again.
‘Maybe...maybe just a few hours of sleep.’ You thought to yourself, burrowing down into your small nest of blankets. What could be the harm?
Well, apparently a lot.
You had woken up in a panic, cracking the lid to see that the sky had already gone dark once again. Swearing to yourself, you emerged once again like a Nightshrike from its cave. Foregoing any normal rituals, you allowed your body to stretch itself as you moved, hustling from rooftop to rooftop, something you only did under the cover of night. The last thing you need is someone seeing you and discovering your home up top. You would never be able to get any peace after that.
You were in a rush though, and the thought of wasting a day of work didn’t bother you nearly as much as the thought of your favorite shop closing. With the amount of credits you had now, you wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while, so the only thought you had while the dim lights of the city flicked to life below was getting there as soon as possible. Who knows, maybe you’d even have enough to treat yourself to some fruit, an expensive and rare treat for anyone on the planet.
Skidding to a stop just before the end of the row, your eyes lit up at the sight of the shop still open, clearly readying to close. Shimmying back down to increasingly deserted streets, you were already drooling at the thought of biting into something and not having to wonder what it would taste like. No more than ten minutes later you were leaving, pockets now full of brick bread as the owner locked the doors behind you.
The plan was to only eat half of one on your way back, the nutrient rich and dense pastries giving you enough energy for the day in a single bite, but not even halfway back you found yourself licking the crumbs from your fingertips, hardly holding back from grabbing one of the four remaining loafs. Instead you reached into the opposite side and grabbed the meiloorun fruit you had managed to snag.
Now this was the main event.
Sinking your teeth into the soft skin, you nearly groaned as its taste exploded on your tongue, making your taste buds dance and sing as the sweetness became so intense it almost hurt. You still loved it.
Your stomach was full for the first time in forever, almost foreign as you had begun to forget the feeling. Juice dribbled down your chin as you continued on your way home, making a deliciously sticky mess to be wiped away and cleaned by your lips, intent on not letting a single morsel go to waste.
Thankfully the trip back was less eventful than your previous outing, helping instill an eerie yet calming silence over the city and prompting you to take your time.
You always enjoyed it up here on the roofs. Hardly anyone came up, not many having the same confidence and agility possessed by you and few others, and there was an ever present breeze up here that didn’t quite reach the lower levels. Not to mention the view it gave, which was one of the main reasons you had chosen a roof as your spot for a base camp. If only you could see the stars, but alas, the sight was as rare as greenery here, leaving it up to your own imagination to construct an array of bright lights on the top of your crypt.
Finishing the fruit, you paused at the edge of the building before your own. Small lights danced in the darkness, the occasional lamp illuminating a hustling figure and the street walkers that lined the corners of streets, calling to anyone in sight. The occasional search light of a patrol ship would shin above the buildings as it made its rounds over the city.
‘Must be looking for someone’ you mused, turning back to return home. No reason to get caught out tonight, especially when you were looking at a few days of relaxation.
As you turned, a familiar flash caught your eye, triggering a new taught panic response. You could hardly believe your eyes, rubbing them extra hard just to make sure you were seeing things right. But alas the sight before you neglected to change, unfortunately not a trick of the eye like you had hoped it was, and the Mandalorian you had thought you escaped the previous day continued walking down the dark alley.
You began to sweat backing away from the edge and further out of his line of sight, trying to still keep him in yours as you peered back over and tracked his progress as he got closer.
‘Kriff. I should have known he would want his money back.’
Panicking, you began going over all the escape routes near you. Ones through city street and sewers that would be much too small for him to fit through. Though, if he had tracked you here then chances were he would be able to find you wherever you went. This really wasn’t good. You might not even be able to go collect what meager possessions you had back in your box.
Then, materializing out of the darkness as if he were made of it himself, was Leon. He stepped into the path of the Mandalorian like he had no fear and, knowing how stupid he was, you thought he might actually not have any for the bounty hunter. But why would he when he was the primary enforcer for Sozin and still had his own backup, the three from earlier.
“Hey there.” He spoke in a voice that promised nothing but trouble, hands casually resting in pockets that undoubtedly concealed a weapon of some sorts. "I've been meaning to have a talk with you. The shiny Mandalorian warrior everyone is talking about."
This, you thought, was not good.
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catharina-sophia · 4 years
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Simlit Short Story Challenge - March 2021
This story is a continuation of last months Simlit story. Click here to read Princess Alaina and the Sleeping Beauty’s Spindle.
The First Crime
Oyxily opened his eyes and blinked. Everything looked reddish and the smell of rotten eggs was almost unbearable. He flinched, it felt as if something deep inside his throat was burning. Sitting up, he realized that he wasn’t on Mt. Komorebi anymore, and shortly after that he realized Guidry had sent him to the abyss. If only he hadn’t been so – The sound of scraping metal startled him, and he looked up. A sudden wave of nausea hit him, and he doubled over. The shadow came close and handed him a glass of brownish liquid. Despite the horrible taste he quickly emptied it, hoping to relieve the pain in his throat.
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He woke up to someone tapping on the metal of his cage.
‘Hey, you, do you want to build a snowman? Or are you no longer pretending to be a child?’
Loud laughter echoed in the underground hallway. The guard from earlier pushed the snowman-guy away, only to open the door and slide a bowl with unidentified contents towards him. Almost out of earshot she screamed:
‘Eat it, grandpa, you’re going to need it today!'
And good grief, was she right.
Seconds after Oyxily finished the contents of the bowl, another guard entered the cage and grabbed his arm. He groaned, sleeping on that thin mattress didn’t make his joints feel any better. The guard dragged him to a large, open space with even more guards. When everyone was seated, the judges entered. And Guidry.
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The guard from earlier stood up and walked to the lectern to read the charges. It took about four days and four nights, his infamous first crime getting most of the attention. Oyxily was definitely proud of it. He’d planned it for a long time, but people weren’t supposed to find out he did it.
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~ Windenburg, around 1480 ~
Oyxily had found her. A young, Lytlian shapeshifter. He knew his master would be proud of him, but he wanted to do more. He planned to capture h – was that the smell of llama fish? The master wasn’t supposed to be here yet! An invisible force made him walk to one of the smelly alleys and the master appeared from the darkness. Squatting down to stay in the shadows, his voice echoed in the narrow alley:
‘Do it, my son. Show me what you’re capable of.’
So he did. Oyxily approached the girl from the side, and without making a sound he managed to push a piece of cloth with llama powder to her mouth. She quickly became drowsy and Oyxily pushed her into one of the alleys near the market. A left turn, a right one, another right one... until he was far enough in the maze of alleys not to be found. He grabbed his knife and pushed the sleeping girl’s wool poncho away, exposing the tsavorite that enabled her to shapeshift. He’d cut it out of her body, so she couldn’t shapeshift anymore and the town of Windenburg would have to face the truth. All Lytlians were to be ended, it was time for the Master to take over!
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He put his knife behind the tsavorite, trying to cut it out of her skin. But – what was that pain? His head felt like it was going to burst! He saw his mother, father and brothers, as if they were there, with him. His mother reached for him, but he knew better than to touch her. He knew the myth of the tsavorite! His mother came closer and closer, Oyxily tried to avoid her touch, all while trying to remove the tsavorite. The smell of llama fish got stronger and a voice in his head told him to accept the touch. So he did. A jolt of pain rushed through him, making his fingers numb. But strangely enough, he felt stronger than ever. With one last cut, he removed the tsavorite. Green goo started gushing from the wound he made and her final transformation started right before his eyes. But the young girl didn’t turn into a mature Lytlian.
He didn’t have much time to think about the reason for that, as a child started to scream. How could he forget about the curse?! He was probably turning into a child! The touch of his passed mother combined with touching the tsavorite gave him the ability to shapeshift, but solely into himself at a younger age. And the master wouldn’t spare or protect him, he hated shapeshifters too much for that.
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Without too much thought he ran, leaving the girl for dead. Alley after alley, turn after turn, until he found a spot to hide. The garden he’d found was beautiful, with fruit trees and berry bushes, and little benches in the shadows of the trees. Rich people wouldn’t miss a handful of plums, he assumed, so he started stuffing his pockets. Until someone coughed behind him. A lieutenant from the Supernatural Army stared at him, visibly annoyed at his presence. From inside the house someone shouted:
‘Anyone there, Guidry? You seem to hear ghosts rather often, lately!'
Guidry lied while looking at him, unless he’d actually gone invisible. Then, Guidry grabbed him by his arm, and teleported him to a cold mountain top.
'You’ll be very safe here. And if I ever see you again, you’re in far more trouble than now.’
And then he left.
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Oyxily looked around and realized he was alone, without any help. The cold was unbearable, but he found a cave and made a little fire. Slowly getting warmer he thought:
‘Now, let’s think… how do I get out of here? I can’t see how well I did my job from up here…’
Poses used
@cavsis​: #2 Pose Pack by Cavsis (originally meant for toddlers, not kids)
@natalia-auditore​: Kneeling poses
@r-jayden​: The Haunting
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herocentral · 5 years
Possible Hero 6
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Afternoon folks sorry for the late update but I’ve been a little busy with uni work but thankfully I’ve had time to update my story. I’ve recently seen the season 2 finale of BH6 the series and I must say its exceeded and all but touching finale just what it needs. Plus it works in conjunction with my future story idea inspired by Spider Man far from Home. Anyhoo heres chapter 3 of Possible Hero 6. 
Big hero 6 & Kim Possible (c) Disney,2020
Chapter 3:  Ninjas vs Flames.
“I take it your Drakken.?” Asked Yama. “Yes and you must be Mr.Yama.” Drakken replied whilst trying not to look intimidated. 
“Oh great I’m working with an overweight man in a track suit can my evil career get any lower.” Shego said to herself moaning. 
“Now straight to business.” Drakken said. “I have already acquired some of the components needed for our joint project.” 
“Good and your sure you can do what I require.” Yama said standing up. “Because the last person I trusted with an important item double crossed me and paralysed me with sushi!” He then said getting in Drakken’s face. 
“Well I assure you we won’t do such a thing, however we have had a little trouble from the local heroes.” Drakken then said.
“Oh please I thought I reached out to big time super villains maybe I should’ve looked up this Dementor guy instead.” Yama said doubting his new partner. 
“WHAT YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO THAT LOUDMOUTH!” Drakken said insulted. “I am Dr. Drakken the worlds greatest evils dooer !” 
“Yeah who gets beaten by a teen who’s the greatest evil un-dooer.” Yama then pointed out. “I watch the news.”
Drakken just gritted his teeth in frustration, and before he could say anything. 
“Okay Dr.D let me handle this.” Shego said stepping forward. 
“Listen pal, you reached out to us and we can do what we agreed to, so long as you keep your end of the deal.” Shego said getting in his face. 
“Unless you have any problems with our terms.” She then ignited her right hand with energy as she smiled sadistically suggesting to Yama the pain she would inflict.
For once the sweat of fear all but consumed Yama, he had to admit she was more intimidating than a certain other client he once answered to. 
“Uh no, just make sure you fulfil your end of the deal.” Yama then said trying to sound less intimidated. 
“Oh we will.” Shego said withdrawing. 
Soon the villain duo exited Good Luck Alley, dressed back in their trench coats.
“I still can’t believe we’re helping this guy, he never heard of diet and exercise.” Shego groaned. 
“Never mind that now Shego, according to Yama the next component we need is on a hard drive at a Krei archive.” Drakken said discussing the information that he handed to them. 
“Yeah well you do know that means inviting trouble from those Big Loser what ever they call themselves.” Shego pointed out but little did they know they were being watched by a a small drone device hovering above Good Luck Alley. 
On a monitor someone was watching what was taking place and the discussion between the two partners in crime. 
“I doubt they even know where we’re going next and it’s better than getting the attention of a certain teen we know and hate.” Drakken said. 
Obake used his console to get a close up of Drakken’s face and looked up his profile. 
“Dr. Drakken, Pft amateur.” He scoffed but his attention then turned to his green assistant. “His companion on the other hand, does have a lot of potential. 
“Perhaps it's time to test that potential.” He then smirked as the left side of his face glowed neon purple. 
The following morning
San Fransokyo awakes to a bright summer morning and the people of this fair city are all at work and wandering the streets. Far side of the city, a cab pulls up to a large mansion inside the cab was Ron Stoppable wearing his normal red and black sports jersey with brown pants and white shoes. Rufus was accompanying him. 
Since meeting Fred at SFIT the two really seemed to hit it off and so the comic fanatic decided they should go for a tour of the city and some of Freds favourite sites, and Ron not being one to turn down such an offer agreed.
Ron exits the cab and makes his way to the front door. “Whoa.” Rufus squeaked. “Yeah Gogo wasn’t kidding he is rich.” Ron agreed. 
He then proceeded to ring the doorbell, and soon a butler answered the door he had black hair and a moustache, was rather skinny but wore a suit. 
“Uh hey, I’m looking for Fred, I’m a friend of his.” Ron said and Rufus nodded in agreement. 
“Of course master Fredrick is expecting you.” Heathcliff said politely and stepped aside and let Ron past then escorted him through the mansion. Ron couldn’t believe what he was seeing the mansion was huge and portraits lined the hallways one was a family portrait of Fred, his father and mother. 
The door at the end of the hall opens to reveal Freds room it was large and was full to the brim with science fiction items arcade machines a large screen television and above his bed a portrait of him riding a fearsome white tiger creature. 
“Whoa!” Ron and Rufus breathed. Fred was playing his arcade machine and didn’t notice the two. 
“Master Fredrick.” Heathcliff called “Master Stoppable is here to see you.” 
Fred turns round to see his visitors at the door.
 “Ron my man you made it!” Fred said as he paused his game and went over to them. 
“Dude this is your home!” Ron said amazed. “Yep, technically it belongs to my parents, my dads away in the family jungle seeing to the petting zoo.” Fred explained. 
Ron then noticed one of the ornaments at the rear of the room. “Wait, is that an armoured suit from Heroes Duty!” He exclaimed. 
“Yep, it is you play it.” Fred asked “Yeah from time to time but I’m more into Zombie Mayhem.” Ron explained. “Zombie Mayhem! Dude that’s like my third favourite game!” Fred said. 
Rufus then noticed something on the sofa, he hopped out of Rons pocket and climbed onto the sofa, and he saw what looked like a smaller version of Baymax. 
“Greetings!” The small Baymax said and Rufus squeaked in shock. Ron looked to see what it was the Rufus was scared of. 
“Wait whats that?” Ron asked “it looks like Baymax.” 
“Your not too far off dude.” Fred explained.
“Greetings I am Mini-Max.” Mini Max introduced standing dramatically. “I am programmed to assist and protect my fellow heroes.” Mini max then pulls a combat stance and back flips onto the floor. “To thwart villainy and to be a champion for justice.” 
Rufus just blinks and Mini-Max blinked his blue eyes and tilted his head. 
“Its something Hiro built to keep me company when him and the others were in class.” Fred explained. “Wow, he’s kinda cool.” Ron said about to touch him until Mini Max grabs his hand and flips him over onto his back. 
“Ow!” Ron said and Rufus was shocked and tried to hit Mini-Max but he just catches his small fist. “Whoa whoa! easy buddy they were just admiring you.” Fred said to the small robot. 
“Oh, my apologies.” Mini Max said and let go of Rufus’s fist. 
Fred then helps Ron up from the ground who rubs his hand. “Man for a little guy he really is strong.” Ron observed. 
“I know I found that out the hard way too.” Fred said recalling his first experience when Hiro gave him his small friend. 
Meanwhile at Krei Tech:
In Alister Krei’s office Hiro, Gogo and Baymax in their casual appearance were talking with the CEO about the recent break in. Since Yokai’s attack on the main campus Krei was fully aware that Hiro and his compatriots were Big Hero 6 for their sake he keeps their identities a secret. 
They were currently watching the security footage from the facility that a certain green thief had tried to rob before their intervention, via the use of Baymax’s chest monitor. They saw that said thief was stealing the cyber circuit. 
“Yep, it was a diversion.” Gogo said glaring at the screen. “I don’t suppose you know what that Cyber circuit is would you?” Hiro then asked turning to Alister. 
“Well, it was a prototype chip we made for an old robotics project.” Krei explained “But we never put it into production, given how it posed some problems and didn’t have any practical use in military or product applications.” 
“Well this green chick stole it for a reason.” Gogo said looking at the footage. 
“Best guess she’s building something but what?” Hiro wondered. 
“Well why don’t you ask Miss Possible?” Krei suggested. 
“What?” Gogo said with a raised eyebrow. “Well she was here yesterday about the robberies at my many facilities seems she and this woman have quite the history.” Krei explained. 
Hiro and Gogo looked at each other in surprise they knew how Kim was a sort of super hero like them, but to know she was working the same case. There maybe more going on than meets the eye. 
Later in the city as the citizens were going about their business and traveling on cable cars to their next destination. One of the passengers was Kim now wearing a green crop top exposing her midriff blue pants and white shoes. Her family was elsewhere exploring the sites with Hiro’s aunt. As the cable car moved she could see how advanced the city looks and bearing some landscape references to San Fransisco. 
(Background music: Watch me rise feat Shari Short)
Just then, she heard a sound it sounded like a jet engine she leaned out the car slightly and noticed a jet stream in the air and as she squinted her eyes she saw it was the red armoured robot she saw yesterday with large wings on his back flying through the city, on his back were two others dressed in yellow, black and purple armour. 
It was three members of Big Hero 6 as they flew across the city. 
Kim quickly pulled out her iPhone and using the zoom function quickly took a photo of them flying away. She thought this could be of use to Wade as she had a hunch. 
(End music)
On the robotics campus Hiro was sitting at a desk in his lab, which previously belonged to his brother the very place where he built/rebuilt Baymax. Hiro was looking at the footage from Krei tech and tried to figure out a way to find their new villain. 
“Hiro.” A voice said which startled Hiro and he turned to see Baymax standing behind him. “Baymax you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Hiro said Baymax blinked and was about to say something. 
“Before you ask it’s an expression.” Hiro explained. 
“You are too close to the screen looking too close can result in eye strain and in some cases eczema on the eye lids and face, even potential eye damage.” Baymax then explained showing a diagram on his monitor. 
“He’s not wrong you know.” Another voice sounded and Hiro turned to see Kim in the lab entrance way. 
“Oh hey what brings you by?” Hiro asked turning off his monitor.
“Well, my family’s busy touring the city with your aunt and I thought I’d come back to look around a bit more.” Kim answered. 
“Thinking of enrolling here?” Hiro asked. “I don’t know.” Kim said coming in and looked around his lab. 
“So this is your lab.” Kim asked. “Yeah, well technically it’s my brothers old lab.” Hiro explained.
 Which got Kims attention and noticed the picture frame on his desk it was of Hiro and another boy who was much older than him about eighteen years of age he wears a black baseball cap with ninja lettering on it, black hair, brown eyes, wears a green jacket with a white shirt underneath. 
“So that’s your brother?” She asked pointing to the picture frame. “Yeah, that’s my older brother Tadashi.” Hiro said looking at it with a rather saddened look. 
“So what was he like?” Kim then asked. “Well where to start, he practically raised me after our parents died and when we moved in with Aunt Cass.” Hiro explained. “He actually saw the talent I had with robotics as I got older and cultivated my potential.” 
“Wow, sounds like he was a good man.” Kim said. “Tadashi is a good man, he had a commitment to help others.” Baymax then said. 
“Yeah, when I first started here I looked around and well Professor Granville told me I needed to earn this lab just as he did, but I just couldn’t stay away.” Hiro continued. 
Kim could admire Hiro’s persistence and understood why he would be in Tadashi’s lab despite his tutors wishes. 
“Eventually after some consideration she decided that working in my brothers lab would be good for me to make my own path just as he found his.” 
“You mean when he built Baymax?” Kim asked pointing to said robot. “Yeah.” Hiro then said. “Baymax was going to be his gift to the world, and I was going to be there with him after I showed of my microbots to the student showcase, but it just wasn’t meant to be.” Hiro then said as a lone tear went down his cheek. 
“I’m sorry.” Kim said sympathetically, realising how this would have an effect on Hiro’s psyche. 
“Tadashi is here.” Baymax then said and Kim wasn’t sure what he meant. However she then notices something out of the corner of her eye. It was a robot gauntlet coloured in red with rockets attached at the back of it. 
“Hey what’s that.” She said looking at the gauntlet and Hiro instantly panicked as he knew what it was. 
“Oh that thing well its…” Hiro said slightly sweating. “It kinda looks like one of those rocket fists that big red robot fired at the lecture yesterday?” Kim said then looked to Hiro. 
“Why is it here?” She then said with some suspicion. 
“Oh well its uh a souvenir from the attack at Krei tech.” Hiro said trying to come up with a cover story. 
“Souvenir?” Kim asked. “Uh yeah you see, uh Mr. Krei found it in the wreckage and since Professor Callaghan used my Micro bots to attack his campus he felt I needed some compensation.” Hiro explained. 
“You mean Alister Krei of Krei tech?” Kim asked “Yeah I met him at the student showcase.” He then said with a wide smile hoping she’d buy it. 
After a minutes worth of silence. “Seems reasonable.” Kim then said with a smile. Just then her Kimmunicator sounded off and decided to take her leave. 
“Sorry Hiro I’ve got to go.” Kim said “Its a save the world thing.” 
Soon she left the campus but still couldn’t help but wonder about the robot gauntlet she saw, and how Hiro had it, she knew he was a robotics major and could potentially produce something of that calibre, could he have some connection somehow. 
Noodle Burger Boy:
Meanwhile Ron was having a sitch of his own Fred had taken him to his favourite restaurant but Ron was a little skeptical to begin with. They were sat at Freds reserved spot and the waiter gave them their order of two Noodle Burgers with a side of fries. 
“Uh I’m not sure about this man.” Ron said being skeptical. “Dude how can you have doubts of the Noodle Burger.” Fred questioned.
“Well its just I never imagined a combo of noodles with burgers.” Ron said. “A wise man once said don’t knock it until you try it.” Fred said as he pushed the burger towards Ron. 
Ron was a little skeptical but decided to just take a leap of faith, so he picked up the burger and in that moment the world was in slow-motion, then Ron took a bite out of the burger as it crunched and cracked under his teeth. He chewed it then swallowed soon after. 
After a minute of silence Ron soon developed a wide smile on his face. 
“Dude. this. tastes… AMAZING!” He exclaimed. “See what I tell you.” Fred said as Rufus took  a bite from the burger and realised how delicious it was. 
“Mmm yummy!” Rufus said with a smile. 
“The man who made this was a true visionary.” Fred said as he enjoyed his lunch. 
“Yeah and I thought Nacos were awesome but this is new.” Ron agreed. 
“Nacos?” Fred said with a raised eyebrow and his mouth full. 
“Oh it’s a combo between Nachos and Tacos, my own invention.” Ron said 
“Tacos and Nachos, dude that’s a genius combo!” Fred agreed. 
“You know you should totally come by Middleton some time, but I can’t see why this city doesn’t have a Bueno Nacho.” Ron said.  “I mean where do I sign a petition?” 
The two shared a laugh together over a common bond.Then as they ate someone passed by them, an eleven year old chubby boy, wearing a black jacket with a Japanese writing with San Fransokyo writing, with a yellow long sleeved shirt underneath, brown hair, green pants and a mole under his left eye, with grey eyes.
“Frederickson.” Richardson said glaring. “Mole.” Fred said glaring. Richardson the walked away. 
“Dude who was that kid?” Ron asked. “Richardson Mole, my long time adversary and most hated enemy!” Fred said dramatically. 
“His family the moles are the reining rulers of the city’s Snob society.” Fred explained. “Not to mention he owns his own comic book store in the city.” 
“Well that sounds cool.” Ron said but saw Freds rather ticked off expression. “Okay arch rival I get it.” Ron said in defence. “And I thought Shego was good at the look.” 
“Wait she who?” Fred asked “Shego, she’s basically Kims arch enemy you know us being heroes and all.” Ron explained. 
Fred then froze in thought and all kinds of thoughts were running through his head and the word Shego kept coming up almost like he’d heard it before, then it suddenly hit him like a car smashing through a window. 
“Dude I gotta go it’s urgent!” Fred said getting up from his seat and ran out of there like a mad man possessed. 
“Well that was weird?” Ron said looking at his mole rat companion rather confused. 
Back at the Frederickson mansion Fred had just hurried into his room and began looking through his comic book collection for something specific. Soon his face beamed with joy as he found what he was looking for. 
Lucky Cat, Hiro’s Garage. 
Meanwhile Hiro, Wasabi, Baymax, Gogo, and Honey Lemon were in Hiro’s garage where he had set up a workshop and often served as a headquarters/meeting place for Big Hero 6. They were looking at a holo computer monitor looking over the security footage at Krei tech of Shego stealing the cyber circuit. 
“She’s clearly stealing these components for something.” Hiro observed. “So far most of the components are both cyber and mechatronics.” 
“Yeah but what is she using them for.” Honey Lemon said.
“Could she be building a bomb?” Wasabi asked “Why would she need a bomb?” Gogo wondered. 
“Well we know there’s only two facilities that she hasn’t hit yet, the main campus and the warehouse on the edge of town.” Hiro said looking at a board which had a map of the city pinned to it and several push pins with red yawn attached to them linking them together. It also showed the remaining two sites. 
“Well if we knew more of our mystery green lady thief we might have an advantage, there’s no way we can be caught unprepared again.” Gogo then suggested. 
Then suddenly. “GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!” Fred came running into the garage excited and bouncing around like a five year old on too much sugar. He was carrying something in his hand. 
 “GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! GUY! GUYS!” Fred said faster and Wasabi put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 
“Calm down boy what are you trying to tell us?” He said like he was talking to an excited puppy. 
Fred could no longer contain his excitement. “I KNOW WHO OUR MYSTERY THIEF IS!” He shouted showing them what he was carrying. 
He placed on the table a comic book displaying five super heroes each wearing similar costumes to the one that a certain green thief wore but in different colours the bulky one wore blue, skinny in purple, and the twins in red and each wore masks. 
“Team Go?” Gogo said looking at the cover of the comic book. 
“Yeah, a group of super heroes who are also a family!” Fred said. “Their origin story is awesome and super hero poetic.” He then said opening the comic book on the first few pages. 
“They gained their powers when a rainbow coloured meteorite crashed down from the heavens!” Fred pointed at the illustration. 
“So they got powers from a meteorite from, space?” Wasabi said in surprise. “Thats just impossible.” 
“Unless the meteorite contained a mutative element.” Honey Lemon surmised. 
“Yeah but they gained awesome powers, strength, size, duplication and fire balls!” Fred said pointing to each of the heroes. “Hego, Mego, Twigo and Shego they formed Team Go!” Fred said dramatically. 
“So how come she’s stealing things now?” Gogo asked. “Dunno they stopped making the comics for some reason.” Fred shrugged. 
“I think I know why.” Hiro said as he directed their attention to his computer monitor where he brought up a newspaper article about Team Go. The article title read. “Shego gone rouge.”
“Seems she went rouge and turned evil.” Hiro said looking at the article but Fred just looked in absolute amazement. 
“WHAT! TEAM GO IS REAL!” Fred shouted. “Fred calm down!” Gogo said. 
“At this point nothing could surprise me.” Wasabi said. “Well what about the part where she’s Kim Possibles arch rival.” 
Fred then said which caused everyone to look at him in surprise. “What?” Fred shrugged. 
Later that night.
Soon night had fallen on the city of San Fransokyo, and across the street from from the main campus of Krei tech, on a building rooftop people stood watch. It was Gogo, Baymax and Hiro armoured up and ready for anything. The rest of the team wasn’t with them as they decided since they didn’t know which site Shego would strike next they agreed to split up and watch both sites for any sign of trouble. 
Gogo and Baymax stood watch whilst Hiro on the other hand was on the phone to his aunt covering up why he was out late. 
“Yes Aunt Cass I know but” Hiro said on his phone as Baymax just watched. “I get that it's late but Gogo’s having trouble with her mag lev suspension project for class, the connections between the magnets and the wheels isn’t working right.” He then explained “If I don’t help her resolve this she’ll miss her deadline”
Hiro then listened to what his aunt said to him before responding. 
“Yes, I won’t be out too late, I’ll see you soon, love you bye.” He then hung up the phone. He looked to see Baymax and Gogo looking at him. 
“I swear coming up with excuses is, as hard as, fighting crime.” Hiro groaned. 
He then went to join Gogo and Baymax watching over the site. “Baymax anything?” He then asked.
Baymax scanned the area for any life signs but her sensor didn’t reveal anything as the facility was empty. 
“I do not detect any signs of life in the building.” Baymax relayed. 
“Team check in.” Hiro said through his helmets com line as he contacted the rest of the team. 
Meanwhile on the far edge of the city, Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred armoured up stood watch over the Krei warehouse that was stationed there. 
“All quiet so far.” Honey Lemon relayed as Fred with the top half of his suit removed was drinking a soda as they stood watch. 
“Yeah but like they say in the comics a little too quiet.” Fred said dramatically. 
“I’m still not comfortable with this I mean what if she catches us of guard, I’m not in the mood to get sliced by burning hands.” Wasabi said a little unsure. 
“Thats why we’ve split into groups so we’ll still have the numbers.” Hiro explained. 
“Still don’t you think we should’ve told that Kim Possible about this I mean she is this Shego’s arch foe?” Honey Lemon then asked. 
Across town:
“No, if we told he she’d know we’re Big Hero 6.” Gogo then objected. “Yeah she has her own website and something tells me she won’t be afraid to use it.” Hiro agreed. 
Gogo just looked bemused as to how Hiro could’ve known about that while Baymax just blinked. 
“What I did research.” Hiro said. 
However as they watched, little did they know there was something happening below the building. Below the main campus lied the main servers for Krei tech containing hard drives of data on various secret or government projects.  
Soon the rear door opened and it reveals a security guard however he fell to the ground and behind him was Shego with her right hand energised with green energy. 
“Thanks for the help.” She smirked and from the guards belt she took the security ID. She then went through to a door on the far right hand side of the room she used the ID to open the door and it revealed Drakken tapping his foot impatiently. 
“You took your time Shego.” Drakken said. 
“Hey you try sneaking into a secret archive, and by the way you didn’t need to come with I could handle it.” Shego then said rather annoyed. 
“Right and you’d be able to find what we’re after.” Drakken said as he walked into the archive and Shego followed him still a little annoyed. 
They went through the different server corridors looking for something in particular. Soon they came to the middle section and Drakken soon found what he was looking for in the third server in the row. 
“Ah here we go, it should be right…” However when Drakken looked he saw the hard drive he was looking for was missing. 
“Here?” Drakken said. “Where is it where’s the hard drive!” He panicked. 
“Oh my.” Called a voice from the shadows and walking out came a woman dressed in a black and blue ninja style jump suit with black spiked up hair with blue highlights and a blue eye mask across her face. 
“Looking for this?” Momakase held up her left hand holding what looked like a hard drive with the Krei tech logo on it. 
“What?!” Drakken said in surprise. “Thats mine to steal!” 
“Too late I was here first.” Momakaske smirked dangling the hard drive  from her finger. 
“Do you know who I am!” Drakken address. Momokase examined Drakken from her vantage point. 
“Hmm, don’t tell me your the mad scientist who wants to conquer the world.” Momakase said with a teasing smirk. “But fails every time, oh and your a complete mothers boy.” 
Drakken was all but shocked she was good, but he could only scowl in anger. 
“No one talks to me like that! especially about my mother!” Drakken exclaimed “SHEGO! GET THAT DRIVE!” 
“My pleasure!” Shego said as she pushed Drakken aside to face the ninja. “Okay sweet heart we can do this the easy way…” Shego ignited her plasma balls. “or the hard way!” She then challenged 
Momokase drew her Graphene katana in her right hand, she pointed her sword at the green thief. 
“Oh I chose the hard way.” She then smirked then made a gesture with her left hand whilst holding the hard drive to ‘bring it on.’ 
Shego lunged forwards and tried hitting the ninja with her energy blasts but Momaksae was able to avoid the blasts even slice through them. Shego was quick to avoid the slice from Momokases katana and knife, she back flips and hits the ninja in the face as she backed away but quickly recovered. 
“Your good, but you lack discipline!” Momakase then performed a round house kick and knocked Shego to the ground. 
“I’d be happy to give it to you.” She then smirked as her blade met the thief’s neck. 
Suddenly the lights flicked on and everyone turned to see a certain teen in her mission gear standing in the door way. 
“They can discipline you both in jail.” Kim said. 
“Kim Possible!” Drakken exclaimed. “And don’t forget Ron Stoppable!” Ron stood with Kim in mission ware. 
“Oh yes the sidekick!” Drakken said and Ron was a little irked that even after all the years they’ve fought he still couldn’t remember his name. 
“How did you know I was here Possible!” Drakken said “Oh that’s easy your predictable.” Kim said 
“Well I can see you all know each other and have business to take care of so I’ll take my leave.” Momokaske said jumping onto Shegos shoulders and then exit through the other door. 
“OH NO YOU DON’T!” Shego growled as she ran after her, however Kim backflipped across the room to stop her. “Denied!” Kim smirked. 
Drakken then pressed the green button on his belt and suddenly the ceiling exploded and his signature hover car arrived as their get away vehicle. 
“Shego After her!” The duo hopped into the hover car and exit the building. 
“Come on Ron!” Kim said as her backpack produces wings in a grey turquoise colour then placed a helmet on her head and she rockets off after them and Ron quickly follows. 
Momokase runs from rooftop to rooftop as she runs from the scene of the crime, suddenly a plasma blast flies by her and she turns her back to see Shego chasing after her. Momokase could only smirk as the chase began. 
They ran from rooftop to rooftop performing multiple Parkour moves until Shego decided she had enough and fired a huge plasma ball knocking the ninja off the building and into the street surprising the surrounding citizens. 
Momokase was quick to recover before Shego landed. 
“You have something that belongs to me!” Shego pointed. 
“It doesn’t belong to either of you!” Called a voice. 
Their attention was drawn to see the source of the voices was Baymax landing on the ground and jumping from his back were Gogo and Hiro who took up a battle stance. 
“You again!” Shego growled. “Yeah see you remember us greenie!” Gogo smirked. 
“Momakase!” Hiro exclaimed. “Oh if it isn’t three of Big Hero 6.” Momakase smirked. “Hand over that stolen hard drive.” Hiro demanded. 
“I think not.” Momakase said but then noticed the hard drive wasn’t in her hand. She turned round to see Shego now has it. 
“Lose something.” She said holding the hard drive. Gogo draws her mag lev discs and trows one at Shego knocking the hard drive out of Shegos hand. 
“Gah you just wrecked my manicure!” Shego growled as she readied her plasma blasts and blasted at the three Heroes who were quick to avoid them. Gogo speeded towards Shego avoiding her blasts by jumping then skating across she then threw her discs at Shego which she avoided. 
(Music: Side by side by Sofia Wilde) 
Meanwhile Momakase moved to get the hard drive however it suddenly moved by itself into Hiro’s hand who used his magnet gloves to grab it. 
“No you don’t!” Hiro said Momokase drew her knife and threw it at Hiro who quickly avoided it whilst carrying the hard drive. The two engaged in combat and Hiro was quick to dodge her movements thankfully he had learned a few self defense tricks from Tadashi. 
Shego meanwhile kept trying to blast Gogo who skated to avoid her blasts however the green thief saw and opening and fired at Gogo hitting her right in the head tripping her up and sending her flying to the ground knocking her off her mag lev skates. 
“GOGO!” Hiro exclaimed only to have Momakase kick him to the ground knocking the hard drive out of his hands. 
Shego headed over to Gogo lying on the ground unconscious. 
“Your good kid but not as good as me.” Shego said readying a plasma blast however. Suddenly Kim flies in with her jet pack knocking Shego away from Gogo. 
“Oh great Kimmie cub has come to play.” Shego smirked at her opponent and engaged in combat with each other. Soon Honey Lemon and the rest of the team arrived and saw Gogo lying on the ground. 
“Gogo!” Honey Lemon said kneeling down to her checking her over to see if she was okay. Baymax flew over to his team mates and began scanning Gogo. 
“Gogo has sustained no injuries, thanks to her suit, however she has suffered a blow to her head causing a minor concussion.” Baymax diagnosed. “I recommend taking caution and not move her until we can fully stabilise her head.” 
“Right you guys help Hiro, I’ll look after her.” Honey lemon said so Wasabi, Fredzilla and Baymax hurry to help Hiro. 
Momakase closes in on Hiro with her sword at the ready but suddenly she’s met by a blast of fire which was from Fredzilla. 
“Hiro you okay?” Asks Wasabi as he helps him up. 
“Yeah I’m good great timing!” Hiro thanked. 
Meanwhile Shego is still fighting Kim who is avoiding her onslaught of her plasma blasts. Kim backflips away then performs a round house kick knocking Shego back. She responds by blasting more green energy blasts at Kim who quickly avoids them. 
“Whats Drakken up to Shego?!” Kim asked “Wouldn’t you like to know?” Shego smirked “Yeah that’s why I’m asking” Kim replied. 
Shego was ready to fire another energy blast, but suddenly screaming and crashing into her was Ron who couldn’t control his jet pack. He rolled on the ground a little dizzy. 
“Uhh rough landing.” Ron groaned. Shego then got up glaring at Ron and was ready to attack until Kim tackles her to the ground. 
“Ron get the hard drive!” Kim said to her sidekick. Ron could see the Krei tech hard drive lying on the ground and runs over to it whilst Fred and Hiro fight Momakase. Ron grabs it. 
“Got it!” Ron said but suddenly Drakken drops in from behind him. 
“I’ll take that hard drive side kick!” Drakken said as Ron backed away. Rufus pops out of Rons pocket and could see his friend was in trouble and jumps out. 
Ron sees Rufus is waving for him to toss him the hard drive so Ron throws it to his friend who scurries off with it.
“QUICK THE WEASELS GOT IT!” Drakken called to his partner. 
However Shego was preoccupied with fighting her teen adversary. Momakae noticed the hairless rodent and jumps from her fight with Fredzilla and Hiro and throws her Graphene knives at Rufus who does his best to avoid them squeaking in terror while avoiding them. One knife hit a lamp post and was close to landing on a passing citizen however a huge pink ball emerged and prevented the post from hitting him, and the person who made it was Honey Lemon whilst she watched over Gogo. 
Another knife was close to hitting Rufus when suddenly a speeding force moved Rufus out of the way before it hit. Rufus looked up and saw he was in the hand of a certain red armoured robot who just flew in to save him .
“I have got you.” Baymax said blinking. 
Momokase then throws one of her knives at Baymax which hits him in one of his jet boots. They short circuit and send him flying out of control. 
“Oh no!” Baymax said and Rufus was screaming and accidentally let go of the hard drive. This landed on the ground near Wasabi who was quick to grab it. 
“Got it.” He said.
Shego had then broken off from her fight with Kim as did Momokase with Fred and Hiro. They circled Wasabi who stood in place armed with one plasma blade. 
“Okay blades hand over the drive!” Shego demanded. “Not a chance” Wasabi said however Momakaske was ready to strike with a Graphene katana. Suddenly Kim jumps in and stands by Wasabi, who does smile in relief. 
The two stand back to back as the two villains engage in combat Kim avoids Shegos punches whilst Wasabi defends with his plasma blade against the ninja. Hiro could see they were in trouble and decided to even the odds. 
“Baymax!” Hiro called to Baymax who had just gotten up from the ground near Rufus who was unharmed. 
“Overdrive mode!” Hiro then exclaimed and on command Baymax’s eyes glowed a neon purple. 
“Overdrive mode engaged” He said and his body began changing his lower stomach panels elevated to reveal a circler core inside, his hands opened to reveal energy turbines in his hands which hummed to life and his shoulder pads and chest panels open to reveal circular turbines generating neon purple energy opening his leg compartments too. Baymax’s head then raised from his shoulders to then drop down and be covered by a red circular face mask and its eyes glowed neon purple. The wings on Baymax’s back then flew off and combined to form a sword which energised with power. 
As Shego and Momakase close in they are soon swatted away by Overdrive Baymax’s sword sending them crashing into the ground. 
“Whoa.” Kim said rather impressed. “Oh man I love this robot!” Ron said excitedly. 
“Oh now things are getting interesting.” Shego said readying herself “Thats my cue to leave.” Momakase said and she flees the scene only to be stopped by Ron. 
“Not so fast ninja lady!” Ron said holding a combat stance. 
“Cute” Momokase draws her sword and performs several sword slashes but none of them seemed to hit Ron. 
“Fancy moves but you missed.” Ron said smugly. “Did I?” Momokase smirked. Then on cue Rons pants were shredded to pieces. 
“Oh come on even in San Fransokyo!” Ron groaned. Momokaske jumps over Ron and onto the the rooftops above. 
(End music)
Shego rushed forward and fires an energy blast at Baymax who manages to deflect it with his sword, and uses it to attack Shego who avoids the sword slash and slides under Baymax  and unleashes a huge energy blast knocking BH6 and Team possible off their feet and she gets the hard drive. 
“Shego!” Drakken calls from his hover craft. “Time to fly!” Shego then back flips into the hover craft. 
Baymax gets up and flies up to the hover craft ready to attack until Shego blasts him back to the ground. 
“This was a memorable first meeting Big Hero 6, I’m sure we’ll meet again!” Drakken said gloating. “Your not getting away with this!” Fredzilla exclaimed. “But dude I gotta know what’s with the blue skin?”
“Oh funny story, well not ha ha funny but it was a Tuesday…” Drakken began 
“JUST HIT IT ALREADY!” Shego shouted and Drakken flew his hover craft away leaving Hiro completely annoyed. 
“This is so annoying!” Kim frowned. “They got away….y.” Said Baymax who was back in normal mode but had a low battery charge due to his overdrive form.
“What could Drakken want with that hard drive?” Ron asked. “I don’t know whatever was on it must’ve been important especially if a rival thief wanted to steal it.” Kim guessed.
“Now as for you…” She turned to face Big Hero 6 only to find them gone from the scene.  
Hiro’s Garage:
After failing to stop Shego let alone Momakase, Hiro and the rest of the team returned to his Garage with Wasabi carrying a power drained Baymax on his back whilst Honey Lemon helped Gogo who was still recovering from her concussion. 
“Well that went poorly.” Wasabi said. “Yeah not only did Momokase escape but that green lady got the best of us TWICE!” Gogo said in frustration. 
“So what do we do now?” Honey Lemon asked. “I don’t know, we need to find out what was on the drive and work out a way to stop Shego.” Hiro decided 
“How, even with Baymax supercharged we couldn’t stop her!” Fred said 
“We jumped out a window.” Baymax said in a rather drunk voice. “Sure whatever you say Baymax.” Wasabi said. 
Hiro then reached for the garage door and opened it but when he did everyone behind looked in shock and horror. 
“What?” Hiro said looking at his team mates Honey Lemon points her finger telling him to turn around. 
Hiro turns around and his face turns into shock as standing behind him in his garage were Kim and Ron who some how had beaten them there. Kim had one hand on her hip with a knowing frown.
“Hello Hiro.” She said simply and Hiro’s face was in shock with a million questions going through his head there was no doubt now they were busted!
“WEEEEEEE.” Baymax said as he got off Wasabi and fell to the ground with a thud. 
End of Chapter 3
Oh boy BUSTED! So Kims found out BH6′s secret identities, Hiro you got some explaining to do. Some scenes of this chapter were inspired by the Marvel Rising shorts including some of the music which I thought would be good battle music. I know I’m on chapter 3 of this story but I may have an idea for a sequel or mini sequel that I’ve been debating for a while such as including Athena from the KP live action film. I do welcome some advice on that but for the time being its on hold until I finish this story. 
Chapter 4 coming soon I’ll try to update next weekend if I have time until then. 
To the Power of 6 Booyah!
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rekkingcrew · 6 years
The Krieger Files: Pursuit (1)
Not a full session, really, more of a prelude. It’s been one of those weeks. But the character stuff is pretty fun.
Drax is at a party with a pirate gang he knows and sometimes works with. They ran into each other on one of Drax’s more recent jobs- since the events of the last arc, Drax has been avoiding Nar Shaddaa by taking very workman contracts outside of Hutt space- and everybody had a friendly exchange of banter while they shot at mutual enemies. Drax got about 75% of what he wanted out of the exchange, and so did the pirate leader, and because he’s a friend, he’s invited to the after party. (Also established that the gang met Patience (Drax’s recent ex-wife) and while they all hated her, about half of them, the leader included, thought she was super fun at a party (also that the leader and Patience always parted with a big grin and a jaunty “next time, I’m going to kill you!”))
Mostly Drax spends his party time drinking alone in a booth and looking at the bounty feeds, though he does have a 20 minute conversation with a member of the gang who did some very brave mechanical alterations to a live grenade on the last mission (whatever number of fingers this guy started his life with (not ten), he has two less now). 
Rek (around 14 or 15 at this point in the timeline) is also at the party, though he was notably absent from the mission. The pirate leader is giving him claps on the back and has bought him a drink, but Drax is able to observe that Rek is looking for approbation even more than usual from the adults in his gang, and until he gets it he seems a bit nervous.
A hilariously botched stealth vs. vigilance roll means that Rek’s attempt to skirt the side tables to sneak up on Drax results in a lekku getting caught and Rek, who is a tiny bit drunk, falling over backwards. Drax notices two things as a result of this roll. One: on the TV there’s a report about a Hutt who’s just been violently taken down in some sort of internal Hutt police action; the victorious party’s ghouls are basically standing on the TV holding bazookas labelled “crime cannon” and saying “damn shame when ‘accidents’ like this happen.” Two: Rek took a bit longer to get up than he should have and he got up weird. He’s favoring one side and seems like he was recently hurt. Drax- who canonically has the uncanny talent to pick the exact right drink for anyone- orders Rek what is essentially a chocolate milkshake with gin in it. (We recall the very first time Drax met an even younger Rek and made the mistake of saying “whatever you want, kid, my treat,” at a cheap burger joint. The camera begins on Drax making a face of mixed horror and disbelief and pans over to where a child Rek sits, surrounded by the detritus of empty cartons, baskets, and wrappers, and drinking a soda cup full of free condiments as he continues to eat.)
Rek gets up, saunters over, and does a manly lean onto Rek’s table. His voice hasn’t quite finished dropping yet, and he’s trying to pitch it down, without complete success. He’s wearing clothes that look too big for him- hand me downs from other gang members, including a decent, if worn, flak jacket- but he’s managing to pull off a thuggish look with it. Drax reaches over and flips the safety on Rek’s gun back on. He asks his teenage miscreant buddy how it’s been going and Rek assures him that it’s been good. Nothing bad. Then he inhales 75% of an alcohol milkshake without breathing to avoid following up on a really unconvincing “nothing bad.” When asked what he’s getting kudos from the boss for, Rek replies “keeping quiet, mostly.” Drax is a professional bounty hunter, and has been talking to members of the gang- he knows they stole a load of drugs recently and have been moving it around in smallish shipments. He’s able to intuit Rek’s been working as a mule and assumes he was caught and gave nothing away.
Rek says he heard Drax and Patience got divorced, and he’s glad because, man, she was evil. Drax rubs his face and says yeah, you were right. It was ugly. She cleaned me out. But she’s gone now. Rek’s face lights up. She’s not dead, Drax corrects. Rek’s face falls again. He thinks about it, gives the kind of sage nod only a teenage boy who thinks he knows everything can, and goes “Bitches be crazy, man.”
“I know we’re divorced, but you don’t talk about my wife like that,” Drax replies.
Rek nods, and, after a pause, says with the air of someone who means a lot more, “I’m glad you’re back.”
Rek asks Drax, as a man of the world, for advice on talking to, you know, a girl. Drax says just tell her you like her, worst she can say is no. Rek opines that No would be a huge fucking deal. Drax says, listen. Don’t peacock. Be yourself. You’re a good kid.
At this point he gets a ping on his datapad. In the last fifteen minutes, there’s been a flood of bounties, all related to the recently dead hutt. One in particular is flagged as very close to Drax’s location- no more than a 20 minute hyperspace jump: a twi’lek by the name of Suvi’ovask. Drax turns the bounty around to Rek and asks if he knows this guy.
“He’s the galaxy’s biggest fucking asshole,” says Rek, who rolled very well. He’s a slave hunter for the Hutts with such a brutal reputation that people kill themselves when they hear he’s on their trail. He always brings people in alive, but, you know, alive’s a pretty broad category. Rek is very much of the opinion that being both a twi’lek and a slave hunter is the worst selling out you could possibly do. 
Well, says Drax, I don’t speak Ryl or the, you know, tail thing. You wanna come with me on this one? Rek’s eyes light up. Meet me at the ship in an hour, says Drax.
During the interval he looks up his quarry. They bounty makes a specific note that any technology found on the mark is considered part of the bounty, and it says it in such a way that it implies that’s worth a lot. He’s known to be dispatched on a moon called Unlau, orbiting a gas giant. A good roll means Drax has been there before, though not professionally. He and his first wife visited. The moon is far from the local star, but near both a nebula and an arm of the spiral galaxy in such a way that it exists in a kind of perpetual twilight full of brilliant stars, and it’s famous for geysers, waterfalls, and cave filled cliffs. It’s on the edge of Hutt space- one of the last stops before you go in, which means it’s a trading post, a favorite spot for smugglers, and a place a lot of runaway slaves wash up. It’s also about 75% twi’lek by population.
Drax puts a bunch of snacks where Rek will know to look for them. Rek gets there early, seemingly packing nothing but his blaster, though he is wearing a large jacket. Drax reminds him they might be gone for a while and Rek seems perplexed as to why he’s bringing it up. The ship is more spartan than Rek might remember. Rek asks what happened to the paneling that was in here. Drax responds by yelling “Divorce!” down the corridor.
(A pause as we imagine Patience in jodhpurs on a manicured green lawn, in front of a young holding a tray full of drinks and wearing shorts that look both tiny and uncomfortable. She yells “PULL” and raises a laser canon.)
Drax calls Rek up to the cockpit when he’s ready to leave. Rek has found the snacks, grabbed all of them, and secreted them away various places on his person. Drax shakes his head and reaches over to switch the safety back on on Rek’s gun. He asks Rek if he’s sure he can handle himself, because this guy is going to be dangerous. Rek is a teenager raised by pirates. He’s sure he can handle himself no matter what the situation is. 
And then Drax punches the ship to lightspeed and the stars become bright blue lines, and our boys are off on an adventure.
(Also gave my player a bit of out of character meta on what to expect: which is to say his quarry will be trying to evade him. He can spend as much or as little time investigating as he likes, and he’ll be rewarded for doing so with information, BUT his quarry will be spending that time gathering assets that will be used against him (unless he can use information he’s found to deny those assets to his quarry). Then it’ll be a question of defeating the challenges posed by those assets and catching the quarry before he can jump planet. His opponent will also be using the gadgeteer bounty hunter talent tree, same as him).
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vomitingreblogs · 8 years
Heaven and Hell couldn’t stop us
Chapter 1: Behind the scenes
Pairing: Dean/Lucifer
They don’t say all of them you know.
Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, and Gabriel. The archangels, but there’s more. They just got more credit in the bible then the others.
But angels and archangels know of them and each other.
Jophiel was the archangel of beauty. But not just the kind you find in the mirror. Jophiel helped inspire wise men, poets, musicians, and artists. He gave out positive thinking and moods for those who were plagued by negative ones. All of heaven knew how powerful Jophiel muses were and thought every being braced with them were very lucky.
He loved humanity. Every since the day his father had molded them, the archangel had thought it was they were a gift. He loved the people and animals and plants, Jophiel loved it all. Unlike Lucifer. The morning star had an awful opinion of them, thought they were trash waiting to be thrown out. Jophiel was puzzled, he had asked his older brother, Gabriel, why Lucifer hated humans. To which his answer was that others have different opinions. One day, Jophiel had to know what made Lucifer despise God’s greatest creations.
“Hello Lucifer,” Jophiel greeted kindly to the other archangel.
Lucifer didn’t pay him any mind, instead he kept trying to straighten his feathers. They were a mess, feathers stuck out everywhere and the ones that weren’t were jumbled all over. It wasn’t easy grooming one or two wings by yourself, but if you had six then then you had better hoped you were double jointed. Lucifer wasn’t having any luck, the ones he could straighten out was at the tips but they ruffled around every time he tried to work on another wing.
Jophiel watched him struggle and cuss. Feeling sympathy, he laid a hand on one of Lucifer's wings. “Let me help,” he softly spoke. Telling Lucifer that he meant no harm on another note.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and stretched out his wings for Jophiel. “Have at it.”
Carefully, he ran his fingers through the bundles of feathers. “Lucifer, might I ask you question?”
“Hmm?” Was all Lucifer could say, obviously enjoying himself. He hadn’t had a proper grooming in a while, Lucifer was very stubborn when it came to others helping him. Michael and Gabriel had offered multiple times to do it, but Lucifer declined. But to decline Jophiel? He just couldn’t anymore, especially when he was doing it.
Jophiel bite his lip, wondering if he was going to cross a line or not. “Why do you hate humanity?”
Lucifer growled lightly, trying not to scare the archangel. He hated that question so much. Gabriel asked it, Michael asked it, Father asked it, anyone who liked humanity asked it. He wasn’t sure why it came as a shock when so many did asked it any.
“I just do.”
“That’s not good reason.”
Lucifer felt anger boil inside him. “It’s good enough for me! Why are they so good? We were made before them and they sin so much; it’s disgusting.”
An uncomfortable silence swarmed them and Jophiel left it to that. He worked his magic and put in his greatest effort. Each touch was gentle and even massaged them a bit as while. When Jophiel was done, he was tried but happy. Lucifer gave each wing a flap, feeling amazing.
Two arms hugged him from behind, surprising Lucifer. He felt Jophiel’s Grace, it was warm and welcoming. Lucifer loved the feeling of such a beautiful Grace around him. Even more shockingly, he felt two lips press against his cheek. Feelings swirled around in him, Lucifer didn’t know how to react other than doing nothing.
“You shouldn’t let your anger and jealousy get the best of you,” Jophiel whispered in his ear. “Father favors you but you are too stupid to see it.”
Before Lucifer could get a word in, Jophiel had flown away to help someone else.
The two spent little time together now and again. From grooming each other's wings to simply enjoying a peaceful heaven. Over time, Jophiel had grown attracted to Lucifer's Grace and tried to spend every free moment with him. Lucifer felt the same but didn’t show it. He was too afraid that Jophiel would reject him for their biggest difference of opinion: humanity.
So, Lucifer kept his distance. But Jophiel took another route.
One day, he and Lucifer were in a little boys heaven who was stargazing. Jophiel knew that Lucifer couldn’t and wouldn’t go down to earth, so they went with the next best thing. Jophiel pointed out and told stories of the stars. Lucifer didn’t fully understand them but they made him laugh. After the story of Pieces, they just sat down and enjoyed the beautiful night sky.
Taking in a deep breath, Jophiel moved closer to Lucifer. Their arms touching was overwhelming for the older archangel. He wanted to move away but knew it would harm Jophiel’s feelings. Lucifer felt a deep pit in his stomach and tried to control his breathing. Emotions swirled around in him. Heat burned him like the Sun.
Jophiel smiled kindly as he moved in Lucifer’s arms and leaned into him. He felt Lucifer, stiff and frighten at his touches. Jophiel’s face fell, getting the wrong message, and moved away.
“Maybe I should go,” he spat out in a rushed sentence, sounding like a complete idiot. Lucifer stood up, wings stretched out to fly but was stopped.
His face went pink as he saw Lucifer’s red face. Tucking his wings in, Jophiel followed Lucifer up and stood close to him. They stood underneath the night sky. Eyes flickered through emotions, not one saying anything. But it was all there. Their Grace’s screamed out for each other, wanting to be together in bound that neither Hell or Heaven could tear apart.
Jophiel wound his arms around Lucifer's neck, pulling them closer together, his breath practically on Lucifer's lips. They both moved their heads towards each other, slipping their eyes shut, pressing into a light kiss.
Lucifer deepen the kiss and Jophiel eagerly responded. Moaning came from the younger archangel, exciting the older. They spent the rest of the day in each others embrace, exploring every part of the other.
Lucifer was excited to meet up with Jophiel but his heart shattered when he found him weeping.
Not wasting a second, Lucifer held onto the beautiful angel. He ran his fingers through Jophiel’s hair as he clinged onto him. Jophiel was a mess, sobbing loudly. He buried his head in Lucifer’s chest, clinging onto his robs like if he were to fall apart.
“Ssh, ssh, ssh,” Lucifer whispered. “Tell me what’s the matter.”
“Y-you d-d-don’t . . . know?” Jophiel looked up at Lucifer, tears streaked his face and his eyes puffy.
Lucifer shook his head. “No, what happened, Jophiel?
Jophiel almost collapsed, sobbing loudly. “Sh-she destroyed it! The Darkness! She . . . she just . .” He couldn’t sputter any more words out and buried himself once again in Lucifer. Tears poured down his face, grieving for the lost world.
Lucifer stood in fear. The Darkness destroyed God’s greatest creations, what would stop her from destroying heaven? Or them? Or Jophiel . . . Lucifer held him tighter at the thought of not having Jophiel. The two held onto each other in fear.
Looking up, Lucifer saw his older brother: Michael.
“Father needs to talk,” his voice even, not affected by the sudden events. His eyes looked at Jophiel then back to his younger brother. “Only us four oldest.”
Jophiel smiled weakly, releasing himself from Lucifer. “Go. Father needs you.”
Lucifer smiled back and pecked Jophiel’s cheek. “I’ll be back,” he whispered lowly. He went to Michael’s side, both nodded before taking flight.
They landed in God’s “special place”. It was an old fashioned library. Book shelves that reached the roof but hardly had any books; due to the lack of writers from the deceased world. The wooden floor was hidden by a soft rug dyed gold and red. The walls matched the rug identically except for the black swirls that made the gold swirls pop. A desk was placed in front of a roaring fireplace, paper and ink clattered the oak desk.
Gabriel and Raphael were already there. Raphael bearing the same face as Michael, but Gabriel’s face twisted in joy when Lucifer appeared.
His face was goofy as always but Lucifer could see it was lined with worry. “Hey, Luci!”
“Don’t call me Luci,” Lucifer said, but smiled a bit. It had been a long time since he last saw Gabriel and he felt a bit guilty.
“Behave yourself,” Michael snapped, sensing a debate to happen.
The two archangels rolled their eyes. Both sharing the same grin and mischief. Lucifer and Gabriel had been very close since the day they were made, Lucifer teaching Gabriel everything he knew and came up with more. They were partners in crime. Gabriel was a ball of energy that make God wondered how that happened and Lucifer was the brains that made Michael's job harder.
“Boys,” a voice overcame the four archangels.
All heads turned towards their Father. Raphael and Michael posed like proper students while Gabriel and Lucifer remained chill, but they all smiled.
“Hello Father.”
“Greetings Father.”
“Hell-O daddy-O!”
“Hey Dad.”
God smiled down on his creations but it dropped, his facial expressions grim. The four copied their Father’s face. The room grow eerie quiet, not one knowing what to say.
“What happened,” Michael broke the ice, “with your Sister?”
God sighed, not wanting to discuss his family issues. “My Sister . . . I don’t know. But She is going to find out about Heaven, and I can’t watch Her destroy another world I love.”
“What are you implying?” Lucifer quickly asked.
“We need to cage her,” God bluntly said, rushing the words out of His mouth.
Gabriel jumped in. “Isn’t that a little harsh. I mean, come on! She’s your sister, can’t you just . . . sit and chat it out?”
“No, She’s not reasonable right now. And she won’t stop until it’s just me and Her.”
The four archangels knew what was up. Obviously they needed to save their own skins, so the five begin to formulate a plan. God and Michael would hit her with everything, they got then Gabriel and Raphael would hold her down, then Lucifer’s part came in. He would be the keylock to the cage.
Lucifer wasn’t sure if he  could or not. None of them knew the consequences of it, he nearly almost didn’t do it. Try to squirm out of it. But a single person came to his mind. Jophiel.
Jophiel sobbed quietly, wiping away tears.
He was waiting for Lucifer to come back. Jophiel missed his archangel, he missed humanity. But he missed Lucifer more. Jophiel could live his life without humanity, or God, or Grace if it meant being with Lucifer.
Jophiel smiled, remembering the warmth of Lucifer’s Grace. He wished he could bask in it again.
He jerked when two hands covered his eyes. “Guess who?” A very familiar voice spoke in Jophiel’s ear.
Squealing, Jophiel turned around and practically jumped in Lucifer’s arms. He planted kisses all over Lucifer's face, expressing his love. Lucifer laughed joyfully and caught Jophiel’s lips for his own. Both kissed the other hard, Lucifer was given full domination.
Lucifer picked up Johiel, immediately wrapping his legs around Lucifer’s hip. Pressing him up against the wall, Lucifer released his lips from Jophiel. Who at first whimpered but quickly moaned when Lucifer attacked his neck.
“Lu-Lucifer,” Jophiel moaned. He wanted more, he wanted to feel something beautiful.
When they woke up, they were in each others embrace. Jophiel snuggled up closer, wanting to feel the angel beside him more. Despite he was just in him.
“Hello love,” Lucifer whispered then kissed Jophiel on the forehead. “You were great.”
“Pfft,” Jophiel giggled, “me? All I did was spread my legs, lift my ass, and moan your name.”
“Oh, but you did it soo well,” Lucifer said, innocently.
Jophiel laughed lightly. He looked over Lucifer’s face, eyes searching for something. “Do you love me?” The questioned slipped out of his throat, a question that plagued his mind since the moment their lips meet.
“Why?” The next questioned followed.
Lucifer stared at Jophiel, he looked so innocent; even after what they had done. “I love you because . . . you have something the other angels can barely copy.”
“What’s that?”
“A soul.”
Jophiel blinked, confused beyond words. “What? Lucifer I’m an angel, I have Grace but not a soul.”
“You love humanity, despite it’s . . . downsides. You are kind and helpful and graceful towards those who need it. You are more human than most people. You are more beautiful then any word can say.”
Jophiel looked Lucifer dead in the eyes. Affected by the words kindly spoken to him. He moved closer to Lucifer, only a breath away. “Do you mean it?”
“I promise on my Grace,” Lucifer promised, sealing it with a kiss. Jophiel eagerly responded.
But stopped when he felt something . . . wrong. He pulled back, as if he was going to see someone else. Lucifer tried to kiss him again but Jophiel moved his head back.
“What’s wrong?” Lucifer asked, hurt by Jophiel’s rejection.
“I . . . I . . .” Jophiel couldn’t get his words straight. “I feel something off. Your Grace . . . feels . . .” He stopped there, not wanting to harm Lucifer’s feelings.
Lucifer bite his lips. Guilt was written all over his face. And Jophiel wasn’t having none of it.
“Luci what’s wrong?” He begged, pouting despite himself.
Normally, Lucifer would’ve attack -expect Gabriel- the angel that called him that. But he loved it coming from his lips, and only his lips. Lucifer pulled Jophiel closer, wanting to chairish his beloved.
“The Darkness,” Lucifer started, thinking of the words before saying, “Father, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and I were able to cage Her.”
Jophiel smiled brightly and took Lucifer in a bone crushing hug. “That’s great news! We should rejoice! But . . .,” he gently let go of his angel and stared at him again, “that doesn’t explain about your Grace.”
Lucifer licked his lips, thinking of words that could explain everything. “The Darkness is in a cage and cage’s need a lock, right?” Jophiel nodded. “I’m the lock.”
“What!?” Jophiel exclaimed, he sat up; wincing in the slightest. “Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Did it have any effect on you?”
The older archangel sat up and caressed his love with a hand, trying to calm him. “Jophiel, I am the same angel as I was before. You have nothing to fear.” He kissed tenderly Jophiel’s forehead.
It had been a month since The Darkness was locked away. God had made a new earth, everything was fresh and new. The two humans placed in the Garden of Eden had given so much joy to Jophiel, the thought of continuing his work again; he was just so excited with the potential.
But Lucifer had been . . . different. His Grace had been growing colder and colder, even his skin was cold to the touch. He barely moved from his view to earth, at first Jophiel thought Lucifer had a liking towards these humans but he then saw Lucifer’s eyes. Cold and full of hatred. They frightened him. Lucifer had grown distant from Jophiel, not even caring or responding to his care.
Jophiel was confessed and hurt.
“Lucifer,” he softly spoke, standing behind his beloved. “Please talk to me, I’m worried.”
Lucifer merely hissed. “Go away.”
“Please tell me what’s wrong,” He pleaded, hoping the archangel that he loved would speak. He hoped Lucifer would hold him and tell him nothing was wrong.
“Go away! I don’t need you, you’re so pathetic and needy! Christ, I have no idea how Father made you so hopeless!”
Silence, a killer without words. And right now it was stabbing Jophiel in the heart. Love that held so much meaning to him . . . was withering in front of his eyes. Pain and heartache overtook him, it leaked through his eyes and mouth. Jophiel trembled in sobs, falling to the ground.
Lucifer snapped out of his brooding when he heard the first sob. Turning around so fast he could’ve gotten a whiplash, Lucifer nearly cried himself at the sight. Jophiel was holding his hands over his eyes, probably trying not to flood the place with his tears, and hunch over on the floor. He rushed over, regret and guilt flooded him.
On the floor too with his Jophiel. Lucifer tried to hold his dear archangel close in his embrace but Jophiel seemed to want the opposite.
“Jophiel, I’m sorry!” He cried. “Please, forgive me. I love you so much . . . I don’t know what got over me. Please, please, please look at me.”
Jophiel hiccuped and his breath hitched, he was shaking and sniffling. He looked like a wreck, worse then when The Darkness destroyed humanity. Weakly, he raised his face to look at Lucifer’s.
“I love you, Jophiel. I’m sorry for treating you like this, I don’t know what’s gotten over me. Please forgive me,” Lucifer begged, his eyes full of such sorrow.
And Jophiel did.
They talked, hung out with each other much more, and had a lot more sex. Lucifer liked to sing to Jophiel whenever he woke up, Jophiel would always play with Lucifer's feathers, and they both liked playing pranks with Gabriel.
But after a two months, Lucifer slowly slipped back to his colder state. Jophiel did everything in his power to stop it but . . . it just happened. On the third month, Lucifer delightfully told Jophiel that he was working on a secret project. Jophiel was over joyed.
When the Heaven shook and the screams of an archangel happened, Jophiel was more than startled.
He flew all over heaven for Lucifer, worried for the worst. Jophiel couldn’t find him, he looked and looked. Even went down to earth and searched there, but he just couldn’t. Instead of finding his love, he found Gabriel with a sad expression.
“Gabriel,” Jophiel took Gabriel by the arm, making Gabriel focus on him, “where’s Lucifer?”
Gabriel stared at Jophiel, his face twisted in such grief and pity. “Oh, Jophiel.”
“What is it? Where’s Lucifer?” Jophiel repeated.
“Lucifer . . .  has fallen.”
Even though it wasn’t a “thing” yet, Jophiel was depressed.
He stayed in the Garden of Eden since Adam and Eve had to leave. Thanks to Lucifer's creation, Lilith: the first demon. She had tempted Eve into disobeying God’s word and then Eve spread her influence to Adam.
But, even for his love for humanity, Jophiel didn’t care all that much. He missed Lucifer.
Sitting underneath the Forbidden Tree, Jophiel held a white rose close to his chest. His fingers wrapped tightly around the stem, the thorns biting into his skin. He didn’t care. Jophiel missed Lucifer so much, he remembered Lucifer calming that he liked white roses. That’s all Jophiel needed for his obsession of the flower. Jophiel would shower Lucifer in them, making flower crowns and necklaces, he would give one every time they meet.
Tears spilled over Jophiel’s face, sweet memories seemed to do that to him. Michael had told him not to cry over something so stupid, but Gabriel told him not to listen.
“It’s okay to grieve, Jophiel,” He said. “You loved him, your sadness is understandable.”
But he didn’t want to feel like this, he wanted his Lucifer. He wanted his angel.
It didn’t stop there. Heaven was mess. There was a upraise with the angels and archangels, God wasn’t answering. Michael and Gabriel told them to move on, Raphael told them Lucifer was corrupt and God had sent him down in the deepest pits of Hell.
Jophiel almost smited him on the spot.
The sweet scent of a rose brought him back to reality. Jophiel moved the flower to his nose and inhaled deeply, it reminded him of Lucifer instantly.
“I miss you so much, Lucifer.”
It had been billions of years. Most would say that was enough time to move on, find someone new or become independent. But not Jophiel. Of course he had healed, he didn’t collapse into sobs whenever someone mentioned him or didn’t tremble when he held white roses.
It was still there.
The heartache and lose.
What Jophiel would give to see him once again. And he was presented with the opportunity.
He was minding his own business, just flying around; passing time. When he heard Michael and Raphael talking.
“So, Mary Campbell and John Winchester are together?”
“Yes, they are.”
“Good,” Michael sounded pleased. All too pleased. “Everything's coming together then?”
“Yes, they’re to be married soon.”
“That will be healthy for the Righteous Man,” Michael commented quietly.
Raphael agreed quietly but another question ensued. “What of Lucifer’s vessel?”
Jophiel swore that his heart stopped, or Grace . . . whatever. Eyes wide and breaths stopped, now his curiosity had peaked. Lucifer’s vessel? Did that mean Lucifer would raise? But what did that mean? Jophiel wished Michael and Raphael had kept talking, but they passed off the topic like dust.
Now, Jophiel was confused and desperate.
He quietly connected the dots or whatever there was to connect. Lucifer would be getting a vessel, he would be able to use it. Michael was going to use the Righteous Man as his vessel, and Father know he would use him. If they both had their vessels, then they would both be on earth.
Whatever dots that should’ve been connected before Jophiel had an idea, he was too excited. Lucifer was coming back.
“Just do it,” Jophiel whispered to himself.
No one to stop him before he was too late, Gabriel had left a while ago. He saddened at the thought. Jophiel didn’t blame Gabriel for leaving. But he wished he was still here, Heaven wasn’t the same without the prankster.
This felt like a suicide, he had heard and watched many humans do it. They gave up something that God give, and that’s what Jophiel was doing. He wasn’t going to kill himself, he was going to become human. Jophiel needed to get to earth, and acquiring a vessel felt wrong. It was the next best option for an angel that loved people and Lucifer.
Jophiel closed his eyes tight. Images of Lucifer danced under his eyelids, memories of better times danced in his head, and phantom lips glazed over his. Tears laced his eyes once again.
Jophiel smiled drearily, the thought of seeing Lucifer once again was too much. “For Lucifer.”
And Heaven lost another archangel due to love.
1979, January 24
Mary smiled as her son was handed to her, softly wrapped in a blanket. She was tired and exhausted but not even the devil himself could stop her from holding her son.
John was beaming like a child on christmas, sitting beside his wife. The couple held the screaming newborn. Both smiling dearly, happy for the new life. Nine month this baby was in her stomach and now . . . he was here.
He was so small, fragile. His pink skin was plum with warm flesh but they could see tiny freckles. Green eyes peeked from tiny eyelids. His head held tiny strands of blond hair, obviously from his dear mother.
“Do you have a name?” a female nurse asked.
Mary and John looked at each other. None said a word. They picked out a number of names but looking at the baby now . . . they just didn’t fit.
“Can we name him after my mom?” Mary asked.
“We can call him Dean,” Mary pleaded.
John warm smile. “I don’t know, I think Deanna would suit him better.”
Mary give out a weak laugh. She moved her view to the happy nurse. “His names Dean Winchester.”
Something I found in my files, I thought I might as well. It’s also an apology for not writing in a long time, sorry about that guys :(
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nebulousneko · 8 years
WOW this got super long I am kind of sorry that this is going to be such an info dump but it is what it is 
Sorry it took me a bit to compile this, but these are someof the headcanons I have so far for the “Kaito and Shinichi grew up together AU”(which is not the tentative name but I couldn’t think of anything better toname it at the moment)
And as a disclaimer I cannot and do not take credit for the creationof this AU or the ideas to follow because it wouldn’t even exist without @edorazzi bringing it up and then we just devolved into back and forth spitballing of ideas (like we always freaking do) and half the time I can’t remember who said what so just knowthat all of these were a joint effort
Lots of rambling under the cuuuuuuuuuuuuut
Although it’s kind of obvious from the title, the mainpremise of this AU is that Kaito and Shinichi grew up really close together,their parents were friends and they always got to hang out a lot and just werebasically like bros and it’s just really nice I love this idea (plus it’simplied that their parents did actually interact in canon, I think I’ve seen afew manga panels about it and so I really wanted to run with the idea thattheir parents knew each other and when they both had young boys that look likefreaking twins it was just inevitable that they would spend a lot of timetogether and also get a kick out of their identical sons interacting)
So apart from getting mixed up a lot when they were younger,these two were like a dream team of mischief from the start
Both of them started following in their parents’ footstepspretty early just because of the kind of environments they were raised in, so Iimagine Kaito would perform simple magic tricks for Shinichi and Shinichi wouldalways try to figure them out and as they got older Kaito got better andShinichi got more frustrated that he couldn’t figure out his tricks anymore
Sometimes Kaito would use his magic to like, steal cookiesfrom the kitchen when he wasn’t supposed to and stuff and Shinichi would alwaysbust him (but Kaito probably got off if he managed to bribe Shinichi with thegoods he got, this was a mostly edorazzi idea)
They’re both equally brilliant and find school prettyboring: Kaito has been and continues to be the class cut up who just likes tobring his magic into the classroom whereas Shinichi is the more quiet type thatis equally not paying attention and either occupies his time reading mysterybooks or pointing out the teacher’s flawed logic
Both of them would frequently get in trouble for theirrespective lack of paying attention/disruption in class
They both really look out for each other though and despiteShinichi tending to be more of a voice of reason for them, Kaito has gotten themout of plenty of sticky situations with his tricks and Shinichi can’t tell ifhe’s grateful or if he should encourage Kaito to not get used to such a habit
When Toichi died their families kind of drifted apart, notbecause of any personal issues but mostly because there was just like a rift ofsadness and I imagine Kaito probably got really depressed right after ithappened and threw himself headlong into his magic because it made him feelclose to his dad and Shinichi couldn’t really figure out how to relate or whatto even say to him so he just focused on his own thing
At some point after that they also stopped going to the sameschool (maybe they went to the same elementary but not middle schools OR Shinichi’sparents moved after Toichi died or something like that) and that’s when theypretty seriously lost touch but it wasn’t like either of them had totallyforgotten about each other
They are reunited through a heist where Shinichi was enlistedto help arrest and figure out who Kaito Kid is (following the idea that neitherof them previously knew that Toichi was Kaito Kid or had any idea that someonehad killed him, Kaito still discovered all of that on his own and took on beingKaito Kid)
Shinichi ends up cornering him on the rooftop of the heistlocation and Kaito is freaking out because he had already noticed that it wasShinichi who was chasing him, he doesn’t want to risk losing everything theyused to have or face the fact that Shinichi might actually hate him if he findsout he’s Kid, and Shinichi just wants to put an end to this flamboyant farcebut he admits that there’s something eerily familiar about this thief’smannerisms
Of course Kaito has been able to escape every trap but thisone and Shinichi finally gets close enough to see who he is and Kaito is justmonologuing trying to buy himself some time until he can figure a last resortout of this mess and Shinichi just stands him up and is clearly trying tointerrupt him and makes it clear he knows who he is and Kaito is still too busypanicking he just won’t quit rambling
So to shut him up Shinichi just slaps the monocle off hisface and is like “why didn’t you tell me you were doing something thisdangerous? What is going on what is wrong with you why didn’t you ask me forhelp or something?”
Kaito is just……………….appalled like he can’t believe Shinichigot over it this quickly or accepted it or whatever else he thinks Shinichi isdoing that isn’t arresting him righton the spot, and also he owes him a new monocle now thanks Shinichi
Shinichi lets him go and later they regroup and Kaito spillsthe beans about what he’s discovered about his dad and shows him his Bat Cave™ and everything and Shinichi’s just like “bro this is a lot”
Shinichi also takes a good long time to berate Kaito fordoing something so damn dangerous and “how could you be so irresponsible thisis just like you, taking risks like this and you’re going to get yourself caughtby some serious officers or you’re going to get outsmarted by these bad guysand they’re going to shoot you and not miss next time and just how could you be so reckless” and Kaito’sjust like “ok mom I get it” (ironically hilarious considering his mom is overhere cheering for her son rising to the role of Kaito Kid that was always meantfor him whether he knew it or not, at least Shinichi is dotingly worried abouthis wellbeing)
But after he gets all of his concerned griping out of hissystem Shinichi is just like “……..I guess you might need some help from theinside from time to time and I know we’ve never done anything this dangerousbut what the hell”
So now they’re kind of serious partners in crime and theycontinue to put on charades where Shinichi is just that close to catching Kaito Kid and at the last second Kidoutsmarts him (although most of the time they do take it really seriously andthey both enjoy the challenge of showing off to one another just like they didwhen they were little :’) )
Fast forward to The Conan Incident and it’s just………….oh how the turn tables Shin-chan
Shinichi probably doesn’t tell Kaito right after it happensbut like a week later he goes to Kaito’s house and waits for him (because heknew that Kaito would be out on a Kid heist or something) and he’s just sittingthere with the lamp on and Kaito gets back and is like “oh Shinichi I didn’tknow you were going to stop by wait what the hell who are you”
Cue Shinichi spilling all the beans about his grave mistakein being caught and poisoned
For at least 5 minutes Kaito is serious and he like lookshim over and tries to make sure he’s really okay and asks him all these questionsabout how he’s feeling and if he knows how long these effects are going to lastand if these are the only effects the murder drug is going to have on him, etc.
Then Kaito laughsfor at least 3 hours and almost passes out from his own amusement
“And you were the one who wouldn’t stop telling me how I made a bad decision taking up theKaito Kid mantle and telling me how Ineeded to be less reckless and consider my actions and you get played like this are you kidding me Shinichi”
“Oh yeah didn’t you say you have a new name too what is it?”“……………………………Edogawa Conan” “Shinichi……………………………dude”
Kaito definitely agrees to masquerade as Shinichi (with morewillingness than Shinichi would probably like to see, although this is alsoreminiscent of when they would pose as each other and confuse/play tricks onpeople when they were younger just for the fun of it) and help him out when heneeds it
They just really have each other’s backs in this AU and Ilive for it
The only people who can definitelytell them apart every time are their moms and Heiji (the latter for reasonsI’m not sure need to be brought up yet lmao)
There are also some minor shipping things/relationshipchanges in this AU based on mine and edorazzi’s own personal preferences butsince this is just a basic list of headcanons I’m not going to go in depth withshipping unless someone specifically asks me about it (mostly because it’s kindof a touchy subject for me and I’m sure other people)
And a couple final random and not plot oriented headcanons:
When Shinichi becomes Conan Kaito picks him up all the freaking time and it’s reallycute because he’ll just give him piggy back rides or set him on his shouldersor even tuck him under his arm (if Conan’s being kind of bratty again) and evenwhen he turns back into Shinichi on occasion Kaito will still find himselfinvoluntarily ruffling Shinichi’s hair or trying to carry him through a crowdor something until he realizes that, once again, Shinichi is as big as he isand his gymnastic strength just doesn’t cut it
Kaito is also the ultimate wingman but that’s a string ofheadcanons for another post lmao
And I think that’s the extent of what I have to dump rightnow but please shower me with yourcomments, questions, and concerns because I’m living and breathing DetectiveConan AUs right now and this one is particularly dear to my heart :’)
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