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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs- Dribbles & Drabbles: 1K Words Or Less For those of you with a short attention span, short on time or perhaps new to the fandom and just want to get a little taste... Here's a handful of fics with less than 1,000 words. Happy reading!
Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
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*If you have a tumblr (or other socials) you'd like linked, let me know and I'll add it. Also, if anyone doesn't want their socials linked here, please let me know and I'll gladly remove it.
🥛 Six-word stories from every decade by @carnivalrow // nightfall_in_winter [NR, 12] A heart for sale. Used once...* Hawk Part 1- stories from the 60s. Part 2 -stories from the 70s.
🥛 you know, you’ve been rather sweet lately by tangerineflamingo* [NR, 255] They stay like this, wrapped in each other’s embrace, their bodies entwined in the warm glow of sunlight. Part 1 of fellow travelers drabbles 🥛there is no sin in what you & I just did by @beyondxmeasure // Cyantific [M, 250] The burden of guilt weighs heavily on Tim for what he's about to do, but for now, he sets aside any conflicting feelings where God and Hawkins Fuller are concerned, along with the cross around his neck.
🥛 Blessed by @lookturtles // look_turtles [G, 300] Tim is sick and Hawk takes care of him.
🥛 Golden Fire by @itslexduh // ItsLexDuh [T, 478] A little drabble about Tim seeing Hawk with his wedding ring for the first time in 1957.
🥛 so you'll remember me by voidedcat* [G, 548] Hawk finds the cufflinks Tim'd kept after all these years. But now it's too damn late.
🥛 Yours Truly by Cozy_coffee* [G, 630] Love is…the three times Hawk said “I love you” to Tim.
🥛 if i have to switch the lights off, i wanna switch them off with you by @startagainbuttercup // startagainbuttercup [T, 661] "I don't remember our last kiss," Hawk blurted.
Tim's face instantly changed as he parted his lips in surprise.
"The whole time you were there, with the doctors, I thought you were dying, and I couldn't remember when was the last time we kissed." Hawk's voice trembled a little. He looked at his lap. "There were so many, but I just couldn't remember the last one."
Or, a little scene after, "Did you forget that I'm a convicted felon?"
Part 3 of Fellow Travelers 1x06 extra scenes
🥛 You didn't have to love me like you did, but you did, and I thank you. by @in-our-special-place // Cupping_Cakes [M, 708] “He wasn't my friend. He was the man I loved.”
🥛 Cherry blossom by @carnivalrow // nightfall_in_winter [M, 740] There is a moment when they both travel west and Tim falls asleep in the car. An excerpt is provided. This fic examines Hawk's thoughts in that precise moment.
🥛 Liability by @solitudinariann // Dysterscribbles [T, 804] Angstier version of the scene where Hawk asks Tim to write a letter for Mary and calls his friends a 'liability' which makes Tim think Hawk must think of him as a liability too. Angst and something more ensues.
🥛 The Twelth of Never by ghostandwitness* [M, 973 WIP] What if Hawk didn’t prevent Tim from passing the security clearance? A retelling of Hawk and Tim’s story where their affair is continued through Tim’s employment at State, for those of us who want a different ending (but of course, not without a hard time getting there-After all it's Hawk and Tim).
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missionlameturtle · 1 year
I was tagged by @innanzituttoticalmi!
10 favorite songs with names in the title, in no particular order:
Ophelia, Lumineers
Cecelia, Simon & Garfunkel
Build Me Up Buttercup, The Foundations
Benny Goodman, St Motel
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, Gordon Lightfoot
Danny’s Song, Anne Murray
Buddy Holly, weezer
The Ghost of Tom Joad, Bruce Springsteen
Brandy, Looking Glass
Bartholomew, The Silent Comedy
listen I know it says 10 but how could I possibly leave off Brian Wilson
Honorable mention to Danny Boy, the song I’ve had stuck in my head all day, and Romeo, possibly the thirstiest Dolly Parton song.
I tag @churchofpoetry, @bananafosters, @juniperpomegranate, @lookturtles, @hereeatthiskitten, & anyone else who wants to do this!
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eternalsterekrecs · 7 years
I was wondering if there are any fics where Derek is the same age as Stiles? Both Deaged Derek or AU would be great
Well, most of our HIGH SCHOOL AU recs fit this description so be sure to check that tag!
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What I Go To School For by goodnight_tinyhumans
Derek is having a hard time with chemistry. Stiles is one of the best students in the class.
This couldn't possibly go wrong.
The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob
In which Derek is an adolescent werewolf with a penchant for chocolate bunnies, and instead of the dream summer of lazing around the house playing video games and nibbling on his hoarded supply of easter candy his mother makes him get a job.
In which Stiles is a showoff jock with a broken arm and an embarrassing crush who can no longer push the lawn mower around the yard.
Like James Dean, Only Sadder by 42hrb
The star of the Beacon Hills High School baseball team and Beacon Hills resident bad boy probably have nothing in common, right?
Grown Up Hot by Inell
Derek’s college Dream Boy just happens to be the nerdy kid he bullied back in middle school. Karma sucks.
Of Debutantes Verse by missmagoo
Derek is a debutante.
Stiles is a cocky party-crasher from the public high school.
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due-south · 7 years
lookturtles: Would you write a fic about Dief and RayK's turtle being buddies?
I somehow lost your initial ask, but here’s the fic response. Thanks for the prompt! 
~800 words; not the best thing I’ve ever written but it’s done.
Turtle liked Diefenbaker. He was big, loud, and hairy, but other than that not so bad.
"Roof." Diefenbaker said. Turtle didn't say anything. Turtles didn't make noises, as far as Turtle knew.
"Now, you mustn't take that attitude, Diefenbaker." Fraser chastised, leaning down so that Dief could read his lips. "You'll be perfectly fine in Ray's apartment for the day."
"Ruff." Dief said petulantly.
"Well, yes, I'm fine with you accompanying us on this case, but as I said before, the only witness is quite scared of dogs. Yes, I know that you're half wolf, but that information isn't exactly comforting to our witness."
"Rrrr." Dief acquiesced, settling down on the floor and pointedly looking away from Fraser.
"Very well." Fraser said in that tone that said he was Disappointed in someone. "I'll be back shortly. Please try to behave while I'm away."
Ray entered the room, all energy and motion as usual, his arms swinging and the rest of him practically vibrating. "Ready to go Frase? Told the wolf not to eat my turtle yet?"
"Don't be silly, Ray." Fraser said. He straightened up from where he had crouched while he talked to Dief. "Diefenbaker would much prefer a donut to your turtle, I'm afraid." He looked disapprovingly at Dief, as he often did when he was talking about the half-wolf's hunting habits. Dief whined and closed his eyes to drive home the point that he wasn't paying any attention to the Mountie.
"Yeah, okay." Ray said. "Ready to go?" He led Fraser out the door in front of him, ushering him forwards. Once Fraser was out of sight Ray quickly knelt down, pulling something that was wrapped up in white paper from his inside pocket. Dief looked at the wrapped thing with interest.
"Consider this a bribe." Ray said seriously, looking Dief in the eyes. "I give you this, you don't eat the turtle. Deal?"
"Roof!" Dief agreed enthusiastically.
"Greatness." Ray said, unwrapping the object. "Pleasure doing business with you, Diefenbaker." He shook Dief's paw, then set the unwrapped item on the floor. It was a sprinkle donut, and Dief had it scarfed down before Ray had both feet out the door.
The door shut with a click, leaving Dief and Turtle alone in the apartment.
"Boof." Dief said in the direction of Turtle's enclosure. Turtle chewed on a bit of lettuce, and Dief panted at Turtle happily. The television set was just across from Turtle's enclosure, and Dief nosed it on.
Baseball. Turtle didn't mind watching baseball, but Dief didn't like it, so they rarely watched it unless there was nothing else on. Dief switched channels until he found one that was showing an old game of curling. He looked back at Turtle for approval. Turtle chewed the piece of lettuce approvingly, and Dief settled down in front of the set to watch the game.
Turtle didn't completely understand the rules of the game, but as long as Dief liked it, curling was a fine sport to watch. Better than staring at Ray's walls all day.
"Sweeeeeeep!" An announcer over the TV cheered, and Diefenbaker howled along with them. Ray would probably be getting noise complaints again.
They watched like this for a while, until the shadows started to get long on the walls and the programming switched to a sitcom with an annoying laugh track. Turtle started wondering when the next feeding would be. 
Dief cocked his head, ears going straight up, and he suddenly stood and switched the television off again. Turtle saw why a second later when Ray walked in, followed by Fraser. Both were dripping wet and covered in what looked like several different types of glitter.
Dief sniffed Fraser's hand and sneezed. A cloud of glitter took to the air.
Ray glared at Fraser. "This never would have happened to me if I had never met you."
Fraser peeled himself out of his red serge, hanging it carefully on the hook by the door that Ray had put up just for him. Glittery water dripped to the ground below the hook. "Well, at least we caught the smugglers. And the kidnappers."
"At least." Ray grumbled.
"Ruff." Dief said.
"Yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball. You didn't eat my turtle, did you?" Ray peered into Turtle's enclosure, looking satisfied when he saw Turtle watching him impassively.
"Boof." Dief sounded offended.
Ray ran a hand through his spiky hair. It came up glittery. He groaned. "I gotta take a shower."
"Of course, Ray." Fraser said. There was glitter in his hair, too.
Dief panted. It sounded an awful lot like he was laughing at them.
"What do you know?" Ray asked. "You're a wolf. What do you even do all day?"
Turtle retreated back into its shell. Neither would ever tell.
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dszrp · 8 years
No! Not Mort! Although if anyone would like being a zombie it would be Mort.
Funny enough, that was exactly what Erin said late last night.  Great minds. XD
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eaion · 4 years
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Due South 2x10 - 4x13 parallels
Gifset inspired by the lovely @lookturtles’ username. ^^
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therealmadblonde · 4 years
Rules: tag 1 or more people you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions.
Tagged by the very kind @novemberhush. Thanks for thinking of me!
Three ships: Reid/Einstein (Criminal Minds), Ivanova/Talia Winters (Babylon 5), Francesca/Turnbull (due South)
Last song listened to: Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Last movie watched: Hell Fest
Currently craving: Stroganoff
Currently reading: The New York Times. Waaaay too much.
I tag @lookturtles, @clevermanka, & @not-a-princess-but-a-queen to play if they feel so inclined, as well as anyone else who might enjoy it.
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bandomfandombeyond · 5 years
I wrote this fic for @lookturtles and posted it in a reblog, but I wanted to make an original post as well so I could put it in the ship tag here on le tumble
So anyway without further ado:
raising fire (smile and look surprised) by queerjonmund
His favorite part of the outfit was by far the shoes. They were fairly simple, just a pair of black wedge boots with a rounded toe that laced halfway up his calves. He liked the way they slimmed his legs and feet, and he loved the extra three inches and the way the wedge created a natural sway in his walk. He couldn’t stop looking himself up and down in the mirror as he moved around the fitting room, craning a bit to see his arse. His makeup was already done, courtesy of Roxy, and while he knew she would be impatient to see the full effect, there was someone he wanted to show first.
A small clutch had been provided to him with several gadgets he might need, as well as a glasses case that held the much slimmer, feminine pair of glasses that had been developed for Roxy. They made his jaw seem harder, but also elevated his cheekbones to create quite the fey look. Settling them low on his nose, Eggsy double clicked the side to begin transmitting to Oz — what he’d convinced Roxy and Percival to call Merlin’s office not long after the V-Day cleanup had calmed down.
The low whistle was extremely gratifying, and he did another spin while spotting to the mirror so his lover could get the full effect. Crimson lips were tilted in a sultry smirk, and the cat eye Roxy had painted on him gave him bedroom eyes that he used to devastating effect. “Good evenin’, oh mighty wizard. Whaddaya think?”
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missionlameturtle · 5 years
I made a complementary work for @writedragon‘s awesome vid for the Big Bang! (I know, I know, who am I even, it’s like I’m becoming a person who makes things or something.) You should also check out @lookturtles‘s beautiful complementary fanart for the same vid--there’s a link in the end note on my work!
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A short and simple lovely fic of Ed and Oswald showering together. Prompt given by @lookturtles
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queen-0f-the-nerds · 6 years
Men with the Lip Balm Tattoos
I FINALLY finished another Cablepool prompt! I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long, life really likes to get in the way of my writing. This is for @lookturtles prompt “Deadpool and Cable have to share a bed and end up cuddling. Soulmate AU - much to their carnage.” Hope you like it!
Deadpool looked past Cable and started his dingy motel room checklist. Moldy carpet? Check. Single flickering light? Yep. Peeling wallpaper, no couch? Nothing surprising there. Door that either leads to the bathroom or a murderer’s basement? Of course. Bed coated in suspicious stains…wait.
Nate sighed loudly and kicked the door shut. “You said there were two beds.” He began stripping out of his outer layers, carefully laying down his guns.
“I thought there were!” Wade said defensively, dumping his weapons and mask in a pile by the door and collapsing dramatically on the bed.
Nate rolled his eyes and picked up Wade’s weapons, placing them with care with his guns. “How about next time, you let me handle it?”
“What, with your special powers?” Despite his voice being slightly muffled by a pillow, Wade’s mockery was crystal clear.
“It’s called telepathy dipshit.”
“Oooh, big word for a little guy!”
Deadpool let out a very manly shriek as a metal hand closed around the back of his neck and threw him across the room. Cable settled on the now vacant bed, closed his eyes, and used telekinesis to turn out the light.
Wade’s face popped up beside the bed. “Heeeeeeey, big guy, how about we share the bed?”
A derisive snort was the only answer.
“C’mon…pleeeeease?” Wade gave his best puppy-dog eyes and exaggerated pout, slowly inching his way onto the bed.
Nate made the mistake of looking at him. “Ugh. Fine. Just stop looking at me like that. You look like a perverted baby.” Wade flung himself onto the bed aggressively enough to make the frame creak ominously.
“Don’t break the bed fuckface!” Nate whacked him upside the head.
“Sorry not sorry,” Wade whispered. There was silence for a few minutes as the two men shifted around, trying to get comfortable on one of the lumpiest mattresses ever discovered.
“Hey Nate?”
“What. Now.”
“Can you tell me a bedtime story?”
“Go the fuck to sleep!”
“Not that one, I’ve read it bef—” His whining was interrupted by Cable shoving a pillow in his mouth. Rude.
Wade woke up slowly, comfortably cocooned in a wondrous warmth. He nestled further into the warmth, which seemed to be coming from behind him…wait. Behind him?
“Why are you big spoon?!”
Nate jolted awake at Wade’s half-shout, arms tightening instinctively around Wade’s waist. His eyes snapped open and he stared down at their spooning bodies; a moment later, he flung himself off the bed, swearing up a storm and using a pillow to hide his – rather substantial – shame.
Unlike Nate, Wade made no effort to hide his morning wood. “I’m taller, I should be big spoon! Not that I don’t appreciate your junk poking my trunk.” Wade waggled his eyebrows at Nate’s pillow-covered crotch, absentmindedly scratching his left butt cheek.
Nate pinched his eyes shut. “Stop. Talking.” He rubbed at his right hip, shirt riding up a bit.
“Is that a tattoo?!?” Wade gasped dramatically, eyes wide, mouth gaping, one hand vigorously pointing at Nate; the other was still down his pants.
Nate glanced down at his hip and dropped the pillow in shock. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“When did you get a tattoo of lip balm?” Wade looked like both his birthday and Christmas had arrived early.
“It’s not a tattoo,” muttered Nate.
Nate cleared his throat. “It’s not a tattoo. It’s a mark.”
“A mark?”
“A soul mark dumbass.”
Wade gawped in disbelief at Nate, still scratching his ass. “How do you know it’s not a tattoo?” he demanded.
Nate rolled his eyes so hard it must have hurt. “I wouldn’t get a tattoo of lip balm, you deformed fleshlight. And itching is a symptom of new soul marks.” He continued to rub at his mark.
“Well, I’m not itchy, so it can’t be a soul mark,” said Wade with the stubbornness of a petulant child.
Nate gave in to the urge that had been steadily building since he woke and facepalmed. “You literally haven’t stopped scratching your ass since we woke up.”
Wade did several things nigh simultaneously: he ripped his hand out of his pants, dropped-trou, and craned his head to take at gander at his own ass. Which led to a few minutes of Wade spinning in circles trying to see his left cheek, appearing quite a lot like a dog chasing its tail.
Nate’s metal hand grabbed Wade’s face, stopping his ridiculous spinning. “Go look in the mirror, fuckface.”
“Oooor…you could look.” Wade wiggled his eyebrows again, apparently attempting to be seductive while standing with his pants around his ankles.
“What.” Nate sounded so done with all this horseshit.
“Don’t you want to see your soulmate’s ass? Check out this prime hunk of grade A beefsteak?” He tried to shimmy against Nate, who simply cocked an eyebrow.
“I’ve seen it. Wasn’t that impressed,” deadpanned Nate.
“How dare you sir?! I’ll have you know wars have been fought over this booty! People bled and died for the honour of merely being in its presence!”
“Is that so?”
“Indeedio! I do believe I must remove myself from your ungrateful company, posthaste!” Nate let Wade go with a shove that sent him stumbling towards the bathroom.
“Just go look in the mirror fuckwit.”
Grumbling, Wade complied. There was silence from the tiny bathroom for a moment before he burst back out and promptly tripped over his pants, which he still hadn’t bothered to pull up.
“WE’RE SOULMATES!?” Wade screamed into the carpet.
“You really thought I’d make that up?”
“I don’t know! I just wasn’t expecting my soulmate to be a short, old, racist guy from the future! And now I have goddamn lip balm on my ass!” Wade banged his forehead on the floor.
“Why do I have to keep telling you: I’m not racist, you jabbering buttplug!”
Wade waved aside Nate’s denial. “Details, details. The important thing is, you’re shorter than me, and yet you’re the big spoon! What’s with that? And my mark’s on my ass! Why does this author think I’m such a bottom?”
“…what author?”
“I mean, I’m not a total pillow princess! I’m a manly-man! Maybe, MAYBE, I’m a power bottom! But just because a guy likes to get pegged doesn’t mean he’s a bottom! Clearly, I am in control of this partnership. Obviously, this author is just an idiot. I’m totally the top—” Wade cut himself off with a shriek as his ass was smacked, right on the mark. He gazed up from the floor to see Nate kneeling beside him, hand extended. “Did you just spank me?!”
“Got you to shut up, didn’t it?” Nate smirked. “Besides, you’re definitely a bratty bottom.” He stood and moved over to the weapons. “Hurry up. We got a lot to do today. If you behave, I’ll give you a nice treat, handsome.” He winked at Wade for good measure.
Wade took a deep breath before standing. This was going to be a fun day.
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jackymedan · 7 years
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Friendly Neighborhood Graveyard Florists - JackyMedan (AO3)
A tribute to Dief and Turtle's epic friendship in which they "save the day" together \o/
The dSSS Authors are revealed \o/! So it’s finally time to post my stuff here as well :)) this was my main gift assignment for @lookturtles who requested "anything involving Dief and Turtle's epic friendship and Turtle saving the day", and for some reason my brain decided I had to do something with Dief's love of flowers (or "keen interest in horticulture" to put it in Fraser's words) and wouldn't let it go, so I combined the two things and this happened :')...
P.s. Thank you to @clevermanka for the beta and support <3.
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adder24 · 5 years
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Wet Fantasey
I said I’d return ;). Enjoy everyone.
Images used for this delightful manip 
Tom Diver Tom Daley
@nuggsmum @izhunny @vegetarianvampireduck @detective-fiasco @quoting-shakespeare-to-ducks @enchantedbyhiddles @angelus80 @lookturtles @littletime67 @mother-of-a-murder @problemwithtrouble @hakimo2015 @angryschnauzer @frenchfrostpudding @bonnie131313 @prplprincez @purpleshield1548 @myfriendtheurbanlegend
Tag on as many people as you want, go nuts, spread the word. Make fics. Knock yourselves out
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byrdnight · 7 years
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eyy @lookturtles ,i did that first suggestion of yours. tbh its not my best but i wanted to get some art out as fast as i could.
the couch cuddling one is coming up too. just havent started inking yet
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gottaread2 · 6 years
Hello! I saw this writer tag game and thought maybe you would like to participate? But, of course, no pressure! Have a nice day :3 10 words/phrases meme Rules: list 10 words/phrases that have something to do with your work(s) in progress and then tag 10 people to do the same.
I'm not sure I understand the rules but I'm going to try it :D
1. Fairytale 
2. Fox grapes
3. Love will thaw a frozen heart
4. Wake up alone
5. Orphan
6. Down memory lane
7. Familiar
8. Speak of the devil
9. Soulmate
10. Piano
Tagging @mordredllewelynjones @lookturtles @zebrashavestripes @vicarious-rebel @afirefromheaven @ anyone else who wants to play
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space-prophet · 7 years
Tagged by @storyhorsedork Thanks Dorky!
1st : tag 9 people you’d like to get know better Alright! I tag @abominablebride @rainbowfunnk @saltyskychild @the-dank-hindu-kush @violetinfidel @lookturtles @war-clerics @mink0wski @cvtebot
2nd : BOLD those statements that are true for you
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone (i used to)
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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