wifiwuxians · 5 months
It's like minus 6 here and we had a ton of snow so in the spirit, could I propose a Song Lan? 🥺💕-☆
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
looking up anything about gallifreyan physiology is fun bc its really just. you could say literally anything and its probably true about them
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my 250th post on this account was me thirsting after a nazi crocodile. this definitely fits but i’m not quite sure how
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Brax’s comprehensive guide to caring for Theta Sigma
1) Don’t kill the loomling
2) Don’t let the loomling get himself killed
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What does a traditional family/House dynamic look like, especially in terms of children?
[Does the whole House live in one large building, or is the House more of a common family space? Are children usually cared for by their parents, or is child minding more of a communal responsibility along the lines of "it takes a village to raise a child"? Etc.] < please treat these questions as additional questions like the ones on a school test that the teacher puts in to make sure that the student understands the original big question. I only included them so you could know what I meant when I say "House/family dynamic", because I know that can be confusing
Gosh, I wish you'd have written my exams.
What does a traditional family/House dynamic look like?
Houses are both residences and familial hubs containing a lot of related Gallifreyans. Here's what the dynamic typically looks like, especially when it comes to raising children:
🏠 Brief House Overview
First, a bit of context - Gallifreyan Houses are huge, often sentient structures. They're designed to support entire extended families, often containing multiple generations.
Interior Design: Houses often have high ceilings, large rooms, and sprawling corridors. This setup is on purpose - designed to make newly loomed Gallifreyans feel like children (many loomlings are created with fully-grown adult bodies).
Living Spaces: Houses contain individual bedrooms, communal living spaces, and operational facilities such as the Loomshed. They also have their own crypts for dead House members.
Animated Features: The Houses often have animated furniture, which, if not properly trained, might chase people around. Paintings whisper at passing cousins, and Druges, large automated humanoid servants, roam the premises, performing various duties.
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family Dynamics
Gallifreyan families tend to be large and very hierarchical, with cousins, aunts, uncles, and other relatives living under the same roof. There's a strong thread of communal responsibility and shared upbringing when it comes to childrene (childe = singular, childrene = plural):
Childcare: Childrene are typically cared for by a combination of their parents and other relatives. Parents are present and will look after their child, performing the usual trips out to the galactic zoo or whatever.
Education: The responsibility for education and upbringing is communal, with older House members playing a significant role in brainbuffing (the educational process designed to shape young Gallifreyan minds). This is supported by the help of Avatroids - mechanical beings who were (basically) enslaved by the Time Lords. The boy Doctor had his own personal Avatroid named Badger, whose job it was to protect and educate him.
Communal Responsibilities: Given the House's size and structure, childcare is often a collective effort. The extended family takes part in guiding the children's education and development, with the aim of instilling a sense of duty and obedience ie. House values.
🧒 Children and Brainbuffing
As mentioned, childrene undergo brainbuffing, a rigorous educational process that equips them with a ton of knowledge before they step out into the big wide world. This process involves both formal schooling and informal training at home.
Early Education: During the first eight years, childrene are educated in writing, culture, mathematics, and science, surpassing the knowledge level of many human college students. Extended family members play a significant role in this process.
Traditional Activities: Despite the emphasis on duty, childrene can happily engage in activities like lushberrying and playing with onion dolls. However, there are no playgrounds on Gallifrey due to the focus on obedience.
Communal Upbringing: The entire House contributes to the upbringing, fostering a strong sense of community and collective responsibility.
🔥Then Comes Life
At the age of eight, children are snatched away from all of this and put into Chapter Academies away from their Houses and families for around 200 years. Bummer.
🏫 So ...
Gallifreyan Houses blend family living with communal responsibilities. They focus on fostering a sense of duty and service, with a significant emphasis on education and discipline. While parents play a crucial role in raising childrene, the communal approach ensures that every child has a network of support and guidance throughout their early years, which is then completely turned on its head.
Hope that helped! 😃
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doctordefinitearticle · 2 months
What?? How do you even know— Time Lords cannot reproduce the same way humans do. The only way for one or more time lords to have a child is looming. Although there might be ways to do it like you humans do... But it's far more complex. Looms or Breeding Engines are specifically designed for it and do most of the work. The parent(s) of the loomling only have to rearrange its genes and give it a name. Then they are mostly free of worry for a certain amount of time. When the time is right they take the loomling out and take care of it.
Extremely simple, really!
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raspberry-gloaming · 4 months
Looms - love 'em, hate 'em, neutral on the subject, everyone seems to have an opinion on looms. So I thought I'd write down my own thoughts and headcanons on the subject:
For me, looms are totally a thing - I find it makes Time Lord society more interesting and more alien, more removed from humans. I also think if those very conservative gasp how scandalous they showed a kneecap guys could, they would totally eliminate the requirement for physical reproduction. I don't think they have lost the ability to reproduce, just that its seen as very strange, and odd, and lesser. Why would you do that? Also could lead to more looking down on species that do reproduce without technology as lesser, which is very on brand for those guys. It would also cause a stronger divide between the elite Time Lords and the higher class and the lower classes on Gallifrey, who don't have access to such tech. Hence, time lords tooting their own horn about yet another thing.I feel that it really works with some plot points.
For example, with Pandora, I think it really works with her genetically manipulating Romana's bloodline. Especially if you see looming as something that includes genetic modification, or a process linked to the matrix, which of course with her and her access... Also with the idea of the Timeless Child, I think that looming would really work as a way to avoid having to explain where this new child has come from. If natural reproduction with birth was a thing, having to explain the existence of a new child after no pregnancy or whatever could be a bit complicated. Not great for such a secretive secret. But with looms - all neat and tidy, no explanation to why you've shown up to the house one day with a new kid. Depending on whether you believe the Doctor's parents knew about this, they might not even have to know. Put in your loom application, put in the DNA and genetic modifications necessary, come back to pick up your new kid! With an organisation with as much influence and control as Division, would it be so hard to pretend this baby is the parents' new loomling?
Additionally, if reproduction like humans was the case - how would regeneration and pregnancy work? If the carrier, the biological mother regenerated, would the baby die? Survive? Or would they regenerate too, if you're someone that believes Time Lords are born able to regenerate, and don't gain it at a later date, such as at the Schism or graduation. And what if the parent changed to male?
And now on to my headcanons:
Children on Gallifrey come out as babies, I'm not a fan of the arrive as adults thing personally
A child can have the genetic input of more than two individuals, but two core individuals would commonly act as the main base. Those two would be treated as the "parents" and other, possibly unrelated individuals would be seen kinda like aunts and uncles? to the child. but its hard to equate stuff to human familial relationships
All of these individuals, however, would be seen as grandparents (again, just a human-relative term that doesn't fully equate) to any (of course, loomed) children of the child. This means that the Doctor may have been seen as a parent, or primary caretaker for Susan's parent, but may not have done. This also is why the Thirteenth Doctor has I think she mentioned having seven grandmothers? In It Takes You Away.
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presidentromana · 11 months
Meta: Time Lord Names, Looms, and Classism
Sequel to this post and relevant to 
Looming headcanons inspired by @charamei’s Looms and caste system metas 
I like the fanon idea of name length being in some way related to class, that there are some kind of rules when it comes to naming loomlings. Maybe the High Houses get extra syllables. Maybe they get extra special syllables that can be passed on like a noble title, for example Dvora in Romana’s name could be related to how she called herself heir to Dvora and custodian of Everstone 
Some evidence to fit this connection between class and length: Romanadvoratrelundar is nine syllables, Narvinectralonum is six, Elboncaveldron (five), Andredaselus/Andredocelus (four or five?), Hallanoberen (five), Darkelatraquisterastred (eight), Teranwynterestimount/Tungwynteristimount (six/seven) 
So we’ve got two members of the Chancellery with four-five, which fits with the vibe of the Chancellery being a working class-ish job at the foot-soldier level. Romana and Darkel are characters we know are considered upper-class by virtue of their birth, not just their jobs- I believe there’s some reference to House Jurisprudence being Great/High. Wynter’s in-between which fits with him being Chancellery but in a high up position within it. We don’t even know what Narvin’s House is called and its complete lack of mention/relevance I feel points more towards Narvin being a rare example of social mobility than him being from the same kind of background as Romana, and six syllables would fit with that. 
Sartiacaradinora is eight which I can argue fits with my very specific headcanon of "Sartia's House is ancient and ought to be respectable but alas, the Great Vampire Groupies" 
(It’s more random in the novels, there are a lot of longer names there like Ruathadvorophrenaltid or Pralamandavarvar, and they’re more likely to reuse chunks of previous canon names like Cavisadoratrelundar) 
Anyway, to circle back to the question of how inheritance might work in Houses that can have as many as fifty cousins 
With so many cousins and a lack of nuclear family structure, inheritance can’t work the same as it does on Earth, but we could make sense of references to titles and heirs through biodata donors. 
When a Gallifreyan dies, their House now has an open spot to make a new loomling. It’s probably highly highly illegal to loom one without that spot because in a society where you can make kids by machine and those kids are nigh immortal, you really do need a method of population control, and with Gallifrey’s authoritarianism they’d come down really hard on anything that threatens that. 
Gallifreyans, either from your House or from other Houses, apply to loom a child using that spot. At least one person in the application is probably from a different House for genetic diversity. Two people applications are the most common simply because it’s easiest to make an alliance of two, but it’s not unusual to have applications from three or four people who intend to create a child together. I’m sure sometimes their reasons are for the purposes or romance or genuinely wanting to raise a child as its own objective, but amongst the Time Lords at least, it’s more commonly about: 
-inter-House alliances
-social climbing, looming a child in a House more respectable than your own 
-social standing, having a child who successfully graduates and attains a good position in society reflects well on you  
The more respectable the House, the more applications they’ll get and the more choosy they get to be, which also becomes a powerful way to enforce social norms. A Time Lord who marries a non Time Lord Gallifreyan wants to have a child? Maybe they’re rejected by all the Time Lord Houses and they have to go with a House with the same level of social power as the least privileged of the couple, massively affecting the privilege that their child is born into. Or if you’re a Gallifreyan who marries a human and want to loom a child? Good luck. So if you take the novel canon of Leela wanting a child (but ignore the weird infertility cure), no wonder Andred and Leela never do loom one. 
Anyway, if you do successfully get a slot, the loom can combine biodata from living people but then probably also takes from the APC net, the pool of dead Time Lords, because of the whole Pandora/the Other situations. Does it take their biodata? Or something more to do with their mental patterns, their psyche?
And that’s how Time Lords can have cousins but also parents outside the House system, who might pass down inherited titles and the like, maybe Romana’s biodata donors have connections to Dvora & Everstone, leading to the Dvora in her name and the extra titles she mentions. 
And here’s some more thoughts on the topic and how it can play into classist power structures horribly well, in the form of a conversation between me and @magicofthepen 
I think there could be something to the idea that you can have less syllables the more kids you're the primary biodonor for, to discourage people from overcontributing their biodata- this could be why Romana seems to have an extra syllable even compared to other High Housers- at some point, one of her ancestors got allotted an extra syllable for being Rassilon's special little boy or something, and gets to pass that down to the first loomling they donate biodata to
and then that penalises people who are not High House and start out with a five syllable name to begin with, if they want to primarily contribute to three children the third would only have three syllables, the horror! whereas if someone like Romana was the primary contributor to 3 children, the third would still have a respectable 7 syllables
huh the idea that only the first child someone is a primary biodonor for can have more syllables is interesting…..even if it was meant to discourage one person from looming too many kids, it would in effect create more status for eldest siblings (well, not necessarily siblings in the way we think of it, but you know) — so potentially youngest “siblings” could have less status in their name than an eldest sibling in a lower class House.
if the first-loomed children of biodonors inherit the most status, is there implicit pressure for *those* children in particular to apply to loom children when they’re old enough and space is available? or would that only be the case when looming is kept more in House, or within a few Houses, so the Reputation of the entire line is more of a thing? if someone has already been a primary donor before, does that mean their might have to apply to a lower House the next time, because their second or third or fourth child wouldn’t have the status becoming of a High Houser? (I would assume that would be the case, although obviously when the tipping point would be would vary bc like you said, someone like Romana could be a biodonor for a few children and those kids would still be high status bc she’s got more syllables than most)
and then wait you’re likely to end up with the younger children of more upper class Gallifreyans in lower Houses, pushing out the children of the people who *were* in that House bc their youngest kids won’t be high status enough for the House anymore. it’s like gentrification, but with having kids. the biodata of the upper classes keeps encroaching on the lower classes, and once you hit bottom — oops you’re too low status to have kids. more “we can’t let Certain People have too many kids” eugenics vibes.
which is also connected to the basic premise of “if you’re upper class, you’re allowed to have more kids — technically, as many as you have syllables.” if you’re lower class, tough luck.
Yes! And doing it this way rather than outright banning it also allows for the plausible deniability of subtle inequalities, whereas it would be really blunt and obvious if it was a legally mandated limit tied to your status  
“well, *everyone* is penalized for having more kids, *every* next kid along gets one syllable reduced, see it’s fair” 
And i think the amount of pressure would be specific to the person and the lineage, but there's probably implicit pressure for people of eight or nine syllable names to contribute their biodata at least once, and someone w nine syllables, assuming they graduated the Academy with reasonable grades and have a reasonably respectable job, would have their pick of looming spots. There’d be a lot of pressure on someone like Romana to do well and live up to expectations, it'd be such a waste if a nine syllable student flaked out of the Academy
which is funny because it's completely a social construct, Romana having nine syllables doesn't make her any more likely to be successful! but social constructs are powerful. omg what if the reason Pandora decided that it was the perfect time to go ahead with her plan because she liked the idea of her heir having the super long name 😄
and yes, that's exactly where that policy would end up! And it's a way to give kids more value in a world where you can make them by machine unlike here where there is an inherent biological cost to children- the stress to the body, dangers of childbirth, and the time it takes to create a child. 
Under this system, if someone really wants to tick "have a child who passes the academy, becomes a time lord, and gets at least a semi respectable job" off their bucketlist, they'd really rather do it on their first try when they can give the kid the maximum amount of status they're capable of, each attempt after that is going to have diminishing returns until it gets simply too embarrassing to loom another, their name being so short would be proof of their failure
like hypothetically if one of Romana’s biodonors was a primary biodonor to three more kids, the last would have the same number of syllables as Narvin. but if the idea is that bc of that no one would do that in practice…..hmm this is growing on me as another means of population control — in this case, making sure the limited spots that open for looming a child aren’t always taken by the same person. (I suppose you *could* just outright ban contributing your biodata to lots of kids, but possibly this way there’s a trickle down effect — maybe the younger kids with less status would be less likely to be approved as biodonors themselves, at least to a House of a similar class status as the one they’re from. (although again, I suppose banning would still serve the same purpose, and in a more clean cut way, but also the social implications here are fascinating)
Mm it's interesting, cos it's all very sci fi on one hand, on the other, "lower class people are penalised for having more children" is just human society too. There's the stereotype of working class people having more kids than they can support and a strong sentiment of crippling poverty as a just punishment for that, the stereotype of middle class people sticking with a small amount of children they can fully support, and then the uber rich having lots of children and having the resources to give all of them trust funds and nannies 
and oooh yes you’re very right about the *pressure* then on eldest children, they have the best social odds of any of their biodonors’ kids and they had better *use* those odds and make the House and their biodonors proud
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I want to write thoschei fanfic so bad, unfortunately I have yet to watch any classic who to get a substantial grasp on the Academy Era stuff, and the fandom wiki’s not covering it. So, I have a few questions, for anyone willing to answer them:
1) do we know the names of any of the time lords that would have taught the Deca?
2) when did Rassilon attend the academy?
3) is Vortasaur riding a major thing at time lord academy, or is that just a random thing the first Doctor mentions?
4) how do time lord telepathic bonds work?
5) what are tardis cradles and why do time tots occasionally form a bond with a tardis?
6) what is with the time lord loomlings, and why are they born fully grow adults?
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 months
Good day. I have an idea for a short story based off of your muse and your AU. Though not interested in Roleplay, I would like some pointers about the character.
The premise is Teine deciding to mess with a mentally unstable supersoldier who helped him fight the cybermen during his seventh incarnation.
Given the involvment of seven, I am curious about how your Muse relates to seven as a past incarnation.
In this specific story, I am using a slightly altered design of the Muse in that rather than being Nyarlathotep directly, instead he was a normal gallifreyan, but started to mutate/change during his seventh incarnation. He doesn't know why. This will be mystery played with in the story.
Anyway, Any pointers/tips about this story concept?
For Teine's Seventh incarnation, I primarily go with Seven's TV era + the Virgin New Adventures novels written by Dave Stone.
It's very heavily implied in Classic Who with Seven that the Doctor had ties to the foundation of Time Lord society, back before they were the Doctor. (This mostly comes up in Remembrance of the Daleks and Silver Nemesis.) Seven mutters "and didn't we have trouble with the prototype" regarding the Hand of Omega (before correcting himself when called on this by Ace), and flat-out tells Davros that he is "far more than just another Time Lord".
Lungbarrow by Marc Platt runs with this and reveals that the Doctor is basically the reincarnation (so to speak; it's complicated) of the Other, a Gallifreyan who might not have actually been a Gallifreyan, that was erased from Time Lord history and was one of the founding Triumvirate of Time Lord society along with Rassilon and Omega. After Rassilon became increasingly paranoid and power-hungry, the Other eventually threw themselves into the Loom and was reborn thousands (if not millions) of years later as the Gallifreyan who would go on to become the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor.
The Seventh Doctor novels written by Dave Stone outright show that the Doctor is very much not an ordinary Gallifreyan and is this massive eldritch thing from another universe that goes exploring around the universe in a Gallifreyan form. It's heavily implied that the Doctor is Nyarlathotep, but this is never outright stated.
I go with Teine outright being Nyarlathotep because 1) I like eldritch cosmic horror in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft (without actually being written by Lovecraft, because fuck that guy); 2) it's fun for me to play around with.
Though, this was not how I originally wrote xem. I didn't find out about the whole Doctor Nyarlathotep concept until I'd been writing Teine for around a year, got deep into the expanded universe with the Eighth Doctor Adventures novels and Faction Paradox, and stumbled onto Dr. Nyarlathotep from there. Loved it, decided to incorporate it into my RP muse (and some of my Doctor Who fics). Before then I was primarily familiar with the revival series, the New Series Adventures novels with Nine and Ten, and some of the Classic serials with Four, Five, Three, and Seven that were on DVD at my local library.
In this specific story, I am using a slightly altered design of the Muse in that rather than being Nyarlathotep directly, instead he was a normal gallifreyan, but started to mutate/change during his seventh incarnation. He doesn't know why. This will be mystery played with in the story.
The Doctor has so much other stuff in their biodata at this point that this is totally plausible. Faction Paradox fucks around with Eight's biodata at one point and alters his history from when he was a Loomling; they go back and kill Three on the planet Dust way before Three regenerates in TV canon, etc. The Master in the 1996 movie exclaims at one point that "The Doctor is half-human!" (this was mocked to no end in the expanded universe and revival series). One of the EDAs has Team TARDIS meeting a group of wartime Time Lords that look like Elder Things. Interference has a freak show made up of a Gallifreyan priest's 13 incarnations, and the last one is a sentient timeline.
Going back even earlier, there's the Doctor's fight with Mobius, and a whole bunch of unknown faces flash onscreen that are all but stated to be previous incarnations of the Doctor that he has zero memory of.
One through Six had no memory of their previous lives from before they were the Doctor. Seven is the only incarnation that really seems to remember it. As for why that is... it's anybody's guess.
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deathxproof-archive · 9 months
Honestly being an accidental little loomling of Theta, Koschei, and Ushas truly explains a lot about Arkytior / Susan. Little fucking Gallifreyan freak. All of their best and worst bubbling up inside of her. No idea how to person. They made a real normal one.
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queen-of-meows · 7 months
WIP Wednesday Friday
Thank you for the tag, @insert-witty-user-name-here !
I haven't managed to write a line this week ^^'. But last Saturday I wrote 500-ish words of Innocet's War. Sorry, this is not Loki or any fandom you are part of, but I'll post it anyways !
The ocher sands of Cadon Valley twitched erratically in the wind, skipping frames on their linear trajectory, sometimes glitching a few seconds in the future, then a few seconds in the past. The dark orange sky was partly obscured by the fumes and dust from the battle above. The stench of artificially aged Dalekanium was lingering in the air, forcing Innocet to cover her face with her veil. In her arms, little Segred was still unconscious.
Back to where everything had started, barely a few months ago from Innocet's perspective.
Her thumb caressed the rugged edge of paperback book she was holding while balancing Segred on her shoulder . She hoped Alice would show less hostility if she presented herself on her own, humbled by the journey. And materializing a TARDIS inside the House's walls would have surely alerted the Housekeeper. Just thinking about the old lady on the other side of the high walls filled her mind with fog. It was just an illusion of her brain, the Blinovitch effect did not work like this.
She had to be careful with how her current time intertwined with her past days. It was a one way exchange between future and past. Allowing herself to look behind her shoulder and bask in the warm light of nostalgia could compromise her whole carefully crafted loop.
She walked around the ivy covered walls of the orchard, bouncing Segred up on her shoulder everytime she felt her grip loosen. The malnourished little girl barely wighted anything but Innocet was exhausted. She had not been able to rest properly since her regeneration. She leant against the wall and closed her eyes. She could not feel Alice, no matter how hard she tried. The silence was terrifying her. What if the House did not answer ? What if she didn't let her in ?
At the same moment, Housekeeper Innocet and her Cousins were busy with the lost soldier the Loomlings had taken in. Innocet sat on the dirt, clenching to Segred as sadness crashed on her by surprise like a tide wave. The ones she loved were so close, almost at arms lenght, and yet she was unable to reach them. So much had happened within a few weeks. And centuries were compressed within the last 24 hours. She was tired, so tired and she was not sure she would be able to find the secret passengeway hidden behind the thick folliage. Wasn't it ironic ? Once upon a time she had dreaded those few missing stones, one of the many temptations on her young Cousin's path to desobedience and dishonor.
She sighed and lied Segred on her robe, propping her little head against her stomach. She stroked the tar black hair, running her fingers along the little girl's head. From the tip of her thumb, she could almost feel the dark shapes of the nightmares playing in this little head like a never ending midnight movie show.
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rosandguilarehead1968 · 3 months
the doctor's talking about an early memory when he was very young. barely a loomling.... let's all appreciate the word loomling. somethibg very satisfying about it
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seryyart · 4 months
Meet The Artist 2023 [Часть 1]
Мой референс на 100% идентичен тому, как я выглядел в реальности тогда. Я сделал версию только на английском, потому что считал в русскоязычном сегменте этот мем не очень популярен.
Meet The Artist 2023 [Part 1]
My reference is 100% identical to how I looked in reality then. I didn't make Meet The Artist on my native language, because in my country this trend is not very popular.
Font: Looml
Background pic by: my mate
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loomledofficial · 3 years
Aluminium B22 Cap For Led Bulb in Delhi
The Edison screw cap is known after the inventor of the Edison solar sphere and is universally used for applications. the popular cap design for LED lamps is that the Push Pin, which consists of two parallel pins. this is often the standard choice for light bulb caps worldwide, making it the foremost distinctive beautiful screw B22 Cap for LED lamps.
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Small Edison screw caps are commonly used rather than E26 screw caps in LED Light Bulb designs. it's 14mm in diameter and widely employed in UK and Europe. This coating isn't identical because the 26mm "E26" designed for the US 120V market.
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Is it possible for two Time Lords from different houses to loom a child together? Would it pose a threat to the loomling's health? Which House would the said loomling belong to?
Inter-house Reproduction
🧬 Feasibility
It's technically possible for Time Lords from different Houses to combine their genetic material in a loom. The looms, after all, are just there to take biodata models and turn them into people. There's no health risk to the loomling due to the cross-House genetics, as the loom can't produce something from biodata that isn't viable and - shock/horror - Gallifreyans of all classes and social standings are the same at the most basic level.
🏡 House Affiliation
The House affiliation of the loomling is a bit more complicated. It would likely depend on several factors:
Loom Origin: The parents need to decide which House's loom they're going to use. This is important, as the child will take on that House's biological affiliation, including the markers and maybe some traits.
Parental Influence: The dominant House of the contributing parents might play a role. If one parent's House has a more substantial influence or standing, the parents might decide to have them affiliated with that House.
Political Considerations: The decision could also be influenced by political manoeuvring or agreements between the Houses involved.
🚫 Taboo and Politics
The union of two different Houses to produce a loomling could stir up some political and social tensions. There could be concerns about blending lineages, sharing secrets or traits unique to each House, or even upsetting the balance of power. This act could be seen as a powerful symbol of unity or a contentious move, depending on the Houses involved.
Hope that helped! 😃
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