#lor hcs
ruinaimagines · 2 years
YIPPEE WELCOME BACK AGAIN wishing u luck on those new requests!! hope u dont mind me sending what i think id sent back then, which was a request for a scenario on zena and an s/o who doesnt realize shes an arbiter :] thank u....
Funnily enough I actually was working on this a while back before I wiped my ask box. So now I have a use for the unfinished writing I had. Thank you for the welcome back.
Oblivious S/O and Zena Headcanons:
She is absolutely baffled on how you just seem to be completely ignorant of anything pointing to her status. It’s not like you’re arrogant, or aren’t observant.. It just won’t click??
When the two of you are together you will comment on how people seem to be staring at you weirdly, but it just doesn’t really cross your mind on why. In fact, you’ll even check how you look or what you’re wearing, completely disregarding the fact it might be because of her.
So it becomes a little bit of a challenge for her and turns into probably the funnest part of her week. See just how far she can push the limits until you finally come to the realization. This is the main motivator between her continuing to meet with you.
Zena doesn’t really try to hide the fact she’s an arbiter either. She’ll wear her uniform or similar outfits with that signature hexagonal pattern that seem to be a clear giveaway.. To everyone but you that is.
There was actually a time you wanted to take her to this restaurant that was really nice. Unfortunately, it was in a pretty nasty part of the backstreets, so you had to tread carefully. But surprisingly, it was a completely peaceful walk.
In fact the staff must’ve felt super nice on that day because they discounted the price of your food! That’s never happened before. You were happy though that it did when you had a friend along with you, hopefully that made a good impression!
They did seem a bit nervous though when serving, and it was more quiet than usual.. Maybe there was some suspicious activity going around? You weren’t too sure, but mainly you tried to focus on your conversation with Zena.
She finds you so fascinating even when you tell the most mundane stories. You could be talking about your laundry and she would be extremely immersed. She’s just never had someone be so.. Uninfluenced by her before, and she wants to learn more about you.
Unsurprisingly, Zena can be pretty confident and egotistical some of the time. She is aware of the power she is capable of and has no issue using it to get what she wants. Hardly ever has someone of sane mind opposed her. 
But you don’t really have a problem with disagreeing when you think it’s fit to do so. Perhaps you’re a bit more compassionate than she is (the bar isn’t really set high) and you aren’t really fond of her ways with going about certain things. Murder and blackmail are some of her go-to’s which can be pretty problematic.
At first I can see her being a bit irritated, but after taking an actual moment, she’s more appreciative. Now it’s a 50/50 on whether or not she’ll really change what she’s doing based on what you say, but once you get past her pride it’s almost refreshing to have someone feel comfortable enough to say what’s on their mind.
And say what’s on your mind you do. Honestly, in the nicest way possible, she’s heard some of the stupidest things come out of your mouth. It greatly contrasts with her very in depth, thorough way of speaking.
It’s really funny to hear you bring up news and things that she had a direct hand in without even realizing. For example, a workshop had recently been shut down for blatantly violating strictly enforced laws. It wasn’t specified what exactly was inside, but it was enough to get it transported to the outskirts.
You’d discuss it with her, ‘Man the Head is wild, wonder what was bad enough inside that it made them that pissed.’ And she would only smile and nod. Because she was there, and she knows exactly why. 
Very frequently she will have a gift for you when you meet, and it’s always of such high quality that you feel bad she spent so much on it. Though she assures you it was no big deal (cause it wasn’t).
Sometimes though she gets gifts of things you wanted that you didn’t recall telling her about. It’s a bit weird at times, but hey who’s gonna complain about free stuff? Most of her time her reasoning is that you forgot you told her about it.
One time you happened to be in the same time and place that she had some business in (Whether or not that was a coincidence is still to be determined). All you knew is that there was some form of havoc leading to people being afraid and fleeing. 
You, however, did not know what was said cause of chaos, you only knew to get out of there. So of course you’re going to panic when you see Zena casually resting on a bench, wide out in the open, filing her nails. After all, you don’t want her to get caught up in whatever is happening.
Well, you just keep being bold don’t you? Honestly it’s to the point it’s self-endangering, but maybe that’s what makes you so amusing to her.
Unsurprisingly to the audience, she is very casual about the whole situation. You, on the other hand, are freaking out because hey.. There’s people screaming and running and dying and you don’t want her to get mauled by something.
She just keeps smiling at you with this funny look on her face. You’re grateful she’s calm and not panicking but she just seems a little too amused by this whole situation. Better than being horrified.. Right???
Eventually she lets you grab onto her arm and drag her along to wherever you deemed would be a safe spot for you two. One person even yelled at you to ‘Get out of there unless you had a death wish’. Kind of rude but probably had good intentions. You weren’t really sure what ‘there’ was, but the general message was that where you were standing wasn’t really safe.
So the two of you are huddling in cover within the ruins of a building as you repeatedly stare past some blinds on a window out into the street. Weirdly enough, nothing really seemed to be happening.
A person did happen to emerge, one that you were ready to tackle if it was needed. A strange figure with a large metal-plated looking claw and a similar mask with strange vats of liquids attached to them.
Zena claimed that it was a work partner of hers who happened to be in the same area, and told you to remain there and that she would return soon after talking to him. 
When she did return, she smiled and commented on “Well, aren’t you rather thick-headed?” only for your utterly baffled response. You weren’t sure whether you should be offended or not. She only chuckled and the two of you departed from the location.
You’d have to figure it out someday, but until then Zena was willing to push the limits to see just what she could get away with.
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hongluboobs · 5 days
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Twitter really liked this one so u guys get it too (with additional context from Twitter in the frame
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maimaimelle · 6 months
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[reblog > like}
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uniquezombiedestiny · 6 months
headcanons for any random projmoon character NOW!!!! /not forcing
i think she occasionally likes (liked?) to visit the abnos when it's too late for anyone to be seeing/noticing her. even now she holds lots of thoughts and maybe love, understanding, etc for them.
there was a comic of her falling asleep and roland noticing that she's human enough to do so. truest shit ever i loved it
malkuth stims!! clicks her pen, doodles, and flips notebook pages a lot. i think hods a swayer like me (sways side to side/forward and back a lot of the time, it comes naturally/automatically now lol). and netz too!! oh and hod plays with her hair when stressed/nervous/etc, also like me. feel like yesod would tap his feet and fingers a bunch, more discreet ways of stimming and usually to a melody.
didnt think id have many hcs, since i often dont + theyre not too jarring from canon. well except some but thats not the pm games so <3
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stardustshimmer · 10 months
HC: Magolor wakes up in the middle of every night because either Marx or a Waddle Dee will sneak into the Lor for food.
Have a good day, Stardust! :D
He’ll be woken up by something falling and be like, “welp, time to get the broom again…”
(Thank you! You too! <3)
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lcftyambiticns · 2 months
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DISCLAIMER: Toxic. I imagine Lorroakan to be a selfish lover who has yet to learn to love selflessly. These HCs are quite general and may vary depending on who he's with. NSFW HEADCANONS
➣ Lor is very jealous and possessive. He believes he is entitled to his partner's undivided attention and unwavering devotion. Even though he'd never admit/acknowledge it, there's an underlying fear of rejection and loss, which fuels these beliefs.
➣ Lorroakan, on the other hand, doesn't return the same level of devotion. There are times when he becomes consumed by his own pursuits, becoming distant, detached and (sometimes unintentionally) neglects his partner.
➣ It's difficult to coax him out of his shell when when he's like that, and chances are he will snap at you and be an ass. "Can't you see I'm busy? Your incessant pestering is becoming tiresome, you know?!"
➣ Lor can be extremely toxic if his partner doesn't know how to rein him in. He knows their vulnerabilities, their insecurities, and he's not above exploiting them.
➣ If he feels insecure about their relationship, if he feels threatened or overshadowed by them, if he feels like his partner isn't paying the attention to him they should, he will chip away at their confidence, making them doubt their worth. Sometimes with veiled insinuations, venom disguised as honey; sometimes he'd point out their "flaws" pretty straightforwardly.
➣ He wants to make them feel like they wouldn't find anyone as good as him. Ever.
➣ Lorroakan simply cannot stomach the thought of being abandoned. If push comes to shove, he'll do whatever it takes to keep his lover with him, even if it means sinking his claws into them, just to ensure they won't slip away.
Lorroakan's love is, as I already mentioned, SELFISH; driven by his own desires (and insecurities) rather than the well-being of his partner. It's a love that seeks to possess rather than to nurture, to control rather than to support.
That said, I absolutely think that he has the capacity to grow and evolve (yey, redemption arcs) if he's with the right person. ♡
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chikos-workshop · 1 year
SHOP UPDATE - Lunar New Year Special Sale!!
Featuring a lot of colorful keychains and a restock :3c
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First, A hotel keychain design based on a certain room in HC 3 and a restock of the Mind Library design, this time printed correctly now!
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Colorful keychains also up for sale! Featuring the Science Gang (Bennett, Felix, Florence) and a cynical arbiter <3.
Lastly, celebrate the new year with 15% off orders over $10!
Deal available from Jan 22nd to Jan 26th!
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cauli-flawa · 8 months
Taranza insults people with bouquets
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nostalgic-muffins · 6 months
vrrrrr starts up car vrrrrrrrrrr T4T MINOMAFU vrrrrrrrRRRR drives away, leaving tire tracks all over the road, debris from buildings fall upon where i just drove as i disappear into the sunset behind the debris, never to be seen again
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yanlei-a · 1 year
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this is his fave son and his fave daughter
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angeltannis · 6 months
“transmasc headcanons are celebrated” Where do you live. How can I go there
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sammyloomis · 1 year
it was kinda funny hearing the word slag in borderlands for the first time because its a slang word in the uk, and then they went and had their “british” character use it as an in-universe slang term too
for context, in real life, the word slag in the uk is basically the equivalent of “slut”, so hearing lor very loudly say “SLAG ME, YOUVE GOT SOME GOOD TIMING” was pretty funny
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maimaimelle · 8 months
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okay ykw. credit to my boyfriend for making these absolute atrocities to mankind.
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vaugarde · 1 year
king dedede @ magolor after arriving on halcandra
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#egg engines is kinda a hellscape LMAO#dangerous dinner aint much better#its either abandoned mechanical wasteland full of sewage or Lava Place#no wonder he just stays inside the lor all the time#this actually factors into my own hcs abt him actually like. he grew up on halcandra so long after the ancients left it decrepit#and he grew up being told stories abt their exploits and abt galactic nova and hes named after the lor itself#(hes trans in my hc but didnt change his name bc he likes the honor and its not gendered)#so he expected to be just like the wizards who came before him and trained all hus life but ultimately was judt a shadow of what they were#and his planet is near uninhabitable and he also grew up alone after a point in time#so he wanted to live somewhere else but bc his ego is so inflated by him being a descendant hes like. a conquerer and a bitch#this isnt me woobifying him hes still a villain in the first game very much but he’s egotistical and has no people skills#and he thinks hes supposed to be this grand inventor wizard who everyone should bow down to#hes got a complex is what im saying#and he was wayyyy in over his head and he literally nearly dies from the master crowns possession#echoed voice#also think hes really close to the rtdl gang and lor post redemption bc theyre the first real friends hes ever had#i mean the lor lets him fly it still so i think it likes him. i think it finds him endearing bc it did know the ancients#and hes like…. wow i have friends now. im gonna break my back trying to impress them’’ and builds multiple theme parks#styled after him ofc bc hes still obsessed w himself he just knows not to pull that shit now#rtdl liveblog#damn this was a meme post and i went blorbo mode on magolor sorry. lmao
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stardustshimmer · 10 months
Since Lor is a sapient ship if it wants to it can choose to not move when Maglor wants for it to or make a door not open.
I wanna hc that the Lor can directly talk to Mags. With like, a Siri type voice.
So if the two were to get into an argument with each other, Lor can, like, do what you said just because it’s mad at him.
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deathdxnces · 10 months
the super long hair...... the silk that really serves no practical purpose in her outfit and could in fact easily get caught on things or be used against someone less skilled....... the fact neither of those gets in the way at all because not only she's a very graceful fighter, she's also skilled and effective and no one would even get close enough to do anything with those....
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