#/ he can be the absolute worst smh
lcftyambiticns · 5 months
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DISCLAIMER: Toxic. I imagine Lorroakan to be a selfish lover who has yet to learn to love selflessly. These HCs are quite general and may vary depending on who he's with. NSFW HEADCANONS
➣ Lor is very jealous and possessive. He believes he is entitled to his partner's undivided attention and unwavering devotion. Even though he'd never admit/acknowledge it, there's an underlying fear of rejection and loss, which fuels these beliefs.
➣ Lorroakan, on the other hand, doesn't return the same level of devotion. There are times when he becomes consumed by his own pursuits, becoming distant, detached and (sometimes unintentionally) neglects his partner.
➣ It's difficult to coax him out of his shell when when he's like that, and chances are he will snap at you and be an ass. "Can't you see I'm busy? Your incessant pestering is becoming tiresome, you know?!"
➣ Lor can be extremely toxic if his partner doesn't know how to rein him in. He knows their vulnerabilities, their insecurities, and he's not above exploiting them.
➣ If he feels insecure about their relationship, if he feels threatened or overshadowed by them, if he feels like his partner isn't paying the attention to him they should, he will chip away at their confidence, making them doubt their worth. Sometimes with veiled insinuations, venom disguised as honey; sometimes he'd point out their "flaws" pretty straightforwardly.
➣ He wants to make them feel like they wouldn't find anyone as good as him. Ever.
➣ Lorroakan simply cannot stomach the thought of being abandoned. If push comes to shove, he'll do whatever it takes to keep his lover with him, even if it means sinking his claws into them, just to ensure they won't slip away.
Lorroakan's love is, as I already mentioned, SELFISH; driven by his own desires (and insecurities) rather than the well-being of his partner. It's a love that seeks to possess rather than to nurture, to control rather than to support.
That said, I absolutely think that he has the capacity to grow and evolve (yey, redemption arcs) if he's with the right person. ♡
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
OP Men When You're Injured
Context: I don't mean mortally injured, I'm talking something not too serious that kind of inhibits your movement like a broken bone or recovery from a surgery
Law, Kid, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
A/N: can we get a little commotion for this gif tho?? Why is he so perfect?? 😭
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Law as a doctor is perfectly normal about your injury. He knows with some rest and eventual rehabilitation you'll be just fine. No big deal.
He makes sure you're healing well and comfortable, like he would with any patient
Law as your boyfriend is different.
In the case of an injury with no risk of infection, he'll press a kiss to it. Yes, like he's kissing your boo-boo 🥹
Law does not leave your side. He is your shadow. Where you go, he's right beside you or at the very least in the same room as you.
At first he deadass tries to convince you he's not lingering at all and he's the same as he always is.
But you both know he's lying. He practically moves his office wherever you decide to be for the day.
He can't help himself. What if you fall? What if you reinjure yourself? He's so pressed about the worst case scenarios, and given his past, can you blame him?
He quietly grumbles and pouts about his own "irrational" behavior because he knows in reality you can absolutely go about your day. You're a little slower but you're fine. But he just can't let you. As soon as you start to struggle, he's right beside you offering to help.
If you're aggravated by his hovering, he's twice as annoyed by it. He's literally so frustrated with himself lmao, you might end up having to comfort him instead.
Even if he complains (is it really complaining if he's actually happy lol) you're happy because all this extra time around you makes him extra affectionate. Law snuggles close to you, justifying his closeness by explaining how physical affection can lower cortisol levels.
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Oh Kid smh 😔he has no idea how to treat you so he just decides to behave like everything's normal lmao
Legitimately though, even if a inanimate object is what caused your injury, he's destroying it. Just out of pure fury that you were hurt.
He'll huff when you fall behind or have trouble doing something, but he just can't leave you to suffer
He's a man of action lol so he'll probably end up doing things for you just for efficiency sake. You're walking too slow? He picks you up. Can't grab or hold something? He'll do the whole thing for you and next time you try to do the same thing you find he's made something to make it a lot easier for you while you heal.
Anything you need to assist you he'll happily build.
If you have a cast or anything like that, he's gonna draw all over it (honestly, the whole crew will. You're gonna have the most bad ass cast ever)
He absolutely calls you a baby for wincing or complaining. He doesn't mean it...mostly.
If he's not keeping an eye on you than Killer is.
It's not like he's worried or anything! Fuck you for saying that!! He just doesn't want to hear or see you whining and complaining. It's annoying. Okay, sure Kid.
He genuinely hate seeing you in pain though, even if it's just wincing it reminds him of losing his arm and he never wants you to experience anything close to that.
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Ace is your little emotional support boyfriend...or maybe it's the other way around 🤭.
He'll curl up at your side while you recuperate and completely dozes off.
He takes looking after you very seriously and asks Marco lots of questions, even if there's not a whole lot he can do.
He doesn't pity you, but he does feel really bad. Even if it was just an accident, he hates seeing you limited in any way.
He might accidentally treat you like you're made of glass.
It's just because he cares a lot, and he really doesn't want anything else to happen to you.
Every single morning he wakes up and asks how you're feeling or if you're in any pain.
There's a lot of people on the Moby Dick and accidents happen all the time, so don't be surprised when he literally clears a way for you to traverse around the ship.
I'm not saying he's impatient buuuut he will definitely glare at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?"
He gives you space, but only if you ask for it. He just doesn't want you to feel like you're ever in this alone.
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Luffy is neither patient nor gentle lol but he's extremely loyal
He'll goof off and continue to go on adventures, but he's not gone for long
Even his crew is surprised when tells them he's not going to get distracted because he knows you're back on the Sunny waiting for them.
He's always bringing cool things back to you since you can't do as much as you usually can. Just because you can't be right beside him doesn't mean you have to miss everything.
God bless him he's gonna try to bring you some meat so you'll heal faster 🤭.
He'll absolutely forget you're injured at some point and probably tackle hug you.
The last thing he'll let you do is stay cooped up in bed unless Chopper insists that you have to. Even if you need to rest you can do it right next to him on the head of the Sunny, right?
Exactly like Ace he's going to frown at whatever part of you is injured and say, "Jeez, can you heal up already?!"
He gets whatever you need and probably overdoes it. Need a glass of water? He just straight up brings you the whole barrel.
More is better! Besides, you need to hurry up and get better!
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He's not worried. He's so chill about it, actually. ...Until you start to move around.
The way he switches up is laugh worthy. He goes from nonchalant to overprotective in an instant.
He practically holds his breath as you make your way around the Sunny, watching you like a hawk.
Admittedly, he does tease you a little. He'll grab things for you, but hold them out of your reach or call you a little turtle if you move slower. He thinks it's very cute hehe.
For better or for worse, Zoro's not a hypocrite. He won't hound you to take it easy if you think you're up to a task. Even if Chopper really wishes he would.
He still won't leave you though, unless you're resting and stationary, he's by your side.
Zoro is your attack dog boyfriend. There's no way anyone (*ahem* Luffy) is fooling around too close to you. There's not going to be a chance you could get hurt more or reinjured.
When you're alone he checks in with you to make sure you're okay, not because he's shy about being soft in front of people but more so to protect your privacy.
He kind of likes doing extra things for you, he won't say it out loud but it makes him really happy when he can do things while you recover. He considers taking care of someone he loves to be such an honor.
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Unless whatever injured you is vitally important (e.g. the Sunny), he's kicking the shit out of it on principle because how dare anything even dare to hurt you lmao
Are you surprised that he dotes on you hand and foot? You shouldn't be.
I think it also goes without saying he is cooking you best meals.
They're gonna have to tie him down when it comes time for your rehabilitation because he wants to do everything for you.
He's such a sweet heart! He leaves you little messages like "you're doing great!" and "I love you!"
Literally this man lives with you on the ship and he still got you flowers, a get well card, and a little stuffed animal like he's not going to see you every single day
He loves carrying you (as long as it's Chopper approved). He's beaming down the sunny with you in his arms.
He makes the cutest little picnics so you can eat comfortably
Sanji's also an emotional support boyfriend lol. In between cooking for the crew and other duties, he's curled up right next to.
He might coddle you a little too much but it's just because he loves you so so so much
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xerith-42 · 7 months
I was wrong
It takes a lot to admit that, even more for me to admit that about MCD, but I was wrong about something in regards to this series. In a previous post I said that the worst episode of MCD was Season 2 Episode 95, because it was the culmination of the absolute failure that was Laurance's character arc. And I wasn't wrong about that, S2E95 is an objectively bad episode and I stand by it being one of the worst. But it's only one of the worst episodes of this series. Probably second or third worst.
The actual worst episode of Minecraft Diaries happens far earlier in it's run time than I anticipated. The actual episode that begins the degrading of every single main character happens within it's first season. The worst episode of Minecraft Diaries is Season 1 Episode 65, Our Fears.
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For those of you who haven't watched MCD in a minute, or aren't insane like I am and recognize what happens in an episode from just a number and a thumbnail, this is the episode where Aphmau and Dante get chased into Malachi's abandoned castle and fall victim to his uncontrollable magic. A magic that shows people their greatest fears.
Now the concept of a ghost that forces the audience and the characters to come face to face with the leading characters greatest fears is a fantastic idea. I'm serious this is one of the best concepts for character work in the entire Aphverse. This is great, this can go so many good ways.
Aphmau's fear is pretty weak mostly because it shows her house on fire, nobody hurt, and Malachi comments that she's "Scared of losing the ones you love." My honest reaction to this was "She lost her house in episode 36 and didn't seem to care because her loved ones are safe. You wanna communicate that she's scared of people dying just show Zoey lying on the ground or something smh." It gets the job done, but not very well.
Dante's fear is the only one that's well done because it's an image of Gene about to rip apart the realm barrier in the Nether. This works surprisingly well despite only being one shot because it gets across Dante's connection to Gene and the Nether pretty well, setting up for the reveal later on. Dante's existence is this episode's single redeeming quality. And as much as I like the guy, he's not enough to hold up the episode after what happens next.
Now, dear viewer who presumably knows the plot of MCD because you've read this far into a post about this single episode, you know that at this point in the series Garroth has been found out by his brother and has the looming threat of the entire O'Khasis military on his mind all the damn time. Zane has already hurt members of his village in direct ways, and only didn't do more damage because he was called away for an emergency. Garroth has already failed to protect one lord, and he's nearly failed to protect another.
Laurance is a shadow knight. And even though the lore of shadow knights is still flimsy at this point, we know that they are very prone to killing lords, it's why Laurance renounced his position as head guard of Meteli and refuses to return. But that doesn't mean his desire for blood is gone. It just means it has a new target. Like say, the lord he comes to the castle in search of? That he has explicit romantic feelings for?
Again, this idea of forcing the audience and the characters to face their greatest fears is such a good idea, especially with these three, because they can all be interlinked. Aphmau fears losing her loved ones, Garroth fears failing to protect his people, and Laurance fears that he'll give into bloodlust. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? I don't know if I can make it anymore obvious where the show should have gone from here.
But, no, unfortunately Jesson wrote this series. So what could have been one of the best moments of character work in the entire series, instead became the beginning of the end for our would be love interests. I'm of course referring to how it's revealed that their actual "worst fear" is Aphmau getting with... Another guy. Not even her picking one over the other, just her holding hands with and kissing some guy that Garroth and Laurance DON'T EVEN KNOW!
And despite Laurance saying he's happy as long as he has Aphmau in his life, he starts getting enraged that another guy would have the audacity to kiss her. Even though the scene he's shown seems to be entirely consensual. And in response to this, BOTH OF THEM DECIDE TO TRY AND KILL THIS ILLUSION OF DANTE JUST FOR KISSING THE GIRL THEY LIKE!
AND THIS IS SEEN AS A GOOD THING BY THE SHOW!! Attacking this illusion breaks the barrier around the real Aphmau and Dante, and Garroth and Laurance are never punished for their actions here. Aphmau is barely concerned that her guards, the men she's willing to trust with her life, were willing to kill someone for the crime of kissing her. Hot fucking take, Aphmau maybe shouldn't trust these people after seeing that they're willing to kill a man over the crime of loving her when they want to.
And even hotter take, GARROTH AND LAURANCE WOULDN'T DO THIS! Both men have been shown to be highly protective over Aphmau, which makes sense it's literally their job to keep her safe, but that protective nature shouldn't cross over into actively interfering with her romantic life. They're fucking lucky it was just an illusion, what would have happened if Malachi used mind control? What if he was using Aphmau and Dante's bodies as puppets? What if Garroth and Laurance just killed an amateur guard whose only crime was being forced to kiss the girl they liked?
This is one of those writing decisions that truly baffles me. It was RIGHT THERE, HOW DID YOU MISS, IT (the perfect piece of character work) WAS THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU! The answer is that Jesson don't really care about the interesting character work, they care about tropes. They care about the main character being in a love triangle with two guys who equally suck but in different ways. They care about fans getting excited and debating over which ship is better. They care about pushing this love triangle onto viewers regardless of what makes sense for the characters involved because the writers fail to see the nuance of the characters that they fucking wrote the nuance of.
I fucking hate Episode 65. Easily the worst episode of MCD. Any episode after this when Garroth and Laurance act horrendously out of character in service of this love triangle (I'm looking at you episode 77, and episode 90, and season 2 episode 95, and season 2 episode 98), know that it started here. It started with episode 65.
Fuck this episode.
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readbyred · 9 months
Someone thinks you're a couple
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With Pjo/HoO faves (at least ones I know how to write)
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You’d think Piper is chill with that stuff, but if she's crushing strong on you, she will not be normal about this. Stays silent after the person you're speaking to called her your girlfriend. Literally says nothing and just observes your reaction. Like, to see if you're uncomfortable with it, if you correct them at all, if you also get nervous. Outside, she's chill but believe me, she's going to be overthinking this before going to sleep
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Jason is an interesting case. Well, at least he’d be amusing, I think. Because his first instinct is to pipe up and be like ‘no, actually-’. But then it also hits him that he doesn't want you to think he wouldn't want to be your partner. But also he’s not trying to make it seem like he’s pushing you into this uncomfortable situation? Please, save this man before he gets too wrapped up in whatever the hell he’s trying to say. Needless to say, the other person will be more confused than before
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When it happens to Reyna, she wants to be logical about it. Just say the truth and move on with the conversation. Keyword - wants. Because she can get absolutely smitten and then the next thing you know she’s looking away and her face is heating up. Of course, she maintains most of her composure, but she’ll be a little bit awkward for the rest of the day. Damn that stranger for putting those ideas into her head
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With Alabaster, it really depends on the timing. The dude is largely sleep-deprived and on the verge of being killed most of the time. So he really does not pay attention to things like this if he suspects you two might be in danger (more so than usual). If things are moderately okay and you two are relatively safe though?? Oh, you know it gets awkward. He can be really outspoken if he has to, but he can turn into a mess just as easily. He sort of pauses glances at you, and attempts to explain that you two are not together. At some point, you don't even know what he’s saying. He doesn't know either. You just know that he’s stressed. Poor guy doesn't even get one peaceful moment smh
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I saved the worst for the last which would be Octavian. The bitch fucking scoffs. Yes, he might like you but this is not important right now, because this stranger is assuming things and making stuff up. And he’ll let them know this much. Rolls his eyes because some people really don't know how to mind their own business. And they didn't even get it right. He genuinely didn't know why would you even be upset with his reaction. He was in the right, after all
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squiddy-god · 3 months
Task force T4T
Jhonny "soap" McTavish
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Ok so apparently this needs to be a series (: anyway some people are really weird about trans!Soap and really fetishize it. So I would like to re-state that I AM A TRANS MAN. Also if you fetishize trans!Soap or any other trans people you are weird and I wish you the worst <3 also this is meant for trans men specifically, I don't care who interacts but keep in mind this is for trans men. I will probably make a x transfem version! 
Tw : dysphoria, nsfw under cut, tooth rotting fluff, transphobia, t4t, mlm, trans soap x trans masc reader, periods, pre bottom surgery implied, period sex. 
God gives the fattest tits to his most trans masc of soldiers 
Soap has recently gotten top surgery and he loves it 
His scars aren't very noticeable but he really doesn't care, he's just glad to have them gone. 
Soap still wears his binders sometimes tho they don't really bind any more for him it's more to feel connected to that part of himself
Soap isn't concerned about passing as Cis, he's very proud that he's trans 
Has a Scottish🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 flag over his right peck and has a slightly smaller trans flag over his ribs on the left side 
It's on his ribs so he has a excuse to show off his abbs smh
A lot like ghost there are so many ways that you could meet but I'll give you a few that I really like
One is the basics, he saw you at the bar across the way, drinking or not, your hanging out with friends having a grand time and soap is just smitten
He's confident and he'll be damned if he lets such a handsome man pass him by. So he walks up and asks to buy you a drink, “can a buy ye’ a drink” you assumed that the handsome Scott was asking one of your friends till he looked right at you, beaming blue eyes locked in and laser focused “cannae let a braw man like yer’self get away” 
Johnny comes on strong and playful, just enough to make you laugh and let him buy you a pint while he sweet talks you. 
He honestly hadn't noticed your pride pin but once he does he's all smiley and pulling up his shirt to show his tattoo 
Alright number two is your his neighbor! He's not home super often but he's always really nice when he is home, and he won't like he has a bit of a puppy crush on you, talk a bunch about his handsome neighbor. Well one day he's on medical leave for a while, almost blew himself up on a mission and has a bit of nerve damage that needs to heal up. You saw him come home early in the morning when you're leaving for work and decided to do something nice! Made him some bloody good cookies 
The second he opened his door you see you, his good looking neighbor with a batch of cookies in hand he thought he'd died and gone to heaven. 
Meanwhile he was in his binder and a pair of shorts
 You knock on the door, a bit on the nervous side considering this would be the first real time you've talked to your neighbor outside of a few polite conversations checking the mail. Yet here you are with fresh cookies in your plastic tupperware container. True be told it didn't take Johnny long to Answer, undoing the latch and opening the door wide to be met with you, the guy he'd been (not so) subtly pinning after. Johnny was casual, mohawk cropped a bit lower than normal since he'd only just gotten back, and his chest covered by an ever so slightly loose fitting binder. It was plain black, coming just down his ribs almost like a crop top and showing off the hair of his stomach just below his navel. 
Soap is a hairy guy, the T really does wonders for his hair, he's also been on T for a while 
Has never liked needles and prefers to use gel or patches if he can help it. 
He also eats a diet with a lot of trace testosterone in it and that helps 
Thighs like a fur carpet smh 
He owns a few binders, a plain black one, a black tank top binder that looks more like a compression shirt, and of course, his favorite Scottish flag binder. He also has custom binders that match the tartans of the kilts he has. 
Absolutely has gotten into a bar fight with a transphobe and it will absolutely happen again. 
All of his sisters were definitely his biggest supporters growing up. 
“What're yer pronouns so I ken how to cuss ye out” type behavior 
The two of you have matching silly binders with fun patterns on them 
Soap is an irregular period haver, that shit has a schedule no man could figure out. He tries to track it, but it just happens whenever it wants and feels like it. 
Has had two periods in a month. 
Luckily they tend to be short. Unluckily they are heavy. Not really painful but just heavy. 
Gets super exhausted during his period. 
Military grade pain killers hit different 
Loves hand rubs because he has a bit of nerve damage after being a demolition expert for so long
He also has a significant amount of hearing loss on his left side so he always turns right when you're talking so he can hear better. 
Works out at the gym because he doesn't give a flying fuck. Definitely likes to be at home to work out tho because he can do pushups where your under him and he gets a lil kiss when he comes down. Sit ups get kisses too<3 
Had a transphobic bully in highschool and basically dedicated his free time to the gym. By the end of the second year he absolutely clocked the guy.
No one messed with him since. 
Soap who loves to draw you, has a notebook basically dedicated to you and every single way he could draw you (wink wonk)
Likes when you ruffle his mohawk 
Likes it more when it's after you squeeze his arms
He's a show off 💪:3💪
Soap deals with his dysphoria pretty well for the most part, although when he is dysphoric he works out a lot- and he seeks out your comfort. 
Those silly pairs of boxers make him less dysphoric, they make him feel more like the teenage boy he never really saw himself as. Has a pair that say choking hazard and he wiggles his eye brows every time he puts them on 
Literally one of the best hype men when your dysphoric he talks you up with the same energy of a frat boy psyching up his best pall
Gets oddly possessive when you wear his boxers (please do he loves it) like yeah that's right, that his man 
Going off of the boxers thing it also makes his really horny 
Soap gets hard pretty easy tho, and the more comfortable he is with you the higher his sex drive. 
Absolutely worships you, especially when you're dysphoric, he loves nothing more than haveing you ride his thigh while he calls you his handsome man, his good boy. 
Soap loves to fuck you, soap “always strapped up” mactavish 
But he also likes period sex, he's kinda nasty, likes when it's messy regardless but period sex is extra messy. 
Absolutely finger blasts you till the towel looks like a war zone 💀 
Really likes to be fucked on his period too, he Letts you have a bit more control then normal but don't be fooled he's a power bottom at best. 
Likes to put his finger in your mouth and really loves when you bite em a little 
Soap dose not care about hair, he is pretty hairy himself although he is well groomed, but he honestly doesn't care. 
Will absolutely man handle you regardless of size, soap is a big man and he trains hard for those 💪💪
Really goes wild with the dirty talk
“Cannae even take my fingers? How'er ye supposed to take mah cock ey?”
The accent definitely gets thicker the more horny he gets 
Loves when you give his T-dick head because he also is shoving his fingers down your throat for the effect™
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 month
Happy Wednesday my lovely readers :) Ahhh already 4 eps into this season. Almost half way there. Doesn’t take long when we only got 10. Ha Still grateful for what little we got was better than nothing tbh. Also reached the limit on my master post for links. Apparently there is a limit. Boo. Gotta add a link to a new posts in there for rest of the reviews. Was kinda shocked at the lower amount of gifs for this ones. So a lot are the made ones from me. Anyways this is really really good one. Let us begin.
6x04 Training Day
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We start out with Lucy being a lying liar who lies. Not even well.... Tim not believing her even a little bit that she’s "fine." One of Lucy’s tells is her fidgeting. Whether it’s her hands, her sleeves, and the ever infamous tattoo touch she does. All indicators she is anything but fine. Tim is well versed in all of these things. Because he has the book of Lucy memorized. Her telling him it’s ’Not a big deal.’ Is a big ol red flag for him.
Tim voicing as such to her. Letting her know anytime he’s heard that from a woman in his life they were anything but that. Lucy keeps pretending she’s made peace with it. That’s she’s a professional. She will keep on keeping on. But as we know with this episode that is a load of absolute BS. It's one thing after another for her in this one only adding to very 'not fine' she is. Poor girl.
They do turn a cute corner with her asking if he wants her to be upset? Tim replying of course he doesn't. But the man is worried. Rightfully so. The smile on her face when she asks this is adorable though. They have a nice little moment of reprieve till numbskull Nolan appears. Bringing up the very thing that is eating at her. Her short ‘I’m fine.' Before taking off. Ugh. Undoing any progress Tim made. Thanks John forever the worst with that stuff. Smh. The way Tim’s eyes follow her after that. *sigh*
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So begins the hell episode for Lucy. She shows up to the scene asking about their killer. Then asks Harper/Angela if they want her to start canvassing? They tell her yeah the northwest corner. Lucy making a crack no one has covered it yet because it’s by the ‘Hell dumpsters’. Their sassy looks say everything. Lucy spitting back a company line about being a patrol officer. Oh my girl. It’s hitting her so hard she’s still a patrol officer. Feeling like at this point in her career her talents are being wasted. I mean they are…That much is clear in this moment.
Her expression at the end of the scene says everything tbh. About all that frustration and feeling like a failure. This is the starting point of Lucy isolating herself. I know everyone thought she had zero support. To me and I know others said it during the season too. That she isolated herself. Because just like Tim when she is going through something she does it alone. She is internalizing EVERYTHING right now. I have been known to do this as well. The need to shutdown and do it alone. I can relate to her.
She has a solid support system but that doesn’t mean she’s taking advantage of said system. I can relate to that very well too. It took awhile but I now have a solid system. I don’t always rely on them in times of emotional distress. It’s a learned skill. One I'm still learning to use. We talk about Tim and his need for therapy. Lucy needs it too. They’re scarily alike in their unhealthy coping mechanisms. It’s frightening really. Also the song running through this is so good (Dandelion-ill peach)
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This next portion is the beginning of her spiral as well. It’s wrapped inside her isolation. It’s a recipe for disaster as we see later on... The isolation continues while she is guarding the dumpsters solo. If there was ever a time Lucy didn’t need to be alone with her thoughts it would be today. She spots some puke and thinks it might be from the killer. Calls Harper and tells her as such.
Harper tells her it’s unlikely to be related but they’ll need to process it anyways. Unfortunately it is only going to extend her time in hell. Nyla telling her could take a couple hours. 4 tops…Ugh. Not exactly what her day needs. Doesn’t help Harper cuts her off on the phone before she can finish her sentence. *sigh* Now Lucy is left to sit in her thoughts and stew in her emotions. I believe this episode was setup to reflect how Lucy is feeling.
Which honestly is like shit. How she feels alone (self inflicted or not), how she’s falling behind and feelings of failure. It’s reflected in all her scenes in this one. It’s a tough one to watch for her. She’s feeling very segregated and this dumpster canvass isn’t helping. As we know our girl isn’t very good at spotting when she’s being emotionally blind to her own feelings. Nor realizing when she’s not reaching out for the help she needs. The thing about support systems is they can’t be mind readers. You gotta relay when you need that support.
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Lucy watching that press conference is killing me softly. You can see so much emotion written all over her face. The jealously and the annoyance of not being the one up there. Because well she almost was. It was just dumb luck (title of Nolan’s career) that they got that call and she didn’t. Ain't nothing going our girl's way today and it shows. She is a seething cauldron of emotions that she is tamping down under the guise of being ‘fine’
I do LOVE her waiting on Tim so they can go home together. (Also the hands in his jeans, the shirt, the jacket. Mmm gimme) It’s the little married things that get me all amped up. Waiting on her man to go home. It makes me so happy and squee. She needs it more than ever too. I swear at this moment in time the only keeping her sanity intact is that man.
He reads her like a book from moment he sees her though. Knows what her sour mood is all about. That if only Primm had seen her linked to this case. Seen this press conference it would’ve proved him wrong about her. Made him regret tanking her exam. Damn he knows his girl. Because that's exactly what her face is conveying in the very beginning of this scene.
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Lucy notes instead of that she was stuck in dumpster hell. Not only that but she guarded puke for 3 hours. Based on the off chance it belonged to the killer. Tim asking if it did? Hoping to God it did LOL It’s the way Melissa delivers the sick dog line that cracks me up. How she could easily lose her shit right now. Like that was the straw that broke the camel's back for her today.
Ugh I hate it so much for her. She was already all up in her thoughts and failures. Probably thinking why her? What can’t she have even the simplest win? That she’s been resigned to guarding puke and it not even being helpful. That it should be her up there not Nolan. I mean I agree it should be. This is all just percolating toward the rash decision she makes later.
So damn desperate to prove she’s worth her salt. That this is the career for her. She’s meant to do so much more than patrol, canvassing, and general grunt work. Our girl is in dire straits and Tim can see it clear as day. Which is what makes this next portion so sweet and important tbh. Also doesn’t hurt there are more married vibes attached to it.
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I love the gentle advice given here from Tim. She’s had a really bad day and he’s being sensitive to it. Doling out solid guidance but being soft about it. Applying logic with empathy so she gets his point but also doesn’t get more upset. Tim can see how this rough shift has rocked her. Especially when she is already on shaky ground. This man like I’ve been saying has been 10/10 for her. Idk what she would’ve done without him eps 1-4 I really don’t.
The beauty of this scene is him empathizing and building her back her up in the process. Reassuring her in the kindest way. That yeah you had a bad day, you’ll have 'em again, but tomorrow could be a whole new ball game for her. That being on patrol is an 'anything can happen game.' Knowing she is down about patrol right now. The man knows. Then is positive about it. Saying today wasn’t her day but tomorrow could be. I love this man so very much. As does Lucy.
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I just love the ‘share our day’ marriage vibes this scene holds. Tim sees she had the tougher day and is there for her. Lucy getting lighter as they continue to talk. Something Tim is very good at. The best part of this scene is he gets her to laugh.
After he’s said his piece and comforted her he takes it a step further. Makes his lady laugh and we’re all here for it. Telling her not to be so greedy LOL It’s the way Lucy is looking at him that gets me in the first one. Her Tim smile in full force. Then their precious combined smiles in the second one. God damnit they’re so cute you guys.
I’m dying. They make each other so happy I wanna cry. The lack of space and how they bump arms as they laugh. Just being in love with all to see I cannot. Lucy being grateful for this goof of a man making her smile. For relieving her even if it's just for a short while of that weight on her soul. Letting him carry it with her for a bit. *heart clutch* I love them sfm.
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First off before we delve into this part, I wanna say Lucy is an absolute BAMF is in the moments leading up to Harper/Angela arriving. How calm and collected she is. Making sure to cover Bailey as she gets her downed partner. If she could see herself in this moment she wouldn’t have so many doubts. But sadly that is not how crippling self esteem/confidence issues work. I just love watching her in the field and how well she handles herself.
Second my heart was racing from moment that man is shot in the chest. The entire moment is one giant adrenaline rush. Holy hell. Lucy covers for the duo until they reach her cover. Their airship is three minutes out and Lucy doesn’t think they can afford to wait. Wants to run down the alleyway solo. Cut him off so he doesn’t get away. That desperate need to prove herself rearing it’s ugly head.
Not only that but it is running the show for her right now. Harper immediately says no. That’s it's a 40 yard run in an open field. Lucy isn’t listening to her advice though. Level headed Lucy would've heeded her warning. Once again this season she is not with us in this moment. Saying to blow his head off if he pops up. That she’ll be alright. Angela doesn’t look pleased with this idea either. I mean look at her above. Concern written all over her. Her gut feeling screaming this isn't a good idea....But Lucy is hell bent on it.
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This run had me holding my friggin breath. Tim would’ve lost his damn mind had he seen this. Not only that he would’ve ripped them a new one to letting her attempt it. When she got hit first time watched it I screamed. Held my breath until she got back up. Angela and Harper’s horrified faces mirrored my own. Couldn’t breathe till she popped back up. It was the most reckless risk she could've taken.
She is very very lucky her radio took the hit. It saved her damn life after that crazy run of hers. Lucy taking Tim's suggestion of being a big hero a little too literally. Honestly would’ve loved to have seen Tim tear them up for letting her do this... Reckless doesn’t seem strong enough of a word with this action. This decision of hers is a culmination of an episode long isolation. Of letting her emotions run the show and she took a risk that could've killed her. All to proof she could do it.
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She had definitely given into those voices in her head telling her she’s not enough. Telling her she needs to prove herself or no one will ever think she’s worthy of moving up. To show she doesn't belong on patrol anymore. If she had just told her support system and really Tim how she was feeling. She wouldn’t have been this damn hasty. Lucy wasn’t thinking about what would happen if her radio didn’t catch that bullet. How utterly wrecked Tim would be if she had been hurt or even worse killed.
The problem being she kept all these emotions and struggles to herself. Which clouded her judgement. Her brain wasn't thinking in this capacity. This moment showing the continued communication problems in their relationship. How her decision could've really affected Tim. She wasn't thinking that in the moment though. Their communication issues go both ways with them. When they’re feeling emotionally distraught or vulnerable they isolate and take their problem on themselves.
Which results in foolish and hasty decisions. I.e. this moment above. And in next 2 eps with Tim...Something they gotta work on either before they’re back together or in the early repairing of their relationship. We get to see her KIA radio once she is clear. It very much saved her life and is now useless to her. I do love how she communicates with them before she pursues Jeff. Harper commending her on being smart in this moment. I mean they're in it now. So every move she makes from here on out has to be smart.
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Lucy catches Jeff in the alleyway just like she wanted. Unfortunately he doesn’t look like he is interested in surrendering. Melissa crushes this scene oh my lord. The shaky way her voice breaks when she tells him to stop. To put his weapon down. Trying so hard to prevent a deadly outcome. I’m getting 5x19 flashbacks for her in this moment. Lucy dealing with the same issue Tim had. A person willing to die instead of give up. Despite them wanting to concede.
Lucy is basically pleading with this man to give up. She doesn’t want to shoot him. Doesn’t want it to end this way. Lucy is an empath as we all know. So her shooting him right or not she is going to carry it on her soul regardless. It’ll be a stain on it because she would’ve done anything to avoid this.
Lucy is on the verge of tears when she calls out Code 4. That the shooter is down. Ugh my heart. Adrenaline from end to end with this moment. Having it finish with a bang made my stomach sink for her. We watch how it affected Harper in 6x01 and she’s seasoned. How it affected Tim in 5x19. It’s never anything I wanna see our characters go through. Felt like I couldn’t catch my breath even after he was done. Such a good scene though.
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Then comes the best part of the episode. Tim storming in like the worried husband he is. He has her work bag and I wanna cry. He has a death grip on it as he searches for the desk. I just love that he made sure to grab her bag before rushing off to the hospital. Man is on a mission to find her. Nothing matters to him but her in this moment. It’s the way he goes to the desk and they direct him to her immediately. He thanks the nurse with his tap to the counter.
I can’t imagine how he was when he first got the news. The look of sheer worry painted across his face when he steps foot into that hospital. Worried Tim is everything and Eric conveyed so much in these first two gifs. The first one is all concern and anxiety. He can’t breathe until he has laid eyes on his girl. The second one is relief in finding her. Tim completely by passes the gaggle of people outside of her room.
Doesn’t check in with them or see what happened at the scene. All that matters to him is getting to her. It’s the way he stops before he enters in. Taking a beat for the first time since he arrived. Then steeling some resolve knowing he needs it be her rock in this moment. Once he does this he steps into her room. Checking in and asking her if she’s hurt? He’s so gentle and soft like we all expect at this point with him. Doesn't take his eyes off her for one second as he sets her bag down.
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Per usual the music department be killing it out here with the song selection. The soothing guitar and the singers soft voice are the perfect backdrop to this scene. His voice is as tender and comforting as Tim's tone through out the scene. Once again Melissa and Eric are the epitome of chemistry. Their amazing acting chops shining through in this moment. Melissa got me crying and all in my feels. Once Tim knows she’s physically ok it’s time to take care of her emotionally. The hand to her hair has me reeling. The way he strokes her head it’s so intimate and gentle.
Telling her she didn’t have to take his suggestion so literally. My heart. It’s all ‘hands hands hands’ from here on out. Like I said in 6x02 their physical chemistry forever floors me. It’s also just so damn sweet. Like he has to be touching her in order to know she’s ok. To reassure himself that she’s actually sitting in front of him right now. Saw a great tag said whenever we get hands like this makes them feral. How I felt about this entire scene.
So many wonderful facets to fangirl about and be feral over tbh. The man can’t stop touching her and I’m here for it. From the moment he was allowed to he was off to the races. Makes my heart so happy. He’s so tactile with her. It makes me wanna scream into a pillow. Touch is one of his languages with her but also their love language as well. It shows constantly. Honestly getting this soft scene after that adrenaline fest was much needed. That whole shooting scene had my blood pressure up.
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I’m just bawling for Lucy after this. We get to see all she's been holding in. How incredibly upset she is about this whole situation. It's here with Tim comforting her she finally lets her walls down. Because her protector is there. He is there to pick up her broken pieces and put her back together. I know that feeling. Where you've been keeping it together. Then your person comes and asks if you're ok? And you realize how much you're not and the floodgates open.
That's Lucy in this scene. With tears in her eyes she tells him she doesn’t feel like a hero. Tim’s hand hasn’t left her at all btw. They both need this touch to ground them right now. I love how he rubs his thumb up and down her shoulder. Comforting her while she tells him her worst fear. The one thing that's been weighing on her soul since she released that shot in the alley. That she killed Jeff Budney. Asking Tim what if she killed him?
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Tim crushing it with the comforting and being calm in his reply. So certain that no matter the outcome it’ll be ok. Why you ask? Because they’re going to deal with it together. The ‘Then we’ll deal with it.’ is EVERYTHING she needs to hear right now. Because yeah it’s bleak right now. But Tim wants to make sure she knows she isn’t alone. That he is there and no matter if he makes it or not he’s by her side. These are the exact reassurances she needs in this moment.
Lucy’s reaction has me crying some more. It’s the stifled cry when he tells her this. The sad shake of her head. Killing me softly. She couldn’t face the possibility of Budney dying. Not until her person showed up. Her fierce protector and love of her life standing by her side. Letting her know it’s ok. Even if it’s not it will be because they’ll face it together. Gah getting emotionally writing this up. This scene was primo on so many levels. *chef kiss.*
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It’s here Grey and Wes enter the room. They let our lovely couple know he made it through surgery. Thank you Lord. The relief that floods Lucy is immense. I love how she looks at Tim and shakes her head. Needing his grounding stare as she takes in this news. Making sure it's real. Wes is quite the downer when he tells her for now. That if he dies later the investigation has to resume. The look on Grey’s face like WTF man…Let her have the win.
We see protective Tim step in after this. Asking if she can do her statement tomorrow? All he wants to do at this point is get her away from this hospital. From Jeff Budney and prying eyes. Wade is super sweet and turns on his dad mode and says that’s fine. Tries to get her to look and meet his fatherly gaze. She is too out of it to notice his kind look. All the more reason Tim needs to get her the hell out of this place.
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Tim breaks her out of her revere with his touch as she watches them depart. I’m squeeing at the way he squeezes her collarbone, then soothes it with his thumb, before he moves his hand to the back of her neck. All the affectionate touches and very tender comforting has me ship drunk. His hand didn’t leave her for ninety percent of this scene. *happy sigh* He’s trying so hard to keep her there with him. To let her know he’s there and hasn’t left.
It’s the soft way he tells her ‘Let’s go home.’ also has me squeeing. Her home is now his home and I’m bawling. Like I said earlier all he wants to do is take her home and continue the comfort. Knowing the last place she needs to be is here. It’s the sweet smile on his face as he beckons her off the bed. Gah what a good man. Took care of her heart and soul in this moment.
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Lucy doesn’t make it far before she is collapsing into his arms. Truly letting her walls down in full. Relaxing for the first time and melting completely against him. It’s the way she folds into his arms so easily. How he has her wrapped up in them immediately. Shielding her from the rest of the hospital. From this situation. One hand in her hair cradling her gently to his chest. How he is softly cupping the back of her head. The other wrapped around her nice and tight. Cocooning her in his embrace. His eyes shutting the minute he can feel her safely in his arms.
Tim breathing for the first time since he entered this room. All the while giving her the comfort zone of being in his arms. Gah it’s the slight sway that goes along with it that has me swooning. Rocking her in his arms sweetly. Trying to give her the solace she had been craving since that alleyway. Lucy hiding her face happily in his chest as he does this. Her hand placed on his chest as well has me happily sighing. No one does hugs quite like our couple does. The emotions they evoke out of me is unreal. They are top tier goodness.
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To make the hug even sweeter we get a kiss to the head. The way Lucy wraps her arms around his back fully as he does this. Grounding her further as he takes care of her. They continue their lovely swaying as Tim places his cheek on her head. Resting it there lovingly. There’s a reason I kept this hug as my banner. Not that I don’t love the elevator hug in 6x09. I love it so much and will gush when we get there. But this hug ranks up there as top ones for me. Why you ask?
This hug just exemplifies how they provide comfort for each other. How physical touch is one of their primary love languages. They are each other's sanctuary. A happy and safe place amid the darkness their job brings. Coupled with the song playing in the background, the moment becomes even more glorious. It’s a beautiful scene made even more poignant by the this loving embrace.
I'm still not over how beautiful this scene is. You can see the stress and anxiety just drain out of Lucy. From the moment she is in his arms she is at peace. The same for Tim with pulling her into his arms. They both needed this hug so much. The continuity of the head kisses I’m here for as well. Gimme that all day long. In every future hug. I remember thinking as the shot panned out what would she have done without Tim in this moment? Without his wonderfully soothing comfort? Ugh what makes the next set of episode a gut punch that I still haven’t recovered from…
Thanks as always to my amazing readers who like, comment or reblog these reviews. Means the world to me. I shall see you all in 6x05 :)
Side notes-Non Chenford
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I love Aaron going out with Tim for his first day. Going over the T.RA.I.N yummy T.O Tim in a Metro outfit. I will take that at every chance I can get it. If I had only know this was my last ep with him in that outfit would've appreciated it more 😭 Also this gif was for eye candy. Nothing more nothing less. How I wish to be the chair for which he leans upon in this scene. Metro outfit, badge showing, the way he is deliciously leaning against that chair. *fans self* Doesn't hurt Aaron is hilarious in his quest to please Tim LOL
We watch Nolan continue to be a terrible T.O. He lets Celina say a huge no no over the radio smh
Something else wanted to touch on for the Lucy having no support system. What happened with Jeff Budney is the direct result of not relying on said support system. I'm not blaming her. I have been her. Just want to make that very clear. But the gaggle of people outside her room worried about her is that system. Waiting to see what happens to her etc Everyone was worried about her and for her.
Other than Tim she does have it but as we know this season is super rough on her. So that is hard to see. Especially with losing her main pillar of that system in Tim. Which causes her to retreat even farther inside, but that’s for future eps to delve into. I remember D had this great post about how Lucy has been isolating for years. We were just finally seeing the result of that. Very true.
I mean only person she's really let in other than Jackson is Tim. That's it folks. Because she too has walls. She has Tamara but it's not the same as what she has with Tim. Once again hoping s7 resolves this isolation and her career path in the process. I'll be ok with her being put through it if we can have a good conclusion to go along with it.
Lastly the song running through the final scene is ‘Let it all go’ the lighthouse and the whaler. Such a good song.
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cdroloisms · 9 months
fuck it i'm making this c!awesamdreamity sitcom AU (dr3 edition) a real thing for the funnies alone. why the hell not
premise: they get thrown into a sitcom. that's it. they're in a sitcom world that plays by sitcom rules, which means that everything that occurs Has to conceivably work within the genre. that means no throwing dream in a cell underground and treating him as a prisoner, sam, that's not funny enough. they can't leave or escape, and if they try to do something that Doesn't work within the genre they'll either just be completely unable to do it or they'll be foiled in some genre-specific way (ex: sam tries to build a cell on the property anyway and ends up in a three-episode arc about his fight with HOA)
the main point of this set up is that anything is technically possible as long as it works within the bit. also, yes, there's a laugh track, and whether or not the characters can hear it has everything to do with what's the funniest option (c!sam fucking hates the thing, for the record.)
highlights of this include:
the sitcom Demands A Relationship. because neither c!quackity nor c!sam is willing to do the whole married couple spiel with c!dream, that means that c!awesamq are the ones that are officially "together." this goes so fucking badly and is like, the primary reason why i'm making this a thing in the first place
c!dream isn't Allowed to be a prisoner, but he does have to stay within the house. between the genre and c!awesamq's opinions, he's not really going to end up as just "the roommate" or family or you know, an official third part of the throuple, so the maid it is
a level of violence is allowed but like, the actual pain/consequences has everything to do with whether it works For The Bit or For The Drama. like, c!q might hit c!dream with the car and nothing will happen bc it'll be played off as a punchline, for example, but also a dramatically timed fall might lead to someone walking around with a broken arm for an 'episode' or two. there's no magical accelerated healing here, just the Power Of The Bit
similarly, a lot will be allowed to slide as long as you're genre savvy about it. c!quackity won't be able to get away with outright torturing c!dream for hours, of course, but pushing him around is fine as long as it's funny enough. especially if it comes with a side of romantic drama
speaking of the romantic drama, hoo boy are c!awesamq a fucking TRAIN WRECK. like my god are they so toxic. c!sam is literally the quintessential asshole condescending boyfriend on that server and c!q has a quick fuse, a hell of a temper, and generally reacts to being talked down to with several knives and cursing. they take to a domestic romantic relationship as a fish does to . uh. lava maybe. like it's BAD
think screaming slammed doors things being thrown there's a glass sailing towards c!sam's head screaming over the banisters holes in the drywall fine! FINE! [laugh track] bad. it'd be gloriously, ridiculously toxic. the crowd goes wild
c!quackity has to contend with the fact that his husband is absolutely down horrendous FOR THEIR STUPID GODDAMN MAID .
the maid also wants his husband more than quackity :/ sidelined in his own relationship once again (i wonder why, Q)
how well they adjust has everything to do with how well they acclimate to the genre. c!quackity does the best job--he knows how to play a crowd and do so well. c!sam by FAR acclimates the worst. he's inherently completely offended by the idea of everything about his job and the prison being turned into Entertainment, into something Funny, into A Show To Consume and basically reacts to the sitcom thing by trying to ignore it. this, of course, means that he ends up generally being the butt of the joke
c!dream is. well. at least he's got less stress about dying i guess. and is generally a lot less injured bc starvation and torture lead to lower comedy ratings smh. is still kinda in hell but you know yesterday he got to watch c!quackity hit c!sam over the head with a frying pan and literal cartoon birds appeared so
honestly he's kinda quietly having an existential crisis and lowkey earning sympathy points from the proverbial audience by being the one that comes off the least as Just The Complete And Utter Worst
(meanwhile: c!sam is yelling at c!quackity for how he's apparently cut up all of his dress shirts while c!quackity screams back about something something and he can stick the scissors up his ass)
[laugh track]
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Vikings + gen z slang
Summary: How Vikings Characters would react to Gen Z slang
Notes: back on working on requests, so i hope i can get some more oneshots out soon. happy lunar new year to everyone who celebrates!!
Tagged: @majesticwren @obsessiveformiyatwins @leithdragon @demon-of-the-ancient-world @alicedopey @ivarlover @levithestripper @batmandallyboy @akayxo09 @vrtualfairy (hmu to be added to any taglist!)
Masterlist | based on this request | requests are OPEN!
With the program
He knows that he’s a slay-queen-girlboss-cunt-serving-camp
He understands gen z slang like no other
Rizz? He’s got it. Mister Worldwide? Been there, done that.
Turns into a ninth century (?) twitter queen
She doesn’t really care all that much about gen z slang
“You’re slaying? Me too, but on the battlefield. Catch up.”
Pretends not to understand
Fully understands and sometimes busts down on her gen z meme culture knowledge
Aslaug is above gen z slang
But she also knows that she’s camp
She just knows
She’s a volva, magic is in her blood. You know what else is? An immaculate sense in fashion
That’s the only thing that might make her willing to try to understand our culture
Perfected the lightskin stare the moment she was born (it’s permanently on her face istg)
You know that ancient man video? Athelstan is the ancient man. Would he understand the video? No.
This would be his response: God, that girl looks terribly drunk.
As a linguist, he tries
Approaches it as a foreign language. It works to some degree.
I never want to hear the words “You’re serving girlboss today, Ragnar.” Out of his mouth
(this happened to me in a dream. Literally traumatizing)
Thinks it’s girlish (it is not)
Would say “You’re one of them queers?”
I mean yeah, but so is your mom.
Gen z talk isn’t cool enough for him (he’s suffering from Rollo’s internalized generational homophobia/gayness, give him some space)
Like a supportive mom
‘That’s wonderful sweetie. Now back to my casserole.’
Absolutely understands gen z slang after you teach him
Prides himself on having the most rizz
Boy you rizzed up a slave girl and your aunt calm down
Protects gen z slang against ivar like it’s cultural heritage
Worst mistake you could make is teach him slang
He uses it
Just incorrectly
At all times
And does not care to be corrected.
Slang is a product of pop culture? Hvitserk is now making it HIS product
Deal with it (don’t. make him stfu pls.)
He’s one of those abcdefu people
The ones that are like ‘let me sing my new song for you, and if you don’t like it, I’ll pay for your gas’
So annoying
But also in an indie artist generational trauma daddy issues kind of way, so I can forgive him
Not really
HATES gen z slang more than anything
He thinks it’s stupid
Incredibly unintellectual
Secretly uses it to express his feelings in a diary he burns every week
Manwhore and proud!
Get this man a gag asap or you’ll live to regret the day you met him
With him and Ragnar, you’re gonna be stuck in a little hellcircle (probably to be joined by Athelstan)
Gets acrylics despite not knowing what they are and clicks with them
Literally the opposite of Ecbert
If he has to spend one more second around his father speaking slang
He’ll cut off his ear to match Judith
And then the other to outdo her (he’s such a loser smh)
So done with Ecbert
He’ll literally hate everything Ecbert likes
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transwicky · 11 months
Ollie and Wicky eloped.
Everyone feels offended and they think maybe the others got invited but the truth was nobody did.
They eloped winter break junior year, but everyone thinks they got married after graduating.
Until Bitty is stressing out planning his and Jack's wedding and Ollie is like "this is why we eloped junior year" and Bitty freezes and stares at him.
"Junior year?"
"yeah. My student visa was expiring for the year and we had plans to get married anyways, so Pace' suggested eloping earlier than planned so I could get a green card. Fuck, Tango was literally the only one there as our witness and to tell immigration "yeah they genuinely love each other, it's kinda gross how in love they are with the PDAs" so. We never had a real ceremony, just did paperwork for it. It helped that we were broke college students who had been dating since our freshman year."
Bitty is floored.
He texts the others asking if they knew.
They are all HORRIFIED to know they've been thinking the worst of Ollie and Wicky when the only person who went was the freshman that was the honest and genuine tadpole that Wicky pretty much adopted, and probably because there was no way immigration would not believe the kid.
Bitty hesitantly asks if they'd want a ceremony, and Ollie shrugs.
"it's not a big deal to me overall. I think it'd be nice, but I don't need one. I think Pacer would like it though, but his family is also kinda fucked up so I don't know for sure how he'd feel about it. I've offered though. He said no."
Bitty asks Tango.
"He and his cousin planned their weddings when they were eight, Bitty. He wants a ceremony. He doesn't need one, he knows that, but he wants one, he just doesn't want Ollie to think it's something he needs to do to like, prove they love each other or something. It's from the fucked up childhood. His mom was kinda stupid. Said weddings were proof that they love each other. So Wicky says no when Ollie offers 'cause he remembers that and doesn't want Ollie to feel like he has to do it as proof, because he already knows Ollie loves him. It's stupid. People are stupid. Why are people so stupid?"
"Good Lord, that's the million dollar question, Tango."
And so he talks things out with Tango.
Tango gets in touch with Wicky's cousin.
She gives him the old baby wedding planner they did as kids, and the one Wicky had started when he and Ollie first made plans to get married after graduation (the baby one was for cute little laughs at what 8 year old Wicky wanted, it wasn't actually what Tango asked her for. Nobody is complaining).
She sits Ollie down. Tells him what their moms told them as kids, and that Wicky will never tell him he wants a ceremony because of it, and especially since they're already married.
So Ollie has to finish planning things. They can have the ceremony on the day they actually got married ("Make it romantic! He'll love it!") And it can be in their backyard, even ("where doesn't matter, so long as the people you both care about are there!").
SMH is invited, that much is clear.
Bitty is Ollie's best man, Tango is Wicky's, because Ollie knows Wicky wouldn't want anyone else there unless it's Johnson (which is true).
But Johnson is allowed to wed people legally, they have no idea why, but he can, and Ollie knows Wicky would LOVE that.
The ceremony really is in the backyard, and it's covered in snow, and Wicky comes home from work to their friends and families over and holy shit Ollie did all of this?!
And his dad just grins, gives him the suit he got married in, and his own father got married in, and his father had married in, and Wicky is crying by the time he's standing with Ollie at the end of the aisle, with Tango as his best man, and Johnson is the one marrying them.
He whispers thank you before Johnson starts talking.
It's absolutely everything he could have wanted for their wedding.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
Hello! I have a headcanon ask; how do you think the wizards are when they’re sick? (As in ‘having a cold’ sick, not ‘complete and total destabilisation of their powers and turning into a bat demon’ sick.)
Wdym "not 'complete destabilisation of their powers and turning into a bat demon' sick"?? 😔😔 that's my favourite type of sick!! Scurvy close second. But FINE, I guess we'll stick to a cold, perhaps a tummy ache if we dare-
Getting Duman out the way right off the hhhnnnggggg bat. I don't think he really gets sick. In a regular sense. The viruses and whatnot just don't really have anything solid to hold onto like that idk. If anything he is the disease, he carries so much shit in there it's unreal. Could probably give someone the worst rash of their life with just a touch if he really wanted to! Or the plague. Again.
Nah but actually!! If we imagine him to be close to something the average person might consider sick for a sec, for him that might be fatigue, general discomfort for whatever reason, things like that- This creature gets so incredibly moody, snaps at anyone and anything, wants to be left alone really bad. Also often experiences a change in appetite as well, so making sure he gets his fuel is a must, even if he's being a total bitch about it. If the change in appetite refers to him being hungrier though? Genuinely good luck with that. Either stock the fuck up or make peace with the fact he's gonna be out. Doing stuff. Where does he leave it all? Idk the void?? Duman’s insides are an abyss of their own, literally don't worry about it.
Gantlos!!!!! Gantlos strikes me as a very "As long as I can stand, I'm fine." *noticeably struggles to stand* "..As long as I can hold my head up-" type of guy. Doesn't get sick a lot, according to himself. But only because things like a common cold get ignored so insanely hard by him, except for the occasional nose blowing and expertly concealed coughs. If it doesn't leave him bedridden, he simply does not acknowledge that he's sick. He's not above popping a few aspirins though, maybe surprisingly? Healing spells are an absolute no though.
He just doesn't enjoy being "in the way" or a "nuisance", so nobody is allowed to take care off him or be bothered by the fact he's not 90% healthy- Except himself. Same applies to injury cases as well btw. It's not because he doesn't like the care itself, necessarily, it really just boils down to "Surely you could be spending this time doing something more important" but nuh uh. Gantlos get a grip smh. Massive hypocrite btw, literally if anyone else is sick he's the first person to get them whatever they need. How absolutely outrageous that anyone would DARE to try and do the same for him right-
Ogron absorbs all the germs. And I'm not fully confident in saying that; unlike with regular damage, it does nothing for his powers. Because imagine!! He sneezes and something just EXPLODES in the background? Now, does it make sense? Maybe not. But something about snobby, confident, put-together Ogron completely losing his grip does something for me. And I would very much like to explore it. Tbh illness affecting the wizards' powers as a whole is so fun to play around with.. The doors Duman has opened.. But rn I'm grabbing Ogron specifically, both because of the reason mentioned above, but again, the damage thing as well kinda. What's an illness if not your immune system taking a couple hits amirite ahaha- "Oh dude! You seem to be taking damage!! Not to worry though, I got ya covered." *proceeds to provide Ogron with enough magical energy to explode things with his eyeballs* ass immune system smh.
Beside the magic thing though? I bet sick Ogron is so incredibly annoying omg. Coughs once and slips into the role of a dying Victorian child. Take him to see the garden. One last time. Like literally just drink your water and take a nap, there's no need for all of that.
Then we once again have Anagan, our saving grace- In like the least boring way possible, he's pretty chill about it all. He doesn't usually stay sick for very long though, so maybe that plays a part. Just takes some rest, eats his fruits, knows his own limits pretty well and all that. Unless the illness sticks around for too long. Like maybe a day over his usual and he starts getting a bit whiny, but offer him any remedies, magical or not, and he'll refuse with a "Nah, it'll be over soon anyway." ??? Stfu then smh JKJK-
In his defense though, it does depend on what illness he's throwing hands with. He handles colds fairly well, but anything that makes any of his muscles start cramping up is his absolute worst enemy. AND STOMACH BUGS, those put him out of commission no matter how long they last fr. Speedster with a more sensitive stomach than usual? Going through a lot of motion? Nobody wants that. Anagan least of all, he despises being nauseous with his whole being. Who doesn't? Relatable king! What he'd really need then is some company. On the other side of the couch. Do NOT touch him. That's when the others can really tell Anagan is feeling under the weather, the noticeable lack of physical contact. Still can't fully distance himself though, he's just a very social individual like that.
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triysn · 4 months
Guyyss why doesn’t anyone ever talk about how shitty white knight was at his job. He was never even meant to lead a paramilitary organisation he was some mid-tier hired merc who went around driving graffitied armoured tanks and being a misogynist then he tried to murder a kid and almost got murdered instead (had to be saved by the kid he tried to kill smh) and got thrown into the job literally as a puppet leader. He calls himself a “poster boy” in Promises, Promises, verbatim.
Then he ends up being a really annoying boss who just tries to blow stuff up and yells at people unhelpfully. It’s so clear he’s still trying to play by the ‘soldier’ rulebook because he just tries to KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES with zero chill. He actively antagonises and demeans humanity’s literal last hope and the only Cure in the entire goddamned world. He accuses Rex of being a wildcard and not a team player while also being the least personable person in the world. He’s straight up xenophobic.
And even when he’s in the field he still fucks up?? Plague was just him getting in the way of Rex curing Patient Zero, blowing up a hospital, and then getting the shit kicked out of him. (Spoiler Rex had to save him AGAIN). He sends Rex to make friends with Breach and then JUST when Rex manages to win her over he swoops in and fucks it up MAJORLY. This sends Rex to the future and directly kicks off the events that lead to him getting fired from Providence and having to fake his own death.
This guy is literally his own worst enemy. We can actually see how his own paranoia and prejudice bites him in the ass countless times and he KEEPS DOING IT. He refuses to improve or apologise for the entire show. He’s doing it all while being locked in a sterile white box for years on end.
Contrast him to Black Knight and, like, even being an absolute girlboss villain, she was so much better at his job. She actually changed Providence policies to utilise incurables instead of letting them rot as deadweight in prisons. (Ethical? No. Profitable? Immensely). She was nice enough to actually get people on her side, or outright manipulate to get what she needed. Say what you want about her, but she definitely never let prejudice get in the way of profit or efficiency. White Knight would never even have considered EVOs being useful because he’s too busy hating them.
And the show STILL places him as one of the good guys. Hes the most fucked up grandpa I’ve ever seen that’s for sure. I don’t know whether to put him in prison for war crimes or a freaking nursing home
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tothestarsinvelaris · 4 months
My unhinged reactions to the chaotic ride that is The Folk of the Air series ((first two books only bc I'm only 30% through The Queen of Nothing soooo ---- no spoilers plsss))
The Cruel Prince Worst Betrayals:
TARYN - MA'AM!!?????!??? You knewww?? you knew Locke was playing both of y'all??? and you weren't even ensorcelled or whatever?!?!? GIRL?! "if you let me seduce your sister in front of you and keep your mouth shut it proves that I love you" I'M sorry?!?!!??? I absolutely cannot. Someone will need to give me some serious break down of why tf I shouldn't jump in there and smack the bitch myself for being so stupid and betraying her sister like that smh ((more on this bs later bc i've made it far enough through TQON to know things))
JUDE!!!!!!!! - Girl why tf are you gonna do my boy Cardan dirty like that???? He finally TRUSTED YOUR ASS okay?! he is clearly a lil bby who has never had a hug and never felt loved and is v much into you so maybe you should be NICE TO HIM (or mean bc hes into that obvs) but like -- you put the damn crown on his head when he SPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU NOT TO?!??????? oof
The Wicked King:
I sat there really trying to figure out who tf betrayed Jude already when Nicasia's jealous ass said that and like I knew it was not my boy Cardan bc he has never done anything wrong in his entire life and he has a plan and reasons and you can't tell me any different okay!? someone ((JUDE)) just hug the damn boy and pat his lil head and tell him everything is gonna be okay pls?? and I knew that boy Locke and stupid idiot Traitor Taryn were sus. Obvs Madoc is a dumb murder bitch so like?? DUH he was gonna do something stupid since you know, he already fucking committed treason. I just sat there from page one waiting for those three to pull some stupid shit to betray Jude and OBVS I WAS RIGHT ! those stupid idiot dumb dumbs can't help themselves but betray Jude! hate them allllllll hate hate hate
but the scream i screamed when the Ghost of all damn people - (me picturing him as some kinda cute lil spy cutie) - called for Jude in that tower and was like "naaaahhh I worked for Dain bitch, not your ass" I'm???? sorrryyy??? betray ME?! the READER OF THIS BOOK?!??! excuse you!
but also the way Cardan was like "tell me you hate me" and "i want to tell you so many lies" and "i'm a sad lil bby and nobody has ever cared about me" and "i trusted you" and "marry me" and "crawl to me" crawl to meee????? sir. and he sent her ass to the mortal world but did not deny her and did not revoke their marriage so likeeee??? jude girly use your damn brain okay babes i know its in there somewhere so pls just get back to your 4D chess game you had in book 1 and realize this man loves you and is trying to PROTECT YOU OKAY ugh!!!!!
Currently reading The Queen of Nothing so like.... doing my damn best to fly through this book so I can finally look at fanart and fandom shit okay? gh
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beastren · 5 months
∞ Arisen & Pawn Character Introductions
original template by @arisenreborn :D
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NAME: Nimh AGE: 23 RACE: Half-elf PRONOUNS: She/her PREFERRED VOCATION: Warfarer FAVORED GIFTS: Gems, things to make food with, particularly (princess) harspuds. FAMILY: Elf father, human mother.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Brave, hard-working, largely unconcerned with things she deems trivial, so it helps her have a good sense of drive/focus, but can also make her some across as uncaring. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Rash, reckless, impulsive, particularly in high-pressure moments, like if Lir gets downed. Easily frustrated. LIKES: Goats, books, small creeks. DISLIKES: The cold. Glyndwr. She doesn't have the best impression of elves in general, but also not the worst. Medusas.
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1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
She lived on a small farm with her parents until she was about 16, when she decided to start traveling and doing odd jobs around Vermund, which is how she ended up as a sell-sword in Melve when the dragon attacked. Her family lived a decent bit away from any settlement, although they would go into the nearest towns to shop and trade every so often. She didn't have many friends because of this, so she took up reading from a young age, and it was her main hobby, aside from helping on the farm, which she did genuinely love.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
She handles it pretty well, at the beginning, after she's gotten her memories back. The point where she didn't have them was quite rough though, and of course it gets rough later on when more things start feeling at stake. In the AU where she brings about the Unmoored World it's a bit horrifying, it's the absolute worst thing she could've ever imagined and the only things that get her through are the urge to set thing's right and Lir's determination.
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
Just fine! Not good or bad, and both before and after becoming an arisen she was inclined to see them as Just People, albeit with a bit more nuance later on.
4. What's their relationship like with their main Pawn?
Complicated and simple at the same time. Due to her love of books as a child, particularly tales of knights and princes, Lir was born from an idealized image of those figures. While he was made for her to fall in love with and be a crutch/wish fulfillment in a way, she also always struggled with attachment and attraction to men. It's not that she wasn't, but it happened very rarely. So between that, and also how convoluted, intense and unique the bond between arisen and main pawn can be, she spends a lot of time figuring out what might be projection or miss-attributed feelings. She does come to very much genuinely love him for him though, throughout their journey. More on this in Lir's paragraph on his feelings for Nimh and how he's changed.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
No interest in it at all smh.... She's definitely just handing the responsibility off to Sven lol. She was happy in her late teens/early 20's to be away from home and the farm, but as she goes through her journey as Arisen she finds herself longing for it again more than anything. So she really hopes Sven would also be willing to fund her getting a little farm of her own somewhere.... Maybe she could renovate those couple destroyed buildings overrun by saurians by the fields of Vernworth.... As she'd also hate to be too far from people again.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
Wilhelmina is her love interest, aside from Lir.... Wilhelmina kissing her to save her from the guards was her bi awakening lol. As for close friends, she gets along well with Menella and Brant. She likes to visit Waldhar too, as he becomes a great supply of books and is someone she can talk about them to. She likes hanging out with Ulrika and Fyoran when she visits Harve as well. Beren as well, and although she doesn't spend much time with him, he's one of the only people she truly feels she won't be judged for being quiet around.
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it?
She hates being limited (read: not being able to reach areas), so always being able to pull out a staff and levitate, or to pull out a magick bow to shoot enemies out of the sky or hit multiple targets is something she quickly finds she can't go back from once she has it. Though she usually equips all 4 of her skill slots with skills from one vocation anyway, mainly mystic spearhand and occasionally thief.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Reading!! But also she at least does very much enjoy camping and making good food for everyone, especially finding ways to go above and beyond the default slab of meat. Maybe THIS is her secret to getting Lir to be so strong.... She also likes petting and playing with farm animals. She will often wander out into the fields outside of Vernworth to do this....
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NAME: Lir AGE: 24 RACE: Beastren PRONOUNS: He/him PREFERRED VOCATION: Warrior FAVORED GIFTS: Berries, delicately but pleasantly fragranced soaps. Handmade things and kind gestures in general. INCLINATION: Kindhearted
POSITIVE TRAITS: Kind, strong, loyal and sweet. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Self-sacrificing, can be a bit clueless. Clumsy around deep water. LIKES: Shallow water and baths, hot springs.... He enjoys traveling and seeing interesting sights but there's nothing better than a warm comfortable bed. DISLIKES: Deep water and the brine.... Dragonsplague....
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1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Nothing much to note here! Just a foggy consciousness in the rift.... Nimh is his first and only arisen!
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
He looks up to her a lot, before anything else. At first he's quite compelled by Nimh's will and her projection of it, as his arisen, onto him, and sort of loves her blindly for a while. But even at the start, part of his awe and wonder towards her is certainly genuine. More on this in the "how have they changed" section below.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?)
He holds her in too high of a regard to think of any of her traits as too much of a flaw, but if he had to say some things, it'd be her recklessness when worrying over him, but also her difficulty at times with communication. Although they work together very well in battle, and there is a certain amount Lir can kind of just Sense off of her, there was a period in the middle of their journey (about the time they reached Battahl) where the two grew rather distant. Largely because Nimh was having difficulties sorting through her feelings for both Lir and Wilhelmina, and also just struggling as enemies got harsher in Battahl. This lead her to neglecting him a bit and just not talking to him about anything she was going through, which Lir would've absolutely preferred and believes would've saved them a lot of trouble. They do eventually have a breaking point where they work things out and grow closer than ever before.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set?
Chirurgeon!! He was a Logistician at first, but Nimh wold get frustrated at him crafting salubrious draught all the time before she could wait for fruit to ripen and dry to make roborant.... She decided to channel his affinity for curatives and his kindhearted nature into a specialization where he could look out for their party more directly.
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated?
Lir can be very sensitive to it, feeling lots of grief at the ways pawns get mistreated in Battahl. It's extra odd for him being a beastren pawn as well.... But part of him does understand why they feel that way considering dragonsplauge, but it hurts nonetheless. He wants to be hopeful since Nadinia seems open-minded, but he wonders how much of what Phaesus does she truly knows about.
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how?
During the rough patch between Nimh and Lir, he starts to gain his own will bit by bit. At first this and the general circumstances do draw them apart, but Lir takes the time to ponder and sort out his own genuine, developing feelings. It's hard to sort out and get rid of Nimh's will completely, so things continue to be complicated, but Nimh is very wary of this and that isn't lost on Lir. He doesn't ever bring his feelings up directly for quite a long time because of this, although he does keep up his sweet manner of speech full of admiration as it is kind of second nature by now, albeit with a bit more Meaning. To keep the rest of this short, in one AU Lir, Nimh and Wilhelmina all end up happily together, retired at their farm with Sven as sovran. In another, they decide to bitter-sweetly part ways after everything so Lir can travel and become truly his own self. And there's also the unmoored world AU ofc.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation?
In game he comments on this a lot lol, he loves being a warrior. Sometimes he even asks to be a warrior WHILE he's a warrior. Initially he was a fighter, influenced by Nimh's vision of a princely knight. But he felt a little stagnant after reaching max rank so they had him try out warrior and he just instantly thrived, he felt a lot more helpful/capable/powerful too, so it just stuck!!
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times?
Hmmm, that's hard.... He's rather go with the flow so he can be happy chilling and doing whatever, like watching the clouds or the stars.... But I could see him having a journal/scrapbook or something!! I'm sure he gets into a lot of stuff in the AU where he sets out on his own but i'd have to ponder it more.... Kind of related, but he would help re-braid Nimh's hair often and got quite good at it, on top of it being quite relaxing to him.... Hairstylist....
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asamitakamybeloved · 1 year
ch 140 thoughts
oooh, I like today's chainsaw man chapter. Some fun details:
Denji is canonically against child marriage! And Sugo is apparently not. Does this mean Sugo is child-married to someone? Is that someone the Whip Hybrid?
Is Asa child-married to someone? No, right? We would know if she were, right?
Yeah I absolutely refuse to refer to it as "married" because my South Asian butt refuses to acknowledge marriages of children, absolutely hell naw
Mass-marriages are a thing that cults are known to do in real life
Sugo seems enthusiastic that they vanquished evil. Is this guy super motivated by being good or something? In a manga where almost all characters are morally grey, a person who sees the world in black and white may pose a problem
(the only character who is not morally grey is Violence fiend, who was all about peace and love to the bitter end)
We got confirmation of two names! Barem FlamethrowerMan and Nobana Higashiyama! Little boy Higashiyama will always be Brobeni to me. Barem lost his piercings from part 1 but I'm glad to see he's still staying silly
Does this mean NOBANA is child-married???
Nobana's tour is evocative of Makima's tour of Public Safety (smh chainsaw man fans when a character shows another character a building), but the Chainsaw Man Church (unlike Public Safety) is loaded
Lol the parish benches have chainsaws on the sides
For a guy who's so into being a hero, Sugo is pretty quick to deny reality and the truth, even though he's aware of his own self-deception (being a free man in 139, embellishing the truth in 140)
It says a lot that the choice between "friends and family" and pulling the cord gives Denji pause. He chooses both!
Interesting how the side of Denji that's lit up is the side with the cord, while the side with family is in shadow
They're gonna put Asa in danger to lure out Chainsaw Man... asaden real forever...
Fami WHERE. Seigi* WHERE. This chapter is called SCALES. But the scales of famine and scales of justice are MISSING
*Seigi means Justice. Seigi Akoku is the Justice Devil?
I feel like Fumiko and Barem are two sides of the same clown coin but Barem is fun in a goofy way and Fumiko is fun in a Joker way (I will never forgive her)
America's the freaking worst, hell yeah!!! (I, an American, announce enthusiastically)
Looks like these events are leading up to a war with America
Can we see Asa again, I miss Asa and I haven't seen her in seven days
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resident-idiot-simp · 5 months
I’ve always hated media interpretations of hope, usually its depicted as an innocent fragile little thing that needs to be protected regardless of what form it’s taken ie inanimate object, animal, human or just a concept. I actually like what they did with hope in the Percy Jackson universe but I won’t into details here for fear of spoilers.
I think Ghost as the God of Hope works really well because he (nearly) always survives regardless or in spite of what it will take to live like when he dug himself out of his own grave. None of it was pretty or kind and there are even moments where he is small and fragile but it feels earnt in the story and hearing still survived Hope has a nasty habit of springing back up even after you’ve squashed it.
I fell like people have a habit of writing Despair as some loud ugly thing that just lashes out and it can be that but it can also be silent and still or even seemingly happy it doesn’t always lead to steaming and crying I have literally seen people so sad they start laughing.
I’ve think Soap as the God Despair works so well as well because people also sometimes mischaracterise him as this happy go lucky guy who not as smart or as good at his job compared to the rest of the 141 and Ghost in particular, he may not be as stealthy as Ghost but he’s more destructive and I would argue smarter in a book sense way.
As Gods I’d say they both have a Grim determination to get the job done the difference being hope fighting for the end and despair fighting till the end.
One of the inspirations for this idea was the story of Pandora and the Alone mission. Soap opens the proverbial jar and lets out the nightmares when questioning graves on his and shepherd’s betrayal. Pandora was curios and opened the jar realising evil unto the world. Ghost stayed to watch over and guide Soap through a city being destroyed by monsters they’d previously helped. Hope was the last thing left in the jar and it stayed to protect and help humanity survive.
When questioned about Ghost staying behind to help Soap in Las Alma’s they both responded together and opposite eachother, Soap in despair felling alone and Ghost resolute always there.
This was supposed to be short lol
Side note imagine 09 Ghost Soap Persephone and Hades
I agree honestly it misses the whole point of hope smh.
OOHHH amazing reasoning absolutely agree with you. God and that is such a powerful connection and example. That even in the worst moments humanity will always succeed and conquer.
I have to it is a sight to see and so telling of the sheer lengths people can go and what they can handle. The amount of respect I have for people who suffer so much and can still smile is beyond words. My mom is disabled and was told she would never work again, but that woman got up and told the world to fuck Itself. She got better It's still hard and there are days she can't get out of bed, but she beat the predictions. She has chronic fatigue and chronic pain with fibromyalgia, she has a heart aneurysm we are keeping a close eye on and just beat breast cancer. She from what I have seen is the embodiment of hope and the strength of the human spirit.
Completely agree as does @azilver we talk about this a lot. People really don't understand Soap's character and it sucks. It's all a mask or if it isn't it is a tool in his arsenal so people don't realize how dangerous he is.
Again, completely agree.
AGAIN, SPOT ON! That is such a good way to tie that line into the idea as well as a good basis on top of the already solid reasoning!
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oc-tournaments · 2 months
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PROFESSOR MAXWELL: @antlerontwitch
LOTTIE: @a1sart
SALEM: @irusanw4
Propaganda Content Warnings: Torture for PROFESSOR MAXWELL. Parental abuse for LOTTIE.
PROPAGANDA: Aroace but too twinkified (he's been shipped with his best friend and a prisoner smh), literally meets God (scp-343) and calls him a bitch to his face, covered in scars (recent and old), feels like he's 80 when he's in his 40s, constant and deep eyebags, was shown the universe's worst horrors by God (Canon God), has been sliced in half, torn apart, beheaded, tortured by God (not Canon, me) - he goes fishing but only in the ocean on his own rowboat, the only person he can talk to confidently is his life long best friend, long, messy hair, tall but not taller than his best friend
PROPAGANDA: "Lucky" Lottie is a 28 year old woman working as a waitress in the year 1987. Her mother, who is literally a goddess, wants to kill her <3 Every time she succeeds Lottie comes back to life and the Goddess has to try again. Lottie's nickname "Lucky" is ironic because she has the worst luck EVER, entirely because her mother is trying to kill her all the time. All Lottie wants to do is make enough money to move out of the small town she was born in but her mother's constant attempts on her life are really complicating the matter. She keeps having to dig into her savings to pay her hospital bills every time she's in an accident :( Lottie does make some friends eventually though! Too bad her mother decides she wants to kill them too, and they don't come back when they die so now Lottie has to protect them and it's REALLY HARD. The Goddess has decided to make a game of it and she is having an absolute BLAST trying to off them permanently <3
PROPAGANDA: They get put in all of my situations. They are forcibly turned into a domestic griffin for several years. They get hunted down by bounty hunters. They run a farm and lizard chicken monsters that emit human screams for fun are the only reason their livestock is not eaten. They don't have coping mechanisms for shit. They're afraid of getting attached to people. They throw bricks at people at night. They don't know multiplication. The god-killing mushroom being doesn't like them very much. They're bilingual and bad at it. Sometimes dragons try to burn down the nearby village and they have to leave their lizard chickens in charge of the farm so they can go piss off feral griffins into fighting the dragon. They're wanted for tax evasion but they don't know what taxes are. Their lizard chickens bite them for no good reason. The feral griffins bite them for good reason. They believe big pharma's lies. They're sarcastic but don't have tone for shit so everyone just thinks they're an asshole. They're also just an asshole.
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