#lord this got lengthy
sejjiplinth · 25 days
#it’s so funny because i literally have a doc from 2020 with this exact premise but i never finished it 👁️ — from this post
hello! if you don’t mind sharing, what other thoughts did you have about marcus being alive during the games & sejanus needing to mentor him?
i’m so sorry it took so long to get to this but Here we go: (clarification that this is an au where sejanus doesn’t break into the arena to try and get him mid-games. 😭 as opposed to what i was originally building off of in the original post)
i’m certain sejanus’s mental health would’ve been at an all-time low, regardless of how marcus was doing. meaning he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat. all he does is stay in heavensbee hall and forces himself to look after marcus the best he can, but marcus does not want his help. and sejanus knows it, even through the screen.
the first and last time marcus looks sejanus in the eye is directly before the peacekeepers drag them all out into the arena for the first day of the games. there’s some thickness in it and sejanus finds himself wondering why marcus suddenly wanted to look at him, he won’t get an answer.
i still don’t think marcus would show any effort in surviving canonically, but if he did, he’d be stealing from the other tributes. the majority of them are either scared of him or know they’ll lose against him so there’s no fight for their gifts. he apologizes if they’re awake.
bouncing off of the first point, sejanus quite literally never goes home. he stays in heavensbee hall overnight with hardly any sleep and can’t even imagine getting up and walking back home because marcus could be dead by the time he gets back. i like to think ma comes up there everyday just to see him, she leaves him tins of cookies too, but of course those always go to his classmates.
marcus doesn’t ally. he doesn’t trust a soul, but he keeps a close eye on a few of the other tributes. some of them look over to him too. maybe it’s out of strategy, or protection, but he knows he’d never be able to kill any of them, even if they tried to hurt him first. it’s not in his blood. someone else who’s watching him just as closely knows that as well.
this one is self-indulgent (as if this whole thing isn’t lol) but they totally dream about each other. sejanus dreams of the past in his small, five minute cat naps and jolts in his chair when even a sliver of the present flashes in front of him, he’s earned nothing but judgmental stares, except maybe a few shoulder pats from lysistrata. marcus dreams of the present, of brown teary eyes and a creaky voice, pleading for him to eat. he shakes himself awake against the rough slab he sleeps on when a young sejanus visits him.
despite marcus refusing all of sejanus’s sponsors, he keeps sending them anyway. just to sort of say: i know you won’t forgive me, but i’m here. the other mentors look at him sideways for this, because he’s just wasting his sponsors. but the longer marcus is alive, the more sponsors he gets. he already had a ton before the games even began, there was no need to not use them, even if the whole ideal made sejanus’s stomach churn. (they weren’t completely wasted, after all. some of the other tributes would scurry and grab the food that had fallen.)
watching more and more tributes die only makes sejanus feel worse. while his fellow mentors are buzzing with excitement over the fact that their tributes are reaching the endgame, all sejanus can do is hold back tears and keep down the sickness, begging for any kind of protection for his tribute. he wishes he could protect marcus himself, but he knows he can’t, and it all falls into place eventually.
no matter how marcus dies in this universe, whether it be by surrendering to another tribute or by the snakes, sejanus (unsurprisingly) loses his damn mind 😭 he’s had so much more time to let his thoughts about marcus and their situation marinate, i think this breakdown would be worse. it’s hard not to feel anything but guilt and self-hatred when all he can do is remind himself that he had a chance to save marcus, but failed.
marcus would have regrets. thoughts consisting of dead family and of missed opportunities. he thinks that, maybe, there would’ve been an easier way to die. instead of dragging it out like this. he’s been dead from the moment his name was called at the reaping. of course, district 2’s tradition would cross his mind, and along with that thought comes sejanus. his old classmate, someone he never wanted to see again. but here he was, envisioning him before he passes. it’s stupid, he knows it. but he lets it happen.
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rip 2 my irl friends who gotta deal with me infodumping to them abt my paracosms now lol
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ozzgin · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked if your requests are open and i got busy assignments + presentations that i almost forgot about the request but now i remembered and it's based on my dream i saw that night..
How about a vampire who lost his relic (presumably a ring) and reader happens find it and tries it on, now the vampire is all panicking because guess what? That was a betrothal relic and it has binded the vampire's soul with the one of reader. They can't pull it out/take it of.. oh well, now they are stuck and obviously the vampire hates the idea of being stuck with a pesky human but hey they are kinda stupid..? How tf they tripped on thin air? Or how they are still alive even after being food poisoned 5 times a month? Vampire is now babysitter for his human *sighs * what has he gotten himself in..
(Please add yandere elements later on, my brain stoopid but i want a hot Victorian era vampire being obsessed with me ^^ muah!)
(I'm sorry this is so lengthy TT)
Yandere! Vampire x Reader
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Featuring a ridiculously lucky Reader who constantly manages to escape a Vampire's assassination attempts. Did someone order a supernatural edition of enemies to lovers?
Content: gender neutral reader, obsessive behavior, mentions of stalking, romcom
[Monster masterlist] [Original works masterlist]
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"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" your friends gasp in unison, eyes fixated on the fallen ceramic pot that scarcely missed you, now laying shattered at your feet. You laugh reassuringly and wave your hand in dismissal. "It's the fifth time it happens today. Maybe there's a storm coming?"
From within the shadows, menacing eyes glowing red follow your movements. "Damn it!" The mysterious man curses under his breath. He stares enviously at the bulky ring on your finger. The ring bearing his Family signet, where part of his very soul resides. It has stayed with him for centuries, and somehow, to his utmost shame, he lost it. By the time he rushed back to retrieve it, you were carelessly sliding it down your finger. He wanted to strangle the life out of you right then and there, but he felt it: the immediate surge of contractual power, dominating his will and holding him back from breaking your bones. "It's a little tacky, isn't it?" your friend remarked. You nodded in agreement and tried to remove it, but the metal band tightened around your skin, painfully constricting your digit. It was stuck. It was too late.
Now he has to rely on cheap trickeries like this one. Sure, he may not be able to directly plunge his fangs into your neck, but the bonding curse does not shield you from "accidents", you see. It would be a real shame if that flower pot was to land straight into your head, ending you instantly and thus breaking the connection with him. Except you simply refuse to die. A mystery, a paradox, one that enrages him to no end. It's almost as if the ring is bringing you fortune at the cost of his misery.
"Have you had any luck removing that ugly thing?" the person standing next to you mentions. The vampire lord grits his teeth at the blasphemous words. This is what's become of him: a deceitful buffoon, having to sit and listen to his inheritance being mocked relentlessly. He holds back the urge of shouting that thousands have bled to death in order to forge that magnificence. "Not at all", you respond idly. "I tried taking it to a jeweler, and she said she could try to cut it, but she ended up having a heart attack right in the middle of it. She didn't even look that old, maybe it runs in her family?"
Unbelievable. The thought of reclaiming his relic haunts every second of his day, to the point he's become your shadow. Stalking your every move, your every breath, observing his prey and waiting for an opportunity to strike. He can already picture that pathetic face of yours, twisting in pain, begging for-...huh. Well, look at that, you're reading one of his favorite books. Perhaps you do have a little taste, after all. It won't save you from your terrible fate, but he might skip the prolonged torture.
There's plenty of quotes out there about knowing your enemy in order to guarantee your victory, though one might wonder where the limit of such knowledge resides. Or what counts as useful to begin with. The vampire lord is presently wondering about this very aspect, as he mouths your coffee order from a distance. Less sugar, huh? You did mention losing your sweet tooth. He shakes his head indignantly. Absolutely not! The throb of his heart is fueled by raw hatred and nothing else. One of days he will savour your demise.
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Your ridiculous luck might just end today. You've taken a shortcut on your way back home, and didn't expect a shady, burly man to block your exit. A perverted grin stains his face as he approaches you, twiddling with his pocket knife. "Alone at this hour?" You frown and try to find a way out, but the man suddenly begins to heave and convulse before your eyes, grasping at his chest as the skin shrivels and dries. He collapses at your feet, body wilted as if it's been emptied of its vitality. The Vampire Lord clicks his tongue.
To think he'd rush to rescue his sworn enemy, a pitiful mortal like you. He didn't even get the chance to consider the aftermath. You stare at the stranger, confused but observant. Pale skin, crimson eyes, unnaturally sharp canines...and the fact he just drained a living being into a bloodless corpse: everything hints to one possibility. "Are you by any chance a vampire?" you find yourself mumbling. "You must've graduated from Harvard with those deduction skills", he responds sarcastically.
Everything else unfolds in a haze. Wasn't he planning to kill you and retrieve his ring? When the hell did he offer to walk you home to avoid more creeps? Why is he twirling his hair sheepishly whenever you praise his demonic powers? Oh, but it gets worse: why did he suddenly feel the urge to kiss you before returning to his cursed lair? Why did he accept your invitation to spend the night at your place instead? One moment ago, he was doing his best to curse you off this Earth. Now he's tugging stray strands of hair away from your blushing, whining face, asking you if it hurts. Damned human.
"How did you know I like this? Have you been stalking me?" you joke, nudging your undead boyfriend and setting the gift aside. "More or less", he confesses with a yawn. He recalls all that time spent dutifully spying on your oblivious self. "You know, a human like you shouldn't be able to dodge death like that." He turns to you and scans your features. Then, abruptly embarrassed, he ruffles your hair to block you from noticing his blush. "I suppose my failure was the better outcome. It's not too bad, having you around."
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Love both your Cannibal + Reader series and your Benjicot Blackwood fics, and had an idea for combining them. Someone insults or threatens Reader and Benji goes absolutely feral, like full on Bloody Ben. And Cannibal’s just like ‘okay, so maybe this one isn’t that bad.’
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This is probably my longest piece ever to date, so be warned that this will take a bit to get through.
It wasn’t necessarily easy to travel anywhere in the seven kingdoms when you rode a dragon like Cannibal, everyone could see you from miles away due to how big he was that even from a far off distance he was still quite easy to spot. So when you and Cannibal landed in the Riverlands for a moment of rest, you were quickly spotted by three young lads who were sword training in the clearing, the lord of house Blackwood Benjicot Blackwood and Oscar and Kermit Tully.
While scared stiff at first and a lengthy discussion in regards of your reasoning for being in the Riverlands, Oscar, Kermit and Benjicot were more then okay with you staying for a few days whilst Cannibal rested up, with Benjicot even going as far as to offer up Raventree Hall as your temporary accommodation until then.
‘I couldn’t lord Blackwood, that’s far too-‘
‘I insist.’ He said as Cannibal looked at him suspiciously, for the dragon had seen that same look upon the young lords face copied on countless others during your trip across Westeros, you had yet again gained the attention another lord unwillingly; much to cannibal’s dismay as the behemoth huffed smoke from his nose in some form of a indignant snort.
This was going to be a long few days for Cannibal, that was for certain.
And a long few days it was as for the next couple of days you and Benjicot had grown quite close to each other during this time, always being seen together no matter where you went as the young lord showed you everything Raventree had; from the shooting ranges, stables, library and more but your favourite place would have to be the Weirwood and it seemed that Benjicot felt the same as he would always accompany you there, arm in arm as though you were a couple of betrotheds, a thought that had became more and more louder the more time you spent with the sweet and somewhat awkward Blackwood lord.
You even got the pleasure of meeting his aunt, Alysanne Blackwood, someone you thought wouldn’t like you but her eyes pretty much light up upon seeing you both as a smile spreads across her face. ‘It is nice to finally meet you, rider of the infamous Cannibal, my nephew here has spoken quite a bit about you as of recently.’ she said as she looks over at Benjicot, who now had a face as bright and red as the ripest cherries.
‘He has?’ You asked as you too now looked at Benji as he refused to meet your eyes, aware of the fact that Cannibal’s head was poking out to look at him dangerously. Benjicot knew of dragons and their bond with their riders was unlike any other but Benjicot was certain that Cannibal was beyond overprotective of you, making him skeptical of anyone and everyone who showed you the slightest bit of interest.
‘Oh he has and in such vivid detail too.’ Alysanne replied as she smirked at the halfhearted glare her nephew gave her. He had always been too easily read when it came to his poorly concealed feelings for you during your time at Raventree, seeing as she often caught him staring at you with wonder while you looked elsewhere. There was an added softness in Benjicot that was only reserved for you and you alone, and that alone made Alysanne want to get to know you better, to understand what her nephew saw in you to be so captivated in such a short span of time.
‘I believe that’s enough from you dear Aunt.’ Benjicot said as he tried to softly ease you into following him back to the Weirwood, somewhere where he wouldn’t be teased for something he had admitted to in private. Why he ever thought that his aunt would ever choose to keep quiet about this over teasing him -and in front of you no less- he’ll never know but what he did know was that he was on borrowed time before you and Cannibal leave Raventree, leave him and the Riverlands for good. So if he wanted to say anything to you before then, he had to act fast but there was one issue; cannibal.
Cannibal didn’t like anyone from what you’ve told him of the countless stories of your journey across Westeros in search of a peaceful place for you and your dragon both, a place far away from the grasp of the war to come, and so far Cannibal hated every last lord and lady that you had met as he found them unworthy of you and your trust.
‘Cannibal doesn’t believe either side of this war is worth saving? And you’re just going to trust his judgment like that?’ Benjicot asked, curious as to how you hadn’t picked a side unlike him, whose mind was made up almost within immediate effect.
‘I am common born Benji,’ you reminded him, ‘and as far as am aware we are the ones who suffer the most during turbulent times liked these, so why should I be forced to choose a side when all they really want is a wild card to call upon when they’re at a disadvantage.’ You looked over at Cannibal and sighed. ‘All they want is control over him and I’m the key, but if they found a way to do so without me, they’d kill me in an instant.’
Benjicot bristled, anger bubbling in his veins as he then said. ‘I wouldn’t let that happen. I wouldn’t let them so much as lay a hand on you, I swear it.’ He promised and he truly meant it but much like your dragon, you’ve grown to become distrusting of any word that left a lord or ladies mouth, for they always told the sweetest of lies that you don’t realise until it was far too late.
You smiled bittersweetly at him as you reached over to hold his hand, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. ‘I want to believe you Benji, truly I do, but I just can’t.’ You confessed to him as you stood up with Benjicot following suit. ‘Far too many people have used similar words but haven’t been true to them even in the slightest. I know you’re a honourable man, but I’ve learnt to never give out my trust to those until they’ve earned it.’ You added as you pressed a kiss to his cheek, wanting him to know that he still has some reign over your heart as you took a step back from him, leaving him to realise that this was you saying goodbye; he had ran out of time sooner then he had expected.
‘I’m sorry lord Blackwood, but my time at Raventree hall has come to an end and I thank you for your hospitality but it is time that me and Cannibal leave.’ You were just as sad to leave Benjicot for you finally felt something for someone else that you haven’t experienced in a while, you had fallen for him and that had frightened you and so you’d rather leave and let him find someone else to hold in his heart, despite how painful that would be to witness but you didn’t want to be less astray; not ever again.
And then without another word, you left Benjicot standing under the Weirwood tree, unsure of whether this was actually happening and that he was watching his happiness walk away without him putting up the slightest bit of a fight. He may not fall in love but he knew that when he did he loved hard, and he doesn’t believe that he’ll ever love someone as hard he did you, even if he didn’t say it but Benjicot was certain you knew but were afraid to say it.
Benji knew that he couldn’t keep you here with him in Raventree and while he wanted that to be reality, he knew that reality could be often disappointing and that it would be better to let you and cannibal leave as planned, but he was better off calling himself a coward for the rest of his life if he didn’t at least let you know how he felt. So without a second thought Benjicot bolted down the way you went in hopes of catching up to you in time, pushing himself to go as fast as he could towards the clearing where you first met, all the while his mind raced with all the words he wished to say when he had the chance.
Unfortunately for him it seemed as though the Brackens had gotten to you and Cannibal first, which didn’t help but make him mad, as he saw that cannibal was more then ready to set the Riverlands aflame while you stood in front of him in a protective manner despite the swords being pointed at you.
You were protecting Cannibal at the expense of yourself for you believed that he held more value than you did, whereas Benjicot thought that you were just as valuable as your dragon companion.
‘Bracken!’ Benjicot shouted, causing everyone to look at him as he drew his sword, a crazed look in his eye.
‘Benji?’ You whispered as you watched him take a stand in front of you, shielding you from the very people who had been threatening you into giving up Cannibal, all the while looking like a man possessed by anger and a need for bloodshed.
‘Blackwood.’ The man with brunette hair spat as he trained his sword at Benjicot’s throat, forgetting you and cannibal almost immediately. ‘This business has nothing to do with so.’ Benji scoffed as he took a step forward, allowing for the tip of his rivals blade to be but a hairs breath from piercing his skin. ‘This is Blackwood land.’ he sneered, caring about nothing else but keeping you safe from harm. ‘So of fucking course this is my business, considering that it looks to me that you were about to harm them and their dragon.’
You couldn’t help but watch on helplessly as the tension grew heavy the longer this tense stand off continued between rivalling houses, you could tell through your bond that Cannibal was curious, calm even as he wanted to see who spills the others blood first; the Bracken boy with the brunette hair or Benjicot.
Cannibal do something, anything. You said telepathically to your dragon.
He’s fighting for your honour little one and it would be a dishonour if I were to intervene. Cannibal responded.
You groan you only want to watch the bloodbath and eat who’s leftover. You replied disgruntled.
While that may be a reason but watch young Blackwood closely my dear, for his next move may surprise you as well as I. Cannibal said as you head his words and watched as the Bracken try to attack Benji first, only for Benji to intercept the attack with one of his own that sent the man you now knew as Aeron staggering backwards, all the while Benjicot ran his tongue over his teeth as he smiled chaotically.
It was something that shouldn’t have elicit a reaction out of you but the sight of this side of Benjicot definitely had its..effect over you as you tried to stop the heat from spreading across your cheeks.
. ‘Is that half assed attempt all you got?’ He scoffed, ‘I’m not in surprised, you Brackens fight like a bunch of pussies.’ He continue to goads Aeron, who only scowls and tries to attack Benjicot again but fails as the young Blackwood lord side stepped him before bringing the pommel of his sword down on the Brackens back, causing him to fall pathetically to the ground as his sword fell out of his reach.
‘What’s so important about this bitch and their overgrown reptile that makes you pick up the sword Blackwood.’ Aeron spat as he struggled to get back up. His words seemed to have angered Benji more as he was quick to grab Aeron by the cloak he wore, and then threw him one handedly so that he was forced to look up at Benji, just as he puts his foot on his chest and leans in close with his sword pointed at Aeron’s neck and nicking the skin there.
‘They mean more to me than you’ll ever understand.’ Benjicot said lowly. ‘Their life is worth your more than everyone in house Bracken combined, and I don’t take lightly to when they’re being threatened by the likes of craven little cunts like you.’ He finished before lifting his foot up and brining it down on Aeron’s head, knocking him out completely before looking at you with the soft expression that you were most familiar with, dropping his sword and holding your face between his calloused hands.
‘Are you okay?’ He asked but you were paying more attention to what Cannibal said.
He’s not so bad, little one. The behemoth tells you with pride. Quite the fighter with an insatiable lust for bloodshed, he’s a worthy suitor for your hand.
‘Yeah,’ you tell him, smiling as you held your hands over his own, ‘I’m fine, we both are thanks to you.’ You add and Benjicot smiles as he instinctively pressed a kiss to your forehead without a second thought before resting his head there afterwards, closing his eyes as he sighed in relief. ‘Good. I’m glad.’ He whispered.
‘Benji?’ You asked softly.
‘Yeah?’ He replied, wanting to stay in this moment for a little while longer.
‘I trust you.’ You tell him wholeheartedly, causing him open his eyes to look at you.
‘Really?’ He asks, hoping that this wasn’t a dream.
‘Yes Benji, I trust you-‘ before you could finish those words, Benji had already leaned in for a kiss, which you quickly melted into as you reciprocated his feelings by returning his passion with your own, lips weaving against one another and hot tongues pressing against hot tongues messily.
Everything was perfect until you heard Cannibal speak inside you head.
Little one if you wanted to fuck him, you need only ask for me to leave for a while.
Needless to say cannibal ruined the mood.
‘Cockblocker.’ Benjicot muttered as cannibal huffed smoke at him.
Carful little bird, I can still eat you.
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Love is like the rose thorn
𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔡𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔨𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔢 ℑ 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲, ℑ’𝔪 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶
Description: The last thing Y/N expected after quite literally falling down the rabbit hole was to wake up in a world where dragons and knights exist. Throw in an incorrigible but undeniably handsome boy called Benjicot Blackwood who won't stop following Y/N around and we have ourselves a regular ol' fairytale.
Disclaimer: Victoria here to interrupt my regularly scheduled Aeron Bracken content with a Benjicot oneshot. This doesn't have any connection with Elizabeth's masterpiece The Blackwood Knight but is an attempt to fulfill a request from @ithilwen-blackwood for a modern reader finding themselves in Westeros. I'm sorry it doesn't match the request exactly as the reader isn't a dragon rider in this.
Loosely based on Beauty & The Beast. There's now a companion Cinderella retelling for Aeron Bracken called Star Crossed
Warnings: swearing, threat of violence, female reader, world jumping reader, Frenemies to lovers vibes, lengthy (I got carried away whoops), Beauty & The Beast vibes.
Y/N woke with a jolt. Dazed, her eyes frantically tried to take in her surroundings. She was disturbed to find she was not in her own bed, but lying on the cold hard ground with ferns lightly tickling her face. She seemed to have fallen asleep in the middle of nowhere, not recognising any land marks, just the vast expanse of green fields, rocky paths and off in the distance the treeline of nearby woodland. She remembered she'd been hiking and come across a strange arch covered in interweaving vines and blood red roses so dark they were almost black. She had felt inexplicably drawn to the arch that seemed to crackle with magic. But she knew that was ridiculous, there was no such thing. And yet she found herself walking towards it as if pulled by some invisible force until she stepped through it...and was met with darkness.
Y/N was pulled back to the present by an intense feeling of panic. None of this made any sense. Nonetheless her survival instincts had kicked in and she knew she couldn't just linger out in the open, she had to find help. So she started forward, opting to avoid the eery treeline of the woods, hoping that she'd eventually come across some semblance of civilisation, even better someone who could help her make sense of what had happened to her.
Y/N felt like she'd been walking for hours, perhaps she had, her bones wearied with exertion. A shining ray of hope came in the form of a beautiful man sat atop a precarious pile of stones. He struck a princely figure, dressed in clothes that looked straight out of a medieval fair, a fake sword hanging from a belt at his hips. His soft brown hair, lanky limbs, and dimples gave him a boyish charm. But his broad shoulders were suggestive of a strong build and the small scar on his nose gave her the impression he'd once broken it, perhaps in a fight. Eyes suddenly snapping to hers, his features rearranged themselves into a cocky smirk and she suddenly felt quite strongly that the man in front of her was quietly dangerous.
Unfolding himself from his slouched position, almost that of a beleaguered sentry, he jauntily approached her. Although he did stay at a respectful distance of a few paces. "Good day my lady, I have not seen you around these parts before. And I admit I do not recognise the colours of your house. From where do you hail?" Y/N found herself scoffing at his roguish tone and bizarre speech pattern. "From where do I hail? Are you heading to an expo or something. What's with the cosplay and fake sword?" The man's handsome features pulled into a slight frown of confusion. It lasted a mere moment before his eyes were oncemore alight with a mischievous glimmer that Y/N found equal parts frightening and exciting.
"Do you jest my lady? I bear the sigil and colours of House Blackwood as is my prerogrative as Lord of Raventree Hall." He bowed his head to her, a hand to his heart. Y/n had to admire his commitment to his costume but it was starting to grate on her nerves that he seemed to talk in riddles when she was desperate for answers. "Right, sure you are. Could you please point me in the direction of the nearest town?" Y/n asked awkwardly, hoping to try her luck with someone not dressed like a knight.  "You do not know where you are my lady?"
"Not exactly. Not at all if I'm being honest. I sort of just walked through an arch and woke up in a field and here I am. Where exactly is here?" The man's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Y/N detected a trace of concern as his eyes appeared to soften. "You tell a strange tale my lady, and I should be pleased to assist you in any way I can. We are in the heart of the Riverlands, in Blackwood land." Y/N felt a fresh surge of panic rise up within her chest as she struggled to understand any of the unfamiliar words the man in front of her had just laced together. Had she somehow time travelled and that was the cause of their mutual confusion? Trying to maintain a semblance of calm she took a deepth breath through her nose. "Can you tell me what the year is?"
The man's lips turned up in an amused smile. "This close to the borders of Bracken land it depends who you ask. In the eyes of House Blackwood it is the first year of the reign of the true Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the 129th year after Aegon the conqueror's conquest." Y/N let out a high pitched squeek, the panic that had settled uncomfortably in her stomach finally bubbling up to breaking point as she began to realise she may be farther from home than she'd first realised. The young man seemed positively alarmed at her outburst, his eyes widening as she started taking small steps away from him all the while trying to regulate her frantic breathing. His brow furrowing, he started to close the small distance between them, a placating hand outstretched as if he expected her to run from him.
"My lady, I can see that you are distressed. If I have done or said something to alarm you, I assure you it was not my intention." Y/N told herself to snap out of it. This was likely all some big misunderstanding. That or the stricken looking man in front of her was toying with her. The idea that he would do such a thing when she was so clearly lost, confused, and vulnerable incensed her. Glaring at him she wordlessly turned on her heels to walk away from him at break neck speed. Hearing footsteps she glanced behind her to see him following at a distance. "Are you following me?" "Yes" He said simply as if it was perfectly obvious that he should. "Brazen bastard" she mumbled, unfortunately not low enough for him to miss. A look of surprise as he registered her insult quickly shifted to one of bemusement before Y/N could even begin to worry about him reacting badly. "That may be, but I'd rather not see you walk into a den of savages. And that is the direction you're going in."
Y/n was quite frankly sick of his cryptic messages at this point. Stopping in her tracks to face him, the young man immediately halted, mirroring her movements. She fixed him with a stern glare. "I don't know what you're playing at but it isn't funny. I have no idea what you're talking about. And I'm not a lady so you can drop the act."
Turning so quickly she was sure her hair must have whipped him in the face she continued on the path she'd chosen. If he wanted to drop mysterious messages of foreboding without telling her anything concrete she'd just as well ignore him. That turned out to be difficult as he resumed following her wordlessly. Y/N broke the silence a while later. "Why are you still following me? I thought you said I was going the wrong way. Headed towards savages as you put it?" Seemingly delighted that she'd finally looked at him and was willingly speaking to him he shot her a dazzling smile that almost softened her resolve to be irritated with him. "To protect you of course. I am a knight and you are a lady in distress. The course you set is a dangerous one but if you choose to walk it then I shall walk it with you." His smile did not match the promise of life-threatening danger he was suggesting.
"I can take care of myself and since I can't understand half of what you're saying I'm not sure I really believe you." His smile growing wider, the young man took a couple of steps towards Y/N to close the distance between between them before gently taking her hand and planting a kiss to her knuckles. "I don't doubt it fair lady, you seem seem have a will of steel but I'd rather not risk your safety if its all the same to you." Momentarily at a loss for words at his actions, Y/N quickly quashed the traitorous fluttering of her heart and cleared her throat as she pulled her hands from his and attempted to put him down gently. "That's quite enough of that. Look, I appreciate your concern... " she stopped realising she didn't know his name and looked up at him questioning. "Benjicot Blackwood. Might I Iearn the name of the fair lady in return?" Ignoring his question, Y/N went on "but there's really no need to worry. I'll be just fine on my own."
Once again Y/N turned from him and continued to walk towards whatever mythical danger the man had portended. When she didn't hear his footfalls following her immediately a smile of self-satisfaction ghosted onto her face before she realised she was almost dissapointed. That was until she heard them at a farther distance this time. Glancing behind her but this time not stopping she shouted back to him. "Are you still following me" He had to shout too for her to hear him though there was mirth in his tone "yes my lady, you still seem dead set on barrelling head first into danger. And you have not yet given me your name" he responded playfully. Y/N groaned audibly "Why can't you go bother some other poor girl and leave me alone?" Y/N fumed to hear him laugh. "Because then, fair one, I might actually have to bother, as you say, ladies who like my company. And where would be the fun in that when I have you to shout at me?"
Y/n gaped at him in disbelief, this man could not be serious. Shaking her head at him, she decided to just go back to ignoring him. Perhaps he'd get bored of following her or, if she was really lucky, fall into a ditch. They walked a little while longer before an arm suddenly shot out around her waist, the young man having hastened his steps to step in front of her. "A step further and we're in Bracken territory. I beseech you to turn back with me. I will take you to my halls and we can discuss your predicament further." Y/N felt a growing sense of fear at Benjicot's seriousness.
Perhaps she'd been too quick to write his warnings off. No sooner had she thought this than she heard approaching footsteps and spotted four other men dressed just like him, except for the golden colour of their cloaks where his was a deep red. She didn't like the angry looks on their faces and was ashamed to find herself cowering slightly. Taking in her fright the young man shot around and positioned himself more fully in front of her, arm lightly outstretched behind him as if to shield her.
"Get back from the border Blackwood, you're in breech of the assize."
"Fuck the assize. This is Blackwood land and you know it." Y/N didn't have a clue what the two men were arguing about as insults flew back and forth, but her ears perked up as the man closest to her red knight levied the next one at her. "Take her with you. Is she fucking stupid, or is she so bold to think she can waltz around wherever she likes? Typical Blackwood bitch." The Lord of Raventree as he'd called himself earlier snarled out a reply, stepping forward to shove the golden Knight harshly in the chest. "You craven bastard. You dare insult a lady under my protection?" Y/N should have been panicking at the impending threat of violence, but her anger at the man's insults, so blatantly laced with misogyny, rose up so fiercely that she heard her own voice among the din before she could stop it. "Don't you dare call me a bitch. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? I don't know anything about an assize or why you're so obsessed with rocks and not crossing them but you can't just go around calling people names. Have some respect."
Seemingly stunned into silence, perhaps not expecting her to challenge him so brazenly, the golden Knight just stared at her in stony silence for a few moments before ignoring her entirely and turning back to her red knight. "Control your woman Blackwood." Through gritted teeth, Benjicot bit back "Speak another word about the lady and there will be violence." The golden Knight drew his sword, pointing directly at her red knight's chest. Ok, so not a fake sword then. Surprising her by laughing tauntingly, Benjicot walked right up to the tip of the sword. "You wouldn't dare." Y/N told herself she shouldn't find his passionate defence of her attractive, but in the current circumstances she felt she could be forgiven for being irrational. "Come on, just leave it" one of the other golden knights piped up. After a tense few moments the golden cloaked man lowered his sword and and stalked away, followed by his friends.
Shoulders tense, her defender did not turn his back to the knights until they were out of sight before turning around to look at her, eyes immediately softening from the aggressive glare he'd just been fronting. "Are you alright my lady? I had hoped to avoid such an interaction." Y/N flip flopped between finding his evident concern sweet and being irritated that he seemed to think this was her fault for not listening to him. "You think I'm to blame then? You're the one who kept dropping veiled hints about my impending doom and refusing to clarify what you meant!" Y/N could not for the life of her understand why the infuriating man in front of her was smiling at her. "Why are you smiling at me? Do you enjoy fighting with me?" "You mistake me my lady. I am merely gratified to know that you are well enough to shout at me. I was concerned that you would be shaken and frightened."
When Y/N didn't respond, mouth opening and closing trying to find a response, Benjicot assumed that she must be in some state of shock after all. "Please allow me to take you to Raventree. It would go against my conscience to leave a lady wandering about the riverlands alone when you seem so confused." With that he held his arm out for her to take, an antiquated gesture that seemed to confirm to Y/N she was really not in kansas anymore. Weighing her options, she considered that Benjicot Blackwood had teased her and followed her, but he had not harmed her and had in fact protected her when he could have walked away. Making her decision, she lightly placed her arm on his. "My name is Y/N." Benjicot grinned at her as if she had given him a star rather than her name, placing his other hand atop hers as it rested on his arm and began directing them in the opposite direction "a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Blushing fiercely with embarrassment, Y/N squeeked out a "Thank you."
Benjicot must have been chasing Y/N around the Riverlands for quite some time, as it took them at least an hour to reach the impressive fortress he called Raventree Hall.
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Once she'd gotten over the initial shock of realising she had in fact jumped from her world into another, Y/N actually found herself settling in to life in Westeros. It had taken some convincing for Benjicot to believe her story and stop assuming she was mildly insane, but he had all the while insisted she stay with him in Raventree Hall, gifting her with her own room and beautiful gowns in the colours of House Blackwood. She'd only had her hiking gear on when she was unceremoniously plucked from her world into his, and she sought to avoid similar looks of curiosity to the one he'd shot her when they first met. Y/N grew to love Raventree and the people who lived there.
Benjicot had practically forced his friendship open her and as incorrigible and cocky as he could be, encouraging a healthy back and forth banter between them at all times, she could not be anything but grateful for it. Each day he would show her something new, always hoping to amuse her, whether it be a new room to explore in his ancestral halls, a book he thought she might like, or the rose garden tucked away in the grounds, which had become her favourite haunt.
The roses reminded Y/N of Beauty and the Beast, her favourite fairytale from back home which Benjicot had made her tell at least a hundred times, listening just as attentively, a hand cupping his chin and eyes never leaving hers each time. She supposed that her own situation did somewhat resemble her favourite tale, down to her very own castle and beast. Benjicot had always been a gentleman with her, but she had heard the stories of Bloody Ben whispered by his servants and seen first hand his willingness to resort to violence to protect her when they first met.
More often than not it was Benjicot, or Benji as he seemed to insist only she call him, who came to her, always seeking out her opinions. But today it was Y/N seeking him out. She'd been growing more and more homesick of late and wanted to be with the one person she felt could truly understand, eventually finding him in the armoury, wielding his sword in different formations. Hoping to sneak up on him, and having taken fencing lessons herself back in her own world, she quietly tiptoed over to the swords. Grabbing the lightest one she could she walked soundlessly back over to him before he suddenly turned and clashed his sword against hers. "Sorry Y/N but you should know that I'd recognise your footfalls anywhere and you're not as quiet as you think."
"Rude" she huffed back, sliding her sword down his and shoving him away from her. He grinned at the challenge. "You didn't mention you'd handled a sword before." "Only a little."
He parried a fresh blow from her, easily blocking the next. 
"I can see that" He teased, earning a snarl from her though it did not have any true aggression behind it. He continued to block her blows, but seemed reluctant to attack and she used this reticence against him to lunge and place her sword close enough to his neck to refute any delusions he had about her lack of skill. But he was prepared for this and swung his sword upwards to block her again, before taking hold of her waist and spinning her around, her back hitting his chest. His sword hand wove around around her shoulders, as he kept the blade at a distance from her body, while Benji gently trailed his other hand down the side of her bodice, his touch feather light and searing all at once. He leant down to whisper in her ear "You left yourself open here when you lunged."
Y/N had always found Benjicot attractive, even when he teased and irritated her, but she'd tried to quash any romantic feelings for him so as not to ruin their friendship. But his closeness to her now, her body pressed against his, was intoxicating and she struggled to think coherently. Suddenly releasing her, Benjicot smiled widely and bowed. "I shall see you later my lady, I am off to attend to my duties." Throwing his sword carelessly over his shoulder, he turned and exited the armoury, leaving Y/N to stew over the unwelcome feelings their impromptu sword fight had brought to the fore.
Later that night, Y/n could not help the wave of sadness that threatened to crush her under the weight of it from sending her into a spiral of homesickness. Soft sniffles and sobs echoed about the room as she tried to square the new life she now loved with her feelings of guilt over leaving her family behind. The rattling of her bedroom door knob sent her flying from her bed in alarm as she quickly grabbed a small blade form the wooden desk and hurried to conceal herself behind the door. As the intruder entered she wildly swung around to jab the point of her dagger into their ribcage. The intruder stiffened and she looked up to se that it was just Benji, whose brow was quirked up in amusement. How could he act so nonchalant about her nearly spearing him like a fish?
"What's so funny? I nearly gutted you!"
"With a letter opener?" She looked down to find that what she'd thought was a dagger was indeed just a letter opener, not likely to do much damage. She forced out a laugh that ended up sounding much more like a sob, and Benji's face immediately fell once he took in her tearstained appearance fully. Y/N couldn't bear his look of concern, certain it would just make her cry harder and so she broke the silence. "What brings you to my room at this time of night anyway to give me the opportunity to spear you in the first place?" She'd hoped to diffuse the tension and make him laugh but his expression remained just as serious, eyes filled with worry. "I heard you crying."
"Oh." He had come to check that she was OK. His gentle concern for her sent forth a fresh wave of tears and when Benji opened his arms to her she immediately fell into them, her forehead hitting his chest as his hand came up to stroke her hair in a comforting gesture. "What ails you my lady. Whatever you need I will see it done."
His kindness only made her crying worse and he kissed her sweetly on the crown of her head, rubbing soothing circles along her spine. "I miss my family and my home." Benji stiffened as if he were expecting a blow but he let her continue. "And mostly I feel guilty that I'm not sure I even want to go home. Truthfully I love Raventree and your friendship has meant everything to me."
Benji took hold of Y/N's elbows and lightly pushed her away from his chest so he could look into her eyes. "It gladdens my heart to hear that you feel this way about my home. I should like you to consider it your home too. You will always  have a place here with me." Kissing her forehead tenderly, he held Y/N's head against his heart again as if she were made of glass or something truly precious to him he was scared to break. Little did she know how true this was.
Weeks later, Y/N found that her homesickness had begun to dissipate to a dull ache. But her feelings for Benji had grown and spread like the vines of the rose bushes she loved so much, wild and uncontainable. It was difficult to even be in his presence without wanting him to touch her and hold her as he had the night he'd found her crying.
Sitting with her in what he'd come to refer to as her rose garden, he kept shooting furtive glances at her as she read from a tome on his house history. "Why are you staring at me?" "I'm not?" "Try that again without the question mark"
Benjicot surprised her, shifting in his spot next to her to turn to her fully, their knees touching, before taking both of her hands in his. "I have not been able to look away from you for more than a few moments ever since I first laid eyes on you. I must admit that I am desperately in love with you and wondered if, by some chance of fate, you might feel the same way?"
Y/N's jaw fell open in shock. " You love me?"
He squeezed her hands "most ardently."
Her mind spinning, she threw caution to the wind and flung her arms around Benji's shoulders to kiss him. He reacted instantly, pulling her as close towards him as possible until she was in his lap, his hands grasping at her hips to pull her closer still as if he couldn't believe she was real.
Breaking the kiss for oxygen, Benji began to trail a line of kisses down Y/N's neck, leaving her breathless, one hand pressing her back closer to him. "I wish you to be my wife, to become the Lady of Raventree Hall and House Blackwood."
Butterflies erupted in her stomach.
"Future Lady Blackwood am I?"
"Should you permit it, I will protect you, cherish you, and love you for the remainder of my days or for as long as you will allow. I humbly offer myself to you as your husband, with all the love I possess for you."
"And what if I disagree with you and challenge you. What if we argue constantly?"
"We do not argue my love, you scold me and I listen" He shot back with a playful grin.
"And if I decide to change all the tapestries pink?"
Benji sighed, tilting his head to her eye level so she could read the sincerity in his eyes.
"I want all of you, including your thoughts and opinions. They're what made me fall in love with you. I want you to share them with me even if they challenge mine, especially then, even when I hold you in my arms. As to the tapestries, I'm rather partial to my house colours but I would try to bear the change if it would please you."
Y/N giggled at that before planting a tender kiss to his lips. "Then I consent to be be your wife and Lady. You can't take it back though. You're stuck with me now."
Benji pressed their foreheads together, cupping the sides of her face to brush her lips with his. "And how grateful I am for it." He spoke against them before pressing his lips to hers in a kiss he hoped expressed his undying devotion to his lady.
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A face I'd go to war for. The title is based on the line 'love is like the wild rose-briar' from an Emily Bronte poem I love called Love and Friendship.
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.3) ~ RoR/SnV x Child! Reader
Type of Writing: Poll Result Characters: Buddha & Child! Reader Name: Adopting Their Fallen Enemy's Child (PT.3) Original Poll Link: Here Other Parts: (PT.1) & (PT.2)
A/N: This got super lengthy, so the three humans from the poll are coming out in another piece! Now, enjoy!!
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🍭 He knew about you from the many stories themed around the Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven
🍭 You were the offspring from a mortal and Hajun, how did that all work out? Nobody has a clue besides the two involved
🍭 Hajun was destroyed while you were out with him, so you were sent off by Hades to live with Beelzebub for the meantime as he planted your father inside of the young God, Zerofuku
🍭 Arriving with your guardians, the Seven Lucky Gods, you were handed over to Heimdall as the battle commenced
🍭 Heimdall had you standing beside him as he commented, occasionally allowing your opinion to be notified in the battle
🍭 Buddha looked at you when Zerofuku became his old self again, and he saw how you looked at the now large demon's form
🍭 You looked at it with adoration? Love? What was the matter with you?
🍭 While he fought against Hajun, you watched and occasionally gave a small wave of cheer to the demon whenever he looked in your direction
🍭 There was something going on between the two of you, and he was about to figure out what it was
🍭 When Buddha landed the last hit and sent Hajun to Niflheim, you jumped down from where you once stood by Heimdall and you hugged the demon's leg
🍭 His eyes widened when he looked at your appearance more clearly
🍭 Your scleras were a solid black while your irises were e/c, your hair dipped into the same shade of red as Hajun's, your face also had small markings that were similar to his, and you had smaller versions of the Demon Lord's horns
🍭 That was when he realized, you were the being's offspring
🍭 And you just watched him die for the second time...
🍭 You hugged your father's leg as he scoffed and pat your head, saying you'd see him again one day, and while it seemed very blatant and neglectful, Buddha could tell Hajun was saddened by how the tears ran down your face
🍭 He watched him break into shards and how you looked up at Zerofuku and the Gods with sad eyes, and he walked up to you, despite the pain in his foot
🍭 Buddha kneeled down to your height and pat your head with his hand, and he lifted you into his arm before laying you to sit on his shoulder
🍭 You held his loose hair and played with it as he walked away to be greeted by the Valkyrie sisters, Brunhilde and Göll
🍭 Brunhilde grabbed you as Buddha was dragged away to the infirmary, but the words he said to you as he was bringing you into Humanity's side were ones you wouldn't forget
" You may be a demon's, nonetheless Hajun's, child. But, I believe you have some good in you, kid. I'm not one to be super shrouded about things like this, but, since you don't seem to have anyone, you wanna maybe have me as your guardian? "
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 670+ (Doflamingo x gn!reader x Rosinante)
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Synopsis: Donquixote Doflamingo is on the sidelines for once, never learning the skill to woo you to the beat of a drum or swell of a melody. Rosinante had, and Doflamingo is regretting that decision.
Notes: avoiding my active WIPs by dancing with Rosinante. Gif source video here: Cornel and Rithika dancing Bachata. They have so much beauty in their movements and I had to make a mini-fic for it.
Tag list: @gingernut1314 @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @feral-artistry @sordidmusings @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @i-am-vita
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Lord Donquixote Doflamingo never learnt how to dance. 
He saw no need for it. A waste of time, and a waste of resources.
It was not on his radar or agenda in his youth, much to the chagrin of his parents while teaching him social etiquette. His ambitions and desires always pushed anything he was not interested in to the back of his mind and removed from all memories. 
Why should he have learnt? What would propel him to ever learn how to sway amongst dignitaries, or woo young women with romantic spinning? He was the son of a celestial dragon, he could just take what he wanted when he wanted it. There was simply no need to ever grace him to learn the many styles, motions and movements people would pair off and pirouette to lively or sultry music. 
Until he saw you dancing with his younger brother.
Corazon’s eyes were closed, his brow furrowed and lips parted in smiling concentration. Both his and your knees were bent as you slotted and weaved within one another. Your hands lay limply at your sides as Corazon’s hand cupped the underside of your back, and raised his other hand to bring yours up to hover over his shoulder.
Noses brushed as you shared breaths, passion ignited in each soft wave of swelling motion. As Corazon spun the two of you, Doflamingo got a clear view of your smile. Arms intertwining and effortlessly maneuvering one another in an equal balance, your lips continued to sing along to the melody as Corazon beamed his broad grin down at you.   
Slowly pushing and pulling you away from his body, he rocked his hips and switched his grip to your hands, crossing them over your chest and spinning himself in your arms. He pressed your hand over his heart, continuing to lead your steps in time together from your position behind him. He looked at you over his shoulder, his eyes and lips only ever playful and soft as he greeted you with his eyes. Spinning once more, he slowly pushed and pulled you before turning you in a twirl to face him. You giggle up at him and keep your knees bent while slowly rolling your hips to the beat. 
Finally chest to chest, you both sway, grind and gyrate your hips in a way that has Doflamingo’s breath caught in his throat. Corazon’s hands find yours once more and intertwine his lengthy fingers between your own as he leads you to twist and spin with your legs wrapped within one another’s. Both tilting your heads, your lips almost looked to touch each other’s in the amber light. 
Smiles mirrored and reflected back together, you both skillfully flirted with one another through sultry motions and skillful movements. Corazon was bold in his movements, and you reciprocated and balanced his advances with each offered twirl and sultry grind. 
As the music drew to a conclusion, Corazon flourished his hands to sign at you a phrase Doflamingo never chose to learn. In response, you giggled and placed your hands over his leaning up and planting a soft kiss on the apple of his cheek. Corazon’s cheeks tinted with a soft blush, his fluster evident on his features before he excused himself from your partnership. 
Alone on the dance floor, you begin to sway your hips to the beat. Each soft motion had Doflamingo’s heart jump into his throat. You smiled and moved your feet softly from side to side, eagerly waiting for another partner, and seeming to summon one to you with the curl of a finger and roll of your hips. 
There was never a regret that ever plagued the glasses-wearing young master, all his actions and inactions worn on his face with pride. The only regret he held in his heart and swelled in his chest was the one that had you fall into another’s arms and spin with them on the dancefloor with the gift of a smile pulling on your lips. 
Lord Donquixote Doflamingo never learnt how to dance. 
But he was certainly going to make an effort to try now, using all his time and resources to master it in a bid to have you adore him as you did his younger brother.
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lullinglily · 22 days
If requests are still open, could I possibly have a Messmer x f! Tarnished? The Tarnished being Messmer wife/consort who did not accompany him on the crusade since those really aren't the romantic destinations you usually take your loved ones. The wife dies in the Shattering and comes back as a Tarnished, with no real plan to go murderhobo on Messmer, but still thinking being a Lord/Elden Lord doesn't sound too bad. How would Messmer react to *that* kind of news?
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pairing: messmer the impaler x wife!tarnished!reader (hurt/comfort)
notes: i love super specific asks like this because they give me sooo much to think about. also whoops i wrote too much and have to make a second post.
( part 2 )
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pre-shattering; incandescent
Your marriage to the Impaler, while brief, had been a great source of pride for him. To think that he could be worthy of such a love was beyond baffling, and yet it was no dream. Truly, you had actually loved him — and he, you. 
He loathed to part from you, but pride drew him onwards. He wished not only to make his mother proud, but to spark further adoration from you as well. So, while he did dislike leaving you behind, he seemed rather excited about it too. Often the both of you would stay up until the wee hours of the morning to discuss his departure and the grandeur that would be sure to follow it. 
He held you close on the dawn he was to leave, only in the privacy of your shared bedchambers could Messmer display such a gentle act. The more reserved send off was for the prying eyes of Marika’s citizens, the way he kneeled to grab your hand in his and press soft kisses there made it known his adoration, for better or for worse. We’ll get to that later.
Contact with your beloved Lord, at first, had not been too difficult. You sent a letter, around four nights would pass, and you’d receive a letter back. He’d always respond asking how you had been faring in his absence, if there was anything you required from him while he was away, a gift perhaps? He’d go on to regale you with the tales of his crusade, each letter containing more and more gruesome details. You’d express your worry for him with each response, and soon enough such details had been cut from his future communications.
Dear Messmer had lost quite some favor as his war stretched on, and thus it became more troublesome to send your letters to him. Most had a disdain for your husband, refusing to send your letters to him, and you’d have to turn to Marika instead. She had sent them in a timely manner the first two times, but by the third letter she had become less concerned with the war and more focused on what her people thought of it —  of her son.
It was around this time communication between you and Messmer had begun to taper out. Letters could still be sent and received, however the process became rather lengthy and the Queen took little pity on you. 
You had begged for an audience with your mother-in-law, but none would be granted to the wife of a warmonger. Your time at Leyndell Castle officially came to an end once Marika denounced your beloved’s efforts. Having you there tarnished the royal family’s reputation, and you were relocated to a quaint village in Altus, outside of the capital’s walls. 
It was during this time you began to reflect on the Queen and her order, her Order bathed in unsullied gold and blessed with eternal fruitfulness. How could she, the Mother Eternal, act so coldly towards her most loyal son just to save her own skin? What fickleness was this? What cruelty? How could a god behold such human traits? Perhaps her order wasn’t as perfect as you once thought. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what you’d tell Messmer; that is if you ever got to speak to him again. The thought alone crushed you, and you receded into the kind escape of sleep.
Life outside of the Erdtree’s succor granted naught but hardship. Known only as the Impaler’s consort, you were a disgrace upon the Erdtree faithful, and were left well alone. An outcast in your village you would remain, it seemed, for all eternity. 
Years passed in isolation before you had heard tell of the new crowned prince of Leyndell’s assassination, and the subsequent shattering of the great Elden Ring. Never before had you known such destruction, such chaos, such humanity. Of course Marika of all people could create such a scene. 
You had just finished packing away your darling Lord’s letters when a group of marauders — no doubt General Radahn’s men — had begun to raid your village. 
You helped where you could, directing attention away from families and ushering the elderly along into the welcoming arms of those who could guide them to safety. Such arms did not belong to you. How could you leave without those yellowed letters, each promise of return penned on them dulled and decayed? You simply could not leave behind the cloying words of your Lord husband, ever-departed and shunned by all but you. Unfortunately for you, a sword through the back would be the only reward for your kindness. You fell almost willingly, certain that this blow would deliver you unto a gentler realm; one in which you may encounter your lost husband. 
A shuddering sigh escaped your lips as you begged to be returned to him; praying that he may gather you up from where you lay, trampled and left by those you had shared your exile with.
post-shattering; tarnished
Of course, in her typical fashion, Queen Marika had different plans
It’s undetermined how quickly Tarnished are revived, let’s say you are returned to the Lands about a hundred years after the events of the Shattering
Quite a lot of time has passed, and not a shred of your former identity lingers in a single scroll. Not even your letters had survived, most certainly reduced to ashes in the fire that consumed your past domicile. And, while saddening that the future Messmer had promised for the both of you would never come to pass, you were almost thankful for this lack of notoriety. Your time as an outcast had taught you well enough the dangers of being associated with that wonderful husband of yours. And so, for now, you would keep secret your relationship to him.
You joined the Roundtable Hold and were quickly educated on the new version of the Lands you inhabited. So too, did you learn that the title of ‘Elden Lord’ had yet to be claimed. While not particularly taken with the idea of assuming the title, you were intrigued in what power it would bring should you take the throne. Surely an order would be established much like Marika’s own, but with your intentions used to mend the ring instead of hers. Perhaps what you disliked in Marika you could remedy, foolish and human as you are. You were hesitant to inform anyone of your possible interest in the role however, and continued on as normal. Why cause such a stir in dynamics among your new friends? 
Eventually, either by coercion or of your own accord, you wound up in the Land of Shadows. Almost the instant you had looked out upon the Gravesite Plain you already knew where you were, where he was. And as you explored it came increasingly apparent that he was still alive somehow.
You decided you would have to go find out yourself, and with the motivation to find your long lost husband stirring in your chest you set out on the perilous journey alone.
It was actually a lot easier for you to get to Messmer than you had initially thought. You’d been detained by the Fire Knights of course, but some recognized you despite your condition. They quarreled over if you were truly their Lord’s cherished consort or some vain imposter, and in the end they escorted you to Messmer and had him decide himself.
His serpents recognized you almost immediately. Your scent, while somehow different, still sung with an underlying hint of familiar sweetness. One of them wrapped itself around your forearm while the other watched on in awe. 
Messmer sends his Fire Knights away and takes you in from afar. It’s eerily silent in his chamber for a few moments, the only sound the contended hiss of his serpent companions. He rose from his chamber and stalked over to you, bending down to observe your altered form. While you looked the same as you had back then, you were significantly shorter and bereft of the light you were once drenched in. An odd little Tarnished you were, a princess trapped in the frame of a lowlife. It hardly mattered, you were his all the same.
He kneeled down to take your hand in his, hesitating to kiss it for fear that he would lose you, as if the action was responsible for separating the both of you all those years ago. He settles for a scalding embrace instead. 
He’s suspiciously quiet. You’d have thought he’d have much to say considering the time apart, but all he could think about was his mother. Why had she stripped you of your grace? Why hadn’t she kept contact with him? Perhaps was held you up all that time had been doing the same to his mother? If that were true, would that mean she is in danger? He wanted to ask you these questions, ask you to tell him what had transpired in his absence but the truth is he was afraid of your answer. 
He silently drew you a bath, offering you the privacy to strip yourself of your armor and, with his back still turned, ordered his knights to take the plates for polishing. He suddenly felt so very sorry for you; it was a grand shame that you should ever have to bear the weight of armor or know the handle of a weapon. He feels as though he had failed you by leaving you behind.
You recounted to him what happened before you became a Tarnished. While he knew that the people’s opinion of him and his crusade were low, he hadn’t expected for you to be mistreated because of your relation to him. His heart had simply shattered when he learned that you should be dead; long gone and hidden under the earth. 
You left out some bits of the story for his sake, specifically the parts about Marika. Perhaps now was not the time.
He’d let his eyes wander over your lightless form once more, likening it some sick joke.
“Worry not, my lovely. We shall fix thee.”
Your stay at the Shadow Keep lengthens. The both of you are quiet in each other’s presence, not sure of what to say, but there is warmth there regardless. No one speaks her name. No one dares to ask a question about what had happened in the other’s absence. You found yourself unable to question the hordes of dead bodies that littered the perimeter of Castle Ensis, and he refused to question his mother’s callousness towards you. 
Most of the time neither of you say anything at all. You had breakfast together, he sat in his chamber with you on his lap until he needed to get up and attend to something, in which you would trail behind him. Once night fell you’d both hold each other in his bedchambers and pretend to be asleep, and then the day would be over and it would be the exact same come morning. 
You didn’t dislike it, but after a week you told him of your fondness towards the prospect of becoming a ‘Lord.’ You didn’t tell him Lord of what or who, just that you liked the idea. And, in typical Messmer fashion, he worried over the thought of being abandoned yet again. 
He offered you the position of lord for one of his forts, but “Fort Reprimand” had a sort of sinister title you just didn’t feel comfortable sharing. 
He didn’t outright tell you how much it hurt him to think about you leaving. He had just gotten you back, how could he let you go again? 
His desperation became tangible. He became much more clingy and talkative, making sure with each conversation the two of you had to sprinkle in little details about how delightful the Keep was; how much everyone there adored you. 
You saw right through all of it, and you pitied him more than anything. Your poor Messmer; he didn’t deserve any of this. 
You weighed your options constantly, they were all you ever thought about anymore. On one hand, the ability to change the world for the better. To right Marika’s wrongs, and hopefully return her to her dear son. On the other, a safe and cozy spot in the arms of your husband forevermore. You wouldn’t need to look over your shoulder every waking moment, Messmer’s serpentine companions would do it for you. You would be safe. 
It was at this point you figured that you should tell him the truth. The truth about the Shattering, the disappearance of his mother and how he may not ever see her again. Surely this conversation would trickle into one concerning your lordship and if you wished to obtain it. So, in the little corridor outside of his chamber, you made your decision and prayed it was the right one.
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mschievousx · 4 months
now and then | b.b.
pairing: benedict bridgerton x ofc, anthony bridgerton x ofc (platonic)
summary: loraine silva always knew she was not normal. she loves unusual things. she loves her father's guns, horses, boxing, climbing a tree, falling from a tree, engineering, astronomy... oh, and a man eleven years older.
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v. five: lonely in your company
the young silva did not expect this at all. yes, lady whistledown wrote about quite a lengthy chat that the viscountess silva had with a certain son of the renowned pathologist, sir astley cooper, yesterday. but, for the rest of the gentlemen to flock her now? she was aghast.
while we have so far seen how she loves being in the bridgertons' companies and how she openly enjoy the things she finds fun, it is also as open she shows her distaste to the rest of the population—probably better that we haven't seen that part yet.
"i heard you like chocolates, lady silva."
"i believe we share the same interest in mechanical science."
"we have quite the collection of guns ourselves, my lady."
"a convention in astronomy is happening in the near future. if i may be so bold to have your presence when the time comes?"
honestly, she liked the last offer—had the man been fifteen years younger. it would have not mattered to her though, if only it was benedict.
the men continued to force their offers on her face. a man pulls another to the back to have his turn. a man pushed his bouquet forward. a man yelled his offer from the back. a man—
"excuse me, gentlemen. may i have a moment with the lady?"
a woman's voice stood out from the clamor, causing the men to turn and giving a space for her to take a hold of the younger one.
the ladies did not wait for the men's responses as they easily linked arms and walked away. although they could not do anything seeing as causing a scene in the queen's presence is not to everyone's benefit, they did groaned and cursed that a viscountess got away from their grasps.
"i cannot thank you enough for that, lady arnold."
loraine spoke gratefulness, her mood still marred from the encounter.
"you know there is no need for that. you act like we do not know each other." the widowed woman warmly smiled at her as she gave a squeeze on the silva's shoulder.
"i am simply grateful," she insisted, followed by a scoff, "i talk to another man and the rest of them think they could."
lady arnold chuckled at her stubborness, "i see, you still have not stopped using your father to fend off possible suitors?"
"i fend them off with anything i can. a gun, if i must."
the older woman said an immediate shush as if on reflex, something akin to a fear of being heard about using guns on suitors—although she herself would love to do so, "do you carry?"
"oh, no. the regular size is too heavy and bulky to conceal in a dress." raine said with clear annoyance that she could not carry one conveniently, "i am currently working on a smaller one."
do note that she already finished one.
at the mention of her creating a smaller version just simply because she would like to hide one made her look staggered at the young one, "and yet, you refuse to join the discussion inside."
lady silva moaned in displeasure, "i already went in. all he talks about is the principle of circular motion."
while interesting at first read, it gets boring mean you have understood it. the concept itself is significant, no doubt, in explaining various natural as well as mechanical sciences. however, she simply did not feel up to it today.
"that and i hate balloons."
lady arnold laughed at her honesty, bidding farewell to her as she continues to the dome. raine walks by herself, trying to find the bridgertons. while she did have other friends, she was not as keen to spend time with them as she did with the said family.
and so, she strolled until she found something interesting. eloise, cressida, and penelope; all surrounding the poor man.
"what do we have here?" she mouthed to eloise from the side of lord debling and penelope.
as the bridgerton girl shrugged and gestured nothing to her, the rest of the group noticed her arrival.
"ah, lady silva." the man greeted with a hidden familiarity.
"lord debling." raine tightly smiled at him in return.
miss cowper turned to the young girl, "loraine, you are an enjoyer of science just like lord debling, are you not?"
"oh, cressida," she began with a chuckle. she does not mean any offense to her though. while the said woman was indeed quite ill-natured, so was she. therefore, she is not one to judge the other, "you would be surprised by the amount of different sciences there are."
lord debling turned back to the cowper, "we do not share the same interest."
"we despise each other." raine nodded to that reassuringly, causing the man to look at her with seriousness.
"i do not despise you."
"your loss," the young silva shrugged with a hint of jest, "i despise you."
"such a strong word, my lady."
"i am petty like that." she giggled, lightly tapping the arm of the man in a friendly manner as she continued.
"do continue your conversation. i apologise for the intrusion."
raine stepped back with a smile and neared eloise, "where is your brother?"
"i did not see him. i thought he is with you?" she asked back, trying to look around herself too to catch a glimpse of her brother.
good thing she was looking around though because she had enough time to grab the other girl by the hand as the extraordinary balloon started to fly their way.
penelope, however, was stunned on their place. lord debling did not think twice to cover the girl for safety. while they did not agree with the science, she would give him points for that act.
raine turned to the men pulling the balloon, seeing colin upfront. such a personality he is embracing now, she thought. another bridgerton stole her attention though, because just meters away, benedict can be seen rubbing his palms as if in pain from pulling the ties.
she turned to eloise to bid farewell, thinking to go to him. however, as she turned back to where he was, he was now rushing to walk away.
her confusion was interrupted when cressida suddenly yelped in pain. catching on to her hidden agenda, raine rolled her eyes.
"ugh, i really hate balloons."
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
after the incident, they all went home, likely to also prepare for the ball this evening. she went with the bridgertons to their home, not wanting to disturb her father for whatever work he's doing again.
the girl grumbled as she laid down on their couch, completely not listening to whatever conversation the family was having. everyone was doing something—gregory and hyacinth eating biscuits and quarreling, francesca playing the piano, colin reading and benedict sketching, and violet and eloise talking.
raine groaned once again before speaking on her own, "my father is so busy. it is almost like he is not here at all."
she continued to stare at the ceiling, only looking at the family after a prolonged silence of whatever they were doing. lady bridgerton was staring at her lovingly as eloise added, "and when he is away, you keep on saying you want him to go home already."
raine feigned ignorance to what she said, acting like she did not say that at all—which she did say, by the way, quite a lot too.
"ben," she called for the man across who seems to be ignoring the entire happenings in the drawing room.
"hmm," he replied with a hum, intent on his sketch.
"will you marry me so that someone will be with me when father leaves again?" she said as she sit up about to go to him.
"no," he replied, looking up from the pad and to her briefly before standing up himself, "i will be painting in my room."
he turned away after bidding farewell to everyone, the sound of his footsteps slowly fading. violet and eloise turned to raine after that, confusion clear on their faces as if asking what happened.
honestly, she is asking the same thing.
━━━ ✦ ❘ ☽ 【❖】 ☾ ❘ ✦ ━━━
her second ball—to be honest, balls are not as fun as the ton made it out to be. with the exception of what seems to be a men's club inside, there is nothing much in it.
"the surgeon from yesterday said he will be writing you a letter." she turned to see astley cooper, looking more dashing in a ball's fit, and still lacking greetings.
she smiled at what he said, "are they really going to study my suggestion?"
"of course, your points were quite strong. why do you seem to be doubting yourself now?"
she shrugged as she placed her glass down, "i was brazen yesterday. i am not feeling like it now."
letting out a sigh, she lifted her glass again and took quite a sip with a new resolution, "well, they better do because i have already boasted to my father that i made an expert pause and think about my ideas."
he chuckled at her changing moods in just five seconds, "oh, he shall prepare to be more proud then."
"lady silva, may i have this dance?" she turned to her right, only to see the brother of who she's waiting for.
"anthony, i told you. i am not going to dance with you first."
the viscount stood straight again, slowly retracting his hand, "you have not danced yet tonight?"
she let out a small groan at the reminder, "should i have?"
he chuckled, crossing his arms as if in deep thinking before chuckling again, "you are so obsessed with him. it is just a dance. he was already your first ever dance."
raine stopped the glass she was about to drink midway. she narrowed her eyes pointedly to the older man, the latter rolling his eyes, "okay, fine."
"viscountess silva, you are needed." a footman called for the lady, gaining the attention of the pair. his voice carried seriousness, yet that is not enough to reveal what it could be about. they all spoke monotonously during working hours.
she tapped anthony's arm before walking across the room, swiftly dodging the ton.
"lady silva."
a soldier strictly acknowledged the young lady. the man was sweating considerably as he pulled a letter from his pocket. he passed it to the girl in front of him without any word.
as raine took hold of the letter, small red stains are noticeable as well as the lack of seal. she opened to see the contents of it written in a hasty manner. her eyes flew from word to word, line to line. the lack of greetings, the lack of complimentary close.
she was not sure if this was done in jest—she would like it to be. however, upon observing the man in front of her now, his hand is visibly shaking. and so, she shut her eyes closed, crumbling part of the paper on her grip.
"morgan," he answered with no mention of his rank. perhaps, this is his way of being sympathetic to the silva in front of him. perhaps, offering himself as a fellow person rather than a soldier would offer comfort.
"tell me where they are, morgan." she stared directly in his eyes, voice now void of the festivities behind her.
"i cannot tell."
"oh, you surely can." her volume starting to increase, sarcasm, anger, fear, and grief mixed.
"my lady, i am under strict command to not tell you their whereabouts." he did not break his eye contact, believing it as a form of respect to the girl.
she stepped forward, grasping her concealed small gun inside her dress out as she start to scream, "tell me or i will—"
"raine," a man grabbed her, pushing the gun down before anyone can wander their eyes on it. he swiftly took and pocketed it on his own. he turned to the young one, putting both palms on her cheek as if to call for her, "raine."
anthony crossed the hall as fast as he could after noticing her crumbling the paper, excusing himself from mr. cooper who conversed with him after she left. he was not the best man when it comes to emotion, but he knows anger like an old friend. and raine? she was rarely angry. she despises everything on a daily basis, but never with rage. and so, he knew something was wrong—very wrong.
he looked at her directly in the eyes, seemingly finding her behind it as he whispered, "there is a lot of people present. the ton is here."
"i do not give a hell about them. where is my father?!" he pushed the viscount away, freeing from his grasp but he reached again instantly, as if knowing how to deal with her already.
"darling, do not yell," he spoke in the same warm voice, "what happened?"
"papa has been shot," her voice broke upon saying it out aloud, just as her tears from her eyes, "in the shoulder and chest!"
raine nearly dropped down, if anthony did not pull her to him in time. although they were outside, the ball is still quite crowded. they could not let this go out. they could not let people see and know of this.
"i—" the viscount could not find the right words to say at the moment, he himself now feeling the panic akin to what he has experienced before.
sergeant morgan informed them of raphael's orders, him being the second-in-command of the currently incapacitated general, "colonel montague has ordered to have you stay in the ball. this is surrounded by our men, and the people responsible are less likely to attack a crowded event."
anthony nodded to acknowledge what the soldier said as raine is starting to lose herself, muttering on her own, "papa was shot."
while the general has certainly been shot before, this is possibly the most fatal. raphael knew that the girl would prefer the exact information, even in grievous situations. she hates when people feel the need to protect her from the truth.
and so, that is what the colonel wrote. he mentioned his state in all its actuality. general has been shot four times, once in the shoulder and thrice on the chest, sternum to left. he is bleeding heavily and is currently unconscious. we will be going on another quarters. i ask you stay at the ball. after, be with major thorpe at all times.
she pushed the viscount once again and turned back to the ball inside, "le—leave me be."
before anthony could take a hold of her, she already has entered inside. forcing to assist the girl would only raise suspicions now. she walked slowly, eyes darting from point to point as if looking for something. good thing it is a ball, and people will brush off her actions as a bit intoxicated—which could not be farther from the truth.
"where's...." she whispered to herself, not knowing that she is saying it out aloud, "where is... benedict?"
raine turned and turned, left and right, but she could not find even his shadow in the dance floor or within the hall. so, she continued to walk aimlessly, only to find who she's looking for at the bottom of the stairs, with a familiar lady conversing with him from a few steps higher. her mind was wandering. she did not understand a thing anymore.
"i need to go," she muttered to no one in particular, turning to a corner where a staircase leading to another wing can be seen.
she gripped the bannister, anthony in tow, seeing his wife in conversation with his mother. he gestured for kate to come to them, offering a smile to not raise worry before disappearing from view.
raine continues to find her way to the balcony, breaths already starting to be more noticeably heavy. fortunately, the place was vacated with no other person in sight. she dragged her feet and found comfort on the corner between the wall and a balustrade, sitting down with her knees on her chest.
"an—anthony," she began after a few gasps of air, the said man leaning closer as he crouched in front of her too.
"papa... papa was shot." the young girl reiterated in disbelief and grief. she left first for the ball as armand told his daughter he had some things to work for a bit with raphael. they were supposed to arrive late in the ball.
they were supposed to arrive on the ball.
he continues to comfort her, saying that her father's going to be well. he is a general, after all. the viscountess bridgerton reaches them with a smile, but it is immediately changed with a confuse and worried one when she sees what's happening.
anthony turned to her in a rushed manner, "kate, get my brother."
she knew better than to ask why. kate has always been a smart woman. she does not know, but she understands. and so, she nodded at him and turned on her heel in a hurry.
"you... will not find him. he—he is..." the girl whimpered. she cannot even see anything, her eyes blurried intensely as she fights to hold on to herself, "with lady..."
anthony caressed her hair before leaning his forehead to hers, speaking with the smallest and most serene voice he could, "shh, it's okay, raine. i am here. you can do—"
there were so many things happening all at once. she could not focus. she could not hold on to this for any longer.
"an..." she began, her words dying in the middle as she gasps and gasps, "tony...? i cannot... i cannot hear."
the fear started to settle in more to her. she cannot even hear her own voice. she hears nothing but the beat of her heart, irregularly fast.
she fumbled, trying to find his hands, and as soon as she did, raine squeezed it tightly.
"tony, i'm..."
she does not even know if she was able to say the following words. she has thought of it before, but more strongly now. she is thinking of it now, and she hopes that the thought counts.
"i need him."
taglist: @aadu2173 @imgondeletedis @pumkiinpasties @rebleforkicks
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heaartzzforcupidzz · 6 months
A/N: hi! it’s me again, please like and request! nothing is too much or too crazy and I mean ANYTHING. I love ya, sweets, have a good day.
Relationships: catnap x player!reader x Dogday 🔞
Warnings: degradation and smut
you had just found Dogday and he begged you to leave him but you couldn’t.. how could you leave someone you loved so dearly in the past? it broke your heart to see your pretty boy all torn and tortured. before the mini critters could come, you shot the fire bullets(?) in the holes while you unchained him.
As soon as he fell on the ground, you were quick to pick him up and head down the tunnels. the critters were after you both and you ended up falling on your face through a tunnel and Dogday picked up your slack. using his hands, he ran away. when you two got to the escape point, you both worked together so you both could get across, leaving the cute but ruthless critters on the other side.
Dogday let out a whimper before you could finish. you were fixing him up. making sure to be extra sweet to everything you touched, only being firm when you absolutely needed to. in no time, he was up and happy, his tail already wagging excitedly. you smiled, happy that your joyful boy was back to himself or atleast a little. his voice.. it was..sexier now? the way he called you Angel had your head reeling.
catnap watched you fix Dogday up from the shadows. he allowed you to do that, he didn’t accept it but maybe he can convince you two that you need to follow his lord and savior, the prototype.
a little later during the game when you two took a little rest and sat down, catnap had came abit closer to hear everything you both said. “I missed you, Angel, so much..” Dogday said as your hand caressed his face (he had been leaning down.) you softly nodded, understandingly. a sudden rush came to you as you kissed Dogday, your mouths fighting for dominance as the kissed deepened progressively.
before long, Dogday had you almost completely naked, before a figure stepped out the shadows. Dogday instantly went to cover your body to shield you away from the prying eyes. but catnap had already seen what he wanted, no needed.
Catnap had kissed Dogday. Dogday tried to fight back but he melted. and before long, the two were making out right in front of you. your pretty pussy was slick at the sight. you couldn’t help feeling a little needy. you had shifted your weight and made a slight sound, Catnap instantly putting Dogday in position.
Catnap had ripped your clothes right off your body, having no other thought than have you and Dogday yearning for his lengthy cock. catnaps tail had already been fucking into dogdays puffy and wet hole. letting you listen to Dogdays panty groans and the little moans he let out as you listened and attempted to praise him.
“you see this? you see how easy I make you two fold, you heretics? stop trying to play hero and come with me.”
Catnap said sternly as he thrusted his cock into you, harshly. you let out a loud scream that you predicted almost all the toys could hear in the factory. catnap fucked you like he was the dog. ruthless and brutal, thinking about his own pleasure. you moaned out and opened your eyes, watching Dogday getting fucking into the floor by catnaps long tail which only heightened your hormones. “awh, lil bitch gets wet off seeing puppy fucked, hm?”
You could only moan and cry out each time his hips slammed onto your behind. before long, catnap had you both cumming with a loud scream. he chuckled as he fixed himself before he walked back in the shadows. you both knew he wasn’t really gone. he was never really gone so you both felt content in passing out right then and there.
A/N: hi! I made this for @2faced-fairy since they have writers block and a lot of requests.. I hope you guys enjoyed!
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radiowendigo · 3 months
HERE IT IS!! After four something days it’s finally done my lord. This one is super fluffy.
It was a regular day at headquarters and Riley just got home after a productive day at high school. Which included two tests from two different courses. Despite intense preparation, it peaked Anxiety’s nerves even more. Joy and some of the other emotions had to intervene before it got out of control. Riley finished her homework, which included history and biology. It was difficult at first, but she eventually grasped the majority of it and finished her schoolwork.
Riley was getting ready for bed when Joy saw that Anxiety remained tense from today. Even after drinking anti-anxiety tea and spending some time relaxing on her massage chair. When Riley eventually fell asleep, the majority of the emotions started to depart from headquarters in preparation for their own bedtime. They all needed to get a good night's rest because Bree and Grace were coming over tomorrow!
While on dream duty tonight, Joy observed Ennui, who was walking away slowly with the others yawning. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she sprinted towards Ennui, grinning with excitement.
“Hey, Oui, Ou!” Joy called.
“Hm?” Ennui’s head turned to look at the bright emotion.
“Say, you and Anxiety seem to be really close friends. Do you think it would be too much trouble to ask if you could help Anxiety relax so she’s up and ready for tomorrow?” Joy asked.
“Sure.” Ennui replied.
“Great! Thanks so much, Oui, Oui!” Joy said happily.
Ennui just sighed, turning away not bothering to correct her at this point and started looking for Anxiety. In their room, which they shared with Embarrassment and Envy, she didn't see her there. Upon entering the lounge area, she discovered Anxiety scribbling away notes on her clipboard. Ennui took a step closer, causing Anxiety to notice her and yelp in shock before turning back to her papers.
“What are you doing?” Ennui asked.
“I am writing plans for the weekend and the following scenarios that could come with these plans! We got Bree and Grace coming over tomorrow, and we might go out for a drink or lunch. So, I’m writing down which cafes and restaurants we could pick so we’re ready right away. And if neither of those work, there’s the park and we can have a picnic there. And we’ll need to be nicely dressed for all these outings, so, I wrote down some basic but fashionable outfits for Riley so that she stands out, but not too much. Then, on Sunday, mom and dad are taking us for a nature walk and—“
Exhausted from the lengthy speech, Ennui groaned, rolling her eyes back into her head. She moved closer to Anxiety who was still rambling and pulled down her clip board, causing Anxiety to stop and glance up at her.
“Oh, la, la, Anxiety. You’re going so fast I can’t even keep up anymore.”
“I’m sorry. I just got a little ahead of myself.” Anxiety laughed nervously, but looked away a little embarrassed.
“Don’t worry about it. Do you want some tea?”
“Huh?” Anxiety looked back at Ennui stunned. Ennui has never offered her something like this before.
“Sure.” Anxiety replied smiling softly.
Ennui felt content, knowing that her proposal was effective and benefiting her friend.
“Alright. I’m going to make it. I’ll come back with it when it’s ready.”
“Thanks a lot!”
Ennui smiled to herself and walked out of the room to go make her tea. Five minutes passed and Ennui returned holding a dark orange mug of anti-anxiety tea. She handed it to Anxiety who was sitting on the couch analyzing and editing some notes on her clipboard.
“Here. Be careful it’s hot.” Ennui warned while using her other hand to take the clipboard and pencil from Anxiety.
“Thanks, mon ami.” Anxiety said while grabbing the mug taking a small sip and hummed in pleasure.
“How is it?”
“Really good, thanks.” Anxiety replied.
“I’m glad. Enjoy.” Ennui said softly. Pleased to see Anxiety enjoying her beverage and that she made it good. After Anxiety finished her drink, she observed Ennui, who was lying down on the couch typing away on her phone. Anxiety was fascinated by so many things about Ennui. Including the way she looked. Her skin tone, the way she dressed and managed to pull it all together, and her hair. Sometimes she really wanted to touch her hair, but was terrified to ask, worried she would cross a boundary.
Anxiety enjoyed playing with and feeling various textures as a means of self-soothing. After a while, Ennui’s hair became one of Anxiety’s few most desired objects to touch. The thought of touching Ennui’s thick, purple strands made Anxiety’s whole body shake in anticipation to her very core. Soon Ennui looked up at Anxiety after noticing her staring at her.
“Do you need anything else?” Ennui asked unbothered.
Anxiety gasped and looked around the room scratching the back of her neck in a way to calm herself.
“Uh. This might. Sound..a little unexpected and you can say no. But,..could I possibly..braid your hair? Please?..” with trepidation, Anxiety questioned, her voice fading as she finished her sentence.
The silence was loud after that.
Ennui's eyes widened slightly as she wasn't expecting that answer. She then lightly exhaled making Anxiety fear she passed a boundary.
“Sure.” Ennui finally said.
Anxiety just continued to stare at her, dumbfounded.
“Are you sure?” Anxiety checked.
“Oui. Go ahead.”
“Okay!” Anxiety squealed after which made Ennui blushed lightly but didn’t notice. Jogging to Ennui, who slithered to the centre of the couch so Anxiety could comfortably sit behind her, began working on Ennui’s strands while she kept scrolling her phone.
Ennui sighed in pleasure, feeling relaxed at the feeling of her hair being played with and Anxiety’s fingers running through her locks.
“You enjoying that?” Anxiety asked.
“Oui. It feels really nice.” Ennui hummed.
“Glad to hear!” Anxiety chirped continuing her work. After a few more braids it was completed! A traditional braid. Anxiety brushed her index finger delicately over each braid while grinning pleased at her work.
“Do you want to see the finished project?” Anxiety asked eagerly. Ennui chuckled.
Anxiety left the room and came back with a bedroom mirror and placed it in front of the indigo emotion.
Ennui sat up and looked through her braid and smiled. Anxiety sure knew how to braid hair.
“It looks nice. Merci.”
“No problem! Thank you so much for letting me do it again.” Anxiety said grinning sheepily.
Ennui was happy to see that Anxiety was less nervous than before. She glanced at her tenderly while Anxiety continued to discuss about her hair. It seems that her plans for the weekend were long ago. Afterwords, Anxiety went to look out at the window. Ennui went back to her phone. The window had a view of some of Riley’s islands and long-term memory. Some time passed and Anxiety began to toy with her hands; she had no idea why, but ideas for the weekend were returning. Ennui's ears soon perked by the quick motion of Anxiety’s skin rubbing against each other, so she lowered her phone and faced the window.
“Are you still worrying about tomorrow, again?” Ennui questioned a little worried.
“Oh.” Anxiety’s hands froze. “Yeah. I’m sorry.” Anxiety said, shame in her voice.
“I have an idea. Come.” Ennui said gesturing for Anxiety to approach her with a wave of her arm.
Nodding, Anxiety made her way back to the couch, wondering what Ennui had in store this time. Ennui searched for a ten-hour asmr rain video. After taking her earplugs out of her sweatpants pocket and carefully inserting them into Anxiety's ears, she turned on the video. After taking a moment to grasp what was happening, Anxiety smiled, relaxed, and crept towards the couch wall, causing Ennui to smile subtle.
After a few minutes, Anxiety's eyes started to go heavy as she imagined herself actually being beneath a cabin while listening to the gentle rain. Ennui yawned and put an arm around Anxiety's shoulder on the couch. Anxiety’s eyes popped open and nearly lost it, blushing heavily, but managed to control herself. Ennui rested her head on top of Anxiety’s making her heart race. Anxiety slowly closed her eyes and tried to focus on going to sleep, and it worked. Anxiety’s head landed gently on Ennui’s shoulder. The two emotions fell asleep resting against each other. Joy came in the room a while later to check up on them, and was touched to what she saw.
“Good job, Ennui.”
(In this story, Anxiety and Ennui haven’t revealed their feelings for each other yet or even shown signs that they like each other, so it’s just two goobers being flustered and sweet with each other :3)
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tomboy014 · 1 year
Arkham Security Guard Danny's Backstory Continues!!!
But Dick Grayson isn’t the only Robin Danny knew.
A couple years after they started being friends, Danny (16) hears that Robin is back in Gotham and decides to head over for a visit.  After all, it’s a lot close than Jump City, but when he gets there…
“That’s not Robin.”
Yeah, Dick may or may not have forgotten to tell Danny he’s going by Nightwing now, and instead Danny is left staring down at this kid who looks suspiciously like Dick used to.
Cloning? No.
Kidnapping?  He really hopes not.
Maybe a de-ageing beam?  Always a possibility in this line of work, but no, this is a new Robin.
And Danny’s got to admit, the new Robin is pretty freakin’ adorable.  Dick was still pretty angsty and angry when they met, and after he formed the Teen Titans, was dangerously obsessed with Slade for a while.  But the new Robin is as bright and friendly as his costume with all his “Robin gives me magic” stuff. 
And he’s just. so. WIDDLE!!!  Danny’s still only 16, but he’s finally managed to start growing and has hit a respectable 5’8”, and it’s like when you’re a senior watching the freshmen walk in for the first time.  He’s just so itty bitty! 
But Danny still associates the name Robin with Dick and can’t use it to refer to this new one, yet, so unfortunately, Jason gets stuck with nicknames.  Short nicknames.  Shorty, Short Stuff, Tiny, Shrimp, etc.  Jason is not a fan of Danny.
After their meeting, Danny calls Dick because how could you not tell me you changed your moniker? …And you’re in Bloodhaven, too?!  Dick also needs to vent because he can’t BELIEVE Bruce went and replaced him.
Dick… buddy… how long did we try to get you a little sibling?
Otherwise, direct interaction between Jason and Danny is pretty limited.  Danny is Dick’s friend; Jason is just the little brother.  Still, Dick occasionally asks Jason to help Danny study, and Danny will help with pun-filled advice on being a hero.  He’s also pretty good at first aid whenever Jason gets hurt and doesn’t want Alfred to find out it’s because he did something stupid.
After Jason’s death, Danny helped Dick search the Ghost Zone for him to get some closure, both for himself and Batman, but no luck, and tries hard to convince Dick that it’s actually better this way.
When Jason came back after his dip in the Lazarus pit, Danny can smell the corruption and calls in a favor from the Far Frozen.  Without a way to contact Jason, Danny gives medicine to Dick to pass on. 
Outwardly, Jason refuses it and throws Dick out of his place, but behind closed doors, Jason takes it.  It’s a lengthy process, and the side effects suck ass, but all the corrupt ectoplasm and pit madness is purged.  Nothing he needs to tell his family about, though.
When they meet again at the Asylum, Jason was hoping to lord his new height over Danny.  Except Danny kept growing and his 6’8” ass still towers over Jason’s 6’.  The short jokes continue.  However, no short jokes or nicknames are ever directed towards Tim or Damian.  Only Jason.
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iliketangerines · 3 months
Hi!Can i ask for Lord Raiden (dark or light doesnt matter),who use mortals disguise for in depth study of mortals behavior or smth like this, and ended up in close friend`s relationship with reader,deep love for her and dilemma about revealing his real identity.Have a nice day!
a flash in time
a/n: i got a bit lazy at the end because it is two in the morning, also not proofread
pairing: lord raiden x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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Lord Raiden smoothes his clothes down, making sure he fit every part of the bill as a human including wearing sunglasses to hide his glowing eyes
he had wanted to get the humans better, to know what he was protecting, and so he was going to live among them until he found his reason
he nods, checking himself in the reflection of the pond before standing up and heading over onto the path and walking over to the nearest village
he clears his throat as he catches up to a group in front of him, and he suddenly realizes just how much taller he is compared to the other men in the group
they stare at him, eying him up and down and muttering under their breaths before going back to their own business
the horse cart in front of him moves slowly, and Raiden struggles to not use his powers to just teleport to the village and ruin his mortal disguise
suddenly, he was very glad for the signature hat he always wore as it warded off the beams of the sun onto his face and into his eyes
thankfully, his stamina could keep up with the lengthy walk, and he realized just how much humans traveled in the heat of the day
he keeps his head low, hunching his back just a little, but it’s no help as he continues to tower over everyone in the traveling group
the village slowly creeps into his sight and never has Raiden wanted to just barge in and get some water
he had never really understood the thirst of humans until now, and he was almost begging for a taste of water, only holding his staff disguised as a walking stick
much to his gratefulness, once the village was in sight, the walk seemed to speed up as the hose slightly picked up pace, recognizing that towns meant water to drink
the group walks into town and disperses, and Raiden wanders around the street, trying to ignore the pointed stares he got from his height
Lord Raiden walked into a building, finding a bar and sitting at one of the barstools, listening to it creak underneath his weight
behind the counter he can see you, walking up to him as you wipe a glass down and ask him for him drink, and he asks for a water
you nod and fill up a glass from a pail of water and hand it over to him, walking over to the other side of the bar counter and finishing washing up the dishes
the building was empty, not a single patron in sight except for one or two drinking themselves senseless in the middle of the day
Lord Raiden looks back to you, and he reaches into the inside of his robes, summoning one of the many coins he received as offerings from his followers, and places it down on the counter, asking for you to surprise him with your favorite drink
you look at him, perhaps a bit confused, but then you take the coin and start to pour different liquors and liquids together, shaking it all together and handing it to him
he stares at the liquid in the glass, and he brings it up to his lips and takes a sip, trying not to grimace at the taste of it
thank you for your service, you stare at the rest of the bar and lean against the counter near him and ask what he’s doing in this run-down town
Lord Raiden just says he visiting, trying to find a purpose, and you laugh and say aren’t we all before asking where he’s from, it’s not often someone like him comes around
he says he’s from a bit of everywhere, and you take it as an answer, shrugging and leaning down on the bar counter and asking if he needs a place to sleep
the god blinks, not realizing he also would have to sleep just like a mortal, and he says that he would need a room and if he could board with you
you go to answer when the door slams open and a few rowdy customers enter the store, shouting about something violent as they sat at the bar on the other side of Lord Raiden
you put on a smile and greet them, and they give you your order without even a glance at you and go back to talking with their own group
Lord Raiden watches and listens in disdain as they talk disrespectfully about the town, about women, of something that they had committed on the road
he of course can hear them even in their somewhat whispered tones as a god, but you remain oblivious to their talks as you pour them a drink
one of the men take a drink and spits it out into your face before shouting at you that this was horrendous and terrible, demanding you remake another one
you grab a rag from the counter and wipe at your face, apologizing that it wasn’t up to his standards but that you had made exactly what he ordered
he gives you an angry smile, brows pinched together as he give you a condescending smile before looking back at his group and then at you
moving his head down, he unsheathes a dagger and points it at you, telling you to shut up and give him another drink
you glare at him, not moving a single inch, before scowling at him and taking the glass on the counter and washing it and starting up another drink
the man laughs triumphantly, sheathing his dagger once more and sitting down on the barstool and laughing to his friends
Lord Raiden frowns, finishing the rest of his glass, and he stands up and walks over to the men, their conversation dying out as he looms over them
he stands directly behind the man that had threatened you and asks him to leave, and the man turns and laughs, asking who this bozo was to challenge him
the god, takes his sunglasses off from the perch on his nose and reveals his glowing eyes to the man, watching as he grew pale and shaky at the look
he screams demon, pulling out the dagger to stab Lord Raiden, but he easily catched it in his hand and bends the metal backward until it snaps
the men scramble from the shop, screaming demons, and Lord Raiden returns to is barstool and replaces his sunglasses, looking up to find you with a finished drink
you walk over to him, thanking him for getting rid of the troublemakers, always were a few, and you hand him the drink, saying that it wasn’t that good but still pretty quality
Lord Raiden nods and takes a sip of the drip, face fully twisting in disgust, and you laugh and slap at the counter, telling him that you knew he would do that
the god smiles and puts the glass down, asking about the board, and you wve your hand, telling him it’s free as long as he can kick out any people disturbing the peace
he nods and so starts an agreement between you two
he would only stay for a week every year, having his own godly duties to attend to, but you always welcomed him with open arms, completely unaware of his true status
he watched as you grew older and older, gray streaks appearing in your hair as well as kids running around the bar and then adults as they grew
he watched you marry to another human and have kids together, living happily with each other with Lord Raiden as the fun grandpa that came to visit every so often
eventually, he had to disappear and keep up his appearances as an old person, but he watches you whenever he can, watching your joints grow old and stiff, as you mourn the death of your lover, as you start staying in bed for longer and longer periods of times
in the blink of an eye, you’re on your death bed, and Raiden stands beside it, kneeling down to properly talk to you
you turn your head, smiling and asking if it really was that strange bar man, and he says yes, smiling sadly and holding out his hand for you to hold
you mutter that it really must be your time if you’re seeing things from your past, and Lord Raiden just nods, pressing his lips together and willing himself not to cry
he watches as your chest heaves up and down, growing more and more shallow, until it stops, and Lord Raiden lets go of your hand to close your eyelids for you
the god stands up and lets out a sigh, willing the stinging in his eyes to disappear
it was not good for a god to attach themselves to a mortal’s time, and he and Lord Fujin would be wise to recognize that
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seaslugfanclub · 9 months
Hi! I really love your Disney Villains x reader content! Especially the "Scaredy Villain", "Time in the Spotlight", and the "No, I'm their favorite" one. Speaking of that, I remember Hades mentioned that he was one of the first to meet Y/N, which got me wondering, what were Y/N's first interactions with each of the villains like? 🤔
Once again, I love all of your works! And I can't wait to see you do more in the future at your own pace and time! 😊 💕
So I’ve actually gotten a couple asks about this, so decided to answer all of them with this! Since all the Villains meeting (Y/N) would take way too long to write in one post, I’ve decided to make this a series of one shots, so stay tuned!
I, of course have to start with Hades. (Since his introduction is my most fleshed out) but I’m slowly but surely getting all the Villains interactions in order! Hope you enjoy 💙
Meeting the Villains: Prt. 1
TW: panic attack
It was (Y/N)s first day working at the Disney Parks, and they were on the verge of the panic attack of the century
The crying babies, excited children, sickly smell of sweat mixed with the food stands, multicolored rides, and the unrelenting heat all melted together to create the perfect sensory overload
They felt like they’re about to throw up. Or pass out. Or throw up and then pass out. Screw employee training, they needed to get out of here.
Near hyperventilation, (Y/N) quickly stumbled to the quietest location they could find, leading them to a skinny alleyway between two buildings. Immediately they got on the ground, putting their head between their legs and taking deep breaths
Slowly (Y/N) began to calm down, the relative silence of the alleyway a balm to their ears, and the nostalgic scent of cigar smoke really helped ground them— wait….
Lifting their head up to make a spare glance to their left made (Y/N) scramble onto their feet. There — hidden in the shadows of the alleyway was the lord of the dead himself, his most lugubriousness, Hades, smoking a lengthy cigar and staring down at (Y/N) with a sardonic grin.
(Y/N)’s heard about these “holograms” Disney released into their parks, hell, it’s all they’ve heard about since they’ve been hired. And sure, (Y/N)’s seen a couple characters from afar as their employment trainer toured them around the park. But to see an actual one up close? This was a first.
Hades looked so… real. The blue flames atop his head flickered into the air, fanned by the light breeze of the afternoon. His skin was chipped and pitted, a similar texture to granite. Even his chiton looked like something spun from the finest silks, his whole body too detailed to be a simple projection of light.
“So are you just gonna stare at me like an idiot, or…?” Hades took a drag of his cigar, blowing the smoke in (Y/N)’s face, causing them to hack in response.
“ *cough*—Sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just—“
“Ya first time seeing one of us?” Hades interrupted, “yeah, I figured. And lemme guess, it’s your first day at the circus, huh? Don’t think you’ll last long if you abandon your post because your a little nervous~”
(Y/N) grimaced at Hades jab, retreating into this alleyway was supposed to be a brief respite. Their brain was too fried to think about the consequences of talking back to one of Disneys prized characters, the only thing (Y/N) felt looking up at Hades was indignation
“Oh please, I’m not the only one here who’s supposed to be somewhere else. And smoking??? At THE Disney parks??? It’s my first day, I’ll get off easy, but you? If we’re caught, I’m only gonna get chewed out once.”
A multitude of expressions passed over Hades face. Surprise, anger, disgust, amusement, before finally settling into one of forced resignation. It was a hard pill to swallow knowing he wasn’t the one in charge here. The fucking mouse was.
“Ohoho, I bet. I’m sure any consequence of yours will be dropped if you go off and tattle on me~” Hades seethed, finishing the cigar off in one drag as his flames sparked red.
(Y/N) huffed, going to lean against the wall again, “Are you kidding me? I’m not a narc.” They waved off the imaginary scenario, “I’m here the same reason you are, so why not make a deal. You like those don’t you? If you won’t say anything, I won’t either. Let’s just enjoy what little privacy we can in peace.”
Hades stood in silence for a bit, he didn’t want to sound stereotypical, but this newbie wasn’t like the other park employees he’s had to deal with.
Usually the park members would act one of three ways; either they’d cower in fear, submissive towards his biting remarks (his favorite), they’d fail to see his sentience and pass him off as a lifeless hologram (his least favorite), or act all high and mighty always admonishing anything he enjoys.
But to have someone talk back to him, but not follow the parks rules to a T? Well, Hades had to see where this went.
“Y’know what, kid? It’s a deal.”
I can’t wait to share with you all what I have planned, I’m so excited!!! I also want to thank you all for your continued support of my work, I seriously didn’t expect so many people to like my silly writing, but here you are!!!
I see all of your asks and I promise I’m working on them! Just expect turnout rate to slow down with my college’s spring semester rolling around❤️
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frogchiro · 7 months
I hear it is time to spread the word of our lord and savior Tachanka? 👀
link: (https://rainbowsix.fandom.com/wiki/Tachanka_(Siege) Context of link: Just the wiki page of R6 operator Tachanka.
But I wanna highlight a few things!!!
Alexsandr Senaviev was born on November 3rd in Leningrad, Russia to a military family. At the age of eighteen, Senaviev was conscripted into military service just as the Soviet Union was ending its operations in Afghanistan. Upon the dissolution of his draft, Senaviev opted to enlist full time. He was part of the wrestling league, where his formidable frame and match strategy earned him accolades. 
Alexsandr Senaviev has a boisterous sense of humor with a booming laugh. He can be quite blunt, but without the intent to offend
Senaviev's younger sister is a doctor and our discussion had barely started when he was showing me pictures of her in her doctor's smock, along with a dozen more photos of his nieces and nephews and his own kids. […] He and his sister grew up in a strict household without many things, which is why he makes a great effort to enjoy life. They both make sure that their kids are loved and raised with laughter. At the same time, he doesn't like to buy or accumulate physical objects and emphasizes this with his children, much to their consternation. I suspect that's also partly to do with his divorce. […]
(Also the main reason why we refer to Tachanka as 'lord'/godly is mainly 'cause his weapons/loadout is shit.)
Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a REAL LIFE DILF <33
From what I gathered on his wiki he has at least two children, one of them a son and an ex-wife! Also him being an ex wrestler because of his size and strength...
Imagine being a babysitter for his kids, a 6 year old boy and a sweet 3 year old girl who absolutely adore their nanny who spends the majority of their time with them since their father is still a busy man and their mother is using her newfound freedom as a divorced woman so you're babysitting the little ones for a hefty sum from their dad whenever you're free from college.
But you have to admit, while the kids are literal angels and a delight to babysit, they nor the money are the sole reason for you being so eager to babysit and their father, Alexsandr, played a huge part in it too.
He was so large and heavily build, no doubt from his years in the military but his charming, boisterous attitude combined with his broad, toothy grin that almost seemed boyish on his mature face was what really made you fall for him :(( Whenever the kids were playing or napping, you two had a little time with each other to just talk and spend time together, get to know each other better because 'Let's not make this one of those stick-in-the-ass rigid employer-employee relationships, yes?' as Alexsandr put it himself.
The connection between you deepened but you were still so shy under his clear blue eyes :(( You couldn't possibly do the first move, what if he doesn't return your feelings? He's much older than you, he has a military career, two kids and a divorce, surely he wouldn't ever be interested in someone like you...right?
Ofc little did you know that Alexsandr was tugging his lengthy, heavy cock every night after sending you off with a thick wad of cash and a loud, happy thank you for taking care of his kids, though in reality he was everything but happy :(( Like it or not but the burly male fell for you, the most cliche thing on earth, the young, sweet babysitter that visited him home almost every day to care for his little ones with a gentle smile towards them and him too, such a stark contrast from his ex wife...
He was cumming every night multiple times to the thought of you right here beside him, in his bed, all nice and naked, sated and warm after a night of passionate love making. He came on his hairy tummy with a displeased growl, once the post nut clarity set in and realized that he wasted so much precious seed when it could be inside you >:(
Alexsandr knew he had to have you, had to confess to you how he felt but didn't know how; his loud, charismatic attitude failing him for the first time in years but these thoughts were for the time being pushed back once again to the back of his mind. He could think of a better solution on how to win you over once he wasn't so terribly horny, testosterone clouding his mind as his heavy cock jumped to life once again, thick potent sperm oozing from his swollen tip and Alexsandr could only think about how well he could breed you, he was a real stud despite his age y'know? Plus he always wanted another kid anyway <33
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
Beach Day | Cassian x Reader
Summary: During a lengthy visit to Day Court with the Inner Circle, so Rhys and Feyre can discuss political matters with Helion, you and the Inner Circle find more entertaining things to do, such as have a beach day.
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: None! Other than cass slamming his toes into rocks
A/N: Another little fluffy drabble for @cassianappreciationweek , hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
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There were few days when Cassian was able to simply lay back and relax, but luckily today, it was one of them.
Rhys and Feyre were busy in Day Court with Helion, and so naturally, most if not all of his Inner Circle was dragged along, especially Cassian and Azriel. Whenever they’d arrived, Helion had only given the two a wink as he’d led the High Lord and Lady of Night Court into his personal office, declaring that it would be a “Private conversation.”
Azriel had bristled at that, but with a lazy grin and a hand on his shoulder, Cassian had gently led him away and out of their palace. If there was one thing Day Court was notorious for along with Dawn Court, it was the beaches on their shores. Velaris didn’t have such beaches in general, only the rocky shores that lined Night Court.
“C’mon Az, if we’re gonna be stuck here waiting for Rhys, we might as well enjoy it.”
Cassian said, giving his brother a pleasing look. Azriel only sighed, shadows wielding, excited at the prospect of swimming, as it wasn’t something they often did.
“Fine. Go swim with the rest of them.”
He grumbled, but before he could object, Cassian grinned and picked Azriel up, already bounding down the streets of Day Court (getting many weird looks from the locals on the way) to the little nearly vacant home Helion had provided for Rhys and the rest of your menagerie while they were here.
As he opened the door, finally setting Az down and giving him a look that said “Go get your swimsuit, or else.”, he was greeted by a distanced hug from you, his mate. He could already tell that you were overheating, too used to the constant soothing breeze and persisting chill of Velaris.
“We’re going swimming!”
He announced loudly enough for everyone to hear, including Mor and Amren who were lounging on the couch, fanning themselves with whatever was in hand. They gave exasperated groans.
“It’s hotter than hell out there, Cass.”
Mor complained, looking miserable.
“Yeah, well the water’ll cool you off, I’m sure.”
He said, rolling his eyes as he followed you to the bedroom that you two had claimed as your own, and he yanked his leathers off, his undergarments as well as he slid into a pair of shorts that were mostly water resistant and suitable for swimming. You had already changed into your swimsuit of choice, a bikini in the same shade of red as his siphons, one that would no doubt drive him crazy.
When they all got done changing, Azriel’s cheeks a light pink from the pink trunks Cassian had made him wear, being the only thing he had to swim in, everyone made Cassian carry their towels, and donned some sort of sandals as they walked outside into the suffocating heat of the summer sun, quickly walking down to the beaches of Day Court, and quickly wading into the water.
They only had a respite for the briefest of moments before Cassian splashed Azriel, and Azriel splashed back harder, accidentally getting you as well, until you were all splashing and thrashing like maniacs in the cool water. Mor and Amren didn’t seem to care much for the playing, both getting inflatables out of nowhere (and judging by the sounds of confused beachgoers, probably stole them) and floating on them, occasionally taking a dip in the water to cool off.
“I bet I can make a better sandcastle than you.”
Cassian declared to you, and you grinned ferociously back, both storming up to the beach to make the best sandcastle.
However, you already knew how Cassian played, so you made sure to include a layer of rocks in the bottom of yours covered by sand, and if anyone tried to kick it, their toes would meet jagged rock edges. You began building up layers, adding dry sand, then water, then compacting it, then wet sand, and then starting over again in a cycle.
Once your little cylinder-like shape was built up, you used seashells nearby to decorate the side, and tying some random part of a nearby plastic bag onto a thin, long stick, you made a tiny flag of trash and stuck it in the middle of your sandcastle on the very top.
You glanced over at Cassian’s sandcastle, it was more oval-shaped than anything, like a sad attempt at recreating a football, and it had some random shells strewn about on it.
He exclaimed, glancing over at yours as his grin turned to a playful scowl.
He muttered under his breath, and you rolled your eyes, looking over at Azriel who was just standing in the water, watching, not seeming sure what to do. You beckoned him over.
“Come judge our sandcastles, Az!”
You called out, and he met your gaze, his own shining with amusement as he strode up and started examining your mate’s castle.
“Is the oval shape intentional?”
He asked in a dryly amused tone, and Cassian shot him a glare.
“Yes, it was.”
He said defensively, chest puffing out as you snorted, and Mor did too as she watched from the water. Azriel then moved to look at your sandcastle, observing it for all of two seconds before declaring his decision.
“Y/N won.”
He said, shaking his head in fond exasperation as he turned to move back into the water that shielded him from the harsh sun. That was when Cassian grumbled something under his breath, stomping over to your sandcastle even as you began following Az to the water.
You nudged Azriel with your elbow, both of you turning just in time to see Cassian’s foot go back and slam right into the rock base of your sandcastle as he howled and held his foot, glaring at you with a glimmer of begrudging respect for you somehow knowing what he was going to do.
Az quietly chuckled, even as Cassian huffed and hopped over to you on one foot, entering the water again.
“You’re going to pay for that once we get home,”
He murmured to you, and you only gave a lazy, sly smirk back.
“Worth it.”
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