#lord tyrell
haunted-mindset · 24 days
One thing I would love to have seen in ASOIAF is all of the big players in the Game of Thrones finding out that Jon is actually a Targaryen and they got duped by NED FUCKING STARK OF ALL PEOPLE!? Can you imagine Tywin Lannister finding out and realising he got played and there was a Targaryen right in front of him. Or Olenna trying to marry Margrey to him. I know some of these characters are dead by this point but still, just imagine the chaos....
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frying-panties · 9 months
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Game of Thrones Beach episode?
Love asking others about which character they'd like to see and I end up with the most confusing mix of people that never talked to another on the show HAHA
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that-sad-guy · 1 year
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hey. feels like its been a while 🥺
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ratagain · 2 months
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went and played investigations 2 with a friend and i've decided to doodle and give mr shields the worst burden a man can carry: being filipino and some other guys that aren't him i guess
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braime-brainrot · 2 years
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direwolfrules · 1 year
Weirwood Queen Memes Part 2, because I’m using fanfiction to distract from my dog’s severe arthritis
Spoilers for The Weirwood Queen by @redwolf17 . Go read it, it’s great.
Part 1
Link to Master Post
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
What would happen if Joffrey executed both Ned and Sansa?
I mean…a small riot happens? but maybe not? things definitely get more tense between the north and the iron throne that’s for damn sure. There’s not a reason to execute Sansa - she cooperated, she tried to help Cersei, and she’s eleven, and Ned specifically confessed to keep Sansa safe. If Joffrey says “all traitors and traitor’s blood must die” and then has eleven year old Sansa’s head lopped off in front of a crowd, i do imagine this is gonna ruffle some feathers.
There’s a few flashpoints here - the actual execution, Robb’s reaction to it, and Tywin’s reaction to Robb. Take the execution first.
there’s not a lot Ned can do in this situation but if Joffrey is stupid enough to say he’s going to kill them both, Ned is not going to willingly walk to his death. He’s gonna start screaming that Joffrey is a bastard born of incest, or he’s going to insist that Sansa is innocent and he never told anyone of his treason, but either way he’s gonna get the crowd riled up and start acting up to get Joffrey to change his mind, and let us remember how recent it was that a stark father pleaded for the life of his child and a stark child pleaded for the life of their father In This Very King’s Landing. If this becomes A Whole Big(ger) Scene, that’s bad. If Joffrey kills Ned and THEN says “actually bring Sansa up here too”  - and doesn’t Sansa pass out at some point after Ned is killed?? - what does he do here? Has her woken up so he can kill her? has her executed while she’s passed out or heaving and sobbing and saying she never betrayed him and she loves him? I don’t think Joffrey has enough reason to execute her, and if Ned, Sansa, or both are yelling and pleading as they’re held down and executed, it’s gonna give a lot of people flashbacks. He can do it, of course, but I do think there will be some hesitancy, maybe some arguing, and probably some loudly expressed opinions. and meanwhile Arya is watching all of this happen with Yoren. What is KL going to even look like after this? by the time Tyrion gets there, what’s happened without Sansa there? Dontos is dead. Littlefinger has to go back to fixating on Catelyn. Joffrey has started sexually abusing random maids and ladies because he has had no Sansa outlet for his temper. They can’t hold onto staff because Joffrey put Sansa’s head on a spike and won’t take it down and it’s freaking people out. Cersei and Joffrey keep having knock out fights in public over what to do about Jaime. Joffrey is devolving much faster here, and Jaime’s life hangs in the balance. 
Then there’s Robb’s reaction to whatever the hell happens in this scenario. He has just captured Jaime, and remember Cersei was nervous about Joffrey killing Ned bc Robb might kill Jaime in reprisal. If Joffrey executes Sansa? I think without Sansa as a hostage, Robb gets more reckless on the whole. I don’t think he’ll do anything stupid - nor would the lords at Riverrun agree to anything they thought was stupid - but Rickard Karstark and Edmure Tully as well as several other lords, are pushing for Jaime to be killed. He’s not fighting to save anyone at the capital anymore; this has strictly become a rebellion. I’m sure the Lannisters would try to lie about having Arya but Robb has Jaime, he has Riverrun, he has the North, he has everything to lose, and the Lannisters have no bargaining chip. Even if you assume battles and tactics stay completely the same, would Catelyn release Jaime in this scenario, if she knows Sansa is dead, and they have zero proof Arya is alive and zero explanation for her disappearance? I think it’s more likely she’s either continuing to work as an envoy, praying she’ll get word of Arya from someone if only she keeps asking and searching, or somehow in contact with Tyrion, trying to get more information on what may have happened. It’s possible she still gets herself in trouble, but is she going to just randomly set Jaime free? No, not without proof Arya is alive. Robb could choose to use Jaime in his terms - acknowledge me as King in the North and of the Trident, get your people out of the Riverlands, agree to these borders, and I’ll give you Jaime back - or give into the anger of the people around him and send Cleos Frey back to KL with Jaime’s head and a note that says fuck you and your family. Even if Stannis and Renly are still acting dumb (likely), and Catelyn comes back with Brienne and a wild story, does Robb just send her back out as an envoy to someone else? I mean potential shadow baby assassins notwithstanding, Jaime’s presence at Riverrun (or death to lord over everyone) is useful for Robb here. 
(I keep dancing around Arya because - is Yoren unable to stop her from straight up storming the execution, if Sansa gets brought out? In the commotion of whatever scene is happening, does Arya get lost? Get caught? Get hurt? Are there more guards out looking for her because she’s the only chance Cersei has of trading for Jaime now? Can she even get out of KL? Is Yoren more desperate to hand her off quickly now that he’s seen Sansa get executed? Lots of factors here!) 
Then there’s Tywin’s reaction to Robb. Jaime may or may not have been executed but he’s certainly in a much more perilous situation. Even with Roose helping to sabotage shit (would Roose decide this is the time to enter his villain era or would he figure joffrey is too much of a risk, and bide his time a bit more??), even if Robb still sends Theon with the exact same deal, at the exact same time, and that happens the exact same way, Tywin has to take into account that Jaime is a hostage in Riverrun when he gets to king’s landing to scheme the red wedding up, OR he gets to King’s Landing ready to scheme the wedding up and devices something 100x more brutal because Robb killed Jaime. Lannister dynamics are WILDLY different here with Jaime not coming back with Brienne, too!! 
Uh anyways the point is I think most everything in Westeros is affected by this.
My opinion is that KL becomes much more stressful to live in, because Joffrey has to crack down on the population, because they didn’t appreciate him killing Sansa, and also Cersei is hysterically angry with him, Tyrion has a much harder time getting control of the city back, the Tyrells are much more nervous about negotiations with Littlefinger in Bitterbridge, and Catelyn does not set Jaime free, which puts both the Iron Throne and the North/Riverlands in a weird ass position. 
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I’d like to request a fic where Daemon kidnaps his one sided crush at their wedding ceremony to someone else.
I like your request very and it was interesting to write it. So I hope you and the others like it. Thanks fore the request anon.
A present
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warning : obsession , one sided love
The sounds came from the music of the great hall of the castle in King's Landing. The occasion was the wedding of Lady Y/n, who was now married as the new Lady of Highgarden to her husband, the Lord and leader of the Tyrells.
The crown itself knew about the importance of the two and therefore offered its own halls to celebrate the wedding. There were hundreds of people attending and they were all there either for the food, the dance, the politics or as in Daemon's case for something else.
The new Lady of Highgarden sat next to her husband at the King's table and surveyed the dancing people while nodding at her wine every now and then. She saw House Strong, House Stark, the Hightowers and also Laenor with Rhaenyra dancing in the crowd. They were all dancing happily except for herself with her husband.
Although she had only glimpsed him before and heard the stories about the house and the prospective lord, she quickly realized that he was anything but a handsome flower. So he looked good on the outside, young and in the prime of his years.
But inside he was insolent, unfair, exploitative and only too happy to take his wine. ,,Do you want to dance husband?" she asked for the third time and saw him take a sip of wine. ,,In a moment, my lady," he murmured, before almost swearing and starting a conversation with the king's hand. Finishing her goblet, she rose and went into the crowd of dancers.
As soon as she entered, she danced with the first lord. ,,My lady" he said and she recognized the beehive on his coat of arms. ,,Beesbury" she said and danced with the son of Lord Beesbury in the crowd. He was attractively sincere, kind and genuine. Before she was married to Lord Tyrell, she spent every free minute in the gardens and meadows.
There she met not only the small yellow-black insects, but also the Beesbury who told her every time something new about the animals or flowers. And soon they realized that they were more than just friends. But soon they had to realize when she was married to the Tyrell that their relationship broke apart. The two were all the more pleased when they at least now had time.
But already at the next turn she was with another man and with another. It was the first time that evening that she felt a little freer again. No longer as restricted as on the chair next to her husband who had not really looked at her. ,,Little Rose" she heard someone say before someone took the lead in the dance.
When she felt someone grab her hand and put the other one on her hip. ,,Daemon" she said, slightly astonished but also slightly confused. The Targaryen prince gave her a slight smile as he continued to move her across the dance floor.
His violet eyes swept over her body and for the first time there seemed to be something of an opportunity in his gaze. She looked past him and tried to find her lover again. But there were too many people around her. ,,I have a gift for my bride" she heard him purr and she got goose bumps when she realized what he said.
She didn't like the prince very much, he was cheeky, brutal and saw everything as a game. She was only polite to him because he was the prince, but she knew that he had always built on it. But before she could say anything else, a sweet scent rose to her nose. The music in the room became duller and she felt unspeakably tired.
Her attempt to get away from the prince failed when he picked her up. ,,Don't," she mumbled, but her world was already starting to turn. And the last thing she saw were the bright torches and candles dancing to the music before she plunged into darkness. How much time passed as she slowly regained consciousness she did not know.
But the first thing she felt was the cold. Before she opened her heavy eyes and saw nothing but the sea. Confusion came to her mind before a startled cry came from her. She was not on a ship because no ship could be several hundred meters above the sea.
No, when she looked down and her hands brushed over something hard and scaly, she knew what she was on. ,,Caraxes" came the dragon's name from her lips and the beast shrieked, making her wince. ,,My pretty flower, look forward to your gift" she heard him say as he wrapped his hands around her from behind as she sat in front of him. Her body tensed when she saw the old Targaryen castle.
,,My gift, my darling, I know you've always wanted it. Dragonstone let it become the place for our mutual fire" he said and the conviction that it would actually become something resonated in his voice. ,,I don't love you, Dameon," she dared to say, but she stubbornly looked straight ahead, because escape was not possible.
He reached around her and put his hand on her neck. The leather was cold and yet there was a certain pressure behind it. ,,Everyone loves a dragon, my flower, you just have to recognize its beauty," he crooned before Caraxes flew faster towards the castle.
The prince had long been addicted to the Targaryen coin of madness, and his flower would eventually share this madness. She did not have a choice, the dragon had put his fire around her and she could never escape. She belonged to him alone. Daemon Targaryen.
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winter2468 · 6 days
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Margaery Tyrell + Twitter
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Don’t mind me just imagining another Northern Lord (you know who I am talking about 😉) older than Maeve becoming besotted by her.
Our Maeve is loyal to Robb though, always and forever ❤️
But look at her, unknowingly collecting hearts left and right.
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madamebaggio · 1 year
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Notes: Previously...
Chapter 12
Minas Tirith
Margaery lowered the latest letter Sansa had sent her and thought about it.
“Are you going to talk to Queen Lucy?” Loras wanted to know.
“Sansa suggested it.” Margaery admitted, her voice thoughtful. “Apparently she is now friends with the other Queen of Narnia.”
Loras smirked. “Are you jealous?”
Margaery rolled her eyes. “I am not that kind of woman.”
Loras scoffed. “Maybe we should…” Noises coming from the hallway cut his sentence, making him frown. “Stay here.” He asked his sister, hand going to his sword as he marched to the door.
Margaery waited as her brother went out of her room. She wasn’t concerned -yet -as these didn’t seem like noises of alarm.
“More Narnians arrived.” Loras informed her once he came back.
Margaery frowned. “Then why the commotion?”
“Apparently they saw Lord Boromir somewhere, and you know how Lord Denethor feels about his precious son.”
The lady hummed. She was almost sure Denethor would tell her all about it later, so she didn’t need to hurry out of the room.
However, it was likely that Queen Lucy would be a bit distracted. She’d talk to her later.
“I demand to know about my son’s destination!”
“I do not know where Lord Boromir was headed to.” Asterius said, not for the first time. “We met them by the Anduin and then parted ways.”
“You should have an inkling of his direction.” Denethor insisted. “Of his condition…”
“Lord Boromir seemed fine.” Asterius reported. “We did not speak for long. He gave me directions and asked me to let his family know he was alright.”
“I do not believe my son would conceal from me his destination.” Denethor pressed.
“I cannot give information I do not have, my lord.” The minotaur threw back.
“Lord Denethor, this is quite enough.” Queen Lucy stepped in front of Asterius. It did nothing to actually cover him -considering his size -but it was the gesture that counted. “Asterius brought you news of your son, and you are treating him as a criminal. I understand your concern over your son, but Asterius has nothing to gain by hiding information from you.”
The Regent sunk deeper into his chair and sighed. “Who was he with?”
“A dwarf by the name of Gimli, an elf called Legolas, a man. Aragorn was his name.”
That made Denethor straighten his chair. “Aragorn? The ranger?”
“I do not know if he was a ranger.” Asterius admitted. “Just that he was called Aragorn, and he seemed close to Master Boromir.”
Denethor mumbled something to himself, but the Narnians were soon free from the room.
“This man…” Lucy grumbled.
“He does love that son.” Edmund winced. “Poor Faramir.”
Lucy looked at Asterius. “Was he really fine?”
“I think we should have that conversation in private, my lady.”
Lucy and Edmund exchanged looks, but led Asterius to a place where they could talk. The minotaur explained to them in detail what Queen Susan had decided, how she’d given him the drop of the cordial and told him to use it at the right moment. He told them about the group’s difficulty to move out of Rohan and how they found Lord Boromir by accident.
“It was no accident.” Edmund sighed. “Susan was right and it was meant to be.”
“It was timely, that is for certain.” Asterius agreed. “They left to chase after their friends.”
Edmund nodded. “Did they ask anything?”
“They wanted to know why we were there. And also… If we knew anything about the people from Westeros.”
Edmund hummed. “Did Lord Boromir mention he met Lady Tyrell on the road?”
Asterius shook his head and Lucy scoffed softly. “I do not think it was an accident.”
“You are very convinced of this woman’s wicked powers.” Edmund observed.
She took a deep breath in. “I am sorry. There is just something about her…”
“I do not know anything about Lady Tyrell and Lord Boromir never mentioned a previous acquaintance.” Asterius spoke up, distracting the siblings from the previous topic. “However, I wish to talk to Lord Faramir. His brother asked me to talk to him. Had I known his father was…”
“That is a whole other thing.” Edmund nodded in understanding.
“Let us look for Lord Faramir.”
“I feel like he is lying to me.” Denethor grumbled.
Margaery held in a sigh. “Lord Denethor.” She called softly. “Lord Boromir is a smart man. Why would he tell a stranger his destination?” She indicated. “Especially a stranger that hails from another land.”
Denethor scoffed.
Margaery had been thinking a lot about what Sansa had written in her letter. The son of the King of Rohan was dead, and the man himself was not well. His heir had been banished from the land, and she was going to try and find him.
Margaery wasn’t a strategist - not when it came to war - but perhaps the whispers they were hearing really meant something darker was coming.
Denethor himself was convinced the days of Gondor were numbered, but she could hardly tell if it was paranoia or something else.
She couldn’t tell if open war was really that close or not.
However, it would take days for a letter to arrive in King’s Landing and even longer for an army. If things were as urgent as some seemed to think they were, it might not be enough time.
But dragons could fly there faster.
Margaery covered Lord Denethor’s hand with hers. “My lord. What if I write to my Queen and kindly ask her to come with her dragons?”
Lucy watched as Lord Faramir talked to Asterius, clearly pleased to hear from his brother.
She hadn’t met Lord Boromir, but it turned her stomach to hear Lord Denethor talking of his eldest son as if he was the only one. He seemed to think Faramir was weak willed, not as brave or as strong as his brother. He also made no secret of that.
It made Lucy’s heart squeeze painfully. Faramir was a kind and caring man, and she didn’t believe for a minute that the Captain of the Rangers of Ithilien wasn’t a brave man, willing to fight for his country.
The man in question had finished his conversation with Asterius and walked up to her, a smile on his lips. “Your Majesty.” He bowed her head.
“Lord Faramir.” She smiled back. “I hope Asterius’ words gave you confort.”
“More than I dared to hope.” He admitted. “I am glad to hear that my brother if fine.”
“Are you two close?” She asked, interested.
“We are. Boromir has been nothing but a great example and inspiration to me.”
“I see.”
Faramir made a gesture to indicate she should start walking, then took his place next to her. “He is a great man.”
“But so are you.” She told him.
Faramir’s laughter was a bit strained, even as he blushed. “You are too kind, my lady.”
“I only speak the truth, Lord Faramir.”
He cleared his throat. “We hardly know each other.”
“That is so.” She agreed. “However, I tend to have a good eye for these things.”
Faramir’s smile this time was soft, his eyes gentle. Lucy felt a tug on her heart.
“My King?” Asterius asked, turning to Edmund.
The minotaur frowned. “Is something wrong?”
Edmund’s eyes were fixed on his sister and Lord Faramir. “Not really. I just have a… Feeling.”
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lya-dustin · 1 year
The Hightowers: only people with dicks should have the right to rule
Lady Sharra Tyrell who was made regent of her infant son: yeah you're on your own, bud
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forestcat222 · 1 year
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bonsoir-tyrelliot · 1 year
I have a Tyrelliot headcanon that Tyrell dislikes dogs and Elliot likes them. Tyrell doesn’t tell Elliot the reason he dislikes dogs is that they remind him of his childhood on the farm. Elliot persuades Tyrell and they get a dog, and it quickly becomes clear to them both that Tyrell is both a more responsible pet owner and just better at dog stuff. He scratches better. He knows how to get the little guy to take a shit when he’s supposed to. He remembers to buy food and make vet appointments. Tyrell is SO resentful of Elliot for making him a dog caretaker against his will. Finally he breaks down and tells Elliot the reason he didn’t want a dog is it triggers childhood memories he doesn’t want to remember. The next day Tyrell gets home and the dog is gone, the dog food is gone, the toys are gone. Elliot tells him the dog has a new home now, people who will take good care of it. And Tyrell is SO ANGRY. He freaking LOVED that dog. Whenever Elliot wasn’t around he would baby talk at it and spoil it silly. Elliot is absolutely stymied by this information. Tyrell refuses to elaborate. But the day after that, the dog is back. Tyrell does not acknowledge that anything has changed. Except that from then on he doesn’t hide his dog affection. He speaks to the puppy in Swedish on the daily and Elliot doesn’t know what he’s saying, but he hears the tone of voice so he knows it’s affectionate. Elliot is still a bad pet owner. Tyrell no longer cares.
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heired · 2 years
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♕   throughout   the   realm   ravens   have   sent   word   from   the   reach   of   LORD   MIDAS   TYRELL   of   HOUSE  TYRELL.   the   twenty   eight   year   old   is   known   by   many   to   be   QUIXOTIC   &   DEVOTED,   though   whispers   speak   otherwise,   claiming   that   he   is   FANCIFUL   &   ABSENTMINDED.   with   tensions   bubbling   just   under   the   surface   where   will   his   allegiances   reside   ?   choose   wisely,   for   dangers   will   arise   in   a   war   of   conquests   and   crowns.
the   eldest   son   of   the   noble   and   honorable   house   tyrell   ,   midas   was   primed   to   have   the   world   at   his   feet   .   or   at   least   some   of   it   .   his   house   had   long   been   loyal   to   the   gardeners   and   this   generation   was   no   different   ,   despite   what   some   rumors   might   have   some   believe   .   
a   skilled   horserider   ,   archer   ,   spearman   -   he   should've   been   a   warrior   ,   but   that's   not   midas   .   he   was   always   much   more   a   lover   than   a   fighter   .   would   rather   spend   his   time   in   a   woman's   bed   ,   nestled   in   the   warmth   of   sheets   then   on   a   battlefield   with   bloodied   men   .   
he   floats   from   woman   to   woman   ,   hoping   to   find   the   king   of   true   love   one   could   write   poems   about   .   though   his   luck   at   that   kind   of   love   hasn't   been   that   great   .
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fragilestorm · 2 years
so I need your help with choosing my hotd oc
Tyrell or Redwyne
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