#lord wonho
okcat · 2 years
new life path im joining a convent
9 notes · View notes
biffhofosho · 22 days
What's Wrong with Director Ortega? | Part One
Fandom: Monsta X
Genre: Smut, natch
Word Count: uh, 18k this part
Pairing: OT7 x OC
Synopsis: In the tallest tower in the city of Seoul, there is a corporate kingdom whose empire stretches around the world. It is ruled by seven vice chairmen, all of whom lord over their own little departmental fiefdoms. With so many different ruling styles, they don’t have much in common save for the one director they can’t live without. Unfortunately for Director Ortega, heavy is the head who wears that crown. Seven demanding bosses and no time for herself forces her to reconsider what she wants out of life, which may just be the thing to force the self-proclaimed Kings of Seoul to reconsider what they want from her…
The Vibe: Reverse harem, ultra-competitive, CEOs, rich and spoiled men, monstas at odds, professional-to-a-fault and overworked and overextended OC who finally decides it’s time to put herself first, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone, harsh awakenings, noraebang, goldilocks implications, atypical biffhofosho ending :D
A/N: OH MY GOD THE EDITING TOOK ME SOOOO MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED. First of all, I realized only on edit that the first part is 808974893759874 times longer than the other parts, but there's just so much that needed to be set up... Also, low key I had so much fun writing it. But it's FINE. I can post on this most holy of days! HAPPY FREEDOM DAY, BABY WONHO. THANK YOU FOR COMING HOME TO US.
Obviously inspired by What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim?, but reverse harem and smutty af. Also inspired by the business tycoon playboy Fatal Love photoshoot because holy fuck, did that bring me to my knees. Though I’ve been a mbb since 2016, Fatal Love was the first album I actually bought (because I’d finally figured out how to buy overseas by then lol), and when I opened version 3, this was the FIRST thing that got lodged in my mind. Like a popcorn kernel, it had to be worked out slowly, over time, but after months of watching cheesy, soapy Chinese minidramas, I got the swift kick in the butt to finish my CEO smutfest. Enjoy!
Special thank you shout-out to my love, @starlightfantasy, without whom this chapter wouldn't have been nearly so lively or authentic.
Cvr | 01 |
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“As always, Director Ortega, impeccable work. You may go.”
“Very good, sir,” came her customary reply. “Don’t forget that you have dinner with Chairman Matsuda of Aeon tonight at the Phoenix. I have already prepared a gift and left it with Secretary Kwon. Be sure to take it when you leave today.”
“You won’t be joining?”
She lowered her eyes, her breath gathering in her chest. “No, sir. I will leave things in your capable hands.”
“You always join.”
“I know, sir, but not this time.”
“Chairman Matsuda expects it.”
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ve already cleared it with him.”
The vice chairman said nothing, simply twirled his pen between his fingers like a baton.
Finally, she gathered her notepad and stowed her pen behind her ear. She offered a polite bow at his dismissal, but just before she reached the door, she stopped.
She pulled herself up as tall as her petite frame could muster and turned back to the wide mahogany desk in front of the sweeping windows. Beyond the stiff-backed silhouette crowning the complementary stiff-backed desk chair unfurled a smoggy Seoul morning. Dirty clouds filtered the wan light throughout the corner office.
She wet her lips and swallowed. “Excuse me, Vice Chairman Son, but there is one more matter we have left to discuss…”
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The corporate auditorium was packed full of employees from every department in the Xtra Mile conglomerate. The thrum of chatter draped overhead like a heavy tarp as coworkers filed into their seats and caught up with people they hadn’t seen since the last company in-service.
As the Purchasing Department filled their rows, they met the Human Resources Department halfway. Normally, the two sides had very little to do with one another, so this gave everyone an excuse to greet each other and gossip.
But just like that, the room fell perfectly silent as a stream of seven very handsome and undeniably powerful men strolled onto the stage at the head of the auditorium. Their figures were projected onto the large screen above their heads so that even those seated in the back could appreciate the clean lines of their expensive haircuts and their even more expensive suits. Each man occupied his own podium across the breadth of the stage, so far apart that it almost looked as though they couldn’t stand breathing the same bubble of air.
At the center of the stage, spotlighted and stone-faced, one of the tallest and broadest men loomed over the employees. Without so much as an attention-grabbing throat clear, he spoke.
“Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for your attendance today as well as everything you do to further the mission of the Xtra Mile Corporation.”
“Without you,” boomed an elegant and lively blonde-haired executive from halfway down the stage, “we wouldn’t be a Fortune 500 Global company.”
The room erupted in polite applause as smiles abounded.
The man in the middle’s jaw flexed slightly, and this time he did clear his throat before regaining control of the room. “Without further delay, let us commence this year’s Xtra Mile Company Vision Showcase. I’ll turn things over to our Chief Financial Officer, Vice Chairman Yoo…”
The man in the center turned to the shorter, black-haired executive on his right whose face, despite its prominent cheekbones, looked like it hadn’t seen a genuine smile in half a decade. Right away, Vice Chairman Yoo began his overview of their mission statements and goals while the audience jotted notes and nodded along, save for one row toward the back of the room.
“Who is that?” whispered a young purchaser with expressive eyebrows over starry pecan eyes. He gazed up at the stage where a woman with perfect posture and her own expensive power suit waited at the edge, looking as much like a high-end mannequin as a real person. The waves in her espresso bob curled sweetly around her small ears and accentuated a round face with dumpling cheeks. Dark fox eyes looked even more alert against her honey skin, and they didn’t miss a single silent cue from any of the vice chairmen as her stiletto heels prowled click-clack-click-clack along the back of the stage, setting up each and every transition without a word.
One of the nearby HR managers, an older man with a five o’clock shadow and a soft face, followed the young fellow’s eyes. “Ah, that one. She’s a sad case. A face that doesn’t age, legs that never stop moving, and eyes that won’t look at you unless you’re paying her.”
The young intern’s ears reddened. “A pro- pro- prostit—”
Another older man, this one a fellow purchaser, clamped a hand over the intern’s mouth and hissed, “Aigoo! Are you daft? Intern Wong, don’t finish that sentence if you don’t want to be tossed out on your ear!”
“Forgive him,” apologized one of the young ladies also on the Purchasing team, “he’s new.”
“And stupid if he thinks a major corporation keeps a company call-girl on payroll,” snapped the older purchaser with a flick to his intern’s ear.
The HR manager stifled a grin. “That is Director Ortega. She is one of the most revered employees at this company. If you ever have the occasion to work with her, you will understand why. She knows absolutely everything that goes on in every department better than any of the vice chairmen. Nothing escapes her notice, which is why she’s so heavily relied upon.”
“Which department is hers?” Intern Wong wondered.
“Which department isn’t,” laughed the HR manager. “Director Ortega has a hand in everything because she has to, especially considering to whom she reports, but her actual title is Director of Facilitation. She oversees all administration here, top to bottom, but more than that, for all intents and purposes, she oversees the vice chairmen.”
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“Ah, yes!” said a satisfied voice as its owner swiveled to scope out the sunny panorama through his office window. “It turned out to be another fine day, Director Ortega. We should be out there exploring, not cooped up in here, don’t you agree?”
“Of course, sir.”
“Will you stay for lunch then? We can go out? I remember you liked that barbecue place in Jongno. Call Taeyong and have him bring the car around, and we’ll go somewhere with tables outside.”
“You know that I can’t, sir, even if I wanted to.”
“They’re always overriding my good ideas,” he grumbled.
“I’m sure it feels that way, sir. Still, being that we are on a tight schedule, I wonder if I can borrow a moment of your time,” she said hesitantly. “An urgent issue has come up, and I’m afraid it can’t wait any longer…”
“She has been here 14 years, longer than any of the men up on stage, longer than even I have,” continued the older company man. “The old Chairman himself hired her when he was on a business trip to the United States.”
“She’s American?”
“Yes, and half-Korean, actually. She speaks four languages as well, and, over the past couple years, she’s been learning two more.”
“She’s a wonder,” Intern Wong marveled.
“She would have to be to impress Chairman Choi. Director Ortega was the Chairman’s personal secretary for ten years before he retired and handed the company over to his seven grandsons.”
“Fourteen years seems like too long for such a young woman,” the fledgling purchaser mused, eyes still fixed to the director on stage.
The HR manager sniffed a laugh. “I told you she has a face that doesn’t age. She’s older than you think.”
“Much too sophisticated for a freshman like you,” teased Intern Wong’s female coworker. “Keep your head in your station.”
“This will be the only glimpse of her you get, young buck,” added the senior purchaser. “She rarely comes down to Purchasing, maybe a few times a year, and when she does, she speaks only with Director Kim Doyoung. I’ve never seen her in our office for more than five minutes.”
The woman smirked. “What Mr. Moon is trying to say, very politely I might add, is that she’s out of your league.”
“And more importantly,” the HR manager chimed in again, “off limits.”
“Employees date each other here,” the intern protested.
But Mr. Moon shook his head. “Yeah, but they don’t date Director Ortega, understand?”
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“Aigoo… This is my least favorite time of day, you know that? All the fun ends and you leave, and I’m left with all the work.”
“You will be fine, sir, as always, but remember to please trust your secretary with any help you may need. Secretary Ahn tells me you haven’t been using her to her full potential these days.”
He sighed and chambered his chin on his hand as his smiled at her. “Why would I? All I ever need is you, Director Ortega.”
She cleared her throat softly. “About that, sir…”
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“I didn’t even suggest anything, geez,” the intern pouted.
Mr. Moon stared at the young man knowingly. “I’ve seen that look in a lot of men’s eyes over the past decade. I say this as a friend: if you want to be promoted to purchaser full-time, Intern Wong, I suggest you look only on the Director with admiration.”
“I do,” the young man muttered and immediately steered the conversation somewhere gentler. “Director Ortega must know everything there is to know about this place if she’s been here that long and that high up.”
“Exactly!” agreed Mr. Moon. “She’s so important that all seven vice chairmen share her.”
The intern and a few other nearby newer employees leaned in, both interested and confused.
“Now, how can seven executives share one assistant?” wondered the female purchaser.
Mr. Moon looked on the rapt row of coworkers like a librarian leading a storytelling session. “Director Ortega is the only connection those men have beside a grandfather.”
“They’re really related?” Intern Wong asked.
The older man nodded. “Brothers, half-brothers or cousins, right, Manager Cho?”
The HR manager shrugged his mouth sternly. “No one resents that fact more than they do. Were it not for Director Ortega, they’d have nothing to do with each other. You’d think they live on seven different continents if they didn’t share one atrium on the 28th floor.”
Intern Wong’s brow furrowed. “But how exactly does one woman bridge all those continents daily?”
“Every day,” Mr. Moon explained, “the Director spends one hour with each vice chairman, and when his hour is up, she moves on down the hall.”
“Are you serious?” blurted the female purchaser.
“I am.”
“Don’t they each have their own secretary?” asked the intern. “I’m sure they have way too much work for one hour.”
This time, a middle-aged manager from Employee Relations further down the row answered, “Of course! But Director Ortega is in charge of all of their executive assistants, too. The last hour of her day is spent with them, ensuring the day’s work is properly circulated and delegated. Still, she is the only one the vice chairmen trust with their most important business matters, and she’s the only assistant they will bring with them to important meetings. Needless to say, she’s part orchestra conductor. She must follow this rigorous schedule each day to keep the vice chairmen satisfied, which is even more challenging considering how much each of them likes to demand from her.”
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“I thought you were leaving,” he said.
“In a moment,” she replied.
She placed a thermos at the edge of his desk and bowed.
Incisive eyes jolted to the container as he finally looked up from his crowded blotter. “What is it?”
“Coffee, sir. Don’t stay too late tonight though. The merger with Aeon should conclude next week, and I know you’ll want fresh eyes before you final review everything of the numbers.”
A finger of black hair stubbornly broke from his clean-combed hairline and dangled in front of his sharp eyes as he switched from appraising the thermos to appraising the woman on the other side of his desk. “I should say the same to you, Director Ortega.”
She smiled as she lowered her chin. “Ah, well, to that end, I think it’s time to break old habits, sir. Before I do, I have something to confess…”
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“Doesn’t leave a lot of time to herself,” mused the older purchaser as he considered the woman’s words.
Intern Wong cocked his head as he considered this new information. “But isn’t it a good thing to be so in demand at your company?”
“Aish,” chimed in an older lady on the other side of the group of busybodies, this one from the Accounting department who wore a thick pair of glasses to match her role, “it would be if you’re not a woman. Director Ortega is 38 and, as far as anybody has heard, never dated.”
“There’s no way a woman like her hasn’t dated!” the intern protested as his eyes returned to the serious beauty on stage.
“Even if she wanted to,” continued the accountant, “she would have to turn down any suitor. The vice chairmen keep her way too busy to even think about dating someone.”
“You don’t know that, Miss Lee,” said the employee relations manager.
“The hell I don’t, Manager Kwon,” the accountant scoffed, causing a few other uninterested coworkers to pivot toward them before everyone whispered apologies except the accountant. At least, she bothered to lower her voice enough that the rest of the row leaned in. “I process Director Ortega’s overtime. I’m telling you, there’s no way that woman has a life outside of this company or those seven men. It’s downright outrageous. They should be ashamed.”
“I told you,” said Manager Cho, “she’s a sad case. I heard Director Ortega had to fly back from her sister’s wedding in Mexico because Vice Chairman Chae needed a translator, and she’s the only one he trusts to give him an unbiased translation.”
“That’s too harsh,” objected Intern Wong.
Miss Lee hung her head. “Director Ortega will never find a match. Ah! It’s too sad to see a woman of her caliber give up her whole life like that.”
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“I’ll leave the initial scouting reports in your inbox for your review, sir. After you’ve made your notes, please trust Secretary Lee with their transcription.”
“Could you stay a few extra minutes to finish that? Only you know how I like things organized.”
“Secretary Lee is more than capable if you just explain your preferences to him, sir. Forgive me, but he should know that after a full year.”
The vice chairman huffed, his broad shoulders slumping, too. “Yes, of course, but he isn’t— Of course, Director Ortega. You are correct.”
“I will sit with him tomorrow and show him personally, sir, so there is no confusion.”
“That’s not necessary!” He reached toward the director across the desk but pulled his hand back quickly. “I should handle it myself.”
“I am happy to hear it, sir. On that note…”
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“But isn’t there something admirable about that?” Intern Wong mused as he looked up at the dark-haired director waiting at the edge of the stage, hands folded in front of her hips. “To be so loyal and dedicated to your company that you are trusted by everyone?”
A big-eyed girl in front of them whirled around in her seat and clamped her hands over the back of it to stare at the group. With wide eyes full of shock instead of innocence, she said, “I can’t believe none of you know.”
“Know what!”
“Tell us instantly, Secretary Heo!” urged Manager Kwon, and the whole row shifted forward.
The secretary puckered her thin lips and lowered her voice to a whisper just loud enough to catch over the drone through the sound system of Vice Chairman Im’s speech on streamlining database growth.
“Director Ortega handed in her resignation yesterday.”
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“Sir, please don’t make that face,” she said.
Yet the vice chairman sat there with his cheeks in his hands, his bottom lip jutting out. “What do you expect me to do? I hate knowing where you’re headed next.”
“I do this every day, sir,” she reminded.
“And I hate it every day. He always gets more of your time than we do.”
“You know that isn’t true, sir.”
“It is!” he complained. “Wouldn’t it be so nice to have one desk in one office and report to only one person?”
She closed her eyes and steadied her breath. “I think I may have a solution to this problem. If I may have one more moment please…”
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“Impossible,” Mr. Moon scoffed. “She’s been here fourteen years!”
“Don’t talk nonsense,” scolded the female purchaser.
“I’m not,” insisted Secretary Heo. “Secretary Ahn told me yesterday at lunch. She’s Vice Chairman Lee Minhyuk’s personal secretary. If anybody would know, it would be her. She’s not a gossip.”
“Like you,” retorted the accountant.
“Game recognizes game, Miss Lee, but in this case, it’s just fact. We all need to be prepared for the trickle-down. Even if we don’t work personally with the vice chairmen, without Director Ortega as our shield, we’re sure to feel the brunt of things.”
“Now that you mention it, look how dull the vice chairmen look,” said the other young woman as she stared sadly at the stage where the tallest vice chairman now spoke. Her eyes darted down to the straw-haired executive at the far end, and she shook her head. “Even Vice Chairman Lee Jooheon looks flat. He never looks so flat! Oh, this is terrible. I love his smiles.”
Intern Wong elbowed his coworker and retorted, “Keep your head in your station, Miss Kim.”
She rolled her eyes though the bespectacled accountant nodded. “And Vice Chairman Lee Hoseok looks much smaller than usual, don’t you think? Normally, you can see his shoulders from space.”
“I’m telling you,” reiterated Secretary Heo, “Director Ortega put in a month’s notice. She’s definitely leaving.”
“Have you heard this?” asked Mr. Moon to Miss Lee. “You process her overtime, you said.”
The older woman shook her head. “I’m not in HR. Isn’t that your department, Manager Cho?”
Everyone glanced down the row to the HR manager who had grown progressively quieter. “It is, but I don’t work in Executive Resources. But…”
Everyone leaned toward him like plants straining for sunlight.
“It is possible,” Manager Cho said guardedly. “I can’t outright refute it.”
Jaws dropped right and left, and a few hands fell over hearts.
“Why would she resign now?” asked Intern Wong when no one picked up the conversation.
“Is she not being compensated well enough?” asked Miss Kim.
“I have worked here through Chairman Choi’s reign, and I can tell you for a fact that her salary would make you blush, especially when she works for holiday pay. Plus, I have heard from Director Jeong that Director Ortega receives a bonus from each Vice Chairman at Seollal,” Miss Lee said vehemently. “No, no. But money matters less when you have no time to spend it and no one to spend it on. I told you. Director Ortega is 38. Aish, she must have realized that if she wants to marry and have a family, she has a very small window left.”
“Hwaiting, sunbaenim!” Miss Kim said a little too loudly, and a few more rows turned back toward them.
“No, that’s not it,” persisted Secretary Heo. “Secretary Ahn said Director Ortega already has a man, and she’s quitting to marry him.”
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“Is there anything else, sir?” she said, head cocked to the side.
“There is not.”
The usual silence filled the space between them. After several years, at least it was no longer startling.
“If you’re sure, sir.”
She bowed, and also as usual, he blurted, “One final thing, Director Ortega.”
“Yes, sir. Of course.”
“I need five extra minutes of your time today.”
“I’m sorry, but not today, sir.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You never say that.”
“I know,” she agreed. “It turns out that’s because I need a minute of your time instead…”
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The older employees broke into quiet laughter.
“There is zero chance of that,” Miss Lee assured.
“If you knew her workload…” agreed Mr. Moon.
Secretary Heo scowled and jabbed a finger at the seniors. “Secretary Ahn was sure.”
“I don’t buy it,” asserted Miss Lee. “Look, there’s no ring!”
All eyes turned to the jumbo screen, to the bare, slender fingers of the director.
One of the other purchasers whisper-shouted from farther down the row, “Do you think they’ll post for her position internally first?”
“How can you be so insensitive, Assistant Lee Yubin!” chastised Miss Kim. “The vice chairmen look miserable. They’d never fill her role with such a vulture.”
The assistant rolled her sleepy-looking eyes as she informed, “You don’t get to that position without being an opportunist.”
“No one’s asking the most important question,” interjected Intern Wong, his bright puppy eyes still fixed on the glowing silhouette of the director. “If she’s no longer going to be an employee—and she’s not engaged—do you think she’s on the market?”
Both Manager Cho and Mr. Moon sighed and exchanged hopeless glances, but now, a few more men down the line swiveled from the intern up toward the stage. The whole group grew silent as Vice Chairman Lee Minhyuk took over on the mic, but nobody was really listening to his outline of new product roll-outs for the upcoming quarter. They were mounting strategies of their very own.
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“Why are we meeting here?” a surly Jooheon griped as he plopped down onto a couch in the center of the round atrium that connected all seven vice chairmen's offices. “Shouldn't we go somewhere more private?”
“This is easier,” Jackson replied as he took a seat into an armchair across from his friend. The president was known for looking as cool as his voice sounded, so when he cocked his head and crossed his legs, he looked more a boss than the vice chairman. “How are you doing?”
Jooheon hissed and launched forward, though he managed to stay seated. “How am I doing? I’m upside down, man! I don’t understand.”
“What don’t you understand?”
“I don’t—” The vice chairman ran his hands through his hair and rolled his neck. After a steadying breath, he said, “I don’t understand why she’d leave?”
“Director Ortega?”
“Of course, Director Ortega. Who the hell else did you think I brought you here to talk about?”
Jackson raised an eyebrow. “Well, I don’t know what you want me to do about it. You guys wouldn’t let me near her.”
“You can’t be trusted.”
“A fine thing to say to your President of Operations,” Jackson laughed, and it was clear he didn’t take an ounce of the vice chairman’s insults seriously.
“You know exactly what I mean.”
The president kept laughing and nodded. “I do.”
“But I have always trusted your vision. You see bigger pictures than I do. Since we were teenagers, you’ve always been a barometer of the people, and at least I trust your insights,” Jooheon began as professionally as he could sitting in front of one of his best friends. “Plus, you’re a busybody.”
“I’ve been accused of worse,” the president said with a grin.
“I know. I was the one who accused you.”
Jackson shrugged. “So, what do you need?”
“What have you heard about Director Ortega’s threat of quitting?”
“Is it a threat?” the president asked with a brow raise. “Because it sounded pretty damn certain to this busybody’s ears.”
“Don’t get coy, Jackson. I’m not in the mood.”
The grin dropped from the president’s face, and he leaned across the coffee table. “Everyone’s talking about it, of course. Rumors abound. Some say she’s getting married.”
Jooheon scowled and shook his head.
“Some say she’s pregnant.”
This time, the vice chairman gasped, unable to feign his usual confidence.
“But most people are saying she’s dating or wants to date, so she wants to make more time to do those other things.”
“That’s stupid,” Jooheon fired off. “Director Ortega has plenty of time to do that now. She could be married already if she wanted to be, but she’s not.”
Jackson just glowered at his friend.
“Fine,” Jooheon conceded, “we keep her pretty busy, but it’s never bothered her before.”
“Are you sure? Did you ever ask?”
“Why would I ask that!” the vice chairman shouted indignantly. “It’s not workplace appropriate.”
“Then it sounds to me like you’re talking out of your ass,” and a beat later, Jackson added cheekily, “sir.”
Jooheon studied his fingernails as he asked carefully, “So… which one did she say it is?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think anyone does for sure. Director Ortega is the most professional person in this whole damn company. You lot should know best. What did she say when she resigned?”
“She didn’t resign,” Jooheon said tersely. “She just threatened to.”
“Oh, is that what ‘Please accept my letter of resignation’ means?”
The vice chairman sighed. “Why the hell did I put any faith in you.”
“C’mon, man, I’m ribbing you. The truth is I think you know everything, but you just don’t want to acknowledge it. What did she say exactly? Not what did Vice Chairman Lee Jooheon hear?”
The straw-haired man sank back into the couch, his hands spread across the cushions as he stared up through the glass ceiling to the obnoxiously blue sky above. “She said, ‘After fourteen wonderful years at Xtra Mile, I have decided I need to step back from my position as Director of Facilitation and spend some time on myself. I know this may be rather surprising, but it's something I’ve been considering for a while. It has been an absolute pleasure working for you…’
“From there, pretty much all I heard was static. I was too in shock.”
Jackson hummed. “Doesn’t give me a ton to work with. What did her resignation letter say?”
“Don’t know. Didn’t read it yet.”
At this, Jackson let out a groan. “You didn’t read it? What the hell kind of boss are you?”
“A blindsided one! What do you expect me to do after the rug was pulled out from under me?”
“Man up and fix it. I figured Xtra Mile’s Chief Marketing Officer would already be mounting a campaign to court back his most valuable employee. Instead, you’re whining in your ivory tower.”
“How am I supposed to do that when I don’t even understand why she’s leaving me?”
“Read the damn letter, man,” Jackson scolded. “Maybe it’s as simple as she took another job.”
“You think?” the dimpled vice chairman asked eagerly.
“No, unless she sparing your feelings.”
“This is all their fault,” Jooheon griped, only too happy to shift the blame. He waved his arm around the atrium at the six other mahogany office doors. “They're driving her away. She's always happy when she's with me.”
“Is that what you really think?”
The vice chairman narrowed his eyes at his president. “Obviously.”
“Just remember I've known you long before you were a head honcho…” Jackson said ominously. He braced his elbows on his knees and leaned across the coffee table. His hand rose, middle finger tucked beneath his thumb, and swiftly and unexpectedly, he flicked the forehead of his friend.
Jooheon yelped and cursed as he bounced in his seat. When he dropped a hand to point angrily at the man across from him, a big red mark lingered like a bullseye in the center of his forehead. “You're fired!”
“Fine, fine, I’ll clean out my desk tomorrow,” the president said without an ounce of concern. “But did I knock some sense into you?”
“You pissed me off is what you did.”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “I think you’re better off worrying about that mammoth bruise to your ego than a little welt on your forehead. The second Aeon gets wind of her leaving, they’re going to wonder about the merger.”
Though he was still babying the bump on his head, Jooheon shook it. “Director Ortega said she’d build in more than the month in case things run long with Aeon. She doesn’t want to jeopardize the project.”
“Leave it to a woman of her caliber to be acutely aware of that. She’s been in all of the merger meetings, hasn’t she?”
“She personally brought Chaiman Matsuda on board. Yeah, the Aeon merger is probably more her baby than any of ours.”
“Good. That’s good then.”
“Why?” Jooheon asked.
Jackson shrugged a shoulder. “It means she’s not running off to elope at least.”
“Elope!” At this, the vice chairman finally leapt back up.
“Calm down. I said she’s not eloping. Probably also means there’s no fiancé either yet.”
“Yet?” Jooheon deflated completely back down to the couch.
Again, the president shrugged. “I’m just puzzling out the fifty different rumors I heard today. Seems like those are the least likely now that I know more.”
“But now that I know what she said when she resigned, I think the most likely theory is that you all have zapped her personal life completely. Sucked her dry like a swarm of mosquitos.”
Jooheon sighed. “You really like to rub salt in a wound, man.”
“Hey, I call ‘em like I see ‘em. Unless she’s already married? Maybe she’s leaving to spend more time with her husband. Work on building a family.”
“She doesn’t have a husband,” the vice chairman snapped.
Jackson let out a chuckle. “I imagine you seven have seen to that, huh? Thought you were all the men she needed, I’ll bet. Guess today was your wake-up.”
“Is she dating?” Jooheon’s voice creeped up uncomfortably high, and he cleared his throat to correct it.
“How should I know? You barely let me talk to the woman. You keep her locked up like Rapunzel with you and your dysfunctional family.”
The vice chairman narrowed his already narrow eyes. “That smacks of bitterness.”
“Maybe it is. She’s a beautiful woman, and I’m a good-looking guy.”
Jooehon unleashed a wicked snarl at the corner of his lips. “You’re not just a busybody but a playboy, Jackson. I was right to keep her away from you.”
It was Jackson’s turn to narrow his eyes. “I knew it.”
Jooheon waved a hand dismissively. “I don’t need you distracting my executive team.”
“I didn’t hear you balk when I asked out Secretary Guk, and she’s at your full disposal all day, every day.”
At this, the vice chairman grumbled, “Well, you just said it. I can call on her whenever I need her. I only get an hour with Director Ortega. I can’t have her distracted for a minute of it.”
“Don’t you think that’s part of her reasoning, Honey?” Jackson said, testing the boundaries of their decades-long friendship. “Every second of her day is monopolized by a tycoon. How do you expect her to just be a woman?”
“If you’re saying this just to make a window for yourself to her, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Look, man, it doesn’t even matter at this point. Her dance card is already so long, I’d need to take a number.”
“What do you mean?”
Jackson pursed his lips. “Exactly what I said. As soon as news of her resignation trickled down all 28 floors, guys were brushing up their marriageable resumes and dating profiles.”
“She’s not a sweepstakes,” Jooheon barked. “You don’t just try your chance to get lucky.”
“Hey, I agree with you, but you don’t speak for the vast majority of guys. Everyone has always assumed she’s unmarried, but no one’s risked courting her for fear of their careers. But if she doesn’t work for you anymore—”
Jooheon growled. “That doesn’t matter. They’re still risking their careers.”
Jackson leaned back in his chair, mouth screwed up to one side and eyebrow popped.
“For your own good, Honey, I really think you should ask yourself why that is.” A little louder, he proclaimed, “You all should.”
Almost as if scripted, six silhouettes stepped out of the shadows of six separate doorways.
Jackson swept his hand in a circle and smiled smugly at his friend. “See? Told you this was easier. Now I don't have to repeat myself six more times.”
“Jackson,” said a burly platinum blonde in a three-piece suit so tightly tailored that it looked more like an American football uniform, “do you really think Director Ortega will be that much of a target?”
Jackson scoffed that faded into a wry smile. “She's gorgeous, driven, charming, whip-smart, and well-off. A woman like Director Ortega is in a class of her own. Yes, Hoseok, she’s a catch. The only people who are going to care she's 38 are the ones she would have never entertained anyway. Hell, just between the horn dogs and the sugar babies, she's going to have her plate full, never mind her long-term secret admirers. You'll see. You won't even have to wait a day, I promise.”
“I don’t love that,” Minhyuk said as he took a chair beside the president.
“Yeah, but what are any of you going to do about it?”
The seven vice chairmen traded appraisals, but none spoke.
Jackson chuckled. “Can’t see the forest for the trees… Director Ortega really has been carrying all of you.”
“Watch it,” Jooheon growled, yet his subordinate waved him off.
“Since you’re all in one room for a change, let me pose a question that’s been eating at the back of my mind for years. I may never get another chance to ask it in case one of you actually decides to fire me after half a decade of playful threats, but why do each of you insist on sharing one assistant when you can have as many as you want?”
This time, none of the vice chairmen risked a glance at each other. Instead, they thumbed their ten-thousand-dollar watches or fiddled with the cuffs of their bespoke suits.
Sharp-jawed and sharp-tongued, Kihyun jutted his chin out as his neck twitched. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as he answered evenly, “Director Ortega is an invaluable—”
“Director Ortega is indeed invaluable,” Jackson interrupted. “No one would dare challenge that for fear of their life. But that doesn’t really answer my question, and you know it. As formidable an assistant as she is, you’re each only capable of utilizing her skill set for a maximum of an eighth of her day. Now, imagine, if you will, how much work you could accomplish if you each trusted one other person as much as you trust her. Don’t all of you have your own secretaries as it is? You can’t rely on them to mastermind your days? Or…”
The way the president said the word had seven sets of eyes snapping to him. Jackson’s handsome face hovered just on the professional side of a smirk.
“…is it that you just don’t want to?”
“Get to the point, President Wang,” snapped the most restless of the chairmen, Minhyuk.
Jackson’s palms turned up. “That is the point. This company is full of fresh young upstarts looking to make a name for themselves. They’re all more than eager to work overtime and make an impression, yet you all continuously come back to your Director.”
“Exactly,” Jooheon said as if it proved some other point, but judging from the smile creeping onto the president’s face, it may not have worked as intended.
“Exactly.” Jackson hummed as he tapped his smart watch screen and checked the time. “You know, I’ve been accused of playing with words before—”
“You’re a regular Loki,” Kihyun corrected.
“Mm, maybe. Or maybe it’s to provoke a thought. It’s served me well closing deals for you all these years. Word choice is everything. Say the right word, and you plant a seed, and the next thing you know? Boom! We’ve got a seven-figure sale. The customer thinks it’s all their idea—always has been. They leave feeling clever, and I leave knowing I’ve orchestrated one hell of a victory for the company.”
“Just say it, Jackson,” mumbled the feline-eyed youngest chairman, Changkyun, from his lean in his door frame.
The president waggled his fingers like the conductor he described, and a chill descended upon the room.
“I just did. Consider my words carefully. I don’t use them lightly.”
Jooheon rolled his eyes. “Yes, you do.”
With a sigh, Jackson raised both brows. “Fine. I’ll be blunter then. If there ever was a thing to unite the seven kingdoms under one banner, I think the whole of Xtra Mile would place their bets on the same banner. Maybe losing Director Ortega is the kick in the pants you all need.”
“Watch it,” Kihyun warned.
Jackson shrugged. “You asked what I thought—”
“We didn’t,” said the tallest, Hyungwon.
“He did,” finished Minhyuk with a glance at Jooheon.
“What a family you are,” Jackson laughed. “I honestly can't tell who among you is delusional, who's in denial, and who's been harboring secrets they've been way too afraid to voice.”
The seven other men exchanged wary scrutiny while the president rose and knocked the wrinkles from his slacks. “Well, look, you've got a month to figure it out, probably way less if I'm honest. The way I see it? You better speak now or forever hold your peace. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I've got a brush up my dating profile.”
With that, Jackson bowed to his bosses and walked out of the chairman’s wing with one insufferable hand in his pocket and one even more insufferable hand waving over his shoulder.
“Remind me to fire him,” huffed Minhyuk.
“Not before I clobber him,” growled Jooheon.
But without Jackson there to stir the pot, it left the seven vice chairmen staring at their feet or the wall. For all the silence, it felt very loud, and it was no surprise to anyone that the first to speak again was Minhyuk.
“What are we going to do?”
Hoseok laughed bitterly. “I think that’s the first time I’ve heard us use the word ‘we’.”
A few of the men hummed as the truth of that statement hit.
“Do you think Jackson’s right?” said Changkyun hesitantly. “Do you think she’s leaving because of us?”
Hyunwoo stacked his arms across his thick chest and nodded, eyes fixed on a scuff on the marble floors. “I read her resignation letter. I don’t see how it could be anything else.”
“I read it, too,” interjected Hoseok, “but she said it was about her, right?”
This time, it was Hyungwon who sighed. “Isn’t that the thing you say to spare the other’s feelings during a breakup? ‘It’s not you, it’s me’?”
More silence, this one infinitely darker and deeper.
“So it is us…” conceded Minhyuk.
“Looks that way,” said Hyunwoo.
“I still don’t get it,” Jooheon said. “I’m a great boss. I’m not the one who made her miss her sister’s wedding.”
Hyungwon narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t make her do that. She chose to come back.”
Kihyun tilted his head as he squared off with his half-brother. "Everybody here knows that you’re passive aggressive if you don’t get your way. ‘Kihyun, are you sure you want to use the gochujang? The recipe calls for doenjang. Don’t mind me, I’m just getting a pitcher of water for the table.’”
“What are you talking about? Passive aggression is your MO,” Hyungwon retorted. “And being hyper-critical.”
“You both are,” Changkyun groaned.
“Yeah, well, I’m not,” swore Jooheon. “I praise her work every day. I ask her about her day.”
Minhyuk let out a puff of air. “Yeah, to see if you can steal some of her time from the rest of us. No one’s more of a gatekeeper than you, Jooheon."
"Am not."
“Are too. You throw a fit if anyone asks for five more minutes of her time, and if they do, you demand a makeup the next day.”
“Enough,” Hyunwoo said brusquely.
“We can’t let her resign,” Hoseok agreed.
“Obviously,” Jooheon snapped.
“Can we just refuse her resignation?” asked Minhyuk.
Changkyun shook his head. “I would never test Director Ortega’s commitment. She’ll just quit on the spot, and then where will we be.”
As brains churned, tensions mounted. It was always tense when the seven men gathered together, but for once, desperation was something all seven shared, and instead of retreating to their offices, they remained at their posts—far enough away to still make boundaries clear yet approachable.
“We should apologize,” Hyungwon volunteered.
“If apologies made a difference, would we be where we are?” challenged Kihyun.
“Well, they can’t fucking hurt.”
“It’s a starting point,” Hyunwoo asserted, “which is more than we had a minute ago.”
“What if we switch up her schedule?” Changkyun suggested. “Routine can be crushing.”
Hoseok nodded. “And she could use more vacation.”
“We can throw more money at her,” Kihyun added.
A moment passed. Hyunwoo typed something into his phone. In the gathering silence, Minhyuk and Jooheon rattled the vase in the center of the coffee table with their opposing jackhammering legs.
“What, no snide remarks? No backhanded critiques from any of you?” Kihyun said with a pointed gaze finally landing on Hyungwon.
But the tall man simply scoffed as he pushed up from his lean against the wall and moved toward his office door. “Who has time for that? You heard what Jackson said. We don’t even have a month to undo our screw-up.”
“We run a sixty-billion-dollar company,” said Minhyuk. “There’s no reason we can’t strategize a way to undo our biggest ever loss.”
“Let’s just throw everything at her tomorrow and see what sticks,” Hyungwon suggested.
“Not much of a strategy,” Minhyuk observed.
“I don’t care as long as it keeps her here with us.”
“What do you say, Hyunwoo?” asked Changkyun.
The resident senior raised both eyebrows when he discovered six sets of eyes looking at him simultaneously. “You’re asking for my opinion?”
“Yeah,” Jooheon agreed.
“I’ll get some breakfast tomorrow and think on it.”
The other six sets of eyes switched between rolls and furrows, between disheartened and annoyed, but the vice chairmen settled on meeting again in the morning—after their COO had a full belly.
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Just before Hoseok could enter the cafeteria, something caught the corner of his eye, and when he turned, he found his cousin, Hyunwoo, lurking like a houseplant behind a banner announcing the upcoming Xtra Mile company picnic.
“What the hell are you doing?” asked the Chief Security Officer.
“Eating,” answered Hyunwoo.
Hoseok popped an eyebrow. “In a corner? Behind a sign?”
“Evidently, our employees are very surprised to see me. It was too much attention eating at a table.”
“You’re the COO. Attention comes with the title.”
“I don’t need it right now,” the older man replied evenly.
Hoseok had both brows raised now as he took in the rigid figure of the COO who was usually considered the face of the company, yet here Hyunwoo was, literally lurking, eyes staring blankly across the early morning company cafeteria.
Slowly, the COO shifted his attention to his cousin. His face remained as placid as ever, though his tone deepened as he asked, “What are you doing here, Hoseok?”
“I protein up here every day after my workout.”
“You’re later than usual,” Hyunwoo observed.
“How would you know? I’ve never seen you here.” At this, his cousin turned to look at him and Hoseok sniffed. “What? I can't keep track of your schedule too?”
“Hey! I was here first!”
The vice chairmen looked at each other before they realized neither of them had said it. Instead, there were three suited men clustered at the other side of the dining hall with scowls and furrowed brows. They jostled shoulder-to-shoulder as a few other employees tightened around the action.
It was clear there was a line forming, and evidently, somebody had cut it, but it wasn’t for the register.
Director Ortega sat at a table clotted with flowers and gifts and cards as men and women alike waited for their turn to speak with a figure more mythical than a phoenix.
Hoseok soured, first at the sight of the long line but further when he looked back at the burly man hovering behind the signage. “You're not here to eat. You're here to observe the Director.”
The COO presented a sandwich and took a bite, and through a mouthful, he said, “I can do both.”
With a sigh, Hoseok shoved the other vice chairman over and hunkered beside him, eyes peeking around the banner.
Director Ortega greeted each of her admirers warmly but professionally, with the same gentle but sincere office smile they’d seen every day for four years. She accepted all the cards, rejected most of the presents, and divvied up the flowers with the other ladies hovering nearby. One overzealous fellow waited in her orbit, phone out, hoping to get her Kakaotalk information, though she was steadfast that she’d had enough networking to last her a lifetime.
Hoseok puckered his lips, but just before the CSO could escort the insistent prick from the building, Hyunwoo clamped a hand on his shoulder. He looked at the meaty paw and then to its owner and back again.
“She’s got it,” Hyunwoo assured.
Hoseok shrugged his shoulder and the hand fell away. “How did you know she would be here?”
“Director Ortega often brings me a sandwich from here in the morning.”
“You make her bring you breakfast?” Hoseok said sternly.
“I don't make her do anything. She just does it.”
“She doesn't bring me anything,” his cousin pouted.
Hyunwoo didn't respond. He just took another massive bite and kept his eyes on the director.
“Seems like everyone is excited for her to leave,” observed the platinum blonde, but Hyunwoo shook his head.
“Before it got so noisy, I could hear better. I think it’s more that they’re proud of her.”
“For leaving us?” Hoseok exclaimed, and his cousin silenced him with a grave scowl. Quieter now, the CSO continued, “We need to tell the others. I’m not sure our plan of attack will be effective if she’s being showered with gifts to quit.”
This time, at least, his cousin nodded. Hyunwoo stuffed his mouth with another bite.
They lingered until the clock neared the company start time, when the last person in line finally made it to the director’s table. She was standing now, mulling over how to cart a table full of unexpected gifts elsewhere, as the young, black-haired prince with a white smile offered to help.
“Why is she smiling so much?” Hoseok said. “Is she—is she laughing?”
Hyunwoo narrowed his already thin eyes.
“Did she just give him her business card?” the younger chairman gawked.
Director Ortega bowed and thanked the young man as he helped gather her offerings into a box he’d somehow manufactured out of thin air.
Hyunwoo chucked the last bite of his sandwich in the garbage, and it made Hoseok jump.
The blonde started, “You never waste—”
“Time to go, Hoseok,” said the COO, and his cousin jumped again. “We need to talk to the others immediately.”
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No sooner had the pair made it up the chairmen’s elevator to their floor than they caught some of their secretaries gabbing in the atrium.
“—vowed to get Maria plastered tonight—oh my god, sirs!”
Secretary Ahn spluttered the instant she saw the two chairmen enter the atrium. Immediately, her mouth shut, and she bowed her head. Secretary Guk was less respectful and more deer-in-headlights, with her round eyes fully white and her small mouth popped open round as a bottle cap.
“Hello, sirs,” Secretary Ahn added and then elbowed her coworker until the other woman managed the same greeting. Neither of the men said anything, so she asked, “Is everything all right, Vice Chairman Son?”
“Why wouldn't it be?” he returned flatly.
Secretary Ahn’s eyes darted to the other vice chairman and then back to him and then back to the other vice chairman again as though he should understand the singularity of the moment of the two men side-by-side.
“Is there a meeting we don't know about, sirs?” she said gingerly.
“I should ask you the same.”
Both women paled until they were nearly transparent. They looked at each other again, but this time, Secretary Ahn couldn’t seem to find her polite words, which left Secretary Guk scrambling to pick up the slack.
“Oh, not at all! We were just discussing Director Ortega's going away party tonight.”
Secretary Ahn elbowed her coworker again, this time nearly hard enough to knock the other woman out of her kitten heels.
“Her going away party?” repeated Hyunwoo. “I was unaware that she’s going anywhere.”
Secretary Guk outright shivered, and when she spoke again, her voice was shaking, too. “The secretaries organized it, but… But it would mean so much if all of the vice chairmen could join us.”
The other secretary looked frantically at her, but there was nothing to be done.
“It’s just dinner, drinks, and noraebang after work, but the more, the merrier.”
Hoseok glanced up at his cousin with urgent eyes and whispered, “President Wang said we should show sincerity. This is the perfect way.”
Again, the secretaries exchanged looks, which only amplified when Vice Chairman Son said, “Secretary Guk, please email the time and place to all the vice chairmen as soon as you can.”
“Yes, sir.”
The secretaries bowed to the vice chairmen as they headed toward their respective offices, and when Secretary Ahn rose, she scowled and slapped her friend on the arm. “Maria is going to kill you!”
“Please,” said Secretary Guk as she sat down in front of her keyboard and began to type. “The vice chairmen will never show up. When have they ever showed up for anything, let alone together? Maria’s ready to leave Xtra Mile, but I’m not. What was I supposed to do?”
“Just keep your mouth shut,” her coworker hissed.
“It’s fine. You’ll see. Maria will agree with me.”
“Aigoo, Aera!” Secretary Ahn growled as she tapped her coworker on her arm again. “Have you learned nothing? Keep your mouth shut.”
“No way. You think I want Maria grinding me to a pulp?”
“Look, you said yourself they’ll never show anyway, so why say anything? We’ve worked so hard to organize this thing. I’m not going to be the one to tell everyone it’s off when she invariably cancels it. You are.”
“I didn’t think about that…”
Secretary Ahn rolled her eyes. “Of course you didn’t. You’re not the one who’d clean up the mess.”
“Okay, but if something does go wrong—”
But Secretary Guk didn’t get to finish that thought before the work day officially started and the phones began to ring.
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“Oh my god, I didn’t know Maria was capable of getting tipsy, but wow,” laughed Secretary Kwon. “She is gone.”
“Yeah,” agreed Secretary Guk, “color me shocked. I always figured her for the straight life.”
Secretary Kim rolled her eyes. “All these years at seven typhoons’ beck and call will force sobriety on you. I have a hard enough time convincing myself I can have a drink on the weekend. Can’t imagine what Maria’s dry spell’s been like. She must be making up for lost time.”
The women traded laughs and then another round of shots as Director Ortega scream-shouted her noraebang lines into the microphone and they had to hurry to cover their ears.
"Holy. Shit."
It wasn’t just the sudden appearance of the English curse or that it came from the Secretary Lee in his overly dramatic alto that made all the other secretaries pivot sharply. It was the way everything else fell silent except a drunken Maria caterwauling to George Michael’s “Freedom” on stage.
“They actually showed up,” Secretary Ahn gasped.
“Who?” said Secretary Kim.
“Who do you think?”
“What!” exclaimed Secretary Guk. “Which ones?”
“Uh…” Vice Chairman Yoo’s secretary, Song Jiyoo, squinted into the foggy shadows at the entryway as more silhouettes parted the club haze. “Oh my god, it looks like all of them.”
“No way,” said Secretary Kwon. “You're plastered, One. You have to be.”
“I am not. Turn around, Haeun!” Secretary Song grabbed her pocket-sized coworker by the shoulders and swiveled her like the rest of their mob of meerkats.
“I don’t believe it...”
“We’re dead,” said the second Secretary Song Jiyoo, Vice Chairman Im’s assistant, whom the entire department simply called Two.
Secretaries Ahn and Guk looked at each other with crinkled brows. Together, they murmured, “Maria is going to kill us.”
Bumbling through the speakers, they could make out their director wailing louder than she had all night.
“All we have to see is that I don’t belong to you and you don’t belong to me. Freedom! Freedom!”
Secretary Lee looked at the two wide-eyed women, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. “So. What do you two want on your urns?”
“Secretary Guk!” came the dreaded call no one had expected to hear from her boss, Vice Chairman Lee Jooheon, tonight.
“Sir,” she stammered as she stepped forward, her hands rushing to her cheeks to hide the alcohol coloring them. She looked frantically at her superior before she realized he was flanked by his seven fellow vice chairmen, every last one in their requisite three piece suits and ties, every hand stuffed in their pockets. She may as well have been coming face-to-face with a firing squad. “Sirs, you came?”
“We said we would,” he replied.
"Yes. Yes, you did…”
Vice Chairman Lee Jooheon took a look around, his bottom lip protruding. “We’re late?”
“No, sir,” Secretary Guk was quick to jump in. “You are right on time, of course. A bunch of us simply got here early to pre-game.”
“Is that what kids call dinner these days?” said Kihyun with a popped eyebrow.
“You didn’t include the dinner in the invitation?” Secretary Ahn hissed into her colleague’s ear.
Secretary Guk simply stood there with her mouth open.
Secretary Ahn elbowed her friend, but the other secretary just looked at her helplessly. Jooheon narrowed his already thin eyes as he assessed his assistant like a lie detector, but he didn’t say anything further.
“There are a lot of people here,” mused Hoseok to Hyungwon.
Men and women clustered around tables—and soju—many with their drinks stilled in hand as they spied their bosses’ bosses. There were faces the vice chairmen recognized from their various departments, but there were just as many they didn’t, lower level managers and assistants too far down the totem pole for them to have met. No doubt Director Ortega knew them all by name.
Past the honeycomb of booths, at the head of the room, there was a packed dance floor, though once again, the revelry seemed frozen as though by a curse. Everyone watched the seven overlords.
As distracting as it all was, it couldn’t distract from the party’s crown jewel.
Dressed in an oversized buttondown and a denim skirt, Director Ortega bounced from toe to toe in a pair of blindingly white sneakers. Her waves were full-blown curls tonight, bouncing with the beat pulsing through the speakers. Mic in hand, she belted out her third encore, a booze-saturated, warbling rendition of the chorus of Cher’s “I Got You, Babe.”
And she wasn’t alone.
On the mic next to her was a young, effervescent man who seemed to be the only one in the room who didn’t have eyes fixed anywhere other than the woman next to him on stage.
Hyunwoo hummed as he glared. “I know him…”
“Hey,” interjected Hoseok with a nudge to his elder cousin’s shoulder, “isn’t that the guy from breakfast? Mr. Helpshimself.”
The COO’s eye twitched.
“Secretary Lee!” barked Hyungwon to his assistant. “Who’s that with the Director?”
“Uh, on stage?” echoed the younger man. “Mm, I don’t know.”
“Secretary Guk,” Jooheon pressed, “do you know that man?”
She shook her head. “Sorry, sir, I don’t. Maria invited him.”
The vice chairman glowered, and the secretary crumbled.
“Er, Director Ortega invited him, but I can find out?”
“Immediately,” he insisted.
Secretary Guk scampered away toward one of the HR managers who hadn’t moved so much as a muscle since the vice chairmen had strolled in, but if the paralyzed look in his eyes was any indication, he wanted nothing to do with her.
Meanwhile, Kihyun huffed. “A man nobody seems to know is dueting with Director Ortega?”
The secretaries shifted uncomfortably even as two voices, one rich in bass and the other ripe with alcohol, stampeded through the silence like a pair of frolicking elephants. Secretaries One and Two cast worried glances back at their director, who was beaming lopsidedly at the handsome fellow who was hamming it up on his knees now, hand reaching up toward Maria.
“Now, Secretary Guk!” Jooheon called back.
His assistant scurried back with her head bowed and said, “Manager Cho believes his name is Intern Wong Kunhang.”
Secretary One hummed. “Oh, that’s Intern Wong? I think I heard he was brought on to the Purchasing Department from our Macau division a month or two ago.”
“Hm,” hummed Changkyun. “What’s an intern doing at a senior level director’s going-away party?”
Secretary Guk’s head dipped a little lower. “Apparently, I had heard correctly. The Director invited him personally. He wasn’t on our executives list, sir.”
As the vice chairmen stared green-eyed at the stage, the director and her partner finished the last lines of the song with breathless laughs.
Maria bent back into a light stretch as she caught her breath, and when she straightened, she squinted out into the eerily calm party room. Gone was the soju-greased dance party, noisy conversation and uproarious laughter, replaced instead by an ambient background soundtrack and muffled parties in nearby rooms.
“Why is nobody dancing?” Maria complained as she looked around the crowded club of stricken guests.
“Hey, no worries. I can fix that. I have a song that will get them going,” assured Kunhang. He shuffled through the playlist for a minute as he added over his shoulder, “What do you think about—”
Just then though, the young man was yanked by his wrist toward the edge of the stage where his direct supervisor, Supervisor Qian glared at him with imploring eyes. “No more encores, Intern Wong.”
“Ah, come on! It's the Director's big day. If she wants another song—”
But the supervisor shook his head vehemently. “I'm doing this for your own good, Intern Wong. Hurry up off the stage now, come on. I’ll give you money for a cab. Go home early and safely.”
“Are you nuts? I’m not leaving yet. Maria invited me personally.”
Supervisor Qian slapped his hand over the intern’s mouth and hissed, “Do you want to lose your job the same month you got it? Stop talking for once, Intern Wong, and go!”
The supervisor yanked his subordinate down the steps, leaving Maria squinting alone into the haze ahead of her.
“Hyeongseo!” she shouted into the hushed crowd. “Hyeongseoie! Where are you?”
Secretary Kim, Vice Chairman Lee Hoseok’s personal assistant and Maria's best friend in the company, turned to Secretary Ahn and hissed, “Fix this, Minha!”
She raced to her friend’s aid on stage, leaving Vice Chairman Lee Minhyuk’s assistant gasping like a fish in front of the heads of the whole company.
“Uh,” Secretary Ahn began hesitantly, “sirs, maybe you would like to meet us later for some barbecue across the street? Everyone will be more presentable in a half hour, especially with some food in their bellies.”
“Why?” asked Hoseok. “We’re already here.”
Minhyuk cocked his head to the side, his warm blonde hair feathering across his forehead as he did. “It seems Secretary Ahn is trying to get rid of us.”
“Not at all, sir!” she squealed as she waved her hands. “It’s just that maybe noraebang is a little noisy and chaotic for leaders of your caliber who are used to quiet offices and boardrooms.”
“She means you’re bringing down the vibe,” came a voice from behind Jooheon followed by a pair of hands clapping on his shoulders.
“Jackson!” said the startled vice chairman. “What are you doing here?”
“Maria invited me,” he said with a cheeky smile that got even cheekier the more flustered the rest of vice chairmen grew. “I’m surprise she invited you.”
Kihyun sucked his teeth as assessed the president, who downed the shot in his hand with a grin on his face. “Having a good time I take it, President Wang?”
“It was a party, so I was.”
“Was a party?” questioned Hoseok.
“Until seven wet blankets dampened the mood.”
Kihyun pursed his lips now. “The soju seems to have loosened your lips.”
With a nod to the stage, Jackson replied, “It does have that reputation, yeah. If I were you, I’d by worried about the number one consumer of soju here tonight. When she sees you, you’re done…”
“How the hell did they find me!”
Though there was no mistaking the clear outrage, the seven vice chairmen had a hard time believing the voice was that of their esteemed, reliable, punctual, efficient, unwavering Director Ortega.
And yet one glance to the stage, where the director stood, arms flung wide and eyes blasted open as she challenged Secretary Kim, left no doubt it was the legend herself.
“Hm,” said Jackson, “I’m going to need a beer and a front row seat for this. Good luck, sirs.”
With that, the President of Operations disappeared into the crowd of fish faces all watching and waiting for what came next.
They didn’t have to wait long.
The director took the stairs remarkably well considering the booze counteracting her anger, but then purpose had always driven every move Maria Ortega had ever made. She headed straight for her seven moving targets. Several of the vice chairmen took a step back, huddling ever so slightly behind the wall of Hyunwoo and Hoseok.
They barely recognized the woman they’d seen nearly every day for years. Though her fine spray of freckles still dusted her face and neck, it was harder to make out under her heavy rose flush. Her ever-alert eyes were hard and narrow, and even though she was swaying as she planted her feet wide, her hands found a brand new home on her hips, giving her small stature the hulk of a professional wrestler.
“Director—” began Hyunwoo, but she waved him off instantly.
“Apologies, your highnesses, I know I’ve given you four years of contradictory evidence, but this is my night off,” she declared briskly. “Your offices are two streets down and around the corner.”
“Director Ortega—” tried Hoseok now, but she cut him off, too, with a shake of her head.
There was no sign of their perennial diplomatic as she ordered, “You should go. All of you.”
“But why?” said Jooheon in a blatant whine.
“We just got here,” insisted Hyungwon.
Maria scoffed. “Oh, I know. You’ve flatlined the mood.”
“I’ve never been accused of such a thing,” Minhyuk swore.
“Look!” she said and swung her arm toward the door, where a pair of coworkers were slinking out until her voice immobilized them in the doorway. “People are already leaving because they don’t want seven spoiled brats lording over their good time.”
“Brats?” said Hyungwon.
“Spoiled?” Kihyun balked, too. “We’re not spoiled.”
Another scoff. Maria scowled as she said, “I’ve never seen silver spoons lodged farther down throats. And now no one is going to want to have a good time with me because they don’t want you brats to fire them.”
“Somehow President Wang still has his job,” Jooheon shouted to Jackson, who was sitting cross-legged at one of the nearby booths, beer in hand.
With a sigh this time, Maria said resignedly, “What are you even doing here?”
“We’re here to celebrate you,” said Changkyun.
“Because we care about you,” Hyungwon added.
Maria’s eyes shifted to the Chief Sustainability Officer. Her face fixed on an expression too foreign for her face.
A beat passed. Then another.
Her lips parted. Before she could respond though, the puppy-eyed intern appeared at the director’s side, a tail practically wagging behind him. He rested his fingertips on her forearm, and her attention shifted to the young man.
 “Sorry about that, Maria. Supervisor Qian thought I was too drunk to stay or something, but considering he's already six shots in, I figured he wasn't one to judge. Oh, hey!” The intern pivoted on his foot and smiled at the seven stone-faced men across from him. “You must be the vice chairmen. It's nice to meet you, Your Excellencies.”
Kunhang bowed and rose with two high eyebrows and a toothy grin.
“Your Excellencies?” Hyungwon said flatly.
The intern nodded. “I hear you're the seven princes of Xtra Mile, at least, that’s what everyone in the office says.”
“And we hear that you’re from our Macau office,” said Hoseok.
“Yes, sir.”
Hyunwoo’s jaw flexed. “Do you miss Macau, Intern Wong?”
Maria narrowed her eyes, but Kunhang simply shrugged his shoulders and his mouth. “I did at first, but I’ve gotten pretty used to things here now. I really love Seoul so far.”
“That’s no reason to stay,” Jooheon added quickly.
“Internships run their course,” agreed Hyungwon.
With a tilt of his head, the intern smiled brightly. “I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
“You shouldn’t. Maybe you should head out before your job—” grumbled Kihyun before Maria stepped between the factions, her back to the vice chairmen.
“Kunhang, Secretary Lee needs a drink. Why don’t you two have one together for now?” she suggested as she spun the younger man back toward the stage.
“Okay, but we’re still doing another song to wake up these zombies, right?”
Maria nodded and sent him off, and when she swiveled back to her bosses, albeit teetering slightly, gone was her gentle smile.
“I invited Kunhang,” she asserted, “and I want him to stay. You have no authority to order my guests to leave.”
“Actually, we own 51 percent of this—”
Hyunwoo gave a discreet punch to Minhyuk’s side to shut him up, but it had about as much impact as a car accident. While the blonde cradled his gut, Maria glared.
“You're not the bosses of my party! In fact, you're not even my bosses anymore.”
“We are for the next month,” Kihyun reminded.
“Hey, Two!” the director shouted over her shoulder. “Clear that back booth for me please. I’m putting these seven children in time-out until they can learn to play well with others.”
An audible gasp circulated through the room along with one very inebriated giggle somewhere in the back that was quickly silenced. The vice chairmen stood there dumbfounded as their secretaries nervously followed their director’s instructions and shooed away partygoers from the back corner where a C-shaped booth lurked in the neon shadows. The table cleared, and Maria thrust her arm forward and instructed, “Sit.”
They did.
Another pair of guests seized the distraction and made a break for the exit, but the director trumpeted, “Nobody leaves until everyone’s had a good time!”
“Woohoo!” Kunhang cheered from halfway across the room. He was the only respondent though the escapees did retreat back to their tables.
“Can’t we talk about this?” Hyunwoo said in his usual steady tone.
Maria shook her head. “Your lordships talk to much as it is. Sit here and be quiet for once.”
Kihyun hummed. “Director Ortega, I think you’ve had a bit to drink. Maybe—”
“Psh, I’m not nearly drunk enough for this conversation.”
Jooheon let out a resentful sigh as he scrunched his nose and challenged, “We really did come to support you.”
But Maria swept her pointer finger from end to end of the rainbow of vice chairmen and barked, “Pinches egoístas! Todo lo que hacen en tomar y tomar! ¿Y que obtengo a cambio? ¡Solo molestias! Y ni siquiera me pueden dejar en paz. Hijos de puta.”
“That didn’t sound great,” Hoseok said with a grimace at Minhyuk.
Hyunwoo cleared his throat and started, “Director—”
“Nn-nn, no. No, no. I'm so sick of that name. That's the only name I've heard for the last 762 years.” Kihyun and Hyungwon exchanged looks at her embellishment, but the woman didn’t notice as she continued, “I have a real name, a person name not a job name. Okay?”
“Okay,” said Minhyuk with a lopsided smile.
“It's Maria. It's a pretty name. It was my mother’s name and my great-grandmother's name. Isn't it pretty? Maria. Say it.”
“Maria,” said Hyungwon slowly, testing it out.
But she surprised him when she launched across the table, both of her hands clamping over his thick lips. “Shh! Not you! Shh!”
“Why not me?” he grumbled behind her fingers, but she shook her head vehemently.
“Why are you so loud?”
“Loud?” Kihyun chuckled with a furrowed brow as he turned toward his half-brother. “You’re not loud. I can barely decipher half the mumblings that come out of your mouth. Maria, do you mean the music’s loud?”
“Not loud enough!” she shouted.
“Maria,” repeated Hyungwon, softer this time, but she plugged her ears then and shook her head.
“I said it's too loud. Shh! You call me Director Ortega.”
The silver-haired vice chairman scowled at his half-brother as he folded his arms across his broad chest. “Why can’t I say it… He just did.”
The director narrowed her eyes at the vice chairmen and said, “I’m going back to get drunk like I deserve for the first time in ages, and you are not ruining that yet again, got it? Hopefully I’ll forget you were even here.”
“How long do we have to sit here?” Jooheon griped.
Maria folded her arms. “You act like children, I treat you like children. You stay here until you learn your lesson.”
Changkyun laid a hand on his dimpled cousin’s shoulder before took the lead and said, “We came here to talk to you, Maria.”
“Well, I came here to party because it’s my party, and I’m not talking. I’m partying.”
She turned around, but before she could take three steps, Hoseok blurted, “What are we supposed to do?”
Over her shoulder, she answered, “You’re in timeout. You don’t do anything… unless you decide to leave. You want to reconsider?”
None of the men moved, save Kihyun and Hyungwon crossing their arms in unison in an unexpected reminder that they shared some genes.
Maria huffed. “Fine. The only way you’re getting up from this table is if you leave or you join in.”
“What does that mean?” asked Minhyuk.
“Seriously? You drink and you sing duets or you get out. There's no way I'm letting you stone sober tyrants hold anything over my secretaries after I'm gone. ¿Te quedó claro? Drink and sing or get out.”
“Is that all? I can do that,” the Chief Product Officer said with a smile and presented his hand. “Will you do me the honors of singing with me?”
Maria cackled, and all seven men froze at the unfamiliar sound. “With you, Mr. Lee Minhyuk? Oh, no way.”
“You’ll sing with an intern but not with us?” Hyungwon pointed out tightly.
“That’s the easy way out,” she countered, “and I've spent way too much of my life by each of your sides already. No, you have to sing with each other.”
“With each other?” they exclaimed as a united front for once.
Maria cocked an eyebrow and a hip and stared them down. “If you've got the guts. If not, there’s the door.”
With that, Maria returned to her party, stole a snack from a nearby table, and bellowed out a war cry for the party to continue. With the help of Intern Wong’s impromptu DJing and the out-of-sight, out-of-mind vice chairmen, most guests were swaying and drinking again, this time with much more moderation.
That is until everyone got the surprise of their lives.
Just as Manager Gong of the marketing department finished her off-key solo performance of XG’s “New Dance,” two sharp silhouettes climbed the stairs to the stage, and once they’d selected their song, they turned around and stepped into the lights.
Minhyuk and Kihyun each grabbed a mic and waited to catch up to the beat of TVXQ’s “Spellbound”. At the first notes out of their mouths, a couple shot glasses fell to the floor, but it was nothing to the number of jaws that followed.
“My god,” murmured Secretary One, “they could be idols. How did I not know Vice Chairmen Yoo could sing like this? I see him all day every day!”
“I didn’t know they could sing either!” said Secretary Kwon. “Did you, Maria?”
A rice cake now sagging in her hand, the director couldn’t even find the strength to shake her head as her two bosses prowled the stage looking like they’d always belonged up there. They’d shed their suit jackets in favor of their dress shirts, each having rolled their sleeves up to their forearms, which was more skin than Maria had ever seen them show in all their years together. As they glided across the floor, their buttons winked in the spotlights, taunting the woman who’d been so confident up to that very moment that she’d known everything about them.
“This feels like a concert!” one of the managers screamed over the music.
“I can’t believe we get to see this for free!” shouted another.
“Why do they have to be good at everything they do?” bemoaned yet another.
“Feels like they’re singing to you, Maria,” whispered Hyeongseo into her friend’s ear.
“Hush,” the director said because it was all she could manage.
She was too caught up in the two men, ever at odds with one another, harmonizing so effortlessly over the effervescent melody. Minhyuk was definitely the bigger ham of the two, swaying back and forth like a jazz cat with equal cool. Kihyun, on the other hand, had a way of stroking the mic that was so dizzying, it left Maria wondering how much of the room’s spinning was just the alcohol coursing through her now-racing blood.
“They’re even dancing in sync? They have moves?” Secretary Lee exclaimed at their little dance break, eyes bugging out of his skull.
Their performance ended all too quickly, and once again, the club room was silent. The two vice chairmen stood on stage, chests heaving, sweat beading on their brows, expressions tight.
Nobody bothered to hit the artificial applause since the real thing erupted from every corner, including whoops and hollers and chants for an encore. Their bosses merely bowed and made their escape from the limelight toward their mandated timeout, but not before taking a very particular route past their dumbstruck director.
As he blew past her, Kihyun lifted both brows in a challenge, and then the pair was gone… only to be replaced on stage by Hyunwoo and Hoseok.
“There’s more?” said one guest.
“Are they all going to perform? Oh my god,” exclaimed another.
The two largest members of Xtra Mile’s boardroom hiked the stairs to the stage as the applause finally dwindled for the last performance. Maria barely had time enough to process what had just happened in when the first percussive notes of Shinee’s “1 of 1” began.
Hoseok took the lead in the song, his voice sweet and melodic and his lisp clinging to the lyrics, before his cousin picked up the retro beats and flavored them with his own surprisingly lustrous RnB tone.
“These song choices, oh my god,” gasped Secretary Ahn.
“How am I going to go back to work on Monday?” Secretary Kwon lamented as she watched her boss reach his hand out toward them, his voice straining with a high note. Dreamily, she reached back, and Secretary Kim swatted her arm down.
“You’re embarrassing yourself, Haeun!”
“Probably,” Secretary Kwon whimpered, entranced.
“Is it just me,” said Secretary Lee, “or are all these about Maria?”
“I told you,” Hyeongseo sing-songed.
Abruptly, each of the secretaries turned toward the director, who waved them off. “You gossip just as much as ever, Yujun, which always adds fuel to Hyeongseo’s fire. Cut it out, both of you. They’re just showing off. When do they not? Pack of jerks, trying to make me feel bad about having a good time.”
Only then, as the weight of her bosses’ gazes bore down on her from the stage, did Maria realize she hadn’t had a drink since the vice chairmen had stormed in, and, resentfully, she grabbed for a shot glass. But the second she brought it to her lips, it stilled, and nothing she could do could tip it back.
“Damn them,” she cursed under her breath as she slammed the glass back down. “Can’t even get drunk anymore even though I don’t work here anymore.”
But with every cell she sobered up, Maria was more and more aware of how smooth her bosses were on stage, how natural and comfortable they looked under a spotlight, and how enticingly they sang into a mic. It wasn’t fair, and it just amplified her resentment.
“Hey, girl, you all right?” Hyeongseo asked her friend.
“Pack of jerks,” Maria muttered even as Hoseok stared straight into her soul with sparkling eyes.
Finally, the duo finished their serenade, bowed to the crowd and again to their director, and then hurried off stage to make way for Hyungwon, Jooheon, and Changkyun.
“Not again,” the director groaned and Hyeongseo rubbed her back.
“Worried they’re going to be as impressive as the first two duets?”
“I thought they’d leave. I didn’t expect them to take me up on it. Why didn’t I make them leave?”
Vice Chairman Yoo’s secretary quirked a finely plucked brow. “Seems like they’re figuring out what it means to lose you. I wonder what they’d say if they knew the real reason you’re leaving.”
Maria hissed, “I’ll throw you out, too, One!”
“Aera! Hey, Aera!” whispered Secretary Lee to Secretary Guk, who could barely tear her eyes from her boss, Jooheon, as the dimpled man centered himself behind a mic. “Aera, other than a boardroom, have you ever seen the three of them together?”
“Vice Chairman Lee looks so handsome…” she murmured with dimples that matched her superior’s. Her colleague swatted his hand in front of her face, and she blinked and snapped, “What do you want, Yujun?”
“I asked you a question!”
“Shh!” she said, ignoring him. “We’re witnessing history, and I’m not missing a second of it.”
Secretary Lee rolled his eyes, but his fellow assistant was right. The whole room could feel it, even the transfixed director.
“They can't possibly be a skilled as the other vice chairmen, can they?” asked Secretary Two.
A familiar throwback beat bumped out of the speakers, and Hyeongseo’s eyes glided to the director as Shinhwa’s “Perfect Man” emphatically kickstarted.
“Don’t,” Maria warned her friend.
Hyeongseo grinned as cartoonishly as an emoji.
Hyungwon took control of the opening lines with his raspy vocals, which melted right into Changkyun’s chocolate murmuring and, finally, Jooheon’s power serenading. Before anyone knew it, the latter two were trading some of the fastest, smoothest rap lines anyone in the company had ever heard.
“They can rap?” squealed Secretary Ahn as she pressed harder against the edge of the stage. “I take back what I said. Thank god your big mouth invited them, Aera.”
If Secretary Guk heard the praise, it took a backseat to the tidal wave of senses bearing down on them from the stage as the three men harmonized in ways not a soul in Xtra Mile could have ever anticipated. They shared lines just as easily as they shared the spotlight, and when they joined voices in the chorus, hearts stopped.
“They're not treating this like noraebang,” marveled Hyeongseo. “They're acting like they're on Music Bank.”
“What a pity they hate each other,” shouted Secretary Kwon over the music. “Imagine if they cut a record together.”
Secretary Lee wrapped one arm around the director and another around Hyeongseo as he muscled in between for a better look of his boss on stage. “I am never letting Vice Chairman Chae live this done. Never. And here I always thought Maria would be the one to bring them together. Who knew it would be music?”
“Who said it isn’t Maria?” said Jackson, who appeared at the director’s other shoulder. His mouth hovered by her ear as he added, “You did tell them to perform after all.”
“‘Cause you are the one!” came the line from the three performers, this time borderline shouted down on the crowd—maybe, more specifically, one President of Operations.
Maria looked up and away from Jackson, though not with stars in her eyes as the rest of the crowd did, but rather with crossed arms and a hard expression.
Hyeongseo shook her friend’s bicep. “Not even a smile? They’re singing right to you, babe. Damn, Maria, I really underestimated how pissed you are at them.”
But the director wasn't pissed. She was in shock.
She looked around at her colleagues, now flush with the stage, hands reaching up, cheering and squealing, all hoping for a crumb of attention from men Maria had only ever seen drink coffee, read reports, and micromanage every second of her day.
Now they were commanding a stage like they owned that, too.
So maybe she was more than a little angry after all.
They had it in them all along to get along, so why the hell had she been stretched thinner than watercolor on an oversized canvas all these years?
The trio’s performance wound down, and the men left the stage the same as the others—abruptly and with little attention for the fanfare that was being ladled on them from the audience. They retreated to their timeout and sat in the same order that they’d been assigned when Maria had sent them there.
“How am I going to go back to the office on Monday knowing what I know...” Secretary Guk said as she stared back heart-eyed at her boss.
“You’d better stay in your lane, Guk Aera,” admonished Secretary Two. “Remember what happened to Secretary Lee Gahyun? She asked out Vice Chairman Im one time, and she was gone the next day. You have to stay as professional as Director Ortega or you’ll be on the job market in no time.”
“I know! I’m just saying it’s going to be so hard. A girl could get lost in Vice Chairman Lee’s dimples…”
“Great,” said Secretary One, “we’re going to be filling two positions this week.”
“A lot to think about, Director Ortega,” Jackson began with a playful look to the woman beside him. “Seems our esteemed Vice Chairmen set out to make an impression. I wonder if it worked.”
Maria gritted her teeth, shook off the two men’s arms around her, and stormed toward the back of the club, every guest’s attention once again pressing down on them. She threw her hands back on her hips and thundered, “Are you happy?”
“Are you?” asked Kihyun.
“We did it for you,” added Hoseok.
“Did you like our performances?” Jooheon wondered. “How did I do specifically?”
Maria sighed. “What was the point of all that, huh? Did you think it would make me stay?”
“No,” said Hyunwoo.
“Yes,” said Minhyuk.
All at once, the director stood there, her shoulders unusually slumped and her round face fallen. “Thank you for coming to my going away party, sirs. You’ve certainly made it unforgettable.”
“Maria!” Kihyun said. “Wait.”
But Minhyuk shook his head. “She’s right, guys.”
With that, the CPO clambered over his relatives’ laps to get out of the booth, breezed past the director, and hurried to the stage which was still empty since they’d had yet to find anyone brave enough to follow the vice chairmen’s acts.
“All right, everyone,” declared Minhyuk into the mic. “Did you enjoy the performances?”
“Yes, sir!” came the universal cheer.
“Great, and did you have fun?”
“Wonderful, wonderful. Should we add noraebang to our company picnic this year?” he asked.
The cheers were even more forceful now. “Yes, yes!”
“Ah, perfect. That’s great news. Now for the bad news.” Minhyuk smiled down at his employees, bowing and nodding and making his typical spectacle of himself.
Boos that could only come with the conviction of alcohol bubbled up around the room as every last guest waited for the other shoe to drop.
“That’s a wrap on this incredible party, I’m afraid,” said the vice chairman, “but don’t worry. Your vice chairmen will work hard to ensure more things like this in the future. For now, thank you all for supporting our dear Director and making her night unforgettable.”
“Hey, wait, no—” Maria protested, but when she swiveled about the room to address her guests, she found Hoseok and Changkyun holding open the doors to the hallway and waiting like bouncers.
“As you are all still representing Xtra Mile right now, we want to ensure your night ends well,” boomed Vice Chairman Son now from the back of the room. “To that end, we have a fleet of drivers waiting at the ready out there who will take you all home safely.”
“All of us?” shouted someone in the crowd.
“All of you,” Kihyun promised.
“Except you,” Hyungwon said solemnly.
Everyone followed his hard gaze back to Intern Wong, who looked at his boss’s boss’s boss with wide eyes over the lip of his shot glass.
“You walk home,” Jooheon agreed.
“Ah, ah,” corrected Minhyuk from the stage. “My brother is joking. There’s a seat for you in my car. Have a safe trip home, Intern Wong.”
“Why would you—” Jooheon barked before Minhyuk cut him off with a smile and a knowing look.
“As we all know, Maria wants us to see all her guests home well, especially the ones she personally invited…”
Their attention slid over to the director, who was watching her superior just as carefully.
Jooheon looked back at the bewildered intern and said begrudgingly, “Get home safely, Intern Wong.”
“Aw, is the party really over?” asked Manager Cho.
“It is if the Vice Chairmen say it is,” Supervisor Qian answered and picked up his intern by the collar.
“Hey, wait!” Kunghang objected, feet skidding beneath him as he was compelled forward. “I wanted to say goodnight to the Director!”
“I’m sure you did. Come on, our free ride is waiting, Intern Wong.”
Kunhang’s puppy eyes pleaded forgiveness of Maria as he waved and shouted goodnights even as his supervisor dragged him bodily out of the room. Over his shoulder, he shouted, “Don’t forget to text me when you get home so I know you got there safely!”
Hyungwon and Jooheon rolled their eyes as the rest of the guests began to leave while the secretaries started reining in the wake of chaos in the room. For her part, Maria cleaned up one of the bottles of soju by downing it straight from the mouth. No booze had ever tasted more satisfying.
“I can’t believe you threw out all my guests,” she said bitterly.
Minhyuk shrugged. “I just followed your lead, Maria. You were the one who said the night was over.”
The director grunted and thumped the empty bottle back on the table. “I was throwing you out, not them.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time we misunderstood something.”
Maria narrowed her eyes. “Yes, but I get the feeling that was intentional rather than accidental.”
“Feelings are not enough for a court of law,” Kihyun interjected with a hooked grin, and she sighed.
“There are forty-some people here. How are you going to get them all home?”
Jooheon beamed at her. “Limos seat eight. It’ll be fine.”
“You brought seven limos to a noraebang?” she exclaimed.
“Well, we weren’t going to ride together,” Hyungwon informed matter-of-factly.
The director sighed and collapsed onto a couch, her head lolling back as she closed her eyes. “You have no idea how much I miss your grandfather. He was mature. He was respectful. He was grateful.”
“We’re not grateful?” Hoseok said with a protruding bottom lip.
“No! You’re none of those things.”
“I resent that,” said Kihyun.
“I don’t care. What else am I supposed to think? You’re the same people made me leave family events half a world away to wait on you.”
“That was Hyungwon!”
The silver-haired vice chairman went to bite back, but the director did it for him. She squared up to Kihyun and, tongue loosened by alcohol, blurted, “You’re better? Really? I was seconds away from getting laid for the first time since the Ice Age when you texted me, what was it, 17 times? The guy thought I was married and bolted.”
A bottle clattered to the floor, and everyone turned to find President Wang standing there sheepishly with eyes big as marbles just as the rest of the secretaries were.
“Jackson? I thought we kicked you out, too,” growled Jooheon. “You are definitely walking home.”
“Aw, come on, man. You owe me for—”
“Out!” the CMO snapped.
The president hurried out with all seven secretaries in tow, each one giving Maria their own version of an embarrassed grimace, and once the procession of mortification was gone, she was left to stew in the horror of her last admission. She had to divert attention immediately.
“There’s no point in asking me to stay, sirs,” she said as assertively and professionally as her tipsy state would allow.
“You already took another job?” Hoseok said, the disappointment in his voice clear as glass.
Maria shook her head. “No. No, I need time away from an office. I need somewhere to clear my head.”
Hyunwoo raised both eyebrows. “You're taking a vacation?”
The director remained silent.
Kihyun pressed his sharply bowed lips together as he narrowed his eyes. “You're moving back home?”
More silence.
“To America!” The other six shouted in unison.
“You can’t,” Hoseok insisted.
“Of course I can. You don’t own me, contrary to what you seven seem to believe.”
“That’s not it!” protested Jooheon. “Give us a chance to prove it to you. We’ll lighten your workload. We’ll give you more time off. We won’t spring meetings on you. Just don’t leave, please.”
“Dios mío, dame fuerzas! Listen, sirs, it’s nice of you to come and show your sincerity, I mean it, and I appreciate your generosity, I really do, but my resignation is about so much more than that.” Maria took a deep breath then said, “Working for your family, I’ve accomplished more than most in my life, and I’m proud of that, but there’s one thing that my career has kept me from accomplishing, and that’s become absurdly clear since my sister’s wedding.”
“The wedding Hyungwon kept you from enjoying?” Kihyun needled, but before Hyungwon could volley back, Maria slapped her hands down on the booth as effectively as across their faces.
“Why can’t you boys just get along? It would have made my job so much easier if I didn’t have to spend as much time translating foreign languages for you as I did translating messages between you. Some days, it’s more like running a daycare than it is a multibillion-dollar company.”
“Ouch,” mumbled Hoseok.
“On that trip… What did you learn, Maria?” Hyunwoo redirected gently.
Her head lolled to the side. “What’s the point of explaining? You’re all just going to argue and lob blame at one another. I’d rather we just end it here, sirs, and you can all blame each other without me having to embarrass myself.”
“We can’t fix things if we don’t know what the problem is,” the COO insisted.
“You can’t fix them even if you do.”
“You don’t know that,” said Changkyun softly.
The director shook her head. “I do, sir. This isn’t something that can be fixed by seven executives.”
“We have resources,” Minhyuk insisted, his finger stabbing a table with every word. “We have a whole company at your disposal. There’s nothing that we can’t get you.”
“You can’t get me a husband, and you sure as hell can’t get me laid.”
Maria covered her mouth, but it was too late. The damage was done, and this time, there was no one there to distract from it.
“So it’s true…” murmured Hyungwon.
“No! Oh no… See! I knew it!” she bellowed and covered her face with her hands. “Everyone in the company knows the sad fate of poor, pathetic Maria Ortega. How humiliating. Over a decade of professionalism, and I’ve cannonballed it in a few days.”
“That's not true,” Kihyun reassured.
“Obviously it is. No wonder everyone was so eager to congratulate me on quitting. Maria Ortega, the cautionary tale for career driven women. She thought success was enough, but the moment she finds out she has no one to share it with, she realizes that the world now cruelly thinks she’s too old for love.”
“Horseshit,” Hyunwoo bit with uncharacteristic ferocity.
The director slumped over, forearms on her knees. “It doesn’t matter if it is or it isn’t. Spinster is still a word in people’s vocabulary. I’ve aged out of most of my prospects. Men aren’t looking to start a life with a woman at 38.”
“I saw that line of admirers this morning,” the honey-haired COO reminded. “You were turning down offers right and left.”
“It’s not at all what you think, sir.”
“It was,” Hoseok asserted. “Those hopeful, lovestruck looks are unmistakable.”
She closed her eyes and grimaced as she flashed back through the last couple years of disasters. “You all should know better than anyone that a salesman knows just what to do to close a deal before he moves to the next more profitable town.”
“That can’t be true,” insisted Minhyuk. “No one could say no to you.”
Maria belted out a bitter laugh, then another, until it suddenly became a strand of ironic giggles over the persistent hum of the speaker static. “Are you kidding me? It’s your favorite word for me and my personal life. You are the seven kings of the word. It’s the only other thing you have in common.”
“Impossible,” asserted Kihyun.
“When have I ever told you no?” Minhyuk challenged.
“That’s not—” began Hyungwon, but he was cut off by Maria.
“‘Vice Chairman Yoo, please keep me off the schedule Friday evening.’” In a gravelly voice, she continued, “‘Director Ortega, you know I need you to assist me with all acquisitions. It’s expected. We’re finalizing the Usagi Electronics deal. This is the most vital time. It can’t be completed without you.’”
“Hey—” said Kihyun, but again, she cut him off.
“‘Vice Chairman Im, I have important plans this Saturday, so please—'
“‘Director Ortega, please take this job more seriously. You know this morning we were invited to dine with President Park. You don’t say no to President Park.’
In a deeper mimic, she continued, “‘See you on Sunday, Director Ortega.’
“‘But, Vice Chairman Son, I told you I have—'
“‘See you Sunday.’” She closed her little play with Hyunwoo’s trademark tight-lipped, cheeky bear smile before she returned to herself with an exhausted sigh. “You have no idea how difficult it is to live a real life when you have seven superiors who demand your full attention all the time. In all the years I’ve served you, I’ve never seen Gyeongbokgung Palace, I haven’t visited the top of N Seoul Tower, I haven’t hiked Inwangsan. Hell, I haven’t seen a movie since your grandfather retired! Do you know how much I love movies? Now, I can’t even watch them at home because I pass out before they reach the halfway point. You tell me if that’s fair, sirs.”
“We didn’t think of it like that,” mumbled Hyungwon.
“I know. You didn’t think of me at all. It’s always the job first—the title first—and that goes for me, too. My career was the most important thing to me for the longest time. Now that I’ve gotten everything I’ve ever wanted for myself, I found I’m missing more than I realized. And I can’t even make it to one measly blind date.”
“What’s so great about a blind date anyway?” Hoseok challenged. “They’re all out-of-shape bald guys who make you pay for your own coffee.”
Despite herself, Maria couldn’t stifle her chuckle. “What’s wrong with bald guys? You keep bleaching your hair platinum, and you might be bald soon, too, sir.”
The Chief Security Officer groped his own head as he floundered, “Back me up, guys.”
Though he’d been quiet most of the evening, save for his devastating performance on stage, Changkyun propped both elbows on the table, leaned forward, his sly eyes hiding innumerable secrets, and said, “Maybe it’s time to consider alternative avenues.”
“What do you mean…” she asked warily.
“The shortest distance between two points. Have you ever considered that, while you may not know what you’re walking into on a blind date, you do know each of us… Better than anyone, I imagine..”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, so this is how you pitch me to keep my job?”
Changkyun shook his head. “Not at all. My suggestion is simple. Why don’t you date us instead?”
Everyone’s heads whipped toward the youngest vice chairman along with a chorus of “What!”
It didn’t seem to faze him.
“Forgive my brother, Maria,” Jooheon bumbled as he nudged the chocolate-haired vice chairman hard in the ribs. “He uses his status as youngest too liberally.”
“That’s not it,” Changkyun insisted. “I’m serious.”
The director’s hands raced through her rapidly frizzing bob as her eyes searched the shadows for spot to steady her mental tailspin. “Okay. Okay, so it’s just Vice Chairman Im who’s clearly wasted then.”
“Well…” Hyunwoo said slowly. “Maybe my youngest cousin has a point.”
Maria threw her hands up. “Vice Chairman Son, too?”
“Ugh,” groused Jooheon, “you’ve asked us to drop the honorifics but you won’t? Since we’re not coworkers anymore, it’s not necessary.”
“It feels weird not to,” she said.
“Just because it feels weird doesn’t mean it is,” Changkyun countered.
Something in the youngest’s tone warned her not to trust the dark cast in his eyes.
Hyungwon caught her gaze next, and Maria froze, feeling every bit the startled rabbit she imagined she looked to be. The man always had the unique ability to stun her despite how often he managed to look like a person five minutes shy of a cozy nap. He dipped his head down, his lips jutting with his chin, as he asked, “You've never once thought about what it would be like to be with us?”
Maria scrambled to find her bearings, but it was pointless, especially with all the liquor still burning holes in her defenses. As assertively as she could, she said, “It wouldn't matter even if I had.”
“Does that mean you have?” Jooheon said, shooting forward.
The director frantically waved him back. She longed for another shot, but like so much else in her life, it seemed out of reach. She mumbled, “Did you all plan this blindside?”
“I swear to you this is the first we’re hearing it,” said Kihyun with his hand up, “but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been thinking it for a long time.”
The director shook her head. “Not possible. You have to have an angle. You’re businessmen; you always do. You think I'm so desperate and hopeless that I need to date my bosses?”
“Yes?” wondered Minhyuk.
“No!” interjected Changkyun while he glared at his cousin as his other cousin, Hoseok, whacked the blonde on the back of the head. “I’m not suggesting you stay and work for us. I’m suggesting you give us each a chance to prove to you that we’re all like you. We’re all struggling to catch up to our feelings.”
“Feelings?” she said incredulously. “You can’t have feelings for a hammer or a wrench.”
Suddenly, Hyungwon reached across the table and grasped her fingers. Her eyes shot to the often solemn man and found his just as steady and serious as she found them in a boardroom. His thick lips were pressed together into a hard line as his brow furrowed. “You’ve never once—not ever—been a tool in our eyes, Maria, and I’m sorry if we’ve made you feel that way.”
The director yanked her hand away and stared at her skin as though it were burning. All these years, and she’d never touched them save for a jolt in a shared limo or straightening a tie. Maybe it wouldn’t have felt so momentous if they hadn’t all just proposed to date her.
She cradled her hand as she said, “There's not enough soju in this world to make me accept pity dates as severance from my company.”
“You've got it all wrong,” said Hoseok. “You would be the one taking pity on us.”
“What do you mean?”
“We’ve filled our lives with so many distractions that it’s distracted us from something we've known all along.”
“And what's that?” she asked, and she realized she was holding her breath.
Now it was Hyunwoo who studied the director with an intensity she’d never seen from him. Normally, he gave the appearance of constant wonder or surprise, almost like he wasn’t taking things seriously, but usually that was a ruse to throw his professional opponent off-balance. But here, Maria was practically on the floor from tonight’s whiplash, yet there were no hints of that trickery. He was looking at her with everything he had.
His eyes hooded. His voice dropped another octave. “You don't find it odd that seven men who haven't been able to agree on anything in thirty years can all agree that we can't be without you?”
“I do! Exactly,” Maria agreed wholeheartedly. “I do find that odd. But I think the conclusion I've drawn is a lot different than the one you have. Honestly, sirs, I really think you're confusing two separate issues. You don't want the person who's been doing everything for you—short of actually spoon-feeding you—to leave, but need doesn't equal love.”
Hyunwoo’s intensity didn’t let up, even at the barb. Voice as even as ever, he continued, “And I think you're afraid of the possibility that your future has always been with us.”
“Or maybe,” she said, keenly aware of how much her own voice was now shaking, “I'm afraid of the far more likely possibility that this is all some game you seven have concocted to trick me into staying. For a bunch of guys who said they didn’t plan this, with all these pretty things to say, you sure sound rehearsed.”
Kihyun, who’d been sitting closest to her, leaned in, his voice unusually deep. “Maybe that’s because we’ve each been rehearsing this for longer than you think.”
To fight the shiver racing down her spine, Maria chewed her lip aggressively.
“At least let us have the chance to prove we’re serious,” said Jooheon.
“And how do you propose to do that?”
“For starters,” Changkyun answered, “we respect your resignation. We won't pressure you to stay on as our director anymore. We’ll start interviewing candidates as soon as you find them.”
Maria popped an eyebrow. “What if I want to recommend Secretary Kim for the position?”
They all looked to Hoseok. Worry flashed across the CSO’s face for a second before he nodded slowly. “She’s an excellent assistant. I’m sure she’d be up to it.”
“She would,” Maria agreed, a relieved smile brightening her face for the first time since they’d arrived. “If she says yes, I can start training her on Monday.”
The vice chairmen couldn’t hide their shock and hesitation, but nobody dared argue it.
Again, the director found her lip between her teeth, this time coupling it with a worrying of her top button. “So, um, how would this all work? I mean, if I believed you for one second…”
“Well,” Jooheon said as she scooted a little closer on her other side, “if you believed us, we’d each like a chance to take you out.”
“There won't be any work involved,” Hoseok promised. “We're talking about dates, so we’ll keep everything out of the office.”
“You, I’m not worried about,” Maria admitted. “I can barely keep you at your desk as it is. But a few of you…”
She glared at Minhyuk, Kihyun, and Changkyun before the first butted in, “Not this time. And you won't have to plan a thing. We'll be responsible for you for a change.”
“Despite what you may think, we’ve managed to pick up a few things over the years,” Hyungwon said.
She glared sternly at them. “I’m 38. I don’t have time for boys.”
“Director Ortega—Maria,” Kihyun corrected, “we run a multibillion-dollar company. We’re not children anymore.”
“Didn’t I just put you all in time-out?” she recapped. They pouted across the board, seven undeniably handsome faces as defeated as the director had ever seen, and Maria let out a sigh. “Ugh, this conversation is making me feel uncomfortably sober. How serious are you all planning to take this charade?”
“At least as serious as you do,” said Minhyuk.
“As serious as we’ve ever taken anything,” amended Changkyun.
Maria groaned and said, “There’s no way you can play nicely with each other. How am I supposed to come out alive from this?”
“If there’s one thing to convince us to get along, it’s you, Maria,” said Hyungwon. She clutched her temples at this sound of her name in his gravelly rumble and winced.
“This is such a bad idea. What happens when it doesn’t work out with any of you? Or worse, it does work? What happens if it works really well with one of you? You can’t get along as is. Something like this… it could makes things irreconcilable.”
Minhyuk shrugged. “If you’re leaving anyway, at least you won’t have to stay for the fallout.”
“I still care,” she insisted, hands gripping the table edge. “I love Xtra Mile. I don’t want to be the reason something happens to it. You can’t promise that you’ll be okay with this.”
“You’re right,” said Hyunwoo, “we can’t, but if it isn’t already clear, we’ll do just about anything for you.”
“Even act like family,” Jooheon said with a clap on his little brother’s back beside him.
Maria glanced between her bosses, finding a thousand different reasons why this was a stupid, terrible idea, yet she found herself resisting all of those. Time stretched between the group. One minute morphed into two and then five, but it didn’t make a difference. It wasn’t changing her fate or her answer.
She chewed her lip again, but finally, she said, “I don’t know…”
“Jackson said we needed to show you our sincerity,” said Kihyun. “Please, Maria, let us.”
“You spoke to President Wang about this?” she shouted, her whole body darkening a shade. “Oh god, I can’t show my face back at the office ever again.”
“We didn’t talk to him about this!” Jooheon was quick to swear. “No one knows about this but us.”
“Hell,” said Minhyuk, “we didn’t even know before right now.”
Maria whimpered. “You better pray no one finds out or I won’t be putting you in timeout. I’ll be putting you in prison.”
The vice chairmen shared a laugh and a nod, which was more than they’d really ever shared, and the director relented to them as she had for years. Maybe it was the wrong thing to do considering where that bad habit had led her, but curiosity—and so much more—had gotten the better of her.
Come Monday, with the booze burned out of her system and her power suit back on, maybe her misgivings would get the better of her, but as Hyunwoo’s limo driver returned from dropping off the last of her guests and offered to take them all home, she didn’t refuse.
And she didn’t refuse when they insisted on piling out on her sidewalk to see her safely into her building.
She didn’t refuse when they promised to make the next month all about her.
With one final look through the glass entryway at the seven troublesome men who’d strategically commandeered her whole life for the past five years, she muttered to herself once more, “Dios mío, dame fuerzas…”
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venusrising91 · 7 months
Prince of Hearts
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Pairing: Wonho x Male reader
Genre: Fantasy/Royal bodyguard (light smut & a small bit of yearning+a smidge of thin plot lol)
Summary: The head of your royal garrison works to uncover crimes against the crown. You fall for him in the process. But will he succumb to your advances?
Word count: 3,057 (about 4.5 pgs)
An attempt had been made on your life but you were only vaguely aware of this as the haziness in your head cleared. The aftertaste of the poisoned wine overpowered rational thought. But you didn’t need to use your mind, not with Lieutenant Lee standing watch. He was somewhere near, hovering in the margins of your vision. You couldn’t yet see him but you’d recognize his scent under any circumstance, even semi-conscious you could make out the soft notes of jasmine and hyacinth. 
Among all your royal guards, he prided himself on hygiene and appearance the most. While others of your high garrison wasted their coin on gambling and drink, Lieutenant Lee preferred spending his stipend on finer things: the most luxurious imported silks, perfumed oils, cultural enrichment lessons.
    “My lord, you must take water, and quickly. These foreign poisons are known to cripple if not properly flushed out of one’s system.” Lee had whispered these words to you in hushed tones, spoken in the Knight's Tongue—the formal language of those devoted in service to you. It was wise of him to speak it in the presence of so many foreigners, all of them now potential enemies, assailants. It was wiser still of Lieutenant Lee to have been so wary of this gala. Wary enough to have insisted you take an Immunity Tonic before leaving the palace. He had slipped it into your hands whilst dressing you, despite your protests. You had fussed and whined for you knew it to be bitter and unnecessary but he said nothing, merely stood resolute, brow quirked in that stoic, insufferable way of his. He’d aimed one of his cold glares at you until you’d forced it all down, wincing at the strong medicinal taste. You had cursed him then but gods you were grateful for it now. His paranoia had saved your life. 
He stared down at you, cool and collected despite the chaos in the dining hall. Wide-eyed dignitaries and princes were scrambling in panic but Lieutenant Lee was unfazed as he tended to you, gently pressing the rim of a chalice to your lips, urging you to sip. You drank, and the water went to work at once, clearing your head, bringing you back to yourself. When the cup had been drained, you rose to your feet, somewhat unsteady as you gazed upon the sea of stunned faces.
“The prince is alive! Oh thank the—” you put your hand up to silence the baron, the sound of his voice was high and grating. Your ears couldn’t handle it. Nor could your eyes endure the pompous sight of him—dressed in loud, clashing colors of every print imaginable.You shut them, pinching the bridge of your nose as you leaned against Lieutenant Lee for support.
“Ready the horses,” commanded Lieutenant Lee, taking you by the arm and leading you away from the loud baron, who insisted upon shouting apologies at your back. It had been his gala, and you’d attended only at the bequest of your title. As crown prince and next in line for the throne, you could not dismiss the invitation of courtiers, no matter how lowly you deemed them.
Back at the palace, in your quarters, Lieutenant Lee tended to you, drawing your bath and laying out your night clothes. You had servants for this but he had not trusted you to be alone with anyone but him given your state, and had sent them away. A show of his fealty. 
He peeled off your clothing with gentle hands. You stood naked and trembling before him. Shy, for he was fully dressed and resplendent in the gold and crimson uniform of a high ranking vassal. But he kept his eyes on yours, they did not dip any lower as he led you to the bath.
“I have compiled a list of possible assailants,” he said as he smoothed cleansing oils across your chest.
“Oh? Already?”
“Mmm.” You fought to keep from shuddering at this reply, it was a low rumble in his throat. A grunt really. There was something sinful about it and you felt a searing heat rush to your lower extremities. The water was opaque with suds from the cleansing oils, bless the gods. What rose underneath it could be seen by none, and felt only by you.
    “Is the baron among your suspects?” you asked, shrinking from his soft touches, they were beginning to drive you mad.
    “Of course. I’m calling a formal inquisition at first light. Your royal guard will be battle ready from here until the end of it—until whoever is responsible for this is caught.”
    “Full armor? Really Lieutenant, is that necessary? I’m fine, I’m alright, not even a scratch on me.” You meant this as a joke but he merely glared at you as he lifted your arm, rubbing circles under it—you felt the heat of him even through the washcloth.
    “I am the head of your garrison. I do not take assassination attempts lightly.”
    “What of jokes? Can you take them lightly, or at all?”
    He responded with another of his lewd grunts, licking his lips this time, dark eyes fixed on his task. Gods you were going to lose a load and soil the water. It was a small mercy that he was fully clothed, that you could not see his bare and chiseled form as he saw yours, here and now. Why did he have to be this way? So gods damned alluring and unattainable and—
    No. No, no, no, no,no. You mustn't do this.
    “Are you alright my lord?”
    “You look like you’re in pain.” 
    “Oh, I’m—fine, I’m—”
    “Come, you must rest now. The night has worn on you.”
    You did not protest, and were in fact grateful to have been given an out.
The following morning you rose early, before the servants even. You had not slept well and headed for the temple to pray to the goddess for strength. You made a modest offering at her alter and left, nearly colliding with Lieutenant Lee as you stepped over the threshold. Of course he had followed you, why in heavens did you think you could escape his notice? He was something to behold in his armor. All of the skin and carved muscle you couldn’t see the night before was now on full display. Silver plates adorned his ivory skin and his dark hair gleamed like a lake at midnight reflecting the moon. He bowed, sword dangling from his hip—a warrior.
    At the morning meal he had tasters sample your food for poisons before allowing you to eat. The baron’s son had journeyed overnight and joined you for the meal, bearing gifts of honeyed wine and laurels in apology. He was called Evander and had at one time, wanted your hand in marriage. But you had little in common and the union would have benefited him more than you. There was also the case of his dull personality and appearance—he wasn’t at all your type. Despite this, you still gave him your audience. After having eaten, the two of you strolled through the court gardens, the afternoon sun lending its summer warmth.
    “I must once more apologize for what transpired at Father’s gala,” said Evander as the pair of you waded through a winding path of lilies.
    “You needn’t. I’m alright.”
    “That lieutenant of yours,” Evander paused and threw a sidelong glance over his shoulder at Lee as he trailed behind you, “such quick thinking to have saved you like that.”
    “Mm, I’m lucky to have him.”
    “Indeed,” muttered Evander.
    “Luckier still that of all the nobility present that night, mine was the only meal to have been tampered with.” You regretted saying this, but much as you'd tried, you couldn’t help feeling jaded and indignant. Evander stiffened at this speculative slight.
    “You’re angry. And rightfully so. But you don’t know how embarrassing this is for us, our family. Falling out of favor like this, it’s worse honestly than swallowing poison.”
    “Is that so?” you quipped, barely suppressing a scoff.
    “We’ve lost the trust of every nobility in the province.”
    You rolled your eyes. “Some might say that is what you deserve.” Evander made a choked sound and stopped walking. More regret—it seemed a dearest companion of yours this day. “Listen,” you continued, “I’ve no ill will towards you. You’ve requested an audience and I’ve obliged. Surely this will be enough to lend back some of your credibility once word spreads of your being here.”
    “I—I suppose but—”
    “My lord, you are expected in the drawing room for the oversight and signature of imported goods.” This was Lieutenant Lee. He stood beckoning you with that quirked brow of his—an expression he put on when trying to be authoritative. It worked and you went to him at once, offering a half-hearted farewell to Evander.
    “You’re welcome to the east wing, stay as long as you need,” you called to him over your shoulder as you walked off.
    The remainder of the day was filled with the usual tedium of princely duties. You performed dull tasks, one after another until night crept upon you. After a supper surrounded by Evander and his consorts in waiting, you found yourself alone again, undressing before Lieutenant Lee.
“Why do you insist on this? My servants will start a riot. They will think they are being displaced of their duties, turned out of the palace,” you huffed. Lieutenant Lee ignored you, stripping off your undergarment with the indifference of one changing a bedsheet. You wished you could do the same thing to him, and stood imagining yourself freeing him of his armor, running your hands along his stiff and bulging...
    “In nudity you are most vulnerable. I don’t trust you under the watch of anyone but me. They are not as thorough as I am. They cannot protect you in an ambush.”
    “Gods you’re overestimating my enemies. Whoever they may be, they’re cowards. They had to employ wines and posions to do the work of ending me. Couldn't even put steel to flesh like real men.” Lieutenant Lee chuckled at this and your heart quickened. That sound. Fuck, that beautiful sound. It did things to you, and when you were out of your clothes, you rushed to the bath, concealing yourself in the water. 
He cleaned you with the same tenderness he had the night prior, sliding his large hands up and down the length of your torso, across the span of your chest. He did you the courtesy of letting you cleanse your privates on your own, but this did little to ease you—his presence alone was enough to send the blood pumping to your head—the one that didn’t do your thinking.
    When you were clean, he fetched a cloth. You rose, shielding your steadily growing length from him. If he had noticed a change in you, he said nothing, merely covered you and led you back to your quarters. Then left you to stand guard outside your door.
    There was a vial of oil stowed in your bedside table. You seized it and lay on your back. He was all you could think of as you worked to quell the aching throb between your legs.
The following day went much the same as the previous, and the next, and the next, and the one after. As did the nights. Each bath with him drove you a touch madder than the last. Not only for being so near to him, for breathing in the sultry scent of his perfumed sweat, but for the way he was so utterly unmoved by you, as if you were but a fixture on the wall, or a piece of furniture strewn about the palace. Something there and nothing more. You were certain he felt no throbbing, no ache or raging want to press his skin against yours. 
Every one of your guards had a rumor or more about their escapades. They were all of them highly desirable men and women, selected for their skill, their charm, their devotion. Sarafine had seduced every maiden in the court with her sweet tongue and flowing braids. She had even tempted you. Maxim had wooed both men and women, sometimes even stealing away married nobles from their wives or husbands. There was sordid talk of almost all your garrison, save for Lieutenant Lee. It was as if he was made of stone.
Nearly a fortnight had passed and Evander had still not left the palace. Lieutenant Lee was deep in the inquisition all the while. He had ruled out many of his suspects and you were growing weary of seeing Evander sulk about the courtyards. You had resolved to confront him in private, and managed to sneak away from Lieutenant Lee’s prying eyes long enough to practice what you’d say to Evander aloud. You sequestered yourself in the great palace library, where no ears could overhear you. It was quiet, and carried the soothing smell of old pages. It was everything you needed. So silent and familiar it was, that you did not even notice the figure that crept behind you until their hands were wrapped around your throat. You felt the blade against your neck and panic overcame you.
    “The baron sends his regards, and his sympathy for not ensuring your demise at the gala, it would have been a cleaner death than this.”
    There was nothing you could do but pray to the goddess for a swift end. Whoever this was, had caught you completely off guard. You clamped your eyes shut, and braced for the pain. 
But it did not come. 
There was a loud shriek and the harsh sounds of fists against flesh, against jaws. You turned and saw Lieutenant Lee, panting over your attacker, sword drawn and already at his neck. You recognized the man as one of Evander’s consorts—a lord in waiting. 
Lieutenant Lee did not relent his assault, even when the man was bloodied and beaten delirious. The rest of your royal garrison came in and carried him off so that you did not have to look upon him. 
A short while later, Evander was jailed and a warrant of arrest was dispatched for his father, the baron. If you had been killed, your sister would be next in line for the throne—next in line to be courted by another of the baron's power hungry sons. The nerve of them, of Evander, after all the courtesy you had shown.
    You could think of nothing but the injustice, and the fact that Lieutenant Lee had not said a word to you for the remainder of the day. He must have been angry with you for trying to shirk him. Even so, he had still sent the servants away, despite the fact that he had vanquished the threat upon your life. He bathed you in his normal, stoic fashion, but you flinched from him as he brought the cloth to your neck. A flashback of the attack had taken over you.
    “You are still shaken,” he said, lowering the cloth.
    “I’m alright. Or I will be, in time.”
    He said nothing more and carried on in his usual way. 
In your chamber he lingered, drying your hair with a cloth and checking the small cut on your neck where the blade had dug in. He spread a healing, herbal balm on it. Your eyes met, and held as the pad of his finger worked it in. 
    “Th-thank you, for saving my—my—”
    “You are my prince. It is my duty, my honor. I need no thanks.”
    Something possessed you in that moment—perhaps it was the memory of him fighting so valiantly to save your life. Or the conviction in his declaration. Whatever it was stirred you to action and you did not think, you did not hesitate. Your lips were on his in an instant, eager hands slipping under the armor that kept him from you. 
He did not stop you from this, he simply stood still, and let you do as you wanted. You took liberty with this allowance, and a grunt escaped him as you palmed his length. It doubled in size with a few hard circles rubbed against it and this is when he stopped you. Swatting your hand away and lifting you—lifting you! 
You nearly gasped as he carried you to the bed, as his hands worked to shed you of your robes. Those hands which had grazed you so many times. Touching you without feeling you. Now they aimed to please you. He reached, and took you in his large palm, stroking until you were hard as stone in his grasp—it took mere seconds.
    “Oil, is there any here?” he whispered, breathing the words into your mouth between kisses. You snatched it from your bedside table and pressed it into his palm. He took his time sliding into your entrance with his rigid length. There was so much of him to take. 
You had never imagined he would be such a gentle lover.
    “You will tell me if it hurts my lord?” he cooed as he eased himself inside you. You nodded, already lying to him. It hurt but you wanted the pain, you wanted it because he was giving it to you.
    “Don’t stop,” you said, breathless. He did not stop. Pleasure danced across his features as he buried himself inside you. He was so handsome under its influence. His strokes were long, deep. He told you of your beauty with each one, of your tightness, of the way you clenched around him, of how he longed to be the only one to feel the depths of you each night. Was this the same man who had guarded you day after day? Cold and unyielding as a marble sculpture. He was nothing like that now, as the heat of him filled you, as he pumped your stiff cock and fed you his length until you met your release. Warm ropes painted your abdomen. More painted your stretched and pulsing entrance as he spilled his warmth inside you. You went on this way for hours, and lost count of how many loads you lost to his oil-slick pulls, his ardent pumps. Until finally he collapsed on top of you, grunting with the vestiges of his high. You kissed him, holding his face with both hands.
    “I did not think you desired me,” you said.
    A chuckle, breathy and spent.
    “Of course I do. I am sworn to you. You are my prince—my heart.”
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I remember seeing this and thinking the same. Why he's staring her like that ? If he's gay and in a relationship? You can go and watch original video and check. Glad this editor exposed him. JK maybe called many names with how many dating rumors he has but I've never seen him trying to stare a woman in this way though.
The absolute cackle I let out 🤣
Jimin was trying to become Ciara's sons new daddy, duh anon.
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Please Istg, for anyone else who wants to go watch original content of Jimin posing adorably with this baby and then stand up and then smile at Ciara, it's here before they say goodbye and walk away.
Spoiler, she hugs them all too! WOW!
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Also spoiler, JK was trying to wife up Tori Kelley too! Just btw! 🤣 same night! "Glad this editor exposed him" good lord. I've never laughed so hard. Anon grow up. He didn't even take the chance to look at her boobs! Proving he is more respectful then most of us Honestly. Lol
(I never said he was gay btw, I just said I think he was queer. You can be queer and appreciate a beautiful woman. You can be in a relationship and appreciate a beautiful woman. But just because you would die and melt if a member looked at you like Jimin looked at Ciara, doesn't mean he was looking at a woman like that)
*Jimin looks at someone and just has one of those stares*
Everyone: *I've never seen him look like that before he wants her!!!"
Jimin HAS been flirty with women before. Lol this isn't one of those times love
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2014 Jimin putting on the moves on during all these different shows! Lol
And men too.... lol the panicked stereotypical bi finger guns when Wonho caught Jimin checking him out
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He isn't eye fucking Ciara (wouldn't blame him if he was though whew) but nice try anon
I'd bring out the bingo sheet. But it would just be like 3 repeat boxes I've already checked 🤣
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lucientelrunya · 5 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people.
I was tagged by @forerussake thank you!!
L - Long way home by Walk off the Earth & Lindsey Stirling
U - Undone by Tommee Profitt & Fleurie
C -Canaid Lia Fáil (feat. Julie Fowlis) by Einar Selvik
I - In the flood by Lovisa Berdahl
E - Eye on you by WONHO
N - Nightlight by Illenium & Annika Wells
T - Throne by Bring Me The Horizon
E -Endless War by Within Temptation
L - Love like Ghosts by Lord Huron
R - Red Light by Stray Kids
U - Unter meiner Haut by Gestört aber GeiL, Koby Funk, Wincent Weiss
N - Narcissistic Cannibal by EarlyRise
Y - Ya'aburnee by Halsey
A - Animal I have become by Three Days Grace
Phew, that was a lot. I don’t have that many songs with an U... and I surely don't have that many people to tag. Let's see:
@s1utspeare, @kholran, @sunriseverse, @daydreamorama, @lacommunarde, @nope4ever, @mausyi, @adelaiderowan and everyone else who wants to do this!!
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 68- Under The Mistletoe
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Chapter Summary: BTS attend the MAMA Awards. Jimin and Taehyung aim to get Jennie and Jungkook to kiss under the mistletoe
Words: 8,000+
In Hong Kong, BTS prepared for their performance during the dress rehearsal. They were to collaborate with GOT7, which Jen was thrilled about.
"Hey, Bam Bam, look it's your future girlfriend." Mark teased as they saw Jennie stretching from afar.
"Shush!" Bam Bam playfully shoved him away.
"And you're drooling~," Jackson exclaimed.
After she finished stretching, she spotted the members of GOT7 and waved. Just before Bam Bam was about to approach her, he stopped when he saw Jungkook.
"Yes?" she turned around, greeted by Jungkook.
"Hobi Hyung wants to go over the choreography with you to make sure you got it. You know that one part."
"All right."
After the dress rehearsal, Jennie had slipped through Bam Bam's eyes as he wanted to take time to talk to her, but like she always does, she wandered around backstage. She saw Monsta X and approached them with a smile.
"Finally get to meet you guys properly. Hi!" she bowed.
"Jennie Walker! Miss BTS! It's nice to finally meet you properly, too! I'm Jooheon. This is I.M, Hyungwon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Wonho and Shownu."
"I'm trying not to fangirl but oh my gosh, you guys are friggin badass. I am so looking forward to your performance at the show. I can see you guys making it big, I can just feel it. And I'm proud to announce that I am a monbebe~!"
The members seemed pleased to hear that as they welcomed her with open arms. 
"What's your favorite song?" Minhyuk asked.
"Gone Bad is my favorite!"
"Oh really? Can you sing it?" Shownu asked
Jen nodded and sang out Kihyun's part, "Geurae hal mankeum haebwa oneul haruneun. Eodikkaji galji hanbeon nareul jigyeobollae."
"Wow~. I love it." Kihyun applauded.
"Continue." Jooheon challenged
"Okay." she accepted and started feeling herself while rapping to Jooheon, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo."
Jooheon immediately smiled and nodded his head as he rapped with her, "E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo. E eee eee, neon hukhago gayo tto hanbange KO."
She went on while Hyungwon joined in for his verse, "Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show. Ppittureojillae. Ppittureojillae ho. Ppittureojillae. Monsta X yeah we rock the show!"
"We might need to let her be the 8th member of Monsta X, now." Kihyun laughed.
"Ha! I don't think Bangtan will take too kindly to that." she giggled.
"I'm sure we can work something out." Wonho smiled, causing her face to warm up
'Lord Jesus, I was born the wrong year. He's smiling like that on purpose.' she thought.
Wonho was one fine looking guy. Everyone here was.
"So, we heard that Wonho is your bias." Minhyuk teased. "So, who is your bias wrecker? Me, right?"
"No way, it's me," Shownu added.
The members began joking around and trying to impress her with funny poses, making her laugh. 
"She doesn't have a bias wrecker because her heart belongs to me, right Jennie?" Wonho wrapped an arm around her and got closer to her face.
"Oh mah God~." she started feeling shy at how close she was to him and covered her face as he chuckled. Once she pulled herself together, she joked, "I know I'm too young for you, but I fit your ideal type because I can make some bombass ramen."
After goofing around, she asked, "Are you fellas nervous for your first MAMA Awards?" 
"Very. It's a big moment for us. Do you have any advice?" Shownu asked.
"Honestly I was freaking out during my first MAMA. It's such a big deal, y'know? Huge event. But just have fun with it. You're performing in front of thousands of people and various idols from different companies. Show them who Monsta X is and show them that you guys are here to stay and take over. You're going to do great. I'll be cheering you on."
"Thank you, we'll take that to heart." they bowed.
"I remember your performance from last year's MAMA. You performed with Block B's Taeil. You were really good up there. Great charisma." I.M spoke in English, causing Jen to smile and speak in her Native language
"Aw, really? Thank you. It's still one of my favorite performances I had on stage. You're fluent in English, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"I'm giving you a warning now since we're going to be great friends, you're stuck with me and we'll be having a lot of English conversations together."
I.M chuckled. "I'll mentally prepare. Can we take a picture for Twitter?"
Getting in the middle, Jennie posed gleefully as they considered her their new Monbebe. I.M posted the photo on Monsta X's Twitter, 'With Miss BTS herself! She's our new Monbebe! Thank you for supporting us!' 
Wandering around again, Jen saw The8.
"Jennie!" he happily waved
"Hey! It's been a while!" she rushed up and pulled him for a hug, surprising him as he shyly hugged her back.
After they pulled away he smiled softly. "You look well!"
"I'm surviving. You look great, excited for Mama?"
"A little nervous but Seventeen is working very hard."
"I saw a snippet of your performance. You guys are great! Mansae is one of my favorite songs."
"Look forward to us performing."
"Trust me, I will."
Once the show began, BTS and GOT7 performed their collab dance. Afterward, GOT7 performed If You Do and soon after, BTS came out to perform Run. Jen wore leather pants and a white leather jacket with the words, 'Love Yourself' and wore that same white butterfly necklace in their starting position. She stood back to back with Jimin.
Starting off with V walking to the members, they shift. Rapmon starts off and they perform.
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dasi Run Run Run nan meomchul suga eobseo
tto Run Run Run nan eojjeol suga eobseo
eochapi igeotbakke nan mothae
neoreul saranghaneun geot bakken mothae
Transitioning to the middle, Jen sang while her hair bounced every time she ran, "Dasi Run Run Run, neomeojyeodo gwaenchanha, tto Run Run Run jom dachyeodo gwaenchanha."
The camera panned to some idols who were watching the performance and it showed some IKON members smiling and lip syncing when Jen sang. One of them covered his mouth to tell one of his hyungs that she looked pretty but some fansites that were filming them caught them and thought it was cute.
Jen and Rapmon face each other.
Don't tell me bye bye!
"You make me cry, cry!" she patted her hand over her heart
"Love is a lie, lie!" they say in unison. "Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me bye bye!" they push each other away
Once the chorus came again, Jen sang first this time as they danced.
chueokdeuri mareun kkonipcheoreom
sansani buseojyeoga
nae son kkeuteseo nae bal miteseo
dallyeoganeun ne deung dwiro
machi nabireul jjotdeut kkum sogeul hemaedeut
neoui heunjeogeul ttaraga
The fan chants could be heard as they noticed various ARMY bombs in the crowd. Jen was having a blast on the stage and before she knew it, the song was about to end.
Don't tell me bye bye
"You make me cry, cry!"
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"Love is a lie, lie!"
Don't tell me, don't tell me
Don't tell me bye bye
Later on, the members watched the rest of the show. Jen had stared at Ailee in admiration when she had won best female vocal performance. She was just so beautiful and ARMY was eager to see her reaction to Ailee winning while the members teased her about it. Jen was the first to stand up and applaud when she won as well, with a proud smile on her face.
Jennie also was so proud of Hyuna when she won best dance solo performance. Her life was slayed watching Jessi and Hyuna perform. She enjoyed seeing women take the stage. Hopefully one day she will be able to do that. She saw it as inspiration that she could get there, too.
BTS had won the World Performer award, which was a proud moment for them. Jen hoped that they'd be able to win even more awards as they continued what they were doing. Ever since the Melon Awards, Jen's reactions and dancing to performances have become iconic for those that have fancams of her because they were so amusing to watch and tonight was no exception.
When CL had performed, Jen was mesmerized. The charisma, how the crowd can get behind her instantly, she hoped to be like that one day. Being able to move a crowd like that by herself. She was so hyped that the camera kept filming her while fans said, 'Same, Jennie, same'
Just like everyone else, no one expected 2NE1 to pop up as Jen freaked out, holding onto poor Jin.
Her reaction was bound to go viral as she also wiped a few tears when they performed Fire and I Am The Best.
And of course, once EXO had performed, she had to jam to them. She lipsynced all of Baekhyun's lines as her fansites filmed everything.
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"Eodun miro soge gacheotteon. Whoa na Oh, geu eodum sogeseo, nal kkaeweo jun ni moksori deullyeowa, nal dashi taeeonage hae~" she sang out, jamming around.
The members slowly turned to her and were amused. She truly loved Baehkyun. When the lights went out and Chanyeol began rapping fast, Jen got even more hyped as EXO performed a lightsaber dance break. Then, with Drop That, it became a huge party as she danced with Taehyung and Hobi who were near Suho and Chen.
Jump jump jump jump jump jump E.X.O
Jump jump jump jump we are E.X.O
While watching Baekhyun perform, she soon saw him walking towards where she and the rest of the idols were. Her butterflies came back and all those thoughts about keeping her composure were out the window. 
She soon noticed him looking her way and began to walk over to her.
'He's coming over here!?' she thought, widening her eyes. 
He extended out his hand and she immediately took it, getting pulled forward and they started jumping and dancing together. 
"Ah, she is so freaking out right now!" Namjoon laughed.
"I know. I'm surprised she didn't faint." Jin giggled.
Chen and Suho did the same with GOT7 and the rest of Bangtan nearby.
This was a moment that she'll cherish for the rest of her life and the members knew how much this meant to her. Baekhyun smiled at her and made his way back to the stage to regroup with the members. She couldn't wipe that huge smile off her face. It was nothing like being able to get hyped with one of your favorite idols like this.
Chen had blown her away with his high note and she had to lean back and place a hand over her heart.
'MY GOD! How did he do that!?' she thought
And once they performed Love Me Right, Jennie was no more good as she swayed around while standing and clapping along. Her ears were almost ringing from the screams of fans for Big Bang. Their stages were always unique. All of YG artists were. The way they were so composed and had strong charisma. She hoped to get there one day. To that point as a performer.
During the dress rehearsal, she had told G-Dragon that she hoped that BTS could have a longer stage at MAMA, and he told her that they'd get there one day. So she'll continue to work hard and remain patient for their time to shine.
When the camera panned to Jennie with Taehyung bopping to the song, she looked directly at it and smiled, pointing, "Bang, bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!"
Spotting Kiyhun and the rest of Monsta X, Jen and Taehyung began to dance with them too. During PSY's Daddy performance, fansites filmed her laughing and asking Hobi and Taehyung how the dance goes, following their moves.
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During Gangnam Style the camera caught her again, turning up and dancing around without a care in the world despite everyone watching her. She was dancing similar to how Taeyang was during Gangnam Style a few years ago. The members couldn't help but party with her. Jen feeling herself was such a mood and it made awards shows more enjoyable to watch because of her reactions. 
Bam Bam had soon danced his way over to Jennie, tapping her over the shoulder. Once she turned, she danced with him as BamJen shippers were delighted. Jimin was not happy when watching them dance. He felt like his ship was getting ruined and didn't like how close he was to her. 
Jungkook glanced up and saw them dancing, feeling some type of way as jealously crept up on him.
"Are you going to sit there or are you going to do something?" Taehyung asked in his ear over the loud music.
Jungkook soon thought about their conversation after the concert,
'Let everyone know that the person you want will be yours and no one is going to change that or interfere with your mission.'
Some idols were glancing at Jungkook, wondering what he was going to do. The gossip about Jungkook's feelings for his bandmate was going around fast. And it was also a known fact that Bam Bam had liked her for quite some time and was very vocal about it. The only thing stopping him right now was the dating ban.
Jungkook stood up and glanced at the 95 Liners who followed him. Dancing to the song, the three of them moved to where Jen was dancing. Jimin and Taehyung watched eagerly as Jungkook gently pulled her away from Bam Bam
"I'll take it from here," the Golden Maknae spoke.
Bam Bam and some members of GOT7 were disappointed that his moment was interrupted. But Jimin and Taehyung had low fived each other as they watched JenKook have a friendly and goofy dance battle, with Bangtan hyping them up. It certainly caught the camera's attention and made JenKook shippers happy.
Watching everyone perform tonight motivated Jen to do better and she had hoped that at next year's MAMA Awards, she would be able to blow everyone away with her charisma with Bangtan. Sometimes she felt like she wasn't doing enough. What can she do to stand out and get people talking about how much she has improved on stage? She will be practicing and working even harder to give a better performance for fans.
After the show, Jungkook went directly to Bam Bam. He wanted to have a long talk about everything.
"Can I speak with you, Bam Bam?" Jungkook asked.
Once Bam Bam agreed, they walked to a private area. "So, what's up, Jungkook?"
"It's about Jennie."
"Thank you!" Jen pulled the table right inside her hotel room. 
She was so hungry after the show, she had to order room service. She felt like she deserved a big meal after the pleasant time she had at the MAMA Awards.
Her face during 2NE1's reunion performance was sure to become a new meme as she already saw her face plastered all over Tumblr and Twitter. ARMY did not waste any time to capture her reaction. After eating, she prepared to shower, shutting the bathroom door behind her. Finally, she was able to shower. The whole night exhausted her. It was overall fun but with a big award show like this, it took a toll on her body. But nothing like a hot shower to ease her muscles. Connecting her phone to a portable speaker, she put her music on shuffle and walked into the shower.
Meanwhile, back in the room, a sasaeng had crawled out from under the room service table after hearing the shower turn on. They began to place hidden cameras all over the room and called their buddy who was also around the hotel. 
"I'm in Jennie's room~! Our plan worked! I finally got in. The video is clear, right? Good." the sasaeng giggled and found her suitcase.
Opening it, they started to examine her personal belongings. They began to take some of her underwear and even took photos of her bra size. After having too much fun with her belongings, the suitcase fell to the floor and made a loud noise.
With Jennie, her stomach dropped, and she stopped everything that she was doing as soon. Hobi was not in the room yet because he was with friends so he couldn't be back yet.
Something was not right and someone was here.
What is she going to do?
Another sasaeng had walked into the room and it so happened to be someone who worked at the hotel. The same woman who had given Jennie her food. She eagerly helped the other person put Jen's stolen items under the table, including her friendship ring.
"We'll meet with the others later. Double check the cameras, and get out of here," she advised and left the room with the table.
Getting out of the shower while leaving it on, she put on a towel and disconnected her phone from the speaker to give Seijin a quick call to frantically tell him that there was someone in her room. After he told her that he was on his way with the others and security, she decided to stay in the bathroom, feeling anxious.
"Jennie~, I know you know I'm here! Come out so we can meet! I'm a huge fan~!" the sasaeng said in a teasing voice.
This was so scary. Never in her life had she ever been in this type of situation. She became anxious when she heard the doorknob rattle as the sasaeng tried to get in. She didn't know if the sasaeng had intentions of hurting her or had some sort of weapon. 
After hearing various sasaeng stories, she never thought she would be one to deal with someone breaking in. She hated this feeling. The feeling of being helpless and paralyzed with fear.
"Open up!" the sasaeng yelled, making her flinch and shed a few tears. 
The sasaeng didn't want to leave like they were supposed to. They wanted to get noticed by their bias. 
Looking around, Jennie grabbed the nearest weapon, a toilet plunger, just in case they attacked her. It wasn't much but it was something. She let out a shriek when the sasaeng began to kick at the door. After a while, they managed to break in and as soon as that door swung open, Jen couldn't even use the weapon.
"Get away from me!" Jen shouted when she was grabbed by the arm. 
The sasaeng had a tight grip, digging their nails into her skin, with that sick smile on their face. Seijin and various security guards rushed into the room, to go straight after the sasaeng while Jen screamed.
"No! No! I love her! Let me go! Let me go!" the sasaeng began struggling and managed to get detained while Seijin made sure Jen was all right. 
Jennie watched with distress as the sasaeng continued to go crazy. When they were taken away, she, still shaken up, explained what happened while in tears, holding on to Seijin. After he made a few calls, it was certain that Big Hit would be taking serious legal action over this, immediately.
If Jen didn't have her phone with her in the bathroom, who knows what could've happened? Her blood went cold as she still felt that death grip on her arm. She then looked at her suitcase which was open with her items scattered.
Anger soon overcame her, "And they had the audacity to touch my shit?!" 
She ran her hands through her wet hair, fearing for the worst of what might have been taken. When she got dressed in her pajamas, there was an investigation of how the sasaeng broke in. Clearly, the sasaeng had some connections in this hotel and someone or more people helped them sneak in.
When the members found out what had happened, they immediately rushed to her room, Namjoon being the first, running in to hug her.
"Are you hurt!?" he demanded with worry.
Jen was not happy. She was mainly angry at herself for being in that type of situation and getting so scared. She was considering taking self defense classes or something to defend herself if God forbid no one was there to save her. The members stayed with her while Seijin filled them in on everything. Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin especially struggled to keep their cool, while everyone was concerned for her safety.
Just to see how easily the sasaeng came in from a room service table was not good and they will be increasing security and doing more hotel room checks from now on.
"And we found hidden cameras." Seijin pointed out.
"You're the one with the good news, today, huh?" Jen asked sarcastically, shaking her head. "Man...hidden cameras? Unbelievable...well, I clearly made it because I now have people breaking into my hotel room."
This was sick. What if they filmed her when she was undressed?
Later that evening, Jungkook came back to her room while Hobi was showering. He was still shaken up by what had happened with Jennie. Everyone was. He had wished that he could've protected her.
Noticing something bothering her and decided to ask, "What's on your mind?"
"I'm so sorry..." she murmured, shaking her head as tears appeared in her eyes
"For what?" he asked in alarm.
"I'm so sorry, Kook..."
"Wh-what's wrong?"
"I lost the ring..." she mumbled.
"I lost the ring, Jungkook. I-I thought they took it but it wasn't found on them. I dunno where it can be. It's not in the room, the sasaeng doesn't have it. It's gone. Th-they searched everywhere."
His eyes softened as he held her close. "It's okay."
"That friendship ring meant everything to me. Now it's gone."
"It's okay."
"How can you say that so easily?" she looked up.
"Because what we have isn't just a ring. Your safety is worth more than a ring," he responded firmly. "You or a simple ring, I'd choose you in a heartbeat. I'm just glad you're safe. That's all that matters."
There were numerous reports of Jennie being the next unfortunate victim of dealing with a sasaeng as fans had voiced their concern and hoped that she would be okay. It was going to be a while until she got over this but being with the members helped ease the tension.
As a pre-birthday surprise, the members and MPD decided to prank Jin. First was a mission which was to make an acrostic poem with Hong Kong. When Jin was declared the winner, he was shocked.
"Why me?" Jin asked, flustered.
Since he was the winner, he went out with MPD while the production crew gave the members instructions. They were to have the lights off and the members not in the room but only a woman lying in the bed as they hoped that Jin would fall for the plan.
"Yo, V cannot keep a secret. He kept mentioning Jin's birthday." Jen said on camera while they hid in the bathroom.
"He mentioned it twice!" Rapmon added
'Trust me, I know.' Jungkook thought about the various times V almost blurted out his feelings for Jennie. 
Thankfully Jimin kept him in check. After a while, Jin came back and entered the room with MPD, only to jump when the girl screamed from the bed. Jin instantly jumped and began shaking.
"What, what, what is going on!?" he exclaimed.
"Happy birthday to you~!" the members walked out with a cake while laughing. Jin continued to stand there, stunned while Jimin held onto him. "Happy birthday to our beloved Jin Hyung! Happy birthday to you!"
"I was so startled!" Jin exclaimed after blowing out the candles. "I was like what? Who's that?"
"Did you fall for our plan?" J-Hope asked
"I did!"
When it was officially Jin's birthday, backstage during a music show, Suga and Jimin started a V-Live and walked over to Jin with a cake. Everyone had sung happy birthday to him.
"Whaaaaaa!" Suga yelled while the members butt in the camera to get in the frame.
"It's so good to be with our members on my birthday. And it's even better to be with our fans. Give me a knife to cut the cake." the birthday boy requested.
"Here you go!" J-Hope pretended that his hand was a knife, pretending to chop the cake while the other members did the same thing. 
After getting an official knife, Jin began to cut it.
"It's blueberry yogurt," Jimin informed.
"Looks mighty tasty~!" Jen added.
"Who wants it?" Jin asked
"You first, Jin." J-Hope answered
As soon as he took the first bite, J-Hope said, "Yeeeahhh."
When he ate another piece, the members said, "Yeaaaah."
Another bite.
"It's good, right?" J-Hope asked
And another bite.
"So good!" Jin answered with his mouth full.
"53,000 of our fans are with us," Suga announced.
"It's my birthday and I hope you'll be happy too. We'll do our best to show you the best performance today. So please enjoy it." Jin beamed
"Happy birthday! Bye!" they wave goodbye.
After the V-Live, Jen presented Jin with a Mario themed birthday box. "Happy birthday~!"
"For me? And it's Mario? Oh wow, thank you, Jennie." he happily accepted it and sat down with her to open it. "I have been looking forward to getting your birthday box. It was one of my top birthday wishes."
"Oh really? Well, I'm glad this birthday wish came true. I hope you like it."
Opening up the letter, Jin couldn't help but giggle. On the top was a small ship she drew with the pun, 'Oh ship! It's your birthday!'
To my precious Jin,
Ah, you're getting older! But as each year goes by, you get more handsome. Just ask those who call you the car door guy back at the Melon Awards. Thank you for always taking care of me over the years. You have always looked out for me. Even that time when I was embarrassed when my period came unexpectedly and you were there and washed my sheets for me and took me to the store to buy what I needed. And as much as I hated that time when you forced me to take medicine when I got sick for the first time in Korea, I'm glad you did because even though we were just getting to know each other, you were concerned about me and wanted to help me.
You have no idea how proud you make me when I see you dance. I can definitely see the improvement and I hope you can too because your hard work is paying off. You have been working diligently on everything and just know that we appreciate all that you do. I will continue to help you clean and cook for the members. I don't want you to do all the work by yourself. I'll always be there to help you out. Oh yeah, and thanks for increasing my appetite because you were the main one wanting me to eat more when I came here. I want to be a part of Eat Jin soon, so invite me to your show!
Your laugh is one of my favorite things about you. It's contagious and I will continue to tease you about it. I also love your silly dad jokes. I swear I be like the only one laughing because of how silly they are but I always appreciate them. There are times when I think about them and start laughing and then the members stare at me like I'm crazy, haha. Including you! But you're the reason for my random laughter. Happy birthday and I wish you many more happy, safe, and healthy birthdays to come.
Your precious Jennie
After he had read the letter, he wrapped his arms around her for a tight hug and began giving her kisses all over her face as she tried to escape while laughing.
As the days went by in December, BTS promoted Run on music shows. During one show, V had the opportunity to MC. The members were very eager to watch him in action. Jennie wondered when she'd have that random opportunity to MC for a music show. It seemed a bit intimidating with the script and having to do all this random stuff. But she hoped that when it was her time to do so, it would be fun and a great learning experience.
"Ah shit, I accidentally got foundation on your face." she noticed some of her makeup on the side of Tae's cheek after she kissed him for good luck. 
That helped calm his nerves since he was so nervous about MCing and he began to laugh at her struggling to wipe the brown makeup off. 
"Stop laughing! I'm tryna help!" she giggled
"Hehehe, thank you, I needed this laugh." He responded as a stylist came to fix his makeup.
"You are going to be just fine. Everyone gets nervous when they do stuff like this for the first time. But you're a natural on camera. You're always so silly and bring in that adorable charm that fans love. We'll be watching you backstage, cheering you on, mkay? Ennie will always support you. Don't forget that."
Taehyung gave her two big kisses on her cheeks as she laughed. 
"Oh, my gosh, Tae! You got my makeup on you again!"
And for Inkigayo with Rap Monster MCing, Jen and the rest of the members watched him from backstage.
"Bruh...I dunno what he was so nervous for. If he is, it clearly does not show on camera. Look at how smooth he is. He's doing so well." Jen said for a Bangtan Bomb.
On Music Bank, the members were hoping to get their first win for Run. Some members were asked what they thought about the possibility of getting their first win. 
Jen answered, "Prayer is a powerful thing, so I'm praying that we get this first win. And I have faith in ARMY. Things will be fine."
Thanks to ARMY's hard work, Bangtan got first place as the confetti came down on the stage. Fans screamed louder than ever for them as the members broke out into huge smiles, applauding as they received flowers from the MCs. It was nothing like getting a first win and it was something that they will honor every time they get it.
"Thank you ARMY! Love you!" Suga said over the mic.
Receiving the mic, Jen happily shouted, "ARMY, you rock! Thank you!"
"Thank you so much ARMY!" V spoke
"Thank you, everyone! Woo! We won first place!" Jimin waved as their song came on while the other idols left the stage.
Since Bangtan won first place, they wanted Jennie and Jungkook to perform Adult Ceremony to become an adult. So, making ARMY scream louder than they were before, the members continued to slowly bend down and do a little bit of the choreography while singing run and waving.
Rushing off stage, Rapmon happily said, "We got first place! Jungkookie and Ennie are now adults!"
"Thank you!" Suga blew a kiss
"Woo~ First win! Woo! BTS Run first win, woo!" Jennie yelled in front of the Bangtan Bomb camera, grabbing it and giving it a big kiss on the lens.
"We got first place! We got first place!" J-Hope excitedly yelled
"You've worked hard~!" Jungkook waved
"Wow~!" Jin showed off the award, looking at it in awe.
"We won an award!" Jimin said, with Taehyung having his arm around his shoulder.
Backstage, Jimin and Jennie were filmed together with J-Hope making funny faces in the background and hugging Jen from behind.
"Jennie, since you became an adult and won first place, what are your thoughts?" Jimin asked.
"First, ARMY, you did this for us, your hard work and dedication to supporting us is always appreciated. So again, thank you and we love you very much. And since I've become an adult, I can have all the smarties I want without no one telling me no, muhahahah~!" she laughed evilly.
"Muhahahah?" J-Hope questioned
"Muhahaha!" she answered back.
"Muhahahaha~!" he copied her.
"You two are very weird." Jimin laughed.
BTS were on another episode of Weekly Idol, discussing their RUN comeback. For random dancing, Coni mentioned, "As a way to motivate them so they don't make any more mistakes, what about giving a kiss to each other."
"Oh, that's really strong," J-Hope responded as the members looked astonished
"Who? Who?" Suga called out
"Say what now?" Jen added
"That's good, the first person to make a mistake will give a member a kiss on the cheek," Coni said
As the members began to dance, it started simple with no mistakes. But once Boy In Luv came on, it looked like Jungkook had messed up.
"Time out, time out. Jungkook!" Heechul exclaimed as they both went to him and J-Hope. 
They thought J-Hope's facial expressions were way too obvious and he acted like he didn't make a mistake.
"I was a bit confused," J-Hope admitted.
"Is it better to be kissed by Jungkook or by J-Hope?"
"Wouldn't it be better if they just kissed each other?" V suggested
"WOW!" everyone shouted.
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Jennie began laughing loudly as she saw the two poor boys cringing and taking a step back.
"Say, 'Let's not be wrong from now on', then hug and once...twice...do that." Coni demonstrated, kissing Jungkook on the cheek as he cringed. 
Jennie giggled at his reaction. He was just too cute. Soon Jungkook and J-Hope held hands and stood in front of each other.
"Hyung, let's...not make mistakes," Jungkook said as they went to hug each other.
"Euahhhhhhhh~!" J-Hope yelled as they reluctantly got close to each other's faces. "This is cruel!"
Once J-Hope had yelled and kissed his cheek, everyone had to push Jungkook's head near J-Hope's cheek to kiss him. The boys were so happy when the torture was over.
"Everyone, this time, instead of a kiss, do one hit on the wrist," Coni revealed the next punishment.
When they continued their next round of random dancing, this time Suga got confused when I Need U came on and sheepishly tried to explain himself. He exposed his wrist out for Jungkook to hit. 
"You have to kind of like it!" Heechul explained, demonstrating getting hit and dramatically saying, "Ah!"
It seemed too inappropriate for the broadcast as the members burst out in laughter.
"No, he did not just say that!" Jen laughed.
"That's too weird!" Suga exclaimed and got hit by Jin and Rapmon afterward.
"If you get it wrong the third time, this time, the butt." Coni demonstrated.
Jennie took a step back, exclaiming, "UH! UH!"
"UH UH!" "UH UH!" They replay her shocked sound effect as everyone laughed while she protectively covered her butt with her hands.
"I will knock somebody out," she announced, getting defensive, pounding her fist once against her palm.
Taehyung had accidentally slapped her ass during the War of Hormone era in one performance at a music show. She knew fans wanted the full story of how that happened. She planned to discuss it when she went to talk to JRE in January. 
Her ass was not going to get hit by anyone. Not today. Not the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and so on. You have to earn it to touch her ass. 
Jimin and Taehyung thought about Jennie messing up and trying to get Jungkook to be the one to give her the punishment, giggling to themselves.
As they danced again, War of Hormone came on and it popped up to Jen's verse.
Of course, it did...
Strutting to the front she danced powerfully.
...but I ain't you baby, you gotta earn that. 
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 
I'll tell you what I want right now! 
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! 
I ain't giving it to you right now!
She successfully got the moves right as the chorus continued. She was not letting anyone touch her booty. They can look but they can't touch. If anything, you gotta be her significant other first.
Once Boy in Luv came on, Jimin was finally caught. 
"We'll do the last punishment and after that, especially for you, we'll add another on top of that," Coni said. "The two MCs will hug Jimin and-"
"No," Jimin begged. "You don't have to do things like that." he fell to his knees and laughed
"A hug and a kiss," Heechul said while the members laughed and applauded.
Jennie, Suga, J-Hope, Taehyung and Jungkook gave Jimin pats on his butt and then he was hugged from behind by Heechul. When Jimin received kisses on the cheek, the members yelled, continuing to cringe.
During the next segment, BTS received phone calls from various fans who were very excited. The phone lines were down due to the high demand for Bangtan, which bewildered the members. One fan had spoken in English, talking to Jennie and she was moved that the fan was learning English to communicate with her. Jen made the fan feel good when she praised their English skills.
"So, what is this about Jin and Jennie wrestling?" Coni asked 
Jin and Jen glanced at each other and laughed while the members thought about the hilarious memories.
"That was a fun day." Jen happily nodded.
"That match didn't count because she cheated. I was supposed to win." Jin exclaimed
"You tapped out. It doesn't get much clearer than that, Jin."
"AHHHHHHH~!" the members said with their loud laughter filling the studio.
They had played the clip of Jennie putting Jin in an armbar and him tapping out while Jin became flustered. His ears got red as he tried to explain himself.
"Will there be a continuation?" Heechul asked. "Round two?"
"I mean, we could. You down?" Jen turned to Jin.
"I still need to win so of course." Jin nodded eagerly.
"I dunno about all that but anyway." she teased as Jin blankly stared at her. "I guess when we have some free time, we'll think of some funny promos and work on what we want to do for Jin vs Jen Part 2. Stay tuned."
As the show went on, with Rapmon struggling to cut an onion, they had their idol on the grill segment. The male members would be called Bulletproof Girl Scouts while Jennie would be called the Bulletproof Boy Scout. They recapped the female idols the boys wanted to get closest to and how Jennie was very interested in EXO. So the plan was to dance to an idol song and they'll be given Korean Beef.
"Jennie! Which EXO song would you like to perform?" she was asked.
"Call me baby~," she answered and stood up.
"Of course." Jimin giggled.
"Yes, we are fully aware that you love this group a lot. Especially Baekhyun." Coni teased.
"I hope that one day I could have the opportunity to collab with an EXO member." she brought up. "That would be so cool. I learn a lot from groups such as them when I watch them perform. It motivates me to work harder. Collabing with a group like EXO, I'm sure I can learn a lot from them. Even if it's just one member, a simple dance collab, or singing together, I'd be grateful."
"EXO if you are watching, what is your answer?" Coni asked.
As the song came on, it started with the chorus after Chanyeol's verse. It looked like she would have to do some eye-opening pelvic thrusts. She even had her hand on her crotch and thrust her hips up. It surprised the members along with her fluent body rolls and movement with the song. The MCs were impressed with her powerful movements and praised her. When Jen watched the rest of the members dance, she immediately covered her mouth when Rapmon danced to EXID's Up & Down.
When it was Jungkook's turn, he mentioned that he wasn't familiar with any IU songs and decided to dance Up & Down instead. Sure enough, being the extra Golden Maknae that he is, the MCs hyped him up while the members laughed. Jennie dropped her jaw when he started to thrust up and down.
"Whoa! Yeah! Whoa! Yeah!" the MCs yelled as he displayed a different personality once again.
'Did you hear what Jennie said on Weekly Idol!?' fans asked under Baekhyun's Instagram. 
What got everyone talking was that Baekhyun had only responded with a smiley emoji, causing everyone to flip out at the possibility.
Will SM Entertainment allow a member from EXO to collaborate with Jennie one day? 
And will Big Hit allow Jennie to collaborate with a member from EXO one day? 
These were questions on everyone's minds and it had been anticipated ever since she released that cover. It looked like they would have to stay tuned to find out.
When Christmas Eve came, Jennie and Jungkook spent the day playing video games in Jungkook's room.
"Jennie, later I want you to help me bake," Jin called out, walking past the room.
"I got you, just let me know!" she answered.
Jin examined the living room of the dorm with a smile. Christmas music was playing softly in the background and the tree was decorated. After a fierce game of rock, paper, scissors, Jin was the one to put the star on the tree.
"And what are you two doing, now?" he asked when Jimin and Taehyung were wandering around the dorm.
"Put one right here...right here...right there...and there..." Jimin placed mistletoes all around the dorm with Taehyung, in hopes to finally get JenKook to kiss. 
The 95 Liners wanted this done ASAP. 
This needed to happen TODAY.
"Why are you putting so many mistletoes up?" Jin asked
"Shhh, not so loud, you want them to notice?" Jimin shushed him.
"Jennie and Jungkook? Oh my gosh, Jimin, Taehyung, this is not going to work."
"Yeah. You two should give it up. You're doing too much..." Yoongi mumbled from the couch, lying down.
"I don't think that is going to work. Just let it go naturally, all right?" Namjoon added
"Oh come on! This will be a great opportunity!" Taehyung whined.
"I dunno what we are going to do with them." Jin sighed and went to the kitchen.
Later that day, Jen helped Jin with baking tons of cookies and placed the last remaining gifts under the tree. Jungkook joined in to make sure things were in order.
Meanwhile, Jimin and Taehyung watched JenKook's every move, hoping that they would get under one of the many mistletoes they put around the dorm. They waited all day and still had no success in getting them under the mistletoe. It began to frustrate the 95 Liners. 
It wasn't until later that evening they finally yelled, "Look who is under the mistletoe~!" when Jennie was right in front of Jungkook who was by the door in the bathroom and they looked up to see a mistletoe on top of the door.
"Oh. Oh wow." Jen chuckled softly.
Jungkook looked shooked once he saw it. He was not prepared as his hyungs were looking on in anticipation and cheering. The pressure was starting to get to him and he began to feel overwhelmed. 
"I mean, you wanna...?" Jen's voice brought him back to reality as she was waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to do.
"U-uh, sorry." he quickly rushed away, flustered, going to his room.
That did not sit well with the 95 Liners.
"JEON JUNGKOOOOOOOOOOOK!" Jimin yelled in anguish, falling to his knees.
"NO!" Taehyung rushed after him with Jimin.
Jennie laughed at how silly they were acting. "Guys, it's all good! Relax!" she reassured. "Anyway, I gotta pee."
She, however, did deep down feel a little disappointed that he decided not to kiss her. But brushed the feeling aside. She shouldn't take it personally. He probably didn't want to be put on the spot like that. She understood.
With Jungkook who was trying to calm himself down in his room, he was a little angry at himself for chickening out but he wanted to kiss her without anyone looking. He wanted to do stuff like that in private. Alone, with no one else around or in another room nearby. But with his hyungs all around him like this, that wasn't going to work. 
If they were truly alone, he would relax and show her a real kiss like he always dreamed about.
Once it was past 12am, Christmas Day, Jen had been cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen while everyone else had settled into their room. Hearing footsteps, she glanced up to see Jungkook strolling into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
"Ah, so you finally came out of your room," she called out as she watched him avert his eyes and set the water down on the counter. "Am I that unkissable?" she teased.
As soon as she said that, he looked up, widening his eyes. "N-no! It's not that, i-it's just..."
"Hey, it's fine, don't worry about it. I understand. It's a lot of pressure being put on the spot like that. I'm not one for kissing in front of an audience like that, myself."
"Kook, it's fine. Really. I get it."
"I wanted to. I wanted to kiss you."
That caught her by surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah. I wanted to. I still do," he responded and saw her smile instantly from his words.
While JenKook talked, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hobi were spying on them from afar. The three tried not to make any noise as they eagerly watched them.
"What are you two doing-"
"Shh!" they cut Jin off and brought him close to them so he wouldn't get noticed.
"Oh my gosh...if they would just look up already. I planted a mistletoe right in the kitchen." Jimin complained in a hushed voice
"I know~," Taehyung whined.
"Now, what if this doesn't work?" Jin called out
"It will work! It better work!" Jimin grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him.
"W-we can always try New Year's!"
"No! Jimin and I want this done now! Long overdue! One step closer to our wonderful ship to sail." Taehyung replied
Back with JenKook, Jennie looked at him. Something in her stomach flipped and part of her felt thrilled that he wanted to kiss her. Throughout the entire rest of the day after the first attempt, she had that feeling in the back of her mind that she wanted to kiss him. But she couldn't understand why.
Should she be feeling this way?
Jungkook soon looked up and noticed that there was a mistletoe right over him, causing butterflies in his stomach and excitement.
The boys spying on them became so giddy that their cover was almost blown when they saw them find out.
Jennie and Jungkook stood in the kitchen in a comfortable silence, glancing up at the mistletoe and back at each other.
Did she want to kiss him? Should he make a move?
Noticing him trying to figure out what to do, Jennie decided to take the lead, slowly walking forward and gently grabbing his hands. As she looked up at him, she realized how much she loved how her soft hands fit nicely with his large ones and how handsome he looked up close. 
Standing on top of his feet, she raised herself up on her tippy toes until she was right at his face. The faint Christmas music was heard in the background as they spent a moment looking at each other.
"Oh my God, oh my God, it's happening..." Taehyung fanboyed with Jimin in quiet voices as they looked on.
Jungkook watched her lean in, closing her eyes and he soon did the same until their lips met, softly. He felt so many emotions as he kissed her and even faintly tasted peppermint on her lips from the candy cane she had eaten earlier.
As soon as they saw them lock lips, Jimin and Taehyung covered their mouths before they screamed for joy. The two fell to the ground, rolling around in excitement while Hobi and Jin were jumping around in glee, back in the bedroom.
Jennie felt something strong behind such a simple mistletoe kiss with her best friend as she gently pulled away, releasing his hands. She felt her heart rate increase while Jungkook felt his cheeks flushed. 
"There. Not so bad, right?" she took a step back and smiled softly. "Merry Christmas, Kookie."
Watching her walk to her room to go to bed, Jungkook touched his lips and let out a soft chuckle, overjoyed. Her lips were softer than he expected. Big difference from Rookie King.
Reminiscing on the moment he shared with her, he wanted to kiss her more than just once like they just did. The kiss felt too quick for him and he made a promise that the next time they kissed on the lips, he'd show her a real kiss to prove how much she meant to him. 
"Merry Christmas!" Taehyung dove on top of Jennie on her bed as she let out a groan. 
It was too early for this. She was just dreaming about Nike finally noticing her and allowing her to endorse their stuff.
"Merry Christmas~!" Jimin ran in to dive on top of Tae, causing her to let out another groan.
"Merry Christmas~!" Jungkook jumped on top of Jimin while Jennie continued to deal with the torture of heavy bodies on her back.
She muffled something against her pillow while the Maknae Line tried to comprehend what she was saying.
"Guys, I think we're crushing her, hehehe." Taehyung giggled as they all got off of her.
She rolled out of bed and stood up. "Ow, my back...why are y'all so damn heavy?"
"Come on, we wanna open up presents! But Jin is making us eat breakfast, first! Let's go! Get a move on!" Taehyung dragged her out of the room to meet with the rest of the members. 
Saying their good mornings, they sat to eat.
As breakfast went along, Jimin mischievously asked with a smirk, "So...did anyone get caught under the mistletoe, last night?"
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Jungkook instantly narrowed his eyes at him but then glanced at Jennie. She looked unfazed and not bothered by the question.
"What about you Jennie? Kiss anyone last night?" Hobi asked.
"You kissed someone last night?" Yoongi asked with sleep in his voice.
"Who'd you smooch?" Namjoon asked with interest.
"I'm just glad there wasn't any tongue." Jin blurted out
"Wow, you just exposed yourself. You were spying." Jen called out, making Jin flustered.
"Darn it Jin!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"Come on!" Jimin yelled.
"Who kissed who?" Namjoon kept asking.
"She kissed Jungkook last night!" Taehyung announced loud and proud.
Jungkook felt himself blushing and looking down. He could never get a break from his hyungs. 
"Did you like the kiss?" Hobi asked with a smile.
"Sorry, but I don't kiss and tell." she smiled and placed her dishes in the sink.
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justcallmefox89 · 1 year
Cinderfella's Adventures in Cordonia Masterlist
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
Callum's Playlist * Lord Huron - The Night We Met * Allen Stone - Consider Me * Sleep Token - Chokehold * Hozier - Tell It To My Heart * LP - The One That You Love * Wonho - Losing You * The Struts - One Night Only * Foxy Shazam - Holy Touch * Post Malone - I Fall Apart * Meg Myers - Desire * Jidenna - Little Bit More * Troye Sivan - Rush * Foster the People - Sit Next to Me * James Bay - Us * Foy Vance - She Burns * The Civil Wars - Poison and Wine * Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Things I Never Needed *LP - Switchblade *The Killers - Romeo and Juliet
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Chapter One - The Meet Cute
Chapter Two - Callum gets his first taste of life in Cordonia, reunites with Liam, and meets his competition.
Chapter Three - Liam and Callum enjoy some time alone together, Callum meets the other Beaumont brother, and Liam makes an uncomfortable request.
Chapter Four - Callum sees Liam for the first time since the conversation in the garden, Bastien keeps a close eye on the American, and Constantine reveals how he truly feels about some of the suitors.
Chapter Five - Callum encounters Madeline for the first time and the group sneaks out of the palace for a nighttime pastry run.  Bastien discovers one of Callum’s secrets.
Chapter Six - Bastien and Liam finally learn the shocking truth about Callum’s life in America.
Chapter Seven - The court visits Lythikos, Callum and Liam heat things up.
Chapter Eight - On the last night in Lythikos Callum reaches his breaking point.
Chapter Nine - Liam and Callum learn that there are some choices that you can’t take back, and everything has a consequence.
Chapter Ten - It’s been over a year since Callum fled Cordonia in disgrace and went into hiding, but now some familiar faces are back in New York and searching for their missing friend.
Chapter Eleven - It’s too late to turn back now.
Chapter Twelve - Drake, Hana, and Maxwell reveal their grand plan; Drake makes a confession. 
Chapter Thirteen - Thirteen has always been Drake’s lucky number. 
Chapter Fourteen - Callum realizes he isn’t as over Liam as he thought he was.
Chapter Fifteen - The truth always comes out.
Chapter Sixteen - It all comes out.
Chapter Seventeen - Callum speaks to his former competition and receives an offer from Madeline.
Chapter Eighteen - A late night visit to Callum results in an unexpected offer and an explosive argument. Bonus: Papa MacKenzie makes an appearance!
Chapter Nineteen - Liam finally faces the consequences of his actions.
Chapter Twenty - Drake and Liam learn more about Callum's past.
Chapter Twenty - One - Callum makes a request.
Chapter Twenty-Two - Callum and Liam battle it out and Drake chooses a side.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Return to Cordonia.
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pajarinwrites · 5 months
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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pretty screaming my name @iibonniee 1.4k unprotected, size, nakadashi...... i can neither deny nor confirm the rumours that these are some of my biggest kinks. pls stop asking.
torture @wasteitonserendipity 0.7k sub!hyunwoo; personally, i think we should start a petition to get a fleshed out version of this; who are you torturing?? me?? (pls give me more)
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nothing yet
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Human anatomy and physiology ✨ @iibonniee professor!minhyuk, i'm always a slut for professors; and blowjobs; and teasing men; this might be my favourite out of all the mx fan fiction i've read so far
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the best part @frenchkisstheabyss 0.9k i am once again asking you to make their stupid good fics longer oh my lord pls
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morning daze ✨ @irregular-idol-imagines 0.7k another one on the ever growing list of MONBEBE-FOR-THE-LOVE-OF-EVERYTHING-GOOD-AND-HOLY-WRITE-A-WHOLE-FIC-PLEASE; its way too short, i wish hyungwon was ogling me much longer than for 700 words, love the way he's charaterised in this
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nothing yet
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(in)convenient ✨ @sluttywonwoo 4.4k fakeeee datiiiing with iiim changkyuun, AHHHHH, i swear carats are just better writers than anyone else, the shit i find for svt (and for other groups by ppl with carat handles) never disappoints?? what is up carats??, this was posted in 2022 though so i don't know if i can hope for the continuation :(((, one of my fave lines: "What was wrong with you? Literally what the fuck was wrong with you?"
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starguk-seoulstars · 10 months
Working on new muse page. I should have a few done within my lunch break. But here is a list of muses that I have, please feel free to ask about them if wanting to interact with them:
Hyunjin: Art student (Info up)
Agron: Illyrian General (FC: Bangchan) (Info up)
Greis: Illyrian Spy (FC: Hyunjin) (Info up)
Bardhyll: High Lord (FC: Johnny) (Info up)
Elros (FC: Felix) (info up)
Aeden (FC: Yeosang) (Info up)
Hades: God of the Underworld (FC: Mingi) (no pic, info up)
Hoseok/Wonho: Idol (no pic, info up)
Emilio Visco: Mob boss (FC: Changbin) (info up)
Owen Zanella: Mafia right hand (FC: Wooyoung) (info up)
Artemis: Assassin (FC: San) (info up)
Nyx: Assassin (FC: Seonghwa) (info up)
Ambrose: witch (FC: seoho) (info up)
Hanse: Florist
Han: Model
Hongjoong: warrior (deep back story) (info up)
Felix: Baker
Yunho: Comic book store owner
Seonghwa: Prince
Byungchan (wolf shifter): photography student
Fenrir (wolf shifter): FC- Bangchan
Changkyun (wolf shifter)
Minhyuk (wolf shifter): photographer
Seokjin version 1 (wolf shifter)
Seokjin version 2 (fashion designer)
Tyr (wolf shifter): FC- Yeosang
Kihyun: baker
Yongguk: Solo artist/ producer
Mark: Vampire
Jackson: Figure skater
Hermes (FC: Seongmin)
Leedo: dance instructor
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ncb0y · 1 year
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It was not today , but wonho posted these on Easter Day and I remember my day went
Thank you Lord
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hxhrendezvous · 2 years
Changkyun’s MBTI Type - INTP
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Changkyun’s MBTI Type - INTP
Why I type him as an INTP?
Well, there are several reasons that I got from my intuition that he is definitely an INTP. Yet, don’t come at me for my uncomperhensive reasonings as I’m not as descriptive and organized at vocalizing my thoughts as an INTJ would do.
Okay so, one thing we can see is his style of humor. It’s a humor that doesn’t hurt anybody, a fresh kind that doesn’t really related to anybody but still crack us up. it’s very pure and it reminds me of socrates funny quotes “Falling down is not a failure, Failure comes when you stay where you are fallen” It’s something that is so obvious that makes me go, “yeah of course duh, jeez lord it is what it is, like if you keep staying in your fallen position, it means you’re not getting up, and of course that means a failure because you don’t get up” 
see what I mean? It comes from a pure minded soul. (I’m not saying a pure hearted soul, mind you..)
It is just what it is like another quote from socrates “the true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.” Like… duh, yes, also no, but in a way it is still a definite yes.
And it also happens that Socrates is Changkyun’s favorite philosopher, he’s even recommending a book titled, “Negotiating with Socrates” and one of his slogan is “I am what I am.”
Okay that’s just me connecting the dots but you see I have preference for anything that has a pattern.
And then there is his spontaneity and wittiness with a comeback or remarks at his member’s words. Always have something to say at a split second and what come out of that mouth is something clever or funny that doesn’t relate anything to anyone. It means he has a high functioning Ti as what comes to his mind is purely an information. He display empathy toward others but always followed by a reasonings of being a good man. It’s different than Wonho’s empathy which you can see is very focused on the person he is helping. Changkyun is the least to be seen protecting his member when one of them is being bullied. he kinda enjoy the teasing because teasing has a form of creativity to it and it might bring pleasure to his mind. Or it is just his introvertedness in play because he doesn’t adopt anybody like an extrovert do.
and then talking about creativity there is Ne in him. Spontaneity, wittiness, unconventional, and possibilities are what come in mind when we talk about Ne. I think it is self-explanatory that we could see those traits in him. He ever said to write lyrics in the pov of  withering flower. I think that comes up spontaneously in his mind the possibilities of how a dying flower will look at a human.
Then tertiary Si, which usually is connected to how someone is very proud of his upbringing, his background. Changkyun always bring his upbringing in the way he interpreted himself. Like his mother is more emotional and his father is more rational, which one he is more likely to be. I don’t have Si, so I’m not very proud of where I come from let alone thinking how it will influenced me because I didn’t record that sensation of belonging in a culture to be one of their tribe. As an Se user I’m more about feeling the sensation a culture bring to me if it pleasure my senses or not, unlike him who think it will influenced his well being.
Lastly, inferior Fe. He does have empathy for others and not thinking about how it will felt for himself like an Fi user will be. Since it is an inferior function it doesn’t show well or enough for people to see and categorize him as someone with empathy. Although it shows in how he takes care of his members, how he doesn’t insult them, how he is thoughtful about their feelings. We can see the difference from Fi user, I think he even consider his own feeling might affect his physical world or his members, rather than having confidence in his own feeling and not budging about it. The only time we see he is not budging is about his opinion and preference. Because that’s Ti for you, we have an internalized system about why we believe that something could be true.
So, there you have it Changkyun is an INTP.
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venusrising91 · 1 year
King Lee
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Pairing: Wonho x Female reader (+ brief mention of Wonho x Male)
Genre: Smut ( no plot in sight lol, just something short to read before bed )
Summary: Powerful and handsome; King Lee beds many concubines. Though he grows bored of them after a single night. Will you be any different?
Word count: 1074
T/W: DubCon
The king's lust was rumored to be insatiable. He never called upon the same concubine. 
Each night there was a new face in his bedchamber, a new body to ravish. Tonight he would bed a young man— lean and muscular with a face even the prettiest maiden envied. Surely he would be the one to leave the king smitten, to break his unending streak of never repeating conquests. You were certain of it. 
His name was Delios and his rank was low, just a courtier. But his bottom was plump and his abdomen taut. You’d attended to him days ago in the baths, cleansing the smooth golden skin, stealing glances at the nude flesh when you thought he wasn’t looking. He caught you of course.
    “You needn't be shy of staring, I know it well, how I look,” he’d said, a haughty raise of a black eyebrow flashing above his hazel eyes. “I am a work of art, they say. The king will never tire of me. After this night, you’ll see much of me here, so look all you wish.”
You had been too shy to respond. It was not your place anyway. You were just a servant girl. But his boasts were valid enough, after all, many of the nobles and courtiers desired him. The servants too. Why shouldn’t he satisfy King Lee’s appetite? He was neither dull nor plain, like many of the lovers that filtered through his royal bed. The king liked beautiful things. And Delios was the most winsome man you’d known of.
Later that night, you escorted him to the king's bedchamber and waited to be dismissed, eyes glued to the floor, head down.
 King Lee waltzed into the room and with a wave of his hand you were relieved of your duty. 
The moans started before you’d even made it down the hallway. You paused and pressed your ear against the walls. The slapping of flesh against flesh could be heard even through the wood.
"Yes my king! Fuck me. Fill me. I am yours.” Delios’ breathy pleas and mewls spilled into the corridors, echoing in your head as you made your way to your quarters. 
Above your bed was the servant’s bell. You glanced at it, content in the knowledge that it would not ring tonight. Delios would keep the king busy well into the morning, and perhaps even the next night. You closed your eyes and welcomed sleep.
But short hours later, the shrill sound of its ringing woke you.
You sat bolt upright and stumbled out of bed, slipping the servant’s uniform over yourself.
King Lee’s back faced you as you entered his chamber, broad and like the cream of ivory. Delios was nowhere in sight.
“Remove these sheets, bring new ones,” he ordered.
“Yes, my lord,” you replied. And then without thinking you said, “Delios? Was he not pleasurable?” Your breath caught in your throat as your sleep stupid brain registered what you’d just done. The king whipped around to glare at you. He would be well within jurisdiction to flog you for insolence. His gaze flitted over you, lingered on your face, then trailed down to your uniform. You wanted to kick yourself.
“Not only have you spoken out of turn. But you come to me in ill attire?”
You wrinkled your brow.
“Your uniform. It is on backwards.”
You flushed in shame, heat rising in your eyes.
“I am sorry, please. It was—”
“Take it off.”
Shock and silence merged to form your panicked expression.
“But my lord I—”
“I will not say it again.” The king fixed his brown eyes on you, burning you through with their intensity. He had never looked at you before— never saw you as he did now. His intent gaze had you shivering.
You stripped and he regarded you for a moment. Decided he liked what was before him.  His hands were on you in an instant, kneading circles against your breasts. He bent and suckled one.
You gasped.
“My l-lord. You mustn’t—”
“Do not presume to command me. You are a servant. Are you not?”
A sheepish nod.
“I am.”
“Then serve me. With your body. For it pleases me—lowly though it may be. Is it not your duty? Your wish?”
Another nod. Your words couldn’t quite find their way out. The king smirked then, plump lips parting in ridicule. You pressed a kiss into them, unable to resist their plush temptation. 
Quickly you drew back, panting and somehow even more shy than you had been. But the king smiled and granted you his tongue. It swirled first along the bud of your nipple, cries escaped you as it puckered under the wet muscle.
King Lee lifted you, transferring your willing body onto his bed and spreading you. He tasted your slick, launching hard sucks around your bundle of nerves.
You could not hold back your whimpers. He paused and looked up at you.
“Do you want more?”
Again all you could manage was a nod.
“Whoever heard of a needy servant girl,” he chided, still licking you, “Very well then, open wider for me, darling.”
You lost count of the hours—of the orgasms. All from his mouth alone. When he had his fill, he flipped you over. The strokes were deep and glorious. The stretch of them sent your eyes rolling back.
“A needy servant with a needier cunt. Tell me, do you like being filled by your king?” A hard slap on your bare cheeks galvanized you to answer.
“Yes!” you cried, still in half disbelief the noble king was bedding you— a lowly servant.
He flipped you onto your back, thrusting into you, eyes holding you in a trance. The roll of his hips drew out your spray. His rhythm was unrelenting and the hot stream of it drenched the king's sculpted abdomen. He pulled out and watched you tremble with the high, rubbing circles onto your clit, drawing out every bit of your release.
“Look at you, fucked to ruins already. I’ve hardly even begun,” he taunted. All you could do was tremble and shudder.
“Please, my lord. No more. I can’t.”
“You can’t?” he echoed, laying beside you, smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.
“I cannot come again. I will pass out. It has been all night.”
“So it has,” he thumbed your bottom lip, biting down on his own. “Well, there is always tomorrow night.”
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princesscatalina99 · 2 years
Roleplaying roles I would look for
Android 17
Android 18
Bang Chan
Black Adam
Black Canary
Black Mask
Blaise Zabini
Bucky Barnes
Captain Hook
Cassian Andor
Cedric Diggory
Cheng Xiao
Chung Ha
Dean Thomas
Doctor Strange
Draco Malfoy
Edward Cullen
Eric Nam
General Hux
Green Arrow
Harley Quinn
Hyunjin (stray kids)
Jacob Black
Jason Todd
John Constantine
Kylo Ren
Lee Seoyeon
Lex Luthor
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Matt Murdock
Neville Longbottom
Peter Pan
Poison Ivy
Selina Kyle
Soobin (txt)
Taehyun (txt)
Tom Riddle
Wanda Maximoff
Yuki (purple kiss)
Comment or message me if you’re interested in doing any..
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sonsband · 2 months
I'm cranky and have an incredibly short fuse today but they played Wonho over the speakers so I'll try to remember the words of Our Lord and keep an open mind
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i said that this would be primarily a cix fan account and then the first work of mine that i post is not cix smh im a disgrace forgive me fix's
thjis shit has been withering away in my storage for like two years and i can tell it's that old because there are proper capitals. i haven't looked at it since july 2020. and i don't think i will after this. Haha! it's a monsta x fanfiction that is based off of and inspired by their dramarama mv because i was absolutely obsessed with the song and its storyline. i have no fukin clue where i was going with it <3
i'm generally pretty embarrassed of my older works from at least a year ago lord help me but! i dont know any of u ppl and i am completely fine with crying myself to sleep tonight over this so it's all gucci
it seems like this was going to be hyungwon x wonho pairing but idk wtf i was thinking tbh i am probably never going to finish it or think about it ever again <3
i hope u enjoy! thx lov u
Four watches.
He had four watches.
He actually never thought of ever giving them away at first. He wanted to keep them to himself, hidden away from the world to never have another touch or see them. It was never meant to be handled by anyone who didn't deserve it. It wasn't smart that way. The wrong hands could be seen from the wrong eyes, and the wrong eyes could lead to the wrong words meeting the wrong ears. The less that knew of this privilege, the better. Besides, he didn’t want tainted hands to rust the precious metal anyways.
So he concealed the watches in a cheap wooden box for years. Nothing special - no lock or code. Because it wasn't special. He didn't want it to seem special to him, so he left it on a shelf in plain sight too. He was playing smart. He was playing safe.
To be fair, he didn't want to take up this responsibility to begin with. It was never handed down from generation to generation, and it wasn't created to be. It was just something his father miraculously invented for his own enjoyment. Then when his parents passed away abruptly in a tragic car accident that involved the three of them, he really wanted to turn back time. He almost blamed himself for being the sole survivor. It wasn't careful, the way he took over what his father used to do. It was driven by grief. The invention is still very new.
Sadly, being new and different has its disadvantages. Everyone is terrified of the power which comes from it. Because they are scared, of course, measures must be taken to ease the fear.
Time skipping is illegal.
He wouldn't have cared much back then. But now, it nearly made Hyungwon want to scream.
He didn't, though. He stayed calm, cool and collected, like he always did, with the same passive, unreadable expression. He acted like any other civilian - relieved that the police finally took action. He acted like he wasn't a time skipper himself. It only had become apparent and known because of his father, who was overexcited and cocky with it. His father skipped all around the town - boasted to everyone he knew. Even made copies of the watches for others to have. Like the domino effect, one person knew, and then that person told another, and it continued until it was heard from authorities. Then the authorities sent out secret agents.
Those secret agents seem to be everywhere.
Hyungwon has learned, now, where their blind spots are.
One blind spot is a single-room hideaway in which he resides. It is his home. His safe haven. His sanctuary. Everything that is inside it is his, and his only, except for the watches. No one else has set foot in it but him and the watches. The only things in there that hold any significance are the watches.
It's always about the watches.
And as he realizes this, Hyungwon thinks that maybe - just maybe - he should finally take a look at them.
So he did. The box which he hadn't touched or even remotely thought about for years was off of its shelf and onto his desk. Back then, he wouldn't have made it this far with the watches. He would have never thought to touch or wear them. He didn't want the burden of being an heir to such a thing, but lately things have more than prodded at his mind. He found himself glancing at the box more often than not these days, and he wanted to know why. So he opened the box and took out the first watch he saw.
The glass was shattered - no doubt the rest of it was broken too. He precisely remembered this one, and the memories that followed it, like it was haunted by a ghost. Plagued by some kind of evil. Back then, he would've choked up at the sight. He was better now. This was the watch his father wore when he died. It was the only broken one amongst the rest, and the only to hold such a weight of emotions. But Hyungwon didn't feel that weight anymore.
Instead, he found a purpose. A desire to fix it.
And maybe, Hyungwon thought, just maybe, it might be time to give the others away too.
Hyungwon knew it would be difficult, choosing who he decided was worthy enough to wield something so special. He gathered together parts and tools, splaying them all across his desk which used to be so neat. He didn't mind it anymore. In between fixing his father's old watch, he went out more often. He observed from afar, a skill that he excelled in, as he was always so silent and attentive. When he came home, he went straight back to the broken watch. Eventually he stopped counting the days that went by - he was almost embarrassed at how long it was taking him.
It was late at night now. Hyungwon had just gotten home; after throwing his jacket, keys and wallet onto his unmade bed, he plopped himself down onto his chair. He picked up a tool and immediately resumed back to the work he left on his desk. It hadn't been that long since he started before he heard a dull thud. He paused, and then heard it again, quickly learning that it was a knock at his door.
"I-I'm sorry. Are-are you Hyungwon? Chae Hyungwon?"
He looked down towards the voice of a slightly disheveled man with short raven-colored hair and bangs that were damp against his forehead. His dark, wide eyes stared up at him, filled with a sense of distress. Hyungwon kept the door cracked enough for his head to fit through and that was it.
"Did you follow me here?" Hyungwon questioned warily.
Then those dark eyes looked away in shame, "Uh, yeah, I'm sorry. I need- I need your help."
"My help? Why mine?"
"Your father," the man started, before bringing his tone down to a soft murmur, "He was a time traveller, right?"
Hyungwon couldn't control the sharpness in his response, "Time skipper."
"So it's true?"
Hyungwon then realized that he had basically confirmed the other's suspicions. There was silence for a time, as Hyungwon pondered his next course of action - whether to trust the guy or not. He figured he looked innocent enough to, but he didn't fail to catch how big and well-muscled his arms were. It was obvious that Hyungwon would be no match against a fist fight with the man, especially with his own lanky stature. Finally, he just rolled his eyes, throwing the thought away and opening the door enough to allow the other inside.
To the taller's surprise, the stranger didn't comment on how small and unhomely it seemed in there as he invited himself to take a seat on the bed. Hyungwon did notice, though, how his gaze had settled on his desk for just a bit too long. Hyungwon probably thought more of it than he should, almost believing that he would try to take a watch then run with it. Instead, the man looked away, towards Hyungwon to follow his every move.
"I'm Lee Hoseok - just call me Wonho."
Hyungwon sat down at his desk, heaving a sigh, "Why are you here, Wonho?"
"Well, I- uh," he swallowed thickly before continuing, "I was hoping you had an extra watch. And if I could… borrow it."
"Borrow? A watch?"
Wonho was squirming in his spot, tripping over words before finally getting something out, "To meet a friend I have. Back… back in time. We were very close, and then we got separated… used to visit him so we could practice Kumdo."
"How did you two get separated?"
"I… I used to be a time skipper, until I got caught." the visitor grew quieter, "Took my watch and everything."
It was silent, silent and tense from the stranger's perspective. Hyungwon's stare never wavered as he thought long and hard about the man in front of him, begging for his assistance, basically. Then he slowly turned his head to stare at his watches - his oh, so precious watches - which still resided in the open box sat atop his desk. Then he looked back, staring into lost, pleading eyes.
"Please…" Wonho breathed, "You have no idea how long I've been looking for you."
Hyungwon murmured, "How long?"
He had told him that he was searching for months - almost a year even. In the comfort of Hyungwon's hideaway, which avoided all eyes and ears except for those inside the room, he listened to the stranger intently, nodding every so often in understanding. Wonho told him about how his father was a friend of Hyungwon's father, and he had given him a watch as a gift. It was then eventually handed down to Wonho, who met his friend, Hyunwoo, with it. The conversation branched off when he began talking about Hyunwoo.
"He was very… patient… and gentle," Wonho spoke thoughtfully, "He's the reason I got into Kumdo. Turns out he's a pretty good instructor, too."
"Until you were caught?"
"Until I was caught." he nodded sadly, "Two men, they held me down, ripped the watch right off of my wrist and then left."
Soon after, Hyungwon was returning the favor by telling the other about himself. He told him about how bold his father had been upon coming across the invention of time skipping. How famous he became for such a thing, and that he knew lots of people, while Hyungwon was quite the opposite growing up. Because of that, though, many people also didn't like his father - he would find himself in trouble occasionally. Hyungwon remembered when his father had gotten beaten up because he wouldn't give away the blueprints of the watch he created. His father saw Hyungwon as the perfect watch-bearer, though he would turn down the opportunity as he wasn't interested then. Hyungwon almost despised the idea of carrying such a power, and didn't like the responsibility of it.
"Only my father knows how to make these," Hyungwon said while gazing down at the watch in his grasp, "It's dying out as soon as it became known."
"Do you want it to die out?"
"Not exactly," he murmured, "I just don't mind if it does."
By the end of their conversation, they could pretty much consider themselves as friends. It was strange to Hyungwon, as he let him in so easily just because they had similar backgrounds, but it wasn't like either of them were complaining.
"You can have it."
Wonho blinked, "What?"
"You can have the watch."
"I… really?"
There was certainly no way Hyungwon could turn back now, but somehow he knew that he wouldn't regret the decision, after seeing how the other lit up like nothing else. So he gave him a watch. Took it out of the box carefully, thumbing at the cool metal with a long look before handing it out. Wonho accepted it just as gently, to the taller's appreciation.
"Take care of it, and stay safe." Hyungwon said.
Wonho smiled, "I will."
Before anything else, the visitor disappeared out of thin air.
Hyongwon had already assumed that he wouldn't see the man again, and he didn't mind that thought too much. He wasn't a very talkative guy - not entirely antisocial or awkward, but rather indifferent about anything that comes at him. He didn't exactly thrive off of having and keeping a relationship of any sort. Not that he didn't try to keep one, it just hasn't always worked out too well for him. So he's basically learned to just take whatever life will give at this point.
Weeks passed since his encounter with Wonho, and only little progress has been made with his father's broken watch. He begins debating on whether he should just give up or not after his first mild breakdown. It's early in the afternoon when this happens. He finds himself growing increasingly frustrated as he picks and prods at the object, wondering what more he could do. This is also when he wishes he had asked his father to teach him the ways of time skipping, back when he was alive. Hyungwon never really thought that he would be in this position though.
But why was he, though? Why did he feel so drawn to the stupid thing?
He finally lets out a yell, dropping everything back down on the desk. He pushed himself away from the scene, hunching over in his seat with his head in his hands. This was supposed to help him cool off; instead, his mind continued to pester him. It reminded him of the car crash, his parents laying lifeless against the dashboard. He hadn't thought about the incident in years, hadn't thought about how broke and lost he was. He realizes just now, as a single tear falls past his cheek, that he still feels a little bit lost.
"Ah, s-sorry- uh, H-Hyungwon-ah?"
Hyungwon's head shot up to the voice, eyes widening and mouth agape at the man standing before him. Wonho.
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
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