When did each of the fallen children fall into the underground?
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(Might update designs, however those dates should be the same)
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godlessbroadcast · 4 years
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A few other misc drawings. 1- redraw of a high school oc, Lorenon 2- Attempt at redesigning my ghost/demonsona 3- A commission for an emblem for someone on Instagram 4- An art trade for someone on Instagram
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So why can't humans absorb other human souls?
It's opposites which attract? It'd be like trying to mash two same shape puzzle pieces together and expecting them to fit.
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How do skeletons eyes work? Like wouldent they just have no eyes? Some monsters can see without pupils so we know technachly they dont need them, so like what do they do besides seeing?
They see, they show emotion, they expel excess magic. That's something most common in skeletons, the glowing eyes. I mean, it's something all powerful Monsters do, glow their eyes to expel excess magic, however it's most prominent in skeletons.
Now, technically they can do that in other ways. And yeah, they should just not have any eyes. Just eye sockets. And technically they do. What we perceive as a skeleton's eye is really an eye light. And it's something skeletons didn't originally have. When skeletons first came to be, they didn't have eye lights. They looks exactly like Human skeletons. Overtime however, to be seen as more approachable and friendly, they evolved eye lights. Much like they evolved friendlier looking skulls and simplified skeletal structures. Even if they're Monsters, Skeletons (and most all Monsters) still come from Humans and are still social creatures like us. And since their magic causes them to evolved much faster than Humans, over time Skeletons took that as an opportunity.
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How did soul traits get discovered in the first place?
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Meme made by @amalgamate09
*Clears throat* Hm Hmm! Excuse me. Anyways, since Monster (and really any magic user) have the the ability to summon souls (like through telekinesis or just during battle) it didn't take long for people to realize that people's soul colors often lined up with their personalities. The first person to actually attempt to categorize soul traits was Dr. Trite Nox, who proposed that the souls should be categorized by heat signature. With Determination being the hottest and Kindness being the coldest. This wasn't really the best way to categorize them however since Bravery and Perseverance had similar heat signatures, as well as it was later discovered that the reason for different traits having different heat signatures was due to the amounts of DT in them. Sometime after Nox, another scientist by the name of Dr. Casper Trench noticed the different types of magic associated with the soul traits, as well as how they related to each other and how common it was for children born of parents of two different traits would either share a trait with one parent or have a combination of both. Trench went on to create a new chart. However it was rather convoluted and many people didn't understand it until year later when Dr. Stephen March simplified and refined Trench's theory into the modern understanding of souls and their traits. A few years after it was added onto after the discovery of the first Balance soul in the early 1900s by adding Love, Hatred and Balance. Up until then, the understandings of Love and Hatred had been purely religious (to this day, there's much unknown about them and they're still seen as very religious.)
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So Rude buster, what kind of magic would it be in ish? Just like, non attribute or something?
I guess that depends on Suzy's soul trait. However most likely, I'm gonna have to wait and see how the rest of Deltarune turns out before tackling the magic attacks seen in it.
Though I'm leaning on Perseverance or Determination.
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So how does the family feel about the various ships across the au's? With the multiverse being infinite, everyone will eventually be paired with everyone else, so things tend to get pretty gross.
For the most part, they don't mind. They all have their own individual nuanced takes on the situation, but generally have come to terms with it.
Frisk- "I think other AU Charisk and Chasriel couples are cute! However in this AU, me, Chara and Azzie are siblings. Please don't ship us."
Chara- "Please don't ship me and Asriel. In this world, we're siblings. I don't care about other AUs where we don't consider each other siblings, but not here please."
Asriel- "Chasriel is cool, however 1. in this specific universe, we're siblings and this Chara is gay." "Hmm? Wait do people actually ship me with Mad Mew Mew? ... Huh. I don't think the age difference really works for that in this AU but cool. I honestly think Maddie's aroace in this AU too."
Exriel- "The internet and shipping confuse me and so far the only 'ship' involving me I could find is with Temmie... Guys. Those 'things' have the mental capacity of a 3 year old and are weird. Honestly I don't really care what other universe Mes do. I'm just confused in general."
Toriel- "Well, this is certainly interesting I will say. Though I'm not interested in QC, the bunny who runs the Diner, I will say she's a fine lady and perhaps in an alternate universe, I could indeed see us together! As for the versions of me who have decided to stay with Asgore or get back with him... I don't really care. I suppose it's none of my business and while I have, somewhat, forgiven Asgore and we are now considered friendly, I have moved on."
Sans- "first, i never expected there to be so much ships of me. including me with... me. huh. whatever. sansby's cool. grills is a good friend of mine, however in this au, he's waaay older than me. like closer to my dad. speaking of ol dadster, i guess in aus where we aren't related (tho those are few i think), whatever floats your boat pal. not my business"
Bonus: Fr*ns and Ch*ns.
Frisk- "... Frans very much confuses me. Even in worlds where he isn't my step dad. I... How old am I in these AUs where it's happening?"
Chara- "... Okay, what the fuck is 'Chans'???? I... Why? What!?"
Sans: "... okay, i think i'm just done with the internet. no more. nope. no thank you!"
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So if the otherworld sans theory was confirmed in deltarune would that effect ish? Or would you not apply it since ish is an au and so it is a different reality and what not?
Are you referring to the theory where Sans and Papyrus travelled to Ish from Deltarune? Because that wouldn't be the case in Ish regardless. Ish is it's own reality. So at this point, regardless of the canon it won't change much (unless I get a cool idea).
Besides, in Ish, Deltarune is a mere game anyways.
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Weird question but has the government (I don’t remember where this comic is) tried to get monsters to join with them or something like that (not sure all the politics with the monsters would go) so that they could get soldiers who could throw fire like a basketball and make weapons from Finnair
The comic is set in Utah, in the US. Also yes, some officials have suggested it but there's still fear and other things stopping that.. While the Prodigium monsters technically occupy American land, they remain their own nation.
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Did the other fallen children also wear striped shirts/sweaters? Or was it just Frisk and Chara?
All the other fallen children worn stripes in at least some fashion.
I've drawn them before, though they're likely due for an update and some redesigns.
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So we know how Chara feels about chocolate, but how does she feel about knives? Like does she only like the one knife that's her's? or does she like knives in general?
Chara uses their Worn Dagger as their primary weapon, however I feel they have a small knife collection. A few for multiple purposes, and a lot much better than their Worn Dagger, however they still use that one. Sentimental value and all that. Chara also has some throwing knives.
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Does Exriel just like, know all the underground monsters due to his time as flowey in the underground? I mean he did say he befriended and killed everyone, but i just think its funny like, whenever he meets a new person, theres like a chance he already knows them and their entire life story.
Yes. Though he's most familiar with the main cast, he has met almost every else in the Underground. Though doesn't always mean he remembers them.
There has been times however when he's met someone and had to pretend he didn't know everything about them.
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So like weird question, how are all the kids grades? Like for each class if you want.
Bro its like the first day of school (for them, I wish it wasn't like two months til the end of first semester for me. I wish I wasn't here)
But in general, they tend to keep their grades up. Teacher mom makes sure they get their homework done. Chara tends to be straight As, Azzie is As and Bs, Exxy and Frisk fall lower, with Exxy averaging Bs and Cs and Frisk sometime getting Ds or even Fs because they have Ambassador work.
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I’ve seen videos by this guy on YouTube called amaury guichon who makes massively Detailed sculptures out of chocolate, what would chara do if she could get her hands on one
I feel most of the Chocolate man's sculptures are too much chocolate for her. Chara, if they ever got their hands on one, could never eat it nor would she want to because it's too beautiful.
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So like, when did Exriel officially get his name? Like was it while he was still Flowey? Or did it like take a while and then the siblings realized: "Oh yeah he's not a flower anymore... calling him Flowey is pretty weird now" or something?
Shortly after the transformation. He came up with the name himself because yes, 1, no longer a flower, 2, not really wanting to be associated with it after all the horrible stuff he did as Flowey that he now feels bad for.
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Did Exriel have to go through an adjustment period where he had to get used to having limbs and a body again? I imagine it would be especially difficult for him because he doesnt have many memories of being Asriel.
Oh definitely. That is something I visible remember from the RPs from back in like, middle school, when I first developed him.
"My all my limbs are so wobbly and at the same time so stiff, what is this!?"
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