quinnyandco · 7 years
I tried to put the questions in instead of just numbers but alack, too many questions, too little space. 2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19. And -- *copycatting*-- FOR ALL
2. Say your OC made a playlist on Spotify. What bands would be on that playlist? Any specific genres?
Berlin - He’s this weird mix between folksy stuff like Fleet Foxes and indie rock like Bastille. Lark - She would be blasting the Maroon 5 and Halsey through her car speakers, but also listening to stupid stuff like Bad Lip Reading songs on the down-low. Kes - 10 hours of Latin prayer chants, and her side playlist of random Florence + The Machine/Lana Del Rey/Daughter stuff that she listens to on private mode.Arthur - half his playlists have like one song in them, and it’s always something that you’d never actually figure that he’d listen to, and you’d be right because he hasn’t clicked on that playlist in 4 months. he makes his own music more than he listens to it. the playlists he does regularly use are for parties. lark also made him a playlist that he keeps meaning to listen to but somehow every time he clicks play, he never hears anything and then it’s over. Amber - doesn’t know what a spotify is, doesn’t care, has better things to do |Sitara - like, I WANT to listen to her playlist. because she’s one of those people who loves music but gets tired of it quickly, so she’s always finding new stuff and her playlists are a total mess. Every genre. It doesn’t matter what it is, she can find an occasion for it. Edward - a playlist containing nothing but “Be a Man” from Mulan on loop3. What kind of video games would they play? Any specific titles?Berlin - Lol okay, he was MADE for first-person shooters. But is he actually playing them? No. He’s playing those cute little flash games with bunnies hopping onto logs or something. Lark - Overwatch, because of the team-building element. She’ll usually only play video games in general if she’s with other people, except for the Sims which she’ll play alone if she needs character inspiration.Kes - Is somehow ridiculously good at the first-person shooters. This freaks her out. And she still doesn’t *get* the Sims but she plays it sometimes anyway because it’s fun to pretend to have a happy familyArthur - he will be HORRIBLE at anything he tries, unless he hyperfocuses on it, and then suddenly he is champion at everything and people refuse to play with him anymore. Amber - she’s really good at portal and she doesn’t even try to be. it just kind of happens. also she finds surgeon simulator to be horrendously inaccurate and she refuses to play it. Sitara - why on earth would you kill people in a video game when you could do it in real lifeEdward - DITTO. but he’s like, super good at tetris and doesn’t tell anyone. 
bonus: Nick plays Crossyroad. Don’t ask. he just does. 
8. How does your OC keep track of time? Do they have a planner? A calendar?
Berlin - He has a lot of people barking instructions at him, so he never really has the chance to forget what he’s doing or when he’s supposed to do it. But he’s naturally really organized so he’d probably have a planner otherwise. Lark - She’s usually on time because she hates to be late to the action or disappoint anyone counting on her. But sometimes she gets distracted by like, people on the street during her commute. Kes - time is a human construct, who needs it? the goddess will tell us when to leave and when to arrive. the moon spirits speak her truth into the ears of those who will listen Arthur - has owned approximately 500 planners in his life. it doesn’t matter how much he writes in them. he forgets they exist and is late anyway. Amber - has owned approximately 0 planners in her life. she is a perfect piece of ENTJ timekeeping. she doesn’t need a watch, or the sun, or you, probably. Sitara - has neatly plotted out her day, or hired someone to do it for her. Usually on time, but if she’s not, it’s because she decided it wasn’t worth her time to be there in the first place. Edward - is honestly more of a diva than sitara most of the time. he shows up if he wants to show up. you can’t tell him where to be. 
13. If you are an artist, and if your OC can draw as well, could you replicate what their artstyle looks like? Or, if you can’t, could you describe it?
Berlin - once he smeared some blood on a rock and called it art Lark - doodles on the margins of reports and discarded typewriter pages. Is better than she thinks she is but’ll never do anything with it. Kes - paints and writes all over the walls of her shed. No specific style; she’ll try anything you’ll teach her. Arthur - Cannot draw, doesn’t try Amber - wouldn’t actually be bad at it if she’d just sit down and learn for like five minutes Sitara - Has developed her skill over the years and is probably the only character I have who could actually paint your portrait and would gladly do it. Edward - what is paint. it has the word pain on it. is it like that 
14. If your OC owned a Tumblr blog, what kind of content would they post?
Berlin - I actually have a private blog for Berlin and it is entirely pictures of snakes, jackets, bunnies, and depressing quotes. Lark - She has two blogs–one for her professional stuff, and the other for maximum memeing and opinion pieces. Sometimes she mixes them up and her professional people get a horrible wake-up call as to her sense of humor. Kes - Meditations, uses it as her personal journal, a little bit of a SJW when she’s tired. accidently follows a NSFW blog because she thought they just wanted to be her friend and she didn’t look at the content first.  Arthur - if there was ever a theme, it died long ago. also he might still be confusing facebook with tumblr because the colors are too similar. forgot his password. Amber - queen of throwing shade to people. has 2000 followers and she doesn’t know why because she didn’t ask them to be there. why are 2000 people following a blog about sutures. surely they have lives. leaves arthur to answer her hate mail, and answers serious asks from medical students if she feels generous. Sitara - KITTY PIX Edward - I tried to ask him what he’d have on his blog and he just looked at me really scarily and i stopped asking. 
15. How do they type? Do they use emojis? Do abbreviate and shorten words?
Berlin - if he likes you, he doesn’t care. you’re getting whatever he’s dishing out at that particular moment (this includes random bouts of existentiality that you never asked for). Lark - Always has the perfect word for every situation. Understands emojis and internet speak the day it emerges on Tumblr. probably started the “me, an intellectual” meme. gif queen. Kes - doesn’t know why you’d type when you could just….talk to people?Arthur - Autocorrect is NOT his friend. But he never corrects autocorrect because by the time he realizes his mistake he’s already forwarded it to you and your boss and your aunt. He and Lark have gif wars.Sitara - Doesn’t even have a phone because someone would probably find a way to hack it and she is NOT being taken out by a camera phone scandal. Amber - Only answers texts at 2 AM. Perfect grammar. Has never used an emoji in her life. Deletes them if they automatically show up. Edward - you texted him once, and he replied telling you exactly where you could stick your texting. you were never brave enough to contact him again.  
19. Does your OC like to collect things? What kind of things do they collect?
Berlin - he picks up rocks sometimes, and then puts them back because they might be some convict’s soul and he’s not in the mood to cart around convict souls in his pockets.Lark - she has an entire drawer full of feathers. she picks them up off the sidewalk every time she sees one while she’s out walking. she also has a pen collection and a playbill collection from all the shows she’s been to. she draws mustaches on the ones she didn’t like. Kes - hordes books. also doesn’t really have any books. but if she had money and a house she’d have a lot of books.Arthur - he’s got a touch of kleptomania about him so he’s inadvertently stolen every pen that anyone has ever given him. I guess that counts. (Some of them are from Lark’s collection, and if she’s noticed, she hasn’t asked for them back)Amber - does not see the point of useless junk hanging around. just clean up your life. Sitara - she has a collection of pawprints (ink pressed onto paper) from every cat she has ever owned/cared for. they’re in a little drawer in her room and she looks through them whenever she misses them. Edward - do scars count because he has a lot of those and they don’t seem to be stopping. 
If you’re not too mad at me for clogging up your feed, send me an OC ask here! 
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ephemeralvapour · 8 years
Would you rather always have a runny nose or a stuffy nose? Would you rather live on a diet of chocolate and have questionable digestion or live on a diet of salad and never get sick? Do you wear nail polish? Do you have a favorite makeup product? Where do you want to go on vacation?
Ooh thank you (asks here)
My nose is often slightly stuffy anyway, and I hate mucus on my face, so stuffy it is.
As much as I like chocolate, almost anything can be a salad, and not getting sick > faulty digestion.
I get 1-3 manicures per year.
As for general products, it’s concealer. Don’t take your skin for granted. As for colors/brands, I like Urban Decay, but they’re pricey. NYX is legit cheap and legit amazing. Wet’n’Wild has a $2 lipstick that lasts forever and this dark berry is great bc you can use it lightly for a stain or blush, or as is to be a vampy maneater. I can do a lot with a light brown pencil too; I used to be into makeup so I can ramble.  
Vacation depends on what I want to see. I’d love to see Switzerland, as my family loved it, and I feel a connection. Any tropical place is great, like the Maldives. I like that it’s on the other side of earth. I want to feel like I’m in another world. New Zealand and Iceland. I can ramble about this too, unfortunately. I want so much in general it’s hard to pick.
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nocturnalheart · 8 years
1. the only food I know I dislike is mint chip ice cream
2. my oldest stuffed animal is a lamb my sister picked out for me from the thrift store when we were like 8-9 ish
3. I get car sick very easily.. but not on long road trips for some reason
 Thank you!!
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batgirl1010 · 8 years
tagged by @loricori Thank you!
rules: enter your answers; then tag 10 people! use the first letter of your name to answer each question. real answers only. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
name: Erika a four letter word: Envy  
a boy’s name: Eric/Erik an occupation:  Eye doctor something you can wear: Earring a food: eggs something you find in a bathroom: electric razor a place: Europe a reason for being late: ear ache something you shout: EW! a movie title: Easy A something you drink: energy drink an animal: Elephant a type of car: Eureka title of a song: Enchanted by Taylor Swift
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hope-deferred-inc · 8 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @myfairgolightly
Favorite place: My imagination or my bed after a long day
Favorite color: Blue, but kind of been leaning toward burnt orange
Pets: One dog that I have raise since she was 10 hours old
Last song I listened to: Pushing on a Pull Door by for King and Country
Favorite TV show: Doctor Who, Star Trek (original series), Master Chef Jr.
First fandom: Lord of the Rings and The Road Pictures/Bob Hope
Hobbies: Writing, reading, exercising, and baking/cooking
Books that I’m currently reading: The Brotherband Chronicles: Book 2 and The Master Mind of Mars
Favorite book: The Wizard of Oz series and The Hobbit/LOTR
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: OLIVES and spoiled milk
tagging: @loricori, @dreamadove, @greater-than-the-sword, @we-are--groot
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ephemeralvapour · 8 years
answered your
3-15-17 enneagram w/variants
I guess the ‘social’ variant also takes into account how much you care about how other people perceive you, not necessarily just by if you want to be around people 24/7 or not. Don’t forget to take your wing into account
I bet that’s part of SO, concern with people at large- not socializing.
Maybe saying I’m timid, conflict avoidant, etc. made me SO heavy.
If I’m 6w5, the wing would account for me being standoffish/aloof...
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nocturnalheart · 8 years
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ: what is your favorite animal? \\ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ: are you a hugger?
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ  - ELEPHANTS, I know it’s kinda weird but I feel like I relate to them on another level haha.. also DOGS AND BIRDS
(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ  - most definitely, I hug my mom almost everyday, and my dad always knows (I’m not sure how) when I need one, so hugs are very special to me and I love them.. I also hug my dog a least once or twice a day haha
Ahh thank you so much dear^^
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parsleymusic · 8 years
loricori replied to your post “Is “I thought this female character was male at first” (and vice...”
Sounds like the critiquer might be stereotyping?
Yeah, I just think it’s a little weird to be getting comments like that, especially since I am female.
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quinnyandco · 8 years
okay first of all you would also be randy and the sticks bc you'd have stuff in the oven and forget to take them out, although it wouldn't be bc of a nap, it could be any number of things. but also QUINLYN YOUR CHARACTERS
okay that is very true actually 
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nocturnalheart · 8 years
warhol: what is something that you possess that you’ll never give away/sell despite how much the cost? // kahlo: what is a pro-tip/lesson that you learned from your past? // seurat: if you can wear only one color with different shades for the rest of your life, which one is it, and why? // renoir: is you heart occupied right now? describe him // gauguin: what is one thing that reminds you of childhood? // botticelli: what is that one moment in your life that makes you feel proud?
warhol: hmm the only things I wouldn’t give away or sell are my old childhood dolls and stuffed animals, but they don’t have much monetary value anyways just sentimental value :]  
kahlo: think before you speak 
seurat: ooohh blue or pink or grey you can’t go wrong with those haha 
renoir: *blushes* hahaha... ha (my heart’s a mess rn and I honestly don’t know but it doesn’t really matter bc no one’s trying to make a move on me anyways) 
gauguin: camping
botticelli: that time I made that humongous tres leches cake all by myself haha
Thank you!!
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loricori replied to your post: me @ 2016
yikes feel better HK
Thanks! Turns out a heating pad seems to be instant relief, but only for the duration I'm using it.
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batgirl1010 · 8 years
I WAS TAGGED BY @fallingends :)
🌟Sign: Libra
🎈Height: 5′7 ish
✨Last thing I googled: Ummmm idek
🎶Favorite music artist: One Direction :)
📺 Last tv show: SPONGEBOB
👗What am i wearing right now: t-shirt and yoga pants
🌸when did i make my blog: 2014
🐻Do i have any other blog: YESS
❤Why did i choose my url: Cause I love batman, but I'm not a man, SO BATGIRL
🍙pokemon team: idek man
🍕Favorite colors: BLUE BLUE AND BLUE
💤 average hrs of sleep: 8 ... ZZZZ
🐶Favorite character: Dumbledore
🐨Dream job: nursing :)
@youvegotthatonering @by-dying-i-live (SORRY I TAG YOU A LOT NICK) @loricori @rockinband :^)
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doverstar · 8 years
notebook: what’s your favourite quote?, fineliner: what’s your greatest achievement?, greylead: what is something you want to try for the first time?, paper: what kind of book would you write?
Yaaaaay it’s Charlai! Thanks buddy!
Notebook: My favorite quote is probably J.M. Barrie’s “Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always try to be a little kinder than is necessary?”
Fineliner: I don’t know that I have a greatest achievement yet–which is depressing because I know I’ve had plenty of time to create one. Ummmmm I have managed not to kill anyone, and that’s some real triumph in my life right there.
Greylead: I want to try visiting New York or Pennsylvania for the first time! Hiiiiiistory.Paper: I have written a book, (!!!) and it is not published yet, and it is a fantasy novel–not medieval, but whimsy.
You, as always, are the wiggliest of all jell-o squares for putting a number above my inbox. Thank you, Charlai!
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quinnyandco · 8 years
2: Which author has influenced you the most?, 20: If you could ‘unkill’ any character from any story, who would it be?, 21: Would you like to write an alternative ending for any of your favorite shows/books/etc?, - 25: fake dating AU or inpromptu babysitting AU?
2 - Which author has influenced you most? 
Probably a cross between Charlotte Bronte and James Herriot. I think they’re both brilliant and analyzing their literary styles is great for aspiring writers. 
20 - if you could “unkill” any character from any story, who would it be? 
Hmm. I’d really love to unkill Elizabeth in Frankenstein. She was such a special character and she deserved to live! *sigh* But she didn’t need to be resurrected like in the Kenneth Branagh movie adaptation. :P 
21 - Would you like to write an alternative ending for any of your favorite shows/books/etc?
Yes. Absolutely. For BBC Robin Hood, I’d rewrite the end of season 2 and then completely redo season 3. I’d actually give Atlantis a season 3 and a suitable ending because it was a fabulous show cancelled way too soon. And I think I’d like to change the ending of The Hunger Games, just so that Katniss doesn’t end up with Peeta…
25 - Fake dating AU or impromptu babysitting AU? 
Fake dating AU for sure. Give me all the fake dating AUs. 
Send me a story ask here! 
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