whumpsday · 1 year
Writing Masterlist
content: vampire whumpee, buried alive, begging, rescue, asphyxiation, religious whump, death wish, starvation, claustrophobia, sensory deprivation, touch starvation, comfort, harming self for vampire feeding purposes, possible historical inaccuracies
Whumpmas in July Day 15: Buried Two Weeks of Whump Day 14: Coffin
this is vampire whump, but it does NOT take place in the K&J universe! i wanted to play around with some vampire mythology that i chose not to incorporate into K&J lore.
thank you to @lost-in-labradorite-halls for beta-reading and helping my clueless jewish ass with the christian bits and generally inspiring this piece via the wonderful vampire torture you regularly concoct!!
also have a song:
Petrichor's endless, airless torment was punctuated once again by the sound of a shovel entering the earth.
It was worth noting strictly because anything was worth noting down here. The digging wasn't out of the ordinary: it was a cemetery, of course.
This time, it sounded close. Every time it sounded near, Petrichor dared let himself hope it might reach him, though he knew such a thing was absolutely ridiculous. People dug graves to bury bodies, not exhume them.
It was utterly maddening. Someone was so close, another soul- a soul, rather, given he did not possess one any longer- and he was unable to make even the slightest peep to alert them to his distress, all oxygen having vacated his tiny box what must have been decades ago, if not centuries. At least he didn't require air anymore.
A tear rolled down his cheek at the thought, his body unable to conjure up more than that. He could not even raise an arm to tap on the wood of the coffin, the weakness having deprived him so effectively. Petrichor listened to the digging longingly, laid still and silent in his grave, the corpse he was.
I'm here. I'm still here, after all this time. Please, it can't be like this forever. I care not whether I'm rescued or slain, but please, someone put an end to it. Dear Lord, I know I'm not one of Your creatures any longer, but please help me.
As if answering his prayer, the digging slowly grew closer as the hours passed. It was odd: usually there would be a bustle of people around, and only one grave would be dug. But he could hear nothing but the digging, and it almost sounded like multiple graves. Perhaps some tragedy had befallen the family owning the plot next to his.
It was disappointing, in a way. The voices, though he could hardly make them out from under the earth, were the only human connection he had left in his horrible fate. Sometimes, he could even make out bits and pieces of the priest's sermon, which never failed to make him cry. He could not even utter a prayer aloud in his wretched state, if the Lord would even have him as he now was. And clearly, He wouldn't.
Petrichor's melancholy thoughts were swiftly interrupted when the sound of digging grew yet closer. Much closer.
As if it were right above him.
Oh dear Lord, please. This could finally be it, couldn't it? If his grave were to be exhumed, for some odd reason?
The shovel knocked against wood. Petrichor could feel it reverberate through the coffin, the first physical sensation interrupting the suffocating stillness in longer than he could know.
He wanted to weep for joy. It was finally happening, it was over. His prayers had finally been answered!
Someone opened the coffin, trading the wooden finish he'd stared at for so long for a starry sky.
Petrichor gasped for breath, his first in what may as well have been lifetimes, smelling of freshly-turned earth. It was nearly impossible to move, his muscles stiff and dry, but he was able to breathe through his nose, and open his mouth just a small amount. It was more than enough: he had air, his lungs no longer drowning.
"Holy fucking shit!" His rescuer tried to jump back, but they were inside his grave with him, and space was sparse.
It was difficult to move his eyes, but he managed it, fixing them on the first person he'd seen since his funeral. They looked young, around his age when he'd been buried or perhaps younger, dressed in an androgynous black cloak. Their clothes and face all ranged from speckled with dirt to absolutely caked in it.
Petrichor stared at them with wild, desperate eyes, and with fresh air in his lungs, made what little sound he could manage: a strangled, pleading cry.
"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god." His rescuer continued to take the Lord's name in vain and spew profanities, but Petrichor couldn't bring himself much to care. All that mattered was getting out of his coffin, the end of his suffering. But he was unable to move.
His rescuer seemed to recognize this as well, their string of expletives tapering off as they tilted their head, staring back.
They glanced up at his gravestone. "Here lies Petrichor Adams," they read out. "1797 to 1820."
They looked back down at him, squinting. "What the hell are you?"
Petrichor whined again, a tear making its way down his face once more.
His rescuer leaned in, their initial shock having given way to a surprising lack of fear. They knelt beside him, peering at his face. "You sure got some chompers in there, huh? What, like...?" They looked out over the edge of the hole, like someone would come out and announce it was all a trick, but no one did.
Petrichor could do nothing but stare pleadingly.
His rescuer tapped him on the cheek. The first touch he'd felt in forever, it almost tingled. They tilted his head to the side, exposing the scars he supposed must still mark his neck: the fangs that had condemned him to this fate.
"You supposed to be a vampire or something?" they asked, incredulous. Having picked up that he could not reply, they continued on. "Well, fuck. What, you need blood or something, is that it? Oh, no no no. I've seen the movies, I've played the video games, alright? I am not fucking with this." They produced a small rectangular object from their pocket, angling it at him in various positions and tapping it oddly before replacing it in their cloak.
The soaring hope in Petrichor's long-dead heart crashed against the rocks. He could not understand some of what the digger said, but the sentiment was clear: he would receive no help.
He would remain locked in his prison.
Petrichor's chest quaked with dry sobs. He trained his eyes upward, thankful that his wretched body could not produce tears very quickly, as his vision remained unblurred when he took in the stars. The sight of something beautiful, one last time.
The digger sighed, glancing at his headstone once more.
"Well. It does say you were beloved," they remarked. "Beloved son. They wouldn't've put that there if you were some bloodsuckin' serial killer, huh?"
Petrichor made no further attempt to look away from the stars, but allowed himself to hope again. Perhaps he would be allowed out, if the digger would take pity on him.
His rescuer shook their head. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
They produced a small blade, rolled up their sleeve, and sliced themself across the back of the arm. They positioned the wound just above his mouth, allowing their blood to drain across his tongue.
Petrichor had never tasted blood before- not posthumously, that was. He had been buried shortly after his death, without time to fall prey to his new, monstrous nature. It was nothing like blood had been as a human: the coppery taste when he'd split his lip roughhousing as a child. This, this was everything. It was the sweetest honey, it was the finest glass of red wine, it was the flavorful broth of his mother's pot roast, it was life itself flowing into his veins.
Slowly, the muscles in his body lost their stiffness, and he could move once more. He raised his head up toward the source of the lifeblood, but his savior placed their boot firmly on his chest, keeping him pinned to the floor of his coffin.
"Think that's enough for now. Don't wanna get woozy." They tore a piece of cloth from their cloak, wrapping the wound. "Cat still got your tongue, buddy?"
"P-please," Petrichor rasped, his voice weak from disuse, "Kind... sir? I cannot go on like this. Whatever fate you'd bestow upon me, I care not, so long as I'm not forced to remain inside this box. I am a vampire, it's true, but I had never consumed even a drop of blood before tonight. I mean no harm. Please allow me to leave this coffin." His voice broke, his words coming out squeaky. "I was human once, too."
Desperate begging. He'd never thought his life would come to this, but he supposed it never had. His life had ended long ago.
The boot was removed from his chest.
"Alright, Petrichor Adams, take it easy," his rescuer said. "I'm not gonna leave you down here no matter what you are. That'd be crazy fucked up." They extended a hand. "Robin."
Petrichor took their hand, his own shaking. "Thank you so very, very much. You've saved me from an unbearable fate."
Robin pulled him up to standing, his bones creaking with the unfamiliarity of movement. "Huh. It's almost like you time traveled or something. Says you died when you were 23, that's like, practically my age. Guess the 200 years in between don't really count."
Petrichor wasn't sure what came over him, but he burst into tears instantly. His body had no trouble with it now, two centuries' worth of crying flowing forth all at once as he bawled.
"They count!" he wept. "I was down there, I- I was down there the entire time! I did not sleep!"
"Alright!" Robin agreed with haste. "Okay, grandpa, you're 226 then, whatever's good. Jeez, c'mon, you don't gotta cry. It's gonna be okay."
They rubbed their thumb over his hand, and he gasped from the sensation. After so long, every touch felt one thousand times stronger than it was.
Petrichor attempted to pull himself together. "Yes, yes of- of course."
"And listen, you gotta be quieter. We're reeeeally not supposed to be out here right now." Robin hopped up, pulling Petrichor up with them.
A knapsack laid at the foot of his grave, varied pieces of jewelry and a few golden teeth visible from the top.
His rescuer was a graverobber and a thief. But Petrichor knew his situation was desperate, and chose to say nothing. He was no better, given what he was now.
Robin noticed the direction of his gaze nonetheless, offering him a mischievous smirk. "Yeah, Graverobbin' Robin, that's what they call me. And by they I mean me, 'cause no one knows I do this." They began shoveling dirt back into his grave. "Good thing I do, though. Never thought I'd save a vampire on my side hustle, but life throws you curveballs, I guess. You know baseball?"
"I do not, I'm afraid," Petrichor replied, watching mesmerized as his coffin became entombed once more.
"Bro, how are you gonna die in Boston and not know baseball? I gotta take you to a game sometime. Literally first order of business, now that I've got money for tix!"
None of it felt real. He was finally out, but two hundred years had passed. Everyone he'd ever known and loved was long-dead.
He turned, looking to his family plot, but his eyes instantly caught a horrible burning sensation. A headstone in the shape of a cross.
Petrichor averted his gaze. Of course: he'd almost forgotten. He was no longer one of The Lord's creatures.
Robin finished, slung their pack over their shoulder, and motioned him to follow. "You can crash at my apartment while you figure your shit out. I'll grab you some more blood from the butcher's once the T starts running. That's like the subway. Uh, I mean- never mind, not important. Hope pig's blood's enough for you, 'cause I can't do that every day."
At the very least, he had Robin.
"That sounds lovely."
this was originally gonna be a one-shot but i think i might write more? oh god, am i really starting another vampire series? THIS ONE WILL BE SHORTER. A MINISERIES.
if you liked this but want something a more hurt/no-comfort flavored i recommend Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night!!
tune in on tuesday for some kane & jim!
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everything taglist:
one-shots taglist (this is only gonna have 3-4 chapters max so im lumping it in with the one-shots):
event: @whumpmasinjuly @promptsforyourwhumpfic
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whump-queen · 2 years
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@whumpsday with his army of cats that will bite you x3
@whumpshaped @lost-in-labradorite-halls
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whumpshaped · 1 year
el, pick between seth and am.
(lets say seth wasnt Really dead. el has already met am, maybe theyre already married- and seth shows up again. alive.)
El looks at you with the most strained expression you've ever seen, then down at their lap. They're rubbing the empty space where their last two fingers should be, digging their teeth into the inside of their cheek so hard they're almost drawing blood. They're fighting back tears.
They want both. They don't deserve both. They don't deserve either. And neither of them deserve to have to share.
"I..." Their voice is quiet, and they stop immediately, feeling the tears trying to escape along with the words. They won't look at you.
How are they meant to choose? They've abandoned Seth already, moved on, they can't just go back. But are they meant to abandon them again? Would they only choose Am because they feel they don't deserve to go back? Would they only choose Seth because they feel they don't deserve the love and kindness Am has brought into their life? Both of them would probably already be disgusted and angry over how long it's taking them to make the decision.
They swallow thickly. They really want to see Seth again. They really, really want to. But choosing Seth means never seeing their family again. "I pick Am," they whisper.
They wonder if that even means anything after minutes of hesitation.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @lost-in-labradorite-halls @hidden-dreamland @lonesome--hunter @melancholy-in-the-morning @the-scrapegoat @zillastar13
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wickednerdery · 3 years
Gotta admit, not a fan of Loki x Mobius. But Mobius does make a beautiful caretaker. So prompt: Hurt Loki L1130, with Mobius to the rescue. Perhaps after President Loki has his fun with our Loki in one of those beautiful drabbles you did; Mobius could find him and help him recover?
Ah, that's cool, not everyone is, haha! I find them very interesting together - separately too, if I'm honest - and thus easy to write for. I agree that Mobius is a great caretaker type no matter what though! ^_^
While this has the specificity of a request, it does relate to this prompt from before and I like it and you and find it interesting so I'm gonna play...
((Post-Whump Hurt/Comfort and Loki Spoilers))
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He wakes in the same, searing, pain he’d blacked out in...Wheezing through cracked ribs, knees scraped to bleeding and muscles twitching in the raw ache of a body used by a pack of hungry wolves. Where were your ears just now, Loki, that you could not hear yourself?
“Loki?!” A voice calls from somewhere beyond. 
“Mmm...” His throat is too raw, mouth too sore, to do more than mutter and pray. Pray the man might find him, pray the man will not.
Mobius grabs spare pipe littering the ground as the stench of blood and chaos fill the air. “Loki?” His voice is softer this time, wary and comforting both.
“Mmm...” It’s an attempt at a name Loki hasn’t the energy to force past busted lips.
Mobius finds the nude, bloodied, heap of his friend under a pinball machine. “Jesus.” He scrambles over, kneels beside him. “Loki, Loki, can you hear me?” Jacket is shrugged off to cover the god. 
Loki winces, moans, as even that triggers pain.
“Open your eyes,” The agent keeps words gentle, encouraging, as he scans room for threats. “Can you do that for me, open your eyes?” When the god does, in fact, open his eyes Mobius smiles wide and soft. “There you go, good...”
“O-Othersss...” Pain causes speech to turn to hiss.
“Got it covered,” the man assures as he shifts, uses all his strength, to help the god sit, then stand, up. “Here, just...” Gods were heavier than he even expected. “Lean on me.” But that didn’t mean he’d give up; Mobius was many things, but never a quitter.
As Loki prepares to warn once again he hears a cackle that nearly drops him to the floor.
“You’re not a Loki.” The president notes, amused at the man attempting to help his new pet escape.
Mobius grimaces under Loki’s weight, but holds firm with help of the pinball machine. “No...But the alligator is.”
President Loki’s confidence breaks into confusion. “What alligator?” As if in answer the reptile leaps from nearby shadows and clamps onto the president’s hand.
As the bowling alley devolves into Loki-on-Loki violence, the agent persists in his attempts to drag his Loki from danger...but is, admittedly, greatly relieved when an elder Loki offers help in transporting his injured self to safety.
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((Now I’m sure this can also be written as just Mobius caring for Loki once they’re already in a safe space, but I wanted to keep it more general and also my brain may be melting from the godawful heat and humidity I’m currently experiencing, LOL!! Anyway...I hope you like what I did come up with, @lost-in-labradorite-halls and whoever else might read this, lol!!))
Those who might care/Asked to always be tagged: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream @antoniostarshadow13 @mobiusbmobius
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anamelessdragon · 3 years
Hey, so during the adventures of moving house/state i knew I would be without internet for an extended period of time. So I set it up so that I could just have access to Contraction the whole time. And I've been rereading it the whole time. It got me thinking that I would like to have your insight on Contraction's Bucky's inner thoughts as he experienced the cap America 2 movie. Specifically during that scene where his face crumples and he says about Steve "But I knew him".
Contraction Bucky's inner thoughts would have been jarringly conflicted. Due to the brainwashing, he'd have a sense of pride in succeeding in his missions, and utter belief in HYDRA's goals. So to have an event - seeing Steve - that triggers a number of specific flashbacks that shake his sense of certainty in that purpose, is extremely upsetting and confusing. But he searches for answers from HYDRA, first, because disturbing Zola/Winter Soldier creation flashbacks aside, his belief in them isn't yet mutually exclusive to the confusing and deeply emotional memories he's recalling about Steve. Once Pierce confirms that Steve is definitely the enemy and making the world a place of "peace" involves his elimination, it's a bit of an immovable object vs. unstoppable force situation. But there's not nearly enough autonomy in Bucky at that point to know how to press the issue of his personal understanding that killing Steve is wrong. He can't even directly indicate that it's something he doesn't want to do. On top of that, HYDRA's never been wrong in his eyes (as far as he knows) - and he's their soldier, he's supposed to serve their inimitable vision and change the world for the better, not question or present an opinion on how to move forward.
So, yeah, just basically an awful tug of war with this brimming belief that there's a definitive reason that Steve is so important to him that he can't unquestionably follow the orders to kill him combining with a building dread with finding something inherently flawed in the entire system that has shaped his life. But of course, at that point, he's no real capacity of will or even beside that, any kind of idea of how to act on said flaw.
(There'll be a whole lot of murderous rage and guilt to accompany those feelings later, but...that's later.)
Hope you enjoyed your reread! :D
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Oh boy! Let the Adventures Begin for Loki and Marin, By @boredbrooder on AO3
"“Excuse us, m’lady. We must intrude. There is a thief in our midst,” One of them explained. Marin waited for them to drag the intruder out. He was standing right next to her chair by the window."
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I am sooo excited! When @boredbrooder writes, magic happens so fast. I'm blown away every time! And this is going to be so exciting! I just know it! I'm already in love with Marin and can't wait to ride along through her self discovery. Can you imagine?? Self discovery guided hand in hand with the God of Mischief and Chaos himself?
What makes this extra exciting is that @boredbrooder has given herself a "little" writing challenge. (Um, I think the word "little" is quite relative here. Bc what she considers little would be translated as a MUCH heavier and overwhelming undertaking if it were on my plate. Whew! Like I said, this is exciting!)
So a group of us submitted to @boredbrooder the most random prompts we could think of last week. I think we submitted 42 or 47 prompts in total maybe?
Of those prompts, @boredbrooder chose seven. Seven prompts for which she'll write seven chapters revolving around her two main characters, Loki and Marin.
Links are in Blue above. Or below inside the box.
@lokis-library-for-fanfiction @latent-thoughts @emeraldrosequartz @imnotrevealingmyname @alexakeyloveloki @caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @realityhelixwrites @grufflepuff @shiningloki @vodka-and-some-sass @talklokitome @mooncat163 @lost-in-labradorite-halls @angelriverwrites @devilish--doll @frostbitten-written @nekoamamori
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whumpsday · 7 months
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more kane art from @lost-in-labradorite-halls!!
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whumpsday · 7 months
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awesome birthday art of kane from @lost-in-labradorite-halls (left) and @whump-queen (right)!! :D
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whumpsday · 1 year
oh btw i realized i forgot to post this here but!!!
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@lost-in-labradorite-halls made me a needlefelt kane doll :D she didn't have time to finish him before we met so it's mid-torture kane who's had his leggies chopped off
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whumpsday · 2 years
Happy almost-Halloween! Have some vampire & other monster whump!
with halloween only 2 weeks away, i figured i’d recommend some monstrous whump series to get people in the mood! mostly vampires, but also some werewolves and demons. check these out! (* = contains 18+ content)
A New Beginning by @a-crumb-of-whump
Bad Blood by @whumpycries
Cat and Mouse by @t0rture-me
Ceran and his faerie by @hurtthemgently
Fang Factory (Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) by @loor-101 and @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort
Fearless by @quietly-by-myself
Fun Swamp Vacation and The Purring Vampire Story by @thecyrulik
Goldie + Pollen + Hyde by @whump-only
Kane & Jim by meeee :)
Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset by @not-a-space-alien *
Marius & Oskar by @spiralofwhump
Of Vampires and Men by @whumpy-writings *
Presents by @cupcakes-and-pain
Pup’s Story by @lost-in-labradorite-halls
Salem & Drew (vampire whump) by @whump-me-all-night-long
Self-Sharpened Fangs by @redwhump
Shattered by @oddsconvert
The Heart and the Hunger by @wolfeyedwitch *
Vampire Carlo and Bloodbag Carlo by @deluxewhump
Vampire Col by @whumpzone
Kas/Alec by @whumpwritings *
The Dark Side of the Sun by @quietly-by-myself
The Monster of Lindborough by @secretwhumplair
Daero by @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort
Deal with the Devil by @whumpshaped *
Demon’s Haven by @whumpwillow
Tenebrae Tenebrarum by @blood-is-compulsory *
Emil’s story (and others) by @obsessedwithegos 
Through Blood and Flame by @gottawhump
feel free to comment adding your own series!
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whumpsday · 2 years
Kane & Jim Drabble: Mirror
content: LOTS OF WEIGHT TALK, past starvation, recovery
short lil thing. takes place in between Heat Wave Part 2 and Sweet 116.
Kane stared at himself in the mirror after he got out of the bath. He’d been doing that a lot lately, since Jim started feeding him, though he’d actively avoided it before.
The process of gaining weight back has been slow: if he could, he’d be devouring blood by the pack, and especially would have in the beginning. But Jim was just one human, and could only supply him so much on a regular basis, an amount he was eternally grateful for. It was enough food, and didn’t leave him hungry, a blessing he thought he’d never enjoy again. But it wasn’t enough for him to get back to normal fast.
The man in the mirror was just barely starting to look some semblance of normal again. He was still far skinnier than he ever had been prior to captivity, and he couldn’t call himself anything but underweight, but he’d lost that emaciated appearance he hated seeing in the mirror. His cheeks were no longer sunken, his face more full of life. You would have to squint to be able to make out the outline of his ribs. His stomach didn’t jut inward from the bottom of his ribcage anymore. His arms and legs no longer looked stick-thin. His hair was full and healthy, no longer missing patches where it would fall out.
There was just more of him, now, after months of regular meals. Everything the hunters had taken from him was starting to come back, like tender new saplings sprouting after an all-consuming forest fire.
He smiled, his fangs gleaming in his reflection now that he had access to a toothbrush.
Maybe one day he would look like he used to before he was taken. Every piece of physical evidence of what he’d gone through scrubbed clean, his body full and strong and unblemished, all the fat and muscle tissue that had been stolen from him restored. Maybe then, he could pretend none of it had ever happened. That he’d always been here, in Jim’s house, safe and unharmed and fed.
But until then, he’d just have to keep checking the mirror, now that he could bear to look at himself.
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whumpsday · 2 years
Kane & Jim #38: Heat Wave Part 1
content: vampire whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, whumpee turned caretaker, heat whump, accidental whump, begging, recovery from past starvation / weight talk
retconned jim’s truck into a car because i realized i needed him to have a trunk for this chapter. edited the 5 mentions of a truck in chapter 1 to reflect this. in return for this sacrifice, i will give liz a truck if it ever comes up.
thank you @lost-in-labradorite-halls for giving me the idea for this chapter!
Kane hummed along with the CD player, his new favorite thing. He’d been expecting a record player when he’d asked Jim for a way to play music, but apparently that wasn’t current anymore. He’d not made much of an effort to keep up with new technologies even before his capture, and Jim said that this device had become popular during his time locked away, anyway.
Jim was out of the house, which meant he was locked in the basement. Jim always seemed apologetic about it, but Kane didn’t mind it one bit. The basement was safe. Jim’s whole house was safe, but especially the basement. Free of windows that could let in wretched sunlight, a securely locked door, his nice comfortable bed that he could hide under or wrap himself up in blankets and lie on.
The only problem was that it was starting to get very, very hot.
It was making Kane nervous. It hadn’t been so when Jim left, but now it was so hot that he even took off his jacket, ceasing his peaceful humming. He refused to change out his long sleeves for short, though. Especially when the heat was an ever-present reminder of the sun looming outside.
At first it was just uncomfortable, but as the minutes turned to an hour turned to two, it became unbearable. Sweat drenched him, though he still did not change out his clothing for more revealing options.
A thought occurred to Kane as he cooked: was he being punished?
Maybe he’d done something wrong, displeased his savior somehow. His heart crushed at the thought. He thought he’d been good. He’d been trying so hard to be good, not that Jim made it difficult, here.
Maybe it was a punishment for before. That made more sense. He’d always expected the other shoe to drop eventually, for Jim to finally take his revenge. Maybe Jim just wanted him healthy again before he started. A fresh slate. If so, Jim was true to his merciful nature: being baked in the sweltering heat was better than being burned alive in the sun.
Hot tears welled up in Kane’s eyes despite the lenient nature of his punishment. After three months of peace, of mercy, of finally being able to exist comfortably, he dreaded going back to punishment.
But of course, he’d never deserved Jim’s kindness. He knew that, but it still hurt. Jim was all he had in the world, the only person who he thought might care about him. But this was always how it was supposed to be. He had to pay for what he’d done.
Kane whimpered as he grew hotter still, splayed out on the floor. He felt lethargic, like he’d be unable to remove his clothing even if he tried.
It’s still better than burning. Be grateful.
God damn, this heat wave was awful. Jim’s car’s air conditioning struggled against it as he made the drive back out to his secluded home. He'd already booked an appointment with the AC repair guy, but he was backed up with appointments and wouldn’t be able to come for a few days, and that was the soonest he’d been able to find. But even if his AC at home wasn’t as cool as it normally should be, at least it was something.
It was so hot, he’d even gone outside with his neck exposed. He never did that, ever. Hadn’t in years. But, well... he knew Kane wasn’t out here.
But when he parked and entered his house, he found that it was just as hot inside as it was outside.
“Fuck.” Jim checked the thermostat, but it wasn’t functional. He banged on it a few times, turned it off an on again. Nothing.
He’d have to go stay with Liz until it could be fixed, at least while the heat wave was on. It was unbearable. He was already massively uncomfortable, and he’d only been in the house for two seconds.
Oh, shit. Kane.
Jim raced to the basement instantly, unlocking the door to find Kane laid out on the floor, looking miserable. He’d hoped that the basement being underground would at least make it a little cooler than upstairs, but it was just as unbearable down here. Depending on when the AC went out, Kane could’ve been stuck in this for hours.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to be good.” Kane rasped, looking at him with pleading eyes. Jim couldn’t tell whether the wetness on his face was sweat or tears. “Thank you for the lenient punishment. I know I deserve worse. Thank you.”
“Shit, Kane, no.” Jim raced down to Kane’s side. “This was an accident, it’s not a punishment, okay? AC gave up on us. I just got home.”
Kane’s head lolled weakly to the side, facing Jim. “Not, not a punishment?” he questioned.
“No, man. I don’t do that, right? If there’s a problem, we’d talk about it. Here, c’mon, lemme help you up.” Jim helped him to his feet and started him toward the basement’s half-bathroom.
Kane’s eyes sparkled with hope as he leaned into Jim. “Thank you, thank you, I’m sorry.”
“You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine.” Jim leaned him against the sink and turned it on cold. At least that was working. As soon as the water cooled, Jim splashed it lightly onto Kane’s face, watching the vampire’s eyes flutter shut with relief. He splashed his own face too, for good measure. “That better?”
“Yes. Thank you so much.” Kane enthused, already sounding like he had a little more energy in him.
“Alright, good. The AC repair guy’s not coming for a few more days, but we can’t stay here, not in the middle of this heat wave. Shit, that’s just my luck. Can’t exactly take you to a hotel. Liz’ll probably let us stay with her for a few days.” There was a time when he would’ve been nervous about letting Kane near Liz, but it had become apparent that Kane was pretty much harmless. Besides, Liz was a hunter.
Kane apparently reached the same conclusion, his eyes going wide with fear.
“What?” he squeaked. He couldn’t have heard Jim right. He couldn’t be saying they were going to stay in a hunter’s home. Leaving his basement, leaving Jim’s house, his only safe haven in years, for who knows what.
“Hey, you’ve met Liz a few times. She’s never hurt you, right? It’ll be fine.” Jim’s voice kept that same gentle, soothing tone, but only confirmed his fears.
Kane shook his head profusely. “I can’t, I can’t, please, Jim, I don’t want to go, please.”
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m gonna be there with you, remember? You’re safe. No one’s gonna hurt you. I know it’s not... the best situation, but it’s kind of our only option right now. I promise, it’s gonna be fine.” Jim took Kane’s hand and guided it to the sink. “Splash some more cool water on yourself and relax. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Kane obediently dipped his hands into the stream and doused himself in more of the nice, cold water. It felt amazing, but did little to quell the anxiety clawing away at him. His hands shook. “You, you won’t leave me there?”
“I won’t. I know it’s scary, I know Liz isn’t exactly the most... approachable person. Listen, the most likely thing that’s gonna happen is you’ll stay in a room the whole time while we wait it out. An air-conditioned room. Liz, uh... probably isn’t gonna give you free roam of the house.” Jim rubbed his back comfortingly. “No one’s gonna hurt’cha.”
He knew he didn’t have a choice. If Jim wanted him to go, he had to go. And staying in a cool room sounded so nice right now. And Jim was being nice. He nodded, a lump in his throat stopping any words from coming out.
“Alright, how about I grab you a bag and you can pack up whatever you wanna take? A few days’ worth of clothes, your CD player, whatever else you want. Sound good?” Jim asked encouragingly.
“Okay...” Kane said, his voice barely above a whisper. He’d get to take his things. That was something. He wouldn’t be left with nothing, like back in the cell.
Jim gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Be right back.”
Kane got to work gathering what he’d like to take. A week’s worth of his favorite clothes, long pants and long sleeves that would shield him from the sun if he was forced into the light, all folded neatly and stacked in a pile. He debated taking the jacket, but decided against it, not wanting something so precious to leave the safety of Jim’s home.
Jim came down with a luggage bag shortly after. “Let me know if you need more space, I’ve got more bags.”
“Thank you.” He took the bag gratefully, and began filling it. It would likely be enough space.
“I called Liz, she's letting us stay. You’re gonna have to be a little more restrained while we’re there, both sets of cuffs on 24/7, since Liz doesn’t have a vampire-proofed room. I know it sucks, but it’s just for a few days, and it’s sure better than staying here in this heat wave.” Jim said apologetically.
“I don’t mind the restraints.” Kane assured him. “The, just the padded ones, right?” he added nervously.
“Of course. Don’t even have ones that aren’t. I wouldn’t burn you. Nothing’s gonna hurt at all.” Jim’s words did help him calm down a little.
He nodded as he finished packing his things, coiling the wire of the CD player and tucking the machine between two stacks of clothing. “All done.”
“Great. I can take that and my bag out to the car, and then we can work on bundling you up for transport.” Jim said.
That stopped Kane in his tracks. His head snapped up to Jim, looking him straight in the eyes with sudden terror. “We’re n-not... waiting for night?”
Jim sighed sadly. “Let’s sit, okay? Try to calm down. I promised you that you wouldn’t get hurt and I meant it.” He sat on Kane’s bed, patting the space next to him as invitation.
Kane shakily made his way to the bed and sat next to him as indicated. Despite the oppressive heat, he felt like ice was flowing through his veins.
“Kane, I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you. I know how scared you are of the sun, but we can’t just wait around here for the next five hours for it to set. You might not be able to get heat stroke, but I can. We gotta go. We don’t have to rush it, you can take some time to psych yourself up for it, but we can’t wait for sunset.” Jim spoke slowly and carefully, like he’d been practicing what to tell him. “I’ll make double sure that every inch of you’s covered up before we take a single step outside. You’re not gonna get burned, and you’ll feel a lot better once we get there. Okay?”
“M-maybe I could just... stay behind? Please, Jim?” he suggested. “You can just lock the door, and, and I’ll stay here in the basement the whole time. I’ll be good, I promise.” Fresh tears pooled in his eyes. “Please. You said no more sun.”
“I’m not gonna leave you locked up all alone with no food while you bake alive for days.” Jim’s voice was gentle, but Kane hated the words. He would take what Jim was describing over the sun any day. “Listen to me. It’s going to be okay. Let’s... think about it a little. What’s the worst case scenario here?”
“Sun.” Kane said immediately, shuddering at the thought.
“Alright. So let’s say, hypothetically, I bundle you up real thorough with blankets like I’m planning. You give the go-ahead that you’re all covered up. You’re also wearing your regular clothes underneath. Somehow, a bit of sunlight gets through and burns you when we walk outside. I pull you back in right away and we fix it so you’re really all covered. It hurts, but it’s a probably one-inch burn that heals by the next day, ‘cause you’re healthy and fed. That sound about right?” Jim asked.
Kane thought about it, trying to think of any flaws in the scenario Jim laid out. He was right, it was different now. He was fed. Burns wouldn’t take weeks and weeks to heal from anymore.
“Wh-what if it slips off in the middle? While you’re driving?” He could picture it. The blanket slips while Jim’s driving, and he’s too busy with that to fix it, so he burns and burns and burns the whole way to Liz’s house.
“As soon as you let me know, I’d pull over right away and fix it. You won’t be stuck.” Jim assured him. “You’re not in this alone anymore.”
“Could I go in the trunk? If, if that’s okay?” Kane asked tentatively. No windows in the trunk. No risk.
“Totally.” Jim agreed. “If you wanna ride in the trunk, if that would make you feel safer, you absolutely can.”
Kane was still terrified. He was about to go out in the sun.
But Jim would be there, this time.
Jim lightly clapped his hands together. “Sounds like we’ve got a plan in motion. Anything else you wanna add to it?”
“What happens when we get there?” Kane asked.
“I’ll open the trunk, double check to make sure you’re all covered, and take you inside. The blinds’ll be closed. I’ll unwrap you, and then we can both enjoy the wonders of air conditioning again. No burning.” Jim patted him on the shoulder. “You okay?”
Kane nodded. He couldn’t believe he was agreeing to this. But... Jim wanted it. He had to. And he did make it sound a little less terrifying.
“I’m gonna take everything out to the car. I’ll leave it running so the AC gets it cool, but it’s probably still gonna be hot as fuck in the trunk, especially with you all bundled up. It’s about a half-hour ride and then you’re clear.”
“Okay.” Kane agreed.
Jim left with the luggage and returned holding two large, thick quilts, some duct tape, and two sets of cuffs. “I was only gonna use one quilt, especially ‘cause you’re gonna be real toasty with the heat already, but I can put a second one on if you want me to. Up to you.”
“Both, please.” Kane decided. It would be wildly uncomfortable, but it was a million times better than the chance of even a second of being burned by sunlight.
“Okie dokie. Hold out your hands?” Jim locked the restraints into place, first his wrists, than his ankles. They weren’t too tight, resting comfortably against his joints. Jim then laid one of the quilts out on the floor. “Go ahead and lie down in the middle, alright?”
Kane fought the instinctive urge to say Yes, sir as he did as directed.
Jim could see the fear written all over Kane’s face. Poor guy. He wished there was a better way to do this.
He would make damn sure to keep the promise of not letting him get hurt.
“I’m gonna cover you with this one first, roll you over, and do a second layer with the second one so it opens on the other side. That way, even if one were to somehow fail, it’d just open to more blanket. I’ll use the tape to keep everything in place.” he explained. “We won’t take a single step outside until you give the go-ahead.”
Kane nodded shakily. “Okay.”
“It’s gonna be a lot better when we get there. Just remember: once we set out, only thirty minutes to air conditioning.” Jim said as he folded the quilt over Kane’s body, making sure to cover every inch of him. “Doing okay so far?”
“Yes.” came a muffled voice from inside the quilt.
“Great, gonna do the first layer of tape.” Jim began winding duct tape around Kane’s bundled form, lifting Kane up with his hands where he needed to. By the time he was done, it was apparent that adding a second quilt would be complete overkill. “Are you sure you want the second quilt? You look pretty protected like this, and it’s gonna be hell sitting in that the whole drive.”
“Yes, please!” Kane’s words were tinged with panic.
“Alright, your call.” Jim agreed with a shrug. He laid out the second quilt, tumbled Kane over to lay on it, and began wrapping him in that, too. Jim did not envy his position: he was already unbearably hot in just a t-shirt and shorts, he couldn’t imagine what Kane felt like under two blankets. But hey, his choice. “Still good?”
“Mm-hm.” Kane’s voice was even more muffled now, barely audible under the thick layers of protection.
“Good. Lemme get that locked in.” He wound tape around and around, making sure it wouldn’t slip in transit. “That feel secure?”
Kane’s bundled-up form nodded with another “Mm-hm.”
“Okay, gonna pick you up now. I’ll let you know when we’re about to get to the door. I won’t take you out until you’re ready, alright?”
Jim scooped Kane up into his arms. He wasn’t very strong, but Kane was light, even with the blankets. He’d only been eating again for two months, and had been slow with gaining his weight back. Every day, he looked a little less skinny, but it was still gonna take a while for him to get himself up to a healthy weight.
He climbed up the stairs, making his way to the front door. He couldn’t wait to get into the coolness of his car.
God, it was gonna be awful for Kane in the trunk.
“You still sure you wanna go in the trunk? There’s not a bit of you showing, and it’ll be a lot cooler up in the front with me.”
Kane nodded frantically. “Mm!”
“Okay. However you wanna do it.” Jim stopped in front of the door. “We’re at the door. You let me know when to step out. If anything hurts, say something and I’ll bring you right back inside.”
Kane was silent in his arms for a long moment. A minute turned to two as Jim stood there, sweating. Even with Kane’s unhealthily light weight, Jim’s arms started to shake as he held the bundle of him in the oppressive heat.
Finally, he heard a soft, scared noise come from beneath the blankets.
“Alright. You’re gonna be fine. Opening the door.” Jim struggled to open his front door while holding a man in his arms, taking a slow, tentative step outside.
The bundle in his arms was rigid. Jim could feel just how tense Kane was as the sunlight shone on his blanket cocoon.
“Anything hurt?” he asked.
Kane shook his head no.
“Great. You’re doing great, Kane. It’s alright, I’ve gotcha. Not gonna let anything bad happen to you.” He carried Kane’s trembling form over to the car, opened the trunk, and gently laid him inside. He curled in on himself instantly, then uncurled. Probably already hot enough as it is.
“You all set for me to get the ball rolling on this?” Jim asked.
Kane made a soft whining sound, nodding.
“Alright. Shout if you need anything, loud, so I can hear you. I’ll get you out of there soon as possible.”
With a last look at the blanket burrito of a vampire, Jim shut the trunk. The car was blissfully cool compared to outside as he got in, guilt panging him that Kane was stuck in the hot trunk.
But, well, he’d offered. Kane wanted to be in there. With a final muttered curse at the AC for breaking at a time like this, he made way to take Kane to the house he grew up in.
extra content posted in between #37 and #38!
canon drabbles:
Bites Him
Sunburn (referenced in this chapter!)
au stuff:
Sun-day by @whumpshaped for the SPK crossover
Kane forgets Jim’s name
and have a plug for Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset, an amazing vampire whump series by @not-a-space-alien that takes place in the (slightly altered lore) same universe as Kane & Jim! it’s been updating with crazy frequency, put out 8 chapters (4 in 2 parts each) in the time between this and my last chapter. highly recommend. heed content warnings.
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whumpsday · 1 year
Whumpmas in July #5
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What character do you wish to see whumped more in canon/fan-made media?
this question seems more geared toward fandom whump, but i pretty much exclusively do OC whump, so i'm just gonna ignore the "canon/fan-made" bit.
so what kind of character do i want to see whumped more? WHUMPERS. whumper-turned-whumpee is one of my favorite tropes of all time, and i will never get tired of it, ever. whump the whumpers in canon, whump 'em in an AU, i want to see them vulnerable!!!
here are some whumpers who i would most love to see on the other side of the knife-or-what-have-you, whether in canon or in an AU, and i have imagined so in my little head:
Ciaran and Marcus from Cat and Mouse by @t0rture-me - i just think it would be fun if they got caught by hunters, especially Ciaran :) hehehe
Logan from Riot Kings by @befuddled-calico-whump - ever since Logan won this poll, i have been giddy with anticipation
Mason from Brody and Rudy & Clyde by @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi - you know this piece, the first chapter of the Rudy & Clyde side-stories? after more than two years, i will admit... i was this anon. this was when i was still a lurker, before i made my own whump blog. surprise! still love that one, GO CHARLIE
Nick from Magnanimous Moonrise & Savage Sunset by @not-a-space-alien - whumpee-turned-whumper characters are fascinating to me. Nick's past has been alluded to, but i would love to see him facing a vampire who's an actual threat. well- i mean, i guess i will in upcoming chapters :)
The Jeweler from The Jewelry Box by @whump-me-all-night-long - this was probably the first whumper i ever thought "huh, what would he be like as a whumpee?" about
Ve'Qren from Blood Sacrifices by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night - bram you already know my obsession with this concept (sorry ve'qren it's because i love and and am fascinated by you)
Victor from the wonderful mind of @lost-in-labradorite-halls - the more powerful a whumper is, the more i wanna see 'em get whumped
Vince from Shattered by @oddsconvert - he has sooooo much pride i just wanna squeeze him
and not sure if this one counts because he already has a whole whumper-turned-whumpee AU for him, but:
Kasia from Tomas and Rowe by @whumpzone - the Pet Kasia AU will always have my heart
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whumpsday · 1 year
I was wondering, since Kane is unable to use persuasion on humans, what if the hunters sold Kane to a group of scientists that would have experimented on him and possibly use his blood to cure human diseases... or just plain experimented on him. Scientists would call it experimentation, but clearly it's torture.
Or is this not a thing in your fics?
i have done this soooo many times in rps it's not even funny LOL. i absolutely love doing lab whump to kane
shout-out to all of kane's lab whumpers: @lost-in-labradorite-halls @not-a-space-alien @whumperstorm @lumpofwhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
so that is to say: yes, this would be extremely possible. honestly, prob would have happened at some point if jim hadn't picked him up.
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whumpsday · 2 years
So... um...
What would kane be like as a lab whumpee? *cough*( i totallllly don't want to write that for you.... nooooo) :?
i've done kane as a lab whumpee a whole buncha times actually! mostly with @lost-in-labradorite-halls and @not-a-space-alien but i also very recently started ones with @whumperstorm and @lumpofwhump. so yeah a BUNCH of times!!
it honestly depends! in most of these scenarios, i imagine it as kane having already been through several years of torture with the hunters before being transferred to a lab to be studied for the benefit of humankind, as the hunters would def agree that's a better use of kane. in this kind of situation, kane is very obedient and just wants to experience the least amount of pain possible.
if the lab treats him better than the hunters, he will count himself lucky. if the lab treats him about the same, then well, he'd be about the same as he is with the hunters. i don't think there's many scenarios in which kane would find something worse than the hunters.
if the lab is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the hunters, like if they feed him (even if it's not nearly enough) and the pain is either less frequent or less severe, he's able to keep himself clean and given clothes, he may develop stockholm syndrome. it all kind of depends on the whumper.
i do enjoy these scenarios very much so anon dm me if you wanna play it out together :D
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whumpsday · 2 years
some art @lost-in-labradorite-halls did of an rp we're doing right now! with my kane and her pup, intertwined by a particularly sadistic and creative whumper. the cuffs are silver, too. they'll be fine, they're vampires...
cw: extreme visual gore (SERIOUSLY), vivisection, body horror, mouth sewn shut, torture
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