#lots of love 🥰🩷
emometalhead · 6 months
Happy 2024!! 🎉 I wanted to take a minute to spread some love to my mutuals to start off the year. (Thank you to Alessia for reminding me to do this!!)
I'm going to do this in alphabetical order by url, because that's easiest for me.
@americanrecord - Kelsey!!!! Hiiii. I love you so much, and I hope this year brings you everything you deserve. You are so brilliant, hardworking, and kind. You're one of my best friends, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Forever proud of you and forever cheering you on. Here's to another year of friendship, daily check ins, and conversations about anything + everything. 🩷
@arnold-layne - Arnold!!! Hello my dear! I'm so proud of you for your recent accomplishments with school and work!!!! You are such a talented writer, and I know you're going to go far. I hope this year is productive for you and your passions. I'm excited to see you flourish, and I'm sending hugs!!!! I hope you have a year of love and light. 🫶🌞
@awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands - Hi Alessia!!!! You are one of the absolute sweetest people I've ever met. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for checking up on me and always bringing some light into my day. Last year was rough, but you made it better. I want to be more intentional about reaching out this year, and I'm grateful to have your friendship along the way. Ilysm. Wishing you a year that is as kind as you are. 💕💕
@a-queen-of-the-clouds Jori your url is so fitting, because you're absolutely a queen. I'm not sure when you'll see this, but you deserve good vibes year round. I love when you grace Tumblr with your presence. I miss you a ton when you're not here, and I hope you're doing so well irl!!! Sending hugs 🥰.
@born-to-lose - Hi Mel!! I'm so proud. I know this year threw some curveballs at you, but I also know you're going into this year stronger. You're an absolute girlboss is the best and least ironic way. 😎 You're a talented writer, and I love how you share your creativity. I'm so glad to know you. I'm obsessed with you, and I know you'll keep slaying in the new year. Wishing you all the best!!!! Love you!
@day-trippin-dreamer - Tina!!!! 🩷🩷 What can I say? You're one of the best friends I could've ever wished for. I am eternally grateful for you. Thank you for your kindness. I live for our daily conversations. You're part of my routine, and you always make any bad day become a good one. I love you so much. You're so much fun, and you have the best opinions+judgement. I can't say enough good things about you.
@doctorqueensanatomy - Sheamus, I have no clue if or when you'll see this. On the chance you will though, I want you to have something nice to read. I'm so grateful for our friendship! It has grown a lot in the last couple years, and I hope we'll grow even closer this year. I love your passion for your interests, and I love how much you care about the people in your life. Our conversations are always so fun or so heartwarming. I hope this year treats you kindly. You are so genuine and wonderful. Also you have a fun accent lol. Love you!! 🥰
@idontwanttospoiltheparty - Hi Fiona!! 😁 In the best way, you fascinate me. I love seeing how your brain works. I appreciate the time you put into expressing your thoughts and opinions. I may not always agree with your music opinions, but I respect them fiercely. You are the most dedicated Swiftles person I know, and I love that for you. I want to make more of an effort to reach out to people this year, so I hope we are able to interact a little more in 2024. I hope you have a wonderful year! 🩷
@inquisitiveheretic - I feel like every time I write out things for multiple people, I feel compelled to write yours last. You're really good at making me want to slow down and really think about what I want to say. I often feel in a rush for no good reason, so I appreciate that something about you gives off an effect of calm. I think you're one of the coolest people I've had the privilege of meeting here, and I'm grateful for our little chats. We are very different people, and I enjoy that you help me broaden my horizons. I hope you have a lovely year full of good things and good times. Thanks for being here 🖤.
@losers-yurio Hi Rylie!! 💛 I hope you know I think about you daily. You are a ray of sunshine, and I will never be able to say enough how glad I am to know you. You have had such a profound impact on my life. I love you so much, and I hope you're doing well. You're amazing, and I'm so excited for you heading into college!! The world is a better place for having people like you in it.
@morska--vila - Hi Andi!! I have no clue when you'll see this, but I want you to have something pleasant to see next time you're here! 🥰 I think about you all the time, and I miss you!!! I hope you're doing well. I'm always rooting for you. You have the best sense of humor, and I'm so happy to know you. As much as I love your presence here, I hope you're thriving irl.
@nocturnal-light - Lynne!! My dude you impress me so much. You're an incredible artist, and your talent as a skater is so cool! Seriously you're one of the coolest people I know. We don't talk a ton, but our interactions are always sweet! I appreciate your presence on my dash, and I hope you have a wonderful year!!!! 💜
@no-fxn-club - Frankie, you are one of my favorite people. I love the passion and joy you bring into the world. I have so much fun every time I talk to you, and I love the splices of life you share with me. I'm sorry I fell out of communication last year. I really want to mend that this year. I miss our daily conversations!! I love you a ton!! You're so damn cool, and you're my favorite southerner by a longshot 😂. Here's to another year of kindly making fun of each other!
@nuttmeg13 - Hi Megan!! 💜 I have to commend you for sticking through so many phases of this blog. I'm grateful to go into another year with you as a mutual! I'm wishing you the best, always. Here's to another crazy + exciting year as Swifties 🎉. Btw you're still the Swiftie with the most valid opinions lol.
@ramblinguitar - Hi Alexa! You're the best grunge blog around, and I think you're iconic. I love that you have such a deep love and respect for music, and I think it's great that you share so much music on your blog. I love receiving personal song recommendations from you, and it's always so cool when you post about new stuff I haven't heard about. Your jewelry is so cool, and you have such a creative soul. You're awesome, and I hope you have a great year!! 🖤🤘
@rebelrollerqueen - Renae!!!! I don't think I can ever say it enough, so I'm going to say it again: I am so proud of you!! I'm so proud of you. You are smart, creative, kind, and talented. I am so glad to know you, and so grateful to have been bestowed the Internet Mom title ❤️. I love hearing your covers, and I'm forever impressed with your hair+makeup+fashion. You are leaps and bounds cooler than I'll ever be, and I know you're going to achieve great things. ILY!
@rosyfingereddawnn - Hi Syd! You have such good vibes. You are such a caring person, and everyone should consider themselves lucky to be in your life. I appreciate your check ins so much. You deserve the best, and I hope life is treating you well!! 🩷 It's so fun seeing your post threads when you're listening to music. You radiate love and joy!!!! Ily 🌞
@smokeandmirrorz - Hi Jeordie!!!! I know you're spending more time away from this blog, and though I miss you I'm glad you're taking time for yourself! I hope you're doing well, and I know you'll make this year into something wonderful! Happy belated birthday, dude. You rock. 🖤
@therockywhorerpictureshow - Ella!!!!! You have such lovely vibes. You are so kind, and I love seeing you on my dash. Thank you for sharing pieces of your life. It is wonderful to see your dogs and baking!!!! Your blog makes me feel cozy and warm. I'm so happy to know you 😁🥰. Happy New Year!!! May this year bring you peace and joy!!!!
@xx-key-xx - Key, you are my 2000s fashion icon. I'm literally so obsessed with you. I know we don't talk much, but you're killing it and I'm always here to support you!!!! Keep slaying and live it up like it's 2004 ✨️🖤.
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rosicheeks · 3 months
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
I feel like it had to be something about my personality. Personality compliments are always top tier for me and then singing compliments are probably next 🩷
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Dinosaurs???? I’m sorry I’m awful lol
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
Right now I don’t think I have a *favorite* outfit. My go to outfit when I want to look cute is usually a skirt and a top that is either a crop top or I crop myself 😂
#I actually have a box somewhere of a bunch of hand written compliments I got when I was in school#some were notes and some was from church#even if I don’t know the person anymore it’s still nice to look back at them#also my school had a Facebook page where you could anonymously post compliments about other students so I wrote those down somewhere too 🫶#true and genuine compliments really hit me deep#the you’re beautiful or cool or nice or sweet#is nice to hear but it’s nowhere near the feeling you get when someone actually says something from the heart#sad thing is I don’t remember many personality compliments - I remember a few singing compliments but not many and I have a feeling that#my negative thoughts over the years just ended up drowning them out or ya know my memory sucks either way lol#my first thought was dinosaurs and then I was like nah they aren’t animals so I tried looking up extinct animals but then I got overwhelmed#so I was like eh I’m gonna just put dinosaurs but then I thought about it and was like……. if dinosaurs aren’t animals what are they#so I looked it up and I saw two different things saying either animal/reptile (I’m guessing depending on what type but who the fuck knows)#as for outfit that’s a hard one still - I don’t go out much so I don’t wear half of my closet#most of the time I’m just wearing some comfy pants and a some random shirt#but I’ve been trying to go out more so I’ve been going through my closet and trying different outfits#nothing is really *clicking* and tbh it’s probably cause I should get rid of all of it and start fresh#but that’s a lot of fucking money sooooooo not gonna do that lol#anyway thank you for the questions lovely 🩷🫶#it was fitting for you to do the 🌸 it made me smile 🥰#ask#🌸 anon
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thewaywardkees · 1 year
I've been tagged in this game twice so I've decided to do it. 🤭 Thank you for the tags sweeties: @destroya2005 and @bigdumbbambieyes 🩷🩷
Rules: Shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people. 
Radio — Lana del Rey.
Cocaine Jesus — Rainbow Kitten Surprise.
Can't take my eyes off of you — Frankie Valli.
Good for you — Selena Gomez and A$AP Rocky.
Complainte de la Butte — Rufus Wainwright.
Pass the Dutchie — Musical Youth.
I'll be your man — James Blunt.
Rich Girl — Gwen Stefani and Eve.
Agua (with J Balvin) — Tainy and J Balvin.
Tarzan Boy — Baltimora.
No pressure tags: @precious-hani , @i-gottafindyou , @martianclown , @lemonhitsu , @ihni , @thediktatortot . @/everyone who wants to play this game and hasn't been tagged yet. 🤭
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lunargrapejuice · 9 months
I know how you feel :( I am here to support you 🩷✨ the weekend will be over faster than you know it!!!!
So to keep you occupied (for now), I have a few questions for you!!! It’s me trying to get to know you.
1. Your favourite comfort food?
2. Your go-to recipe that you consider yourself to be the best in?
3. Your all time favourite anime?
4. If you could go to one place on this planet that you’ve never been, where would you go and why?
5. This is a tough and cruel one. I am sorry. I am just curious. Fuck Marry Kill - Genshin edition - Diluc Kaveh and Neuvillette
6. Do you get your nails done? If yes, what has been your favourite set so far?
I’ll have more for you when you’re done replying to these 🥰 hang in there, girl 🩷
nats!! hi babes! thank you so much for keeping me company 🥺 i am absolutely here to support you too, being away from our beloveds is so so hard but i really hope their time away from us goes by quickly!🩷
i love hearing from you & getting to know too, really this makes me so happy 😭🩷 thanks for being my friend you are so sweet & wonderful💕💕 im excited to answer these heh
1. ooo i love food so this is hard to pick just one haha if im having a bad day or just need some comfort im going for sushi or mexcian like enchilada with rice & beans or a smothered burrito mhm it’s making me hungry just thinking about it
2. i cook a lot since im the only one in my house of 3 that really knows how to cook lol so id say i have a lot of recipes but my favorite go to to share with others is japchae, it’s a korean dish with sweet potato noodles & veggies with a yummy soy sauce marinade it’s really good! i made it for my husbands family once & his dad & uncles had me totally crying when they told me it tasted just like it had when they were growing up in korea & it made them so happy to have it again 🥺
3. oh my gosh this is so hard too! it’s honestly a tie between jjk & fruits basket, i go back to both so much i love them dearly 🩷
4. ireland! half of my family is from ireland & im named after a river there so id really love to go 🥰
fuck kaveh
marry diluc
6. yes! i am a nail girly for sure, i have a 5 week standing appointment with my girl kiara who’s done my nails for years now, these are probably my favorite sets she’s done for me!
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
Oh don’t mind me I’m just gonna like this whole entire blog :)
have you cringed out yet? ☠
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prodkeiji · 5 months
guys i got obsessed with om!
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le-velo-pour-dru · 11 months
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fastandcarlos · 9 days
Missing Piece : ̗̀➛ Max Verstappen
summary: fans are beginning to notice your absence around the paddock, little do they know the amazing reason you’re finding yourself hiding away
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liked by schecoperez, danielricciardo and 1,945,053 others
maxverstappen1: spending time with some of my favourite little humans this week in monaco 🏎️🏁
username1: yet another race week without an appearance from y/n
username2: pls just give us the update we’re desperate for max
landonorris: are you there favourite human being??
maxverstappen1: @/landonorris always the favourite uncle
username3: I can’t wait to see this man with kids of his own
username4: max as a dad sounds soooo cute
schecoperez: it was lovely to see them in the paddock again this week!!
lewishamilton: a little birdie secretly told me that they’re actually a fan of me
maxverstappen1: @/lewishamilton whoever told you that is a liar!
ynusername: wish I could be there with you guys 🩷
username5: omg y/n
username6: is this a sign??? are they definitely still together???
username7: there’s still hope yet…
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liked by alex_albon, maxverstappen1 and 582,010 others
redbullracing: all smiles for max as he finds himself in pole position heading into tomorrow 🏆
tagged: maxverstappen1
username8: was it ever really in doubt??
maxverstappen1: thanks for all your support team! ❤️
username9: he smiles the way I smile seeing y/n interacting with him yesterday
username10: I bet he still wishes y/n was there though…
ynusername: so proud!! bring it home max 🏆
maxverstappen1: @/ynusername I’ll do it just for you 💕💕
username11: so how come y/n can comment but can’t be bothered to show up and actually support max
username12: @/username11 you can still be supportive from a distance!
schecoperez: congrats max!!
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liked by username14, f1wags and 14,403 others
formula1updates: max came on stream tonight and reassured everyone that y/n is doing well and that hopefully she’ll be back in the paddock soon. sending you lots of love y/n ❤️🏎️
username13: I really hope that it’s nothing serious
username15: thank you max for reassuring us all 🥺
username16: anyone else notice how he sounded like he was tearing up a bit talking about y/n on his stream earlier
username17: at least we know they’re both okay, that’s the main thing
username18: I can’t wait to see y/n back in the paddock too 🙏🏻
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liked by carmenmmundt, maxverstappen1 and 749,508 others
ynusername: the reason we’ve been a little quiet lately…we’re so happy to share with you all that the first two legged verstappen baby is on their way very soon 💕🥰
tagged: maxverstappen1
landonorris: stfu you guys, congratulations!! can’t believe you kept this a secret from me!!
maxverstappen1: cannot wait for this new adventure with you, couldn’t ask for anyone better than you 🩷🥰
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 you’re gonna be the best mumma!!
username19: woah baby verstappen!!
danielricciardo: uncle daniel is ready to spoil this baby rotten!
redbullracing: emailing the suppliers to order a thousand red bull baby grows as we speak 😂
username20: I’m not even the one having a baby but I feel like all my dreams have come true
alex_albon: congratulations to you both…lily puts her name down for babysitting duties btw
ynusername: @/alex_albon she can have all the baby cuddles in the world!
oscarpiastri: this is the best news - can’t wait to meet your little one!
username21: preparing myself to be spammed by dad max soon! 🔥
georgerussell63: always knew you guys would be the first to settle…so happy for you both!
carlossainz55: beyond excited for you both!!
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 839,403 others
maxverstappen1: making the most of all these bump cuddles and mornings with my best friend, pregnancy really is a beautiful thing!
tagged: ynusername
username22: I feel like I’m watching the cutest romcom with these posts ☺️
landonorris: how come you never let me rest my head in your lap and play with my hair??
maxverstappen1: @/landonorris start carrying my child and I might start listening
username23: these are the softest photos to ever exist 🥺
logansargeant: way to make the rest of us feel single guys 😂
ynusername: thank you for always taking the best care of me - I could never do this without you 🥰
username24: y/n and max reenacting every fanfic ever made 😭
username25: they’re just a dream 🥺
charles_leclerc: why is alex sending me these photos telling me I need to be more like max…
maxverstappen1: @/charles_leclerc I’ll give you some tips next race weekend 😂
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liked by danielricciardo, alexandrasaintmleux and 682,190 others
ynusername: people often ask me what I see in max and why I decided he’d be the perfect father for my children, well, here you are…😂
tagged: maxverstappen1
username26: omg y/n this is amazing!
landonorris: officially my favourite instagram post ever!!
maxverstappen1: why you always gotta do me dirty 😂😂
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 you still look handsome in my eyes love
username27: shout-out to y/n for always finding a way to humiliate max
alex_albon: you’re lucky you’re pregnant, brave posting these y/n 😂
ynusername: @/alex_albon why else do you think I waited until he was on the plane to montreal 😉
username28: yet another reminder why these two are my favourite couple ever
georgerussell63: how do you always manage to get away with posting stuff like this 😂
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liked by ynusername, oscarpiastri and 1,249,504 others
maxverstappen1: a post full of appreciation for my beautiful wife, you blow me away everyday with how well you’re coping, I couldn’t be prouder of you 🩷🥺
tagged: ynusername
username29: I just want a boy who loves me as much as max loves y/n
ynusername: thank you for always being by my side, I’d be lost without you ❤️
landonorris: y/n honestly deserves a medal for putting up with you!
maxverstappen1: @/landonorris no one asked for you to appear in my comments section thank you 😂
username30: becoming a dad has made max soppy but I’m not complaining
lewishamilton: can we just take a moment to appreciate how amazing y/n looks in pregnancy
ynusername: @/lewishamilton all thanks to my personal stylist 😘
username31: officially in my feels now
lance_stroll: not long to go for you guys now surely!
username32: I don’t think I can wait another three months for this baby to arrive
username33: how am I this jealous of a couple that I adore??
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liked by landonorris, schecoperez and 493,507 others
ynusername: bumpin’ along nicely 💕
maxverstappen1: I miss you so much, can’t wait to get home and give you all the cuddles in the world!
ynusername: @/maxverstappen1 we miss you too - I’m officially unable to tie my shoelaces now 😂
username34: 😭😭😭😭
username35: I literally can’t cope anymore
schecoperez: max does not stop talking about you btw
ynusername: @/schecoperez tell him to shut up and concentrate on the race!
maxverstappen1: @/ynusername I just can’t help it…I’m so excited!!
username36: I feel like I’m scrolling through pinterest at this point 🥺
carmenmmundt: I’m at home this weekend…omw now!
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt door is unlocked, non-alcoholic wine fresh out the fridge 🥂
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liked by redbullracing, danielricciardo and 1,593,597 others
maxverstappen1: the end of another season, so proud to add another driver’s championship to the collection, but most of all I’m so proud of my wife. no rest for me, off season this year is spent preparing those finishing touches for our family of three ❤️🏆🎉
tagged: redbullracing and ynusername
ynusername: could not be prouder of you - now let’s go and have a baby!!
username37: max’s year just keeps getting better and better!
landonorris: congrats bro…looking forward to the baby updates soon 💪🏻
danielricciardo: looking forward to stopping by the apartment to introduce your child to their favourite uncle!
schecoperez: @/danielricciardo I think you’ll find that role is mine
username38: never in doubt champ 🏆
username39: and now for the baby spam…
username40: can’t wait to see you become a dad max!
charles_leclerc: you could’ve let me have this one…you’re winning in life anyway 😂
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liked by danielricciardo, ynusername and 2,943,953 others
maxverstappen1: welcome to the world little one, the missing piece to our jigsaw is here and we’ve never felt more complete ☺️
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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taasgirl · 2 months
lover - oscar piastri
summary: y/n is a songwriter who writes plenty of songs however no one realizes that they're made by her (and about oscar hehe)!
a/n: the outcomes of the races are fictional, and the order in which these songs have been written (assume fearless was written this year ygwim?). also no face claim!!
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liked by yukitsunoda, oscarpiastri, and 33, 287 others ynusername romance is not dead if you keep it just yours! lovelovelove being able to come home for race day!! i'm so proud of u osc 🩷
oscarpiastri I'm so lucky 🥰 liked by ynusername
ynusername of course!!
user16372 u literally take the cutest photos of oscar
user82537 y/n quoting paris... i'm so up
yukitsunoda 😆😆
landonorris You're my favourite wag
ynusername wow how considerate
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liked by taylorswift, landonorris, and 1, 287, 387 others oscarpiastri Unwinding before Japan 👊
ynusername tehee we're cute
oscarpiastri You're cuter landonorris Get a room
taylorswift ooooh she's working hard @ ynusername
user61192 i did not expect to see taylor in the comments of oscar's post tagging y/n!
user92898 no fr like what is going on
user93829 Everyone shut up about taylor look at the beauty that is y/n omd
view ynusername's story...
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liked by jackantonoff, phoebebridgers, and 55, 918, 278 others taylorswift In honour of my album 'The Tortured Poets Department' release a week ago, I wanted to thank my biggest musical inspirations! Thank you Jack, Lana, and Y/N for helping me the best artist I could possibly be, without you'd guys I'd be nowhere (thank you y/n for writing the cheesiest, cutest, sexiest songs ever)!!
user51862 who is y/n
user01827 She's dating f1 driver oscar piastri but also now apparently a songwriter idk...
user72973 Wdym thanks y/n for writing?? you're telling me the twitter stans were right??
user62863 y/n is singlehandedly uniting f1 and the swifties
ynusername thank u tay 💓💓
user52868 Girl has been living a double life
user51929 ohhh so this is why taylor was commenting on oscar's post😭
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liked by oscarpiastri, taylorswift, and 108, 276 others ynusername well now that the cat is out of the bag, who wants to hear a story? i assume u all said yes.
on one of our first dates, oscar made me a bracelet (yes that one) and i thought (and still think) that it was one of the most romantic gestures. so obviouslyyy i wrote 'lover' about him hehe. yes we only knew each other for at most three months when i wrote it, but i love him so much, he's my forever.
oscarpiastri I love having a singer for a girlfriend (wife one day)
ynusername hello cat boy
user18739 You're telling me that taylor's most romantic song is literally written by my favourite wag about my favourite driver?? i might pass out
ynusername haha yes! i write a lot of songs for tay
landonorris So this song is basically about ur delusions liked by ynusername
user52863 oh now i need to know exactly what songs you've written
lilymhe wait so you've been friends with taylor the whole time...
let me know if you liked this!! i know it's super short but i'm seriously lacking inspo and ideas omd. also i literally love oscar so much.
i'm also working on a few reqs, so if you have a suggestion or request, let me know because i'd love to do it!!
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lxclerc · 3 months
𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 ─ 𝐦𝐯𝟏
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summary: where max verstappen is the subject of a love song from a singer who never writes love songs pairing: max verstappen x american singer!reader faceclaim: no one specifically but based off olivia rodrigo
note: me? writing max verstappen? smau fluff? on main? everyone look away.
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liked by user33, user4, user16 and others
dailyynupdates yn was seen around monte carlo the past few days, taking pictures with fans and allegedly cozying up with three time world champion max verstappen
view all 104,210 comments...
user12 what is going on in the house of commons because this was the last thing i expected
user39 this is quite literally the most random pairing i've ever stumbled across
user91 how do they even know each other 😭 user63 right like...where did this even come from? how did it start? literally how did they meet? they could not be farthest apart in the sphere of famous people
user19 now who the hell is max verstappen and why is he with my wife?
user49 oh girl you have a lot to catch up on the max lore user71 max is a formula one driver user56 saying max is a formula 1 driver like he currently isn't dominating the sport to the point where people hates him saying he's making it boring since he keeps winning because he's just that fucking good that literally no other driver can keep up is kinda wild user10 oh so our girl's new man is good at his job user52 "good at his job might just be the biggest understatement of the century when it comes to max. man's a fucking beast at his job
user48 i dont have to see her with her ratty ex anymore omfg war is over
user93 dare i say...they're adorable
user82 yn being in an age appropriate, healthy relationship? i never thought the day would come
user74 we won for real 🥹🫶
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liked by user23, user31, user69 and others
dailyynupdates max and yn in a video posted by yn's friend 😭
view all 59,129 comments...
user93 oh my god look at them 😭
user81 they look so in love i want to cry
user65 "maximillian, do i look pretty like this?" "you always look pretty" i couldn't quite catch what he said at the end but 😭😭😭
user85 dutch here and i believe he said "laiverd" which means darling user75 this means so much to me user65 you just made my entire week
user45 seeing her in love after all the shit men is healing a part of me i didnt know was broken
user53 max fixing her hood then kissing her cheek what if you just stabbed me
user31 every time i see these, i get the urge to take a shot of bleach 😀
sincerelyyn ✓
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liked by conangrey, maxverstappen1, taylorswift and others
sincerelyyn can't have a conversation if it's not all about you
view all 402,452 comments...
yourfriend as the other person of those conversations, he's fine i guess 😒
sincerelyyn you know i love youuuuu
taylorswift love seeing you happy ❤️
sincerelyyn ❤️❤️ user73 mother is all of us user63 you know it's real when it's taylor swift approved
conangrey i hate happy couples i hope you both trip 🫶
sincerelyyn die 🫶
user92 their friendship is everything to me
user15 not girlie trying to soft launch like we all don't know who it is 😭
user43 THEYRE SO ‼️🥵🥰⚠️
user65 you're so right
user24 i'm so happy finally seeing our girl happy 😭
user84 "someday i'll be everything to somebody else" YES YOU ARE BABYGIRL 😭
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liked by sincerelyyn, charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
maxverstappen1 my american girl 🩷
view all 308,291 comments...
charles_leclerc i still can't believe this is happening
maxverstappen1 for someone who don't even follow me, you sure are early to my posts 😒 user91 max gagged him with that im afraid
landonorris please please max talk to her about getting me tickets 😭
user85 lando is just like us fr struggling to get guts tour tickets maxverstappen1 no ❤️ landonorris 😔 sincerelyyn @landonorris let me get you in contact with my team 🤍 maxverstappen1 baby noooo sincerelyyn be nice, max landonorris HELL YEAH THANKS YN user42 this is the crossover i never thought i needed
user66 max posting non racing content and being all soft in the comments for yn in what world am i in
user52 fr i feel like im in an alternate universe 😭
sincerelyyn love youuuu
maxverstappen1 love you more
sincelyyn i never knew love could be so golden till i met you <3
maxverstappen1 mijn hele hart is van jou, schat (you own my entire heart, darling) user42 they mean so very much to me 😭
danielricciardo god the two of you make me nauseous
maxverstappen1 hating because you ain't us danielricciardo im not liking that attitude, kid 😒 user71 daniel is so us
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liked by maxverstappen1, taylorswift, yourfriend and others
sincerelyyn so american will be out on all platforms at midnight. a letter to the man i love, the only way i know how ❤️
view all 592,649 comments...
maxverstappen1 i adore you with everything in my being ❤️
sincerelyyn ik hou van je (i love you)
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i hope you guys liked this as much as i loved writing it 🫶
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pharawee · 16 days
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Last year I made a (very random) post about QL actors celebrating Bangkok Pride so this year I decided camp the socials again to find familiar faces because it was a lot of fun to do and it made me incredibly happy. 🌈
There's a lot of different parades and events today with more to come in the following weeks. Some actors might have to work today or won't post pictures until later. They might be attending in a different city or voice their support in other ways. Please remember that celebrating Pride is fun and not an obligation.
That being said, let's start with the kings, Porsch Apiwat and Arm Sappanyoo (who are already dressed up to marry asap)
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Followed by Earth Katsamonnat/Cooheart in beautiful traditional Thai dress:
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City of Stars' Job Krisz & Porsche Sitha (and if they want to kiss on the mouth again they should totally do that because gtfo toxic fandom) along with some more of their Star Hunter friends.
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(Some of) the Playboyys: Shell Thakrit, Dech Narongdet, Vivit Pharunrit, Boat Pakorn, Fay Chintub & KaowOat Supasin waving their own banner.
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LYKN (who have their own float)
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And hey look, I found Emi Thasorn looking cute as heck:
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Ohm Thitiwat & Atom Nathapop on a jetski.
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Frame Ritchanon, Ryan Panya & Kong Kooppong looking way better in motion.
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Kun Kittikkun alongside Sprite Patteerat looking absolutely stunning.
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No pics of the Bad Guy My Boss boys but here we have Kad Ploysupa, James Hayward Prescott, Nick Steiner Gaksch, Fam Thanupat, Kin Anakin & Perth Napat celebrating (source).
Earth Teerapat (who went from Earth to Din and back to Earth), Double Tubthep (House of Stars) & First Kantapon representing Bibbidii Entertainment.
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Tong Thanayut looking v cute as usual. 🥰
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Yoshi Rinrada being the most beautiful girl around.
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Top Piyawat (Every You, Every Me) celebrating with a hashtag that tumblr won't let me share (but if you click on the pic you can find it because he's right 🌈).
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Nef Rattanan & Bix Tagon looking v sweet and colourful (so the exact opposite of their characters in Love Syndrome: The Beginning):
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Big Thanakorn, Seng Wichai and Pan Bhumintr promoting safe sex:
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Turbo Chanokchon and his brother Fourwheels Chayanond celebrating together:
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Silvy leading the marching band (make sure to click on the source because it's a whole video and it's perfect):
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Ending this post with the Playboyys because I can:
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(It's 11pm in Bangkok now and today's parades have ended. If I find more stragglers I'll add them here but I'll probably make a separate post for actors joining other Pride events. Happy pride month everyone! ILU💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🩷)
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leviscolwill · 6 months
lovelorn and nobody knows ★
pairing: jude bellingham x mclaren driver!reader [face claim: amna al qubaisi]
in which: jude wants to be the most supportive boyfriend, even if it means ruining your soft launch
note: for plot reasons, let's pretend mp motorsports is mclaren. hope my f1 reader! enthusiasts like this one 🩷
now playing slut! by taylor swift...
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liked by madders, yn.isracing and 1,369,097 others
judebellingham yeehaw 🤠
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yn.isracing whore. [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
yn.isracing save a horse ride a uhhhh [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
camavinga texas boy with a british accent, i've truly seen it all 💀
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liked by judebellingham, olliebearman and 476,916 others
yn.isracing in my cowgirl era
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your.bsf whatever he's doing i can do better i swear
yn.isracing i can name a couple things idk
your.bsf i don't think i wanna know...
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liked by mclaren, louisvuitton and 1,182,764 others
yn.isracing city of love <3
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your.bsf that should be me 💔💔💔
judebellingham 😝😝😝 [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
judebellingham croissant bag
yn.isracing yummy!
judebellingham j'aime les pieds 😍 [i like feet]
judebellingham my french professors told me it means pretty girl in french btw 🤭
camavinga 🤣🤣🤣
aurelientchm 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
jobebellingham who are u holding 🤨
yn.isracing some stray dog i found
jobebellingham so nice of you 🥰
judebellingham FUCK OFF ??? [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
judebellingham STOP SILENCING ME [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
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liked by centralcee, jobebellingham and 1,620,261 others
judebellingham some wannabe z lister (not me but you know)
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📌 judebellingham she's responsible for this caption btw
user22 jude soft launching his gf + her turning him into a swiftie was NOT on my 2023 bingo
user16 thank u for the roses bae xx
user77 me when i'm deluded
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liked by marcusarmstrong, f1 and 1,610,618 others
yn.isracing i'll be home for quismois 🎅
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your.bsf finally i get my girl back damn
yn.isracing i never left u 🤸🏻‍♀️
your.bsf you did, for a m*n 😁
user44 i just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door 😫😫
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liked by 99,729 users
jude5updates jude was seen at winter wonderland with friends yesterday during christmas break
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user62 he was so sweet !! and the girl he was with was super pretty 👩🏻‍🦯
user11 that was me
user90 the dots are connecting...
user07 girl bffr, they could be just friends 🙄
user19 that's a lot of coincidences miss yn.isracing 🤨🤨
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liked by judebellingham, landonorris and 2,925,727 others
yn.isracing bitch don't tell me that you model if you ain't been in harper's bazaar or sum like that
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landonorris 😍😍
judebellingham back off shorty [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
judebellingham whoa
judebellingham drive me around pls
judebellingham doggy, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, upside down, inside out, one leg up, two legs up, in public, on a spaceship, in the garden, on the grass, in a car, in a box, on a table, against a wall [this comment has been deleted by yn.isracing]
yn.isracing bitch wtf
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why do u keep deleting my comments :(
i just wanna love on my girl 😓
because u lost your whole mind
you truly have no shame 💀
but you keep deleting my funny comments
ppl are gonna think i have no game
they wouldn't be wrong !
you know damn well...
how did i bag u then ?? uh !!?!;!?#;#(
charity work from my end xx
i hate you
no you don't
no i don't
i feel like i'm being reasonable tbh
i could bark in your comments
do you want me to bark in your comments ?
NO ?????
maybe i do idk
furry 😧
but seriously tho
i don't like being a secret
i just wanna show off my gf idk
we agreed to keep it on the low for now
but i'm starting to regret it
it's so hard not to insult your teammate ❤️
nooo he can fuck off
only i get to be nice to you
others have to bully you
i want to renegotiate our contract
girl what contract are u talking abt
we don't have to post everything abt us
i just wanna show my appreciation properly
but still stay private
everyone knows anyways
pleaseeee 🥺🥺🥺
wtf delete
the emojis i'm 🤢
i guess... maybe...
we can compromise...
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liked by yn.isracing, benchilwell and 2,619,015 others
judebellingham passenger princess (me)
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📌 judebellingham she forced me to use this caption
jobebellingham stop lying now
yn.isracing oh i love you so very much
yungfilly pretty girlfriend + personal driver is CRAZY
yn.isracing he's not paying me for the extra hours 😪
judebellingham i'm paying you in kisses, jokes and other tomfooleries 🙄
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liked by judebellingham, mclaren and 2,081,620 others
yn.isracing that's a wrap for my rookie year in f1 + first win woooo. thank you of the support, see you next year 🤪
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mclaren here's to many more years and wins together ;)
judebellingham so so so so proud of you
judebellingham you're so good at everything it's so sexy of you whoa
jobebellingham have some shame
gioreyna down bad
judebellingham noooo she stole my phone wtf hahaha i never commented that lol
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yxngbxkkie · 5 months
telling the boys you're pregnant (l.k)
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okay! so, people have asked for a part two of mornings with minho ✨️ and i finally figured out how it should go! it's short, but i do hope you guys like it 🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
“Bunny?” You call out Minho's pet name after walking into the apartment. Your free hand shifts through the shopping bag you have, excited to show your husband what you bought. “Are you home??”
You can hear the bells on your cat's collars, the three of them trotting towards you. Doongie meows before rubbing his head against your leg. You giggle and set the bag onto the table, crouching down to pet your fur babies.
“Did you call me, jagiya?” Minho's voice snaps you from petting the cats.
“Yeah, hi, bunny,” you greet him as he walks over to where you're crouched.
He smiles down at you and helps you back up. “Hi, baby,” he giggles, pressing a loving kiss on your lips. Minho notices the bag on the table, reaching a hand out towards it. “What's this?”
A squeal leaves your lips, and you pull away from him, moving to show him what you've bought. “I got some things for the boys! For when we tell them about the baby,” you tell him excitedly, emptying the bag.
“I got each one a cupcake. I got you one, too. That way, there's an even amount of each color,” you start to explain, neatly placing the desserts on the table. Minho nods his head while watching you, a smile adorning his lips. “And then, I printed out seven copies of the sonogram. That'll go beside the cupcake.”
Minho grabs the photos from you, neatly placing them beside the seven cupcakes. “I still can't believe that's ours,” he whispers, moving to land a kiss on your cheek.
Your heart flutters in your chest as you nod in agreement, resting a hand on your stomach. “I know. I hope they look just like you, bunny,” you grin ear to ear, stroking your husband's cheek.
“Psh, I hope they look like you,” Minho giggles and gently kisses your forehead.
You kiss his lips quickly before going through the bag again. “I've got one more thing. I found the cutest cards to give to them. I had them made the other day,” you pull out one of them, handing it to Minho.
He takes it from you and reads what you had printed on it. “I know you won't meet me for another 7 months. Dad tells me a lot about you guys, and I can't wait to meet you. 🩷”
“This is adorable, jagiya. They won't know what hit them,” he chuckles, gently ruffling your hair.
You set everything up perfectly on the table, knowing that the boys will be here soon. “I'm nervous,” you giggle while fiddling with your fingers.
Minho tucks your hair behind your ears, and he shakes his head. “How come? You know the boys, they'll be so excited,” he reassures you and rubs your arm.
“I know, I know.”
He kisses you a few times, resting his hands on the nape of your neck. “I love you, honey. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Minho,” you whisper against his lips.
Before your husband has the chance to deepen the kiss, multiple knocks echo off of the front door.
“What perfect timing they have,” Minho groans, pulling away from you. You giggle, patting his chest before walking over to the door.
You open the door, and the rest of Minho's members stand on the other side. Chan greets you first, pulling you into a quick hug. A giggle leaves your lips as you hug each one on their way in.
“Thanks for coming,” Minho smiles as they take their seats at the table. You slide each gift in front of the boys, watching their eyes shift between you and the items. “Y/N and I have something to announce.”
“We've been waiting for weeks to tell you all,” you say with a smile, standing beside Minho.
Hyunjin's brows furrow as he opens the card first, reading the words you put. “Wait, dad?” He questions, lifting his head to look at you both.
Chan's eyes widen, and he quickly leans towards Hyunjin, reading the card. Jisung releases a gasp, dropping whatever was in his hands.
“You're pregnant?!” Jisung squeals, showing the other boys your sonogram.
Tears pool in your eyes as the chatter between them and Minho grows louder. Felix stands up from his chair, quickly rushing towards you to hug you again.
“Congratulations!” He tells you, rubbing your back gently.
“Thank you,” you smile, feeling a couple of tears slip from your eyes.
Each member gets up and hugs both of you, even though Minho hates receiving hugs from them. You giggle as Chan wraps his arms around your husband's chest, hugging him from behind.
“I can't believe Minho’s going to be a dad,” Seungmin mentions, glancing towards Jeongin.
“I know!” Jeongin exclaims.
Minho walks back over to you, draping his arm over your shoulder. “Well, believe it! In seven months, you all will be uncles!” He says before kissing the top of your head.
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
951 notes · View notes
chrisevansonly · 7 months
12 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
ʚsocial media au
ʚlando norris x female leclerc!sister reader
ʚlooks like your brothers are going to be seeing a lot more of lando…but that doesn’t mean the 6 foot rule is up..
ʚnot requested but i just wanted to do a little something! you can read part one here! <3
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liked by landonorris, arthur_leclerc, lilyhme and 213,000 others
surprise i chopped my hair off!!!! (pls don’t break up w me lando)
see 5,000 comments
username no this is everything
charles_leclerc tres belle mon soleil 🩷
>yn.leclerc merci charlie 🥺🥺
username me waiting to see what lando says 👀
landonorris HELLO
>yn.leclerc hi baby🥰
landonorris WOW BABY WOW
landonorris you’re so beautiful 😭
>arthur_leclerc alright relax romeo, she’s been wooed enough
>leclercpascale arthur soyez gentille avec lando!
leclercpascale c’est si gentille ma belle!😘
>yn.leclerc merci maman!!❤️❤️
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liked by maxfewtrell, yn.leclerc, lorenzotl and 567,000 others
mini getaway with my girl, and yes i beat her playing chess
tagged yn.leclerc
see 17,000 comments
username she’s so beautiful :(
username i love their relationship
username i saw somewhere that lorenzo actually pushed them to be together👀👀👀
>yn.leclerc he did, he loves lando 🥰
>lorenzotl love is a strong word…
>yn.leclerc admit it pls☹️
>lorenzotl okay okay fine…he makes you happy so he’s family
liked by landonorris
yn.leclerc thank you for my little trip i loved it and i LOVE you(i beat you 4 times before you finally won)❤️❤️
>landonorris i love you more (don’t air that out..)😘
username i could sob my eyes out right now
leclercpascale oh j’aime les fleurs!! très magnifique!
>landonorris j'en ai pris pour vous maman leclerc! 😁
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 432,000 others
bored waiting for lando to come home, oh yeah i forgot to mention we finally settled into our new house🥰
tagged landonorris
see 20,000 comments
>yn.leclerc it’s on my youtube!! same with makeup🥰
username oh to be her!!!!
username aww her and lando live together now😭
charles_leclerc he needs to be 12 feet away from you at all times
>yn.leclerc char it was 6…..why double it?
>charles_leclerc because you live with him now🙄
landonorris i’m coming home in 5 with your favourite for dinner!❤️
>yn.leclerc and this is why i love and adore you baby😘
username 🥹🥹🥹
arthur_leclerc still not onboard with you moving out. come back now.
>yn.leclerc awww thur it’s okay to miss me…i miss you so much :(
>arthur_leclerc 😪❤️
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liked by yn.leclerc, mclaren, pierregasly and 657,000 others
mon soleil is this your man?
tagged yn.leclerc, landonorris
see 31,000 comments
username CHARLES 😭😭
username there is no way he posted this
username only brothers would post this shit
mclaren that’s one of our papaya boys!😁🧡
liked by landonorris
yn.leclerc CHARLIE!!! CE N’EST PAS GENTIL!!! 😡
>yn.leclerc but yes, yes he’s mine 🥰🥰
username y/n to charles: 😡😤🤬😾 y/n to lando:🥰🩷🌸🫧
landonorris mate….
landonorris this is just how did you even get these
>charles_leclerc never telling🌝🌝
>username the moon emoji😭😭
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liked by carla.brocker, landonorris, yn.leclerc and 233,000 others
mon ange is this your man?
tagged yn.leclerc and lando norris
see 24,000 comments
username NOT ARTHUR TOO😭😭
username oh my fucking god
lorenzotl 🙄🙄🙄
>arthur_leclerc traitor.
yn.leclerc MAMAN!!! @:leclercpascale
>leclercpascale 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
username even pascale is done😭😭
landonorris i’m not even going to attempt to form a sentence or thought
>yn.leclerc i’m sorry my love 🥺
>landonorris it’s okay baby, i have my own revenge planned someday 😏
username the leclerc and norris war is about to begin!!!
liked by landonorris
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liked by mclaren, landonorris, lorenzotl and 435,000 others
my man my man my man (stay hating charles & arthur😚)
tagged landonorris
see 15,000 comments
username he looks so happy
username i love them together
landonorris awww🥹
landonorris i love you forever and ever
>yn.leclerc and ever and ever!!
leclercpascale mes bébés ❤️❤️❤️
liked by yn.leclerc and landonorris
username okay but they’re so cute together
charles_leclerc 🙄🙄
>arthur_leclerc 🙄🙄
username i feel like max finds this hilarious tbh
>maxfewtrell i do💀
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liked by maxfewtrell, yn.leclerc, leclercpascale and 632,000 others
the boys & the princess (aka our babysitter, love you baby)
tagged yn.leclerc and maxfewtrell
see 43,000 comments
username y/n looks SO over it😭
>yn.leclerc i promise i wasn’t, max and lando are just SO annoying when they drink together 😭
username HAHAHAHA y/n outing max and lando
maxfewtrell i’m not that bad…
>yn.leclerc BRO BE SO FOR REAL
charles_leclerc blink twice if you need help soleil
>yn.leclerc 😳😳
username please charles sends me everytime
username poor y/n
yn.leclerc you owe me.
>landonorris thank you baby, i know just the thing😉
username i can’t tell if that a suggestive wink or a normal one…
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liked by landonorris, carla.brocker, arthur_leclerc and 657,000 others
life lately, lots of love, family and oh yeah…lando definitely made it up to me🥰💍
tagged, leclercpascale, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc and landonorris
see 68,000 comments
username OMG NO WAY😭
username these photos are so cute🥹
alexandrasaintmleux congratulations beautiful❤️
>yn.leclerc thank u lex!!! love you😚
carla.brocker AWW congrats!!!🥺
>yn.leclerc thank you sissy!!🩷🩷
leclercpascale felicitations a vous deux! ❤️❤️
liked by landonorris and yn.leclerc
charles_leclerc fine…i guess lando’s okay..congrats you two❤️
>yn.leclerc thank you charlie🥰
username THIS MADE MY DAY!
arthur_leclerc i guess welcome to the family….still 12 feet apart 😒🖤
>lorenzotl ^^^😁
>landonorris i’ll take it LOL
landonorris i love you forever and ever❤️
>yn.leclerc and ever and ever😘
2K notes · View notes
astrologylunadream · 4 months
How They Want to Please You [SPICY] 💌🌹🫦 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream~💋 This is a reading on your person and how exactly they would want to please you and their approach to that!!🤭❤️‍🔥 hope you find your message💌
(This is a spicy reading🔥 Some piles more intense than others)
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~❤️
Pile 1💋
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Pile 2🔗
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Pile 3❤️
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Pile 4🍒
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ❤️‍🔥
Pile 1💋
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Sign energy: Long, Threat, Marriage, Therapy, Stress, Jupiter, Libra, 8th house, Cancer, 3rd house,👈🧱🤴🤒
👤Your person's energy: Okay for some reason I was getting indirect Taurus energy but anyways your person VERY good at communication, omg they may take part in long discussions and like drawn out conversations or hypothetical stuff.. or simply just talk alot LOL💬😂 For signs we have Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Scorpio, Cancer and Gemini wow those may be significant. Some of my pile 1's are very attracted to the way this person talks.🗣🥰🩷 I'm getting that your person may always feel like they need someone to listen to them because my pile 1's your person has a lot of stress omg they need to let it out😭 Talking with others may feel like true therapy to them, they feel better when they have someone to talk to🥺💕 For some of you this person has long legs or even bigger features, something is definitely long about them.🙈😈 I'm also hearing "why the long face?" So maybe your person has a worried look washed upon their face, oh this could be because their stress.😟💧 Some of you are in a committed relationship to this person or you see them as marriage material.💍✔️ It is hard for your person to open up to just anyone on a deeper level, they may have been in bad relationships before or over shared themselves. This person might have even cut out romantic connections entirely.✋️✂️ Specific message for someone in pile 2 they could have a lot of siblings, I definitely feel your person knows many people or someone could be a therapist. They could have an ex still obsessed with them maybe they're your ex, divorce or break ups may be significant to your person. They do have a magnetic way about them, like I feel like them as a spouse would be so HOT😳 I'm hearing "trophy wife/husband" lol that is what they are like or would be like.🏆��️ You guys may be a bit obsessed with this person, some of you don't wanna wait for Intimacy after marriage.🙈❤️‍🔥
🌹How they wanna please you: Self love, Fluff, Skill, Inner thoughts, Fairytale, Libra, Eros, Uranus, North node, Capricorn, 🏩😎🌹🐈 My pile 1's your person is so sweet and so naughty at the same time😭😭 First and foremost they want you to be happy and love your life omg they wanna make you feel like you're in a fairytale🥺💖 They also want to make you feel pretty and love yourself just as much as they do. There are so many things they wanna try with you pile 1!! They are literally thinking about a SOLID future with you, they want to provide and pleasure you and give you the love you deserve omfg this is too much💓🪽🥹 They have thoughts of your thing, if you know what I mean🙈🥵 They want to know your body well do everything right with you, like they want to be an expert at it. They may want to experiment a lot with you to see exactly what you like and what pleases you the most.🔥😈😭 Your person is kinky, They also want to use their fingers inside WTF they think about exactly how turn you on. They want you to think good about yourself and feel beautiful with them. Also taking you to a motel so you guys enjoy your time alone and be as unusual as you want?!🏩 Going hard on your 🍑 If you want it🥵 They also want to give you something to see, like doing things to themselves for you. OH MY pile 1 your person would do anything🫣💦 Your person is big on pleasing you visually, but not just with themselves but with everything. Like taking you to beautiful scenery and giving you flowers in hopes that you're just as pleased with that as you are with them✨️💐💗 They just really wanna turn you on and for you to be so happy with them, some of you may be very impressed how much they know what you like. I mean seriously this person thinks pile 1 is so lovely and attractive🥺 They want to please you at the highest level and just make you feel so in love and treated well😭💝
💌Messages from your person: It's okay to have high standards, I hear you, I wish I could, I think you're a great person, Your secrets safe with me, Your first love, What are your biggest fantasies? Put your hand on mine. (So sweet🥰🩷) Extra cards: Pisces, Focus, Up, Store, Abandonment, Gemini, Saturn, Uranus, Libra, 10th house
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❤️‍🔥
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the kiss emoji~💋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading✨️🤭❤️
Pile 2🔗
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Sign energy: Attraction, Sensitivity, Important, Only one, Mystery, Chiron, Aquarius, 3rd house, 5th house, 1st house,🖇♀️💼🥳
👤Your person's energy: This is someone very special, you may see them as one of a kind✨️ My pile 2's are attracted to this person and you want to connect with them and have sweet conversations with them😭💓 Signs could be Aquarius, Gemini, Leo or Aries in their chart. Your person has a soft feminine vibe to them (no matter the gender) They may talk in a gentle way. They may have a hobby unknown to you or they hide it, they could be interested in career/hobbies related to entertainment, artist, creator, or music.🎨 I'm getting anonymous vibes from your person, for some in pile 1 they have a secret channel or social media account they share their work on. Now your person may get hurt a lot on accident, they are very sensitive to injuries.😢🩹 Maybe they have a noticable scar for some of you? You feel very connected to this person, like they are your twin flame kinda thing.❤️‍🔥 They work for fun I'm hearing, or start a lot of fun little projects for themselves. They are very creative and sweet, I am getting gentle artistic energy. This could be a close friend for some of you, or a friendly connection between you both. This person may feel like the only one you can talk to like a best friend. They play a big role in your life, they also may be someone important online.📱✨️ They are very fun at parties, I think their sweet and charming nature makes them very attractive to you. This person has such lovely features and gestures!!🥺💖 They also have a senstive side to them, that may have been what attracted you to them as well. You have no idea how they have such a beautiful aura to them lol🥰🩷
🌹How they wanna please you: Pride, Competition, Long, Truth, Decor, Cancer, Water, 9th house, Venus, 1st house, 🗞👑💐🛎 Okay so acts of service may be something your person wants to do for you💓 They want to please you by doing sweet little things for you, this might be the most innocent pile omg it's just so cute🥹💓💕 They want you to make you feel cared for and take pride in yourself! So your person is a bit competitive about pleasing you, maybe there is a situation where they aren't the only one who's out to please pile 2 right now OMG for some of you this person is very defensive over being the only one that pleases you and the best at it. (This makes them so emotional😭❤️) Also taking you on a long trip with them somewhere beautiful ooh and I'm seeing somewhere near water so maybe they're wanting to take you on a vacation somewhere by a body of water so like lakes, rivers or the ocean.🌊🧭💘 They want to please you aesthetically most importantly, making sure your surroundings and over all environment is nice and beautiful enough for my pile 2's🥺💗 I'm getting they definitely wanna win your heart, also flowers!! This is so sweet, they would want to please you by giving you roses and pretty lovely bouquets to express just how genuine their feelings are for you guys omg.. I feel like if you come over to this person's space they will decorate it very beautifully for you to see, like they take pride in their decorating skills I'm hearing.🌸🛍✨️ Also with their appearance, they wish to look amazing for your eyes to see. I can see them wanting to restrain themselves for your pleasure.🫣 They want to serve you in any way they can, that may be something they wish to please you with, lol for some this person wants to clean for you like help with whatever's on your to do list so you can just sit back and be spoiled by them.👑😩💓 This person is head over heels for our lovely pile 2🥰 They want to hold you. I am hearing they truly care for you, they want you to feel comfy and pretty with your surroundings. Ahh pile 2 your person is such ring material LOL.💍
💌Messages from your person: Let me adore you, Focus on us, If I had you, This is madness, It's not what it looks like, I wish I could control it, We will find eachother again, I want to spend my life with you (AHH PILE 2 🥳🤧❤️) Extra cards: Situation, Competition, Fantasy, Worthy, Options, Earth, Jupiter, Sagittarius, 2nd house, Aquarius (Ohh so your person want's to be worthy to compete for your love and for some in this pile they may be a second option for you right now!!)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❤️‍🔥
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the chain emoji~🔗 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading✨️🤭❤️
Pile 3❤️
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Sign energy: Synchrony, Respect, Diamond, Peace, Flirt, Aries, 3rd house, 10th house, Pluto, Sun,🕳❤️🎨🔙
👤Your person's energy: Okay so there is a masculine energy for this pile's person, very powerful aura about them✨️😎 Prominent energies for them are Aries, Gemini, Capricorn, Scorpio or Leo. The way this person speaks may stand out to you, because they are smooth with their words. For some of you this person is so good at flirting it's scary😳🥵 They can win anyone over with just their words I'm hearing, they have such a magnetic way about them omg🔥🧲 They can make people obsessed with them easily, their public image is seen as something rare. People view your person as sensually attractive. I think they are more playful with the people they know, but when they're interacting with acquaintances they can be very intimidating yet very hot.🤯 They have a bold energy to them, people immediately feel like they should respect or admire them in some way.✨️ Maybe you see yourself in this person, you may share similar views. People fall for your person's charms so quick, there is a deep love and admiration for their self worth. Your person is creative and very interesting in most conversations, they keep things interesting.💬🎉 They could have a deep voice, or a pleasing one that draws you in. They could also be in shape or bigger than you in appearance or vibe. Your person may own accessories made of jems or diamonds📿⌚️ This is a random message but you two would be very physically compatible?!🙈🔥 Yeah this person can draw you in deep and they just say one word and it turns you on LOL😭 Many of my pile 3's are in love with this person, I mean on another level. They are quick witted, I'm also hearing fast reflexes for this person. They shine like a jewel in their productivity or work, I mean they can be really smooth and calm like talking in a low voice but then when they're passionate about something they will consume it😳
🌹How they wanna please you: Pain, Big, Lay down, 11th house, Early, Lilith, Chiron, Cancer, Jupiter, Capricorn,🪫🌧🗒🔱 Omfg pile 3 your person is something else😭 They wanna please you in the most intense way you can handle, I'm hearing they want to drown you in pleasure until it drains you both completely...🪫🥵 They want to be so naughty with you, like filling out EVERY one of your kinks. They want to force you down if it's what works, laying you down and going hard on you💦🥵🥵 They have big fantasies about you and wanna achieve all of yours too. Like I'm not kidding I feel like they literally have a to do list of everything they want to please you with WTF🤯🫣 You bring out a different side of them for real. They would dominate you if it brings you pleasure. They want to record a lot of videos of you two, especially the times they can please you the most. They want to give you pain if it pleases you, but they will also match your intensity and be gentle if they need to.🥺❤️ They want to lay you down and let it out aggressively or just simply cuddle with you, whatever they can do to fullfill your fantasies. They want to make it rain and that's all I'll say.😳 (they could also wish to spend a lot of money on you). They want to give you lots of aftercare and heal you emotionally or physically any way they can. I'm seeing a lot of duality with this person, they could really please you in different ways. They want to comfort you and make you feel safe, but also please you like really hard😈 My pile 3's your person is so naughty for you😭😭 They want grinding and restraining, that's something they think would give you pleasure too. Their dark side really comes out for you guys wtf, I think you heal eachother's issues in some way😢🩹 I can see them wanting to post all about you on their social media, not the bad stuff but just cute photos of you. They save the bad ones for themselves🥵 Wow this pile got crazy also your person wants to suck on your skin (😳) or piercing sensations if that pleases you. Also they want to give you the best one you've ever experienced🔞💭 I'M ENDING IT THERE
💌Messages from your person: I've been so busy, I love us, I know you like me, You're the one that I want, When you look at me like that, Your eyes are beautiful, You have so much worth, Why can't you see? (OMG I'm flipping out that is so sweet😭😍⁉️) Extra cards: Down, Found, Siblings, Cherish, Maze, Juno, Pisces, Chiron, Mercury, 7th house (Your person loves the way you communicate btw they really see you as a straight up soulmate🙈❤️)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❤️‍🔥
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the red heart emoji~❤️ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading✨️🤭❤️
Pile 4🍒
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Sign energy: Right, Museum, Surrender, Reserved, Less, 11th house, Leo, Taurus, Earth, Jupiter,🆘️💁‍♂️💀⛓️
👤Your person's energy: Wow okay so this person is pretty straight forward I'm getting, they may communicate with others online a lot.📱💬 They have a unique look about them.✨️ Something is coming through, they had a bit of an ego death in the past so they became less self-assured or confident in themselves. They are good at making a community for themselves. Prominent sign energies are Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius or Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) oh and Pisces too. Museums may be significant, also this person may work at in art gallery for someone in pile 4 haha.♥️ I think this person spends too much time online or involved in charity work, they don't speak up their own opinions much I'm hearing.💭🚫 They may change their hair often or they got a hairstyle in the past that significantly changed their whole vibe lol. They have online friends that may not be out for their best interest, I feel like they're kinda on display for everyone to see and pick apart.🥺😡 Maybe your person has some opinions that the people around them don't agree with, that could be why they learned to keep it to themselves and go along with everyone.😭🐑 Their self-expression has been somewhat locked away because don't want to be criticized by others.🔒 I think your person is an out of the box thinker, so they have some unconventional ideas.💡❤️ I don't think they're very self confident, or they have lost that over time. They are in a sort of repressed energy, like they have no freedom for themselves. I'm hearing "stopped being honest" omg maybe they gave up on sharing their opinions🤯 Some of you are at a long distance from this person, maybe you reach from online. Pile 4 your person needs saving omg they are around a lot of toxic people😥☣️
🌹How they wanna please you: Competition, Equality, Work place, Let go, Song, Water, 11th house, 9th house, 3rd house, Capricorn, 🍑🪐🧎‍♂️📸 Ahh okay🙈😍 Now I'm definitely getting a vibe that for some in this pile, this is a friend or they want to be friends with you. They want to get up to your level in order to please you, maybe they feel unworthy or unequal to you in some way😢💔 I can see them wanting to make a playlist for you to please you🤭🎼 They want to achieve success for you, aww like they want to be admirable to you. I'm getting this person could be younger than you a bit, or they just feel like you're superior to them in some way.🏆👑  I am getting similar vibes to pile 2 in terms of their sweet yet competitive approach towards you guys, this person is really emotional over winning you over. Maybe you have many friends and they feel insignificant to you.😰 They really want to rid of the toxic people around them in order to please you, like no gossip or anything.✋️❌️ They may want a healthy circle of friends to be associated with, because they feel like the people around them are ruining their image to you.🥺 Now they want to put in the extra work for you. Probably learn from word of mouth exactly what pleases you, asking your friends or coworkers what you like/dislike. They want to please you spontaneously, like a big surprise. This could be getting you alone and surprising you with a kiss!🥰 They want to please you in that way, also if they could go hard on your 🍑 if you know what I mean😈❤️‍🔥 They would want to use their hands to please you, and grabbing you there. Restraining you or getting you on your knees if you feel good from it.🥵 They may also want to send you photos of them, maybe of their 🍑??😂 Lol they would try anything weird or crazy if you asked them to, because they want to please you and see what works. Aww they want to make you smile and take photos of you like that.😁 They also want to travel with you, maybe taking you to higher places.🗻❤️ They would wanna give you kisses and your thighs/hands💋 I'm seeing they're on their knees for you omg. I could see them writing you a song and sending it to you out of nowhere like "hey I wrote u a song :)" Lol so cute, I can also see them wanting to so all the fun things you need a best friend for.🥺💖 Like they are down to be like a friend to you if you need that, and if you need a good partner? They can do that to.😏❤️‍🔥 I can see them wanting to grab your thigh and push your legs apart too...😳🥵
💌Messages from your person: Your laugh is contagious, You have no idea, Anything for you, Can't you see? Believe me, It's me or them, We are one, You're not interested in anyone right? (Ohh they are competitive over you🤭❤️) Extra cards: Siblings, Intuition, Prove, Over, Bad habit, Jupiter, Saturn, Pisces, 7th house, 2nd house (They also want to provide for you like buying you nice things and committing to this relationship🥺💋)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!❤️‍🔥
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the cherry emoji~🍒 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading✨️🤭❤️
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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nyctoaerah · 3 months
Hi queen aerah! I'm a follower from quotev and i really love your works especially divine punishment 🩷🫶🏻 i was hoping to request something, if you accept ofcourse, if you do then could you please do a yandere suguru one?🥰
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╰┈➤𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Nanako and Mimiko asks you the reason as to why you’re wearing a blindfold, and what they found out chilled them to the bone, as they realized the truth about your blindness.
╰┈➤𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere stuff, Medical description of stuff, Manipulation, Drugging, Forced Blindness (Lmao)
╰┈➤𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere! Suguru Geto x Oblivious! Blind! Reader
╰┈➤𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I do not support or approve of any of the behaviors and actions depicted in this story. The content is intended solely for entertainment purposes. Hearts and reblogs are greatly appreciated<3. Kinda mid ig? Not rlly satisfied abt this. I'll do the other reqs next once i get the motivation to write<3
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You softly hummed a tune while sitting on the plush mattress, feeling Nanako gently brush your hair.   Mimiko was lounging on your lap as she stared at the ceiling.
“Your hair is so soft mama.. like silk”
Nanako said, admiration tinging in her voice at the softness of your hair, showering you with compliments as she held the right section in her hand and the left in her left hand, leaving the middle section loose. 
Despite having no vision, you could feel her lips curling into a smile and it made a small smile to appear on your lip.
“Thank you, Nanako.” You said softly.
The bond between you, Nanako, and Mimiko had grown strong over time, as they were practically adopted by Suguru, your husband, and raised as his own.  Despite Nanako and Mimiko’s bratty tendencies, they showed genuine kindness and affection towards you.
Nanako, in particular, often displayed a more bratty attitude, while Mimiko seemed content to follow her lead like her loyal minion. It was reminiscent of the classic dynamic between a popular girl and her devoted sidekick.
However, despite that, you loved them too, and treats them as your own daughters.
“Mama, can I ask you something?”
Nanako’s sudden inquiry cut through the air, her eyes searching for affirmation as she sucked in a deep breath and stole a fleeting glance at Mimiko. Without breaking eye contact with you, she searched your expression for any signs of discomfort, to know if you are comfortable with her asking you questions.
“Hm? Ofcourse,” You replied.
Curiosity danced in your mind as you could feel Nanako’s hesitant demeanor. Even without sight, the slight hastening of her heartbeat was a sign of her nerves. Sensory perception was your gift, something that helped you a lot, because you don’t really have a vision.
“Well...” Nanako trailed off, unsure of how to start.
“Don’t hesitate to ask, okay?”
You gently reached out, your fingers seeking hers, your lips parted when you felt the texture beneath your touch felt different—It wasn’t Nanako's hand you held, but Mimiko’s.
“...wait, your hands feels different.. wait no, these are mimiko’s”
The sudden awareness painted your cheeks with a blush of embarrassment, a mix of confusion and awkwardness mingling in your expression.
As the realization dawned on you, Nanako's suppressed laughter bubbled forth, a ghost of a smile gracing Mimiko's features. A reassuring squeeze of your hand conveyed understanding and acceptance. “It's okay,” Mimiko's silent gesture seemed to say.
Apologizing sheepishly for your mistake, you couldn't deny the lingering embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” you murmured, hoping to dissipate the awkwardness that hung between you.
“Didn’t see that, sorry girls.” You chuckled.
“Mama, stop with the blind jokes.” Nanako deadpanned, watching you rub the taut muscles on the back of your neck awkwardly.
“Um, right... What was it you were going to ask, Nanako?” You quickly shifted the conversation, eager to move past the momentary misstep.
Nanako hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper. She cleared her throat, her gaze fixed on you as her fingers gently ran through your hair.
“Why do you always wear a blindfold?”
The room fell silent, the weight of her question hanging in the air. 
Confusion clouded your expression as you searched for the right words to respond. The idea of why you wear the blindfold had never crossed your mind, as it was just a part of your daily routine. After all, you were blind, and the blindfold didn't make much of a difference in your world of darkness. All you knew was that Suguru had made it clear that it should never be removed—and you had no desire to provoke him.
Nanako could sense your discomfort as she observed your tense body language. Worried that she may have touched a nerve, she inquired tentatively, “Are you okay mama? You seemed agitated...”
“Nanako...” Mimiko began, her own brows knitting in concern. “That’s quite a sensitive question, don't you think?” She spoke softly, trying to redirect the conversation. 
Realizing her misstep, Nanako quickly shook her head and apologized, burying her face in the crook of your neck, her features partially obscured by your hair. “Ah.. I’m sorry mama! I didn’t realized that i was being insensitive...”
“It's okay,” you reassured her awkwardly, letting out a nervous chuckle as you cleared your throat.
“You’re not mad?” She asked, her voice soft and vulnerable as she pulled away from you, her eyes wide and pleading. Her puppy eyes looked up at you, brimming with an innocence that would have probably tugged at your heartstrings—only if you could see it.
“Hm..? ‘course not, don’t worry," you assured her, a gentle smile playing on your lips.
“‘S fine, really,” you said, your tone calm and reassuring.
“Ah.. right, about your previous question...Well, the reason I wear the blindfold is because Suguru told me to.”
“Huh..? Why would Geto-sama want you to wear a blindfold?”
Nanako’s perplexed tone cut through the air like a sharp blade, her confusion palpable. In her mind, she had painted Suguru as one who adored gazing into one’s eyes, the windows to one’s soul. But now, she couldn’t fathom the reasoning behind concealing them, especially when blindness couldn’t erase the existence of your eyes.
“I... Don’t know...” you trailed off as the room fell into an uneasy silence.
The silence was eventually shattered by Mimiko’s voice, breaking through the tension.
“Geto-sama says that you have the prettiest eyes that he has ever seen.” she chimed in, her gaze flitting between you and Nanako. A subtle shift in her posture saw her abandoning her spot on your lap, choosing instead to perch on the plush mattress.
“Huh? Geto-sama saw mama’s eyes?” Nanako asked, looking flabbergasted.
“Nanako, He’s her husband.” Mimiko reminded her twin sister.
“But then.. if he likes your eyes so much, why would he want you to hide them?” Mimiko’s words cut through the haze of confusion.
Your brows drew together, shoulders slightly slouching.
“I suppose that remains a mystery,” you finally replied, your voice laced with a tinge of curiosity and apprehension.
Mimiko and Nanako studied you curiously, wondering what your eyes truly looked like. Were they as beautiful as Suguru had described? However, they had never been permitted to remove your blindfold, and they weren’t the type to disobey Suguru. Despite their bratty tendencies, they were obedient. 
But then, What secrets actually lay behind that blindfold? They were tempted to take a look, Yet, the girls remained restrained by their loyalty to Suguru, reluctance staining their disobedient thoughts. 
“Perhaps he prefers it that way?” you mused, resting your head on your palms and propping your elbow on your thigh.
“I’m not really sure, if i’m gonna be honest.. he just likes it that way i guess.”
“I can’t even remember how I lost my vision too.”
You had no recollection of how you lost your sight, as your memories seemed to have vanished without a trace. All you knew was that Suguru was your husband, and he claimed that you had lost your memories due to your immune system attacking your eyes. 
According to him, your immune system had somehow identified your eyes as a threat, leading to inflammation and damage that resulted in your blindness. He insisted that there was a scientific basis for this too, as the immune system would attack the eye once it recognized its existence.  
And ofcourse, as the dumb little thing you are, you Believed him.
“Mama, are you okay?” Mimiko’s concerned voice breaks through the fog of your thoughts, drawing your attention. 
You compose yourself, managing a smile.
“I’m fine,” you reassure her softly.
Nanako’s eyes are searching, her worry palpable. “Are you sure?” she presses gently.
You can’t help but be touched by their concern, feeling a warmth blossoming in your chest. Meeting their gazes, you offer another smile.
“I promise, my loves, I truly am okay,” you say, a hint of laughter in your voice as you reach out to embrace them both. 
A surge of gratitude sweeps over you as you hold them close, basking in their presence.
“Having you two by my side and a husband who supports me tirelessly every day, I couldn’t ask for more,” you whisper.
“Life is tough, but atleast i have you all.”
Dumb little you was so oblivious and didn’t knew that suguru was the reason why your life was tough.
If only you had been aware that he was the mastermind behind all of this. He orchestrated the entire scheme that led to your memory loss and deceived you into believing he was your husband. It was also because of him that you lost your sight, although you were too dumb to realize it at the time. 
Suguru was deeply enamored with you and the two of you were once in a romantic relationship. However, when you decided to break up with him, his feelings of love turned into obsession. He resorted to disturbing and dangerous tactics to make sure you stayed with him—Such as manipulating and drugging you, all in the name of his overwhelming love for you as he was unable to bear the thought of losing you.  
It may have been your mistake to allow him into your life, however. Perhaps if you had declined Satoru’s invitation to hang out with him and Suguru, you would have never crossed paths with him. Maybe if you had refused to give Suguru your number or declined the love letters he presented, things would be different.
You wouldn’t be in this situation.
After embracing the girls tightly, you gently released them and affectionately patted their heads. Your expression brightened as you spoke,
“I’ll just show you how they look like to satisfy your curiosity, ‘kay?”
Nanako and Mimiko both eagerly nodded in agreement.  
“I bet they’re really pretty just as Geto-Sama says!” Nanako says and Mimiko nods in agreement.
“.. Suguru shouldn’t mind, at least I hope not,” you muttered under your breath.
With a deliberate motion, you gently lifted the blindfold with a slender finger, allowing just a sliver of sight for Mimiko and Nanako to catch a glimpse of your eyes. The room grew eerily silent as the two girls eagerly leaned in, their gazes fixed upon your mysterious orbs.
However, what they beheld was beyond their wildest imaginations, shattering their preconceived notions. Their eyes widened in disbelief, their pupils constricting in shock as a chilling wave of fear washed over them. Their jaws slackened.
Your eyes were tightly sewn together by a thick black thread infused with cursed energy. The thread was so tightly wound, and your eyelids were merged together, giving the appearance of eyes belonging to a puppet with carefully stitched features.
That was when they realized that you weren’t actually blind.
Nanako’s throat constricted as a strangled gasp clawed at her lips, her heart hammering violently against her ribcage. Mimiko’s body tensed, a tremor coursing through her frame as her eyes widened in sheer horror.
Suguru’s presence seemed to loom unnoticed until that moment, as he loitered casually by the door, propped against the wall with a nonchalant air, his head cocked to one side, observing them with a detached interest.
He was just there the whole moment you three were talking, completely silent and just watching.
A shiver ran down the two girl’s spines as their gazes collided. Suguru’s lips curled up in a knowing smirk, his ice-cold eyes staring at them as he brought a finger to his own lips as he mouths something.
“Can you keep a secret?”
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