#lotto prediction for tomorrow
mycryptosuite · 2 years
Lotto Vendor Forecaster Midweek For 02/11/2022
Lotto Vendor Forecaster Midweek For 02/11/2022
Lotto Vendor Forecaster Midweek For 02/11/2022 Lotto vendor forecaster midweek – today midweek ghana lotto sure banker facebook forecaster, Midweek lotto winning banker with our best lotto forecast for today midweek todays midweek lotto. Mid week lotto special banker for today is a one banker lotto number that can not fail because it’s a banker to banker lotto number for Ghana mid week…
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fratboykate · 1 year
I swear I'm not lying Papi but when I saw the Muna ask I started reading and before I ever got to your tags for some reason my brain thought: 'I bet Papi thinks the guitarist is hot'. I should maybe play the lotto tomorrow or go to a casino. Because I was right on the money.
listen...are you psychic or do i just have a VERY SPECIFIC and predictable type that you all know about??? ask yourself that before you go betting your rent money lol. dark hair? pale as shit? big eyes? a really shaggy bi bob as a bonus to really seal the deal????? if you thought i watched this video:
and didnt walk away ready to buy a ring and propose you give me far too much credit and think im stronger than i am because PHEWWW
i already had it BAAAAAAAD and then they realeased their latest video in april. ma'am?! im signed sealed and delivered.
she just needs to drop a pin so we can talk. respectfully. like adults lol
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vytelis · 2 months
Lotto Prediction for Tomorrow
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goodnightjar · 9 months
𒆜☃⛄❄️ first snow ❄️☃⛄𒆜
.. ... ... ❄️
#sf9 #jaeyoon #재윤 #exo #첫눈
Record Of JY #4/4
#SF9 #JAEYOON - 첫 눈 First Snow (EXO)
🐣:' Hai Fantasy!!
The last cover song, i have prepared is First Snow! ! I think Fantasy will feel a bit disappointed (as its last cover) but I'll show you more songs later on!
It's Christmas soon, so I think our fantasy will feel good (listening to the cover).
Enjoy the end year holidays
and listen to my cover a lot~^^
Merry Christmas Fantasy♥
231223 #SF9 #JAEYOON #재윤
🐣: im from the future
🐣: "haha^^"
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😭😭😭😭 hes really the real deal predicted first snow going viral & rak months ago before enlistment!!
fancafe comments-
🐣: i didn't know this day would come when i did film it (the cover)..
🐣: but the day has really come..
🐣: its my favourite song.
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fancafe comments-
🌌: im on pilgrimage. (praying) pls help me make a lot of money. pls let lee jaeyoon go . pls don't let it snow a lot in cheorwon. pls give me lee jaeoon soon. as long as its done thank you!!
ㄴ🐣: i don't think any of these, will work except the first one...
🐣: even if i can't guess lotto numbers
🐣: im up-to-date with all memes
🐣: did you like it Fantasy?!!!!
🐣: thank you for liking this small thing about me, bows><
🐣: oh, cover is not the original version!
🐣: its a new arrangement!!
🐣: if you pay attention to the back chorus, you will get it ~~!
🐣: originally i alys do the cover chorus but
🐣: i love the chorus on this song ㅎㅎ
hes brilliant in arrangments🥺❤️
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🐣: oh, and earlier ㅋㅋㅋ i talked with inseong hyung for one hour
🐣: we talked a lot about this & that
🐣: i got a lot of advices as well
🐣: he gave me a lot of strength
🐣: next time fantasy?
🐣: will try later on 스스
🐣: the sound of inseongie hyung eating food is so cute... (cutely)
🐣: tomorrow is christmas
🐣: whats your plan fantasy
🐣: i hope it doesn't snow...
🐣: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ
🐣: but snow is really pretty!!
🐣: but i think you don’t have to come anymore!
🐣: recently did something like living room decor for christmas
🐣: so our dormitory is the prettiest
🐣: i cant show it to you, still
🐣: its unbelievable pretty ㅎ ㅎ
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🐣: i didn't do all those i can series for nothing^^
🐣: as you live on, it helps a lot right!
🐣: the charm of a master vibe (짬바 - vibe from experience)
🐣: cuz im 30
🐣: this is 짬.바 right?
🐣: anw everyone, now i have to go clean!
🐣: bye!!!
🐣: see you next time!!
🐣: dress up (warm)!!
🐣: i love you☠️❤️☠️❤️
#sf9 #jaeyoon
- inseong's frommm -
🌰: earlier
🌰: i talked
🌰: with jaeyoon
🌰: jaeyooni uploaded a cover
🌰: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🌰: <ss📷 outgoing call to jaeyooni today
talked for 1 hour >>
🌰: ill listen to his cover & be back
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writtenfangirl · 3 years
Lies and Truths
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm not too happy about this one but I needed to post a fic to get my creative juices flowing so that I can get on to doing my requests
I do have ideas for this fic's part 2 so if that's something you guys would want to read, let me know!
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Life could not get any better than this. At least, that’s what Steve thought.
In his arms was the most beautiful, most amazing human being who loved him as dearly as he loved her. Y/N was, in all honesty, almost too good to be true. Not only was she beautiful, she was kind and patient too, so much so that the Avengers, Steve’s and Y/N’s family, all think of her as their mother hen.
His family, however big or little they may appear, was just as amazing, even if his family wasn’t a family in the traditional sense of the word. But no one could deny that the Avengers were a family in their own right. They spent most of their waking moments together, training and having fun and generally just soaking up each other’s presence, no matter how mundane the activity is.
And yes, sure, as with every family, arguments are bound to arise. After all, you couldn’t share a living space with Natasha and Yelena and not expect there to be a screaming match at least once a month, nor can you expect a truly peaceful existence in the compound with Tony, Bruce—and on occasion, Peter—tinkering away in their lab.
But it was still all in good fun and Steve wouldn’t trade his life for anything else in the world because Y/N was always there. Always watching out for them, taking care of everyone and generally helping Steve keep the peace.
It wasn’t a conventional existence, not by a long shot, but it was a good one.
Which is why Steve found himself fondly smiling at the scene in front of him.
“Ms. Y/L/N, c’mon!” Peter whined. “I just need tomorrow’s lotto numbers. Just this once, please.”
Y/N didn’t even so much look up at the newspaper she was perusing as she said a quick and succinct, “No.”
“Peter,” Y/N said, finally looking up and giving Peter a leveling stare. “First of all, you’re 17 years old. You can’t bet on the lotto even if I wanted to give it to you and second of all, why do you want them anyway? You know that anything you and May need, Tony can provide.”
“Uhhhh,” Peter’s eyes darted to the side, focusing on someone behind Y/N before he quickly met Y/N’s eyes. “No reason.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “That wasn’t at all suspicious, Peter.” And quicker than anyone could predict, Y/N’s head snapped behind her and saw Clint before he could duck out of her sight from behind the column where he was “hiding”, an almost guilty expression on his face. “Really, Barton? Asking the kid to do your dirty work for you?”
“Dammit, Parker!” Clint grumbled, giving the kid a slight glare as he peeled himself off the wall and approached the kitchen table where Y/N and Steve had been staying.
“I’m sorry!” Peter said to Y/N, a pleading look in his eyes. “Mr. Barton promised me he’d teach me archery if I could get tomorrow’s lotto numbers off of you!”
“I’m not sorry,” Clint said with a shrug. “I need those numbers, Y/N. You gonna give them?”
“Why do you need them?” Y/N said, clearly getting exasperated, which had a smile curling at the edges of Steve’s lips. He always thought she looked so cute when she was exasperated.
“For the money,” Clint said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Clearly it’s for the money,” Y/N snapped, “but I fail to understand why you need the money! Are you becoming destitute, Clint? Gambling debts I haven’t heard of? Do you owe shady people?”
“None to any of those but my daughter’s turning 21 and Kate and I will take her to Atlantic City to gamble.”
“I don’t need the whole jackpot. A 100 grand will do just fine! That’s more than enough for the weekend.”
“What’s the use of your powers to see through time if you won’t use it for yourself?”
“Fine! I’ll stop asking,” Clint grumbled before he stalked off, with Peter in a tow.
Y/N sighed as she rubbed the spot between her brows. “I swear, this family is going to be the death of me one day.”
Steve gave her a grin. “Maybe but at least you know there’s never a dull day in the compound.”
She simply sighed again before standing up from her seat across Steve, the newspaper she was reading momentarily forgotten. She rounded the table between them and Steve pulled her into his lap, with Y/N facing him. It was almost instinctive how she would nestle her head in the space in Steve’s neck and how he would wrap his arms around her. Steve would almost always notice how their breathings would match with their hearts beating in time to each other.
It was here, in these moments, when Steve would feel the most like himself. No haunting memories of the war dogging at his heels, no anxiety about when and where the next fight was going to be, no noise that could shatter their little bubble of tranquility.
Just them.
Just Steve and Y/N.
“Strange is down in the lab with Tony and Bruce. Maybe I should go down there, make sure nothing is on fire,” Y/N muttered into his neck, her breath hot against his skin.
“They’re big boys, I’m sure they’re fine.” In truth, Steve wasn’t sure. Tony and Strange’s egos were both so large, it was hard to tell which was was bigger and with the two of them in a room with Bruce Banner, who could easily turn into the Hulk when angered, it seemed like a recipe for disaster.
But quiet moments with Y/N were becoming far and few in between and Steve wasn’t willing to give this one up, no matter how short lived it would be.
“They called Wanda and Vision down there too,” Y/N noted but her voice didn’t have the same determined edge it usually has. She seemed tired, sleepy even. “Strange has the time stone and Vision has the mind stone. Who knows what they could be doing down there.”
“They’ll be fine. Banner’s with them. He’ll be responsible.”
“Remember Ultron?”
“Tony always remembers his mistakes.”
“Hmm,” Y/N hummed, relenting. For a moment, Steve thought she might have drifted off but she began to speak again.
“Did you know the chances of you being born is one in 400 trillion?”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows in thought, an amused smile curling at his lips. “Where are you going with this?”
Y/N pulled away from him leaving an imprint of her heat on the crook of his neck. There was an uncharacteristically serious gleam in her eyes, one that Steve rarely ever saw.
“One in 400 trillion, Steve. In comparison to the lottery, which is one in 300 million, those are really, really small chances. When a person is born, it’s nothing short of a miracle. I don’t even know who I am or where I came from and you were born in a different time and yet somehow, we found each other. You and me. In the large vastness of the universe, the infinite multiverses that exists, we found each other in this one. What are the odds of that?”
Steve’s eyes softened. His arms tightened around her, and a desperate savage desire to see Y/N loved and protected gripped Steve so tightly that for a moment, he couldn’t breathe.
Y/N didn’t know who she was and where she came from. The only link she ever had with her past was her name and her abilities. Time was a fickle thing and it wasn’t just anyone who could control it. It was through Y/N that the Avengers learned of the users of the Mystic Arts. Strange had felt a disturbance in the time stream and had come to the compound thinking that there would be danger, only to find Y/N, a defenseless girl who didn’t even know when her birthday was.
That was three years ago and now Y/N has established an identity for herself. One that had the Avengers protecting her as fiercely as she protected them.
Steve couldn’t even imagine what life would have been like if she hadn’t come along but he knew one thing. His life was better now that she was here and he would spend the rest of his life reminding Y/N of that if he has to.
“I don’t know much about odds but I do know this. There will never come a day when I stop calling myself lucky for having you in my life.”
She grinned at him, wide and light, her whole face beaming at him and his words. “You really know how to win a girl over huh, Steve Rogers.”
“Just this girl in my arms right now.”
“Aren’t you laying it on thick today, Captain.”
“Oh come on! Really?! In the kitchen?! In front of our food?!”
Both Y/N and Steve’s heads swiveled to the side, surprised looks on their faces as Tony emerged from one of the doors that led to the kitchen, his hands shielding his eyes.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, an almost amused look on his face. “Nothing is happening, Tony. All our clothes are in tact.”
“You expect me to take your word for it?” Tony snorted but he nonetheless lowered his hands and really looked at them. “You need to stop doing that in public places.”
“We’re not out on the street,” Y/N rolled her eyes as she unfurled herself from Steve.
“But you’re in the kitchen!”
“We were alone.”
“You telling me that if I hadn’t come in here, something else could be going on right now?!”
Y/N simply rolled her eyes. “Stop being so immature, Tony.”
“Stop being so immature, Tony,” Tony said in a high voice that was likely meant to imitate Y/N but was really a very poor imitation of her.
Y/N rolled her eyes again and gave Steve a can-you-believe-this-guy? look. Steve gave her an amused smile in return.
“What are you doing here, anyway?”
“Nat was looking for Steve,” Tony shrugged, “said that you’re suppose to be training right now.”
“Oh, crap,” Steve said as he quickly jumped to his feet. He completely forgot that he was suppose to be out training with Natasha and Yelena. That would have made their afternoon really fun if Steve had remembered. “You coming with me, Y/N?”
She shook her head. “No.”
That was that. Y/N never trained with any of them. She was hugely adversed towards violence and even if she knew that violence was something her family had to partake in for their jobs, it didn’t mean she had to participate in it herself. She never came into the training room to fight with anyone and the only time she ever trained with any of them was to learn self-defense that was taught to her by Steve or by Nat and Yelena or if she was with Stephen honing her abilities.
All the same. Y/N didn’t leave the compound to go with them on missions. She was their eyes and ears, the person who communicated in their comms to make sure that everyone was relatively safe. Her job may not have been as glamorous as everyone else’s but it didn’t make her any less important. In fact, it could be argued that without her, their jobs as Avengers wouldn’t be possible at all.
Just then, Stephen emerged in the same room Tony came out of, dusting his cloak off of dust that Steve couldn’t see. “Oh, Y/N. Just the person I was looking for. You and I are—“
Steve’s body reacted against the explosion faster than his mind could follow. His hands reached for Y/N, wrapping it around her waist instinctively, his body curling against hers in a protective shield.
Steve could feel rubble rain down on them, the gasp that came out of Y/N’s at the shock of the explosion that rattled the room. Steve hadn’t even realized that there was a protective cocoon of magic around them and he could do nothing but gape at the large hole that now replaced the solid wall.
He could hear several footsteps rounding the corner, followed by the sound of Natasha’s, “What the hell was that?!”
But Steve couldn’t focus on anything else that was happening around him except for the person he held in his arms.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Steve said when he noticed Y/N’s pale face, his eyes scanning her body for any sign of injury but there was none.
But her expression didn’t change. Y/N’s attention was focused entirely on the hole before them, a fearful look in her eyes. Her breathing was quick, a sickly sheen of sweat coating her forehead. Her eyes didn’t even so much as leave the gaping hole in the wall as she stood up.
“Y/N?” Steve heard Natasha ask but Y/N didn’t even so much as acknowledge her.
Then Y/N turned around, a horrified look on her face as she turned to them, to her family and friends, and said in a voice that cleaved Steve’s heart in half, “I’m so sorry.”
And then almost as if on cue, a large, giant spaceship of alien origin flew right before the hole in the wall. A ramp emerged from lip of the aircraft, sliding down until it reached the edge of the large hole in the wall. Five aliens emerged from within, each of different species. But it was clear that the leader of the group was the largest of the five, with purple skin, bulging muscles the size of boulders and a large golden gauntlet covering his left hand. He had an impressive air, one that commanded the respect of everyone in the room.
“So this is Earth,” the purple alien said in a deep rumbling voice. “How quaint.”
“Who the hell are you,” Tony said, already armored up without Steve even noticing. He felt Wanda’s presence behind him and felt the cold metal of his shield softly hit his arm. He took it from her gratefully but his attention was still focused on the scene unfolding before him.
“Thanos,” Strange supplied, a grave look on his face as he regarded the large alien in front of them. “And the Black Order.”
“Who?” Vision asked.
“He’s a genocidal warlord known throughout the universe for his desire to wipe out half of all life using the infinity stones. He’s conquered thousands of worlds, wiping out of half of their population at random.”
“That’s barbaric,” Wanda said, a horrified look on her face.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Steve asked, his voice steady and strong, betraying none of the trepidation he felt.
“I came for those,” Thanos pointed towards Vision and Strange, or rather the stones that were embedded in their head and amulets respectively.
“Well, the Avengers are on break so you can come back another day, Mr. Grape,” Tony said. Steve could hear his suit powering up as he aimed his blaster at Thanos’ head.
“I’m quite disappointed. I would have expected that I’d have the stones by now, my child.”
“How exactly do you think you’ll do that?” Natasha said, inducing as much snark as she could into her tone.
“Do not dare speak to the great Thanos, mortal. He does not address you,” Said one of the other aliens, the tall one with a flat face.
“Now, now, Ebony Maw. Play nice,” Thanos said, almost in an admonishing voice. “I trust your sister has an explanation for her tardiness.”
For a moment there was silence. And then someone spoke, a voice that Steve would recognize just about anywhere. “Father, I was not expecting you.”
Y/N emerged from the crowd, her face pale, her eyes almost filled with tears as she spoke.
“Have you disappointed me, Y/N? As your sisters Gamora and Nebula have done?”
Y/N didn’t speak. She simply turned to Steve, her eyes full of regret as she whispered, “I am so sorry.”
“What the hell is going on here?” Steve heard Clint demand but Steve’s attention were focused only on Y/N.
“I have come to collect what my daughter has promised to get me.” Thanos replied.
“Your daughter?” Natasha demanded.
“You mean Y/N,” Strange said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But Y/N’s harmless. She can barely control her powers and she would never even hurt a fly!”
“Is that what my sister has led you to believe?” Ebony Maw scoffed. “Y/N is not just Y/N. She is the Onyx Sword. The fiercest fighter in the whole universe. The most powerful magic user in all the realm. The greatest of Thanos’s children. She is far from harmless and she was sent here by our father to get those stones. And she has failed.” Ebony Maw sneered the last sentence, a look of disgust changing his features.
“Careful with your words, Maw,” the only woman of the alien group said fiercely, “Our sister has not proven herself disloyal yet.”
“Children,” Thanos said in an almost admonishing voice. “We mustn’t argue in front of strangers.”
“Y/N?” Steve heard himself say. He sounded so far away, like he was underwater, the sounds of the waves crashing above him. His heart drop, his stomach churning like the distant waves that were crashing into him. Y/N turned to him, her (E/C) swimming with sorrow and regret.
Steve didn’t want to believe it, he didn’t want to believe that the woman who he thought he would spend the rest of his life with was nothing but a liar and a cheat. There was an explanation for this, an explanation for everything. Y/N wouldn’t hurt him like this. She would never hurt him like this.
But her eyes told a different story. The regret in her eyes had nausea roiling Steve’s stomach and if it hadn’t been for his strong sense of self-control, he would have emptied the contents of stomach right there and then.
Why did it seem like a lifetime ago when Steve held her in his arms, in this very kitchen, picturing the future they would have together.
“None of it was a lie,” She spoke so lowly that only Steve could hear her. Her words came out garbled and fast and it took every amount of focus Steve possessed to make sure he didn’t miss a single word. “Every time I told you I loved you, I meant every word. Every time I said I loved our family, I meant every single word. I never lied about that. I thought I had more time to find a way out, to stop all of this but I was wrong. You have to trust me, please. You have to trust me.” Then she turned away from him, towards the man she called Father. Her face morphed into that of firm and steady resolve.
Her words barely registered in his mind. The moment Steve saw her hardening resolve, his nausea increased tenfold.
She was going to do something, he was sure of it. She had the look in her eyes, the tiny star that appeared whenever her determination to complete a task far exceeded her will to survive. He’d seen happen only once. When Y/N had chosen to sacrifice herself for Steve when Hydra Agents attacked the compound. She was lucky to have survived but it was after that attack when Steve knew exactly just how important she was to him.
How important she still is.
He couldn’t let her do whatever she was planning to do, not by herself and not without his help. Something in Steve told him that whatever was going to happen right now would decide not only his fate but the fate of the rest of the world as well.
“Y/N, don’t do this,” Steve said, gripping arm tightly in desperation.
“How amusing,” Maw said mockingly when he noted the gesture. “A little pup has latched on to my sister.”
But Steve didn’t care about the way Thanos was looking at him and Y/N nor did he care about the hurt in the faces of his family. All he cared about right now was her.
“Steve, let go,” Y/N said, her voice low, almost soothing. In any other circumstances, her voice would have been a balm to any sort of pain he felt but not today. Today all he could feel was fear lodging in his throat, its claws as sharp as knifes.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I know. But I want to. Trust me.” She gave him one last look, a look that lasted a lifetime. He saw everything in that look, everything that was and everything that could have been. She shrugged him off, gave him a soft and sad smile and faced her father.
“Father,” Y/N said, her voice strong for the first time since Thanos’ arrival. She looked fearless, different somehow. Steve had seen her fearless before but he had never seen her like this. She was a warrior queen ready to fight to the death if it meant liberation for her people. “I will not—“
“Be disloyal? Disappoint me? Tell me, daughter. What exactly is the reason why your six month mission to retrieve the time stone and the mind stone took three years to accomplish?”
“There is no explanation that will satisfy you—“
“Have you betrayed me as your sisters have done?”
“No, I have not. I will—“
“Then do as you are told and finish the job or I will have your brothers and sister finish it for you. I trust you know what will happen to your little friends should the family decide to attack.”
And just like that, Y/N turned to them, her eyes swimming with regret before hardening into determination. She looked each of them in the eye, as if trying to convey a hidden message that none of them understood. Her eyes finally landed on Steve, her mouth began moving silently and for a moment, Steve wondered if she was praying. It took him a moment before she realized what she was saying something.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” Repeating those three words over and over again until Steve wondered whether she was convincing herself or him.
Then she raised her hand. A golden glow seemed to wrap around her fingers like tendrils of ribbons and then Steve’s vision went black.
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nco05 · 2 years
Out of the 6 races he started, he started behind both Ferraris twice, 4 times behind CL's Ferrari & twice behind his teammate
Bahrain: Started 2nd, DNF due to engine(?) failure
Jeddah: Started 4th, finished 1st
Melbourne: Started 2nd, DNF due to engine(?) failure
Imola: Pole, lost 1st at the sprint but finished 1st. Grand slam victory
Miami: Started 3rd, finished 1st with 51 laps led whilst having missed almost entirely 2 practice sessions on a new circuit
Barçelona: Started 2nd, spun & went to 4th. Finished 1st with DRS & telemetry issues(?). Took the Championship lead for the first(?) time in 2022
I'm well aware reliability & good luck aren't always present, they suck most of the time. I'm not sure he's gonna win tomorrow as I didn't see anything of the long stint pace (though there were no notable remarks on them. BRING THOSE GRAPHICS BACK). As they're predicting rain, that might also be rendered unuseful to the data gathered so far
I am however willing to bet if there's no Sakhir 2020 (wrong place, wrong time crash) & Bahrain 2022 (car shitting himself) that he'll get on that podium somehow. Especially if it rains & he stays safe
Post race edit: Damn I should start buying De Lotto... My careful predictions are on point!
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Holy shit did you call a monster Fjorester moment happening before Thanksgiving break. Are you a fucking Wizard? A Warlock? What are tomorrow's lotto numbers?
Ha! I did mention that we should get a big ship moment last night.
In all honesty, I expected the shipping moment from last night to be Beauyasha, but I was hoping it would be Fjorester! I mean, we really can’t bring math into it too much (longform improv show and all), but we were “due” a big moment for FJ and I had big ship moments on the mind after watching episode 33 from campaign one yesterday. It all lined up right in my head and I’m glad I accidentally predicted something!
But I mean, if there is anyone out there knows tomorrow’s lotto numbers, hit us up. 
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How To Select Lottery Numbers
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The pick 3 is often a lottery system wherein you would think of numbers from 1 to 9 and get three numbers and use them commercially your number combinations. And you then can place your gambling bets. Another reason why the pick 3 is the easiest way to win money is because it is played two tmes a day so everything two odds of winning the lottery tomorrow. But then, even if pick 3 is most basic game to play, the likelihood is still slim because the ratio of winning is 1:1000.
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker For 19/10/2022
Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker For 19/10/2022
Midweek Ghana Lotto Sure Banker For 19/10/2022 Midweek ghana lotto sure banker for today midweek ghana lotto sure banker facebook forecaster with ghana live banker and two sure lotto number for today. Midweek today lotto 2-sure – midweek lotto prediction for today facebook, ghana midweek banker for today, midweek lotto prediction for today. Gh midweek lotto banker – Midweek lotto prediction for…
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slutforemunson · 4 years
Lotto - Chapter 14 (EXO - Mafia!AU)
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A/N: OMG I never realised, that I never posted this chapter on tumblr- I did post it on Wattpad. Wow, I’m an idiot lol.
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Your P.O.V.
I woke up in a brightly lightened room. Then it hit me. I'm part of EXO now... Someone knocked on the door and I sat up in bed. 'Yeah?' I said, sleep still present in my voice since I just woke up. The door opened, and Yixing stood in the door opening, 'Breakfast in 10 minutes, don't be late.' he said with a small smile. 'Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes.' I smiled back, and he left me alone to get changed. I put on some comfy clothes and went downstairs.
When I entered the big dining room, I noticed that everyone was already there. 'Goodmorning, Y/N~' Baekhyun said gleefully. The other guys nodded my way and continued eating and talking.
'Ah, Y/N, can you come with me please?' Suho asked, and Chanyeol's head turned his way. 'Sure.' I followed Suho but not without locking eyes with Chanyeol. He quickly looked down at his breakfast as if nothing had happened.
'I know we hit it off on a rough patch, but now that you're part of EXO you're family, and I'll treat you with respect.' I nodded 'Ah you must want to know how your days will go from now on!' he asked. 'Yeah, I do actually.' a dry chuckle left my mouth.
'Well at first you'll go through a period of training. D.O. and Tao will help you with your required defense training, and Xiumin and Kris will learn you how to fight correctly with weapons such as knives and katanas. Lastly, Chanyeol will teach you how to shoot. Aiming, hitting the bullseye, overcoming your fear of killing people etcetera. Killing people. 'What?! I have to go and kill people?' I said shocked. 'What did you think? Did you think that we were going to have a nice conversation with our enemies?' he said in disbelief. 'You witnessed it yourself. We kill them before they kill us. Get used to this, Y/N, before you end up dead.' he said sternly. 'Now eat your breakfast so you can begin your training.'
I ate my breakfast and brought it back to the kitchen which Xiumin showed me when he found me wandering the halls. I quickly cleaned my plate from its food remainings and went to search for one of the guys. I heard laughter and shouting coming from a room, so I decided to follow the noise.
I entered the source of the noise only to find Baekhyun and Sehun gaming fanatically, acting like some teenagers. 'Guys do you know where I can find Tao or D.O.?' They were pushing each other and pushing buttons on each other's controllers, so focused on the game that they ignored me. 'Guys?' I slightly raised my voice so they could hear me over their game. Baekhyun looked at me and paused the game, 'What?' 'Do you guys know where I can find Tao or D.O.? I have to start my training.' I said. 'Tao is most likely already on his way to Ji Won or The Black Pearl, but D.O. is probably just in his room, which is upstairs the fourth door on the right.' I nodded, 'Thanks.' and before I even left the room, they were back to their childish antics.
Just like Baekhyun said I found D.O. in his room, reading a book in a comfy looking chair. When I entered his room, he looked up from his book and took off his glasses, 'Can I help you?' he seemed a bit confused, 'Oh right the defense lessons right?' I nodded, and he stood up, 'You can talk to me you know, it's not like I'm going to kill you.' he chuckled lightly. Even though he was trying to crack a joke to lighten the mood, he brought me right back to the ringing sound in my ear and the dead person on the ground.
I snapped out of my thoughts for D.O. grabbed me by my arms. A soft gasp left my mouth, 'Are you alright? Sorry, I shouldn't have made that joke, you're shaking. Do you need to sit down?' For someone who has killed people in cold blood, he seemed very caring. 'I'm sorry I was just thinking about...' I trailed off. 'The execution you witnessed.' he said softly. He placed me in the chair, where he was reading earlier, 'Wait here, I'll get you a glass of water.' he said. 'Oh, D.O., you don't have to do that, I'm alright, really.' I said trying to reassure him. 'No, it's fine, I'll be right back.' he left to get me some water, and my gaze wandered his room. It was very neat and organized. Someone knocked on the door, and it surely wasn't D.O. since it is his room. 'Can I come in?' someone asked. I got out of the chair, and my hands were still trembling from earlier.
I turned the doorknob and opened the door. Chanyeol stood in front of me, fiddling with his fingers, unaware that I opened the door. 'What?' I tried to sound cold which he deserved but just by the sight of like some lost puppy made me regret that. 'D.O. said that you had a small panic attack, that he triggered some memories of the execution. I just wanted to know how you were doing.' he avoided my eyes until he had finished his sentence. My heart skipped a beat, but I had to suppress my feelings toward him and stay professional. Even though it's as clear as daylight what my feelings toward him are. 'I'm fine, Chanyeol, thanks.' I wanted to close the door, but he prevented me from doing so by putting his hand against the door. 'Wait, I want to talk to you about yesterday, I-'
D.O. came around the corner and saw Chanyeol, 'Chanyeol, what are you doing? Don't you think you've done enough? Let her breathe and get used to this place for fuck sakes.' D.O. snapped, and Chanyeol lowered his head gloomy. 'Just make sure to come by my room after your training. My room is around the corner and then the third door. Please give me a chance to apologize for my behavior. Don't shut me out please.' he pleaded softly and left.
'What'd he say?' D.O. asked me to sit back before handing me my glass. 'He just wanted to know how I was for he had heard about what happened earlier.' he nodded, 'Well I'll explain some things you should know before we'll begin training.' he started, 'First of all, never lose sight of your enemy and try to predict their next move if you can. Second of all, check for habits or small ticks which show if they're nervous, badly injured, fatigued etcetera. Third and maybe one of the most important things to know, never hesitate to attack if you're in danger. That's it, I can explain the actual fighting part, but it's better if we start training.' he explained and headed to the combat room, 'Follow me.' and so I did. We went downstairs, and at the end of the hallway, there was one big room. It kind of looked like a parking lot for the floor was made of concrete and there were multiple pillars. One part was filled with combat stuff, and a wall filled with weapons, the other part was filled with multiple booths and dummies where we could practice our shooting.
We stood on the mats, 'Show me what you got.' he said and made sure he stood firmly on the ground. 'Like right now?' 'Yeah,' he clapped and signaled me to come at him, 'Come on.' I took a swing at him but before I knew it he swung me over his shoulder and I was on my back with him hovering over me. He stood up and offered me a hand to help me get back on my feet, 'You hesitated.' I frowned, 'No, I didn't' He crossed his arms in front of his chest, 'Yes, you did, you gave it too much thought. If I was your opponent, you would be badly injured or dead. You should never hesitate. Catch them off guard since you do not exactly look like a killer.' he joked. 'Gee thanks.' I said and chuckled.
'Try again.' he said. We trained for a few hours, and he said that I was making progress, but we should continue training tomorrow. 'Eat something before you move on to the next part of your training.' he said and took a big sip from his water bottle which he passed on to me.
After I ate something, I went to look for Kris & Xiumin. Luckily I came across Kris in the hallway. 'Ah, Kris, just the guy I was looking for.' I said and jogged toward him. 'I was told that Xiumin and you will train me in fighting with weapons.' I said. 'Right, wait in the training room, I'll go and get Xiumin.' he said and patted my shoulder before heading to Xiumin.
Once again I entered the huge room where I had trained with D.O. While I was waiting for them to come and train with me I looked at the variation of weapons. I never thought that I would join a gang and here I am, standing in front of all kinds of deathly weapons.
'Ah, Y/N, are you ready for your training?' Kris said as they entered the room. 'As ready as I'll ever be.' Not ready- 'Okay, first of all, I have to explain some stuff. Have you ever needed to defend yourself?' he asked. 'Maybe when you guys kidnapped me' I thought to myself, but I didn't want to piss them off. 'Once when my ex was trying to harass me, but I didn't have weapons.' I said instead of verbally attacking them. 'You literally got abducted.' Xiumin said in disbelief. 'Yeah well I had a defense class once but they never really teach you how to act when it actually happens.' I said irritated. 'That's not really something that can be thought, you should learn how to turn the switch and not be afraid.' Xiumin stated. 'Easier said than be done.' I said. Kris walked toward the wall, 'We'll begin with smaller knives. You'll need to have one on you, all the time in a holster so you can defend yourself when we're under attack.' Kris explained as he grabbed three knives. 'Wait, you guys have been under attack before?' I asked, 'Yeah, of course, you really think that we don't gain enemies in this field of work.' 'No, but I thought that this place would be safe.' 'It is but you have to be prepared for anything.' I nodded. 'Show me what D.O. has thought you. I'll hold a knife against your throat and you'll try to get out of my grip.' He did as he told me and held the knife against my throat. I elbowed him in the face, and when that took him by surprise, I pulled myself out of his grip. 'Not bad but remember out there no one will go easy on you.' Xiumin smiled, 'You just lost from a girl.' he teased Kris. 'No I did not-' 'Yes you did.' 'Did not, I went easy on her. Let's try again and now I'll tighten my hold.'
Kris held the knife at my throat once again, but now he tightened his arm around my waist. It made me a little uncomfortable, but it was for my own good. I needed to learn how to defend myself.
'Come on, show me what you got, princess.' he said and ghosted his lips over my neck. Xiumin cleared his throat, 'We're training, Kris. Keep it in your pants.' My cheeks got a bit red. Kris chuckled and looked at the door, 'I thought that I heard someone come in, hi Chanyeol.' I tensed and looked at him as well. Kris released me, 'Something wrong?' he asked. 'Nothing.' Chanyeol huffed and looked irritated. My mind went straight to his exact words.
'You're mine.'
I stepped away from Kris unconsciously, 'Uuuhm, I think I'm done for today.' I muttered without looking at them, 'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, alright. You did well today.' Kris smiled, and Xiumin nodded. 'Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow.' I walked to the exit and stopped when I was next to Chanyeol, 'Nothing ha-, nevermind.'
I rushed to my room and closed the door behind me. I let myself fall down on my bed, face first, and groaned. Why did I feel like I had to explain myself? My door opened, 'Haven't you heard of knocking' I snapped at the intruder, but my face softened once I saw that it was Chanyeol. He knocked on my door just to tease me, 'Can I come in?' he chuckled even though I just snapped at him. Great, now I feel bad. I shouldn't feel bad, because of him I'm uncertain of my life. 'You still have to train with me so let's go downstairs.
Wait, I have to train with him? Ah right, Suho did mention it. 'Okay, I'll be right behind you.' I said and got off my bed.
I entered the training room for the third time that day, but now we went to the shooting range. 'Did you ever use a gun before?' he asked and loaded a gun. 'No, never thought that I would need to learn it.' he nodded and unloaded the gun. 'Okay, then I'll lead you through it step by step.'
He got in one of the range booths and made sure that there was ammo inside of the magazine. Chanyeol loaded the gun once again, 'As you can see, we use dummies to practice shooting, and so we can try out new weapons. Occasionally though, we train on people...' I didn't hear whatever he said after that. They train on actual people?! I began to feel sick to the stomach, and my chest tightened.
'Are you okay? You're getting a bit pale.' Chanyeol asked a bit concerned. 'You train on actual people?' I almost shouted. 'Only if we have prisoners, but most of the time we don't kill them. It depends on the person really, but we just injure them badly.
'Now let me show you what I'll teach you. You'll start with a .44 magnum, it's easy to load or unload it and the only thing you have to do is aim and pull the trigger.' Chanyeol said and showed it to me. He hit the bullseye immediately. He turned back to me and chuckled, 'You look impressed.' 'I- you're just very good.' I said. 'That was nothing. It just takes some practice, and then you'll be able to do the same.' he said and gave me the unloaded gun, 'Try it.'
I stood in between the two small walls and loaded the gun, 'Like this right?' I said with questioning eyes. 'Yeah, that's alright. Now try to hit the dummy, and we'll see what we'll do from there.'
The first few times I didn't even hit the dummy until the last try when I finally hit the dummy's stomach. I squealed out of excitement, 'Careful now! You don't want to swing around with a loaded gun.' he said with widened eyes. 'Oh yeah sorry.' I laughed awkwardly. 'You're not bad for a beginner, now I'll show you how to stand your ground when you're shooting and I'll guide your aiming. He stood right behind me and put his hands over my hands like nothing ever happened between us. He probably noticed that I got a bit tense, 'Relax, I'm just showing you how you can hit your target at the first try.' he chuckled. Chanyeol guided my hands, 'Try to stand more confident, you don't want to be swept from your feet during a fight.' I straightened my back and shoulders and took a deep breath. 'Okay, now pull the trigger.'
I could hardly concentrate with him pressed against my back, 'Huh, what now?' I asked dazedly. 'I said, pull the trigger.' he said calmly. I pulled the trigger and bounced a bit back against him because of the shock. The bullet actually hit the dummy closer to the center. 'Good job.' he said, and I could hear in his voice that he was smiling. 'Now, I know that you've been training all day so this is enough for today, you did great by the way.' he smiled at me. 'Thanks.' I smiled. 'Oh don't forget to come by later, I really need to talk to you but for now, just get cleaned up. We'll talk later this evening. I nodded, 'Okay, I'll see you tonight then.'
I went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. My clothes hit the floor, and I turned on the shower. The warm water relieved me from some tension. Today wasn't a bad day, and I actually began to enjoy myself at some point. Or did I enjoy Chanyeol's presence? He wasn't that snappy today, apart from when he saw Kris clung to me. I actually enjoyed training with him.
I entered my room with the towel wrapped around my wet body and picked out some clothes which I lend from the girls. The girls... I haven't been thinking about them this whole time. My mind has been so occupied with everything.
I was drying my hair when someone knocked on my door, 'Come in.' I said and draped the towel over my bed. The door opened, and Suho entered. 'How did it go today? I've heard from the guys that it went well.' he said and sat down on my desk. 'Yeah, I didn't expect it to go so well, and I actually enjoyed the training, but I'm a bit sore right now.' I chuckled. 'That's normal for someone who has never trained before, but I'm glad to hear that it went well. We'll be having dinner in a few minutes, so I'll see you downstairs.' I nodded, and he went downstairs.
When I entered the dining room, a few of the guys were already seated. 'Y/N, come sit next to me! Baekhyun said excitedly. I went to sit next to him, and the other guys joined us. The food smelled absolutely delicious, 'It smells great, who cooked?' I asked curiously. 'D.O. did.' Xiumin said. 'Than I'm sure it'll taste delicious.'
We ate our dinner, and I helped with the dishes. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was getting later. Maybe I should go to Chanyeol, he must be waiting for me.
I knocked on Chanyeol's door, and he opened the door. He looked so adorable. He was wearing a hoodie, and the hood covered his fluffy hair. Total boyfriend material if you ask me- Dammit Y/N! He has a girlfriend... 'Come in.' he said, and I entered his room. Weird, I had expected a much darker room but instead it was filled with instruments and action figures. 'Didn't expect this?' he chuckled and scratched his head. 'This is better than what I had expected honestly.' I smiled. 'So you wanted to talk.' I said. 'Yeah,' he sat down on his bed with his back against the headboard. He patted the spot next to him, and I slowly sat down next to him. 'I wanted to apologize for my bipolar behavior, I just don't meet a lot of girls that I really like and I know that it's wrong since I have a girlfriend so I won't act upon it. I would hate it though if we can't at least be friends since you're a part of EXO now.' Chanyeol said with a sad smile. 'Of course, Chanyeol, I'm glad that you wanted to talk because lately, I've been conflicted with my feelings as well but I appreciate it that you've explained yourself and I get it. Being friends with you won't be a problem since we have a lot in common.' I said and referred to the instruments and figures. 'You play these instruments?' he gasped excitedly. I nodded, 'I only play the piano but I would love to learn how to play the guitar though.' I said. 'I could teach you.' he smiled. 'My girlfriend hates these action figures, she says that it's something which should belong to a child and don't even get me started on the movies.' he sighed. 'Tsk, she just doesn't have a good taste then.' I said and we laughed. 'But you play the piano right?' he asked excitedly and jumped off his bed, 'Do you want to play with me?' he asked and sat down behind his keyboard. I had no idea that there was a playful side to the cold EXO member. 'Yeah, of course, but I have to warn you I haven't played in a while.' I said and sat beside him. We played the piano for about an hour until someone entered Chanyeols room, 'Chanyeol, it's 1:00 AM, why are you playing right now.' D.O. huffed and rubbed in his eyes. 'Oh hey, Y/N didn't know you were here as well. I giggled at him, his hair was an absolute mess, it looked kinda cute.
'Sorry, Kyungsoo.' Chanyeol chuckled. Wait, Kyungsoo? I looked at Chanyeol in confusion. 'We'll try to keep it down.' Chanyeol said and D.O. left. 'You said Kyungsoo, I thought that his name was D.O.' I stated. 'Oh right, I'll explain that later, but first it might be a good idea to get some sleep since you'll be training tomorrow.' he said and he began to yawn. 'True, I do feel a bit exhausted.' It was nice to hang out with you.' I smiled. 'Yeah it was, so we're good now?' Chanyeol asked. 'Yeah, we are.' I smiled.
I really hope things won't get too complicated between us.
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vytelis · 2 months
UK Lotto Prediction
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londonrih · 2 years
Get you with the date prediction can I get the numbers for tomorrow's euro lotto please 📚
😂😂😂 uhhhh👀👀👀 🤷🏾‍♀️
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bestpowerball · 3 years
Is it a good investment 파워볼사이트 to play the powerball?
When you stop to think about it, there are a surprising 파워볼사이트가입방법 number of situations in life that are inherently dangerous. Almost every action a person does include some form of gambling. Even the minor act of getting out of bed and going to work increases one’s chances of dying in a car accident. In light of today and all you know about investing, whether, in a firm, an asset class (stocks, bonds, real estate, cash, and commodities), or an index fund, it’s nothing more than “betting” that tomorrow will be better with excellent predicted returns on investment; or maybe not. You should avoid only one substantial risk: doing nothing and not taking a chance.
Investing in any money market is essentially legalized gambling if you take it at face value. You can invest in manufacturing, real estate, cash, and commodities based on chart formation, or you can put your money in utilities anticipating when they will be “due,” cash in or not, or you can hire any of the hundreds of analysts culling spreadsheets or fund index investors to work on the fundamentals of investing for you in manufacturing, real estate, cash, and commodities-if that isn’t gambling, then what is? To put it another way, you’re betting that in 5, 10, or 15 years, more people will be buying more items, consuming more energy, and depending on more gadgets with the hopes of earning; or perhaps not. Essentially, you’re “wagering” on everything.
So it is with the Powerball, a kind of gambling that began in Florence, Italy, in the 16th century with the first Powerball, known then as the Powerball de Firenze, and quickly spread to other Italian cities. In many other countries, including the United States, it was adopted and called the Powerball, and it is still known as the Powerball in Italy today. Powerball, which is a sort of government-licensed gaming, involves the drawing of lots for several rewards, including the massive jackpot prize. Gambling can be based on skill or chance alone in games like poker, blackjack, roulette, sports betting, and horse racing; however, the Powerball does not require any 파워볼전용사이트 special ability.
When you take a risk, there is always something at stake. Even if you decide to take the risk of starting a business, you risk losing money, time, and your reputation. The same advantages you’d have if you decided to start your own business. Powerball tickets are now available, and the jackpot is typically a substantial sum of money. The draws are random, and each participant has an equal chance of winning the top prize, which regularly balloons to tremendous dimensions due to massive rollover jackpots.
On the Lookout for the 엔트리파워볼사이트 Most Expensive Jackpot Games
National, regional, and local regulations regulate the Powerball, which vary widely between countries and even within them, as in the United States. In the United States, the price of a Powerball ticket has doubled to $2, and California, the country’s most populous state, has joined 42 other states, Washington, D.C., and the US Virgin Islands in participating in the game.
The Powerball selects a major jackpot game and a cash game every Wednesday and Saturday. For an additional $1, you may select the PowerPlay option, which increases the amount of your prize if you win. Mega Millions of tickets cost $1 apiece, with an additional $1 for the MegaPlier option, which multiplies non-jackpot prize winnings by 2, 3, 4, or 5 times. The Powerball is played every Tuesday and Friday.
Other popular Powerball games, such as WinTrillions, Florida Lotto Magic, and Euro Millions Oracle, let you try your luck using secure internet sources. Tickets for Powerball games can be purchased from the following online retailers:
understanding 파워볼 what strategies work for winning the powerball
Every Tuesday and Friday, the EuroMillions Powerball in Europe, which gives additional chances to win a share of the €3.3 billion prize pool each year, is selected, giving participants two chances to win millions of euros each week.
SuperEnaLotto, an Italian Powerball with three weekly games and speedy rollovers; Primitiva, a Spanish Powerball with twice-weekly drawings and jackpots of roughly €37 million; Oz Powerball, an Australian Powerball with a guaranteed minimum payout of AU$2 million.
Florida Powerball is one of the largest State Powerball games in the United States, with a base price of US$2 million and maximum winnings of US$10 million or more.
Irish Powerball, with outstanding odds and prizes, including rollover jackpots 파워볼사이트추천토복이 of up to €25 million and seven tier awards, is one of the world’s most popular Powerball games, with rollover jackpots of up to £40 million roughly 12 times easier to win than Powerball or Mega Millions.
Taking risks is a natural aspect of life. It’s all about taking that leap of faith to attract money in your life. To achieve something important in life takes time. In life, there is no such thing as a guarantee. All you have to do now is find a happy medium.
You may accomplish this balance by taking calculated risks in Powerball games, such as creating a weekly budget for how much you can spend on tickets and adhering to it, all while being patient, optimistic, and confident that you will be the next jackpot winner someday tomorrow.
You must stick to your spending plan. Even if you’re having a great year, reinvest a percentage of your earnings. Set aside some of your money from small wins to reinvest in future games. This is a straightforward notion used by participants in the stock market and other financial sectors. Allow your wins to work for you to lower your losses as you get closer to your ultimate goal the jackpot prize.
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markdecastroweb · 3 years
What would you pay for next week’s lottery numbers?
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Today's post is about this coming week... and what lottery games have the best chances of winning in the next 7 days.
Because each week about this time, I pull my chair away from the three 27" Mac screens on my home office desk, and breath a sigh of relief.
This is where I work out the predictions for my famous LottoPredict chart. And just now I’ve finished the marathon.
My aim with this amazing predictive system is to be able to help you win - but more than that...
I want to save you money playing the games that are NOT likely to produce winning results.
The Silver Lotto System will produce better wins in one week more than others - and LottoPredict works by predicting exactly when.
And once you know WHEN, you'll be able to play on the days the System suggests.
And also not play when the odds are too high.
Someone asked how much tomorrow's news would cost if it were available. The real cost would not be the price of the newspaper or news site subscription - but the price of knowing tomorrow's stock price, obituaries, direction of wars and protests, new ideas that revolutionize the world, even weather.
The real price would be in the millions of dollars.
By comparison, knowing what lottery is LIKELY to be the best pick tomorrow from me costs only a few cents a DAY here.
And for that tiny sum you could get results like this:
Hey Ken, ...Chalk me up as another recent significant winner! I matched 6 out of 7 on the Canadian LottoMax and walked away with $6700. 1 number away from $30 million or with the 7th number as a bonus $420,000! ...At any rate I won $100 the week before on $120 invested playing the Western 6/49 and since your LottoPredict system came up 100% yes for this week I figured what the hey... Your system definitely works... Thanks, Rob W
Could you win the lottery in 8 games out of 10? What would you pay for next week’s lottery numbers? published first on https://188lotosite.tumblr.com/
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priyakale · 4 years
Sports Apparel Market 2021 Segmentation and Analysis by Recent Trends, Development and Growth by Regions to 2026
The global Sports Apparel market was valued at USD 171.98 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 243.59 billion by the year 2026, at a CAGR of 5.15%.
The study "Global Sports Apparel Market" focuses on the establishment and representation of the key impact components for market growth. It offers a constructive response to the acquisition of Sports Apparel market bits of information in which consumers will clearly consider the business center and thus make substantial decisions for business growth. All the Sports Apparel data, statistics, figures and data are maintained by well-known investigation apparatuses which incorporate SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces investigation. Business hazards and passage challenges make the Sports Apparel market industry mindful and help choosing further moves.
A highly competitive market can be represented as the Sports Apparel market. The Sports Apparel market vendors are pursuing various strategic initiatives to gain a competitive edge in the market.
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Major Key Players Considered in the Market:
Adidas AG, Nike, Inc., Puma SE, Under Armour, Inc., Ralph Lauren Corporation, Umbro Ltd., Fila, Inc, Lululemon Athletica Incorporation, New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc., Decathlon, Amer Sports Corporation, Billabong International Limited, Everlast Worldwide Inc., GAP Inc., Jockey International, Lotto Sport, Columbia Sportswear Company, many others
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Hoodies & Sweatshirts
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Brand Outlets
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assist our clients grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, specialized in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
National Lotto Winning Banker For 15/10/2022
National Lotto Winning Banker For 15/10/2022
National Lotto Winning Banker For 15/10/2022 National lotto winning banker – Live National Lotto Prediction for Today, Baba Ijebu National 2Sure Lotto Numbers for best lotto forecast for today. Saturday national lotto 2sure for today is now online for everyone – baba ijebu lotto ghana game prediction for national today. National saturday lotto prediction for ghana yellow is the best national…
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