#lou and oliver interview
lemotmo · 4 months
Okay, I caved and watched the Oliver and Lou interview.
Seriously, that was it? It was five minutes of inconsequental talk about everything but Buck and Tommy's relationship. This is what people were panicking over? Or this is what some people are fawning over? Sorry, but that is just funny.
Oliver talked a bit about how Tim called him up, during ep 2, and said we're doing the bi Buck storyline in episode 4 with Tommy. Then they talked a few seconds about it.
Lou said something about how BT are in a good place 'right now' and the relationship had a lovely reception from viewers. He also mentions he 'hopes' it will continue to be in a good place. All very vague.
After that they never really talked about BT anymore.
When the interviewers asked about the finale and what they could share about it, Oliver just said 'heartbreak', which we all already knew about. He did seem more animated and happy to talk about the finale than the BT relationship though.
The rest of the interview had nothing to do with 911 anymore.
What else could they have possibly talked about? Nothing. Because nothing of consequence has actually happened between them.
I do think it's interesting how Lou said it's in a good place 'right now'. We have two more episodes to go. This really makes me think they won't be in a good place anymore by the finale, hence they won't be able to do promo like this anymore. It's such an odd time to air an interview like this. It's some extra promo, but ultimately, for me it once again confirmed that Tommy is a narrative foil.
Oliver didn't even post anything about the interview. He only posted about the episode, nothing else. Once again reaffirms that he doesn't want to lead fans on.
I also feel as if Oliver and Lou haven't talked all that much. They seem very awkward sitting next to each other. I don't know. I could be wrong about it, but that is what it feels like to me.
Compared to the Ryan/Oliver interviews where they talk about the ship, the fandom and even the fanart, this was just lackluster. A bit like the BT relationship on the show. No chemistry there whatsoever.
Anyway, time to move on from this and focus on the episode. I'm so excited and terrified at the same time about what they are going to put Eddie through.😬
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cull3nblaze · 4 months
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There is that smile again ♥
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lengthofropes · 4 months
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LOU!!! 💅🖤
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sherlocking-out-loud · 4 months
(video source)
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esmecarmona · 5 months
i think it's crazy that we're getting the story of a man in his 30s coming to terms with being bisexual, presented in a way that's incredibly authentic and real and done with genuine care because the actor involved is incredibly passionate about telling the story yet people will really just reduce it to "and he's in love with his best friend." i get it, buddie has chemistry, i've enjoyed them for a while but do people really not recognize how harmful it is to just talk about in terms of buck liking eddie? they're actually doing so much work to not make it a stereotype but then people will dismiss buck's very real struggle & feelings for men (who aren't eddie) and basically weaponize his bisexuality as if he's JUST into eddie and not men as a whole. it's frustrating. as if these coming out stories aren't typically framed as "gay just for this one guy." people don't have to like tommy, whatever, but buck's feelings for him are very real and you can recognize that while still believing there's something between him and eddie because it's not like he's limited to having feelings just for one guy. bucktommy deserve to play things out, buck deserves to discover things about himself with tommy, and it absolutely needs to be separate from a potential buddie storyline. ideally eddie would go through his self-discovery separate from buck, too. it's not about them as a couple. it's about who they are individually.
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very-feral-lesbian · 5 months
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so, tommy thinks something has happened before between buck and eddie AND tommy is only going to be in one more episode AND eddie & tommy were originally going to be the romantic plot of this season…. in conclusion, buddie endgame
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Lou and Oliver on Access Daily for 911 Season 7
(Originally posted on May 23, 2024)
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chaosandwolves · 5 months
The way they're talking in the interviews
All of them are directly talking about Buddie
They're not sidestepping the question or going over it
They tell us they read fanfic
They tell us they think we're great and they love our connection to Buddie and all characters
Fox really held them all in a cage
Didn't let them speak
It's like they've been freed
All of them
I'm just... Wow...
Lots of feelings about that...
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aesthetictarlos · 4 months
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beforeastorm · 5 months
Tim Minear, probably: RELEASE THE KRAKEN
ABC Media person: ... I don't know what that means
Tim: It's time to unleash the unholy trinity. You're letting Ryan out of PR jail. Lou? Let him cook! Tell Oliver he can run 'buck' wild. Get them as many interviews as possible.
ABC Media person: Mon Dieu.
Tim: Be free! No notes! Embrace your inner chaos gremlin! Bonus points every time you dunk on Fox!
Ryan, Oliver, Lou: Say less.
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lemotmo · 4 months
I’m confused by the timing of it. Like if it was to move momentum forward you’d think it would have been after episode 4 or 5.
To announce a hey we’re going to be giving more focus on this relationship next season, it be after the finale.
But now it’s just…. it’s airing before the episode airs tonight so like…. They already have very little to talk about relationship wise, and removing episode 9 and anything that happens in it from being able to talk about gives them even less lol. And it’s also happening after Tommy hasn’t even been seen or mentioned once by anyone in the last two episodes?
I know we keep saying Tommy is a plot device but I wonder if Lou is “plot devicing” here, by which I mean it’s mostly going to be about bucks bi journey itself (which is what Tim and Oliver and hell sometimes Ryan oddly enough lol, keep focusing on) and since Tommy is currently part of it, Lou has to be there as well.
Ah Nonny! You speak my language well!
I was just thinking about this. The timing is off. Something is going on. What an odd moment to do promo for a couple that barely had 20 minutes of screentime. You would think they would do promo after the finale, assuming they would have had more scenes together and they would be more established.
I think there are two things that could be at play here:
It's good promo for more people to watch the penultimate episode. The bisexual Buck storyline has garnered some new viewers and since Tommy is part of his storyline (as a plot device to make him realise he is actually bisexual) he has to be there.
Something might actually happen between them that won't be so positive at all. Their relationship might take a hit or even a fall. So, they won't be established by the finale and they won't be able to do any promo for them anymore.
Personally I think it'll be a combination of both of the above. I could be wrong of course, but the way the promo of this season has been going (mostly Buddie-related) and the way Oliver refuses to promote Buck/Tommy (which is something he has done before because he doesn't want to lead the fans on) I have a pretty good feeling about this.
If I'm wrong about this? Well, there is always next season. I'm convinced that Buddie is in the works. Everything in the episodes and the way they portray Buck/Eddie and Tommy in their scenes, to the promo, to the strange social media postings (Vertigo poster), to the way Ryan talks about Eddie pressing a refresh button and the audience will get to know an unexplored side of Eddie? Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm firmly seated on my Buddie-train. I've got a strong feeling that we're riding the Endgame Express at this point.
Sorry, not sorry. 🤷‍♀️
PS: Oh and Buddie peeps, don't let anyone tell you that you are delusional. We've been here for 6 seasons. We've seen it all. But this is different now. Buck is canonically bisexual. This is no more delusion or clown noses/clown cars situations anymore. Buck is bi and all the possibilities are open now. So yes, Buddie is definitely a viable and valid option. This is something that can happen. No more clown make-up for us!
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cull3nblaze · 4 months
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so adorable, both of them
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lengthofropes · 4 months
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glances and smiles here 💚💙
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daisysmalia · 5 months
The urge to gatekeep Lou from 9-1-1 twitter is so strong. They won’t stop misinterpreting his words to push their own theories. They only started being nice to him when he said stuff about their ship, and it’s pretty clear he’s only saying that stuff because otherwise they’ll go back to hating/he’s responding to paid cameos. In literally the same stuff they think he’s saying Tommy is the stepping stone, he’s also literally trying to get them to put their ship aside and enjoy BuckTommy. Like how is this being missed lmao? His answer about buddie was the same as Oliver’s. That they don’t know. No one knows at this point.
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talktonytome · 4 months
I really think Tim is trying to change the narrative around buddie and really move them into platonic bestfriends just based on the change in narrative with cast interviews since 7x06. Not even just with them having Lou and Oliver in an interview together. Since 7x06 none of the cast has really talked about buddie (romantic relationship wise) in a positive manner? Ryan has been indifferent and more so focused on them in a platonic manner. Kenny kept bringing it back to BuckTommy same with Jennifer. Even Tracie in her live brushed past them being like oh okay anyways but spent time gushing about how great Lou is.
I really think this is why stans are so dead set on hating on Lou and BuckTommy because it’s coming crashing down on them. It’s best for us to ignore what they are saying and just keep being positive because through media the cast and crew are clearly trying to send a message are carefully as they can.
Yeah, I think they’re definitely moving away from the buddie of it, without explicitly stating it. it’s unfortunate that the rabid stans are taking it out on Lou, making JLH upset, and sending threats to Tim, though. but I agree, all we can do is continue to be positive, give the cast our love, and not give the haters the attention they so clearly want.
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
me just enjoying that Lou and Oliver interview and some people make it all about b*ddie
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