#louder than sirens louder than bells
derangedrhythms · 9 months
[…] saw this great looming ferocious man across the room […] & there was a sudden sound of hurricanes in my ears & I just knew.
Sylvia Plath, The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume II: 1956–1963 —  Marcia B. Stern, 15th December 1956
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merevide · 1 year
but as the water fills my mouth it couldn’t wash the echoes out but as the water fills my mouth it couldn’t wash the echoes out i swallow the sound and it swallows me whole till there’s nothing left inside my soul i’m empty as that beating drum
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snarlicbread · 8 months
and you know what?? i DID run to the tower (where the church bells chimed) hoping that it would clear my.mind but you know what!? instead it left a RINGING in my fucking ear. and that drums still beating. loud and clear
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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Permanent Interaction Call!
♣ Hi there ho there palaroonies!
This is Shiny here, looking to make my anxiety brain quiet down a little bit.
If you like this post, I'll feel like I have permission to do a couple of things! Namely, in no particular order:
Send random starters!
Send random asks!
Doodle your muse!
Talk to you ooc about our muses!
Send you things that make me think of your muse!
Things like that! Liking this post also gives you express permission to do those things for me, should you like! (Though, I've always felt like any mutual could do that! But as this post exists I definitely understand needing that express permission)
If you are a multi and feel the need, you can certainly specify a muse in the replies to this post! This post will also be added to my PINNED post (which, honestly, I should clean up as of this moment because it's kinda cluttered but y'know)
Thank you so much, have a wonderful day, and I wish you all the best!
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korinthiakos · 2 years
❝ you’re not listening to me! ❞ (band au, they need some more angst okay) -endlessxdream
things that are hard to hear. ( accepting !! )
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"Maybe I don't want to listen to you? It's going to be the same bullshit anyway. So why fuckin' bother? Go on your schedule-fuckin'-date and be distasteful. Make that woman wish she never came. Go on. Just fuck off."
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Please Don't Leave Me Like That Again
Arthur Leclerc x First Responder!Fem!Reader
A/N: this is based off a dream I had last night 🥲. ALSO I HIT 300+ FOLLOWERS!!!! THANK YOU!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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The ring of the bell above the diner door could be heard as Charles, Alex, Arthur and I walked in while we waited to be seated.
"Sit anywhere guys, I'll be right with you in a moment!" the nice teenager said as she was running food to a table.
Arthur grabbed my hand as he guided me to a booth before gesturing me in first
"Actually I'm going to run to the bathroom first, if she comes by to get drinks can you order me a (Favorite/drink) if they have it? If not, whatever you think I would like." I said as I placed a quick peck on his lips before heading to the women's restroom.
I'd only been gone five minutes but when I returned the table had 4 drinks and two baskets of mozzarella sticks. Sliding in the booth next to Arthur, I immediately picked up my drink taking a few sips before setting it back down on the table before looking over at my boyfriend only to find him staring at me with a smile plastered on his face.
"What? Do I have something on my face??" Panic overtook my body as I pulled out my phone and pulled up the camera to examine my face for any blemishes. Finding nothing, I looked back at him with an eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Nothing, I just love you so much." He said as he swung an arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him as he started littering my face in kisses.
"Aw, you guys are so cute." Alex said as she looked at us before turning her attention to Charles "Why don't you love me like that in public?"
"Mon Coeur, I try but when I do you get shy." He replied as he attempted to do the same, which caused her to giggle before pulling away and covering her face out of embarrassment. "See!" Charles exclaimed before chuckling to himself and picking up his drink to take a sip of it.
When the waitress came back over we gave her our orders, which she said would be out in just a few minutes before we all got back our respected conversations.
The food came out faster than we all thought and while all of us were conversing before something outside the window caught my eye, stopping me mid-sentence.
"What's wrong?" Arthur said as he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face
"That building, is it smoking?" I said as I pointed out of the window t
As we all took a closer look, we realized that there was black smoke coming out of the restaurant that was just a few buildings away from where we were.
"Oh my God, it is! We have to call 911!" Charles said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.
My first responder instincts kicked in which is what caused me to run out of the diner and towards the restaurant that was currently on fire without a second thought. My legs were taking me faster than my mind could comprehend and within a few seconds, I was outside the restaurant that normally would've been a 10 minute walk.
When I reached the restaurant I was out of breath but that was the least of my concerns as I was seeing people rushing out covering their faces as they all were coughing from the smoke inhalation. From a distance, I could wear the sirens of the firetrucks and ambulances but they were too far for me to just stop helping whoever I could before they got here to take over.
I saw a lady holding her kid as she made her way to the front door but collapsed from inhaling all the smoke while protecting her baby. Just as I was about to run in and grab her, a figure flew past me and in through the double doors of the restaurant and grabbed her. The fire eerily calmed down which I knew wasn't a good sign, I yelled at whoever ran in to get as low as possible because the fire was about to flash and I didn't want them getting burned after being heroic.
The sirens grew louder but that's not what caught my attention, what caught my attention was hearing the horrific scream of Charles calling out for his brother.
"ARTHUR!!!" That scream made my heart drop.
All of a sudden, I didn't care about my own well-being as the love of my life ran into an actual fire to save someones life and protect me from getting burned, or worse.
Before Charles could respond, I saw about 10 People rushing out of the building.
"GUYS GET DOWN" I shouted as the fire flashed.
Another sob left my mouth as I didn't know if Arthur was among the 10 that managed to get out before the flash or if he was still in there. The fire engines and ambulances finally came around and they started getting the hoses set up as the paramedics started checking vitals and hooking people on oxygen.
Through my tear filled eyes, I could see a woman and her kid rushing out but there was no man with her. The paramedics took her to the side and I looked back in the restaurant where I watched her exit from. The sight I saw made another gut wrenching scream and sob escape my lips as I saw a body that resembled a males body on the ground.
"ARTHUR?? OH MY GOD PLEASE DON'T BE ARTHUR!" I screamed as I ran to the doors of the building that was still on fire.
I didn't make it far because a firefighter grabbed me "Ma'am, you cannot go in there! If you go off to the side and let us do our job, we will find who you're looking for" She seemed nice but I heard nothing she said.
All I could hear was the shattering of my as I tried not to imagine that body being Arthur's.
Before I could say anything, I felt somebody yank my body around and I was met with my boyfriend, his face covered in dark ash and smelled like smoke but I couldn't care less.
"ARTHUR!! OH MY GOD, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" I screamed as I smashed my lips to his before I hugged him with so much force, I knocked the wind out of both of us.
"I'm sorry, I love you so much and I didn't want you to go in that fire" Arthur said as he kissed the top of my head, neither one of us breaking up the hug.
Looking up at him I couldn't help but frown a little bit "Baby, I do this all the time, I had this down unto the on duty first responders got here! You scared me!" I said as I pulled him to my lips again.
Part of me was scared that this was a figment of my imagination and that any given moment, he would disappear and I would be left with nothing.
"Please don't leave me like that again." I mumbled against his chest as we swayed side to side, relishing in the feeing of being in each other's arms.
"Yeah, don't scare me like that again" Charles said as he patted Arthurs shoulder "Next time, I will kill you myself." we all let out little chuckles before a paramedic came over to us
"Sorry to interrupt your moment but, sir I need to check your vitals." she said as she directed that last part to Arthur
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that part." As much as I didn't want to, we had to release the grip we had on each other.
I watched as Arthur followed the paramedic to the ambulance before turning back to Alex and Charles.
"You really do love my brother, don't you?" He asked with a sincere look in his eyes.
"So much, it hurts" I said as I was visibly still shaking.
"I'll pay for your wedding dress and venue" Was all Charles said as he pulled me into a tight hug.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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judithan-xing · 7 months
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Louder than sirens Louder than bells Sweeter than heaven And hotter than hell
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sisas1sa · 2 years
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Louder than sirens, louder than bells, sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell. 🔥🥁🦊
I got a septum piercing and my first thought was ‘Atsumu would look good with a septum piercing’ and so drummer!Tsumu was born, I am u n w e l l
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thlayli-ra · 4 months
Stray (part 3)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Larry
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre
AU - Stray AU
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Strong language, mentions of past abuse
Words - ~2,400 words
Summary - The stray's first night at Punk's
'Finally! Made it!' Punk rasped out as he shuffled the stranger into the wet room off his home gym. 'I don't remember those fucking stairs being so fucking steep!' He turned on the water and let it run hot. 'I got towels out here somewhere. Let me just grab one then I'll get out of your hair and give you some privacy to- OH LOOK AT THAT! THEY'RE OFF ALREADY!'
Punk's fingernails dug deep into the towel in his hands while the stranger blinked back innocently, standing in his full naked glory in the middle of the wet room, his briefs tossed to the side. Eyes up! PHIL! Eyes up!
He went one better and covered them with his hand to pass over the towel. 'Here you go. I'll just be out there if you need anything so just-'
The towel was ignored. Instead, it was his wrist that was grabbed. Punk chanced a nervous peek through his fingers. Blue eyes dazzled back at him under brows that were furrowed sadly. 'What?' Punk asked a little too abruptly. He was answered with a whine so pathetic he almost immediately caved in. 'You want me to stay?' Another whine and a cat paw. Fuck! Why am I being tormented like this? I'm only human!
'Ok,' he let out a defeated sigh. 'Ok, I'll stay.'
The captivating face immediately lit up and the final shreds of Punk's resolve fell away to dust. Which was probably why, when ten large fingers began teasing the bottom of his shirt, he didn't bat them away. Let him, he's feeling more comfortable around you. He's beginning to trust you. Punk held up his arms and allowed the stranger to remove his hoodie and shirt. The stranger's eyes ignited with interest when he found the colourful ink on the cage-fighter's bare chest and arms and leaned in closer to admire them. Punk gave a nod and stood still, inviting the large fingers to follow the lines of his tattoos, skimming loops over the waves and serpent on his chest.
'Like 'em?' he asked gingerly, trying to hide the blush in his cheeks. 'Yeah, I decided pretty early on that I didn't want a 'real job' so...' The finger brushed close past his nipple and Punk felt his cheeks darken even more so quickly asked 'how about you? You got any?'
The fuck? You- you KNOW he doesn't. You can see his whole damn body, you know there's not a single damn thing on there you stupid-
The stranger shook his head politely. A shiver tickled up Punk's spine when his fingers traced the inked letters arching over his stomach.
'It says 'straight edge'.' Now he was just making conversation to distract himself, every urge and desire in his body teetering perilously close to dangerous waters. 'You know what straight edge is?' Head shake. 'It's kinda like a punk sub-culture. To me it means I don't put anything harmful in my body so I don't drink or smoke or take drugs.'
The hands had moved down to his waistband and alarm bells started ringing in his mind, loud blaring sirens that deafened him but a voice spoke louder than all of it. He's baring himself to you. Do the same for him.
'Shhhhhhhiiii...' Punk whistled through his clenched teeth as the elastic of his waistband was stretched out and his sodden shorts were gently pulled down, down over the slight curve of his ass and down his thick thighs and down past his trembling knees and down past his strong calves until they hit the tile floor. He stepped out of them, kicking them aside.
And waited with bated breath for his boxer briefs to follow.
But the hands moved away.
Instead, the stranger held his palm against the wall to steady himself and shakily got to his knees under the steaming water. Punk looked on mesmerised as the lightly tanned skin began to glisten, the long dark hair shining like strips of black velvet as it grew heavy against the stranger's scalp, loose strands sticking to that broad, beautiful face. Without warning, the blue eyes opened and shone through the foggy air, looking right at him.
He's waiting for you.
Punk gulped loudly and sheepishly walked closer.
For all his worries, their time together in the shower had actually been... nice. Really nice. Once the awkwardness wore off, Punk had focused on the task at hand and scrubbed the thick layers of filth off the stranger's skin, being extra gentle around the multiple cuts and bruises. There was something satisfying about seeing the trails of brown grime fall away and slither down the drain, leaving behind clean, golden skin.
The more acquainted Punk got with the other man's body, the more he was in awe of it. He was cut from a different kind of cloth altogether, large and chiselled, like a fearsome warrior from legend. Punk could easily envision this guy with his wild black hair and towering frame rushing into battle with a enormous sword, striking fear into anybody foolish enough to get in his way.
And yet, he sat so still and obediently. Silent, until the moment that Punk began to rub some shampoo into his hair and he let out a rumble in his throat that sounded exactly like a purr.
'You like that?' Punk chuckled. 'Yeah, I used to like it when somebody stroked my hair too. Back when I had it long, just like yours.' That piqued the stranger's interest and he pulled his head back to raise his brows high at the other man. 'I can show you a picture, if you like?'
The stranger answered with a very eager cat paw bobbing wildly.
'I'll dig some out later. Now here's a real secret for you. See all this-?' Punk motioned to his bare chest. 'Shaved. If I didn't bother, I'd be even hairier than you.' He was met with a look of skepticism. 'I swear! I'm a walking carpet if I let myself go. But it's kinda one of those pressures that come from parading around half naked for a living - in the cage, I mean.'
Then the most melodic sound reached Punk's ears. The stranger laughed. It wasn't a big one, more a little huff through his nose but it held enough mirth to fill Punk's heart full to the brim with joy. We're getting there. We're doing good!
Once the stranger was cleaned up, he wrapped him in a towel and helped him outside. The nearest seat available was his rowing machine so he locked the sliding chair and set the larger man down on it. 'You ok to stay here while I clean myself off?' Cat paw. 'Ok, I won't be long. Promise.'
He stayed true to his word and speedily showered. Pulling his boxers back on, he walked out the wet room, rubbing his damp hair with a towel but found the rowing machine empty. Fortunately, the man had not strayed far; Punk saw him standing in front of his trophy wall, admiring the myriad of belts and titles mounted in their glass cases.
'Yeah,' Punk smiled crookedly as he sidled up next to the stranger, 'I was pretty good once. These days...' He trailed off, the smile slipping from his face. 'This one here,' he pointed to one he'd stuck near the bottom, under the line of sight, 'had that one for a few days before I shattered my foot and had to relinquish it. Then won it again when I healed up and tore my fucking tricep during the fight itself and had to relinquish it again! Then the promotion decided they didn't want anything to do with me anymore so, you know, fuck 'em.'
He was sinking again! He had to pull himself back up.
'Now that one!' He tapped his finger on the large golden belt, sitting pride of place in the middle. 'I held that one for a long time. Four hundred and thirty-four days to be exact. Back then, nobody could touch me.' His chest swelled up with pride, his teeth gritted. 'And I know I can do it again. One more run. There's still some gas left in this old tank, alls I need is another chance. And once my arm heals up, I'm gonna prove it.
'They can say I'm old and washed-up all they like, doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me. I have so much more to give. I need it, you know? It's like a calling, a... an urge, it's...'
Say it! Call it what it is! An addiction!
'It's like oxygen! Giving me life.' Punk felt a sudden lurch in his throat and nearly choked. 'Without it, I might as well drown.'
He nibbled his lip and bit back the tears. It felt weird, saying that out-loud. To a stranger he'd only just met. He flinched when a warm hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to find the blue eyes smiling at him sympathetically. There was a great sadness in them. The stranger pointed to the belts then placed his fingertip against his own chest.
'You? You used to fight?'
Cat paw. A mournful one.
'Did they make you? The guys who put that on you?' He motioned to the leather collar around the man's throat, the one piece of clothing he had refused to remove.
Large fingers laced around the black leather band, before curling into the cat paw again.
'But you didn't want to, did you?'
His head lowered, a shaky sigh leaving his lips as he slowly shook his fist from side-to-side.
'Is that why you have all those injuries?'
Another long, grief-stricken pause.
Until finally, he shook his fist. No.
Punk steeled himself. Already his fingers had tightened into vice-like fists at his side, shaking with rage. He knew his eyes were doing that thing his ex always felt the need to comment on. "Like a cornered feral cat," he'd say. A kind of frantic insanity in them. Like Punk was about to either burst into tears or beat the shit out of something.
Punk always chose the latter.
He took in a stuttered breath, prised his fists back open. Calm down, for his sake. There's nothing you can do. Somehow that made it worse, that he couldn't offer up some kind of justice for the gentle giant he had plucked off the streets and was nursing back to health.
But he swore.. if he ever met any of those fuckers that had hurt him, he would give them the beating of a lifetime!
The major downside of their considerable size difference was that none of Punk's clothes fitted the stranger. Even the baggiest of Punk's shirts became a skin-tight crop top on the other man. 'Damn!' Punk cursed, 'you're just gonna have to do without tonight but don't worry, we'll find you something in the morning.'
The hot shower had helped ease some of the pain in the man's leg but it had been a struggle getting him back up the stairs to the lounge so Punk decided to make up the sofa bed for him instead of risking taking him to one of the bedrooms on the top floor. Outside, the storm had settled into a haze of never-ending rainfall, droplets racing down the huge windows behind Punk as he busily layered with bed with every blanket and sheet he could get his hands on.
'I'm sure I've got more upstairs,' he murmured aloud, unaware of the stranger slinking his way underneath the mass of blankets. 'Hold on, I'll be right back.'
He ransacked one of the spare room, struggling under the weight of bed linen but stopped when he reached the top of the 'death trap' stairs and glanced down below. The sight was so wondrous, his arms fell to his side, the bed linen falling to the floor with a soft fwump.
The stranger was lying on the sofa bed, bundled up like a burrito in the blankets. His hair fanned out around his head, falling off the edge of the bed in sweeping drapes. If that sight wasn't beautiful enough, Punk discovered that the stranger was not alone. Larry had hopped up beside him and was now snuggled in the crook of his knees. Both of them looked so serene and peaceful that it brought tears to Punk's eyes.
Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, Punk turned and retired to his bedroom.
He wasn't sure what stirred him from his sleep but when he spied the shadowy figure crouched next to his bed, he jolted awake!
'GAH!' He sat up with a start and raised his fist. However, he soon recognised the long hair and sparkling eyes. 'How the fuck did you get up here?'
The man didn't seem to hear the question and scrambled into Punk's bed, pulling the covers over him. 'Um.. wait, wait! What are you-?' But he only pressed in closer, whining feebly. It was then that Punk felt the other man trembling like an earthquake, so violently the mattress beneath them shuddered. 'Hey, you ok?'
The man gave another whimper and stretched out his long arms, wrapping them tightly around Punk's waist.
'Hey, it's ok, it's ok, I got you.' Punk hugged the terrified man in close. He buried his face in Punk's chest, his breath puffing against the bare skin in sharp, quick pants. 'I got you. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Not while I'm here.'
The arms held him tight, large like great chains. Warm and strong and comforting, just like-
Punk tightened his own grip, his inked fingers finding the other man's scalp and running them through his long hair, still slightly damp from the shower. It helped to soothe him so he continued, dragging his fingers through the silken strands from root to tip and back again.
Finally the breathing settled and the shaking stopped. Even when the stranger had calmed enough to fall asleep, Punk continued stroking his head, watching over him for hours on end as the rain battered the windows outside. It was only when Larry scuttled into the room and settled on the bed beside them that he felt tiredness take over and he shut his eyes, never once loosening his grip from the other man ensconced firmly in his embrace.
To be continued...
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May I please request Daemon Blackfyre with the prompt: Summer Wine? (Feel free to delete this.)
Hello!Thank you for the request! I confess I have not yet reached the part of Daemon Blackfyre in Fire and Blood, but I will try to do my best. I hope you like this!
"Redgrass field"
Pairing: Daemon Blackfyre x Fem. Reader
Themes: Secret love / Lost love / Angst
Warnings: Alcohol use | Brief mention of kissing and intimate activities (very very brief and very very mild)
Word count: 600 approximately.
Summary: It is not everyone who captures Daemon Blackfyre's especial attention. But what happens after that?
Minors DNI | 18+
Rules and tag form here | Prompts for requests here
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You could still remember the first time you saw him.
The bastard son of Daena the Defiant, the one known to all as Blackfyre, rode up to the lists, all proud and tall and fierce, with his beaten silver hair and bewitching lavender eyes that could beckon even the most resolute of maidens like a siren's call. His silver spurs jingled sweetly even as they glinted wickedly in the brilliant summer sun. His milky white courser had been resplendent in red and black silks that swirled around it whenever it broke into a run.
It was the most beautiful of days, all bright and golden and glorious. The crowd roared every time Daemon broke his lance and unhorsed his opponent. They would gasp when his foe fell to the earth with a sickening clangor. They would applaud when the fallen knight struggled to his feet. Daena would cheer louder than all the rest, her eyes filled with unbridled pride. Daemon was her child, her light, her life, and her joy. And yet, it was not her he sought out, but you. Out of all the ladies present, Daemon sought you out.
"Victory would be all but assured, sweet lady," he had declared, "if I had the great honor of wearing a token of your esteem."
You honored him, bestowing upon him not just a bejeweled token but a great many other things even as the days melted into each other. It was you he came to for companionship; it was you he turned to in the dances. He would tenderly lead you, his feet as light as air, his touch as gentle as a feather. His laughter would ring across the grounds, as clear as dawn bells. There was magic as light and sweet as summer wine, and the two of you drank deeply during those heady nights.
Oh, how heady indeed were those nights. Daemon wooed you and courted you, his kisses tasting like strawberries and cherries and bright spring mornings. His hair smelled like warm summer nights. His skin tasted of sunlight. You both knew it would never last, for he was the son of a Targaryen princess, and you were of little consequence to be considered a worthy consort for one such as him. Still, the two of you made the most of what the Gods gave you that season, delighting in summer days and summer nights and sweet, sweet summer wine. And when he left, you wept not, content to hold onto the memories that kept you warm many a cold autumn night, thinking that perhaps, some day, he would come for you and take you for his own.
That would never be. He wed another, quarreled, and warred, and now you were here, in this faraway field, standing before the great winged warhelm that was all that remained of his grave marker. The wonder and terror of his age, your summer love, snuffed out in the blink of an eye. If you did not weep then, you wept now, your eyes filling and stinging with uncontrollable tears. Did he think of you, of those glorious days and nights the two of you shared? Had he ever considered seeking you out, even for a moment? Unspeakable grief welled up and spilled over like a mighty flood. The lady he would go on to marry had his children. You had nothing of him, save for his winged warhelm, and, of course, the memories of summer days and summer nights and sweet, sweet summer wine.
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Honestly might end up writing a fic for every song on my Gallavich playlist, so buckle up for the latest:
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
When their hands touched, he felt a sort of dizziness, his heart thumped and it was as though a bell were chiming in his ears.
Alexandre Dumas, from 'The Count of Monte Cristo', tr. Robin Buss
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Daredevil Masterlist
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One Shots
Atomic - Tumblr Black Suit of Sin Smut. E.
Working Lunch - Tumblr Earth 65 Matt Murderdock x female reader, CNC, fingering, cunilingus, unprotected sex, mention of possible future pregnancy. E.
Rain - Tumblr first date, kiss and time request. E.
Part Of Me - Tumblr | Ao3 venom symbiote!Matt X female reader, tentacle porn with fluffy feelings. E.
No Show - Tumblr female reader x Matt Murderdock x Elektra, reader gets stood up but has a blast of a night anyway! E.
More - Tumblr college!Matt x virgin reader request, Matt's gentle at first but gets a bit carried away, smut, E.
Drunk in Love - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt x gn!reader. Alcohol mention, vomiting, fluff, humour. M.
Move Me - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 boxer Matt X dancer f!Reader. Mild angst, fluff. G.
Wish These Snakes Were Your Arms - Matt x succubus reader smutty whump with biting, blood and season 3 style depression. E.
Returns and Reruns - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Fratt, hookup, sort of established kind of thing. Anal sex. E
Turn - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 priest!matt/f!reader, tons of religious tropes, sacrilicious oral (f & m) and sex, corruption, E.
Listen - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 college!Matt/gn reader, masturbation, voice kink. E.
Good Girls Finish First - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt/female reader, praise kink smut, p in v, slight denial. E.
La Belle et le Bad Boy - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/Succubus!Reader, pheromones, smut. E
Assist - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/Reader, ANGST drabble, Matt finds out reader is Elektra's sister. G
Justify - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/F!Reader, shibari rope bondage, religious tropes, maximum smut, oral, multiple orgasms, p in v sex, overstim, E
Keep Them On - Tumblr | Ao3 Matt Murdock/F!Reader, he's wearing sweatpants. E
Forgiven - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/gn!reader, you find out Matt is DD... angsty but feelings! M
Discipline (full, part 1) - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/F!Reader, shibari rope bondage, oral (f and m), unprotected sex, E
Discipline (Drabble) - Tumblr Matt Murdock/reader, Matt's having trouble stopping himself and asks you for help. A shibari drabble which is currently being extended! M(will change to E)
Ease - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / f!Reader. Period Pain, Smut, Fingering, Fluff. E
So Heavy I Fell Through the Earth - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / f!Reader. Sort of somnophilia, Matt is amazing at eating pussy. E
Hold the Avo - Tumblr Matt Murdock/f!Reader. Roleplay, f gentle Dom, first time m anal. E
Sacrament - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / f!Reader. Honeymoon sex in the hotel. E
Part I, The Deep Cut - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / gn!Reader. Angst, Breakup, Whump M
Part II, Lover, You Should Have Come Over - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock x gn! Reader, hurt/comfort, whump M
The Green, Green Dress - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / f!Reader. Semi-public sex. E
Assignation - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock / Frank Castle / f!Reader. Threesome E
Werewolf!Matt - what it says on the tin. E.
Shop Talk - Murderdock is very busy with work, but that isn't going to prevent him from keeping you satisfied. Semi public sex, E
One last try - Matt x gender neutral reader. angsty, jealousy bit of smut. M.
Don't Ask - cunnilingus and Matt getting pussy drunk, coming untouched. E.
Not You - Fratt, angst, very whumpy torture, blood, suffering, mention of death. E.
Attached - no warnings, humour, fluff. G.
Matt kiss thots 😘
Sleepy Head - soft slightly smutty Fratt. M.
Xmas - Matt Murdock x gn reader, Matt is dog tired and you take care of him. G
Pancakes - Matt x Frank x gn reader. the boys have been out on patrol and come back a little worse for wear. G
Matt has a nightmare - Matt x Frank, fluff. G.
"I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that" - Matt x f!reader + bit of Frank, oral. E
Those Silent Sirens - Matt/f!reader, sexy/angsty drabble about two vigilantes. M.
Dissent from the Fear - f! Reader, small drabble, G.
Soft Matt thoughts gn!reader, for when you're down, G.
Tasting Notes - gn!reader, taking Matt on a wine tasting date, fluff G.
A Velvet Rope - poetic angst about Matt and love. G
Genesis - Matt Murdock/F!reader, fluffy love drabble with a lil surprise at the end. G
Judge and Jury - short Matt Murdock angst. M
Matt/Frank/Reader Strawberryverse
🍓 When Girls Telephone Boys - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt/Frank/Reader, missing your guys while they're away, you call and get them to play for you... Bukkake, E.
🍓 Bad Taste - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt/f!reader, Matt gets mean after a chase (alluded to in Crosshairs), degradation, p in v, aftercare. E.
🍓 Crosshairs - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Frank/Matt/Reader, reader shoots Matt in the ass with a paintball gun. Fluff M.
🍓 Please Hold - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/Frank Castle/f!Reader, orgasm denial, Matt being bratty, sub Matt, Dom Frank, teasing, fingering. E
🍓 Warpath - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Frank/Matt/f!reader part 2 of Please Hold, bratty Matt gets what he deserves when Frank comes home, anal, oral, threesome. E.
🍓 Strawberry Surprise - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Matt Murdock/Frank Castle/f!Reader. Semi-public smut. E
🍓 Perfect for Me - Tumblr ¦ Ao3 Frank Castle/F Reader, little bit of cheeky gun euphemism, soft Dom Frank. Only a tiny bit smutty. M
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
activity drop
♣ alright.
so there's been things happening the last few days, both online and off, that have kinda thrown me askew. i don't feel great being here, or on discord really, and it's not a fun time.
as such, i'm probably gonna shift focus to drawing things and watching/reading things for a bit. i won't go so far as to say i'm on a hiatus, or even a semi-hiatus really, but activity may drop.
i'll still likely be around during my hours on the desk at work. at least until i can find something simple i'm able to do there without needing audio or an app to use since i can't use my phone on the desk.
no, i won't go into detail about what's been happening. please don't ask me or any friends of mine. the people involved are aware, and that's what matters. i'm not hurt, i'm not unsafe, i have no intention of harming myself or anyone else. i'm just feeling kinda anxious and wary of a lot of things.
i will still answer direct messages to the best of my ability, both here and on discord. i may not stick on the dash much, i may not be in servers much. we're gonna see what happens.
take care of yourselves, lovelies, and i hope i feel better soon and can come back to wreak havoc! ♥
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korinthiakos · 2 years
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@endlessxdream has sent this in: [ 📲 text: ] i just got out of the shower. (totally innocent band au text -endlessxdream) | 🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑬𝑿𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺.  (  nsfw.  ) ( accepting !! )
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[ 📲 text: ]: Oh, did you now? [ 📲 text: ]: Are you tryin' to tease me or somethin'? [ 📲 text: ]: Do you wish I was there with you? In the shower? Behind you? Or in front of you? Sharing that same space with you in a tight kind of area? Hm?
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moon-quq · 1 year
Loki × Fem!Reader
Hello~ I know I'm very inconsistent with posting but here we are! If you'd like a part 2, *smut scene* of this leave a comment. Otherwise have fun reading another random drabble I had at 2 am on a Monday.
Warning: DomSub implications, Bondage, Degradation, Humiliation, PetPlay, Collaring, BDSM, etc.
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His name is Loki. His name is.. Master.
You were just another Agent that no one payed attention to, if anything you got more along with the introverted Hawkeye than you did anyone else in the band of goody two shoes. That was until the day that Loki was finally caught and locked away in the heli-carrier with you on guard of the door. Good one Stark, put the silent one in guard of the mischievous god, not like everything could go wrong? Right?
✧*̥˚ *Fastforward* *̥˚✧ ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥
" You know I can feel you staring, right? " His voice was like silk. Stern but soft, held absolute authority and command. However he wasn't wrong, even as you stood at your post you couldn't help but glimpse at him, glimpse at his features that were.. honestly attractive. " You aren't supposed to be talking to me, so shut it before I bring a muzzle around. " Even as you yourself tried implicating command over the situation, your voice still shook with the tiniest hint of fear, that Loki made no mistake of missing. " Darling, if I knew any better that muzzle would be for you~ " He was trying to seduce you, you just knew it. An escape to get away from this glass cage, an escape that you would conduct. " Silence. I won't tell you again, filth. " And with that, Loki's regards broke,, his fist slamming into the glass as he snarled in your direction. " You dare call me filth?! When your entire planet is nothing but a fucking wasteland?! " It scared you, the echoing boom of his fist and voice around the empty area.. and the rage that laced his voice made your thighs tremble. But before you could even catch a sentence back the alarms in the heli-carrier started going off, signaling that someone or something had gotten aboard. " Well then, aren't they on time~ "
Panic set into your bones as you looked around, hand grasping at the gun on your hip while trying to figure out what procedure to follow,, you knew Loki was going to be free soon if you did nothing, but you weren't strong enough to fight off his minions once they reached him. " Press the button darling, open the door and this'll all go away. " His voice cooed from behind you, muffling out the sirens that blasted even louder. " I cannot do that. " Of course you were true to your word, true to keeping your guard and him locked in that cage where he belonged for his crimes. " Do it. And I'll spare your pathetic life while I take over this world and rid it of its filth. " Why was he affecting you so much.. was it that he spoke honest truth,, your life was pathetic.. you weren't even a good agent, you honestly had no idea how you weren't fired yet, or worse.. dead. As your eyes locked onto the red button that would free him you mulled your choices, betray the agency and possibly die to a God, or keep him locked in the cage only for his minions to set him free. " Tik tok dear, you only have so much time to decide. " He was now in front of you, towering above you infront of the door where the panel sat.. The one glance you gave into his eyes made your decision for you, the cage soon enough hissed as the air lock opened and the god started to walk into freedom. " Such a good girl~ " He'd purr before the darkness of fainting overwhelmed you, the blackness of nothing swallowing you whole. " Rest dear, we will talk later. "
✧*̥˚ *Fastforward* *̥˚✧ ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥
As you started to come too everything was hazy, everything seemed a blur for a few minutes.. but slowly the low light of LEDS above you came into view, and then the smell of dirt,, rain,, sweat started to fill your nostrils. " Oh someones finally awake. " That voice again, that silken voice of terror rang like a bell of death once more as your consciousness fully came back. " Where am I..? " You muttered, going to sit up only to find you were restricted,,, your hands had been tied together along with your ankles to your thighs, almost in a frog position. " WHY AM I TIED UP?! " And here is where your fear set in again, causing you to struggle against the ever tightening ropes. " Shh shh~ I don't want to hurt you, much. I gave you a new role the moment you set me free. From now on you are my slave, my pet~ My toy~... " He purred the last word so coyly.. So coyly in fact you stopped struggling and stared in disbelief as your thighs yet again quivered. " W..what? " Your poor brain, over filling with absolute horror and lust, you didn't know weather to scream and cry for help or worship at this man's feet till the day he kills you. " You heard me correct. " He smiled,, why was he smiling?? Why was he smiling as he came to lean over your body and trace his hand along your cheek to your throat,, the pressure of him starting to slowly grasp causing the wetness between your thighs to grow ever more. " If you accept, from now on you will call me Master, understood? " The authority was back now, the command in his words being enough for you to nod your head.. You were completely over ridden with wanting to be absolutely railed by this man, by this Greek statue of a man. " Yes Master. "
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