knightstones ¡ 8 days
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Come sit with me, and hear the tale of KnightStones, a saga of opposing ideologies and uncomfortable truths that takes place across eras in the kingdom of Marsire, on the magical world of Morasai.
Like many great stories it starts with a hero, and a prophecy hanging over his head - Augustus Loen, known to his worlds history as the brave and heroic leader of the Gem Knights, Gust!
Who are the Gem Knights? Why everyone should know them, for they are legendary heroes!
Rose, Naomi, Ramon & Isaac formed a dazzling party under the leadership of Gust. It was they who brought the monarchy down, they who inspired a revolution against the monarchy's corruption and oppression and laid the foundations for a new era of just and fair democracy!
...Or so the story goes.
But the tale doesn’t stop with Gust or his team, in fact it moves far beyond them and into the future.
Follow the adventures of a curious pair brought together by chance, the rogue scholar Fisher & the runaway heiress Robin.
This unlikely duo find themselves uncovering the truth behind the histories they have been taught all their lives, forced to face the lies of the world around them.
After all, when it comes to the history books, those who wish to benefit often decide how the story goes.
So it falls to our adventurous duo in the present to unearth the reality of what is truth and what are simply stories--and through that alone can they save their future.
Of course, nothing is ever simple, and when their impossible meeting with Gust forces them to deal with a crisis they thought their world had left far behind.
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knightstones ¡ 11 days
I never understood why some people hate Rachel for “being toxic” cause it’s not like the other people in Arcadia Bay were any better. Almost everyone was toxic to some degree.
This is a super interesting ask that made me think a lot, but I think I can answer the "why?"
All of the cast has negative traits. Some are more obvious like Mark and Nathan. Some are more subtle like Max and Kate. Then you have characters like Chloe and Steph, who aren't bad people, but are pretty flawed. However, the thing they all share in common is that we have a good understanding of these flaws and "why" they're present.
Mark drugs and kidnaps women. Why? Because he wants to see the light be swallowed by the dark. Max is bad at communicating. Why? Because her anxieties often lead to her unintentionally making things worse. Steph runs away from her problems. Why? Because she struggles with facing them head on.
Rachel is different. She was flawed, but unlike the others, we don't know know the "why's" that would piece her character together. We know she lied quite a bit, but we don't know why she felt like she had to spin a web, or how bad her intentions were when she did so. We know that Chloe didn't know her the way she thought did, but is the "why" because Chloe turned a blind to what she didn't want to see, or is the "why" because Rachel blinded her with a smokescreen of lies? We know that Rachel wanted to leave the bay, but would she have taken Chloe like she promised if Frank offered her a means of escape first?
I think the answer to the "why" of your question is simple...because we don't know why Rachel did the things she did, and that means her flaws exist more in a vacuum, while the flaws of the other characters exist within their full characterization. Because of that, I think it's easier to see her flaws and just...not know what to make of them, and that leads to some people making the worst faith interpretation possible for...whatever reason.
So I think that's your answer. And I have one more thought to add to this before I stop typing: If Nathan, a guy who we KNOW drugs and kidnaps women, is allowed nuance in canon, then Rachel should also be allowed to have nuance considering we don't even know enough about her to say more than like...five things with confidence.
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knightstones ¡ 12 days
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Come sit with me, and hear the tale of KnightStones, a saga of opposing ideologies and uncomfortable truths that takes place across eras in the kingdom of Marsire, on the magical world of Morasai.
Like many great stories it starts with a hero, and a prophecy hanging over his head - Augustus Loen, known to his worlds history as the brave and heroic leader of the Gem Knights, Gust!
Who are the Gem Knights? Why everyone should know them, for they are legendary heroes!
Rose, Naomi, Ramon & Isaac formed a dazzling party under the leadership of Gust. It was they who brought the monarchy down, they who inspired a revolution against the monarchy's corruption and oppression and laid the foundations for a new era of just and fair democracy!
...Or so the story goes.
But the tale doesn’t stop with Gust or his team, in fact it moves far beyond them and into the future.
Follow the adventures of a curious pair brought together by chance, the rogue scholar Fisher & the runaway heiress Robin.
This unlikely duo find themselves uncovering the truth behind the histories they have been taught all their lives, forced to face the lies of the world around them.
After all, when it comes to the history books, those who wish to benefit often decide how the story goes.
So it falls to our adventurous duo in the present to unearth the reality of what is truth and what are simply stories--and through that alone can they save their future.
Of course, nothing is ever simple, and when their impossible meeting with Gust forces them to deal with a crisis they thought their world had left far behind.
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knightstones ¡ 3 months
Hi, I’m Adam! You may have seen my main blog @asm5129 😊. Im a young creator looking to tell a story that’s been growing and evolving in my mind for the last 19 years—most of my life.
Gem Knights is a story about history, revolution, relationships, family, love, trust, power and what it really means to be a hero. This story challenges a lot of traditional ideas of how stories are expected to go in the age of blockbusters and spectacle, especially stories about heroes.
This is a longtime passion project for me and I’m incredibly excited to bring it to life as an audio drama—though for now we’re just focusing on the pilot episode.
However, one of the most important parts of this process to me is to pay everyone fairly and overall produce this project ethically, something talent of all sorts experience far too rarely, and that’s what this gofundme is for—so please, help me pay these incredible people what they’re worth!
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knightstones ¡ 3 months
Hi, I’m Adam! You may have seen my main blog @asm5129 😊. Im a young creator looking to tell a story that’s been growing and evolving in my mind for the last 19 years—most of my life.
Gem Knights is a story about history, revolution, relationships, family, love, trust, power and what it really means to be a hero. This story challenges a lot of traditional ideas of how stories are expected to go in the age of blockbusters and spectacle, especially stories about heroes.
This is a longtime passion project for me and I’m incredibly excited to bring it to life as an audio drama—though for now we’re just focusing on the pilot episode.
However, one of the most important parts of this process to me is to pay everyone fairly and overall produce this project ethically, something talent of all sorts experience far too rarely, and that’s what this gofundme is for—so please, help me pay these incredible people what they’re worth!
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