#louis blocked the hld update account
twopoppies · 3 months
Hi Gina, apparently none of Harry's uas are active on tumblr? Right ?🤔 Am I missing something?
I don’t know, sweetheart. HLD is currently posting Louis content. But that makes sense because Harry hasn’t done anything for a few weeks. StylesArchive last posted a couple of weeks ago when he was in Rome. StylesNews has me blocked because I hate Lloyd and because they’re losers 🤣 So, I don’t actually have any idea what they’re doing. Other than that, I’m not really aware of other other Harry update accounts here. Sorry I’m not more help.
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
As someone who has been an admin of an update account here's my 2 cents on that unsourced pic of louis, ed, and harry in the background: when update accounts who usually credit (and no "credit to owner" does not count) post something without credit, it's either 1 because a picture/video is already circulating but they cannot find the source so they make the decision to post without it and credit later if they find it. OR 2 it's because they are the source themselves (ie an admin took it)/have received the pic but OP does not want credit. But really 99% of the time it's just the first and the update account posting it has nothing to do with the pic other than circulating it further!
(Then still the big question is where DID it come from...)
Yeah the main opinion was someone sent it in anonymously, which happens with a few things, but HLD are so on the pulse that I sometimes wonder how much intel they truly have.
I mean, louis blocked them when ‘Help’ was leaked in 2022, which HLD claim was posted by other UAs and on their timeline, but they have such a large reach on Twitter (696.6k followers) that anything they post is immediately spread to such a large portion of the fandom. It’s not just larry followers, it’s ot5, neutral solos, other UAs and like… whoever sends in photos knows they are for the fandom and get spread fast and wide. It’s pretty wild, how fast they are on the pulse of everything. And unsourced pics raise massive suspicion.
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larrylimericks · 2 years
Lou blocked HLD—we’re perplexed, And Platinum tix have us vexed: The real fans get bilked While Cash Cowrry gets milked; Kindness checks out when greed runs unchecked.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
hey, could I ask what happened with team Louis news? Sorry if there's a tag that I missed
Okay this wasn't very fair of me, I don't have proof it's that UA that has caused all this. But lemme just say twitter solo louie update accounts have been throwing HLD under the bus in any way they can and now it worked worked. I believe in this screenshot (below) that hld posted and deleted "another update account" could very well be them. I wouldnt be surprised one of their admins / people in the loop on this were the ones ""discovering"" Louis blocked hld, leaving hld with no option but to come clean rather than trying to rectify it quietly. (But tbh louis unblocking people? I think he's an out of sight out of mind kinda person) Because you see what good this is doing for the larries rn. This isn't about larry to louis. But it is to these people that are apparently part of solo UAs. He didn't block after something larry related, he blocked because of the afh post (as the last straw), and people informed him of this. Going by what hld has said, this also involved the "help" leak incident and some other things tln didn't tweet but hld did. Also last year solo louie UAs came together and gathered a list of fundraisers and got it to him to which he recorded a video message (if I remember correctly it was the one in the closet?), but they purposefully had left out the one that raised the largest sum, which of course was the one from hld. But that wasn't enough, they then sat on this video message and waited for hld to start the fundraising event for HARRY, tweeting the louis update in the middle, making hld quit their money raising attempts to harry. (continuing to ask people to donate to harry's while louis just said a thank you would get them cancelled, because twitter is a dick like that). This shows they were willing to compromise aid for those in need which is pretty inexcusable if you ask me.. ofc I mean it could be just a coincidence, and in general in a way all of this is coming from a place of thinking you're doing what's best for louis and all that, rad solos and clown larries and whatevers on the spectrum alike, but that's just dark. Anyway in this case looks like hld really done fucked up posting the afh tweet since it created the perfect opportunity to convince louis @/updatehld needs to be stopped altogether, and succeeded. Of course Louis makes his own decisions, but I do think it's other fans influencing him here, they're playing him, and it's working.
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Also note that this post isn't saying anything about whether this block is deserved or not, its about people playing dirty out there against harry and larries and the biggest frontline of that which happens to be HLD and getting away with it, removed from whatever I think HLD has or hasn't had coming.
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saintqueer · 2 years
At this point you hate Louis because I remember when you got mad when he blocked hld a update account that stalked him and did other horrible things you need to calm down or go to therapy because you need it 😭
bestie i already go to therapy once a week, no need to worry about me
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anexlarrieblog · 2 years
Considering I’ve seen HLD share photos of Louis (and Harry) where they crop out or blur/smudge their girlfriends out of the picture, completely lie about things happening and encourage false information spreading…it’s not really a surprise Louis would block them (at least to people who exist in reality). The leaking of songs or posting about his festival may have been the tipping point for him but I can guarantee he’s seen the edits they do to photos and has been frustrated. Or maybe he’s just tired of being compared to and tied to Harry for everything in his career. They haven’t been in the same band in almost 7 years. He’s actually on Twitter a lot (especially compared to Harry) so I’m sure he’s seen it all.
I like how HLD denies being a Larrie account 😂 and tons of Larries are now saying they are going to block Louis because they are “taking sides” and siding with HLD…imagine being a stan of a literal fan account over the actual celebrity you are supposed to be stanning. What?!?
Oh they are 100% a Larrie, it’s always been well known they are! I also think we don’t know for sure Louis was aware of the account before that. Maybe he was, but maybe he wasn’t and just became aware and blocked. Maybe he was just ignoring them before and got fed up. Idk but either way karma (or Louis!) is collecting and I love it. Larries deserve to be shunned. They’ve got no where near the backlash they deserve tbh. Anyone saying they are taking an update accounts ‘side’ over Louis… Just. I don’t even know if I can get into that, what absolute morons.
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lhrry · 2 years
Why are people acting like that account was the only reason Louis had fans or a career? Like???? An update account, even if it has many followers, ain’t coming to make any change in Louis’ promo or numbers. The people following are already following Louis and listening to his music and buying his things, especially if they subscribed to that special following shit. It should be up to Louis team to promote him and we already saw that. Saying things like “now HLD won’t promote Louis” as if it changes something is just stupid.
while I agree that louis’ fans are incredibly strong and dedicated and really capable of organizing themselves on their own for promo (which yes should be done by Louis’ team but you know how that goes) and I do tend to think there are enough UAs and ‘big’ fans to essentially cover the following of one big UA posting information that is accessible elsewhere, I also think that the potential reach an account with 600k followers has should not be underestimated, that is a huge organizing and moving force that absolutely is useful for Louis PR-wise. But I tend to think the block won’t change much in the long run
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cuddlerlouis · 2 years
honestly! it's so weird seeing ppl on my dash defending them and not louis???? he just protected himself. why do they care abt that ua's large following as if louis himself doesn't have one???? stan culture is so weird
it’s literally the weirdest thing???? but it’s not like it’s the first time louis has blocked fan accounts or UAs that wanted to benefit off a follow or some info against fans money. like you don’t need hld to know louis info, he’s got his own accounts and there are other update accounts that do not charge fans for content and do not constantly leak stuff. but let’s be real, the reaction is only like this because it’s a larry account. that would have been any other no one would have defended the UA
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
Hi! I was just sitting here and suddenly remembered Louis blocked HLD on Twitter. It made me smile. My teeny tiny little shit of a boy is such a savage when he wants to be. He really did that. Who else will go and block their biggest update account. I know there is lots to complain about but I know that pint sized menace would come through in the end. I know he will get on our nerves and then one day when we have had enough he will be like sod it I am going to make Louies day today. I know it.
Wbk he’s always been about quality > quantity any way. Have you seen the absolute cow dung that hld has been flinging left right and center lately? And larries are slurping it up and regurgitating even more of their own!
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twopoppies · 1 year
Your anon (although it was meant to be sent to awesomefringey) just reminded me that Louis follows an update account on twitter which is ran by one of the biggest rad Louies who trashes Harry non stop and says he is sabotaging Louis' career. So him blocking HLD does rub me the wrong way, especially when his team still goes to them to promote Louis' projects, and post tiktoks where they're browsing the HLD account. I must admit that I've gone off Louis lately because his FITF promo revolved around smoking and drinking, and back handed compliments about Harry that were easily twisted by the media. As if Harry doesn't get dragged by 1D fans enough. Then BMG blaming Harry and Niall for Louis not getting radio play was... ridiculous considering there were times when the radio was playing all of the boys' music. But anyway, maybe Louis going on tour again will turn things around. I'm still a little skeptical because he seems to be pushing this laddy image hard so I'm partly expecting to see more of that. But maybe he'll surprise us. It'll be interesting to see, and I expect to see him play the guitar!
Hi sweetheart. I know. I struggle with similar feelings about his image and promo tactics. It’s very frustrating. I hope tour shifts something and we get to see different aspects of his personality highlighted. And yes to playing guitar! That would be so cool.
In reference to this
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awesomefringey · 1 year
HLD got blocked because other solo Louie update accounts that HATED them keep messaging Louis about them and said nasty things like how they leak everything about Louis ( AFHF ) and other things that i don't remember really 🤣😭
I feel we finally get to the gist of it!!!
Which Louie UAs spammed Louis’ dms? Spill, nonnie!!!
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louwangji · 2 years
HLD has never charged anyone for photos it’s more about rumours and he didn’t block them because of it. a well known louis update account that hates larries and harry’s lied straight to his face about HLD and he of course got mad and blocked them. HLD didn’t do anything that they said they did. How can he get mad at someone for posting a poster that was seen publicly
Lied to him about what? Am I supposed to believe he’s out here kiking with update accounts?
And I don’t think he blocked them because of the festival or song leaks cause that’s just ridiculous lol if he’s that petty then that’s on him 🤷🏽‍♀️
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
so hld came back with a poll and one of the choices is to be a solo h update account but there's no solo l update. im just so meh about it
Ok so I don't follow HLD anymore and I don't like them much due to the whole trying to be sus deal and bird stans eating it up but I will say I think it's bc on that specfic acc their blocked by Louis so their like ??? do we just become a Solo H UA, make a snew acc to update for Louis where we can rt/see his tweets or keep things as they are on this acc even tho we are blocked by Louis ???
I do see how it can look 😵‍💫 bc they could have just been like do we make a new acc for Louis updates or just keep to one acc. Tho it wouldn't make much sense to turn that specfic acc into a Solo L UA since Harry's acc does follow them/liked an IG post of their's while Louis blocked that acc. Idk guess we shall see but if they fully start dissing Louis at some point for all this I will be more inclined to be annoyed and think they don't give af about Louis. Bc from Louis perspective they were sharing things he didn't want shared and they were the biggest acc sharing things so it was easy to be upset at them on top of the whole super follow thing they did which we know Louis isn't a fan off.
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falsegoodnight · 2 years
like, I get it, but at the same time, blocking his biggest update acc is a weird move and is also lowkey shooting himself in the foot??? I think some ppl r blowing it way out of proportion, but I do think a lot of the questioning is valid.
it also just gives rads more ammunition to hate on larries as if we don’t have enough of that but 🤷🏻‍♀️ /gen /nm
I genuinely wanna know ur thoughts on it, though, (and uas you recommend??) bc I rly do think a lot of people on twitter are losing the plot
answer below mainly because it ended up long for some reason?
yeah hld does have a lot of followers and especially since louis gets jack shit when it comes to promo, stuff like this is disappointing but it seems clear to me by the severity of the action that louis thinks the harm they're causing outweighs any of the good – like, don't get me wrong ,the streaming parties they've organized in the past as well as fundraisers for charities and stuff have all been incredible but the whole 'superfollower' thing and how they've clearly taken too much joy in the rumors of them actually having connections to louis/harry just show that they've kind of let the attention... get to their heads??? if anything hopefully this blocking will help them gain some perspective – i don't think anyone behind this ua is a bad person or anything and i think some people definitely ARE taking things way too far.
also louis isn't stupid. he's not the type of person to recklessly block a fan account, knowing that it would instantly be noticed and speculated upon by everyone especially since hld's platform is so big.
at the end of the day, i trust louis and his reasons for doing what he did. the thing is, we don't even know fully why he didn't and we probably never will... i saw that ss from someone saying another ua was sending lies to louis and... ngl we literally have zero reason to believe them. for all we know they sent that dm to themselves lol.
as for the 'rads' thing... let's be real, people are always going to find ways to hate on larries and that's unfortunately not going to change, but we don't have to let it bother us. i honestly don't care if people use this as a way to say louis hates larries or whatever because i don't believe that, and neither do any of us frankly, and that's all that matters. if someone tries to say something to you, just block them and try your best to ignore it. while words can definitely hurt, they're still just words. putting that into perspective always helps when people are being nasty (also people being nasty will always say more about them then you).
ALL THAT BEING SAID, this account has been controversial for a WHILE because of how they've handled things and while some solo fans or antis or other non-larries probably have hated on hld because it's a "larry" ua, that's not all they've had a problem with and in that respect, i also don't really care that they may be celebrating this today. that's also partly because i don't really care about what people outside of my own circle/community are saying/doing in ANY context and let me tell you that's a much more pleasant way to experience this fandom lol.
ua recs... ngl i don't follow ANY uas on twitter and never have so i can't really help you 😣 i've never really been someone that needs the fastest updates or news, like immediately when it happens, and have been just fine getting information from my tl/mutuals whenever i log on so i never felt the need to follow any, sorry </3 i'm sure someone else out there will be much more helpful in answering this question though!! and i hope you find them!
final notes (sorry this ended up so long idk how that happened): i think there's definitely some nuance to this topic but at the end of the day, i trust in louis' judgment and that he made the right decision today. i also think people need to move on from this topic because YES some people have absolutely lost the plot on twitter like 😬 pls calm down!!!
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leeminholinoing · 2 years
someone said he should've blocked teamlouisnews instead, do you know why? i don't understand update accounts
huge solo louies, run by stalkers I believe.
some people believe they are the ones who demanded louis saying hld were scamming fans dskjfhs
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agape-28 · 2 years
It obviously sucks Louis’ account blocked the biggest update account he has, but don’t people think there is a chance it was someone from Louis’ team that did it? Maybe not Louis himself? Of course it could have been him himself, but you never know exactly what goes on behind the scenes.
Idk either way it sucks
It could be someone from Louis' team, sure, but the fact of the matter is that it is "Louis" who blocked them. HLD cannot access Louis' tweets anymore.
And it does suck. It sucks because I'm sure people will be bombarded with rad anons. It sucks because I'm sure people will celebrate this as a "win against Larries". It sucks because HLD does so much promo for him. Yes, they can probably still run Listening Parties or other Promo, but they can't retweet stuff from his account anymore.
I hope Louis unblocks them, but we'll wait and see.
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